blob: f6c384265c7133aaee1f86e8e18e163b2272ff18 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Classes for users to create a new project."""
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
import logging
from six import string_types
import ezt
import settings
from businesslogic import work_env
from framework import exceptions
from framework import filecontent
from framework import framework_helpers
from framework import gcs_helpers
from framework import jsonfeed
from framework import permissions
from framework import servlet
from framework import urls
from project import project_constants
from project import project_helpers
from project import project_views
from services import project_svc
from tracker import tracker_bizobj
from tracker import tracker_views
_MSG_PROJECT_NAME_NOT_AVAIL = 'That project name is not available.'
_MSG_MISSING_PROJECT_NAME = 'Missing project name'
_MSG_INVALID_PROJECT_NAME = 'Invalid project name'
_MSG_MISSING_PROJECT_SUMMARY = 'Missing project summary'
class ProjectCreate(servlet.Servlet):
"""Shows a page with a simple form to create a project."""
_PAGE_TEMPLATE = 'sitewide/project-create-page.ezt'
def AssertBasePermission(self, mr):
"""Assert that the user has the permissions needed to view this page."""
super(ProjectCreate, self).AssertBasePermission(mr)
if not permissions.CanCreateProject(mr.perms):
raise permissions.PermissionException(
'User is not allowed to create a project')
def GatherPageData(self, _mr):
"""Build up a dictionary of data values to use when rendering the page."""
available_access_levels = project_helpers.BuildProjectAccessOptions(None)
offer_access_level = len(available_access_levels) > 1
if settings.default_access_level:
access_view = project_views.ProjectAccessView(
access_view = None
return {
'initial_name': '',
'initial_summary': '',
'initial_description': '',
'initial_project_home': '',
'initial_docs_url': '',
'initial_source_url': '',
'initial_logo_gcs_id': '',
'initial_logo_file_name': '',
'logo_view': tracker_views.LogoView(None),
'labels': [],
'max_project_name_length': project_constants.MAX_PROJECT_NAME_LENGTH,
'offer_access_level': ezt.boolean(offer_access_level),
'initial_access': access_view,
'available_access_levels': available_access_levels,
def ProcessFormData(self, mr, post_data):
"""Process the posted form."""
# 1. Parse and validate user input.
# Project name is taken from post_data because we are creating it.
project_name = post_data.get('projectname')
if not project_name:
mr.errors.projectname = _MSG_MISSING_PROJECT_NAME
elif not project_helpers.IsValidProjectName(project_name):
mr.errors.projectname = _MSG_INVALID_PROJECT_NAME
summary = post_data.get('summary')
if not summary:
mr.errors.summary = _MSG_MISSING_PROJECT_SUMMARY
description = post_data.get('description', '')
access = project_helpers.ParseProjectAccess(None, post_data.get('access'))
home_page = post_data.get('project_home')
if home_page and not (
home_page.startswith('http://') or home_page.startswith('https://')):
mr.errors.project_home = 'Home page link must start with http(s)://'
docs_url = post_data.get('docs_url')
if docs_url and not (
docs_url.startswith('http:') or docs_url.startswith('https:')):
mr.errors.docs_url = 'Documentation link must start with http: or https:'
# These are not specified on via the ProjectCreate form,
# the user must edit the project after creation to set them.
committer_ids = []
contributor_ids = []
# Validate that provided logo is supported.
logo_provided = 'logo' in post_data and not isinstance(
post_data['logo'], string_types)
if logo_provided:
item = post_data['logo']
except gcs_helpers.UnsupportedMimeType as e:
mr.errors.logo = str(e)
# 2. Call services layer to save changes.
if not mr.errors.AnyErrors():
with work_env.WorkEnv(mr, as we:
project_id = we.CreateProject(
project_name, [mr.auth.user_id],
committer_ids, contributor_ids, summary, description,
access=access, home_page=home_page, docs_url=docs_url)
config = tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(project_id), config)
# Note: No need to store any canned queries or rules yet., project_id)
# Update project with logo if specified.
if logo_provided:
item = post_data['logo']
logo_file_name = item.filename
logo_gcs_id = gcs_helpers.StoreLogoInGCS(
logo_file_name,, project_id)
project_id, logo_gcs_id=logo_gcs_id,
except exceptions.ProjectAlreadyExists:
mr.errors.projectname = _MSG_PROJECT_NAME_NOT_AVAIL
# 3. Determine the next page in the UI flow.
if mr.errors.AnyErrors():
access_view = project_views.ProjectAccessView(access)
mr, initial_summary=summary, initial_description=description,
initial_name=project_name, initial_access=access_view)
# Go to the new project's introduction page.
return framework_helpers.FormatAbsoluteURL(
mr, urls.ADMIN_INTRO, project_name=project_name)
def GetCreateProject(self, **kwargs):
return self.handler(**kwargs)
def PostCreateProject(self, **kwargs):
return self.handler(**kwargs)