| { |
| "appName": { |
| "message": "翻譯選取文字", |
| "description": "The app name" |
| }, |
| "appBetaName": { |
| "message": "翻譯所選文本(Beta)", |
| "description": "The beta app name" |
| }, |
| "appDescription": { |
| "message": "翻譯選擇的文本與谷歌翻譯", |
| "description": "The app description" |
| }, |
| "contextmenu_title": { |
| "message": "將所選內容轉換為..。", |
| "description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done. Inside this parent menu there are the menus" |
| }, |
| "contextmenu_title2": { |
| "message": "將選區轉換為 \"$language$\"", |
| "description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done and there's only one language available.", |
| "placeholders": { |
| "language": { |
| "content": "$1", |
| "example": "Language to translate into." |
| } |
| } |
| }, |
| "contextmenu_edit": { |
| "message": "编辑语言...", |
| "description": "Title of the option inside the 'Translate section into...' context menu." |
| }, |
| "options_welcome": { |
| "message": "歡迎!", |
| "description": "Title of the options page" |
| }, |
| "options_introduction": { |
| "message": "请在“翻译”菜单中选择要显示的语言。", |
| "description": "Introduction paragraph to the options pages" |
| }, |
| "options_languageselectheader": { |
| "message": "語言:", |
| "description": "Header of the language select option." |
| }, |
| "options_otheroptionsheader": { |
| "message": "其他選項", |
| "description": "Header of the options page." |
| }, |
| "options_tabsoption_1": { |
| "message": "在每个翻译的新标签页中打开Google翻译。", |
| "description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs." |
| }, |
| "options_tabsoption_2": { |
| "message": "在唯一標籤中打開Google翻譯,並覆蓋最後一次翻譯,而不是打開多個標籤。", |
| "description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs." |
| }, |
| "options_tabsoption_3": { |
| "message": "在面板中打開Google翻譯(您需要激活<a href='chrome://flags/#enable-panels' id='panelsflag'> - 啟用面板</a>標誌)。 <sup style ='color:red; font-weight:bold;'>實驗</ sup>", |
| "description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs." |
| }, |
| "options_savebutton": { |
| "message": "儲存", |
| "description": "Save button in the settings page" |
| }, |
| "options_addlanguage": { |
| "message": "添加語言", |
| "description": "Title for the 'Add language' dialog" |
| }, |
| "options_addlanguage_addbutton": { |
| "message": "添加", |
| "description": "Add button in the footer of the languages list" |
| }, |
| "options_language_label": { |
| "message": "语言:", |
| "description": "Label for the language selector in the 'Add language' dialog" |
| }, |
| "options_credits": { |
| "message": "製作人員", |
| "description": "Title for the credits link and dialog" |
| }, |
| "options_credits_homepage": { |
| "message": "首頁", |
| "description": "Homepage link for an item in the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters" |
| }, |
| "options_credits_by": { |
| "message": "由", |
| "description": "Fragment of the author statement in an item of the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters. EXAMPLE: '{{options_credits_by}} Adrià Vilanova Martínez'" |
| }, |
| "options_ok": { |
| "message": "好的", |
| "description": "OK button in the dialogs" |
| }, |
| "options_cancel": { |
| "message": "取消", |
| "description": "Cancel button in the dialogs" |
| }, |
| "notification_install_title": { |
| "message": "感謝您安裝 Translate Selected Text “翻譯所選文本”" |
| }, |
| "notification_install_message": { |
| "message": "按一下此通知將其設置。" |
| }, |
| "notification_upgradedtostorage_title": { |
| "message": "\"翻譯所選文本\" 更新為 v0.6!" |
| }, |
| "notification_upgradedtostorage_message": { |
| "message": "現在您的選項將在所有設備上同步! \n壞的一面是你必須重新設置擴展名:-(點擊這個通知來設置它。" |
| }, |
| "notification_reorder_title": { |
| "message": "\"翻譯所選文本\" 更新為 v0.7!" |
| }, |
| "notification_reorder_message": { |
| "message": "現在, 您可以配置您希望語言在內容功能表中顯示的順序。" |
| } |
| } |