Project import generated by Copybara.
GitOrigin-RevId: d9e9e3fb4e31372ec1fb43b178994ca78fa8fe70
diff --git a/services/test/ b/services/test/
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+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Unit tests for config_svc module."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import re
+import unittest
+import logging
+import mock
+import mox
+from google.appengine.api import memcache
+from google.appengine.ext import testbed
+from framework import exceptions
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import sql
+from proto import tracker_pb2
+from services import config_svc
+from services import template_svc
+from testing import fake
+from tracker import tracker_bizobj
+from tracker import tracker_constants
+def MakeConfigService(cache_manager, my_mox):
+ config_service = config_svc.ConfigService(cache_manager)
+ for table_var in ['projectissueconfig_tbl', 'statusdef_tbl', 'labeldef_tbl',
+ 'fielddef_tbl', 'fielddef2admin_tbl', 'fielddef2editor_tbl',
+ 'componentdef_tbl', 'component2admin_tbl',
+ 'component2cc_tbl', 'component2label_tbl',
+ 'approvaldef2approver_tbl', 'approvaldef2survey_tbl']:
+ setattr(config_service, table_var, my_mox.CreateMock(sql.SQLTableManager))
+ return config_service
+class LabelRowTwoLevelCacheTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.mox = mox.Mox()
+ self.cnxn = 'fake connection'
+ self.cache_manager = fake.CacheManager()
+ self.config_service = MakeConfigService(self.cache_manager, self.mox)
+ self.label_row_2lc = self.config_service.label_row_2lc
+ self.rows = [(1, 789, 1, 'A', 'doc', False),
+ (2, 789, 2, 'B', 'doc', False),
+ (3, 678, 1, 'C', 'doc', True),
+ (4, 678, None, 'D', 'doc', False)]
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.mox.UnsetStubs()
+ self.mox.ResetAll()
+ def testDeserializeLabelRows_Empty(self):
+ label_row_dict = self.label_row_2lc._DeserializeLabelRows([])
+ self.assertEqual({}, label_row_dict)
+ def testDeserializeLabelRows_Normal(self):
+ label_rows_dict = self.label_row_2lc._DeserializeLabelRows(self.rows)
+ expected = {
+ (789, 1): [(1, 789, 1, 'A', 'doc', False)],
+ (789, 2): [(2, 789, 2, 'B', 'doc', False)],
+ (678, 3): [(3, 678, 1, 'C', 'doc', True)],
+ (678, 4): [(4, 678, None, 'D', 'doc', False)],
+ }
+ self.assertEqual(expected, label_rows_dict)
+ def SetUpFetchItems(self, keys, rows):
+ for (project_id, shard_id) in keys:
+ sharded_rows = [row for row in rows
+ if row[0] % LABEL_ROW_SHARDS == shard_id]
+ self.config_service.labeldef_tbl.Select(
+ self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.LABELDEF_COLS, project_id=project_id,
+ where=[('id %% %s = %s', [LABEL_ROW_SHARDS, shard_id])]).AndReturn(
+ sharded_rows)
+ def testFetchItems(self):
+ keys = [(567, 0), (678, 0), (789, 0),
+ (567, 1), (678, 1), (789, 1),
+ (567, 2), (678, 2), (789, 2),
+ (567, 3), (678, 3), (789, 3),
+ (567, 4), (678, 4), (789, 4),
+ ]
+ self.SetUpFetchItems(keys, self.rows)
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ label_rows_dict = self.label_row_2lc.FetchItems(self.cnxn, keys)
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ expected = {
+ (567, 0): [],
+ (678, 0): [],
+ (789, 0): [],
+ (567, 1): [],
+ (678, 1): [],
+ (789, 1): [(1, 789, 1, 'A', 'doc', False)],
+ (567, 2): [],
+ (678, 2): [],
+ (789, 2): [(2, 789, 2, 'B', 'doc', False)],
+ (567, 3): [],
+ (678, 3): [(3, 678, 1, 'C', 'doc', True)],
+ (789, 3): [],
+ (567, 4): [],
+ (678, 4): [(4, 678, None, 'D', 'doc', False)],
+ (789, 4): [],
+ }
+ self.assertEqual(expected, label_rows_dict)
+class StatusRowTwoLevelCacheTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.mox = mox.Mox()
+ self.cnxn = 'fake connection'
+ self.cache_manager = fake.CacheManager()
+ self.config_service = MakeConfigService(self.cache_manager, self.mox)
+ self.status_row_2lc = self.config_service.status_row_2lc
+ self.rows = [(1, 789, 1, 'A', True, 'doc', False),
+ (2, 789, 2, 'B', False, 'doc', False),
+ (3, 678, 1, 'C', True, 'doc', True),
+ (4, 678, None, 'D', True, 'doc', False)]
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.mox.UnsetStubs()
+ self.mox.ResetAll()
+ def testDeserializeStatusRows_Empty(self):
+ status_row_dict = self.status_row_2lc._DeserializeStatusRows([])
+ self.assertEqual({}, status_row_dict)
+ def testDeserializeStatusRows_Normal(self):
+ status_rows_dict = self.status_row_2lc._DeserializeStatusRows(self.rows)
+ expected = {
+ 678: [(3, 678, 1, 'C', True, 'doc', True),
+ (4, 678, None, 'D', True, 'doc', False)],
+ 789: [(1, 789, 1, 'A', True, 'doc', False),
+ (2, 789, 2, 'B', False, 'doc', False)],
+ }
+ self.assertEqual(expected, status_rows_dict)
+ def SetUpFetchItems(self, keys, rows):
+ self.config_service.statusdef_tbl.Select(
+ self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.STATUSDEF_COLS, project_id=keys,
+ order_by=[('rank DESC', []), ('status DESC', [])]).AndReturn(
+ rows)
+ def testFetchItems(self):
+ keys = [567, 678, 789]
+ self.SetUpFetchItems(keys, self.rows)
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ status_rows_dict = self.status_row_2lc.FetchItems(self.cnxn, keys)
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ expected = {
+ 567: [],
+ 678: [(3, 678, 1, 'C', True, 'doc', True),
+ (4, 678, None, 'D', True, 'doc', False)],
+ 789: [(1, 789, 1, 'A', True, 'doc', False),
+ (2, 789, 2, 'B', False, 'doc', False)],
+ }
+ self.assertEqual(expected, status_rows_dict)
+class ConfigRowTwoLevelCacheTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.mox = mox.Mox()
+ self.cnxn = 'fake connection'
+ self.cache_manager = fake.CacheManager()
+ self.config_service = MakeConfigService(self.cache_manager, self.mox)
+ self.config_2lc = self.config_service.config_2lc
+ self.config_rows = [
+ (789, 'Duplicate', 'Pri Type', 1, 2,
+ 'Type Pri Summary', '-Pri', 'Mstone', 'Owner',
+ '', None)]
+ self.statusdef_rows = [(1, 789, 1, 'New', True, 'doc', False),
+ (2, 789, 2, 'Fixed', False, 'doc', False)]
+ self.labeldef_rows = [(1, 789, 1, 'Security', 'doc', False),
+ (2, 789, 2, 'UX', 'doc', False)]
+ self.fielddef_rows = [
+ (
+ 1, 789, None, 'Field', 'INT_TYPE', 'Defect', '', False, False,
+ False, 1, 99, None, '', '', None, 'NEVER', 'no_action', 'doc',
+ False, None, False, False)
+ ]
+ self.approvaldef2approver_rows = [(2, 101, 789), (2, 102, 789)]
+ self.approvaldef2survey_rows = [(2, 'Q1\nQ2\nQ3', 789)]
+ self.fielddef2admin_rows = [(1, 111), (1, 222)]
+ self.fielddef2editor_rows = [(1, 111), (1, 222), (1, 333)]
+ self.componentdef_rows = []
+ self.component2admin_rows = []
+ self.component2cc_rows = []
+ self.component2label_rows = []
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.mox.UnsetStubs()
+ self.mox.ResetAll()
+ def testDeserializeIssueConfigs_Empty(self):
+ config_dict = self.config_2lc._DeserializeIssueConfigs(
+ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [])
+ self.assertEqual({}, config_dict)
+ def testDeserializeIssueConfigs_Normal(self):
+ config_dict = self.config_2lc._DeserializeIssueConfigs(
+ self.config_rows, self.statusdef_rows, self.labeldef_rows,
+ self.fielddef_rows, self.fielddef2admin_rows, self.fielddef2editor_rows,
+ self.componentdef_rows, self.component2admin_rows,
+ self.component2cc_rows, self.component2label_rows,
+ self.approvaldef2approver_rows, self.approvaldef2survey_rows)
+ self.assertItemsEqual([789], list(config_dict.keys()))
+ config = config_dict[789]
+ self.assertEqual(789, config.project_id)
+ self.assertEqual(['Duplicate'], config.statuses_offer_merge)
+ self.assertEqual(len(self.labeldef_rows), len(config.well_known_labels))
+ self.assertEqual(len(self.statusdef_rows), len(config.well_known_statuses))
+ self.assertEqual(len(self.fielddef_rows), len(config.field_defs))
+ self.assertEqual(len(self.componentdef_rows), len(config.component_defs))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ len(self.fielddef2admin_rows), len(config.field_defs[0].admin_ids))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ len(self.fielddef2editor_rows), len(config.field_defs[0].editor_ids))
+ self.assertEqual(len(self.approvaldef2approver_rows),
+ len(config.approval_defs[0].approver_ids))
+ self.assertEqual(config.approval_defs[0].survey, 'Q1\nQ2\nQ3')
+ def SetUpFetchConfigs(self, project_ids):
+ self.config_service.projectissueconfig_tbl.Select(
+ self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.PROJECTISSUECONFIG_COLS,
+ project_id=project_ids).AndReturn(self.config_rows)
+ self.config_service.statusdef_tbl.Select(
+ self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.STATUSDEF_COLS, project_id=project_ids,
+ where=[('rank IS NOT NULL', [])], order_by=[('rank', [])]).AndReturn(
+ self.statusdef_rows)
+ self.config_service.labeldef_tbl.Select(
+ self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.LABELDEF_COLS, project_id=project_ids,
+ where=[('rank IS NOT NULL', [])], order_by=[('rank', [])]).AndReturn(
+ self.labeldef_rows)
+ self.config_service.approvaldef2approver_tbl.Select(
+ self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.APPROVALDEF2APPROVER_COLS,
+ project_id=project_ids).AndReturn(self.approvaldef2approver_rows)
+ self.config_service.approvaldef2survey_tbl.Select(
+ self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.APPROVALDEF2SURVEY_COLS,
+ project_id=project_ids).AndReturn(self.approvaldef2survey_rows)
+ self.config_service.fielddef_tbl.Select(
+ self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.FIELDDEF_COLS, project_id=project_ids,
+ order_by=[('field_name', [])]).AndReturn(self.fielddef_rows)
+ field_ids = [row[0] for row in self.fielddef_rows]
+ self.config_service.fielddef2admin_tbl.Select(
+ self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.FIELDDEF2ADMIN_COLS,
+ field_id=field_ids).AndReturn(self.fielddef2admin_rows)
+ self.config_service.fielddef2editor_tbl.Select(
+ self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.FIELDDEF2EDITOR_COLS,
+ field_id=field_ids).AndReturn(self.fielddef2editor_rows)
+ self.config_service.componentdef_tbl.Select(
+ self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.COMPONENTDEF_COLS, project_id=project_ids,
+ is_deleted=False,
+ order_by=[('path', [])]).AndReturn(self.componentdef_rows)
+ def testFetchConfigs(self):
+ keys = [789]
+ self.SetUpFetchConfigs(keys)
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ config_dict = self.config_2lc._FetchConfigs(self.cnxn, keys)
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ self.assertItemsEqual(keys, list(config_dict.keys()))
+ def testFetchItems(self):
+ keys = [678, 789]
+ self.SetUpFetchConfigs(keys)
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ config_dict = self.config_2lc.FetchItems(self.cnxn, keys)
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ self.assertItemsEqual(keys, list(config_dict.keys()))
+class ConfigServiceTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.testbed = testbed.Testbed()
+ self.testbed.activate()
+ self.testbed.init_memcache_stub()
+ self.mox = mox.Mox()
+ self.cnxn = self.mox.CreateMock(sql.MonorailConnection)
+ self.cache_manager = fake.CacheManager()
+ self.config_service = MakeConfigService(self.cache_manager, self.mox)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.testbed.deactivate()
+ self.mox.UnsetStubs()
+ self.mox.ResetAll()
+ ### Label lookups
+ def testGetLabelDefRows_Hit(self):
+ self.config_service.label_row_2lc.CacheItem((789, 0), [])
+ self.config_service.label_row_2lc.CacheItem((789, 1), [])
+ self.config_service.label_row_2lc.CacheItem((789, 2), [])
+ self.config_service.label_row_2lc.CacheItem(
+ (789, 3), [(3, 678, 1, 'C', 'doc', True)])
+ self.config_service.label_row_2lc.CacheItem(
+ (789, 4), [(4, 678, None, 'D', 'doc', False)])
+ self.config_service.label_row_2lc.CacheItem((789, 5), [])
+ self.config_service.label_row_2lc.CacheItem((789, 6), [])
+ self.config_service.label_row_2lc.CacheItem((789, 7), [])
+ self.config_service.label_row_2lc.CacheItem((789, 8), [])
+ self.config_service.label_row_2lc.CacheItem((789, 9), [])
+ actual = self.config_service.GetLabelDefRows(self.cnxn, 789)
+ expected = [
+ (3, 678, 1, 'C', 'doc', True),
+ (4, 678, None, 'D', 'doc', False)]
+ self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
+ def SetUpGetLabelDefRowsAnyProject(self, rows):
+ self.config_service.labeldef_tbl.Select(
+ self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.LABELDEF_COLS, where=None,
+ order_by=[('rank DESC', []), ('label DESC', [])]).AndReturn(
+ rows)
+ def testGetLabelDefRowsAnyProject(self):
+ rows = 'foo'
+ self.SetUpGetLabelDefRowsAnyProject(rows)
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ actual = self.config_service.GetLabelDefRowsAnyProject(self.cnxn)
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ self.assertEqual(rows, actual)
+ def testDeserializeLabels(self):
+ labeldef_rows = [(1, 789, 1, 'Security', 'doc', False),
+ (2, 789, 2, 'UX', 'doc', True)]
+ id_to_name, name_to_id = self.config_service._DeserializeLabels(
+ labeldef_rows)
+ self.assertEqual({1: 'Security', 2: 'UX'}, id_to_name)
+ self.assertEqual({'security': 1, 'ux': 2}, name_to_id)
+ def testEnsureLabelCacheEntry_Hit(self):
+ label_dicts = 'foo'
+ self.config_service.label_cache.CacheItem(789, label_dicts)
+ # No mock calls set up because none are needed.
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ self.config_service._EnsureLabelCacheEntry(self.cnxn, 789)
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ def SetUpEnsureLabelCacheEntry_Miss(self, project_id, rows):
+ for shard_id in range(0, LABEL_ROW_SHARDS):
+ shard_rows = [row for row in rows
+ if row[0] % LABEL_ROW_SHARDS == shard_id]
+ self.config_service.labeldef_tbl.Select(
+ self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.LABELDEF_COLS, project_id=project_id,
+ where=[('id %% %s = %s', [LABEL_ROW_SHARDS, shard_id])]).AndReturn(
+ shard_rows)
+ def testEnsureLabelCacheEntry_Miss(self):
+ labeldef_rows = [(1, 789, 1, 'Security', 'doc', False),
+ (2, 789, 2, 'UX', 'doc', True)]
+ self.SetUpEnsureLabelCacheEntry_Miss(789, labeldef_rows)
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ self.config_service._EnsureLabelCacheEntry(self.cnxn, 789)
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ label_dicts = {1: 'Security', 2: 'UX'}, {'security': 1, 'ux': 2}
+ self.assertEqual(label_dicts, self.config_service.label_cache.GetItem(789))
+ def testLookupLabel_Hit(self):
+ label_dicts = {1: 'Security', 2: 'UX'}, {'security': 1, 'ux': 2}
+ self.config_service.label_cache.CacheItem(789, label_dicts)
+ # No mock calls set up because none are needed.
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 'Security', self.config_service.LookupLabel(self.cnxn, 789, 1))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 'UX', self.config_service.LookupLabel(self.cnxn, 789, 2))
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ def testLookupLabelID_Hit(self):
+ label_dicts = {1: 'Security', 2: 'UX'}, {'security': 1, 'ux': 2}
+ self.config_service.label_cache.CacheItem(789, label_dicts)
+ # No mock calls set up because none are needed.
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 1, self.config_service.LookupLabelID(self.cnxn, 789, 'Security'))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 2, self.config_service.LookupLabelID(self.cnxn, 789, 'UX'))
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ def testLookupLabelID_MissAndDoubleCheck(self):
+ label_dicts = {1: 'Security', 2: 'UX'}, {'security': 1, 'ux': 2}
+ self.config_service.label_cache.CacheItem(789, label_dicts)
+ self.config_service.labeldef_tbl.Select(
+ self.cnxn, cols=['id'], project_id=789,
+ where=[('LOWER(label) = %s', ['newlabel'])],
+ limit=1).AndReturn([(3,)])
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 3, self.config_service.LookupLabelID(self.cnxn, 789, 'NewLabel'))
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ def testLookupLabelID_MissAutocreate(self):
+ label_dicts = {1: 'Security', 2: 'UX'}, {'security': 1, 'ux': 2}
+ self.config_service.label_cache.CacheItem(789, label_dicts)
+ self.config_service.labeldef_tbl.Select(
+ self.cnxn, cols=['id'], project_id=789,
+ where=[('LOWER(label) = %s', ['newlabel'])],
+ limit=1).AndReturn([])
+ self.config_service.labeldef_tbl.InsertRow(
+ self.cnxn, project_id=789, label='NewLabel').AndReturn(3)
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 3, self.config_service.LookupLabelID(self.cnxn, 789, 'NewLabel'))
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ def testLookupLabelID_MissDontAutocreate(self):
+ label_dicts = {1: 'Security', 2: 'UX'}, {'security': 1, 'ux': 2}
+ self.config_service.label_cache.CacheItem(789, label_dicts)
+ self.config_service.labeldef_tbl.Select(
+ self.cnxn, cols=['id'], project_id=789,
+ where=[('LOWER(label) = %s', ['newlabel'])],
+ limit=1).AndReturn([])
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ self.assertIsNone(self.config_service.LookupLabelID(
+ self.cnxn, 789, 'NewLabel', autocreate=False))
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ def testLookupLabelIDs_Hit(self):
+ label_dicts = {1: 'Security', 2: 'UX'}, {'security': 1, 'ux': 2}
+ self.config_service.label_cache.CacheItem(789, label_dicts)
+ # No mock calls set up because none are needed.
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ self.assertEqual(
+ [1, 2],
+ self.config_service.LookupLabelIDs(self.cnxn, 789, ['Security', 'UX']))
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ def testLookupIDsOfLabelsMatching_Hit(self):
+ label_dicts = {1: 'Security', 2: 'UX'}, {'security': 1, 'ux': 2}
+ self.config_service.label_cache.CacheItem(789, label_dicts)
+ # No mock calls set up because none are needed.
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ self.assertItemsEqual(
+ [1],
+ self.config_service.LookupIDsOfLabelsMatching(
+ self.cnxn, 789, re.compile('Sec.*')))
+ self.assertItemsEqual(
+ [1, 2],
+ self.config_service.LookupIDsOfLabelsMatching(
+ self.cnxn, 789, re.compile('.*')))
+ self.assertItemsEqual(
+ [],
+ self.config_service.LookupIDsOfLabelsMatching(
+ self.cnxn, 789, re.compile('Zzzzz.*')))
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ def SetUpLookupLabelIDsAnyProject(self, label, id_rows):
+ self.config_service.labeldef_tbl.Select(
+ self.cnxn, cols=['id'], label=label).AndReturn(id_rows)
+ def testLookupLabelIDsAnyProject(self):
+ self.SetUpLookupLabelIDsAnyProject('Security', [(1,)])
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ actual = self.config_service.LookupLabelIDsAnyProject(
+ self.cnxn, 'Security')
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ self.assertEqual([1], actual)
+ def SetUpLookupIDsOfLabelsMatchingAnyProject(self, id_label_rows):
+ self.config_service.labeldef_tbl.Select(
+ self.cnxn, cols=['id', 'label']).AndReturn(id_label_rows)
+ def testLookupIDsOfLabelsMatchingAnyProject(self):
+ id_label_rows = [(1, 'Security'), (2, 'UX')]
+ self.SetUpLookupIDsOfLabelsMatchingAnyProject(id_label_rows)
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ actual = self.config_service.LookupIDsOfLabelsMatchingAnyProject(
+ self.cnxn, re.compile('(Sec|Zzz).*'))
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ self.assertEqual([1], actual)
+ ### Status lookups
+ def testGetStatusDefRows(self):
+ rows = 'foo'
+ self.config_service.status_row_2lc.CacheItem(789, rows)
+ actual = self.config_service.GetStatusDefRows(self.cnxn, 789)
+ self.assertEqual(rows, actual)
+ def SetUpGetStatusDefRowsAnyProject(self, rows):
+ self.config_service.statusdef_tbl.Select(
+ self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.STATUSDEF_COLS,
+ order_by=[('rank DESC', []), ('status DESC', [])]).AndReturn(
+ rows)
+ def testGetStatusDefRowsAnyProject(self):
+ rows = 'foo'
+ self.SetUpGetStatusDefRowsAnyProject(rows)
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ actual = self.config_service.GetStatusDefRowsAnyProject(self.cnxn)
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ self.assertEqual(rows, actual)
+ def testDeserializeStatuses(self):
+ statusdef_rows = [(1, 789, 1, 'New', True, 'doc', False),
+ (2, 789, 2, 'Fixed', False, 'doc', True)]
+ actual = self.config_service._DeserializeStatuses(statusdef_rows)
+ id_to_name, name_to_id, closed_ids = actual
+ self.assertEqual({1: 'New', 2: 'Fixed'}, id_to_name)
+ self.assertEqual({'new': 1, 'fixed': 2}, name_to_id)
+ self.assertEqual([2], closed_ids)
+ def testEnsureStatusCacheEntry_Hit(self):
+ status_dicts = 'foo'
+ self.config_service.status_cache.CacheItem(789, status_dicts)
+ # No mock calls set up because none are needed.
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ self.config_service._EnsureStatusCacheEntry(self.cnxn, 789)
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ def SetUpEnsureStatusCacheEntry_Miss(self, keys, rows):
+ self.config_service.statusdef_tbl.Select(
+ self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.STATUSDEF_COLS, project_id=keys,
+ order_by=[('rank DESC', []), ('status DESC', [])]).AndReturn(
+ rows)
+ def testEnsureStatusCacheEntry_Miss(self):
+ statusdef_rows = [(1, 789, 1, 'New', True, 'doc', False),
+ (2, 789, 2, 'Fixed', False, 'doc', True)]
+ self.SetUpEnsureStatusCacheEntry_Miss([789], statusdef_rows)
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ self.config_service._EnsureStatusCacheEntry(self.cnxn, 789)
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ status_dicts = {1: 'New', 2: 'Fixed'}, {'new': 1, 'fixed': 2}, [2]
+ self.assertEqual(
+ status_dicts, self.config_service.status_cache.GetItem(789))
+ def testLookupStatus_Hit(self):
+ status_dicts = {1: 'New', 2: 'Fixed'}, {'new': 1, 'fixed': 2}, [2]
+ self.config_service.status_cache.CacheItem(789, status_dicts)
+ # No mock calls set up because none are needed.
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 'New', self.config_service.LookupStatus(self.cnxn, 789, 1))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 'Fixed', self.config_service.LookupStatus(self.cnxn, 789, 2))
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ def testLookupStatusID_Hit(self):
+ status_dicts = {1: 'New', 2: 'Fixed'}, {'new': 1, 'fixed': 2}, [2]
+ self.config_service.status_cache.CacheItem(789, status_dicts)
+ # No mock calls set up because none are needed.
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 1, self.config_service.LookupStatusID(self.cnxn, 789, 'New'))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 2, self.config_service.LookupStatusID(self.cnxn, 789, 'Fixed'))
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ def testLookupStatusIDs_Hit(self):
+ status_dicts = {1: 'New', 2: 'Fixed'}, {'new': 1, 'fixed': 2}, [2]
+ self.config_service.status_cache.CacheItem(789, status_dicts)
+ # No mock calls set up because none are needed.
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ self.assertEqual(
+ [1, 2],
+ self.config_service.LookupStatusIDs(self.cnxn, 789, ['New', 'Fixed']))
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ def testLookupClosedStatusIDs_Hit(self):
+ status_dicts = {1: 'New', 2: 'Fixed'}, {'new': 1, 'fixed': 2}, [2]
+ self.config_service.status_cache.CacheItem(789, status_dicts)
+ # No mock calls set up because none are needed.
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ self.assertEqual(
+ [2],
+ self.config_service.LookupClosedStatusIDs(self.cnxn, 789))
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ def SetUpLookupClosedStatusIDsAnyProject(self, id_rows):
+ self.config_service.statusdef_tbl.Select(
+ self.cnxn, cols=['id'], means_open=False).AndReturn(
+ id_rows)
+ def testLookupClosedStatusIDsAnyProject(self):
+ self.SetUpLookupClosedStatusIDsAnyProject([(2,)])
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ actual = self.config_service.LookupClosedStatusIDsAnyProject(self.cnxn)
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ self.assertEqual([2], actual)
+ def SetUpLookupStatusIDsAnyProject(self, status, id_rows):
+ self.config_service.statusdef_tbl.Select(
+ self.cnxn, cols=['id'], status=status).AndReturn(id_rows)
+ def testLookupStatusIDsAnyProject(self):
+ self.SetUpLookupStatusIDsAnyProject('New', [(1,)])
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ actual = self.config_service.LookupStatusIDsAnyProject(self.cnxn, 'New')
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ self.assertEqual([1], actual)
+ ### Issue tracker configuration objects
+ def SetUpGetProjectConfigs(self, project_ids):
+ self.config_service.projectissueconfig_tbl.Select(
+ self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.PROJECTISSUECONFIG_COLS,
+ project_id=project_ids).AndReturn([])
+ self.config_service.statusdef_tbl.Select(
+ self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.STATUSDEF_COLS,
+ project_id=project_ids, where=[('rank IS NOT NULL', [])],
+ order_by=[('rank', [])]).AndReturn([])
+ self.config_service.labeldef_tbl.Select(
+ self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.LABELDEF_COLS,
+ project_id=project_ids, where=[('rank IS NOT NULL', [])],
+ order_by=[('rank', [])]).AndReturn([])
+ self.config_service.approvaldef2approver_tbl.Select(
+ self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.APPROVALDEF2APPROVER_COLS,
+ project_id=project_ids).AndReturn([])
+ self.config_service.approvaldef2survey_tbl.Select(
+ self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.APPROVALDEF2SURVEY_COLS,
+ project_id=project_ids).AndReturn([])
+ self.config_service.fielddef_tbl.Select(
+ self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.FIELDDEF_COLS,
+ project_id=project_ids, order_by=[('field_name', [])]).AndReturn([])
+ self.config_service.componentdef_tbl.Select(
+ self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.COMPONENTDEF_COLS,
+ is_deleted=False,
+ project_id=project_ids, order_by=[('path', [])]).AndReturn([])
+ def testGetProjectConfigs(self):
+ project_ids = [789, 679]
+ self.SetUpGetProjectConfigs(project_ids)
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ config_dict = self.config_service.GetProjectConfigs(
+ self.cnxn, [789, 679], use_cache=False)
+ self.assertEqual(2, len(config_dict))
+ for pid in project_ids:
+ self.assertEqual(pid, config_dict[pid].project_id)
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ def testGetProjectConfig_Hit(self):
+ project_id = 789
+ config = tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(project_id)
+ self.config_service.config_2lc.CacheItem(project_id, config)
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ actual = self.config_service.GetProjectConfig(self.cnxn, project_id)
+ self.assertEqual(config, actual)
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ def testGetProjectConfig_Miss(self):
+ project_id = 789
+ self.SetUpGetProjectConfigs([project_id])
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ config = self.config_service.GetProjectConfig(self.cnxn, project_id)
+ self.assertEqual(project_id, config.project_id)
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ def SetUpStoreConfig_Default(self, project_id):
+ self.config_service.projectissueconfig_tbl.InsertRow(
+ self.cnxn, replace=True,
+ project_id=project_id,
+ statuses_offer_merge='Duplicate',
+ exclusive_label_prefixes='Type Priority Milestone',
+ default_template_for_developers=0,
+ default_template_for_users=0,
+ default_col_spec=tracker_constants.DEFAULT_COL_SPEC,
+ default_sort_spec='',
+ default_x_attr='',
+ default_y_attr='',
+ member_default_query='',
+ custom_issue_entry_url=None,
+ commit=False)
+ self.SetUpUpdateWellKnownLabels_Default(project_id)
+ self.SetUpUpdateWellKnownStatuses_Default(project_id)
+ self.cnxn.Commit()
+ def SetUpUpdateWellKnownLabels_JustCache(self, project_id):
+ by_id = {
+ idx + 1: label for idx, (label, _, _) in enumerate(
+ tracker_constants.DEFAULT_WELL_KNOWN_LABELS)}
+ by_name = {name.lower(): label_id
+ for label_id, name in by_id.items()}
+ label_dicts = by_id, by_name
+ self.config_service.label_cache.CacheAll({project_id: label_dicts})
+ def SetUpUpdateWellKnownLabels_Default(self, project_id):
+ self.SetUpUpdateWellKnownLabels_JustCache(project_id)
+ update_labeldef_rows = [
+ (idx + 1, project_id, idx, label, doc, deprecated)
+ for idx, (label, doc, deprecated) in enumerate(
+ tracker_constants.DEFAULT_WELL_KNOWN_LABELS)]
+ self.config_service.labeldef_tbl.Update(
+ self.cnxn, {'rank': None}, project_id=project_id, commit=False)
+ self.config_service.labeldef_tbl.InsertRows(
+ self.cnxn, config_svc.LABELDEF_COLS, update_labeldef_rows,
+ replace=True, commit=False)
+ self.config_service.labeldef_tbl.InsertRows(
+ self.cnxn, config_svc.LABELDEF_COLS[1:], [], commit=False)
+ def SetUpUpdateWellKnownStatuses_Default(self, project_id):
+ by_id = {
+ idx + 1: status for idx, (status, _, _, _) in enumerate(
+ tracker_constants.DEFAULT_WELL_KNOWN_STATUSES)}
+ by_name = {name.lower(): label_id
+ for label_id, name in by_id.items()}
+ closed_ids = [
+ idx + 1 for idx, (_, _, means_open, _) in enumerate(
+ tracker_constants.DEFAULT_WELL_KNOWN_STATUSES)
+ if not means_open]
+ status_dicts = by_id, by_name, closed_ids
+ self.config_service.status_cache.CacheAll({789: status_dicts})
+ update_statusdef_rows = [
+ (idx + 1, project_id, idx, status, means_open, doc, deprecated)
+ for idx, (status, doc, means_open, deprecated) in enumerate(
+ tracker_constants.DEFAULT_WELL_KNOWN_STATUSES)]
+ self.config_service.statusdef_tbl.Update(
+ self.cnxn, {'rank': None}, project_id=project_id, commit=False)
+ self.config_service.statusdef_tbl.InsertRows(
+ self.cnxn, config_svc.STATUSDEF_COLS, update_statusdef_rows,
+ replace=True, commit=False)
+ self.config_service.statusdef_tbl.InsertRows(
+ self.cnxn, config_svc.STATUSDEF_COLS[1:], [], commit=False)
+ def SetUpUpdateApprovals_Default(
+ self, approval_id, approver_rows, survey_row):
+ self.config_service.approvaldef2approver_tbl.Delete(
+ self.cnxn, approval_id=approval_id, commit=False)
+ self.config_service.approvaldef2approver_tbl.InsertRows(
+ self.cnxn,
+ approver_rows,
+ commit=False)
+ approval_id, survey, project_id = survey_row
+ self.config_service.approvaldef2survey_tbl.Delete(
+ self.cnxn, approval_id=approval_id, commit=False)
+ self.config_service.approvaldef2survey_tbl.InsertRow(
+ self.cnxn,
+ approval_id=approval_id,
+ survey=survey,
+ project_id=project_id,
+ commit=False)
+ def testStoreConfig(self):
+ config = tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(789)
+ self.SetUpStoreConfig_Default(789)
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ self.config_service.StoreConfig(self.cnxn, config)
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ def testUpdateWellKnownLabels(self):
+ config = tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(789)
+ self.SetUpUpdateWellKnownLabels_Default(789)
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ self.config_service._UpdateWellKnownLabels(self.cnxn, config)
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ def testUpdateWellKnownLabels_Duplicate(self):
+ config = tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(789)
+ config.well_known_labels.append(config.well_known_labels[0])
+ self.SetUpUpdateWellKnownLabels_JustCache(789)
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ with self.assertRaises(exceptions.InputException) as cm:
+ self.config_service._UpdateWellKnownLabels(self.cnxn, config)
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 'Defined label "Type-Defect" twice',
+ cm.exception.message)
+ def testUpdateWellKnownStatuses(self):
+ config = tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(789)
+ self.SetUpUpdateWellKnownStatuses_Default(789)
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ self.config_service._UpdateWellKnownStatuses(self.cnxn, config)
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ def testUpdateApprovals(self):
+ config = tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(789)
+ approver_rows = [(123, 111, 789), (123, 222, 789)]
+ survey_row = (123, 'Q1\nQ2', 789)
+ first_approval = tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldDef(
+ 123, 789, 'FirstApproval', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.APPROVAL_TYPE,
+ None, '', False, False, False, None, None, '', False, '', '',
+ tracker_pb2.NotifyTriggers.NEVER, 'no_action', 'the first one', False)
+ config.field_defs = [first_approval]
+ config.approval_defs = [tracker_pb2.ApprovalDef(
+ approval_id=123, approver_ids=[111, 222], survey='Q1\nQ2')]
+ self.SetUpUpdateApprovals_Default(123, approver_rows, survey_row)
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ self.config_service._UpdateApprovals(self.cnxn, config)
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ def testUpdateConfig(self):
+ pass # TODO(jrobbins): add a test for this
+ def SetUpExpungeConfig(self, project_id):
+ self.config_service.statusdef_tbl.Delete(self.cnxn, project_id=project_id)
+ self.config_service.labeldef_tbl.Delete(self.cnxn, project_id=project_id)
+ self.config_service.projectissueconfig_tbl.Delete(
+ self.cnxn, project_id=project_id)
+ self.config_service.config_2lc.InvalidateKeys(self.cnxn, [project_id])
+ def testExpungeConfig(self):
+ self.SetUpExpungeConfig(789)
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ self.config_service.ExpungeConfig(self.cnxn, 789)
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ def testExpungeUsersInConfigs(self):
+ self.config_service.component2admin_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+ self.config_service.component2cc_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+ self.config_service.componentdef_tbl.Update = mock.Mock()
+ self.config_service.fielddef2admin_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+ self.config_service.fielddef2editor_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+ self.config_service.approvaldef2approver_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+ user_ids = [111, 222, 333]
+ self.config_service.ExpungeUsersInConfigs(self.cnxn, user_ids, limit=50)
+ self.config_service.component2admin_tbl.Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+ self.cnxn, admin_id=user_ids, commit=False, limit=50)
+ self.config_service.component2cc_tbl.Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+ self.cnxn, cc_id=user_ids, commit=False, limit=50)
+ cdef_calls = [
+ self.cnxn, {'creator_id': framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID},
+ creator_id=user_ids, commit=False, limit=50),
+ self.cnxn, {'modifier_id': framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID},
+ modifier_id=user_ids, commit=False, limit=50)]
+ self.config_service.componentdef_tbl.Update.assert_has_calls(cdef_calls)
+ self.config_service.fielddef2admin_tbl.Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+ self.cnxn, admin_id=user_ids, commit=False, limit=50)
+ self.config_service.fielddef2editor_tbl.Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+ self.cnxn, editor_id=user_ids, commit=False, limit=50)
+ self.config_service.approvaldef2approver_tbl.Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+ self.cnxn, approver_id=user_ids, commit=False, limit=50)
+ ### Custom field definitions
+ def SetUpCreateFieldDef(self, project_id):
+ self.config_service.fielddef_tbl.InsertRow(
+ self.cnxn,
+ project_id=project_id,
+ field_name='PercentDone',
+ field_type='int_type',
+ applicable_type='Defect',
+ applicable_predicate='',
+ is_required=False,
+ is_multivalued=False,
+ is_niche=False,
+ min_value=1,
+ max_value=100,
+ regex=None,
+ needs_member=None,
+ needs_perm=None,
+ grants_perm=None,
+ notify_on='never',
+ date_action='no_action',
+ docstring='doc',
+ approval_id=None,
+ is_phase_field=False,
+ is_restricted_field=True,
+ commit=False).AndReturn(1)
+ self.config_service.fielddef2admin_tbl.InsertRows(
+ self.cnxn, config_svc.FIELDDEF2ADMIN_COLS, [(1, 111)], commit=False)
+ self.config_service.fielddef2editor_tbl.InsertRows(
+ self.cnxn, config_svc.FIELDDEF2EDITOR_COLS, [(1, 222)], commit=False)
+ self.cnxn.Commit()
+ def testCreateFieldDef(self):
+ self.SetUpCreateFieldDef(789)
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ field_id = self.config_service.CreateFieldDef(
+ self.cnxn,
+ 789,
+ 'PercentDone',
+ 'int_type',
+ 'Defect',
+ '',
+ False,
+ False,
+ False,
+ 1,
+ 100,
+ None,
+ None,
+ None,
+ None,
+ 0,
+ 'no_action',
+ 'doc', [111], [222],
+ is_restricted_field=True)
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ self.assertEqual(1, field_id)
+ def SetUpSoftDeleteFieldDefs(self, field_ids):
+ self.config_service.fielddef_tbl.Update(
+ self.cnxn, {'is_deleted': True}, id=field_ids)
+ def testSoftDeleteFieldDefs(self):
+ self.SetUpSoftDeleteFieldDefs([1])
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ self.config_service.SoftDeleteFieldDefs(self.cnxn, 789, [1])
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ def SetUpUpdateFieldDef(self, field_id, new_values, admin_rows, editor_rows):
+ self.config_service.fielddef_tbl.Update(
+ self.cnxn, new_values, id=field_id, commit=False)
+ self.config_service.fielddef2admin_tbl.Delete(
+ self.cnxn, field_id=field_id, commit=False)
+ self.config_service.fielddef2admin_tbl.InsertRows(
+ self.cnxn, config_svc.FIELDDEF2ADMIN_COLS, admin_rows, commit=False)
+ self.config_service.fielddef2editor_tbl.Delete(
+ self.cnxn, field_id=field_id, commit=False)
+ self.config_service.fielddef2editor_tbl.InsertRows(
+ self.cnxn, config_svc.FIELDDEF2EDITOR_COLS, editor_rows, commit=False)
+ self.cnxn.Commit()
+ def testUpdateFieldDef_NoOp(self):
+ new_values = {}
+ self.SetUpUpdateFieldDef(1, new_values, [], [])
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ self.config_service.UpdateFieldDef(
+ self.cnxn, 789, 1, admin_ids=[], editor_ids=[])
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ def testUpdateFieldDef_Normal(self):
+ new_values = dict(
+ field_name='newname',
+ applicable_type='defect',
+ applicable_predicate='pri:1',
+ is_required=True,
+ is_niche=True,
+ is_multivalued=True,
+ min_value=32,
+ max_value=212,
+ regex='a.*b',
+ needs_member=True,
+ needs_perm='EditIssue',
+ grants_perm='DeleteIssue',
+ notify_on='any_comment',
+ docstring='new doc',
+ is_restricted_field=True)
+ self.SetUpUpdateFieldDef(1, new_values, [(1, 111)], [(1, 222)])
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ new_values = new_values.copy()
+ new_values['notify_on'] = 1
+ self.config_service.UpdateFieldDef(
+ self.cnxn, 789, 1, admin_ids=[111], editor_ids=[222], **new_values)
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ ### Component definitions
+ def SetUpFindMatchingComponentIDsAnyProject(self, _exact, rows):
+ # TODO(jrobbins): more details here.
+ self.config_service.componentdef_tbl.Select(
+ self.cnxn, cols=['id'], where=mox.IsA(list)).AndReturn(rows)
+ def testFindMatchingComponentIDsAnyProject_Rooted(self):
+ self.SetUpFindMatchingComponentIDsAnyProject(True, [(1,), (2,), (3,)])
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ comp_ids = self.config_service.FindMatchingComponentIDsAnyProject(
+ self.cnxn, ['WindowManager', 'NetworkLayer'])
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ self.assertItemsEqual([1, 2, 3], comp_ids)
+ def testFindMatchingComponentIDsAnyProject_NonRooted(self):
+ self.SetUpFindMatchingComponentIDsAnyProject(False, [(1,), (2,), (3,)])
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ comp_ids = self.config_service.FindMatchingComponentIDsAnyProject(
+ self.cnxn, ['WindowManager', 'NetworkLayer'], exact=False)
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ self.assertItemsEqual([1, 2, 3], comp_ids)
+ def SetUpCreateComponentDef(self, comp_id):
+ self.config_service.componentdef_tbl.InsertRow(
+ self.cnxn, project_id=789, path='WindowManager',
+ docstring='doc', deprecated=False, commit=False,
+ created=0, creator_id=0).AndReturn(comp_id)
+ self.config_service.component2admin_tbl.InsertRows(
+ self.cnxn, config_svc.COMPONENT2ADMIN_COLS, [], commit=False)
+ self.config_service.component2cc_tbl.InsertRows(
+ self.cnxn, config_svc.COMPONENT2CC_COLS, [], commit=False)
+ self.config_service.component2label_tbl.InsertRows(
+ self.cnxn, config_svc.COMPONENT2LABEL_COLS, [], commit=False)
+ self.cnxn.Commit()
+ def testCreateComponentDef(self):
+ self.SetUpCreateComponentDef(1)
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ comp_id = self.config_service.CreateComponentDef(
+ self.cnxn, 789, 'WindowManager', 'doc', False, [], [], 0, 0, [])
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ self.assertEqual(1, comp_id)
+ def SetUpUpdateComponentDef(self, component_id):
+ self.config_service.component2admin_tbl.Delete(
+ self.cnxn, component_id=component_id, commit=False)
+ self.config_service.component2admin_tbl.InsertRows(
+ self.cnxn, config_svc.COMPONENT2ADMIN_COLS, [], commit=False)
+ self.config_service.component2cc_tbl.Delete(
+ self.cnxn, component_id=component_id, commit=False)
+ self.config_service.component2cc_tbl.InsertRows(
+ self.cnxn, config_svc.COMPONENT2CC_COLS, [], commit=False)
+ self.config_service.component2label_tbl.Delete(
+ self.cnxn, component_id=component_id, commit=False)
+ self.config_service.component2label_tbl.InsertRows(
+ self.cnxn, config_svc.COMPONENT2LABEL_COLS, [], commit=False)
+ self.config_service.componentdef_tbl.Update(
+ self.cnxn,
+ {'path': 'DisplayManager', 'docstring': 'doc', 'deprecated': True},
+ id=component_id, commit=False)
+ self.cnxn.Commit()
+ def testUpdateComponentDef(self):
+ self.SetUpUpdateComponentDef(1)
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ self.config_service.UpdateComponentDef(
+ self.cnxn, 789, 1, path='DisplayManager', docstring='doc',
+ deprecated=True, admin_ids=[], cc_ids=[], label_ids=[])
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ def SetUpSoftDeleteComponentDef(self, component_id):
+ self.config_service.componentdef_tbl.Update(
+ self.cnxn, {'is_deleted': True}, commit=False, id=component_id)
+ self.cnxn.Commit()
+ def testSoftDeleteComponentDef(self):
+ self.SetUpSoftDeleteComponentDef(1)
+ self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ self.config_service.DeleteComponentDef(self.cnxn, 789, 1)
+ self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ ### Memcache management
+ def testInvalidateMemcache(self):
+ pass # TODO(jrobbins): write this
+ def testInvalidateMemcacheShards(self):
+ NOW = 1234567
+ memcache.set('789;1', NOW)
+ memcache.set('789;2', NOW - 1000)
+ memcache.set('789;3', NOW - 2000)
+ memcache.set('all;1', NOW)
+ memcache.set('all;2', NOW - 1000)
+ memcache.set('all;3', NOW - 2000)
+ # Delete some of them.
+ self.config_service._InvalidateMemcacheShards(
+ [(789, 1), (789, 2), (789,9)])
+ self.assertIsNone(memcache.get('789;1'))
+ self.assertIsNone(memcache.get('789;2'))
+ self.assertEqual(NOW - 2000, memcache.get('789;3'))
+ self.assertIsNone(memcache.get('all;1'))
+ self.assertIsNone(memcache.get('all;2'))
+ self.assertEqual(NOW - 2000, memcache.get('all;3'))
+ def testInvalidateMemcacheForEntireProject(self):
+ NOW = 1234567
+ memcache.set('789;1', NOW)
+ memcache.set('config:789', 'serialized config')
+ memcache.set('label_rows:789', 'serialized label rows')
+ memcache.set('status_rows:789', 'serialized status rows')
+ memcache.set('field_rows:789', 'serialized field rows')
+ memcache.set('890;1', NOW) # Other projects will not be affected.
+ self.config_service.InvalidateMemcacheForEntireProject(789)
+ self.assertIsNone(memcache.get('789;1'))
+ self.assertIsNone(memcache.get('config:789'))
+ self.assertIsNone(memcache.get('status_rows:789'))
+ self.assertIsNone(memcache.get('label_rows:789'))
+ self.assertIsNone(memcache.get('field_rows:789'))
+ self.assertEqual(NOW, memcache.get('890;1'))
+ def testUsersInvolvedInConfig_Empty(self):
+ templates = []
+ config = tracker_pb2.ProjectIssueConfig()
+ self.assertEqual(set(), self.config_service.UsersInvolvedInConfig(
+ config, templates))
+ def testUsersInvolvedInConfig_Default(self):
+ templates = [
+ tracker_bizobj.ConvertDictToTemplate(t)
+ for t in tracker_constants.DEFAULT_TEMPLATES]
+ config = tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(789)
+ self.assertEqual(set(), self.config_service.UsersInvolvedInConfig(
+ config, templates))
+ def testUsersInvolvedInConfig_Normal(self):
+ config = tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(789)
+ templates = [
+ tracker_bizobj.ConvertDictToTemplate(t)
+ for t in tracker_constants.DEFAULT_TEMPLATES]
+ templates[0].owner_id = 111
+ templates[0].admin_ids = [111, 222]
+ config.field_defs = [
+ tracker_pb2.FieldDef(admin_ids=[333], editor_ids=[444])
+ ]
+ actual = self.config_service.UsersInvolvedInConfig(config, templates)
+ self.assertEqual({111, 222, 333, 444}, actual)