Project import generated by Copybara.

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+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Convert Monorail PB objects to API PB objects"""
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import datetime
+import logging
+import time
+from six import string_types
+from businesslogic import work_env
+from framework import exceptions
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import framework_helpers
+from framework import framework_views
+from framework import permissions
+from framework import timestr
+from proto import api_pb2_v1
+from proto import project_pb2
+from proto import tracker_pb2
+from services import project_svc
+from tracker import field_helpers
+from tracker import tracker_bizobj
+from tracker import tracker_helpers
+def convert_project(project, config, role, templates):
+  """Convert Monorail Project PB to API ProjectWrapper PB."""
+  return api_pb2_v1.ProjectWrapper(
+      kind='monorail#project',
+      name=project.project_name,
+      externalId=project.project_name,
+      htmlLink='/p/%s/' % project.project_name,
+      summary=project.summary,
+      description=project.description,
+      role=role,
+      issuesConfig=convert_project_config(config, templates))
+def convert_project_config(config, templates):
+  """Convert Monorail ProjectIssueConfig PB to API ProjectIssueConfig PB."""
+  return api_pb2_v1.ProjectIssueConfig(
+      kind='monorail#projectIssueConfig',
+      restrictToKnown=config.restrict_to_known,
+      defaultColumns=config.default_col_spec.split(),
+      defaultSorting=config.default_sort_spec.split(),
+      statuses=[convert_status(s) for s in config.well_known_statuses],
+      labels=[convert_label(l) for l in config.well_known_labels],
+      prompts=[convert_template(t) for t in templates],
+      defaultPromptForMembers=config.default_template_for_developers,
+      defaultPromptForNonMembers=config.default_template_for_users)
+def convert_status(status):
+  """Convert Monorail StatusDef PB to API Status PB."""
+  return api_pb2_v1.Status(
+      status=status.status,
+      meansOpen=status.means_open,
+      description=status.status_docstring)
+def convert_label(label):
+  """Convert Monorail LabelDef PB to API Label PB."""
+  return api_pb2_v1.Label(
+      label=label.label,
+      description=label.label_docstring)
+def convert_template(template):
+  """Convert Monorail TemplateDef PB to API Prompt PB."""
+  return api_pb2_v1.Prompt(
+      title=template.summary,
+      description=template.content,
+      titleMustBeEdited=template.summary_must_be_edited,
+      status=template.status,
+      labels=template.labels,
+      membersOnly=template.members_only,
+      defaultToMember=template.owner_defaults_to_member,
+      componentRequired=template.component_required)
+def convert_person(user_id, cnxn, services, trap_exception=False):
+  """Convert user id to API AtomPerson PB or None if user_id is None."""
+  if not user_id:
+    # convert_person should handle 'converting' optional user values,
+    # like issue.owner, where user_id may be None.
+    return None
+  if user_id == framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID:
+    return api_pb2_v1.AtomPerson(
+        kind='monorail#issuePerson',
+        name=framework_constants.DELETED_USER_NAME)
+  try:
+    user = services.user.GetUser(cnxn, user_id)
+  except exceptions.NoSuchUserException as ex:
+    if trap_exception:
+      logging.warning(str(ex))
+      return None
+    else:
+      raise ex
+  days_ago = None
+  if user.last_visit_timestamp:
+    secs_ago = int(time.time()) - user.last_visit_timestamp
+    days_ago = secs_ago // framework_constants.SECS_PER_DAY
+  return api_pb2_v1.AtomPerson(
+      kind='monorail#issuePerson',
+      htmlLink='https://%s/u/%d' % (framework_helpers.GetHostPort(), user_id),
+      last_visit_days_ago=days_ago,
+      email_bouncing=bool(user.email_bounce_timestamp),
+      vacation_message=user.vacation_message)
+def convert_issue_ids(issue_ids, mar, services):
+  """Convert global issue ids to API IssueRef PB."""
+  # missed issue ids are filtered out.
+  issues = services.issue.GetIssues(mar.cnxn, issue_ids)
+  result = []
+  for issue in issues:
+    issue_ref = api_pb2_v1.IssueRef(
+      issueId=issue.local_id,
+      projectId=issue.project_name,
+      kind='monorail#issueRef')
+    result.append(issue_ref)
+  return result
+def convert_issueref_pbs(issueref_pbs, mar, services):
+  """Convert API IssueRef PBs to global issue ids."""
+  if issueref_pbs:
+    result = []
+    for ir in issueref_pbs:
+      project_id = mar.project_id
+      if ir.projectId:
+        project = services.project.GetProjectByName(
+          mar.cnxn, ir.projectId)
+        if project:
+          project_id = project.project_id
+      try:
+        issue = services.issue.GetIssueByLocalID(
+            mar.cnxn, project_id, ir.issueId)
+        result.append(issue.issue_id)
+      except exceptions.NoSuchIssueException:
+        logging.warning(
+            'Issue (%s:%d) does not exist.' % (ir.projectId, ir.issueId))
+    return result
+  else:
+    return None
+def convert_approvals(cnxn, approval_values, services, config, phases):
+  """Convert an Issue's Monorail ApprovalValue PBs to API Approval"""
+  fds_by_id = {fd.field_id: fd for fd in config.field_defs}
+  phases_by_id = {phase.phase_id: phase for phase in phases}
+  approvals = []
+  for av in approval_values:
+    approval_fd = fds_by_id.get(av.approval_id)
+    if approval_fd is None:
+      logging.warning(
+          'Approval (%d) does not exist' % av.approval_id)
+      continue
+    if approval_fd.field_type is not tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.APPROVAL_TYPE:
+      logging.warning(
+          'field %s has unexpected field_type: %s' % (
+              approval_fd.field_name,
+      continue
+    approval = api_pb2_v1.Approval()
+    approval.approvalName = approval_fd.field_name
+    approvers = [convert_person(approver_id, cnxn, services)
+                 for approver_id in av.approver_ids]
+    approval.approvers = [approver for approver in approvers if approver]
+    approval.status = api_pb2_v1.ApprovalStatus(av.status.number)
+    if av.setter_id:
+      approval.setter = convert_person(av.setter_id, cnxn, services)
+    if av.set_on:
+      approval.setOn = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(av.set_on)
+    if av.phase_id:
+      try:
+        approval.phaseName = phases_by_id[av.phase_id].name
+      except KeyError:
+        logging.warning('phase %d not found in given phases list' % av.phase_id)
+    approvals.append(approval)
+  return approvals
+def convert_phases(phases):
+  """Convert an Issue's Monorail Phase PBs to API Phase."""
+  converted_phases = []
+  for idx, phase in enumerate(phases):
+    if not
+      try:
+        logging.warning(
+            'Phase %d has no name, skipping conversion.' % phase.phase_id)
+      except TypeError:
+        logging.warning(
+            'Phase #%d (%s) has no name or id, skipping conversion.' % (
+                idx, phase))
+      continue
+    converted = api_pb2_v1.Phase(, rank=phase.rank)
+    converted_phases.append(converted)
+  return converted_phases
+def convert_issue(cls, issue, mar, services):
+  """Convert Monorail Issue PB to API IssuesGetInsertResponse."""
+  config = services.config.GetProjectConfig(mar.cnxn, issue.project_id)
+  granted_perms = tracker_bizobj.GetGrantedPerms(
+      issue, mar.auth.effective_ids, config)
+  issue_project = services.project.GetProject(mar.cnxn, issue.project_id)
+  component_list = []
+  for cd in config.component_defs:
+    cid = cd.component_id
+    if cid in issue.component_ids:
+      component_list.append(cd.path)
+  cc_list = [convert_person(p, mar.cnxn, services) for p in issue.cc_ids]
+  cc_list = [p for p in cc_list if p is not None]
+  field_values_list = []
+  fds_by_id = {
+      fd.field_id: fd for fd in config.field_defs}
+  phases_by_id = {phase.phase_id: phase for phase in issue.phases}
+  for fv in issue.field_values:
+    fd = fds_by_id.get(fv.field_id)
+    if not fd:
+      logging.warning('Custom field %d of project %s does not exist',
+                      fv.field_id, issue_project.project_name)
+      continue
+    val = None
+    if fv.user_id:
+      val = _get_user_email(
+          services.user, mar.cnxn, fv.user_id)
+    else:
+      val = tracker_bizobj.GetFieldValue(fv, {})
+      if not isinstance(val, string_types):
+        val = str(val)
+    new_fv = api_pb2_v1.FieldValue(
+        fieldName=fd.field_name,
+        fieldValue=val,
+        derived=fv.derived)
+    if fd.approval_id:  # Attach parent approval name
+      approval_fd = fds_by_id.get(fd.approval_id)
+      if not approval_fd:
+        logging.warning('Parent approval field %d of field %s does not exist',
+                        fd.approval_id, fd.field_name)
+      else:
+        new_fv.approvalName = approval_fd.field_name
+    elif fv.phase_id:  # Attach phase name
+      phase = phases_by_id.get(fv.phase_id)
+      if not phase:
+        logging.warning('Phase %d for field %s does not exist',
+                        fv.phase_id, fd.field_name)
+      else:
+        new_fv.phaseName =
+    field_values_list.append(new_fv)
+  approval_values_list = convert_approvals(
+      mar.cnxn, issue.approval_values, services, config, issue.phases)
+  phases_list = convert_phases(issue.phases)
+  with work_env.WorkEnv(mar, services) as we:
+    starred = we.IsIssueStarred(issue)
+  resp = cls(
+      kind='monorail#issue',
+      id=issue.local_id,
+      title=issue.summary,
+      summary=issue.summary,
+      projectId=issue_project.project_name,
+      stars=issue.star_count,
+      starred=starred,
+      status=issue.status,
+      state=( if
+             tracker_helpers.MeansOpenInProject(
+                 tracker_bizobj.GetStatus(issue), config)
+             else api_pb2_v1.IssueState.closed),
+      labels=issue.labels,
+      components=component_list,
+      author=convert_person(issue.reporter_id, mar.cnxn, services),
+      owner=convert_person(issue.owner_id, mar.cnxn, services),
+      cc=cc_list,
+      updated=datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(issue.modified_timestamp),
+      published=datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(issue.opened_timestamp),
+      blockedOn=convert_issue_ids(issue.blocked_on_iids, mar, services),
+      blocking=convert_issue_ids(issue.blocking_iids, mar, services),
+      canComment=permissions.CanCommentIssue(
+          mar.auth.effective_ids, mar.perms, issue_project, issue,
+          granted_perms=granted_perms),
+      canEdit=permissions.CanEditIssue(
+          mar.auth.effective_ids, mar.perms, issue_project, issue,
+          granted_perms=granted_perms),
+      fieldValues=field_values_list,
+      approvalValues=approval_values_list,
+      phases=phases_list
+  )
+  if issue.closed_timestamp > 0:
+    resp.closed = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(issue.closed_timestamp)
+  if issue.merged_into:
+    resp.mergedInto=convert_issue_ids([issue.merged_into], mar, services)[0]
+  if issue.owner_modified_timestamp:
+    resp.owner_modified = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
+        issue.owner_modified_timestamp)
+  if issue.status_modified_timestamp:
+    resp.status_modified = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
+        issue.status_modified_timestamp)
+  if issue.component_modified_timestamp:
+    resp.component_modified = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
+        issue.component_modified_timestamp)
+  return resp
+def convert_comment(issue, comment, mar, services, granted_perms):
+  """Convert Monorail IssueComment PB to API IssueCommentWrapper."""
+  perms = permissions.UpdateIssuePermissions(
+      mar.perms, mar.project, issue, mar.auth.effective_ids,
+      granted_perms=granted_perms)
+  commenter = services.user.GetUser(mar.cnxn, comment.user_id)
+  can_delete = permissions.CanDeleteComment(
+      comment, commenter, mar.auth.user_id, perms)
+  return api_pb2_v1.IssueCommentWrapper(
+      attachments=[convert_attachment(a) for a in comment.attachments],
+      author=convert_person(comment.user_id, mar.cnxn, services,
+                            trap_exception=True),
+      canDelete=can_delete,
+      content=comment.content,
+      deletedBy=convert_person(comment.deleted_by, mar.cnxn, services,
+                               trap_exception=True),
+      id=comment.sequence,
+      published=datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(comment.timestamp),
+      updates=convert_amendments(issue, comment.amendments, mar, services),
+      kind='monorail#issueComment',
+      is_description=comment.is_description)
+def convert_approval_comment(issue, comment, mar, services, granted_perms):
+  perms = permissions.UpdateIssuePermissions(
+      mar.perms, mar.project, issue, mar.auth.effective_ids,
+      granted_perms=granted_perms)
+  commenter = services.user.GetUser(mar.cnxn, comment.user_id)
+  can_delete = permissions.CanDeleteComment(
+      comment, commenter, mar.auth.user_id, perms)
+  return api_pb2_v1.ApprovalCommentWrapper(
+      attachments=[convert_attachment(a) for a in comment.attachments],
+      author=convert_person(
+          comment.user_id, mar.cnxn, services, trap_exception=True),
+      canDelete=can_delete,
+      content=comment.content,
+      deletedBy=convert_person(comment.deleted_by, mar.cnxn, services,
+                               trap_exception=True),
+      id=comment.sequence,
+      published=datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(comment.timestamp),
+      approvalUpdates=convert_approval_amendments(
+          comment.amendments, mar, services),
+      kind='monorail#approvalComment',
+      is_description=comment.is_description)
+def convert_attachment(attachment):
+  """Convert Monorail Attachment PB to API Attachment."""
+  return api_pb2_v1.Attachment(
+      attachmentId=attachment.attachment_id,
+      fileName=attachment.filename,
+      fileSize=attachment.filesize,
+      mimetype=attachment.mimetype,
+      isDeleted=attachment.deleted)
+def convert_amendments(issue, amendments, mar, services):
+  """Convert a list of Monorail Amendment PBs to API Update."""
+  amendments_user_ids = tracker_bizobj.UsersInvolvedInAmendments(amendments)
+  users_by_id = framework_views.MakeAllUserViews(
+      mar.cnxn, services.user, amendments_user_ids)
+  framework_views.RevealAllEmailsToMembers(
+      mar.cnxn, services, mar.auth, users_by_id, mar.project)
+  result = api_pb2_v1.Update(kind='monorail#issueCommentUpdate')
+  for amendment in amendments:
+    if amendment.field == tracker_pb2.FieldID.SUMMARY:
+      result.summary = amendment.newvalue
+    elif amendment.field == tracker_pb2.FieldID.STATUS:
+      result.status = amendment.newvalue
+    elif amendment.field == tracker_pb2.FieldID.OWNER:
+      if len(amendment.added_user_ids) == 0:
+        result.owner = framework_constants.NO_USER_NAME
+      else:
+        result.owner = _get_user_email(
+            services.user, mar.cnxn, amendment.added_user_ids[0])
+    elif amendment.field == tracker_pb2.FieldID.LABELS:
+      result.labels = amendment.newvalue.split()
+    elif amendment.field == tracker_pb2.FieldID.CC:
+      for user_id in amendment.added_user_ids:
+        user_email = _get_user_email(
+            services.user, mar.cnxn, user_id)
+      for user_id in amendment.removed_user_ids:
+        user_email = _get_user_email(
+            services.user, mar.cnxn, user_id)
+'-%s' % user_email)
+    elif amendment.field == tracker_pb2.FieldID.BLOCKEDON:
+      result.blockedOn = _append_project(
+          amendment.newvalue, issue.project_name)
+    elif amendment.field == tracker_pb2.FieldID.BLOCKING:
+      result.blocking = _append_project(
+          amendment.newvalue, issue.project_name)
+    elif amendment.field == tracker_pb2.FieldID.MERGEDINTO:
+      result.mergedInto = amendment.newvalue
+    elif amendment.field == tracker_pb2.FieldID.COMPONENTS:
+      result.components = amendment.newvalue.split()
+    elif amendment.field == tracker_pb2.FieldID.CUSTOM:
+      fv = api_pb2_v1.FieldValue()
+      fv.fieldName = amendment.custom_field_name
+      fv.fieldValue = tracker_bizobj.AmendmentString(amendment, users_by_id)
+      result.fieldValues.append(fv)
+  return result
+def convert_approval_amendments(amendments, mar, services):
+  """Convert a list of Monorail Amendment PBs API ApprovalUpdate."""
+  amendments_user_ids = tracker_bizobj.UsersInvolvedInAmendments(amendments)
+  users_by_id = framework_views.MakeAllUserViews(
+      mar.cnxn, services.user, amendments_user_ids)
+  framework_views.RevealAllEmailsToMembers(
+      mar.cnxn, services, mar.auth, users_by_id, mar.project)
+  result = api_pb2_v1.ApprovalUpdate(kind='monorail#approvalCommentUpdate')
+  for amendment in amendments:
+    if amendment.field == tracker_pb2.FieldID.CUSTOM:
+      if amendment.custom_field_name == 'Status':
+        status_number = tracker_pb2.ApprovalStatus(
+            amendment.newvalue.upper()).number
+        result.status = api_pb2_v1.ApprovalStatus(status_number).name
+      elif amendment.custom_field_name == 'Approvers':
+        for user_id in amendment.added_user_ids:
+          user_email = _get_user_email(
+              services.user, mar.cnxn, user_id)
+          result.approvers.append(user_email)
+        for user_id in amendment.removed_user_ids:
+          user_email = _get_user_email(
+              services.user, mar.cnxn, user_id)
+          result.approvers.append('-%s' % user_email)
+      else:
+        fv = api_pb2_v1.FieldValue()
+        fv.fieldName = amendment.custom_field_name
+        fv.fieldValue = tracker_bizobj.AmendmentString(amendment, users_by_id)
+        # TODO(jojwang): monorail:4229, add approvalName field to FieldValue
+        result.fieldValues.append(fv)
+  return result
+def _get_user_email(user_service, cnxn, user_id):
+  """Get user email."""
+  if user_id == framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID:
+    return framework_constants.DELETED_USER_NAME
+  if not user_id:
+    # _get_user_email should handle getting emails for optional user values,
+    # like issue.owner where user_id may be None.
+    return framework_constants.NO_USER_NAME
+  try:
+    user_email = user_service.LookupUserEmail(
+            cnxn, user_id)
+  except exceptions.NoSuchUserException:
+    user_email = framework_constants.USER_NOT_FOUND_NAME
+  return user_email
+def _append_project(issue_ids, project_name):
+  """Append project name to convert <id> to <project>:<id> format."""
+  result = []
+  id_list = issue_ids.split()
+  for id_str in id_list:
+    if ':' in id_str:
+      result.append(id_str)
+    # '-' means this issue is being removed
+    elif id_str.startswith('-'):
+      result.append('-%s:%s' % (project_name, id_str[1:]))
+    else:
+      result.append('%s:%s' % (project_name, id_str))
+  return result
+def split_remove_add(item_list):
+  """Split one list of items into two: items to add and items to remove."""
+  list_to_add = []
+  list_to_remove = []
+  for item in item_list:
+    if item.startswith('-'):
+      list_to_remove.append(item[1:])
+    else:
+      list_to_add.append(item)
+  return list_to_add, list_to_remove
+# TODO(sheyang): batch the SQL queries to fetch projects/issues.
+def issue_global_ids(project_local_id_pairs, project_id, mar, services):
+  """Find global issues ids given <project_name>:<issue_local_id> pairs."""
+  result = []
+  for pair in project_local_id_pairs:
+    issue_project_id = None
+    local_id = None
+    if ':' in pair:
+      pair_ary = pair.split(':')
+      project_name = pair_ary[0]
+      local_id = int(pair_ary[1])
+      project = services.project.GetProjectByName(mar.cnxn, project_name)
+      if not project:
+        raise exceptions.NoSuchProjectException(
+            'Project %s does not exist' % project_name)
+      issue_project_id = project.project_id
+    else:
+      issue_project_id = project_id
+      local_id = int(pair)
+    result.append(
+        services.issue.LookupIssueID(mar.cnxn, issue_project_id, local_id))
+  return result
+def convert_group_settings(group_name, setting):
+  """Convert UserGroupSettings to UserGroupSettingsWrapper."""
+  return api_pb2_v1.UserGroupSettingsWrapper(
+      groupName=group_name,
+      who_can_view_members=setting.who_can_view_members,
+      ext_group_type=setting.ext_group_type,
+      last_sync_time=setting.last_sync_time)
+def convert_component_def(cd, mar, services):
+  """Convert ComponentDef PB to Component PB."""
+  project_name = services.project.LookupProjectNames(
+      mar.cnxn, [cd.project_id])[cd.project_id]
+  user_ids = set()
+  user_ids.update(
+      cd.admin_ids + cd.cc_ids + [cd.creator_id] + [cd.modifier_id])
+  user_names_dict = services.user.LookupUserEmails(mar.cnxn, list(user_ids))
+  component = api_pb2_v1.Component(
+      componentId=cd.component_id,
+      projectName=project_name,
+      componentPath=cd.path,
+      description=cd.docstring,
+      admin=sorted([user_names_dict[uid] for uid in cd.admin_ids]),
+      cc=sorted([user_names_dict[uid] for uid in cd.cc_ids]),
+      deprecated=cd.deprecated)
+  if cd.created:
+    component.created = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(cd.created)
+    component.creator = user_names_dict[cd.creator_id]
+  if cd.modified:
+    component.modified = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(cd.modified)
+    component.modifier = user_names_dict[cd.modifier_id]
+  return component
+def convert_component_ids(config, component_names):
+  """Convert a list of component names to ids."""
+  component_names_lower = [name.lower() for name in component_names]
+  result = []
+  for cd in config.component_defs:
+    cpath = cd.path
+    if cpath.lower() in component_names_lower:
+      result.append(cd.component_id)
+  return result
+def convert_field_values(field_values, mar, services):
+  """Convert user passed in field value list to FieldValue PB, or labels."""
+  fv_list_add = []
+  fv_list_remove = []
+  fv_list_clear = []
+  label_list_add = []
+  label_list_remove = []
+  field_name_dict = {
+      fd.field_name: fd for fd in mar.config.field_defs}
+  for fv in field_values:
+    field_def = field_name_dict.get(fv.fieldName)
+    if not field_def:
+      logging.warning('Custom field %s of does not exist', fv.fieldName)
+      continue
+    if fv.operator == api_pb2_v1.FieldValueOperator.clear:
+      fv_list_clear.append(field_def.field_id)
+      continue
+    # Enum fields are stored as labels
+    if field_def.field_type == tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.ENUM_TYPE:
+      raw_val = '%s-%s' % (fv.fieldName, fv.fieldValue)
+      if fv.operator == api_pb2_v1.FieldValueOperator.remove:
+        label_list_remove.append(raw_val)
+      elif fv.operator == api_pb2_v1.FieldValueOperator.add:
+        label_list_add.append(raw_val)
+      else:  # pragma: no cover
+        logging.warning('Unsupported field value operater %s', fv.operator)
+    else:
+      new_fv = field_helpers.ParseOneFieldValue(
+          mar.cnxn, services.user, field_def, fv.fieldValue)
+      if fv.operator == api_pb2_v1.FieldValueOperator.remove:
+        fv_list_remove.append(new_fv)
+      elif fv.operator == api_pb2_v1.FieldValueOperator.add:
+        fv_list_add.append(new_fv)
+      else:  # pragma: no cover
+        logging.warning('Unsupported field value operater %s', fv.operator)
+  return (fv_list_add, fv_list_remove, fv_list_clear,
+          label_list_add, label_list_remove)
diff --git a/services/ b/services/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20a9c8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/
@@ -0,0 +1,1511 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""API service.
+To manually test this API locally, use the following steps:
+1. Start the development server via 'make serve'.
+2. Start a new Chrome session via the command-line:
+  PATH_TO_CHROME --user-data-dir=/tmp/test \
+  --unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure=http://localhost:8080
+3. Visit http://localhost:8080/_ah/api/explorer
+4. Click shield icon in the omnibar and allow unsafe scripts.
+5. Click on the "Services" menu item in the API Explorer.
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import calendar
+import datetime
+import endpoints
+import functools
+import logging
+import re
+import time
+from google.appengine.api import oauth
+from protorpc import message_types
+from protorpc import protojson
+from protorpc import remote
+import settings
+from businesslogic import work_env
+from features import filterrules_helpers
+from features import send_notifications
+from framework import authdata
+from framework import exceptions
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import framework_helpers
+from framework import framework_views
+from framework import monitoring
+from framework import monorailrequest
+from framework import permissions
+from framework import ratelimiter
+from framework import sql
+from project import project_helpers
+from proto import api_pb2_v1
+from proto import project_pb2
+from proto import tracker_pb2
+from search import frontendsearchpipeline
+from services import api_pb2_v1_helpers
+from services import client_config_svc
+from services import service_manager
+from services import tracker_fulltext
+from sitewide import sitewide_helpers
+from tracker import field_helpers
+from tracker import issuedetailezt
+from tracker import tracker_bizobj
+from tracker import tracker_constants
+from tracker import tracker_helpers
+from infra_libs import ts_mon
+ENDPOINTS_API_NAME = 'monorail'
+DOC_URL = (
+    ''
+    'appengine/monorail/doc/')
+def monorail_api_method(
+    request_message, response_message, **kwargs):
+  """Extends endpoints.method by performing base checks."""
+  time_fn = kwargs.pop('time_fn', time.time)
+  method_name = kwargs.get('name', '')
+  method_path = kwargs.get('path', '')
+  http_method = kwargs.get('http_method', '')
+  def new_decorator(func):
+    @endpoints.method(request_message, response_message, **kwargs)
+    @functools.wraps(func)
+    def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
+      start_time = time_fn()
+      approximate_http_status = 200
+      request = args[0]
+      ret = None
+      c_id = None
+      c_email = None
+      mar = None
+      try:
+        if settings.read_only and http_method.lower() != 'get':
+          raise permissions.PermissionException(
+              'This request is not allowed in read-only mode')
+        requester = endpoints.get_current_user()
+'requester is %r', requester)
+'args is %r', args)
+'kwargs is %r', kwargs)
+        auth_client_ids, auth_emails = (
+            client_config_svc.GetClientConfigSvc().GetClientIDEmails())
+        if settings.local_mode:
+          auth_client_ids.append(endpoints.API_EXPLORER_CLIENT_ID)
+        if self._services is None:
+          self._set_services(service_manager.set_up_services())
+        cnxn = sql.MonorailConnection()
+        c_id, c_email = api_base_checks(
+            request, requester, self._services, cnxn,
+            auth_client_ids, auth_emails)
+        mar = self.mar_factory(request, cnxn)
+        self.ratelimiter.CheckStart(c_id, c_email, start_time)
+        monitoring.IncrementAPIRequestsCount(
+            'endpoints', c_id, client_email=c_email)
+        ret = func(self, mar, *args, **kwargs)
+      except exceptions.NoSuchUserException as e:
+        approximate_http_status = 404
+        raise endpoints.NotFoundException(
+            'The user does not exist: %s' % str(e))
+      except (exceptions.NoSuchProjectException,
+              exceptions.NoSuchIssueException,
+              exceptions.NoSuchComponentException) as e:
+        approximate_http_status = 404
+        raise endpoints.NotFoundException(str(e))
+      except (permissions.BannedUserException,
+              permissions.PermissionException) as e:
+        approximate_http_status = 403
+'Allowlist ID %r email %r', auth_client_ids, auth_emails)
+        raise endpoints.ForbiddenException(str(e))
+      except endpoints.BadRequestException:
+        approximate_http_status = 400
+        raise
+      except endpoints.UnauthorizedException:
+        approximate_http_status = 401
+        # Client will refresh token and retry.
+        raise
+      except oauth.InvalidOAuthTokenError:
+        approximate_http_status = 401
+        # Client will refresh token and retry.
+        raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException(
+            'Auth error: InvalidOAuthTokenError')
+      except (exceptions.GroupExistsException,
+              exceptions.InvalidComponentNameException,
+              ratelimiter.ApiRateLimitExceeded) as e:
+        approximate_http_status = 400
+        raise endpoints.BadRequestException(str(e))
+      except Exception as e:
+        approximate_http_status = 500
+        logging.exception('Unexpected error in monorail API')
+        raise
+      finally:
+        if mar:
+          mar.CleanUp()
+        now = time_fn()
+        if c_id and c_email:
+          self.ratelimiter.CheckEnd(c_id, c_email, now, start_time)
+        _RecordMonitoringStats(
+            start_time, request, ret, (method_name or func.__name__),
+            (method_path or func.__name__), approximate_http_status, now)
+      return ret
+    return wrapper
+  return new_decorator
+def _RecordMonitoringStats(
+    start_time,
+    request,
+    response,
+    method_name,
+    method_path,
+    approximate_http_status,
+    now=None):
+  now = now or time.time()
+  elapsed_ms = int((now - start_time) * 1000)
+  # Use the api name, not the request path, to prevent an explosion in
+  # possible field values.
+  method_identifier = (
+      ENDPOINTS_API_NAME + '.endpoints.' + method_name + '/' + method_path)
+  # Endpoints APIs don't return the full set of http status values.
+  fields = monitoring.GetCommonFields(
+      approximate_http_status, method_identifier)
+  monitoring.AddServerDurations(elapsed_ms, fields)
+  monitoring.IncrementServerResponseStatusCount(fields)
+  request_length = len(protojson.encode_message(request))
+  monitoring.AddServerRequesteBytes(request_length, fields)
+  response_length = 0
+  if response:
+    response_length = len(protojson.encode_message(response))
+  monitoring.AddServerResponseBytes(response_length, fields)
+def _is_requester_in_allowed_domains(requester):
+  if
+    if framework_constants.MONORAIL_SCOPE in oauth.get_authorized_scopes(
+        framework_constants.MONORAIL_SCOPE):
+      return True
+    else:
+"User is not authenticated with monorail scope")
+  return False
+def api_base_checks(request, requester, services, cnxn,
+                    auth_client_ids, auth_emails):
+  """Base checks for API users.
+  Args:
+    request: The HTTP request from Cloud Endpoints.
+    requester: The user who sends the request.
+    services: Services object.
+    cnxn: connection to the SQL database.
+    auth_client_ids: authorized client ids.
+    auth_emails: authorized emails when client is anonymous.
+  Returns:
+    Client ID and client email.
+  Raises:
+    endpoints.UnauthorizedException: If the requester is anonymous.
+    exceptions.NoSuchUserException: If the requester does not exist in Monorail.
+    NoSuchProjectException: If the project does not exist in Monorail.
+    permissions.BannedUserException: If the requester is banned.
+    permissions.PermissionException: If the requester does not have
+        permisssion to view.
+  """
+  valid_user = False
+  auth_err = ''
+  client_id = None
+  try:
+    client_id = oauth.get_client_id(framework_constants.OAUTH_SCOPE)
+'Oauth client ID %s', client_id)
+  except oauth.Error as ex:
+    auth_err = 'oauth.Error: %s' % ex
+  if not requester:
+    try:
+      requester = oauth.get_current_user(framework_constants.OAUTH_SCOPE)
+'Oauth requester %s',
+    except oauth.Error as ex:
+'Got oauth error: %r', ex)
+      auth_err = 'oauth.Error: %s' % ex
+  if client_id and requester:
+    if client_id in auth_client_ids:
+      # A allowlisted client app can make requests for any user or anon.
+'Client ID %r is allowlisted', client_id)
+      valid_user = True
+    elif in auth_emails:
+      # A allowlisted user account can make requests via any client app.
+'Client email %r is allowlisted',
+      valid_user = True
+    elif _is_requester_in_allowed_domains(requester):
+      # A user with an allowed-domain email and authenticated with the
+      # monorail scope is allowed to make requests via any client app.
+          'User email %r is within the allowed domains',
+      valid_user = True
+    else:
+      auth_err = (
+          'Neither client ID %r nor email %r is allowlisted' %
+          (client_id,
+  if not valid_user:
+    raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Auth error: %s' % auth_err)
+  else:
+'API request from user %s:%s', client_id,
+  project_name = None
+  if hasattr(request, 'projectId'):
+    project_name = request.projectId
+  issue_local_id = None
+  if hasattr(request, 'issueId'):
+    issue_local_id = request.issueId
+  # This could raise exceptions.NoSuchUserException
+  requester_id = services.user.LookupUserID(cnxn,
+  auth = authdata.AuthData.FromUserID(cnxn, requester_id, services)
+  if permissions.IsBanned(auth.user_pb, auth.user_view):
+    raise permissions.BannedUserException(
+        'The user %s has been banned from using Monorail' %
+  if project_name:
+    project = services.project.GetProjectByName(
+        cnxn, project_name)
+    if not project:
+      raise exceptions.NoSuchProjectException(
+          'Project %s does not exist' % project_name)
+    if project.state != project_pb2.ProjectState.LIVE:
+      raise permissions.PermissionException(
+          'API may not access project %s because it is not live'
+          % project_name)
+    if not permissions.UserCanViewProject(
+        auth.user_pb, auth.effective_ids, project):
+      raise permissions.PermissionException(
+          'The user %s has no permission for project %s' %
+          (, project_name))
+    if issue_local_id:
+      # This may raise a NoSuchIssueException.
+      issue = services.issue.GetIssueByLocalID(
+          cnxn, project.project_id, issue_local_id)
+      perms = permissions.GetPermissions(
+          auth.user_pb, auth.effective_ids, project)
+      config = services.config.GetProjectConfig(cnxn, project.project_id)
+      granted_perms = tracker_bizobj.GetGrantedPerms(
+          issue, auth.effective_ids, config)
+      if not permissions.CanViewIssue(
+          auth.effective_ids, perms, project, issue,
+          granted_perms=granted_perms):
+        raise permissions.PermissionException(
+            'User is not allowed to view this issue %s:%d' %
+            (project_name, issue_local_id))
+  return client_id,
+@endpoints.api(name=ENDPOINTS_API_NAME, version='v1',
+               description='Monorail API to manage issues.',
+               auth_level=endpoints.AUTH_LEVEL.NONE,
+               allowed_client_ids=endpoints.SKIP_CLIENT_ID_CHECK,
+               documentation=DOC_URL)
+class MonorailApi(remote.Service):
+  # Class variables. Handy to mock.
+  _services = None
+  _mar = None
+  ratelimiter = ratelimiter.ApiRateLimiter()
+  @classmethod
+  def _set_services(cls, services):
+    cls._services = services
+  def mar_factory(self, request, cnxn):
+    if not self._mar:
+      self._mar = monorailrequest.MonorailApiRequest(
+          request, self._services, cnxn=cnxn)
+    return self._mar
+  def aux_delete_comment(self, mar, request, delete=True):
+    action_name = 'delete' if delete else 'undelete'
+    with work_env.WorkEnv(mar, self._services) as we:
+      issue = we.GetIssueByLocalID(
+          mar.project_id, request.issueId, use_cache=False)
+      all_comments = we.ListIssueComments(issue)
+      try:
+        issue_comment = all_comments[request.commentId]
+      except IndexError:
+        raise exceptions.NoSuchIssueException(
+              'The issue %s:%d does not have comment %d.' %
+              (mar.project_name, request.issueId, request.commentId))
+      issue_perms = permissions.UpdateIssuePermissions(
+          mar.perms, mar.project, issue, mar.auth.effective_ids,
+          granted_perms=mar.granted_perms)
+      commenter = we.GetUser(issue_comment.user_id)
+      if not permissions.CanDeleteComment(
+          issue_comment, commenter, mar.auth.user_id, issue_perms):
+        raise permissions.PermissionException(
+              'User is not allowed to %s the comment %d of issue %s:%d' %
+              (action_name, request.commentId, mar.project_name,
+               request.issueId))
+      we.DeleteComment(issue, issue_comment, delete=delete)
+    return api_pb2_v1.IssuesCommentsDeleteResponse()
+  @monorail_api_method(
+      api_pb2_v1.IssuesCommentsDeleteResponse,
+      path='projects/{projectId}/issues/{issueId}/comments/{commentId}',
+      http_method='DELETE',
+      name='issues.comments.delete')
+  def issues_comments_delete(self, mar, request):
+    """Delete a comment."""
+    return self.aux_delete_comment(mar, request, True)
+  def parse_imported_reporter(self, mar, request):
+    """Handle the case where an API client is importing issues for users.
+    Args:
+      mar: monorail API request object including auth and perms.
+      request: A request PB that defines author and published fields.
+    Returns:
+      A pair (reporter_id, timestamp) with the user ID of the user to
+      attribute the comment to and timestamp of the original comment.
+      If the author field is not set, this is not an import request
+      and the comment is attributed to the API client as per normal.
+      An API client that is attempting to post on behalf of other
+      users must have the ImportComment permission in the current
+      project.
+    """
+    reporter_id = mar.auth.user_id
+    timestamp = None
+    if ( and and
+ !=
+      if not mar.perms.HasPerm(
+          permissions.IMPORT_COMMENT, mar.auth.user_id, mar.project):
+'name is %r',
+        raise permissions.PermissionException(
+            'User is not allowed to attribue comments to others')
+      reporter_id = self._services.user.LookupUserID(
+              mar.cnxn,, autocreate=True)
+'Importing issue or comment.')
+      if request.published:
+        timestamp = calendar.timegm(request.published.utctimetuple())
+    return reporter_id, timestamp
+  @monorail_api_method(
+      api_pb2_v1.IssuesCommentsInsertResponse,
+      path='projects/{projectId}/issues/{issueId}/comments',
+      http_method='POST',
+      name='issues.comments.insert')
+  def issues_comments_insert(self, mar, request):
+    # type (...) -> proto.api_pb2_v1.IssuesCommentsInsertResponse
+    """Add a comment."""
+    # Because we will modify issues, load from DB rather than cache.
+    issue = self._services.issue.GetIssueByLocalID(
+        mar.cnxn, mar.project_id, request.issueId, use_cache=False)
+    old_owner_id = tracker_bizobj.GetOwnerId(issue)
+    if not permissions.CanCommentIssue(
+        mar.auth.effective_ids, mar.perms, mar.project, issue,
+        mar.granted_perms):
+      raise permissions.PermissionException(
+          'User is not allowed to comment this issue (%s, %d)' %
+          (request.projectId, request.issueId))
+    # Temporary block on updating approval subfields.
+    if request.updates and request.updates.fieldValues:
+      fds_by_name = {fd.field_name.lower():fd for fd in mar.config.field_defs}
+      for fv in request.updates.fieldValues:
+        # Checking for fv.approvalName is unreliable since it can be removed.
+        fd = fds_by_name.get(fv.fieldName.lower())
+        if fd and fd.approval_id:
+          raise exceptions.ActionNotSupported(
+              'No API support for approval field changes: (approval %s owns %s)'
+              % (fd.approval_id, fd.field_name))
+        # if fd was None, that gets dealt with later.
+    if request.content and len(
+        request.content) > tracker_constants.MAX_COMMENT_CHARS:
+      raise endpoints.BadRequestException(
+          'Comment is too long on this issue (%s, %d' %
+          (request.projectId, request.issueId))
+    updates_dict = {}
+    move_to_project = None
+    if request.updates:
+      if not permissions.CanEditIssue(
+          mar.auth.effective_ids, mar.perms, mar.project, issue,
+          mar.granted_perms):
+        raise permissions.PermissionException(
+            'User is not allowed to edit this issue (%s, %d)' %
+            (request.projectId, request.issueId))
+      if request.updates.moveToProject:
+        move_to = request.updates.moveToProject.lower()
+        move_to_project = issuedetailezt.CheckMoveIssueRequest(
+            self._services, mar, issue, True, move_to, mar.errors)
+        if mar.errors.AnyErrors():
+          raise endpoints.BadRequestException(mar.errors.move_to)
+      updates_dict['summary'] = request.updates.summary
+      updates_dict['status'] = request.updates.status
+      updates_dict['is_description'] = request.updates.is_description
+      if request.updates.owner:
+        # A current issue owner can be removed via the API with a
+        # NO_USER_NAME('----') input.
+        if request.updates.owner == framework_constants.NO_USER_NAME:
+          updates_dict['owner'] = framework_constants.NO_USER_SPECIFIED
+        else:
+          new_owner_id = self._services.user.LookupUserID(
+              mar.cnxn, request.updates.owner)
+          valid, msg = tracker_helpers.IsValidIssueOwner(
+              mar.cnxn, mar.project, new_owner_id, self._services)
+          if not valid:
+            raise endpoints.BadRequestException(msg)
+          updates_dict['owner'] = new_owner_id
+      updates_dict['cc_add'], updates_dict['cc_remove'] = (
+          api_pb2_v1_helpers.split_remove_add(
+      updates_dict['cc_add'] = list(self._services.user.LookupUserIDs(
+          mar.cnxn, updates_dict['cc_add'], autocreate=True).values())
+      updates_dict['cc_remove'] = list(self._services.user.LookupUserIDs(
+          mar.cnxn, updates_dict['cc_remove']).values())
+      updates_dict['labels_add'], updates_dict['labels_remove'] = (
+          api_pb2_v1_helpers.split_remove_add(request.updates.labels))
+      blocked_on_add_strs, blocked_on_remove_strs = (
+          api_pb2_v1_helpers.split_remove_add(request.updates.blockedOn))
+      updates_dict['blocked_on_add'] = api_pb2_v1_helpers.issue_global_ids(
+          blocked_on_add_strs, issue.project_id, mar,
+          self._services)
+      updates_dict['blocked_on_remove'] = api_pb2_v1_helpers.issue_global_ids(
+          blocked_on_remove_strs, issue.project_id, mar,
+          self._services)
+      blocking_add_strs, blocking_remove_strs = (
+          api_pb2_v1_helpers.split_remove_add(request.updates.blocking))
+      updates_dict['blocking_add'] = api_pb2_v1_helpers.issue_global_ids(
+          blocking_add_strs, issue.project_id, mar,
+          self._services)
+      updates_dict['blocking_remove'] = api_pb2_v1_helpers.issue_global_ids(
+          blocking_remove_strs, issue.project_id, mar,
+          self._services)
+      components_add_strs, components_remove_strs = (
+          api_pb2_v1_helpers.split_remove_add(request.updates.components))
+      updates_dict['components_add'] = (
+          api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_component_ids(
+              mar.config, components_add_strs))
+      updates_dict['components_remove'] = (
+          api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_component_ids(
+              mar.config, components_remove_strs))
+      if request.updates.mergedInto:
+        merge_project_name, merge_local_id = tracker_bizobj.ParseIssueRef(
+            request.updates.mergedInto)
+        merge_into_project = self._services.project.GetProjectByName(
+            mar.cnxn, merge_project_name or issue.project_name)
+        # Because we will modify issues, load from DB rather than cache.
+        merge_into_issue = self._services.issue.GetIssueByLocalID(
+            mar.cnxn, merge_into_project.project_id, merge_local_id,
+            use_cache=False)
+        merge_allowed = tracker_helpers.IsMergeAllowed(
+            merge_into_issue, mar, self._services)
+        if not merge_allowed:
+          raise permissions.PermissionException(
+            'User is not allowed to merge into issue %s:%s' %
+            (merge_into_issue.project_name, merge_into_issue.local_id))
+        updates_dict['merged_into'] = merge_into_issue.issue_id
+      (updates_dict['field_vals_add'], updates_dict['field_vals_remove'],
+       updates_dict['fields_clear'], updates_dict['fields_labels_add'],
+       updates_dict['fields_labels_remove']) = (
+          api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_field_values(
+              request.updates.fieldValues, mar, self._services))
+    field_helpers.ValidateCustomFields(
+        mar.cnxn, self._services,
+        (updates_dict.get('field_vals_add', []) +
+         updates_dict.get('field_vals_remove', [])),
+        mar.config, mar.project, ezt_errors=mar.errors)
+    if mar.errors.AnyErrors():
+      raise endpoints.BadRequestException(
+          'Invalid field values: %s' % mar.errors.custom_fields)
+    updates_dict['labels_add'] = (
+        updates_dict.get('labels_add', []) +
+        updates_dict.get('fields_labels_add', []))
+    updates_dict['labels_remove'] = (
+        updates_dict.get('labels_remove', []) +
+        updates_dict.get('fields_labels_remove', []))
+    # TODO(jrobbins): Stop using updates_dict in the first place.
+    delta = tracker_bizobj.MakeIssueDelta(
+        updates_dict.get('status'),
+        updates_dict.get('owner'),
+        updates_dict.get('cc_add', []),
+        updates_dict.get('cc_remove', []),
+        updates_dict.get('components_add', []),
+        updates_dict.get('components_remove', []),
+        (updates_dict.get('labels_add', []) +
+         updates_dict.get('fields_labels_add', [])),
+        (updates_dict.get('labels_remove', []) +
+         updates_dict.get('fields_labels_remove', [])),
+        updates_dict.get('field_vals_add', []),
+        updates_dict.get('field_vals_remove', []),
+        updates_dict.get('fields_clear', []),
+        updates_dict.get('blocked_on_add', []),
+        updates_dict.get('blocked_on_remove', []),
+        updates_dict.get('blocking_add', []),
+        updates_dict.get('blocking_remove', []),
+        updates_dict.get('merged_into'),
+        updates_dict.get('summary'))
+    importer_id = None
+    reporter_id, timestamp = self.parse_imported_reporter(mar, request)
+    if reporter_id != mar.auth.user_id:
+      importer_id = mar.auth.user_id
+    # TODO(jrobbins): Finish refactoring to make everything go through work_env.
+    _, comment = self._services.issue.DeltaUpdateIssue(
+        cnxn=mar.cnxn, services=self._services,
+        reporter_id=reporter_id, project_id=mar.project_id, config=mar.config,
+        issue=issue, delta=delta, index_now=False, comment=request.content,
+        is_description=updates_dict.get('is_description'),
+        timestamp=timestamp, importer_id=importer_id)
+    move_comment = None
+    if move_to_project:
+      old_text_ref = 'issue %s:%s' % (issue.project_name, issue.local_id)
+      tracker_fulltext.UnindexIssues([issue.issue_id])
+      moved_back_iids = self._services.issue.MoveIssues(
+          mar.cnxn, move_to_project, [issue], self._services.user)
+      new_text_ref = 'issue %s:%s' % (issue.project_name, issue.local_id)
+      if issue.issue_id in moved_back_iids:
+        content = 'Moved %s back to %s again.' % (old_text_ref, new_text_ref)
+      else:
+        content = 'Moved %s to now be %s.' % (old_text_ref, new_text_ref)
+      move_comment = self._services.issue.CreateIssueComment(
+        mar.cnxn, issue, mar.auth.user_id, content, amendments=[
+            tracker_bizobj.MakeProjectAmendment(move_to_project.project_name)])
+    if 'merged_into' in updates_dict:
+      new_starrers = tracker_helpers.GetNewIssueStarrers(
+          mar.cnxn, self._services, [issue.issue_id], merge_into_issue.issue_id)
+      tracker_helpers.AddIssueStarrers(
+          mar.cnxn, self._services, mar,
+          merge_into_issue.issue_id, merge_into_project, new_starrers)
+      # Load target issue again to get the updated star count.
+      merge_into_issue = self._services.issue.GetIssue(
+        mar.cnxn, merge_into_issue.issue_id, use_cache=False)
+      merge_comment_pb = tracker_helpers.MergeCCsAndAddComment(
+        self._services, mar, issue, merge_into_issue)
+      hostport = framework_helpers.GetHostPort(
+          project_name=merge_into_issue.project_name)
+      send_notifications.PrepareAndSendIssueChangeNotification(
+          merge_into_issue.issue_id, hostport,
+          mar.auth.user_id, send_email=True,
+    tracker_fulltext.IndexIssues(
+        mar.cnxn, [issue], self._services.user, self._services.issue,
+        self._services.config)
+    comment = comment or move_comment
+    if comment is None:
+      return api_pb2_v1.IssuesCommentsInsertResponse()
+    cmnts = self._services.issue.GetCommentsForIssue(mar.cnxn, issue.issue_id)
+    seq = len(cmnts) - 1
+    if request.sendEmail:
+      hostport = framework_helpers.GetHostPort(project_name=issue.project_name)
+      send_notifications.PrepareAndSendIssueChangeNotification(
+          issue.issue_id, hostport, comment.user_id, send_email=True,
+          old_owner_id=old_owner_id,
+    issue_perms = permissions.UpdateIssuePermissions(
+        mar.perms, mar.project, issue, mar.auth.effective_ids,
+        granted_perms=mar.granted_perms)
+    commenter = self._services.user.GetUser(mar.cnxn, comment.user_id)
+    can_delete = permissions.CanDeleteComment(
+        comment, commenter, mar.auth.user_id, issue_perms)
+    return api_pb2_v1.IssuesCommentsInsertResponse(
+        id=seq,
+        kind='monorail#issueComment',
+        author=api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_person(
+            comment.user_id, mar.cnxn, self._services),
+        content=comment.content,
+        published=datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(comment.timestamp),
+        updates=api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_amendments(
+            issue, comment.amendments, mar, self._services),
+        canDelete=can_delete)
+  @monorail_api_method(
+      api_pb2_v1.IssuesCommentsListResponse,
+      path='projects/{projectId}/issues/{issueId}/comments',
+      http_method='GET',
+      name='issues.comments.list')
+  def issues_comments_list(self, mar, request):
+    """List all comments for an issue."""
+    issue = self._services.issue.GetIssueByLocalID(
+        mar.cnxn, mar.project_id, request.issueId)
+    comments = self._services.issue.GetCommentsForIssue(
+        mar.cnxn, issue.issue_id)
+    comments = [comment for comment in comments if not comment.approval_id]
+    visible_comments = []
+    for comment in comments[
+        request.startIndex:(request.startIndex + request.maxResults)]:
+      visible_comments.append(
+          api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_comment(
+              issue, comment, mar, self._services, mar.granted_perms))
+    return api_pb2_v1.IssuesCommentsListResponse(
+        kind='monorail#issueCommentList',
+        totalResults=len(comments),
+        items=visible_comments)
+  @monorail_api_method(
+      api_pb2_v1.IssuesCommentsDeleteResponse,
+      path='projects/{projectId}/issues/{issueId}/comments/{commentId}',
+      http_method='POST',
+      name='issues.comments.undelete')
+  def issues_comments_undelete(self, mar, request):
+    """Restore a deleted comment."""
+    return self.aux_delete_comment(mar, request, False)
+  @monorail_api_method(
+      api_pb2_v1.ApprovalsCommentsListResponse,
+      path='projects/{projectId}/issues/{issueId}/'
+            'approvals/{approvalName}/comments',
+      http_method='GET',
+      name='approvals.comments.list')
+  def approvals_comments_list(self, mar, request):
+    """List all comments for an issue approval."""
+    issue = self._services.issue.GetIssueByLocalID(
+        mar.cnxn, mar.project_id, request.issueId)
+    if not permissions.CanViewIssue(
+        mar.auth.effective_ids, mar.perms, mar.project, issue,
+        mar.granted_perms):
+      raise permissions.PermissionException(
+          'User is not allowed to view this issue (%s, %d)' %
+          (request.projectId, request.issueId))
+    config = self._services.config.GetProjectConfig(mar.cnxn, issue.project_id)
+    approval_fd = tracker_bizobj.FindFieldDef(request.approvalName, config)
+    if not approval_fd:
+      raise endpoints.BadRequestException(
+          'Field definition for %s not found in project config' %
+          request.approvalName)
+    comments = self._services.issue.GetCommentsForIssue(
+        mar.cnxn, issue.issue_id)
+    comments = [comment for comment in comments
+                if comment.approval_id == approval_fd.field_id]
+    visible_comments = []
+    for comment in comments[
+        request.startIndex:(request.startIndex + request.maxResults)]:
+      visible_comments.append(
+          api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_approval_comment(
+              issue, comment, mar, self._services, mar.granted_perms))
+    return api_pb2_v1.ApprovalsCommentsListResponse(
+        kind='monorail#approvalCommentList',
+        totalResults=len(comments),
+        items=visible_comments)
+  @monorail_api_method(
+      api_pb2_v1.ApprovalsCommentsInsertResponse,
+      path=("projects/{projectId}/issues/{issueId}/"
+            "approvals/{approvalName}/comments"),
+      http_method='POST',
+      name='approvals.comments.insert')
+  def approvals_comments_insert(self, mar, request):
+    # type (...) -> proto.api_pb2_v1.ApprovalsCommentsInsertResponse
+    """Add an approval comment."""
+    approval_fd = tracker_bizobj.FindFieldDef(
+        request.approvalName, mar.config)
+    if not approval_fd or (
+        approval_fd.field_type != tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.APPROVAL_TYPE):
+      raise endpoints.BadRequestException(
+          'Field definition for %s not found in project config' %
+          request.approvalName)
+    try:
+      issue = self._services.issue.GetIssueByLocalID(
+          mar.cnxn, mar.project_id, request.issueId)
+    except exceptions.NoSuchIssueException:
+      raise endpoints.BadRequestException(
+          'Issue %s:%s not found' % (request.projectId, request.issueId))
+    approval = tracker_bizobj.FindApprovalValueByID(
+        approval_fd.field_id, issue.approval_values)
+    if not approval:
+      raise endpoints.BadRequestException(
+          'Approval %s not found in issue.' % request.approvalName)
+    if not permissions.CanCommentIssue(
+        mar.auth.effective_ids, mar.perms, mar.project, issue,
+        mar.granted_perms):
+      raise permissions.PermissionException(
+          'User is not allowed to comment on this issue (%s, %d)' %
+          (request.projectId, request.issueId))
+    if request.content and len(
+        request.content) > tracker_constants.MAX_COMMENT_CHARS:
+      raise endpoints.BadRequestException(
+          'Comment is too long on this issue (%s, %d' %
+          (request.projectId, request.issueId))
+    updates_dict = {}
+    if request.approvalUpdates:
+      if request.approvalUpdates.fieldValues:
+        # Block updating field values that don't belong to the approval.
+        approvals_fds_by_name = {
+            fd.field_name.lower():fd for fd in mar.config.field_defs
+            if fd.approval_id == approval_fd.field_id}
+        for fv in request.approvalUpdates.fieldValues:
+          if approvals_fds_by_name.get(fv.fieldName.lower()) is None:
+            raise endpoints.BadRequestException(
+              'Field defition for %s not found in %s subfields.' %
+              (fv.fieldName, request.approvalName))
+        (updates_dict['field_vals_add'], updates_dict['field_vals_remove'],
+         updates_dict['fields_clear'], updates_dict['fields_labels_add'],
+         updates_dict['fields_labels_remove']) = (
+             api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_field_values(
+                 request.approvalUpdates.fieldValues, mar, self._services))
+      if request.approvalUpdates.approvers:
+        if not permissions.CanUpdateApprovers(
+            mar.auth.effective_ids, mar.perms, mar.project,
+            approval.approver_ids):
+          raise permissions.PermissionException(
+              'User is not allowed to update approvers')
+        approvers_add, approvers_remove = api_pb2_v1_helpers.split_remove_add(
+            request.approvalUpdates.approvers)
+        updates_dict['approver_ids_add'] = list(
+            self._services.user.LookupUserIDs(mar.cnxn, approvers_add,
+              autocreate=True).values())
+        updates_dict['approver_ids_remove'] = list(
+            self._services.user.LookupUserIDs(mar.cnxn, approvers_remove,
+              autocreate=True).values())
+      if request.approvalUpdates.status:
+        status = tracker_pb2.ApprovalStatus(
+            api_pb2_v1.ApprovalStatus(request.approvalUpdates.status).number)
+        if not permissions.CanUpdateApprovalStatus(
+            mar.auth.effective_ids, mar.perms, mar.project,
+            approval.approver_ids, status):
+          raise permissions.PermissionException(
+              'User is not allowed to make this status change')
+        updates_dict['status'] = status
+    approval_delta = tracker_bizobj.MakeApprovalDelta(
+        updates_dict.get('status'), mar.auth.user_id,
+        updates_dict.get('approver_ids_add', []),
+        updates_dict.get('approver_ids_remove', []),
+        updates_dict.get('field_vals_add', []),
+        updates_dict.get('field_vals_remove', []),
+        updates_dict.get('fields_clear', []),
+        updates_dict.get('fields_labels_add', []),
+        updates_dict.get('fields_labels_remove', []))
+    comment = self._services.issue.DeltaUpdateIssueApproval(
+        mar.cnxn, mar.auth.user_id, mar.config, issue, approval, approval_delta,
+        comment_content=request.content,
+        is_description=request.is_description)
+    cmnts = self._services.issue.GetCommentsForIssue(mar.cnxn, issue.issue_id)
+    seq = len(cmnts) - 1
+    if request.sendEmail:
+      hostport = framework_helpers.GetHostPort(project_name=issue.project_name)
+      send_notifications.PrepareAndSendApprovalChangeNotification(
+          issue.issue_id, approval.approval_id,
+          hostport,, send_email=True)
+    issue_perms = permissions.UpdateIssuePermissions(
+        mar.perms, mar.project, issue, mar.auth.effective_ids,
+        granted_perms=mar.granted_perms)
+    commenter = self._services.user.GetUser(mar.cnxn, comment.user_id)
+    can_delete = permissions.CanDeleteComment(
+        comment, commenter, mar.auth.user_id, issue_perms)
+    return api_pb2_v1.ApprovalsCommentsInsertResponse(
+        id=seq,
+        kind='monorail#approvalComment',
+        author=api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_person(
+            comment.user_id, mar.cnxn, self._services),
+        content=comment.content,
+        published=datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(comment.timestamp),
+        approvalUpdates=api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_approval_amendments(
+            comment.amendments, mar, self._services),
+        canDelete=can_delete)
+  @monorail_api_method(
+      api_pb2_v1.UsersGetResponse,
+      path='users/{userId}',
+      http_method='GET',
+      name='users.get')
+  def users_get(self, mar, request):
+    """Get a user."""
+    owner_project_only = request.ownerProjectsOnly
+    with work_env.WorkEnv(mar, self._services) as we:
+      (visible_ownership, visible_deleted, visible_membership,
+       visible_contrib) = we.GetUserProjects(
+           mar.viewed_user_auth.effective_ids)
+    project_list = []
+    for proj in (visible_ownership + visible_deleted):
+      config = self._services.config.GetProjectConfig(
+          mar.cnxn, proj.project_id)
+      templates = self._services.template.GetProjectTemplates(
+          mar.cnxn, config.project_id)
+      proj_result = api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_project(
+          proj, config, api_pb2_v1.Role.owner, templates)
+      project_list.append(proj_result)
+    if not owner_project_only:
+      for proj in visible_membership:
+        config = self._services.config.GetProjectConfig(
+            mar.cnxn, proj.project_id)
+        templates = self._services.template.GetProjectTemplates(
+            mar.cnxn, config.project_id)
+        proj_result = api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_project(
+            proj, config, api_pb2_v1.Role.member, templates)
+        project_list.append(proj_result)
+      for proj in visible_contrib:
+        config = self._services.config.GetProjectConfig(
+            mar.cnxn, proj.project_id)
+        templates = self._services.template.GetProjectTemplates(
+            mar.cnxn, config.project_id)
+        proj_result = api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_project(
+            proj, config, api_pb2_v1.Role.contributor, templates)
+        project_list.append(proj_result)
+    return api_pb2_v1.UsersGetResponse(
+        id=str(mar.viewed_user_auth.user_id),
+        kind='monorail#user',
+        projects=project_list,
+    )
+  @monorail_api_method(
+      api_pb2_v1.IssuesGetInsertResponse,
+      path='projects/{projectId}/issues/{issueId}',
+      http_method='GET',
+      name='issues.get')
+  def issues_get(self, mar, request):
+    """Get an issue."""
+    issue = self._services.issue.GetIssueByLocalID(
+        mar.cnxn, mar.project_id, request.issueId)
+    return api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_issue(
+        api_pb2_v1.IssuesGetInsertResponse, issue, mar, self._services)
+  @monorail_api_method(
+      api_pb2_v1.IssuesGetInsertResponse,
+      path='projects/{projectId}/issues',
+      http_method='POST',
+      name='issues.insert')
+  def issues_insert(self, mar, request):
+    """Add a new issue."""
+    if not mar.perms.CanUsePerm(
+        permissions.CREATE_ISSUE, mar.auth.effective_ids, mar.project, []):
+      raise permissions.PermissionException(
+          'The requester %s is not allowed to create issues for project %s.' %
+          (, mar.project_name))
+    with work_env.WorkEnv(mar, self._services) as we:
+      owner_id = framework_constants.NO_USER_SPECIFIED
+      if request.owner and
+        try:
+          owner_id = self._services.user.LookupUserID(
+              mar.cnxn,
+        except exceptions.NoSuchUserException:
+          raise endpoints.BadRequestException(
+              'The specified owner %s does not exist.' %
+      cc_ids = []
+ = [cc for cc in if cc]
+      if
+        cc_ids = list(self._services.user.LookupUserIDs(
+            mar.cnxn, [ for ap in],
+            autocreate=True).values())
+      comp_ids = api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_component_ids(
+          mar.config, request.components)
+      fields_add, _, _, fields_labels, _ = (
+          api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_field_values(
+              request.fieldValues, mar, self._services))
+      field_helpers.ValidateCustomFields(
+          mar.cnxn, self._services, fields_add, mar.config, mar.project,
+          ezt_errors=mar.errors)
+      if mar.errors.AnyErrors():
+        raise endpoints.BadRequestException(
+            'Invalid field values: %s' % mar.errors.custom_fields)
+' is %r',
+      reporter_id, timestamp = self.parse_imported_reporter(mar, request)
+      # To preserve previous behavior, do not raise filter rule errors.
+      try:
+        new_issue, _ = we.CreateIssue(
+            mar.project_id,
+            request.summary,
+            request.status,
+            owner_id,
+            cc_ids,
+            request.labels + fields_labels,
+            fields_add,
+            comp_ids,
+            request.description,
+            blocked_on=api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_issueref_pbs(
+                request.blockedOn, mar, self._services),
+            blocking=api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_issueref_pbs(
+                request.blocking, mar, self._services),
+            reporter_id=reporter_id,
+            timestamp=timestamp,
+            send_email=request.sendEmail,
+            raise_filter_errors=False)
+        we.StarIssue(new_issue, True)
+      except exceptions.InputException as e:
+        raise endpoints.BadRequestException(str(e))
+    return api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_issue(
+        api_pb2_v1.IssuesGetInsertResponse, new_issue, mar, self._services)
+  @monorail_api_method(
+      api_pb2_v1.IssuesListResponse,
+      path='projects/{projectId}/issues',
+      http_method='GET',
+      name='issues.list')
+  def issues_list(self, mar, request):
+    """List issues for projects."""
+    if request.additionalProject:
+      for project_name in request.additionalProject:
+        project = self._services.project.GetProjectByName(
+            mar.cnxn, project_name)
+        if project and not permissions.UserCanViewProject(
+            mar.auth.user_pb, mar.auth.effective_ids, project):
+          raise permissions.PermissionException(
+              'The user %s has no permission for project %s' %
+              (, project_name))
+    # TODO(jrobbins): This should go through work_env.
+    pipeline = frontendsearchpipeline.FrontendSearchPipeline(
+        mar.cnxn,
+        self._services,
+        mar.auth, [mar.me_user_id],
+        mar.query,
+        mar.query_project_names,
+        mar.num,
+        mar.start,
+        mar.can,
+        mar.group_by_spec,
+        mar.sort_spec,
+        mar.warnings,
+        mar.errors,
+        mar.use_cached_searches,
+        mar.profiler,
+        project=mar.project)
+    if not mar.errors.AnyErrors():
+      pipeline.SearchForIIDs()
+      pipeline.MergeAndSortIssues()
+      pipeline.Paginate()
+    else:
+      raise endpoints.BadRequestException(mar.errors.query)
+    issue_list = [
+        api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_issue(
+            api_pb2_v1.IssueWrapper, r, mar, self._services)
+        for r in pipeline.visible_results]
+    return api_pb2_v1.IssuesListResponse(
+        kind='monorail#issueList',
+        totalResults=pipeline.total_count,
+        items=issue_list)
+  @monorail_api_method(
+      api_pb2_v1.GroupsSettingsListResponse,
+      path='groupsettings',
+      http_method='GET',
+      name='groups.settings.list')
+  def groups_settings_list(self, mar, request):
+    """List all group settings."""
+    all_groups = self._services.usergroup.GetAllUserGroupsInfo(mar.cnxn)
+    group_settings = []
+    for g in all_groups:
+      setting = g[2]
+      wrapper = api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_group_settings(g[0], setting)
+      if not request.importedGroupsOnly or wrapper.ext_group_type:
+        group_settings.append(wrapper)
+    return api_pb2_v1.GroupsSettingsListResponse(
+        groupSettings=group_settings)
+  @monorail_api_method(
+      api_pb2_v1.GroupsCreateResponse,
+      path='groups',
+      http_method='POST',
+      name='groups.create')
+  def groups_create(self, mar, request):
+    """Create a new user group."""
+    if not permissions.CanCreateGroup(mar.perms):
+      raise permissions.PermissionException(
+          'The user is not allowed to create groups.')
+    user_dict = self._services.user.LookupExistingUserIDs(
+        mar.cnxn, [request.groupName])
+    if request.groupName.lower() in user_dict:
+      raise exceptions.GroupExistsException(
+          'group %s already exists' % request.groupName)
+    if request.ext_group_type:
+      ext_group_type = str(request.ext_group_type).lower()
+    else:
+      ext_group_type = None
+    group_id = self._services.usergroup.CreateGroup(
+        mar.cnxn, self._services, request.groupName,
+        str(request.who_can_view_members).lower(),
+        ext_group_type)
+    return api_pb2_v1.GroupsCreateResponse(
+        groupID=group_id)
+  @monorail_api_method(
+      api_pb2_v1.GroupsGetResponse,
+      path='groups/{groupName}',
+      http_method='GET',
+      name='groups.get')
+  def groups_get(self, mar, request):
+    """Get a group's settings and users."""
+    if not mar.viewed_user_auth:
+      raise exceptions.NoSuchUserException(request.groupName)
+    group_id = mar.viewed_user_auth.user_id
+    group_settings = self._services.usergroup.GetGroupSettings(
+        mar.cnxn, group_id)
+    member_ids, owner_ids = self._services.usergroup.LookupAllMembers(
+          mar.cnxn, [group_id])
+    (owned_project_ids, membered_project_ids,
+     contrib_project_ids) = self._services.project.GetUserRolesInAllProjects(
+         mar.cnxn, mar.auth.effective_ids)
+    project_ids = owned_project_ids.union(
+        membered_project_ids).union(contrib_project_ids)
+    if not permissions.CanViewGroupMembers(
+        mar.perms, mar.auth.effective_ids, group_settings, member_ids[group_id],
+        owner_ids[group_id], project_ids):
+      raise permissions.PermissionException(
+          'The user is not allowed to view this group.')
+    member_ids, owner_ids = self._services.usergroup.LookupMembers(
+        mar.cnxn, [group_id])
+    member_emails = list(self._services.user.LookupUserEmails(
+        mar.cnxn, member_ids[group_id]).values())
+    owner_emails = list(self._services.user.LookupUserEmails(
+        mar.cnxn, owner_ids[group_id]).values())
+    return api_pb2_v1.GroupsGetResponse(
+      groupID=group_id,
+      groupSettings=api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_group_settings(
+          request.groupName, group_settings),
+      groupOwners=owner_emails,
+      groupMembers=member_emails)
+  @monorail_api_method(
+      api_pb2_v1.GroupsUpdateResponse,
+      path='groups/{groupName}',
+      http_method='POST',
+      name='groups.update')
+  def groups_update(self, mar, request):
+    """Update a group's settings and users."""
+    group_id = mar.viewed_user_auth.user_id
+    member_ids_dict, owner_ids_dict = self._services.usergroup.LookupMembers(
+        mar.cnxn, [group_id])
+    owner_ids = owner_ids_dict.get(group_id, [])
+    member_ids = member_ids_dict.get(group_id, [])
+    if not permissions.CanEditGroup(
+        mar.perms, mar.auth.effective_ids, owner_ids):
+      raise permissions.PermissionException(
+          'The user is not allowed to edit this group.')
+    group_settings = self._services.usergroup.GetGroupSettings(
+        mar.cnxn, group_id)
+    if (request.who_can_view_members or request.ext_group_type
+        or request.last_sync_time or request.friend_projects):
+      group_settings.who_can_view_members = (
+          request.who_can_view_members or group_settings.who_can_view_members)
+      group_settings.ext_group_type = (
+          request.ext_group_type or group_settings.ext_group_type)
+      group_settings.last_sync_time = (
+          request.last_sync_time or group_settings.last_sync_time)
+      if framework_constants.NO_VALUES in request.friend_projects:
+        group_settings.friend_projects = []
+      else:
+        id_dict = self._services.project.LookupProjectIDs(
+            mar.cnxn, request.friend_projects)
+        group_settings.friend_projects = (
+            list(id_dict.values()) or group_settings.friend_projects)
+      self._services.usergroup.UpdateSettings(
+          mar.cnxn, group_id, group_settings)
+    if request.groupOwners or request.groupMembers:
+      self._services.usergroup.RemoveMembers(
+          mar.cnxn, group_id, owner_ids + member_ids)
+      owners_dict = self._services.user.LookupUserIDs(
+          mar.cnxn, request.groupOwners, autocreate=True)
+      self._services.usergroup.UpdateMembers(
+          mar.cnxn, group_id, list(owners_dict.values()), 'owner')
+      members_dict = self._services.user.LookupUserIDs(
+          mar.cnxn, request.groupMembers, autocreate=True)
+      self._services.usergroup.UpdateMembers(
+          mar.cnxn, group_id, list(members_dict.values()), 'member')
+    return api_pb2_v1.GroupsUpdateResponse()
+  @monorail_api_method(
+      api_pb2_v1.ComponentsListResponse,
+      path='projects/{projectId}/components',
+      http_method='GET',
+      name='components.list')
+  def components_list(self, mar, _request):
+    """List all components of a given project."""
+    config = self._services.config.GetProjectConfig(mar.cnxn, mar.project_id)
+    components = [api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_component_def(
+        cd, mar, self._services) for cd in config.component_defs]
+    return api_pb2_v1.ComponentsListResponse(
+        components=components)
+  @monorail_api_method(
+      api_pb2_v1.Component,
+      path='projects/{projectId}/components',
+      http_method='POST',
+      name='components.create')
+  def components_create(self, mar, request):
+    """Create a component."""
+    if not mar.perms.CanUsePerm(
+        permissions.EDIT_PROJECT, mar.auth.effective_ids, mar.project, []):
+      raise permissions.PermissionException(
+          'User is not allowed to create components for this project')
+    config = self._services.config.GetProjectConfig(mar.cnxn, mar.project_id)
+    leaf_name = request.componentName
+    if not tracker_constants.COMPONENT_NAME_RE.match(leaf_name):
+      raise exceptions.InvalidComponentNameException(
+          'The component name %s is invalid.' % leaf_name)
+    parent_path = request.parentPath
+    if parent_path:
+      parent_def = tracker_bizobj.FindComponentDef(parent_path, config)
+      if not parent_def:
+        raise exceptions.NoSuchComponentException(
+            'Parent component %s does not exist.' % parent_path)
+      if not permissions.CanEditComponentDef(
+          mar.auth.effective_ids, mar.perms, mar.project, parent_def, config):
+        raise permissions.PermissionException(
+            'User is not allowed to add a subcomponent to component %s' %
+            parent_path)
+      path = '%s>%s' % (parent_path, leaf_name)
+    else:
+      path = leaf_name
+    if tracker_bizobj.FindComponentDef(path, config):
+      raise exceptions.InvalidComponentNameException(
+          'The name %s is already in use.' % path)
+    created = int(time.time())
+    user_emails = set()
+    user_emails.update([] + request.admin +
+    user_ids_dict = self._services.user.LookupUserIDs(
+        mar.cnxn, list(user_emails), autocreate=False)
+    request.admin = [admin for admin in request.admin if admin]
+    admin_ids = [user_ids_dict[uname] for uname in request.admin]
+ = [cc for cc in if cc]
+    cc_ids = [user_ids_dict[uname] for uname in]
+    label_ids = []  # TODO(jrobbins): allow API clients to specify this too.
+    component_id = self._services.config.CreateComponentDef(
+        mar.cnxn, mar.project_id, path, request.description, request.deprecated,
+        admin_ids, cc_ids, created, user_ids_dict[], label_ids)
+    return api_pb2_v1.Component(
+        componentId=component_id,
+        projectName=request.projectId,
+        componentPath=path,
+        description=request.description,
+        admin=request.admin,
+        deprecated=request.deprecated,
+        created=datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(created),
+  @monorail_api_method(
+      message_types.VoidMessage,
+      path='projects/{projectId}/components/{componentPath}',
+      http_method='DELETE',
+      name='components.delete')
+  def components_delete(self, mar, request):
+    """Delete a component."""
+    config = self._services.config.GetProjectConfig(mar.cnxn, mar.project_id)
+    component_path = request.componentPath
+    component_def = tracker_bizobj.FindComponentDef(
+        component_path, config)
+    if not component_def:
+      raise exceptions.NoSuchComponentException(
+          'The component %s does not exist.' % component_path)
+    if not permissions.CanViewComponentDef(
+        mar.auth.effective_ids, mar.perms, mar.project, component_def):
+      raise permissions.PermissionException(
+          'User is not allowed to view this component %s' % component_path)
+    if not permissions.CanEditComponentDef(
+        mar.auth.effective_ids, mar.perms, mar.project, component_def, config):
+      raise permissions.PermissionException(
+          'User is not allowed to delete this component %s' % component_path)
+    allow_delete = not tracker_bizobj.FindDescendantComponents(
+        config, component_def)
+    if not allow_delete:
+      raise permissions.PermissionException(
+          'User tried to delete component that had subcomponents')
+    self._services.issue.DeleteComponentReferences(
+        mar.cnxn, component_def.component_id)
+    self._services.config.DeleteComponentDef(
+        mar.cnxn, mar.project_id, component_def.component_id)
+    return message_types.VoidMessage()
+  @monorail_api_method(
+      message_types.VoidMessage,
+      path='projects/{projectId}/components/{componentPath}',
+      http_method='POST',
+      name='components.update')
+  def components_update(self, mar, request):
+    """Update a component."""
+    config = self._services.config.GetProjectConfig(mar.cnxn, mar.project_id)
+    component_path = request.componentPath
+    component_def = tracker_bizobj.FindComponentDef(
+        component_path, config)
+    if not component_def:
+      raise exceptions.NoSuchComponentException(
+          'The component %s does not exist.' % component_path)
+    if not permissions.CanViewComponentDef(
+        mar.auth.effective_ids, mar.perms, mar.project, component_def):
+      raise permissions.PermissionException(
+          'User is not allowed to view this component %s' % component_path)
+    if not permissions.CanEditComponentDef(
+        mar.auth.effective_ids, mar.perms, mar.project, component_def, config):
+      raise permissions.PermissionException(
+          'User is not allowed to edit this component %s' % component_path)
+    original_path = component_def.path
+    new_path = component_def.path
+    new_docstring = component_def.docstring
+    new_deprecated = component_def.deprecated
+    new_admin_ids = component_def.admin_ids
+    new_cc_ids = component_def.cc_ids
+    update_filterrule = False
+    for update in request.updates:
+      if update.field == api_pb2_v1.ComponentUpdateFieldID.LEAF_NAME:
+        leaf_name = update.leafName
+        if not tracker_constants.COMPONENT_NAME_RE.match(leaf_name):
+          raise exceptions.InvalidComponentNameException(
+              'The component name %s is invalid.' % leaf_name)
+        if '>' in original_path:
+          parent_path = original_path[:original_path.rindex('>')]
+          new_path = '%s>%s' % (parent_path, leaf_name)
+        else:
+          new_path = leaf_name
+        conflict = tracker_bizobj.FindComponentDef(new_path, config)
+        if conflict and conflict.component_id != component_def.component_id:
+          raise exceptions.InvalidComponentNameException(
+              'The name %s is already in use.' % new_path)
+        update_filterrule = True
+      elif update.field == api_pb2_v1.ComponentUpdateFieldID.DESCRIPTION:
+        new_docstring = update.description
+      elif update.field == api_pb2_v1.ComponentUpdateFieldID.ADMIN:
+        user_ids_dict = self._services.user.LookupUserIDs(
+            mar.cnxn, list(update.admin), autocreate=True)
+        new_admin_ids = list(set(user_ids_dict.values()))
+      elif update.field == api_pb2_v1.ComponentUpdateFieldID.CC:
+        user_ids_dict = self._services.user.LookupUserIDs(
+            mar.cnxn, list(, autocreate=True)
+        new_cc_ids = list(set(user_ids_dict.values()))
+        update_filterrule = True
+      elif update.field == api_pb2_v1.ComponentUpdateFieldID.DEPRECATED:
+        new_deprecated = update.deprecated
+      else:
+        logging.error('Unknown component field %r', update.field)
+    new_modified = int(time.time())
+    new_modifier_id = self._services.user.LookupUserID(
+        mar.cnxn,, autocreate=False)
+        'Updating component id %d: path-%s, docstring-%s, deprecated-%s,'
+        ' admin_ids-%s, cc_ids-%s modified by %s', component_def.component_id,
+        new_path, new_docstring, new_deprecated, new_admin_ids, new_cc_ids,
+        new_modifier_id)
+    self._services.config.UpdateComponentDef(
+        mar.cnxn, mar.project_id, component_def.component_id,
+        path=new_path, docstring=new_docstring, deprecated=new_deprecated,
+        admin_ids=new_admin_ids, cc_ids=new_cc_ids, modified=new_modified,
+        modifier_id=new_modifier_id)
+    # TODO(sheyang): reuse the code in componentdetails
+    if original_path != new_path:
+      # If the name changed then update all of its subcomponents as well.
+      subcomponent_ids = tracker_bizobj.FindMatchingComponentIDs(
+          original_path, config, exact=False)
+      for subcomponent_id in subcomponent_ids:
+        if subcomponent_id == component_def.component_id:
+          continue
+        subcomponent_def = tracker_bizobj.FindComponentDefByID(
+            subcomponent_id, config)
+        subcomponent_new_path = subcomponent_def.path.replace(
+            original_path, new_path, 1)
+        self._services.config.UpdateComponentDef(
+            mar.cnxn, mar.project_id, subcomponent_def.component_id,
+            path=subcomponent_new_path)
+    if update_filterrule:
+      filterrules_helpers.RecomputeAllDerivedFields(
+          mar.cnxn, self._services, mar.project, config)
+    return message_types.VoidMessage()
+@endpoints.api(name='monorail_client_configs', version='v1',
+               description='Monorail API client configs.')
+class ClientConfigApi(remote.Service):
+  # Class variables. Handy to mock.
+  _services = None
+  _mar = None
+  @classmethod
+  def _set_services(cls, services):
+    cls._services = services
+  def mar_factory(self, request, cnxn):
+    if not self._mar:
+      self._mar = monorailrequest.MonorailApiRequest(
+          request, self._services, cnxn=cnxn)
+    return self._mar
+  @endpoints.method(
+      message_types.VoidMessage,
+      message_types.VoidMessage,
+      path='client_configs',
+      http_method='POST',
+      name='client_configs.update')
+  def client_configs_update(self, request):
+    if self._services is None:
+      self._set_services(service_manager.set_up_services())
+    mar = self.mar_factory(request, sql.MonorailConnection())
+    if not mar.perms.HasPerm(permissions.ADMINISTER_SITE, None, None):
+      raise permissions.PermissionException(
+          'The requester %s is not allowed to update client configs.' %
+    ROLE_DICT = {
+        1: permissions.COMMITTER_ROLE,
+        2: permissions.CONTRIBUTOR_ROLE,
+    }
+    client_config = client_config_svc.GetClientConfigSvc()
+    cfg = client_config.GetConfigs()
+    if not cfg:
+      msg = 'Failed to fetch client configs.'
+      logging.error(msg)
+      raise endpoints.InternalServerErrorException(msg)
+    for client in cfg.clients:
+      if not client.client_email:
+        continue
+      # 1: create the user if non-existent
+      user_id = self._services.user.LookupUserID(
+          mar.cnxn, client.client_email, autocreate=True)
+      user_pb = self._services.user.GetUser(mar.cnxn, user_id)
+'User ID %d for email %s', user_id, client.client_email)
+      # 2: set period and lifetime limit
+      # new_soft_limit, new_hard_limit, new_lifetime_limit
+      new_limit_tuple = (
+          client.period_limit, client.period_limit, client.lifetime_limit)
+      action_limit_updates = {'api_request': new_limit_tuple}
+      self._services.user.UpdateUserSettings(
+          mar.cnxn, user_id, user_pb, action_limit_updates=action_limit_updates)
+'Updated api request limit %r', new_limit_tuple)
+      # 3: Update project role and extra perms
+      projects_dict = self._services.project.GetAllProjects(mar.cnxn)
+      project_name_to_ids = {
+          p.project_name: p.project_id for p in projects_dict.values()}
+      # Set project role and extra perms
+      for perm in client.project_permissions:
+        project_ids = self._GetProjectIDs(perm.project, project_name_to_ids)
+'Matching projects %r for name %s',
+                     project_ids, perm.project)
+        role = ROLE_DICT[perm.role]
+        for p_id in project_ids:
+          project = projects_dict[p_id]
+          people_list = []
+          if role == 'owner':
+            people_list = project.owner_ids
+          elif role == 'committer':
+            people_list = project.committer_ids
+          elif role == 'contributor':
+            people_list = project.contributor_ids
+          # Onlu update role/extra perms iff changed
+          if not user_id in people_list:
+  'Update project %s role %s for user %s',
+                         project.project_name, role, client.client_email)
+            owner_ids, committer_ids, contributor_ids = (
+                project_helpers.MembersWithGivenIDs(project, {user_id}, role))
+            self._services.project.UpdateProjectRoles(
+                mar.cnxn, p_id, owner_ids, committer_ids,
+                contributor_ids)
+          if perm.extra_permissions:
+  'Update project %s extra perm %s for user %s',
+                         project.project_name, perm.extra_permissions,
+                         client.client_email)
+            self._services.project.UpdateExtraPerms(
+                mar.cnxn, p_id, user_id, list(perm.extra_permissions))
+    mar.CleanUp()
+    return message_types.VoidMessage()
+  def _GetProjectIDs(self, project_str, project_name_to_ids):
+    result = []
+    if any(ch in project_str for ch in ['*', '+', '?', '.']):
+      pattern = re.compile(project_str)
+      for p_name in project_name_to_ids.keys():
+        if pattern.match(p_name):
+          project_id = project_name_to_ids.get(p_name)
+          if project_id:
+            result.append(project_id)
+    else:
+      project_id = project_name_to_ids.get(project_str)
+      if project_id:
+        result.append(project_id)
+    if not result:
+      logging.warning('Cannot find projects for specified name %s',
+                      project_str)
+    return result
diff --git a/services/ b/services/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8dc5753
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""A simple in-RAM cache with distributed invalidation.
+Here's how it works:
+ + Each frontend or backend job has one CacheManager which
+   owns a set of RamCache objects, which are basically dictionaries.
+ + Each job can put objects in its own local cache, and retrieve them.
+ + When an item is modified, the item at the corresponding cache key
+   is invalidated, which means two things: (a) it is dropped from the
+   local RAM cache, and (b) the key is written to the Invalidate table.
+ + On each incoming request, the job checks the Invalidate table for
+   any entries added since the last time that it checked.  If it finds
+   any, it drops all RamCache entries for the corresponding key.
+ + There is also a cron task that truncates old Invalidate entries
+   when the table is too large.  If a frontend job sees more than the
+   max Invalidate rows, it will drop everything from all caches,
+   because it does not know what it missed due to truncation.
+ + The special key 0 means to drop all cache entries.
+This approach makes jobs use cached values that are not stale at the
+time that processing of each request begins.  There is no guarantee that
+an item will not be modified by some other job and that the cached entry
+could become stale during the lifetime of that same request.
+TODO(jrobbins): Listener hook so that client code can register its own
+handler for invalidation events.  E.g., the sorting code has a cache that
+is correctly invalidated on each issue change, but needs to be completely
+dropped when a config is modified.
+TODO(jrobbins): If this part of the system becomes a bottleneck, consider
+some optimizations: (a) splitting the table into multiple tables by
+kind, or (b) sharding the table by cache_key.  Or, maybe leverage memcache
+to avoid even hitting the DB in the frequent case where nothing has changed.
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import collections
+import logging
+from framework import jsonfeed
+from framework import sql
+INVALIDATE_COLS = ['timestep', 'kind', 'cache_key']
+# Note: *_id invalidations should happen only when there's a change
+# in one of the values used to look up the internal ID number.
+# E.g. hotlist_id_2lc should only be invalidated when the hotlist
+# name or owner changes.
+    'user', 'usergroup', 'project', 'project_id', 'issue', 'issue_id',
+    'hotlist', 'hotlist_id', 'comment', 'template'
+class CacheManager(object):
+  """Service class to manage RAM caches and shared Invalidate table."""
+  def __init__(self):
+    self.cache_registry = collections.defaultdict(list)
+    self.processed_invalidations_up_to = 0
+    self.invalidate_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(INVALIDATE_TABLE_NAME)
+  def RegisterCache(self, cache, kind):
+    """Register a cache to be notified of future invalidations."""
+    assert kind in INVALIDATE_KIND_VALUES
+    self.cache_registry[kind].append(cache)
+  def _InvalidateAllCaches(self):
+    """Invalidate all cache entries."""
+    for cache_list in self.cache_registry.values():
+      for cache in cache_list:
+        cache.LocalInvalidateAll()
+  def _ProcessInvalidationRows(self, rows):
+    """Invalidate cache entries indicated by database rows."""
+    already_done = set()
+    for timestep, kind, key in rows:
+      self.processed_invalidations_up_to = max(
+          self.processed_invalidations_up_to, timestep)
+      if (kind, key) in already_done:
+        continue
+      already_done.add((kind, key))
+      for cache in self.cache_registry[kind]:
+        if key == INVALIDATE_ALL_KEYS:
+          cache.LocalInvalidateAll()
+        else:
+          cache.LocalInvalidate(key)
+  def DoDistributedInvalidation(self, cnxn):
+    """Drop any cache entries that were invalidated by other jobs."""
+    # Only consider a reasonable number of rows so that we can never
+    # get bogged down on this step.  If there are too many rows to
+    # process, just invalidate all caches, and process the last group
+    # of rows to update processed_invalidations_up_to.
+    rows = self.invalidate_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=INVALIDATE_COLS,
+        where=[('timestep > %s', [self.processed_invalidations_up_to])],
+        order_by=[('timestep DESC', [])],
+    cnxn.Commit()
+'Invaliditing all caches: there are too many invalidations')
+      self._InvalidateAllCaches()
+'Saw %d invalidation rows', len(rows))
+    self._ProcessInvalidationRows(rows)
+  def StoreInvalidateRows(self, cnxn, kind, keys):
+    """Store rows to let all jobs know to invalidate the given keys."""
+    assert kind in INVALIDATE_KIND_VALUES
+    self.invalidate_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, ['kind', 'cache_key'], [(kind, key) for key in keys])
+  def StoreInvalidateAll(self, cnxn, kind):
+    """Store a value to tell all jobs to invalidate all items of this kind."""
+    last_timestep = self.invalidate_tbl.InsertRow(
+        cnxn, kind=kind, cache_key=INVALIDATE_ALL_KEYS)
+    self.invalidate_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, kind=kind, where=[('timestep < %s', [last_timestep])])
+class RamCacheConsolidate(jsonfeed.InternalTask):
+  """Drop old Invalidate rows when there are too many of them."""
+  def HandleRequest(self, mr):
+    """Drop excessive rows in the Invalidate table and return some stats.
+    Args:
+      mr: common information parsed from the HTTP request.
+    Returns:
+      Results dictionary in JSON format.  The stats are just for debugging,
+      they are not used by any other part of the system.
+    """
+    tbl =
+    old_count = tbl.SelectValue(mr.cnxn, 'COUNT(*)')
+    # Delete anything other than the last 1000 rows because we won't
+    # look at them anyway.  If a job gets a request and sees 1000 new
+    # rows, it will drop all caches of all types, so it is as if there
+    # were INVALIDATE_ALL_KEYS entries.
+      kept_timesteps = tbl.Select(
+        mr.cnxn, ['timestep'],
+        order_by=[('timestep DESC', [])],
+      earliest_kept = kept_timesteps[-1][0]
+      tbl.Delete(mr.cnxn, where=[('timestep < %s', [earliest_kept])])
+    new_count = tbl.SelectValue(mr.cnxn, 'COUNT(*)')
+    return {
+      'old_count': old_count,
+      'new_count': new_count,
+      }
diff --git a/services/ b/services/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07702bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/
@@ -0,0 +1,514 @@
+# Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Classes to manage cached values.
+Monorail makes full use of the RAM of GAE frontends to reduce latency
+and load on the database.
+Even though these caches do invalidation, there are rare race conditions
+that can cause a somewhat stale object to be retrieved from memcache and
+then put into a RAM cache and used by a given GAE instance for some time.
+So, we only use these caches for operations that can tolerate somewhat
+stale data.  For example, displaying issues in a list or displaying brief
+info about related issues.  We never use the cache to load objects as
+part of a read-modify-save sequence because that could cause stored data
+to revert to a previous state.
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import logging
+import redis
+from protorpc import protobuf
+from google.appengine.api import memcache
+import settings
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import redis_utils
+from proto import tracker_pb2
+class RamCache(object):
+  """An in-RAM cache with distributed invalidation."""
+  def __init__(self, cache_manager, kind, max_size=None):
+    self.cache_manager = cache_manager
+    self.kind = kind
+    self.cache = {}
+    self.max_size = max_size or DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE
+    cache_manager.RegisterCache(self, kind)
+  def CacheItem(self, key, item):
+    """Store item at key in this cache, discarding a random item if needed."""
+    if len(self.cache) >= self.max_size:
+      self.cache.popitem()
+    self.cache[key] = item
+  def CacheAll(self, new_item_dict):
+    """Cache all items in the given dict, dropping old items if needed."""
+    if len(new_item_dict) >= self.max_size:
+      logging.warn('Dumping the entire cache! %s', self.kind)
+      self.cache = {}
+    else:
+      while len(self.cache) + len(new_item_dict) > self.max_size:
+        self.cache.popitem()
+    self.cache.update(new_item_dict)
+  def GetItem(self, key):
+    """Return the cached item if present, otherwise None."""
+    return self.cache.get(key)
+  def HasItem(self, key):
+    """Return True if there is a value cached at the given key."""
+    return key in self.cache
+  def GetAll(self, keys):
+    """Look up the given keys.
+    Args:
+      keys: a list of cache keys to look up.
+    Returns:
+      A pair: (hits_dict, misses_list) where hits_dict is a dictionary of
+      all the given keys and the values that were found in the cache, and
+      misses_list is a list of given keys that were not in the cache.
+    """
+    hits, misses = {}, []
+    for key in keys:
+      try:
+        hits[key] = self.cache[key]
+      except KeyError:
+        misses.append(key)
+    return hits, misses
+  def LocalInvalidate(self, key):
+    """Drop the given key from this cache, without distributed notification."""
+    if key in self.cache:
+'Locally invalidating %r in kind=%r', key, self.kind)
+    self.cache.pop(key, None)
+  def Invalidate(self, cnxn, key):
+    """Drop key locally, and append it to the Invalidate DB table."""
+    self.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [key])
+  def InvalidateKeys(self, cnxn, keys):
+    """Drop keys locally, and append them to the Invalidate DB table."""
+    for key in keys:
+      self.LocalInvalidate(key)
+    if self.cache_manager:
+      self.cache_manager.StoreInvalidateRows(cnxn, self.kind, keys)
+  def LocalInvalidateAll(self):
+    """Invalidate all keys locally: just start over with an empty dict."""
+'Locally invalidating all in kind=%r', self.kind)
+    self.cache = {}
+  def InvalidateAll(self, cnxn):
+    """Invalidate all keys in this cache."""
+    self.LocalInvalidateAll()
+    if self.cache_manager:
+      self.cache_manager.StoreInvalidateAll(cnxn, self.kind)
+class ShardedRamCache(RamCache):
+  """Specialized version of RamCache that stores values in parts.
+  Instead of the cache keys being simple integers, they are pairs, e.g.,
+  (project_id, shard_id).  Invalidation will invalidate all shards for
+  a given main key, e.g, invalidating project_id 16 will drop keys
+  (16, 0), (16, 1), (16, 2), ... (16, 9).
+  """
+  def __init__(self, cache_manager, kind, max_size=None, num_shards=10):
+    super(ShardedRamCache, self).__init__(
+        cache_manager, kind, max_size=max_size)
+    self.num_shards = num_shards
+  def LocalInvalidate(self, key):
+    """Use the specified value to drop entries from the local cache."""
+'About to invalidate shared RAM keys %r',
+                 [(key, shard_id) for shard_id in range(self.num_shards)
+                  if (key, shard_id) in self.cache])
+    for shard_id in range(self.num_shards):
+      self.cache.pop((key, shard_id), None)
+class ValueCentricRamCache(RamCache):
+  """Specialized version of RamCache that stores values in InvalidateTable.
+  This is useful for caches that have non integer keys.
+  """
+  def LocalInvalidate(self, value):
+    """Use the specified value to drop entries from the local cache."""
+    keys_to_drop = []
+    # Loop through and collect all keys with the specified value.
+    for k, v in self.cache.items():
+      if v == value:
+        keys_to_drop.append(k)
+    for k in keys_to_drop:
+      self.cache.pop(k, None)
+  def InvalidateKeys(self, cnxn, keys):
+    """Drop keys locally, and append their values to the Invalidate DB table."""
+    # Find values to invalidate.
+    values = [self.cache[key] for key in keys if self.cache.has_key(key)]
+    if len(values) == len(keys):
+      for value in values:
+        self.LocalInvalidate(value)
+      if self.cache_manager:
+        self.cache_manager.StoreInvalidateRows(cnxn, self.kind, values)
+    else:
+      # If a value is not found in the cache then invalidate the whole cache.
+      # This is done to ensure that we are not in an inconsistent state or in a
+      # race condition.
+      self.InvalidateAll(cnxn)
+class AbstractTwoLevelCache(object):
+  """A class to manage both RAM and secondary-caching layer to retrieve objects.
+  Subclasses must implement the FetchItems() method to get objects from
+  the database when both caches miss.
+  """
+  # When loading a huge number of issues from the database, do it in chunks
+  # so as to avoid timeouts.
+  _FETCH_BATCH_SIZE = 10000
+  def __init__(
+      self,
+      cache_manager,
+      kind,
+      prefix,
+      pb_class,
+      max_size=None,
+      use_redis=False,
+      redis_client=None):
+    self.cache = self._MakeCache(cache_manager, kind, max_size=max_size)
+    self.prefix = prefix
+    self.pb_class = pb_class
+    if use_redis:
+      self.redis_client = redis_client or redis_utils.CreateRedisClient()
+      self.use_redis = redis_utils.VerifyRedisConnection(
+          self.redis_client, msg=kind)
+    else:
+      self.redis_client = None
+      self.use_redis = False
+  def _MakeCache(self, cache_manager, kind, max_size=None):
+    """Make the RAM cache and register it with the cache_manager."""
+    return RamCache(cache_manager, kind, max_size=max_size)
+  def CacheItem(self, key, value):
+    """Add the given key-value pair to RAM and L2 cache."""
+    self.cache.CacheItem(key, value)
+    self._WriteToCache({key: value})
+  def HasItem(self, key):
+    """Return True if the given key is in the RAM cache."""
+    return self.cache.HasItem(key)
+  def GetAnyOnHandItem(self, keys, start=None, end=None):
+    """Try to find one of the specified items in RAM."""
+    if start is None:
+      start = 0
+    if end is None:
+      end = len(keys)
+    for i in range(start, end):
+      key = keys[i]
+      if self.cache.HasItem(key):
+        return self.cache.GetItem(key)
+    # Note: We could check L2 here too, but the round-trips to L2
+    # are kind of slow. And, getting too many hits from L2 actually
+    # fills our RAM cache too quickly and could lead to thrashing.
+    return None
+  def GetAll(self, cnxn, keys, use_cache=True, **kwargs):
+    """Get values for the given keys from RAM, the L2 cache, or the DB.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to the database.
+      keys: list of integer keys to look up.
+      use_cache: set to False to always hit the database.
+      **kwargs: any additional keywords are passed to FetchItems().
+    Returns:
+      A pair: hits, misses.  Where hits is {key: value} and misses is
+        a list of any keys that were not found anywhere.
+    """
+    if use_cache:
+      result_dict, missed_keys = self.cache.GetAll(keys)
+    else:
+      result_dict, missed_keys = {}, list(keys)
+    if missed_keys:
+      if use_cache:
+        cache_hits, missed_keys = self._ReadFromCache(missed_keys)
+        result_dict.update(cache_hits)
+        self.cache.CacheAll(cache_hits)
+    while missed_keys:
+      missed_batch = missed_keys[:self._FETCH_BATCH_SIZE]
+      missed_keys = missed_keys[self._FETCH_BATCH_SIZE:]
+      retrieved_dict = self.FetchItems(cnxn, missed_batch, **kwargs)
+      result_dict.update(retrieved_dict)
+      if use_cache:
+        self.cache.CacheAll(retrieved_dict)
+        self._WriteToCache(retrieved_dict)
+    still_missing_keys = [key for key in keys if key not in result_dict]
+    return result_dict, still_missing_keys
+  def LocalInvalidateAll(self):
+    self.cache.LocalInvalidateAll()
+  def LocalInvalidate(self, key):
+    self.cache.LocalInvalidate(key)
+  def InvalidateKeys(self, cnxn, keys):
+    """Drop the given keys from both RAM and L2 cache."""
+    self.cache.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, keys)
+    self._DeleteFromCache(keys)
+  def InvalidateAllKeys(self, cnxn, keys):
+    """Drop the given keys from L2 cache and invalidate all keys in RAM.
+    Useful for avoiding inserting many rows into the Invalidate table when
+    invalidating a large group of keys all at once. Only use when necessary.
+    """
+    self.cache.InvalidateAll(cnxn)
+    self._DeleteFromCache(keys)
+  def GetAllAlreadyInRam(self, keys):
+    """Look only in RAM to return {key: values}, missed_keys."""
+    result_dict, missed_keys = self.cache.GetAll(keys)
+    return result_dict, missed_keys
+  def InvalidateAllRamEntries(self, cnxn):
+    """Drop all RAM cache entries. It will refill as needed from L2 cache."""
+    self.cache.InvalidateAll(cnxn)
+  def FetchItems(self, cnxn, keys, **kwargs):
+    """On RAM and L2 cache miss, hit the database."""
+    raise NotImplementedError()
+  def _ReadFromCache(self, keys):
+    # type: (Sequence[int]) -> Mapping[str, Any], Sequence[int]
+    """Reads a list of keys from secondary caching service.
+    Redis will be used if Redis is enabled and connection is valid;
+    otherwise, memcache will be used.
+    Args:
+      keys: List of integer keys to look up in L2 cache.
+    Returns:
+      A pair: hits, misses.  Where hits is {key: value} and misses is
+        a list of any keys that were not found anywhere.
+    """
+    if self.use_redis:
+      return self._ReadFromRedis(keys)
+    else:
+      return self._ReadFromMemcache(keys)
+  def _WriteToCache(self, retrieved_dict):
+    # type: (Mapping[int, Any]) -> None
+    """Writes a set of key-value pairs to secondary caching service.
+    Redis will be used if Redis is enabled and connection is valid;
+    otherwise, memcache will be used.
+    Args:
+      retrieved_dict: Dictionary contains pairs of key-values to write to cache.
+    """
+    if self.use_redis:
+      return self._WriteToRedis(retrieved_dict)
+    else:
+      return self._WriteToMemcache(retrieved_dict)
+  def _DeleteFromCache(self, keys):
+    # type: (Sequence[int]) -> None
+    """Selects which cache to delete from.
+    Redis will be used if Redis is enabled and connection is valid;
+    otherwise, memcache will be used.
+    Args:
+      keys: List of integer keys to delete from cache.
+    """
+    if self.use_redis:
+      return self._DeleteFromRedis(keys)
+    else:
+      return self._DeleteFromMemcache(keys)
+  def _ReadFromMemcache(self, keys):
+    # type: (Sequence[int]) -> Mapping[str, Any], Sequence[int]
+    """Read the given keys from memcache, return {key: value}, missing_keys."""
+    cache_hits = {}
+    cached_dict = memcache.get_multi(
+        [self._KeyToStr(key) for key in keys],
+        key_prefix=self.prefix,
+        namespace=settings.memcache_namespace)
+    for key_str, serialized_value in cached_dict.items():
+      value = self._StrToValue(serialized_value)
+      key = self._StrToKey(key_str)
+      cache_hits[key] = value
+      self.cache.CacheItem(key, value)
+    still_missing_keys = [key for key in keys if key not in cache_hits]
+    return cache_hits, still_missing_keys
+  def _WriteToMemcache(self, retrieved_dict):
+    # type: (Mapping[int, int]) -> None
+    """Write entries for each key-value pair to memcache.  Encode PBs."""
+    strs_to_cache = {
+        self._KeyToStr(key): self._ValueToStr(value)
+        for key, value in retrieved_dict.items()}
+    try:
+      memcache.add_multi(
+          strs_to_cache,
+          key_prefix=self.prefix,
+          time=framework_constants.CACHE_EXPIRATION,
+          namespace=settings.memcache_namespace)
+    except ValueError as identifier:
+      # If memcache does not accept the values, ensure that no stale
+      # values are left, then bail out.
+      logging.error('Got memcache error: %r', identifier)
+      self._DeleteFromMemcache(list(strs_to_cache.keys()))
+      return
+  def _DeleteFromMemcache(self, keys):
+    # type: (Sequence[str]) -> None
+    """Delete key-values from memcache. """
+    memcache.delete_multi(
+        [self._KeyToStr(key) for key in keys],
+        seconds=5,
+        key_prefix=self.prefix,
+        namespace=settings.memcache_namespace)
+  def _WriteToRedis(self, retrieved_dict):
+    # type: (Mapping[int, Any]) -> None
+    """Write entries for each key-value pair to Redis.  Encode PBs.
+    Args:
+      retrieved_dict: Dictionary of key-value pairs to write to Redis.
+    """
+    try:
+      for key, value in retrieved_dict.items():
+        redis_key = redis_utils.FormatRedisKey(key, prefix=self.prefix)
+        redis_value = self._ValueToStr(value)
+        self.redis_client.setex(
+            redis_key, framework_constants.CACHE_EXPIRATION, redis_value)
+    except redis.RedisError as identifier:
+      logging.error(
+          'Redis error occurred during write operation: %s', identifier)
+      self._DeleteFromRedis(list(retrieved_dict.keys()))
+      return
+        'cached batch of %d values in redis %s', len(retrieved_dict),
+        self.prefix)
+  def _ReadFromRedis(self, keys):
+    # type: (Sequence[int]) -> Mapping[str, Any], Sequence[int]
+    """Read the given keys from Redis, return {key: value}, missing keys.
+    Args:
+      keys: List of integer keys to read from Redis.
+    Returns:
+      A pair: hits, misses.  Where hits is {key: value} and misses is
+        a list of any keys that were not found anywhere.
+    """
+    cache_hits = {}
+    missing_keys = []
+    try:
+      values_list = self.redis_client.mget(
+          [redis_utils.FormatRedisKey(key, prefix=self.prefix) for key in keys])
+    except redis.RedisError as identifier:
+      logging.error(
+          'Redis error occurred during read operation: %s', identifier)
+      values_list = [None] * len(keys)
+    for key, serialized_value in zip(keys, values_list):
+      if serialized_value:
+        value = self._StrToValue(serialized_value)
+        cache_hits[key] = value
+        self.cache.CacheItem(key, value)
+      else:
+        missing_keys.append(key)
+        'decoded %d values from redis %s, missing %d', len(cache_hits),
+        self.prefix, len(missing_keys))
+    return cache_hits, missing_keys
+  def _DeleteFromRedis(self, keys):
+    # type: (Sequence[int]) -> None
+    """Delete key-values from redis.
+    Args:
+      keys: List of integer keys to delete.
+    """
+    try:
+      self.redis_client.delete(
+          *[
+              redis_utils.FormatRedisKey(key, prefix=self.prefix)
+              for key in keys
+          ])
+    except redis.RedisError as identifier:
+      logging.error(
+          'Redis error occurred during delete operation %s', identifier)
+  def _KeyToStr(self, key):
+    # type: (int) -> str
+    """Convert our int IDs to strings for use as memcache keys."""
+    return str(key)
+  def _StrToKey(self, key_str):
+    # type: (str) -> int
+    """Convert memcache keys back to the ints that we use as IDs."""
+    return int(key_str)
+  def _ValueToStr(self, value):
+    # type: (Any) -> str
+    """Serialize an application object so that it can be stored in L2 cache."""
+    if self.use_redis:
+      return redis_utils.SerializeValue(value, pb_class=self.pb_class)
+    else:
+      if not self.pb_class:
+        return value
+      elif self.pb_class == int:
+        return str(value)
+      else:
+        return protobuf.encode_message(value)
+  def _StrToValue(self, serialized_value):
+    # type: (str) -> Any
+    """Deserialize L2 cache string into an application object."""
+    if self.use_redis:
+      return redis_utils.DeserializeValue(
+          serialized_value, pb_class=self.pb_class)
+    else:
+      if not self.pb_class:
+        return serialized_value
+      elif self.pb_class == int:
+        return int(serialized_value)
+      else:
+        return protobuf.decode_message(self.pb_class, serialized_value)
diff --git a/services/ b/services/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49ccb51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""A service for querying data for charts.
+Functions for querying the IssueSnapshot table and associated join tables.
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import logging
+import settings
+import time
+from features import hotlist_helpers
+from framework import framework_helpers
+from framework import sql
+from search import search_helpers
+from tracker import tracker_bizobj
+from tracker import tracker_helpers
+from search import query2ast
+from search import ast2select
+from search import ast2ast
+ISSUESNAPSHOT_COLS = ['id', 'issue_id', 'shard', 'project_id', 'local_id',
+    'reporter_id', 'owner_id', 'status_id', 'period_start', 'period_end',
+    'is_open']
+ISSUESNAPSHOT2CC_COLS = ['issuesnapshot_id', 'cc_id']
+ISSUESNAPSHOT2COMPONENT_COLS = ['issuesnapshot_id', 'component_id']
+ISSUESNAPSHOT2LABEL_COLS = ['issuesnapshot_id', 'label_id']
+class ChartService(object):
+  """Class for querying chart data."""
+  def __init__(self, config_service):
+    """Constructor for ChartService.
+    Args:
+      config_service (ConfigService): An instance of ConfigService.
+    """
+    self.config_service = config_service
+    # Set up SQL table objects.
+    self.issuesnapshot_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(ISSUESNAPSHOT_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.issuesnapshot2cc_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(
+    self.issuesnapshot2component_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(
+    self.issuesnapshot2label_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(
+  def QueryIssueSnapshots(self, cnxn, services, unixtime, effective_ids,
+                          project, perms, group_by=None, label_prefix=None,
+                          query=None, canned_query=None, hotlist=None):
+    """Queries historical issue counts grouped by label or component.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: A MonorailConnection instance.
+      services: A Services instance.
+      unixtime: An integer representing the Unix time in seconds.
+      effective_ids: The effective User IDs associated with the current user.
+      project: A project object representing the current project.
+      perms: A permissions object associated with the current user.
+      group_by (str, optional): Which dimension to group by. Values can
+        be 'label', 'component', or None, in which case no grouping will
+        be applied.
+      label_prefix: Required when group_by is 'label.' Will limit the query to
+        only labels with the specified prefix (for example 'Pri').
+      query (str, optional): A query string from the request to apply to
+        the snapshot query.
+      canned_query (str, optional): Parsed canned query applied to the query
+        scope.
+      hotlist (Hotlist, optional): Hotlist to search under (in lieu of project).
+    Returns:
+      1. A dict of {'2nd dimension or "total"': number of occurences}.
+      2. A list of any unsupported query conditions in query.
+      3. A boolean that is true if any results were capped.
+    """
+    if hotlist:
+      # TODO(jeffcarp): Get project_ids in a more efficient manner. We can
+      #   query for "SELECT DISTINCT(project_id)" for all issues in hotlist.
+      issues_list = services.issue.GetIssues(cnxn,
+          [hotlist_issue.issue_id for hotlist_issue in hotlist.items])
+      hotlist_issues_project_ids = hotlist_helpers.GetAllProjectsOfIssues(
+          [issue for issue in issues_list])
+      config_list = hotlist_helpers.GetAllConfigsOfProjects(
+          cnxn, hotlist_issues_project_ids, services)
+      project_config = tracker_bizobj.HarmonizeConfigs(config_list)
+    else:
+      project_config = services.config.GetProjectConfig(cnxn,
+          project.project_id)
+    if project:
+      project_ids = [project.project_id]
+    else:
+      project_ids = hotlist_issues_project_ids
+    try:
+      query_left_joins, query_where, unsupported_conds = self._QueryToWhere(
+          cnxn, services, project_config, query, canned_query, project_ids)
+    except ast2select.NoPossibleResults:
+      return {}, ['Invalid query.'], False
+    restricted_label_ids = search_helpers.GetPersonalAtRiskLabelIDs(
+      cnxn, None, self.config_service, effective_ids, project, perms)
+    left_joins = [
+      ('Issue ON IssueSnapshot.issue_id =', []),
+    ]
+    if restricted_label_ids:
+      left_joins.append(
+        (('Issue2Label AS Forbidden_label'
+          ' ON = Forbidden_label.issue_id'
+          ' AND Forbidden_label.label_id IN (%s)' % (
+            sql.PlaceHolders(restricted_label_ids)
+        )), restricted_label_ids))
+    if effective_ids:
+      left_joins.append(
+        ('Issue2Cc AS I2cc'
+         ' ON = I2cc.issue_id'
+         ' AND I2cc.cc_id IN (%s)' % sql.PlaceHolders(effective_ids),
+         effective_ids))
+    # TODO(jeffcarp): Handle case where there are issues with no labels.
+    where = [
+      ('IssueSnapshot.period_start <= %s', [unixtime]),
+      ('IssueSnapshot.period_end > %s', [unixtime]),
+      ('Issue.is_spam = %s', [False]),
+      ('Issue.deleted = %s', [False]),
+    ]
+    if project_ids:
+      where.append(
+        ('IssueSnapshot.project_id IN (%s)' % sql.PlaceHolders(project_ids),
+          project_ids))
+    forbidden_label_clause = 'Forbidden_label.label_id IS NULL'
+    if effective_ids:
+      if restricted_label_ids:
+        forbidden_label_clause = ' OR %s' % forbidden_label_clause
+      else:
+        forbidden_label_clause =  ''
+      where.append(
+        ((
+          '(Issue.reporter_id IN (%s)'
+          ' OR Issue.owner_id IN (%s)'
+          ' OR I2cc.cc_id IS NOT NULL'
+          '%s)'
+        ) % (
+          sql.PlaceHolders(effective_ids), sql.PlaceHolders(effective_ids),
+          forbidden_label_clause
+        ),
+          list(effective_ids) + list(effective_ids)
+        ))
+    else:
+      where.append((forbidden_label_clause, []))
+    if group_by == 'component':
+      cols = ['Comp.path', 'COUNT(IssueSnapshot.issue_id)']
+      left_joins.extend([
+        (('IssueSnapshot2Component AS Is2c ON'
+          ' Is2c.issuesnapshot_id ='), []),
+        ('ComponentDef AS Comp ON = Is2c.component_id', []),
+      ])
+      group_by = ['Comp.path']
+    elif group_by == 'label':
+      cols = ['Lab.label', 'COUNT(IssueSnapshot.issue_id)']
+      left_joins.extend([
+        (('IssueSnapshot2Label AS Is2l'
+          ' ON Is2l.issuesnapshot_id ='), []),
+        ('LabelDef AS Lab ON = Is2l.label_id', []),
+      ])
+      if not label_prefix:
+        raise ValueError('`label_prefix` required when grouping by label.')
+      # TODO(jeffcarp): If LookupIDsOfLabelsMatching() is called on output,
+      # ensure regex is case-insensitive.
+      where.append(('LOWER(Lab.label) LIKE %s', [label_prefix.lower() + '-%']))
+      group_by = ['Lab.label']
+    elif group_by == 'open':
+      cols = ['IssueSnapshot.is_open',
+        'COUNT(IssueSnapshot.issue_id) AS issue_count']
+      group_by = ['IssueSnapshot.is_open']
+    elif group_by == 'status':
+      left_joins.append(('StatusDef AS Stats ON ' \
+        ' = IssueSnapshot.status_id', []))
+      cols = ['Stats.status', 'COUNT(IssueSnapshot.issue_id)']
+      group_by = ['Stats.status']
+    elif group_by == 'owner':
+      cols = ['IssueSnapshot.owner_id', 'COUNT(IssueSnapshot.issue_id)']
+      group_by = ['IssueSnapshot.owner_id']
+    elif not group_by:
+      cols = ['IssueSnapshot.issue_id']
+    else:
+      raise ValueError('`group_by` must be label, component, ' \
+        'open, status, owner or None.')
+    if query_left_joins:
+      left_joins.extend(query_left_joins)
+    if query_where:
+      where.extend(query_where)
+    if hotlist:
+      left_joins.extend([
+        (('IssueSnapshot2Hotlist AS Is2h'
+          ' ON Is2h.issuesnapshot_id ='
+          ' AND Is2h.hotlist_id = %s'), [hotlist.hotlist_id]),
+      ])
+      where.append(
+        ('Is2h.hotlist_id = %s', [hotlist.hotlist_id]))
+    promises = []
+    for shard_id in range(settings.num_logical_shards):
+      count_stmt, stmt_args = self._BuildSnapshotQuery(cols=cols,
+          where=where, joins=left_joins, group_by=group_by,
+          shard_id=shard_id)
+      promises.append(framework_helpers.Promise(cnxn.Execute,
+          count_stmt, stmt_args, shard_id=shard_id))
+    shard_values_dict = {}
+    search_limit_reached = False
+    for promise in promises:
+      # Wait for each query to complete and add it to the dict.
+      shard_values = list(promise.WaitAndGetValue())
+      if not shard_values:
+        continue
+      if group_by:
+        for name, count in shard_values:
+          if count >= settings.chart_query_max_rows:
+            search_limit_reached = True
+          shard_values_dict.setdefault(name, 0)
+          shard_values_dict[name] += count
+      else:
+        if shard_values[0][0] >= settings.chart_query_max_rows:
+            search_limit_reached = True
+        shard_values_dict.setdefault('total', 0)
+        shard_values_dict['total'] += shard_values[0][0]
+    unsupported_field_names = list(set([
+        field.field_name
+        for cond in unsupported_conds
+        for field in cond.field_defs
+    ]))
+    return shard_values_dict, unsupported_field_names, search_limit_reached
+  def StoreIssueSnapshots(self, cnxn, issues, commit=True):
+    """Adds an IssueSnapshot and updates the previous one for each issue."""
+    for issue in issues:
+      right_now = self._currentTime()
+      # Update previous snapshot of current issue's end time to right now.
+      self.issuesnapshot_tbl.Update(cnxn,
+          delta={'period_end': right_now},
+          where=[('IssueSnapshot.issue_id = %s', [issue.issue_id]),
+            ('IssueSnapshot.period_end = %s',
+              [settings.maximum_snapshot_period_end])],
+          commit=commit)
+      config = self.config_service.GetProjectConfig(cnxn, issue.project_id)
+      period_end = settings.maximum_snapshot_period_end
+      is_open = tracker_helpers.MeansOpenInProject(
+        tracker_bizobj.GetStatus(issue), config)
+      shard = issue.issue_id % settings.num_logical_shards
+      status = tracker_bizobj.GetStatus(issue)
+      status_id = self.config_service.LookupStatusID(
+          cnxn, issue.project_id, status) or None
+      owner_id = tracker_bizobj.GetOwnerId(issue) or None
+      issuesnapshot_rows = [(issue.issue_id, shard, issue.project_id,
+        issue.local_id, issue.reporter_id, owner_id, status_id, right_now,
+        period_end, is_open)]
+      ids = self.issuesnapshot_tbl.InsertRows(
+          cnxn, ISSUESNAPSHOT_COLS[1:],
+          issuesnapshot_rows,
+          replace=True, commit=commit,
+          return_generated_ids=True)
+      issuesnapshot_id = ids[0]
+      # Add all labels to IssueSnapshot2Label.
+      label_rows = [
+          (issuesnapshot_id,
+           self.config_service.LookupLabelID(cnxn, issue.project_id, label))
+          for label in tracker_bizobj.GetLabels(issue)
+      ]
+      self.issuesnapshot2label_tbl.InsertRows(
+          label_rows, replace=True, commit=commit)
+      # Add all CCs to IssueSnapshot2Cc.
+      cc_rows = [
+        (issuesnapshot_id, cc_id)
+        for cc_id in tracker_bizobj.GetCcIds(issue)
+      ]
+      self.issuesnapshot2cc_tbl.InsertRows(
+          cnxn, ISSUESNAPSHOT2CC_COLS,
+          cc_rows,
+          replace=True, commit=commit)
+      # Add all components to IssueSnapshot2Component.
+      component_rows = [
+        (issuesnapshot_id, component_id)
+        for component_id in issue.component_ids
+      ]
+      self.issuesnapshot2component_tbl.InsertRows(
+          component_rows,
+          replace=True, commit=commit)
+      # Add all components to IssueSnapshot2Hotlist.
+      # This is raw SQL to obviate passing FeaturesService down through
+      #   the call stack wherever this function is called.
+      # TODO(jrobbins): sort out dependencies between service classes.
+      cnxn.Execute('''
+        INSERT INTO IssueSnapshot2Hotlist (issuesnapshot_id, hotlist_id)
+        SELECT %s, hotlist_id FROM Hotlist2Issue WHERE issue_id = %s
+      ''', [issuesnapshot_id, issue.issue_id])
+  def ExpungeHotlistsFromIssueSnapshots(self, cnxn, hotlist_ids, commit=True):
+    """Expunge the existence of hotlists from issue snapshots.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      hotlist_ids: list of hotlist_ids for hotlists we want to delete.
+      commit: set to False to skip the DB commit and do it in a caller.
+    """
+    vals_ph = sql.PlaceHolders(hotlist_ids)
+    cnxn.Execute(
+        'DELETE FROM IssueSnapshot2Hotlist '
+        'WHERE hotlist_id IN ({vals_ph})'.format(vals_ph=vals_ph),
+        hotlist_ids,
+        commit=commit)
+  def _currentTime(self):
+    """This is a separate method so it can be mocked by tests."""
+    return time.time()
+  def _QueryToWhere(self, cnxn, services, project_config, query, canned_query,
+                    project_ids):
+    """Parses a query string into LEFT JOIN and WHERE conditions.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: A MonorailConnection instance.
+      services: A Services instance.
+      project_config: The configuration for the given project.
+      query (string): The query to parse.
+      canned_query (string): The supplied canned query.
+      project_ids: The current project ID(s).
+    Returns:
+      1. A list of LEFT JOIN clauses for the SQL query.
+      2. A list of WHERE clases for the SQL query.
+      3. A list of query conditions that are unsupported with snapshots.
+    """
+    if not (query or canned_query):
+      return [], [], []
+    query = query or ''
+    scope = canned_query or ''
+    query_ast = query2ast.ParseUserQuery(query, scope,
+        query2ast.BUILTIN_ISSUE_FIELDS, project_config)
+    query_ast = ast2ast.PreprocessAST(cnxn, query_ast, project_ids,
+        services, project_config)
+    left_joins, where, unsupported = ast2select.BuildSQLQuery(query_ast,
+        snapshot_mode=True)
+    return left_joins, where, unsupported
+  def _BuildSnapshotQuery(self, cols, where, joins, group_by, shard_id):
+    """Given SQL arguments, executes a snapshot COUNT query."""
+    stmt = sql.Statement.MakeSelect('IssueSnapshot', cols, distinct=True)
+    stmt.AddJoinClauses(joins, left=True)
+    stmt.AddWhereTerms(where + [('IssueSnapshot.shard = %s', [shard_id])])
+    if group_by:
+      stmt.AddGroupByTerms(group_by)
+    stmt.SetLimitAndOffset(limit=settings.chart_query_max_rows, offset=0)
+    stmt_str, stmt_args = stmt.Generate()
+    if group_by:
+      if group_by[0] == 'IssueSnapshot.is_open':
+        count_stmt = ('SELECT IF(results.is_open = 1, "Opened", "Closed") ' \
+          'AS bool_open, results.issue_count ' \
+          'FROM (%s) AS results' % stmt_str)
+      else:
+        count_stmt = stmt_str
+    else:
+      count_stmt = 'SELECT COUNT(results.issue_id) FROM (%s) AS results' % (
+        stmt_str)
+    return count_stmt, stmt_args
diff --git a/services/ b/services/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0acf03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import base64
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import time
+import urllib
+import webapp2
+from google.appengine.api import app_identity
+from google.appengine.api import urlfetch
+from google.appengine.ext import db
+from google.protobuf import text_format
+from infra_libs import ts_mon
+import settings
+from framework import framework_constants
+from proto import api_clients_config_pb2
+CONFIG_FILE_PATH = os.path.join(
+    os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))),
+    'testing', 'api_clients.cfg')
+    ''
+    '/services/monorail-prod/config/api_clients.cfg')
+client_config_svc = None
+service_account_map = None
+qpm_dict = None
+allowed_origins_set = None
+class ClientConfig(db.Model):
+  configs = db.TextProperty()
+# Note: The cron job must have hit the servlet before this will work.
+class LoadApiClientConfigs(webapp2.RequestHandler):
+  config_loads = ts_mon.CounterMetric(
+      'monorail/client_config_svc/loads',
+      'Results of fetches from luci-config.',
+      [ts_mon.BooleanField('success'), ts_mon.StringField('type')])
+  def get(self):
+    global service_account_map
+    global qpm_dict
+    authorization_token, _ = app_identity.get_access_token(
+      framework_constants.OAUTH_SCOPE)
+    response = urlfetch.fetch(
+      method=urlfetch.GET,
+      follow_redirects=False,
+      headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
+              'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + authorization_token})
+    if response.status_code != 200:
+      logging.error('Invalid response from luci-config: %r', response)
+      self.config_loads.increment({'success': False, 'type': 'luci-cfg-error'})
+      self.abort(500, 'Invalid response from luci-config')
+    try:
+      content_text = self._process_response(response)
+    except Exception as e:
+      self.abort(500, str(e))
+'luci-config content decoded: %r.', content_text)
+    configs = ClientConfig(configs=content_text,
+                            key_name='api_client_configs')
+    configs.put()
+    service_account_map = None
+    qpm_dict = None
+    self.config_loads.increment({'success': True, 'type': 'success'})
+  def _process_response(self, response):
+    try:
+      content = json.loads(response.content)
+    except ValueError:
+      logging.error('Response was not JSON: %r', response.content)
+      self.config_loads.increment({'success': False, 'type': 'json-load-error'})
+      raise
+    try:
+      config_content = content['content']
+    except KeyError:
+      logging.error('JSON contained no content: %r', content)
+      self.config_loads.increment({'success': False, 'type': 'json-key-error'})
+      raise
+    try:
+      content_text = base64.b64decode(config_content)
+    except TypeError:
+      logging.error('Content was not b64: %r', config_content)
+      self.config_loads.increment({'success': False,
+                                   'type': 'b64-decode-error'})
+      raise
+    try:
+      cfg = api_clients_config_pb2.ClientCfg()
+      text_format.Merge(content_text, cfg)
+    except:
+      logging.error('Content was not a valid ClientCfg proto: %r', content_text)
+      self.config_loads.increment({'success': False,
+                                   'type': 'proto-load-error'})
+      raise
+    return content_text
+class ClientConfigService(object):
+  """The persistence layer for client config data."""
+  # Reload no more than once every 15 minutes.
+  # Different GAE instances can load it at different times,
+  # so clients may get inconsistence responses shortly after allowlisting.
+  EXPIRES_IN = 15 * framework_constants.SECS_PER_MINUTE
+  def __init__(self):
+    self.client_configs = None
+    self.load_time = 0
+  def GetConfigs(self, use_cache=True, cur_time=None):
+    """Read client configs."""
+    cur_time = cur_time or int(time.time())
+    force_load = False
+    if not self.client_configs:
+      force_load = True
+    elif not use_cache:
+      force_load = True
+    elif cur_time - self.load_time > self.EXPIRES_IN:
+      force_load = True
+    if force_load:
+      if settings.local_mode or settings.unit_test_mode:
+        self._ReadFromFilesystem()
+      else:
+        self._ReadFromDatastore()
+    return self.client_configs
+  def _ReadFromFilesystem(self):
+    try:
+      with open(CONFIG_FILE_PATH, 'r') as f:
+        content_text =
+'Read client configs from local file.')
+      cfg = api_clients_config_pb2.ClientCfg()
+      text_format.Merge(content_text, cfg)
+      self.client_configs = cfg
+      self.load_time = int(time.time())
+    except Exception as e:
+      logging.exception('Failed to read client configs: %s', e)
+  def _ReadFromDatastore(self):
+    entity = ClientConfig.get_by_key_name('api_client_configs')
+    if entity:
+      cfg = api_clients_config_pb2.ClientCfg()
+      text_format.Merge(entity.configs, cfg)
+      self.client_configs = cfg
+      self.load_time = int(time.time())
+    else:
+      logging.error('Failed to get api client configs from datastore.')
+  def GetClientIDEmails(self):
+    """Get client IDs and Emails."""
+    self.GetConfigs(use_cache=True)
+    client_ids = [c.client_id for c in self.client_configs.clients]
+    client_emails = [c.client_email for c in self.client_configs.clients]
+    return client_ids, client_emails
+  def GetDisplayNames(self):
+    """Get client display names."""
+    self.GetConfigs(use_cache=True)
+    names_dict = {}
+    for client in self.client_configs.clients:
+      if client.display_name:
+        names_dict[client.client_email] = client.display_name
+    return names_dict
+  def GetQPM(self):
+    """Get client qpm limit."""
+    self.GetConfigs(use_cache=True)
+    qpm_map = {}
+    for client in self.client_configs.clients:
+      if client.HasField('qpm_limit'):
+        qpm_map[client.client_email] = client.qpm_limit
+    return qpm_map
+  def GetAllowedOriginsSet(self):
+    """Get the set of all allowed origins."""
+    self.GetConfigs(use_cache=True)
+    origins = set()
+    for client in self.client_configs.clients:
+      origins.update(client.allowed_origins)
+    return origins
+def GetClientConfigSvc():
+  global client_config_svc
+  if client_config_svc is None:
+    client_config_svc = ClientConfigService()
+  return client_config_svc
+def GetServiceAccountMap():
+  # typ: () -> Mapping[str, str]
+  """Returns only service accounts that have specified display_names."""
+  global service_account_map
+  if service_account_map is None:
+    service_account_map = GetClientConfigSvc().GetDisplayNames()
+  return service_account_map
+def GetQPMDict():
+  global qpm_dict
+  if qpm_dict is None:
+    qpm_dict = GetClientConfigSvc().GetQPM()
+  return qpm_dict
+def GetAllowedOriginsSet():
+  global allowed_origins_set
+  if allowed_origins_set is None:
+    allowed_origins_set = GetClientConfigSvc().GetAllowedOriginsSet()
+  return allowed_origins_set
diff --git a/services/ b/services/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27c1d3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/
@@ -0,0 +1,1499 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Classes and functions for persistence of issue tracker configuration.
+This module provides functions to get, update, create, and (in some
+cases) delete each type of business object.  It provides a logical
+persistence layer on top of an SQL database.
+Business objects are described in and
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import collections
+import logging
+from google.appengine.api import memcache
+import settings
+from framework import exceptions
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import sql
+from proto import tracker_pb2
+from services import caches
+from services import project_svc
+from tracker import tracker_bizobj
+from tracker import tracker_constants
+    'project_id', 'statuses_offer_merge', 'exclusive_label_prefixes',
+    'default_template_for_developers', 'default_template_for_users',
+    'default_col_spec', 'default_sort_spec', 'default_x_attr',
+    'default_y_attr', 'member_default_query', 'custom_issue_entry_url']
+    'id', 'project_id', 'rank', 'status', 'means_open', 'docstring',
+    'deprecated']
+    'id', 'project_id', 'rank', 'label', 'docstring', 'deprecated']
+    'id', 'project_id', 'rank', 'field_name', 'field_type', 'applicable_type',
+    'applicable_predicate', 'is_required', 'is_niche', 'is_multivalued',
+    'min_value', 'max_value', 'regex', 'needs_member', 'needs_perm',
+    'grants_perm', 'notify_on', 'date_action', 'docstring', 'is_deleted',
+    'approval_id', 'is_phase_field', 'is_restricted_field'
+FIELDDEF2ADMIN_COLS = ['field_id', 'admin_id']
+FIELDDEF2EDITOR_COLS = ['field_id', 'editor_id']
+COMPONENTDEF_COLS = ['id', 'project_id', 'path', 'docstring', 'deprecated',
+                     'created', 'creator_id', 'modified', 'modifier_id']
+COMPONENT2ADMIN_COLS = ['component_id', 'admin_id']
+COMPONENT2CC_COLS = ['component_id', 'cc_id']
+COMPONENT2LABEL_COLS = ['component_id', 'label_id']
+APPROVALDEF2APPROVER_COLS = ['approval_id', 'approver_id', 'project_id']
+APPROVALDEF2SURVEY_COLS = ['approval_id', 'survey', 'project_id']
+NOTIFY_ON_ENUM = ['never', 'any_comment']
+DATE_ACTION_ENUM = ['no_action', 'ping_owner_only', 'ping_participants']
+# Some projects have tons of label rows, so we retrieve them in shards
+# to avoid huge DB results or exceeding the memcache size limit.
+class LabelRowTwoLevelCache(caches.AbstractTwoLevelCache):
+  """Class to manage RAM and memcache for label rows.
+  Label rows exist for every label used in a project, even those labels
+  that were added to issues in an ad hoc way without being defined in the
+  config ahead of time.
+  The set of all labels in a project can be very large, so we shard them
+  into 10 parts so that each part can be cached in memcache with < 1MB.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, cache_manager, config_service):
+    super(LabelRowTwoLevelCache, self).__init__(
+        cache_manager, 'project', 'label_rows:', None)
+    self.config_service = config_service
+  def _MakeCache(self, cache_manager, kind, max_size=None):
+    """Make the RAM cache and registier it with the cache_manager."""
+    return caches.ShardedRamCache(
+      cache_manager, kind, max_size=max_size, num_shards=LABEL_ROW_SHARDS)
+  def _DeserializeLabelRows(self, label_def_rows):
+    """Convert DB result rows into a dict {project_id: [row, ...]}."""
+    result_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
+    for label_id, project_id, rank, label, docstr, deprecated in label_def_rows:
+      shard_id = label_id % LABEL_ROW_SHARDS
+      result_dict[(project_id, shard_id)].append(
+          (label_id, project_id, rank, label, docstr, deprecated))
+    return result_dict
+  def FetchItems(self, cnxn, keys):
+    """On RAM and memcache miss, hit the database."""
+    # Make sure that every requested project is represented in the result
+    label_rows_dict = {}
+    for key in keys:
+      label_rows_dict.setdefault(key, [])
+    for project_id, shard_id in keys:
+      shard_clause = [('id %% %s = %s', [LABEL_ROW_SHARDS, shard_id])]
+      label_def_rows = self.config_service.labeldef_tbl.Select(
+          cnxn, cols=LABELDEF_COLS, project_id=project_id,
+          where=shard_clause)
+      label_rows_dict.update(self._DeserializeLabelRows(label_def_rows))
+    for rows_in_shard in label_rows_dict.values():
+      rows_in_shard.sort(key=lambda row: (row[2], row[3]), reverse=True)
+    return label_rows_dict
+  def InvalidateKeys(self, cnxn, project_ids):
+    """Drop the given keys from both RAM and memcache."""
+    self.cache.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, project_ids)
+    memcache.delete_multi(
+        [
+            self._KeyToStr((project_id, shard_id))
+            for project_id in project_ids
+            for shard_id in range(0, LABEL_ROW_SHARDS)
+        ],
+        seconds=5,
+        key_prefix=self.prefix,
+        namespace=settings.memcache_namespace)
+  def InvalidateAllKeys(self, cnxn, project_ids):
+    """Drop the given keys from memcache and invalidate all keys in RAM.
+    Useful for avoiding inserting many rows into the Invalidate table when
+    invalidating a large group of keys all at once. Only use when necessary.
+    """
+    self.cache.InvalidateAll(cnxn)
+    memcache.delete_multi(
+        [
+            self._KeyToStr((project_id, shard_id))
+            for project_id in project_ids
+            for shard_id in range(0, LABEL_ROW_SHARDS)
+        ],
+        seconds=5,
+        key_prefix=self.prefix,
+        namespace=settings.memcache_namespace)
+  def _KeyToStr(self, key):
+    """Convert our tuple IDs to strings for use as memcache keys."""
+    project_id, shard_id = key
+    return '%d-%d' % (project_id, shard_id)
+  def _StrToKey(self, key_str):
+    """Convert memcache keys back to the tuples that we use as IDs."""
+    project_id_str, shard_id_str = key_str.split('-')
+    return int(project_id_str), int(shard_id_str)
+class StatusRowTwoLevelCache(caches.AbstractTwoLevelCache):
+  """Class to manage RAM and memcache for status rows."""
+  def __init__(self, cache_manager, config_service):
+    super(StatusRowTwoLevelCache, self).__init__(
+        cache_manager, 'project', 'status_rows:', None)
+    self.config_service = config_service
+  def _DeserializeStatusRows(self, def_rows):
+    """Convert status definition rows into {project_id: [row, ...]}."""
+    result_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
+    for (status_id, project_id, rank, status,
+         means_open, docstr, deprecated) in def_rows:
+      result_dict[project_id].append(
+          (status_id, project_id, rank, status, means_open, docstr, deprecated))
+    return result_dict
+  def FetchItems(self, cnxn, keys):
+    """On cache miss, get status definition rows from the DB."""
+    status_def_rows = self.config_service.statusdef_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=STATUSDEF_COLS, project_id=keys,
+        order_by=[('rank DESC', []), ('status DESC', [])])
+    status_rows_dict = self._DeserializeStatusRows(status_def_rows)
+    # Make sure that every requested project is represented in the result
+    for project_id in keys:
+      status_rows_dict.setdefault(project_id, [])
+    return status_rows_dict
+class FieldRowTwoLevelCache(caches.AbstractTwoLevelCache):
+  """Class to manage RAM and memcache for field rows.
+  Field rows exist for every field used in a project, since they cannot be
+  created through ad-hoc means.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, cache_manager, config_service):
+    super(FieldRowTwoLevelCache, self).__init__(
+        cache_manager, 'project', 'field_rows:', None)
+    self.config_service = config_service
+  def _DeserializeFieldRows(self, field_def_rows):
+    """Convert DB result rows into a dict {project_id: [row, ...]}."""
+    result_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
+    # TODO: Actually process the rest of the items.
+    for (field_id, project_id, rank, field_name, _field_type, _applicable_type,
+         _applicable_predicate, _is_required, _is_niche, _is_multivalued,
+         _min_value, _max_value, _regex, _needs_member, _needs_perm,
+         _grants_perm, _notify_on, _date_action, docstring, _is_deleted,
+         _approval_id, _is_phase_field, _is_restricted_field) in field_def_rows:
+      result_dict[project_id].append(
+          (field_id, project_id, rank, field_name, docstring))
+    return result_dict
+  def FetchItems(self, cnxn, keys):
+    """On RAM and memcache miss, hit the database."""
+    field_def_rows = self.config_service.fielddef_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=FIELDDEF_COLS, project_id=keys,
+        order_by=[('rank DESC', []), ('field_name DESC', [])])
+    field_rows_dict = self._DeserializeFieldRows(field_def_rows)
+    # Make sure that every requested project is represented in the result
+    for project_id in keys:
+      field_rows_dict.setdefault(project_id, [])
+    return field_rows_dict
+class ConfigTwoLevelCache(caches.AbstractTwoLevelCache):
+  """Class to manage RAM and memcache for IssueProjectConfig PBs."""
+  def __init__(self, cache_manager, config_service):
+    super(ConfigTwoLevelCache, self).__init__(
+        cache_manager, 'project', 'config:', tracker_pb2.ProjectIssueConfig)
+    self.config_service = config_service
+  def _UnpackProjectIssueConfig(self, config_row):
+    """Partially construct a config object using info from a DB row."""
+    (project_id, statuses_offer_merge, exclusive_label_prefixes,
+     default_template_for_developers, default_template_for_users,
+     default_col_spec, default_sort_spec, default_x_attr, default_y_attr,
+     member_default_query, custom_issue_entry_url) = config_row
+    config = tracker_pb2.ProjectIssueConfig()
+    config.project_id = project_id
+    config.statuses_offer_merge.extend(statuses_offer_merge.split())
+    config.exclusive_label_prefixes.extend(exclusive_label_prefixes.split())
+    config.default_template_for_developers = default_template_for_developers
+    config.default_template_for_users = default_template_for_users
+    config.default_col_spec = default_col_spec
+    config.default_sort_spec = default_sort_spec
+    config.default_x_attr = default_x_attr
+    config.default_y_attr = default_y_attr
+    config.member_default_query = member_default_query
+    if custom_issue_entry_url is not None:
+      config.custom_issue_entry_url = custom_issue_entry_url
+    return config
+  def _UnpackFieldDef(self, fielddef_row):
+    """Partially construct a FieldDef object using info from a DB row."""
+    (
+        field_id, project_id, _rank, field_name, field_type, applic_type,
+        applic_pred, is_required, is_niche, is_multivalued, min_value,
+        max_value, regex, needs_member, needs_perm, grants_perm, notify_on_str,
+        date_action_str, docstring, is_deleted, approval_id, is_phase_field,
+        is_restricted_field) = fielddef_row
+    if notify_on_str == 'any_comment':
+      notify_on = tracker_pb2.NotifyTriggers.ANY_COMMENT
+    else:
+      notify_on = tracker_pb2.NotifyTriggers.NEVER
+    try:
+      date_action = DATE_ACTION_ENUM.index(date_action_str)
+    except ValueError:
+      date_action = DATE_ACTION_ENUM.index('no_action')
+    return tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldDef(
+        field_id, project_id, field_name,
+        tracker_pb2.FieldTypes(field_type.upper()), applic_type, applic_pred,
+        is_required, is_niche, is_multivalued, min_value, max_value, regex,
+        needs_member, needs_perm, grants_perm, notify_on, date_action,
+        docstring, is_deleted, approval_id, is_phase_field, is_restricted_field)
+  def _UnpackComponentDef(
+      self, cd_row, component2admin_rows, component2cc_rows,
+      component2label_rows):
+    """Partially construct a FieldDef object using info from a DB row."""
+    (component_id, project_id, path, docstring, deprecated, created,
+     creator_id, modified, modifier_id) = cd_row
+    cd = tracker_bizobj.MakeComponentDef(
+        component_id, project_id, path, docstring, deprecated,
+        [admin_id for comp_id, admin_id in component2admin_rows
+         if comp_id == component_id],
+        [cc_id for comp_id, cc_id in component2cc_rows
+         if comp_id == component_id],
+        created, creator_id,
+        modified=modified, modifier_id=modifier_id,
+        label_ids=[label_id for comp_id, label_id in component2label_rows
+                   if comp_id == component_id])
+    return cd
+  def _DeserializeIssueConfigs(
+      self, config_rows, statusdef_rows, labeldef_rows, fielddef_rows,
+      fielddef2admin_rows, fielddef2editor_rows, componentdef_rows,
+      component2admin_rows, component2cc_rows, component2label_rows,
+      approvaldef2approver_rows, approvaldef2survey_rows):
+    """Convert the given row tuples into a dict of ProjectIssueConfig PBs."""
+    result_dict = {}
+    fielddef_dict = {}
+    approvaldef_dict = {}
+    for config_row in config_rows:
+      config = self._UnpackProjectIssueConfig(config_row)
+      result_dict[config.project_id] = config
+    for statusdef_row in statusdef_rows:
+      (_, project_id, _rank, status,
+       means_open, docstring, deprecated) = statusdef_row
+      if project_id in result_dict:
+        wks = tracker_pb2.StatusDef(
+            status=status, means_open=bool(means_open),
+            status_docstring=docstring or '', deprecated=bool(deprecated))
+        result_dict[project_id].well_known_statuses.append(wks)
+    for labeldef_row in labeldef_rows:
+      _, project_id, _rank, label, docstring, deprecated = labeldef_row
+      if project_id in result_dict:
+        wkl = tracker_pb2.LabelDef(
+            label=label, label_docstring=docstring or '',
+            deprecated=bool(deprecated))
+        result_dict[project_id].well_known_labels.append(wkl)
+    for approver_row in approvaldef2approver_rows:
+      approval_id, approver_id, project_id = approver_row
+      if project_id in result_dict:
+        approval_def = approvaldef_dict.get(approval_id)
+        if approval_def is None:
+          approval_def = tracker_pb2.ApprovalDef(
+              approval_id=approval_id)
+          result_dict[project_id].approval_defs.append(approval_def)
+          approvaldef_dict[approval_id] = approval_def
+        approval_def.approver_ids.append(approver_id)
+    for survey_row in approvaldef2survey_rows:
+      approval_id, survey, project_id = survey_row
+      if project_id in result_dict:
+        approval_def = approvaldef_dict.get(approval_id)
+        if approval_def is None:
+          approval_def = tracker_pb2.ApprovalDef(
+              approval_id=approval_id)
+          result_dict[project_id].approval_defs.append(approval_def)
+          approvaldef_dict[approval_id] = approval_def
+        approval_def.survey = survey
+    for fd_row in fielddef_rows:
+      fd = self._UnpackFieldDef(fd_row)
+      result_dict[fd.project_id].field_defs.append(fd)
+      fielddef_dict[fd.field_id] = fd
+    for fd2admin_row in fielddef2admin_rows:
+      field_id, admin_id = fd2admin_row
+      fd = fielddef_dict.get(field_id)
+      if fd:
+        fd.admin_ids.append(admin_id)
+    for fd2editor_row in fielddef2editor_rows:
+      field_id, editor_id = fd2editor_row
+      fd = fielddef_dict.get(field_id)
+      if fd:
+        fd.editor_ids.append(editor_id)
+    for cd_row in componentdef_rows:
+      cd = self._UnpackComponentDef(
+          cd_row, component2admin_rows, component2cc_rows, component2label_rows)
+      result_dict[cd.project_id].component_defs.append(cd)
+    return result_dict
+  def _FetchConfigs(self, cnxn, project_ids):
+    """On RAM and memcache miss, hit the database."""
+    config_rows = self.config_service.projectissueconfig_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=PROJECTISSUECONFIG_COLS, project_id=project_ids)
+    statusdef_rows = self.config_service.statusdef_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=STATUSDEF_COLS, project_id=project_ids,
+        where=[('rank IS NOT NULL', [])], order_by=[('rank', [])])
+    labeldef_rows = self.config_service.labeldef_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=LABELDEF_COLS, project_id=project_ids,
+        where=[('rank IS NOT NULL', [])], order_by=[('rank', [])])
+    approver_rows = self.config_service.approvaldef2approver_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=APPROVALDEF2APPROVER_COLS, project_id=project_ids)
+    survey_rows = self.config_service.approvaldef2survey_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=APPROVALDEF2SURVEY_COLS, project_id=project_ids)
+    # TODO(jrobbins): For now, sort by field name, but someday allow admins
+    # to adjust the rank to group and order field definitions logically.
+    fielddef_rows = self.config_service.fielddef_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=FIELDDEF_COLS, project_id=project_ids,
+        order_by=[('field_name', [])])
+    field_ids = [row[0] for row in fielddef_rows]
+    fielddef2admin_rows = []
+    fielddef2editor_rows = []
+    if field_ids:
+      fielddef2admin_rows = self.config_service.fielddef2admin_tbl.Select(
+          cnxn, cols=FIELDDEF2ADMIN_COLS, field_id=field_ids)
+      fielddef2editor_rows = self.config_service.fielddef2editor_tbl.Select(
+          cnxn, cols=FIELDDEF2EDITOR_COLS, field_id=field_ids)
+    componentdef_rows = self.config_service.componentdef_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=COMPONENTDEF_COLS, project_id=project_ids,
+        is_deleted=False, order_by=[('path', [])])
+    component_ids = [cd_row[0] for cd_row in componentdef_rows]
+    component2admin_rows = []
+    component2cc_rows = []
+    component2label_rows = []
+    if component_ids:
+      component2admin_rows = self.config_service.component2admin_tbl.Select(
+          cnxn, cols=COMPONENT2ADMIN_COLS, component_id=component_ids)
+      component2cc_rows = self.config_service.component2cc_tbl.Select(
+          cnxn, cols=COMPONENT2CC_COLS, component_id=component_ids)
+      component2label_rows = self.config_service.component2label_tbl.Select(
+          cnxn, cols=COMPONENT2LABEL_COLS, component_id=component_ids)
+    retrieved_dict = self._DeserializeIssueConfigs(
+        config_rows, statusdef_rows, labeldef_rows, fielddef_rows,
+        fielddef2admin_rows, fielddef2editor_rows, componentdef_rows,
+        component2admin_rows, component2cc_rows, component2label_rows,
+        approver_rows, survey_rows)
+    return retrieved_dict
+  def FetchItems(self, cnxn, keys):
+    """On RAM and memcache miss, hit the database."""
+    retrieved_dict = self._FetchConfigs(cnxn, keys)
+    # Any projects which don't have stored configs should use a default
+    # config instead.
+    for project_id in keys:
+      if project_id not in retrieved_dict:
+        config = tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(project_id)
+        retrieved_dict[project_id] = config
+    return retrieved_dict
+class ConfigService(object):
+  """The persistence layer for Monorail's issue tracker configuration data."""
+  def __init__(self, cache_manager):
+    """Initialize this object so that it is ready to use.
+    Args:
+      cache_manager: manages local caches with distributed invalidation.
+    """
+    self.projectissueconfig_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(
+    self.statusdef_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(STATUSDEF_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.labeldef_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(LABELDEF_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.fielddef_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(FIELDDEF_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.fielddef2admin_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(FIELDDEF2ADMIN_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.fielddef2editor_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(FIELDDEF2EDITOR_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.componentdef_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(COMPONENTDEF_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.component2admin_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(COMPONENT2ADMIN_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.component2cc_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(COMPONENT2CC_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.component2label_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(COMPONENT2LABEL_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.approvaldef2approver_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(
+    self.approvaldef2survey_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(
+    self.config_2lc = ConfigTwoLevelCache(cache_manager, self)
+    self.label_row_2lc = LabelRowTwoLevelCache(cache_manager, self)
+    self.label_cache = caches.RamCache(cache_manager, 'project')
+    self.status_row_2lc = StatusRowTwoLevelCache(cache_manager, self)
+    self.status_cache = caches.RamCache(cache_manager, 'project')
+    self.field_row_2lc = FieldRowTwoLevelCache(cache_manager, self)
+    self.field_cache = caches.RamCache(cache_manager, 'project')
+  ### Label lookups
+  def GetLabelDefRows(self, cnxn, project_id, use_cache=True):
+    """Get SQL result rows for all labels used in the specified project."""
+    result = []
+    for shard_id in range(0, LABEL_ROW_SHARDS):
+      key = (project_id, shard_id)
+      pids_to_label_rows_shard, _misses = self.label_row_2lc.GetAll(
+        cnxn, [key], use_cache=use_cache)
+      result.extend(pids_to_label_rows_shard[key])
+    # Sort in python to reduce DB load and integrate results from shards.
+    # row[2] is rank, row[3] is label name.
+    result.sort(key=lambda row: (row[2], row[3]), reverse=True)
+    return result
+  def GetLabelDefRowsAnyProject(self, cnxn, where=None):
+    """Get all LabelDef rows for the whole site. Used in whole-site search."""
+    # TODO(jrobbins): maybe add caching for these too.
+    label_def_rows = self.labeldef_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=LABELDEF_COLS, where=where,
+        order_by=[('rank DESC', []), ('label DESC', [])])
+    return label_def_rows
+  def _DeserializeLabels(self, def_rows):
+    """Convert label defs into bi-directional mappings of names and IDs."""
+    label_id_to_name = {
+        label_id: label for
+        label_id, _pid, _rank, label, _doc, _deprecated
+        in def_rows}
+    label_name_to_id = {
+        label.lower(): label_id
+        for label_id, label in label_id_to_name.items()}
+    return label_id_to_name, label_name_to_id
+  def _EnsureLabelCacheEntry(self, cnxn, project_id, use_cache=True):
+    """Make sure that self.label_cache has an entry for project_id."""
+    if not use_cache or not self.label_cache.HasItem(project_id):
+      def_rows = self.GetLabelDefRows(cnxn, project_id, use_cache=use_cache)
+      self.label_cache.CacheItem(project_id, self._DeserializeLabels(def_rows))
+  def LookupLabel(self, cnxn, project_id, label_id):
+    """Lookup a label string given the label_id.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: int ID of the project where the label is defined or used.
+      label_id: int label ID.
+    Returns:
+      Label name string for the given label_id, or None.
+    """
+    self._EnsureLabelCacheEntry(cnxn, project_id)
+    label_id_to_name, _label_name_to_id = self.label_cache.GetItem(
+        project_id)
+    if label_id in label_id_to_name:
+      return label_id_to_name[label_id]
+'Label %r not found. Getting fresh from DB.', label_id)
+    self._EnsureLabelCacheEntry(cnxn, project_id, use_cache=False)
+    label_id_to_name, _label_name_to_id = self.label_cache.GetItem(
+        project_id)
+    return label_id_to_name.get(label_id)
+  def LookupLabelID(self, cnxn, project_id, label, autocreate=True):
+    """Look up a label ID, optionally interning it.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: int ID of the project where the statuses are defined.
+      label: label string.
+      autocreate: if not already in the DB, store it and generate a new ID.
+    Returns:
+      The label ID for the given label string.
+    """
+    self._EnsureLabelCacheEntry(cnxn, project_id)
+    _label_id_to_name, label_name_to_id = self.label_cache.GetItem(
+        project_id)
+    if label.lower() in label_name_to_id:
+      return label_name_to_id[label.lower()]
+    # Double check that the label does not already exist in the DB.
+    rows = self.labeldef_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['id'], project_id=project_id,
+        where=[('LOWER(label) = %s', [label.lower()])],
+        limit=1)
+'Double checking for %r gave %r', label, rows)
+    if rows:
+      self.label_row_2lc.cache.LocalInvalidate(project_id)
+      self.label_cache.LocalInvalidate(project_id)
+      return rows[0][0]
+    if autocreate:
+'No label %r is known in project %d, so intern it.',
+                   label, project_id)
+      label_id = self.labeldef_tbl.InsertRow(
+          cnxn, project_id=project_id, label=label)
+      self.label_row_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [project_id])
+      self.label_cache.Invalidate(cnxn, project_id)
+      return label_id
+    return None  # It was not found and we don't want to create it.
+  def LookupLabelIDs(self, cnxn, project_id, labels, autocreate=False):
+    """Look up several label IDs.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: int ID of the project where the statuses are defined.
+      labels: list of label strings.
+      autocreate: if not already in the DB, store it and generate a new ID.
+    Returns:
+      Returns a list of int label IDs for the given label strings.
+    """
+    result = []
+    for lab in labels:
+      label_id = self.LookupLabelID(
+          cnxn, project_id, lab, autocreate=autocreate)
+      if label_id is not None:
+        result.append(label_id)
+    return result
+  def LookupIDsOfLabelsMatching(self, cnxn, project_id, regex):
+    """Look up the IDs of all labels in a project that match the regex.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: int ID of the project where the statuses are defined.
+      regex: regular expression object to match against the label strings.
+    Returns:
+      List of label IDs for labels that match the regex.
+    """
+    self._EnsureLabelCacheEntry(cnxn, project_id)
+    label_id_to_name, _label_name_to_id = self.label_cache.GetItem(
+        project_id)
+    result = [label_id for label_id, label in label_id_to_name.items()
+              if regex.match(label)]
+    return result
+  def LookupLabelIDsAnyProject(self, cnxn, label):
+    """Return the IDs of labels with the given name in any project.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      label: string label to look up.  Case sensitive.
+    Returns:
+      A list of int label IDs of all labels matching the given string.
+    """
+    # TODO(jrobbins): maybe add caching for these too.
+    label_id_rows = self.labeldef_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['id'], label=label)
+    label_ids = [row[0] for row in label_id_rows]
+    return label_ids
+  def LookupIDsOfLabelsMatchingAnyProject(self, cnxn, regex):
+    """Return the IDs of matching labels in any project."""
+    label_rows = self.labeldef_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['id', 'label'])
+    matching_ids = [
+        label_id for label_id, label in label_rows if regex.match(label)]
+    return matching_ids
+  ### Status lookups
+  def GetStatusDefRows(self, cnxn, project_id):
+    """Return a list of status definition rows for the specified project."""
+    pids_to_status_rows, misses = self.status_row_2lc.GetAll(
+        cnxn, [project_id])
+    assert not misses
+    return pids_to_status_rows[project_id]
+  def GetStatusDefRowsAnyProject(self, cnxn):
+    """Return all status definition rows on the whole site."""
+    # TODO(jrobbins): maybe add caching for these too.
+    status_def_rows = self.statusdef_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=STATUSDEF_COLS,
+        order_by=[('rank DESC', []), ('status DESC', [])])
+    return status_def_rows
+  def _DeserializeStatuses(self, def_rows):
+    """Convert status defs into bi-directional mappings of names and IDs."""
+    status_id_to_name = {
+        status_id: status
+        for (status_id, _pid, _rank, status, _means_open,
+             _doc, _deprecated) in def_rows}
+    status_name_to_id = {
+        status.lower(): status_id
+        for status_id, status in status_id_to_name.items()}
+    closed_status_ids = [
+        status_id
+        for (status_id, _pid, _rank, _status, means_open,
+             _doc, _deprecated) in def_rows
+        if means_open == 0]  # Only 0 means closed. NULL/None means open.
+    return status_id_to_name, status_name_to_id, closed_status_ids
+  def _EnsureStatusCacheEntry(self, cnxn, project_id):
+    """Make sure that self.status_cache has an entry for project_id."""
+    if not self.status_cache.HasItem(project_id):
+      def_rows = self.GetStatusDefRows(cnxn, project_id)
+      self.status_cache.CacheItem(
+          project_id, self._DeserializeStatuses(def_rows))
+  def LookupStatus(self, cnxn, project_id, status_id):
+    """Look up a status string for the given status ID.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: int ID of the project where the statuses are defined.
+      status_id: int ID of the status value.
+    Returns:
+      A status string, or None.
+    """
+    if status_id == 0:
+      return ''
+    self._EnsureStatusCacheEntry(cnxn, project_id)
+    (status_id_to_name, _status_name_to_id,
+     _closed_status_ids) = self.status_cache.GetItem(project_id)
+    return status_id_to_name.get(status_id)
+  def LookupStatusID(self, cnxn, project_id, status, autocreate=True):
+    """Look up a status ID for the given status string.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: int ID of the project where the statuses are defined.
+      status: status string.
+      autocreate: if not already in the DB, store it and generate a new ID.
+    Returns:
+      The status ID for the given status string, or None.
+    """
+    if not status:
+      return None
+    self._EnsureStatusCacheEntry(cnxn, project_id)
+    (_status_id_to_name, status_name_to_id,
+     _closed_status_ids) = self.status_cache.GetItem(project_id)
+    if status.lower() in status_name_to_id:
+      return status_name_to_id[status.lower()]
+    if autocreate:
+'No status %r is known in project %d, so intern it.',
+                   status, project_id)
+      status_id = self.statusdef_tbl.InsertRow(
+          cnxn, project_id=project_id, status=status)
+      self.status_row_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [project_id])
+      self.status_cache.Invalidate(cnxn, project_id)
+      return status_id
+    return None  # It was not found and we don't want to create it.
+  def LookupStatusIDs(self, cnxn, project_id, statuses):
+    """Look up several status IDs for the given status strings.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: int ID of the project where the statuses are defined.
+      statuses: list of status strings.
+    Returns:
+      A list of int status IDs.
+    """
+    result = []
+    for stat in statuses:
+      status_id = self.LookupStatusID(cnxn, project_id, stat, autocreate=False)
+      if status_id:
+        result.append(status_id)
+    return result
+  def LookupClosedStatusIDs(self, cnxn, project_id):
+    """Return the IDs of closed statuses defined in the given project."""
+    self._EnsureStatusCacheEntry(cnxn, project_id)
+    (_status_id_to_name, _status_name_to_id,
+     closed_status_ids) = self.status_cache.GetItem(project_id)
+    return closed_status_ids
+  def LookupClosedStatusIDsAnyProject(self, cnxn):
+    """Return the IDs of closed statuses defined in any project."""
+    status_id_rows = self.statusdef_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['id'], means_open=False)
+    status_ids = [row[0] for row in status_id_rows]
+    return status_ids
+  def LookupStatusIDsAnyProject(self, cnxn, status):
+    """Return the IDs of statues with the given name in any project."""
+    status_id_rows = self.statusdef_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['id'], status=status)
+    status_ids = [row[0] for row in status_id_rows]
+    return status_ids
+  # TODO(jrobbins): regex matching for status values.
+  ### Issue tracker configuration objects
+  def GetProjectConfigs(self, cnxn, project_ids, use_cache=True):
+    # type: (MonorailConnection, Collection[int], Optional[bool])
+    #     -> Mapping[int, ProjectConfig]
+    """Get several project issue config objects."""
+    config_dict, missed_ids = self.config_2lc.GetAll(
+        cnxn, project_ids, use_cache=use_cache)
+    if missed_ids:
+      raise exceptions.NoSuchProjectException()
+    return config_dict
+  def GetProjectConfig(self, cnxn, project_id, use_cache=True):
+    """Load a ProjectIssueConfig for the specified project from the database.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: int ID of the current project.
+      use_cache: if False, always hit the database.
+    Returns:
+      A ProjectIssueConfig describing how the issue tracker in the specified
+      project is configured.  Projects only have a stored ProjectIssueConfig if
+      a project owner has edited the configuration.  Other projects use a
+      default configuration.
+    """
+    config_dict = self.GetProjectConfigs(
+        cnxn, [project_id], use_cache=use_cache)
+    return config_dict[project_id]
+  def StoreConfig(self, cnxn, config):
+    """Update an issue config in the database.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      config: ProjectIssueConfig PB to update.
+    """
+    # TODO(jrobbins): Convert default template index values into foreign
+    # key references.  Updating an entire config might require (1) adding
+    # new templates, (2) updating the config with new foreign key values,
+    # and finally (3) deleting only the specific templates that should be
+    # deleted.
+    self.projectissueconfig_tbl.InsertRow(
+        cnxn, replace=True,
+        project_id=config.project_id,
+        statuses_offer_merge=' '.join(config.statuses_offer_merge),
+        exclusive_label_prefixes=' '.join(config.exclusive_label_prefixes),
+        default_template_for_developers=config.default_template_for_developers,
+        default_template_for_users=config.default_template_for_users,
+        default_col_spec=config.default_col_spec,
+        default_sort_spec=config.default_sort_spec,
+        default_x_attr=config.default_x_attr,
+        default_y_attr=config.default_y_attr,
+        member_default_query=config.member_default_query,
+        custom_issue_entry_url=config.custom_issue_entry_url,
+        commit=False)
+    self._UpdateWellKnownLabels(cnxn, config)
+    self._UpdateWellKnownStatuses(cnxn, config)
+    self._UpdateApprovals(cnxn, config)
+    cnxn.Commit()
+  def _UpdateWellKnownLabels(self, cnxn, config):
+    """Update the labels part of a project's issue configuration.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      config: ProjectIssueConfig PB to update in the DB.
+    """
+    update_labeldef_rows = []
+    new_labeldef_rows = []
+    labels_seen = set()
+    for rank, wkl in enumerate(config.well_known_labels):
+      # Prevent duplicate key errors
+      if wkl.label in labels_seen:
+        raise exceptions.InputException('Defined label "%s" twice' % wkl.label)
+      labels_seen.add(wkl.label)
+      # We must specify label ID when replacing, otherwise a new ID is made.
+      label_id = self.LookupLabelID(
+          cnxn, config.project_id, wkl.label, autocreate=False)
+      if label_id:
+        row = (label_id, config.project_id, rank, wkl.label,
+               wkl.label_docstring, wkl.deprecated)
+        update_labeldef_rows.append(row)
+      else:
+        row = (
+            config.project_id, rank, wkl.label, wkl.label_docstring,
+            wkl.deprecated)
+        new_labeldef_rows.append(row)
+    self.labeldef_tbl.Update(
+        cnxn, {'rank': None}, project_id=config.project_id, commit=False)
+    self.labeldef_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, LABELDEF_COLS, update_labeldef_rows, replace=True, commit=False)
+    self.labeldef_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, LABELDEF_COLS[1:], new_labeldef_rows, commit=False)
+    self.label_row_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [config.project_id])
+    self.label_cache.Invalidate(cnxn, config.project_id)
+  def _UpdateWellKnownStatuses(self, cnxn, config):
+    """Update the status part of a project's issue configuration.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      config: ProjectIssueConfig PB to update in the DB.
+    """
+    update_statusdef_rows = []
+    new_statusdef_rows = []
+    for rank, wks in enumerate(config.well_known_statuses):
+      # We must specify label ID when replacing, otherwise a new ID is made.
+      status_id = self.LookupStatusID(cnxn, config.project_id, wks.status,
+                                      autocreate=False)
+      if status_id is not None:
+        row = (status_id, config.project_id, rank, wks.status,
+               bool(wks.means_open), wks.status_docstring, wks.deprecated)
+        update_statusdef_rows.append(row)
+      else:
+        row = (config.project_id, rank, wks.status,
+               bool(wks.means_open), wks.status_docstring, wks.deprecated)
+        new_statusdef_rows.append(row)
+    self.statusdef_tbl.Update(
+        cnxn, {'rank': None}, project_id=config.project_id, commit=False)
+    self.statusdef_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, STATUSDEF_COLS, update_statusdef_rows, replace=True,
+        commit=False)
+    self.statusdef_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, STATUSDEF_COLS[1:], new_statusdef_rows, commit=False)
+    self.status_row_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [config.project_id])
+    self.status_cache.Invalidate(cnxn, config.project_id)
+  def _UpdateApprovals(self, cnxn, config):
+    """Update the approvals part of a project's issue configuration.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      config: ProjectIssueConfig PB to update in the DB.
+    """
+    ids_to_field_def = {fd.field_id: fd for fd in config.field_defs}
+    for approval_def in config.approval_defs:
+      try:
+        approval_fd = ids_to_field_def[approval_def.approval_id]
+        if approval_fd.field_type != tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.APPROVAL_TYPE:
+          raise exceptions.InvalidFieldTypeException()
+      except KeyError:
+        raise exceptions.NoSuchFieldDefException()
+      self.approvaldef2approver_tbl.Delete(
+          cnxn, approval_id=approval_def.approval_id, commit=False)
+      self.approvaldef2approver_tbl.InsertRows(
+          [(approval_def.approval_id, approver_id, config.project_id) for
+           approver_id in approval_def.approver_ids],
+          commit=False)
+      self.approvaldef2survey_tbl.Delete(
+          cnxn, approval_id=approval_def.approval_id, commit=False)
+      self.approvaldef2survey_tbl.InsertRow(
+          cnxn, approval_id=approval_def.approval_id,
+          survey=approval_def.survey, project_id=config.project_id,
+          commit=False)
+  def UpdateConfig(
+      self, cnxn, project, well_known_statuses=None,
+      statuses_offer_merge=None, well_known_labels=None,
+      excl_label_prefixes=None, default_template_for_developers=None,
+      default_template_for_users=None, list_prefs=None, restrict_to_known=None,
+      approval_defs=None):
+    """Update project's issue tracker configuration with the given info.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project: the project in which to update the issue tracker config.
+      well_known_statuses: [(status_name, docstring, means_open, deprecated),..]
+      statuses_offer_merge: list of status values that trigger UI to merge.
+      well_known_labels: [(label_name, docstring, deprecated),...]
+      excl_label_prefixes: list of prefix strings.  Each issue should
+          have only one label with each of these prefixed.
+      default_template_for_developers: int ID of template to use for devs.
+      default_template_for_users: int ID of template to use for non-members.
+      list_prefs: defaults for columns and sorting.
+      restrict_to_known: optional bool to allow project owners
+          to limit issue status and label values to only the well-known ones.
+      approval_defs: [(approval_id, approver_ids, survey), ..]
+    Returns:
+      The updated ProjectIssueConfig PB.
+    """
+    project_id = project.project_id
+    project_config = self.GetProjectConfig(cnxn, project_id, use_cache=False)
+    if well_known_statuses is not None:
+      tracker_bizobj.SetConfigStatuses(project_config, well_known_statuses)
+    if statuses_offer_merge is not None:
+      project_config.statuses_offer_merge = statuses_offer_merge
+    if well_known_labels is not None:
+      tracker_bizobj.SetConfigLabels(project_config, well_known_labels)
+    if excl_label_prefixes is not None:
+      project_config.exclusive_label_prefixes = excl_label_prefixes
+    if approval_defs is not None:
+      tracker_bizobj.SetConfigApprovals(project_config, approval_defs)
+    if default_template_for_developers is not None:
+      project_config.default_template_for_developers = (
+          default_template_for_developers)
+    if default_template_for_users is not None:
+      project_config.default_template_for_users = default_template_for_users
+    if list_prefs:
+      (default_col_spec, default_sort_spec, default_x_attr, default_y_attr,
+       member_default_query) = list_prefs
+      project_config.default_col_spec = default_col_spec
+      project_config.default_col_spec = default_col_spec
+      project_config.default_sort_spec = default_sort_spec
+      project_config.default_x_attr = default_x_attr
+      project_config.default_y_attr = default_y_attr
+      project_config.member_default_query = member_default_query
+    if restrict_to_known is not None:
+      project_config.restrict_to_known = restrict_to_known
+    self.StoreConfig(cnxn, project_config)
+    self.config_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [project_id])
+    self.InvalidateMemcacheForEntireProject(project_id)
+    # Invalidate all issue caches in all frontends to clear out
+    # sorting.art_values_cache which now has wrong sort orders.
+    cache_manager = self.config_2lc.cache.cache_manager
+    cache_manager.StoreInvalidateAll(cnxn, 'issue')
+    return project_config
+  def ExpungeConfig(self, cnxn, project_id):
+    """Completely delete the specified project config from the database."""
+'expunging the config for %r', project_id)
+    self.statusdef_tbl.Delete(cnxn, project_id=project_id)
+    self.labeldef_tbl.Delete(cnxn, project_id=project_id)
+    self.projectissueconfig_tbl.Delete(cnxn, project_id=project_id)
+    self.config_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [project_id])
+  def ExpungeUsersInConfigs(self, cnxn, user_ids, limit=None):
+    """Wipes specified users from the configs system.
+      This method will not commit the operation. This method will
+      not make changes to in-memory data.
+    """
+    self.component2admin_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, admin_id=user_ids, commit=False, limit=limit)
+    self.component2cc_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, cc_id=user_ids, commit=False, limit=limit)
+    self.componentdef_tbl.Update(
+        cnxn, {'creator_id': framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID},
+        creator_id=user_ids, commit=False, limit=limit)
+    self.componentdef_tbl.Update(
+        cnxn, {'modifier_id': framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID},
+        modifier_id=user_ids, commit=False, limit=limit)
+    self.fielddef2admin_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, admin_id=user_ids, commit=False, limit=limit)
+    self.fielddef2editor_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, editor_id=user_ids, commit=False, limit=limit)
+    self.approvaldef2approver_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, approver_id=user_ids, commit=False, limit=limit)
+  ### Custom field definitions
+  def CreateFieldDef(
+      self,
+      cnxn,
+      project_id,
+      field_name,
+      field_type_str,
+      applic_type,
+      applic_pred,
+      is_required,
+      is_niche,
+      is_multivalued,
+      min_value,
+      max_value,
+      regex,
+      needs_member,
+      needs_perm,
+      grants_perm,
+      notify_on,
+      date_action_str,
+      docstring,
+      admin_ids,
+      editor_ids,
+      approval_id=None,
+      is_phase_field=False,
+      is_restricted_field=False):
+    """Create a new field definition with the given info.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: int ID of the current project.
+      field_name: name of the new custom field.
+      field_type_str: string identifying the type of the custom field.
+      applic_type: string specifying issue type the field is applicable to.
+      applic_pred: string condition to test if the field is applicable.
+      is_required: True if the field should be required on issues.
+      is_niche: True if the field is not initially offered for editing, so users
+          must click to reveal such special-purpose or experimental fields.
+      is_multivalued: True if the field can occur multiple times on one issue.
+      min_value: optional validation for int_type fields.
+      max_value: optional validation for int_type fields.
+      regex: optional validation for str_type fields.
+      needs_member: optional validation for user_type fields.
+      needs_perm: optional validation for user_type fields.
+      grants_perm: optional string for perm to grant any user named in field.
+      notify_on: int enum of when to notify users named in field.
+      date_action_str: string saying who to notify when a date arrives.
+      docstring: string describing this field.
+      admin_ids: list of additional user IDs who can edit this field def.
+      editor_ids: list of additional user IDs
+          who can edit a restricted field value.
+      approval_id: field_id of approval field this field belongs to.
+      is_phase_field: True if field should only be associated with issue phases.
+      is_restricted_field: True if field has its edition restricted.
+    Returns:
+      Integer field_id of the new field definition.
+    """
+    field_id = self.fielddef_tbl.InsertRow(
+        cnxn,
+        project_id=project_id,
+        field_name=field_name,
+        field_type=field_type_str,
+        applicable_type=applic_type,
+        applicable_predicate=applic_pred,
+        is_required=is_required,
+        is_niche=is_niche,
+        is_multivalued=is_multivalued,
+        min_value=min_value,
+        max_value=max_value,
+        regex=regex,
+        needs_member=needs_member,
+        needs_perm=needs_perm,
+        grants_perm=grants_perm,
+        notify_on=NOTIFY_ON_ENUM[notify_on],
+        date_action=date_action_str,
+        docstring=docstring,
+        approval_id=approval_id,
+        is_phase_field=is_phase_field,
+        is_restricted_field=is_restricted_field,
+        commit=False)
+    self.fielddef2admin_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, FIELDDEF2ADMIN_COLS,
+        [(field_id, admin_id) for admin_id in admin_ids],
+        commit=False)
+    self.fielddef2editor_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn,
+        [(field_id, editor_id) for editor_id in editor_ids],
+        commit=False)
+    cnxn.Commit()
+    self.config_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [project_id])
+    self.field_row_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [project_id])
+    self.InvalidateMemcacheForEntireProject(project_id)
+    return field_id
+  def _DeserializeFields(self, def_rows):
+    """Convert field defs into bi-directional mappings of names and IDs."""
+    field_id_to_name = {
+        field_id: field
+        for field_id, _pid, _rank, field, _doc in def_rows}
+    field_name_to_id = {
+        field.lower(): field_id
+        for field_id, field in field_id_to_name.items()}
+    return field_id_to_name, field_name_to_id
+  def GetFieldDefRows(self, cnxn, project_id):
+    """Get SQL result rows for all fields used in the specified project."""
+    pids_to_field_rows, misses = self.field_row_2lc.GetAll(cnxn, [project_id])
+    assert not misses
+    return pids_to_field_rows[project_id]
+  def _EnsureFieldCacheEntry(self, cnxn, project_id):
+    """Make sure that self.field_cache has an entry for project_id."""
+    if not self.field_cache.HasItem(project_id):
+      def_rows = self.GetFieldDefRows(cnxn, project_id)
+      self.field_cache.CacheItem(
+          project_id, self._DeserializeFields(def_rows))
+  def LookupField(self, cnxn, project_id, field_id):
+    """Lookup a field string given the field_id.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: int ID of the project where the label is defined or used.
+      field_id: int field ID.
+    Returns:
+      Field name string for the given field_id, or None.
+    """
+    self._EnsureFieldCacheEntry(cnxn, project_id)
+    field_id_to_name, _field_name_to_id = self.field_cache.GetItem(
+        project_id)
+    return field_id_to_name.get(field_id)
+  def LookupFieldID(self, cnxn, project_id, field):
+    """Look up a field ID.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: int ID of the project where the fields are defined.
+      field: field string.
+    Returns:
+      The field ID for the given field string.
+    """
+    self._EnsureFieldCacheEntry(cnxn, project_id)
+    _field_id_to_name, field_name_to_id = self.field_cache.GetItem(
+        project_id)
+    return field_name_to_id.get(field.lower())
+  def SoftDeleteFieldDefs(self, cnxn, project_id, field_ids):
+    """Mark the specified field as deleted, it will be reaped later."""
+    self.fielddef_tbl.Update(cnxn, {'is_deleted': True}, id=field_ids)
+    self.config_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [project_id])
+    self.InvalidateMemcacheForEntireProject(project_id)
+  # TODO(jrobbins): GC deleted field defs after field values are gone.
+  def UpdateFieldDef(
+      self,
+      cnxn,
+      project_id,
+      field_id,
+      field_name=None,
+      applicable_type=None,
+      applicable_predicate=None,
+      is_required=None,
+      is_niche=None,
+      is_multivalued=None,
+      min_value=None,
+      max_value=None,
+      regex=None,
+      needs_member=None,
+      needs_perm=None,
+      grants_perm=None,
+      notify_on=None,
+      date_action=None,
+      docstring=None,
+      admin_ids=None,
+      editor_ids=None,
+      is_restricted_field=None):
+    """Update the specified field definition."""
+    new_values = {}
+    if field_name is not None:
+      new_values['field_name'] = field_name
+    if applicable_type is not None:
+      new_values['applicable_type'] = applicable_type
+    if applicable_predicate is not None:
+      new_values['applicable_predicate'] = applicable_predicate
+    if is_required is not None:
+      new_values['is_required'] = bool(is_required)
+    if is_niche is not None:
+      new_values['is_niche'] = bool(is_niche)
+    if is_multivalued is not None:
+      new_values['is_multivalued'] = bool(is_multivalued)
+    if min_value is not None:
+      new_values['min_value'] = min_value
+    if max_value is not None:
+      new_values['max_value'] = max_value
+    if regex is not None:
+      new_values['regex'] = regex
+    if needs_member is not None:
+      new_values['needs_member'] = needs_member
+    if needs_perm is not None:
+      new_values['needs_perm'] = needs_perm
+    if grants_perm is not None:
+      new_values['grants_perm'] = grants_perm
+    if notify_on is not None:
+      new_values['notify_on'] = NOTIFY_ON_ENUM[notify_on]
+    if date_action is not None:
+      new_values['date_action'] = date_action
+    if docstring is not None:
+      new_values['docstring'] = docstring
+    if is_restricted_field is not None:
+      new_values['is_restricted_field'] = is_restricted_field
+    self.fielddef_tbl.Update(cnxn, new_values, id=field_id, commit=False)
+    if admin_ids is not None:
+      self.fielddef2admin_tbl.Delete(cnxn, field_id=field_id, commit=False)
+      self.fielddef2admin_tbl.InsertRows(
+          cnxn,
+          FIELDDEF2ADMIN_COLS, [(field_id, admin_id) for admin_id in admin_ids],
+          commit=False)
+    if editor_ids is not None:
+      self.fielddef2editor_tbl.Delete(cnxn, field_id=field_id, commit=False)
+      self.fielddef2editor_tbl.InsertRows(
+          cnxn,
+          [(field_id, editor_id) for editor_id in editor_ids],
+          commit=False)
+    cnxn.Commit()
+    self.config_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [project_id])
+    self.InvalidateMemcacheForEntireProject(project_id)
+  ### Component definitions
+  def FindMatchingComponentIDsAnyProject(self, cnxn, path_list, exact=True):
+    """Look up component IDs across projects.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      path_list: list of component path prefixes.
+      exact: set to False to include all components which have one of the
+          given paths as their ancestor, instead of exact matches.
+    Returns:
+      A list of component IDs of component's whose paths match path_list.
+    """
+    or_terms = []
+    args = []
+    for path in path_list:
+      or_terms.append('path = %s')
+      args.append(path)
+    if not exact:
+      for path in path_list:
+        or_terms.append('path LIKE %s')
+        args.append(path + '>%')
+    cond_str = '(' + ' OR '.join(or_terms) + ')'
+    rows = self.componentdef_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['id'], where=[(cond_str, args)])
+    return [row[0] for row in rows]
+  def CreateComponentDef(
+      self, cnxn, project_id, path, docstring, deprecated, admin_ids, cc_ids,
+      created, creator_id, label_ids):
+    """Create a new component definition with the given info.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: int ID of the current project.
+      path: string pathname of the new component.
+      docstring: string describing this field.
+      deprecated: whether or not this should be autocompleted
+      admin_ids: list of int IDs of users who can administer.
+      cc_ids: list of int IDs of users to notify when an issue in
+          this component is updated.
+      created: timestamp this component was created at.
+      creator_id: int ID of user who created this component.
+      label_ids: list of int IDs of labels to add when an issue is
+          in this component.
+    Returns:
+      Integer component_id of the new component definition.
+    """
+    component_id = self.componentdef_tbl.InsertRow(
+        cnxn, project_id=project_id, path=path, docstring=docstring,
+        deprecated=deprecated, created=created, creator_id=creator_id,
+        commit=False)
+    self.component2admin_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, COMPONENT2ADMIN_COLS,
+        [(component_id, admin_id) for admin_id in admin_ids],
+        commit=False)
+    self.component2cc_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, COMPONENT2CC_COLS,
+        [(component_id, cc_id) for cc_id in cc_ids],
+        commit=False)
+    self.component2label_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, COMPONENT2LABEL_COLS,
+        [(component_id, label_id) for label_id in label_ids],
+        commit=False)
+    cnxn.Commit()
+    self.config_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [project_id])
+    self.InvalidateMemcacheForEntireProject(project_id)
+    return component_id
+  def UpdateComponentDef(
+      self, cnxn, project_id, component_id, path=None, docstring=None,
+      deprecated=None, admin_ids=None, cc_ids=None, created=None,
+      creator_id=None, modified=None, modifier_id=None,
+      label_ids=None):
+    """Update the specified component definition."""
+    new_values = {}
+    if path is not None:
+      assert path
+      new_values['path'] = path
+    if docstring is not None:
+      new_values['docstring'] = docstring
+    if deprecated is not None:
+      new_values['deprecated'] = deprecated
+    if created is not None:
+      new_values['created'] = created
+    if creator_id is not None:
+      new_values['creator_id'] = creator_id
+    if modified is not None:
+      new_values['modified'] = modified
+    if modifier_id is not None:
+      new_values['modifier_id'] = modifier_id
+    if admin_ids is not None:
+      self.component2admin_tbl.Delete(
+          cnxn, component_id=component_id, commit=False)
+      self.component2admin_tbl.InsertRows(
+          cnxn, COMPONENT2ADMIN_COLS,
+          [(component_id, admin_id) for admin_id in admin_ids],
+          commit=False)
+    if cc_ids is not None:
+      self.component2cc_tbl.Delete(
+          cnxn, component_id=component_id, commit=False)
+      self.component2cc_tbl.InsertRows(
+          cnxn, COMPONENT2CC_COLS,
+          [(component_id, cc_id) for cc_id in cc_ids],
+          commit=False)
+    if label_ids is not None:
+      self.component2label_tbl.Delete(
+          cnxn, component_id=component_id, commit=False)
+      self.component2label_tbl.InsertRows(
+          cnxn, COMPONENT2LABEL_COLS,
+          [(component_id, label_id) for label_id in label_ids],
+          commit=False)
+    self.componentdef_tbl.Update(
+        cnxn, new_values, id=component_id, commit=False)
+    cnxn.Commit()
+    self.config_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [project_id])
+    self.InvalidateMemcacheForEntireProject(project_id)
+  def DeleteComponentDef(self, cnxn, project_id, component_id):
+    """Delete the specified component definition."""
+    self.componentdef_tbl.Update(
+        cnxn, {'is_deleted': True}, id=component_id, commit=False)
+    cnxn.Commit()
+    self.config_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [project_id])
+    self.InvalidateMemcacheForEntireProject(project_id)
+  ### Memcache management
+  def InvalidateMemcache(self, issues, key_prefix=''):
+    """Delete the memcache entries for issues and their project-shard pairs."""
+    memcache.delete_multi(
+        [str(issue.issue_id) for issue in issues], key_prefix='issue:',
+        seconds=5, namespace=settings.memcache_namespace)
+    project_shards = set(
+        (issue.project_id, issue.issue_id % settings.num_logical_shards)
+        for issue in issues)
+    self._InvalidateMemcacheShards(project_shards, key_prefix=key_prefix)
+  def _InvalidateMemcacheShards(self, project_shards, key_prefix=''):
+    """Delete the memcache entries for the given project-shard pairs.
+    Deleting these rows does not delete the actual cached search results
+    but it does mean that they will be considered stale and thus not used.
+    Args:
+      project_shards: list of (pid, sid) pairs.
+      key_prefix: string to pass as memcache key prefix.
+    """
+    cache_entries = ['%d;%d' % ps for ps in project_shards]
+    # Whenever any project is invalidated, also invalidate the 'all'
+    # entry that is used in site-wide searches.
+    shard_id_set = {sid for _pid, sid in project_shards}
+    cache_entries.extend(('all;%d' % sid) for sid in shard_id_set)
+    memcache.delete_multi(
+        cache_entries, key_prefix=key_prefix,
+        namespace=settings.memcache_namespace)
+  def InvalidateMemcacheForEntireProject(self, project_id):
+    """Delete the memcache entries for all searches in a project."""
+    project_shards = set((project_id, shard_id)
+                         for shard_id in range(settings.num_logical_shards))
+    self._InvalidateMemcacheShards(project_shards)
+    memcache.delete_multi(
+        [str(project_id)], key_prefix='config:',
+        namespace=settings.memcache_namespace)
+    memcache.delete_multi(
+        [str(project_id)], key_prefix='label_rows:',
+        namespace=settings.memcache_namespace)
+    memcache.delete_multi(
+        [str(project_id)], key_prefix='status_rows:',
+        namespace=settings.memcache_namespace)
+    memcache.delete_multi(
+        [str(project_id)], key_prefix='field_rows:',
+        namespace=settings.memcache_namespace)
+  def UsersInvolvedInConfig(self, config, project_templates):
+    """Return a set of all user IDs referenced in the ProjectIssueConfig."""
+    result = set()
+    for template in project_templates:
+      result.update(tracker_bizobj.UsersInvolvedInTemplate(template))
+    for field in config.field_defs:
+      result.update(field.admin_ids)
+      result.update(field.editor_ids)
+    # TODO(jrobbins): add component owners, auto-cc, and admins.
+    return result
diff --git a/services/ b/services/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..471a513
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+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""A class that provides persistence for Monorail's additional features.
+Business objects are described in,, and
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import collections
+import logging
+import re
+import time
+import settings
+from features import features_constants
+from features import filterrules_helpers
+from framework import exceptions
+from framework import framework_bizobj
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import sql
+from proto import features_pb2
+from services import caches
+from services import config_svc
+from tracker import tracker_bizobj
+from tracker import tracker_constants
+    'user_id', 'project_id', 'slot_num', 'command', 'comment']
+QUICKEDITMOSTRECENT_COLS = ['user_id', 'project_id', 'slot_num']
+SAVEDQUERY_COLS = ['id', 'name', 'base_query_id', 'query']
+PROJECT2SAVEDQUERY_COLS = ['project_id', 'rank', 'query_id']
+SAVEDQUERYEXECUTESINPROJECT_COLS = ['query_id', 'project_id']
+USER2SAVEDQUERY_COLS = ['user_id', 'rank', 'query_id', 'subscription_mode']
+FILTERRULE_COLS = ['project_id', 'rank', 'predicate', 'consequence']
+    'id', 'name', 'summary', 'description', 'is_private', 'default_col_spec']
+HOTLIST_ABBR_COLS = ['id', 'name', 'summary', 'is_private']
+    'hotlist_id', 'issue_id', 'rank', 'adder_id', 'added', 'note']
+HOTLIST2USER_COLS = ['hotlist_id', 'user_id', 'role_name']
+# Regex for parsing one action in the filter rule consequence storage syntax.
+CONSEQUENCE_RE = re.compile(
+    r'(default_status:(?P<default_status>[-.\w]+))|'
+    r'(default_owner_id:(?P<default_owner_id>\d+))|'
+    r'(add_cc_id:(?P<add_cc_id>\d+))|'
+    r'(add_label:(?P<add_label>[-.\w]+))|'
+    r'(add_notify:(?P<add_notify>[-.@\w]+))|'
+    r'(warning:(?P<warning>.+))|'  # Warnings consume the rest of the string.
+    r'(error:(?P<error>.+))'  # Errors consume the rest of the string.
+    )
+class HotlistTwoLevelCache(caches.AbstractTwoLevelCache):
+  """Class to manage both RAM and memcache for Hotlist PBs."""
+  def __init__(self, cachemanager, features_service):
+    super(HotlistTwoLevelCache, self).__init__(
+        cachemanager, 'hotlist', 'hotlist:', features_pb2.Hotlist)
+    self.features_service = features_service
+  def _DeserializeHotlists(
+      self, hotlist_rows, issue_rows, role_rows):
+    """Convert database rows into a dictionary of Hotlist PB keyed by ID.
+    Args:
+      hotlist_rows: a list of hotlist rows from HOTLIST_TABLE_NAME.
+      issue_rows: a list of issue rows from HOTLIST2ISSUE_TABLE_NAME,
+        ordered by rank DESC, issue_id.
+      role_rows: a list of role rows from HOTLIST2USER_TABLE_NAME.
+    Returns:
+      a dict mapping hotlist_id to hotlist PB"""
+    hotlist_dict = {}
+    for hotlist_row in hotlist_rows:
+      (hotlist_id, hotlist_name, summary, description, is_private,
+       default_col_spec) = hotlist_row
+      hotlist = features_pb2.MakeHotlist(
+          hotlist_name, hotlist_id=hotlist_id, summary=summary,
+          description=description, is_private=bool(is_private),
+          default_col_spec=default_col_spec)
+      hotlist_dict[hotlist_id] = hotlist
+    for (hotlist_id, issue_id, rank, adder_id, added, note) in issue_rows:
+      hotlist = hotlist_dict.get(hotlist_id)
+      if hotlist:
+        hotlist.items.append(
+            features_pb2.MakeHotlistItem(issue_id=issue_id, rank=rank,
+                                         adder_id=adder_id , date_added=added,
+                                         note=note))
+      else:
+        logging.warn('hotlist %d not found', hotlist_id)
+    for (hotlist_id, user_id, role_name) in role_rows:
+      hotlist = hotlist_dict.get(hotlist_id)
+      if not hotlist:
+        logging.warn('hotlist %d not found', hotlist_id)
+      elif role_name == 'owner':
+        hotlist.owner_ids.append(user_id)
+      elif role_name == 'editor':
+        hotlist.editor_ids.append(user_id)
+      elif role_name == 'follower':
+        hotlist.follower_ids.append(user_id)
+      else:
+'unknown role name %s', role_name)
+    return hotlist_dict
+  def FetchItems(self, cnxn, keys):
+    """On RAM and memcache miss, hit the database to get missing hotlists."""
+    hotlist_rows = self.features_service.hotlist_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=HOTLIST_COLS, is_deleted=False, id=keys)
+    issue_rows = self.features_service.hotlist2issue_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=HOTLIST2ISSUE_COLS, hotlist_id=keys,
+        order_by=[('rank DESC', []), ('issue_id', [])])
+    role_rows = self.features_service.hotlist2user_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=HOTLIST2USER_COLS, hotlist_id=keys)
+    retrieved_dict = self._DeserializeHotlists(
+        hotlist_rows, issue_rows, role_rows)
+    return retrieved_dict
+class HotlistIDTwoLevelCache(caches.AbstractTwoLevelCache):
+  """Class to manage both RAM and memcache for hotlist_ids.
+     Keys for this cache are tuples (hotlist_name.lower(), owner_id).
+     This cache should be used to fetch hotlist_ids owned by users or
+     to check if a user owns a hotlist with a certain name, so the
+     hotlist_names in keys will always be in lowercase.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, cachemanager, features_service):
+    super(HotlistIDTwoLevelCache, self).__init__(
+        cachemanager, 'hotlist_id', 'hotlist_id:', int,
+        max_size=settings.issue_cache_max_size)
+    self.features_service = features_service
+  def _MakeCache(self, cache_manager, kind, max_size=None):
+    """Override normal RamCache creation with ValueCentricRamCache."""
+    return caches.ValueCentricRamCache(cache_manager, kind, max_size=max_size)
+  def _KeyToStr(self, key):
+    """This cache uses pairs of (str, int) as keys. Convert them to strings."""
+    return '%s,%d' % key
+  def _StrToKey(self, key_str):
+    """This cache uses pairs of (str, int) as keys.
+       Convert them from strings.
+    """
+    hotlist_name_str, owner_id_str = key_str.split(',')
+    return (hotlist_name_str, int(owner_id_str))
+  def _DeserializeHotlistIDs(
+      self, hotlist_rows, owner_rows, wanted_names_for_owners):
+    """Convert database rows into a dictionary of hotlist_ids keyed by (
+       hotlist_name, owner_id).
+    Args:
+      hotlist_rows: a list of hotlist rows [id, name] from HOTLIST for
+        with names we are interested in.
+      owner_rows: a list of role rows [hotlist_id, uwer_id] from HOTLIST2USER
+        for owners that we are interested in that own hotlists with names that
+        we are interested in.
+      wanted_names_for_owners: a dict of
+        {owner_id: [hotlist_name.lower(), ...], ...}
+        so we know which (hotlist_name, owner_id) keys to return.
+    Returns:
+      A dict mapping (hotlist_name.lower(), owner_id) keys to hotlist_id values.
+    """
+    hotlist_ids_dict = {}
+    if not hotlist_rows or not owner_rows:
+      return hotlist_ids_dict
+    hotlist_to_owner_id = {}
+    # Note: owner_rows contains hotlist owners that we are interested in, but
+    # may not own hotlists with names we are interested in.
+    for (hotlist_id, user_id) in owner_rows:
+      found_owner_id = hotlist_to_owner_id.get(hotlist_id)
+      if found_owner_id:
+        logging.warn(
+            'hotlist %d has more than one owner: %d, %d',
+            hotlist_id, user_id, found_owner_id)
+      hotlist_to_owner_id[hotlist_id] = user_id
+    # Note: hotlist_rows hotlists found in the owner_rows that have names
+    # we're interested in.
+    # We use wanted_names_for_owners to filter out hotlists in hotlist_rows
+    # that have a (hotlist_name, owner_id) pair we are not interested in.
+    for (hotlist_id, hotlist_name) in hotlist_rows:
+      owner_id = hotlist_to_owner_id.get(hotlist_id)
+      if owner_id:
+        if hotlist_name.lower() in wanted_names_for_owners.get(owner_id, []):
+          hotlist_ids_dict[(hotlist_name.lower(), owner_id)] = hotlist_id
+    return hotlist_ids_dict
+  def FetchItems(self, cnxn, keys):
+    """On RAM and memcache miss, hit the database."""
+    hotlist_names, _owner_ids = zip(*keys)
+    # Keys may contain [(name1, user1), (name1, user2)] so we cast this to
+    # a set to make sure 'name1' is not repeated.
+    hotlist_names_set = set(hotlist_names)
+    # Pass this dict to _DeserializeHotlistIDs so it knows what hotlist names
+    # we're interested in for each owner.
+    wanted_names_for_owner = collections.defaultdict(list)
+    for hotlist_name, owner_id in keys:
+      wanted_names_for_owner[owner_id].append(hotlist_name.lower())
+    role_rows = self.features_service.hotlist2user_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['hotlist_id', 'user_id'],
+        user_id=wanted_names_for_owner.keys(), role_name='owner')
+    hotlist_ids = [row[0] for row in role_rows]
+    hotlist_rows = self.features_service.hotlist_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['id', 'name'], id=hotlist_ids, is_deleted=False,
+        where=[('LOWER(name) IN (%s)' % sql.PlaceHolders(hotlist_names_set),
+                [name.lower() for name in hotlist_names_set])])
+    return self._DeserializeHotlistIDs(
+        hotlist_rows, role_rows, wanted_names_for_owner)
+class FeaturesService(object):
+  """The persistence layer for servlets in the features directory."""
+  def __init__(self, cache_manager, config_service):
+    """Initialize this object so that it is ready to use.
+    Args:
+      cache_manager: local cache with distributed invalidation.
+      config_service: an instance of ConfigService.
+    """
+    self.quickedithistory_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(QUICKEDITHISTORY_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.quickeditmostrecent_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(
+    self.savedquery_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(SAVEDQUERY_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.project2savedquery_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(
+    self.savedqueryexecutesinproject_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(
+    self.user2savedquery_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(USER2SAVEDQUERY_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.filterrule_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(FILTERRULE_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.hotlist_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(HOTLIST_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.hotlist2issue_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(HOTLIST2ISSUE_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.hotlist2user_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(HOTLIST2USER_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.saved_query_cache = caches.RamCache(
+        cache_manager, 'user', max_size=1000)
+    self.canned_query_cache = caches.RamCache(
+        cache_manager, 'project', max_size=1000)
+    self.hotlist_2lc = HotlistTwoLevelCache(cache_manager, self)
+    self.hotlist_id_2lc = HotlistIDTwoLevelCache(cache_manager, self)
+    self.hotlist_user_to_ids = caches.RamCache(cache_manager, 'hotlist')
+    self.config_service = config_service
+  ### QuickEdit command history
+  def GetRecentCommands(self, cnxn, user_id, project_id):
+    """Return recent command items for the "Redo" menu.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: Connection to SQL database.
+      user_id: int ID of the current user.
+      project_id: int ID of the current project.
+    Returns:
+      A pair (cmd_slots, recent_slot_num).  cmd_slots is a list of
+      3-tuples that can be used to populate the "Redo" menu of the
+      quick-edit dialog.  recent_slot_num indicates which of those
+      slots should initially populate the command and comment fields.
+    """
+    # Always start with the standard 5 commands.
+    history = tracker_constants.DEFAULT_RECENT_COMMANDS[:]
+    # If the user has modified any, then overwrite some standard ones.
+    history_rows = self.quickedithistory_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['slot_num', 'command', 'comment'],
+        user_id=user_id, project_id=project_id)
+    for slot_num, command, comment in history_rows:
+      if slot_num < len(history):
+        history[slot_num - 1] = (command, comment)
+    slots = []
+    for idx, (command, comment) in enumerate(history):
+      slots.append((idx + 1, command, comment))
+    recent_slot_num = self.quickeditmostrecent_tbl.SelectValue(
+        cnxn, 'slot_num', default=1, user_id=user_id, project_id=project_id)
+    return slots, recent_slot_num
+  def StoreRecentCommand(
+      self, cnxn, user_id, project_id, slot_num, command, comment):
+    """Store the given command and comment in the user's command history."""
+    self.quickedithistory_tbl.InsertRow(
+        cnxn, replace=True, user_id=user_id, project_id=project_id,
+        slot_num=slot_num, command=command, comment=comment)
+    self.quickeditmostrecent_tbl.InsertRow(
+        cnxn, replace=True, user_id=user_id, project_id=project_id,
+        slot_num=slot_num)
+  def ExpungeQuickEditHistory(self, cnxn, project_id):
+    """Completely delete every users' quick edit history for this project."""
+    self.quickeditmostrecent_tbl.Delete(cnxn, project_id=project_id)
+    self.quickedithistory_tbl.Delete(cnxn, project_id=project_id)
+  def ExpungeQuickEditsByUsers(self, cnxn, user_ids, limit=None):
+    """Completely delete every given users' quick edits.
+    This method will not commit the operations. This method will
+    not make changes to in-memory data.
+    """
+    commit = False
+    self.quickeditmostrecent_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, user_id=user_ids, commit=commit, limit=limit)
+    self.quickedithistory_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, user_id=user_ids, commit=commit, limit=limit)
+  ### Saved User and Project Queries
+  def GetSavedQueries(self, cnxn, query_ids):
+    """Retrieve the specified SaveQuery PBs."""
+    # TODO(jrobbins): RAM cache
+    if not query_ids:
+      return {}
+    saved_queries = {}
+    savedquery_rows = self.savedquery_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=SAVEDQUERY_COLS, id=query_ids)
+    for saved_query_tuple in savedquery_rows:
+      qid, name, base_id, query = saved_query_tuple
+      saved_queries[qid] = tracker_bizobj.MakeSavedQuery(
+          qid, name, base_id, query)
+    sqeip_rows = self.savedqueryexecutesinproject_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=SAVEDQUERYEXECUTESINPROJECT_COLS, query_id=query_ids)
+    for query_id, project_id in sqeip_rows:
+      saved_queries[query_id].executes_in_project_ids.append(project_id)
+    return saved_queries
+  def GetSavedQuery(self, cnxn, query_id):
+    """Retrieve the specified SaveQuery PB."""
+    saved_queries = self.GetSavedQueries(cnxn, [query_id])
+    return saved_queries.get(query_id)
+  def _GetUsersSavedQueriesDict(self, cnxn, user_ids):
+    """Return a dict of all SavedQuery PBs for the specified users."""
+    results_dict, missed_uids = self.saved_query_cache.GetAll(user_ids)
+    if missed_uids:
+      savedquery_rows = self.user2savedquery_tbl.Select(
+          cnxn, cols=SAVEDQUERY_COLS + ['user_id', 'subscription_mode'],
+          left_joins=[('SavedQuery ON query_id = id', [])],
+          order_by=[('rank', [])], user_id=missed_uids)
+      sqeip_dict = {}
+      if savedquery_rows:
+        query_ids = {row[0] for row in savedquery_rows}
+        sqeip_rows = self.savedqueryexecutesinproject_tbl.Select(
+            cnxn, cols=SAVEDQUERYEXECUTESINPROJECT_COLS, query_id=query_ids)
+        for qid, pid in sqeip_rows:
+          sqeip_dict.setdefault(qid, []).append(pid)
+      for saved_query_tuple in savedquery_rows:
+        query_id, name, base_id, query, uid, sub_mode = saved_query_tuple
+        sq = tracker_bizobj.MakeSavedQuery(
+            query_id, name, base_id, query, subscription_mode=sub_mode,
+            executes_in_project_ids=sqeip_dict.get(query_id, []))
+        results_dict.setdefault(uid, []).append(sq)
+    self.saved_query_cache.CacheAll(results_dict)
+    return results_dict
+  # TODO(jrobbins): change this termonology to "canned query" rather than
+  # "saved" throughout the application.
+  def GetSavedQueriesByUserID(self, cnxn, user_id):
+    """Return a list of SavedQuery PBs for the specified user."""
+    saved_queries_dict = self._GetUsersSavedQueriesDict(cnxn, [user_id])
+    saved_queries = saved_queries_dict.get(user_id, [])
+    return saved_queries[:]
+  def GetCannedQueriesForProjects(self, cnxn, project_ids):
+    """Return a dict {project_id: [saved_query]} for the specified projects."""
+    results_dict, missed_pids = self.canned_query_cache.GetAll(project_ids)
+    if missed_pids:
+      cannedquery_rows = self.project2savedquery_tbl.Select(
+          cnxn, cols=['project_id'] + SAVEDQUERY_COLS,
+          left_joins=[('SavedQuery ON query_id = id', [])],
+          order_by=[('rank', [])], project_id=project_ids)
+      for cq_row in cannedquery_rows:
+        project_id = cq_row[0]
+        canned_query_tuple = cq_row[1:]
+        results_dict.setdefault(project_id ,[]).append(
+            tracker_bizobj.MakeSavedQuery(*canned_query_tuple))
+    self.canned_query_cache.CacheAll(results_dict)
+    return results_dict
+  def GetCannedQueriesByProjectID(self, cnxn, project_id):
+    """Return the list of SavedQueries for the specified project."""
+    project_ids_to_canned_queries = self.GetCannedQueriesForProjects(
+        cnxn, [project_id])
+    return project_ids_to_canned_queries.get(project_id, [])
+  def _UpdateSavedQueries(self, cnxn, saved_queries, commit=True):
+    """Store the given SavedQueries to the DB."""
+    savedquery_rows = [
+        (sq.query_id or None,, sq.base_query_id, sq.query)
+        for sq in saved_queries]
+    existing_query_ids = [sq.query_id for sq in saved_queries if sq.query_id]
+    if existing_query_ids:
+      self.savedquery_tbl.Delete(cnxn, id=existing_query_ids, commit=commit)
+    generated_ids = self.savedquery_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, SAVEDQUERY_COLS, savedquery_rows, commit=commit,
+        return_generated_ids=True)
+    if generated_ids:
+'generated_ids are %r', generated_ids)
+      for sq in saved_queries:
+        generated_id = generated_ids.pop(0)
+        if not sq.query_id:
+          sq.query_id = generated_id
+  def UpdateCannedQueries(self, cnxn, project_id, canned_queries):
+    """Update the canned queries for a project.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: int project ID of the project that contains these queries.
+      canned_queries: list of SavedQuery PBs to update.
+    """
+    self.project2savedquery_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, project_id=project_id, commit=False)
+    self._UpdateSavedQueries(cnxn, canned_queries, commit=False)
+    project2savedquery_rows = [
+        (project_id, rank, sq.query_id)
+        for rank, sq in enumerate(canned_queries)]
+    self.project2savedquery_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, PROJECT2SAVEDQUERY_COLS, project2savedquery_rows,
+        commit=False)
+    cnxn.Commit()
+    self.canned_query_cache.Invalidate(cnxn, project_id)
+  def UpdateUserSavedQueries(self, cnxn, user_id, saved_queries):
+    """Store the given saved_queries for the given user."""
+    saved_query_ids = [sq.query_id for sq in saved_queries if sq.query_id]
+    self.savedqueryexecutesinproject_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, query_id=saved_query_ids, commit=False)
+    self.user2savedquery_tbl.Delete(cnxn, user_id=user_id, commit=False)
+    self._UpdateSavedQueries(cnxn, saved_queries, commit=False)
+    user2savedquery_rows = []
+    for rank, sq in enumerate(saved_queries):
+      user2savedquery_rows.append(
+          (user_id, rank, sq.query_id, sq.subscription_mode or 'noemail'))
+    self.user2savedquery_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, USER2SAVEDQUERY_COLS, user2savedquery_rows, commit=False)
+    sqeip_rows = []
+    for sq in saved_queries:
+      for pid in sq.executes_in_project_ids:
+        sqeip_rows.append((sq.query_id, pid))
+    self.savedqueryexecutesinproject_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, SAVEDQUERYEXECUTESINPROJECT_COLS, sqeip_rows, commit=False)
+    cnxn.Commit()
+    self.saved_query_cache.Invalidate(cnxn, user_id)
+  ### Subscriptions
+  def GetSubscriptionsInProjects(self, cnxn, project_ids):
+    """Return all saved queries for users that have any subscription there.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: Connection to SQL database.
+      project_ids: list of int project IDs that contain the modified issues.
+    Returns:
+      A dict {user_id: all_saved_queries, ...} for all users that have any
+      subscription in any of the specified projects.
+    """
+    sqeip_join_str = (
+        'SavedQueryExecutesInProject ON '
+        'SavedQueryExecutesInProject.query_id = User2SavedQuery.query_id')
+    user_join_str = (
+        'User ON '
+        'User.user_id = User2SavedQuery.user_id')
+    now = int(time.time())
+    absence_threshold = now - settings.subscription_timeout_secs
+    where = [
+        ('(User.banned IS NULL OR User.banned = %s)', ['']),
+        ('User.last_visit_timestamp >= %s', [absence_threshold]),
+        ('(User.email_bounce_timestamp IS NULL OR '
+         'User.email_bounce_timestamp = %s)', [0]),
+        ]
+    # TODO(jrobbins): cache this since it rarely changes.
+    subscriber_rows = self.user2savedquery_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['User2SavedQuery.user_id'], distinct=True,
+        joins=[(sqeip_join_str, []), (user_join_str, [])],
+        subscription_mode='immediate', project_id=project_ids,
+        where=where)
+    subscriber_ids = [row[0] for row in subscriber_rows]
+'subscribers relevant to projects %r are %r',
+                 project_ids, subscriber_ids)
+    user_ids_to_saved_queries = self._GetUsersSavedQueriesDict(
+        cnxn, subscriber_ids)
+    return user_ids_to_saved_queries
+  def ExpungeSavedQueriesExecuteInProject(self, cnxn, project_id):
+    """Remove any references from saved queries to projects in the database."""
+    self.savedqueryexecutesinproject_tbl.Delete(cnxn, project_id=project_id)
+    savedquery_rows = self.project2savedquery_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['query_id'], project_id=project_id)
+    savedquery_ids = [row[0] for row in savedquery_rows]
+    self.project2savedquery_tbl.Delete(cnxn, project_id=project_id)
+    self.savedquery_tbl.Delete(cnxn, id=savedquery_ids)
+  def ExpungeSavedQueriesByUsers(self, cnxn, user_ids, limit=None):
+    """Completely delete every given users' saved queries.
+    This method will not commit the operations. This method will
+    not make changes to in-memory data.
+    """
+    commit = False
+    savedquery_rows = self.user2savedquery_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['query_id'], user_id=user_ids, limit=limit)
+    savedquery_ids = [row[0] for row in savedquery_rows]
+    self.user2savedquery_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, query_id=savedquery_ids, commit=commit)
+    self.savedqueryexecutesinproject_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, query_id=savedquery_ids, commit=commit)
+    self.savedquery_tbl.Delete(cnxn, id=savedquery_ids, commit=commit)
+  ### Filter rules
+  def _DeserializeFilterRules(self, filterrule_rows):
+    """Convert the given DB row tuples into PBs."""
+    result_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
+    for filterrule_row in sorted(filterrule_rows):
+      project_id, _rank, predicate, consequence = filterrule_row
+      (default_status, default_owner_id, add_cc_ids, add_labels,
+       add_notify, warning, error) = self._DeserializeRuleConsequence(
+          consequence)
+      rule = filterrules_helpers.MakeRule(
+          predicate, default_status=default_status,
+          default_owner_id=default_owner_id, add_cc_ids=add_cc_ids,
+          add_labels=add_labels, add_notify=add_notify, warning=warning,
+          error=error)
+      result_dict[project_id].append(rule)
+    return result_dict
+  def _DeserializeRuleConsequence(self, consequence):
+    """Decode the THEN-part of a filter rule."""
+    (default_status, default_owner_id, add_cc_ids, add_labels,
+     add_notify, warning, error) = None, None, [], [], [], None, None
+    for match in CONSEQUENCE_RE.finditer(consequence):
+      if'default_status'):
+        default_status ='default_status')
+      elif'default_owner_id'):
+        default_owner_id = int('default_owner_id'))
+      elif'add_cc_id'):
+        add_cc_ids.append(int('add_cc_id')))
+      elif'add_label'):
+        add_labels.append('add_label'))
+      elif'add_notify'):
+        add_notify.append('add_notify'))
+      elif'warning'):
+        warning ='warning')
+      elif'error'):
+        error ='error')
+    return (default_status, default_owner_id, add_cc_ids, add_labels,
+            add_notify, warning, error)
+  def _GetFilterRulesByProjectIDs(self, cnxn, project_ids):
+    """Return {project_id: [FilterRule, ...]} for the specified projects."""
+    # TODO(jrobbins): caching
+    filterrule_rows = self.filterrule_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=FILTERRULE_COLS, project_id=project_ids)
+    return self._DeserializeFilterRules(filterrule_rows)
+  def GetFilterRules(self, cnxn, project_id):
+    """Return a list of FilterRule PBs for the specified project."""
+    rules_by_project_id = self._GetFilterRulesByProjectIDs(cnxn, [project_id])
+    return rules_by_project_id[project_id]
+  def _SerializeRuleConsequence(self, rule):
+    """Put all actions of a filter rule into one string."""
+    assignments = []
+    for add_lab in rule.add_labels:
+      assignments.append('add_label:%s' % add_lab)
+    if rule.default_status:
+      assignments.append('default_status:%s' % rule.default_status)
+    if rule.default_owner_id:
+      assignments.append('default_owner_id:%d' % rule.default_owner_id)
+    for add_cc_id in rule.add_cc_ids:
+      assignments.append('add_cc_id:%d' % add_cc_id)
+    for add_notify in rule.add_notify_addrs:
+      assignments.append('add_notify:%s' % add_notify)
+    if rule.warning:
+      assignments.append('warning:%s' % rule.warning)
+    if rule.error:
+      assignments.append('error:%s' % rule.error)
+    return ' '.join(assignments)
+  def UpdateFilterRules(self, cnxn, project_id, rules):
+    """Update the filter rules part of a project's issue configuration.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: int ID of the current project.
+      rules: a list of FilterRule PBs.
+    """
+    rows = []
+    for rank, rule in enumerate(rules):
+      predicate = rule.predicate
+      consequence = self._SerializeRuleConsequence(rule)
+      if predicate and consequence:
+        rows.append((project_id, rank, predicate, consequence))
+    self.filterrule_tbl.Delete(cnxn, project_id=project_id)
+    self.filterrule_tbl.InsertRows(cnxn, FILTERRULE_COLS, rows)
+  def ExpungeFilterRules(self, cnxn, project_id):
+    """Completely destroy filter rule info for the specified project."""
+    self.filterrule_tbl.Delete(cnxn, project_id=project_id)
+  def ExpungeFilterRulesByUser(self, cnxn, user_ids_by_email):
+    """Wipes any Filter Rules containing the given users.
+    This method will not commit the operation. This method will not make
+    changes to in-memory data.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      user_ids_by_email: dict of {email: user_id ..} of all users we want to
+        expunge
+    Returns:
+      Dictionary of {project_id: [(predicate, consequence), ..]} for Filter
+      Rules that will be deleted for containing the given emails.
+    """
+    deleted_project_rules_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
+    if user_ids_by_email:
+      deleted_rows = []
+      emails = user_ids_by_email.keys()
+      all_rules_rows = self.filterrule_tbl.Select(cnxn, FILTERRULE_COLS)
+'Fetched all filter rules: %s' % (all_rules_rows,))
+      for rule_row in all_rules_rows:
+        project_id, _rank, predicate, consequence = rule_row
+        if any(email in predicate for email in emails):
+          deleted_rows.append(rule_row)
+          continue
+        if any(
+            (('add_notify:%s' % email) in consequence or
+             ('add_cc_id:%s' % user_id) in consequence or
+             ('default_owner_id:%s' % user_id) in consequence)
+            for email, user_id in user_ids_by_email.iteritems()):
+          deleted_rows.append(rule_row)
+          continue
+      for deleted_row in deleted_rows:
+        project_id, rank, predicate, consequence = deleted_row
+        self.filterrule_tbl.Delete(
+            cnxn, project_id=project_id, rank=rank, predicate=predicate,
+            consequence=consequence, commit=False)
+      deleted_project_rules_dict = self._DeserializeFilterRules(deleted_rows)
+    return deleted_project_rules_dict
+  ### Creating hotlists
+  def CreateHotlist(
+      self, cnxn, name, summary, description, owner_ids, editor_ids,
+      issue_ids=None, is_private=None, default_col_spec=None, ts=None):
+    # type: (MonorailConnection, string, string, string, Collection[int],
+    #     Optional[Collection[int]], Optional[Boolean], Optional[string],
+    #     Optional[int] -> int
+    """Create and store a Hotlist with the given attributes.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      name: a valid hotlist name.
+      summary: one-line explanation of the hotlist.
+      description: one-page explanation of the hotlist.
+      owner_ids: a list of user IDs for the hotlist owners.
+      editor_ids: a list of user IDs for the hotlist editors.
+      issue_ids: a list of issue IDs for the hotlist issues.
+      is_private: True if the hotlist can only be viewed by owners and editors.
+      default_col_spec: the default columns that show in list view.
+      ts: a timestamp for when this hotlist was created.
+    Returns:
+      The int id of the new hotlist.
+    Raises:
+      InputException: if the hotlist name is invalid.
+      HotlistAlreadyExists: if any of the owners already own a hotlist with
+        the same name.
+      UnownedHotlistException: if owner_ids is empty.
+    """
+    # TODO( These checks should be done in the
+    # the business layer.
+    # Remove when calls from non-business layer code are removed.
+    if not owner_ids:  # Should never happen.
+      logging.error('Attempt to create unowned Hotlist: name:%r', name)
+      raise UnownedHotlistException()
+    if not framework_bizobj.IsValidHotlistName(name):
+      raise exceptions.InputException(
+          '%s is not a valid name for a Hotlist' % name)
+    if self.LookupHotlistIDs(cnxn, [name], owner_ids):
+      raise HotlistAlreadyExists()
+    # TODO( We are not setting a
+    # default default_col_spec in v3.
+    if default_col_spec is None:
+      default_col_spec = features_constants.DEFAULT_COL_SPEC
+    hotlist_item_fields = [
+        (issue_id, rank*100, owner_ids[0], ts, '') for
+        rank, issue_id in enumerate(issue_ids or [])]
+    hotlist = features_pb2.MakeHotlist(
+        name, hotlist_item_fields=hotlist_item_fields, summary=summary,
+        description=description, is_private=is_private, owner_ids=owner_ids,
+        editor_ids=editor_ids, default_col_spec=default_col_spec)
+    hotlist.hotlist_id = self._InsertHotlist(cnxn, hotlist)
+    return hotlist
+  def UpdateHotlist(
+      self, cnxn, hotlist_id, name=None, summary=None, description=None,
+      is_private=None, default_col_spec=None, owner_id=None,
+      add_editor_ids=None):
+    """Update the DB with the given hotlist information."""
+    # Note: If something is None, it does not get changed to None,
+    # it just does not get updated.
+    hotlist = self.GetHotlist(cnxn, hotlist_id, use_cache=False)
+    if not hotlist:
+      raise NoSuchHotlistException()
+    delta = {}
+    if name is not None:
+      delta['name'] = name
+    if summary is not None:
+      delta['summary'] = summary
+    if description is not None:
+      delta['description'] = description
+    if is_private is not None:
+      delta['is_private'] = is_private
+    if default_col_spec is not None:
+      delta['default_col_spec'] = default_col_spec
+    self.hotlist_tbl.Update(cnxn, delta, id=hotlist_id, commit=False)
+    insert_rows = []
+    if owner_id is not None:
+      insert_rows.append((hotlist_id, owner_id, 'owner'))
+      self.hotlist2user_tbl.Delete(
+          cnxn, hotlist_id=hotlist_id, role='owner', commit=False)
+    if add_editor_ids:
+      insert_rows.extend(
+          [(hotlist_id, user_id, 'editor') for user_id in add_editor_ids])
+    if insert_rows:
+      self.hotlist2user_tbl.InsertRows(
+          cnxn, HOTLIST2USER_COLS, insert_rows, commit=False)
+    cnxn.Commit()
+    self.hotlist_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [hotlist_id])
+    if not hotlist.owner_ids:  # Should never happen.
+      logging.warn('Modifying unowned Hotlist: id:%r, name:%r',
+        hotlist_id,
+    elif
+      self.hotlist_id_2lc.InvalidateKeys(
+          cnxn, [(, owner_id) for
+                 owner_id in hotlist.owner_ids])
+    # Update the hotlist PB in RAM
+    if name is not None:
+ = name
+    if summary is not None:
+      hotlist.summary = summary
+    if description is not None:
+      hotlist.description = description
+    if is_private is not None:
+      hotlist.is_private = is_private
+    if default_col_spec is not None:
+      hotlist.default_col_spec = default_col_spec
+    if owner_id is not None:
+      hotlist.owner_ids = [owner_id]
+    if add_editor_ids:
+      hotlist.editor_ids.extend(add_editor_ids)
+  def RemoveHotlistEditors(self, cnxn, hotlist_id, remove_editor_ids):
+    # type: MonorailConnection, int, Collection[int]
+    """Remove given editors from the specified hotlist.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: MonorailConnection object.
+      hotlist_id: int ID of the Hotlist we want to update.
+      remove_editor_ids: collection of existing hotlist editor User IDs
+        that we want to remove from the hotlist.
+    Raises:
+      NoSuchHotlistException: if the hotlist is not found.
+      InputException: if there are not editors to remove.
+    """
+    if not remove_editor_ids:
+      raise exceptions.InputException
+    hotlist = self.GetHotlist(cnxn, hotlist_id, use_cache=False)
+    if not hotlist:
+      raise NoSuchHotlistException()
+    self.hotlist2user_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, hotlist_id=hotlist_id, user_id=remove_editor_ids)
+    self.hotlist_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [hotlist_id])
+    # Update in-memory data
+    for remove_id in remove_editor_ids:
+      hotlist.editor_ids.remove(remove_id)
+  def UpdateHotlistIssues(
+      self,
+      cnxn,  # type: sql.MonorailConnection
+      hotlist_id,  # type: int
+      updated_items,  # type: Collection[features_pb2.HotlistItem]
+      remove_issue_ids,  # type: Collection[int]
+      issue_svc,  # type: issue_svc.IssueService
+      chart_svc,  # type: chart_svc.ChartService
+      commit=True  # type: Optional[bool]
+  ):
+    # type: (...) -> None
+    """Update the Issues in a Hotlist.
+       This method removes the given remove_issue_ids from a Hotlist then
+       updates or adds the HotlistItems found in updated_items. HotlistItems
+       in updated_items may exist in the hotlist and just need to be updated
+       or they may be new items that should be added to the Hotlist.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: MonorailConnection object.
+      hotlist_id: int ID of the Hotlist to update.
+      updated_items: Collection of HotlistItems that either already exist in
+        the hotlist and need to be updated or needed to be added to the hotlist.
+      remove_issue_ids: Collection of Issue IDs that should be removed from the
+        hotlist.
+      issue_svc: IssueService object.
+      chart_svc: ChartService object.
+    Raises:
+      NoSuchHotlistException if a hotlist with the given ID is not found.
+      InputException if no changes were given.
+    """
+    if not updated_items and not remove_issue_ids:
+      raise exceptions.InputException('No changes to make')
+    hotlist = self.GetHotlist(cnxn, hotlist_id, use_cache=False)
+    if not hotlist:
+      raise NoSuchHotlistException()
+    # Used to hold the updated Hotlist.items to use when updating
+    # the in-memory hotlist.
+    all_hotlist_items = list(hotlist.items)
+    # Used to hold ids of issues affected by this change for storing
+    # Issue Snapshots.
+    affected_issue_ids = set()
+    if remove_issue_ids:
+      affected_issue_ids.update(remove_issue_ids)
+      self.hotlist2issue_tbl.Delete(
+          cnxn, hotlist_id=hotlist_id, issue_id=remove_issue_ids, commit=False)
+      all_hotlist_items = filter(
+          lambda item: item.issue_id not in remove_issue_ids, all_hotlist_items)
+    if updated_items:
+      updated_issue_ids = [item.issue_id for item in updated_items]
+      affected_issue_ids.update(updated_issue_ids)
+      self.hotlist2issue_tbl.Delete(
+          cnxn, hotlist_id=hotlist_id, issue_id=updated_issue_ids, commit=False)
+      insert_rows = []
+      for item in updated_items:
+        insert_rows.append(
+            (
+                hotlist_id, item.issue_id, item.rank, item.adder_id,
+                item.date_added, item.note))
+      self.hotlist2issue_tbl.InsertRows(
+          cnxn, cols=HOTLIST2ISSUE_COLS, row_values=insert_rows, commit=False)
+      all_hotlist_items = filter(
+          lambda item: item.issue_id not in updated_issue_ids,
+          all_hotlist_items)
+      all_hotlist_items.extend(updated_items)
+    if commit:
+      cnxn.Commit()
+    self.hotlist_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [hotlist_id])
+    # Update in-memory hotlist items.
+    hotlist.items = sorted(all_hotlist_items, key=lambda item: item.rank)
+    issues = issue_svc.GetIssues(cnxn, list(affected_issue_ids))
+    chart_svc.StoreIssueSnapshots(cnxn, issues, commit=commit)
+  # TODO(crbug/monorail/7104): {Add|Remove}IssuesToHotlists both call
+  # UpdateHotlistItems to add/remove issues from a hotlist.
+  # UpdateHotlistItemsFields is called by methods for reranking existing issues
+  # and updating HotlistItem notes.
+  # (1) We are removing notes from HotlistItems. crbug/monorail/####
+  # (2) our v3 AddHotlistItems will allow for inserting new issues to
+  # non-last ranks of a hotlist. So there could be some shared code
+  # for the reranking path and the adding issues path.
+  # UpdateHotlistIssues will be handling adding, removing, and reranking issues.
+  # {Add|Remove}IssueToHotlists, UpdateHotlistItems, UpdateHotlistItemFields
+  # should be removed, once all methods are updated to call UpdateHotlistIssues.
+  def AddIssueToHotlists(self, cnxn, hotlist_ids, issue_tuple, issue_svc,
+                         chart_svc, commit=True):
+    """Add a single issue, specified in the issue_tuple, to the given hotlists.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      hotlist_ids: a list of hotlist_ids to add the issues to.
+      issue_tuple: (issue_id, user_id, ts, note) of the issue to be added.
+      issue_svc: an instance of IssueService.
+      chart_svc: an instance of ChartService.
+    """
+    self.AddIssuesToHotlists(cnxn, hotlist_ids, [issue_tuple], issue_svc,
+        chart_svc, commit=commit)
+  def AddIssuesToHotlists(self, cnxn, hotlist_ids, added_tuples, issue_svc,
+                          chart_svc, commit=True):
+    """Add the issues given in the added_tuples list to the given hotlists.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      hotlist_ids: a list of hotlist_ids to add the issues to.
+      added_tuples: a list of (issue_id, user_id, ts, note)
+        for issues to be added.
+      issue_svc: an instance of IssueService.
+      chart_svc: an instance of ChartService.
+    """
+    for hotlist_id in hotlist_ids:
+      self.UpdateHotlistItems(cnxn, hotlist_id, [], added_tuples, commit=commit)
+    issues = issue_svc.GetIssues(cnxn,
+        [added_tuple[0] for added_tuple in added_tuples])
+    chart_svc.StoreIssueSnapshots(cnxn, issues, commit=commit)
+  def RemoveIssuesFromHotlists(self, cnxn, hotlist_ids, issue_ids, issue_svc,
+                               chart_svc, commit=True):
+    """Remove the issues given in issue_ids from the given hotlists.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      hotlist_ids: a list of hotlist ids to remove the issues from.
+      issue_ids: a list of issue_ids to be removed.
+      issue_svc: an instance of IssueService.
+      chart_svc: an instance of ChartService.
+    """
+    for hotlist_id in hotlist_ids:
+      self.UpdateHotlistItems(cnxn, hotlist_id, issue_ids, [], commit=commit)
+    issues = issue_svc.GetIssues(cnxn, issue_ids)
+    chart_svc.StoreIssueSnapshots(cnxn, issues, commit=commit)
+  def UpdateHotlistItems(
+      self, cnxn, hotlist_id, remove, added_tuples, commit=True):
+    """Updates a hotlist's list of hotlistissues.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      hotlist_id: the ID of the hotlist to update.
+      remove: a list of issue_ids for be removed.
+      added_tuples: a list of (issue_id, user_id, ts, note)
+        for issues to be added.
+    """
+    hotlist = self.GetHotlist(cnxn, hotlist_id, use_cache=False)
+    if not hotlist:
+      raise NoSuchHotlistException()
+    # adding new Hotlistissues, ignoring pairs where issue_id is already in
+    # hotlist's iid_rank_pairs
+    current_issues_ids = {
+        item.issue_id for item in hotlist.items}
+    self.hotlist2issue_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, hotlist_id=hotlist_id,
+        issue_id=[remove_id for remove_id in remove
+                  if remove_id in current_issues_ids],
+        commit=False)
+    if hotlist.items:
+      items_sorted = sorted(hotlist.items, key=lambda item: item.rank)
+      rank_base = items_sorted[-1].rank + 10
+    else:
+      rank_base = 1
+    insert_rows = [
+        (hotlist_id, issue_id, rank*10 + rank_base, user_id, ts, note)
+        for (rank, (issue_id, user_id, ts, note)) in enumerate(added_tuples)
+        if issue_id not in current_issues_ids]
+    self.hotlist2issue_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, cols=HOTLIST2ISSUE_COLS, row_values=insert_rows, commit=commit)
+    self.hotlist_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [hotlist_id])
+    # removing an issue that was never in the hotlist would not cause any
+    # problems.
+    items = [
+        item for item in hotlist.items if
+        item.issue_id not in remove]
+    new_hotlist_items = [
+        features_pb2.MakeHotlistItem(issue_id, rank, user_id, ts, note)
+        for (_hid, issue_id, rank, user_id, ts, note) in insert_rows]
+    items.extend(new_hotlist_items)
+    hotlist.items = items
+  def UpdateHotlistItemsFields(
+      self, cnxn, hotlist_id, new_ranks=None, new_notes=None, commit=True):
+    """Updates rankings or notes of hotlistissues.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      hotlist_id: the ID of the hotlist to update.
+      new_ranks : This should be a dictionary of {issue_id: rank}.
+      new_notes: This should be a diciontary of {issue_id: note}.
+      commit: set to False to skip the DB commit and do it in the caller.
+    """
+    hotlist = self.GetHotlist(cnxn, hotlist_id, use_cache=False)
+    if not hotlist:
+      raise NoSuchHotlistException()
+    if new_ranks is None:
+      new_ranks = {}
+    if new_notes is None:
+      new_notes = {}
+    issue_ids = []
+    insert_rows = []
+    # Update the hotlist PB in RAM
+    for hotlist_item in hotlist.items:
+      item_updated = False
+      if hotlist_item.issue_id in new_ranks:
+        # Update rank before adding it to insert_rows
+        hotlist_item.rank = new_ranks[hotlist_item.issue_id]
+        item_updated = True
+      if hotlist_item.issue_id in new_notes:
+        # Update note before adding it to insert_rows
+        hotlist_item.note = new_notes[hotlist_item.issue_id]
+        item_updated = True
+      if item_updated:
+        issue_ids.append(hotlist_item.issue_id)
+        insert_rows.append((
+            hotlist_id, hotlist_item.issue_id, hotlist_item.rank,
+            hotlist_item.adder_id, hotlist_item.date_added, hotlist_item.note))
+    hotlist.items = sorted(hotlist.items, key=lambda item: item.rank)
+    self.hotlist2issue_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, hotlist_id=hotlist_id, issue_id=issue_ids, commit=False)
+    self.hotlist2issue_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, cols=HOTLIST2ISSUE_COLS , row_values=insert_rows, commit=commit)
+    self.hotlist_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [hotlist_id])
+  def _InsertHotlist(self, cnxn, hotlist):
+    """Insert the given hotlist into the database."""
+    hotlist_id = self.hotlist_tbl.InsertRow(
+        cnxn,, summary=hotlist.summary,
+        description=hotlist.description, is_private=hotlist.is_private,
+        default_col_spec=hotlist.default_col_spec)
+'stored hotlist was given id %d', hotlist_id)
+    self.hotlist2issue_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, HOTLIST2ISSUE_COLS,
+        [(hotlist_id, issue.issue_id, issue.rank,
+          issue.adder_id, issue.date_added, issue.note)
+         for issue in hotlist.items],
+        commit=False)
+    self.hotlist2user_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, HOTLIST2USER_COLS,
+        [(hotlist_id, user_id, 'owner')
+         for user_id in hotlist.owner_ids] +
+        [(hotlist_id, user_id, 'editor')
+         for user_id in hotlist.editor_ids] +
+        [(hotlist_id, user_id, 'follower')
+         for user_id in hotlist.follower_ids])
+    self.hotlist_user_to_ids.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, hotlist.owner_ids)
+    return hotlist_id
+  def TransferHotlistOwnership(
+      self, cnxn, hotlist, new_owner_id, remain_editor, commit=True):
+    """Transfers ownership of a hotlist to a new owner."""
+    new_editor_ids = hotlist.editor_ids
+    if remain_editor:
+      new_editor_ids.extend(hotlist.owner_ids)
+    if new_owner_id in new_editor_ids:
+      new_editor_ids.remove(new_owner_id)
+    new_follower_ids = hotlist.follower_ids
+    if new_owner_id in new_follower_ids:
+      new_follower_ids.remove(new_owner_id)
+    self.UpdateHotlistRoles(
+        cnxn, hotlist.hotlist_id, [new_owner_id], new_editor_ids,
+        new_follower_ids, commit=commit)
+  ### Lookup hotlist IDs
+  def LookupHotlistIDs(self, cnxn, hotlist_names, owner_ids):
+    """Return a dict of (name, owner_id) mapped to hotlist_id for all hotlists
+    with one of the given names and any of the given owners. Hotlists that
+    match multiple owners will be in the dict multiple times."""
+    id_dict, _missed_keys = self.hotlist_id_2lc.GetAll(
+        cnxn, [(name.lower(), owner_id)
+               for name in hotlist_names for owner_id in owner_ids])
+    return id_dict
+  def LookupUserHotlists(self, cnxn, user_ids):
+    """Return a dict of {user_id: [hotlist_id,...]} for all user_ids."""
+    id_dict, missed_ids = self.hotlist_user_to_ids.GetAll(user_ids)
+    if missed_ids:
+      retrieved_dict = {user_id: [] for user_id in missed_ids}
+      id_rows = self.hotlist2user_tbl.Select(
+          cnxn, cols=['user_id', 'hotlist_id'], user_id=user_ids,
+          left_joins=[('Hotlist ON hotlist_id = id', [])],
+          where=[('Hotlist.is_deleted = %s', [False])])
+      for (user_id, hotlist_id) in id_rows:
+        retrieved_dict[user_id].append(hotlist_id)
+      self.hotlist_user_to_ids.CacheAll(retrieved_dict)
+      id_dict.update(retrieved_dict)
+    return id_dict
+  def LookupIssueHotlists(self, cnxn, issue_ids):
+    """Return a dict of {issue_id: [hotlist_id,...]} for all issue_ids."""
+    # TODO(jojwang): create hotlist_issue_to_ids cache
+    retrieved_dict = {issue_id: [] for issue_id in issue_ids}
+    id_rows = self.hotlist2issue_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['hotlist_id', 'issue_id'], issue_id=issue_ids,
+        left_joins=[('Hotlist ON hotlist_id = id', [])],
+        where=[('Hotlist.is_deleted = %s', [False])])
+    for hotlist_id, issue_id in id_rows:
+      retrieved_dict[issue_id].append(hotlist_id)
+    return retrieved_dict
+  def GetProjectIDsFromHotlist(self, cnxn, hotlist_id):
+    project_id_rows = self.hotlist2issue_tbl.Select(cnxn,
+        cols=['Issue.project_id'], hotlist_id=hotlist_id, distinct=True,
+        left_joins=[('Issue ON issue_id = id', [])])
+    return [row[0] for row in project_id_rows]
+  ### Get hotlists
+  def GetHotlists(self, cnxn, hotlist_ids, use_cache=True):
+    """Returns dict of {hotlist_id: hotlist PB}."""
+    hotlists_dict, missed_ids = self.hotlist_2lc.GetAll(
+        cnxn, hotlist_ids, use_cache=use_cache)
+    if missed_ids:
+      raise NoSuchHotlistException()
+    return hotlists_dict
+  def GetHotlistsByUserID(self, cnxn, user_id, use_cache=True):
+    """Get a list of hotlist PBs for a given user."""
+    hotlist_id_dict = self.LookupUserHotlists(cnxn, [user_id])
+    hotlists = self.GetHotlists(
+        cnxn, hotlist_id_dict.get(user_id, []), use_cache=use_cache)
+    return list(hotlists.values())
+  def GetHotlistsByIssueID(self, cnxn, issue_id, use_cache=True):
+    """Get a list of hotlist PBs for a given issue."""
+    hotlist_id_dict = self.LookupIssueHotlists(cnxn, [issue_id])
+    hotlists = self.GetHotlists(
+        cnxn, hotlist_id_dict.get(issue_id, []), use_cache=use_cache)
+    return list(hotlists.values())
+  def GetHotlist(self, cnxn, hotlist_id, use_cache=True):
+    """Returns hotlist PB."""
+    hotlist_dict = self.GetHotlists(cnxn, [hotlist_id], use_cache=use_cache)
+    return hotlist_dict[hotlist_id]
+  def GetHotlistsByID(self, cnxn, hotlist_ids, use_cache=True):
+    """Load all the Hotlist PBs for the given hotlists.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      hotlist_ids: list of hotlist ids.
+      use_cache: specifiy False to force database query.
+    Returns:
+      A dict mapping ids to the corresponding Hotlist protocol buffers and
+      a list of any hotlist_ids that were not found.
+    """
+    hotlists_dict, missed_ids = self.hotlist_2lc.GetAll(
+        cnxn, hotlist_ids, use_cache=use_cache)
+    return hotlists_dict, missed_ids
+  def GetHotlistByID(self, cnxn, hotlist_id, use_cache=True):
+    """Load the specified hotlist from the database, None if does not exist."""
+    hotlist_dict, _ = self.GetHotlistsByID(
+        cnxn, [hotlist_id], use_cache=use_cache)
+    return hotlist_dict.get(hotlist_id)
+  def UpdateHotlistRoles(
+      self, cnxn, hotlist_id, owner_ids, editor_ids, follower_ids, commit=True):
+    """"Store the hotlist's roles in the DB."""
+    # This will be a newly contructed object, not from the cache and not
+    # shared with any other thread.
+    hotlist = self.GetHotlist(cnxn, hotlist_id, use_cache=False)
+    if not hotlist:
+      raise NoSuchHotlistException()
+    self.hotlist2user_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, hotlist_id=hotlist_id, commit=False)
+    insert_rows = [(hotlist_id, user_id, 'owner') for user_id in owner_ids]
+    insert_rows.extend(
+        [(hotlist_id, user_id, 'editor') for user_id in editor_ids])
+    insert_rows.extend(
+        [(hotlist_id, user_id, 'follower') for user_id in follower_ids])
+    self.hotlist2user_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, HOTLIST2USER_COLS, insert_rows, commit=False)
+    if commit:
+      cnxn.Commit()
+    self.hotlist_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [hotlist_id])
+    self.hotlist_user_to_ids.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, hotlist.owner_ids)
+    hotlist.owner_ids = owner_ids
+    hotlist.editor_ids = editor_ids
+    hotlist.follower_ids = follower_ids
+  def DeleteHotlist(self, cnxn, hotlist_id, commit=True):
+    hotlist = self.GetHotlist(cnxn, hotlist_id, use_cache=False)
+    if not hotlist:
+      raise NoSuchHotlistException()
+    # Fetch all associated project IDs in order to invalidate their cache.
+    project_ids = self.GetProjectIDsFromHotlist(cnxn, hotlist_id)
+    delta = {'is_deleted': True}
+    self.hotlist_tbl.Update(cnxn, delta, id=hotlist_id, commit=commit)
+    self.hotlist_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [hotlist_id])
+    self.hotlist_user_to_ids.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, hotlist.owner_ids)
+    self.hotlist_user_to_ids.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, hotlist.editor_ids)
+    if not hotlist.owner_ids:  # Should never happen.
+      logging.warn('Soft-deleting unowned Hotlist: id:%r, name:%r',
+        hotlist_id,
+    elif
+      self.hotlist_id_2lc.InvalidateKeys(
+          cnxn, [(, owner_id) for
+                 owner_id in hotlist.owner_ids])
+    for project_id in project_ids:
+      self.config_service.InvalidateMemcacheForEntireProject(project_id)
+  def ExpungeHotlists(
+      self, cnxn, hotlist_ids, star_svc, user_svc, chart_svc, commit=True):
+    """Wipes the given hotlists from the DB tables.
+    This method will only do cache invalidation if commit is set to True.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      hotlist_ids: the ID of the hotlists to Expunge.
+      star_svc: an instance of a HotlistStarService.
+      user_svc: an instance of a UserService.
+      chart_svc: an instance of a ChartService.
+      commit: set to False to skip the DB commit and do it in the caller.
+    """
+    hotlists_by_id = self.GetHotlists(cnxn, hotlist_ids)
+    for hotlist_id in hotlist_ids:
+      star_svc.ExpungeStars(cnxn, hotlist_id, commit=commit)
+    chart_svc.ExpungeHotlistsFromIssueSnapshots(
+        cnxn, hotlist_ids, commit=commit)
+    user_svc.ExpungeHotlistsFromHistory(cnxn, hotlist_ids, commit=commit)
+    self.hotlist2user_tbl.Delete(cnxn, hotlist_id=hotlist_ids, commit=commit)
+    self.hotlist2issue_tbl.Delete(cnxn, hotlist_id=hotlist_ids, commit=commit)
+    self.hotlist_tbl.Delete(cnxn, id=hotlist_ids, commit=commit)
+    # Invalidate cache for deleted hotlists.
+    self.hotlist_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, hotlist_ids)
+    users_to_invalidate = set()
+    for hotlist in hotlists_by_id.values():
+      users_to_invalidate.update(
+          hotlist.owner_ids + hotlist.editor_ids + hotlist.follower_ids)
+      self.hotlist_id_2lc.InvalidateKeys(
+          cnxn, [(, owner_id) for owner_id in hotlist.owner_ids])
+    self.hotlist_user_to_ids.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, list(users_to_invalidate))
+    hotlist_project_ids = set()
+    for hotlist_id in hotlist_ids:
+      hotlist_project_ids.update(self.GetProjectIDsFromHotlist(
+          cnxn, hotlist_id))
+    for project_id in hotlist_project_ids:
+      self.config_service.InvalidateMemcacheForEntireProject(project_id)
+  def ExpungeUsersInHotlists(
+      self, cnxn, user_ids, star_svc, user_svc, chart_svc):
+    """Wipes the given users and any hotlists they owned from the
+       hotlists system.
+    This method will not commit the operation. This method will not make
+    changes to in-memory data.
+    """
+    # Transfer hotlist ownership to editors, if possible.
+    hotlist_ids_by_user_id = self.LookupUserHotlists(cnxn, user_ids)
+    hotlist_ids = [hotlist_id for hotlist_ids in hotlist_ids_by_user_id.values()
+                   for hotlist_id in hotlist_ids]
+    hotlists_by_id, missed = self.GetHotlistsByID(
+        cnxn, list(set(hotlist_ids)), use_cache=False)
+'Missed hotlists: %s', missed)
+    hotlists_to_delete = []
+    for hotlist_id, hotlist in hotlists_by_id.items():
+      # One of the users to be deleted is an owner of hotlist.
+      if not set(hotlist.owner_ids).isdisjoint(user_ids):
+        hotlists_to_delete.append(hotlist_id)
+        candidate_new_owners = [user_id for user_id in hotlist.editor_ids
+                                if user_id not in user_ids]
+        for candidate_id in candidate_new_owners:
+          if not self.LookupHotlistIDs(cnxn, [], [candidate_id]):
+            self.TransferHotlistOwnership(
+                cnxn, hotlist, candidate_id, False, commit=False)
+            # Hotlist transferred successfully. No need to delete it.
+            hotlists_to_delete.remove(hotlist_id)
+            break
+    # Delete users
+    self.hotlist2user_tbl.Delete(cnxn, user_id=user_ids, commit=False)
+    self.hotlist2issue_tbl.Update(
+        cnxn, {'adder_id': framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID},
+        adder_id=user_ids, commit=False)
+    user_svc.ExpungeUsersHotlistsHistory(cnxn, user_ids, commit=False)
+    # Delete hotlists
+    if hotlists_to_delete:
+      self.ExpungeHotlists(
+          cnxn, hotlists_to_delete, star_svc, user_svc, chart_svc, commit=False)
+class HotlistAlreadyExists(Exception):
+  """Tried to create a hotlist with the same name as another hotlist
+  with the same owner."""
+  pass
+class NoSuchHotlistException(Exception):
+  """The requested hotlist was not found."""
+  pass
+class UnownedHotlistException(Exception):
+  """Tried to create a hotlist with no owner."""
+  pass
diff --git a/services/ b/services/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80d4264
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""A set of helpers functions for fulltext search."""
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import logging
+from google.appengine.api import search
+import settings
+from proto import ast_pb2
+from proto import tracker_pb2
+from search import query2ast
+# GAE search API can only respond with 500 results per call.
+def BuildFTSQuery(query_ast_conj, fulltext_fields):
+  """Convert a Monorail query AST into a GAE search query string.
+  Args:
+    query_ast_conj: a Conjunction PB with a list of Comparison PBs that each
+        have operator, field definitions, string values, and int values.
+        All Conditions should be AND'd together.
+    fulltext_fields: a list of string names of fields that may exist in the
+        fulltext documents.  E.g., issue fulltext documents have a "summary"
+        field.
+  Returns:
+    A string that can be passed to AppEngine's search API. Or, None if there
+    were no fulltext conditions, so no fulltext search should be done.
+  """
+  fulltext_parts = [
+      _BuildFTSCondition(cond, fulltext_fields)
+      for cond in query_ast_conj.conds]
+  if any(fulltext_parts):
+    return ' '.join(fulltext_parts)
+  else:
+    return None
+def _BuildFTSCondition(cond, fulltext_fields):
+  """Convert one query AST condition into a GAE search query string."""
+  if cond.op == ast_pb2.QueryOp.NOT_TEXT_HAS:
+    neg = 'NOT '
+  elif cond.op == ast_pb2.QueryOp.TEXT_HAS:
+    neg = ''
+  else:
+    return ''  # FTS only looks at TEXT_HAS and NOT_TEXT_HAS
+  parts = []
+  for fd in cond.field_defs:
+    if fd.field_name in fulltext_fields:
+      pattern = fd.field_name + ':"%s"'
+    elif fd.field_name == ast_pb2.ANY_FIELD:
+      pattern = '"%s"'
+    elif fd.field_id and fd.field_type == tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.STR_TYPE:
+      pattern = 'custom_' + str(fd.field_id) + ':"%s"'
+    else:
+      pattern = 'pylint does not handle else-continue'
+      continue  # This issue field is searched via SQL.
+    for value in cond.str_values:
+      # Strip out quotes around the value.
+      value = value.strip('"')
+      special_prefixes_match = any(
+          value.startswith(p) for p in query2ast.NON_OP_PREFIXES)
+      if not special_prefixes_match:
+        value = value.replace(':', ' ')
+        assert ('"' not in value), 'Value %r has a quote in it' % value
+      parts.append(pattern % value)
+  if parts:
+    return neg + '(%s)' % ' OR '.join(parts)
+  else:
+    return ''  # None of the fields were fulltext fields.
+def ComprehensiveSearch(fulltext_query, index_name):
+  """Call the GAE search API, and keep calling it to get all results.
+  Args:
+    fulltext_query: string in the GAE search API query language.
+    index_name: string name of the GAE fulltext index to hit.
+  Returns:
+    A list of integer issue IIDs or project IDs.
+  """
+  search_index = search.Index(name=index_name)
+  try:
+    response =
+        fulltext_query,
+        options=search.QueryOptions(
+            limit=_SEARCH_RESULT_CHUNK_SIZE, returned_fields=[], ids_only=True,
+            cursor=search.Cursor())))
+  except ValueError as e:
+    raise query2ast.InvalidQueryError(e.message)
+'got %d initial results', len(response.results))
+  ids = [int(result.doc_id) for result in response]
+  remaining_iterations = int(
+      (settings.fulltext_limit_per_shard - 1) // _SEARCH_RESULT_CHUNK_SIZE)
+  for _ in range(remaining_iterations):
+    if not response.cursor:
+      break
+    response =
+        fulltext_query,
+        options=search.QueryOptions(
+            limit=_SEARCH_RESULT_CHUNK_SIZE, returned_fields=[], ids_only=True,
+            cursor=response.cursor)))
+        'got %d more results: %r', len(response.results), response.results)
+    ids.extend(int(result.doc_id) for result in response)
+'FTS result ids %d', len(ids))
+  return ids
diff --git a/services/ b/services/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eab85ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/
@@ -0,0 +1,2901 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""A set of functions that provide persistence for Monorail issue tracking.
+This module provides functions to get, update, create, and (in some
+cases) delete each type of business object.  It provides a logical
+persistence layer on top of an SQL database.
+Business objects are described in and
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import collections
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import time
+import uuid
+from google.appengine.api import app_identity
+from google.appengine.api import images
+from third_party import cloudstorage
+import settings
+from features import filterrules_helpers
+from framework import authdata
+from framework import exceptions
+from framework import framework_bizobj
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import framework_helpers
+from framework import gcs_helpers
+from framework import permissions
+from framework import sql
+from infra_libs import ts_mon
+from proto import project_pb2
+from proto import tracker_pb2
+from services import caches
+from services import tracker_fulltext
+from tracker import tracker_bizobj
+from tracker import tracker_helpers
+# TODO(jojwang): monorail:4693, remove this after all 'stable-full'
+# gates have been renamed to 'stable'.
+FLT_EQUIVALENT_GATES = {'stable-full': 'stable',
+                        'stable': 'stable-full'}
+    'id', 'project_id', 'local_id', 'status_id', 'owner_id', 'reporter_id',
+    'opened', 'closed', 'modified',
+    'owner_modified', 'status_modified', 'component_modified',
+    'derived_owner_id', 'derived_status_id',
+    'deleted', 'star_count', 'attachment_count', 'is_spam']
+ISSUESUMMARY_COLS = ['issue_id', 'summary']
+ISSUE2LABEL_COLS = ['issue_id', 'label_id', 'derived']
+ISSUE2COMPONENT_COLS = ['issue_id', 'component_id', 'derived']
+ISSUE2CC_COLS = ['issue_id', 'cc_id', 'derived']
+ISSUE2NOTIFY_COLS = ['issue_id', 'email']
+    'issue_id', 'field_id', 'int_value', 'str_value', 'user_id', 'date_value',
+    'url_value', 'derived', 'phase_id']
+# Explicitly specify column '' to allow joins on other tables that
+# have an 'id' column.
+    '', 'issue_id', 'created', 'Comment.project_id', 'commenter_id',
+    'deleted_by', 'Comment.is_spam', 'is_description',
+    'commentcontent_id']  # Note: commentcontent_id must be last.
+    '', 'content', 'inbound_message']
+COMMENTIMPORTER_COLS = ['comment_id', 'importer_id']
+ABBR_COMMENT_COLS = ['', 'commenter_id', 'deleted_by',
+    'is_description']
+    'id', 'issue_id', 'comment_id', 'filename', 'filesize', 'mimetype',
+    'deleted', 'gcs_object_id']
+ISSUERELATION_COLS = ['issue_id', 'dst_issue_id', 'kind', 'rank']
+ABBR_ISSUERELATION_COLS = ['dst_issue_id', 'rank']
+    'issue_id', 'dst_issue_project', 'dst_issue_local_id',
+    'ext_issue_identifier', 'kind']
+    'id', 'issue_id', 'comment_id', 'field', 'old_value', 'new_value',
+    'added_user_id', 'removed_user_id', 'custom_field_name']
+ISSUEFORMERLOCATIONS_COLS = ['issue_id', 'project_id', 'local_id']
+REINDEXQUEUE_COLS = ['issue_id', 'created']
+ISSUESNAPSHOT_COLS = ['id', 'issue_id', 'shard', 'project_id', 'local_id',
+    'reporter_id', 'owner_id', 'status_id', 'period_start', 'period_end',
+    'is_open']
+ISSUESNAPSHOT2CC_COLS = ['issuesnapshot_id', 'cc_id']
+ISSUESNAPSHOT2COMPONENT_COLS = ['issuesnapshot_id', 'component_id']
+ISSUESNAPSHOT2LABEL_COLS = ['issuesnapshot_id', 'label_id']
+ISSUEPHASEDEF_COLS = ['id', 'name', 'rank']
+ISSUE2APPROVALVALUE_COLS = ['approval_id', 'issue_id', 'phase_id',
+                            'status', 'setter_id', 'set_on']
+ISSUEAPPROVAL2APPROVER_COLS = ['approval_id', 'approver_id', 'issue_id']
+ISSUEAPPROVAL2COMMENT_COLS = ['approval_id', 'comment_id']
+CHUNK_SIZE = 1000
+class IssueIDTwoLevelCache(caches.AbstractTwoLevelCache):
+  """Class to manage RAM and memcache for Issue IDs."""
+  def __init__(self, cache_manager, issue_service):
+    super(IssueIDTwoLevelCache, self).__init__(
+        cache_manager, 'issue_id', 'issue_id:', int,
+        max_size=settings.issue_cache_max_size)
+    self.issue_service = issue_service
+  def _MakeCache(self, cache_manager, kind, max_size=None):
+    """Override normal RamCache creation with ValueCentricRamCache."""
+    return caches.ValueCentricRamCache(cache_manager, kind, max_size=max_size)
+  def _DeserializeIssueIDs(self, project_local_issue_ids):
+    """Convert database rows into a dict {(project_id, local_id): issue_id}."""
+    return {(project_id, local_id): issue_id
+            for (project_id, local_id, issue_id) in project_local_issue_ids}
+  def FetchItems(self, cnxn, keys):
+    """On RAM and memcache miss, hit the database."""
+    local_ids_by_pid = collections.defaultdict(list)
+    for project_id, local_id in keys:
+      local_ids_by_pid[project_id].append(local_id)
+    where = []  # We OR per-project pairs of conditions together.
+    for project_id, local_ids_in_project in local_ids_by_pid.items():
+      term_str = ('(Issue.project_id = %%s AND Issue.local_id IN (%s))' %
+                  sql.PlaceHolders(local_ids_in_project))
+      where.append((term_str, [project_id] + local_ids_in_project))
+    rows = self.issue_service.issue_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['project_id', 'local_id', 'id'],
+        where=where, or_where_conds=True)
+    return self._DeserializeIssueIDs(rows)
+  def _KeyToStr(self, key):
+    """This cache uses pairs of ints as keys. Convert them to strings."""
+    return '%d,%d' % key
+  def _StrToKey(self, key_str):
+    """This cache uses pairs of ints as keys. Convert them from strings."""
+    project_id_str, local_id_str = key_str.split(',')
+    return int(project_id_str), int(local_id_str)
+class IssueTwoLevelCache(caches.AbstractTwoLevelCache):
+  """Class to manage RAM and memcache for Issue PBs."""
+  def __init__(
+      self, cache_manager, issue_service, project_service, config_service):
+    super(IssueTwoLevelCache, self).__init__(
+        cache_manager, 'issue', 'issue:', tracker_pb2.Issue,
+        max_size=settings.issue_cache_max_size)
+    self.issue_service = issue_service
+    self.project_service = project_service
+    self.config_service = config_service
+  def _UnpackIssue(self, cnxn, issue_row):
+    """Partially construct an issue object using info from a DB row."""
+    (issue_id, project_id, local_id, status_id, owner_id, reporter_id,
+     opened, closed, modified, owner_modified, status_modified,
+     component_modified, derived_owner_id, derived_status_id,
+     deleted, star_count, attachment_count, is_spam) = issue_row
+    issue = tracker_pb2.Issue()
+    project = self.project_service.GetProject(cnxn, project_id)
+    issue.project_name = project.project_name
+    issue.issue_id = issue_id
+    issue.project_id = project_id
+    issue.local_id = local_id
+    if status_id is not None:
+      status = self.config_service.LookupStatus(cnxn, project_id, status_id)
+      issue.status = status
+    issue.owner_id = owner_id or 0
+    issue.reporter_id = reporter_id or 0
+    issue.derived_owner_id = derived_owner_id or 0
+    if derived_status_id is not None:
+      derived_status = self.config_service.LookupStatus(
+          cnxn, project_id, derived_status_id)
+      issue.derived_status = derived_status
+    issue.deleted = bool(deleted)
+    if opened:
+      issue.opened_timestamp = opened
+    if closed:
+      issue.closed_timestamp = closed
+    if modified:
+      issue.modified_timestamp = modified
+    if owner_modified:
+      issue.owner_modified_timestamp = owner_modified
+    if status_modified:
+      issue.status_modified_timestamp = status_modified
+    if component_modified:
+      issue.component_modified_timestamp = component_modified
+    issue.star_count = star_count
+    issue.attachment_count = attachment_count
+    issue.is_spam = bool(is_spam)
+    return issue
+  def _UnpackFieldValue(self, fv_row):
+    """Construct a field value object from a DB row."""
+    (issue_id, field_id, int_value, str_value, user_id, date_value, url_value,
+     derived, phase_id) = fv_row
+    fv = tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldValue(
+        field_id, int_value, str_value, user_id, date_value, url_value,
+        bool(derived), phase_id=phase_id)
+    return fv, issue_id
+  def _UnpackApprovalValue(self, av_row):
+    """Contruct an ApprovalValue PB from a DB row."""
+    (approval_id, issue_id, phase_id, status, setter_id, set_on) = av_row
+    if status:
+      status_enum = tracker_pb2.ApprovalStatus(status.upper())
+    else:
+      status_enum = tracker_pb2.ApprovalStatus.NOT_SET
+    av = tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(
+        approval_id=approval_id, setter_id=setter_id, set_on=set_on,
+        status=status_enum, phase_id=phase_id)
+    return av, issue_id
+  def _UnpackPhase(self, phase_row):
+    """Construct a Phase PB from a DB row."""
+    (phase_id, name, rank) = phase_row
+    phase = tracker_pb2.Phase(
+        phase_id=phase_id, name=name, rank=rank)
+    return phase
+  def _DeserializeIssues(
+      self, cnxn, issue_rows, summary_rows, label_rows, component_rows,
+      cc_rows, notify_rows, fieldvalue_rows, relation_rows,
+      dangling_relation_rows, phase_rows, approvalvalue_rows,
+      av_approver_rows):
+    """Convert the given DB rows into a dict of Issue PBs."""
+    results_dict = {}
+    for issue_row in issue_rows:
+      issue = self._UnpackIssue(cnxn, issue_row)
+      results_dict[issue.issue_id] = issue
+    for issue_id, summary in summary_rows:
+      results_dict[issue_id].summary = summary
+    # TODO(jrobbins): it would be nice to order labels by rank and name.
+    for issue_id, label_id, derived in label_rows:
+      issue = results_dict.get(issue_id)
+      if not issue:
+'Got label for an unknown issue: %r %r',
+                     label_rows, issue_rows)
+        continue
+      label = self.config_service.LookupLabel(cnxn, issue.project_id, label_id)
+      assert label, ('Label ID %r on IID %r not found in project %r' %
+                     (label_id, issue_id, issue.project_id))
+      if derived:
+        results_dict[issue_id].derived_labels.append(label)
+      else:
+        results_dict[issue_id].labels.append(label)
+    for issue_id, component_id, derived in component_rows:
+      if derived:
+        results_dict[issue_id].derived_component_ids.append(component_id)
+      else:
+        results_dict[issue_id].component_ids.append(component_id)
+    for issue_id, user_id, derived in cc_rows:
+      if derived:
+        results_dict[issue_id].derived_cc_ids.append(user_id)
+      else:
+        results_dict[issue_id].cc_ids.append(user_id)
+    for issue_id, email in notify_rows:
+      results_dict[issue_id].derived_notify_addrs.append(email)
+    for fv_row in fieldvalue_rows:
+      fv, issue_id = self._UnpackFieldValue(fv_row)
+      results_dict[issue_id].field_values.append(fv)
+    phases_by_id = {}
+    for phase_row in phase_rows:
+      phase = self._UnpackPhase(phase_row)
+      phases_by_id[phase.phase_id] = phase
+    approvers_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
+    for approver_row in av_approver_rows:
+      approval_id, approver_id, issue_id = approver_row
+      approvers_dict[approval_id, issue_id].append(approver_id)
+    for av_row in approvalvalue_rows:
+      av, issue_id = self._UnpackApprovalValue(av_row)
+      av.approver_ids = approvers_dict[av.approval_id, issue_id]
+      results_dict[issue_id].approval_values.append(av)
+      if av.phase_id:
+        phase = phases_by_id[av.phase_id]
+        issue_phases = results_dict[issue_id].phases
+        if phase not in issue_phases:
+          issue_phases.append(phase)
+    # Order issue phases
+    for issue in results_dict.values():
+      if issue.phases:
+        issue.phases.sort(key=lambda phase: phase.rank)
+    for issue_id, dst_issue_id, kind, rank in relation_rows:
+      src_issue = results_dict.get(issue_id)
+      dst_issue = results_dict.get(dst_issue_id)
+      assert src_issue or dst_issue, (
+          'Neither source issue %r nor dest issue %r was found' %
+          (issue_id, dst_issue_id))
+      if src_issue:
+        if kind == 'blockedon':
+          src_issue.blocked_on_iids.append(dst_issue_id)
+          src_issue.blocked_on_ranks.append(rank)
+        elif kind == 'mergedinto':
+          src_issue.merged_into = dst_issue_id
+        else:
+'unknown relation kind %r', kind)
+          continue
+      if dst_issue:
+        if kind == 'blockedon':
+          dst_issue.blocking_iids.append(issue_id)
+    for row in dangling_relation_rows:
+      issue_id, dst_issue_proj, dst_issue_id, ext_id, kind = row
+      src_issue = results_dict.get(issue_id)
+      if kind == 'blockedon':
+        src_issue.dangling_blocked_on_refs.append(
+            tracker_bizobj.MakeDanglingIssueRef(dst_issue_proj,
+                dst_issue_id, ext_id))
+      elif kind == 'blocking':
+        src_issue.dangling_blocking_refs.append(
+            tracker_bizobj.MakeDanglingIssueRef(dst_issue_proj, dst_issue_id,
+                ext_id))
+      elif kind == 'mergedinto':
+        src_issue.merged_into_external = ext_id
+      else:
+        logging.warn('unhandled danging relation kind %r', kind)
+        continue
+    return results_dict
+  # Note: sharding is used to here to allow us to load issues from the replicas
+  # without placing load on the primary DB. Writes are not sharded.
+  # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
+  def FetchItems(self, cnxn, issue_ids, shard_id=None):
+    """Retrieve and deserialize issues."""
+    issue_rows = self.issue_service.issue_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=ISSUE_COLS, id=issue_ids, shard_id=shard_id)
+    summary_rows = self.issue_service.issuesummary_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=ISSUESUMMARY_COLS, shard_id=shard_id, issue_id=issue_ids)
+    label_rows = self.issue_service.issue2label_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=ISSUE2LABEL_COLS, shard_id=shard_id, issue_id=issue_ids)
+    component_rows = self.issue_service.issue2component_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=ISSUE2COMPONENT_COLS, shard_id=shard_id, issue_id=issue_ids)
+    cc_rows = self.issue_service.issue2cc_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=ISSUE2CC_COLS, shard_id=shard_id, issue_id=issue_ids)
+    notify_rows = self.issue_service.issue2notify_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=ISSUE2NOTIFY_COLS, shard_id=shard_id, issue_id=issue_ids)
+    fieldvalue_rows = self.issue_service.issue2fieldvalue_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=ISSUE2FIELDVALUE_COLS, shard_id=shard_id,
+        issue_id=issue_ids)
+    approvalvalue_rows = self.issue_service.issue2approvalvalue_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=ISSUE2APPROVALVALUE_COLS, issue_id=issue_ids)
+    phase_ids = [av_row[2] for av_row in approvalvalue_rows]
+    phase_rows = []
+    if phase_ids:
+      phase_rows = self.issue_service.issuephasedef_tbl.Select(
+          cnxn, cols=ISSUEPHASEDEF_COLS, id=list(set(phase_ids)))
+    av_approver_rows = self.issue_service.issueapproval2approver_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=ISSUEAPPROVAL2APPROVER_COLS, issue_id=issue_ids)
+    if issue_ids:
+      ph = sql.PlaceHolders(issue_ids)
+      blocked_on_rows = self.issue_service.issuerelation_tbl.Select(
+          cnxn, cols=ISSUERELATION_COLS, issue_id=issue_ids, kind='blockedon',
+          order_by=[('issue_id', []), ('rank DESC', []), ('dst_issue_id', [])])
+      blocking_rows = self.issue_service.issuerelation_tbl.Select(
+          cnxn, cols=ISSUERELATION_COLS, dst_issue_id=issue_ids,
+          kind='blockedon', order_by=[('issue_id', []), ('dst_issue_id', [])])
+      unique_blocking = tuple(
+          row for row in blocking_rows if row not in blocked_on_rows)
+      merge_rows = self.issue_service.issuerelation_tbl.Select(
+          cnxn, cols=ISSUERELATION_COLS,
+          where=[('(issue_id IN (%s) OR dst_issue_id IN (%s))' % (ph, ph),
+                  issue_ids + issue_ids),
+                 ('kind != %s', ['blockedon'])])
+      relation_rows = blocked_on_rows + unique_blocking + merge_rows
+      dangling_relation_rows = self.issue_service.danglingrelation_tbl.Select(
+          cnxn, cols=DANGLINGRELATION_COLS, issue_id=issue_ids)
+    else:
+      relation_rows = []
+      dangling_relation_rows = []
+    issue_dict = self._DeserializeIssues(
+        cnxn, issue_rows, summary_rows, label_rows, component_rows, cc_rows,
+        notify_rows, fieldvalue_rows, relation_rows, dangling_relation_rows,
+        phase_rows, approvalvalue_rows, av_approver_rows)
+'IssueTwoLevelCache.FetchItems returning: %r', issue_dict)
+    return issue_dict
+class CommentTwoLevelCache(caches.AbstractTwoLevelCache):
+  """Class to manage RAM and memcache for IssueComment PBs."""
+  def __init__(self, cache_manager, issue_svc):
+    super(CommentTwoLevelCache, self).__init__(
+        cache_manager, 'comment', 'comment:', tracker_pb2.IssueComment,
+        max_size=settings.comment_cache_max_size)
+    self.issue_svc = issue_svc
+  # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
+  def FetchItems(self, cnxn, keys, shard_id=None):
+    comment_rows = self.issue_svc.comment_tbl.Select(cnxn,
+        cols=COMMENT_COLS, id=keys, shard_id=shard_id)
+    if len(comment_rows) < len(keys):
+      self.issue_svc.replication_lag_retries.increment()
+'issue3755: expected %d, but got %d rows from shard %d',
+                   len(keys), len(comment_rows), shard_id)
+      shard_id = None  # Will use Primary DB.
+      comment_rows = self.issue_svc.comment_tbl.Select(
+          cnxn, cols=COMMENT_COLS, id=keys, shard_id=None)
+          'Retry got %d comment rows from the primary DB', len(comment_rows))
+    cids = [row[0] for row in comment_rows]
+    commentcontent_ids = [row[-1] for row in comment_rows]
+    content_rows = self.issue_svc.commentcontent_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=COMMENTCONTENT_COLS, id=commentcontent_ids,
+        shard_id=shard_id)
+    approval_rows = self.issue_svc.issueapproval2comment_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=ISSUEAPPROVAL2COMMENT_COLS, comment_id=cids)
+    amendment_rows = self.issue_svc.issueupdate_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=ISSUEUPDATE_COLS, comment_id=cids, shard_id=shard_id)
+    attachment_rows = self.issue_svc.attachment_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=ATTACHMENT_COLS, comment_id=cids, shard_id=shard_id)
+    importer_rows = self.issue_svc.commentimporter_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=COMMENTIMPORTER_COLS, comment_id=cids, shard_id=shard_id)
+    comments = self.issue_svc._DeserializeComments(
+        comment_rows, content_rows, amendment_rows, attachment_rows,
+        approval_rows, importer_rows)
+    comments_dict = {}
+    for comment in comments:
+      comments_dict[] = comment
+    return comments_dict
+class IssueService(object):
+  """The persistence layer for Monorail's issues, comments, and attachments."""
+  spam_labels = ts_mon.CounterMetric(
+      'monorail/issue_svc/spam_label',
+      'Issues created, broken down by spam label.',
+      [ts_mon.StringField('type')])
+  replication_lag_retries = ts_mon.CounterMetric(
+      'monorail/issue_svc/replication_lag_retries',
+      'Counts times that loading comments from a replica failed',
+      [])
+  issue_creations = ts_mon.CounterMetric(
+      'monorail/issue_svc/issue_creations',
+      'Counts times that issues were created',
+      [])
+  comment_creations = ts_mon.CounterMetric(
+      'monorail/issue_svc/comment_creations',
+      'Counts times that comments were created',
+      [])
+  def __init__(self, project_service, config_service, cache_manager,
+      chart_service):
+    """Initialize this object so that it is ready to use.
+    Args:
+      project_service: services object for project info.
+      config_service: services object for tracker configuration info.
+      cache_manager: local cache with distributed invalidation.
+      chart_service (ChartService): An instance of ChartService.
+    """
+    # Tables that represent issue data.
+    self.issue_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(ISSUE_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.issuesummary_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(ISSUESUMMARY_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.issue2label_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(ISSUE2LABEL_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.issue2component_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(ISSUE2COMPONENT_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.issue2cc_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(ISSUE2CC_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.issue2notify_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(ISSUE2NOTIFY_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.issue2fieldvalue_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(ISSUE2FIELDVALUE_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.issuerelation_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(ISSUERELATION_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.danglingrelation_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(DANGLINGRELATION_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.issueformerlocations_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(
+    self.issuesnapshot_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(ISSUESNAPSHOT_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.issuesnapshot2cc_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(
+    self.issuesnapshot2component_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(
+    self.issuesnapshot2label_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(
+    self.issuephasedef_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(ISSUEPHASEDEF_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.issue2approvalvalue_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(
+    self.issueapproval2approver_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(
+    self.issueapproval2comment_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(
+    # Tables that represent comments.
+    self.comment_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(COMMENT_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.commentcontent_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(COMMENTCONTENT_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.commentimporter_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(COMMENTIMPORTER_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.issueupdate_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(ISSUEUPDATE_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.attachment_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(ATTACHMENT_TABLE_NAME)
+    # Tables for cron tasks.
+    self.reindexqueue_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(REINDEXQUEUE_TABLE_NAME)
+    # Tables for generating sequences of local IDs.
+    self.localidcounter_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(LOCALIDCOUNTER_TABLE_NAME)
+    # Like a dictionary {(project_id, local_id): issue_id}
+    # Use value centric cache here because we cannot store a tuple in the
+    # Invalidate table.
+    self.issue_id_2lc = IssueIDTwoLevelCache(cache_manager, self)
+    # Like a dictionary {issue_id: issue}
+    self.issue_2lc = IssueTwoLevelCache(
+        cache_manager, self, project_service, config_service)
+    # Like a dictionary {comment_id: comment)
+    self.comment_2lc = CommentTwoLevelCache(
+        cache_manager, self)
+    self._config_service = config_service
+    self.chart_service = chart_service
+  ### Issue ID lookups
+  def LookupIssueIDsFollowMoves(self, cnxn, project_local_id_pairs):
+    # type: (MonorailConnection, Sequence[Tuple(int, int)]) ->
+    #     (Sequence[int], Sequence[Tuple(int, int)])
+    """Find the global issue IDs given the project ID and local ID of each.
+    If any (project_id, local_id) pairs refer to an issue that has been moved,
+    the issue ID will still be returned.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: Monorail connection.
+      project_local_id_pairs: (project_id, local_id) pairs to look up.
+    Returns:
+      A tuple of two items.
+      1. A sequence of global issue IDs in the `project_local_id_pairs` order.
+      2. A sequence of (project_id, local_id) containing each pair provided
+         for which no matching issue is found.
+    """
+    issue_id_dict, misses = self.issue_id_2lc.GetAll(
+        cnxn, project_local_id_pairs)
+    for miss in misses:
+      project_id, local_id = miss
+      issue_id = int(
+          self.issueformerlocations_tbl.SelectValue(
+              cnxn,
+              'issue_id',
+              default=0,
+              project_id=project_id,
+              local_id=local_id))
+      if issue_id:
+        misses.remove(miss)
+        issue_id_dict[miss] = issue_id
+    # Put the Issue IDs in the order specified by project_local_id_pairs
+    issue_ids = [
+        issue_id_dict[pair]
+        for pair in project_local_id_pairs
+        if pair in issue_id_dict
+    ]
+    return issue_ids, misses
+  def LookupIssueIDs(self, cnxn, project_local_id_pairs):
+    """Find the global issue IDs given the project ID and local ID of each."""
+    issue_id_dict, misses = self.issue_id_2lc.GetAll(
+        cnxn, project_local_id_pairs)
+    # Put the Issue IDs in the order specified by project_local_id_pairs
+    issue_ids = [issue_id_dict[pair] for pair in project_local_id_pairs
+                 if pair in issue_id_dict]
+    return issue_ids, misses
+  def LookupIssueID(self, cnxn, project_id, local_id):
+    """Find the global issue ID given the project ID and local ID."""
+    issue_ids, _misses = self.LookupIssueIDs(cnxn, [(project_id, local_id)])
+    try:
+      return issue_ids[0]
+    except IndexError:
+      raise exceptions.NoSuchIssueException()
+  def ResolveIssueRefs(
+      self, cnxn, ref_projects, default_project_name, refs):
+    """Look up all the referenced issues and return their issue_ids.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      ref_projects: pre-fetched dict {project_name: project} of all projects
+          mentioned in the refs as well as the default project.
+      default_project_name: string name of the current project, this is used
+          when the project_name in a ref is None.
+      refs: list of (project_name, local_id) pairs.  These are parsed from
+          textual references in issue descriptions, comments, and the input
+          in the blocked-on field.
+    Returns:
+      A list of issue_ids for all the referenced issues.  References to issues
+      in deleted projects and any issues not found are simply ignored.
+    """
+    if not refs:
+      return [], []
+    project_local_id_pairs = []
+    for project_name, local_id in refs:
+      project = ref_projects.get(project_name or default_project_name)
+      if not project or project.state == project_pb2.ProjectState.DELETABLE:
+        continue  # ignore any refs to issues in deleted projects
+      project_local_id_pairs.append((project.project_id, local_id))
+    return self.LookupIssueIDs(cnxn, project_local_id_pairs)  # tuple
+  def LookupIssueRefs(self, cnxn, issue_ids):
+    """Return {issue_id: (project_name, local_id)} for each issue_id."""
+    issue_dict, _misses = self.GetIssuesDict(cnxn, issue_ids)
+    return {
+      issue_id: (issue.project_name, issue.local_id)
+      for issue_id, issue in issue_dict.items()}
+  ### Issue objects
+  def CreateIssue(
+      self,
+      cnxn,
+      services,
+      issue,
+      marked_description,
+      attachments=None,
+      index_now=False,
+      importer_id=None):
+    """Create and store a new issue with all the given information.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      services: persistence layer for users, issues, and projects.
+      issue: Issue PB to create.
+      marked_description: issue description with initial HTML markup.
+      attachments: [(filename, contents, mimetype),...] attachments uploaded at
+          the time the comment was made.
+      index_now: True if the issue should be updated in the full text index.
+      importer_id: optional user ID of API client importing issues for users.
+    Returns:
+      A tuple (the newly created Issue PB and Comment PB for the
+      issue description).
+    """
+    project_id = issue.project_id
+    reporter_id = issue.reporter_id
+    timestamp = issue.opened_timestamp
+    config = self._config_service.GetProjectConfig(cnxn, project_id)
+    iids_to_invalidate = set()
+    if len(issue.blocked_on_iids) != 0:
+      iids_to_invalidate.update(issue.blocked_on_iids)
+    if len(issue.blocking_iids) != 0:
+      iids_to_invalidate.update(issue.blocking_iids)
+    comment = self._MakeIssueComment(
+        project_id, reporter_id, marked_description,
+        attachments=attachments, timestamp=timestamp,
+        is_description=True, importer_id=importer_id)
+    reporter = services.user.GetUser(cnxn, reporter_id)
+    project = services.project.GetProject(cnxn, project_id)
+    reporter_auth = authdata.AuthData.FromUserID(cnxn, reporter_id, services)
+    is_project_member = framework_bizobj.UserIsInProject(
+        project, reporter_auth.effective_ids)
+    classification = services.spam.ClassifyIssue(
+        issue, comment, reporter, is_project_member)
+    if classification['confidence_is_spam'] > settings.classifier_spam_thresh:
+      issue.is_spam = True
+      predicted_label = 'spam'
+    else:
+      predicted_label = 'ham'
+'classified new issue as %s' % predicted_label)
+    self.spam_labels.increment({'type': predicted_label})
+    # Create approval surveys
+    approval_comments = []
+    if len(issue.approval_values) != 0:
+      approval_defs_by_id = {ad.approval_id: ad for ad in config.approval_defs}
+      for av in issue.approval_values:
+        ad = approval_defs_by_id.get(av.approval_id)
+        if ad:
+          survey = ''
+          if ad.survey:
+            questions = ad.survey.split('\n')
+            survey = '\n'.join(['<b>' + q + '</b>' for q in questions])
+          approval_comments.append(self._MakeIssueComment(
+              project_id, reporter_id, survey, timestamp=timestamp,
+              is_description=True, approval_id=ad.approval_id))
+        else:
+'Could not find ApprovalDef with approval_id %r',
+              av.approval_id)
+    issue.local_id = self.AllocateNextLocalID(cnxn, project_id)
+    self.issue_creations.increment()
+    issue_id = self.InsertIssue(cnxn, issue)
+    comment.issue_id = issue_id
+    self.InsertComment(cnxn, comment)
+    for approval_comment in approval_comments:
+      approval_comment.issue_id = issue_id
+      self.InsertComment(cnxn, approval_comment)
+    issue.issue_id = issue_id
+    # ClassifyIssue only returns confidence_is_spam, but
+    # RecordClassifierIssueVerdict records confidence of
+    # ham or spam. Therefore if ham, invert score.
+    confidence = classification['confidence_is_spam']
+    if not issue.is_spam:
+      confidence = 1.0 - confidence
+    services.spam.RecordClassifierIssueVerdict(
+      cnxn, issue, predicted_label=='spam',
+      confidence, classification['failed_open'])
+    if permissions.HasRestrictions(issue, 'view'):
+      self._config_service.InvalidateMemcache(
+          [issue], key_prefix='nonviewable:')
+    # Add a comment to existing issues saying they are now blocking or
+    # blocked on this issue.
+    blocked_add_issues = self.GetIssues(cnxn, issue.blocked_on_iids)
+    for add_issue in blocked_add_issues:
+      self.CreateIssueComment(
+          cnxn, add_issue, reporter_id, content='',
+          amendments=[tracker_bizobj.MakeBlockingAmendment(
+              [(issue.project_name, issue.local_id)], [],
+              default_project_name=add_issue.project_name)])
+    blocking_add_issues = self.GetIssues(cnxn, issue.blocking_iids)
+    for add_issue in blocking_add_issues:
+      self.CreateIssueComment(
+          cnxn, add_issue, reporter_id, content='',
+          amendments=[tracker_bizobj.MakeBlockedOnAmendment(
+              [(issue.project_name, issue.local_id)], [],
+              default_project_name=add_issue.project_name)])
+    self._UpdateIssuesModified(
+        cnxn, iids_to_invalidate, modified_timestamp=timestamp)
+    if index_now:
+      tracker_fulltext.IndexIssues(
+          cnxn, [issue], services.user, self, self._config_service)
+    else:
+      self.EnqueueIssuesForIndexing(cnxn, [issue.issue_id])
+    return issue, comment
+  def AllocateNewLocalIDs(self, cnxn, issues):
+    # Filter to just the issues that need new local IDs.
+    issues = [issue for issue in issues if issue.local_id < 0]
+    for issue in issues:
+      if issue.local_id < 0:
+        issue.local_id = self.AllocateNextLocalID(cnxn, issue.project_id)
+    self.UpdateIssues(cnxn, issues)
+  def GetAllIssuesInProject(
+      self, cnxn, project_id, min_local_id=None, use_cache=True):
+    """Special query to efficiently get ALL issues in a project.
+    This is not done while the user is waiting, only by backround tasks.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: the ID of the project.
+      min_local_id: optional int to start at.
+      use_cache: optional boolean to turn off using the cache.
+    Returns:
+      A list of Issue protocol buffers for all issues.
+    """
+    all_local_ids = self.GetAllLocalIDsInProject(
+        cnxn, project_id, min_local_id=min_local_id)
+    return self.GetIssuesByLocalIDs(
+        cnxn, project_id, all_local_ids, use_cache=use_cache)
+  def GetAnyOnHandIssue(self, issue_ids, start=None, end=None):
+    """Get any one issue from RAM or memcache, otherwise return None."""
+    return self.issue_2lc.GetAnyOnHandItem(issue_ids, start=start, end=end)
+  def GetIssuesDict(self, cnxn, issue_ids, use_cache=True, shard_id=None):
+    # type: (MonorailConnection, Collection[int], Optional[Boolean],
+    #     Optional[int]) -> (Dict[int, Issue], Sequence[int])
+    """Get a dict {iid: issue} from the DB or cache.
+    Returns:
+      A dict {iid: issue} from the DB or cache.
+      A sequence of iid that could not be found.
+    """
+    issue_dict, missed_iids = self.issue_2lc.GetAll(
+        cnxn, issue_ids, use_cache=use_cache, shard_id=shard_id)
+    if not use_cache:
+      for issue in issue_dict.values():
+        issue.assume_stale = False
+    return issue_dict, missed_iids
+  def GetIssues(self, cnxn, issue_ids, use_cache=True, shard_id=None):
+    # type: (MonorailConnection, Sequence[int], Optional[Boolean],
+    #     Optional[int]) -> (Sequence[int])
+    """Get a list of Issue PBs from the DB or cache.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      issue_ids: integer global issue IDs of the issues.
+      use_cache: optional boolean to turn off using the cache.
+      shard_id: optional int shard_id to limit retrieval.
+    Returns:
+      A list of Issue PBs in the same order as the given issue_ids.
+    """
+    issue_dict, _misses = self.GetIssuesDict(
+        cnxn, issue_ids, use_cache=use_cache, shard_id=shard_id)
+    # Return a list that is ordered the same as the given issue_ids.
+    issue_list = [issue_dict[issue_id] for issue_id in issue_ids
+                  if issue_id in issue_dict]
+    return issue_list
+  def GetIssue(self, cnxn, issue_id, use_cache=True):
+    """Get one Issue PB from the DB.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      issue_id: integer global issue ID of the issue.
+      use_cache: optional boolean to turn off using the cache.
+    Returns:
+      The requested Issue protocol buffer.
+    Raises:
+      NoSuchIssueException: the issue was not found.
+    """
+    issues = self.GetIssues(cnxn, [issue_id], use_cache=use_cache)
+    try:
+      return issues[0]
+    except IndexError:
+      raise exceptions.NoSuchIssueException()
+  def GetIssuesByLocalIDs(
+      self, cnxn, project_id, local_id_list, use_cache=True, shard_id=None):
+    """Get all the requested issues.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: int ID of the project to which the issues belong.
+      local_id_list: list of integer local IDs for the requested issues.
+      use_cache: optional boolean to turn off using the cache.
+      shard_id: optional int shard_id to choose a replica.
+    Returns:
+      List of Issue PBs for the requested issues.  The result Issues
+      will be ordered in the same order as local_id_list.
+    """
+    issue_ids_to_fetch, _misses = self.LookupIssueIDs(
+        cnxn, [(project_id, local_id) for local_id in local_id_list])
+    issues = self.GetIssues(
+        cnxn, issue_ids_to_fetch, use_cache=use_cache, shard_id=shard_id)
+    return issues
+  def GetIssueByLocalID(self, cnxn, project_id, local_id, use_cache=True):
+    """Get one Issue PB from the DB.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: the ID of the project to which the issue belongs.
+      local_id: integer local ID of the issue.
+      use_cache: optional boolean to turn off using the cache.
+    Returns:
+      The requested Issue protocol buffer.
+    """
+    issues = self.GetIssuesByLocalIDs(
+        cnxn, project_id, [local_id], use_cache=use_cache)
+    try:
+      return issues[0]
+    except IndexError:
+      raise exceptions.NoSuchIssueException(
+          'The issue %s:%d does not exist.' % (project_id, local_id))
+  def GetOpenAndClosedIssues(self, cnxn, issue_ids):
+    """Return the requested issues in separate open and closed lists.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      issue_ids: list of int issue issue_ids.
+    Returns:
+      A pair of lists, the first with open issues, second with closed issues.
+    """
+    if not issue_ids:
+      return [], []  # make one common case efficient
+    issues = self.GetIssues(cnxn, issue_ids)
+    project_ids = {issue.project_id for issue in issues}
+    configs = self._config_service.GetProjectConfigs(cnxn, project_ids)
+    open_issues = []
+    closed_issues = []
+    for issue in issues:
+      config = configs[issue.project_id]
+      if tracker_helpers.MeansOpenInProject(
+          tracker_bizobj.GetStatus(issue), config):
+        open_issues.append(issue)
+      else:
+        closed_issues.append(issue)
+    return open_issues, closed_issues
+  # TODO( Delete this method when V0 API retired.
+  def GetCurrentLocationOfMovedIssue(self, cnxn, project_id, local_id):
+    """Return the current location of a moved issue based on old location."""
+    issue_id = int(self.issueformerlocations_tbl.SelectValue(
+        cnxn, 'issue_id', default=0, project_id=project_id, local_id=local_id))
+    if not issue_id:
+      return None, None
+    project_id, local_id = self.issue_tbl.SelectRow(
+        cnxn, cols=['project_id', 'local_id'], id=issue_id)
+    return project_id, local_id
+  def GetPreviousLocations(self, cnxn, issue):
+    """Get all the previous locations of an issue."""
+    location_rows = self.issueformerlocations_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['project_id', 'local_id'], issue_id=issue.issue_id)
+    locations = [(pid, local_id) for (pid, local_id) in location_rows
+                 if pid != issue.project_id or local_id != issue.local_id]
+    return locations
+  def GetCommentsByUser(self, cnxn, user_id):
+    """Get all comments created by a user"""
+    comments = self.GetComments(cnxn, commenter_id=user_id,
+        is_description=False, limit=10000)
+    return comments
+  def GetIssueActivity(self, cnxn, num=50, before=None, after=None,
+      project_ids=None, user_ids=None, ascending=False):
+    if project_ids:
+      use_clause = (
+        'USE INDEX (project_id) USE INDEX FOR ORDER BY (project_id)')
+    elif user_ids:
+      use_clause = (
+        'USE INDEX (commenter_id) USE INDEX FOR ORDER BY (commenter_id)')
+    else:
+      use_clause = ''
+    # TODO(jrobbins): make this into a persist method.
+    # TODO(jrobbins): this really needs permission checking in SQL, which
+    # will be slow.
+    where_conds = [(' = Comment.issue_id', [])]
+    if project_ids is not None:
+      cond_str = 'Comment.project_id IN (%s)' % sql.PlaceHolders(project_ids)
+      where_conds.append((cond_str, project_ids))
+    if user_ids is not None:
+      cond_str = 'Comment.commenter_id IN (%s)' % sql.PlaceHolders(user_ids)
+      where_conds.append((cond_str, user_ids))
+    if before:
+      where_conds.append(('created < %s', [before]))
+    if after:
+      where_conds.append(('created > %s', [after]))
+    if ascending:
+      order_by = [('created', [])]
+    else:
+      order_by = [('created DESC', [])]
+    comments = self.GetComments(
+      cnxn, joins=[('Issue', [])], deleted_by=None, where=where_conds,
+      use_clause=use_clause, order_by=order_by, limit=num + 1)
+    return comments
+  def GetIssueIDsReportedByUser(self, cnxn, user_id):
+    """Get all issue IDs created by a user"""
+    rows = self.issue_tbl.Select(cnxn, cols=['id'], reporter_id=user_id,
+        limit=10000)
+    return [row[0] for row in rows]
+  def InsertIssue(self, cnxn, issue):
+    """Store the given issue in SQL.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      issue: Issue PB to insert into the database.
+    Returns:
+      The int issue_id of the newly created issue.
+    """
+    status_id = self._config_service.LookupStatusID(
+        cnxn, issue.project_id, issue.status)
+    row = (issue.project_id, issue.local_id, status_id,
+           issue.owner_id or None,
+           issue.reporter_id,
+           issue.opened_timestamp,
+           issue.closed_timestamp,
+           issue.modified_timestamp,
+           issue.owner_modified_timestamp,
+           issue.status_modified_timestamp,
+           issue.component_modified_timestamp,
+           issue.derived_owner_id or None,
+           self._config_service.LookupStatusID(
+               cnxn, issue.project_id, issue.derived_status),
+           bool(issue.deleted),
+           issue.star_count, issue.attachment_count,
+           issue.is_spam)
+    # ISSUE_COLs[1:] to skip setting the ID
+    # Insert into the Primary DB.
+    generated_ids = self.issue_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, ISSUE_COLS[1:], [row], commit=False, return_generated_ids=True)
+    issue_id = generated_ids[0]
+    issue.issue_id = issue_id
+    self.issue_tbl.Update(
+      cnxn, {'shard': issue_id % settings.num_logical_shards},
+      id=issue.issue_id, commit=False)
+    self._UpdateIssuesSummary(cnxn, [issue], commit=False)
+    self._UpdateIssuesLabels(cnxn, [issue], commit=False)
+    self._UpdateIssuesFields(cnxn, [issue], commit=False)
+    self._UpdateIssuesComponents(cnxn, [issue], commit=False)
+    self._UpdateIssuesCc(cnxn, [issue], commit=False)
+    self._UpdateIssuesNotify(cnxn, [issue], commit=False)
+    self._UpdateIssuesRelation(cnxn, [issue], commit=False)
+    self._UpdateIssuesApprovals(cnxn, issue, commit=False)
+    self.chart_service.StoreIssueSnapshots(cnxn, [issue], commit=False)
+    cnxn.Commit()
+    self._config_service.InvalidateMemcache([issue])
+    return issue_id
+  def UpdateIssues(
+      self, cnxn, issues, update_cols=None, just_derived=False, commit=True,
+      invalidate=True):
+    """Update the given issues in SQL.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      issues: list of issues to update, these must have been loaded with
+          use_cache=False so that issue.assume_stale is False.
+      update_cols: optional list of just the field names to update.
+      just_derived: set to True when only updating derived fields.
+      commit: set to False to skip the DB commit and do it in the caller.
+      invalidate: set to False to leave cache invalidatation to the caller.
+    """
+    if not issues:
+      return
+    for issue in issues:  # slow, but mysql will not allow REPLACE rows.
+      assert not issue.assume_stale, (
+          'issue2514: Storing issue that might be stale: %r' % issue)
+      delta = {
+          'project_id': issue.project_id,
+          'local_id': issue.local_id,
+          'owner_id': issue.owner_id or None,
+          'status_id': self._config_service.LookupStatusID(
+              cnxn, issue.project_id, issue.status) or None,
+          'opened': issue.opened_timestamp,
+          'closed': issue.closed_timestamp,
+          'modified': issue.modified_timestamp,
+          'owner_modified': issue.owner_modified_timestamp,
+          'status_modified': issue.status_modified_timestamp,
+          'component_modified': issue.component_modified_timestamp,
+          'derived_owner_id': issue.derived_owner_id or None,
+          'derived_status_id': self._config_service.LookupStatusID(
+              cnxn, issue.project_id, issue.derived_status) or None,
+          'deleted': bool(issue.deleted),
+          'star_count': issue.star_count,
+          'attachment_count': issue.attachment_count,
+          'is_spam': issue.is_spam,
+          }
+      if update_cols is not None:
+        delta = {key: val for key, val in delta.items()
+                 if key in update_cols}
+      self.issue_tbl.Update(cnxn, delta, id=issue.issue_id, commit=False)
+    if not update_cols:
+      self._UpdateIssuesLabels(cnxn, issues, commit=False)
+      self._UpdateIssuesCc(cnxn, issues, commit=False)
+      self._UpdateIssuesFields(cnxn, issues, commit=False)
+      self._UpdateIssuesComponents(cnxn, issues, commit=False)
+      self._UpdateIssuesNotify(cnxn, issues, commit=False)
+      if not just_derived:
+        self._UpdateIssuesSummary(cnxn, issues, commit=False)
+        self._UpdateIssuesRelation(cnxn, issues, commit=False)
+    self.chart_service.StoreIssueSnapshots(cnxn, issues, commit=False)
+    iids_to_invalidate = [issue.issue_id for issue in issues]
+    if just_derived and invalidate:
+      self.issue_2lc.InvalidateAllKeys(cnxn, iids_to_invalidate)
+    elif invalidate:
+      self.issue_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, iids_to_invalidate)
+    if commit:
+      cnxn.Commit()
+    if invalidate:
+      self._config_service.InvalidateMemcache(issues)
+  def UpdateIssue(
+      self, cnxn, issue, update_cols=None, just_derived=False, commit=True,
+      invalidate=True):
+    """Update the given issue in SQL.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      issue: the issue to update.
+      update_cols: optional list of just the field names to update.
+      just_derived: set to True when only updating derived fields.
+      commit: set to False to skip the DB commit and do it in the caller.
+      invalidate: set to False to leave cache invalidatation to the caller.
+    """
+    self.UpdateIssues(
+        cnxn, [issue], update_cols=update_cols, just_derived=just_derived,
+        commit=commit, invalidate=invalidate)
+  def _UpdateIssuesSummary(self, cnxn, issues, commit=True):
+    """Update the IssueSummary table rows for the given issues."""
+    self.issuesummary_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, ISSUESUMMARY_COLS,
+        [(issue.issue_id, issue.summary) for issue in issues],
+        replace=True, commit=commit)
+  def _UpdateIssuesLabels(self, cnxn, issues, commit=True):
+    """Update the Issue2Label table rows for the given issues."""
+    label_rows = []
+    for issue in issues:
+      issue_shard = issue.issue_id % settings.num_logical_shards
+      # TODO(jrobbins): If the user adds many novel labels in one issue update,
+      # that could be slow. Solution is to add all new labels in a batch first.
+      label_rows.extend(
+          (issue.issue_id,
+           self._config_service.LookupLabelID(cnxn, issue.project_id, label),
+           False,
+           issue_shard)
+          for label in issue.labels)
+      label_rows.extend(
+          (issue.issue_id,
+           self._config_service.LookupLabelID(cnxn, issue.project_id, label),
+           True,
+           issue_shard)
+          for label in issue.derived_labels)
+    self.issue2label_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, issue_id=[issue.issue_id for issue in issues],
+        commit=False)
+    self.issue2label_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, ISSUE2LABEL_COLS + ['issue_shard'],
+        label_rows, ignore=True, commit=commit)
+  def _UpdateIssuesFields(self, cnxn, issues, commit=True):
+    """Update the Issue2FieldValue table rows for the given issues."""
+    fieldvalue_rows = []
+    for issue in issues:
+      issue_shard = issue.issue_id % settings.num_logical_shards
+      for fv in issue.field_values:
+        fieldvalue_rows.append(
+            (issue.issue_id, fv.field_id, fv.int_value, fv.str_value,
+             fv.user_id or None, fv.date_value, fv.url_value, fv.derived,
+             fv.phase_id or None, issue_shard))
+    self.issue2fieldvalue_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, issue_id=[issue.issue_id for issue in issues], commit=False)
+    self.issue2fieldvalue_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, ISSUE2FIELDVALUE_COLS + ['issue_shard'],
+        fieldvalue_rows, commit=commit)
+  def _UpdateIssuesComponents(self, cnxn, issues, commit=True):
+    """Update the Issue2Component table rows for the given issues."""
+    issue2component_rows = []
+    for issue in issues:
+      issue_shard = issue.issue_id % settings.num_logical_shards
+      issue2component_rows.extend(
+          (issue.issue_id, component_id, False, issue_shard)
+          for component_id in issue.component_ids)
+      issue2component_rows.extend(
+          (issue.issue_id, component_id, True, issue_shard)
+          for component_id in issue.derived_component_ids)
+    self.issue2component_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, issue_id=[issue.issue_id for issue in issues], commit=False)
+    self.issue2component_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, ISSUE2COMPONENT_COLS + ['issue_shard'],
+        issue2component_rows, ignore=True, commit=commit)
+  def _UpdateIssuesCc(self, cnxn, issues, commit=True):
+    """Update the Issue2Cc table rows for the given issues."""
+    cc_rows = []
+    for issue in issues:
+      issue_shard = issue.issue_id % settings.num_logical_shards
+      cc_rows.extend(
+          (issue.issue_id, cc_id, False, issue_shard)
+          for cc_id in issue.cc_ids)
+      cc_rows.extend(
+          (issue.issue_id, cc_id, True, issue_shard)
+          for cc_id in issue.derived_cc_ids)
+    self.issue2cc_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, issue_id=[issue.issue_id for issue in issues], commit=False)
+    self.issue2cc_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, ISSUE2CC_COLS + ['issue_shard'],
+        cc_rows, ignore=True, commit=commit)
+  def _UpdateIssuesNotify(self, cnxn, issues, commit=True):
+    """Update the Issue2Notify table rows for the given issues."""
+    notify_rows = []
+    for issue in issues:
+      derived_rows = [[issue.issue_id, email]
+                      for email in issue.derived_notify_addrs]
+      notify_rows.extend(derived_rows)
+    self.issue2notify_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, issue_id=[issue.issue_id for issue in issues], commit=False)
+    self.issue2notify_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, ISSUE2NOTIFY_COLS, notify_rows, ignore=True, commit=commit)
+  def _UpdateIssuesRelation(self, cnxn, issues, commit=True):
+    """Update the IssueRelation table rows for the given issues."""
+    relation_rows = []
+    blocking_rows = []
+    dangling_relation_rows = []
+    for issue in issues:
+      for i, dst_issue_id in enumerate(issue.blocked_on_iids):
+        rank = issue.blocked_on_ranks[i]
+        relation_rows.append((issue.issue_id, dst_issue_id, 'blockedon', rank))
+      for dst_issue_id in issue.blocking_iids:
+        blocking_rows.append((dst_issue_id, issue.issue_id, 'blockedon'))
+      for dst_ref in issue.dangling_blocked_on_refs:
+        if dst_ref.ext_issue_identifier:
+          dangling_relation_rows.append((
+              issue.issue_id, None, None,
+              dst_ref.ext_issue_identifier, 'blockedon'))
+        else:
+          dangling_relation_rows.append((
+              issue.issue_id, dst_ref.project, dst_ref.issue_id,
+              None, 'blockedon'))
+      for dst_ref in issue.dangling_blocking_refs:
+        if dst_ref.ext_issue_identifier:
+          dangling_relation_rows.append((
+              issue.issue_id, None, None,
+              dst_ref.ext_issue_identifier, 'blocking'))
+        else:
+          dangling_relation_rows.append((
+              issue.issue_id, dst_ref.project, dst_ref.issue_id,
+              dst_ref.ext_issue_identifier, 'blocking'))
+      if issue.merged_into:
+        relation_rows.append((
+            issue.issue_id, issue.merged_into, 'mergedinto', None))
+      if issue.merged_into_external:
+        dangling_relation_rows.append((
+            issue.issue_id, None, None,
+            issue.merged_into_external, 'mergedinto'))
+    old_blocking = self.issuerelation_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=ISSUERELATION_COLS[:-1],
+        dst_issue_id=[issue.issue_id for issue in issues], kind='blockedon')
+    relation_rows.extend([
+      (row + (0,)) for row in blocking_rows if row not in old_blocking])
+    delete_rows = [row for row in old_blocking if row not in blocking_rows]
+    for issue_id, dst_issue_id, kind in delete_rows:
+      self.issuerelation_tbl.Delete(cnxn, issue_id=issue_id,
+          dst_issue_id=dst_issue_id, kind=kind, commit=False)
+    self.issuerelation_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, issue_id=[issue.issue_id for issue in issues], commit=False)
+    self.issuerelation_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, ISSUERELATION_COLS, relation_rows, ignore=True, commit=commit)
+    self.danglingrelation_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, issue_id=[issue.issue_id for issue in issues], commit=False)
+    self.danglingrelation_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, DANGLINGRELATION_COLS, dangling_relation_rows, ignore=True,
+        commit=commit)
+  def _UpdateIssuesModified(
+      self, cnxn, iids, modified_timestamp=None, invalidate=True):
+    """Store a modified timestamp for each of the specified issues."""
+    if not iids:
+      return
+    delta = {'modified': modified_timestamp or int(time.time())}
+    self.issue_tbl.Update(cnxn, delta, id=iids, commit=False)
+    if invalidate:
+      self.InvalidateIIDs(cnxn, iids)
+  def _UpdateIssuesApprovals(self, cnxn, issue, commit=True):
+    """Update the Issue2ApprovalValue table rows for the given issue."""
+    self.issue2approvalvalue_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, issue_id=issue.issue_id, commit=commit)
+    av_rows = [(av.approval_id, issue.issue_id, av.phase_id,
+      , av.setter_id, av.set_on) for
+               av in issue.approval_values]
+    self.issue2approvalvalue_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, ISSUE2APPROVALVALUE_COLS, av_rows, commit=commit)
+    approver_rows = []
+    for av in issue.approval_values:
+      approver_rows.extend([(av.approval_id, approver_id, issue.issue_id)
+                            for approver_id in av.approver_ids])
+    self.issueapproval2approver_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, issue_id=issue.issue_id, commit=commit)
+    self.issueapproval2approver_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, ISSUEAPPROVAL2APPROVER_COLS, approver_rows, commit=commit)
+  def UpdateIssueStructure(self, cnxn, config, issue, template, reporter_id,
+                            comment_content, commit=True, invalidate=True):
+    """Converts the phases and approvals structure of the issue into the
+       structure of the given template."""
+    # TODO(jojwang): Remove Field defs that belong to any removed approvals.
+    approval_defs_by_id = {ad.approval_id: ad for ad in config.approval_defs}
+    issue_avs_by_id = {av.approval_id: av for av in issue.approval_values}
+    new_approval_surveys = []
+    new_issue_approvals = []
+    for template_av in template.approval_values:
+      existing_issue_av = issue_avs_by_id.get(template_av.approval_id)
+      # Update all approval surveys so latest ApprovalDef survey changes
+      # appear in the converted issue's approval values.
+      ad = approval_defs_by_id.get(template_av.approval_id)
+      new_av_approver_ids = []
+      if ad:
+        new_av_approver_ids = ad.approver_ids
+        new_approval_surveys.append(
+            self._MakeIssueComment(
+                issue.project_id, reporter_id, ad.survey,
+                is_description=True, approval_id=ad.approval_id))
+      else:
+'ApprovalDef not found for approval %r', template_av)
+      # Keep approval values as-is if it exists in issue and template
+      if existing_issue_av:
+        new_av = tracker_bizobj.MakeApprovalValue(
+            existing_issue_av.approval_id,
+            approver_ids=existing_issue_av.approver_ids,
+            status=existing_issue_av.status,
+            setter_id=existing_issue_av.setter_id,
+            set_on=existing_issue_av.set_on,
+            phase_id=template_av.phase_id)
+        new_issue_approvals.append(new_av)
+      else:
+        new_av = tracker_bizobj.MakeApprovalValue(
+            template_av.approval_id, approver_ids=new_av_approver_ids,
+            status=template_av.status, phase_id=template_av.phase_id)
+        new_issue_approvals.append(new_av)
+    template_phase_by_name = {
+ phase for phase in template.phases}
+    issue_phase_by_id = {phase.phase_id: phase for phase in issue.phases}
+    updated_fvs = []
+    # Trim issue FieldValues or update FieldValue phase_ids
+    for fv in issue.field_values:
+      # If a fv's phase has the same name as a template's phase, update
+      # the fv's phase_id to that of the template phase's. Otherwise,
+      # remove the fv.
+      if fv.phase_id:
+        issue_phase = issue_phase_by_id.get(fv.phase_id)
+        if issue_phase and
+          template_phase = template_phase_by_name.get(
+          # TODO(jojwang): monorail:4693, remove this after all 'stable-full'
+          # gates have been renamed to 'stable'.
+          if not template_phase:
+            template_phase = template_phase_by_name.get(
+                FLT_EQUIVALENT_GATES.get(
+          if template_phase:
+            fv.phase_id = template_phase.phase_id
+            updated_fvs.append(fv)
+      # keep all fvs that do not belong to phases.
+      else:
+        updated_fvs.append(fv)
+    fd_names_by_id = {fd.field_id: fd.field_name for fd in config.field_defs}
+    amendment = tracker_bizobj.MakeApprovalStructureAmendment(
+        [fd_names_by_id.get(av.approval_id) for av in new_issue_approvals],
+        [fd_names_by_id.get(av.approval_id) for av in issue.approval_values])
+    # Update issue structure in RAM.
+    issue.approval_values = new_issue_approvals
+    issue.phases = template.phases
+    issue.field_values = updated_fvs
+    # Update issue structure in DB.
+    for survey in new_approval_surveys:
+      survey.issue_id = issue.issue_id
+      self.InsertComment(cnxn, survey, commit=False)
+    self._UpdateIssuesApprovals(cnxn, issue, commit=False)
+    self._UpdateIssuesFields(cnxn, [issue], commit=False)
+    comment_pb = self.CreateIssueComment(
+        cnxn, issue, reporter_id, comment_content,
+        amendments=[amendment], commit=False)
+    if commit:
+      cnxn.Commit()
+    if invalidate:
+      self.InvalidateIIDs(cnxn, [issue.issue_id])
+    return comment_pb
+  def DeltaUpdateIssue(
+      self, cnxn, services, reporter_id, project_id,
+      config, issue, delta, index_now=False, comment=None, attachments=None,
+      iids_to_invalidate=None, rules=None, predicate_asts=None,
+      is_description=False, timestamp=None, kept_attachments=None,
+      importer_id=None, inbound_message=None):
+    """Update the issue in the database and return a set of update tuples.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      services: connections to persistence layer.
+      reporter_id: user ID of the user making this change.
+      project_id: int ID for the current project.
+      config: ProjectIssueConfig PB for this project.
+      issue: Issue PB of issue to update.
+      delta: IssueDelta object of fields to update.
+      index_now: True if the issue should be updated in the full text index.
+      comment: This should be the content of the comment
+          corresponding to this change.
+      attachments: List [(filename, contents, mimetype),...] of attachments.
+      iids_to_invalidate: optional set of issue IDs that need to be invalidated.
+          If provided, affected issues will be accumulated here and, the caller
+          must call InvalidateIIDs() afterwards.
+      rules: optional list of preloaded FilterRule PBs for this project.
+      predicate_asts: optional list of QueryASTs for the rules.  If rules are
+          provided, then predicate_asts should also be provided.
+      is_description: True if the comment is a new description for the issue.
+      timestamp: int timestamp set during testing, otherwise defaults to
+          int(time.time()).
+      kept_attachments: This should be a list of int attachment ids for
+          attachments kept from previous descriptions, if the comment is
+          a change to the issue description
+      importer_id: optional ID of user ID for an API client that is importing
+          issues and attributing them to other users.
+      inbound_message: optional string full text of an email that caused
+          this comment to be added.
+    Returns:
+      A tuple (amendments, comment_pb) with a list of Amendment PBs that
+      describe the set of metadata updates that the user made, and the
+      resulting IssueComment (or None if no comment was created).
+    """
+    timestamp = timestamp or int(time.time())
+    old_effective_owner = tracker_bizobj.GetOwnerId(issue)
+    old_effective_status = tracker_bizobj.GetStatus(issue)
+    old_components = set(issue.component_ids)
+        'Bulk edit to project_id %s issue.local_id %s, comment %r',
+        project_id, issue.local_id, comment)
+    if iids_to_invalidate is None:
+      iids_to_invalidate = set([issue.issue_id])
+      invalidate = True
+    else:
+      iids_to_invalidate.add(issue.issue_id)
+      invalidate = False  # Caller will do it.
+    # Store each updated value in the issue PB, and compute Update PBs
+    amendments, impacted_iids = tracker_bizobj.ApplyIssueDelta(
+        cnxn, self, issue, delta, config)
+    iids_to_invalidate.update(impacted_iids)
+    # If this was a no-op with no comment, bail out and don't save,
+    # invalidate, or re-index anything.
+    if (not amendments and (not comment or not comment.strip()) and
+        not attachments):
+'No amendments, comment, attachments: this is a no-op.')
+      return [], None
+    # Note: no need to check for collisions when the user is doing a delta.
+    # update the modified_timestamp for any comment added, even if it was
+    # just a text comment with no issue fields changed.
+    issue.modified_timestamp = timestamp
+    # Update the closed timestamp before filter rules so that rules
+    # can test for closed_timestamp, and also after filter rules
+    # so that closed_timestamp will be set if the issue is closed by the rule.
+    tracker_helpers.UpdateClosedTimestamp(config, issue, old_effective_status)
+    if rules is None:
+'Rules were not given')
+      rules = services.features.GetFilterRules(cnxn, config.project_id)
+      predicate_asts = filterrules_helpers.ParsePredicateASTs(
+          rules, config, [])
+    filterrules_helpers.ApplyGivenRules(
+        cnxn, services, issue, config, rules, predicate_asts)
+    tracker_helpers.UpdateClosedTimestamp(config, issue, old_effective_status)
+    if old_effective_owner != tracker_bizobj.GetOwnerId(issue):
+      issue.owner_modified_timestamp = timestamp
+    if old_effective_status != tracker_bizobj.GetStatus(issue):
+      issue.status_modified_timestamp = timestamp
+    if old_components != set(issue.component_ids):
+      issue.component_modified_timestamp = timestamp
+    # Store the issue in SQL.
+    self.UpdateIssue(cnxn, issue, commit=False, invalidate=False)
+    comment_pb = self.CreateIssueComment(
+        cnxn, issue, reporter_id, comment, amendments=amendments,
+        is_description=is_description, attachments=attachments, commit=False,
+        kept_attachments=kept_attachments, timestamp=timestamp,
+        importer_id=importer_id, inbound_message=inbound_message)
+    self._UpdateIssuesModified(
+        cnxn, iids_to_invalidate, modified_timestamp=issue.modified_timestamp,
+        invalidate=invalidate)
+    # Add a comment to the newly added issues saying they are now blocking
+    # this issue.
+    for add_issue in self.GetIssues(cnxn, delta.blocked_on_add):
+      self.CreateIssueComment(
+          cnxn, add_issue, reporter_id, content='',
+          amendments=[tracker_bizobj.MakeBlockingAmendment(
+              [(issue.project_name, issue.local_id)], [],
+              default_project_name=add_issue.project_name)],
+          timestamp=timestamp, importer_id=importer_id)
+    # Add a comment to the newly removed issues saying they are no longer
+    # blocking this issue.
+    for remove_issue in self.GetIssues(cnxn, delta.blocked_on_remove):
+      self.CreateIssueComment(
+          cnxn, remove_issue, reporter_id, content='',
+          amendments=[tracker_bizobj.MakeBlockingAmendment(
+              [], [(issue.project_name, issue.local_id)],
+              default_project_name=remove_issue.project_name)],
+           timestamp=timestamp, importer_id=importer_id)
+    # Add a comment to the newly added issues saying they are now blocked on
+    # this issue.
+    for add_issue in self.GetIssues(cnxn, delta.blocking_add):
+      self.CreateIssueComment(
+          cnxn, add_issue, reporter_id, content='',
+          amendments=[tracker_bizobj.MakeBlockedOnAmendment(
+              [(issue.project_name, issue.local_id)], [],
+              default_project_name=add_issue.project_name)],
+          timestamp=timestamp, importer_id=importer_id)
+    # Add a comment to the newly removed issues saying they are no longer
+    # blocked on this issue.
+    for remove_issue in self.GetIssues(cnxn, delta.blocking_remove):
+      self.CreateIssueComment(
+          cnxn, remove_issue, reporter_id, content='',
+          amendments=[tracker_bizobj.MakeBlockedOnAmendment(
+              [], [(issue.project_name, issue.local_id)],
+              default_project_name=remove_issue.project_name)],
+          timestamp=timestamp, importer_id=importer_id)
+    if not invalidate:
+      cnxn.Commit()
+    if index_now:
+      tracker_fulltext.IndexIssues(
+          cnxn, [issue], services.user_service, self, self._config_service)
+    else:
+      self.EnqueueIssuesForIndexing(cnxn, [issue.issue_id])
+    return amendments, comment_pb
+  def InvalidateIIDs(self, cnxn, iids_to_invalidate):
+    """Invalidate the specified issues in the Invalidate table and memcache."""
+    issues_to_invalidate = self.GetIssues(cnxn, iids_to_invalidate)
+    self.InvalidateIssues(cnxn, issues_to_invalidate)
+  def InvalidateIssues(self, cnxn, issues):
+    """Invalidate the specified issues in the Invalidate table and memcache."""
+    iids = [issue.issue_id for issue in issues]
+    self.issue_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, iids)
+    self._config_service.InvalidateMemcache(issues)
+  def RelateIssues(self, cnxn, issue_relation_dict, commit=True):
+    """Update the IssueRelation table rows for the given relationships.
+    issue_relation_dict is a mapping of 'source' issues to 'destination' issues,
+    paired with the kind of relationship connecting the two.
+    """
+    relation_rows = []
+    for src_iid, dests in issue_relation_dict.items():
+      for dst_iid, kind in dests:
+        if kind == 'blocking':
+          relation_rows.append((dst_iid, src_iid, 'blockedon', 0))
+        elif kind == 'blockedon':
+          relation_rows.append((src_iid, dst_iid, 'blockedon', 0))
+        elif kind == 'mergedinto':
+          relation_rows.append((src_iid, dst_iid, 'mergedinto', None))
+    self.issuerelation_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, ISSUERELATION_COLS, relation_rows, ignore=True, commit=commit)
+  def CopyIssues(self, cnxn, dest_project, issues, user_service, copier_id):
+    """Copy the given issues into the destination project."""
+    created_issues = []
+    iids_to_invalidate = set()
+    for target_issue in issues:
+      assert not target_issue.assume_stale, (
+          'issue2514: Copying issue that might be stale: %r' % target_issue)
+      new_issue = tracker_pb2.Issue()
+      new_issue.project_id = dest_project.project_id
+      new_issue.project_name = dest_project.project_name
+      new_issue.summary = target_issue.summary
+      new_issue.labels.extend(target_issue.labels)
+      new_issue.field_values.extend(target_issue.field_values)
+      new_issue.reporter_id = copier_id
+      timestamp = int(time.time())
+      new_issue.opened_timestamp = timestamp
+      new_issue.modified_timestamp = timestamp
+      target_comments = self.GetCommentsForIssue(cnxn, target_issue.issue_id)
+      initial_summary_comment = target_comments[0]
+      # Note that blocking and merge_into are not copied.
+      if target_issue.blocked_on_iids:
+        blocked_on = target_issue.blocked_on_iids
+        iids_to_invalidate.update(blocked_on)
+        new_issue.blocked_on_iids = blocked_on
+      # Gather list of attachments from the target issue's summary comment.
+      # MakeIssueComments expects a list of [(filename, contents, mimetype),...]
+      attachments = []
+      for attachment in initial_summary_comment.attachments:
+        object_path = ('/' + app_identity.get_default_gcs_bucket_name() +
+                       attachment.gcs_object_id)
+        with, 'r') as f:
+          content =
+          attachments.append(
+              [attachment.filename, content, attachment.mimetype])
+      if attachments:
+        new_issue.attachment_count = len(attachments)
+      # Create the same summary comment as the target issue.
+      comment = self._MakeIssueComment(
+          dest_project.project_id, copier_id, initial_summary_comment.content,
+          attachments=attachments, timestamp=timestamp, is_description=True)
+      new_issue.local_id = self.AllocateNextLocalID(
+          cnxn, dest_project.project_id)
+      issue_id = self.InsertIssue(cnxn, new_issue)
+      comment.issue_id = issue_id
+      self.InsertComment(cnxn, comment)
+      if permissions.HasRestrictions(new_issue, 'view'):
+        self._config_service.InvalidateMemcache(
+            [new_issue], key_prefix='nonviewable:')
+      tracker_fulltext.IndexIssues(
+          cnxn, [new_issue], user_service, self, self._config_service)
+      created_issues.append(new_issue)
+    # The referenced issues are all modified when the relationship is added.
+    self._UpdateIssuesModified(
+      cnxn, iids_to_invalidate, modified_timestamp=timestamp)
+    return created_issues
+  def MoveIssues(self, cnxn, dest_project, issues, user_service):
+    """Move the given issues into the destination project."""
+    old_location_rows = [
+        (issue.issue_id, issue.project_id, issue.local_id)
+        for issue in issues]
+    moved_back_iids = set()
+    former_locations_in_project = self.issueformerlocations_tbl.Select(
+        project_id=dest_project.project_id,
+        issue_id=[issue.issue_id for issue in issues])
+    former_locations = {
+        issue_id: local_id
+        for issue_id, project_id, local_id in former_locations_in_project}
+    # Remove the issue id from issue_id_2lc so that it does not stay
+    # around in cache and memcache.
+    # The Key of IssueIDTwoLevelCache is (project_id, local_id).
+    self.issue_id_2lc.InvalidateKeys(
+        cnxn, [(issue.project_id, issue.local_id) for issue in issues])
+    self.InvalidateIssues(cnxn, issues)
+    for issue in issues:
+      if issue.issue_id in former_locations:
+        dest_id = former_locations[issue.issue_id]
+        moved_back_iids.add(issue.issue_id)
+      else:
+        dest_id = self.AllocateNextLocalID(cnxn, dest_project.project_id)
+      issue.local_id = dest_id
+      issue.project_id = dest_project.project_id
+      issue.project_name = dest_project.project_name
+    # Rewrite each whole issue so that status and label IDs are looked up
+    # in the context of the destination project.
+    self.UpdateIssues(cnxn, issues)
+    # Comments also have the project_id because it is needed for an index.
+    self.comment_tbl.Update(
+        cnxn, {'project_id': dest_project.project_id},
+        issue_id=[issue.issue_id for issue in issues], commit=False)
+    # Record old locations so that we can offer links if the user looks there.
+    self.issueformerlocations_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, ISSUEFORMERLOCATIONS_COLS, old_location_rows, ignore=True,
+        commit=False)
+    cnxn.Commit()
+    tracker_fulltext.IndexIssues(
+        cnxn, issues, user_service, self, self._config_service)
+    return moved_back_iids
+  def ExpungeFormerLocations(self, cnxn, project_id):
+    """Delete history of issues that were in this project but moved out."""
+    self.issueformerlocations_tbl.Delete(cnxn, project_id=project_id)
+  def ExpungeIssues(self, cnxn, issue_ids):
+    """Completely delete the specified issues from the database."""
+'expunging the issues %r', issue_ids)
+    tracker_fulltext.UnindexIssues(issue_ids)
+    remaining_iids = issue_ids[:]
+    # Note: these are purposely not done in a transaction to allow
+    # incremental progress in what might be a very large change.
+    # We are not concerned about non-atomic deletes because all
+    # this data will be gone eventually anyway.
+    while remaining_iids:
+      iids_in_chunk = remaining_iids[:CHUNK_SIZE]
+      remaining_iids = remaining_iids[CHUNK_SIZE:]
+      self.issuesummary_tbl.Delete(cnxn, issue_id=iids_in_chunk)
+      self.issue2label_tbl.Delete(cnxn, issue_id=iids_in_chunk)
+      self.issue2component_tbl.Delete(cnxn, issue_id=iids_in_chunk)
+      self.issue2cc_tbl.Delete(cnxn, issue_id=iids_in_chunk)
+      self.issue2notify_tbl.Delete(cnxn, issue_id=iids_in_chunk)
+      self.issueupdate_tbl.Delete(cnxn, issue_id=iids_in_chunk)
+      self.attachment_tbl.Delete(cnxn, issue_id=iids_in_chunk)
+      self.comment_tbl.Delete(cnxn, issue_id=iids_in_chunk)
+      self.issuerelation_tbl.Delete(cnxn, issue_id=iids_in_chunk)
+      self.issuerelation_tbl.Delete(cnxn, dst_issue_id=iids_in_chunk)
+      self.danglingrelation_tbl.Delete(cnxn, issue_id=iids_in_chunk)
+      self.issueformerlocations_tbl.Delete(cnxn, issue_id=iids_in_chunk)
+      self.reindexqueue_tbl.Delete(cnxn, issue_id=iids_in_chunk)
+      self.issue_tbl.Delete(cnxn, id=iids_in_chunk)
+  def SoftDeleteIssue(self, cnxn, project_id, local_id, deleted, user_service):
+    """Set the deleted boolean on the indicated issue and store it.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: int project ID for the current project.
+      local_id: int local ID of the issue to freeze/unfreeze.
+      deleted: boolean, True to soft-delete, False to undelete.
+      user_service: persistence layer for users, used to lookup user IDs.
+    """
+    issue = self.GetIssueByLocalID(cnxn, project_id, local_id, use_cache=False)
+    issue.deleted = deleted
+    self.UpdateIssue(cnxn, issue, update_cols=['deleted'])
+    tracker_fulltext.IndexIssues(
+        cnxn, [issue], user_service, self, self._config_service)
+  def DeleteComponentReferences(self, cnxn, component_id):
+    """Delete any references to the specified component."""
+    # TODO(jrobbins): add tasks to re-index any affected issues.
+    # Note: if this call fails, some data could be left
+    # behind, but it would not be displayed, and it could always be
+    # GC'd from the DB later.
+    self.issue2component_tbl.Delete(cnxn, component_id=component_id)
+  ### Local ID generation
+  def InitializeLocalID(self, cnxn, project_id):
+    """Initialize the local ID counter for the specified project to zero.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: int ID of the project.
+    """
+    self.localidcounter_tbl.InsertRow(
+        cnxn, project_id=project_id, used_local_id=0, used_spam_id=0)
+  def SetUsedLocalID(self, cnxn, project_id):
+    """Set the local ID counter based on existing issues.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: int ID of the project.
+    """
+    highest_id = self.GetHighestLocalID(cnxn, project_id)
+    self.localidcounter_tbl.InsertRow(
+        cnxn, replace=True, used_local_id=highest_id, project_id=project_id)
+    return highest_id
+  def AllocateNextLocalID(self, cnxn, project_id):
+    """Return the next available issue ID in the specified project.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: int ID of the project.
+    Returns:
+      The next local ID.
+    """
+    try:
+      next_local_id = self.localidcounter_tbl.IncrementCounterValue(
+          cnxn, 'used_local_id', project_id=project_id)
+    except AssertionError as e:
+'exception incrementing local_id counter: %s', e)
+      next_local_id = self.SetUsedLocalID(cnxn, project_id) + 1
+    return next_local_id
+  def GetHighestLocalID(self, cnxn, project_id):
+    """Return the highest used issue ID in the specified project.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: int ID of the project.
+    Returns:
+      The highest local ID for an active or moved issues.
+    """
+    highest = self.issue_tbl.SelectValue(
+        cnxn, 'MAX(local_id)', project_id=project_id)
+    highest = highest or 0  # It will be None if the project has no issues.
+    highest_former = self.issueformerlocations_tbl.SelectValue(
+        cnxn, 'MAX(local_id)', project_id=project_id)
+    highest_former = highest_former or 0
+    return max(highest, highest_former)
+  def GetAllLocalIDsInProject(self, cnxn, project_id, min_local_id=None):
+    """Return the list of local IDs only, not the actual issues.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: the ID of the project to which the issue belongs.
+      min_local_id: point to start at.
+    Returns:
+      A range object of local IDs from 1 to N, or from min_local_id to N.  It
+      may be the case that some of those local IDs are no longer used, e.g.,
+      if some issues were moved out of this project.
+    """
+    if not min_local_id:
+      min_local_id = 1
+    highest_local_id = self.GetHighestLocalID(cnxn, project_id)
+    return list(range(min_local_id, highest_local_id + 1))
+  def ExpungeLocalIDCounters(self, cnxn, project_id):
+    """Delete history of local ids that were in this project."""
+    self.localidcounter_tbl.Delete(cnxn, project_id=project_id)
+  ### Comments
+  def _UnpackComment(
+      self, comment_row, content_dict, inbound_message_dict, approval_dict,
+      importer_dict):
+    """Partially construct a Comment PB from a DB row."""
+    (comment_id, issue_id, created, project_id, commenter_id,
+     deleted_by, is_spam, is_description, commentcontent_id) = comment_row
+    comment = tracker_pb2.IssueComment()
+ = comment_id
+    comment.issue_id = issue_id
+    comment.timestamp = created
+    comment.project_id = project_id
+    comment.user_id = commenter_id
+    comment.content = content_dict.get(commentcontent_id, '')
+    comment.inbound_message = inbound_message_dict.get(commentcontent_id, '')
+    comment.deleted_by = deleted_by or 0
+    comment.is_spam = bool(is_spam)
+    comment.is_description = bool(is_description)
+    comment.approval_id = approval_dict.get(comment_id)
+    comment.importer_id = importer_dict.get(comment_id)
+    return comment
+  def _UnpackAmendment(self, amendment_row):
+    """Construct an Amendment PB from a DB row."""
+    (_id, _issue_id, comment_id, field_name,
+     old_value, new_value, added_user_id, removed_user_id,
+     custom_field_name) = amendment_row
+    amendment = tracker_pb2.Amendment()
+    field_enum = tracker_pb2.FieldID(field_name.upper())
+    amendment.field = field_enum
+    # TODO(jrobbins): display old values in more cases.
+    if new_value is not None:
+      amendment.newvalue = new_value
+    if old_value is not None:
+      amendment.oldvalue = old_value
+    if added_user_id:
+      amendment.added_user_ids.append(added_user_id)
+    if removed_user_id:
+      amendment.removed_user_ids.append(removed_user_id)
+    if custom_field_name:
+      amendment.custom_field_name = custom_field_name
+    return amendment, comment_id
+  def _ConsolidateAmendments(self, amendments):
+    """Consoliodate amendments of the same field in one comment into one
+    amendment PB."""
+    fields_dict = {}
+    result = []
+    for amendment in amendments:
+      key = amendment.field, amendment.custom_field_name
+      fields_dict.setdefault(key, []).append(amendment)
+    for (field, _custom_name), sorted_amendments in sorted(fields_dict.items()):
+      new_amendment = tracker_pb2.Amendment()
+      new_amendment.field = field
+      for amendment in sorted_amendments:
+        if amendment.newvalue is not None:
+          if new_amendment.newvalue is not None:
+            # NOTE: see crbug/monorail/8272. BLOCKEDON and BLOCKING changes
+            # are all stored in newvalue e.g. (newvalue = -b/123 b/124) and
+            # external bugs and monorail bugs are stored in separate amendments.
+            # Without this, the values of external bug amendments and monorail
+            # blocker bug amendments may overwrite each other.
+            new_amendment.newvalue += (' ' + amendment.newvalue)
+          else:
+            new_amendment.newvalue = amendment.newvalue
+        if amendment.oldvalue is not None:
+          new_amendment.oldvalue = amendment.oldvalue
+        if amendment.added_user_ids:
+          new_amendment.added_user_ids.extend(amendment.added_user_ids)
+        if amendment.removed_user_ids:
+          new_amendment.removed_user_ids.extend(amendment.removed_user_ids)
+        if amendment.custom_field_name:
+          new_amendment.custom_field_name = amendment.custom_field_name
+      result.append(new_amendment)
+    return result
+  def _UnpackAttachment(self, attachment_row):
+    """Construct an Attachment PB from a DB row."""
+    (attachment_id, _issue_id, comment_id, filename, filesize, mimetype,
+     deleted, gcs_object_id) = attachment_row
+    attach = tracker_pb2.Attachment()
+    attach.attachment_id = attachment_id
+    attach.filename = filename
+    attach.filesize = filesize
+    attach.mimetype = mimetype
+    attach.deleted = bool(deleted)
+    attach.gcs_object_id = gcs_object_id
+    return attach, comment_id
+  def _DeserializeComments(
+      self, comment_rows, commentcontent_rows, amendment_rows, attachment_rows,
+      approval_rows, importer_rows):
+    """Turn rows into IssueComment PBs."""
+    results = []  # keep objects in the same order as the rows
+    results_dict = {}  # for fast access when joining.
+    content_dict = dict(
+        (commentcontent_id, content) for
+        commentcontent_id, content, _ in commentcontent_rows)
+    inbound_message_dict = dict(
+        (commentcontent_id, inbound_message) for
+        commentcontent_id, _, inbound_message in commentcontent_rows)
+    approval_dict = dict(
+        (comment_id, approval_id) for approval_id, comment_id in
+        approval_rows)
+    importer_dict = dict(importer_rows)
+    for comment_row in comment_rows:
+      comment = self._UnpackComment(
+          comment_row, content_dict, inbound_message_dict, approval_dict,
+          importer_dict)
+      results.append(comment)
+      results_dict[] = comment
+    for amendment_row in amendment_rows:
+      amendment, comment_id = self._UnpackAmendment(amendment_row)
+      try:
+        results_dict[comment_id].amendments.extend([amendment])
+      except KeyError:
+        logging.error('Found amendment for missing comment: %r', comment_id)
+    for attachment_row in attachment_rows:
+      attach, comment_id = self._UnpackAttachment(attachment_row)
+      try:
+        results_dict[comment_id].attachments.append(attach)
+      except KeyError:
+        logging.error('Found attachment for missing comment: %r', comment_id)
+    for c in results:
+      c.amendments = self._ConsolidateAmendments(c.amendments)
+    return results
+  # TODO(jrobbins): make this a private method and expose just the interface
+  # needed by
+  def GetComments(
+      self, cnxn, where=None, order_by=None, content_only=False, **kwargs):
+    """Retrieve comments from SQL."""
+    shard_id = sql.RandomShardID()
+    order_by = order_by or [('created', [])]
+    comment_rows = self.comment_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=COMMENT_COLS, where=where,
+        order_by=order_by, shard_id=shard_id, **kwargs)
+    cids = [row[0] for row in comment_rows]
+    commentcontent_ids = [row[-1] for row in comment_rows]
+    content_rows = self.commentcontent_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=COMMENTCONTENT_COLS, id=commentcontent_ids,
+        shard_id=shard_id)
+    approval_rows = self.issueapproval2comment_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=ISSUEAPPROVAL2COMMENT_COLS, comment_id=cids)
+    amendment_rows = []
+    attachment_rows = []
+    importer_rows = []
+    if not content_only:
+      amendment_rows = self.issueupdate_tbl.Select(
+          cnxn, cols=ISSUEUPDATE_COLS, comment_id=cids, shard_id=shard_id)
+      attachment_rows = self.attachment_tbl.Select(
+          cnxn, cols=ATTACHMENT_COLS, comment_id=cids, shard_id=shard_id)
+      importer_rows = self.commentimporter_tbl.Select(
+          cnxn, cols=COMMENTIMPORTER_COLS, comment_id=cids, shard_id=shard_id)
+    comments = self._DeserializeComments(
+        comment_rows, content_rows, amendment_rows, attachment_rows,
+        approval_rows, importer_rows)
+    return comments
+  def GetComment(self, cnxn, comment_id):
+    """Get the requested comment, or raise an exception."""
+    comments = self.GetComments(cnxn, id=comment_id)
+    try:
+      return comments[0]
+    except IndexError:
+      raise exceptions.NoSuchCommentException()
+  def GetCommentsForIssue(self, cnxn, issue_id):
+    """Return all IssueComment PBs for the specified issue.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      issue_id: int global ID of the issue.
+    Returns:
+      A list of the IssueComment protocol buffers for the description
+      and comments on this issue.
+    """
+    comments = self.GetComments(cnxn, issue_id=[issue_id])
+    for i, comment in enumerate(comments):
+      comment.sequence = i
+    return comments
+  def GetCommentsByID(self, cnxn, comment_ids, sequences, use_cache=True,
+      shard_id=None):
+    """Return all IssueComment PBs by comment ids.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      comment_ids: a list of comment ids.
+      sequences: sequence of the comments.
+      use_cache: optional boolean to enable the cache.
+      shard_id: optional int shard_id to limit retrieval.
+    Returns:
+      A list of the IssueComment protocol buffers for comment_ids.
+    """
+    # Try loading issue comments from a random shard to reduce load on
+    # primary DB.
+    if shard_id is None:
+      shard_id = sql.RandomShardID()
+    comment_dict, _missed_comments = self.comment_2lc.GetAll(cnxn, comment_ids,
+          use_cache=use_cache, shard_id=shard_id)
+    comments = sorted(list(comment_dict.values()), key=lambda x: x.timestamp)
+    for i in range(len(comment_ids)):
+      comments[i].sequence = sequences[i]
+    return comments
+  # TODO(jrobbins): remove this method because it is too slow when an issue
+  # has a huge number of comments.
+  def GetCommentsForIssues(self, cnxn, issue_ids, content_only=False):
+    """Return all IssueComment PBs for each issue ID in the given list.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      issue_ids: list of integer global issue IDs.
+      content_only: optional boolean, set true for faster loading of
+          comment content without attachments and amendments.
+    Returns:
+      Dict {issue_id: [IssueComment, ...]} with IssueComment protocol
+      buffers for the description and comments on each issue.
+    """
+    comments = self.GetComments(
+        cnxn, issue_id=issue_ids, content_only=content_only)
+    comments_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
+    for comment in comments:
+      comment.sequence = len(comments_dict[comment.issue_id])
+      comments_dict[comment.issue_id].append(comment)
+    return comments_dict
+  def InsertComment(self, cnxn, comment, commit=True):
+    """Store the given issue comment in SQL.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      comment: IssueComment PB to insert into the database.
+      commit: set to False to avoid doing the commit for now.
+    """
+    commentcontent_id = self.commentcontent_tbl.InsertRow(
+        cnxn, content=comment.content,
+        inbound_message=comment.inbound_message, commit=False)
+    comment_id = self.comment_tbl.InsertRow(
+        cnxn, issue_id=comment.issue_id, created=comment.timestamp,
+        project_id=comment.project_id,
+        commenter_id=comment.user_id,
+        deleted_by=comment.deleted_by or None,
+        is_spam=comment.is_spam, is_description=comment.is_description,
+        commentcontent_id=commentcontent_id,
+        commit=False)
+ = comment_id
+    if comment.importer_id:
+      self.commentimporter_tbl.InsertRow(
+          cnxn, comment_id=comment_id, importer_id=comment.importer_id)
+    amendment_rows = []
+    for amendment in comment.amendments:
+      field_enum = str(amendment.field).lower()
+      if (amendment.get_assigned_value('newvalue') is not None and
+          not amendment.added_user_ids and not amendment.removed_user_ids):
+        amendment_rows.append((
+            comment.issue_id, comment_id, field_enum,
+            amendment.oldvalue, amendment.newvalue,
+            None, None, amendment.custom_field_name))
+      for added_user_id in amendment.added_user_ids:
+        amendment_rows.append((
+            comment.issue_id, comment_id, field_enum, None, None,
+            added_user_id, None, amendment.custom_field_name))
+      for removed_user_id in amendment.removed_user_ids:
+        amendment_rows.append((
+            comment.issue_id, comment_id, field_enum, None, None,
+            None, removed_user_id, amendment.custom_field_name))
+    # ISSUEUPDATE_COLS[1:] to skip id column.
+    self.issueupdate_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, ISSUEUPDATE_COLS[1:], amendment_rows, commit=False)
+    attachment_rows = []
+    for attach in comment.attachments:
+      attachment_rows.append([
+          comment.issue_id,, attach.filename, attach.filesize,
+          attach.mimetype, attach.deleted, attach.gcs_object_id])
+    self.attachment_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, ATTACHMENT_COLS[1:], attachment_rows, commit=False)
+    if comment.approval_id:
+      self.issueapproval2comment_tbl.InsertRows(
+          [(comment.approval_id, comment_id)], commit=False)
+    if commit:
+      cnxn.Commit()
+  def _UpdateComment(self, cnxn, comment, update_cols=None):
+    """Update the given issue comment in SQL.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      comment: IssueComment PB to update in the database.
+      update_cols: optional list of just the field names to update.
+    """
+    delta = {
+        'commenter_id': comment.user_id,
+        'deleted_by': comment.deleted_by or None,
+        'is_spam': comment.is_spam,
+        }
+    if update_cols is not None:
+      delta = {key: val for key, val in delta.items()
+               if key in update_cols}
+    self.comment_tbl.Update(cnxn, delta,
+    self.comment_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [])
+  def _MakeIssueComment(
+      self, project_id, user_id, content, inbound_message=None,
+      amendments=None, attachments=None, kept_attachments=None, timestamp=None,
+      is_spam=False, is_description=False, approval_id=None, importer_id=None):
+    """Create in IssueComment protocol buffer in RAM.
+    Args:
+      project_id: Project with the issue.
+      user_id: the user ID of the user who entered the comment.
+      content: string body of the comment.
+      inbound_message: optional string full text of an email that
+          caused this comment to be added.
+      amendments: list of Amendment PBs describing the
+          metadata changes that the user made along w/ comment.
+      attachments: [(filename, contents, mimetype),...] attachments uploaded at
+          the time the comment was made.
+      kept_attachments: list of Attachment PBs for attachments kept from
+          previous descriptions, if the comment is a description
+      timestamp: time at which the comment was made, defaults to now.
+      is_spam: True if the comment was classified as spam.
+      is_description: True if the comment is a description for the issue.
+      approval_id: id, if any, of the APPROVAL_TYPE FieldDef this comment
+          belongs to.
+      importer_id: optional User ID of script that imported the comment on
+          behalf of a user.
+    Returns:
+      The new IssueComment protocol buffer.
+    The content may have some markup done during input processing.
+    Any attachments are immediately stored.
+    """
+    comment = tracker_pb2.IssueComment()
+    comment.project_id = project_id
+    comment.user_id = user_id
+    comment.content = content or ''
+    comment.is_spam = is_spam
+    comment.is_description = is_description
+    if not timestamp:
+      timestamp = int(time.time())
+    comment.timestamp = int(timestamp)
+    if inbound_message:
+      comment.inbound_message = inbound_message
+    if amendments:
+'amendments is %r', amendments)
+      comment.amendments.extend(amendments)
+    if approval_id:
+      comment.approval_id = approval_id
+    if attachments:
+      for filename, body, mimetype in attachments:
+        gcs_object_id = gcs_helpers.StoreObjectInGCS(
+            body, mimetype, project_id, filename=filename)
+        attach = tracker_pb2.Attachment()
+        # attachment id is determined later by the SQL DB.
+        attach.filename = filename
+        attach.filesize = len(body)
+        attach.mimetype = mimetype
+        attach.gcs_object_id = gcs_object_id
+        comment.attachments.extend([attach])
+"Save attachment with object_id: %s" % gcs_object_id)
+    if kept_attachments:
+      for kept_attach in kept_attachments:
+        (filename, filesize, mimetype, deleted,
+         gcs_object_id) = kept_attach[3:]
+        new_attach = tracker_pb2.Attachment(
+            filename=filename, filesize=filesize, mimetype=mimetype,
+            deleted=bool(deleted), gcs_object_id=gcs_object_id)
+        comment.attachments.append(new_attach)
+"Copy attachment with object_id: %s" % gcs_object_id)
+    if importer_id:
+      comment.importer_id = importer_id
+    return comment
+  def CreateIssueComment(
+      self, cnxn, issue, user_id, content, inbound_message=None,
+      amendments=None, attachments=None, kept_attachments=None, timestamp=None,
+      is_spam=False, is_description=False, approval_id=None, commit=True,
+      importer_id=None):
+    """Create and store a new comment on the specified issue.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      issue: the issue on which to add the comment, must be loaded from
+          database with use_cache=False so that assume_stale == False.
+      user_id: the user ID of the user who entered the comment.
+      content: string body of the comment.
+      inbound_message: optional string full text of an email that caused
+          this comment to be added.
+      amendments: list of Amendment PBs describing the
+          metadata changes that the user made along w/ comment.
+      attachments: [(filename, contents, mimetype),...] attachments uploaded at
+          the time the comment was made.
+      kept_attachments: list of attachment ids for attachments kept from
+          previous descriptions, if the comment is an update to the description
+      timestamp: time at which the comment was made, defaults to now.
+      is_spam: True if the comment is classified as spam.
+      is_description: True if the comment is a description for the issue.
+      approval_id: id, if any, of the APPROVAL_TYPE FieldDef this comment
+          belongs to.
+      commit: set to False to not commit to DB yet.
+      importer_id: user ID of an API client that is importing issues.
+    Returns:
+      The new IssueComment protocol buffer.
+    Note that we assume that the content is safe to echo out
+    again. The content may have some markup done during input
+    processing.
+    """
+    if is_description:
+      kept_attachments = self.GetAttachmentsByID(cnxn, kept_attachments)
+    else:
+      kept_attachments = []
+    comment = self._MakeIssueComment(
+        issue.project_id, user_id, content, amendments=amendments,
+        inbound_message=inbound_message, attachments=attachments,
+        timestamp=timestamp, is_spam=is_spam, is_description=is_description,
+        kept_attachments=kept_attachments, approval_id=approval_id,
+        importer_id=importer_id)
+    comment.issue_id = issue.issue_id
+    if attachments or kept_attachments:
+      issue.attachment_count = (
+          issue.attachment_count + len(attachments) + len(kept_attachments))
+      self.UpdateIssue(cnxn, issue, update_cols=['attachment_count'])
+    self.comment_creations.increment()
+    self.InsertComment(cnxn, comment, commit=commit)
+    return comment
+  def SoftDeleteComment(
+      self, cnxn, issue, issue_comment, deleted_by_user_id,
+      user_service, delete=True, reindex=False, is_spam=False):
+    """Mark comment as un/deleted, which shows/hides it from average users."""
+    # Update number of attachments
+    attachments = 0
+    if issue_comment.attachments:
+      for attachment in issue_comment.attachments:
+        if not attachment.deleted:
+          attachments += 1
+    # Delete only if it's not in deleted state
+    if delete:
+      if not issue_comment.deleted_by:
+        issue_comment.deleted_by = deleted_by_user_id
+        issue.attachment_count = issue.attachment_count - attachments
+    # Undelete only if it's in deleted state
+    elif issue_comment.deleted_by:
+      issue_comment.deleted_by = 0
+      issue.attachment_count = issue.attachment_count + attachments
+    issue_comment.is_spam = is_spam
+    self._UpdateComment(
+        cnxn, issue_comment, update_cols=['deleted_by', 'is_spam'])
+    self.UpdateIssue(cnxn, issue, update_cols=['attachment_count'])
+    # Reindex the issue to take the comment deletion/undeletion into account.
+    if reindex:
+      tracker_fulltext.IndexIssues(
+          cnxn, [issue], user_service, self, self._config_service)
+    else:
+      self.EnqueueIssuesForIndexing(cnxn, [issue.issue_id])
+  ### Approvals
+  def GetIssueApproval(self, cnxn, issue_id, approval_id, use_cache=True):
+    """Retrieve the specified approval for the specified issue."""
+    issue = self.GetIssue(cnxn, issue_id, use_cache=use_cache)
+    approval = tracker_bizobj.FindApprovalValueByID(
+        approval_id, issue.approval_values)
+    if approval:
+      return issue, approval
+    raise exceptions.NoSuchIssueApprovalException()
+  def DeltaUpdateIssueApproval(
+      self, cnxn, modifier_id, config, issue, approval, approval_delta,
+      comment_content=None, is_description=False, attachments=None,
+      commit=True, kept_attachments=None):
+    """Update the issue's approval in the database."""
+    amendments = []
+    # Update status in RAM and DB and create status amendment.
+    if approval_delta.status:
+      approval.status = approval_delta.status
+      approval.set_on = approval_delta.set_on or int(time.time())
+      approval.setter_id = modifier_id
+      status_amendment = tracker_bizobj.MakeApprovalStatusAmendment(
+          approval_delta.status)
+      amendments.append(status_amendment)
+      self._UpdateIssueApprovalStatus(
+        cnxn, issue.issue_id, approval.approval_id, approval.status,
+        approval.setter_id, approval.set_on)
+    # Update approver_ids in RAM and DB and create approver amendment.
+    approvers_add = [approver for approver in approval_delta.approver_ids_add
+                     if approver not in approval.approver_ids]
+    approvers_remove = [approver for approver in
+                        approval_delta.approver_ids_remove
+                        if approver in approval.approver_ids]
+    if approvers_add or approvers_remove:
+      approver_ids = [approver for approver in
+                      list(approval.approver_ids) + approvers_add
+                      if approver not in approvers_remove]
+      approval.approver_ids = approver_ids
+      approvers_amendment = tracker_bizobj.MakeApprovalApproversAmendment(
+          approvers_add, approvers_remove)
+      amendments.append(approvers_amendment)
+      self._UpdateIssueApprovalApprovers(
+          cnxn, issue.issue_id, approval.approval_id, approver_ids)
+    fv_amendments = tracker_bizobj.ApplyFieldValueChanges(
+        issue, config, approval_delta.subfield_vals_add,
+        approval_delta.subfield_vals_remove, approval_delta.subfields_clear)
+    amendments.extend(fv_amendments)
+    if fv_amendments:
+      self._UpdateIssuesFields(cnxn, [issue], commit=False)
+    label_amendment = tracker_bizobj.ApplyLabelChanges(
+        issue, config, approval_delta.labels_add, approval_delta.labels_remove)
+    if label_amendment:
+      amendments.append(label_amendment)
+      self._UpdateIssuesLabels(cnxn, [issue], commit=False)
+    comment_pb = self.CreateIssueComment(
+        cnxn, issue, modifier_id, comment_content, amendments=amendments,
+        approval_id=approval.approval_id, is_description=is_description,
+        attachments=attachments, commit=False,
+        kept_attachments=kept_attachments)
+    if commit:
+      cnxn.Commit()
+    self.issue_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [issue.issue_id])
+    return comment_pb
+  def _UpdateIssueApprovalStatus(
+      self, cnxn, issue_id, approval_id, status, setter_id, set_on):
+    """Update the approvalvalue for the given issue_id's issue."""
+    set_on = set_on or int(time.time())
+    delta = {
+        'status':,
+        'setter_id': setter_id,
+        'set_on': set_on,
+        }
+    self.issue2approvalvalue_tbl.Update(
+        cnxn, delta, approval_id=approval_id, issue_id=issue_id,
+        commit=False)
+  def _UpdateIssueApprovalApprovers(
+      self, cnxn, issue_id, approval_id, approver_ids):
+    """Update the list of approvers allowed to approve an issue's approval."""
+    self.issueapproval2approver_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, issue_id=issue_id, approval_id=approval_id, commit=False)
+    self.issueapproval2approver_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, ISSUEAPPROVAL2APPROVER_COLS, [(approval_id, approver_id, issue_id)
+                                            for approver_id in approver_ids],
+        commit=False)
+  ### Attachments
+  def GetAttachmentAndContext(self, cnxn, attachment_id):
+    """Load a IssueAttachment from database, and its comment ID and IID.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      attachment_id: long integer unique ID of desired issue attachment.
+    Returns:
+      An Attachment protocol buffer that contains metadata about the attached
+      file, or None if it doesn't exist.  Also, the comment ID and issue IID
+      of the comment and issue that contain this attachment.
+    Raises:
+      NoSuchAttachmentException: the attachment was not found.
+    """
+    if attachment_id is None:
+      raise exceptions.NoSuchAttachmentException()
+    attachment_row = self.attachment_tbl.SelectRow(
+        cnxn, cols=ATTACHMENT_COLS, id=attachment_id)
+    if attachment_row:
+      (attach_id, issue_id, comment_id, filename, filesize, mimetype,
+       deleted, gcs_object_id) = attachment_row
+      if not deleted:
+        attachment = tracker_pb2.Attachment(
+            attachment_id=attach_id, filename=filename, filesize=filesize,
+            mimetype=mimetype, deleted=bool(deleted),
+            gcs_object_id=gcs_object_id)
+        return attachment, comment_id, issue_id
+    raise exceptions.NoSuchAttachmentException()
+  def GetAttachmentsByID(self, cnxn, attachment_ids):
+    """Return all Attachment PBs by attachment ids.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      attachment_ids: a list of comment ids.
+    Returns:
+      A list of the Attachment protocol buffers for the attachments with
+      these ids.
+    """
+    attachment_rows = self.attachment_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=ATTACHMENT_COLS, id=attachment_ids)
+    return attachment_rows
+  def _UpdateAttachment(self, cnxn, comment, attach, update_cols=None):
+    """Update attachment metadata in the DB.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      comment: IssueComment PB to invalidate in the cache.
+      attach: IssueAttachment PB to update in the DB.
+      update_cols: optional list of just the field names to update.
+    """
+    delta = {
+        'filename': attach.filename,
+        'filesize': attach.filesize,
+        'mimetype': attach.mimetype,
+        'deleted': bool(attach.deleted),
+        }
+    if update_cols is not None:
+      delta = {key: val for key, val in delta.items()
+               if key in update_cols}
+    self.attachment_tbl.Update(cnxn, delta, id=attach.attachment_id)
+    self.comment_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [])
+  def SoftDeleteAttachment(
+      self, cnxn, issue, issue_comment, attach_id, user_service, delete=True,
+      index_now=False):
+    """Mark attachment as un/deleted, which shows/hides it from avg users."""
+    attachment = None
+    for attach in issue_comment.attachments:
+      if attach.attachment_id == attach_id:
+        attachment = attach
+    if not attachment:
+      logging.warning(
+          'Tried to (un)delete non-existent attachment #%s in project '
+          '%s issue %s', attach_id, issue.project_id, issue.local_id)
+      return
+    if not issue_comment.deleted_by:
+      # Decrement attachment count only if it's not in deleted state
+      if delete:
+        if not attachment.deleted:
+          issue.attachment_count = issue.attachment_count - 1
+      # Increment attachment count only if it's in deleted state
+      elif attachment.deleted:
+        issue.attachment_count = issue.attachment_count + 1
+'attachment.deleted was %s', attachment.deleted)
+    attachment.deleted = delete
+'attachment.deleted is %s', attachment.deleted)
+    self._UpdateAttachment(
+        cnxn, issue_comment, attachment, update_cols=['deleted'])
+    self.UpdateIssue(cnxn, issue, update_cols=['attachment_count'])
+    if index_now:
+      tracker_fulltext.IndexIssues(
+          cnxn, [issue], user_service, self, self._config_service)
+    else:
+      self.EnqueueIssuesForIndexing(cnxn, [issue.issue_id])
+  ### Reindex queue
+  def EnqueueIssuesForIndexing(self, cnxn, issue_ids, commit=True):
+    # type: (MonorailConnection, Collection[int], Optional[bool]) -> None
+    """Add the given issue IDs to the ReindexQueue table."""
+    reindex_rows = [(issue_id,) for issue_id in issue_ids]
+    self.reindexqueue_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, ['issue_id'], reindex_rows, ignore=True, commit=commit)
+  def ReindexIssues(self, cnxn, num_to_reindex, user_service):
+    """Reindex some issues specified in the IndexQueue table."""
+    rows = self.reindexqueue_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, order_by=[('created', [])], limit=num_to_reindex)
+    issue_ids = [row[0] for row in rows]
+    if issue_ids:
+      issues = self.GetIssues(cnxn, issue_ids)
+      tracker_fulltext.IndexIssues(
+          cnxn, issues, user_service, self, self._config_service)
+      self.reindexqueue_tbl.Delete(cnxn, issue_id=issue_ids)
+    return len(issue_ids)
+  ### Search functions
+  def RunIssueQuery(
+      self, cnxn, left_joins, where, order_by, shard_id=None, limit=None):
+    """Run a SQL query to find matching issue IDs.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      left_joins: list of SQL LEFT JOIN clauses.
+      where: list of SQL WHERE clauses.
+      order_by: list of SQL ORDER BY clauses.
+      shard_id: int shard ID to focus the search.
+      limit: int maximum number of results, defaults to
+          settings.search_limit_per_shard.
+    Returns:
+      (issue_ids, capped) where issue_ids is a list of the result issue IDs,
+      and capped is True if the number of results reached the limit.
+    """
+    limit = limit or settings.search_limit_per_shard
+    where = where + [('Issue.deleted = %s', [False])]
+    rows = self.issue_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, shard_id=shard_id, distinct=True, cols=[''],
+        left_joins=left_joins, where=where, order_by=order_by,
+        limit=limit)
+    issue_ids = [row[0] for row in rows]
+    capped = len(issue_ids) >= limit
+    return issue_ids, capped
+  def GetIIDsByLabelIDs(self, cnxn, label_ids, project_id, shard_id):
+    """Return a list of IIDs for issues with any of the given label IDs."""
+    if not label_ids:
+      return []
+    where = []
+    if shard_id is not None:
+      slice_term = ('shard = %s', [shard_id])
+      where.append(slice_term)
+    rows = self.issue_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, shard_id=shard_id, cols=['id'],
+        left_joins=[('Issue2Label ON = Issue2Label.issue_id', [])],
+        label_id=label_ids, project_id=project_id, where=where)
+    return [row[0] for row in rows]
+  def GetIIDsByParticipant(self, cnxn, user_ids, project_ids, shard_id):
+    """Return IIDs for issues where any of the given users participate."""
+    iids = []
+    where = []
+    if shard_id is not None:
+      where.append(('shard = %s', [shard_id]))
+    if project_ids:
+      cond_str = 'Issue.project_id IN (%s)' % sql.PlaceHolders(project_ids)
+      where.append((cond_str, project_ids))
+    # TODO(jrobbins): Combine these 3 queries into one with ORs.   It currently
+    # is not the bottleneck.
+    rows = self.issue_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['id'], reporter_id=user_ids,
+        where=where, shard_id=shard_id)
+    for row in rows:
+      iids.append(row[0])
+    rows = self.issue_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['id'], owner_id=user_ids,
+        where=where, shard_id=shard_id)
+    for row in rows:
+      iids.append(row[0])
+    rows = self.issue_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['id'], derived_owner_id=user_ids,
+        where=where, shard_id=shard_id)
+    for row in rows:
+      iids.append(row[0])
+    rows = self.issue_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['id'],
+        left_joins=[('Issue2Cc ON Issue2Cc.issue_id =', [])],
+        cc_id=user_ids,
+        where=where + [('cc_id IS NOT NULL', [])],
+        shard_id=shard_id)
+    for row in rows:
+      iids.append(row[0])
+    rows = self.issue_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=[''],
+        left_joins=[
+            ('Issue2FieldValue ON = Issue2FieldValue.issue_id', []),
+            ('FieldDef ON Issue2FieldValue.field_id =', [])],
+        user_id=user_ids, grants_perm='View',
+        where=where + [('user_id IS NOT NULL', [])],
+        shard_id=shard_id)
+    for row in rows:
+      iids.append(row[0])
+    return iids
+  ### Issue Dependency Rankings
+  def SortBlockedOn(self, cnxn, issue, blocked_on_iids):
+    """Sort blocked_on dependencies by rank and dst_issue_id.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      issue: the issue being blocked.
+      blocked_on_iids: the iids of all the issue's blockers
+    Returns:
+      a tuple (ids, ranks), where ids is the sorted list of
+      blocked_on_iids and ranks is the list of corresponding ranks
+    """
+    rows = self.issuerelation_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=ISSUERELATION_COLS, issue_id=issue.issue_id,
+        dst_issue_id=blocked_on_iids, kind='blockedon',
+        order_by=[('rank DESC', []), ('dst_issue_id', [])])
+    ids = [row[1] for row in rows]
+    ids.extend([iid for iid in blocked_on_iids if iid not in ids])
+    ranks = [row[3] for row in rows]
+    ranks.extend([0] * (len(blocked_on_iids) - len(ranks)))
+    return ids, ranks
+  def ApplyIssueRerank(
+      self, cnxn, parent_id, relations_to_change, commit=True, invalidate=True):
+    """Updates rankings of blocked on issue relations to new values
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      parent_id: the global ID of the blocked issue to update
+      relations_to_change: This should be a list of
+        [(blocker_id, new_rank),...] of relations that need to be changed
+      commit: set to False to skip the DB commit and do it in the caller.
+      invalidate: set to False to leave cache invalidatation to the caller.
+    """
+    blocker_ids = [blocker for (blocker, rank) in relations_to_change]
+    self.issuerelation_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, issue_id=parent_id, dst_issue_id=blocker_ids, commit=False)
+    insert_rows = [(parent_id, blocker, 'blockedon', rank)
+                   for (blocker, rank) in relations_to_change]
+    self.issuerelation_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, cols=ISSUERELATION_COLS, row_values=insert_rows, commit=commit)
+    if invalidate:
+      self.InvalidateIIDs(cnxn, [parent_id])
+  # Expunge Users from Issues system.
+  def ExpungeUsersInIssues(self, cnxn, user_ids_by_email, limit=None):
+    """Removes all references to given users from issue DB tables.
+    This method will not commit the operations. This method will
+    not make changes to in-memory data.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      user_ids_by_email: dict of {email: user_id} of all users we want
+        to expunge.
+      limit: Optional, the limit for each operation.
+    Returns:
+      A list of issue_ids that need to be reindexed.
+    """
+    commit = False
+    user_ids = list(user_ids_by_email.values())
+    user_emails = list(user_ids_by_email.keys())
+    # Track issue_ids for issues that will have different search documents
+    # as a result of removing users.
+    affected_issue_ids = []
+    # Reassign commenter_id and delete inbound_messages.
+    shard_id = sql.RandomShardID()
+    comment_content_id_rows = self.comment_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['', 'Comment.issue_id', 'commentcontent_id'],
+        commenter_id=user_ids, shard_id=shard_id, limit=limit)
+    comment_ids = [row[0] for row in comment_content_id_rows]
+    commentcontent_ids = [row[2] for row in comment_content_id_rows]
+    if commentcontent_ids:
+      self.commentcontent_tbl.Update(
+          cnxn, {'inbound_message': None}, id=commentcontent_ids, commit=commit)
+    if comment_ids:
+      self.comment_tbl.Update(
+          cnxn, {'commenter_id': framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID},
+          id=comment_ids,
+          commit=commit)
+    affected_issue_ids.extend([row[1] for row in comment_content_id_rows])
+    # Reassign deleted_by comments deleted_by.
+    self.comment_tbl.Update(
+        cnxn,
+        {'deleted_by': framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID},
+        deleted_by=user_ids,
+        commit=commit, limit=limit)
+    # Remove users in field values.
+    fv_issue_id_rows = self.issue2fieldvalue_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['issue_id'], user_id=user_ids, limit=limit)
+    fv_issue_ids = [row[0] for row in fv_issue_id_rows]
+    self.issue2fieldvalue_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, user_id=user_ids, limit=limit, commit=commit)
+    affected_issue_ids.extend(fv_issue_ids)
+    # Remove users in approval values.
+    self.issueapproval2approver_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, approver_id=user_ids, commit=commit, limit=limit)
+    self.issue2approvalvalue_tbl.Update(
+        cnxn,
+        {'setter_id': framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID},
+        setter_id=user_ids,
+        commit=commit, limit=limit)
+    # Remove users in issue Ccs.
+    cc_issue_id_rows = self.issue2cc_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['issue_id'], cc_id=user_ids, limit=limit)
+    cc_issue_ids = [row[0] for row in cc_issue_id_rows]
+    self.issue2cc_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, cc_id=user_ids, limit=limit, commit=commit)
+    affected_issue_ids.extend(cc_issue_ids)
+    # Remove users in issue owners.
+    owner_issue_id_rows = self.issue_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['id'], owner_id=user_ids, limit=limit)
+    owner_issue_ids = [row[0] for row in owner_issue_id_rows]
+    if owner_issue_ids:
+      self.issue_tbl.Update(
+          cnxn, {'owner_id': None}, id=owner_issue_ids, commit=commit)
+    affected_issue_ids.extend(owner_issue_ids)
+    derived_owner_issue_id_rows = self.issue_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['id'], derived_owner_id=user_ids, limit=limit)
+    derived_owner_issue_ids = [row[0] for row in derived_owner_issue_id_rows]
+    if derived_owner_issue_ids:
+      self.issue_tbl.Update(
+          cnxn, {'derived_owner_id': None},
+          id=derived_owner_issue_ids,
+          commit=commit)
+    affected_issue_ids.extend(derived_owner_issue_ids)
+    # Remove users in issue reporters.
+    reporter_issue_id_rows = self.issue_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['id'], reporter_id=user_ids, limit=limit)
+    reporter_issue_ids = [row[0] for row in reporter_issue_id_rows]
+    if reporter_issue_ids:
+      self.issue_tbl.Update(
+          cnxn, {'reporter_id': framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID},
+          id=reporter_issue_ids,
+          commit=commit)
+    affected_issue_ids.extend(reporter_issue_ids)
+    # Note: issueupdate_tbl's and issue2notify's user_id columns do not
+    # reference the User table. So all values need to updated here before
+    # User rows can be deleted safely. No limit will be applied.
+    # Remove users in issue updates.
+    self.issueupdate_tbl.Update(
+        cnxn,
+        {'added_user_id': framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID},
+        added_user_id=user_ids,
+        commit=commit)
+    self.issueupdate_tbl.Update(
+        cnxn,
+        {'removed_user_id': framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID},
+        removed_user_id=user_ids,
+        commit=commit)
+    # Remove users in issue notify.
+    self.issue2notify_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, email=user_emails, commit=commit)
+    # Remove users in issue snapshots.
+    self.issuesnapshot_tbl.Update(
+        cnxn,
+        {'owner_id': framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID},
+        owner_id=user_ids,
+        commit=commit, limit=limit)
+    self.issuesnapshot_tbl.Update(
+        cnxn,
+        {'reporter_id': framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID},
+        reporter_id=user_ids,
+        commit=commit, limit=limit)
+    self.issuesnapshot2cc_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, cc_id=user_ids, commit=commit, limit=limit)
+    return list(set(affected_issue_ids))
diff --git a/services/ b/services/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4650b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+Helper functions for spam and component classification. These are mostly for
+feature extraction, so that the serving code and training code both use the same
+set of features.
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import csv
+import hashlib
+import httplib2
+import logging
+import re
+import sys
+from six import text_type
+from apiclient.discovery import build
+from apiclient.errors import Error as ApiClientError
+from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials
+from oauth2client.client import Error as Oauth2ClientError
+SPAM_COLUMNS = ['verdict', 'subject', 'content', 'email']
+LEGACY_CSV_COLUMNS = ['verdict', 'subject', 'content']
+DELIMITERS = ['\s', '\,', '\.', '\?', '!', '\:', '\(', '\)']
+# Must be identical to settings.spam_feature_hashes.
+# Must be identical to settings.component_features.
+def _ComponentFeatures(content, num_features, top_words):
+  """
+    This uses the most common words in the entire dataset as features.
+    The count of common words in the issue comments makes up the features.
+  """
+  features = [0] * num_features
+  for blob in content:
+    words = blob.split()
+    for word in words:
+      if word in top_words:
+        features[top_words[word]] += 1
+  return features
+def _SpamHashFeatures(content, num_features):
+  """
+    Feature hashing is a fast and compact way to turn a string of text into a
+    vector of feature values for classification and training.
+    See also:
+    This is a simple implementation that doesn't try to minimize collisions
+    or anything else fancy.
+  """
+  features = [0] * num_features
+  total = 0.0
+  for blob in content:
+    words = re.split('|'.join(DELIMITERS), blob)
+    for word in words:
+      encoded_word = word
+      # If we've been passed real unicode strings, convert them to bytestrings.
+      if isinstance(word, text_type):
+        encoded_word = word.encode('utf-8')
+      feature_index = int(
+          int(hashlib.sha1(encoded_word).hexdigest(), 16) % num_features)
+      features[feature_index] += 1.0
+      total += 1.0
+  if total > 0:
+    features = [ f / total for f in features ]
+  return features
+def GenerateFeaturesRaw(content, num_features, top_words=None):
+  """Generates a vector of features for a given issue or comment.
+  Args:
+    content: The content of the issue's description and comments.
+    num_features: The number of features to generate.
+  """
+  if top_words:
+    return { 'word_features': _ComponentFeatures(content,
+                                                   num_features,
+                                                   top_words)}
+  return { 'word_hashes': _SpamHashFeatures(content, num_features)}
+def transform_spam_csv_to_features(csv_training_data):
+  X = []
+  y = []
+  # Handle if the list is double-wrapped.
+  if csv_training_data and len(csv_training_data[0]) > 4:
+    csv_training_data = csv_training_data[0]
+  for row in csv_training_data:
+    if len(row) == 4:
+      verdict, subject, content, _email = row
+    else:
+      verdict, subject, content = row
+    X.append(GenerateFeaturesRaw([str(subject), str(content)],
+                                 SPAM_FEATURE_HASHES))
+    y.append(1 if verdict == 'spam' else 0)
+  return X, y
+def transform_component_csv_to_features(csv_training_data, top_list):
+  X = []
+  y = []
+  top_words = {}
+  for i in range(len(top_list)):
+    top_words[top_list[i]] = i
+  component_to_index = {}
+  index_to_component = {}
+  component_index = 0
+  for row in csv_training_data:
+    component, content = row
+    component = str(component).split(",")[0]
+    if component not in component_to_index:
+      component_to_index[component] = component_index
+      index_to_component[component_index] = component
+      component_index += 1
+    X.append(GenerateFeaturesRaw([content],
+                                 COMPONENT_FEATURES,
+                                 top_words))
+    y.append(component_to_index[component])
+  return X, y, index_to_component
+def spam_from_file(f):
+  """Reads a training data file and returns an array."""
+  rows = []
+  skipped_rows = 0
+  for row in csv.reader(f):
+    if len(row) == len(SPAM_COLUMNS):
+      # Throw out email field.
+      rows.append(row[:3])
+    elif len(row) == len(LEGACY_CSV_COLUMNS):
+      rows.append(row)
+    else:
+      skipped_rows += 1
+  return rows, skipped_rows
+def component_from_file(f):
+  """Reads a training data file and returns an array."""
+  rows = []
+  csv.field_size_limit(sys.maxsize)
+  for row in csv.reader(f):
+    rows.append(row)
+  return rows
+def setup_ml_engine():
+  """Sets up an instance of ml engine for ml classes."""
+  try:
+    credentials = GoogleCredentials.get_application_default()
+    ml_engine = build('ml', 'v1', http=httplib2.Http(), credentials=credentials)
+    return ml_engine
+  except (Oauth2ClientError, ApiClientError):
+    logging.error("Error setting up ML Engine API: %s" % sys.exc_info()[0])
diff --git a/services/ b/services/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e92f6a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/
@@ -0,0 +1,799 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""A set of functions that provide persistence for projects.
+This module provides functions to get, update, create, and (in some
+cases) delete each type of project business object.  It provides
+a logical persistence layer on top of the database.
+Business objects are described in
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import collections
+import logging
+import time
+import settings
+from framework import exceptions
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import framework_helpers
+from framework import permissions
+from framework import sql
+from services import caches
+from project import project_helpers
+from proto import project_pb2
+    'project_id', 'project_name', 'summary', 'description', 'state', 'access',
+    'read_only_reason', 'state_reason', 'delete_time', 'issue_notify_address',
+    'attachment_bytes_used', 'attachment_quota', 'cached_content_timestamp',
+    'recent_activity_timestamp', 'moved_to', 'process_inbound_email',
+    'only_owners_remove_restrictions', 'only_owners_see_contributors',
+    'revision_url_format', 'home_page', 'docs_url', 'source_url', 'logo_gcs_id',
+    'logo_file_name', 'issue_notify_always_detailed'
+USER2PROJECT_COLS = ['project_id', 'user_id', 'role_name']
+EXTRAPERM_COLS = ['project_id', 'user_id', 'perm']
+MEMBERNOTES_COLS = ['project_id', 'user_id', 'notes']
+    'project_id', 'user_id', 'ac_exclude', 'no_expand']
+class ProjectTwoLevelCache(caches.AbstractTwoLevelCache):
+  """Class to manage both RAM and memcache for Project PBs."""
+  def __init__(self, cachemanager, project_service):
+    super(ProjectTwoLevelCache, self).__init__(
+        cachemanager, 'project', 'project:', project_pb2.Project)
+    self.project_service = project_service
+  def _DeserializeProjects(
+      self, project_rows, role_rows, extraperm_rows):
+    """Convert database rows into a dictionary of Project PB keyed by ID."""
+    project_dict = {}
+    for project_row in project_rows:
+      (
+          project_id, project_name, summary, description, state_name,
+          access_name, read_only_reason, state_reason, delete_time,
+          issue_notify_address, attachment_bytes_used, attachment_quota, cct,
+          recent_activity_timestamp, moved_to, process_inbound_email, oorr,
+          oosc, revision_url_format, home_page, docs_url, source_url,
+          logo_gcs_id, logo_file_name,
+          issue_notify_always_detailed) = project_row
+      project = project_pb2.Project()
+      project.project_id = project_id
+      project.project_name = project_name
+      project.summary = summary
+      project.description = description
+      project.state = project_pb2.ProjectState(state_name.upper())
+      project.state_reason = state_reason or ''
+      project.access = project_pb2.ProjectAccess(access_name.upper())
+      project.read_only_reason = read_only_reason or ''
+      project.issue_notify_address = issue_notify_address or ''
+      project.attachment_bytes_used = attachment_bytes_used or 0
+      project.attachment_quota = attachment_quota
+      project.recent_activity = recent_activity_timestamp or 0
+      project.cached_content_timestamp = cct or 0
+      project.delete_time = delete_time or 0
+      project.moved_to = moved_to or ''
+      project.process_inbound_email = bool(process_inbound_email)
+      project.only_owners_remove_restrictions = bool(oorr)
+      project.only_owners_see_contributors = bool(oosc)
+      project.revision_url_format = revision_url_format or ''
+      project.home_page = home_page or ''
+      project.docs_url = docs_url or ''
+      project.source_url = source_url or ''
+      project.logo_gcs_id = logo_gcs_id or ''
+      project.logo_file_name = logo_file_name or ''
+      project.issue_notify_always_detailed = bool(issue_notify_always_detailed)
+      project_dict[project_id] = project
+    for project_id, user_id, role_name in role_rows:
+      project = project_dict[project_id]
+      if role_name == 'owner':
+        project.owner_ids.append(user_id)
+      elif role_name == 'committer':
+        project.committer_ids.append(user_id)
+      elif role_name == 'contributor':
+        project.contributor_ids.append(user_id)
+    perms = {}
+    for project_id, user_id, perm in extraperm_rows:
+      perms.setdefault(project_id, {}).setdefault(user_id, []).append(perm)
+    for project_id, perms_by_user in perms.items():
+      project = project_dict[project_id]
+      for user_id, extra_perms in sorted(perms_by_user.items()):
+        project.extra_perms.append(project_pb2.Project.ExtraPerms(
+            member_id=user_id, perms=extra_perms))
+    return project_dict
+  def FetchItems(self, cnxn, keys):
+    """On RAM and memcache miss, hit the database to get missing projects."""
+    project_rows = self.project_service.project_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=PROJECT_COLS, project_id=keys)
+    role_rows = self.project_service.user2project_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['project_id', 'user_id', 'role_name'],
+        project_id=keys)
+    extraperm_rows = self.project_service.extraperm_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=EXTRAPERM_COLS, project_id=keys)
+    retrieved_dict = self._DeserializeProjects(
+        project_rows, role_rows, extraperm_rows)
+    return retrieved_dict
+class UserToProjectIdTwoLevelCache(caches.AbstractTwoLevelCache):
+  """Class to manage both RAM and memcache for project_ids.
+  Keys for this cache are int, user_ids, which might correspond to a group.
+  This cache should be used to fetch a set of project_ids that the user_id
+  is a member of.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, cachemanager, project_service):
+    # type: cachemanager_svc.CacheManager, ProjectService -> None
+    super(UserToProjectIdTwoLevelCache, self).__init__(
+        cachemanager, 'project_id', 'project_id:', pb_class=None)
+    self.project_service = project_service
+    # Store the last time the table was fetched for rate limit purposes.
+    self.last_fetched = 0
+  def FetchItems(self, cnxn, keys):
+    # type MonorailConnection, Collection[int] -> Mapping[int, Collection[int]]
+    """On RAM and memcache miss, hit the database to get missing user_ids."""
+    # Unlike with other caches, we fetch and store the entire table.
+    # Thus, for cache misses we limit the rate we re-fetch the table to 60s.
+    now = self._GetCurrentTime()
+    result_dict = collections.defaultdict(set)
+    if (now - self.last_fetched) > 60:
+      project_to_user_rows = self.project_service.user2project_tbl.Select(
+          cnxn, cols=['project_id', 'user_id'])
+      self.last_fetched = now
+      # Cache the whole User2Project table.
+      for project_id, user_id in project_to_user_rows:
+        result_dict[user_id].add(project_id)
+    # Assume any requested user missing from result is not in any project.
+    result_dict.update(
+        (user_id, set()) for user_id in keys if user_id not in result_dict)
+    return result_dict
+  def _GetCurrentTime(self):
+    """ Returns the current time. We made a separate method for this to make it
+    easier to unit test. This was a better solution than @mock.patch because
+    the test had several unrelated time.time() calls. Modifying those calls
+    would be more onerous, having to fix calls for this test.
+    """
+    return time.time()
+class ProjectService(object):
+  """The persistence layer for project data."""
+  def __init__(self, cache_manager):
+    """Initialize this module so that it is ready to use.
+    Args:
+      cache_manager: local cache with distributed invalidation.
+    """
+    self.project_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(PROJECT_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.user2project_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(USER2PROJECT_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.extraperm_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(EXTRAPERM_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.membernotes_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(MEMBERNOTES_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.usergroupprojects_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(
+    self.acexclusion_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(
+    # Like a dictionary {project_id: project}
+    self.project_2lc = ProjectTwoLevelCache(cache_manager, self)
+    # A dictionary of user_id to a set of project ids.
+    # Mapping[int, Collection[int]]
+    self.user_to_project_2lc = UserToProjectIdTwoLevelCache(cache_manager, self)
+    # The project name to ID cache can never be invalidated by individual
+    # project changes because it is keyed by strings instead of ints.  In
+    # the case of rare operations like deleting a project (or a future
+    # project renaming feature), we just InvalidateAll().
+    self.project_names_to_ids = caches.RamCache(cache_manager, 'project')
+  ### Creating projects
+  def CreateProject(
+      self, cnxn, project_name, owner_ids, committer_ids, contributor_ids,
+      summary, description, state=project_pb2.ProjectState.LIVE,
+      access=None, read_only_reason=None, home_page=None, docs_url=None,
+      source_url=None, logo_gcs_id=None, logo_file_name=None):
+    """Create and store a Project with the given attributes.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_name: a valid project name, all lower case.
+      owner_ids: a list of user IDs for the project owners.
+      committer_ids: a list of user IDs for the project members.
+      contributor_ids: a list of user IDs for the project contributors.
+      summary: one-line explanation of the project.
+      description: one-page explanation of the project.
+      state: a project state enum defined in project_pb2.
+      access: optional project access enum defined in project.proto.
+      read_only_reason: if given, provides a status message and marks
+        the project as read-only.
+      home_page: home page of the project
+      docs_url: url to redirect to for wiki/documentation links
+      source_url: url to redirect to for source browser links
+      logo_gcs_id: google storage object id of the project's logo
+      logo_file_name: uploaded file name of the project's logo
+    Returns:
+      The int project_id of the new project.
+    Raises:
+      ProjectAlreadyExists: if a project with that name already exists.
+    """
+    assert project_helpers.IsValidProjectName(project_name)
+    if self.LookupProjectIDs(cnxn, [project_name]):
+      raise exceptions.ProjectAlreadyExists()
+    project = project_pb2.MakeProject(
+        project_name, state=state, access=access,
+        description=description, summary=summary,
+        owner_ids=owner_ids, committer_ids=committer_ids,
+        contributor_ids=contributor_ids, read_only_reason=read_only_reason,
+        home_page=home_page, docs_url=docs_url, source_url=source_url,
+        logo_gcs_id=logo_gcs_id, logo_file_name=logo_file_name)
+    project.project_id = self._InsertProject(cnxn, project)
+    return project.project_id
+  def _InsertProject(self, cnxn, project):
+    """Insert the given project into the database."""
+    # Note: project_id is not specified because it is auto_increment.
+    project_id = self.project_tbl.InsertRow(
+        cnxn, project_name=project.project_name,
+        summary=project.summary, description=project.description,
+        state=str(project.state), access=str(project.access),
+        home_page=project.home_page, docs_url=project.docs_url,
+        source_url=project.source_url,
+        logo_gcs_id=project.logo_gcs_id, logo_file_name=project.logo_file_name)
+'stored project was given project_id %d', project_id)
+    self.user2project_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, ['project_id', 'user_id', 'role_name'],
+        [(project_id, user_id, 'owner')
+         for user_id in project.owner_ids] +
+        [(project_id, user_id, 'committer')
+         for user_id in project.committer_ids] +
+        [(project_id, user_id, 'contributor')
+         for user_id in project.contributor_ids])
+    return project_id
+  ### Lookup project names and IDs
+  def LookupProjectIDs(self, cnxn, project_names):
+    """Return a list of project IDs for the specified projects."""
+    id_dict, missed_names = self.project_names_to_ids.GetAll(project_names)
+    if missed_names:
+      rows = self.project_tbl.Select(
+          cnxn, cols=['project_name', 'project_id'], project_name=missed_names)
+      retrieved_dict = dict(rows)
+      self.project_names_to_ids.CacheAll(retrieved_dict)
+      id_dict.update(retrieved_dict)
+    return id_dict
+  def LookupProjectNames(self, cnxn, project_ids):
+    """Lookup the names of the projects with the given IDs."""
+    projects_dict = self.GetProjects(cnxn, project_ids)
+    return {p.project_id: p.project_name
+            for p in projects_dict.values()}
+  ### Retrieving projects
+  def GetAllProjects(self, cnxn, use_cache=True):
+    """Return A dict mapping IDs to all live project PBs."""
+    project_rows = self.project_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['project_id'], state=project_pb2.ProjectState.LIVE)
+    project_ids = [row[0] for row in project_rows]
+    projects_dict = self.GetProjects(cnxn, project_ids, use_cache=use_cache)
+    return projects_dict
+  def GetVisibleLiveProjects(
+      self, cnxn, logged_in_user, effective_ids, domain=None, use_cache=True):
+    """Return all user visible live project ids.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      logged_in_user: protocol buffer of the logged in user. Can be None.
+      effective_ids: set of user IDs for this user. Can be None.
+      domain: optional string with HTTP request hostname.
+      use_cache: pass False to force database query to find Project protocol
+                 buffers.
+    Returns:
+      A list of project ids of user visible live projects sorted by the names
+      of the projects.  If host was provided, only projects with that host
+      as their branded domain will be returned.
+    """
+    project_rows = self.project_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['project_id'], state=project_pb2.ProjectState.LIVE)
+    project_ids = [row[0] for row in project_rows]
+    projects_dict = self.GetProjects(cnxn, project_ids, use_cache=use_cache)
+    projects_on_host = {
+      project_id: project for project_id, project in projects_dict.items()
+      if not framework_helpers.GetNeededDomain(project.project_name, domain)}
+    visible_projects = []
+    for project in projects_on_host.values():
+      if permissions.UserCanViewProject(logged_in_user, effective_ids, project):
+        visible_projects.append(project)
+    visible_projects.sort(key=lambda p: p.project_name)
+    return [project.project_id for project in visible_projects]
+  def GetProjects(self, cnxn, project_ids, use_cache=True):
+    """Load all the Project PBs for the given projects.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_ids: list of int project IDs
+      use_cache: pass False to force database query.
+    Returns:
+      A dict mapping IDs to the corresponding Project protocol buffers.
+    Raises:
+      NoSuchProjectException: if any of the projects was not found.
+    """
+    project_dict, missed_ids = self.project_2lc.GetAll(
+        cnxn, project_ids, use_cache=use_cache)
+    # Also, update the project name cache.
+    self.project_names_to_ids.CacheAll(
+        {p.project_name: p.project_id for p in project_dict.values()})
+    if missed_ids:
+      raise exceptions.NoSuchProjectException()
+    return project_dict
+  def GetProject(self, cnxn, project_id, use_cache=True):
+    """Load the specified project from the database."""
+    project_id_dict = self.GetProjects(cnxn, [project_id], use_cache=use_cache)
+    return project_id_dict[project_id]
+  def GetProjectsByName(self, cnxn, project_names, use_cache=True):
+    """Load all the Project PBs for the given projects.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_names: list of project names.
+      use_cache: specifify False to force database query.
+    Returns:
+      A dict mapping names to the corresponding Project protocol buffers.
+    """
+    project_ids = list(self.LookupProjectIDs(cnxn, project_names).values())
+    projects = self.GetProjects(cnxn, project_ids, use_cache=use_cache)
+    return {p.project_name: p for p in projects.values()}
+  def GetProjectByName(self, cnxn, project_name, use_cache=True):
+    """Load the specified project from the database, None if does not exist."""
+    project_dict = self.GetProjectsByName(
+        cnxn, [project_name], use_cache=use_cache)
+    return project_dict.get(project_name)
+  ### Deleting projects
+  def ExpungeProject(self, cnxn, project_id):
+    """Wipes a project from the system."""
+'expunging project %r', project_id)
+    self.user2project_tbl.Delete(cnxn, project_id=project_id)
+    self.usergroupprojects_tbl.Delete(cnxn, project_id=project_id)
+    self.extraperm_tbl.Delete(cnxn, project_id=project_id)
+    self.membernotes_tbl.Delete(cnxn, project_id=project_id)
+    self.acexclusion_tbl.Delete(cnxn, project_id=project_id)
+    self.project_tbl.Delete(cnxn, project_id=project_id)
+  ### Updating projects
+  def UpdateProject(
+      self,
+      cnxn,
+      project_id,
+      summary=None,
+      description=None,
+      state=None,
+      state_reason=None,
+      access=None,
+      issue_notify_address=None,
+      attachment_bytes_used=None,
+      attachment_quota=None,
+      moved_to=None,
+      process_inbound_email=None,
+      only_owners_remove_restrictions=None,
+      read_only_reason=None,
+      cached_content_timestamp=None,
+      only_owners_see_contributors=None,
+      delete_time=None,
+      recent_activity=None,
+      revision_url_format=None,
+      home_page=None,
+      docs_url=None,
+      source_url=None,
+      logo_gcs_id=None,
+      logo_file_name=None,
+      issue_notify_always_detailed=None,
+      commit=True):
+    """Update the DB with the given project information."""
+    exists = self.project_tbl.SelectValue(
+      cnxn, 'project_name', project_id=project_id)
+    if not exists:
+      raise exceptions.NoSuchProjectException()
+    delta = {}
+    if summary is not None:
+      delta['summary'] = summary
+    if description is not None:
+      delta['description'] = description
+    if state is not None:
+      delta['state'] = str(state).lower()
+    if state is not None:
+      delta['state_reason'] = state_reason
+    if access is not None:
+      delta['access'] = str(access).lower()
+    if read_only_reason is not None:
+      delta['read_only_reason'] = read_only_reason
+    if issue_notify_address is not None:
+      delta['issue_notify_address'] = issue_notify_address
+    if attachment_bytes_used is not None:
+      delta['attachment_bytes_used'] = attachment_bytes_used
+    if attachment_quota is not None:
+      delta['attachment_quota'] = attachment_quota
+    if moved_to is not None:
+      delta['moved_to'] = moved_to
+    if process_inbound_email is not None:
+      delta['process_inbound_email'] = process_inbound_email
+    if only_owners_remove_restrictions is not None:
+      delta['only_owners_remove_restrictions'] = (
+          only_owners_remove_restrictions)
+    if only_owners_see_contributors is not None:
+      delta['only_owners_see_contributors'] = only_owners_see_contributors
+    if delete_time is not None:
+      delta['delete_time'] = delete_time
+    if recent_activity is not None:
+      delta['recent_activity_timestamp'] = recent_activity
+    if revision_url_format is not None:
+      delta['revision_url_format'] = revision_url_format
+    if home_page is not None:
+      delta['home_page'] = home_page
+    if docs_url is not None:
+      delta['docs_url'] = docs_url
+    if source_url is not None:
+      delta['source_url'] = source_url
+    if logo_gcs_id is not None:
+      delta['logo_gcs_id'] = logo_gcs_id
+    if logo_file_name is not None:
+      delta['logo_file_name'] = logo_file_name
+    if issue_notify_always_detailed is not None:
+      delta['issue_notify_always_detailed'] = issue_notify_always_detailed
+    if cached_content_timestamp is not None:
+      delta['cached_content_timestamp'] = cached_content_timestamp
+    self.project_tbl.Update(cnxn, delta, project_id=project_id, commit=False)
+    self.project_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [project_id])
+    if commit:
+      cnxn.Commit()
+  def UpdateCachedContentTimestamp(self, cnxn, project_id, now=None):
+    now = now or int(time.time())
+    self.project_tbl.Update(
+        cnxn, {'cached_content_timestamp': now},
+        project_id=project_id, commit=False)
+    return now
+  def UpdateProjectRoles(
+      self, cnxn, project_id, owner_ids, committer_ids, contributor_ids,
+      now=None):
+    """Store the project's roles in the DB and set cached_content_timestamp."""
+    exists = self.project_tbl.SelectValue(
+      cnxn, 'project_name', project_id=project_id)
+    if not exists:
+      raise exceptions.NoSuchProjectException()
+    self.UpdateCachedContentTimestamp(cnxn, project_id, now=now)
+    self.user2project_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, project_id=project_id, role_name='owner', commit=False)
+    self.user2project_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, project_id=project_id, role_name='committer', commit=False)
+    self.user2project_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, project_id=project_id, role_name='contributor', commit=False)
+    self.user2project_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, ['project_id', 'user_id', 'role_name'],
+        [(project_id, user_id, 'owner') for user_id in owner_ids],
+        commit=False)
+    self.user2project_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, ['project_id', 'user_id', 'role_name'],
+        [(project_id, user_id, 'committer')
+         for user_id in committer_ids], commit=False)
+    self.user2project_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, ['project_id', 'user_id', 'role_name'],
+        [(project_id, user_id, 'contributor')
+         for user_id in contributor_ids], commit=False)
+    cnxn.Commit()
+    self.project_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [project_id])
+    updated_user_ids = owner_ids + committer_ids + contributor_ids
+    self.user_to_project_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, updated_user_ids)
+  def MarkProjectDeletable(self, cnxn, project_id, config_service):
+    """Update the project's state to make it DELETABLE and free up the name.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: int ID of the project that will be deleted soon.
+      config_service: issue tracker configuration persistence service, needed
+          to invalidate cached issue tracker results.
+    """
+    generated_name = 'DELETABLE_%d' % project_id
+    delta = {'project_name': generated_name, 'state': 'deletable'}
+    self.project_tbl.Update(cnxn, delta, project_id=project_id)
+    self.project_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [project_id])
+    # We cannot invalidate a specific part of the name->proj cache by name,
+    # So, tell every job to just drop the whole cache.  It should refill
+    # efficiently and incrementally from memcache.
+    self.project_2lc.InvalidateAllRamEntries(cnxn)
+    self.user_to_project_2lc.InvalidateAllRamEntries(cnxn)
+    config_service.InvalidateMemcacheForEntireProject(project_id)
+  def UpdateRecentActivity(self, cnxn, project_id, now=None):
+    """Set the project's recent_activity to the current time."""
+    now = now or int(time.time())
+    project = self.GetProject(cnxn, project_id)
+    if now > project.recent_activity + RECENT_ACTIVITY_THRESHOLD:
+      self.UpdateProject(cnxn, project_id, recent_activity=now)
+  ### Roles, memberships, and extra perms
+  def GetUserRolesInAllProjects(self, cnxn, effective_ids):
+    """Return three sets of project IDs where the user has a role."""
+    owned_project_ids = set()
+    membered_project_ids = set()
+    contrib_project_ids = set()
+    rows = []
+    if effective_ids:
+      rows = self.user2project_tbl.Select(
+          cnxn, cols=['project_id', 'role_name'], user_id=effective_ids)
+    for project_id, role_name in rows:
+      if role_name == 'owner':
+        owned_project_ids.add(project_id)
+      elif role_name == 'committer':
+        membered_project_ids.add(project_id)
+      elif role_name == 'contributor':
+        contrib_project_ids.add(project_id)
+      else:
+        logging.warn('Unexpected role name %r', role_name)
+    return owned_project_ids, membered_project_ids, contrib_project_ids
+  def GetProjectMemberships(self, cnxn, effective_ids, use_cache=True):
+    # type: MonorailConnection, Collection[int], Optional[bool] ->
+    #     Mapping[int, Collection[int]]
+    """Return a list of project IDs where the user has a membership."""
+    project_id_dict, missed_ids = self.user_to_project_2lc.GetAll(
+        cnxn, effective_ids, use_cache=use_cache)
+    # Users that were missed are assumed to not have any projects.
+    assert not missed_ids
+    return project_id_dict
+  def UpdateExtraPerms(
+      self, cnxn, project_id, member_id, extra_perms, now=None):
+    """Load the project, update the member's extra perms, and store.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: int ID of the current project.
+      member_id: int user id of the user that was edited.
+      extra_perms: list of strings for perms that the member
+          should have over-and-above what their role gives them.
+      now: fake int(time.time()) value passed in during unit testing.
+    """
+    # This will be a newly constructed object, not from the cache and not
+    # shared with any other thread.
+    project = self.GetProject(cnxn, project_id, use_cache=False)
+    idx, member_extra_perms = permissions.FindExtraPerms(project, member_id)
+    if not member_extra_perms and not extra_perms:
+      return
+    if member_extra_perms and list(member_extra_perms.perms) == extra_perms:
+      return
+    # Either project is None or member_id is not a member of the project.
+    if idx is None:
+      return
+    if member_extra_perms:
+      member_extra_perms.perms = extra_perms
+    else:
+      member_extra_perms = project_pb2.Project.ExtraPerms(
+          member_id=member_id, perms=extra_perms)
+      # Keep the list of extra_perms sorted by member id.
+      project.extra_perms.insert(idx, member_extra_perms)
+    self.extraperm_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, project_id=project_id, user_id=member_id, commit=False)
+    self.extraperm_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, EXTRAPERM_COLS,
+        [(project_id, member_id, perm) for perm in extra_perms],
+        commit=False)
+    project.cached_content_timestamp = self.UpdateCachedContentTimestamp(
+        cnxn, project_id, now=now)
+    cnxn.Commit()
+    self.project_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [project_id])
+  ### Project Commitments
+  def GetProjectCommitments(self, cnxn, project_id):
+    """Get the project commitments (notes) from the DB.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: int project ID.
+    Returns:
+      A the specified project's ProjectCommitments instance, or an empty one,
+        if the project doesn't exist, or has not documented member
+        commitments.
+    """
+    # Get the notes.  Don't get the project_id column
+    # since we already know that value.
+    notes_rows = self.membernotes_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['user_id', 'notes'], project_id=project_id)
+    notes_dict = dict(notes_rows)
+    project_commitments = project_pb2.ProjectCommitments()
+    project_commitments.project_id = project_id
+    for user_id in notes_dict.keys():
+      commitment = project_pb2.ProjectCommitments.MemberCommitment(
+          member_id=user_id,
+          notes=notes_dict.get(user_id, ''))
+      project_commitments.commitments.append(commitment)
+    return project_commitments
+  def _StoreProjectCommitments(self, cnxn, project_commitments):
+    """Store an updated set of project commitments in the DB.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_commitments: ProjectCommitments PB
+    """
+    project_id = project_commitments.project_id
+    notes_rows = []
+    for commitment in project_commitments.commitments:
+      notes_rows.append(
+          (project_id, commitment.member_id, commitment.notes))
+    # TODO(jrobbins): this should be in a transaction.
+    self.membernotes_tbl.Delete(cnxn, project_id=project_id)
+    self.membernotes_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, MEMBERNOTES_COLS, notes_rows, ignore=True)
+  def UpdateCommitments(self, cnxn, project_id, member_id, notes):
+    """Update the member's commitments in the specified project.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: int ID of the current project.
+      member_id: int user ID of the user that was edited.
+      notes: further notes on the member's expected involvment
+        in the project.
+    """
+    project_commitments = self.GetProjectCommitments(cnxn, project_id)
+    commitment = None
+    for c in project_commitments.commitments:
+      if c.member_id == member_id:
+        commitment = c
+        break
+    else:
+      commitment = project_pb2.ProjectCommitments.MemberCommitment(
+          member_id=member_id)
+      project_commitments.commitments.append(commitment)
+    dirty = False
+    if commitment.notes != notes:
+      commitment.notes = notes
+      dirty = True
+    if dirty:
+      self._StoreProjectCommitments(cnxn, project_commitments)
+  def GetProjectAutocompleteExclusion(self, cnxn, project_id):
+    """Get user ids who are excluded from autocomplete list.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: int ID of the current project.
+    Returns:
+      A pair containing: a list of user IDs who are excluded from the
+      autocomplete list for given project, and a list of group IDs to
+      not expand.
+    """
+    ac_exclusion_rows = self.acexclusion_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['user_id'], project_id=project_id, ac_exclude=True)
+    ac_exclusion_ids = [row[0] for row in ac_exclusion_rows]
+    no_expand_rows = self.acexclusion_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['user_id'], project_id=project_id, no_expand=True)
+    no_expand_ids = [row[0] for row in no_expand_rows]
+    return ac_exclusion_ids, no_expand_ids
+  def UpdateProjectAutocompleteExclusion(
+      self, cnxn, project_id, member_id, ac_exclude, no_expand):
+    """Update autocomplete exclusion for given user.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: int ID of the current project.
+      member_id: int user ID of the user that was edited.
+      ac_exclude: Whether this user should be excluded.
+      no_expand: Whether this group should not be expanded.
+    """
+    if ac_exclude or no_expand:
+      self.acexclusion_tbl.InsertRows(
+        [(project_id, member_id, ac_exclude, no_expand)],
+        replace=True)
+    else:
+      self.acexclusion_tbl.Delete(
+          cnxn, project_id=project_id, user_id=member_id)
+    self.UpdateCachedContentTimestamp(cnxn, project_id)
+    cnxn.Commit()
+    self.project_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [project_id])
+  def ExpungeUsersInProjects(self, cnxn, user_ids, limit=None):
+    """Wipes the given users from the projects system.
+    This method will not commit the operation. This method will
+    not make changes to in-memory data.
+    """
+    self.extraperm_tbl.Delete(cnxn, user_id=user_ids, limit=limit, commit=False)
+    self.acexclusion_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, user_id=user_ids, limit=limit, commit=False)
+    self.membernotes_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, user_id=user_ids, limit=limit, commit=False)
+    self.user2project_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, user_id=user_ids, limit=limit, commit=False)
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+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""A set of functions that provide persistence for secret keys.
+These keys are used in generating XSRF tokens, calling the CAPTCHA API,
+and validating that inbound emails are replies to notifications that
+we sent.
+Unlike other data stored in Monorail, this is kept in the GAE
+datastore rather than SQL because (1) it never needs to be used in
+combination with other SQL data, and (2) we may want to replicate
+issue content for various off-line reporting functionality, but we
+will never want to do that with these keys.  A copy is also kept in
+memcache for faster access.
+When no secrets are found, a new Secrets entity is created and initialized
+with randomly generated values for XSRF and email keys.
+If these secret values ever need to change:
+(1) Make the change on the Google Cloud Console in the Cloud Datastore tab.
+(2) Flush memcache.
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import logging
+from google.appengine.api import memcache
+from google.appengine.ext import ndb
+import settings
+from framework import framework_helpers
+GLOBAL_KEY = 'secrets_singleton_key'
+class Secrets(ndb.Model):
+  """Model for representing secret keys."""
+  # Keys we use to generate tokens.
+  xsrf_key = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
+  email_key = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
+  pagination_key = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
+def MakeSecrets():
+  """Make a new Secrets model with random values for keys."""
+  secrets = Secrets(id=GLOBAL_KEY)
+  secrets.xsrf_key = framework_helpers.MakeRandomKey()
+  secrets.email_key = framework_helpers.MakeRandomKey()
+  secrets.pagination_key = framework_helpers.MakeRandomKey()
+  return secrets
+def GetSecrets():
+  """Get secret keys from memcache or datastore. Or, make new ones."""
+  secrets = memcache.get(GLOBAL_KEY)
+  if secrets:
+    return secrets
+  secrets = Secrets.get_by_id(GLOBAL_KEY)
+  if not secrets:
+    secrets = MakeSecrets()
+    secrets.put()
+  memcache.set(GLOBAL_KEY, secrets)
+  return secrets
+def GetXSRFKey():
+  """Return a secret key string used to generate XSRF tokens."""
+  return GetSecrets().xsrf_key
+def GetEmailKey():
+  """Return a secret key string used to generate email tokens."""
+  return GetSecrets().email_key
+def GetPaginationKey():
+  """Return a secret key string used to generate pagination tokens."""
+  return GetSecrets().pagination_key
diff --git a/services/ b/services/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cb886a
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+++ b/services/
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+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Service manager to initialize all services."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from features import autolink
+from services import cachemanager_svc
+from services import chart_svc
+from services import config_svc
+from services import features_svc
+from services import issue_svc
+from services import project_svc
+from services import spam_svc
+from services import star_svc
+from services import template_svc
+from services import user_svc
+from services import usergroup_svc
+svcs = None
+class Services(object):
+  """A simple container for widely-used service objects."""
+  def __init__(
+      self, project=None, user=None, issue=None, config=None,
+      usergroup=None, cache_manager=None, autolink_obj=None,
+      user_star=None, project_star=None, issue_star=None, features=None,
+      spam=None, hotlist_star=None, chart=None, template=None):
+    # Persistence services
+    self.project = project
+    self.user = user
+    self.usergroup = usergroup
+    self.issue = issue
+    self.config = config
+    self.user_star = user_star
+    self.project_star = project_star
+    self.hotlist_star = hotlist_star
+    self.issue_star = issue_star
+    self.features = features
+    self.template = template
+    # Misc. services
+    self.cache_manager = cache_manager
+    self.autolink = autolink_obj
+    self.spam = spam
+    self.chart = chart
+def set_up_services():
+  """Set up all services."""
+  global svcs
+  if svcs is None:
+    # Sorted as: cache_manager first, everything which depends on it,
+    # issue (which depends on project and config), things with no deps.
+    cache_manager = cachemanager_svc.CacheManager()
+    config = config_svc.ConfigService(cache_manager)
+    features = features_svc.FeaturesService(cache_manager, config)
+    hotlist_star = star_svc.HotlistStarService(cache_manager)
+    issue_star = star_svc.IssueStarService(cache_manager)
+    project = project_svc.ProjectService(cache_manager)
+    project_star = star_svc.ProjectStarService(cache_manager)
+    user = user_svc.UserService(cache_manager)
+    user_star = star_svc.UserStarService(cache_manager)
+    usergroup = usergroup_svc.UserGroupService(cache_manager)
+    chart = chart_svc.ChartService(config)
+    issue = issue_svc.IssueService(project, config, cache_manager, chart)
+    autolink_obj = autolink.Autolink()
+    spam = spam_svc.SpamService()
+    template = template_svc.TemplateService(cache_manager)
+    svcs = Services(
+      cache_manager=cache_manager, config=config, features=features,
+      issue_star=issue_star, project=project, project_star=project_star,
+      user=user, user_star=user_star, usergroup=usergroup, issue=issue,
+      autolink_obj=autolink_obj, spam=spam, hotlist_star=hotlist_star,
+      chart=chart, template=template)
+  return svcs
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a62cb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/
@@ -0,0 +1,697 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+""" Set of functions for detaling with spam reports.
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import collections
+import logging
+import settings
+import sys
+from collections import defaultdict
+from features import filterrules_helpers
+from framework import sql
+from framework import framework_constants
+from infra_libs import ts_mon
+from services import ml_helpers
+ISSUE_TABLE = 'Issue'
+REASON_MANUAL = 'manual'
+REASON_THRESHOLD = 'threshold'
+REASON_CLASSIFIER = 'classifier'
+REASON_FAIL_OPEN = 'fail_open'
+SPAMREPORT_ISSUE_COLS = ['issue_id', 'reported_user_id', 'user_id']
+SPAMVERDICT_ISSUE_COL = ['created', 'content_created', 'user_id',
+                         'reported_user_id', 'comment_id', 'issue_id']
+MANUALVERDICT_ISSUE_COLS = ['user_id', 'issue_id', 'is_spam', 'reason',
+    'project_id']
+THRESHVERDICT_ISSUE_COLS = ['issue_id', 'is_spam', 'reason', 'project_id']
+SPAMREPORT_COMMENT_COLS = ['comment_id', 'reported_user_id', 'user_id']
+MANUALVERDICT_COMMENT_COLS = ['user_id', 'comment_id', 'is_spam', 'reason',
+    'project_id']
+THRESHVERDICT_COMMENT_COLS = ['comment_id', 'is_spam', 'reason', 'project_id']
+class SpamService(object):
+  """The persistence layer for spam reports."""
+  issue_actions = ts_mon.CounterMetric(
+      'monorail/spam_svc/issue', 'Count of things that happen to issues.', [
+          ts_mon.StringField('type'),
+          ts_mon.StringField('reporter_id'),
+          ts_mon.StringField('issue')
+      ])
+  comment_actions = ts_mon.CounterMetric(
+      'monorail/spam_svc/comment', 'Count of things that happen to comments.', [
+          ts_mon.StringField('type'),
+          ts_mon.StringField('reporter_id'),
+          ts_mon.StringField('issue'),
+          ts_mon.StringField('comment_id')
+      ])
+  ml_engine_failures = ts_mon.CounterMetric(
+      'monorail/spam_svc/ml_engine_failure',
+      'Failures calling the ML Engine API',
+      None)
+  def __init__(self):
+    self.report_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(SPAMREPORT_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.verdict_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(SPAMVERDICT_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.issue_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(ISSUE_TABLE)
+    # ML Engine library is lazy loaded below.
+    self.ml_engine = None
+  def LookupIssuesFlaggers(self, cnxn, issue_ids):
+    """Returns users who've reported the issues or their comments as spam.
+    Returns a dictionary {issue_id: (issue_reporters, comment_reporters)}
+    issue_reportes is a list of users who flagged the issue;
+    comment_reporters element is a dictionary {comment_id: [user_ids]} where
+    user_ids are the users who flagged that comment.
+    """
+    rows = self.report_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['issue_id', 'user_id', 'comment_id'],
+        issue_id=issue_ids)
+    reporters = collections.defaultdict(
+        # Return a tuple of (issue_reporters, comment_reporters) as described
+        # above.
+        lambda: ([], collections.defaultdict(list)))
+    for row in rows:
+      issue_id = int(row[0])
+      user_id = row[1]
+      if row[2]:
+        comment_id = row[2]
+        reporters[issue_id][1][comment_id].append(user_id)
+      else:
+        reporters[issue_id][0].append(user_id)
+    return reporters
+  def LookupIssueFlaggers(self, cnxn, issue_id):
+    """Returns users who've reported the issue or its comments as spam.
+    Returns a tuple. First element is a list of users who flagged the issue;
+    second element is a dictionary of comment id to a list of users who flagged
+    that comment.
+    """
+    return self.LookupIssuesFlaggers(cnxn, [issue_id])[issue_id]
+  def LookupIssueFlagCounts(self, cnxn, issue_ids):
+    """Returns a map of issue_id to flag counts"""
+    rows = self.report_tbl.Select(cnxn, cols=['issue_id', 'COUNT(*)'],
+                                  issue_id=issue_ids, group_by=['issue_id'])
+    counts = {}
+    for row in rows:
+      counts[int(row[0])] = row[1]
+    return counts
+  def LookupIssueVerdicts(self, cnxn, issue_ids):
+    """Returns a map of issue_id to most recent spam verdicts"""
+    rows = self.verdict_tbl.Select(cnxn,
+                                   cols=['issue_id', 'reason', 'MAX(created)'],
+                                   issue_id=issue_ids, comment_id=None,
+                                   group_by=['issue_id'])
+    counts = {}
+    for row in rows:
+      counts[int(row[0])] = row[1]
+    return counts
+  def LookupIssueVerdictHistory(self, cnxn, issue_ids):
+    """Returns a map of issue_id to most recent spam verdicts"""
+    rows = self.verdict_tbl.Select(cnxn, cols=[
+        'issue_id', 'reason', 'created', 'is_spam', 'classifier_confidence',
+            'user_id', 'overruled'],
+        issue_id=issue_ids, order_by=[('issue_id', []), ('created', [])])
+    # TODO: group by issue_id, make class instead of dict for verdict.
+    verdicts = []
+    for row in rows:
+      verdicts.append({
+        'issue_id': row[0],
+        'reason': row[1],
+        'created': row[2],
+        'is_spam': row[3],
+        'classifier_confidence': row[4],
+        'user_id': row[5],
+        'overruled': row[6],
+      })
+    return verdicts
+  def LookupCommentVerdictHistory(self, cnxn, comment_ids):
+    """Returns a map of issue_id to most recent spam verdicts"""
+    rows = self.verdict_tbl.Select(cnxn, cols=[
+        'comment_id', 'reason', 'created', 'is_spam', 'classifier_confidence',
+            'user_id', 'overruled'],
+        comment_id=comment_ids, order_by=[('comment_id', []), ('created', [])])
+    # TODO: group by comment_id, make class instead of dict for verdict.
+    verdicts = []
+    for row in rows:
+      verdicts.append({
+        'comment_id': row[0],
+        'reason': row[1],
+        'created': row[2],
+        'is_spam': row[3],
+        'classifier_confidence': row[4],
+        'user_id': row[5],
+        'overruled': row[6],
+      })
+    return verdicts
+  def FlagIssues(self, cnxn, issue_service, issues, reporting_user_id,
+                 flagged_spam):
+    """Creates or deletes a spam report on an issue."""
+    verdict_updates = []
+    if flagged_spam:
+      rows = [(issue.issue_id, issue.reporter_id, reporting_user_id)
+          for issue in issues]
+      self.report_tbl.InsertRows(cnxn, SPAMREPORT_ISSUE_COLS, rows,
+          ignore=True)
+    else:
+      issue_ids = [issue.issue_id for issue in issues]
+      self.report_tbl.Delete(
+          cnxn, issue_id=issue_ids, user_id=reporting_user_id,
+          comment_id=None)
+    project_id = issues[0].project_id
+    # Now record new verdicts and update issue.is_spam, if they've changed.
+    ids = [issue.issue_id for issue in issues]
+    counts = self.LookupIssueFlagCounts(cnxn, ids)
+    previous_verdicts = self.LookupIssueVerdicts(cnxn, ids)
+    for issue_id in counts:
+      # If the flag counts changed enough to toggle the is_spam bit, need to
+      # record a new verdict and update the Issue.
+      # No number of user spam flags can overturn an admin's verdict.
+      if previous_verdicts.get(issue_id) == REASON_MANUAL:
+        continue
+      # If enough spam flags come in, mark the issue as spam.
+      if (flagged_spam and counts[issue_id] >= settings.spam_flag_thresh):
+        verdict_updates.append(issue_id)
+    if len(verdict_updates) == 0:
+      return
+    # Some of the issues may have exceed the flag threshold, so issue verdicts
+    # and mark as spam in those cases.
+    rows = [(issue_id, flagged_spam, REASON_THRESHOLD, project_id)
+        for issue_id in verdict_updates]
+    self.verdict_tbl.InsertRows(cnxn, THRESHVERDICT_ISSUE_COLS, rows,
+        ignore=True)
+    update_issues = []
+    for issue in issues:
+      if issue.issue_id in verdict_updates:
+        issue.is_spam = flagged_spam
+        update_issues.append(issue)
+    if flagged_spam:
+      for issue in update_issues:
+        issue_ref = '%s:%s' % (issue.project_name, issue.local_id)
+        self.issue_actions.increment(
+            {
+                'type': 'flag',
+                'reporter_id': str(reporting_user_id),
+                'issue': issue_ref
+            })
+    issue_service.UpdateIssues(cnxn, update_issues, update_cols=['is_spam'])
+  def FlagComment(
+      self, cnxn, issue, comment_id, reported_user_id, reporting_user_id,
+      flagged_spam):
+    """Creates or deletes a spam report on a comment."""
+    # TODO(seanmccullough): Bulk comment flagging? There's no UI for that.
+    if flagged_spam:
+      self.report_tbl.InsertRow(
+          cnxn,
+          ignore=True,
+          issue_id=issue.issue_id,
+          comment_id=comment_id,
+          reported_user_id=reported_user_id,
+          user_id=reporting_user_id)
+      issue_ref = '%s:%s' % (issue.project_name, issue.local_id)
+      self.comment_actions.increment(
+          {
+              'type': 'flag',
+              'reporter_id': str(reporting_user_id),
+              'issue': issue_ref,
+              'comment_id': str(comment_id)
+          })
+    else:
+      self.report_tbl.Delete(
+          cnxn,
+          issue_id=issue.issue_id,
+          comment_id=comment_id,
+          user_id=reporting_user_id)
+  def RecordClassifierIssueVerdict(self, cnxn, issue, is_spam, confidence,
+        fail_open):
+    reason = REASON_FAIL_OPEN if fail_open else REASON_CLASSIFIER
+    self.verdict_tbl.InsertRow(cnxn, issue_id=issue.issue_id, is_spam=is_spam,
+        reason=reason, classifier_confidence=confidence,
+        project_id=issue.project_id)
+    if is_spam:
+      issue_ref = '%s:%s' % (issue.project_name, issue.local_id)
+      self.issue_actions.increment(
+          {
+              'type': 'classifier',
+              'reporter_id': 'classifier',
+              'issue': issue_ref
+          })
+    # This is called at issue creation time, so there's nothing else to do here.
+  def RecordManualIssueVerdicts(self, cnxn, issue_service, issues, user_id,
+                                is_spam):
+    rows = [(user_id, issue.issue_id, is_spam, REASON_MANUAL, issue.project_id)
+        for issue in issues]
+    issue_ids = [issue.issue_id for issue in issues]
+    # Overrule all previous verdicts.
+    self.verdict_tbl.Update(cnxn, {'overruled': True}, [
+        ('issue_id IN (%s)' % sql.PlaceHolders(issue_ids), issue_ids)
+        ], commit=False)
+    self.verdict_tbl.InsertRows(cnxn, MANUALVERDICT_ISSUE_COLS, rows,
+        ignore=True)
+    for issue in issues:
+      issue.is_spam = is_spam
+    if is_spam:
+      for issue in issues:
+        issue_ref = '%s:%s' % (issue.project_name, issue.local_id)
+      self.issue_actions.increment(
+          {
+              'type': 'manual',
+              'reporter_id': str(user_id),
+              'issue': issue_ref
+          })
+    else:
+      issue_service.AllocateNewLocalIDs(cnxn, issues)
+    # This will commit the transaction.
+    issue_service.UpdateIssues(cnxn, issues, update_cols=['is_spam'])
+  def RecordManualCommentVerdict(self, cnxn, issue_service, user_service,
+        comment_id, user_id, is_spam):
+    # TODO(seanmccullough): Bulk comment verdicts? There's no UI for that.
+    self.verdict_tbl.InsertRow(cnxn, ignore=True,
+      user_id=user_id, comment_id=comment_id, is_spam=is_spam,
+      reason=REASON_MANUAL)
+    comment = issue_service.GetComment(cnxn, comment_id)
+    comment.is_spam = is_spam
+    issue = issue_service.GetIssue(cnxn, comment.issue_id, use_cache=False)
+    issue_service.SoftDeleteComment(
+        cnxn, issue, comment, user_id, user_service, is_spam, True, is_spam)
+    if is_spam:
+      issue_ref = '%s:%s' % (issue.project_name, issue.local_id)
+      self.comment_actions.increment(
+          {
+              'type': 'manual',
+              'reporter_id': str(user_id),
+              'issue': issue_ref,
+              'comment_id': str(comment_id)
+          })
+  def RecordClassifierCommentVerdict(
+      self, cnxn, issue_service, comment, is_spam, confidence, fail_open):
+    reason = REASON_FAIL_OPEN if fail_open else REASON_CLASSIFIER
+    self.verdict_tbl.InsertRow(cnxn,, is_spam=is_spam,
+        reason=reason, classifier_confidence=confidence,
+        project_id=comment.project_id)
+    if is_spam:
+      issue = issue_service.GetIssue(cnxn, comment.issue_id, use_cache=False)
+      issue_ref = '%s:%s' % (issue.project_name, issue.local_id)
+      self.comment_actions.increment(
+          {
+              'type': 'classifier',
+              'reporter_id': 'classifier',
+              'issue': issue_ref,
+              'comment_id': str(
+          })
+  def _predict(self, instance):
+    """Requests a prediction from the ML Engine API.
+    Sample API response:
+      {'predictions': [{
+        'classes': ['0', '1'],
+        'scores': [0.4986788034439087, 0.5013211965560913]
+      }]}
+    This hits the default model.
+    Returns:
+      A floating point number representing the confidence
+      the instance is spam.
+    """
+    model_name = 'projects/%s/models/%s' % (
+      settings.classifier_project_id, settings.spam_model_name)
+    body = {'instances': [{"inputs": instance["word_hashes"]}]}
+    if not self.ml_engine:
+      self.ml_engine = ml_helpers.setup_ml_engine()
+    request = self.ml_engine.projects().predict(name=model_name, body=body)
+    response = request.execute()
+'ML Engine API response: %r' % response)
+    prediction = response['predictions'][0]
+    # Ensure the class confidence we return is for the spam, not the ham label.
+    # The spam label, '1', is usually at index 1 but I'm not sure of any
+    # guarantees around label order.
+    if prediction['classes'][1] == SPAM_CLASS_LABEL:
+      return prediction['scores'][1]
+    elif prediction['classes'][0] == SPAM_CLASS_LABEL:
+      return prediction['scores'][0]
+    else:
+      raise Exception('No predicted classes found.')
+  def _IsExempt(self, author, is_project_member):
+    """Return True if the user is exempt from spam checking."""
+    if is not None and
+        settings.spam_allowlisted_suffixes):
+'%s allowlisted from spam filtering',
+      return True
+    if is_project_member:
+'%s is a project member, assuming ham',
+      return True
+    return False
+  def ClassifyIssue(self, issue, firstComment, reporter, is_project_member):
+    """Classify an issue as either spam or ham.
+    Args:
+      issue: the Issue.
+      firstComment: the first Comment on issue.
+      reporter: User PB for the Issue reporter.
+      is_project_member: True if reporter is a member of issue's project.
+    Returns a JSON dict of classifier prediction results from
+    the ML Engine API.
+    """
+    instance = ml_helpers.GenerateFeaturesRaw(
+        [issue.summary, firstComment.content],
+        settings.spam_feature_hashes)
+    return self._classify(instance, reporter, is_project_member)
+  def ClassifyComment(self, comment_content, commenter, is_project_member=True):
+    """Classify a comment as either spam or ham.
+    Args:
+      comment: the comment text.
+      commenter: User PB for the user who authored the comment.
+    Returns a JSON dict of classifier prediction results from
+    the ML Engine API.
+    """
+    instance = ml_helpers.GenerateFeaturesRaw(
+        ['', comment_content],
+        settings.spam_feature_hashes)
+    return self._classify(instance, commenter, is_project_member)
+  def _classify(self, instance, author, is_project_member):
+    # Fail-safe: not spam.
+    result = self.ham_classification()
+    if self._IsExempt(author, is_project_member):
+      return result
+    if not self.ml_engine:
+      self.ml_engine = ml_helpers.setup_ml_engine()
+    # If setup_ml_engine returns None, it failed to init.
+    if not self.ml_engine:
+      logging.error("ML Engine not initialized.")
+      self.ml_engine_failures.increment()
+      result['failed_open'] = True
+      return result
+    remaining_retries = 3
+    while remaining_retries > 0:
+      try:
+        result['confidence_is_spam'] = self._predict(instance)
+        result['failed_open'] = False
+        return result
+      except Exception as ex:
+        remaining_retries = remaining_retries - 1
+        self.ml_engine_failures.increment()
+        logging.error('Error calling ML Engine API: %s' % ex)
+      result['failed_open'] = True
+    return result
+  def ham_classification(self):
+    return {'confidence_is_spam': 0.0,
+            'failed_open': False}
+  def GetIssueClassifierQueue(
+      self, cnxn, _issue_service, project_id, offset=0, limit=10):
+    """Returns list of recent issues with spam verdicts,
+     ranked in ascending order of confidence (so uncertain items are first).
+     """
+    # TODO(seanmccullough): Optimize pagination. This query probably gets
+    # slower as the number of SpamVerdicts grows, regardless of offset
+    # and limit values used here.  Using offset,limit in general may not
+    # be the best way to do this.
+    issue_results = self.verdict_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn,
+        cols=[
+            'issue_id', 'is_spam', 'reason', 'classifier_confidence', 'created'
+        ],
+        where=[
+            ('project_id = %s', [project_id]),
+            (
+                'classifier_confidence <= %s',
+                [settings.classifier_moderation_thresh]),
+            ('overruled = %s', [False]),
+            ('issue_id IS NOT NULL', []),
+        ],
+        order_by=[
+            ('classifier_confidence ASC', []),
+            ('created ASC', []),
+        ],
+        group_by=['issue_id'],
+        offset=offset,
+        limit=limit,
+    )
+    ret = []
+    for row in issue_results:
+      ret.append(
+          ModerationItem(
+              issue_id=int(row[0]),
+              is_spam=row[1] == 1,
+              reason=row[2],
+              classifier_confidence=row[3],
+              verdict_time='%s' % row[4],
+          ))
+    count = self.verdict_tbl.SelectValue(
+        cnxn,
+        col='COUNT(*)',
+        where=[
+            ('project_id = %s', [project_id]),
+            (
+                'classifier_confidence <= %s',
+                [settings.classifier_moderation_thresh]),
+            ('overruled = %s', [False]),
+            ('issue_id IS NOT NULL', []),
+        ])
+    return ret, count
+  def GetIssueFlagQueue(
+      self, cnxn, _issue_service, project_id, offset=0, limit=10):
+    """Returns list of recent issues that have been flagged by users"""
+    issue_flags = self.report_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn,
+        cols=[
+            "Issue.project_id", "Report.issue_id", "count(*) as count",
+            "max(Report.created) as latest",
+            "count(distinct Report.user_id) as users"
+        ],
+        left_joins=["Issue ON = Report.issue_id"],
+        where=[
+            ('Report.issue_id IS NOT NULL', []),
+            ("Issue.project_id == %v", [project_id])
+        ],
+        order_by=[('count DESC', [])],
+        group_by=['Report.issue_id'],
+        offset=offset,
+        limit=limit)
+    ret = []
+    for row in issue_flags:
+      ret.append(
+          ModerationItem(
+              project_id=row[0],
+              issue_id=row[1],
+              count=row[2],
+              latest_report=row[3],
+              num_users=row[4],
+          ))
+    count = self.verdict_tbl.SelectValue(
+        cnxn,
+        col='COUNT(DISTINCT Report.issue_id)',
+        where=[('Issue.project_id = %s', [project_id])],
+        left_joins=["Issue ON = SpamReport.issue_id"])
+    return ret, count
+  def GetCommentClassifierQueue(
+      self, cnxn, _issue_service, project_id, offset=0, limit=10):
+    """Returns list of recent comments with spam verdicts,
+     ranked in ascending order of confidence (so uncertain items are first).
+     """
+    # TODO(seanmccullough): Optimize pagination. This query probably gets
+    # slower as the number of SpamVerdicts grows, regardless of offset
+    # and limit values used here.  Using offset,limit in general may not
+    # be the best way to do this.
+    comment_results = self.verdict_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn,
+        cols=[
+            'issue_id', 'is_spam', 'reason', 'classifier_confidence', 'created'
+        ],
+        where=[
+            ('project_id = %s', [project_id]),
+            (
+                'classifier_confidence <= %s',
+                [settings.classifier_moderation_thresh]),
+            ('overruled = %s', [False]),
+            ('comment_id IS NOT NULL', []),
+        ],
+        order_by=[
+            ('classifier_confidence ASC', []),
+            ('created ASC', []),
+        ],
+        group_by=['comment_id'],
+        offset=offset,
+        limit=limit,
+    )
+    ret = []
+    for row in comment_results:
+      ret.append(
+          ModerationItem(
+              comment_id=int(row[0]),
+              is_spam=row[1] == 1,
+              reason=row[2],
+              classifier_confidence=row[3],
+              verdict_time='%s' % row[4],
+          ))
+    count = self.verdict_tbl.SelectValue(
+        cnxn,
+        col='COUNT(*)',
+        where=[
+            ('project_id = %s', [project_id]),
+            (
+                'classifier_confidence <= %s',
+                [settings.classifier_moderation_thresh]),
+            ('overruled = %s', [False]),
+            ('comment_id IS NOT NULL', []),
+        ])
+    return ret, count
+  def GetTrainingIssues(self, cnxn, issue_service, since, offset=0, limit=100):
+    """Returns list of recent issues with human-labeled spam/ham verdicts.
+    """
+    # get all of the manual verdicts in the past day.
+    results = self.verdict_tbl.Select(cnxn,
+        cols=['issue_id'],
+        where=[
+            ('overruled = %s', [False]),
+            ('reason = %s', ['manual']),
+            ('issue_id IS NOT NULL', []),
+            ('created > %s', [since.isoformat()]),
+        ],
+        offset=offset,
+        limit=limit,
+        )
+    issue_ids = [int(row[0]) for row in results if row[0]]
+    issues = issue_service.GetIssues(cnxn, issue_ids)
+    comments = issue_service.GetCommentsForIssues(cnxn, issue_ids)
+    first_comments = {}
+    for issue in issues:
+      first_comments[issue.issue_id] = (comments[issue.issue_id][0].content
+          if issue.issue_id in comments else "[Empty]")
+    count = self.verdict_tbl.SelectValue(cnxn,
+        col='COUNT(*)',
+        where=[
+            ('overruled = %s', [False]),
+            ('reason = %s', ['manual']),
+            ('issue_id IS NOT NULL', []),
+            ('created > %s', [since.isoformat()]),
+        ])
+    return issues, first_comments, count
+  def GetTrainingComments(self, cnxn, issue_service, since, offset=0,
+      limit=100):
+    """Returns list of recent comments with human-labeled spam/ham verdicts.
+    """
+    # get all of the manual verdicts in the past day.
+    results = self.verdict_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn,
+        distinct=True,
+        cols=['comment_id'],
+        where=[
+            ('overruled = %s', [False]),
+            ('reason = %s', ['manual']),
+            ('comment_id IS NOT NULL', []),
+            ('created > %s', [since.isoformat()]),
+        ],
+        offset=offset,
+        limit=limit,
+        )
+    comment_ids = [int(row[0]) for row in results if row[0]]
+    # Don't care about sequence numbers in this context yet.
+    comments = issue_service.GetCommentsByID(cnxn, comment_ids,
+        defaultdict(int))
+    return comments
+  def ExpungeUsersInSpam(self, cnxn, user_ids):
+    """Removes all references to given users from Spam DB tables.
+    This method will not commit the operations. This method will
+    not make changes to in-memory data.
+    """
+    commit = False
+    self.report_tbl.Delete(cnxn, reported_user_id=user_ids, commit=commit)
+    self.report_tbl.Delete(cnxn, user_id=user_ids, commit=commit)
+    self.verdict_tbl.Delete(cnxn, user_id=user_ids, commit=commit)
+class ModerationItem:
+  def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+    self.__dict__ = kwargs
diff --git a/services/ b/services/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb92e73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""A set of functions that provide persistence for stars.
+Stars can be on users, projects, or issues.
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import logging
+import settings
+from features import filterrules_helpers
+from framework import sql
+from services import caches
+# TODO(jrobbins): Consider adding memcache here if performance testing shows
+# that stars are a bottleneck.  Keep in mind that issue star counts are
+# already denormalized and stored in the Issue, which is cached in memcache.
+class AbstractStarService(object):
+  """The persistence layer for any kind of star data."""
+  def __init__(self, cache_manager, tbl, item_col, user_col, cache_kind):
+    """Constructor.
+    Args:
+      cache_manager: local cache with distributed invalidation.
+      tbl: SQL table that stores star data.
+      item_col: string SQL column name that holds int item IDs.
+      user_col: string SQL column name that holds int user IDs
+          of the user who starred the item.
+      cache_kind: string saying the kind of RAM cache.
+    """
+    self.tbl = tbl
+    self.item_col = item_col
+    self.user_col = user_col
+    # Items starred by users, keyed by user who did the starring.
+    self.star_cache = caches.RamCache(cache_manager, 'user')
+    # Users that starred an item, keyed by item ID.
+    self.starrer_cache = caches.RamCache(cache_manager, cache_kind)
+    # Counts of the users that starred an item, keyed by item ID.
+    self.star_count_cache = caches.RamCache(cache_manager, cache_kind)
+  def ExpungeStars(self, cnxn, item_id, commit=True, limit=None):
+    """Wipes an item's stars from the system."""
+    self.tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, commit=commit, limit=limit, **{self.item_col: item_id})
+  def ExpungeStarsByUsers(self, cnxn, user_ids, limit=None):
+    """Wipes a user's stars from the system.
+    This method will not commit the operation. This method will
+    not make changes to in-memory data.
+    """
+    self.tbl.Delete(cnxn, user_id=user_ids, commit=False, limit=limit)
+  def LookupItemStarrers(self, cnxn, item_id):
+    """Returns list of users having stars on the specified item."""
+    starrer_list_dict = self.LookupItemsStarrers(cnxn, [item_id])
+    return starrer_list_dict[item_id]
+  def LookupItemsStarrers(self, cnxn, items_ids):
+    """Returns {item_id: [uid, ...]} of users who starred these items."""
+    starrer_list_dict, missed_ids = self.starrer_cache.GetAll(items_ids)
+    if missed_ids:
+      rows = self.tbl.Select(
+          cnxn, cols=[self.item_col, self.user_col],
+          **{self.item_col: missed_ids})
+      # Ensure that every requested item_id has an entry so that even
+      # zero-star items get cached.
+      retrieved_starrers = {item_id: [] for item_id in missed_ids}
+      for item_id, starrer_id in rows:
+        retrieved_starrers[item_id].append(starrer_id)
+      starrer_list_dict.update(retrieved_starrers)
+      self.starrer_cache.CacheAll(retrieved_starrers)
+    return starrer_list_dict
+  def LookupStarredItemIDs(self, cnxn, starrer_user_id):
+    """Returns list of item IDs that were starred by the specified user."""
+    if not starrer_user_id:
+      return []  # Anon user cannot star anything.
+    cached_item_ids = self.star_cache.GetItem(starrer_user_id)
+    if cached_item_ids is not None:
+      return cached_item_ids
+    rows = self.tbl.Select(cnxn, cols=[self.item_col], user_id=starrer_user_id)
+    starred_ids = [row[0] for row in rows]
+    self.star_cache.CacheItem(starrer_user_id, starred_ids)
+    return starred_ids
+  def IsItemStarredBy(self, cnxn, item_id, starrer_user_id):
+    """Return True if the given issue is starred by the given user."""
+    starred_ids = self.LookupStarredItemIDs(cnxn, starrer_user_id)
+    return item_id in starred_ids
+  def CountItemStars(self, cnxn, item_id):
+    """Returns the number of stars on the specified item."""
+    count_dict = self.CountItemsStars(cnxn, [item_id])
+    return count_dict.get(item_id, 0)
+  def CountItemsStars(self, cnxn, item_ids):
+    """Get a dict {item_id: count} for the given items."""
+    item_count_dict, missed_ids = self.star_count_cache.GetAll(item_ids)
+    if missed_ids:
+      rows = self.tbl.Select(
+          cnxn, cols=[self.item_col, 'COUNT(%s)' % self.user_col],
+          group_by=[self.item_col],
+          **{self.item_col: missed_ids})
+      # Ensure that every requested item_id has an entry so that even
+      # zero-star items get cached.
+      retrieved_counts = {item_id: 0 for item_id in missed_ids}
+      retrieved_counts.update(rows)
+      item_count_dict.update(retrieved_counts)
+      self.star_count_cache.CacheAll(retrieved_counts)
+    return item_count_dict
+  def _SetStarsBatch(
+      self, cnxn, item_id, starrer_user_ids, starred, commit=True):
+    """Sets or unsets stars for the specified item and users."""
+    if starred:
+      rows = [(item_id, user_id) for user_id in starrer_user_ids]
+      self.tbl.InsertRows(
+          cnxn, [self.item_col, self.user_col], rows, ignore=True,
+          commit=commit)
+    else:
+      self.tbl.Delete(
+          cnxn, commit=commit,
+          **{self.item_col: item_id, self.user_col: starrer_user_ids})
+    self.star_cache.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, starrer_user_ids)
+    self.starrer_cache.Invalidate(cnxn, item_id)
+    self.star_count_cache.Invalidate(cnxn, item_id)
+  def SetStarsBatch(
+      self, cnxn, item_id, starrer_user_ids, starred, commit=True):
+    """Sets or unsets stars for the specified item and users."""
+    self._SetStarsBatch(
+        cnxn, item_id, starrer_user_ids, starred, commit=commit)
+  def SetStar(self, cnxn, item_id, starrer_user_id, starred):
+    """Sets or unsets a star for the specified item and user."""
+    self._SetStarsBatch(cnxn, item_id, [starrer_user_id], starred)
+class UserStarService(AbstractStarService):
+  """Star service for stars on users."""
+  def __init__(self, cache_manager):
+    tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(USERSTAR_TABLE_NAME)
+    super(UserStarService, self).__init__(
+        cache_manager, tbl, 'starred_user_id', 'user_id', 'user')
+class ProjectStarService(AbstractStarService):
+  """Star service for stars on projects."""
+  def __init__(self, cache_manager):
+    tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(PROJECTSTAR_TABLE_NAME)
+    super(ProjectStarService, self).__init__(
+        cache_manager, tbl, 'project_id', 'user_id', 'project')
+class HotlistStarService(AbstractStarService):
+  """Star service for stars on hotlists."""
+  def __init__(self, cache_manager):
+    tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(HOTLISTSTAR_TABLE_NAME)
+    super(HotlistStarService, self).__init__(
+        cache_manager, tbl, 'hotlist_id', 'user_id', 'hotlist')
+class IssueStarService(AbstractStarService):
+  """Star service for stars on issues."""
+  def __init__(self, cache_manager):
+    tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(ISSUESTAR_TABLE_NAME)
+    super(IssueStarService, self).__init__(
+        cache_manager, tbl, 'issue_id', 'user_id', 'issue')
+  # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
+  def SetStar(
+      self, cnxn, services, config, issue_id, starrer_user_id, starred):
+    """Add or remove a star on the given issue for the given user.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      services: connections to persistence layer.
+      config: ProjectIssueConfig PB for the project containing the issue.
+      issue_id: integer global ID of an issue.
+      starrer_user_id: user ID of the user who starred the issue.
+      starred: boolean True for adding a star, False when removing one.
+    """
+    self.SetStarsBatch(
+        cnxn, services, config, issue_id, [starrer_user_id], starred)
+  # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
+  def SetStarsBatch(
+      self, cnxn, services, config, issue_id, starrer_user_ids, starred):
+    """Add or remove a star on the given issue for the given users.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      services: connections to persistence layer.
+      config: ProjectIssueConfig PB for the project containing the issue.
+      issue_id: integer global ID of an issue.
+      starrer_user_id: user ID of the user who starred the issue.
+      starred: boolean True for adding a star, False when removing one.
+    """
+        'SetStarsBatch:%r, %r, %r', issue_id, starrer_user_ids, starred)
+    super(IssueStarService, self).SetStarsBatch(
+        cnxn, issue_id, starrer_user_ids, starred)
+    # Because we will modify issues, load from DB rather than cache.
+    issue = services.issue.GetIssue(cnxn, issue_id, use_cache=False)
+    issue.star_count = self.CountItemStars(cnxn, issue_id)
+    filterrules_helpers.ApplyFilterRules(cnxn, services, issue, config)
+    # Note: only star_count could change due to the starring, but any
+    # field could have changed as a result of filter rules.
+    services.issue.UpdateIssue(cnxn, issue)
+    self.star_cache.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, starrer_user_ids)
+    self.starrer_cache.Invalidate(cnxn, issue_id)
+  # TODO( This method should replace SetStarsBatch.
+  # New code should be calling SetStarsBatch_SkipIssueUpdate.
+  # SetStarsBatch, does issue.star_count updating that should be done
+  # in the business logic layer instead. E.g. We can create a
+  # WorkEnv.BatchSetStars() that includes the star_count updating work.
+  def SetStarsBatch_SkipIssueUpdate(
+      self, cnxn, issue_id, starrer_user_ids, starred, commit=True):
+    # type: (MonorailConnection, int, Sequence[int], bool, Optional[bool])
+    #   -> None
+    """Add or remove a star on the given issue for the given users.
+    Note: unlike SetStarsBatch above, does not make any updates to the
+      the issue itself e.g. updating issue.star_count.
+    """
+        'SetStarsBatch:%r, %r, %r', issue_id, starrer_user_ids, starred)
+    super(IssueStarService, self).SetStarsBatch(
+        cnxn, issue_id, starrer_user_ids, starred, commit=commit)
+    self.star_cache.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, starrer_user_ids)
+    self.starrer_cache.Invalidate(cnxn, issue_id)
diff --git a/services/ b/services/
new file mode 100644
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+# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""The TemplateService class providing methods for template persistence."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import collections
+import logging
+import settings
+from framework import exceptions
+from framework import sql
+from proto import tracker_pb2
+from services import caches
+from services import project_svc
+from tracker import tracker_bizobj
+from tracker import tracker_constants
+    'id', 'project_id', 'name', 'content', 'summary', 'summary_must_be_edited',
+    'owner_id', 'status', 'members_only', 'owner_defaults_to_member',
+    'component_required']
+TEMPLATE2LABEL_COLS = ['template_id', 'label']
+TEMPLATE2COMPONENT_COLS = ['template_id', 'component_id']
+TEMPLATE2ADMIN_COLS = ['template_id', 'admin_id']
+    'template_id', 'field_id', 'int_value', 'str_value', 'user_id',
+    'date_value', 'url_value']
+ISSUEPHASEDEF_COLS = ['id', 'name', 'rank']
+    'approval_id', 'template_id', 'phase_id', 'status']
+class TemplateSetTwoLevelCache(caches.AbstractTwoLevelCache):
+  """Class to manage RAM and memcache for templates.
+  Holds a dictionary of {project_id: templateset} key value pairs,
+  where a templateset is a list of all templates in a project.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, cache_manager, template_service):
+    super(TemplateSetTwoLevelCache, self).__init__(
+        cache_manager, 'project', prefix='templateset:', pb_class=None)
+    self.template_service = template_service
+  def _MakeCache(self, cache_manager, kind, max_size=None):
+    """Make the RAM cache and register it with the cache_manager."""
+    return caches.RamCache(cache_manager, kind, max_size=max_size)
+  def FetchItems(self, cnxn, keys):
+    """On RAM and memcache miss, hit the database."""
+    template_set_dict = {}
+    for project_id in keys:
+      template_set_dict.setdefault(project_id, [])
+      template_rows = self.template_service.template_tbl.Select(
+          cnxn, cols=TEMPLATE_COLS, project_id=project_id,
+          order_by=[('name', [])])
+      for (template_id, _project_id, template_name, _content, _summary,
+           _summary_must_be_edited, _owner_id, _status, members_only,
+           _owner_defaults_to_member, _component_required) in template_rows:
+        template_set_row = (template_id, template_name, members_only)
+        template_set_dict[project_id].append(template_set_row)
+    return template_set_dict
+class TemplateDefTwoLevelCache(caches.AbstractTwoLevelCache):
+  """Class to manage RAM and memcache for individual TemplateDef.
+  Holds a dictionary of {template_id: TemplateDef} key value pairs.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, cache_manager, template_service):
+    super(TemplateDefTwoLevelCache, self).__init__(
+        cache_manager,
+        'template',
+        prefix='templatedef:',
+        pb_class=tracker_pb2.TemplateDef)
+    self.template_service = template_service
+  def _MakeCache(self, cache_manager, kind, max_size=None):
+    """Make the RAM cache and register it with the cache_manager."""
+    return caches.RamCache(cache_manager, kind, max_size=max_size)
+  def FetchItems(self, cnxn, keys):
+    """On RAM and memcache miss, hit the database.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: A MonorailConnection.
+      keys: A list of template IDs (ints).
+    Returns:
+      A dict of {template_id: TemplateDef}.
+    """
+    template_dict = {}
+    # Fetch template rows and relations.
+    template_rows = self.template_service.template_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=TEMPLATE_COLS, id=keys,
+        order_by=[('name', [])])
+    template2label_rows = self.template_service.\
+        template2label_tbl.Select(
+            cnxn, cols=TEMPLATE2LABEL_COLS, template_id=keys)
+    template2component_rows = self.template_service.\
+        template2component_tbl.Select(
+            cnxn, cols=TEMPLATE2COMPONENT_COLS, template_id=keys)
+    template2admin_rows = self.template_service.template2admin_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=TEMPLATE2ADMIN_COLS, template_id=keys)
+    template2fieldvalue_rows = self.template_service.\
+        template2fieldvalue_tbl.Select(
+            cnxn, cols=TEMPLATE2FIELDVALUE_COLS, template_id=keys)
+    template2approvalvalue_rows = self.template_service.\
+        template2approvalvalue_tbl.Select(
+            cnxn, cols=TEMPLATE2APPROVALVALUE_COLS, template_id=keys)
+    phase_ids = [av_row[2] for av_row in template2approvalvalue_rows]
+    phase_rows = []
+    if phase_ids:
+      phase_rows = self.template_service.issuephasedef_tbl.Select(
+          cnxn, cols=ISSUEPHASEDEF_COLS, id=list(set(phase_ids)))
+    # Build TemplateDef with all related data.
+    for template_row in template_rows:
+      template = UnpackTemplate(template_row)
+      template_dict[template.template_id] = template
+    for template2label_row in template2label_rows:
+      template_id, label = template2label_row
+      template = template_dict.get(template_id)
+      if template:
+        template.labels.append(label)
+    for template2component_row in template2component_rows:
+      template_id, component_id = template2component_row
+      template = template_dict.get(template_id)
+      if template:
+        template.component_ids.append(component_id)
+    for template2admin_row in template2admin_rows:
+      template_id, admin_id = template2admin_row
+      template = template_dict.get(template_id)
+      if template:
+        template.admin_ids.append(admin_id)
+    for fv_row in template2fieldvalue_rows:
+      (template_id, field_id, int_value, str_value, user_id,
+       date_value, url_value) = fv_row
+      fv = tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldValue(
+          field_id, int_value, str_value, user_id, date_value, url_value,
+          False)
+      template = template_dict.get(template_id)
+      if template:
+        template.field_values.append(fv)
+    phases_by_id = {}
+    for phase_row in phase_rows:
+      (phase_id, name, rank) = phase_row
+      phase = tracker_pb2.Phase(
+          phase_id=phase_id, name=name, rank=rank)
+      phases_by_id[phase_id] = phase
+    # Note: there is no templateapproval2approver_tbl.
+    for av_row in template2approvalvalue_rows:
+      (approval_id, template_id, phase_id, status) = av_row
+      approval_value = tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(
+          approval_id=approval_id, phase_id=phase_id,
+          status=tracker_pb2.ApprovalStatus(status.upper()))
+      template = template_dict.get(template_id)
+      if template:
+        template.approval_values.append(approval_value)
+        phase = phases_by_id.get(phase_id)
+        if phase and phase not in template.phases:
+          template_dict.get(template_id).phases.append(phase)
+    return template_dict
+class TemplateService(object):
+  def __init__(self, cache_manager):
+    self.template_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(TEMPLATE_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.template2label_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(TEMPLATE2LABEL_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.template2component_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(
+    self.template2admin_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(TEMPLATE2ADMIN_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.template2fieldvalue_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(
+    self.issuephasedef_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(
+    self.template2approvalvalue_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(
+    self.template_set_2lc = TemplateSetTwoLevelCache(cache_manager, self)
+    self.template_def_2lc = TemplateDefTwoLevelCache(cache_manager, self)
+  def CreateDefaultProjectTemplates(self, cnxn, project_id):
+    """Create the default templates for a project.
+    Used only when creating a new project.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: A MonorailConnection instance.
+      project_id: The project ID under which to create the templates.
+    """
+    for tpl in tracker_constants.DEFAULT_TEMPLATES:
+      tpl = tracker_bizobj.ConvertDictToTemplate(tpl)
+      self.CreateIssueTemplateDef(cnxn, project_id,, tpl.content,
+          tpl.summary, tpl.summary_must_be_edited, tpl.status, tpl.members_only,
+          tpl.owner_defaults_to_member, tpl.component_required, tpl.owner_id,
+          tpl.labels, tpl.component_ids, tpl.admin_ids, tpl.field_values,
+          tpl.phases)
+  def GetTemplateByName(self, cnxn, template_name, project_id):
+    """Retrieves a template by name and project_id.
+    Args:
+      template_name (string): name of template.
+      project_id (int): ID of project template is under.
+    Returns:
+      A Template PB if found, otherwise None.
+    """
+    template_set = self.GetTemplateSetForProject(cnxn, project_id)
+    for tpl_id, name, _members_only in template_set:
+      if template_name == name:
+        return self.GetTemplateById(cnxn, tpl_id)
+  def GetTemplateById(self, cnxn, template_id):
+    """Retrieves one template.
+    Args:
+      template_id (int): ID of the template.
+    Returns:
+      A TemplateDef PB if found, otherwise None.
+    """
+    result_dict, _ = self.template_def_2lc.GetAll(cnxn, [template_id])
+    try:
+      return result_dict[template_id]
+    except KeyError:
+      return None
+  def GetTemplatesById(self, cnxn, template_ids):
+    """Retrieves one or more templates by ID.
+    Args:
+      template_id (list<int>): IDs of the templates.
+    Returns:
+      A list containing any found TemplateDef PBs.
+    """
+    result_dict, _ = self.template_def_2lc.GetAll(cnxn, template_ids)
+    return list(result_dict.values())
+  def GetTemplateSetForProject(self, cnxn, project_id):
+    """Get the TemplateSet for a project."""
+    result_dict, _ = self.template_set_2lc.GetAll(cnxn, [project_id])
+    return result_dict[project_id]
+  def GetProjectTemplates(self, cnxn, project_id):
+    """Gets all templates in a given project.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: A MonorailConnection instance.
+      project_id: All templates for this project will be returned.
+    Returns:
+      A list of TemplateDefs.
+    """
+    template_set = self.GetTemplateSetForProject(cnxn, project_id)
+    template_ids = [row[0] for row in template_set]
+    return self.GetTemplatesById(cnxn, template_ids)
+  def TemplatesWithComponent(self, cnxn, component_id):
+    """Returns all templates with the specified component.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      component_id: int component id.
+    Returns:
+      A list of TemplateDefs.
+    """
+    template2component_rows = self.template2component_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['template_id'], component_id=component_id)
+    template_ids = [r[0] for r in template2component_rows]
+    return self.GetTemplatesById(cnxn, template_ids)
+  def CreateIssueTemplateDef(
+      self, cnxn, project_id, name, content, summary, summary_must_be_edited,
+      status, members_only, owner_defaults_to_member, component_required,
+      owner_id=None, labels=None, component_ids=None, admin_ids=None,
+      field_values=None, phases=None, approval_values=None):
+    """Create a new issue template definition with the given info.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: int ID of the current project.
+      name: name of the new issue template.
+      content: string content of the issue template.
+      summary: string summary of the issue template.
+      summary_must_be_edited: True if the summary must be edited when this
+          issue template is used to make a new issue.
+      status: string default status of a new issue created with this template.
+      members_only: True if only members can view this issue template.
+      owner_defaults_to_member: True is issue owner should be set to member
+          creating the issue.
+      component_required: True if a component is required.
+      owner_id: user_id of default owner, if any.
+      labels: list of string labels for the new issue, if any.
+      component_ids: list of component_ids, if any.
+      admin_ids: list of admin_ids, if any.
+      field_values: list of FieldValue PBs, if any.
+      phases: list of Phase PBs, if any.
+      approval_values: list of ApprovalValue PBs, if any.
+    Returns:
+      Integer template_id of the new issue template definition.
+    """
+    template_id = self.template_tbl.InsertRow(
+        cnxn, project_id=project_id, name=name, content=content,
+        summary=summary, summary_must_be_edited=summary_must_be_edited,
+        owner_id=owner_id, status=status, members_only=members_only,
+        owner_defaults_to_member=owner_defaults_to_member,
+        component_required=component_required, commit=False)
+    if labels:
+      self.template2label_tbl.InsertRows(
+          cnxn, TEMPLATE2LABEL_COLS, [(template_id, label) for label in labels],
+          commit=False)
+    if component_ids:
+      self.template2component_tbl.InsertRows(
+          cnxn, TEMPLATE2COMPONENT_COLS, [(template_id, c_id) for
+                                          c_id in component_ids], commit=False)
+    if admin_ids:
+      self.template2admin_tbl.InsertRows(
+          cnxn, TEMPLATE2ADMIN_COLS, [(template_id, admin_id) for
+                                      admin_id in admin_ids], commit=False)
+    if field_values:
+      self.template2fieldvalue_tbl.InsertRows(
+          cnxn, TEMPLATE2FIELDVALUE_COLS, [
+              (template_id, fv.field_id, fv.int_value, fv.str_value, fv.user_id,
+               fv.date_value, fv.url_value) for fv in field_values],
+          commit=False)
+    # current phase_ids in approval_values and phases are temporary and were
+    # assigned based on the order of the phases. These temporary phase_ids are
+    # used to keep track of which approvals belong to which phases and are
+    # updated once all phases have their real phase_ids returned from InsertRow.
+    phase_id_by_tmp = {}
+    if phases:
+      for phase in phases:
+        phase_id = self.issuephasedef_tbl.InsertRow(
+            cnxn,, rank=phase.rank, commit=False)
+        phase_id_by_tmp[phase.phase_id] = phase_id
+    if approval_values:
+      self.template2approvalvalue_tbl.InsertRows(
+          [(av.approval_id, template_id,
+            phase_id_by_tmp.get(av.phase_id),
+           for av in approval_values],
+          commit=False)
+    cnxn.Commit()
+    self.template_set_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [project_id])
+    return template_id
+  def UpdateIssueTemplateDef(
+      self, cnxn, project_id, template_id, name=None, content=None,
+      summary=None, summary_must_be_edited=None, status=None, members_only=None,
+      owner_defaults_to_member=None, component_required=None, owner_id=None,
+      labels=None, component_ids=None, admin_ids=None, field_values=None,
+      phases=None, approval_values=None):
+    """Update an existing issue template definition with the given info.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      project_id: int ID of the current project.
+      template_id: int ID of the issue template to update.
+      name: updated name of the new issue template.
+      content: updated string content of the issue template.
+      summary: updated string summary of the issue template.
+      summary_must_be_edited: True if the summary must be edited when this
+          issue template is used to make a new issue.
+      status: updated string default status of a new issue created with this
+          template.
+      members_only: True if only members can view this issue template.
+      owner_defaults_to_member: True is issue owner should be set to member
+          creating the issue.
+      component_required: True if a component is required.
+      owner_id: updated user_id of default owner, if any.
+      labels: updated list of string labels for the new issue, if any.
+      component_ids: updated list of component_ids, if any.
+      admin_ids: updated list of admin_ids, if any.
+      field_values: updated list of FieldValue PBs, if any.
+      phases: updated list of Phase PBs, if any.
+      approval_values: updated list of ApprovalValue PBs, if any.
+    """
+    new_values = {}
+    if name is not None:
+      new_values['name'] = name
+    if content is not None:
+      new_values['content'] = content
+    if summary is not None:
+      new_values['summary'] = summary
+    if summary_must_be_edited is not None:
+      new_values['summary_must_be_edited'] = bool(summary_must_be_edited)
+    if status is not None:
+      new_values['status'] = status
+    if members_only is not None:
+      new_values['members_only'] = bool(members_only)
+    if owner_defaults_to_member is not None:
+      new_values['owner_defaults_to_member'] = bool(owner_defaults_to_member)
+    if component_required is not None:
+      new_values['component_required'] = bool(component_required)
+    if owner_id is not None:
+      new_values['owner_id'] = owner_id
+    self.template_tbl.Update(cnxn, new_values, id=template_id, commit=False)
+    if labels is not None:
+      self.template2label_tbl.Delete(
+          cnxn, template_id=template_id, commit=False)
+      self.template2label_tbl.InsertRows(
+          cnxn, TEMPLATE2LABEL_COLS, [(template_id, label) for label in labels],
+          commit=False)
+    if component_ids is not None:
+      self.template2component_tbl.Delete(
+          cnxn, template_id=template_id, commit=False)
+      self.template2component_tbl.InsertRows(
+          cnxn, TEMPLATE2COMPONENT_COLS, [(template_id, c_id) for
+                                          c_id in component_ids],
+          commit=False)
+    if admin_ids is not None:
+      self.template2admin_tbl.Delete(
+          cnxn, template_id=template_id, commit=False)
+      self.template2admin_tbl.InsertRows(
+          cnxn, TEMPLATE2ADMIN_COLS, [(template_id, admin_id) for
+                                      admin_id in admin_ids],
+          commit=False)
+    if field_values is not None:
+      self.template2fieldvalue_tbl.Delete(
+          cnxn, template_id=template_id, commit=False)
+      self.template2fieldvalue_tbl.InsertRows(
+          cnxn, TEMPLATE2FIELDVALUE_COLS, [
+              (template_id, fv.field_id, fv.int_value, fv.str_value, fv.user_id,
+               fv.date_value, fv.url_value) for fv in field_values],
+          commit=False)
+    # we need to keep track of tmp phase_ids created at the servlet.
+    phase_id_by_tmp = {}
+    if phases is not None:
+      self.template2approvalvalue_tbl.Delete(
+          cnxn, template_id=template_id, commit=False)
+      for phase in phases:
+        phase_id = self.issuephasedef_tbl.InsertRow(
+            cnxn,, rank=phase.rank, commit=False)
+        phase_id_by_tmp[phase.phase_id] = phase_id
+      self.template2approvalvalue_tbl.InsertRows(
+          [(av.approval_id, template_id,
+            phase_id_by_tmp.get(av.phase_id),
+           for av in approval_values], commit=False)
+    cnxn.Commit()
+    self.template_set_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [project_id])
+    self.template_def_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [template_id])
+  def DeleteIssueTemplateDef(self, cnxn, project_id, template_id):
+    """Delete the specified issue template definition."""
+    self.template2label_tbl.Delete(cnxn, template_id=template_id, commit=False)
+    self.template2component_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, template_id=template_id, commit=False)
+    self.template2admin_tbl.Delete(cnxn, template_id=template_id, commit=False)
+    self.template2fieldvalue_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, template_id=template_id, commit=False)
+    self.template2approvalvalue_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, template_id=template_id, commit=False)
+    # We do not delete issuephasedef rows becuase these rows will be used by
+    # issues that were created with this template. template2approvalvalue rows
+    # can be deleted because those rows are copied over to issue2approvalvalue
+    # during issue creation.
+    self.template_tbl.Delete(cnxn, id=template_id, commit=False)
+    cnxn.Commit()
+    self.template_set_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [project_id])
+    self.template_def_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [template_id])
+  def ExpungeProjectTemplates(self, cnxn, project_id):
+    template_id_rows = self.template_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['id'], project_id=project_id)
+    template_ids = [row[0] for row in template_id_rows]
+    self.template2label_tbl.Delete(cnxn, template_id=template_ids)
+    self.template2component_tbl.Delete(cnxn, template_id=template_ids)
+    # TODO(3816): Delete all other relations here.
+    self.template_tbl.Delete(cnxn, project_id=project_id)
+  def ExpungeUsersInTemplates(self, cnxn, user_ids, limit=None):
+    """Wipes a user from the templates system.
+      This method will not commit the operation. This method will
+      not make changes to in-memory data.
+    """
+    self.template2admin_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, admin_id=user_ids, commit=False, limit=limit)
+    self.template2fieldvalue_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, user_id=user_ids, commit=False, limit=limit)
+    # template_tbl's owner_id does not reference User. All appropriate rows
+    # should be deleted before rows can be safely deleted from User. No limit
+    # will be applied.
+    self.template_tbl.Update(
+        cnxn, {'owner_id': None}, owner_id=user_ids, commit=False)
+def UnpackTemplate(template_row):
+  """Partially construct a template object using info from a DB row."""
+  (template_id, _project_id, name, content, summary,
+   summary_must_be_edited, owner_id, status,
+   members_only, owner_defaults_to_member, component_required) = template_row
+  template = tracker_pb2.TemplateDef()
+  template.template_id = template_id
+ = name
+  template.content = content
+  template.summary = summary
+  template.summary_must_be_edited = bool(
+      summary_must_be_edited)
+  template.owner_id = owner_id or 0
+  template.status = status
+  template.members_only = bool(members_only)
+  template.owner_defaults_to_member = bool(owner_defaults_to_member)
+  template.component_required = bool(component_required)
+  return template
diff --git a/services/test/ b/services/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/test/
diff --git a/services/test/ b/services/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..460f5c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,786 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Tests for the API v1 helpers."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import datetime
+import mock
+import unittest
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import permissions
+from framework import profiler
+from services import api_pb2_v1_helpers
+from services import service_manager
+from proto import api_pb2_v1
+from proto import project_pb2
+from proto import tracker_pb2
+from proto import usergroup_pb2
+from testing import fake
+from tracker import tracker_bizobj
+def MakeTemplate(prefix):
+  return tracker_pb2.TemplateDef(
+      name='%s-template' % prefix,
+      content='%s-content' % prefix,
+      summary='%s-summary' % prefix,
+      summary_must_be_edited=True,
+      status='New',
+      labels=['%s-label1' % prefix, '%s-label2' % prefix],
+      members_only=True,
+      owner_defaults_to_member=True,
+      component_required=True,
+  )
+def MakeLabel(prefix):
+  return tracker_pb2.LabelDef(
+      label='%s-label' % prefix,
+      label_docstring='%s-description' % prefix
+  )
+def MakeStatus(prefix):
+  return tracker_pb2.StatusDef(
+      status='%s-New' % prefix,
+      means_open=True,
+      status_docstring='%s-status' % prefix
+  )
+def MakeProjectIssueConfig(prefix):
+  return tracker_pb2.ProjectIssueConfig(
+      restrict_to_known=True,
+      default_col_spec='ID Type Priority Summary',
+      default_sort_spec='ID Priority',
+      well_known_statuses=[
+          MakeStatus('%s-status1' % prefix),
+          MakeStatus('%s-status2' % prefix),
+      ],
+      well_known_labels=[
+          MakeLabel('%s-label1' % prefix),
+          MakeLabel('%s-label2' % prefix),
+      ],
+      default_template_for_developers=1,
+      default_template_for_users=2
+  )
+def MakeProject(prefix):
+  return project_pb2.MakeProject(
+      project_name='%s-project' % prefix,
+      summary='%s-summary' % prefix,
+      description='%s-description' % prefix,
+  )
+class ApiV1HelpersTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+ = service_manager.Services(
+        user=fake.UserService(),
+        issue=fake.IssueService(),
+        project=fake.ProjectService(),
+        config=fake.ConfigService(),
+        issue_star=fake.IssueStarService())
+'', 111)
+    self.person_1 = api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_person(111, None,
+  def testConvertTemplate(self):
+    """Test convert_template."""
+    template = MakeTemplate('test')
+    prompt = api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_template(template)
+    self.assertEqual(,
+    self.assertEqual(template.summary, prompt.title)
+    self.assertEqual(template.content, prompt.description)
+    self.assertEqual(template.summary_must_be_edited, prompt.titleMustBeEdited)
+    self.assertEqual(template.status, prompt.status)
+    self.assertEqual(template.labels, prompt.labels)
+    self.assertEqual(template.members_only, prompt.membersOnly)
+    self.assertEqual(template.owner_defaults_to_member, prompt.defaultToMember)
+    self.assertEqual(template.component_required, prompt.componentRequired)
+  def testConvertLabel(self):
+    """Test convert_label."""
+    labeldef = MakeLabel('test')
+    label = api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_label(labeldef)
+    self.assertEqual(labeldef.label, label.label)
+    self.assertEqual(labeldef.label_docstring, label.description)
+  def testConvertStatus(self):
+    """Test convert_status."""
+    statusdef = MakeStatus('test')
+    status = api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_status(statusdef)
+    self.assertEqual(statusdef.status, status.status)
+    self.assertEqual(statusdef.means_open, status.meansOpen)
+    self.assertEqual(statusdef.status_docstring, status.description)
+  def testConvertProjectIssueConfig(self):
+    """Test convert_project_config."""
+    prefix = 'test'
+    config = MakeProjectIssueConfig(prefix)
+    templates = [
+        MakeTemplate('%s-template1' % prefix),
+        MakeTemplate('%s-template2' % prefix),
+    ]
+    config_api = api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_project_config(config, templates)
+    self.assertEqual(config.restrict_to_known, config_api.restrictToKnown)
+    self.assertEqual(config.default_col_spec.split(), config_api.defaultColumns)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        config.default_sort_spec.split(), config_api.defaultSorting)
+    self.assertEqual(2, len(config_api.statuses))
+    self.assertEqual(2, len(config_api.labels))
+    self.assertEqual(2, len(config_api.prompts))
+    self.assertEqual(
+        config.default_template_for_developers,
+        config_api.defaultPromptForMembers)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        config.default_template_for_users,
+        config_api.defaultPromptForNonMembers)
+  def testConvertProject(self):
+    """Test convert_project."""
+    project = MakeProject('testprj')
+    prefix = 'testconfig'
+    config = MakeProjectIssueConfig(prefix)
+    role = api_pb2_v1.Role.owner
+    templates = [
+        MakeTemplate('%s-template1' % prefix),
+        MakeTemplate('%s-template2' % prefix),
+    ]
+    project_api = api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_project(project, config, role,
+        templates)
+    self.assertEqual(project.project_name,
+    self.assertEqual(project.project_name, project_api.externalId)
+    self.assertEqual('/p/%s/' % project.project_name, project_api.htmlLink)
+    self.assertEqual(project.summary, project_api.summary)
+    self.assertEqual(project.description, project_api.description)
+    self.assertEqual(role, project_api.role)
+    self.assertIsInstance(
+        project_api.issuesConfig, api_pb2_v1.ProjectIssueConfig)
+  def testConvertPerson(self):
+    """Test convert_person."""
+    result = api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_person(111, None,
+    self.assertIsInstance(result, api_pb2_v1.AtomPerson)
+    self.assertEqual('',
+    none_user = api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_person(None, '',
+    self.assertIsNone(none_user)
+    deleted_user = api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_person(
+        framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID, '',
+    self.assertEqual(
+        deleted_user,
+        api_pb2_v1.AtomPerson(
+            kind='monorail#issuePerson',
+            name=framework_constants.DELETED_USER_NAME))
+  def testConvertIssueIDs(self):
+    """Test convert_issue_ids."""
+    issue1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(789, 1, 'one', 'New', 111)
+    issue_ids = [100001]
+    mar = mock.Mock()
+    mar.cnxn = None
+    mar.project_name = 'test-project'
+    result = api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_issue_ids(issue_ids, mar,
+    self.assertEqual(1, len(result))
+    self.assertEqual(1, result[0].issueId)
+  def testConvertIssueRef(self):
+    """Test convert_issueref_pbs."""
+    issue1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(12345, 1, 'one', 'New', 111)
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[2],
+        project_id=12345)
+    mar = mock.Mock()
+    mar.cnxn = None
+    mar.project_name = 'test-project'
+    mar.project_id = 12345
+    ir = api_pb2_v1.IssueRef(
+        issueId=1,
+        projectId='test-project'
+    )
+    result = api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_issueref_pbs([ir], mar,
+    self.assertEqual(1, len(result))
+    self.assertEqual(100001, result[0])
+  def testConvertIssue(self):
+    """Convert an internal Issue PB to an IssueWrapper API PB."""
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[2], project_id=12345)
+'', 111)
+    mar = mock.Mock()
+    mar.cnxn = None
+    mar.project_name = 'test-project'
+    mar.project_id = 12345
+    mar.auth.effective_ids = {111}
+    mar.perms = permissions.READ_ONLY_PERMISSIONSET
+    mar.profiler = profiler.Profiler()
+    mar.config = tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(12345)
+    mar.config.field_defs = [
+        tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldDef(
+            1, 12345, 'EstDays', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.INT_TYPE, None, None,
+            False, False, False, None, None, None, False, None, None, None,
+            None, 'doc', False, approval_id=2),
+        tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldDef(
+            2, 12345, 'DesignReview', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.APPROVAL_TYPE,
+            None, None, False, False, False, None, None, None, False, None,
+            None, None, None, 'doc', False),
+        tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldDef(
+            3, 12345, 'StringField', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.STR_TYPE, None,
+            None, False, False, False, None, None, None, False, None, None,
+            None, None, 'doc', False),
+        tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldDef(
+            4, 12345, 'DressReview', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.APPROVAL_TYPE,
+            None, None, False, False, False, None, None, None, False, None,
+            None, None, None, 'doc', False),
+        ]
+, mar.config)
+    now = 1472067725
+    now_dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(now)
+    fvs = [
+      tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldValue(
+          1, 4, None, None, None, None, False, phase_id=4),
+      tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldValue(
+          3, None, 'string', None, None, None, False, phase_id=4),
+      # missing phase
+      tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldValue(
+          3, None, u'\xe2\x9d\xa4\xef\xb8\x8f', None, None, None, False,
+          phase_id=2),
+    ]
+    phases = [
+        tracker_pb2.Phase(phase_id=3, name="JustAPhase", rank=4),
+        tracker_pb2.Phase(phase_id=4, name="NotAPhase", rank=9)
+        ]
+    approval_values = [
+        tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(
+            approval_id=2, phase_id=3, approver_ids=[111]),
+        tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(approval_id=4, approver_ids=[111])
+    ]
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        12345, 1, 'one', 'New', 111, field_values=fvs,
+        approval_values=approval_values, phases=phases)
+    issue.opened_timestamp = now
+    issue.owner_modified_timestamp = now
+    issue.status_modified_timestamp = now
+    issue.component_modified_timestamp = now
+    # TODO(jrobbins): set up a lot more fields.
+    for cls in [api_pb2_v1.IssueWrapper, api_pb2_v1.IssuesGetInsertResponse]:
+      result = api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_issue(cls, issue, mar,
+      self.assertEqual(1,
+      self.assertEqual('one', result.title)
+      self.assertEqual('one', result.summary)
+      self.assertEqual(now_dt, result.published)
+      self.assertEqual(now_dt, result.owner_modified)
+      self.assertEqual(now_dt, result.status_modified)
+      self.assertEqual(now_dt, result.component_modified)
+      self.assertEqual(
+          result.fieldValues, [
+              api_pb2_v1.FieldValue(
+                  fieldName='EstDays',
+                  fieldValue='4',
+                  approvalName='DesignReview',
+                  derived=False),
+              api_pb2_v1.FieldValue(
+                  fieldName='StringField',
+                  fieldValue='string',
+                  phaseName="NotAPhase",
+                  derived=False),
+              api_pb2_v1.FieldValue(
+                  fieldName='StringField',
+                  fieldValue=u'\xe2\x9d\xa4\xef\xb8\x8f',
+                  derived=False),
+          ])
+      self.assertEqual(
+          result.approvalValues,
+          [api_pb2_v1.Approval(
+            approvalName="DesignReview",
+            approvers=[self.person_1],
+            status=api_pb2_v1.ApprovalStatus.notSet,
+            phaseName="JustAPhase",
+          ),
+           api_pb2_v1.Approval(
+               approvalName="DressReview",
+               approvers=[self.person_1],
+               status=api_pb2_v1.ApprovalStatus.notSet,
+           )]
+      )
+      self.assertEqual(
+          result.phases,
+          [api_pb2_v1.Phase(phaseName="JustAPhase", rank=4),
+           api_pb2_v1.Phase(phaseName="NotAPhase", rank=9)
+          ])
+      # TODO(jrobbins): check a lot more fields.
+  def testConvertAttachment(self):
+    """Test convert_attachment."""
+    attachment = tracker_pb2.Attachment(
+        attachment_id=1,
+        filename='stats.txt',
+        filesize=12345,
+        mimetype='text/plain',
+        deleted=False)
+    result = api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_attachment(attachment)
+    self.assertEqual(attachment.attachment_id, result.attachmentId)
+    self.assertEqual(attachment.filename, result.fileName)
+    self.assertEqual(attachment.filesize, result.fileSize)
+    self.assertEqual(attachment.mimetype, result.mimetype)
+    self.assertEqual(attachment.deleted, result.isDeleted)
+  def testConvertAmendments(self):
+    """Test convert_amendments."""
+'', 222)
+    mar = mock.Mock()
+    mar.cnxn = None
+    issue = mock.Mock()
+    issue.project_name = 'test-project'
+    amendment_summary = tracker_pb2.Amendment(
+        field=tracker_pb2.FieldID.SUMMARY,
+        newvalue='new summary')
+    amendment_status = tracker_pb2.Amendment(
+        field=tracker_pb2.FieldID.STATUS,
+        newvalue='new status')
+    amendment_owner = tracker_pb2.Amendment(
+        field=tracker_pb2.FieldID.OWNER,
+        added_user_ids=[111])
+    amendment_labels = tracker_pb2.Amendment(
+        field=tracker_pb2.FieldID.LABELS,
+        newvalue='label1 -label2')
+    amendment_cc_add = tracker_pb2.Amendment(
+        field=tracker_pb2.FieldID.CC,
+        added_user_ids=[111])
+    amendment_cc_remove = tracker_pb2.Amendment(
+        field=tracker_pb2.FieldID.CC,
+        removed_user_ids=[222])
+    amendment_blockedon = tracker_pb2.Amendment(
+        field=tracker_pb2.FieldID.BLOCKEDON,
+        newvalue='1')
+    amendment_blocking = tracker_pb2.Amendment(
+        field=tracker_pb2.FieldID.BLOCKING,
+        newvalue='other:2 -3')
+    amendment_mergedinto = tracker_pb2.Amendment(
+        field=tracker_pb2.FieldID.MERGEDINTO,
+        newvalue='4')
+    amendments = [
+        amendment_summary, amendment_status, amendment_owner,
+        amendment_labels, amendment_cc_add, amendment_cc_remove,
+        amendment_blockedon, amendment_blocking, amendment_mergedinto]
+    result = api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_amendments(
+        issue, amendments, mar,
+    self.assertEqual(amendment_summary.newvalue, result.summary)
+    self.assertEqual(amendment_status.newvalue, result.status)
+    self.assertEqual('', result.owner)
+    self.assertEqual(['label1', '-label2'], result.labels)
+    self.assertEqual(['', ''],
+    self.assertEqual(['test-project:1'], result.blockedOn)
+    self.assertEqual(['other:2', '-test-project:3'], result.blocking)
+    self.assertEqual(amendment_mergedinto.newvalue, result.mergedInto)
+  def testConvertApprovalAmendments(self):
+    """Test convert_approval_comment."""
+'', 111)
+'', 222)
+'', 333)
+    mar = mock.Mock()
+    mar.cnxn = None
+    amendment_status = tracker_bizobj.MakeApprovalStatusAmendment(
+        tracker_pb2.ApprovalStatus.APPROVED)
+    amendment_approvers = tracker_bizobj.MakeApprovalApproversAmendment(
+        [111, 222], [333])
+    amendments = [amendment_status, amendment_approvers]
+    result = api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_approval_amendments(
+        amendments, mar,
+    self.assertEqual(amendment_status.newvalue, result.status)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        ['', '', ''],
+        result.approvers)
+  def testConvertComment(self):
+    """Test convert_comment."""
+    mar = mock.Mock()
+    mar.cnxn = None
+    mar.perms = permissions.PermissionSet([])
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(project_id=12345, local_id=1, summary='sum',
+                               status='New', owner_id=1001)
+    comment = tracker_pb2.IssueComment(
+        user_id=111,
+        content='test content',
+        sequence=1,
+        deleted_by=111,
+        timestamp=1437700000,
+    )
+    result = api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_comment(
+        issue, comment, mar,, None)
+    self.assertEqual('',
+    self.assertEqual(comment.content, result.content)
+    self.assertEqual('',
+    self.assertEqual(1,
+    # Ensure that the published timestamp falls in a timestamp range to account
+    # for the test being run in different timezones.
+    # Using "Fri, 23 Jul 2015 00:00:00" and "Fri, 25 Jul 2015 00:00:00".
+    self.assertTrue(
+        datetime.datetime(2015, 7, 23, 0, 0, 0) <= result.published <=
+        datetime.datetime(2015, 7, 25, 0, 0, 0))
+    self.assertEqual(result.kind, 'monorail#issueComment')
+  def testConvertApprovalComment(self):
+    """Test convert_approval_comment."""
+    mar = mock.Mock()
+    mar.cnxn = None
+    mar.perms = permissions.PermissionSet([])
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(project_id=12345, local_id=1, summary='sum',
+                               status='New', owner_id=1001)
+    comment = tracker_pb2.IssueComment(
+        user_id=111,
+        content='test content',
+        sequence=1,
+        deleted_by=111,
+        timestamp=1437700000,
+    )
+    result = api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_approval_comment(
+        issue, comment, mar,, None)
+    self.assertEqual('',
+    self.assertEqual(comment.content, result.content)
+    self.assertEqual('',
+    self.assertEqual(1,
+    # Ensure that the published timestamp falls in a timestamp range to account
+    # for the test being run in different timezones.
+    # Using "Fri, 23 Jul 2015 00:00:00" and "Fri, 25 Jul 2015 00:00:00".
+    self.assertTrue(
+        datetime.datetime(2015, 7, 23, 0, 0, 0) <= result.published <=
+        datetime.datetime(2015, 7, 25, 0, 0, 0))
+    self.assertEqual(result.kind, 'monorail#approvalComment')
+  def testGetUserEmail(self):
+    email = api_pb2_v1_helpers._get_user_email(, '', 111)
+    self.assertEqual('', email)
+    no_user_found = api_pb2_v1_helpers._get_user_email(
+, '', 222)
+    self.assertEqual(framework_constants.USER_NOT_FOUND_NAME, no_user_found)
+    deleted = api_pb2_v1_helpers._get_user_email(
+, '', framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID)
+    self.assertEqual(framework_constants.DELETED_USER_NAME, deleted)
+    none_user_id = api_pb2_v1_helpers._get_user_email(
+, '', None)
+    self.assertEqual(framework_constants.NO_USER_NAME, none_user_id)
+  def testSplitRemoveAdd(self):
+    """Test split_remove_add."""
+    items = ['1', '-2', '-3', '4']
+    list_to_add, list_to_remove = api_pb2_v1_helpers.split_remove_add(items)
+    self.assertEqual(['1', '4'], list_to_add)
+    self.assertEqual(['2', '3'], list_to_remove)
+  def testIssueGlobalIDs(self):
+    """Test issue_global_ids."""
+    issue1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(12345, 1, 'one', 'New', 111)
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[2],
+        project_id=12345)
+    mar = mock.Mock()
+    mar.cnxn = None
+    mar.project_name = 'test-project'
+    mar.project_id = 12345
+    pairs = ['test-project:1']
+    result = api_pb2_v1_helpers.issue_global_ids(
+        pairs, 12345, mar,
+    self.assertEqual(100001, result[0])
+  def testConvertGroupSettings(self):
+    """Test convert_group_settings."""
+    setting = usergroup_pb2.MakeSettings('owners', 'mdb', 0)
+    result = api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_group_settings('test-group', setting)
+    self.assertEqual('test-group', result.groupName)
+    self.assertEqual(setting.who_can_view_members, result.who_can_view_members)
+    self.assertEqual(setting.ext_group_type, result.ext_group_type)
+    self.assertEqual(setting.last_sync_time, result.last_sync_time)
+  def testConvertComponentDef(self):
+    pass  # TODO(jrobbins): Fill in this test.
+  def testConvertComponentIDs(self):
+    pass  # TODO(jrobbins): Fill in this test.
+  def testConvertFieldValues_Empty(self):
+    """The client's request might not have any field edits."""
+    mar = mock.Mock()
+    mar.config = tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(789)
+    field_values = []
+    actual = api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_field_values(
+        field_values, mar,
+    (fv_list_add, fv_list_remove, fv_list_clear,
+     label_list_add, label_list_remove) = actual
+    self.assertEqual([], fv_list_add)
+    self.assertEqual([], fv_list_remove)
+    self.assertEqual([], fv_list_clear)
+    self.assertEqual([], label_list_add)
+    self.assertEqual([], label_list_remove)
+  def testConvertFieldValues_Normal(self):
+    """The client wants to edit a custom field."""
+    mar = mock.Mock()
+    mar.config = tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(789)
+    mar.config.field_defs = [
+        tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldDef(
+            1, 789, 'Priority', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.ENUM_TYPE, None, None,
+            False, False, False, None, None, None, False, None, None, None,
+            None, 'doc', False),
+        tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldDef(
+            2, 789, 'EstDays', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.INT_TYPE, None, None,
+            False, False, False, 0, 99, None, False, None, None, None,
+            None, 'doc', False),
+        tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldDef(
+            3, 789, 'Nickname', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.STR_TYPE, None, None,
+            False, False, False, None, None, None, False, None, None, None,
+            None, 'doc', False),
+        tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldDef(
+            4, 789, 'Verifier', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.USER_TYPE, None, None,
+            False, False, False, None, None, None, False, None, None, None,
+            None, 'doc', False),
+        tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldDef(
+            5, 789, 'Deadline', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.DATE_TYPE, None, None,
+            False, False, False, None, None, None, False, None, None, None,
+            None, 'doc', False),
+        tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldDef(
+            6, 789, 'Homepage', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.URL_TYPE, None, None,
+            False, False, False, None, None, None, False, None, None, None,
+            None, 'doc', False),
+        ]
+    field_values = [
+        api_pb2_v1.FieldValue(fieldName='Priority', fieldValue='High'),
+        api_pb2_v1.FieldValue(fieldName='EstDays', fieldValue='4'),
+        api_pb2_v1.FieldValue(fieldName='Nickname', fieldValue='Scout'),
+        api_pb2_v1.FieldValue(
+            fieldName='Verifier', fieldValue=''),
+        api_pb2_v1.FieldValue(fieldName='Deadline', fieldValue='2017-12-06'),
+        api_pb2_v1.FieldValue(
+            fieldName='Homepage', fieldValue=''),
+        ]
+    actual = api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_field_values(
+        field_values, mar,
+    (fv_list_add, fv_list_remove, fv_list_clear,
+     label_list_add, label_list_remove) = actual
+    self.assertEqual(
+        [
+            tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldValue(2, 4, None, None, None, None, False),
+            tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldValue(
+                3, None, 'Scout', None, None, None, False),
+            tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldValue(
+                4, None, None, 111, None, None, False),
+            tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldValue(
+                5, None, None, None, 1512518400, None, False),
+            tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldValue(
+                6, None, None, None, None, '', False),
+        ], fv_list_add)
+    self.assertEqual([], fv_list_remove)
+    self.assertEqual([], fv_list_clear)
+    self.assertEqual(['Priority-High'], label_list_add)
+    self.assertEqual([], label_list_remove)
+  def testConvertFieldValues_ClearAndRemove(self):
+    """The client wants to clear and remove some custom fields."""
+    mar = mock.Mock()
+    mar.config = tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(789)
+    mar.config.field_defs = [
+        tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldDef(
+            1, 789, 'Priority', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.ENUM_TYPE, None, None,
+            False, False, False, None, None, None, False, None, None, None,
+            None, 'doc', False),
+        tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldDef(
+            11, 789, 'OS', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.ENUM_TYPE, None, None,
+            False, False, False, None, None, None, False, None, None, None,
+            None, 'doc', False),
+        tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldDef(
+            2, 789, 'EstDays', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.INT_TYPE, None, None,
+            False, False, False, 0, 99, None, False, None, None, None,
+            None, 'doc', False),
+        tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldDef(
+            3, 789, 'Nickname', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.STR_TYPE, None, None,
+            False, False, False, None, None, None, False, None, None, None,
+            None, 'doc', False),
+        ]
+    field_values = [
+        api_pb2_v1.FieldValue(
+            fieldName='Priority', fieldValue='High',
+            operator=api_pb2_v1.FieldValueOperator.remove),
+        api_pb2_v1.FieldValue(
+            fieldName='OS', operator=api_pb2_v1.FieldValueOperator.clear),
+        api_pb2_v1.FieldValue(
+            fieldName='EstDays', operator=api_pb2_v1.FieldValueOperator.clear),
+        api_pb2_v1.FieldValue(
+            fieldName='Nickname', fieldValue='Scout',
+            operator=api_pb2_v1.FieldValueOperator.remove),
+        ]
+    actual = api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_field_values(
+        field_values, mar,
+    (fv_list_add, fv_list_remove, fv_list_clear,
+     label_list_add, label_list_remove) = actual
+    self.assertEqual([], fv_list_add)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        [
+            tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldValue(
+                3, None, 'Scout', None, None, None, False)
+        ], fv_list_remove)
+    self.assertEqual([11, 2], fv_list_clear)
+    self.assertEqual([], label_list_add)
+    self.assertEqual(['Priority-High'], label_list_remove)
+  def testConvertFieldValues_Errors(self):
+    """We don't crash on bad requests."""
+    mar = mock.Mock()
+    mar.config = tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(789)
+    mar.config.field_defs = [
+        tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldDef(
+            2, 789, 'EstDays', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.INT_TYPE, None, None,
+            False, False, False, 0, 99, None, False, None, None, None,
+            None, 'doc', False),
+        ]
+    field_values = [
+        api_pb2_v1.FieldValue(
+            fieldName='Unknown', operator=api_pb2_v1.FieldValueOperator.clear),
+        ]
+    actual = api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_field_values(
+        field_values, mar,
+    (fv_list_add, fv_list_remove, fv_list_clear,
+     label_list_add, label_list_remove) = actual
+    self.assertEqual([], fv_list_add)
+    self.assertEqual([], fv_list_remove)
+    self.assertEqual([], fv_list_clear)
+    self.assertEqual([], label_list_add)
+    self.assertEqual([], label_list_remove)
+  def testConvertApprovals(self):
+    """Test we can convert ApprovalValues."""
+    cnxn = None
+    config = tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(789)
+    config.field_defs = [
+      tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldDef(
+            1, 789, 'DesignReview', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.APPROVAL_TYPE, None,
+            None, False, False, False, None, None, None, False, None, None,
+            None, None, 'doc', False),
+        tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldDef(
+            2, 789, 'PrivacyReview', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.APPROVAL_TYPE, None,
+            None, False, False, False, 0, 99, None, False, None, None, None,
+            None, 'doc', False),
+        tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldDef(
+            5, 789, 'UXReview', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.APPROVAL_TYPE, None,
+            None, False, False, False, None, None, None, False, None, None,
+            None, None, 'doc', False),
+        tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldDef(
+            6, 789, 'Homepage', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.URL_TYPE, None, None,
+            False, False, False, None, None, None, False, None, None, None,
+            None, 'doc', False),
+        ]
+    phases = [
+        tracker_pb2.Phase(phase_id=1),
+        tracker_pb2.Phase(phase_id=2, name="JustAPhase", rank=3),
+    ]
+    ts = 1536260059
+    expected = [
+        api_pb2_v1.Approval(
+            approvalName="DesignReview",
+            approvers=[self.person_1],
+            setter=self.person_1,
+            status=api_pb2_v1.ApprovalStatus.needsReview,
+            setOn=datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts),
+        ),
+        api_pb2_v1.Approval(
+            approvalName="UXReview",
+            approvers=[self.person_1],
+            status=api_pb2_v1.ApprovalStatus.notSet,
+            phaseName="JustAPhase",
+        ),
+    ]
+    avs = [
+        tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(
+            approval_id=1, approver_ids=[111], setter_id=111,
+            status=tracker_pb2.ApprovalStatus.NEEDS_REVIEW, set_on=ts),
+        tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(
+            approval_id=5, approver_ids=[111], phase_id=2)
+    ]
+    actual = api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_approvals(
+        cnxn, avs,, config, phases)
+    self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
+  def testConvertApprovals_errors(self):
+    """we dont crash on bad requests."""
+    cnxn = None
+    config = tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(789)
+    config.field_defs = [
+        tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldDef(
+            1, 789, 'DesignReview', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.APPROVAL_TYPE, None,
+            None, False, False, False, None, None, None, False, None, None,
+            None, None, 'doc', False),
+        tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldDef(
+            5, 789, 'UXReview', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.APPROVAL_TYPE, None,
+            None, False, False, False, None, None, None, False, None, None,
+            None, None, 'doc', False),
+        tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldDef(
+            3, 789, 'DesignDoc', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.URL_TYPE, None, None,
+            False, False, False, 0, 99, None, False, None, None, None,
+            None, 'doc', False),
+    ]
+    phases = []
+    avs = [
+        tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(approval_id=1, approver_ids=[111]),
+        # phase does not exist
+        tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(approval_id=2, phase_id=2),
+        tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(approval_id=3),  # field 3 is not an approval
+        tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(approval_id=4),  # field 4 does not exist
+    ]
+    expected = [
+        api_pb2_v1.Approval(
+            approvalName="DesignReview",
+            approvers=[self.person_1],
+            status=api_pb2_v1.ApprovalStatus.notSet)
+    ]
+    actual = api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_approvals(
+        cnxn, avs,, config, phases)
+    self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
+  def testConvertPhases(self):
+    """We can convert Phases."""
+    phases = [
+        tracker_pb2.Phase(name="JustAPhase", rank=1),
+        tracker_pb2.Phase(name="Can'tPhaseMe", rank=4),
+        tracker_pb2.Phase(phase_id=11, rank=5),
+        tracker_pb2.Phase(rank=3),
+        tracker_pb2.Phase(name="Phase"),
+    ]
+    expected = [
+        api_pb2_v1.Phase(phaseName="JustAPhase", rank=1),
+        api_pb2_v1.Phase(phaseName="Can'tPhaseMe", rank=4),
+        api_pb2_v1.Phase(phaseName="Phase"),
+    ]
+    actual = api_pb2_v1_helpers.convert_phases(phases)
+    self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
diff --git a/services/test/ b/services/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7cd9b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,1898 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Tests for the API v1."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import datetime
+import endpoints
+import logging
+from mock import Mock, patch, ANY
+import time
+import unittest
+import webtest
+from google.appengine.api import oauth
+from protorpc import messages
+from protorpc import message_types
+from features import send_notifications
+from framework import authdata
+from framework import exceptions
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import permissions
+from framework import profiler
+from framework import template_helpers
+from proto import api_pb2_v1
+from proto import project_pb2
+from proto import tracker_pb2
+from search import frontendsearchpipeline
+from services import api_svc_v1
+from services import service_manager
+from services import template_svc
+from services import tracker_fulltext
+from testing import fake
+from testing import testing_helpers
+from testing_utils import testing
+from tracker import tracker_bizobj
+from tracker import tracker_constants
+def MakeFakeServiceManager():
+  return service_manager.Services(
+      user=fake.UserService(),
+      usergroup=fake.UserGroupService(),
+      project=fake.ProjectService(),
+      config=fake.ConfigService(),
+      issue=fake.IssueService(),
+      issue_star=fake.IssueStarService(),
+      features=fake.FeaturesService(),
+      template=Mock(spec=template_svc.TemplateService),
+      cache_manager=fake.CacheManager())
+class FakeMonorailApiRequest(object):
+  def __init__(self, request, services, perms=None):
+    self.profiler = profiler.Profiler()
+    self.cnxn = None
+    self.auth = authdata.AuthData.FromEmail(
+        self.cnxn, request['requester'], services)
+    self.me_user_id = self.auth.user_id
+    self.project_name = None
+    self.project = None
+    self.viewed_username = None
+    self.viewed_user_auth = None
+    self.config = None
+    if 'userId' in request:
+      self.viewed_username = request['userId']
+      self.viewed_user_auth = authdata.AuthData.FromEmail(
+          self.cnxn, self.viewed_username, services)
+    else:
+      assert 'groupName' in request
+      self.viewed_username = request['groupName']
+      try:
+        self.viewed_user_auth = authdata.AuthData.FromEmail(
+          self.cnxn, self.viewed_username, services)
+      except exceptions.NoSuchUserException:
+        self.viewed_user_auth = None
+    if 'projectId' in request:
+      self.project_name = request['projectId']
+      self.project = services.project.GetProjectByName(
+        self.cnxn, self.project_name)
+      self.config = services.config.GetProjectConfig(
+          self.cnxn, self.project_id)
+    self.perms = perms or permissions.GetPermissions(
+        self.auth.user_pb, self.auth.effective_ids, self.project)
+    self.granted_perms = set()
+    self.params = {
+      'can': request.get('can', 1),
+      'start': request.get('startIndex', 0),
+      'num': request.get('maxResults', 100),
+      'q': request.get('q', ''),
+      'sort': request.get('sort', ''),
+      'groupby': '',
+      'projects': request.get('additionalProject', []) + [self.project_name]}
+    self.use_cached_searches = True
+    self.errors = template_helpers.EZTError()
+    self.mode = None
+    self.query_project_names = self.GetParam('projects')
+    self.group_by_spec = self.GetParam('groupby')
+    self.sort_spec = self.GetParam('sort')
+    self.query = self.GetParam('q')
+    self.can = self.GetParam('can')
+    self.start = self.GetParam('start')
+    self.num = self.GetParam('num')
+    self.warnings = []
+  def CleanUp(self):
+    self.cnxn = None
+  @property
+  def project_id(self):
+    return self.project.project_id if self.project else None
+  def GetParam(self, query_param_name, default_value=None,
+               _antitamper_re=None):
+    return self.params.get(query_param_name, default_value)
+class FakeFrontendSearchPipeline(object):
+  def __init__(self):
+    issue1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=12345, local_id=1, owner_id=222, status='New', summary='sum')
+    issue2 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=12345, local_id=2, owner_id=222, status='New', summary='sum')
+    self.allowed_results = [issue1, issue2]
+    self.visible_results = [issue1]
+    self.total_count = len(self.allowed_results)
+    self.config = None
+    self.projectId = 0
+  def SearchForIIDs(self):
+    pass
+  def MergeAndSortIssues(self):
+    pass
+  def Paginate(self):
+    pass
+class MonorailApiBadAuthTest(testing.EndpointsTestCase):
+  api_service_cls = api_svc_v1.MonorailApi
+  def setUp(self):
+    super(MonorailApiBadAuthTest, self).setUp()
+    self.requester = RequesterMock(email='')
+    self.mock(endpoints, 'get_current_user', lambda: None)
+    self.request = {'userId': ''}
+  def testUsersGet_BadOAuth(self):
+    """The requester's token is invalid, e.g., because it expired."""
+    oauth.get_current_user = Mock(
+        return_value=RequesterMock(email=''))
+    oauth.get_current_user.side_effect = oauth.Error()
+    with self.assertRaises(webtest.AppError) as cm:
+      self.call_api('users_get', self.request)
+    self.assertTrue(cm.exception.message.startswith('Bad response: 401'))
+class MonorailApiTest(testing.EndpointsTestCase):
+  api_service_cls = api_svc_v1.MonorailApi
+  def setUp(self):
+    super(MonorailApiTest, self).setUp()
+    # Load queue.yaml.
+    self.requester = RequesterMock(email='')
+    self.mock(endpoints, 'get_current_user', lambda: self.requester)
+    self.config = None
+ = MakeFakeServiceManager()
+    self.mock(api_svc_v1.MonorailApi, '_services',
+'', 111)
+'', 222)
+'', 123)
+, '')
+    self.request = {
+          'userId': '',
+          'ownerProjectsOnly': False,
+          'requester': '',
+          'projectId': 'test-project',
+          'issueId': 1}
+    self.mock(api_svc_v1.MonorailApi, 'mar_factory',
+              lambda x, y, z: FakeMonorailApiRequest(
+                  self.request,
+    # api_base_checks is tested in AllBaseChecksTest,
+    # so mock it to reduce noise.
+    self.mock(api_svc_v1, 'api_base_checks',
+              lambda x, y, z, u, v, w: ('id', 'email'))
+    self.mock(tracker_fulltext, 'IndexIssues', lambda x, y, z, u, v: None)
+  def SetUpComponents(
+      self, project_id, component_id, component_name, component_doc='doc',
+      deprecated=False, admin_ids=None, cc_ids=None, created=100000,
+      creator=111):
+    admin_ids = admin_ids or []
+    cc_ids = cc_ids or []
+    self.config =
+        'fake cnxn', project_id)
+'fake cnxn', self.config)
+    cd = tracker_bizobj.MakeComponentDef(
+        component_id, project_id, component_name, component_doc, deprecated,
+        admin_ids, cc_ids, created, creator, modifier_id=creator)
+    self.config.component_defs.append(cd)
+  def SetUpFieldDefs(
+      self, field_id, project_id, field_name, field_type_int,
+      min_value=0, max_value=100, needs_member=False, docstring='doc',
+      approval_id=None, is_phase_field=False):
+    self.config =
+        'fake cnxn', project_id)
+'fake cnxn', self.config)
+    fd = tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldDef(
+        field_id, project_id, field_name, field_type_int, '',
+        '', False, False, False, min_value, max_value, None, needs_member,
+        None, '', tracker_pb2.NotifyTriggers.NEVER, 'no_action', docstring,
+        False, approval_id=approval_id, is_phase_field=is_phase_field)
+    self.config.field_defs.append(fd)
+  def testUsersGet_NoProject(self):
+    """The viewed user has no projects."""
+        'public-project', owner_ids=[111])
+    resp = self.call_api('users_get', self.request).json_body
+    expected = {
+        'id': '222',
+        'kind': 'monorail#user'}
+    self.assertEqual(expected, resp)
+  def testUsersGet_PublicProject(self):
+    """The viewed user has one public project."""
+ = \
+        testing_helpers.DefaultTemplates()
+        'public-project', owner_ids=[222])
+    resp = self.call_api('users_get', self.request).json_body
+    self.assertEqual(1, len(resp['projects']))
+    self.assertEqual('public-project', resp['projects'][0]['name'])
+  def testUsersGet_PrivateProject(self):
+    """The viewed user has one project but the requester cannot view."""
+        'private-project', owner_ids=[222],
+        access=project_pb2.ProjectAccess.MEMBERS_ONLY)
+    resp = self.call_api('users_get', self.request).json_body
+    self.assertNotIn('projects', resp)
+  def testUsersGet_OwnerProjectOnly(self):
+    """The viewed user has different roles of projects."""
+ = \
+        testing_helpers.DefaultTemplates()
+        'owner-project', owner_ids=[222])
+        'member-project', owner_ids=[111], committer_ids=[222])
+    resp = self.call_api('users_get', self.request).json_body
+    self.assertEqual(2, len(resp['projects']))
+    self.request['ownerProjectsOnly'] = True
+    resp = self.call_api('users_get', self.request).json_body
+    self.assertEqual(1, len(resp['projects']))
+    self.assertEqual('owner-project', resp['projects'][0]['name'])
+  def testIssuesGet_GetIssue(self):
+    """Get the requested issue."""
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[222],
+        project_id=12345)
+    self.SetUpComponents(12345, 1, 'API')
+    self.SetUpFieldDefs(1, 12345, 'Field1', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.INT_TYPE)
+    fv = tracker_pb2.FieldValue(
+        field_id=1,
+        int_value=11)
+    issue1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=12345, local_id=1, owner_id=222, reporter_id=111,
+        status='New', summary='sum', component_ids=[1], field_values=[fv])
+    resp = self.call_api('issues_get', self.request).json_body
+    self.assertEqual(1, resp['id'])
+    self.assertEqual('New', resp['status'])
+    self.assertEqual('open', resp['state'])
+    self.assertFalse(resp['canEdit'])
+    self.assertTrue(resp['canComment'])
+    self.assertEqual('', resp['author']['name'])
+    self.assertEqual('', resp['owner']['name'])
+    self.assertEqual('API', resp['components'][0])
+    self.assertEqual('Field1', resp['fieldValues'][0]['fieldName'])
+    self.assertEqual('11', resp['fieldValues'][0]['fieldValue'])
+  def testIssuesInsert_BadRequest(self):
+    """The request does not specify summary or status."""
+    with self.assertRaises(webtest.AppError):
+      self.call_api('issues_insert', self.request)
+    issue_dict = {
+      'status': 'New',
+      'summary': 'Test issue',
+      'owner': {'name': ''}}
+    self.request.update(issue_dict)
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[222],
+        project_id=12345)
+    with self.call_should_fail(400):
+      self.call_api('issues_insert', self.request)
+    # Invalid field value
+    self.SetUpFieldDefs(1, 12345, 'Field1', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.INT_TYPE)
+    issue_dict = {
+      'status': 'New',
+      'summary': 'Test issue',
+      'owner': {'name': ''},
+      'fieldValues': [{'fieldName': 'Field1', 'fieldValue': '111'}]}
+    self.request.update(issue_dict)
+    with self.call_should_fail(400):
+      self.call_api('issues_insert', self.request)
+  def testIssuesInsert_NoPermission(self):
+    """The requester has no permission to create issues."""
+    issue_dict = {
+      'status': 'New',
+      'summary': 'Test issue'}
+    self.request.update(issue_dict)
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[222],
+        access=project_pb2.ProjectAccess.MEMBERS_ONLY,
+        project_id=12345)
+    with self.call_should_fail(403):
+      self.call_api('issues_insert', self.request)
+  @patch('framework.cloud_tasks_helpers.create_task')
+  def testIssuesInsert_CreateIssue(self, _create_task_mock):
+    """Create an issue as requested."""
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[222], committer_ids=[111], project_id=12345)
+    self.SetUpFieldDefs(1, 12345, 'Field1', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.INT_TYPE)
+    issue1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=12345, local_id=1, owner_id=222, reporter_id=111,
+        status='New', summary='Test issue')
+    issue_dict = {
+      'blockedOn': [{'issueId': 1}],
+      'cc': [{'name': ''}, {'name': ''}, {'name': ' '}],
+      'description': 'description',
+      'labels': ['label1', 'label2'],
+      'owner': {'name': ''},
+      'status': 'New',
+      'summary': 'Test issue',
+      'fieldValues': [{'fieldName': 'Field1', 'fieldValue': '11'}]}
+    self.request.update(issue_dict)
+    resp = self.call_api('issues_insert', self.request).json_body
+    self.assertEqual('New', resp['status'])
+    self.assertEqual('', resp['author']['name'])
+    self.assertEqual('', resp['owner']['name'])
+    self.assertEqual('', resp['cc'][0]['name'])
+    self.assertEqual(1, resp['blockedOn'][0]['issueId'])
+    self.assertEqual([u'label1', u'label2'], resp['labels'])
+    self.assertEqual('Test issue', resp['summary'])
+    self.assertEqual('Field1', resp['fieldValues'][0]['fieldName'])
+    self.assertEqual('11', resp['fieldValues'][0]['fieldValue'])
+    new_issue =
+        'fake cnxn', 12345, resp['id'])
+    starrers =
+        'fake cnxn', new_issue.issue_id)
+    self.assertIn(111, starrers)
+  @patch('framework.cloud_tasks_helpers.create_task')
+  def testIssuesInsert_EmptyOwnerCcNames(self, _create_task_mock):
+    """Create an issue as requested."""
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[222],
+        project_id=12345)
+    self.SetUpFieldDefs(1, 12345, 'Field1', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.INT_TYPE)
+    issue_dict = {
+      'cc': [{'name': ''}, {'name': ''}],
+      'description': 'description',
+      'owner': {'name': ''},
+      'status': 'New',
+      'summary': 'Test issue'}
+    self.request.update(issue_dict)
+    resp = self.call_api('issues_insert', self.request).json_body
+    self.assertEqual('New', resp['status'])
+    self.assertEqual('', resp['author']['name'])
+    self.assertTrue('owner' not in resp)
+    self.assertEqual('', resp['cc'][0]['name'])
+    self.assertEqual(len(resp['cc']), 1)
+    self.assertEqual('Test issue', resp['summary'])
+    new_issue =
+        'fake cnxn', 12345, resp['id'])
+    self.assertEqual(new_issue.owner_id, 0)
+  def testIssuesList_NoPermission(self):
+    """No permission for additional projects."""
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[222],
+        project_id=12345)
+        'test-project2', owner_ids=[222],
+        access=project_pb2.ProjectAccess.MEMBERS_ONLY,
+        project_id=123456)
+    self.request['additionalProject'] = ['test-project2']
+    with self.call_should_fail(403):
+      self.call_api('issues_list', self.request)
+  def testIssuesList_SearchIssues(self):
+    """Find issues of one project."""
+    self.mock(
+        frontendsearchpipeline,
+        'FrontendSearchPipeline', lambda cnxn, serv, auth, me, q, q_proj_names,
+        num, start, can, group_spec, sort_spec, warnings, errors, use_cache,
+        profiler, project: FakeFrontendSearchPipeline())
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[111],  # requester
+        access=project_pb2.ProjectAccess.MEMBERS_ONLY,
+        project_id=12345)
+    resp = self.call_api('issues_list', self.request).json_body
+    self.assertEqual(2, int(resp['totalResults']))
+    self.assertEqual(1, len(resp['items']))
+    self.assertEqual(1, resp['items'][0]['id'])
+  def testIssuesCommentsList_GetComments(self):
+    """Get comments of requested issue."""
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[222],
+        project_id=12345)
+    issue1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=12345, local_id=1, summary='test summary', status='New',
+        issue_id=10001, owner_id=222, reporter_id=111)
+    comment = tracker_pb2.IssueComment(
+        id=123, issue_id=10001,
+        project_id=12345, user_id=222,
+        content='this is a comment',
+        timestamp=1437700000)
+, 1)
+    resp = self.call_api('issues_comments_list', self.request).json_body
+    self.assertEqual(2, resp['totalResults'])
+    comment1 = resp['items'][0]
+    comment2 = resp['items'][1]
+    self.assertEqual('', comment1['author']['name'])
+    self.assertEqual('test summary', comment1['content'])
+    self.assertEqual('', comment2['author']['name'])
+    self.assertEqual('this is a comment', comment2['content'])
+  def testParseImportedReporter_Normal(self):
+    """Normal attempt to post a comment under the requester's name."""
+    mar = FakeMonorailApiRequest(self.request,
+    request = container.body_message_class()
+    monorail_api = self.api_service_cls()
+    monorail_api._set_services(
+    reporter_id, timestamp = monorail_api.parse_imported_reporter(mar, request)
+    self.assertEqual(111, reporter_id)
+    self.assertIsNone(timestamp)
+    # API users should not need to specify anything for author when posting
+    # as the signed-in user, but it is OK if they specify their own email.
+ = api_pb2_v1.AtomPerson(name='')
+    request.published =  # Ignored
+    monorail_api = self.api_service_cls()
+    monorail_api._set_services(
+    reporter_id, timestamp = monorail_api.parse_imported_reporter(mar, request)
+    self.assertEqual(111, reporter_id)
+    self.assertIsNone(timestamp)
+  def testParseImportedReporter_Import_Allowed(self):
+    """User is importing a comment posted by a different user."""
+    project =
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[222], contrib_ids=[111],
+        project_id=12345)
+    project.extra_perms = [project_pb2.Project.ExtraPerms(
+      member_id=111, perms=['ImportComment'])]
+    mar = FakeMonorailApiRequest(self.request,
+    request = container.body_message_class()
+ = api_pb2_v1.AtomPerson(name='')
+    NOW = 1234567890
+    request.published = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(NOW)
+    monorail_api = self.api_service_cls()
+    monorail_api._set_services(
+    reporter_id, timestamp = monorail_api.parse_imported_reporter(mar, request)
+    self.assertEqual(222, reporter_id)  # that is user@
+    self.assertEqual(NOW, timestamp)
+  def testParseImportedReporter_Import_NotAllowed(self):
+    """User is importing a comment posted by a different user without perm."""
+    mar = FakeMonorailApiRequest(self.request,
+    request = container.body_message_class()
+ = api_pb2_v1.AtomPerson(name='')
+    NOW = 1234567890
+    request.published = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(NOW)
+    monorail_api = self.api_service_cls()
+    monorail_api._set_services(
+    with self.assertRaises(permissions.PermissionException):
+      monorail_api.parse_imported_reporter(mar, request)
+  def testIssuesCommentsInsert_ApprovalFields(self):
+    """Attempts to update approval field values are blocked."""
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[222],
+        access=project_pb2.ProjectAccess.MEMBERS_ONLY,
+        project_id=12345)
+    issue1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        12345, 1, 'Issue 1', 'New', 2, issue_id=1234501)
+    self.SetUpFieldDefs(
+        1, 12345, 'Field_int', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.INT_TYPE)
+    self.SetUpFieldDefs(
+        2, 12345, 'ApprovalChild', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.STR_TYPE,
+        approval_id=1)
+    self.request['updates'] = {
+        'fieldValues':  [{'fieldName': 'Field_int', 'fieldValue': '11'},
+                        {'fieldName': 'ApprovalChild', 'fieldValue': 'str'}]}
+    with self.call_should_fail(403):
+      self.call_api('issues_comments_insert', self.request)
+  def testIssuesCommentsInsert_NoCommentPermission(self):
+    """No permission to comment an issue."""
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[222],
+        access=project_pb2.ProjectAccess.MEMBERS_ONLY,
+        project_id=12345)
+    issue1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        12345, 1, 'Issue 1', 'New', 2)
+    with self.call_should_fail(403):
+      self.call_api('issues_comments_insert', self.request)
+  def testIssuesCommentsInsert_CommentPermissionOnly(self):
+    """User has permission to comment, even though they cannot edit."""
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[], project_id=12345)
+    issue1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        12345, 1, 'Issue 1', 'New', 222)
+    self.request['content'] = 'This is just a comment'
+    resp = self.call_api('issues_comments_insert', self.request).json_body
+    self.assertEqual('', resp['author']['name'])
+    self.assertEqual('This is just a comment', resp['content'])
+  def testIssuesCommentsInsert_TooLongComment(self):
+    """Too long of a comment to add."""
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[], project_id=12345)
+    issue1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(12345, 1, 'Issue 1', 'New', 222)
+    long_comment = '   ' + 'c' * tracker_constants.MAX_COMMENT_CHARS + '  '
+    self.request['content'] = long_comment
+    with self.call_should_fail(400):
+      self.call_api('issues_comments_insert', self.request)
+  def testIssuesCommentsInsert_Amendments_Normal(self):
+    """Insert comments with amendments."""
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[111],
+        project_id=12345)
+    issue1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        12345, 1, 'Issue 1', 'New', 222, project_name='test-project')
+    issue2 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        12345, 2, 'Issue 2', 'New', 222, project_name='test-project')
+    issue3 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        12345, 3, 'Issue 3', 'New', 222, project_name='test-project')
+    self.request['updates'] = {
+        'summary': 'new summary',
+        'status': 'Started',
+        'owner': '',
+        'cc': [''],
+        'labels': ['add_label', '-remove_label'],
+        'blockedOn': ['2'],
+        'blocking': ['3'],
+        }
+    resp = self.call_api('issues_comments_insert', self.request).json_body
+    self.assertEqual('', resp['author']['name'])
+    self.assertEqual('Started', resp['updates']['status'])
+    self.assertEqual(0, issue1.merged_into)
+  def testIssuesCommentsInsert_Amendments_NoPerms(self):
+    """Can't insert comments using account that lacks permissions."""
+    project1 =
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[], project_id=12345)
+    issue1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        12345, 1, 'Issue 1', 'New', 222, project_name='test-project')
+    self.request['updates'] = {
+        'summary': 'new summary',
+        }
+    with self.call_should_fail(403):
+      self.call_api('issues_comments_insert', self.request)
+    project1.contributor_ids = [1]  # Does not grant edit perm.
+    with self.call_should_fail(403):
+      self.call_api('issues_comments_insert', self.request)
+  def testIssuesCommentsInsert_Amendments_BadOwner(self):
+    """Can't set owner to someone who is not a project member."""
+    _project1 =
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[111], project_id=12345)
+    issue1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        12345, 1, 'Issue 1', 'New', 222, project_name='test-project')
+    self.request['updates'] = {
+        'owner': '',
+        }
+    with self.call_should_fail(400):
+      self.call_api('issues_comments_insert', self.request)
+  @patch('framework.cloud_tasks_helpers.create_task')
+  def testIssuesCommentsInsert_MergeInto(self, _create_task_mock):
+    """Insert comment that merges an issue into another issue."""
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[222], committer_ids=[111],
+        project_id=12345)
+    issue1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        12345, 1, 'Issue 1', 'New', 222, project_name='test-project')
+    issue2 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        12345, 2, 'Issue 2', 'New', 222, project_name='test-project')
+        'cnxn', 'service', 'config', issue1.issue_id, [111, 222, 333], True)
+        'cnxn', 'service', 'config', issue2.issue_id, [555], True)
+    self.request['updates'] = {
+        'summary': 'new summary',
+        'status': 'Duplicate',
+        'owner': '',
+        'cc': [''],
+        'labels': ['add_label', '-remove_label'],
+        'mergedInto': '2',
+        }
+    resp = self.call_api('issues_comments_insert', self.request).json_body
+    self.assertEqual('', resp['author']['name'])
+    self.assertEqual('Duplicate', resp['updates']['status'])
+    self.assertEqual(issue2.issue_id, issue1.merged_into)
+    issue2_comments =
+      'cnxn', issue2.issue_id)
+    self.assertEqual(2, len(issue2_comments))  # description and merge
+    source_starrers =
+        'cnxn', issue1.issue_id)
+    self.assertItemsEqual([111, 222, 333], source_starrers)
+    target_starrers =
+        'cnxn', issue2.issue_id)
+    self.assertItemsEqual([111, 222, 333, 555], target_starrers)
+  def testIssuesCommentsInsert_CustomFields(self):
+    """Update custom field values."""
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[111],
+        project_id=12345)
+    issue1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        12345, 1, 'Issue 1', 'New', 222,
+        project_name='test-project')
+    self.SetUpFieldDefs(
+        1, 12345, 'Field_int', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.INT_TYPE)
+    self.SetUpFieldDefs(
+        2, 12345, 'Field_enum', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.ENUM_TYPE)
+    self.request['updates'] = {
+        'fieldValues': [{'fieldName': 'Field_int', 'fieldValue': '11'},
+                        {'fieldName': 'Field_enum', 'fieldValue': 'str'}]}
+    resp = self.call_api('issues_comments_insert', self.request).json_body
+    self.assertEqual(
+        {'fieldName': 'Field_int', 'fieldValue': '11'},
+        resp['updates']['fieldValues'][0])
+  def testIssuesCommentsInsert_IsDescription(self):
+    """Add a new issue description."""
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[111], project_id=12345)
+    issue1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        12345, 1, 'Issue 1', 'New', 222, project_name='test-project')
+    # Note: the initially issue description will be "Issue 1".
+    self.request['content'] = 'new desc'
+    self.request['updates'] = {'is_description': True}
+    resp = self.call_api('issues_comments_insert', self.request).json_body
+    self.assertEqual('new desc', resp['content'])
+    comments ='cnxn', issue1.issue_id)
+    self.assertEqual(2, len(comments))
+    self.assertTrue(comments[1].is_description)
+    self.assertEqual('new desc', comments[1].content)
+  def testIssuesCommentsInsert_MoveToProject_NoPermsSrc(self):
+    """Don't move issue when user has no perms to edit issue."""
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[], project_id=12345)
+    issue1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        12345, 1, 'Issue 1', 'New', 222, labels=[],
+        project_name='test-project')
+        'test-project2', owner_ids=[111], project_id=12346)
+    # The user has no permission in test-project.
+    self.request['projectId'] = 'test-project'
+    self.request['updates'] = {
+        'moveToProject': 'test-project2'}
+    with self.call_should_fail(403):
+      self.call_api('issues_comments_insert', self.request)
+  def testIssuesCommentsInsert_MoveToProject_NoPermsDest(self):
+    """Don't move issue to a different project where user has no perms."""
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[111], project_id=12345)
+    issue1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        12345, 1, 'Issue 1', 'New', 222, labels=[],
+        project_name='test-project')
+        'test-project2', owner_ids=[], project_id=12346)
+    # The user has no permission in test-project2.
+    self.request['projectId'] = 'test-project'
+    self.request['updates'] = {
+        'moveToProject': 'test-project2'}
+    with self.call_should_fail(400):
+      self.call_api('issues_comments_insert', self.request)
+  def testIssuesCommentsInsert_MoveToProject_NoSuchProject(self):
+    """Don't move issue to a different project that does not exist."""
+    project1 =
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[222], project_id=12345)
+    issue1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        12345, 1, 'Issue 1', 'New', 222, labels=[],
+        project_name='test-project')
+    # Project doesn't exist.
+    project1.owner_ids = [111, 222]
+    self.request['updates'] = {
+        'moveToProject': 'not exist'}
+    with self.call_should_fail(400):
+      self.call_api('issues_comments_insert', self.request)
+  def testIssuesCommentsInsert_MoveToProject_SameProject(self):
+    """Don't move issue to the project it is already in."""
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[111], project_id=12345)
+    issue1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        12345, 1, 'Issue 1', 'New', 222, labels=[],
+        project_name='test-project')
+    # The issue is already in destination
+    self.request['updates'] = {
+        'moveToProject': 'test-project'}
+    with self.call_should_fail(400):
+      self.call_api('issues_comments_insert', self.request)
+  def testIssuesCommentsInsert_MoveToProject_Restricted(self):
+    """Don't move restricted issue to a different project."""
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[111], project_id=12345)
+    issue1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        12345, 1, 'Issue 1', 'New', 222, labels=['Restrict-View-Google'],
+        project_name='test-project')
+        'test-project2', owner_ids=[111],
+        project_id=12346)
+    #  Issue has restrict labels, so it cannot move.
+    self.request['projectId'] = 'test-project'
+    self.request['updates'] = {
+        'moveToProject': 'test-project2'}
+    with self.call_should_fail(400):
+      self.call_api('issues_comments_insert', self.request)
+  def testIssuesCommentsInsert_MoveToProject_Normal(self):
+    """Move issue."""
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[111, 222],
+        project_id=12345)
+        'test-project2', owner_ids=[111, 222],
+        project_id=12346)
+    issue1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        12345, 1, 'Issue 1', 'New', 222, project_name='test-project')
+    issue2 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        12346, 1, 'Issue 1', 'New', 222, project_name='test-project2')
+    self.request['updates'] = {
+        'moveToProject': 'test-project2'}
+    resp = self.call_api('issues_comments_insert', self.request).json_body
+    self.assertEqual(
+        'Moved issue test-project:1 to now be issue test-project2:2.',
+        resp['content'])
+  def testIssuesCommentsInsert_Import_Allowed(self):
+    """Post a comment attributed to another user, with permission."""
+    project =
+        'test-project', committer_ids=[111, 222], project_id=12345)
+    project.extra_perms = [project_pb2.Project.ExtraPerms(
+      member_id=111, perms=['ImportComment'])]
+    issue1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        12345, 1, 'Issue 1', 'New', 222, project_name='test-project')
+    self.request['author'] = {'name': ''}  # 222
+    self.request['content'] = 'a comment'
+    self.request['updates'] = {
+        'owner': '',
+        }
+    resp = self.call_api('issues_comments_insert', self.request).json_body
+    self.assertEqual('a comment', resp['content'])
+    comments ='cnxn', issue1.issue_id)
+    self.assertEqual(2, len(comments))
+    self.assertEqual(222, comments[1].user_id)
+    self.assertEqual('a comment', comments[1].content)
+  def testIssuesCommentsInsert_Import_Self(self):
+    """Specifying the comment author is OK if it is the requester."""
+        'test-project', committer_ids=[111, 222], project_id=12345)
+    # Note: No ImportComment permission has been granted.
+    issue1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        12345, 1, 'Issue 1', 'New', 222, project_name='test-project')
+    self.request['author'] = {'name': ''}  # 111
+    self.request['content'] = 'a comment'
+    self.request['updates'] = {
+        'owner': '',
+        }
+    resp = self.call_api('issues_comments_insert', self.request).json_body
+    self.assertEqual('a comment', resp['content'])
+    comments ='cnxn', issue1.issue_id)
+    self.assertEqual(2, len(comments))
+    self.assertEqual(111, comments[1].user_id)
+    self.assertEqual('a comment', comments[1].content)
+  def testIssuesCommentsInsert_Import_Denied(self):
+    """Cannot post a comment attributed to another user without permission."""
+        'test-project', committer_ids=[111, 222], project_id=12345)
+    # Note: No ImportComment permission has been granted.
+    issue1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        12345, 1, 'Issue 1', 'New', 222, project_name='test-project')
+    self.request['author'] = {'name': ''}  # 222
+    self.request['content'] = 'a comment'
+    self.request['updates'] = {
+        'owner': '',
+        }
+    with self.call_should_fail(403):
+      self.call_api('issues_comments_insert', self.request)
+  def testIssuesCommentsDelete_NoComment(self):
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[222],
+        project_id=12345)
+    issue1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=12345, local_id=1, summary='test summary',
+        issue_id=10001, status='New', owner_id=222, reporter_id=222)
+    self.request['commentId'] = 1
+    with self.call_should_fail(404):
+      self.call_api('issues_comments_delete', self.request)
+  def testIssuesCommentsDelete_NoDeletePermission(self):
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[222],
+        project_id=12345)
+    issue1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=12345, local_id=1, summary='test summary',
+        issue_id=10001, status='New', owner_id=222, reporter_id=222)
+    self.request['commentId'] = 0
+    with self.call_should_fail(403):
+      self.call_api('issues_comments_delete', self.request)
+  def testIssuesCommentsDelete_DeleteUndelete(self):
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[222],
+        project_id=12345)
+    issue1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=12345, local_id=1, summary='test summary',
+        issue_id=10001, status='New', owner_id=222, reporter_id=111)
+    comment = tracker_pb2.IssueComment(
+        id=123, issue_id=10001,
+        project_id=12345, user_id=111,
+        content='this is a comment',
+        timestamp=1437700000)
+, 1)
+    self.request['commentId'] = 1
+    comments =, 10001)
+    self.call_api('issues_comments_delete', self.request)
+    self.assertEqual(111, comments[1].deleted_by)
+    self.call_api('issues_comments_undelete', self.request)
+    self.assertIsNone(comments[1].deleted_by)
+  def approvalRequest(self, approval, request_fields=None, comment=None,
+                      issue_labels=None):
+    request = {'userId': '',
+               'requester': '',
+               'projectId': 'test-project',
+               'issueId': 1,
+               'approvalName': 'Legal-Review',
+               'sendEmail': False,
+    }
+    if request_fields:
+      request.update(request_fields)
+    self.SetUpFieldDefs(
+        1, 12345, 'Legal-Review', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.APPROVAL_TYPE)
+    issue1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        12345, 1, 'Issue 1', 'New', 222, approval_values=[approval],
+        labels=issue_labels)
+ = Mock(return_value=comment)
+    self.mock(api_svc_v1.MonorailApi, 'mar_factory',
+              lambda x, y, z: FakeMonorailApiRequest(
+                  request,
+    return request, issue1
+  def getFakeComments(self):
+    return [
+        tracker_pb2.IssueComment(
+            id=123, issue_id=1234501, project_id=12345, user_id=111,
+            content='1st comment', timestamp=1437700000, approval_id=1),
+        tracker_pb2.IssueComment(
+            id=223, issue_id=1234501, project_id=12345, user_id=111,
+            content='2nd comment', timestamp=1437700000, approval_id=2),
+        tracker_pb2.IssueComment(
+            id=323, issue_id=1234501, project_id=12345, user_id=111,
+            content='3rd comment', timestamp=1437700000, approval_id=1,
+            is_description=True),
+        tracker_pb2.IssueComment(
+            id=423, issue_id=1234501, project_id=12345, user_id=111,
+            content='4th comment', timestamp=1437700000)]
+  def testApprovalsCommentsList_NoViewPermission(self):
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[222],
+        project_id=12345)
+    approval = tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(approval_id=1)
+    request, _issue = self.approvalRequest(
+        approval, issue_labels=['Restrict-View-Google'])
+    with self.call_should_fail(403):
+      self.call_api('approvals_comments_list', request)
+  def testApprovalsCommentsList_NoApprovalFound(self):
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[222],
+        project_id=12345)
+    approval = tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(approval_id=1)
+    request, _issue = self.approvalRequest(approval)
+    self.config.field_defs = []  # empty field_defs of approval fd
+    with self.call_should_fail(400):
+      self.call_api('approvals_comments_list', request)
+  def testApprovalsCommentsList(self):
+    """Get comments of requested issue approval."""
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[222], project_id=12345)
+ = Mock(
+        return_value=self.getFakeComments())
+    approval = tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(approval_id=1)
+    request, _issue = self.approvalRequest(approval)
+    response = self.call_api('approvals_comments_list', request).json_body
+    self.assertEqual(response['kind'], 'monorail#approvalCommentList')
+    self.assertEqual(response['totalResults'], 2)
+    self.assertEqual(len(response['items']), 2)
+  def testApprovalsCommentsList_MaxResults(self):
+    """get comments of requested issue approval with maxResults."""
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[222], project_id=12345)
+ = Mock(
+        return_value=self.getFakeComments())
+    approval = tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(approval_id=1)
+    request, _issue = self.approvalRequest(
+        approval, request_fields={'maxResults': 1})
+    response = self.call_api('approvals_comments_list', request).json_body
+    self.assertEqual(response['kind'], 'monorail#approvalCommentList')
+    self.assertEqual(response['totalResults'], 2)
+    self.assertEqual(len(response['items']), 1)
+    self.assertEqual(response['items'][0]['content'], '1st comment')
+  @patch('testing.fake.IssueService.GetCommentsForIssue')
+  def testApprovalsCommentsList_StartIndex(self, mockGetComments):
+    """get comments of requested issue approval with maxResults."""
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[222], project_id=12345)
+    mockGetComments.return_value = self.getFakeComments()
+    approval = tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(approval_id=1)
+    request, _issue = self.approvalRequest(
+        approval, request_fields={'startIndex': 1})
+    response = self.call_api('approvals_comments_list', request).json_body
+    self.assertEqual(response['kind'], 'monorail#approvalCommentList')
+    self.assertEqual(response['totalResults'], 2)
+    self.assertEqual(len(response['items']), 1)
+    self.assertEqual(response['items'][0]['content'], '3rd comment')
+  def testApprovalsCommentsInsert_NoCommentPermission(self):
+    """No permission to comment on an issue, including approvals."""
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[222],
+        access=project_pb2.ProjectAccess.MEMBERS_ONLY,
+        project_id=12345)
+    approval = tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(approval_id=1)
+    request, _issue = self.approvalRequest(approval)
+    with self.call_should_fail(403):
+      self.call_api('approvals_comments_insert', request)
+  def testApprovalsCommentsInsert_TooLongComment(self):
+    """Too long of a comment when comments on approvals."""
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[222], project_id=12345)
+    approval = tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(approval_id=1)
+    request, _issue = self.approvalRequest(approval)
+    long_comment = '   ' + 'c' * tracker_constants.MAX_COMMENT_CHARS + '  '
+    request['content'] = long_comment
+    with self.call_should_fail(400):
+      self.call_api('approvals_comments_insert', request)
+  def testApprovalsCommentsInsert_NoApprovalDefFound(self):
+    """No approval with approvalName found."""
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[222],
+        project_id=12345)
+    approval = tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(approval_id=1)
+    request, _issue = self.approvalRequest(approval)
+    self.config.field_defs = []
+    with self.call_should_fail(400):
+      self.call_api('approvals_comments_insert', request)
+    # Test wrong field_type is also caught.
+    self.SetUpFieldDefs(
+        1, 12345, 'Legal-Review', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.STR_TYPE)
+    with self.call_should_fail(400):
+      self.call_api('approvals_comments_insert', request)
+  def testApprovalscommentsInsert_NoIssueFound(self):
+    """No issue found in project."""
+    request = {'userId': '',
+               'requester': '',
+               'projectId': 'test-project',
+               'issueId': 1,
+               'approvalName': 'Legal-Review',
+    }
+    # No issue created.
+    with self.call_should_fail(400):
+      self.call_api('approvals_comments_insert', request)
+  def testApprovalsCommentsInsert_NoIssueApprovalFound(self):
+    """No approval with the given name found in the issue."""
+    request = {'userId': '',
+               'requester': '',
+               'projectId': 'test-project',
+               'issueId': 1,
+               'approvalName': 'Legal-Review',
+               'sendEmail': False,
+    }
+    self.SetUpFieldDefs(
+        1, 12345, 'Legal-Review', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.APPROVAL_TYPE)
+    # issue 1 does not contain the Legal-Review approval.
+    issue1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(12345, 1, 'Issue 1', 'New', 222)
+    with self.call_should_fail(400):
+      self.call_api('approvals_comments_insert', request)
+  def testApprovalsCommentsInsert_FieldValueChanges_NotFound(self):
+    """Approval's subfield value not found."""
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[222],
+        project_id=12345)
+    approval = tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(approval_id=1)
+    request, _issue = self.approvalRequest(
+        approval,
+        request_fields={
+            'approvalUpdates': {
+                'fieldValues': [
+                    {'fieldName': 'DoesNotExist', 'fieldValue': 'cow'}]
+            },
+        })
+    with self.call_should_fail(400):
+      self.call_api('approvals_comments_insert', request)
+    # Test field belongs to another approval
+    self.config.field_defs.append(
+        tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldDef(
+            2, 12345, 'DoesNotExist', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.STR_TYPE,
+            '', '', False, False, False, None, None, None, False,
+            None, '', tracker_pb2.NotifyTriggers.NEVER, 'no_action',
+            'parent approval is wrong', False, approval_id=4))
+    with self.call_should_fail(400):
+      self.call_api('approvals_comments_insert', request)
+  @patch('time.time')
+  def testApprovalCommentsInsert_FieldValueChanges(self, mock_time):
+    """Field value changes are properly processed."""
+    test_time = 6789
+    mock_time.return_value = test_time
+    comment = tracker_pb2.IssueComment(
+        id=123, issue_id=10001,
+        project_id=12345, user_id=111,
+        content='cows moo',
+        timestamp=143770000)
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[222], project_id=12345)
+    approval = tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(
+        approval_id=1, approver_ids=[444])
+    request, issue = self.approvalRequest(
+        approval,
+        request_fields={'approvalUpdates': {
+            'fieldValues': [
+                {'fieldName': 'CowLayerName', 'fieldValue': 'cow'},
+                {'fieldName': 'CowType', 'fieldValue': 'skim'},
+                {'fieldName': 'CowType', 'fieldValue': 'milk'},
+                {'fieldName': 'CowType', 'fieldValue': 'chocolate',
+                 'operator': 'remove'}]
+        }},
+        comment=comment)
+    self.config.field_defs.extend(
+        [tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldDef(
+            2, 12345, 'CowLayerName', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.STR_TYPE,
+            '', '', False, False, False, None, None, None, False,
+            None, '', tracker_pb2.NotifyTriggers.NEVER, 'no_action',
+            'sub field value of approval 1', False, approval_id=1),
+        tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldDef(
+            3, 12345, 'CowType', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.ENUM_TYPE,
+            '', '', False, False, True, None, None, None, False,
+            None, '', tracker_pb2.NotifyTriggers.NEVER, 'no_action',
+            'enum sub field value of approval 1', False, approval_id=1)])
+    response = self.call_api('approvals_comments_insert', request).json_body
+    fvs_add = [tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldValue(
+        2, None, 'cow', None, None, None, False)]
+    labels_add = ['CowType-skim', 'CowType-milk']
+    labels_remove = ['CowType-chocolate']
+    approval_delta = tracker_bizobj.MakeApprovalDelta(
+        None, 111, [], [], fvs_add, [], [],
+        labels_add, labels_remove, set_on=test_time)
+        None, 111, self.config, issue, approval, approval_delta,
+        comment_content=None, is_description=None)
+    self.assertEqual(response['content'], comment.content)
+  @patch('time.time')
+  def testApprovalsCommentsInsert_StatusChanges_Normal(self, mock_time):
+    test_time = 6789
+    mock_time.return_value = test_time
+    comment = tracker_pb2.IssueComment(
+        id=123, issue_id=10001,
+        project_id=12345, user_id=111,  # requester
+        content='this is a comment',
+        timestamp=1437700000,
+        amendments=[tracker_bizobj.MakeApprovalStatusAmendment(
+            tracker_pb2.ApprovalStatus.REVIEW_REQUESTED)])
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[222], project_id=12345)
+    approval = tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(
+        approval_id=1, approver_ids=[444],
+        status=tracker_pb2.ApprovalStatus.NOT_SET)
+    request, issue = self.approvalRequest(
+        approval,
+        request_fields={'approvalUpdates': {'status': 'reviewRequested'}},
+        comment=comment)
+    response = self.call_api('approvals_comments_insert', request).json_body
+    approval_delta = tracker_bizobj.MakeApprovalDelta(
+        tracker_pb2.ApprovalStatus.REVIEW_REQUESTED, 111, [], [], [], [], [],
+        [], [], set_on=test_time)
+        None, 111, self.config, issue, approval, approval_delta,
+        comment_content=None, is_description=None)
+    self.assertEqual(response['author']['name'], '')
+    self.assertEqual(response['content'], comment.content)
+    self.assertTrue(response['canDelete'])
+    self.assertEqual(response['approvalUpdates'],
+                     {'kind': 'monorail#approvalCommentUpdate',
+                      'status': 'reviewRequested'})
+  def testApprovalsCommentsInsert_StatusChanges_NoPerms(self):
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[222],
+        project_id=12345)
+    approval = tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(
+        approval_id=1, approver_ids=[444],
+        status=tracker_pb2.ApprovalStatus.NOT_SET)
+    request, _issue = self.approvalRequest(
+        approval,
+        request_fields={'approvalUpdates': {'status': 'approved'}})
+    with self.call_should_fail(403):
+      self.call_api('approvals_comments_insert', request)
+  @patch('time.time')
+  def testApprovalsCommentsInsert_StatusChanges_ApproverPerms(self, mock_time):
+    test_time = 6789
+    mock_time.return_value = test_time
+    comment = tracker_pb2.IssueComment(
+        id=123, issue_id=1234501,
+        project_id=12345, user_id=111,
+        content='this is a comment',
+        timestamp=1437700000,
+        amendments=[tracker_bizobj.MakeApprovalStatusAmendment(
+            tracker_pb2.ApprovalStatus.NOT_APPROVED)])
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[222],
+        project_id=12345)
+    approval = tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(
+        approval_id=1, approver_ids=[111],  # requester
+        status=tracker_pb2.ApprovalStatus.NOT_SET)
+    request, issue = self.approvalRequest(
+        approval,
+        request_fields={'approvalUpdates': {'status': 'notApproved'}},
+        comment=comment)
+    response = self.call_api('approvals_comments_insert', request).json_body
+    approval_delta = tracker_bizobj.MakeApprovalDelta(
+        tracker_pb2.ApprovalStatus.NOT_APPROVED, 111, [], [], [], [], [],
+        [], [], set_on=test_time)
+        None, 111, self.config, issue, approval, approval_delta,
+        comment_content=None, is_description=None)
+    self.assertEqual(response['author']['name'], '')
+    self.assertEqual(response['content'], comment.content)
+    self.assertTrue(response['canDelete'])
+    self.assertEqual(response['approvalUpdates'],
+                     {'kind': 'monorail#approvalCommentUpdate',
+                      'status': 'notApproved'})
+  def testApprovalsCommentsInsert_ApproverChanges_NoPerms(self):
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[222],
+        project_id=12345)
+    approval = tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(
+        approval_id=1, approver_ids=[444],
+        status=tracker_pb2.ApprovalStatus.NOT_SET)
+    request, _issue = self.approvalRequest(
+        approval,
+        request_fields={'approvalUpdates': {'approvers': ''}})
+    with self.call_should_fail(403):
+      self.call_api('approvals_comments_insert', request)
+  @patch('time.time')
+  def testApprovalsCommentsInsert_ApproverChanges_ApproverPerms(
+      self, mock_time):
+    test_time = 6789
+    mock_time.return_value = test_time
+    comment = tracker_pb2.IssueComment(
+        id=123, issue_id=1234501,
+        project_id=12345, user_id=111,
+        content='this is a comment',
+        timestamp=1437700000,
+        amendments=[tracker_bizobj.MakeApprovalApproversAmendment(
+            [222], [123])])
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[222],
+        project_id=12345)
+    approval = tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(
+        approval_id=1, approver_ids=[111],  # requester
+        status=tracker_pb2.ApprovalStatus.NOT_SET)
+    request, issue = self.approvalRequest(
+        approval,
+        request_fields={
+            'approvalUpdates':
+            {'approvers': ['', '']}},
+        comment=comment)
+    response = self.call_api('approvals_comments_insert', request).json_body
+    approval_delta = tracker_bizobj.MakeApprovalDelta(
+        None, 111, [222], [123], [], [], [], [], [], set_on=test_time)
+        None, 111, self.config, issue, approval, approval_delta,
+        comment_content=None, is_description=None)
+    self.assertEqual(response['author']['name'], '')
+    self.assertEqual(response['content'], comment.content)
+    self.assertTrue(response['canDelete'])
+    self.assertEqual(response['approvalUpdates'],
+                     {'kind': 'monorail#approvalCommentUpdate',
+                      'approvers': ['', '']})
+  @patch('time.time')
+  def testApprovalsCommentsInsert_IsSurvey(self, mock_time):
+    test_time = 6789
+    mock_time.return_value = test_time
+    comment = tracker_pb2.IssueComment(
+        id=123, issue_id=10001,
+        project_id=12345, user_id=111,
+        content='this is a comment',
+        timestamp=1437700000)
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[222],
+        project_id=12345)
+    approval = tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(
+        approval_id=1, approver_ids=[111],  # requester
+        status=tracker_pb2.ApprovalStatus.NOT_SET)
+    request, issue = self.approvalRequest(
+        approval,
+        request_fields={'content': 'updated survey', 'is_description': True},
+        comment=comment)
+    response = self.call_api('approvals_comments_insert', request).json_body
+    approval_delta = tracker_bizobj.MakeApprovalDelta(
+        None, 111, [], [], [], [], [], [], [], set_on=test_time)
+        None, 111, self.config, issue, approval, approval_delta,
+        comment_content='updated survey', is_description=True)
+    self.assertEqual(response['author']['name'], '')
+    self.assertTrue(response['canDelete'])
+  @patch('time.time')
+  @patch('features.send_notifications.PrepareAndSendApprovalChangeNotification')
+  def testApprovalsCommentsInsert_SendEmail(
+      self, mockPrepareAndSend, mock_time,):
+    test_time = 6789
+    mock_time.return_value = test_time
+    comment = tracker_pb2.IssueComment(
+        id=123, issue_id=10001,
+        project_id=12345, user_id=111,
+        content='this is a comment',
+        timestamp=1437700000)
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[222],
+        project_id=12345)
+    approval = tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(
+        approval_id=1, approver_ids=[111],  # requester
+        status=tracker_pb2.ApprovalStatus.NOT_SET)
+    request, issue = self.approvalRequest(
+        approval,
+        request_fields={'content': comment.content, 'sendEmail': True},
+        comment=comment)
+    response = self.call_api('approvals_comments_insert', request).json_body
+    mockPrepareAndSend.assert_called_with(
+        issue.issue_id, approval.approval_id, ANY,, send_email=True)
+    approval_delta = tracker_bizobj.MakeApprovalDelta(
+        None, 111, [], [], [], [], [], [], [], set_on=test_time)
+        None, 111, self.config, issue, approval, approval_delta,
+        comment_content=comment.content, is_description=None)
+    self.assertEqual(response['author']['name'], '')
+    self.assertTrue(response['canDelete'])
+  def testGroupsSettingsList_AllSettings(self):
+    resp = self.call_api('groups_settings_list', self.request).json_body
+    all_settings = resp['groupSettings']
+    self.assertEqual(1, len(all_settings))
+    self.assertEqual('', all_settings[0]['groupName'])
+  def testGroupsSettingsList_ImportedSettings(self):
+'', 234)
+        234, '', external_group_type='mdb')
+    self.request['importedGroupsOnly'] = True
+    resp = self.call_api('groups_settings_list', self.request).json_body
+    all_settings = resp['groupSettings']
+    self.assertEqual(1, len(all_settings))
+    self.assertEqual('', all_settings[0]['groupName'])
+  def testGroupsCreate_NoPermission(self):
+    self.request['groupName'] = 'group'
+    with self.call_should_fail(403):
+      self.call_api('groups_create', self.request)
+  def SetUpGroupRequest(self, group_name, who_can_view_members='MEMBERS',
+                        ext_group_type=None, perms=None,
+                        requester=''):
+    request = {
+        'groupName': group_name,
+        'requester': requester,
+        'who_can_view_members': who_can_view_members,
+        'ext_group_type': ext_group_type}
+    self.request.pop("userId", None)
+    self.mock(api_svc_v1.MonorailApi, 'mar_factory',
+              lambda x, y, z: FakeMonorailApiRequest(
+                  request,, perms=perms))
+    return request
+  def testGroupsCreate_Normal(self):
+    request = self.SetUpGroupRequest('', 'MEMBERS',
+                                     'MDB', permissions.ADMIN_PERMISSIONSET)
+    resp = self.call_api('groups_create', request).json_body
+    self.assertIn('groupID', resp)
+  def testGroupsGet_NoPermission(self):
+    request = self.SetUpGroupRequest('')
+    with self.call_should_fail(403):
+      self.call_api('groups_get', request)
+  def testGroupsGet_Normal(self):
+    request = self.SetUpGroupRequest('',
+                                     perms=permissions.ADMIN_PERMISSIONSET)
+, [111], 'member')
+, [222], 'owner')
+    resp = self.call_api('groups_get', request).json_body
+    self.assertEqual(123, resp['groupID'])
+    self.assertEqual([''], resp['groupMembers'])
+    self.assertEqual([''], resp['groupOwners'])
+    self.assertEqual('', resp['groupSettings']['groupName'])
+  def testGroupsUpdate_NoPermission(self):
+    request = self.SetUpGroupRequest('')
+    with self.call_should_fail(403):
+      self.call_api('groups_update', request)
+  def testGroupsUpdate_Normal(self):
+    request = self.SetUpGroupRequest('')
+    request = self.SetUpGroupRequest('',
+                                     perms=permissions.ADMIN_PERMISSIONSET)
+    request['last_sync_time'] = 123456789
+    request['groupOwners'] = ['']
+    request['groupMembers'] = ['']
+    resp = self.call_api('groups_update', request).json_body
+    self.assertFalse(resp.get('error'))
+  def testComponentsList(self):
+    """Get components for a project."""
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[222],
+        project_id=12345)
+    self.SetUpComponents(12345, 1, 'API')
+    resp = self.call_api('components_list', self.request).json_body
+    self.assertEqual(1, len(resp['components']))
+    cd = resp['components'][0]
+    self.assertEqual(1, cd['componentId'])
+    self.assertEqual('API', cd['componentPath'])
+    self.assertEqual(1, cd['componentId'])
+    self.assertEqual('test-project', cd['projectName'])
+  def testComponentsCreate_NoPermission(self):
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[222],
+        project_id=12345)
+    self.SetUpComponents(12345, 1, 'API')
+    cd_dict = {
+      'componentName': 'Test'}
+    self.request.update(cd_dict)
+    with self.call_should_fail(403):
+      self.call_api('components_create', self.request)
+  def testComponentsCreate_Invalid(self):
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[111],
+        project_id=12345)
+    self.SetUpComponents(12345, 1, 'API')
+    # Component with invalid name
+    cd_dict = {
+      'componentName': 'c>d>e'}
+    self.request.update(cd_dict)
+    with self.call_should_fail(400):
+      self.call_api('components_create', self.request)
+    # Name already in use
+    cd_dict = {
+      'componentName': 'API'}
+    self.request.update(cd_dict)
+    with self.call_should_fail(400):
+      self.call_api('components_create', self.request)
+    # Parent component does not exist
+    cd_dict = {
+      'componentName': 'test',
+      'parentPath': 'NotExist'}
+    self.request.update(cd_dict)
+    with self.call_should_fail(404):
+      self.call_api('components_create', self.request)
+  def testComponentsCreate_Normal(self):
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[111],
+        project_id=12345)
+    self.SetUpComponents(12345, 1, 'API')
+    cd_dict = {
+        'componentName': 'Test',
+        'description': 'test comp',
+        'cc': ['', '']
+    }
+    self.request.update(cd_dict)
+    resp = self.call_api('components_create', self.request).json_body
+    self.assertEqual('test comp', resp['description'])
+    self.assertEqual('', resp['creator'])
+    self.assertEqual([u''], resp['cc'])
+    self.assertEqual('Test', resp['componentPath'])
+    cd_dict = {
+      'componentName': 'TestChild',
+      'parentPath': 'API'}
+    self.request.update(cd_dict)
+    resp = self.call_api('components_create', self.request).json_body
+    self.assertEqual('API>TestChild', resp['componentPath'])
+  def testComponentsDelete_Invalid(self):
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[222],
+        project_id=12345)
+    self.SetUpComponents(12345, 1, 'API')
+    # Fail to delete a non-existent component
+    cd_dict = {
+      'componentPath': 'NotExist'}
+    self.request.update(cd_dict)
+    with self.call_should_fail(404):
+      self.call_api('components_delete', self.request)
+    # The user has no permission to delete component
+    cd_dict = {
+      'componentPath': 'API'}
+    self.request.update(cd_dict)
+    with self.call_should_fail(403):
+      self.call_api('components_delete', self.request)
+    # The user tries to delete component that had subcomponents
+        'test-project2', owner_ids=[111],
+        project_id=123456)
+    self.SetUpComponents(123456, 1, 'Parent')
+    self.SetUpComponents(123456, 2, 'Parent>Child')
+    cd_dict = {
+      'componentPath': 'Parent',
+      'projectId': 'test-project2',}
+    self.request.update(cd_dict)
+    with self.call_should_fail(403):
+      self.call_api('components_delete', self.request)
+  def testComponentsDelete_Normal(self):
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[111],
+        project_id=12345)
+    self.SetUpComponents(12345, 1, 'API')
+    cd_dict = {
+      'componentPath': 'API'}
+    self.request.update(cd_dict)
+    _ = self.call_api('components_delete', self.request).json_body
+    self.assertEqual(0, len(self.config.component_defs))
+  def testComponentsUpdate_Invalid(self):
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[222],
+        project_id=12345)
+    self.SetUpComponents(12345, 1, 'API')
+    self.SetUpComponents(12345, 2, 'Test', admin_ids=[111])
+    # Fail to update a non-existent component
+    cd_dict = {
+      'componentPath': 'NotExist'}
+    self.request.update(cd_dict)
+    with self.call_should_fail(404):
+      self.call_api('components_update', self.request)
+    # The user has no permission to edit component
+    cd_dict = {
+      'componentPath': 'API'}
+    self.request.update(cd_dict)
+    with self.call_should_fail(403):
+      self.call_api('components_update', self.request)
+    # The user tries an invalid component name
+    cd_dict = {
+      'componentPath': 'Test',
+      'updates': [{'field': 'LEAF_NAME', 'leafName': 'c>e'}]}
+    self.request.update(cd_dict)
+    with self.call_should_fail(400):
+      self.call_api('components_update', self.request)
+    # The user tries a name already in use
+    cd_dict = {
+      'componentPath': 'Test',
+      'updates': [{'field': 'LEAF_NAME', 'leafName': 'API'}]}
+    self.request.update(cd_dict)
+    with self.call_should_fail(400):
+      self.call_api('components_update', self.request)
+  def testComponentsUpdate_Normal(self):
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[111],
+        project_id=12345)
+    self.SetUpComponents(12345, 1, 'API')
+    self.SetUpComponents(12345, 2, 'Parent')
+    self.SetUpComponents(12345, 3, 'Parent>Child')
+    cd_dict = {
+      'componentPath': 'API',
+      'updates': [
+          {'field': 'DESCRIPTION', 'description': ''},
+          {'field': 'CC', 'cc': [
+              '', '', '', ' ']},
+          {'field': 'DEPRECATED', 'deprecated': True}]}
+    self.request.update(cd_dict)
+    _ = self.call_api('components_update', self.request).json_body
+    component_def = tracker_bizobj.FindComponentDef(
+        'API', self.config)
+    self.assertIsNotNone(component_def)
+    self.assertEqual('', component_def.docstring)
+    self.assertItemsEqual([111, 222], component_def.cc_ids)
+    self.assertTrue(component_def.deprecated)
+    cd_dict = {
+      'componentPath': 'Parent',
+      'updates': [
+          {'field': 'LEAF_NAME', 'leafName': 'NewParent'}]}
+    self.request.update(cd_dict)
+    _ = self.call_api('components_update', self.request).json_body
+    cd_parent = tracker_bizobj.FindComponentDef(
+        'NewParent', self.config)
+    cd_child = tracker_bizobj.FindComponentDef(
+        'NewParent>Child', self.config)
+    self.assertIsNotNone(cd_parent)
+    self.assertIsNotNone(cd_child)
+class RequestMock(object):
+  def __init__(self):
+    self.projectId = None
+    self.issueId = None
+class RequesterMock(object):
+  def __init__(self, email=None):
+    self._email = email
+  def email(self):
+    return self._email
+class AllBaseChecksTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+ = MakeFakeServiceManager()
+'', 111)
+    self.user_2 ='', 222)
+        'test-project', owner_ids=[111], project_id=123,
+        access=project_pb2.ProjectAccess.MEMBERS_ONLY)
+    self.auth_client_ids = ['']
+    oauth.get_client_id = Mock(return_value=self.auth_client_ids[0])
+    oauth.get_current_user = Mock(
+        return_value=RequesterMock(email=''))
+    oauth.get_authorized_scopes = Mock()
+  def testUnauthorizedRequester(self):
+    with self.assertRaises(endpoints.UnauthorizedException):
+      api_svc_v1.api_base_checks(None, None, None, None, [], [])
+  def testNoUser(self):
+    requester = RequesterMock(email='')
+    with self.assertRaises(exceptions.NoSuchUserException):
+      api_svc_v1.api_base_checks(
+          None, requester,, None, self.auth_client_ids, [])
+  def testAllowedDomain_MonorailScope(self):
+    oauth.get_authorized_scopes.return_value = [
+        framework_constants.MONORAIL_SCOPE]
+    oauth.get_current_user.return_value = RequesterMock(
+    allowlisted_client_ids = []
+    allowlisted_emails = []
+    client_id, email = api_svc_v1.api_base_checks(
+        None, None,, None, allowlisted_client_ids,
+        allowlisted_emails)
+    self.assertEqual(client_id, self.auth_client_ids[0])
+    self.assertEqual(email,
+  def testAllowedDomain_NoMonorailScope(self):
+    oauth.get_authorized_scopes.return_value = []
+    oauth.get_current_user.return_value = RequesterMock(
+    allowlisted_client_ids = []
+    allowlisted_emails = []
+    with self.assertRaises(endpoints.UnauthorizedException):
+      api_svc_v1.api_base_checks(
+          None, None,, None, allowlisted_client_ids,
+          allowlisted_emails)
+  def testAllowedDomain_BadEmail(self):
+    oauth.get_authorized_scopes.return_value = [
+        framework_constants.MONORAIL_SCOPE]
+    oauth.get_current_user.return_value = RequesterMock(
+        email='chicken@chicken.test')
+    allowlisted_client_ids = []
+    allowlisted_emails = []
+'chicken@chicken.test', 333)
+    with self.assertRaises(endpoints.UnauthorizedException):
+      api_svc_v1.api_base_checks(
+          None, None,, None, allowlisted_client_ids,
+          allowlisted_emails)
+  def testNoOauthUser(self):
+    oauth.get_current_user.side_effect = oauth.Error()
+    with self.assertRaises(endpoints.UnauthorizedException):
+      api_svc_v1.api_base_checks(
+          None, None,, None, [], [])
+  def testBannedUser(self):
+    banned_email = ''
+, 222, banned=True)
+    requester = RequesterMock(email=banned_email)
+    with self.assertRaises(permissions.BannedUserException):
+      api_svc_v1.api_base_checks(
+          None, requester,, None, self.auth_client_ids, [])
+  def testNoProject(self):
+    request = RequestMock()
+    request.projectId = 'notexist-project'
+    requester = RequesterMock(email='')
+    with self.assertRaises(exceptions.NoSuchProjectException):
+      api_svc_v1.api_base_checks(
+          request, requester,, None, self.auth_client_ids, [])
+  def testNonLiveProject(self):
+    archived_project = 'archived-project'
+        archived_project, owner_ids=[111],
+        state=project_pb2.ProjectState.ARCHIVED)
+    request = RequestMock()
+    request.projectId = archived_project
+    requester = RequesterMock(email='')
+    with self.assertRaises(permissions.PermissionException):
+      api_svc_v1.api_base_checks(
+          request, requester,, None, self.auth_client_ids, [])
+  def testNoViewProjectPermission(self):
+    nonmember_email = ''
+, 222)
+    requester = RequesterMock(email=nonmember_email)
+    request = RequestMock()
+    request.projectId = 'test-project'
+    with self.assertRaises(permissions.PermissionException):
+      api_svc_v1.api_base_checks(
+          request, requester,, None, self.auth_client_ids, [])
+  def testAllPass(self):
+    requester = RequesterMock(email='')
+    request = RequestMock()
+    request.projectId = 'test-project'
+    api_svc_v1.api_base_checks(
+        request, requester,, None, self.auth_client_ids, [])
+  def testNoIssue(self):
+    requester = RequesterMock(email='')
+    request = RequestMock()
+    request.projectId = 'test-project'
+    request.issueId = 12345
+    with self.assertRaises(exceptions.NoSuchIssueException):
+      api_svc_v1.api_base_checks(
+          request, requester,, None, self.auth_client_ids, [])
+  def testNoViewIssuePermission(self):
+    requester = RequesterMock(email='')
+    request = RequestMock()
+    request.projectId = 'test-project'
+    request.issueId = 1
+    issue1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=123, local_id=1, summary='test summary',
+        status='New', owner_id=111, reporter_id=111)
+    issue1.deleted = True
+    with self.assertRaises(permissions.PermissionException):
+      api_svc_v1.api_base_checks(
+          request, requester,, None, self.auth_client_ids, [])
+  def testAnonymousClients(self):
+    # Some clients specifically pass "anonymous" as the client ID.
+    oauth.get_client_id = Mock(return_value='anonymous')
+    requester = RequesterMock(email='')
+    request = RequestMock()
+    request.projectId = 'test-project'
+    api_svc_v1.api_base_checks(
+        request, requester,, None, [], [''])
+    # Any client_id is OK if the email is allowlisted.
+    oauth.get_client_id = Mock(return_value='anything')
+    api_svc_v1.api_base_checks(
+        request, requester,, None, [], [''])
+    # Reject request when neither client ID nor email is allowlisted.
+    with self.assertRaises(endpoints.UnauthorizedException):
+      api_svc_v1.api_base_checks(
+          request, requester,, None, [], [])
diff --git a/services/test/ b/services/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20956e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Tests for the cachemanager service."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import unittest
+import mox
+from framework import sql
+from services import cachemanager_svc
+from services import caches
+from services import service_manager
+from testing import fake
+from testing import testing_helpers
+class CacheManagerServiceTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.mox = mox.Mox()
+    self.cnxn = fake.MonorailConnection()
+    self.cache_manager = cachemanager_svc.CacheManager()
+    self.cache_manager.invalidate_tbl = self.mox.CreateMock(
+        sql.SQLTableManager)
+  def tearDown(self):
+    self.mox.UnsetStubs()
+    self.mox.ResetAll()
+  def testRegisterCache(self):
+    ram_cache = 'fake ramcache'
+    self.cache_manager.RegisterCache(ram_cache, 'issue')
+    self.assertTrue(ram_cache in self.cache_manager.cache_registry['issue'])
+  def testRegisterCache_UnknownKind(self):
+    ram_cache = 'fake ramcache'
+    self.assertRaises(
+      AssertionError,
+      self.cache_manager.RegisterCache, ram_cache, 'foo')
+  def testProcessInvalidateRows_Empty(self):
+    rows = []
+    self.cache_manager._ProcessInvalidationRows(rows)
+    self.assertEqual(0, self.cache_manager.processed_invalidations_up_to)
+  def testProcessInvalidateRows_Some(self):
+    ram_cache = caches.RamCache(self.cache_manager, 'issue')
+    ram_cache.CacheAll({
+        33: 'issue 33',
+        34: 'issue 34',
+        })
+    rows = [(1, 'issue', 34),
+            (2, 'project', 789),
+            (3, 'issue', 39)]
+    self.cache_manager._ProcessInvalidationRows(rows)
+    self.assertEqual(3, self.cache_manager.processed_invalidations_up_to)
+    self.assertTrue(ram_cache.HasItem(33))
+    self.assertFalse(ram_cache.HasItem(34))
+  def testProcessInvalidateRows_All(self):
+    ram_cache = caches.RamCache(self.cache_manager, 'issue')
+    ram_cache.CacheAll({
+        33: 'issue 33',
+        34: 'issue 34',
+        })
+    rows = [(991, 'issue', 34),
+            (992, 'project', 789),
+            (993, 'issue', cachemanager_svc.INVALIDATE_ALL_KEYS)]
+    self.cache_manager._ProcessInvalidationRows(rows)
+    self.assertEqual(993, self.cache_manager.processed_invalidations_up_to)
+    self.assertEqual({}, ram_cache.cache)
+  def SetUpDoDistributedInvalidation(self, rows):
+    self.cache_manager.invalidate_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['timestep', 'kind', 'cache_key'],
+        where=[('timestep > %s', [0])],
+        order_by=[('timestep DESC', [])],
+        limit=cachemanager_svc.MAX_INVALIDATE_ROWS_TO_CONSIDER
+        ).AndReturn(rows)
+  def testDoDistributedInvalidation_Empty(self):
+    rows = []
+    self.SetUpDoDistributedInvalidation(rows)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.cache_manager.DoDistributedInvalidation(self.cnxn)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(0, self.cache_manager.processed_invalidations_up_to)
+  def testDoDistributedInvalidation_Some(self):
+    ram_cache = caches.RamCache(self.cache_manager, 'issue')
+    ram_cache.CacheAll({
+        33: 'issue 33',
+        34: 'issue 34',
+        })
+    rows = [(1, 'issue', 34),
+            (2, 'project', 789),
+            (3, 'issue', 39)]
+    self.SetUpDoDistributedInvalidation(rows)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.cache_manager.DoDistributedInvalidation(self.cnxn)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(3, self.cache_manager.processed_invalidations_up_to)
+    self.assertTrue(ram_cache.HasItem(33))
+    self.assertFalse(ram_cache.HasItem(34))
+  def testDoDistributedInvalidation_Redundant(self):
+    ram_cache = caches.RamCache(self.cache_manager, 'issue')
+    ram_cache.CacheAll({
+        33: 'issue 33',
+        34: 'issue 34',
+        })
+    rows = [(1, 'issue', 34),
+            (2, 'project', 789),
+            (3, 'issue', 39),
+            (4, 'project', 789),
+            (5, 'issue', 39)]
+    self.SetUpDoDistributedInvalidation(rows)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.cache_manager.DoDistributedInvalidation(self.cnxn)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(5, self.cache_manager.processed_invalidations_up_to)
+    self.assertTrue(ram_cache.HasItem(33))
+    self.assertFalse(ram_cache.HasItem(34))
+  def testStoreInvalidateRows_UnknownKind(self):
+    self.assertRaises(
+        AssertionError,
+        self.cache_manager.StoreInvalidateRows, self.cnxn, 'foo', [1, 2])
+  def SetUpStoreInvalidateRows(self, rows):
+    self.cache_manager.invalidate_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn, ['kind', 'cache_key'], rows)
+  def testStoreInvalidateRows(self):
+    rows = [('issue', 1), ('issue', 2)]
+    self.SetUpStoreInvalidateRows(rows)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.cache_manager.StoreInvalidateRows(self.cnxn, 'issue', [1, 2])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def SetUpStoreInvalidateAll(self, kind):
+    self.cache_manager.invalidate_tbl.InsertRow(
+        self.cnxn, kind=kind, cache_key=cachemanager_svc.INVALIDATE_ALL_KEYS,
+        ).AndReturn(44)
+    self.cache_manager.invalidate_tbl.Delete(
+        self.cnxn, kind=kind, where=[('timestep < %s', [44])])
+  def testStoreInvalidateAll(self):
+    self.SetUpStoreInvalidateAll('issue')
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.cache_manager.StoreInvalidateAll(self.cnxn, 'issue')
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+class RamCacheConsolidateTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.mox = mox.Mox()
+    self.cnxn = 'fake connection'
+    self.cache_manager = cachemanager_svc.CacheManager()
+    self.cache_manager.invalidate_tbl = self.mox.CreateMock(
+        sql.SQLTableManager)
+ = service_manager.Services(
+        cache_manager=self.cache_manager)
+    self.servlet = cachemanager_svc.RamCacheConsolidate(
+        'req', 'res',
+  def testHandleRequest_NothingToDo(self):
+    mr = testing_helpers.MakeMonorailRequest()
+    self.cache_manager.invalidate_tbl.SelectValue(
+        mr.cnxn, 'COUNT(*)').AndReturn(112)
+    self.cache_manager.invalidate_tbl.SelectValue(
+        mr.cnxn, 'COUNT(*)').AndReturn(112)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    json_data = self.servlet.HandleRequest(mr)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(json_data['old_count'], 112)
+    self.assertEqual(json_data['new_count'], 112)
+  def testHandleRequest_Truncate(self):
+    mr = testing_helpers.MakeMonorailRequest()
+    self.cache_manager.invalidate_tbl.SelectValue(
+        mr.cnxn, 'COUNT(*)').AndReturn(4012)
+    self.cache_manager.invalidate_tbl.Select(
+        mr.cnxn, ['timestep'],
+        order_by=[('timestep DESC', [])],
+        limit=cachemanager_svc.MAX_INVALIDATE_ROWS_TO_CONSIDER
+        ).AndReturn([[3012]])  # Actual would be 1000 rows ending with 3012.
+    self.cache_manager.invalidate_tbl.Delete(
+        mr.cnxn, where=[('timestep < %s', [3012])])
+    self.cache_manager.invalidate_tbl.SelectValue(
+        mr.cnxn, 'COUNT(*)').AndReturn(1000)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    json_data = self.servlet.HandleRequest(mr)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(json_data['old_count'], 4012)
+    self.assertEqual(json_data['new_count'], 1000)
diff --git a/services/test/ b/services/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ced369
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Tests for the cache classes."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import fakeredis
+import unittest
+from google.appengine.api import memcache
+from google.appengine.ext import testbed
+import settings
+from services import caches
+from testing import fake
+class RamCacheTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.cnxn = 'fake connection'
+    self.cache_manager = fake.CacheManager()
+    self.ram_cache = caches.RamCache(self.cache_manager, 'issue', max_size=3)
+  def testInit(self):
+    self.assertEqual('issue', self.ram_cache.kind)
+    self.assertEqual(3, self.ram_cache.max_size)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        [self.ram_cache],
+        self.cache_manager.cache_registry['issue'])
+  def testCacheItem(self):
+    self.ram_cache.CacheItem(123, 'foo')
+    self.assertEqual('foo', self.ram_cache.cache[123])
+  def testCacheItem_DropsOldItems(self):
+    self.ram_cache.CacheItem(123, 'foo')
+    self.ram_cache.CacheItem(234, 'foo')
+    self.ram_cache.CacheItem(345, 'foo')
+    self.ram_cache.CacheItem(456, 'foo')
+    # The cache does not get bigger than its limit.
+    self.assertEqual(3, len(self.ram_cache.cache))
+    # An old value is dropped, not the newly added one.
+    self.assertIn(456, self.ram_cache.cache)
+  def testCacheAll(self):
+    self.ram_cache.CacheAll({123: 'foo'})
+    self.assertEqual('foo', self.ram_cache.cache[123])
+  def testCacheAll_DropsOldItems(self):
+    self.ram_cache.CacheAll({1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'})
+    self.ram_cache.CacheAll({4: 'x', 5: 'y'})
+    # The cache does not get bigger than its limit.
+    self.assertEqual(3, len(self.ram_cache.cache))
+    # An old value is dropped, not the newly added one.
+    self.assertIn(4, self.ram_cache.cache)
+    self.assertIn(5, self.ram_cache.cache)
+    self.assertEqual('y', self.ram_cache.cache[5])
+  def testHasItem(self):
+    self.ram_cache.CacheItem(123, 'foo')
+    self.assertTrue(self.ram_cache.HasItem(123))
+    self.assertFalse(self.ram_cache.HasItem(999))
+  def testGetItem(self):
+    self.ram_cache.CacheItem(123, 'foo')
+    self.assertEqual('foo', self.ram_cache.GetItem(123))
+    self.assertEqual(None, self.ram_cache.GetItem(456))
+  def testGetAll(self):
+    self.ram_cache.CacheItem(123, 'foo')
+    self.ram_cache.CacheItem(124, 'bar')
+    hits, misses = self.ram_cache.GetAll([123, 124, 999])
+    self.assertEqual({123: 'foo', 124: 'bar'}, hits)
+    self.assertEqual([999], misses)
+  def testLocalInvalidate(self):
+    self.ram_cache.CacheAll({123: 'a', 124: 'b', 125: 'c'})
+    self.ram_cache.LocalInvalidate(124)
+    self.assertEqual(2, len(self.ram_cache.cache))
+    self.assertNotIn(124, self.ram_cache.cache)
+    self.ram_cache.LocalInvalidate(999)
+    self.assertEqual(2, len(self.ram_cache.cache))
+  def testInvalidate(self):
+    self.ram_cache.CacheAll({123: 'a', 124: 'b', 125: 'c'})
+    self.ram_cache.Invalidate(self.cnxn, 124)
+    self.assertEqual(2, len(self.ram_cache.cache))
+    self.assertNotIn(124, self.ram_cache.cache)
+    self.assertEqual(self.cache_manager.last_call,
+                     ('StoreInvalidateRows', self.cnxn, 'issue', [124]))
+  def testInvalidateKeys(self):
+    self.ram_cache.CacheAll({123: 'a', 124: 'b', 125: 'c'})
+    self.ram_cache.InvalidateKeys(self.cnxn, [124])
+    self.assertEqual(2, len(self.ram_cache.cache))
+    self.assertNotIn(124, self.ram_cache.cache)
+    self.assertEqual(self.cache_manager.last_call,
+                     ('StoreInvalidateRows', self.cnxn, 'issue', [124]))
+  def testLocalInvalidateAll(self):
+    self.ram_cache.CacheAll({123: 'a', 124: 'b', 125: 'c'})
+    self.ram_cache.LocalInvalidateAll()
+    self.assertEqual(0, len(self.ram_cache.cache))
+  def testInvalidateAll(self):
+    self.ram_cache.CacheAll({123: 'a', 124: 'b', 125: 'c'})
+    self.ram_cache.InvalidateAll(self.cnxn)
+    self.assertEqual(0, len(self.ram_cache.cache))
+    self.assertEqual(self.cache_manager.last_call,
+                     ('StoreInvalidateAll', self.cnxn, 'issue'))
+class ShardedRamCacheTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.cnxn = 'fake connection'
+    self.cache_manager = fake.CacheManager()
+    self.sharded_ram_cache = caches.ShardedRamCache(
+        self.cache_manager, 'issue', max_size=3, num_shards=3)
+  def testLocalInvalidate(self):
+    self.sharded_ram_cache.CacheAll({
+        (123, 0): 'a',
+        (123, 1): 'aa',
+        (123, 2): 'aaa',
+        (124, 0): 'b',
+        (124, 1): 'bb',
+        (124, 2): 'bbb',
+        })
+    self.sharded_ram_cache.LocalInvalidate(124)
+    self.assertEqual(3, len(self.sharded_ram_cache.cache))
+    self.assertNotIn((124, 0), self.sharded_ram_cache.cache)
+    self.assertNotIn((124, 1), self.sharded_ram_cache.cache)
+    self.assertNotIn((124, 2), self.sharded_ram_cache.cache)
+    self.sharded_ram_cache.LocalInvalidate(999)
+    self.assertEqual(3, len(self.sharded_ram_cache.cache))
+class TestableTwoLevelCache(caches.AbstractTwoLevelCache):
+  def __init__(
+      self,
+      cache_manager,
+      kind,
+      max_size=None,
+      use_redis=False,
+      redis_client=None):
+    super(TestableTwoLevelCache, self).__init__(
+        cache_manager,
+        kind,
+        'testable:',
+        None,
+        max_size=max_size,
+        use_redis=use_redis,
+        redis_client=redis_client)
+  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+  def FetchItems(self, cnxn, keys, **kwargs):
+    """On RAM and memcache miss, hit the database."""
+    return {key: key for key in keys if key < 900}
+class AbstractTwoLevelCacheTest_Memcache(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.testbed = testbed.Testbed()
+    self.testbed.activate()
+    self.testbed.init_memcache_stub()
+    self.cnxn = 'fake connection'
+    self.cache_manager = fake.CacheManager()
+    self.testable_2lc = TestableTwoLevelCache(self.cache_manager, 'issue')
+  def tearDown(self):
+    self.testbed.deactivate()
+  def testCacheItem(self):
+    self.testable_2lc.CacheItem(123, 12300)
+    self.assertEqual(12300, self.testable_2lc.cache.cache[123])
+  def testHasItem(self):
+    self.testable_2lc.CacheItem(123, 12300)
+    self.assertTrue(self.testable_2lc.HasItem(123))
+    self.assertFalse(self.testable_2lc.HasItem(444))
+    self.assertFalse(self.testable_2lc.HasItem(999))
+  def testWriteToMemcache_Normal(self):
+    retrieved_dict = {123: 12300, 124: 12400}
+    self.testable_2lc._WriteToMemcache(retrieved_dict)
+    actual_123, _ = self.testable_2lc._ReadFromMemcache([123])
+    self.assertEqual(12300, actual_123[123])
+    actual_124, _ = self.testable_2lc._ReadFromMemcache([124])
+    self.assertEqual(12400, actual_124[124])
+  def testWriteToMemcache_String(self):
+    retrieved_dict = {123: 'foo', 124: 'bar'}
+    self.testable_2lc._WriteToMemcache(retrieved_dict)
+    actual_123, _ = self.testable_2lc._ReadFromMemcache([123])
+    self.assertEqual('foo', actual_123[123])
+    actual_124, _ = self.testable_2lc._ReadFromMemcache([124])
+    self.assertEqual('bar', actual_124[124])
+  def testWriteToMemcache_ProtobufInt(self):
+    self.testable_2lc.pb_class = int
+    retrieved_dict = {123: 12300, 124: 12400}
+    self.testable_2lc._WriteToMemcache(retrieved_dict)
+    actual_123, _ = self.testable_2lc._ReadFromMemcache([123])
+    self.assertEqual(12300, actual_123[123])
+    actual_124, _ = self.testable_2lc._ReadFromMemcache([124])
+    self.assertEqual(12400, actual_124[124])
+  def testWriteToMemcache_List(self):
+    retrieved_dict = {123: [1, 2, 3], 124: [1, 2, 4]}
+    self.testable_2lc._WriteToMemcache(retrieved_dict)
+    actual_123, _ = self.testable_2lc._ReadFromMemcache([123])
+    self.assertEqual([1, 2, 3], actual_123[123])
+    actual_124, _ = self.testable_2lc._ReadFromMemcache([124])
+    self.assertEqual([1, 2, 4], actual_124[124])
+  def testWriteToMemcache_Dict(self):
+    retrieved_dict = {123: {'ham': 2, 'spam': 3}, 124: {'eggs': 2, 'bean': 4}}
+    self.testable_2lc._WriteToMemcache(retrieved_dict)
+    actual_123, _ = self.testable_2lc._ReadFromMemcache([123])
+    self.assertEqual({'ham': 2, 'spam': 3}, actual_123[123])
+    actual_124, _ = self.testable_2lc._ReadFromMemcache([124])
+    self.assertEqual({'eggs': 2, 'bean': 4}, actual_124[124])
+  def testWriteToMemcache_HugeValue(self):
+    """If memcache refuses to store a huge value, we don't store any."""
+    self.testable_2lc._WriteToMemcache({124: 124999})  # Gets deleted.
+    huge_str = 'huge' * 260000
+    retrieved_dict = {123: huge_str, 124: 12400}
+    self.testable_2lc._WriteToMemcache(retrieved_dict)
+    actual_123 = memcache.get('testable:123')
+    self.assertEqual(None, actual_123)
+    actual_124 = memcache.get('testable:124')
+    self.assertEqual(None, actual_124)
+  def testGetAll_FetchGetsIt(self):
+    self.testable_2lc.CacheItem(123, 12300)
+    self.testable_2lc.CacheItem(124, 12400)
+    # Clear the RAM cache so that we find items in memcache.
+    self.testable_2lc.cache.LocalInvalidateAll()
+    self.testable_2lc.CacheItem(125, 12500)
+    hits, misses = self.testable_2lc.GetAll(self.cnxn, [123, 124, 333, 444])
+    self.assertEqual({123: 12300, 124: 12400, 333: 333, 444: 444}, hits)
+    self.assertEqual([], misses)
+    # The RAM cache now has items found in memcache and DB.
+    self.assertItemsEqual(
+        [123, 124, 125, 333, 444], list(self.testable_2lc.cache.cache.keys()))
+  def testGetAll_FetchGetsItFromDB(self):
+    self.testable_2lc.CacheItem(123, 12300)
+    self.testable_2lc.CacheItem(124, 12400)
+    hits, misses = self.testable_2lc.GetAll(self.cnxn, [123, 124, 333, 444])
+    self.assertEqual({123: 12300, 124: 12400, 333: 333, 444: 444}, hits)
+    self.assertEqual([], misses)
+  def testGetAll_FetchDoesNotFindIt(self):
+    self.testable_2lc.CacheItem(123, 12300)
+    self.testable_2lc.CacheItem(124, 12400)
+    hits, misses = self.testable_2lc.GetAll(self.cnxn, [123, 124, 999])
+    self.assertEqual({123: 12300, 124: 12400}, hits)
+    self.assertEqual([999], misses)
+  def testInvalidateKeys(self):
+    self.testable_2lc.CacheItem(123, 12300)
+    self.testable_2lc.CacheItem(124, 12400)
+    self.testable_2lc.CacheItem(125, 12500)
+    self.testable_2lc.InvalidateKeys(self.cnxn, [124])
+    self.assertEqual(2, len(self.testable_2lc.cache.cache))
+    self.assertNotIn(124, self.testable_2lc.cache.cache)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        self.cache_manager.last_call,
+        ('StoreInvalidateRows', self.cnxn, 'issue', [124]))
+  def testGetAllAlreadyInRam(self):
+    self.testable_2lc.CacheItem(123, 12300)
+    self.testable_2lc.CacheItem(124, 12400)
+    hits, misses = self.testable_2lc.GetAllAlreadyInRam(
+        [123, 124, 333, 444, 999])
+    self.assertEqual({123: 12300, 124: 12400}, hits)
+    self.assertEqual([333, 444, 999], misses)
+  def testInvalidateAllRamEntries(self):
+    self.testable_2lc.CacheItem(123, 12300)
+    self.testable_2lc.CacheItem(124, 12400)
+    self.testable_2lc.InvalidateAllRamEntries(self.cnxn)
+    self.assertFalse(self.testable_2lc.HasItem(123))
+    self.assertFalse(self.testable_2lc.HasItem(124))
+class AbstractTwoLevelCacheTest_Redis(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.cnxn = 'fake connection'
+    self.cache_manager = fake.CacheManager()
+    self.server = fakeredis.FakeServer()
+    self.fake_redis_client = fakeredis.FakeRedis(server=self.server)
+    self.testable_2lc = TestableTwoLevelCache(
+        self.cache_manager,
+        'issue',
+        use_redis=True,
+        redis_client=self.fake_redis_client)
+  def tearDown(self):
+    self.fake_redis_client.flushall()
+  def testCacheItem(self):
+    self.testable_2lc.CacheItem(123, 12300)
+    self.assertEqual(12300, self.testable_2lc.cache.cache[123])
+  def testHasItem(self):
+    self.testable_2lc.CacheItem(123, 12300)
+    self.assertTrue(self.testable_2lc.HasItem(123))
+    self.assertFalse(self.testable_2lc.HasItem(444))
+    self.assertFalse(self.testable_2lc.HasItem(999))
+  def testWriteToRedis_Normal(self):
+    retrieved_dict = {123: 12300, 124: 12400}
+    self.testable_2lc._WriteToRedis(retrieved_dict)
+    actual_123, _ = self.testable_2lc._ReadFromRedis([123])
+    self.assertEqual(12300, actual_123[123])
+    actual_124, _ = self.testable_2lc._ReadFromRedis([124])
+    self.assertEqual(12400, actual_124[124])
+  def testWriteToRedis_str(self):
+    retrieved_dict = {111: 'foo', 222: 'bar'}
+    self.testable_2lc._WriteToRedis(retrieved_dict)
+    actual_111, _ = self.testable_2lc._ReadFromRedis([111])
+    self.assertEqual('foo', actual_111[111])
+    actual_222, _ = self.testable_2lc._ReadFromRedis([222])
+    self.assertEqual('bar', actual_222[222])
+  def testWriteToRedis_ProtobufInt(self):
+    self.testable_2lc.pb_class = int
+    retrieved_dict = {123: 12300, 124: 12400}
+    self.testable_2lc._WriteToRedis(retrieved_dict)
+    actual_123, _ = self.testable_2lc._ReadFromRedis([123])
+    self.assertEqual(12300, actual_123[123])
+    actual_124, _ = self.testable_2lc._ReadFromRedis([124])
+    self.assertEqual(12400, actual_124[124])
+  def testWriteToRedis_List(self):
+    retrieved_dict = {123: [1, 2, 3], 124: [1, 2, 4]}
+    self.testable_2lc._WriteToRedis(retrieved_dict)
+    actual_123, _ = self.testable_2lc._ReadFromRedis([123])
+    self.assertEqual([1, 2, 3], actual_123[123])
+    actual_124, _ = self.testable_2lc._ReadFromRedis([124])
+    self.assertEqual([1, 2, 4], actual_124[124])
+  def testWriteToRedis_Dict(self):
+    retrieved_dict = {123: {'ham': 2, 'spam': 3}, 124: {'eggs': 2, 'bean': 4}}
+    self.testable_2lc._WriteToRedis(retrieved_dict)
+    actual_123, _ = self.testable_2lc._ReadFromRedis([123])
+    self.assertEqual({'ham': 2, 'spam': 3}, actual_123[123])
+    actual_124, _ = self.testable_2lc._ReadFromRedis([124])
+    self.assertEqual({'eggs': 2, 'bean': 4}, actual_124[124])
+  def testGetAll_FetchGetsIt(self):
+    self.testable_2lc.CacheItem(123, 12300)
+    self.testable_2lc.CacheItem(124, 12400)
+    # Clear the RAM cache so that we find items in redis.
+    self.testable_2lc.cache.LocalInvalidateAll()
+    self.testable_2lc.CacheItem(125, 12500)
+    hits, misses = self.testable_2lc.GetAll(self.cnxn, [123, 124, 333, 444])
+    self.assertEqual({123: 12300, 124: 12400, 333: 333, 444: 444}, hits)
+    self.assertEqual([], misses)
+    # The RAM cache now has items found in redis and DB.
+    self.assertItemsEqual(
+        [123, 124, 125, 333, 444], list(self.testable_2lc.cache.cache.keys()))
+  def testGetAll_FetchGetsItFromDB(self):
+    self.testable_2lc.CacheItem(123, 12300)
+    self.testable_2lc.CacheItem(124, 12400)
+    hits, misses = self.testable_2lc.GetAll(self.cnxn, [123, 124, 333, 444])
+    self.assertEqual({123: 12300, 124: 12400, 333: 333, 444: 444}, hits)
+    self.assertEqual([], misses)
+  def testGetAll_FetchDoesNotFindIt(self):
+    self.testable_2lc.CacheItem(123, 12300)
+    self.testable_2lc.CacheItem(124, 12400)
+    hits, misses = self.testable_2lc.GetAll(self.cnxn, [123, 124, 999])
+    self.assertEqual({123: 12300, 124: 12400}, hits)
+    self.assertEqual([999], misses)
+  def testInvalidateKeys(self):
+    self.testable_2lc.CacheItem(123, 12300)
+    self.testable_2lc.CacheItem(124, 12400)
+    self.testable_2lc.CacheItem(125, 12500)
+    self.testable_2lc.InvalidateKeys(self.cnxn, [124])
+    self.assertEqual(2, len(self.testable_2lc.cache.cache))
+    self.assertNotIn(124, self.testable_2lc.cache.cache)
+    self.assertEqual(self.cache_manager.last_call,
+                     ('StoreInvalidateRows', self.cnxn, 'issue', [124]))
+  def testGetAllAlreadyInRam(self):
+    self.testable_2lc.CacheItem(123, 12300)
+    self.testable_2lc.CacheItem(124, 12400)
+    hits, misses = self.testable_2lc.GetAllAlreadyInRam(
+        [123, 124, 333, 444, 999])
+    self.assertEqual({123: 12300, 124: 12400}, hits)
+    self.assertEqual([333, 444, 999], misses)
+  def testInvalidateAllRamEntries(self):
+    self.testable_2lc.CacheItem(123, 12300)
+    self.testable_2lc.CacheItem(124, 12400)
+    self.testable_2lc.InvalidateAllRamEntries(self.cnxn)
+    self.assertFalse(self.testable_2lc.HasItem(123))
+    self.assertFalse(self.testable_2lc.HasItem(124))
diff --git a/services/test/ b/services/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbd87df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,713 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Unit tests for chart_svc module."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import datetime
+import mox
+import re
+import settings
+import unittest
+from google.appengine.ext import testbed
+from services import chart_svc
+from services import config_svc
+from services import service_manager
+from framework import permissions
+from framework import sql
+from proto import ast_pb2
+from proto import tracker_pb2
+from search import ast2select
+from search import search_helpers
+from testing import fake
+from tracker import tracker_bizobj
+def MakeChartService(my_mox, config):
+  chart_service = chart_svc.ChartService(config)
+  for table_var in ['issuesnapshot_tbl', 'issuesnapshot2label_tbl',
+      'issuesnapshot2component_tbl', 'issuesnapshot2cctbl', 'labeldef_tbl']:
+    setattr(chart_service, table_var, my_mox.CreateMock(sql.SQLTableManager))
+  return chart_service
+class ChartServiceTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.testbed = testbed.Testbed()
+    self.testbed.activate()
+    self.testbed.init_memcache_stub()
+    self.mox = mox.Mox()
+    self.cnxn = self.mox.CreateMock(sql.MonorailConnection)
+ = service_manager.Services()
+    self.config_service = fake.ConfigService()
+ = self.config_service
+ = MakeChartService(self.mox, self.config_service)
+ = fake.IssueService()
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, '_QueryToWhere')
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(search_helpers, 'GetPersonalAtRiskLabelIDs')
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(settings, 'num_logical_shards')
+    settings.num_logical_shards = 1
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, '_currentTime')
+    self.defaultLeftJoins = [
+      ('Issue ON IssueSnapshot.issue_id =', []),
+      ('Issue2Label AS Forbidden_label'
+       ' ON = Forbidden_label.issue_id'
+       ' AND Forbidden_label.label_id IN (%s,%s)', [91, 81]),
+      ('Issue2Cc AS I2cc'
+       ' ON = I2cc.issue_id'
+       ' AND I2cc.cc_id IN (%s,%s)', [10, 20]),
+    ]
+    self.defaultWheres = [
+      ('IssueSnapshot.period_start <= %s', [1514764800]),
+      ('IssueSnapshot.period_end > %s', [1514764800]),
+      ('Issue.is_spam = %s', [False]),
+      ('Issue.deleted = %s', [False]),
+      ('IssueSnapshot.project_id IN (%s)', [789]),
+      ('(Issue.reporter_id IN (%s,%s)'
+       ' OR Issue.owner_id IN (%s,%s)'
+       ' OR I2cc.cc_id IS NOT NULL'
+       ' OR Forbidden_label.label_id IS NULL)',
+       [10, 20, 10, 20]
+      ),
+    ]
+  def tearDown(self):
+    self.testbed.deactivate()
+    self.mox.UnsetStubs()
+    self.mox.ResetAll()
+  def _verifySQL(self, cols, left_joins, where, group_by=None):
+    for col in cols:
+      self.assertTrue(sql._IsValidColumnName(col))
+    for join_str, _ in left_joins:
+      self.assertTrue(sql._IsValidJoin(join_str))
+    for where_str, _ in where:
+      self.assertTrue(sql._IsValidWhereCond(where_str))
+    if group_by:
+      for groupby_str in group_by:
+        self.assertTrue(sql._IsValidGroupByTerm(groupby_str))
+  def testQueryIssueSnapshots_InvalidGroupBy(self):
+    """Make sure the `group_by` argument is checked."""
+    project = fake.Project(project_id=789)
+    perms = permissions.USER_PERMISSIONSET
+    search_helpers.GetPersonalAtRiskLabelIDs(self.cnxn, None,
+        self.config_service, [10, 20], project,
+        perms).AndReturn([91, 81])
+, mox.IgnoreArg(),
+        mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg(),
+        mox.IgnoreArg()).AndReturn(([], [], []))
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+          unixtime=1514764800, effective_ids=[10, 20], project=project,
+          perms=perms, group_by='rutabaga', label_prefix='rutabaga')
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testQueryIssueSnapshots_NoLabelPrefix(self):
+    """Make sure the `label_prefix` argument is required."""
+    project = fake.Project(project_id=789)
+    perms = permissions.USER_PERMISSIONSET
+    search_helpers.GetPersonalAtRiskLabelIDs(self.cnxn, None,
+        self.config_service, [10, 20], project,
+        perms).AndReturn([91, 81])
+, mox.IgnoreArg(),
+        mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg(),
+        mox.IgnoreArg()).AndReturn(([], [], []))
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+          unixtime=1514764800, effective_ids=[10, 20], project=project,
+          perms=perms, group_by='label')
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testQueryIssueSnapshots_Impossible(self):
+    """We give an error message when a query could never have results."""
+    project = fake.Project(project_id=789)
+    perms = permissions.USER_PERMISSIONSET
+, mox.IgnoreArg(),
+        mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg(),
+        mox.IgnoreArg()).AndRaise(ast2select.NoPossibleResults())
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    total, errors, limit_reached =
+        self.cnxn,,
+        unixtime=1514764800, effective_ids=[10, 20], project=project,
+        perms=perms, query='prefix=')
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual({}, total)
+    self.assertEqual(['Invalid query.'], errors)
+    self.assertFalse(limit_reached)
+  def testQueryIssueSnapshots_Components(self):
+    """Test a burndown query from a regular user grouping by component."""
+    project = fake.Project(project_id=789)
+    perms = permissions.PermissionSet(['BarPerm'])
+    search_helpers.GetPersonalAtRiskLabelIDs(self.cnxn, None,
+        self.config_service, [10, 20], project,
+        perms).AndReturn([91, 81])
+    cols = [
+      'Comp.path',
+      'COUNT(IssueSnapshot.issue_id)'
+    ]
+    left_joins = self.defaultLeftJoins + [
+      ('IssueSnapshot2Component AS Is2c'
+       ' ON Is2c.issuesnapshot_id =', []),
+      ('ComponentDef AS Comp ON = Is2c.component_id', [])
+    ]
+    where = self.defaultWheres
+    group_by = ['Comp.path']
+    stmt, stmt_args =, where,
+        left_joins, group_by, shard_id=0)
+, mox.IgnoreArg(),
+        mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg(),
+        mox.IgnoreArg()).AndReturn(([], [], []))
+    self.cnxn.Execute(stmt, stmt_args, shard_id=0).AndReturn([])
+    self._verifySQL(cols, left_joins, where, group_by)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+        unixtime=1514764800, effective_ids=[10, 20], project=project,
+        perms=perms, group_by='component')
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testQueryIssueSnapshots_Labels(self):
+    """Test a burndown query from a regular user grouping by label."""
+    project = fake.Project(project_id=789)
+    perms = permissions.PermissionSet(['BarPerm'])
+    search_helpers.GetPersonalAtRiskLabelIDs(self.cnxn, None,
+        self.config_service, [10, 20], project,
+        perms).AndReturn([91, 81])
+    cols = [
+      'Lab.label',
+      'COUNT(IssueSnapshot.issue_id)',
+    ]
+    left_joins = self.defaultLeftJoins + [
+      ('IssueSnapshot2Label AS Is2l'
+       ' ON Is2l.issuesnapshot_id =', []),
+      ('LabelDef AS Lab ON = Is2l.label_id', [])
+    ]
+    where = self.defaultWheres + [
+      ('LOWER(Lab.label) LIKE %s', ['foo-%']),
+    ]
+    group_by = ['Lab.label']
+    stmt, stmt_args =, where,
+        left_joins, group_by, shard_id=0)
+, mox.IgnoreArg(),
+        mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg(),
+        mox.IgnoreArg()).AndReturn(([], [], []))
+    self.cnxn.Execute(stmt, stmt_args, shard_id=0).AndReturn([])
+    self._verifySQL(cols, left_joins, where, group_by)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+        unixtime=1514764800, effective_ids=[10, 20], project=project,
+        perms=perms, group_by='label', label_prefix='Foo')
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testQueryIssueSnapshots_Open(self):
+    """Test a burndown query from a regular user grouping
+        by status is open or closed."""
+    project = fake.Project(project_id=789)
+    perms = permissions.PermissionSet(['BarPerm'])
+    search_helpers.GetPersonalAtRiskLabelIDs(self.cnxn, None,
+        self.config_service, [10, 20], project,
+        perms).AndReturn([91, 81])
+    cols = [
+      'IssueSnapshot.is_open',
+      'COUNT(IssueSnapshot.issue_id) AS issue_count',
+    ]
+    left_joins = self.defaultLeftJoins
+    where = self.defaultWheres
+    group_by = ['IssueSnapshot.is_open']
+    stmt, stmt_args =, where,
+        left_joins, group_by, shard_id=0)
+, mox.IgnoreArg(),
+        mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg(),
+        mox.IgnoreArg()).AndReturn(([], [], []))
+    self.cnxn.Execute(stmt, stmt_args, shard_id=0).AndReturn([])
+    self._verifySQL(cols, left_joins, where, group_by)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+        unixtime=1514764800, effective_ids=[10, 20], project=project,
+        perms=perms, group_by='open')
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testQueryIssueSnapshots_Status(self):
+    """Test a burndown query from a regular user grouping by open status."""
+    project = fake.Project(project_id=789)
+    perms = permissions.PermissionSet(['BarPerm'])
+    search_helpers.GetPersonalAtRiskLabelIDs(self.cnxn, None,
+        self.config_service, [10, 20], project,
+        perms).AndReturn([91, 81])
+    cols = [
+      'Stats.status',
+      'COUNT(IssueSnapshot.issue_id)',
+    ]
+    left_joins = self.defaultLeftJoins + [
+        ('StatusDef AS Stats ON ' \
+        ' = IssueSnapshot.status_id', [])
+    ]
+    where = self.defaultWheres
+    group_by = ['Stats.status']
+    stmt, stmt_args =, where,
+        left_joins, group_by, shard_id=0)
+, mox.IgnoreArg(),
+        mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg(),
+        mox.IgnoreArg()).AndReturn(([], [], []))
+    self.cnxn.Execute(stmt, stmt_args, shard_id=0).AndReturn([])
+    self._verifySQL(cols, left_joins, where, group_by)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+        unixtime=1514764800, effective_ids=[10, 20], project=project,
+        perms=perms, group_by='status')
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testQueryIssueSnapshots_Hotlist(self):
+    """Test a QueryIssueSnapshots when a hotlist is passed."""
+    hotlist = fake.Hotlist('hotlist_rutabaga', 19191)
+    project = fake.Project(project_id=789)
+    perms = permissions.PermissionSet(['BarPerm'])
+    search_helpers.GetPersonalAtRiskLabelIDs(self.cnxn, None,
+        self.config_service, [10, 20], project,
+        perms).AndReturn([91, 81])
+    cols = [
+      'IssueSnapshot.issue_id',
+    ]
+    left_joins = self.defaultLeftJoins + [
+        (('IssueSnapshot2Hotlist AS Is2h'
+          ' ON Is2h.issuesnapshot_id ='
+          ' AND Is2h.hotlist_id = %s'), [hotlist.hotlist_id]),
+    ]
+    where = self.defaultWheres + [
+      ('Is2h.hotlist_id = %s', [hotlist.hotlist_id]),
+    ]
+    group_by = []
+    stmt, stmt_args =, where,
+        left_joins, group_by, shard_id=0)
+, mox.IgnoreArg(),
+        mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg(),
+        mox.IgnoreArg()).AndReturn(([], [], []))
+    self.cnxn.Execute(stmt, stmt_args, shard_id=0).AndReturn([])
+    self._verifySQL(cols, left_joins, where, group_by)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+        unixtime=1514764800, effective_ids=[10, 20], project=project,
+        perms=perms, hotlist=hotlist)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testQueryIssueSnapshots_Owner(self):
+    """Test a burndown query from a regular user grouping by owner."""
+    project = fake.Project(project_id=789)
+    perms = permissions.PermissionSet(['BarPerm'])
+    search_helpers.GetPersonalAtRiskLabelIDs(self.cnxn, None,
+        self.config_service, [10, 20], project,
+        perms).AndReturn([91, 81])
+    cols = [
+      'IssueSnapshot.owner_id',
+      'COUNT(IssueSnapshot.issue_id)',
+    ]
+    left_joins = self.defaultLeftJoins
+    where = self.defaultWheres
+    group_by = ['IssueSnapshot.owner_id']
+    stmt, stmt_args =, where,
+        left_joins, group_by, shard_id=0)
+, mox.IgnoreArg(),
+        mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg(),
+        mox.IgnoreArg()).AndReturn(([], [], []))
+    self.cnxn.Execute(stmt, stmt_args, shard_id=0).AndReturn([])
+    self._verifySQL(cols, left_joins, where, group_by)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+        unixtime=1514764800, effective_ids=[10, 20], project=project,
+        perms=perms, group_by='owner')
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testQueryIssueSnapshots_NoGroupBy(self):
+    """Test a burndown query from a regular user with no grouping."""
+    project = fake.Project(project_id=789)
+    perms = permissions.PermissionSet(['BarPerm'])
+    search_helpers.GetPersonalAtRiskLabelIDs(self.cnxn, None,
+        self.config_service, [10, 20], project,
+        perms).AndReturn([91, 81])
+    cols = [
+      'IssueSnapshot.issue_id',
+    ]
+    left_joins = self.defaultLeftJoins
+    where = self.defaultWheres
+    group_by = None
+    stmt, stmt_args =, where,
+        left_joins, group_by, shard_id=0)
+, mox.IgnoreArg(),
+        mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg(),
+        mox.IgnoreArg()).AndReturn(([], [], []))
+    self.cnxn.Execute(stmt, stmt_args, shard_id=0).AndReturn([])
+    self._verifySQL(cols, left_joins, where)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+        unixtime=1514764800, effective_ids=[10, 20], project=project,
+        perms=perms, group_by=None, label_prefix='Foo')
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testQueryIssueSnapshots_LabelsNotLoggedInUser(self):
+    """Tests fetching burndown snapshot counts grouped by labels
+    for a user who is not logged in. Also no restricted labels are
+    present.
+    """
+    project = fake.Project(project_id=789)
+    perms = permissions.READ_ONLY_PERMISSIONSET
+    search_helpers.GetPersonalAtRiskLabelIDs(self.cnxn, None,
+        self.config_service, set([]), project,
+        perms).AndReturn([91, 81])
+    cols = [
+      'Lab.label',
+      'COUNT(IssueSnapshot.issue_id)',
+    ]
+    left_joins = [
+      ('Issue ON IssueSnapshot.issue_id =', []),
+      ('Issue2Label AS Forbidden_label'
+       ' ON = Forbidden_label.issue_id'
+       ' AND Forbidden_label.label_id IN (%s,%s)', [91, 81]),
+      ('IssueSnapshot2Label AS Is2l'
+       ' ON Is2l.issuesnapshot_id =', []),
+      ('LabelDef AS Lab ON = Is2l.label_id', []),
+    ]
+    where = [
+      ('IssueSnapshot.period_start <= %s', [1514764800]),
+      ('IssueSnapshot.period_end > %s', [1514764800]),
+      ('Issue.is_spam = %s', [False]),
+      ('Issue.deleted = %s', [False]),
+      ('IssueSnapshot.project_id IN (%s)', [789]),
+      ('Forbidden_label.label_id IS NULL', []),
+      ('LOWER(Lab.label) LIKE %s', ['foo-%']),
+    ]
+    group_by = ['Lab.label']
+    stmt, stmt_args =, where,
+        left_joins, group_by, shard_id=0)
+, mox.IgnoreArg(),
+        mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg(),
+        mox.IgnoreArg()).AndReturn(([], [], []))
+    self.cnxn.Execute(stmt, stmt_args, shard_id=0).AndReturn([])
+    self._verifySQL(cols, left_joins, where, group_by)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+        unixtime=1514764800, effective_ids=set([]), project=project,
+        perms=perms, group_by='label', label_prefix='Foo')
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testQueryIssueSnapshots_NoRestrictedLabels(self):
+    """Test a label burndown query when the project has no restricted labels."""
+    project = fake.Project(project_id=789)
+    perms = permissions.USER_PERMISSIONSET
+    search_helpers.GetPersonalAtRiskLabelIDs(self.cnxn, None,
+        self.config_service, [10, 20], project,
+        perms).AndReturn([])
+    cols = [
+      'Lab.label',
+      'COUNT(IssueSnapshot.issue_id)',
+    ]
+    left_joins = [
+      ('Issue ON IssueSnapshot.issue_id =', []),
+      ('Issue2Cc AS I2cc'
+       ' ON = I2cc.issue_id'
+       ' AND I2cc.cc_id IN (%s,%s)', [10, 20]),
+      ('IssueSnapshot2Label AS Is2l'
+       ' ON Is2l.issuesnapshot_id =', []),
+      ('LabelDef AS Lab ON = Is2l.label_id', []),
+    ]
+    where = [
+      ('IssueSnapshot.period_start <= %s', [1514764800]),
+      ('IssueSnapshot.period_end > %s', [1514764800]),
+      ('Issue.is_spam = %s', [False]),
+      ('Issue.deleted = %s', [False]),
+      ('IssueSnapshot.project_id IN (%s)', [789]),
+      ('(Issue.reporter_id IN (%s,%s)'
+       ' OR Issue.owner_id IN (%s,%s)'
+       ' OR I2cc.cc_id IS NOT NULL)',
+       [10, 20, 10, 20]
+      ),
+      ('LOWER(Lab.label) LIKE %s', ['foo-%']),
+    ]
+    group_by = ['Lab.label']
+    stmt, stmt_args =, where,
+        left_joins, group_by, shard_id=0)
+, mox.IgnoreArg(),
+        mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg(),
+        mox.IgnoreArg()).AndReturn(([], [], []))
+    self.cnxn.Execute(stmt, stmt_args, shard_id=0).AndReturn([])
+    self._verifySQL(cols, left_joins, where, group_by)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+        unixtime=1514764800, effective_ids=[10, 20], project=project,
+        perms=perms, group_by='label', label_prefix='Foo')
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def SetUpStoreIssueSnapshots(self, replace_now=None,
+                               project_id=789, owner_id=111,
+                               component_ids=None, cc_rows=None):
+    """Set up all calls to mocks that StoreIssueSnapshots will call."""
+    now = or 12345678)
+        delta={'period_end': now},
+        where=[('IssueSnapshot.issue_id = %s', [78901]),
+          ('IssueSnapshot.period_end = %s',
+            [settings.maximum_snapshot_period_end])],
+        commit=False)
+    # Shard is 0 because len(shards) = 1 and 1 % 1 = 0.
+    shard = 0
+      chart_svc.ISSUESNAPSHOT_COLS[1:],
+      [(78901, shard, project_id, 1, 111, owner_id, 1,
+        now, 4294967295, True)],
+      replace=True, commit=False, return_generated_ids=True).AndReturn([5678])
+    label_rows = [(5678, 1)]
+        chart_svc.ISSUESNAPSHOT2LABEL_COLS,
+        label_rows,
+        replace=True, commit=False)
+        self.cnxn, chart_svc.ISSUESNAPSHOT2CC_COLS,
+        [(5678, row[1]) for row in cc_rows],
+        replace=True, commit=False)
+    component_rows = [(5678, component_id) for component_id in component_ids]
+        self.cnxn, chart_svc.ISSUESNAPSHOT2COMPONENT_COLS,
+        component_rows,
+        replace=True, commit=False)
+    # Spacing of string must match.
+    self.cnxn.Execute((
+      '\n        INSERT INTO IssueSnapshot2Hotlist '
+      '(issuesnapshot_id, hotlist_id)\n        '
+      'SELECT %s, hotlist_id FROM Hotlist2Issue '
+      'WHERE issue_id = %s\n      '
+    ), [5678, 78901])
+  def testStoreIssueSnapshots_NoChange(self):
+    """Test that StoreIssueSnapshots inserts and updates previous
+    issue snapshots correctly."""
+    now_1 = 1517599888
+    now_2 = 1517599999
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(issue_id=78901,
+        project_id=789, local_id=1, reporter_id=111, owner_id=111,
+        summary='sum', status='Status1',
+        labels=['Type-Defect'],
+        component_ids=[11], assume_stale=False,
+        opened_timestamp=123456789, modified_timestamp=123456789,
+        star_count=12, cc_ids=[222, 333], derived_cc_ids=[888])
+    # Snapshot #1
+    cc_rows = [(5678, 222), (5678, 333), (5678, 888)]
+    self.SetUpStoreIssueSnapshots(replace_now=now_1,
+      component_ids=[11], cc_rows=cc_rows)
+    # Snapshot #2
+    self.SetUpStoreIssueSnapshots(replace_now=now_2,
+      component_ids=[11], cc_rows=cc_rows)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+, [issue], commit=False)
+, [issue], commit=False)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testStoreIssueSnapshots_AllFieldsChanged(self):
+    """Test that StoreIssueSnapshots inserts and updates previous
+    issue snapshots correctly. This tests that all relations (labels,
+    CCs, and components) are updated."""
+    now_1 = 1517599888
+    now_2 = 1517599999
+    issue_1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(issue_id=78901,
+        project_id=789, local_id=1, reporter_id=111, owner_id=111,
+        summary='sum', status='Status1',
+        labels=['Type-Defect'],
+        component_ids=[11, 12], assume_stale=False,
+        opened_timestamp=123456789, modified_timestamp=123456789,
+        star_count=12, cc_ids=[222, 333], derived_cc_ids=[888])
+    issue_2 = fake.MakeTestIssue(issue_id=78901,
+        project_id=123, local_id=1, reporter_id=111, owner_id=222,
+        summary='sum', status='Status2',
+        labels=['Type-Enhancement'],
+        component_ids=[13], assume_stale=False,
+        opened_timestamp=123456789, modified_timestamp=123456789,
+        star_count=12, cc_ids=[222, 444], derived_cc_ids=[888, 999])
+    # Snapshot #1
+    cc_rows_1 = [(5678, 222), (5678, 333), (5678, 888)]
+    self.SetUpStoreIssueSnapshots(replace_now=now_1,
+      component_ids=[11, 12], cc_rows=cc_rows_1)
+    # Snapshot #2
+    cc_rows_2 = [(5678, 222), (5678, 444), (5678, 888), (5678, 999)]
+    self.SetUpStoreIssueSnapshots(replace_now=now_2,
+      project_id=123, owner_id=222, component_ids=[13],
+      cc_rows=cc_rows_2)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+, [issue_1], commit=False)
+, [issue_2], commit=False)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testQueryIssueSnapshots_WithQueryStringAndCannedQuery(self):
+    """Test the query param is parsed and used."""
+    project = fake.Project(project_id=789)
+    perms = permissions.USER_PERMISSIONSET
+    search_helpers.GetPersonalAtRiskLabelIDs(self.cnxn, None,
+      self.config_service, [10, 20], project, perms).AndReturn([])
+    cols = [
+      'Lab.label',
+      'COUNT(IssueSnapshot.issue_id)',
+    ]
+    left_joins = [
+      ('Issue ON IssueSnapshot.issue_id =', []),
+      ('Issue2Cc AS I2cc'
+       ' ON = I2cc.issue_id'
+       ' AND I2cc.cc_id IN (%s,%s)', [10, 20]),
+      ('IssueSnapshot2Label AS Is2l'
+       ' ON Is2l.issuesnapshot_id =', []),
+      ('LabelDef AS Lab ON = Is2l.label_id', []),
+      ('IssueSnapshot2Label AS Cond0 '
+       'ON = Cond0.issuesnapshot_id '
+       'AND Cond0.label_id = %s', [15]),
+    ]
+    where = [
+      ('IssueSnapshot.period_start <= %s', [1514764800]),
+      ('IssueSnapshot.period_end > %s', [1514764800]),
+      ('Issue.is_spam = %s', [False]),
+      ('Issue.deleted = %s', [False]),
+      ('IssueSnapshot.project_id IN (%s)', [789]),
+      ('(Issue.reporter_id IN (%s,%s)'
+       ' OR Issue.owner_id IN (%s,%s)'
+       ' OR I2cc.cc_id IS NOT NULL)',
+       [10, 20, 10, 20]
+      ),
+      ('LOWER(Lab.label) LIKE %s', ['foo-%']),
+      ('Cond0.label_id IS NULL', []),
+      ('IssueSnapshot.is_open = %s', [True]),
+    ]
+    group_by = ['Lab.label']
+    query_left_joins = [(
+        'IssueSnapshot2Label AS Cond0 '
+        'ON = Cond0.issuesnapshot_id '
+        'AND Cond0.label_id = %s', [15])]
+    query_where = [
+      ('Cond0.label_id IS NULL', []),
+      ('IssueSnapshot.is_open = %s', [True]),
+    ]
+    unsupported_field_names = ['ownerbouncing']
+    unsupported_conds = [
+      ast_pb2.Condition(op=ast_pb2.QueryOp(1), field_defs=[
+        tracker_pb2.FieldDef(field_name='ownerbouncing',
+                             field_type=tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.BOOL_TYPE),
+      ])
+    ]
+    stmt, stmt_args =, where,
+        left_joins, group_by, shard_id=0)
+, mox.IgnoreArg(),
+        mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg(),
+        mox.IgnoreArg()).AndReturn((query_left_joins, query_where,
+        unsupported_conds))
+    self.cnxn.Execute(stmt, stmt_args, shard_id=0).AndReturn([])
+    self._verifySQL(cols, left_joins, where, group_by)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    _, unsupported, limit_reached =
+        self.cnxn,, unixtime=1514764800,
+        effective_ids=[10, 20], project=project, perms=perms,
+        group_by='label', label_prefix='Foo',
+        query='-label:Performance%20is:ownerbouncing', canned_query='is:open')
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(unsupported_field_names, unsupported)
+    self.assertFalse(limit_reached)
+  def testQueryToWhere_AddsShardId(self):
+    """Test that shards are handled correctly."""
+    cols = []
+    where = []
+    joins = []
+    group_by = []
+    stmt, stmt_args =,
+        where=where, joins=joins, group_by=group_by, shard_id=9)
+    self.assertEqual(stmt, ('SELECT COUNT(results.issue_id) '
+        'FROM (SELECT DISTINCT  FROM IssueSnapshot\n'
+        'WHERE IssueSnapshot.shard = %s\nLIMIT 10000) AS results'))
+    self.assertEqual(stmt_args, [9])
+    # Test that shard_id is still correct on second invocation.
+    stmt, stmt_args =,
+        where=where, joins=joins, group_by=group_by, shard_id=8)
+    self.assertEqual(stmt, ('SELECT COUNT(results.issue_id) '
+        'FROM (SELECT DISTINCT  FROM IssueSnapshot\n'
+        'WHERE IssueSnapshot.shard = %s\nLIMIT 10000) AS results'))
+    self.assertEqual(stmt_args, [8])
+    # Test no parameters were modified.
+    self.assertEqual(cols, [])
+    self.assertEqual(where, [])
+    self.assertEqual(joins, [])
+    self.assertEqual(group_by, [])
diff --git a/services/test/ b/services/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e9b87a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Tests for the client config service."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import base64
+import unittest
+from services import client_config_svc
+class LoadApiClientConfigsTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  class FakeResponse(object):
+    def __init__(self, content):
+      self.content = content
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.handler = client_config_svc.LoadApiClientConfigs()
+  def testProcessResponse_InvalidJSON(self):
+    r = self.FakeResponse('}{')
+    with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+      self.handler._process_response(r)
+  def testProcessResponse_NoContent(self):
+    r = self.FakeResponse('{"wrong-key": "some-value"}')
+    with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
+      self.handler._process_response(r)
+  def testProcessResponse_NotB64(self):
+    # 'asd' is not a valid base64-encoded string.
+    r = self.FakeResponse('{"content": "asd"}')
+    with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
+      self.handler._process_response(r)
+  def testProcessResponse_NotProto(self):
+    # 'asdf' is a valid base64-encoded string.
+    r = self.FakeResponse('{"content": "asdf"}')
+    with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+      self.handler._process_response(r)
+  def testProcessResponse_Success(self):
+    with open(client_config_svc.CONFIG_FILE_PATH) as f:
+      r = self.FakeResponse('{"content": "%s"}' % base64.b64encode(
+    c = self.handler._process_response(r)
+    assert '' in c
+class ClientConfigServiceTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.client_config_svc = client_config_svc.GetClientConfigSvc()
+    self.client_email = ''
+    self.client_id = ''
+    self.allowed_origins = {'chicken.test', 'cow.test', 'goat.test'}
+  def testGetDisplayNames(self):
+    display_names_map = self.client_config_svc.GetDisplayNames()
+    self.assertIn(self.client_email, display_names_map)
+    self.assertEqual('',
+                     display_names_map[self.client_email])
+  def testGetQPMDict(self):
+    qpm_map = self.client_config_svc.GetQPM()
+    self.assertIn(self.client_email, qpm_map)
+    self.assertEqual(1, qpm_map[self.client_email])
+    self.assertNotIn('', qpm_map)
+  def testGetClientIDEmails(self):
+    auth_client_ids, auth_emails = self.client_config_svc.GetClientIDEmails()
+    self.assertIn(self.client_id, auth_client_ids)
+    self.assertIn(self.client_email, auth_emails)
+  def testGetAllowedOriginsSet(self):
+    origins = self.client_config_svc.GetAllowedOriginsSet()
+    self.assertEqual(self.allowed_origins, origins)
+  def testForceLoad(self):
+    EXPIRES_IN = client_config_svc.ClientConfigService.EXPIRES_IN
+    NOW = 1493007338
+    # First time it will always read the config
+    self.client_config_svc.load_time = NOW
+    self.client_config_svc.GetConfigs(use_cache=True)
+    self.assertNotEqual(NOW, self.client_config_svc.load_time)
+    # use_cache is false and it will read the config
+    self.client_config_svc.load_time = NOW
+    self.client_config_svc.GetConfigs(
+        use_cache=False, cur_time=NOW + 1)
+    self.assertNotEqual(NOW, self.client_config_svc.load_time)
+    # Cache expires after some time and it will read the config
+    self.client_config_svc.load_time = NOW
+    self.client_config_svc.GetConfigs(
+        use_cache=True, cur_time=NOW + EXPIRES_IN + 1)
+    self.assertNotEqual(NOW, self.client_config_svc.load_time)
+    # otherwise it should just use the cache
+    self.client_config_svc.load_time = NOW
+    self.client_config_svc.GetConfigs(
+        use_cache=True, cur_time=NOW + EXPIRES_IN - 1)
+    self.assertEqual(NOW, self.client_config_svc.load_time)
+class ClientConfigServiceFunctionsTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.client_email = ''
+    self.allowed_origins = {'chicken.test', 'cow.test', 'goat.test'}
+  def testGetServiceAccountMap(self):
+    service_account_map = client_config_svc.GetServiceAccountMap()
+    self.assertIn(self.client_email, service_account_map)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        '',
+        service_account_map[self.client_email])
+    self.assertNotIn('', service_account_map)
+  def testGetQPMDict(self):
+    qpm_map = client_config_svc.GetQPMDict()
+    self.assertIn(self.client_email, qpm_map)
+    self.assertEqual(1, qpm_map[self.client_email])
+    self.assertNotIn('', qpm_map)
+  def testGetAllowedOriginsSet(self):
+    allowed_origins = client_config_svc.GetAllowedOriginsSet()
+    self.assertEqual(self.allowed_origins, allowed_origins)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d1d941
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,1143 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Unit tests for config_svc module."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import re
+import unittest
+import logging
+import mock
+import mox
+from google.appengine.api import memcache
+from google.appengine.ext import testbed
+from framework import exceptions
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import sql
+from proto import tracker_pb2
+from services import config_svc
+from services import template_svc
+from testing import fake
+from tracker import tracker_bizobj
+from tracker import tracker_constants
+def MakeConfigService(cache_manager, my_mox):
+  config_service = config_svc.ConfigService(cache_manager)
+  for table_var in ['projectissueconfig_tbl', 'statusdef_tbl', 'labeldef_tbl',
+                    'fielddef_tbl', 'fielddef2admin_tbl', 'fielddef2editor_tbl',
+                    'componentdef_tbl', 'component2admin_tbl',
+                    'component2cc_tbl', 'component2label_tbl',
+                    'approvaldef2approver_tbl', 'approvaldef2survey_tbl']:
+    setattr(config_service, table_var, my_mox.CreateMock(sql.SQLTableManager))
+  return config_service
+class LabelRowTwoLevelCacheTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.mox = mox.Mox()
+    self.cnxn = 'fake connection'
+    self.cache_manager = fake.CacheManager()
+    self.config_service = MakeConfigService(self.cache_manager, self.mox)
+    self.label_row_2lc = self.config_service.label_row_2lc
+    self.rows = [(1, 789, 1, 'A', 'doc', False),
+                 (2, 789, 2, 'B', 'doc', False),
+                 (3, 678, 1, 'C', 'doc', True),
+                 (4, 678, None, 'D', 'doc', False)]
+  def tearDown(self):
+    self.mox.UnsetStubs()
+    self.mox.ResetAll()
+  def testDeserializeLabelRows_Empty(self):
+    label_row_dict = self.label_row_2lc._DeserializeLabelRows([])
+    self.assertEqual({}, label_row_dict)
+  def testDeserializeLabelRows_Normal(self):
+    label_rows_dict = self.label_row_2lc._DeserializeLabelRows(self.rows)
+    expected = {
+        (789, 1): [(1, 789, 1, 'A', 'doc', False)],
+        (789, 2): [(2, 789, 2, 'B', 'doc', False)],
+        (678, 3): [(3, 678, 1, 'C', 'doc', True)],
+        (678, 4): [(4, 678, None, 'D', 'doc', False)],
+        }
+    self.assertEqual(expected, label_rows_dict)
+  def SetUpFetchItems(self, keys, rows):
+    for (project_id, shard_id) in keys:
+      sharded_rows = [row for row in rows
+                      if row[0] % LABEL_ROW_SHARDS == shard_id]
+      self.config_service.labeldef_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.LABELDEF_COLS, project_id=project_id,
+        where=[('id %% %s = %s', [LABEL_ROW_SHARDS, shard_id])]).AndReturn(
+        sharded_rows)
+  def testFetchItems(self):
+    keys = [(567, 0), (678, 0), (789, 0),
+            (567, 1), (678, 1), (789, 1),
+            (567, 2), (678, 2), (789, 2),
+            (567, 3), (678, 3), (789, 3),
+            (567, 4), (678, 4), (789, 4),
+            ]
+    self.SetUpFetchItems(keys, self.rows)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    label_rows_dict = self.label_row_2lc.FetchItems(self.cnxn, keys)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    expected = {
+        (567, 0): [],
+        (678, 0): [],
+        (789, 0): [],
+        (567, 1): [],
+        (678, 1): [],
+        (789, 1): [(1, 789, 1, 'A', 'doc', False)],
+        (567, 2): [],
+        (678, 2): [],
+        (789, 2): [(2, 789, 2, 'B', 'doc', False)],
+        (567, 3): [],
+        (678, 3): [(3, 678, 1, 'C', 'doc', True)],
+        (789, 3): [],
+        (567, 4): [],
+        (678, 4): [(4, 678, None, 'D', 'doc', False)],
+        (789, 4): [],
+        }
+    self.assertEqual(expected, label_rows_dict)
+class StatusRowTwoLevelCacheTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.mox = mox.Mox()
+    self.cnxn = 'fake connection'
+    self.cache_manager = fake.CacheManager()
+    self.config_service = MakeConfigService(self.cache_manager, self.mox)
+    self.status_row_2lc = self.config_service.status_row_2lc
+    self.rows = [(1, 789, 1, 'A', True, 'doc', False),
+                 (2, 789, 2, 'B', False, 'doc', False),
+                 (3, 678, 1, 'C', True, 'doc', True),
+                 (4, 678, None, 'D', True, 'doc', False)]
+  def tearDown(self):
+    self.mox.UnsetStubs()
+    self.mox.ResetAll()
+  def testDeserializeStatusRows_Empty(self):
+    status_row_dict = self.status_row_2lc._DeserializeStatusRows([])
+    self.assertEqual({}, status_row_dict)
+  def testDeserializeStatusRows_Normal(self):
+    status_rows_dict = self.status_row_2lc._DeserializeStatusRows(self.rows)
+    expected = {
+        678: [(3, 678, 1, 'C', True, 'doc', True),
+              (4, 678, None, 'D', True, 'doc', False)],
+        789: [(1, 789, 1, 'A', True, 'doc', False),
+              (2, 789, 2, 'B', False, 'doc', False)],
+        }
+    self.assertEqual(expected, status_rows_dict)
+  def SetUpFetchItems(self, keys, rows):
+    self.config_service.statusdef_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.STATUSDEF_COLS, project_id=keys,
+        order_by=[('rank DESC', []), ('status DESC', [])]).AndReturn(
+            rows)
+  def testFetchItems(self):
+    keys = [567, 678, 789]
+    self.SetUpFetchItems(keys, self.rows)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    status_rows_dict = self.status_row_2lc.FetchItems(self.cnxn, keys)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    expected = {
+        567: [],
+        678: [(3, 678, 1, 'C', True, 'doc', True),
+              (4, 678, None, 'D', True, 'doc', False)],
+        789: [(1, 789, 1, 'A', True, 'doc', False),
+              (2, 789, 2, 'B', False, 'doc', False)],
+        }
+    self.assertEqual(expected, status_rows_dict)
+class ConfigRowTwoLevelCacheTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.mox = mox.Mox()
+    self.cnxn = 'fake connection'
+    self.cache_manager = fake.CacheManager()
+    self.config_service = MakeConfigService(self.cache_manager, self.mox)
+    self.config_2lc = self.config_service.config_2lc
+    self.config_rows = [
+      (789, 'Duplicate', 'Pri Type', 1, 2,
+       'Type Pri Summary', '-Pri', 'Mstone', 'Owner',
+       '', None)]
+    self.statusdef_rows = [(1, 789, 1, 'New', True, 'doc', False),
+                           (2, 789, 2, 'Fixed', False, 'doc', False)]
+    self.labeldef_rows = [(1, 789, 1, 'Security', 'doc', False),
+                          (2, 789, 2, 'UX', 'doc', False)]
+    self.fielddef_rows = [
+        (
+            1, 789, None, 'Field', 'INT_TYPE', 'Defect', '', False, False,
+            False, 1, 99, None, '', '', None, 'NEVER', 'no_action', 'doc',
+            False, None, False, False)
+    ]
+    self.approvaldef2approver_rows = [(2, 101, 789), (2, 102, 789)]
+    self.approvaldef2survey_rows = [(2, 'Q1\nQ2\nQ3', 789)]
+    self.fielddef2admin_rows = [(1, 111), (1, 222)]
+    self.fielddef2editor_rows = [(1, 111), (1, 222), (1, 333)]
+    self.componentdef_rows = []
+    self.component2admin_rows = []
+    self.component2cc_rows = []
+    self.component2label_rows = []
+  def tearDown(self):
+    self.mox.UnsetStubs()
+    self.mox.ResetAll()
+  def testDeserializeIssueConfigs_Empty(self):
+    config_dict = self.config_2lc._DeserializeIssueConfigs(
+        [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [])
+    self.assertEqual({}, config_dict)
+  def testDeserializeIssueConfigs_Normal(self):
+    config_dict = self.config_2lc._DeserializeIssueConfigs(
+        self.config_rows, self.statusdef_rows, self.labeldef_rows,
+        self.fielddef_rows, self.fielddef2admin_rows, self.fielddef2editor_rows,
+        self.componentdef_rows, self.component2admin_rows,
+        self.component2cc_rows, self.component2label_rows,
+        self.approvaldef2approver_rows, self.approvaldef2survey_rows)
+    self.assertItemsEqual([789], list(config_dict.keys()))
+    config = config_dict[789]
+    self.assertEqual(789, config.project_id)
+    self.assertEqual(['Duplicate'], config.statuses_offer_merge)
+    self.assertEqual(len(self.labeldef_rows), len(config.well_known_labels))
+    self.assertEqual(len(self.statusdef_rows), len(config.well_known_statuses))
+    self.assertEqual(len(self.fielddef_rows), len(config.field_defs))
+    self.assertEqual(len(self.componentdef_rows), len(config.component_defs))
+    self.assertEqual(
+        len(self.fielddef2admin_rows), len(config.field_defs[0].admin_ids))
+    self.assertEqual(
+        len(self.fielddef2editor_rows), len(config.field_defs[0].editor_ids))
+    self.assertEqual(len(self.approvaldef2approver_rows),
+                     len(config.approval_defs[0].approver_ids))
+    self.assertEqual(config.approval_defs[0].survey, 'Q1\nQ2\nQ3')
+  def SetUpFetchConfigs(self, project_ids):
+    self.config_service.projectissueconfig_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.PROJECTISSUECONFIG_COLS,
+        project_id=project_ids).AndReturn(self.config_rows)
+    self.config_service.statusdef_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.STATUSDEF_COLS, project_id=project_ids,
+        where=[('rank IS NOT NULL', [])], order_by=[('rank', [])]).AndReturn(
+            self.statusdef_rows)
+    self.config_service.labeldef_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.LABELDEF_COLS, project_id=project_ids,
+        where=[('rank IS NOT NULL', [])], order_by=[('rank', [])]).AndReturn(
+            self.labeldef_rows)
+    self.config_service.approvaldef2approver_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.APPROVALDEF2APPROVER_COLS,
+        project_id=project_ids).AndReturn(self.approvaldef2approver_rows)
+    self.config_service.approvaldef2survey_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.APPROVALDEF2SURVEY_COLS,
+        project_id=project_ids).AndReturn(self.approvaldef2survey_rows)
+    self.config_service.fielddef_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.FIELDDEF_COLS, project_id=project_ids,
+        order_by=[('field_name', [])]).AndReturn(self.fielddef_rows)
+    field_ids = [row[0] for row in self.fielddef_rows]
+    self.config_service.fielddef2admin_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.FIELDDEF2ADMIN_COLS,
+        field_id=field_ids).AndReturn(self.fielddef2admin_rows)
+    self.config_service.fielddef2editor_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.FIELDDEF2EDITOR_COLS,
+        field_id=field_ids).AndReturn(self.fielddef2editor_rows)
+    self.config_service.componentdef_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.COMPONENTDEF_COLS, project_id=project_ids,
+        is_deleted=False,
+        order_by=[('path', [])]).AndReturn(self.componentdef_rows)
+  def testFetchConfigs(self):
+    keys = [789]
+    self.SetUpFetchConfigs(keys)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    config_dict = self.config_2lc._FetchConfigs(self.cnxn, keys)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual(keys, list(config_dict.keys()))
+  def testFetchItems(self):
+    keys = [678, 789]
+    self.SetUpFetchConfigs(keys)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    config_dict = self.config_2lc.FetchItems(self.cnxn, keys)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual(keys, list(config_dict.keys()))
+class ConfigServiceTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.testbed = testbed.Testbed()
+    self.testbed.activate()
+    self.testbed.init_memcache_stub()
+    self.mox = mox.Mox()
+    self.cnxn = self.mox.CreateMock(sql.MonorailConnection)
+    self.cache_manager = fake.CacheManager()
+    self.config_service = MakeConfigService(self.cache_manager, self.mox)
+  def tearDown(self):
+    self.testbed.deactivate()
+    self.mox.UnsetStubs()
+    self.mox.ResetAll()
+  ### Label lookups
+  def testGetLabelDefRows_Hit(self):
+    self.config_service.label_row_2lc.CacheItem((789, 0), [])
+    self.config_service.label_row_2lc.CacheItem((789, 1), [])
+    self.config_service.label_row_2lc.CacheItem((789, 2), [])
+    self.config_service.label_row_2lc.CacheItem(
+        (789, 3), [(3, 678, 1, 'C', 'doc', True)])
+    self.config_service.label_row_2lc.CacheItem(
+        (789, 4), [(4, 678, None, 'D', 'doc', False)])
+    self.config_service.label_row_2lc.CacheItem((789, 5), [])
+    self.config_service.label_row_2lc.CacheItem((789, 6), [])
+    self.config_service.label_row_2lc.CacheItem((789, 7), [])
+    self.config_service.label_row_2lc.CacheItem((789, 8), [])
+    self.config_service.label_row_2lc.CacheItem((789, 9), [])
+    actual = self.config_service.GetLabelDefRows(self.cnxn, 789)
+    expected = [
+      (3, 678, 1, 'C', 'doc', True),
+      (4, 678, None, 'D', 'doc', False)]
+    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
+  def SetUpGetLabelDefRowsAnyProject(self, rows):
+    self.config_service.labeldef_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.LABELDEF_COLS, where=None,
+        order_by=[('rank DESC', []), ('label DESC', [])]).AndReturn(
+            rows)
+  def testGetLabelDefRowsAnyProject(self):
+    rows = 'foo'
+    self.SetUpGetLabelDefRowsAnyProject(rows)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    actual = self.config_service.GetLabelDefRowsAnyProject(self.cnxn)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(rows, actual)
+  def testDeserializeLabels(self):
+    labeldef_rows = [(1, 789, 1, 'Security', 'doc', False),
+                     (2, 789, 2, 'UX', 'doc', True)]
+    id_to_name, name_to_id = self.config_service._DeserializeLabels(
+        labeldef_rows)
+    self.assertEqual({1: 'Security', 2: 'UX'}, id_to_name)
+    self.assertEqual({'security': 1, 'ux': 2}, name_to_id)
+  def testEnsureLabelCacheEntry_Hit(self):
+    label_dicts = 'foo'
+    self.config_service.label_cache.CacheItem(789, label_dicts)
+    # No mock calls set up because none are needed.
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.config_service._EnsureLabelCacheEntry(self.cnxn, 789)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def SetUpEnsureLabelCacheEntry_Miss(self, project_id, rows):
+    for shard_id in range(0, LABEL_ROW_SHARDS):
+      shard_rows = [row for row in rows
+                    if row[0] % LABEL_ROW_SHARDS == shard_id]
+      self.config_service.labeldef_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.LABELDEF_COLS, project_id=project_id,
+        where=[('id %% %s = %s', [LABEL_ROW_SHARDS, shard_id])]).AndReturn(
+            shard_rows)
+  def testEnsureLabelCacheEntry_Miss(self):
+    labeldef_rows = [(1, 789, 1, 'Security', 'doc', False),
+                     (2, 789, 2, 'UX', 'doc', True)]
+    self.SetUpEnsureLabelCacheEntry_Miss(789, labeldef_rows)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.config_service._EnsureLabelCacheEntry(self.cnxn, 789)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    label_dicts = {1: 'Security', 2: 'UX'}, {'security': 1, 'ux': 2}
+    self.assertEqual(label_dicts, self.config_service.label_cache.GetItem(789))
+  def testLookupLabel_Hit(self):
+    label_dicts = {1: 'Security', 2: 'UX'}, {'security': 1, 'ux': 2}
+    self.config_service.label_cache.CacheItem(789, label_dicts)
+    # No mock calls set up because none are needed.
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.assertEqual(
+        'Security', self.config_service.LookupLabel(self.cnxn, 789, 1))
+    self.assertEqual(
+        'UX', self.config_service.LookupLabel(self.cnxn, 789, 2))
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testLookupLabelID_Hit(self):
+    label_dicts = {1: 'Security', 2: 'UX'}, {'security': 1, 'ux': 2}
+    self.config_service.label_cache.CacheItem(789, label_dicts)
+    # No mock calls set up because none are needed.
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.assertEqual(
+        1, self.config_service.LookupLabelID(self.cnxn, 789, 'Security'))
+    self.assertEqual(
+        2, self.config_service.LookupLabelID(self.cnxn, 789, 'UX'))
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testLookupLabelID_MissAndDoubleCheck(self):
+    label_dicts = {1: 'Security', 2: 'UX'}, {'security': 1, 'ux': 2}
+    self.config_service.label_cache.CacheItem(789, label_dicts)
+    self.config_service.labeldef_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['id'], project_id=789,
+        where=[('LOWER(label) = %s', ['newlabel'])],
+        limit=1).AndReturn([(3,)])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.assertEqual(
+        3, self.config_service.LookupLabelID(self.cnxn, 789, 'NewLabel'))
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testLookupLabelID_MissAutocreate(self):
+    label_dicts = {1: 'Security', 2: 'UX'}, {'security': 1, 'ux': 2}
+    self.config_service.label_cache.CacheItem(789, label_dicts)
+    self.config_service.labeldef_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['id'], project_id=789,
+        where=[('LOWER(label) = %s', ['newlabel'])],
+        limit=1).AndReturn([])
+    self.config_service.labeldef_tbl.InsertRow(
+        self.cnxn, project_id=789, label='NewLabel').AndReturn(3)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.assertEqual(
+        3, self.config_service.LookupLabelID(self.cnxn, 789, 'NewLabel'))
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testLookupLabelID_MissDontAutocreate(self):
+    label_dicts = {1: 'Security', 2: 'UX'}, {'security': 1, 'ux': 2}
+    self.config_service.label_cache.CacheItem(789, label_dicts)
+    self.config_service.labeldef_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['id'], project_id=789,
+        where=[('LOWER(label) = %s', ['newlabel'])],
+        limit=1).AndReturn([])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.assertIsNone(self.config_service.LookupLabelID(
+        self.cnxn, 789, 'NewLabel', autocreate=False))
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testLookupLabelIDs_Hit(self):
+    label_dicts = {1: 'Security', 2: 'UX'}, {'security': 1, 'ux': 2}
+    self.config_service.label_cache.CacheItem(789, label_dicts)
+    # No mock calls set up because none are needed.
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.assertEqual(
+        [1, 2],
+        self.config_service.LookupLabelIDs(self.cnxn, 789, ['Security', 'UX']))
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testLookupIDsOfLabelsMatching_Hit(self):
+    label_dicts = {1: 'Security', 2: 'UX'}, {'security': 1, 'ux': 2}
+    self.config_service.label_cache.CacheItem(789, label_dicts)
+    # No mock calls set up because none are needed.
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual(
+        [1],
+        self.config_service.LookupIDsOfLabelsMatching(
+            self.cnxn, 789, re.compile('Sec.*')))
+    self.assertItemsEqual(
+        [1, 2],
+        self.config_service.LookupIDsOfLabelsMatching(
+            self.cnxn, 789, re.compile('.*')))
+    self.assertItemsEqual(
+        [],
+        self.config_service.LookupIDsOfLabelsMatching(
+            self.cnxn, 789, re.compile('Zzzzz.*')))
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def SetUpLookupLabelIDsAnyProject(self, label, id_rows):
+    self.config_service.labeldef_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['id'], label=label).AndReturn(id_rows)
+  def testLookupLabelIDsAnyProject(self):
+    self.SetUpLookupLabelIDsAnyProject('Security', [(1,)])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    actual = self.config_service.LookupLabelIDsAnyProject(
+        self.cnxn, 'Security')
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual([1], actual)
+  def SetUpLookupIDsOfLabelsMatchingAnyProject(self, id_label_rows):
+    self.config_service.labeldef_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['id', 'label']).AndReturn(id_label_rows)
+  def testLookupIDsOfLabelsMatchingAnyProject(self):
+    id_label_rows = [(1, 'Security'), (2, 'UX')]
+    self.SetUpLookupIDsOfLabelsMatchingAnyProject(id_label_rows)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    actual = self.config_service.LookupIDsOfLabelsMatchingAnyProject(
+        self.cnxn, re.compile('(Sec|Zzz).*'))
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual([1], actual)
+  ### Status lookups
+  def testGetStatusDefRows(self):
+    rows = 'foo'
+    self.config_service.status_row_2lc.CacheItem(789, rows)
+    actual = self.config_service.GetStatusDefRows(self.cnxn, 789)
+    self.assertEqual(rows, actual)
+  def SetUpGetStatusDefRowsAnyProject(self, rows):
+    self.config_service.statusdef_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.STATUSDEF_COLS,
+        order_by=[('rank DESC', []), ('status DESC', [])]).AndReturn(
+            rows)
+  def testGetStatusDefRowsAnyProject(self):
+    rows = 'foo'
+    self.SetUpGetStatusDefRowsAnyProject(rows)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    actual = self.config_service.GetStatusDefRowsAnyProject(self.cnxn)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(rows, actual)
+  def testDeserializeStatuses(self):
+    statusdef_rows = [(1, 789, 1, 'New', True, 'doc', False),
+                      (2, 789, 2, 'Fixed', False, 'doc', True)]
+    actual = self.config_service._DeserializeStatuses(statusdef_rows)
+    id_to_name, name_to_id, closed_ids = actual
+    self.assertEqual({1: 'New', 2: 'Fixed'}, id_to_name)
+    self.assertEqual({'new': 1, 'fixed': 2}, name_to_id)
+    self.assertEqual([2], closed_ids)
+  def testEnsureStatusCacheEntry_Hit(self):
+    status_dicts = 'foo'
+    self.config_service.status_cache.CacheItem(789, status_dicts)
+    # No mock calls set up because none are needed.
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.config_service._EnsureStatusCacheEntry(self.cnxn, 789)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def SetUpEnsureStatusCacheEntry_Miss(self, keys, rows):
+    self.config_service.statusdef_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.STATUSDEF_COLS, project_id=keys,
+        order_by=[('rank DESC', []), ('status DESC', [])]).AndReturn(
+            rows)
+  def testEnsureStatusCacheEntry_Miss(self):
+    statusdef_rows = [(1, 789, 1, 'New', True, 'doc', False),
+                      (2, 789, 2, 'Fixed', False, 'doc', True)]
+    self.SetUpEnsureStatusCacheEntry_Miss([789], statusdef_rows)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.config_service._EnsureStatusCacheEntry(self.cnxn, 789)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    status_dicts = {1: 'New', 2: 'Fixed'}, {'new': 1, 'fixed': 2}, [2]
+    self.assertEqual(
+        status_dicts, self.config_service.status_cache.GetItem(789))
+  def testLookupStatus_Hit(self):
+    status_dicts = {1: 'New', 2: 'Fixed'}, {'new': 1, 'fixed': 2}, [2]
+    self.config_service.status_cache.CacheItem(789, status_dicts)
+    # No mock calls set up because none are needed.
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.assertEqual(
+        'New', self.config_service.LookupStatus(self.cnxn, 789, 1))
+    self.assertEqual(
+        'Fixed', self.config_service.LookupStatus(self.cnxn, 789, 2))
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testLookupStatusID_Hit(self):
+    status_dicts = {1: 'New', 2: 'Fixed'}, {'new': 1, 'fixed': 2}, [2]
+    self.config_service.status_cache.CacheItem(789, status_dicts)
+    # No mock calls set up because none are needed.
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.assertEqual(
+        1, self.config_service.LookupStatusID(self.cnxn, 789, 'New'))
+    self.assertEqual(
+        2, self.config_service.LookupStatusID(self.cnxn, 789, 'Fixed'))
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testLookupStatusIDs_Hit(self):
+    status_dicts = {1: 'New', 2: 'Fixed'}, {'new': 1, 'fixed': 2}, [2]
+    self.config_service.status_cache.CacheItem(789, status_dicts)
+    # No mock calls set up because none are needed.
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.assertEqual(
+        [1, 2],
+        self.config_service.LookupStatusIDs(self.cnxn, 789, ['New', 'Fixed']))
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testLookupClosedStatusIDs_Hit(self):
+    status_dicts = {1: 'New', 2: 'Fixed'}, {'new': 1, 'fixed': 2}, [2]
+    self.config_service.status_cache.CacheItem(789, status_dicts)
+    # No mock calls set up because none are needed.
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.assertEqual(
+        [2],
+        self.config_service.LookupClosedStatusIDs(self.cnxn, 789))
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def SetUpLookupClosedStatusIDsAnyProject(self, id_rows):
+    self.config_service.statusdef_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['id'], means_open=False).AndReturn(
+            id_rows)
+  def testLookupClosedStatusIDsAnyProject(self):
+    self.SetUpLookupClosedStatusIDsAnyProject([(2,)])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    actual = self.config_service.LookupClosedStatusIDsAnyProject(self.cnxn)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual([2], actual)
+  def SetUpLookupStatusIDsAnyProject(self, status, id_rows):
+    self.config_service.statusdef_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['id'], status=status).AndReturn(id_rows)
+  def testLookupStatusIDsAnyProject(self):
+    self.SetUpLookupStatusIDsAnyProject('New', [(1,)])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    actual = self.config_service.LookupStatusIDsAnyProject(self.cnxn, 'New')
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual([1], actual)
+  ### Issue tracker configuration objects
+  def SetUpGetProjectConfigs(self, project_ids):
+    self.config_service.projectissueconfig_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.PROJECTISSUECONFIG_COLS,
+        project_id=project_ids).AndReturn([])
+    self.config_service.statusdef_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.STATUSDEF_COLS,
+        project_id=project_ids, where=[('rank IS NOT NULL', [])],
+        order_by=[('rank', [])]).AndReturn([])
+    self.config_service.labeldef_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.LABELDEF_COLS,
+        project_id=project_ids, where=[('rank IS NOT NULL', [])],
+        order_by=[('rank', [])]).AndReturn([])
+    self.config_service.approvaldef2approver_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.APPROVALDEF2APPROVER_COLS,
+        project_id=project_ids).AndReturn([])
+    self.config_service.approvaldef2survey_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.APPROVALDEF2SURVEY_COLS,
+        project_id=project_ids).AndReturn([])
+    self.config_service.fielddef_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.FIELDDEF_COLS,
+        project_id=project_ids, order_by=[('field_name', [])]).AndReturn([])
+    self.config_service.componentdef_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=config_svc.COMPONENTDEF_COLS,
+        is_deleted=False,
+        project_id=project_ids, order_by=[('path', [])]).AndReturn([])
+  def testGetProjectConfigs(self):
+    project_ids = [789, 679]
+    self.SetUpGetProjectConfigs(project_ids)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    config_dict = self.config_service.GetProjectConfigs(
+        self.cnxn, [789, 679], use_cache=False)
+    self.assertEqual(2, len(config_dict))
+    for pid in project_ids:
+      self.assertEqual(pid, config_dict[pid].project_id)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testGetProjectConfig_Hit(self):
+    project_id = 789
+    config = tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(project_id)
+    self.config_service.config_2lc.CacheItem(project_id, config)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    actual = self.config_service.GetProjectConfig(self.cnxn, project_id)
+    self.assertEqual(config, actual)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testGetProjectConfig_Miss(self):
+    project_id = 789
+    self.SetUpGetProjectConfigs([project_id])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    config = self.config_service.GetProjectConfig(self.cnxn, project_id)
+    self.assertEqual(project_id, config.project_id)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def SetUpStoreConfig_Default(self, project_id):
+    self.config_service.projectissueconfig_tbl.InsertRow(
+        self.cnxn, replace=True,
+        project_id=project_id,
+        statuses_offer_merge='Duplicate',
+        exclusive_label_prefixes='Type Priority Milestone',
+        default_template_for_developers=0,
+        default_template_for_users=0,
+        default_col_spec=tracker_constants.DEFAULT_COL_SPEC,
+        default_sort_spec='',
+        default_x_attr='',
+        default_y_attr='',
+        member_default_query='',
+        custom_issue_entry_url=None,
+        commit=False)
+    self.SetUpUpdateWellKnownLabels_Default(project_id)
+    self.SetUpUpdateWellKnownStatuses_Default(project_id)
+    self.cnxn.Commit()
+  def SetUpUpdateWellKnownLabels_JustCache(self, project_id):
+    by_id = {
+        idx + 1: label for idx, (label, _, _) in enumerate(
+            tracker_constants.DEFAULT_WELL_KNOWN_LABELS)}
+    by_name = {name.lower(): label_id
+               for label_id, name in by_id.items()}
+    label_dicts = by_id, by_name
+    self.config_service.label_cache.CacheAll({project_id: label_dicts})
+  def SetUpUpdateWellKnownLabels_Default(self, project_id):
+    self.SetUpUpdateWellKnownLabels_JustCache(project_id)
+    update_labeldef_rows = [
+        (idx + 1, project_id, idx, label, doc, deprecated)
+        for idx, (label, doc, deprecated) in enumerate(
+            tracker_constants.DEFAULT_WELL_KNOWN_LABELS)]
+    self.config_service.labeldef_tbl.Update(
+        self.cnxn, {'rank': None}, project_id=project_id, commit=False)
+    self.config_service.labeldef_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn, config_svc.LABELDEF_COLS, update_labeldef_rows,
+        replace=True, commit=False)
+    self.config_service.labeldef_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn, config_svc.LABELDEF_COLS[1:], [], commit=False)
+  def SetUpUpdateWellKnownStatuses_Default(self, project_id):
+    by_id = {
+        idx + 1: status for idx, (status, _, _, _) in enumerate(
+            tracker_constants.DEFAULT_WELL_KNOWN_STATUSES)}
+    by_name = {name.lower(): label_id
+               for label_id, name in by_id.items()}
+    closed_ids = [
+        idx + 1 for idx, (_, _, means_open, _) in enumerate(
+            tracker_constants.DEFAULT_WELL_KNOWN_STATUSES)
+        if not means_open]
+    status_dicts = by_id, by_name, closed_ids
+    self.config_service.status_cache.CacheAll({789: status_dicts})
+    update_statusdef_rows = [
+        (idx + 1, project_id, idx, status, means_open, doc, deprecated)
+        for idx, (status, doc, means_open, deprecated) in enumerate(
+            tracker_constants.DEFAULT_WELL_KNOWN_STATUSES)]
+    self.config_service.statusdef_tbl.Update(
+        self.cnxn, {'rank': None}, project_id=project_id, commit=False)
+    self.config_service.statusdef_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn, config_svc.STATUSDEF_COLS, update_statusdef_rows,
+        replace=True, commit=False)
+    self.config_service.statusdef_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn, config_svc.STATUSDEF_COLS[1:], [], commit=False)
+  def SetUpUpdateApprovals_Default(
+      self, approval_id, approver_rows, survey_row):
+    self.config_service.approvaldef2approver_tbl.Delete(
+        self.cnxn, approval_id=approval_id, commit=False)
+    self.config_service.approvaldef2approver_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn,
+        config_svc.APPROVALDEF2APPROVER_COLS,
+        approver_rows,
+        commit=False)
+    approval_id, survey, project_id = survey_row
+    self.config_service.approvaldef2survey_tbl.Delete(
+        self.cnxn, approval_id=approval_id, commit=False)
+    self.config_service.approvaldef2survey_tbl.InsertRow(
+        self.cnxn,
+        approval_id=approval_id,
+        survey=survey,
+        project_id=project_id,
+        commit=False)
+  def testStoreConfig(self):
+    config = tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(789)
+    self.SetUpStoreConfig_Default(789)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.config_service.StoreConfig(self.cnxn, config)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testUpdateWellKnownLabels(self):
+    config = tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(789)
+    self.SetUpUpdateWellKnownLabels_Default(789)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.config_service._UpdateWellKnownLabels(self.cnxn, config)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testUpdateWellKnownLabels_Duplicate(self):
+    config = tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(789)
+    config.well_known_labels.append(config.well_known_labels[0])
+    self.SetUpUpdateWellKnownLabels_JustCache(789)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    with self.assertRaises(exceptions.InputException) as cm:
+      self.config_service._UpdateWellKnownLabels(self.cnxn, config)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(
+      'Defined label "Type-Defect" twice',
+      cm.exception.message)
+  def testUpdateWellKnownStatuses(self):
+    config = tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(789)
+    self.SetUpUpdateWellKnownStatuses_Default(789)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.config_service._UpdateWellKnownStatuses(self.cnxn, config)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testUpdateApprovals(self):
+    config = tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(789)
+    approver_rows = [(123, 111, 789), (123, 222, 789)]
+    survey_row = (123, 'Q1\nQ2', 789)
+    first_approval = tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldDef(
+        123, 789, 'FirstApproval', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.APPROVAL_TYPE,
+        None, '', False, False, False, None, None, '', False, '', '',
+        tracker_pb2.NotifyTriggers.NEVER, 'no_action', 'the first one', False)
+    config.field_defs = [first_approval]
+    config.approval_defs = [tracker_pb2.ApprovalDef(
+        approval_id=123, approver_ids=[111, 222], survey='Q1\nQ2')]
+    self.SetUpUpdateApprovals_Default(123, approver_rows, survey_row)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.config_service._UpdateApprovals(self.cnxn, config)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testUpdateConfig(self):
+    pass  # TODO(jrobbins): add a test for this
+  def SetUpExpungeConfig(self, project_id):
+    self.config_service.statusdef_tbl.Delete(self.cnxn, project_id=project_id)
+    self.config_service.labeldef_tbl.Delete(self.cnxn, project_id=project_id)
+    self.config_service.projectissueconfig_tbl.Delete(
+        self.cnxn, project_id=project_id)
+    self.config_service.config_2lc.InvalidateKeys(self.cnxn, [project_id])
+  def testExpungeConfig(self):
+    self.SetUpExpungeConfig(789)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.config_service.ExpungeConfig(self.cnxn, 789)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testExpungeUsersInConfigs(self):
+    self.config_service.component2admin_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    self.config_service.component2cc_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    self.config_service.componentdef_tbl.Update = mock.Mock()
+    self.config_service.fielddef2admin_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    self.config_service.fielddef2editor_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    self.config_service.approvaldef2approver_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    user_ids = [111, 222, 333]
+    self.config_service.ExpungeUsersInConfigs(self.cnxn, user_ids, limit=50)
+    self.config_service.component2admin_tbl.Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, admin_id=user_ids, commit=False, limit=50)
+    self.config_service.component2cc_tbl.Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, cc_id=user_ids, commit=False, limit=50)
+    cdef_calls = [
+            self.cnxn, {'creator_id': framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID},
+            creator_id=user_ids, commit=False, limit=50),
+            self.cnxn, {'modifier_id': framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID},
+            modifier_id=user_ids, commit=False, limit=50)]
+    self.config_service.componentdef_tbl.Update.assert_has_calls(cdef_calls)
+    self.config_service.fielddef2admin_tbl.Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, admin_id=user_ids, commit=False, limit=50)
+    self.config_service.fielddef2editor_tbl.Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, editor_id=user_ids, commit=False, limit=50)
+    self.config_service.approvaldef2approver_tbl.Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, approver_id=user_ids, commit=False, limit=50)
+  ### Custom field definitions
+  def SetUpCreateFieldDef(self, project_id):
+    self.config_service.fielddef_tbl.InsertRow(
+        self.cnxn,
+        project_id=project_id,
+        field_name='PercentDone',
+        field_type='int_type',
+        applicable_type='Defect',
+        applicable_predicate='',
+        is_required=False,
+        is_multivalued=False,
+        is_niche=False,
+        min_value=1,
+        max_value=100,
+        regex=None,
+        needs_member=None,
+        needs_perm=None,
+        grants_perm=None,
+        notify_on='never',
+        date_action='no_action',
+        docstring='doc',
+        approval_id=None,
+        is_phase_field=False,
+        is_restricted_field=True,
+        commit=False).AndReturn(1)
+    self.config_service.fielddef2admin_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn, config_svc.FIELDDEF2ADMIN_COLS, [(1, 111)], commit=False)
+    self.config_service.fielddef2editor_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn, config_svc.FIELDDEF2EDITOR_COLS, [(1, 222)], commit=False)
+    self.cnxn.Commit()
+  def testCreateFieldDef(self):
+    self.SetUpCreateFieldDef(789)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    field_id = self.config_service.CreateFieldDef(
+        self.cnxn,
+        789,
+        'PercentDone',
+        'int_type',
+        'Defect',
+        '',
+        False,
+        False,
+        False,
+        1,
+        100,
+        None,
+        None,
+        None,
+        None,
+        0,
+        'no_action',
+        'doc', [111], [222],
+        is_restricted_field=True)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(1, field_id)
+  def SetUpSoftDeleteFieldDefs(self, field_ids):
+    self.config_service.fielddef_tbl.Update(
+        self.cnxn, {'is_deleted': True}, id=field_ids)
+  def testSoftDeleteFieldDefs(self):
+    self.SetUpSoftDeleteFieldDefs([1])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.config_service.SoftDeleteFieldDefs(self.cnxn, 789, [1])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def SetUpUpdateFieldDef(self, field_id, new_values, admin_rows, editor_rows):
+    self.config_service.fielddef_tbl.Update(
+        self.cnxn, new_values, id=field_id, commit=False)
+    self.config_service.fielddef2admin_tbl.Delete(
+        self.cnxn, field_id=field_id, commit=False)
+    self.config_service.fielddef2admin_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn, config_svc.FIELDDEF2ADMIN_COLS, admin_rows, commit=False)
+    self.config_service.fielddef2editor_tbl.Delete(
+        self.cnxn, field_id=field_id, commit=False)
+    self.config_service.fielddef2editor_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn, config_svc.FIELDDEF2EDITOR_COLS, editor_rows, commit=False)
+    self.cnxn.Commit()
+  def testUpdateFieldDef_NoOp(self):
+    new_values = {}
+    self.SetUpUpdateFieldDef(1, new_values, [], [])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.config_service.UpdateFieldDef(
+        self.cnxn, 789, 1, admin_ids=[], editor_ids=[])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testUpdateFieldDef_Normal(self):
+    new_values = dict(
+        field_name='newname',
+        applicable_type='defect',
+        applicable_predicate='pri:1',
+        is_required=True,
+        is_niche=True,
+        is_multivalued=True,
+        min_value=32,
+        max_value=212,
+        regex='a.*b',
+        needs_member=True,
+        needs_perm='EditIssue',
+        grants_perm='DeleteIssue',
+        notify_on='any_comment',
+        docstring='new doc',
+        is_restricted_field=True)
+    self.SetUpUpdateFieldDef(1, new_values, [(1, 111)], [(1, 222)])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    new_values = new_values.copy()
+    new_values['notify_on'] = 1
+    self.config_service.UpdateFieldDef(
+        self.cnxn, 789, 1, admin_ids=[111], editor_ids=[222], **new_values)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  ### Component definitions
+  def SetUpFindMatchingComponentIDsAnyProject(self, _exact, rows):
+    # TODO(jrobbins): more details here.
+    self.config_service.componentdef_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['id'], where=mox.IsA(list)).AndReturn(rows)
+  def testFindMatchingComponentIDsAnyProject_Rooted(self):
+    self.SetUpFindMatchingComponentIDsAnyProject(True, [(1,), (2,), (3,)])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    comp_ids = self.config_service.FindMatchingComponentIDsAnyProject(
+        self.cnxn, ['WindowManager', 'NetworkLayer'])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual([1, 2, 3], comp_ids)
+  def testFindMatchingComponentIDsAnyProject_NonRooted(self):
+    self.SetUpFindMatchingComponentIDsAnyProject(False, [(1,), (2,), (3,)])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    comp_ids = self.config_service.FindMatchingComponentIDsAnyProject(
+        self.cnxn, ['WindowManager', 'NetworkLayer'], exact=False)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual([1, 2, 3], comp_ids)
+  def SetUpCreateComponentDef(self, comp_id):
+    self.config_service.componentdef_tbl.InsertRow(
+        self.cnxn, project_id=789, path='WindowManager',
+        docstring='doc', deprecated=False, commit=False,
+        created=0, creator_id=0).AndReturn(comp_id)
+    self.config_service.component2admin_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn, config_svc.COMPONENT2ADMIN_COLS, [], commit=False)
+    self.config_service.component2cc_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn, config_svc.COMPONENT2CC_COLS, [], commit=False)
+    self.config_service.component2label_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn, config_svc.COMPONENT2LABEL_COLS, [], commit=False)
+    self.cnxn.Commit()
+  def testCreateComponentDef(self):
+    self.SetUpCreateComponentDef(1)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    comp_id = self.config_service.CreateComponentDef(
+        self.cnxn, 789, 'WindowManager', 'doc', False, [], [], 0, 0, [])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(1, comp_id)
+  def SetUpUpdateComponentDef(self, component_id):
+    self.config_service.component2admin_tbl.Delete(
+        self.cnxn, component_id=component_id, commit=False)
+    self.config_service.component2admin_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn, config_svc.COMPONENT2ADMIN_COLS, [], commit=False)
+    self.config_service.component2cc_tbl.Delete(
+        self.cnxn, component_id=component_id, commit=False)
+    self.config_service.component2cc_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn, config_svc.COMPONENT2CC_COLS, [], commit=False)
+    self.config_service.component2label_tbl.Delete(
+        self.cnxn, component_id=component_id, commit=False)
+    self.config_service.component2label_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn, config_svc.COMPONENT2LABEL_COLS, [], commit=False)
+    self.config_service.componentdef_tbl.Update(
+        self.cnxn,
+        {'path': 'DisplayManager', 'docstring': 'doc', 'deprecated': True},
+        id=component_id, commit=False)
+    self.cnxn.Commit()
+  def testUpdateComponentDef(self):
+    self.SetUpUpdateComponentDef(1)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.config_service.UpdateComponentDef(
+        self.cnxn, 789, 1, path='DisplayManager', docstring='doc',
+        deprecated=True, admin_ids=[], cc_ids=[], label_ids=[])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def SetUpSoftDeleteComponentDef(self, component_id):
+    self.config_service.componentdef_tbl.Update(
+        self.cnxn, {'is_deleted': True}, commit=False, id=component_id)
+    self.cnxn.Commit()
+  def testSoftDeleteComponentDef(self):
+    self.SetUpSoftDeleteComponentDef(1)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.config_service.DeleteComponentDef(self.cnxn, 789, 1)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  ### Memcache management
+  def testInvalidateMemcache(self):
+    pass  # TODO(jrobbins): write this
+  def testInvalidateMemcacheShards(self):
+    NOW = 1234567
+    memcache.set('789;1', NOW)
+    memcache.set('789;2', NOW - 1000)
+    memcache.set('789;3', NOW - 2000)
+    memcache.set('all;1', NOW)
+    memcache.set('all;2', NOW - 1000)
+    memcache.set('all;3', NOW - 2000)
+    # Delete some of them.
+    self.config_service._InvalidateMemcacheShards(
+        [(789, 1), (789, 2), (789,9)])
+    self.assertIsNone(memcache.get('789;1'))
+    self.assertIsNone(memcache.get('789;2'))
+    self.assertEqual(NOW - 2000, memcache.get('789;3'))
+    self.assertIsNone(memcache.get('all;1'))
+    self.assertIsNone(memcache.get('all;2'))
+    self.assertEqual(NOW - 2000, memcache.get('all;3'))
+  def testInvalidateMemcacheForEntireProject(self):
+    NOW = 1234567
+    memcache.set('789;1', NOW)
+    memcache.set('config:789', 'serialized config')
+    memcache.set('label_rows:789', 'serialized label rows')
+    memcache.set('status_rows:789', 'serialized status rows')
+    memcache.set('field_rows:789', 'serialized field rows')
+    memcache.set('890;1', NOW)  # Other projects will not be affected.
+    self.config_service.InvalidateMemcacheForEntireProject(789)
+    self.assertIsNone(memcache.get('789;1'))
+    self.assertIsNone(memcache.get('config:789'))
+    self.assertIsNone(memcache.get('status_rows:789'))
+    self.assertIsNone(memcache.get('label_rows:789'))
+    self.assertIsNone(memcache.get('field_rows:789'))
+    self.assertEqual(NOW, memcache.get('890;1'))
+  def testUsersInvolvedInConfig_Empty(self):
+    templates = []
+    config = tracker_pb2.ProjectIssueConfig()
+    self.assertEqual(set(), self.config_service.UsersInvolvedInConfig(
+        config, templates))
+  def testUsersInvolvedInConfig_Default(self):
+    templates = [
+        tracker_bizobj.ConvertDictToTemplate(t)
+        for t in tracker_constants.DEFAULT_TEMPLATES]
+    config = tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(789)
+    self.assertEqual(set(), self.config_service.UsersInvolvedInConfig(
+        config, templates))
+  def testUsersInvolvedInConfig_Normal(self):
+    config = tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(789)
+    templates = [
+        tracker_bizobj.ConvertDictToTemplate(t)
+        for t in tracker_constants.DEFAULT_TEMPLATES]
+    templates[0].owner_id = 111
+    templates[0].admin_ids = [111, 222]
+    config.field_defs = [
+        tracker_pb2.FieldDef(admin_ids=[333], editor_ids=[444])
+    ]
+    actual = self.config_service.UsersInvolvedInConfig(config, templates)
+    self.assertEqual({111, 222, 333, 444}, actual)
diff --git a/services/test/ b/services/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c80b819
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,1431 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Unit tests for features_svc module."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import logging
+import mox
+import time
+import unittest
+import mock
+from google.appengine.api import memcache
+from google.appengine.ext import testbed
+import settings
+from features import filterrules_helpers
+from features import features_constants
+from framework import exceptions
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import sql
+from proto import tracker_pb2
+from proto import features_pb2
+from services import chart_svc
+from services import features_svc
+from services import star_svc
+from services import user_svc
+from testing import fake
+from tracker import tracker_bizobj
+from tracker import tracker_constants
+# NOTE: we are in the process of moving away from mox towards mock.
+# This file is a mix of both. All new tests or big test updates should make
+# use of the mock package.
+def MakeFeaturesService(cache_manager, my_mox):
+  features_service = features_svc.FeaturesService(cache_manager,
+      fake.ConfigService())
+  features_service.hotlist_tbl = my_mox.CreateMock(sql.SQLTableManager)
+  features_service.hotlist2issue_tbl = my_mox.CreateMock(sql.SQLTableManager)
+  features_service.hotlist2user_tbl = my_mox.CreateMock(sql.SQLTableManager)
+  return features_service
+class HotlistTwoLevelCacheTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.testbed = testbed.Testbed()
+    self.testbed.activate()
+    self.testbed.init_memcache_stub()
+    self.mox = mox.Mox()
+    self.cnxn = self.mox.CreateMock(sql.MonorailConnection)
+    self.cache_manager = fake.CacheManager()
+    self.features_service = MakeFeaturesService(self.cache_manager, self.mox)
+  def tearDown(self):
+    self.testbed.deactivate()
+  def testDeserializeHotlists(self):
+    hotlist_rows = [
+        (123, 'hot1', 'test hot 1', 'test hotlist', False, ''),
+        (234, 'hot2', 'test hot 2', 'test hotlist', False, '')]
+    ts = 20021111111111
+    issue_rows = [
+        (123, 567, 10, 111, ts, ''), (123, 678, 9, 111, ts, ''),
+        (234, 567, 0, 111, ts, '')]
+    role_rows = [
+        (123, 111, 'owner'), (123, 444, 'owner'),
+        (123, 222, 'editor'),
+        (123, 333, 'follower'),
+        (234, 111, 'owner')]
+    hotlist_dict = self.features_service.hotlist_2lc._DeserializeHotlists(
+        hotlist_rows, issue_rows, role_rows)
+    self.assertItemsEqual([123, 234], list(hotlist_dict.keys()))
+    self.assertEqual(123, hotlist_dict[123].hotlist_id)
+    self.assertEqual('hot1', hotlist_dict[123].name)
+    self.assertItemsEqual([111, 444], hotlist_dict[123].owner_ids)
+    self.assertItemsEqual([222], hotlist_dict[123].editor_ids)
+    self.assertItemsEqual([333], hotlist_dict[123].follower_ids)
+    self.assertEqual(234, hotlist_dict[234].hotlist_id)
+    self.assertItemsEqual([111], hotlist_dict[234].owner_ids)
+class HotlistIDTwoLevelCache(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.testbed = testbed.Testbed()
+    self.testbed.activate()
+    self.testbed.init_memcache_stub()
+    self.mox = mox.Mox()
+    self.cnxn = self.mox.CreateMock(sql.MonorailConnection)
+    self.cache_manager = fake.CacheManager()
+    self.features_service = MakeFeaturesService(self.cache_manager, self.mox)
+    self.hotlist_id_2lc = self.features_service.hotlist_id_2lc
+  def tearDown(self):
+    memcache.flush_all()
+    self.testbed.deactivate()
+    self.mox.UnsetStubs()
+    self.mox.ResetAll()
+  def testGetAll(self):
+    cached_keys = [('name1', 111), ('name2', 222)]
+    self.hotlist_id_2lc.CacheItem(cached_keys[0], 121)
+    self.hotlist_id_2lc.CacheItem(cached_keys[1], 122)
+    # Set up DB query mocks.
+    # Test that a ('name1', 222) or ('name3', 333) hotlist
+    # does not get returned by GetAll even though these hotlists
+    # exist and are returned by the DB queries.
+    from_db_keys = [
+        ('name1', 333), ('name3', 222), ('name3', 555)]
+    self.features_service.hotlist2user_tbl.Select = mock.Mock(return_value=[
+        (123, 333),  # name1 hotlist
+        (124, 222),  # name3 hotlist
+        (125, 222),  # name1 hotlist, should be ignored
+        (126, 333),  # name3 hotlist, should be ignored
+        (127, 555),  # wrongname hotlist, should be ignored
+    ])
+    self.features_service.hotlist_tbl.Select = mock.Mock(
+        return_value=[(123, 'Name1'), (124, 'Name3'),
+                      (125, 'Name1'), (126, 'Name3')])
+    hit, misses = self.hotlist_id_2lc.GetAll(
+        self.cnxn, cached_keys + from_db_keys)
+    # Assertions
+    self.features_service.hotlist2user_tbl.Select.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['hotlist_id', 'user_id'], user_id=[555, 333, 222],
+        role_name='owner')
+    hotlist_ids = [123, 124, 125, 126, 127]
+    self.features_service.hotlist_tbl.Select.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['id', 'name'], id=hotlist_ids, is_deleted=False,
+        where=[('LOWER(name) IN (%s,%s)', ['name3', 'name1'])])
+    self.assertEqual(hit,{
+        ('name1', 111): 121,
+        ('name2', 222): 122,
+        ('name1', 333): 123,
+        ('name3', 222): 124})
+    self.assertEqual(from_db_keys[-1:], misses)
+class FeaturesServiceTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def MakeMockTable(self):
+    return self.mox.CreateMock(sql.SQLTableManager)
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.testbed = testbed.Testbed()
+    self.testbed.activate()
+    self.testbed.init_memcache_stub()
+    self.mox = mox.Mox()
+    self.cnxn = self.mox.CreateMock(sql.MonorailConnection)
+    self.cache_manager = fake.CacheManager()
+    self.config_service = fake.ConfigService()
+    self.features_service = features_svc.FeaturesService(self.cache_manager,
+        self.config_service)
+    self.issue_service = fake.IssueService()
+    self.chart_service = self.mox.CreateMock(chart_svc.ChartService)
+    for table_var in [
+        'user2savedquery_tbl', 'quickedithistory_tbl',
+        'quickeditmostrecent_tbl', 'savedquery_tbl',
+        'savedqueryexecutesinproject_tbl', 'project2savedquery_tbl',
+        'filterrule_tbl', 'hotlist_tbl', 'hotlist2issue_tbl',
+        'hotlist2user_tbl']:
+      setattr(self.features_service, table_var, self.MakeMockTable())
+  def tearDown(self):
+    memcache.flush_all()
+    self.testbed.deactivate()
+    self.mox.UnsetStubs()
+    self.mox.ResetAll()
+  ### quickedit command history
+  def testGetRecentCommands(self):
+    self.features_service.quickedithistory_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['slot_num', 'command', 'comment'],
+        user_id=1, project_id=12345).AndReturn(
+        [(1, 'status=New', 'Brand new issue')])
+    self.features_service.quickeditmostrecent_tbl.SelectValue(
+        self.cnxn, 'slot_num', default=1, user_id=1, project_id=12345
+        ).AndReturn(1)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    slots, recent_slot_num = self.features_service.GetRecentCommands(
+        self.cnxn, 1, 12345)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(1, recent_slot_num)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        len(tracker_constants.DEFAULT_RECENT_COMMANDS), len(slots))
+    self.assertEqual('status=New', slots[0][1])
+  def testStoreRecentCommand(self):
+    self.features_service.quickedithistory_tbl.InsertRow(
+        self.cnxn, replace=True, user_id=1, project_id=12345,
+        slot_num=1, command='status=New', comment='Brand new issue')
+    self.features_service.quickeditmostrecent_tbl.InsertRow(
+        self.cnxn, replace=True, user_id=1, project_id=12345,
+        slot_num=1)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.features_service.StoreRecentCommand(
+        self.cnxn, 1, 12345, 1, 'status=New', 'Brand new issue')
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testExpungeQuickEditHistory(self):
+    self.features_service.quickeditmostrecent_tbl.Delete(
+        self.cnxn, project_id=12345)
+    self.features_service.quickedithistory_tbl.Delete(
+        self.cnxn, project_id=12345)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.features_service.ExpungeQuickEditHistory(
+        self.cnxn, 12345)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testExpungeQuickEditsByUsers(self):
+    user_ids = [333, 555, 777]
+    commit = False
+    self.features_service.quickeditmostrecent_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    self.features_service.quickedithistory_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    self.features_service.ExpungeQuickEditsByUsers(
+        self.cnxn, user_ids, limit=50)
+    self.features_service.quickeditmostrecent_tbl.Delete.\
+assert_called_once_with(self.cnxn, user_id=user_ids, commit=commit, limit=50)
+    self.features_service.quickedithistory_tbl.Delete.\
+assert_called_once_with(self.cnxn, user_id=user_ids, commit=commit, limit=50)
+  ### Saved User and Project Queries
+  def testGetSavedQuery_Valid(self):
+    self.features_service.savedquery_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=features_svc.SAVEDQUERY_COLS, id=[1]).AndReturn(
+        [(1, 'query1', 100, 'owner:me')])
+    self.features_service.savedqueryexecutesinproject_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=features_svc.SAVEDQUERYEXECUTESINPROJECT_COLS,
+        query_id=[1]).AndReturn([(1, 12345)])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    saved_query = self.features_service.GetSavedQuery(
+        self.cnxn, 1)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(1, saved_query.query_id)
+    self.assertEqual('query1',
+    self.assertEqual(100, saved_query.base_query_id)
+    self.assertEqual('owner:me', saved_query.query)
+    self.assertEqual([12345], saved_query.executes_in_project_ids)
+  def testGetSavedQuery_Invalid(self):
+    self.features_service.savedquery_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=features_svc.SAVEDQUERY_COLS, id=[99]).AndReturn([])
+    self.features_service.savedqueryexecutesinproject_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=features_svc.SAVEDQUERYEXECUTESINPROJECT_COLS,
+        query_id=[99]).AndReturn([])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    saved_query = self.features_service.GetSavedQuery(
+        self.cnxn, 99)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertIsNone(saved_query)
+  def SetUpUsersSavedQueries(self, has_query_id=True):
+    query = tracker_bizobj.MakeSavedQuery(1, 'query1', 100, 'owner:me')
+    self.features_service.saved_query_cache.CacheItem(1, [query])
+    if has_query_id:
+      self.features_service.user2savedquery_tbl.Select(
+          self.cnxn,
+          cols=features_svc.SAVEDQUERY_COLS + ['user_id', 'subscription_mode'],
+          left_joins=[('SavedQuery ON query_id = id', [])],
+          order_by=[('rank', [])],
+          user_id=[2]).AndReturn(
+              [(2, 'query2', 100, 'status:New', 2, 'Sub_Mode')])
+      self.features_service.savedqueryexecutesinproject_tbl.Select(
+          self.cnxn,
+          cols=features_svc.SAVEDQUERYEXECUTESINPROJECT_COLS,
+          query_id=set([2])).AndReturn([(2, 12345)])
+    else:
+      self.features_service.user2savedquery_tbl.Select(
+          self.cnxn,
+          cols=features_svc.SAVEDQUERY_COLS + ['user_id', 'subscription_mode'],
+          left_joins=[('SavedQuery ON query_id = id', [])],
+          order_by=[('rank', [])],
+          user_id=[2]).AndReturn([])
+  def testGetUsersSavedQueriesDict(self):
+    self.SetUpUsersSavedQueries()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    results_dict = self.features_service._GetUsersSavedQueriesDict(
+        self.cnxn, [1, 2])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertIn(1, results_dict)
+    self.assertIn(2, results_dict)
+  def testGetUsersSavedQueriesDictWithoutSavedQueries(self):
+    self.SetUpUsersSavedQueries(False)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    results_dict = self.features_service._GetUsersSavedQueriesDict(
+        self.cnxn, [1, 2])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertIn(1, results_dict)
+    self.assertNotIn(2, results_dict)
+  def testGetSavedQueriesByUserID(self):
+    self.SetUpUsersSavedQueries()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    saved_queries = self.features_service.GetSavedQueriesByUserID(
+        self.cnxn, 2)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(1, len(saved_queries))
+    self.assertEqual(2, saved_queries[0].query_id)
+  def SetUpCannedQueriesForProjects(self, project_ids):
+    query = tracker_bizobj.MakeSavedQuery(
+        2, 'project-query-2', 110, 'owner:goose@chaos.honk')
+    self.features_service.canned_query_cache.CacheItem(12346, [query])
+    self.features_service.canned_query_cache.CacheAll = mock.Mock()
+    self.features_service.project2savedquery_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['project_id'] + features_svc.SAVEDQUERY_COLS,
+        left_joins=[('SavedQuery ON query_id = id', [])],
+        order_by=[('rank', [])], project_id=project_ids).AndReturn(
+        [(12345, 1, 'query1', 100, 'owner:me')])
+  def testGetCannedQueriesForProjects(self):
+    project_ids = [12345, 12346]
+    self.SetUpCannedQueriesForProjects(project_ids)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    results_dict = self.features_service.GetCannedQueriesForProjects(
+        self.cnxn, project_ids)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertIn(12345, results_dict)
+    self.assertIn(12346, results_dict)
+    self.features_service.canned_query_cache.CacheAll.assert_called_once_with(
+        results_dict)
+  def testGetCannedQueriesByProjectID(self):
+    project_id= 12345
+    self.SetUpCannedQueriesForProjects([project_id])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    result = self.features_service.GetCannedQueriesByProjectID(
+        self.cnxn, project_id)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(1, len(result))
+    self.assertEqual(1, result[0].query_id)
+  def SetUpUpdateSavedQueries(self, commit=True):
+    query1 = tracker_bizobj.MakeSavedQuery(1, 'query1', 100, 'owner:me')
+    query2 = tracker_bizobj.MakeSavedQuery(None, 'query2', 100, 'status:New')
+    saved_queries = [query1, query2]
+    savedquery_rows = [
+        (sq.query_id or None,, sq.base_query_id, sq.query)
+        for sq in saved_queries]
+    self.features_service.savedquery_tbl.Delete(
+        self.cnxn, id=[1], commit=commit)
+    self.features_service.savedquery_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn, features_svc.SAVEDQUERY_COLS, savedquery_rows, commit=commit,
+        return_generated_ids=True).AndReturn([11, 12])
+    return saved_queries
+  def testUpdateSavedQueries(self):
+    saved_queries = self.SetUpUpdateSavedQueries()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.features_service._UpdateSavedQueries(
+        self.cnxn, saved_queries, True)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testUpdateCannedQueries(self):
+    self.features_service.project2savedquery_tbl.Delete(
+        self.cnxn, project_id=12345, commit=False)
+    canned_queries = self.SetUpUpdateSavedQueries(False)
+    project2savedquery_rows = [(12345, 0, 1), (12345, 1, 12)]
+    self.features_service.project2savedquery_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn, features_svc.PROJECT2SAVEDQUERY_COLS,
+        project2savedquery_rows, commit=False)
+    self.features_service.canned_query_cache.Invalidate = mock.Mock()
+    self.cnxn.Commit()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.features_service.UpdateCannedQueries(
+        self.cnxn, 12345, canned_queries)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.features_service.canned_query_cache.Invalidate.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, 12345)
+  def testUpdateUserSavedQueries(self):
+    saved_queries = self.SetUpUpdateSavedQueries(False)
+    self.features_service.savedqueryexecutesinproject_tbl.Delete(
+        self.cnxn, query_id=[1], commit=False)
+    self.features_service.user2savedquery_tbl.Delete(
+        self.cnxn, user_id=1, commit=False)
+    user2savedquery_rows = [
+      (1, 0, 1, 'noemail'), (1, 1, 12, 'noemail')]
+    self.features_service.user2savedquery_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn, features_svc.USER2SAVEDQUERY_COLS,
+        user2savedquery_rows, commit=False)
+    self.features_service.savedqueryexecutesinproject_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn, features_svc.SAVEDQUERYEXECUTESINPROJECT_COLS, [],
+        commit=False)
+    self.cnxn.Commit()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.features_service.UpdateUserSavedQueries(
+        self.cnxn, 1, saved_queries)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  ### Subscriptions
+  def testGetSubscriptionsInProjects(self):
+    sqeip_join_str = (
+        'SavedQueryExecutesInProject ON '
+        'SavedQueryExecutesInProject.query_id = User2SavedQuery.query_id')
+    user_join_str = (
+        'User ON '
+        'User.user_id = User2SavedQuery.user_id')
+    now = 1519418530
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(time, 'time')
+    time.time().MultipleTimes().AndReturn(now)
+    absence_threshold = now - settings.subscription_timeout_secs
+    where = [
+        ('(User.banned IS NULL OR User.banned = %s)', ['']),
+        ('User.last_visit_timestamp >= %s', [absence_threshold]),
+        ('(User.email_bounce_timestamp IS NULL OR '
+         'User.email_bounce_timestamp = %s)', [0]),
+        ]
+    self.features_service.user2savedquery_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['User2SavedQuery.user_id'], distinct=True,
+        joins=[(sqeip_join_str, []), (user_join_str, [])],
+        subscription_mode='immediate', project_id=12345,
+        where=where).AndReturn(
+        [(1, 'asd'), (2, 'efg')])
+    self.SetUpUsersSavedQueries()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    result = self.features_service.GetSubscriptionsInProjects(
+        self.cnxn, 12345)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertIn(1, result)
+    self.assertIn(2, result)
+  def testExpungeSavedQueriesExecuteInProject(self):
+    self.features_service.savedqueryexecutesinproject_tbl.Delete(
+        self.cnxn, project_id=12345)
+    self.features_service.project2savedquery_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['query_id'], project_id=12345).AndReturn(
+        [(1, 'asd'), (2, 'efg')])
+    self.features_service.project2savedquery_tbl.Delete(
+        self.cnxn, project_id=12345)
+    self.features_service.savedquery_tbl.Delete(
+        self.cnxn, id=[1, 2])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.features_service.ExpungeSavedQueriesExecuteInProject(
+        self.cnxn, 12345)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testExpungeSavedQueriesByUsers(self):
+    user_ids = [222, 444, 666]
+    commit = False
+    sv_rows = [(8,), (9,)]
+    self.features_service.user2savedquery_tbl.Select = mock.Mock(
+        return_value=sv_rows)
+    self.features_service.user2savedquery_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    self.features_service.savedqueryexecutesinproject_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    self.features_service.savedquery_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    self.features_service.ExpungeSavedQueriesByUsers(
+        self.cnxn, user_ids, limit=50)
+    self.features_service.user2savedquery_tbl.Select.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['query_id'], user_id=user_ids, limit=50)
+    self.features_service.user2savedquery_tbl.Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, query_id=[8, 9], commit=commit)
+    self.features_service.savedqueryexecutesinproject_tbl.\
+        self.cnxn, query_id=[8, 9], commit=commit)
+    self.features_service.savedquery_tbl.Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, id=[8, 9], commit=commit)
+  ### Filter Rules
+  def testDeserializeFilterRules(self):
+    filterrule_rows = [
+        (12345, 0, 'predicate1', 'default_status:New'),
+        (12345, 1, 'predicate2', 'default_owner_id:1 add_cc_id:2'),
+    ]
+    result_dict = self.features_service._DeserializeFilterRules(
+        filterrule_rows)
+    self.assertIn(12345, result_dict)
+    self.assertEqual(2, len(result_dict[12345]))
+    self.assertEqual('New', result_dict[12345][0].default_status)
+    self.assertEqual(1, result_dict[12345][1].default_owner_id)
+    self.assertEqual([2], result_dict[12345][1].add_cc_ids)
+  def testDeserializeRuleConsequence_Multiple(self):
+    consequence = ('default_status:New default_owner_id:1 add_cc_id:2'
+                   ' add_label:label-1 add_label:label.2'
+                   '')
+    (default_status, default_owner_id, add_cc_ids, add_labels,
+     add_notify, warning, error
+     ) = self.features_service._DeserializeRuleConsequence(
+        consequence)
+    self.assertEqual('New', default_status)
+    self.assertEqual(1, default_owner_id)
+    self.assertEqual([2], add_cc_ids)
+    self.assertEqual(['label-1', 'label.2'], add_labels)
+    self.assertEqual([''], add_notify)
+    self.assertEqual(None, warning)
+    self.assertEqual(None, error)
+  def testDeserializeRuleConsequence_Warning(self):
+    consequence = ('warning:Do not use status:New if there is an owner')
+    (_status, _owner_id, _cc_ids, _labels, _notify,
+     warning, _error) = self.features_service._DeserializeRuleConsequence(
+        consequence)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        'Do not use status:New if there is an owner',
+        warning)
+  def testDeserializeRuleConsequence_Error(self):
+    consequence = ('error:Pri-0 issues require an owner')
+    (_status, _owner_id, _cc_ids, _labels, _notify,
+     _warning, error) = self.features_service._DeserializeRuleConsequence(
+        consequence)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        'Pri-0 issues require an owner',
+        error)
+  def SetUpGetFilterRulesByProjectIDs(self):
+    filterrule_rows = [
+        (12345, 0, 'predicate1', 'default_status:New'),
+        (12345, 1, 'predicate2', 'default_owner_id:1 add_cc_id:2'),
+    ]
+    self.features_service.filterrule_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=features_svc.FILTERRULE_COLS,
+        project_id=[12345]).AndReturn(filterrule_rows)
+  def testGetFilterRulesByProjectIDs(self):
+    self.SetUpGetFilterRulesByProjectIDs()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    result = self.features_service._GetFilterRulesByProjectIDs(
+        self.cnxn, [12345])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertIn(12345, result)
+    self.assertEqual(2, len(result[12345]))
+  def testGetFilterRules(self):
+    self.SetUpGetFilterRulesByProjectIDs()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    result = self.features_service.GetFilterRules(
+        self.cnxn, 12345)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(2, len(result))
+  def testSerializeRuleConsequence(self):
+    rule = filterrules_helpers.MakeRule(
+        'predicate', 'New', 1, [1, 2], ['label1', 'label2'], ['admin'])
+    result = self.features_service._SerializeRuleConsequence(rule)
+    self.assertEqual('add_label:label1 add_label:label2 default_status:New'
+                     ' default_owner_id:1 add_cc_id:1 add_cc_id:2'
+                     ' add_notify:admin', result)
+  def testUpdateFilterRules(self):
+    self.features_service.filterrule_tbl.Delete(self.cnxn, project_id=12345)
+    rows = [
+        (12345, 0, 'predicate1', 'add_label:label1 add_label:label2'
+                                 ' default_status:New default_owner_id:1'
+                                 ' add_cc_id:1 add_cc_id:2 add_notify:admin'),
+        (12345, 1, 'predicate2', 'add_label:label2 add_label:label3'
+                                 ' default_status:Fixed default_owner_id:2'
+                                 ' add_cc_id:1 add_cc_id:2 add_notify:admin2')
+    ]
+    self.features_service.filterrule_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn, features_svc.FILTERRULE_COLS, rows)
+    rule1 = filterrules_helpers.MakeRule(
+        'predicate1', 'New', 1, [1, 2], ['label1', 'label2'], ['admin'])
+    rule2 = filterrules_helpers.MakeRule(
+        'predicate2', 'Fixed', 2, [1, 2], ['label2', 'label3'], ['admin2'])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.features_service.UpdateFilterRules(
+        self.cnxn, 12345, [rule1, rule2])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testExpungeFilterRules(self):
+    self.features_service.filterrule_tbl.Delete(self.cnxn, project_id=12345)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.features_service.ExpungeFilterRules(
+        self.cnxn, 12345)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testExpungeFilterRulesByUser(self):
+    emails = {'chicken@farm.test': 333, 'cow@fart.test': 222}
+    project_1_keep_rows = [
+        (1, 1, 'label:no-match-here', 'add_label:should-be-deleted-inserted')]
+    project_16_keep_rows =[
+        (16, 20, 'label:no-match-here', 'add_label:should-be-deleted-inserted'),
+        (16, 21, '', 'add_label:delete-and-insert')]
+    random_row = [
+        (19, 9, 'label:no-match-in-project', 'add_label:no-DELETE-INSERTROW')]
+    rows_to_delete = [
+        (1, 45, 'owner:cow@fart.test', 'add_label:happy-cows'),
+        (1, 46, 'owner:cow@fart.test', 'add_label:balloon'),
+        (16, 47, 'label:queue-eggs', 'add_notify:chicken@farm.test'),
+        (17, 48, 'owner:farmer@farm.test', 'add_cc_id:111 add_cc_id:222'),
+        (17, 48, 'label:queue-chickens', 'default_owner_id:333'),
+    ]
+    rows = (rows_to_delete + project_1_keep_rows + project_16_keep_rows +
+            random_row)
+    self.features_service.filterrule_tbl.Select = mock.Mock(return_value=rows)
+    self.features_service.filterrule_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    rules_dict = self.features_service.ExpungeFilterRulesByUser(
+        self.cnxn, emails)
+    expected_dict = {
+        1: [tracker_pb2.FilterRule(
+            predicate=rows[0][2], add_labels=['happy-cows']),
+            tracker_pb2.FilterRule(
+                predicate=rows[1][2], add_labels=['balloon'])],
+        16: [tracker_pb2.FilterRule(
+            predicate=rows[2][2], add_notify_addrs=['chicken@farm.test'])],
+        17: [tracker_pb2.FilterRule(
+            predicate=rows[3][2], add_cc_ids=[111, 222])],
+    }
+    self.assertItemsEqual(rules_dict, expected_dict)
+    self.features_service.filterrule_tbl.Select.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, features_svc.FILTERRULE_COLS)
+    calls = [, project_id=project_id, rank=rank,
+                       predicate=predicate, consequence=consequence,
+                       commit=False)
+             for (project_id, rank, predicate, consequence) in rows_to_delete]
+    self.features_service.filterrule_tbl.Delete.assert_has_calls(
+        calls, any_order=True)
+  def testExpungeFilterRulesByUser_EmptyUsers(self):
+    self.features_service.filterrule_tbl.Select = mock.Mock()
+    self.features_service.filterrule_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    rules_dict = self.features_service.ExpungeFilterRulesByUser(self.cnxn, {})
+    self.assertEqual(rules_dict, {})
+    self.features_service.filterrule_tbl.Select.assert_not_called()
+    self.features_service.filterrule_tbl.Delete.assert_not_called()
+  def testExpungeFilterRulesByUser_NoMatch(self):
+    rows = [
+        (17, 48, 'owner:farmer@farm.test', 'add_cc_id:111 add_cc_id: 222'),
+        (19, 9, 'label:no-match-in-project', 'add_label:no-DELETE-INSERTROW'),
+        ]
+    self.features_service.filterrule_tbl.Select = mock.Mock(return_value=rows)
+    self.features_service.filterrule_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    emails = {'cow@fart.test': 222}
+    rules_dict = self.features_service.ExpungeFilterRulesByUser(
+        self.cnxn, emails)
+    self.assertItemsEqual(rules_dict, {})
+    self.features_service.filterrule_tbl.Select.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, features_svc.FILTERRULE_COLS)
+    self.features_service.filterrule_tbl.Delete.assert_not_called()
+  ### Hotlists
+  def SetUpCreateHotlist(self):
+    # Check for the existing hotlist: there should be none.
+    # Two hotlists named 'hot1' exist but neither are owned by the user.
+    self.features_service.hotlist2user_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['hotlist_id', 'user_id'],
+        user_id=[567], role_name='owner').AndReturn([])
+    self.features_service.hotlist_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['id', 'name'], id=[], is_deleted=False,
+        where =[(('LOWER(name) IN (%s)'), ['hot1'])]).AndReturn([])
+    # Inserting the hotlist returns the id.
+    self.features_service.hotlist_tbl.InsertRow(
+        self.cnxn, name='hot1', summary='hot 1', description='test hotlist',
+        is_private=False,
+        default_col_spec=features_constants.DEFAULT_COL_SPEC).AndReturn(123)
+    # Insert the issues: there are none.
+    self.features_service.hotlist2issue_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn, features_svc.HOTLIST2ISSUE_COLS,
+        [], commit=False)
+    # Insert the users: there is one owner and one editor.
+    self.features_service.hotlist2user_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn, ['hotlist_id', 'user_id', 'role_name'],
+        [(123, 567, 'owner'), (123, 678, 'editor')])
+  def testCreateHotlist(self):
+    self.SetUpCreateHotlist()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.features_service.CreateHotlist(
+        self.cnxn, 'hot1', 'hot 1', 'test hotlist', [567], [678])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testCreateHotlist_InvalidName(self):
+    with self.assertRaises(exceptions.InputException):
+      self.features_service.CreateHotlist(
+          self.cnxn, '***Invalid name***', 'Misnamed Hotlist',
+          'A Hotlist with an invalid name', [567], [678])
+  def testCreateHotlist_NoOwner(self):
+    with self.assertRaises(features_svc.UnownedHotlistException):
+      self.features_service.CreateHotlist(
+          self.cnxn, 'unowned-hotlist', 'Unowned Hotlist',
+          'A Hotlist that is not owned', [], [])
+  def testCreateHotlist_HotlistAlreadyExists(self):
+    self.features_service.hotlist_id_2lc.CacheItem(('fake-hotlist', 567), 123)
+    with self.assertRaises(features_svc.HotlistAlreadyExists):
+      self.features_service.CreateHotlist(
+          self.cnxn, 'Fake-Hotlist', 'Misnamed Hotlist',
+          'This name is already in use', [567], [678])
+  def testTransferHotlistOwnership(self):
+    hotlist_id = 123
+    new_owner_id = 222
+    hotlist = fake.Hotlist(hotlist_name='unique', hotlist_id=hotlist_id,
+                           owner_ids=[111], editor_ids=[222, 333],
+                           follower_ids=[444])
+    # LookupHotlistIDs, proposed new owner, owns no hotlist with the same name.
+    self.features_service.hotlist2user_tbl.Select = mock.Mock(
+        return_value=[(223, new_owner_id), (567, new_owner_id)])
+    self.features_service.hotlist_tbl.Select = mock.Mock(return_value=[])
+    # UpdateHotlistRoles
+    self.features_service.GetHotlist = mock.Mock(return_value=hotlist)
+    self.features_service.hotlist2user_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    self.features_service.hotlist2user_tbl.InsertRows = mock.Mock()
+    self.features_service.TransferHotlistOwnership(
+        self.cnxn, hotlist, new_owner_id, True)
+    self.features_service.hotlist2user_tbl.Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, hotlist_id=hotlist_id, commit=False)
+    self.features_service.GetHotlist.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, hotlist_id, use_cache=False)
+    insert_rows = [(hotlist_id, new_owner_id, 'owner'),
+                   (hotlist_id, 333, 'editor'),
+                   (hotlist_id, 111, 'editor'),
+                   (hotlist_id, 444, 'follower')]
+    self.features_service.hotlist2user_tbl.InsertRows.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, features_svc.HOTLIST2USER_COLS, insert_rows, commit=False)
+  def testLookupHotlistIDs(self):
+    # Set up DB query mocks.
+    self.features_service.hotlist2user_tbl.Select = mock.Mock(return_value=[
+        (123, 222), (125, 333)])
+    self.features_service.hotlist_tbl.Select = mock.Mock(
+        return_value=[(123, 'q3-TODO'), (125, 'q4-TODO')])
+    self.features_service.hotlist_id_2lc.CacheItem(
+        ('q4-todo', 333), 124)
+    ret = self.features_service.LookupHotlistIDs(
+        self.cnxn, ['q3-todo', 'Q4-TODO'], [222, 333, 444])
+    self.assertEqual(ret, {('q3-todo', 222) : 123, ('q4-todo', 333): 124})
+    self.features_service.hotlist2user_tbl.Select.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['hotlist_id', 'user_id'], user_id=[444, 333, 222],
+        role_name='owner')
+    self.features_service.hotlist_tbl.Select.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['id', 'name'], id=[123, 125], is_deleted=False,
+        where=[
+            (('LOWER(name) IN (%s,%s)'), ['q3-todo', 'q4-todo'])])
+  def SetUpLookupUserHotlists(self):
+    self.features_service.hotlist2user_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['user_id', 'hotlist_id'],
+        user_id=[111], left_joins=[('Hotlist ON hotlist_id = id', [])],
+        where=[('Hotlist.is_deleted = %s', [False])]).AndReturn([(111, 123)])
+  def testLookupUserHotlists(self):
+    self.SetUpLookupUserHotlists()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    ret = self.features_service.LookupUserHotlists(
+        self.cnxn, [111])
+    self.assertEqual(ret, {111: [123]})
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def SetUpLookupIssueHotlists(self):
+    self.features_service.hotlist2issue_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['hotlist_id', 'issue_id'],
+        issue_id=[987], left_joins=[('Hotlist ON hotlist_id = id', [])],
+        where=[('Hotlist.is_deleted = %s', [False])]).AndReturn([(123, 987)])
+  def testLookupIssueHotlists(self):
+    self.SetUpLookupIssueHotlists()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    ret = self.features_service.LookupIssueHotlists(
+        self.cnxn, [987])
+    self.assertEqual(ret, {987: [123]})
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def SetUpGetHotlists(
+      self, hotlist_id, hotlist_rows=None, issue_rows=None, role_rows=None):
+    if not hotlist_rows:
+      hotlist_rows = [(hotlist_id, 'hotlist2', 'test hotlist 2',
+                       'test hotlist', False, '')]
+    if not issue_rows:
+      issue_rows=[]
+    if not role_rows:
+      role_rows=[]
+    self.features_service.hotlist_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=features_svc.HOTLIST_COLS,
+        id=[hotlist_id], is_deleted=False).AndReturn(hotlist_rows)
+    self.features_service.hotlist2user_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['hotlist_id', 'user_id', 'role_name'],
+        hotlist_id=[hotlist_id]).AndReturn(role_rows)
+    self.features_service.hotlist2issue_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=features_svc.HOTLIST2ISSUE_COLS,
+        hotlist_id=[hotlist_id],
+        order_by=[('rank DESC', []), ('issue_id', [])]).AndReturn(issue_rows)
+  def SetUpUpdateHotlist(self, hotlist_id):
+    hotlist_rows = [
+        (hotlist_id, 'hotlist2', 'test hotlist 2', 'test hotlist', False, '')
+    ]
+    role_rows = [(hotlist_id, 111, 'owner')]
+    self.features_service.hotlist_tbl.Select = mock.Mock(
+        return_value=hotlist_rows)
+    self.features_service.hotlist2user_tbl.Select = mock.Mock(
+        return_value=role_rows)
+    self.features_service.hotlist2issue_tbl.Select = mock.Mock(return_value=[])
+    self.features_service.hotlist_tbl.Update = mock.Mock()
+    self.features_service.hotlist2user_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    self.features_service.hotlist2user_tbl.InsertRows = mock.Mock()
+  def testUpdateHotlist(self):
+    hotlist_id = 456
+    self.SetUpUpdateHotlist(hotlist_id)
+    self.features_service.UpdateHotlist(
+        self.cnxn,
+        hotlist_id,
+        summary='A better one-line summary',
+        owner_id=333,
+        add_editor_ids=[444, 555])
+    delta = {'summary': 'A better one-line summary'}
+    self.features_service.hotlist_tbl.Update.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, delta, id=hotlist_id, commit=False)
+    self.features_service.hotlist2user_tbl.Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, hotlist_id=hotlist_id, role='owner', commit=False)
+    add_role_rows = [
+        (hotlist_id, 333, 'owner'), (hotlist_id, 444, 'editor'),
+        (hotlist_id, 555, 'editor')
+    ]
+    self.features_service.hotlist2user_tbl.InsertRows.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, features_svc.HOTLIST2USER_COLS, add_role_rows, commit=False)
+  def testUpdateHotlist_NoRoleChanges(self):
+    hotlist_id = 456
+    self.SetUpUpdateHotlist(hotlist_id)
+    self.features_service.UpdateHotlist(self.cnxn, hotlist_id, name='chicken')
+    delta = {'name': 'chicken'}
+    self.features_service.hotlist_tbl.Update.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, delta, id=hotlist_id, commit=False)
+    self.features_service.hotlist2user_tbl.Delete.assert_not_called()
+    self.features_service.hotlist2user_tbl.InsertRows.assert_not_called()
+  def testUpdateHotlist_NoOwnerChange(self):
+    hotlist_id = 456
+    self.SetUpUpdateHotlist(hotlist_id)
+    self.features_service.UpdateHotlist(
+        self.cnxn, hotlist_id, name='chicken', add_editor_ids=[
+            333,
+        ])
+    delta = {'name': 'chicken'}
+    self.features_service.hotlist_tbl.Update.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, delta, id=hotlist_id, commit=False)
+    self.features_service.hotlist2user_tbl.Delete.assert_not_called()
+    self.features_service.hotlist2user_tbl.InsertRows.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn,
+        features_svc.HOTLIST2USER_COLS, [
+            (hotlist_id, 333, 'editor'),
+        ],
+        commit=False)
+  def SetUpRemoveHotlistEditors(self):
+    hotlist = fake.Hotlist(
+        hotlist_name='hotlist',
+        hotlist_id=456,
+        owner_ids=[111],
+        editor_ids=[222, 333, 444])
+    self.features_service.GetHotlist = mock.Mock(return_value=hotlist)
+    self.features_service.hotlist2user_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    return hotlist
+  def testRemoveHotlistEditors(self):
+    """We can remove editors from a hotlist."""
+    hotlist = self.SetUpRemoveHotlistEditors()
+    remove_editor_ids = [222, 333]
+    self.features_service.RemoveHotlistEditors(
+        self.cnxn, hotlist.hotlist_id, remove_editor_ids=remove_editor_ids)
+    self.features_service.hotlist2user_tbl.Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, hotlist_id=hotlist.hotlist_id, user_id=remove_editor_ids)
+    self.assertEqual(hotlist.editor_ids, [444])
+  def testRemoveHotlistEditors_NoOp(self):
+    """A NoOp update does not trigger and sql table calls."""
+    hotlist = self.SetUpRemoveHotlistEditors()
+    with self.assertRaises(exceptions.InputException):
+      self.features_service.RemoveHotlistEditors(
+          self.cnxn, hotlist.hotlist_id, remove_editor_ids=[])
+  def SetUpUpdateHotlistItemsFields(self, hotlist_id, issue_ids):
+    hotlist_rows = [(hotlist_id, 'hotlist', '', '', True, '')]
+    insert_rows = [(345, 11, 112, 333, 2002, ''),
+                   (345, 33, 332, 333, 2002, ''),
+                   (345, 55, 552, 333, 2002, '')]
+    issue_rows = [(345, 11, 1, 333, 2002, ''), (345, 33, 3, 333, 2002, ''),
+             (345, 55, 3, 333, 2002, '')]
+    self.SetUpGetHotlists(
+        hotlist_id, hotlist_rows=hotlist_rows, issue_rows=issue_rows)
+    self.features_service.hotlist2issue_tbl.Delete(
+        self.cnxn, hotlist_id=hotlist_id,
+        issue_id=issue_ids, commit=False)
+    self.features_service.hotlist2issue_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn, cols=features_svc.HOTLIST2ISSUE_COLS,
+        row_values=insert_rows, commit=True)
+  def testUpdateHotlistItemsFields_Ranks(self):
+    hotlist_item_fields = [
+        (11, 1, 333, 2002, ''), (33, 3, 333, 2002, ''),
+        (55, 3, 333, 2002, '')]
+    hotlist = fake.Hotlist(hotlist_name='hotlist', hotlist_id=345,
+                           hotlist_item_fields=hotlist_item_fields)
+    self.features_service.hotlist_2lc.CacheItem(345, hotlist)
+    relations_to_change = {11: 112, 33: 332, 55: 552}
+    issue_ids = [11, 33, 55]
+    self.SetUpUpdateHotlistItemsFields(345, issue_ids)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.features_service.UpdateHotlistItemsFields(
+        self.cnxn, 345, new_ranks=relations_to_change)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testUpdateHotlistItemsFields_Notes(self):
+    pass
+  def testGetHotlists(self):
+    hotlist1 = fake.Hotlist(hotlist_name='hotlist1', hotlist_id=123)
+    self.features_service.hotlist_2lc.CacheItem(123, hotlist1)
+    self.SetUpGetHotlists(456)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    hotlist_dict = self.features_service.GetHotlists(
+        self.cnxn, [123, 456])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual([123, 456], list(hotlist_dict.keys()))
+    self.assertEqual('hotlist1', hotlist_dict[123].name)
+    self.assertEqual('hotlist2', hotlist_dict[456].name)
+  def testGetHotlistsByID(self):
+    hotlist1 = fake.Hotlist(hotlist_name='hotlist1', hotlist_id=123)
+    self.features_service.hotlist_2lc.CacheItem(123, hotlist1)
+    # NOTE: The setup function must take a hotlist_id that is different
+    # from what was used in previous tests, otherwise the methods in the
+    # setup function will never get called.
+    self.SetUpGetHotlists(456)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    _, actual_missed = self.features_service.GetHotlistsByID(
+        self.cnxn, [123, 456])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(actual_missed, [])
+  def testGetHotlistsByUserID(self):
+    self.SetUpLookupUserHotlists()
+    self.SetUpGetHotlists(123)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    hotlists = self.features_service.GetHotlistsByUserID(self.cnxn, 111)
+    self.assertEqual(len(hotlists), 1)
+    self.assertEqual(hotlists[0].hotlist_id, 123)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testGetHotlistsByIssueID(self):
+    self.SetUpLookupIssueHotlists()
+    self.SetUpGetHotlists(123)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    hotlists = self.features_service.GetHotlistsByIssueID(self.cnxn, 987)
+    self.assertEqual(len(hotlists), 1)
+    self.assertEqual(hotlists[0].hotlist_id, 123)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def SetUpUpdateHotlistRoles(
+      self, hotlist_id, owner_ids, editor_ids, follower_ids):
+    self.features_service.hotlist2user_tbl.Delete(
+        self.cnxn, hotlist_id=hotlist_id, commit=False)
+    insert_rows = [(hotlist_id, user_id, 'owner') for user_id in owner_ids]
+    insert_rows.extend(
+        [(hotlist_id, user_id, 'editor') for user_id in editor_ids])
+    insert_rows.extend(
+        [(hotlist_id, user_id, 'follower') for user_id in follower_ids])
+    self.features_service.hotlist2user_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn, ['hotlist_id', 'user_id', 'role_name'],
+        insert_rows, commit=False)
+    self.cnxn.Commit()
+  def testUpdateHotlistRoles(self):
+    self.SetUpGetHotlists(456)
+    self.SetUpUpdateHotlistRoles(456, [111, 222], [333], [])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.features_service.UpdateHotlistRoles(
+        self.cnxn, 456, [111, 222], [333], [])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def SetUpUpdateHotlistIssues(self, items):
+    hotlist = fake.Hotlist(hotlist_name='hotlist', hotlist_id=456)
+    hotlist.items = items
+    self.features_service.GetHotlist = mock.Mock(return_value=hotlist)
+    self.features_service.hotlist2issue_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    self.features_service.hotlist2issue_tbl.InsertRows = mock.Mock()
+    self.issue_service.GetIssues = mock.Mock()
+    return hotlist
+  def testUpdateHotlistIssues_ChangeIssues(self):
+    original_items = [
+        features_pb2.Hotlist.HotlistItem(
+            issue_id=78902, rank=11, adder_id=333, date_added=2345),  # update
+        features_pb2.Hotlist.HotlistItem(
+            issue_id=78904, rank=0, adder_id=333, date_added=2345)  # same
+    ]
+    hotlist = self.SetUpUpdateHotlistIssues(original_items)
+    updated_items = [
+        features_pb2.Hotlist.HotlistItem(
+            issue_id=78902, rank=13, adder_id=333, date_added=2345),  # update
+        features_pb2.Hotlist.HotlistItem(
+            issue_id=78903, rank=23, adder_id=333, date_added=2345)  # new
+    ]
+    self.features_service.UpdateHotlistIssues(
+        self.cnxn, hotlist.hotlist_id, updated_items, [], self.issue_service,
+        self.chart_service)
+    insert_rows = [
+        (hotlist.hotlist_id, 78902, 13, 333, 2345, ''),
+        (hotlist.hotlist_id, 78903, 23, 333, 2345, '')
+    ]
+    self.features_service.hotlist2issue_tbl.InsertRows.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn,
+        cols=features_svc.HOTLIST2ISSUE_COLS,
+        row_values=insert_rows,
+        commit=False)
+    self.features_service.hotlist2issue_tbl.Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn,
+        hotlist_id=hotlist.hotlist_id,
+        issue_id=[78902, 78903],
+        commit=False)
+    # New hotlist itmes includes updated_items and unchanged items.
+    expected_all_items = [
+        features_pb2.Hotlist.HotlistItem(
+            issue_id=78904, rank=0, adder_id=333, date_added=2345),
+        features_pb2.Hotlist.HotlistItem(
+            issue_id=78902, rank=13, adder_id=333, date_added=2345),
+        features_pb2.Hotlist.HotlistItem(
+            issue_id=78903, rank=23, adder_id=333, date_added=2345)
+    ]
+    self.assertEqual(hotlist.items, expected_all_items)
+    # Assert we're storing the new snapshots of the affected issues.
+    self.issue_service.GetIssues.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, [78902, 78903])
+  def testUpdateHotlistIssues_RemoveIssues(self):
+    original_items = [
+        features_pb2.Hotlist.HotlistItem(
+            issue_id=78901, rank=10, adder_id=222, date_added=2348),  # remove
+        features_pb2.Hotlist.HotlistItem(
+            issue_id=78904, rank=0, adder_id=333, date_added=2345),  # same
+    ]
+    hotlist = self.SetUpUpdateHotlistIssues(original_items)
+    remove_issue_ids = [78901]
+    self.features_service.UpdateHotlistIssues(
+        self.cnxn, hotlist.hotlist_id, [], remove_issue_ids, self.issue_service,
+        self.chart_service)
+    self.features_service.hotlist2issue_tbl.Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn,
+        hotlist_id=hotlist.hotlist_id,
+        issue_id=remove_issue_ids,
+        commit=False)
+    # New hotlist itmes includes updated_items and unchanged items.
+    expected_all_items = [
+        features_pb2.Hotlist.HotlistItem(
+            issue_id=78904, rank=0, adder_id=333, date_added=2345)
+    ]
+    self.assertEqual(hotlist.items, expected_all_items)
+    # Assert we're storing the new snapshots of the affected issues.
+    self.issue_service.GetIssues.assert_called_once_with(self.cnxn, [78901])
+  def testUpdateHotlistIssues_RemoveAndChange(self):
+    original_items = [
+        features_pb2.Hotlist.HotlistItem(
+            issue_id=78901, rank=10, adder_id=222, date_added=2348),  # remove
+        features_pb2.Hotlist.HotlistItem(
+            issue_id=78902, rank=11, adder_id=333, date_added=2345),  # update
+        features_pb2.Hotlist.HotlistItem(
+            issue_id=78904, rank=0, adder_id=333, date_added=2345)  # same
+    ]
+    hotlist = self.SetUpUpdateHotlistIssues(original_items)
+    # test 78902 gets added back with `updated_items`
+    remove_issue_ids = [78901, 78902]
+    updated_items = [
+        features_pb2.Hotlist.HotlistItem(
+            issue_id=78902, rank=13, adder_id=333, date_added=2345),
+    ]
+    self.features_service.UpdateHotlistIssues(
+        self.cnxn, hotlist.hotlist_id, updated_items, remove_issue_ids,
+        self.issue_service, self.chart_service)
+    delete_calls = [
+            self.cnxn,
+            hotlist_id=hotlist.hotlist_id,
+            issue_id=remove_issue_ids,
+            commit=False),
+            self.cnxn,
+            hotlist_id=hotlist.hotlist_id,
+            issue_id=[78902],
+            commit=False)
+    ]
+    self.assertEqual(
+        self.features_service.hotlist2issue_tbl.Delete.mock_calls, delete_calls)
+    insert_rows = [
+        (hotlist.hotlist_id, 78902, 13, 333, 2345, ''),
+    ]
+    self.features_service.hotlist2issue_tbl.InsertRows.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn,
+        cols=features_svc.HOTLIST2ISSUE_COLS,
+        row_values=insert_rows,
+        commit=False)
+    # New hotlist itmes includes updated_items and unchanged items.
+    expected_all_items = [
+        features_pb2.Hotlist.HotlistItem(
+            issue_id=78904, rank=0, adder_id=333, date_added=2345),
+        features_pb2.Hotlist.HotlistItem(
+            issue_id=78902, rank=13, adder_id=333, date_added=2345),
+    ]
+    self.assertEqual(hotlist.items, expected_all_items)
+    # Assert we're storing the new snapshots of the affected issues.
+    self.issue_service.GetIssues.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, [78901, 78902])
+  def testUpdateHotlistIssues_NoChanges(self):
+    with self.assertRaises(exceptions.InputException):
+      self.features_service.UpdateHotlistIssues(
+          self.cnxn, 456, [], None, self.issue_service, self.chart_service)
+  def SetUpUpdateHotlistItems(self, cnxn, hotlist_id, remove, added_tuples):
+    self.features_service.hotlist2issue_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, hotlist_id=hotlist_id, issue_id=remove, commit=False)
+    rank = 1
+    added_tuples_with_rank = [(issue_id, rank+10*mult, user_id, ts, note) for
+                              mult, (issue_id, user_id, ts, note) in
+                              enumerate(added_tuples)]
+    insert_rows = [(hotlist_id, issue_id,
+                    rank, user_id, date, note) for
+                   (issue_id, rank, user_id, date, note) in
+                   added_tuples_with_rank]
+    self.features_service.hotlist2issue_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, cols=features_svc.HOTLIST2ISSUE_COLS,
+        row_values=insert_rows, commit=False)
+  def testAddIssuesToHotlists(self):
+    added_tuples = [
+            (111, None, None, ''),
+            (222, None, None, ''),
+            (333, None, None, '')]
+    issues = [
+      tracker_pb2.Issue(issue_id=issue_id)
+      for issue_id, _, _, _ in added_tuples
+    ]
+    self.SetUpGetHotlists(456)
+    self.SetUpUpdateHotlistItems(
+        self.cnxn, 456, [], added_tuples)
+    self.SetUpGetHotlists(567)
+    self.SetUpUpdateHotlistItems(
+        self.cnxn, 567, [], added_tuples)
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.issue_service, 'GetIssues')
+    self.issue_service.GetIssues(self.cnxn,
+        [111, 222, 333]).AndReturn(issues)
+    self.chart_service.StoreIssueSnapshots(self.cnxn, issues,
+        commit=False)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.features_service.AddIssuesToHotlists(
+        self.cnxn, [456, 567], added_tuples, self.issue_service,
+        self.chart_service, commit=False)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testRemoveIssuesFromHotlists(self):
+    issue_rows = [
+      (456, 555, 1, None, None, ''),
+      (456, 666, 11, None, None, ''),
+    ]
+    issues = [tracker_pb2.Issue(issue_id=issue_rows[0][1])]
+    self.SetUpGetHotlists(456, issue_rows=issue_rows)
+    self.SetUpUpdateHotlistItems(
+        self. cnxn, 456, [555], [])
+    issue_rows = [
+      (789, 555, 1, None, None, ''),
+      (789, 666, 11, None, None, ''),
+    ]
+    self.SetUpGetHotlists(789, issue_rows=issue_rows)
+    self.SetUpUpdateHotlistItems(
+        self. cnxn, 789, [555], [])
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(self.issue_service, 'GetIssues')
+    self.issue_service.GetIssues(self.cnxn,
+        [555]).AndReturn(issues)
+    self.chart_service.StoreIssueSnapshots(self.cnxn, issues, commit=False)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.features_service.RemoveIssuesFromHotlists(
+        self.cnxn, [456, 789], [555], self.issue_service, self.chart_service,
+        commit=False)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testUpdateHotlistItems(self):
+    self.SetUpGetHotlists(456)
+    self.SetUpUpdateHotlistItems(
+        self. cnxn, 456, [], [
+            (111, None, None, ''),
+            (222, None, None, ''),
+            (333, None, None, '')])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.features_service.UpdateHotlistItems(
+        self.cnxn, 456, [],
+        [(111, None, None, ''),
+         (222, None, None, ''),
+         (333, None, None, '')], commit=False)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def SetUpDeleteHotlist(self, cnxn, hotlist_id):
+    hotlist_rows = [(hotlist_id, 'hotlist', 'test hotlist',
+        'test list', False, '')]
+    self.SetUpGetHotlists(678, hotlist_rows=hotlist_rows,
+        role_rows=[(hotlist_id, 111, 'owner', )])
+    self.features_service.hotlist2issue_tbl.Select(self.cnxn,
+        cols=['Issue.project_id'], hotlist_id=hotlist_id, distinct=True,
+        left_joins=[('Issue ON issue_id = id', [])]).AndReturn([(1,)])
+    self.features_service.hotlist_tbl.Update(cnxn, {'is_deleted': True},
+        commit=False, id=hotlist_id)
+  def testDeleteHotlist(self):
+    self.SetUpDeleteHotlist(self.cnxn, 678)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.features_service.DeleteHotlist(self.cnxn, 678, commit=False)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testExpungeHotlists(self):
+    hotliststar_tbl = mock.Mock()
+    star_service = star_svc.AbstractStarService(
+        self.cache_manager, hotliststar_tbl, 'hotlist_id', 'user_id', 'hotlist')
+    hotliststar_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    user_service = user_svc.UserService(self.cache_manager)
+    user_service.hotlistvisithistory_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    chart_service = chart_svc.ChartService(self.config_service)
+    self.cnxn.Execute = mock.Mock()
+    hotlist1 = fake.Hotlist(hotlist_name='unique', hotlist_id=678,
+                            owner_ids=[111], editor_ids=[222, 333])
+    hotlist2 = fake.Hotlist(hotlist_name='unique2', hotlist_id=679,
+                            owner_ids=[111])
+    hotlists_by_id = {hotlist1.hotlist_id: hotlist1,
+                      hotlist2.hotlist_id: hotlist2}
+    self.features_service.GetHotlists = mock.Mock(return_value=hotlists_by_id)
+    self.features_service.hotlist2user_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    self.features_service.hotlist2issue_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    self.features_service.hotlist_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    # cache invalidation mocks
+    self.features_service.hotlist_2lc.InvalidateKeys = mock.Mock()
+    self.features_service.hotlist_id_2lc.InvalidateKeys = mock.Mock()
+    self.features_service.hotlist_user_to_ids.InvalidateKeys = mock.Mock()
+    self.config_service.InvalidateMemcacheForEntireProject = mock.Mock()
+    hotlists_project_id = 787
+    self.features_service.GetProjectIDsFromHotlist = mock.Mock(
+        return_value=[hotlists_project_id])
+    hotlist_ids = hotlists_by_id.keys()
+    commit = True  # commit in ExpungeHotlists should be True by default.
+    self.features_service.ExpungeHotlists(
+        self.cnxn, hotlist_ids, star_service, user_service, chart_service)
+    star_calls = [
+            self.cnxn, commit=commit, limit=None, hotlist_id=hotlist_ids[0]),
+            self.cnxn, commit=commit, limit=None, hotlist_id=hotlist_ids[1])]
+    hotliststar_tbl.Delete.assert_has_calls(star_calls)
+    self.cnxn.Execute.assert_called_once_with(
+        'DELETE FROM IssueSnapshot2Hotlist WHERE hotlist_id IN (%s,%s)',
+        [678, 679], commit=commit)
+    user_service.hotlistvisithistory_tbl.Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, commit=commit, hotlist_id=hotlist_ids)
+    self.features_service.hotlist2user_tbl.Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, hotlist_id=hotlist_ids, commit=commit)
+    self.features_service.hotlist2issue_tbl.Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, hotlist_id=hotlist_ids, commit=commit)
+    self.features_service.hotlist_tbl.Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, id=hotlist_ids, commit=commit)
+    # cache invalidation checks
+    self.features_service.hotlist_2lc.InvalidateKeys.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, hotlist_ids)
+    invalidate_owner_calls = [
+, [(, hotlist1.owner_ids[0])]),
+, [(, hotlist2.owner_ids[0])])]
+    self.features_service.hotlist_id_2lc.InvalidateKeys.assert_has_calls(
+      invalidate_owner_calls)
+    self.features_service.hotlist_user_to_ids.InvalidateKeys.\
+        self.cnxn, [333, 222, 111])
+    self.config_service.InvalidateMemcacheForEntireProject.\
+  def testExpungeUsersInHotlists(self):
+    hotliststar_tbl = mock.Mock()
+    star_service = star_svc.AbstractStarService(
+        self.cache_manager, hotliststar_tbl, 'hotlist_id', 'user_id', 'hotlist')
+    user_service = user_svc.UserService(self.cache_manager)
+    chart_service = chart_svc.ChartService(self.config_service)
+    user_ids = [111, 222]
+    # hotlist1 will get transferred to 333
+    hotlist1 = fake.Hotlist(hotlist_name='unique', hotlist_id=123,
+                            owner_ids=[111], editor_ids=[222, 333])
+    # hotlist2 will get deleted
+    hotlist2 = fake.Hotlist(hotlist_name='name', hotlist_id=223,
+                            owner_ids=[222], editor_ids=[111, 333])
+    delete_hotlists = [hotlist2.hotlist_id]
+    delete_hotlist_project_id = 788
+    self.features_service.GetProjectIDsFromHotlist = mock.Mock(
+        return_value=[delete_hotlist_project_id])
+    self.config_service.InvalidateMemcacheForEntireProject = mock.Mock()
+    hotlists_by_user_id = {
+        111: [hotlist1.hotlist_id, hotlist2.hotlist_id],
+        222: [hotlist1.hotlist_id, hotlist2.hotlist_id],
+        333: [hotlist1.hotlist_id, hotlist2.hotlist_id]}
+    self.features_service.LookupUserHotlists = mock.Mock(
+        return_value=hotlists_by_user_id)
+    hotlists_by_id = {hotlist1.hotlist_id: hotlist1,
+                      hotlist2.hotlist_id: hotlist2}
+    self.features_service.GetHotlistsByID = mock.Mock(
+        return_value=(hotlists_by_id, []))
+    # User 333 already has a hotlist named 'name'.
+    def side_effect(_cnxn, hotlist_names, owner_ids):
+      if 333 in owner_ids and 'name' in hotlist_names:
+        return {('name', 333): 567}
+      return {}
+    self.features_service.LookupHotlistIDs = mock.Mock(
+        side_effect=side_effect)
+    # Called to transfer hotlist ownership
+    self.features_service.UpdateHotlistRoles = mock.Mock()
+    # Called to expunge users and hotlists
+    self.features_service.hotlist2user_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    self.features_service.hotlist2issue_tbl.Update = mock.Mock()
+    user_service.hotlistvisithistory_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    # Called to expunge hotlists
+    hotlists_by_id = {hotlist1.hotlist_id: hotlist1,
+                      hotlist2.hotlist_id: hotlist2}
+    self.features_service.GetHotlists = mock.Mock(
+        return_value=hotlists_by_id)
+    self.features_service.hotlist2issue_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    self.features_service.hotlist_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    hotliststar_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    self.features_service.ExpungeUsersInHotlists(
+        self.cnxn, user_ids, star_service, user_service, chart_service)
+    self.features_service.UpdateHotlistRoles.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, hotlist1.hotlist_id, [333], [222], [], commit=False)
+    self.features_service.hotlist2user_tbl.Delete.assert_has_calls(
+        [, user_id=user_ids, commit=False),
+, hotlist_id=delete_hotlists, commit=False)])
+    self.features_service.hotlist2issue_tbl.Update.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, {'adder_id': framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID},
+        adder_id=user_ids, commit=False)
+    user_service.hotlistvisithistory_tbl.Delete.assert_has_calls(
+        [, user_id=user_ids, commit=False),
+, hotlist_id=delete_hotlists, commit=False)])
+    self.features_service.hotlist2issue_tbl.Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, hotlist_id=delete_hotlists, commit=False)
+    hotliststar_tbl.Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, commit=False, limit=None, hotlist_id=delete_hotlists[0])
+    self.features_service.hotlist_tbl.Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, id=delete_hotlists, commit=False)
+  def testGetProjectIDsFromHotlist(self):
+    self.features_service.hotlist2issue_tbl.Select(self.cnxn,
+        cols=['Issue.project_id'], hotlist_id=678, distinct=True,
+        left_joins=[('Issue ON issue_id = id', [])]).AndReturn(
+            [(789,), (787,), (788,)])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    project_ids = self.features_service.GetProjectIDsFromHotlist(self.cnxn, 678)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual([789, 787, 788], project_ids)
diff --git a/services/test/ b/services/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e4f0c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Tests for the fulltext_helpers module."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import unittest
+import mox
+from google.appengine.api import search
+from proto import ast_pb2
+from proto import tracker_pb2
+from search import query2ast
+from services import fulltext_helpers
+TEXT_HAS = ast_pb2.QueryOp.TEXT_HAS
+NOT_TEXT_HAS = ast_pb2.QueryOp.NOT_TEXT_HAS
+GE = ast_pb2.QueryOp.GE
+class MockResult(object):
+  def __init__(self, doc_id):
+    self.doc_id = doc_id
+class MockSearchResponse(object):
+  """Mock object that can be iterated over in batches."""
+  def __init__(self, results, cursor):
+    """Constructor.
+    Args:
+      results: list of strings for document IDs.
+      cursor: search.Cursor object, if there are more results to
+          retrieve in another round-trip. Or, None if there are not.
+    """
+    self.results = [MockResult(r) for r in results]
+    self.cursor = cursor
+  def __iter__(self):
+    """The response itself is an iterator over the results."""
+    return self.results.__iter__()
+class FulltextHelpersTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.mox = mox.Mox()
+    self.any_field_fd = tracker_pb2.FieldDef(
+        field_name='any_field', field_type=tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.STR_TYPE)
+    self.summary_fd = tracker_pb2.FieldDef(
+        field_name='summary', field_type=tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.STR_TYPE)
+    self.milestone_fd = tracker_pb2.FieldDef(
+        field_name='milestone', field_type=tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.STR_TYPE,
+        field_id=123)
+    self.fulltext_fields = ['summary']
+    self.mock_index = self.mox.CreateMockAnything()
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(search, 'Index')
+    self.query = None
+  def tearDown(self):
+    self.mox.UnsetStubs()
+    self.mox.ResetAll()
+  def RecordQuery(self, query):
+    self.query = query
+  def testBuildFTSQuery_EmptyQueryConjunction(self):
+    query_ast_conj = ast_pb2.Conjunction()
+    fulltext_query = fulltext_helpers.BuildFTSQuery(
+        query_ast_conj, self.fulltext_fields)
+    self.assertEqual(None, fulltext_query)
+  def testBuildFTSQuery_NoFullTextConditions(self):
+    estimated_hours_fd = tracker_pb2.FieldDef(
+        field_name='estimate', field_type=tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.INT_TYPE,
+        field_id=124)
+    query_ast_conj = ast_pb2.Conjunction(conds=[
+        ast_pb2.MakeCond(TEXT_HAS, [estimated_hours_fd], [], [40])])
+    fulltext_query = fulltext_helpers.BuildFTSQuery(
+        query_ast_conj, self.fulltext_fields)
+    self.assertEqual(None, fulltext_query)
+  def testBuildFTSQuery_Normal(self):
+    query_ast_conj = ast_pb2.Conjunction(conds=[
+        ast_pb2.MakeCond(TEXT_HAS, [self.summary_fd], ['needle'], []),
+        ast_pb2.MakeCond(TEXT_HAS, [self.milestone_fd], ['Q3', 'Q4'], [])])
+    fulltext_query = fulltext_helpers.BuildFTSQuery(
+        query_ast_conj, self.fulltext_fields)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        '(summary:"needle") (custom_123:"Q3" OR custom_123:"Q4")',
+        fulltext_query)
+  def testBuildFTSQuery_WithQuotes(self):
+    query_ast_conj = ast_pb2.Conjunction(conds=[
+        ast_pb2.MakeCond(TEXT_HAS, [self.summary_fd], ['"needle haystack"'],
+                         [])])
+    fulltext_query = fulltext_helpers.BuildFTSQuery(
+        query_ast_conj, self.fulltext_fields)
+    self.assertEqual('(summary:"needle haystack")', fulltext_query)
+  def testBuildFTSQuery_IngoreColonInText(self):
+    query_ast_conj = ast_pb2.Conjunction(conds=[
+        ast_pb2.MakeCond(TEXT_HAS, [self.summary_fd], ['"needle:haystack"'],
+                         [])])
+    fulltext_query = fulltext_helpers.BuildFTSQuery(
+        query_ast_conj, self.fulltext_fields)
+    self.assertEqual('(summary:"needle haystack")', fulltext_query)
+  def testBuildFTSQuery_InvalidQuery(self):
+    query_ast_conj = ast_pb2.Conjunction(conds=[
+        ast_pb2.MakeCond(TEXT_HAS, [self.summary_fd], ['haystack"needle'], []),
+        ast_pb2.MakeCond(TEXT_HAS, [self.milestone_fd], ['Q3', 'Q4'], [])])
+    with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
+      fulltext_helpers.BuildFTSQuery(
+          query_ast_conj, self.fulltext_fields)
+  def testBuildFTSQuery_SpecialPrefixQuery(self):
+    special_prefix = query2ast.NON_OP_PREFIXES[0]
+    # Test with summary field.
+    query_ast_conj = ast_pb2.Conjunction(conds=[
+        ast_pb2.MakeCond(TEXT_HAS, [self.summary_fd],
+                         ['%s//' % special_prefix], []),
+        ast_pb2.MakeCond(TEXT_HAS, [self.milestone_fd], ['Q3', 'Q4'], [])])
+    fulltext_query = fulltext_helpers.BuildFTSQuery(
+        query_ast_conj, self.fulltext_fields)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        '(summary:"%s//") (custom_123:"Q3" OR custom_123:"Q4")' % (
+            special_prefix),
+        fulltext_query)
+    # Test with any field.
+    any_fd = tracker_pb2.FieldDef(
+        field_name=ast_pb2.ANY_FIELD,
+        field_type=tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.STR_TYPE)
+    query_ast_conj = ast_pb2.Conjunction(conds=[
+        ast_pb2.MakeCond(
+            TEXT_HAS, [any_fd], ['%s//' % special_prefix], []),
+        ast_pb2.MakeCond(TEXT_HAS, [self.milestone_fd], ['Q3', 'Q4'], [])])
+    fulltext_query = fulltext_helpers.BuildFTSQuery(
+        query_ast_conj, self.fulltext_fields)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        '("%s//") (custom_123:"Q3" OR custom_123:"Q4")' % (
+            special_prefix),
+        fulltext_query)
+  def testBuildFTSCondition_IgnoredOperator(self):
+    query_cond = ast_pb2.MakeCond(
+        GE, [self.summary_fd], ['needle'], [])
+    fulltext_query_clause = fulltext_helpers._BuildFTSCondition(
+        query_cond, self.fulltext_fields)
+    self.assertEqual('', fulltext_query_clause)
+  def testBuildFTSCondition_BuiltinField(self):
+    query_cond = ast_pb2.MakeCond(
+        TEXT_HAS, [self.summary_fd], ['needle'], [])
+    fulltext_query_clause = fulltext_helpers._BuildFTSCondition(
+        query_cond, self.fulltext_fields)
+    self.assertEqual('(summary:"needle")', fulltext_query_clause)
+  def testBuildFTSCondition_NonStringField(self):
+    est_days_fd = tracker_pb2.FieldDef(
+      field_name='EstDays', field_id=123,
+      field_type=tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.INT_TYPE)
+    query_cond = ast_pb2.MakeCond(
+        TEXT_HAS, [est_days_fd], ['needle'], [])
+    fulltext_query_clause = fulltext_helpers._BuildFTSCondition(
+        query_cond, self.fulltext_fields)
+    # Ignore in FTS, this search condition is done in SQL.
+    self.assertEqual('', fulltext_query_clause)
+  def testBuildFTSCondition_Negatation(self):
+    query_cond = ast_pb2.MakeCond(
+        NOT_TEXT_HAS, [self.summary_fd], ['needle'], [])
+    fulltext_query_clause = fulltext_helpers._BuildFTSCondition(
+        query_cond, self.fulltext_fields)
+    self.assertEqual('NOT (summary:"needle")', fulltext_query_clause)
+  def testBuildFTSCondition_QuickOR(self):
+    query_cond = ast_pb2.MakeCond(
+        TEXT_HAS, [self.summary_fd], ['needle', 'pin'], [])
+    fulltext_query_clause = fulltext_helpers._BuildFTSCondition(
+        query_cond, self.fulltext_fields)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        '(summary:"needle" OR summary:"pin")',
+        fulltext_query_clause)
+  def testBuildFTSCondition_NegatedQuickOR(self):
+    query_cond = ast_pb2.MakeCond(
+        NOT_TEXT_HAS, [self.summary_fd], ['needle', 'pin'], [])
+    fulltext_query_clause = fulltext_helpers._BuildFTSCondition(
+        query_cond, self.fulltext_fields)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        'NOT (summary:"needle" OR summary:"pin")',
+        fulltext_query_clause)
+  def testBuildFTSCondition_AnyField(self):
+    query_cond = ast_pb2.MakeCond(
+        TEXT_HAS, [self.any_field_fd], ['needle'], [])
+    fulltext_query_clause = fulltext_helpers._BuildFTSCondition(
+        query_cond, self.fulltext_fields)
+    self.assertEqual('("needle")', fulltext_query_clause)
+  def testBuildFTSCondition_NegatedAnyField(self):
+    query_cond = ast_pb2.MakeCond(
+        NOT_TEXT_HAS, [self.any_field_fd], ['needle'], [])
+    fulltext_query_clause = fulltext_helpers._BuildFTSCondition(
+        query_cond, self.fulltext_fields)
+    self.assertEqual('NOT ("needle")', fulltext_query_clause)
+  def testBuildFTSCondition_CrossProjectWithMultipleFieldDescriptors(self):
+    other_milestone_fd = tracker_pb2.FieldDef(
+        field_name='milestone', field_type=tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.STR_TYPE,
+        field_id=456)
+    query_cond = ast_pb2.MakeCond(
+        TEXT_HAS, [self.milestone_fd, other_milestone_fd], ['needle'], [])
+    fulltext_query_clause = fulltext_helpers._BuildFTSCondition(
+        query_cond, self.fulltext_fields)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        '(custom_123:"needle" OR custom_456:"needle")', fulltext_query_clause)
+  def SetUpComprehensiveSearch(self):
+    search.Index(name='search index name').AndReturn(
+        self.mock_index)
+        self.RecordQuery).AndReturn(
+            MockSearchResponse(['123', '234'], search.Cursor()))
+        self.RecordQuery).AndReturn(MockSearchResponse(['345'], None))
+  def testComprehensiveSearch(self):
+    self.SetUpComprehensiveSearch()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    project_ids = fulltext_helpers.ComprehensiveSearch(
+        'browser', 'search index name')
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual([123, 234, 345], project_ids)
diff --git a/services/test/ b/services/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6fe682
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,2754 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Unit tests for issue_svc module."""
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import logging
+import time
+import unittest
+from mock import patch, Mock, ANY
+import mox
+from google.appengine.api import search
+from google.appengine.ext import testbed
+import settings
+from framework import exceptions
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import sql
+from proto import tracker_pb2
+from services import caches
+from services import chart_svc
+from services import issue_svc
+from services import service_manager
+from services import spam_svc
+from services import tracker_fulltext
+from testing import fake
+from testing import testing_helpers
+from tracker import tracker_bizobj
+class MockIndex(object):
+  def delete(self, string_list):
+    pass
+def MakeIssueService(project_service, config_service, cache_manager,
+    chart_service, my_mox):
+  issue_service = issue_svc.IssueService(
+      project_service, config_service, cache_manager, chart_service)
+  for table_var in [
+      'issue_tbl', 'issuesummary_tbl', 'issue2label_tbl',
+      'issue2component_tbl', 'issue2cc_tbl', 'issue2notify_tbl',
+      'issue2fieldvalue_tbl', 'issuerelation_tbl', 'danglingrelation_tbl',
+      'issueformerlocations_tbl', 'comment_tbl', 'commentcontent_tbl',
+      'issueupdate_tbl', 'attachment_tbl', 'reindexqueue_tbl',
+      'localidcounter_tbl', 'issuephasedef_tbl', 'issue2approvalvalue_tbl',
+      'issueapproval2approver_tbl', 'issueapproval2comment_tbl',
+      'commentimporter_tbl']:
+    setattr(issue_service, table_var, my_mox.CreateMock(sql.SQLTableManager))
+  return issue_service
+class TestableIssueTwoLevelCache(issue_svc.IssueTwoLevelCache):
+  def __init__(self, issue_list):
+    cache_manager = fake.CacheManager()
+    super(TestableIssueTwoLevelCache, self).__init__(
+        cache_manager, None, None, None)
+    self.cache = caches.RamCache(cache_manager, 'issue')
+    self.memcache_prefix = 'issue:'
+    self.pb_class = tracker_pb2.Issue
+    self.issue_dict = {
+      issue.issue_id: issue
+      for issue in issue_list}
+  def FetchItems(self, cnxn, issue_ids, shard_id=None):
+    return {
+      issue_id: self.issue_dict[issue_id]
+      for issue_id in issue_ids
+      if issue_id in self.issue_dict}
+class IssueIDTwoLevelCacheTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.mox = mox.Mox()
+    self.cnxn = 'fake connection'
+    self.project_service = fake.ProjectService()
+    self.config_service = fake.ConfigService()
+    self.cache_manager = fake.CacheManager()
+    self.chart_service = chart_svc.ChartService(self.config_service)
+    self.issue_service = MakeIssueService(
+        self.project_service, self.config_service, self.cache_manager,
+        self.chart_service, self.mox)
+    self.issue_id_2lc = self.issue_service.issue_id_2lc
+    self.spam_service = fake.SpamService()
+  def tearDown(self):
+    self.mox.UnsetStubs()
+    self.mox.ResetAll()
+  def testDeserializeIssueIDs_Empty(self):
+    issue_id_dict = self.issue_id_2lc._DeserializeIssueIDs([])
+    self.assertEqual({}, issue_id_dict)
+  def testDeserializeIssueIDs_Normal(self):
+    rows = [(789, 1, 78901), (789, 2, 78902), (789, 3, 78903)]
+    issue_id_dict = self.issue_id_2lc._DeserializeIssueIDs(rows)
+    expected = {
+        (789, 1): 78901,
+        (789, 2): 78902,
+        (789, 3): 78903,
+        }
+    self.assertEqual(expected, issue_id_dict)
+  def SetUpFetchItems(self):
+    where = [
+        ('(Issue.project_id = %s AND Issue.local_id IN (%s,%s,%s))',
+         [789, 1, 2, 3])]
+    rows = [(789, 1, 78901), (789, 2, 78902), (789, 3, 78903)]
+    self.issue_service.issue_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['project_id', 'local_id', 'id'],
+        where=where, or_where_conds=True).AndReturn(rows)
+  def testFetchItems(self):
+    project_local_ids_list = [(789, 1), (789, 2), (789, 3)]
+    issue_ids = [78901, 78902, 78903]
+    self.SetUpFetchItems()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    issue_dict = self.issue_id_2lc.FetchItems(
+        self.cnxn, project_local_ids_list)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual(project_local_ids_list, list(issue_dict.keys()))
+    self.assertItemsEqual(issue_ids, list(issue_dict.values()))
+  def testKeyToStr(self):
+    self.assertEqual('789,1', self.issue_id_2lc._KeyToStr((789, 1)))
+  def testStrToKey(self):
+    self.assertEqual((789, 1), self.issue_id_2lc._StrToKey('789,1'))
+class IssueTwoLevelCacheTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.mox = mox.Mox()
+    self.cnxn = 'fake connection'
+    self.project_service = fake.ProjectService()
+    self.config_service = fake.ConfigService()
+    self.cache_manager = fake.CacheManager()
+    self.chart_service = chart_svc.ChartService(self.config_service)
+    self.issue_service = MakeIssueService(
+        self.project_service, self.config_service, self.cache_manager,
+        self.chart_service, self.mox)
+    self.issue_2lc = self.issue_service.issue_2lc
+    now = int(time.time())
+    self.project_service.TestAddProject('proj', project_id=789)
+    self.issue_rows = [
+        (78901, 789, 1, 1, 111, 222,
+         now, now, now, now, now, now,
+         0, 0, 0, 1, 0, False)]
+    self.summary_rows = [(78901, 'sum')]
+    self.label_rows = [(78901, 1, 0)]
+    self.component_rows = []
+    self.cc_rows = [(78901, 333, 0)]
+    self.notify_rows = []
+    self.fieldvalue_rows = []
+    self.blocked_on_rows = (
+        (78901, 78902, 'blockedon', 20), (78903, 78901, 'blockedon', 10))
+    self.blocking_rows = ()
+    self.merged_rows = ()
+    self.relation_rows = (
+        self.blocked_on_rows + self.blocking_rows + self.merged_rows)
+    self.dangling_relation_rows = [
+        (78901, 'codesite', 5001, None, 'blocking'),
+        (78901, 'codesite', 5002, None, 'blockedon'),
+        (78901, None, None, 'b/1234567', 'blockedon')]
+    self.phase_rows = [(1, 'Canary', 1), (2, 'Stable', 11)]
+    self.approvalvalue_rows = [(22, 78901, 2, 'not_set', None, None),
+                               (21, 78901, 1, 'needs_review', None, None),
+                               (23, 78901, 1, 'not_set', None, None)]
+    self.av_approver_rows = [
+        (21, 111, 78901), (21, 222, 78901), (21, 333, 78901)]
+  def tearDown(self):
+    self.mox.UnsetStubs()
+    self.mox.ResetAll()
+  def testUnpackApprovalValue(self):
+    row = next(
+        row for row in self.approvalvalue_rows if row[3] == 'needs_review')
+    av, issue_id = self.issue_2lc._UnpackApprovalValue(row)
+    self.assertEqual(av.status, tracker_pb2.ApprovalStatus.NEEDS_REVIEW)
+    self.assertIsNone(av.setter_id)
+    self.assertIsNone(av.set_on)
+    self.assertEqual(issue_id, 78901)
+    self.assertEqual(av.phase_id, 1)
+  def testUnpackApprovalValue_MissingStatus(self):
+    av, _issue_id = self.issue_2lc._UnpackApprovalValue(
+        (21, 78901, 1, '', None, None))
+    self.assertEqual(av.status, tracker_pb2.ApprovalStatus.NOT_SET)
+  def testUnpackPhase(self):
+    phase = self.issue_2lc._UnpackPhase(
+        self.phase_rows[0])
+    self.assertEqual(, 'Canary')
+    self.assertEqual(phase.phase_id, 1)
+    self.assertEqual(phase.rank, 1)
+  def testDeserializeIssues_Empty(self):
+    issue_dict = self.issue_2lc._DeserializeIssues(
+        self.cnxn, [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [])
+    self.assertEqual({}, issue_dict)
+  def testDeserializeIssues_Normal(self):
+    issue_dict = self.issue_2lc._DeserializeIssues(
+        self.cnxn, self.issue_rows, self.summary_rows, self.label_rows,
+        self.component_rows, self.cc_rows, self.notify_rows,
+        self.fieldvalue_rows, self.relation_rows, self.dangling_relation_rows,
+        self.phase_rows, self.approvalvalue_rows, self.av_approver_rows)
+    self.assertItemsEqual([78901], list(issue_dict.keys()))
+    issue = issue_dict[78901]
+    self.assertEqual(len(issue.phases), 2)
+    self.assertIsNotNone(tracker_bizobj.FindPhaseByID(1, issue.phases))
+    av_21 = tracker_bizobj.FindApprovalValueByID(
+        21, issue.approval_values)
+    self.assertEqual(av_21.phase_id, 1)
+    self.assertItemsEqual(av_21.approver_ids, [111, 222, 333])
+    self.assertIsNotNone(tracker_bizobj.FindPhaseByID(2, issue.phases))
+    self.assertEqual(issue.phases,
+                     [tracker_pb2.Phase(rank=1, phase_id=1, name='Canary'),
+                      tracker_pb2.Phase(rank=11, phase_id=2, name='Stable')])
+    av_22 = tracker_bizobj.FindApprovalValueByID(
+        22, issue.approval_values)
+    self.assertEqual(av_22.phase_id, 2)
+    self.assertEqual([
+        tracker_pb2.DanglingIssueRef(
+          project=row[1],
+          issue_id=row[2],
+          ext_issue_identifier=row[3])
+          for row in self.dangling_relation_rows
+          if row[4] == 'blockedon'
+        ], issue.dangling_blocked_on_refs)
+    self.assertEqual([
+        tracker_pb2.DanglingIssueRef(
+          project=row[1],
+          issue_id=row[2],
+          ext_issue_identifier=row[3])
+          for row in self.dangling_relation_rows
+          if row[4] == 'blocking'
+        ], issue.dangling_blocking_refs)
+  def testDeserializeIssues_UnexpectedLabel(self):
+    unexpected_label_rows = [
+      (78901, 999, 0)
+      ]
+    self.assertRaises(
+      AssertionError,
+      self.issue_2lc._DeserializeIssues,
+      self.cnxn, self.issue_rows, self.summary_rows, unexpected_label_rows,
+      self.component_rows, self.cc_rows, self.notify_rows,
+      self.fieldvalue_rows, self.relation_rows, self.dangling_relation_rows,
+      self.phase_rows, self.approvalvalue_rows, self.av_approver_rows)
+  def testDeserializeIssues_UnexpectedIssueRelation(self):
+    unexpected_relation_rows = [
+      (78990, 78999, 'blockedon', None)
+      ]
+    self.assertRaises(
+      AssertionError,
+      self.issue_2lc._DeserializeIssues,
+      self.cnxn, self.issue_rows, self.summary_rows, self.label_rows,
+      self.component_rows, self.cc_rows, self.notify_rows,
+      self.fieldvalue_rows, unexpected_relation_rows,
+      self.dangling_relation_rows, self.phase_rows, self.approvalvalue_rows,
+      self.av_approver_rows)
+  def testDeserializeIssues_ExternalMergedInto(self):
+    """_DeserializeIssues handles external mergedinto refs correctly."""
+    dangling_relation_rows = self.dangling_relation_rows + [
+        (78901, None, None, 'b/1234567', 'mergedinto')]
+    issue_dict = self.issue_2lc._DeserializeIssues(
+        self.cnxn, self.issue_rows, self.summary_rows, self.label_rows,
+        self.component_rows, self.cc_rows, self.notify_rows,
+        self.fieldvalue_rows, self.relation_rows, dangling_relation_rows,
+        self.phase_rows, self.approvalvalue_rows, self.av_approver_rows)
+    self.assertEqual('b/1234567', issue_dict[78901].merged_into_external)
+  def SetUpFetchItems(self, issue_ids, has_approvalvalues=True):
+    shard_id = None
+    self.issue_service.issue_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.ISSUE_COLS, id=issue_ids,
+        shard_id=shard_id).AndReturn(self.issue_rows)
+    self.issue_service.issuesummary_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.ISSUESUMMARY_COLS, shard_id=shard_id,
+        issue_id=issue_ids).AndReturn(self.summary_rows)
+    self.issue_service.issue2label_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.ISSUE2LABEL_COLS, shard_id=shard_id,
+        issue_id=issue_ids).AndReturn(self.label_rows)
+    self.issue_service.issue2component_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.ISSUE2COMPONENT_COLS, shard_id=shard_id,
+        issue_id=issue_ids).AndReturn(self.component_rows)
+    self.issue_service.issue2cc_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.ISSUE2CC_COLS, shard_id=shard_id,
+        issue_id=issue_ids).AndReturn(self.cc_rows)
+    self.issue_service.issue2notify_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.ISSUE2NOTIFY_COLS, shard_id=shard_id,
+        issue_id=issue_ids).AndReturn(self.notify_rows)
+    self.issue_service.issue2fieldvalue_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.ISSUE2FIELDVALUE_COLS, shard_id=shard_id,
+        issue_id=issue_ids).AndReturn(self.fieldvalue_rows)
+    if has_approvalvalues:
+      self.issue_service.issuephasedef_tbl.Select(
+          self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.ISSUEPHASEDEF_COLS,
+          id=[1, 2]).AndReturn(self.phase_rows)
+      self.issue_service.issue2approvalvalue_tbl.Select(
+          self.cnxn,
+          cols=issue_svc.ISSUE2APPROVALVALUE_COLS,
+          issue_id=issue_ids).AndReturn(self.approvalvalue_rows)
+    else:
+      self.issue_service.issue2approvalvalue_tbl.Select(
+          self.cnxn,
+          cols=issue_svc.ISSUE2APPROVALVALUE_COLS,
+          issue_id=issue_ids).AndReturn([])
+    self.issue_service.issueapproval2approver_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.ISSUEAPPROVAL2APPROVER_COLS,
+        issue_id=issue_ids).AndReturn(self.av_approver_rows)
+    self.issue_service.issuerelation_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.ISSUERELATION_COLS,
+        issue_id=issue_ids, kind='blockedon',
+        order_by=[('issue_id', []), ('rank DESC', []),
+                  ('dst_issue_id', [])]).AndReturn(self.blocked_on_rows)
+    self.issue_service.issuerelation_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.ISSUERELATION_COLS,
+        dst_issue_id=issue_ids, kind='blockedon',
+        order_by=[('issue_id', []), ('dst_issue_id', [])]
+        ).AndReturn(self.blocking_rows)
+    self.issue_service.issuerelation_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.ISSUERELATION_COLS,
+        where=[('(issue_id IN (%s) OR dst_issue_id IN (%s))',
+                issue_ids + issue_ids),
+                ('kind != %s', ['blockedon'])]).AndReturn(self.merged_rows)
+    self.issue_service.danglingrelation_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.DANGLINGRELATION_COLS,  # Note: no shard
+        issue_id=issue_ids).AndReturn(self.dangling_relation_rows)
+  def testFetchItems(self):
+    issue_ids = [78901]
+    self.SetUpFetchItems(issue_ids)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    issue_dict = self.issue_2lc.FetchItems(self.cnxn, issue_ids)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual(issue_ids, list(issue_dict.keys()))
+    self.assertEqual(2, len(issue_dict[78901].phases))
+  def testFetchItemsNoApprovalValues(self):
+    issue_ids = [78901]
+    self.SetUpFetchItems(issue_ids, False)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    issue_dict = self.issue_2lc.FetchItems(self.cnxn, issue_ids)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual(issue_ids, list(issue_dict.keys()))
+    self.assertEqual([], issue_dict[78901].phases)
+class IssueServiceTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.testbed = testbed.Testbed()
+    self.testbed.activate()
+    self.testbed.init_memcache_stub()
+    self.mox = mox.Mox()
+    self.cnxn = self.mox.CreateMock(sql.MonorailConnection)
+ = service_manager.Services()
+ = fake.UserService()
+    self.reporter ='', 111)
+ = fake.UserGroupService()
+ = fake.ProjectService()
+    self.project ='proj', project_id=789)
+ = fake.ConfigService()
+ = fake.FeaturesService()
+    self.cache_manager = fake.CacheManager()
+ = chart_svc.ChartService(
+ = MakeIssueService(
+,, self.cache_manager,
+, self.mox)
+ = self.mox.CreateMock(spam_svc.SpamService)
+ = int(time.time())
+    self.patcher = patch('services.tracker_fulltext.IndexIssues')
+    self.patcher.start()
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, 'StoreIssueSnapshots')
+  def classifierResult(self, score, failed_open=False):
+    return {'confidence_is_spam': score,
+            'failed_open': failed_open}
+  def tearDown(self):
+    self.testbed.deactivate()
+    self.mox.UnsetStubs()
+    self.mox.ResetAll()
+    self.patcher.stop()
+  ### Issue ID lookups
+  def testLookupIssueIDsFollowMoves(self):
+    moved_issue_id = 78901
+    moved_pair = (789, 1)
+    missing_pair = (1, 1)
+    cached_issue_id = 78902
+    cached_pair = (789, 2)
+    uncached_issue_id = 78903
+    uncached_pair = (789, 3)
+    uncached_issue_id_2 = 78904
+    uncached_pair_2 = (789, 4)
+, cached_issue_id)
+    # Simulate rows returned in reverse order (to verify the method still
+    # returns them in the specified order).
+    uncached_rows = [
+        (uncached_pair_2[0], uncached_pair_2[1], uncached_issue_id_2),
+        (uncached_pair[0], uncached_pair[1], uncached_issue_id)
+    ]
+        self.cnxn,
+        cols=['project_id', 'local_id', 'id'],
+        or_where_conds=True,
+        where=mox.IgnoreArg()).AndReturn(uncached_rows)
+    # Moved issue is found.
+        self.cnxn,
+        'issue_id',
+        default=0,
+        project_id=moved_pair[0],
+        local_id=moved_pair[1]).AndReturn(moved_issue_id)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    found_ids, misses =
+        self.cnxn,
+        [moved_pair, missing_pair, cached_pair, uncached_pair, uncached_pair_2])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    expected_found_ids = [
+        moved_issue_id, cached_issue_id, uncached_issue_id, uncached_issue_id_2
+    ]
+    self.assertListEqual(expected_found_ids, found_ids)
+    self.assertListEqual([missing_pair], misses)
+  def testLookupIssueIDs_Hit(self):
+, 1), 78901)
+, 2), 78902)
+    actual, _misses =
+        self.cnxn, [(789, 1), (789, 2)])
+    self.assertEqual([78901, 78902], actual)
+  def testLookupIssueID(self):
+, 1), 78901)
+    actual =, 789, 1)
+    self.assertEqual(78901, actual)
+  def testResolveIssueRefs(self):
+, 1), 78901)
+, 2), 78902)
+    prefetched_projects = {'proj': fake.Project('proj', project_id=789)}
+    refs = [('proj', 1), (None, 2)]
+    actual, misses =
+        self.cnxn, prefetched_projects, 'proj', refs)
+    self.assertEqual(misses, [])
+    self.assertEqual([78901, 78902], actual)
+  def testLookupIssueRefs_Empty(self):
+    actual =, [])
+    self.assertEqual({}, actual)
+  def testLookupIssueRefs_Normal(self):
+    issue_1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=789, local_id=1, owner_id=111, summary='sum',
+        status='Live', issue_id=78901, project_name='proj')
+, issue_1)
+    actual =, [78901])
+    self.assertEqual(
+        {78901: ('proj', 1)},
+        actual)
+  ### Issue objects
+  def CheckCreateIssue(self, is_project_member):
+    settings.classifier_spam_thresh = 0.9
+    av_23 = tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(
+        approval_id=23, phase_id=1, approver_ids=[111, 222],
+        status=tracker_pb2.ApprovalStatus.NEEDS_REVIEW)
+    av_24 = tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(
+        approval_id=24, phase_id=1, approver_ids=[111])
+    approval_values = [av_23, av_24]
+    av_rows = [(23, 78901, 1, 'needs_review', None, None),
+               (24, 78901, 1, 'not_set', None, None)]
+    approver_rows = [(23, 111, 78901), (23, 222, 78901), (24, 111, 78901)]
+    ad_23 = tracker_pb2.ApprovalDef(
+        approval_id=23, approver_ids=[111], survey='Question?')
+    ad_24 = tracker_pb2.ApprovalDef(
+        approval_id=24, approver_ids=[111], survey='Question?')
+    config =
+        self.cnxn, 789)
+    config.approval_defs.extend([ad_23, ad_24])
+, config)
+    self.SetUpAllocateNextLocalID(789, None, None)
+    self.SetUpInsertIssue(av_rows=av_rows, approver_rows=approver_rows)
+    self.SetUpInsertComment(7890101, is_description=True)
+    self.SetUpInsertComment(7890101, is_description=True, approval_id=23,
+        content='<b>Question?</b>')
+    self.SetUpInsertComment(7890101, is_description=True, approval_id=24,
+        content='<b>Question?</b>')
+        mox.IgnoreArg(), self.reporter, is_project_member).AndReturn(
+        self.classifierResult(0.0))
+       mox.IsA(tracker_pb2.Issue), False, 1.0, False)
+    self.SetUpEnqueueIssuesForIndexing([78901])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        789,
+        1,
+        'sum',
+        'New',
+        111,
+        reporter_id=111,
+        labels=['Type-Defect'],
+        approval_values=approval_values)
+    created_issue, _ =
+        self.cnxn,, issue, 'content')
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(1, created_issue.local_id)
+  def testCreateIssue_NonmemberSpamCheck(self):
+    """A non-member must pass a non-member spam check."""
+    self.CheckCreateIssue(False)
+  def testCreateIssue_DirectMemberSpamCheck(self):
+    """A direct member of a project gets a member spam check."""
+    self.project.committer_ids.append(self.reporter.user_id)
+    self.CheckCreateIssue(True)
+  def testCreateIssue_ComputedUsergroupSpamCheck(self):
+    """A member of a computed group in project gets a member spam check."""
+    group_id =
+        self.cnxn,, '', 'ANYONE',
+        ext_group_type='COMPUTED')
+    self.project.committer_ids.append(group_id)
+    self.CheckCreateIssue(True)
+  def testCreateIssue_EmptyStringLabels(self):
+    settings.classifier_spam_thresh = 0.9
+    self.SetUpAllocateNextLocalID(789, None, None)
+    self.SetUpInsertIssue(label_rows=[])
+    self.SetUpInsertComment(7890101, is_description=True)
+        mox.IgnoreArg(), self.reporter, False).AndReturn(
+        self.classifierResult(0.0))
+       mox.IsA(tracker_pb2.Issue), False, 1.0, False)
+    self.SetUpEnqueueIssuesForIndexing([78901])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        789,
+        1,
+        'sum',
+        'New',
+        111,
+        reporter_id=111,
+    created_issue, _ =
+        self.cnxn,, issue, 'content')
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(1, created_issue.local_id)
+  def SetUpUpdateIssuesModified(self, iids, modified_timestamp=None):
+        self.cnxn, {'modified': modified_timestamp or},
+        id=iids, commit=False)
+  def testCreateIssue_SpamPredictionFailed(self):
+    settings.classifier_spam_thresh = 0.9
+    self.SetUpAllocateNextLocalID(789, None, None)
+    self.SetUpInsertSpamIssue()
+    self.SetUpInsertComment(7890101, is_description=True)
+        mox.IsA(tracker_pb2.IssueComment), self.reporter, False).AndReturn(
+        self.classifierResult(1.0, True))
+       mox.IsA(tracker_pb2.Issue), True, 1.0, True)
+    self.SetUpUpdateIssuesApprovals([])
+    self.SetUpEnqueueIssuesForIndexing([78901])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        789,
+        1,
+        'sum',
+        'New',
+        111,
+        reporter_id=111,
+        labels=['Type-Defect'],
+    created_issue, _ =
+        self.cnxn,, issue, 'content')
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(1, created_issue.local_id)
+  def testCreateIssue_Spam(self):
+    settings.classifier_spam_thresh = 0.9
+    self.SetUpAllocateNextLocalID(789, None, None)
+    self.SetUpInsertSpamIssue()
+    self.SetUpInsertComment(7890101, is_description=True)
+        mox.IsA(tracker_pb2.IssueComment), self.reporter, False).AndReturn(
+        self.classifierResult(1.0))
+       mox.IsA(tracker_pb2.Issue), True, 1.0, False)
+    self.SetUpUpdateIssuesApprovals([])
+    self.SetUpEnqueueIssuesForIndexing([78901])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        789,
+        1,
+        'sum',
+        'New',
+        111,
+        reporter_id=111,
+        labels=['Type-Defect'],
+    created_issue, _ =
+        self.cnxn,, issue, 'content')
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(1, created_issue.local_id)
+  def testCreateIssue_FederatedReferences(self):
+    self.SetUpAllocateNextLocalID(789, None, None)
+    self.SetUpInsertIssue(dangling_relation_rows=[
+        (78901, None, None, 'b/1234', 'blockedon'),
+        (78901, None, None, 'b/5678', 'blockedon'),
+        (78901, None, None, 'b/9876', 'blocking'),
+        (78901, None, None, 'b/5432', 'blocking')])
+    self.SetUpInsertComment(7890101, is_description=True)
+        mox.IsA(tracker_pb2.IssueComment), self.reporter, False).AndReturn(
+        self.classifierResult(0.0))
+        mox.IsA(tracker_pb2.Issue), mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg(),
+        mox.IgnoreArg())
+    self.SetUpEnqueueIssuesForIndexing([78901])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        789,
+        1,
+        'sum',
+        'New',
+        111,
+        reporter_id=111,
+        labels=['Type-Defect'],
+    issue.dangling_blocked_on_refs = [
+        tracker_pb2.DanglingIssueRef(ext_issue_identifier=shortlink)
+        for shortlink in ['b/1234', 'b/5678']
+    ]
+    issue.dangling_blocking_refs = [
+        tracker_pb2.DanglingIssueRef(ext_issue_identifier=shortlink)
+        for shortlink in ['b/9876', 'b/5432']
+    ]
+,, issue, 'content')
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testCreateIssue_Imported(self):
+    settings.classifier_spam_thresh = 0.9
+    self.SetUpAllocateNextLocalID(789, None, None)
+    self.SetUpInsertIssue(label_rows=[])
+    self.SetUpInsertComment(7890101, is_description=True)
+        self.cnxn, comment_id=7890101, importer_id=222)
+        mox.IgnoreArg(), self.reporter, False).AndReturn(
+        self.classifierResult(0.0))
+       mox.IsA(tracker_pb2.Issue), False, 1.0, False)
+    self.SetUpEnqueueIssuesForIndexing([78901])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        789,
+        1,
+        'sum',
+        'New',
+        111,
+        reporter_id=111,
+    created_issue, comment =
+        self.cnxn,, issue, 'content', importer_id=222)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(1, created_issue.local_id)
+    self.assertEqual(111, comment.user_id)
+    self.assertEqual(222, comment.importer_id)
+    self.assertEqual(, comment.timestamp)
+  def testGetAllIssuesInProject_NoIssues(self):
+    self.SetUpGetHighestLocalID(789, None, None)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    issues =, 789)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual([], issues)
+  def testGetAnyOnHandIssue(self):
+    issue_ids = [78901, 78902, 78903]
+    self.SetUpGetIssues()
+    issue =
+    self.assertEqual(78901, issue.issue_id)
+  def SetUpGetIssues(self):
+    issue_1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=789, local_id=1, owner_id=111, summary='sum',
+        status='Live', issue_id=78901)
+    issue_1.project_name = 'proj'
+    issue_2 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=789, local_id=2, owner_id=111, summary='sum',
+        status='Fixed', issue_id=78902)
+    issue_2.project_name = 'proj'
+, issue_1)
+, issue_2)
+    return issue_1, issue_2
+  def testGetIssuesDict(self):
+    issue_ids = [78901, 78902, 78903]
+    issue_1, issue_2 = self.SetUpGetIssues()
+ = TestableIssueTwoLevelCache(
+        [issue_1, issue_2])
+    issues_dict, missed_iids =
+        self.cnxn, issue_ids)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        {78901: issue_1, 78902: issue_2},
+        issues_dict)
+    self.assertEqual([78903], missed_iids)
+  def testGetIssues(self):
+    issue_ids = [78901, 78902]
+    issue_1, issue_2 = self.SetUpGetIssues()
+    issues =, issue_ids)
+    self.assertEqual([issue_1, issue_2], issues)
+  def testGetIssue(self):
+    issue_1, _issue_2 = self.SetUpGetIssues()
+    actual_issue =, 78901)
+    self.assertEqual(issue_1, actual_issue)
+  def testGetIssuesByLocalIDs(self):
+    issue_1, issue_2 = self.SetUpGetIssues()
+, 1), 78901)
+, 2), 78902)
+    actual_issues =
+        self.cnxn, 789, [1, 2])
+    self.assertEqual([issue_1, issue_2], actual_issues)
+  def testGetIssueByLocalID(self):
+    issue_1, _issue_2 = self.SetUpGetIssues()
+, 1), 78901)
+    actual_issues =, 789, 1)
+    self.assertEqual(issue_1, actual_issues)
+  def testGetOpenAndClosedIssues(self):
+    issue_1, issue_2 = self.SetUpGetIssues()
+    open_issues, closed_issues =
+        self.cnxn, [78901, 78902])
+    self.assertEqual([issue_1], open_issues)
+    self.assertEqual([issue_2], closed_issues)
+  def SetUpGetCurrentLocationOfMovedIssue(self, project_id, local_id):
+    issue_id = project_id * 100 + local_id
+        self.cnxn, 'issue_id', default=0, project_id=project_id,
+        local_id=local_id).AndReturn(issue_id)
+        self.cnxn, cols=['project_id', 'local_id'], id=issue_id).AndReturn(
+            (project_id + 1, local_id + 1))
+  def testGetCurrentLocationOfMovedIssue(self):
+    self.SetUpGetCurrentLocationOfMovedIssue(789, 1)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    new_project_id, new_local_id = (
+, 789, 1))
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(789 + 1, new_project_id)
+    self.assertEqual(1 + 1, new_local_id)
+  def SetUpGetPreviousLocations(self, issue_id, location_rows):
+        self.cnxn, cols=['project_id', 'local_id'],
+        issue_id=issue_id).AndReturn(location_rows)
+  def testGetPreviousLocations(self):
+    self.SetUpGetPreviousLocations(78901, [(781, 1), (782, 11), (789, 1)])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=789, local_id=1, owner_id=111, summary='sum',
+        status='Live', issue_id=78901)
+    locations =, issue)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(locations, [(781, 1), (782, 11)])
+  def SetUpInsertIssue(
+      self, label_rows=None, av_rows=None, approver_rows=None,
+      dangling_relation_rows=None):
+    row = (789, 1, 1, 111, 111,
+ , 0,,,,,
+           None, 0,
+           False, 0, 0, False)
+        self.cnxn, issue_svc.ISSUE_COLS[1:], [row],
+        commit=False, return_generated_ids=True).AndReturn([78901])
+    self.cnxn.Commit()
+        self.cnxn, {'shard': 78901 % settings.num_logical_shards},
+        id=78901, commit=False)
+    self.SetUpUpdateIssuesSummary()
+    self.SetUpUpdateIssuesLabels(label_rows=label_rows)
+    self.SetUpUpdateIssuesFields()
+    self.SetUpUpdateIssuesComponents()
+    self.SetUpUpdateIssuesCc()
+    self.SetUpUpdateIssuesNotify()
+    self.SetUpUpdateIssuesRelation(
+        dangling_relation_rows=dangling_relation_rows)
+    self.SetUpUpdateIssuesApprovals(
+        av_rows=av_rows, approver_rows=approver_rows)
+, mox.IgnoreArg(),
+        commit=False)
+  def SetUpInsertSpamIssue(self):
+    row = (789, 1, 1, 111, 111,
+ , 0,,,,,
+           None, 0, False, 0, 0, True)
+        self.cnxn, issue_svc.ISSUE_COLS[1:], [row],
+        commit=False, return_generated_ids=True).AndReturn([78901])
+    self.cnxn.Commit()
+        self.cnxn, {'shard': 78901 % settings.num_logical_shards},
+        id=78901, commit=False)
+    self.SetUpUpdateIssuesSummary()
+    self.SetUpUpdateIssuesLabels()
+    self.SetUpUpdateIssuesFields()
+    self.SetUpUpdateIssuesComponents()
+    self.SetUpUpdateIssuesCc()
+    self.SetUpUpdateIssuesNotify()
+    self.SetUpUpdateIssuesRelation()
+, mox.IgnoreArg(),
+        commit=False)
+  def SetUpUpdateIssuesSummary(self):
+        self.cnxn, ['issue_id', 'summary'],
+        [(78901, 'sum')], replace=True, commit=False)
+  def SetUpUpdateIssuesLabels(self, label_rows=None):
+    if label_rows is None:
+      label_rows = [(78901, 1, False, 1)]
+        self.cnxn, issue_id=[78901], commit=False)
+        self.cnxn, ['issue_id', 'label_id', 'derived', 'issue_shard'],
+        label_rows, ignore=True, commit=False)
+  def SetUpUpdateIssuesFields(self, issue2fieldvalue_rows=None):
+    issue2fieldvalue_rows = issue2fieldvalue_rows or []
+        self.cnxn, issue_id=[78901], commit=False)
+        self.cnxn, issue_svc.ISSUE2FIELDVALUE_COLS + ['issue_shard'],
+        issue2fieldvalue_rows, commit=False)
+  def SetUpUpdateIssuesComponents(self, issue2component_rows=None):
+    issue2component_rows = issue2component_rows or []
+        self.cnxn, issue_id=[78901], commit=False)
+        self.cnxn, ['issue_id', 'component_id', 'derived', 'issue_shard'],
+        issue2component_rows, ignore=True, commit=False)
+  def SetUpUpdateIssuesCc(self, issue2cc_rows=None):
+    issue2cc_rows = issue2cc_rows or []
+        self.cnxn, issue_id=[78901], commit=False)
+        self.cnxn, ['issue_id', 'cc_id', 'derived', 'issue_shard'],
+        issue2cc_rows, ignore=True, commit=False)
+  def SetUpUpdateIssuesNotify(self, notify_rows=None):
+    notify_rows = notify_rows or []
+        self.cnxn, issue_id=[78901], commit=False)
+        self.cnxn, issue_svc.ISSUE2NOTIFY_COLS,
+        notify_rows, ignore=True, commit=False)
+  def SetUpUpdateIssuesRelation(
+    self, relation_rows=None, dangling_relation_rows=None):
+    relation_rows = relation_rows or []
+    dangling_relation_rows = dangling_relation_rows or []
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.ISSUERELATION_COLS[:-1],
+        dst_issue_id=[78901], kind='blockedon').AndReturn([])
+        self.cnxn, issue_id=[78901], commit=False)
+        self.cnxn, issue_svc.ISSUERELATION_COLS, relation_rows,
+        ignore=True, commit=False)
+        self.cnxn, issue_id=[78901], commit=False)
+        self.cnxn, issue_svc.DANGLINGRELATION_COLS, dangling_relation_rows,
+        ignore=True, commit=False)
+  def SetUpUpdateIssuesApprovals(self, av_rows=None, approver_rows=None):
+    av_rows = av_rows or []
+    approver_rows = approver_rows or []
+        self.cnxn, issue_id=78901, commit=False)
+        self.cnxn, issue_svc.ISSUE2APPROVALVALUE_COLS, av_rows, commit=False)
+        self.cnxn, issue_id=78901, commit=False)
+        self.cnxn, issue_svc.ISSUEAPPROVAL2APPROVER_COLS, approver_rows,
+        commit=False)
+  def testInsertIssue(self):
+    self.SetUpInsertIssue()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=789, local_id=1, owner_id=111, reporter_id=111,
+        summary='sum', status='New', labels=['Type-Defect'], issue_id=78901,
+    actual_issue_id =, issue)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(78901, actual_issue_id)
+  def SetUpUpdateIssues(self, given_delta=None):
+    delta = given_delta or {
+        'project_id': 789,
+        'local_id': 1,
+        'owner_id': 111,
+        'status_id': 1,
+        'opened': 123456789,
+        'closed': 0,
+        'modified': 123456789,
+        'owner_modified': 123456789,
+        'status_modified': 123456789,
+        'component_modified': 123456789,
+        'derived_owner_id': None,
+        'derived_status_id': None,
+        'deleted': False,
+        'star_count': 12,
+        'attachment_count': 0,
+        'is_spam': False,
+        }
+        self.cnxn, delta, id=78901, commit=False)
+    if not given_delta:
+      self.SetUpUpdateIssuesLabels()
+      self.SetUpUpdateIssuesCc()
+      self.SetUpUpdateIssuesFields()
+      self.SetUpUpdateIssuesComponents()
+      self.SetUpUpdateIssuesNotify()
+      self.SetUpUpdateIssuesSummary()
+      self.SetUpUpdateIssuesRelation()
+, mox.IgnoreArg(),
+          commit=False)
+    if given_delta:
+, mox.IgnoreArg(),
+          commit=False)
+    self.cnxn.Commit()
+  def testUpdateIssues_Empty(self):
+    # Note: no setup because DB should not be called.
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+, [])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testUpdateIssues_Normal(self):
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=789, local_id=1, owner_id=111, summary='sum',
+        status='Live', labels=['Type-Defect'], issue_id=78901,
+        opened_timestamp=123456789, modified_timestamp=123456789,
+        star_count=12)
+    issue.assume_stale = False
+    self.SetUpUpdateIssues()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+, [issue])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testUpdateIssue_Normal(self):
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=789, local_id=1, owner_id=111, summary='sum',
+        status='Live', labels=['Type-Defect'], issue_id=78901,
+        opened_timestamp=123456789, modified_timestamp=123456789,
+        star_count=12)
+    issue.assume_stale = False
+    self.SetUpUpdateIssues()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+, issue)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testUpdateIssue_Stale(self):
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=789, local_id=1, owner_id=111, summary='sum',
+        status='Live', labels=['Type-Defect'], issue_id=78901,
+        opened_timestamp=123456789, modified_timestamp=123456789,
+        star_count=12)
+    # Do not set issue.assume_stale = False
+    # Do not call self.SetUpUpdateIssues() because nothing should be updated.
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.assertRaises(
+        AssertionError,, self.cnxn, issue)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testUpdateIssuesSummary(self):
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        local_id=1, issue_id=78901, owner_id=111, summary='sum', status='New',
+        project_id=789)
+    issue.assume_stale = False
+    self.SetUpUpdateIssuesSummary()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+, [issue], commit=False)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testUpdateIssuesLabels(self):
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        local_id=1, issue_id=78901, owner_id=111, summary='sum', status='New',
+        labels=['Type-Defect'], project_id=789)
+    self.SetUpUpdateIssuesLabels()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+      self.cnxn, [issue], commit=False)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testUpdateIssuesFields_Empty(self):
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        local_id=1, issue_id=78901, owner_id=111, summary='sum', status='New',
+        project_id=789)
+    self.SetUpUpdateIssuesFields()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+, [issue], commit=False)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testUpdateIssuesFields_Some(self):
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        local_id=1, issue_id=78901, owner_id=111, summary='sum', status='New',
+        project_id=789)
+    issue_shard = issue.issue_id % settings.num_logical_shards
+    fv1 = tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldValue(345, 679, '', 0, None, None, False)
+    issue.field_values.append(fv1)
+    fv2 = tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldValue(346, 0, 'Blue', 0, None, None, True)
+    issue.field_values.append(fv2)
+    fv3 = tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldValue(347, 0, '', 0, 1234567890, None, True)
+    issue.field_values.append(fv3)
+    fv4 = tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldValue(
+        348, 0, '', 0, None, '', True, phase_id=14)
+    issue.field_values.append(fv4)
+    self.SetUpUpdateIssuesFields(issue2fieldvalue_rows=[
+        (issue.issue_id, fv1.field_id, fv1.int_value, fv1.str_value,
+         None, fv1.date_value, fv1.url_value, fv1.derived, None,
+         issue_shard),
+        (issue.issue_id, fv2.field_id, fv2.int_value, fv2.str_value,
+         None, fv2.date_value, fv2.url_value, fv2.derived, None,
+         issue_shard),
+        (issue.issue_id, fv3.field_id, fv3.int_value, fv3.str_value,
+         None, fv3.date_value, fv3.url_value, fv3.derived, None,
+         issue_shard),
+        (issue.issue_id, fv4.field_id, fv4.int_value, fv4.str_value,
+         None, fv4.date_value, fv4.url_value, fv4.derived, 14,
+         issue_shard),
+        ])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+, [issue], commit=False)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testUpdateIssuesComponents_Empty(self):
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=789, local_id=1, owner_id=111, summary='sum',
+        status='Live', issue_id=78901)
+    self.SetUpUpdateIssuesComponents()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+        self.cnxn, [issue], commit=False)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testUpdateIssuesCc_Empty(self):
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=789, local_id=1, owner_id=111, summary='sum',
+        status='Live', issue_id=78901)
+    self.SetUpUpdateIssuesCc()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+, [issue], commit=False)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testUpdateIssuesCc_Some(self):
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=789, local_id=1, owner_id=111, summary='sum',
+        status='Live', issue_id=78901)
+    issue.cc_ids = [222, 333]
+    issue.derived_cc_ids = [888]
+    issue_shard = issue.issue_id % settings.num_logical_shards
+    self.SetUpUpdateIssuesCc(issue2cc_rows=[
+        (issue.issue_id, 222, False, issue_shard),
+        (issue.issue_id, 333, False, issue_shard),
+        (issue.issue_id, 888, True, issue_shard),
+        ])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+, [issue], commit=False)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testUpdateIssuesNotify_Empty(self):
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=789, local_id=1, owner_id=111, summary='sum',
+        status='Live', issue_id=78901)
+    self.SetUpUpdateIssuesNotify()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+, [issue], commit=False)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testUpdateIssuesRelation_Empty(self):
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=789, local_id=1, owner_id=111, summary='sum',
+        status='Live', issue_id=78901)
+    self.SetUpUpdateIssuesRelation()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+, [issue], commit=False)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testUpdateIssuesRelation_MergedIntoExternal(self):
+ = Mock(return_value=[])
+ = Mock()
+ = Mock()
+ = Mock()
+ = Mock()
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=789, local_id=1, owner_id=111, summary='sum',
+        status='Live', issue_id=78901, merged_into_external='b/5678')
+, [issue])
+        self.cnxn, commit=False, issue_id=[78901])
+        .assert_called_once_with(
+          self.cnxn, ['issue_id', 'dst_issue_project', 'dst_issue_local_id',
+            'ext_issue_identifier', 'kind'],
+          [(78901, None, None, 'b/5678', 'mergedinto')],
+          ignore=True, commit=True)
+  @patch('time.time')
+  def testUpdateIssueStructure(self, mockTime):
+    mockTime.return_value =
+    reporter_id = 111
+    comment_content = 'This issue is being converted'
+    # Set up config
+    config =
+        self.cnxn, 789)
+    config.approval_defs = [
+        tracker_pb2.ApprovalDef(
+            approval_id=3, survey='Question3', approver_ids=[222]),
+        tracker_pb2.ApprovalDef(
+            approval_id=4, survey='Question4', approver_ids=[444]),
+        tracker_pb2.ApprovalDef(
+            approval_id=7, survey='Question7', approver_ids=[222]),
+    ]
+    config.field_defs = [
+      tracker_pb2.FieldDef(
+          field_id=3, project_id=789, field_name='Cow'),
+      tracker_pb2.FieldDef(
+          field_id=4, project_id=789, field_name='Chicken'),
+      tracker_pb2.FieldDef(
+          field_id=6, project_id=789, field_name='Llama'),
+      tracker_pb2.FieldDef(
+          field_id=7, project_id=789, field_name='Roo'),
+      tracker_pb2.FieldDef(
+          field_id=8, project_id=789, field_name='Salmon'),
+      tracker_pb2.FieldDef(
+          field_id=9, project_id=789, field_name='Tuna', is_phase_field=True),
+      tracker_pb2.FieldDef(
+          field_id=10, project_id=789, field_name='Clown', is_phase_field=True),
+      tracker_pb2.FieldDef(
+          field_id=11, project_id=789, field_name='Dory', is_phase_field=True),
+    ]
+    # Set up issue
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=789, local_id=1, owner_id=111, summary='sum', status='Open',
+        issue_id=78901, project_name='proj')
+    issue.approval_values = [
+        tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(
+            approval_id=3,
+            phase_id=4,
+            status=tracker_pb2.ApprovalStatus.APPROVED,
+            approver_ids=[111],  # trumps approval_def approver_ids
+        ),
+        tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(
+            approval_id=4,
+            phase_id=5,
+            approver_ids=[111]),  # trumps approval_def approver_ids
+        tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(approval_id=6)]
+    issue.phases = [
+        tracker_pb2.Phase(name='Expired', phase_id=4),
+        tracker_pb2.Phase(name='canarY', phase_id=3),
+        tracker_pb2.Phase(name='Stable', phase_id=2)]
+    issue.field_values = [
+        tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldValue(8, None, 'Pink', None, None, None, False),
+        tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldValue(
+            9, None, 'Silver', None, None, None, False, phase_id=3),
+        tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldValue(
+            10, None, 'Orange', None, None, None, False, phase_id=4),
+        tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldValue(
+            11, None, 'Flat', None, None, None, False, phase_id=2),
+        ]
+    # Set up template
+    template = testing_helpers.DefaultTemplates()[0]
+    template.approval_values = [
+        tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(
+            approval_id=3,
+            phase_id=6),  # Different phase. Nothing else affected.
+        # No phase. Nothing else affected.
+        tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(approval_id=4),
+        # New approval not already found in issue.
+        tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(
+            approval_id=7,
+            phase_id=5),
+    ]  # No approval 6
+    # TODO(jojwang): monorail:4693, rename 'Stable-Full' after all
+    # 'stable-full' gates have been renamed to 'stable'.
+    template.phases = [tracker_pb2.Phase(name='Canary', phase_id=5),
+                       tracker_pb2.Phase(name='Stable-Full', phase_id=6)]
+    self.SetUpInsertComment(
+        7890101, is_description=True, approval_id=3,
+        content=config.approval_defs[0].survey, commit=False)
+    self.SetUpInsertComment(
+        7890101, is_description=True, approval_id=4,
+        content=config.approval_defs[1].survey, commit=False)
+    self.SetUpInsertComment(
+        7890101, is_description=True, approval_id=7,
+        content=config.approval_defs[2].survey, commit=False)
+    amendment_row = (
+        78901, 7890101, 'custom', None, '-Llama Roo', None, None, 'Approvals')
+    self.SetUpInsertComment(
+        7890101, content=comment_content, amendment_rows=[amendment_row],
+        commit=False)
+    av_rows = [
+        (3, 78901, 6, 'approved', None, None),
+        (4, 78901, None, 'not_set', None, None),
+        (7, 78901, 5, 'not_set', None, None),
+    ]
+    approver_rows = [(3, 111, 78901), (4, 111, 78901), (7, 222, 78901)]
+    self.SetUpUpdateIssuesApprovals(
+        av_rows=av_rows, approver_rows=approver_rows)
+    issue_shard = issue.issue_id % settings.num_logical_shards
+    issue2fieldvalue_rows = [
+        (78901, 8, None, 'Pink', None, None, None, False, None, issue_shard),
+        (78901, 9, None, 'Silver', None, None, None, False, 5, issue_shard),
+        (78901, 11, None, 'Flat', None, None, None, False, 6, issue_shard),
+    ]
+    self.SetUpUpdateIssuesFields(issue2fieldvalue_rows=issue2fieldvalue_rows)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    comment =
+        self.cnxn, config, issue, template, reporter_id,
+        comment_content=comment_content, commit=False, invalidate=False)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    expected_avs = [
+        tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(
+            approval_id=3,
+            phase_id=6,
+            status=tracker_pb2.ApprovalStatus.APPROVED,
+            approver_ids=[111],
+        ),
+        tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(
+            approval_id=4,
+            status=tracker_pb2.ApprovalStatus.NOT_SET,
+            approver_ids=[111]),
+        tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(
+            approval_id=7,
+            status=tracker_pb2.ApprovalStatus.NOT_SET,
+            phase_id=5,
+            approver_ids=[222]),
+    ]
+    self.assertEqual(issue.approval_values, expected_avs)
+    self.assertEqual(issue.phases, template.phases)
+    amendment = tracker_bizobj.MakeApprovalStructureAmendment(
+        ['Roo', 'Cow', 'Chicken'], ['Cow', 'Chicken', 'Llama'])
+    expected_comment =
+        789, reporter_id, content=comment_content, amendments=[amendment])
+    expected_comment.issue_id = 78901
+ = 7890101
+    self.assertEqual(expected_comment, comment)
+  def testDeltaUpdateIssue(self):
+    pass  # TODO(jrobbins): write more tests
+  def testDeltaUpdateIssue_NoOp(self):
+    """If the user didn't provide any content, we don't make an IssueComment."""
+    commenter_id = 222
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=789, local_id=1, owner_id=111, summary='sum',
+        status='Live', issue_id=78901, project_name='proj')
+    config = tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(789)
+    delta = tracker_pb2.IssueDelta()
+    amendments, comment_pb =
+        self.cnxn,, commenter_id, issue.project_id, config,
+        issue, delta, comment='', index_now=False,
+    self.assertEqual([], amendments)
+    self.assertIsNone(comment_pb)
+  def testDeltaUpdateIssue_MergedInto(self):
+    commenter_id = 222
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=789, local_id=1, owner_id=111, summary='sum',
+        status='Live', issue_id=78901, project_name='proj')
+    target_issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=789, local_id=2, owner_id=111, summary='sum sum',
+        status='Live', issue_id=78902, project_name='proj')
+    config = tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(789)
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, 'GetIssue')
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, 'UpdateIssue')
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, 'CreateIssueComment')
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, '_UpdateIssuesModified')
+        self.cnxn, 0).AndRaise(exceptions.NoSuchIssueException)
+        self.cnxn, target_issue.issue_id).AndReturn(target_issue)
+        self.cnxn, issue, commit=False, invalidate=False)
+    amendments = [
+        tracker_bizobj.MakeMergedIntoAmendment(
+            [('proj', 2)], [None], default_project_name='proj')]
+        self.cnxn, issue, commenter_id, 'comment text', attachments=None,
+        amendments=amendments, commit=False, is_description=False,
+        kept_attachments=None, importer_id=None, timestamp=ANY,
+        inbound_message=None)
+        self.cnxn, {issue.issue_id, target_issue.issue_id},
+, invalidate=True)
+    self.SetUpEnqueueIssuesForIndexing([78901])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    delta = tracker_pb2.IssueDelta(merged_into=target_issue.issue_id)
+        self.cnxn,, commenter_id, issue.project_id, config,
+        issue, delta, comment='comment text',
+        index_now=False,
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testDeltaUpdateIssue_BlockedOn(self):
+    commenter_id = 222
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=789, local_id=1, owner_id=111, summary='sum',
+        status='Live', issue_id=78901, project_name='proj')
+    blockedon_issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=789, local_id=2, owner_id=111, summary='sum sum',
+        status='Live', issue_id=78902, project_name='proj')
+    config = tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(789)
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, 'GetIssue')
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, 'GetIssues')
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, 'LookupIssueRefs')
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, 'UpdateIssue')
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, 'CreateIssueComment')
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, '_UpdateIssuesModified')
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, "SortBlockedOn")
+    # Calls in ApplyIssueDelta
+    # Call to find added blockedon issues.
+    issue_refs = {blockedon_issue.issue_id: (
+        blockedon_issue.project_name, blockedon_issue.local_id)}
+        self.cnxn, [blockedon_issue.issue_id]).AndReturn(issue_refs)
+    # Call to find removed blockedon issues.
+, []).AndReturn({})
+    # Call to sort blockedon issues.
+        self.cnxn, issue, [blockedon_issue.issue_id]).AndReturn(([78902], [0]))
+        self.cnxn, issue, commit=False, invalidate=False)
+    amendments = [
+        tracker_bizobj.MakeBlockedOnAmendment(
+            [('proj', 2)], [], default_project_name='proj')]
+        self.cnxn, issue, commenter_id, 'comment text', attachments=None,
+        amendments=amendments, commit=False, is_description=False,
+        kept_attachments=None, importer_id=None, timestamp=ANY,
+        inbound_message=None)
+    # Call to find added blockedon issues.
+        self.cnxn, [blockedon_issue.issue_id]).AndReturn([blockedon_issue])
+        self.cnxn, blockedon_issue, commenter_id, content='',
+        amendments=[tracker_bizobj.MakeBlockingAmendment(
+            [(issue.project_name, issue.local_id)], [],
+            default_project_name='proj')],
+        importer_id=None, timestamp=ANY)
+    # Call to find removed blockedon issues.
+, []).AndReturn([])
+    # Call to find added blocking issues.
+, []).AndReturn([])
+    # Call to find removed blocking issues.
+, []).AndReturn([])
+        self.cnxn, {issue.issue_id, blockedon_issue.issue_id},
+, invalidate=True)
+    self.SetUpEnqueueIssuesForIndexing([78901])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    delta = tracker_pb2.IssueDelta(blocked_on_add=[blockedon_issue.issue_id])
+        self.cnxn,, commenter_id, issue.project_id, config,
+        issue, delta, comment='comment text',
+        index_now=False,
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testDeltaUpdateIssue_Blocking(self):
+    commenter_id = 222
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=789, local_id=1, owner_id=111, summary='sum',
+        status='Live', issue_id=78901, project_name='proj')
+    blocking_issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=789, local_id=2, owner_id=111, summary='sum sum',
+        status='Live', issue_id=78902, project_name='proj')
+    config = tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(789)
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, 'GetIssue')
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, 'GetIssues')
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, 'LookupIssueRefs')
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, 'UpdateIssue')
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, 'CreateIssueComment')
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, '_UpdateIssuesModified')
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, "SortBlockedOn")
+    # Calls in ApplyIssueDelta
+    # Call to find added blocking issues.
+    issue_refs = {blocking_issue: (
+        blocking_issue.project_name, blocking_issue.local_id)}
+        self.cnxn, [blocking_issue.issue_id]).AndReturn(issue_refs)
+    # Call to find removed blocking issues.
+, []).AndReturn({})
+        self.cnxn, issue, commit=False, invalidate=False)
+    amendments = [
+        tracker_bizobj.MakeBlockingAmendment(
+            [('proj', 2)], [], default_project_name='proj')]
+        self.cnxn, issue, commenter_id, 'comment text', attachments=None,
+        amendments=amendments, commit=False, is_description=False,
+        kept_attachments=None, importer_id=None, timestamp=ANY,
+        inbound_message=None)
+    # Call to find added blockedon issues.
+, []).AndReturn([])
+    # Call to find removed blockedon issues.
+, []).AndReturn([])
+    # Call to find added blocking issues.
+        self.cnxn, [blocking_issue.issue_id]).AndReturn([blocking_issue])
+        self.cnxn, blocking_issue, commenter_id, content='',
+        amendments=[tracker_bizobj.MakeBlockedOnAmendment(
+            [(issue.project_name, issue.local_id)], [],
+            default_project_name='proj')],
+        importer_id=None, timestamp=ANY)
+    # Call to find removed blocking issues.
+, []).AndReturn([])
+        self.cnxn, {issue.issue_id, blocking_issue.issue_id},
+, invalidate=True)
+    self.SetUpEnqueueIssuesForIndexing([78901])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    delta = tracker_pb2.IssueDelta(blocking_add=[blocking_issue.issue_id])
+        self.cnxn,, commenter_id, issue.project_id, config,
+        issue, delta, comment='comment text',
+        index_now=False,
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testDeltaUpdateIssue_Imported(self):
+    """If importer_id is specified, store it."""
+    commenter_id = 222
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=789, local_id=1, owner_id=111, summary='sum',
+        status='Live', issue_id=78901, project_name='proj')
+    issue.assume_stale = False
+    config = tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(789)
+    delta = tracker_pb2.IssueDelta()
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, 'GetIssue')
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, 'GetIssues')
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, 'UpdateIssue')
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, 'CreateIssueComment')
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, '_UpdateIssuesModified')
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, "SortBlockedOn")
+        self.cnxn, issue, commit=False, invalidate=False)
+    # Call to find added blockedon issues.
+, []).AndReturn([])
+    # Call to find removed blockedon issues.
+, []).AndReturn([])
+        self.cnxn, issue, commenter_id, 'a comment', attachments=None,
+        amendments=[], commit=False, is_description=False,
+        kept_attachments=None, importer_id=333, timestamp=ANY,
+        inbound_message=None).AndReturn(
+          tracker_pb2.IssueComment(content='a comment', importer_id=333))
+, []).AndReturn([])
+, []).AndReturn([])
+        self.cnxn, {issue.issue_id},
+, invalidate=True)
+    self.SetUpEnqueueIssuesForIndexing([78901])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    amendments, comment_pb =
+        self.cnxn,, commenter_id, issue.project_id, config,
+        issue, delta, comment='a comment', index_now=False,,
+        importer_id=333)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual([], amendments)
+    self.assertEqual('a comment', comment_pb.content)
+    self.assertEqual(333, comment_pb.importer_id)
+  def SetUpMoveIssues_NewProject(self):
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.ISSUEFORMERLOCATIONS_COLS, project_id=789,
+        issue_id=[78901]).AndReturn([])
+    self.SetUpAllocateNextLocalID(789, None, None)
+    self.SetUpUpdateIssues()
+        self.cnxn, {'project_id': 789}, issue_id=[78901], commit=False)
+    old_location_rows = [(78901, 711, 2)]
+        self.cnxn, issue_svc.ISSUEFORMERLOCATIONS_COLS, old_location_rows,
+        ignore=True, commit=False)
+    self.cnxn.Commit()
+  def testMoveIssues_NewProject(self):
+    """Move project 711 issue 2 to become project 789 issue 1."""
+    dest_project = fake.Project(project_id=789)
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=711, local_id=2, owner_id=111, summary='sum',
+        status='Live', labels=['Type-Defect'], issue_id=78901,
+        opened_timestamp=123456789, modified_timestamp=123456789,
+        star_count=12)
+    issue.assume_stale = False
+    self.SetUpMoveIssues_NewProject()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+        self.cnxn, dest_project, [issue],
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  # TODO(jrobbins): case where issue is moved back into former project
+  def testExpungeFormerLocations(self):
+      self.cnxn, project_id=789)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+, 789)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testExpungeIssues(self):
+    issue_ids = [1, 2]
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(search, 'Index')
+    search.Index(name=settings.search_index_name_format % 1).AndReturn(
+        MockIndex())
+    search.Index(name=settings.search_index_name_format % 2).AndReturn(
+        MockIndex())
+, issue_id=[1, 2])
+, issue_id=[1, 2])
+, issue_id=[1, 2])
+, issue_id=[1, 2])
+, issue_id=[1, 2])
+, issue_id=[1, 2])
+, issue_id=[1, 2])
+, issue_id=[1, 2])
+, issue_id=[1, 2])
+, dst_issue_id=[1, 2])
+, issue_id=[1, 2])
+        self.cnxn, issue_id=[1, 2])
+, issue_id=[1, 2])
+, id=[1, 2])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+, issue_ids)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testSoftDeleteIssue(self):
+    project = fake.Project(project_id=789)
+    issue_1, issue_2 = self.SetUpGetIssues()
+ = TestableIssueTwoLevelCache(
+        [issue_1, issue_2])
+, 1), 78901)
+    delta = {'deleted': True}
+        self.cnxn, delta, id=78901, commit=False)
+, mox.IgnoreArg(),
+        commit=False)
+    self.cnxn.Commit()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+        self.cnxn, project.project_id, 1, True,
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertTrue(issue_1.deleted)
+  def SetUpDeleteComponentReferences(self, component_id):
+      self.cnxn, component_id=component_id)
+  def testDeleteComponentReferences(self):
+    self.SetUpDeleteComponentReferences(123)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+, 123)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  ### Local ID generation
+  def SetUpInitializeLocalID(self, project_id):
+        self.cnxn, project_id=project_id, used_local_id=0, used_spam_id=0)
+  def testInitializeLocalID(self):
+    self.SetUpInitializeLocalID(789)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+, 789)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def SetUpAllocateNextLocalID(
+      self, project_id, highest_in_use, highest_former):
+    highest_either = max(highest_in_use or 0, highest_former or 0)
+        self.cnxn, 'used_local_id', project_id=project_id).AndReturn(
+            highest_either + 1)
+  def testAllocateNextLocalID_NewProject(self):
+    self.SetUpAllocateNextLocalID(789, None, None)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    next_local_id =, 789)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(1, next_local_id)
+  def testAllocateNextLocalID_HighestInUse(self):
+    self.SetUpAllocateNextLocalID(789, 14, None)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    next_local_id =, 789)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(15, next_local_id)
+  def testAllocateNextLocalID_HighestWasMoved(self):
+    self.SetUpAllocateNextLocalID(789, 23, 66)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    next_local_id =, 789)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(67, next_local_id)
+  def SetUpGetHighestLocalID(self, project_id, highest_in_use, highest_former):
+        self.cnxn, 'MAX(local_id)', project_id=project_id).AndReturn(
+            highest_in_use)
+        self.cnxn, 'MAX(local_id)', project_id=project_id).AndReturn(
+            highest_former)
+  def testGetHighestLocalID_OnlyActiveLocalIDs(self):
+    self.SetUpGetHighestLocalID(789, 14, None)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    highest_id =, 789)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(14, highest_id)
+  def testGetHighestLocalID_OnlyFormerIDs(self):
+    self.SetUpGetHighestLocalID(789, None, 97)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    highest_id =, 789)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(97, highest_id)
+  def testGetHighestLocalID_BothActiveAndFormer(self):
+    self.SetUpGetHighestLocalID(789, 345, 97)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    highest_id =, 789)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(345, highest_id)
+  def testGetAllLocalIDsInProject(self):
+    self.SetUpGetHighestLocalID(789, 14, None)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    local_id_range =, 789)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(list(range(1, 15)), local_id_range)
+  ### Comments
+  def testConsolidateAmendments_Empty(self):
+    amendments = []
+    actual =
+    self.assertEqual([], actual)
+  def testConsolidateAmendments_NoOp(self):
+    amendments = [
+      tracker_pb2.Amendment(field=tracker_pb2.FieldID('SUMMARY'),
+                            oldvalue='old sum', newvalue='new sum'),
+      tracker_pb2.Amendment(field=tracker_pb2.FieldID('STATUS'),
+                            oldvalue='New', newvalue='Accepted')]
+    actual =
+    self.assertEqual(amendments, actual)
+  def testConsolidateAmendments_StandardFields(self):
+    amendments = [
+      tracker_pb2.Amendment(field=tracker_pb2.FieldID('STATUS'),
+                            oldvalue='New'),
+      tracker_pb2.Amendment(field=tracker_pb2.FieldID('STATUS'),
+                            newvalue='Accepted'),
+      tracker_pb2.Amendment(field=tracker_pb2.FieldID('SUMMARY'),
+                            oldvalue='old sum'),
+      tracker_pb2.Amendment(field=tracker_pb2.FieldID('SUMMARY'),
+                            newvalue='new sum')]
+    actual =
+    expected = [
+      tracker_pb2.Amendment(field=tracker_pb2.FieldID('SUMMARY'),
+                            oldvalue='old sum', newvalue='new sum'),
+      tracker_pb2.Amendment(field=tracker_pb2.FieldID('STATUS'),
+                            oldvalue='New', newvalue='Accepted')]
+    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
+  def testConsolidateAmendments_BlockerRelations(self):
+    amendments = [
+        tracker_pb2.Amendment(
+            field=tracker_pb2.FieldID('BLOCKEDON'), newvalue='78901'),
+        tracker_pb2.Amendment(
+            field=tracker_pb2.FieldID('BLOCKEDON'), newvalue='-b/3 b/1 b/2'),
+        tracker_pb2.Amendment(
+            field=tracker_pb2.FieldID('BLOCKING'), newvalue='78902'),
+        tracker_pb2.Amendment(
+            field=tracker_pb2.FieldID('BLOCKING'), newvalue='-b/33 b/11 b/22')
+    ]
+    actual =
+    expected = [
+        tracker_pb2.Amendment(
+            field=tracker_pb2.FieldID('BLOCKEDON'),
+            newvalue='78901 -b/3 b/1 b/2'),
+        tracker_pb2.Amendment(
+            field=tracker_pb2.FieldID('BLOCKING'),
+            newvalue='78902 -b/33 b/11 b/22')
+    ]
+    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
+  def testConsolidateAmendments_CustomFields(self):
+    amendments = [
+      tracker_pb2.Amendment(field=tracker_pb2.FieldID('CUSTOM'),
+                            custom_field_name='a', oldvalue='old a'),
+      tracker_pb2.Amendment(field=tracker_pb2.FieldID('CUSTOM'),
+                            custom_field_name='b', oldvalue='old b')]
+    actual =
+    self.assertEqual(amendments, actual)
+  def testConsolidateAmendments_SortAmmendments(self):
+    amendments = [
+        tracker_pb2.Amendment(field=tracker_pb2.FieldID('STATUS'),
+                                oldvalue='New', newvalue='Accepted'),
+        tracker_pb2.Amendment(field=tracker_pb2.FieldID('SUMMARY'),
+                                oldvalue='old sum', newvalue='new sum'),
+        tracker_pb2.Amendment(field=tracker_pb2.FieldID('LABELS'),
+            oldvalue='Type-Defect', newvalue='-Type-Defect Type-Enhancement'),
+        tracker_pb2.Amendment(field=tracker_pb2.FieldID('CC'),
+                        oldvalue='', newvalue='')]
+    expected = [
+        tracker_pb2.Amendment(field=tracker_pb2.FieldID('SUMMARY'),
+                                oldvalue='old sum', newvalue='new sum'),
+        tracker_pb2.Amendment(field=tracker_pb2.FieldID('STATUS'),
+                                oldvalue='New', newvalue='Accepted'),
+        tracker_pb2.Amendment(field=tracker_pb2.FieldID('CC'),
+                        oldvalue='', newvalue=''),
+        tracker_pb2.Amendment(field=tracker_pb2.FieldID('LABELS'),
+            oldvalue='Type-Defect', newvalue='-Type-Defect Type-Enhancement')]
+    actual =
+    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
+  def testDeserializeComments_Empty(self):
+    comments =[], [], [], [], [], [])
+    self.assertEqual([], comments)
+  def SetUpCommentRows(self):
+    comment_rows = [
+        (7890101, 78901,, 789, 111,
+         None, False, False, 'unused_commentcontent_id'),
+        (7890102, 78901,, 789, 111,
+         None, False, False, 'unused_commentcontent_id')]
+    commentcontent_rows = [(7890101, 'content', 'msg'),
+                           (7890102, 'content2', 'msg')]
+    amendment_rows = [
+        (1, 78901, 7890101, 'cc', 'old', 'new val', 222, None, None)]
+    attachment_rows = []
+    approval_rows = [(23, 7890102)]
+    importer_rows = []
+    return (comment_rows, commentcontent_rows, amendment_rows,
+            attachment_rows, approval_rows, importer_rows)
+  def testDeserializeComments_Normal(self):
+    (comment_rows, commentcontent_rows, amendment_rows,
+     attachment_rows, approval_rows, importer_rows) = self.SetUpCommentRows()
+    commentcontent_rows = [(7890101, 'content', 'msg')]
+    comments =
+        comment_rows, commentcontent_rows, amendment_rows, attachment_rows,
+        approval_rows, importer_rows)
+    self.assertEqual(2, len(comments))
+  def testDeserializeComments_Imported(self):
+    (comment_rows, commentcontent_rows, amendment_rows,
+     attachment_rows, approval_rows, _) = self.SetUpCommentRows()
+    importer_rows = [(7890101, 222)]
+    commentcontent_rows = [(7890101, 'content', 'msg')]
+    comments =
+        comment_rows, commentcontent_rows, amendment_rows, attachment_rows,
+        approval_rows, importer_rows)
+    self.assertEqual(2, len(comments))
+    self.assertEqual(222, comments[0].importer_id)
+  def MockTheRestOfGetCommentsByID(self, comment_ids):
+ = Mock(
+        return_value=[
+            (cid + 5000, 'content', None) for cid in comment_ids])
+ = Mock(
+        return_value=[])
+ = Mock(
+        return_value=[])
+ = Mock(
+        return_value=[])
+ = Mock(
+        return_value=[])
+  def testGetCommentsByID_Normal(self):
+    """We can load comments by comment_ids."""
+    comment_ids = [101001, 101002, 101003]
+ = Mock(
+        return_value=[
+            (cid, cid - cid % 100,, 789, 111,
+             None, False, False, cid + 5000)
+            for cid in comment_ids])
+    self.MockTheRestOfGetCommentsByID(comment_ids)
+    comments =
+        self.cnxn, comment_ids, [0, 1, 2])
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.COMMENT_COLS,
+        id=comment_ids, shard_id=ANY)
+    self.assertEqual(3, len(comments))
+  def testGetCommentsByID_CacheReplicationLag(self):
+    self._testGetCommentsByID_ReplicationLag(True)
+  def testGetCommentsByID_NoCacheReplicationLag(self):
+    self._testGetCommentsByID_ReplicationLag(False)
+  def _testGetCommentsByID_ReplicationLag(self, use_cache):
+    """If not all comments are on the replica, we try the primary DB."""
+    comment_ids = [101001, 101002, 101003]
+    replica_comment_ids = comment_ids[:-1]
+    return_value_1 = [
+      (cid, cid - cid % 100,, 789, 111,
+       None, False, False, cid + 5000)
+      for cid in replica_comment_ids]
+    return_value_2 = [
+      (cid, cid - cid % 100,, 789, 111,
+       None, False, False, cid + 5000)
+      for cid in comment_ids]
+    return_values = [return_value_1, return_value_2]
+ = Mock(
+        side_effect=lambda *_args, **_kwargs: return_values.pop(0))
+    self.MockTheRestOfGetCommentsByID(comment_ids)
+    comments =
+        self.cnxn, comment_ids, [0, 1, 2], use_cache=use_cache)
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.COMMENT_COLS,
+        id=comment_ids, shard_id=ANY)
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.COMMENT_COLS,
+        id=comment_ids, shard_id=ANY)
+    self.assertEqual(3, len(comments))
+  def SetUpGetComments(self, issue_ids):
+    # Assumes one comment per issue.
+    cids = [issue_id + 1000 for issue_id in issue_ids]
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.COMMENT_COLS,
+        where=None, issue_id=issue_ids, order_by=[('created', [])],
+        shard_id=mox.IsA(int)).AndReturn([
+            (issue_id + 1000, issue_id,, 789, 111,
+             None, False, False, issue_id + 5000)
+            for issue_id in issue_ids])
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.COMMENTCONTENT_COLS,
+        id=[issue_id + 5000 for issue_id in issue_ids],
+        shard_id=mox.IsA(int)).AndReturn([
+        (issue_id + 5000, 'content', None) for issue_id in issue_ids])
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.ISSUEAPPROVAL2COMMENT_COLS,
+        comment_id=cids).AndReturn([
+            (23, cid) for cid in cids])
+    # Assume no amendments or attachment for now.
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.ISSUEUPDATE_COLS,
+        comment_id=cids, shard_id=mox.IsA(int)).AndReturn([])
+    attachment_rows = []
+    if issue_ids:
+      attachment_rows = [
+          (1234, issue_ids[0], cids[0], 'a_filename', 1024, 'text/plain',
+           False, None)]
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.ATTACHMENT_COLS,
+        comment_id=cids, shard_id=mox.IsA(int)).AndReturn(attachment_rows)
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.COMMENTIMPORTER_COLS,
+        comment_id=cids, shard_id=mox.IsA(int)).AndReturn([])
+  def testGetComments_Empty(self):
+    self.SetUpGetComments([])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    comments =
+        self.cnxn, issue_id=[])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(0, len(comments))
+  def testGetComments_Normal(self):
+    self.SetUpGetComments([100001, 100002])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    comments =
+        self.cnxn, issue_id=[100001, 100002])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(2, len(comments))
+    self.assertEqual('content', comments[0].content)
+    self.assertEqual('content', comments[1].content)
+    self.assertEqual(23, comments[0].approval_id)
+    self.assertEqual(23, comments[1].approval_id)
+  def SetUpGetComment_Found(self, comment_id):
+    # Assumes one comment per issue.
+    commentcontent_id = comment_id * 10
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.COMMENT_COLS,
+        where=None, id=comment_id, order_by=[('created', [])],
+        shard_id=mox.IsA(int)).AndReturn([
+            (comment_id, int(comment_id // 100),, 789, 111,
+             None, False, True, commentcontent_id)])
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.COMMENTCONTENT_COLS,
+        id=[commentcontent_id], shard_id=mox.IsA(int)).AndReturn([
+            (commentcontent_id, 'content', None)])
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.ISSUEAPPROVAL2COMMENT_COLS,
+        comment_id=[comment_id]).AndReturn([(23, comment_id)])
+    # Assume no amendments or attachment for now.
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.ISSUEUPDATE_COLS,
+        comment_id=[comment_id], shard_id=mox.IsA(int)).AndReturn([])
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.ATTACHMENT_COLS,
+        comment_id=[comment_id], shard_id=mox.IsA(int)).AndReturn([])
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.COMMENTIMPORTER_COLS,
+        comment_id=[comment_id], shard_id=mox.IsA(int)).AndReturn([])
+  def testGetComment_Found(self):
+    self.SetUpGetComment_Found(7890101)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    comment =, 7890101)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual('content', comment.content)
+    self.assertEqual(23, comment.approval_id)
+  def SetUpGetComment_Missing(self, comment_id):
+    # Assumes one comment per issue.
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.COMMENT_COLS,
+        where=None, id=comment_id, order_by=[('created', [])],
+        shard_id=mox.IsA(int)).AndReturn([])
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.COMMENTCONTENT_COLS,
+        id=[], shard_id=mox.IsA(int)).AndReturn([])
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.ISSUEAPPROVAL2COMMENT_COLS,
+        comment_id=[]).AndReturn([])
+    # Assume no amendments or attachment for now.
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.ISSUEUPDATE_COLS,
+        comment_id=[], shard_id=mox.IsA(int)).AndReturn([])
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.ATTACHMENT_COLS, comment_id=[],
+        shard_id=mox.IsA(int)).AndReturn([])
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.COMMENTIMPORTER_COLS,
+        comment_id=[], shard_id=mox.IsA(int)).AndReturn([])
+  def testGetComment_Missing(self):
+    self.SetUpGetComment_Missing(7890101)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.assertRaises(
+        exceptions.NoSuchCommentException,
+, self.cnxn, 7890101)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testGetCommentsForIssue(self):
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(789, 1, 'Summary', 'New', 111)
+    self.SetUpGetComments([issue.issue_id])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+, issue.issue_id)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testGetCommentsForIssues(self):
+    self.SetUpGetComments([100001, 100002])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+        self.cnxn, issue_ids=[100001, 100002])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def SetUpInsertComment(
+      self, comment_id, is_spam=False, is_description=False, approval_id=None,
+          content=None, amendment_rows=None, commit=True):
+    content = content or 'content'
+    commentcontent_id = comment_id * 10
+        self.cnxn, content=content,
+        inbound_message=None, commit=False).AndReturn(commentcontent_id)
+        self.cnxn, issue_id=78901,, project_id=789,
+        commenter_id=111, deleted_by=None, is_spam=is_spam,
+        is_description=is_description, commentcontent_id=commentcontent_id,
+        commit=False).AndReturn(comment_id)
+    amendment_rows = amendment_rows or []
+        self.cnxn, issue_svc.ISSUEUPDATE_COLS[1:], amendment_rows,
+        commit=False)
+    attachment_rows = []
+        self.cnxn, issue_svc.ATTACHMENT_COLS[1:], attachment_rows,
+        commit=False)
+    if approval_id:
+          self.cnxn, issue_svc.ISSUEAPPROVAL2COMMENT_COLS,
+          [(approval_id, comment_id)], commit=False)
+    if commit:
+      self.cnxn.Commit()
+  def testInsertComment(self):
+    self.SetUpInsertComment(7890101, approval_id=23)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    comment = tracker_pb2.IssueComment(
+        issue_id=78901,, project_id=789, user_id=111,
+        content='content', approval_id=23)
+, comment, commit=True)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(7890101,
+  def SetUpUpdateComment(self, comment_id, delta=None):
+    delta = delta or {
+        'commenter_id': 111,
+        'deleted_by': 222,
+        'is_spam': False,
+        }
+        self.cnxn, delta, id=comment_id)
+  def testUpdateComment(self):
+    self.SetUpUpdateComment(7890101)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    comment = tracker_pb2.IssueComment(
+        id=7890101, issue_id=78901,, project_id=789,
+        user_id=111, content='new content', deleted_by=222,
+        is_spam=False)
+, comment)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testMakeIssueComment(self):
+    comment =
+        789, 111, 'content',, approval_id=23,
+        importer_id=222)
+    self.assertEqual('content', comment.content)
+    self.assertEqual([], comment.amendments)
+    self.assertEqual([], comment.attachments)
+    self.assertEqual(comment.approval_id, 23)
+    self.assertEqual(222, comment.importer_id)
+  def testMakeIssueComment_NonAscii(self):
+    _ =
+        789, 111, 'content',,
+        inbound_message=u'sent by написа')
+  def testCreateIssueComment_Normal(self):
+    issue_1, _issue_2 = self.SetUpGetIssues()
+, 1), 78901)
+    self.SetUpInsertComment(7890101, approval_id=24)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    comment =
+        self.cnxn, issue_1, 111, 'content',, approval_id=24)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual('content', comment.content)
+  def testCreateIssueComment_EditDescription(self):
+    issue_1, _issue_2 = self.SetUpGetIssues()
+, 1), 78901)
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.ATTACHMENT_COLS, id=[123])
+    self.SetUpInsertComment(7890101, is_description=True)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    comment =
+        self.cnxn, issue_1, 111, 'content', is_description=True,
+        kept_attachments=[123],
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual('content', comment.content)
+  def testCreateIssueComment_Spam(self):
+    issue_1, _issue_2 = self.SetUpGetIssues()
+, 1), 78901)
+    self.SetUpInsertComment(7890101, is_spam=True)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    comment =
+        self.cnxn, issue_1, 111, 'content',, is_spam=True)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual('content', comment.content)
+    self.assertTrue(comment.is_spam)
+  def testSoftDeleteComment(self):
+    """Deleting a comment with an attachment marks it and updates count."""
+    issue_1, issue_2 = self.SetUpGetIssues()
+ = TestableIssueTwoLevelCache(
+        [issue_1, issue_2])
+    issue_1.attachment_count = 1
+    issue_1.assume_stale = False
+    comment = tracker_pb2.IssueComment(id=7890101)
+    comment.attachments = [tracker_pb2.Attachment()]
+, 1), 78901)
+    self.SetUpUpdateComment(
+, delta={'deleted_by': 222, 'is_spam': False})
+    self.SetUpUpdateIssues(given_delta={'attachment_count': 0})
+    self.SetUpEnqueueIssuesForIndexing([78901])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+        self.cnxn, issue_1, comment, 222,
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  ### Approvals
+  def testGetIssueApproval(self):
+    av_24 = tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(approval_id=24)
+    av_25 = tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(approval_id=25)
+    issue_1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=789, local_id=1, owner_id=111, summary='sum',
+        status='Live', issue_id=78901, approval_values=[av_24, av_25])
+    issue_1.project_name = 'proj'
+, issue_1)
+    issue, actual_approval_value =
+        self.cnxn, issue_1.issue_id, av_24.approval_id)
+    self.assertEqual(av_24, actual_approval_value)
+    self.assertEqual(issue, issue_1)
+  def testGetIssueApproval_NoSuchApproval(self):
+    issue_1 = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=789, local_id=1, owner_id=111, summary='sum',
+        status='Live', issue_id=78901)
+    issue_1.project_name = 'proj'
+, issue_1)
+    self.assertRaises(
+        exceptions.NoSuchIssueApprovalException,
+        self.cnxn, issue_1.issue_id, 24)
+  def testDeltaUpdateIssueApproval(self):
+    config =
+        self.cnxn, 789)
+    config.field_defs = [
+      tracker_pb2.FieldDef(
+        field_id=1, project_id=789, field_name='EstDays',
+        field_type=tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.INT_TYPE,
+        applicable_type=''),
+      tracker_pb2.FieldDef(
+        field_id=2, project_id=789, field_name='Tag',
+        field_type=tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.STR_TYPE,
+        applicable_type=''),
+        ]
+, config)
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=789, local_id=1, summary='summary', status='New',
+        owner_id=999, issue_id=78901, labels=['noodle-puppies'])
+    av = tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(approval_id=23)
+    final_av = tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(
+        approval_id=23, setter_id=111, set_on=1234,
+        status=tracker_pb2.ApprovalStatus.REVIEW_REQUESTED,
+        approver_ids=[222, 444])
+    labels_add = ['snakes-are']
+    label_id = 1001
+    labels_remove = ['noodle-puppies']
+    amendments = [
+        tracker_bizobj.MakeApprovalStatusAmendment(
+            tracker_pb2.ApprovalStatus.REVIEW_REQUESTED),
+        tracker_bizobj.MakeApprovalApproversAmendment([222, 444], []),
+        tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldAmendment(1, config, [4], []),
+        tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldClearedAmendment(2, config),
+        tracker_bizobj.MakeLabelsAmendment(labels_add, labels_remove)
+    ]
+    approval_delta = tracker_pb2.ApprovalDelta(
+        status=tracker_pb2.ApprovalStatus.REVIEW_REQUESTED,
+        approver_ids_add=[222, 444], set_on=1234,
+        subfield_vals_add=[
+          tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldValue(1, 4, None, None, None, None, False)
+          ],
+        labels_add=labels_add,
+        labels_remove=labels_remove,
+        subfields_clear=[2]
+    )
+ = Mock()
+ = Mock()
+ = Mock()
+ = Mock()
+ = Mock()
+ = Mock()
+ = Mock()
+ = Mock()
+ = Mock(return_value=label_id)
+    shard = issue.issue_id % settings.num_logical_shards
+    fv_rows = [(78901, 1, 4, None, None, None, None, False, None, shard)]
+    label_rows = [(78901, label_id, False, shard)]
+        self.cnxn, 111, config, issue, av, approval_delta, 'some comment',
+        attachments=[], commit=False, kept_attachments=[1, 2, 3])
+    self.assertEqual(av, final_av)
+        self.cnxn,
+        {'status': 'review_requested', 'setter_id': 111, 'set_on': 1234},
+        approval_id=23, issue_id=78901, commit=False)
+        Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+            self.cnxn, issue_id=78901, approval_id=23, commit=False)
+        InsertRows.assert_called_once_with(
+            self.cnxn, issue_svc.ISSUEAPPROVAL2APPROVER_COLS,
+            [(23, 222, 78901), (23, 444, 78901)], commit=False)
+        Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+            self.cnxn, issue_id=[78901], commit=False)
+        InsertRows.assert_called_once_with(
+            self.cnxn, issue_svc.ISSUE2FIELDVALUE_COLS + ['issue_shard'],
+            fv_rows, commit=False)
+        Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+            self.cnxn, issue_id=[78901], commit=False)
+        InsertRows.assert_called_once_with(
+            self.cnxn, issue_svc.ISSUE2LABEL_COLS + ['issue_shard'],
+            label_rows, ignore=True, commit=False)
+        self.cnxn, issue, 111, 'some comment', amendments=amendments,
+        approval_id=23, is_description=False, attachments=[], commit=False,
+        kept_attachments=[1, 2, 3])
+  def testDeltaUpdateIssueApproval_IsDescription(self):
+    config =
+        self.cnxn, 789)
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=789, local_id=1, summary='summary', status='New',
+        owner_id=999, issue_id=78901)
+    av = tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(approval_id=23)
+    approval_delta = tracker_pb2.ApprovalDelta()
+ = Mock()
+        self.cnxn, 111, config, issue, av, approval_delta, 'better response',
+        is_description=True, commit=False)
+        self.cnxn, issue, 111, 'better response', amendments=[],
+        approval_id=23, is_description=True, attachments=None, commit=False,
+        kept_attachments=None)
+  def testUpdateIssueApprovalStatus(self):
+    av = tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(approval_id=23, setter_id=111, set_on=1234)
+        self.cnxn, {'status': 'not_set', 'setter_id': 111, 'set_on': 1234},
+        approval_id=23, issue_id=78901, commit=False)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+        self.cnxn, 78901, av.approval_id, av.status,
+        av.setter_id, av.set_on)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testUpdateIssueApprovalApprovers(self):
+        self.cnxn, issue_id=78901, approval_id=23, commit=False)
+        self.cnxn, issue_svc.ISSUEAPPROVAL2APPROVER_COLS,
+        [(23, 111, 78901), (23, 222, 78901), (23, 444, 78901)], commit=False)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+        self.cnxn, 78901, 23, [111, 222, 444])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  ### Attachments
+  def testGetAttachmentAndContext(self):
+    # TODO(jrobbins): re-implemnent to use Google Cloud Storage.
+    pass
+  def SetUpUpdateAttachment(self, comment_id, attachment_id, delta):
+        self.cnxn, delta, id=attachment_id)
+        self.cnxn, [comment_id])
+  def testUpdateAttachment(self):
+    delta = {
+        'filename': 'a_filename',
+        'filesize': 1024,
+        'mimetype': 'text/plain',
+        'deleted': False,
+        }
+    self.SetUpUpdateAttachment(5678, 1234, delta)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    attach = tracker_pb2.Attachment(
+        attachment_id=1234, filename='a_filename', filesize=1024,
+        mimetype='text/plain')
+    comment = tracker_pb2.IssueComment(id=5678)
+, comment, attach)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testStoreAttachmentBlob(self):
+    # TODO(jrobbins): re-implemnent to use Google Cloud Storage.
+    pass
+  def testSoftDeleteAttachment(self):
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(789, 1, 'sum', 'New', 111, issue_id=78901)
+    issue.assume_stale = False
+    issue.attachment_count = 1
+    comment = tracker_pb2.IssueComment(
+        project_id=789, content='soon to be deleted', user_id=111,
+        issue_id=issue.issue_id)
+    attachment = tracker_pb2.Attachment(
+        attachment_id=1234)
+    comment.attachments.append(attachment)
+    self.SetUpUpdateAttachment(179901, 1234, {'deleted': True})
+    self.SetUpUpdateIssues(given_delta={'attachment_count': 0})
+    self.SetUpEnqueueIssuesForIndexing([78901])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+        self.cnxn, issue, comment, 1234,
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  ### Reindex queue
+  def SetUpEnqueueIssuesForIndexing(self, issue_ids):
+    reindex_rows = [(issue_id,) for issue_id in issue_ids]
+        self.cnxn, ['issue_id'], reindex_rows, ignore=True, commit=True)
+  def testEnqueueIssuesForIndexing(self):
+    self.SetUpEnqueueIssuesForIndexing([78901])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+, [78901])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def SetUpReindexIssues(self, issue_ids):
+        self.cnxn, order_by=[('created', [])],
+        limit=50).AndReturn([(issue_id,) for issue_id in issue_ids])
+    if issue_ids:
+      _issue_1, _issue_2 = self.SetUpGetIssues()
+          self.cnxn, issue_id=issue_ids)
+  def testReindexIssues_QueueEmpty(self):
+    self.SetUpReindexIssues([])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+, 50,
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testReindexIssues_QueueHasTwoIssues(self):
+    self.SetUpReindexIssues([78901, 78902])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+, 50,
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  ### Search functions
+  def SetUpRunIssueQuery(
+      self, rows, limit=settings.search_limit_per_shard):
+        self.cnxn, shard_id=1, distinct=True, cols=[''],
+        left_joins=[], where=[('Issue.deleted = %s', [False])], order_by=[],
+        limit=limit).AndReturn(rows)
+  def testRunIssueQuery_NoResults(self):
+    self.SetUpRunIssueQuery([])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    result_iids, capped =
+      self.cnxn, [], [], [], shard_id=1)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual([], result_iids)
+    self.assertFalse(capped)
+  def testRunIssueQuery_Normal(self):
+    self.SetUpRunIssueQuery([(1,), (11,), (21,)])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    result_iids, capped =
+      self.cnxn, [], [], [], shard_id=1)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual([1, 11, 21], result_iids)
+    self.assertFalse(capped)
+  def testRunIssueQuery_Capped(self):
+    try:
+      orig = settings.search_limit_per_shard
+      settings.search_limit_per_shard = 3
+      self.SetUpRunIssueQuery([(1,), (11,), (21,)], limit=3)
+      self.mox.ReplayAll()
+      result_iids, capped =
+        self.cnxn, [], [], [], shard_id=1)
+      self.mox.VerifyAll()
+      self.assertEqual([1, 11, 21], result_iids)
+      self.assertTrue(capped)
+    finally:
+      settings.search_limit_per_shard = orig
+  def SetUpGetIIDsByLabelIDs(self):
+        self.cnxn, shard_id=1, cols=['id'],
+        left_joins=[('Issue2Label ON = Issue2Label.issue_id', [])],
+        label_id=[123, 456], project_id=789,
+        where=[('shard = %s', [1])]
+        ).AndReturn([(1,), (2,), (3,)])
+  def testGetIIDsByLabelIDs(self):
+    self.SetUpGetIIDsByLabelIDs()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    iids =, [123, 456], 789, 1)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual([1, 2, 3], iids)
+  def testGetIIDsByLabelIDsWithEmptyLabelIds(self):
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    iids =, [], 789, 1)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual([], iids)
+  def SetUpGetIIDsByParticipant(self):
+        self.cnxn, shard_id=1, cols=['id'],
+        reporter_id=[111, 888],
+        where=[('shard = %s', [1]), ('Issue.project_id IN (%s)', [789])]
+        ).AndReturn([(1,)])
+        self.cnxn, shard_id=1, cols=['id'],
+        owner_id=[111, 888],
+        where=[('shard = %s', [1]), ('Issue.project_id IN (%s)', [789])]
+        ).AndReturn([(2,)])
+        self.cnxn, shard_id=1, cols=['id'],
+        derived_owner_id=[111, 888],
+        where=[('shard = %s', [1]), ('Issue.project_id IN (%s)', [789])]
+        ).AndReturn([(3,)])
+        self.cnxn, shard_id=1, cols=['id'],
+        left_joins=[('Issue2Cc ON Issue2Cc.issue_id =', [])],
+        cc_id=[111, 888],
+        where=[('shard = %s', [1]), ('Issue.project_id IN (%s)', [789]),
+               ('cc_id IS NOT NULL', [])]
+        ).AndReturn([(4,)])
+        self.cnxn, shard_id=1, cols=[''],
+        left_joins=[
+            ('Issue2FieldValue ON = Issue2FieldValue.issue_id', []),
+            ('FieldDef ON Issue2FieldValue.field_id =', [])],
+        user_id=[111, 888], grants_perm='View',
+        where=[('shard = %s', [1]), ('Issue.project_id IN (%s)', [789]),
+               ('user_id IS NOT NULL', [])]
+        ).AndReturn([(5,)])
+  def testGetIIDsByParticipant(self):
+    self.SetUpGetIIDsByParticipant()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    iids =
+        self.cnxn, [111, 888], [789], 1)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], iids)
+  ### Issue Dependency reranking
+  def testSortBlockedOn(self):
+    issue = self.SetUpSortBlockedOn()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    ret =
+        self.cnxn, issue, issue.blocked_on_iids)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(ret, ([78902, 78903], [20, 10]))
+  def SetUpSortBlockedOn(self):
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=789, local_id=1, owner_id=111, summary='sum',
+        status='Live', issue_id=78901)
+    issue.project_name = 'proj'
+    issue.blocked_on_iids = [78902, 78903]
+    issue.blocked_on_ranks = [20, 10]
+, issue)
+    blocked_on_rows = (
+        (78901, 78902, 'blockedon', 20), (78901, 78903, 'blockedon', 10))
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.ISSUERELATION_COLS,
+        issue_id=issue.issue_id, dst_issue_id=issue.blocked_on_iids,
+        kind='blockedon',
+        order_by=[('rank DESC', []), ('dst_issue_id', [])]).AndReturn(
+            blocked_on_rows)
+    return issue
+  def testApplyIssueRerank(self):
+    blocker_ids = [78902, 78903]
+    relations_to_change = list(zip(blocker_ids, [20, 10]))
+        self.cnxn, issue_id=78901, dst_issue_id=blocker_ids, commit=False)
+    insert_rows = [(78901, blocker_id, 'blockedon', rank)
+                   for blocker_id, rank in relations_to_change]
+        self.cnxn, cols=issue_svc.ISSUERELATION_COLS, row_values=insert_rows,
+        commit=True)
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(, "InvalidateIIDs")
+, [78901])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+, 78901, relations_to_change)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testExpungeUsersInIssues(self):
+    comment_id_rows = [(12, 78901, 112), (13, 78902, 113)]
+    comment_ids = [12, 13]
+    content_ids = [112, 113]
+ = Mock(
+        return_value=comment_id_rows)
+ = Mock()
+ = Mock()
+    fv_issue_id_rows = [(78902,), (78903,), (78904,)]
+ = Mock(
+        return_value=fv_issue_id_rows)
+ = Mock()
+ = Mock()
+ = Mock()
+ = Mock()
+ = Mock()
+    cc_issue_id_rows = [(78904,), (78905,), (78906,)]
+ = Mock(
+        return_value=cc_issue_id_rows)
+ = Mock()
+    owner_issue_id_rows = [(78907,), (78908,), (78909,)]
+    derived_owner_issue_id_rows = [(78910,), (78911,), (78912,)]
+    reporter_issue_id_rows = [(78912,), (78913,)]
+ = Mock(
+        side_effect=[owner_issue_id_rows, derived_owner_issue_id_rows,
+                     reporter_issue_id_rows])
+ = Mock()
+ = Mock()
+ = Mock()
+    emails = ['', '', '']
+    user_ids = [222, 888, 444]
+    user_ids_by_email = {
+        email: user_id for user_id, email in zip(user_ids, emails)}
+    commit = False
+    limit = 50
+    affected_user_ids =
+        self.cnxn, user_ids_by_email, limit=limit)
+    self.assertItemsEqual(
+        affected_user_ids,
+        [78901, 78902, 78903, 78904, 78905, 78906, 78907, 78908, 78909,
+         78910, 78911, 78912, 78913])
+    _cnxn, kwargs =
+    self.assertEqual(
+        kwargs['cols'], ['', 'Comment.issue_id', 'commentcontent_id'])
+    self.assertItemsEqual(kwargs['commenter_id'], user_ids)
+    self.assertEqual(kwargs['limit'], limit)
+    # since user_ids are passed to ExpungeUsersInIssues via a dictionary,
+    # we cannot know the order of the user_ids list that the method
+    # ends up using. To be able to use assert_called_with()
+    # rather than extract call_args, we are saving the order of user_ids
+    # used by the method after confirming that it has the correct items.
+    user_ids = kwargs['commenter_id']
+        self.cnxn, {'inbound_message': None}, id=content_ids, commit=commit)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        len(, 2)
+        self.cnxn, {'commenter_id': framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID},
+        id=comment_ids, commit=False)
+        self.cnxn, {'deleted_by': framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID},
+        deleted_by=user_ids, commit=False, limit=limit)
+    # field values
+        self.cnxn, cols=['issue_id'], user_id=user_ids, limit=limit)
+        self.cnxn, user_id=user_ids, limit=limit, commit=commit)
+    # approval values
+        self.cnxn, approver_id=user_ids, commit=commit, limit=limit)
+        self.cnxn, {'setter_id': framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID},
+        setter_id=user_ids, commit=commit, limit=limit)
+    # issue ccs
+        self.cnxn, cols=['issue_id'], cc_id=user_ids, limit=limit)
+        self.cnxn, cc_id=user_ids, limit=limit, commit=commit)
+    # issue owners
+        self.cnxn, cols=['id'], owner_id=user_ids, limit=limit)
+        self.cnxn, {'owner_id': None},
+        id=[row[0] for row in owner_issue_id_rows], commit=commit)
+        self.cnxn, cols=['id'], derived_owner_id=user_ids, limit=limit)
+        self.cnxn, {'derived_owner_id': None},
+        id=[row[0] for row in derived_owner_issue_id_rows], commit=commit)
+    # issue reporter
+        self.cnxn, cols=['id'], reporter_id=user_ids, limit=limit)
+        self.cnxn, {'reporter_id': framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID},
+        id=[row[0] for row in reporter_issue_id_rows], commit=commit)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        3, len(
+    # issue updates
+        self.cnxn, {'added_user_id': framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID},
+        added_user_id=user_ids, commit=commit)
+        self.cnxn, {'removed_user_id': framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID},
+        removed_user_id=user_ids, commit=commit)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        2, len(
+    # issue notify
+    call_args_list =
+    self.assertEqual(1, len(call_args_list))
+    _cnxn, kwargs = call_args_list[0]
+    self.assertItemsEqual(kwargs['email'], emails)
+    self.assertEqual(kwargs['commit'], commit)
+    # issue snapshots
+        self.cnxn, {'owner_id': framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID},
+        owner_id=user_ids, commit=commit, limit=limit)
+        self.cnxn, {'reporter_id': framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID},
+        reporter_id=user_ids, commit=commit, limit=limit)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        2, len(
+        self.cnxn, cc_id=user_ids, commit=commit, limit=limit)
diff --git a/services/test/ b/services/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45a29cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+# coding=utf-8
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import io
+import unittest
+from services import ml_helpers
+TOP_WORDS = {'cat': 0, 'dog': 1, 'bunny': 2, 'chinchilla': 3, 'hamster': 4}
+class MLHelpersTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def testSpamHashFeatures(self):
+    hashes = ml_helpers._SpamHashFeatures(tuple(), NUM_WORD_HASHES)
+    self.assertEqual([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], hashes)
+    hashes = ml_helpers._SpamHashFeatures(('', ''), NUM_WORD_HASHES)
+    self.assertEqual([1.0, 0, 0, 0, 0], hashes)
+    hashes = ml_helpers._SpamHashFeatures(('abc', 'abc def'), NUM_WORD_HASHES)
+    self.assertEqual([0, 0, 2 / 3, 0, 1 / 3], hashes)
+  def testComponentFeatures(self):
+    features = ml_helpers._ComponentFeatures(['cat dog is not bunny'
+                                              ' chinchilla hamster'],
+                                             NUM_COMPONENT_FEATURES,
+                                             TOP_WORDS)
+    self.assertEqual([1, 1, 1, 1, 1], features)
+    features = ml_helpers._ComponentFeatures(['none of these are features'],
+                                             NUM_COMPONENT_FEATURES,
+                                             TOP_WORDS)
+    self.assertEqual([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], features)
+    features = ml_helpers._ComponentFeatures(['do hamsters look like a'
+                                             ' chinchilla'],
+                                             NUM_COMPONENT_FEATURES,
+                                             TOP_WORDS)
+    self.assertEqual([0, 0, 0, 1, 0], features)
+    features = ml_helpers._ComponentFeatures([''],
+                                             NUM_COMPONENT_FEATURES,
+                                             TOP_WORDS)
+    self.assertEqual([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], features)
+  def testGenerateFeaturesRaw(self):
+    features = ml_helpers.GenerateFeaturesRaw(
+        ['abc', 'abc def'],
+    self.assertEqual(
+        [1 / 2.75, 0.0, 1 / 5.5, 0.0, 1 / 2.2], features['word_hashes'])
+    features = ml_helpers.GenerateFeaturesRaw(['abc', 'abc def'],
+    self.assertEqual([0.0, 0.0, 2 / 3, 0.0, 1 / 3], features['word_hashes'])
+    features = ml_helpers.GenerateFeaturesRaw(['do hamsters look like a'
+                                               ' chinchilla'],
+                                              NUM_COMPONENT_FEATURES,
+                                              TOP_WORDS)
+    self.assertEqual([0, 0, 0, 1, 0], features['word_features'])
+    # BMP Unicode
+    features = ml_helpers.GenerateFeaturesRaw(
+        [u'abc’', u'abc ’ def'], NUM_WORD_HASHES)
+    self.assertEqual([0.0, 0.0, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5], features['word_hashes'])
+    # Non-BMP Unicode
+    features = ml_helpers.GenerateFeaturesRaw([u'abc國', u'abc 國 def'],
+    self.assertEqual([0.0, 0.0, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5], features['word_hashes'])
+    # A non-unicode bytestring containing unicode characters
+    features = ml_helpers.GenerateFeaturesRaw(['abc…', 'abc … def'],
+    self.assertEqual([0.25, 0.0, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25], features['word_hashes'])
+    # Empty input
+    features = ml_helpers.GenerateFeaturesRaw(['', ''], NUM_WORD_HASHES)
+    self.assertEqual([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], features['word_hashes'])
+  def test_from_file(self):
+    csv_file = io.StringIO(
+        u'''
+      "spam","the subject 1","the contents 1",""
+      "ham","the subject 2"
+      "spam","the subject 3","the contents 2",""
+    '''.strip())
+    samples, skipped = ml_helpers.spam_from_file(csv_file)
+    self.assertEqual(len(samples), 2)
+    self.assertEqual(skipped, 1)
+    self.assertEqual(len(samples[1]), 3, 'Strips email')
+    self.assertEqual(samples[1][2], 'the contents 2')
+  def test_transform_csv_to_features(self):
+    training_data = [
+      ['spam', 'subject 1', 'contents 1'],
+      ['ham', 'subject 2', 'contents 2'],
+      ['spam', 'subject 3', 'contents 3'],
+    ]
+    X, y = ml_helpers.transform_spam_csv_to_features(training_data)
+    self.assertIsInstance(X, list)
+    self.assertIsInstance(X[0], dict)
+    self.assertIsInstance(y, list)
+    self.assertEqual(len(X), 3)
+    self.assertEqual(len(y), 3)
+    self.assertEqual(len(X[0]['word_hashes']), 500)
+    self.assertEqual(y, [1, 0, 1])
diff --git a/services/test/ b/services/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2eb7a2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Tests for the project_svc module."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import time
+import unittest
+import mox
+import mock
+from google.appengine.ext import testbed
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import sql
+from proto import project_pb2
+from proto import user_pb2
+from services import config_svc
+from services import project_svc
+from testing import fake
+NOW = 12345678
+def MakeProjectService(cache_manager, my_mox):
+  project_service = project_svc.ProjectService(cache_manager)
+  project_service.project_tbl = my_mox.CreateMock(sql.SQLTableManager)
+  project_service.user2project_tbl = my_mox.CreateMock(sql.SQLTableManager)
+  project_service.extraperm_tbl = my_mox.CreateMock(sql.SQLTableManager)
+  project_service.membernotes_tbl = my_mox.CreateMock(sql.SQLTableManager)
+  project_service.usergroupprojects_tbl = my_mox.CreateMock(
+      sql.SQLTableManager)
+  project_service.acexclusion_tbl = my_mox.CreateMock(
+      sql.SQLTableManager)
+  return project_service
+class ProjectTwoLevelCacheTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.testbed = testbed.Testbed()
+    self.testbed.activate()
+    self.testbed.init_memcache_stub()
+    self.mox = mox.Mox()
+    self.cnxn = self.mox.CreateMock(sql.MonorailConnection)
+    self.cache_manager = fake.CacheManager()
+    self.project_service = MakeProjectService(self.cache_manager, self.mox)
+  def tearDown(self):
+    self.testbed.deactivate()
+  def testDeserializeProjects(self):
+    project_rows = [
+        (
+            123, 'proj1', 'test proj 1', 'test project', 'live', 'anyone', '',
+            '', None, '', 0, 50 * 1024 * 1024, NOW, NOW, None, True, False,
+            False, None, None, None, None, None, None, False),
+        (
+            234, 'proj2', 'test proj 2', 'test project', 'live', 'anyone', '',
+            '', None, '', 0, 50 * 1024 * 1024, NOW, NOW, None, True, False,
+            False, None, None, None, None, None, None, True)
+    ]
+    role_rows = [
+        (123, 111, 'owner'), (123, 444, 'owner'),
+        (123, 222, 'committer'),
+        (123, 333, 'contributor'),
+        (234, 111, 'owner')]
+    extraperm_rows = []
+    project_dict = self.project_service.project_2lc._DeserializeProjects(
+        project_rows, role_rows, extraperm_rows)
+    self.assertItemsEqual([123, 234], list(project_dict.keys()))
+    self.assertEqual(123, project_dict[123].project_id)
+    self.assertEqual('proj1', project_dict[123].project_name)
+    self.assertEqual(NOW, project_dict[123].recent_activity)
+    self.assertItemsEqual([111, 444], project_dict[123].owner_ids)
+    self.assertItemsEqual([222], project_dict[123].committer_ids)
+    self.assertItemsEqual([333], project_dict[123].contributor_ids)
+    self.assertEqual(234, project_dict[234].project_id)
+    self.assertItemsEqual([111], project_dict[234].owner_ids)
+    self.assertEqual(False, project_dict[123].issue_notify_always_detailed)
+    self.assertEqual(True, project_dict[234].issue_notify_always_detailed)
+class UserToProjectIdTwoLevelCacheTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.testbed = testbed.Testbed()
+    self.testbed.activate()
+    self.testbed.init_memcache_stub()
+    self.cnxn = fake.MonorailConnection()
+    self.cache_manager = fake.CacheManager()
+    self.mox = mox.Mox()
+    self.project_service = MakeProjectService(self.cache_manager, self.mox)
+    self.user_to_project_2lc = self.project_service.user_to_project_2lc
+    # Set up DB query mocks.
+    self.cached_user_ids = [100, 101]
+    self.from_db_user_ids = [102, 103]
+    test_table = [
+        (900, self.cached_user_ids[0]),  # Project 900, User 100
+        (900, self.cached_user_ids[1]),  # Project 900, User 101
+        (901, self.cached_user_ids[0]),  # Project 901, User 101
+        (902, self.from_db_user_ids[0]),  # Project 902, User 102
+        (902, self.from_db_user_ids[1]),  # Project 902, User 103
+        (903, self.from_db_user_ids[0]),  # Project 903, User 102
+    ]
+    self.project_service.user2project_tbl.Select = mock.Mock(
+        return_value=test_table)
+  def tearDown(self):
+    # memcache.flush_all()
+    self.testbed.deactivate()
+    self.mox.UnsetStubs()
+    self.mox.ResetAll()
+  def testGetAll(self):
+    # Cache user 100 and 101.
+    self.user_to_project_2lc.CacheItem(self.cached_user_ids[0], set([900, 901]))
+    self.user_to_project_2lc.CacheItem(self.cached_user_ids[1], set([900]))
+    # Test that other project_ids and user_ids get returned by DB queries.
+    first_hit, first_misses = self.user_to_project_2lc.GetAll(
+        self.cnxn, self.cached_user_ids + self.from_db_user_ids)
+    self.project_service.user2project_tbl.Select.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['project_id', 'user_id'])
+    self.assertEqual(
+        first_hit, {
+            100: set([900, 901]),
+            101: set([900]),
+            102: set([902, 903]),
+            103: set([902]),
+        })
+    self.assertEqual([], first_misses)
+  def testGetAllRateLimit(self):
+    test_now = time.time()
+    # Initial request that queries table.
+    self.user_to_project_2lc._GetCurrentTime = mock.Mock(
+        return_value=test_now + 60)
+    self.user_to_project_2lc.GetAll(
+        self.cnxn, self.cached_user_ids + self.from_db_user_ids)
+    # Request a user with no projects right after the last request.
+    self.user_to_project_2lc._GetCurrentTime = mock.Mock(
+        return_value=test_now + 61)
+    second_hit, second_misses = self.user_to_project_2lc.GetAll(
+        self.cnxn, [104])
+    # Request one more user without project that should make a DB request
+    # because the required rate limit time has passed.
+    self.user_to_project_2lc._GetCurrentTime = mock.Mock(
+        return_value=test_now + 121)
+    third_hit, third_misses = self.user_to_project_2lc.GetAll(self.cnxn, [105])
+    # Queried only twice because the second request was rate limited.
+    self.assertEqual(self.project_service.user2project_tbl.Select.call_count, 2)
+    # Rate limited response will not return the full table.
+    self.assertEqual(second_hit, {
+        104: set([]),
+    })
+    self.assertEqual([], second_misses)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        third_hit, {
+            100: set([900, 901]),
+            101: set([900]),
+            102: set([902, 903]),
+            103: set([902]),
+            105: set([]),
+        })
+    self.assertEqual([], third_misses)
+class ProjectServiceTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.testbed = testbed.Testbed()
+    self.testbed.activate()
+    self.testbed.init_memcache_stub()
+    self.mox = mox.Mox()
+    self.cnxn = self.mox.CreateMock(sql.MonorailConnection)
+    self.cache_manager = fake.CacheManager()
+    self.config_service = self.mox.CreateMock(config_svc.ConfigService)
+    self.project_service = MakeProjectService(self.cache_manager, self.mox)
+    self.proj1 = fake.Project(project_name='proj1', project_id=123)
+    self.proj2 = fake.Project(project_name='proj2', project_id=234)
+  def tearDown(self):
+    self.testbed.deactivate()
+    self.mox.UnsetStubs()
+    self.mox.ResetAll()
+  def SetUpCreateProject(self):
+    # Check for existing project: there should be none.
+    self.project_service.project_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['project_name', 'project_id'],
+        project_name=['proj1']).AndReturn([])
+    # Inserting the project gives the project ID.
+    self.project_service.project_tbl.InsertRow(
+        self.cnxn, project_name='proj1',
+        summary='Test project summary', description='Test project description',
+        home_page=None, docs_url=None, source_url=None,
+        logo_file_name=None, logo_gcs_id=None,
+        state='LIVE', access='ANYONE').AndReturn(123)
+    # Insert the users.  There are none.
+    self.project_service.user2project_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn, ['project_id', 'user_id', 'role_name'], [])
+  def testCreateProject(self):
+    self.SetUpCreateProject()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.project_service.CreateProject(
+        self.cnxn, 'proj1', owner_ids=[], committer_ids=[], contributor_ids=[],
+        summary='Test project summary', description='Test project description')
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def SetUpLookupProjectIDs(self):
+    self.project_service.project_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['project_name', 'project_id'],
+        project_name=['proj2']).AndReturn([('proj2', 234)])
+  def testLookupProjectIDs(self):
+    self.SetUpLookupProjectIDs()
+    self.project_service.project_names_to_ids.CacheItem('proj1', 123)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    id_dict = self.project_service.LookupProjectIDs(
+        self.cnxn, ['proj1', 'proj2'])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual({'proj1': 123, 'proj2': 234}, id_dict)
+  def testLookupProjectNames(self):
+    self.SetUpGetProjects()  # Same as testGetProjects()
+    self.project_service.project_2lc.CacheItem(123, self.proj1)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    name_dict = self.project_service.LookupProjectNames(
+        self.cnxn, [123, 234])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual({123: 'proj1', 234: 'proj2'}, name_dict)
+  def SetUpGetProjects(self, roles=None, extra_perms=None):
+    project_rows = [
+        (
+            234, 'proj2', 'test proj 2', 'test project', 'live', 'anyone', '',
+            '', None, '', 0, 50 * 1024 * 1024, NOW, NOW, None, True, False,
+            False, None, None, None, None, None, None, False)
+    ]
+    self.project_service.project_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=project_svc.PROJECT_COLS,
+        project_id=[234]).AndReturn(project_rows)
+    self.project_service.user2project_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['project_id', 'user_id', 'role_name'],
+        project_id=[234]).AndReturn(roles or [])
+    self.project_service.extraperm_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=project_svc.EXTRAPERM_COLS,
+        project_id=[234]).AndReturn(extra_perms or [])
+  def testGetProjects(self):
+    self.project_service.project_2lc.CacheItem(123, self.proj1)
+    self.SetUpGetProjects()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    project_dict = self.project_service.GetProjects(
+        self.cnxn, [123, 234])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual([123, 234], list(project_dict.keys()))
+    self.assertEqual('proj1', project_dict[123].project_name)
+    self.assertEqual('proj2', project_dict[234].project_name)
+  def testGetProjects_ExtraPerms(self):
+    self.SetUpGetProjects(extra_perms=[(234, 222, 'BarPerm'),
+                                       (234, 111, 'FooPerm')])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    project_dict = self.project_service.GetProjects(self.cnxn, [234])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual([234], list(project_dict.keys()))
+    self.assertEqual(
+        [project_pb2.Project.ExtraPerms(
+             member_id=111, perms=['FooPerm']),
+         project_pb2.Project.ExtraPerms(
+             member_id=222, perms=['BarPerm'])],
+        project_dict[234].extra_perms)
+  def testGetVisibleLiveProjects_AnyoneAccessWithUser(self):
+    project_rows = [
+        (
+            234, 'proj2', 'test proj 2', 'test project', 'live', 'anyone', '',
+            '', None, '', 0, 50 * 1024 * 1024, NOW, NOW, None, True, False,
+            False, None, None, None, False)
+    ]
+    self.project_service.project_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['project_id'],
+        state=project_pb2.ProjectState.LIVE).AndReturn(project_rows)
+    self.SetUpGetProjects()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    user_a = user_pb2.User(email='')
+    project_ids = self.project_service.GetVisibleLiveProjects(
+        self.cnxn, user_a, set([111]))
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual([234], project_ids)
+  def testGetVisibleLiveProjects_AnyoneAccessWithAnon(self):
+    project_rows = [
+        (
+            234, 'proj2', 'test proj 2', 'test project', 'live', 'anyone', '',
+            '', None, '', 0, 50 * 1024 * 1024, NOW, NOW, None, True, False,
+            False, None, None, None, None, None, None, False)
+    ]
+    self.project_service.project_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['project_id'],
+        state=project_pb2.ProjectState.LIVE).AndReturn(project_rows)
+    self.SetUpGetProjects()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    project_ids = self.project_service.GetVisibleLiveProjects(
+        self.cnxn, None, None)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual([234], project_ids)
+  def testGetVisibleLiveProjects_RestrictedAccessWithMember(self):
+    project_rows = [
+        (
+            234, 'proj2', 'test proj 2', 'test project', 'live', 'members_only',
+            '', '', None, '', 0, 50 * 1024 * 1024, NOW, NOW, None, True, False,
+            False, False, None, None, None, None, None, None, False)
+    ]
+    self.proj2.access = project_pb2.ProjectAccess.MEMBERS_ONLY
+    self.proj2.contributor_ids.append(111)
+    self.project_service.project_2lc.CacheItem(234, self.proj2)
+    self.project_service.project_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['project_id'],
+        state=project_pb2.ProjectState.LIVE).AndReturn(project_rows)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    user_a = user_pb2.User(email='')
+    project_ids = self.project_service.GetVisibleLiveProjects(
+        self.cnxn, user_a, set([111]))
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual([234], project_ids)
+  def testGetVisibleLiveProjects_RestrictedAccessWithNonMember(self):
+    project_rows = [
+        (
+            234, 'proj2', 'test proj 2', 'test project', 'live', 'members_only',
+            '', '', None, '', 0, 50 * 1024 * 1024, NOW, NOW, None, True, False,
+            False, None, None, None, None, None, None, False)
+    ]
+    self.proj2.access = project_pb2.ProjectAccess.MEMBERS_ONLY
+    self.project_service.project_2lc.CacheItem(234, self.proj2)
+    self.project_service.project_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['project_id'],
+        state=project_pb2.ProjectState.LIVE).AndReturn(project_rows)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    user_a = user_pb2.User(email='')
+    project_ids = self.project_service.GetVisibleLiveProjects(
+        self.cnxn, user_a, set([111]))
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual([], project_ids)
+  def testGetVisibleLiveProjects_RestrictedAccessWithAnon(self):
+    project_rows = [
+        (
+            234, 'proj2', 'test proj 2', 'test project', 'live', 'members_only',
+            '', '', None, '', 0, 50 * 1024 * 1024, NOW, NOW, None, True, False,
+            False, None, None, None, None, None, None, False)
+    ]
+    self.proj2.access = project_pb2.ProjectAccess.MEMBERS_ONLY
+    self.project_service.project_2lc.CacheItem(234, self.proj2)
+    self.project_service.project_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['project_id'],
+        state=project_pb2.ProjectState.LIVE).AndReturn(project_rows)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    project_ids = self.project_service.GetVisibleLiveProjects(
+        self.cnxn, None, None)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual([], project_ids)
+  def testGetVisibleLiveProjects_RestrictedAccessWithSiteAdmin(self):
+    project_rows = [
+        (
+            234, 'proj2', 'test proj 2', 'test project', 'live', 'members_only',
+            '', '', None, '', 0, 50 * 1024 * 1024, NOW, NOW, None, True, False,
+            False, None, None, None, None, None, None, False)
+    ]
+    self.proj2.access = project_pb2.ProjectAccess.MEMBERS_ONLY
+    self.project_service.project_2lc.CacheItem(234, self.proj2)
+    self.project_service.project_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['project_id'],
+        state=project_pb2.ProjectState.LIVE).AndReturn(project_rows)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    user_a = user_pb2.User(email='')
+    user_a.is_site_admin = True
+    project_ids = self.project_service.GetVisibleLiveProjects(
+        self.cnxn, user_a, set([111]))
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual([234], project_ids)
+  def testGetVisibleLiveProjects_ArchivedProject(self):
+    project_rows = [
+        (
+            234, 'proj2', 'test proj 2', 'test project', 'archived', 'anyone',
+            '', '', None, '', 0, 50 * 1024 * 1024, NOW, NOW, None, True, False,
+            False, None, None, None, None, None, None, False)
+    ]
+    self.proj2.state = project_pb2.ProjectState.ARCHIVED
+    self.project_service.project_2lc.CacheItem(234, self.proj2)
+    self.project_service.project_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['project_id'],
+        state=project_pb2.ProjectState.LIVE).AndReturn(project_rows)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    user_a = user_pb2.User(email='')
+    project_ids = self.project_service.GetVisibleLiveProjects(
+        self.cnxn, user_a, set([111]))
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual([], project_ids)
+  def testGetProjectsByName(self):
+    self.project_service.project_names_to_ids.CacheItem('proj1', 123)
+    self.project_service.project_2lc.CacheItem(123, self.proj1)
+    self.SetUpLookupProjectIDs()
+    self.SetUpGetProjects()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    project_dict = self.project_service.GetProjectsByName(
+        self.cnxn, ['proj1', 'proj2'])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual(['proj1', 'proj2'], list(project_dict.keys()))
+    self.assertEqual(123, project_dict['proj1'].project_id)
+    self.assertEqual(234, project_dict['proj2'].project_id)
+  def SetUpExpungeProject(self):
+    self.project_service.user2project_tbl.Delete(
+        self.cnxn, project_id=234)
+    self.project_service.usergroupprojects_tbl.Delete(
+        self.cnxn, project_id=234)
+    self.project_service.extraperm_tbl.Delete(
+        self.cnxn, project_id=234)
+    self.project_service.membernotes_tbl.Delete(
+        self.cnxn, project_id=234)
+    self.project_service.acexclusion_tbl.Delete(
+        self.cnxn, project_id=234)
+    self.project_service.project_tbl.Delete(
+        self.cnxn, project_id=234)
+  def testExpungeProject(self):
+    self.SetUpExpungeProject()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.project_service.ExpungeProject(self.cnxn, 234)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def SetUpUpdateProject(self, project_id, delta):
+    self.project_service.project_tbl.SelectValue(
+        self.cnxn, 'project_name', project_id=project_id).AndReturn('projN')
+    self.project_service.project_tbl.Update(
+        self.cnxn, delta, project_id=project_id, commit=False)
+    self.cnxn.Commit()
+  def testUpdateProject(self):
+    delta = {'summary': 'An even better one-line summary'}
+    self.SetUpUpdateProject(234, delta)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.project_service.UpdateProject(
+        self.cnxn, 234, summary='An even better one-line summary')
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testUpdateProject_NotifyAlwaysDetailed(self):
+    delta = {'issue_notify_always_detailed': True}
+    self.SetUpUpdateProject(234, delta)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.project_service.UpdateProject(
+        self.cnxn, 234, issue_notify_always_detailed=True)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def SetUpUpdateProjectRoles(
+      self, project_id, owner_ids, committer_ids, contributor_ids):
+    self.project_service.project_tbl.SelectValue(
+        self.cnxn, 'project_name', project_id=project_id).AndReturn('projN')
+    self.project_service.project_tbl.Update(
+        self.cnxn, {'cached_content_timestamp': NOW}, project_id=project_id,
+        commit=False)
+    self.project_service.user2project_tbl.Delete(
+        self.cnxn, project_id=project_id, role_name='owner', commit=False)
+    self.project_service.user2project_tbl.Delete(
+        self.cnxn, project_id=project_id, role_name='committer', commit=False)
+    self.project_service.user2project_tbl.Delete(
+        self.cnxn, project_id=project_id, role_name='contributor',
+        commit=False)
+    self.project_service.user2project_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn, ['project_id', 'user_id', 'role_name'],
+        [(project_id, user_id, 'owner') for user_id in owner_ids],
+        commit=False)
+    self.project_service.user2project_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn, ['project_id', 'user_id', 'role_name'],
+        [(project_id, user_id, 'committer') for user_id in committer_ids],
+        commit=False)
+    self.project_service.user2project_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn, ['project_id', 'user_id', 'role_name'],
+        [(project_id, user_id, 'contributor') for user_id in contributor_ids],
+        commit=False)
+    self.cnxn.Commit()
+  def testUpdateProjectRoles(self):
+    self.SetUpUpdateProjectRoles(234, [111, 222], [333], [])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.project_service.UpdateProjectRoles(
+        self.cnxn, 234, [111, 222], [333], [], now=NOW)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def SetUpMarkProjectDeletable(self):
+    delta = {
+        'project_name': 'DELETABLE_123',
+        'state': 'deletable',
+        }
+    self.project_service.project_tbl.Update(self.cnxn, delta, project_id=123)
+    self.config_service.InvalidateMemcacheForEntireProject(123)
+  def testMarkProjectDeletable(self):
+    self.SetUpMarkProjectDeletable()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.project_service.MarkProjectDeletable(
+        self.cnxn, 123, self.config_service)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testUpdateRecentActivity_SignificantlyLaterActivity(self):
+    activity_time = NOW + framework_constants.SECS_PER_HOUR * 3
+    delta = {'recent_activity_timestamp': activity_time}
+    self.SetUpGetProjects()
+    self.SetUpUpdateProject(234, delta)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.project_service.UpdateRecentActivity(self.cnxn, 234, now=activity_time)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testUpdateRecentActivity_NotSignificant(self):
+    activity_time = NOW + 123
+    self.SetUpGetProjects()
+    # ProjectUpdate is not called.
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.project_service.UpdateRecentActivity(self.cnxn, 234, now=activity_time)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def SetUpGetUserRolesInAllProjects(self):
+    rows = [
+        (123, 'committer'),
+        (234, 'owner'),
+        ]
+    self.project_service.user2project_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['project_id', 'role_name'],
+        user_id={111, 888}).AndReturn(rows)
+  def testGetUserRolesInAllProjects(self):
+    self.SetUpGetUserRolesInAllProjects()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    actual = self.project_service.GetUserRolesInAllProjects(
+        self.cnxn, {111, 888})
+    owned_project_ids, membered_project_ids, contrib_project_ids = actual
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual([234], owned_project_ids)
+    self.assertItemsEqual([123], membered_project_ids)
+    self.assertItemsEqual([], contrib_project_ids)
+  def testGetUserRolesInAllProjectsWithoutEffectiveIds(self):
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    actual = self.project_service.GetUserRolesInAllProjects(self.cnxn, {})
+    owned_project_ids, membered_project_ids, contrib_project_ids = actual
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual([], owned_project_ids)
+    self.assertItemsEqual([], membered_project_ids)
+    self.assertItemsEqual([], contrib_project_ids)
+  def SetUpUpdateExtraPerms(self):
+    self.project_service.extraperm_tbl.Delete(
+        self.cnxn, project_id=234, user_id=111, commit=False)
+    self.project_service.extraperm_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn, project_svc.EXTRAPERM_COLS,
+        [(234, 111, 'SecurityTeam')], commit=False)
+    self.project_service.project_tbl.Update(
+        self.cnxn, {'cached_content_timestamp': NOW},
+        project_id=234, commit=False)
+    self.cnxn.Commit()
+  def testUpdateExtraPerms(self):
+    self.SetUpGetProjects(roles=[(234, 111, 'owner')])
+    self.SetUpUpdateExtraPerms()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.project_service.UpdateExtraPerms(
+        self.cnxn, 234, 111, ['SecurityTeam'], now=NOW)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testExpungeUsersInProjects(self):
+    self.project_service.extraperm_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    self.project_service.acexclusion_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    self.project_service.membernotes_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    self.project_service.user2project_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    user_ids = [111, 222]
+    limit= 16
+    self.project_service.ExpungeUsersInProjects(
+        self.cnxn, user_ids, limit=limit)
+    call = [, user_id=user_ids, limit=limit, commit=False)]
+    self.project_service.extraperm_tbl.Delete.assert_has_calls(call)
+    self.project_service.acexclusion_tbl.Delete.assert_has_calls(call)
+    self.project_service.membernotes_tbl.Delete.assert_has_calls(call)
+    self.project_service.user2project_tbl.Delete.assert_has_calls(call)
diff --git a/services/test/ b/services/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33c8706
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Tests for the service_manager module."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import unittest
+from features import autolink
+from services import cachemanager_svc
+from services import config_svc
+from services import features_svc
+from services import issue_svc
+from services import service_manager
+from services import project_svc
+from services import star_svc
+from services import user_svc
+from services import usergroup_svc
+class ServiceManagerTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def testSetUpServices(self):
+    svcs = service_manager.set_up_services()
+    self.assertIsInstance(svcs, service_manager.Services)
+    self.assertIsInstance(svcs.autolink, autolink.Autolink)
+    self.assertIsInstance(svcs.cache_manager, cachemanager_svc.CacheManager)
+    self.assertIsInstance(svcs.user, user_svc.UserService)
+    self.assertIsInstance(svcs.user_star, star_svc.UserStarService)
+    self.assertIsInstance(svcs.project_star, star_svc.ProjectStarService)
+    self.assertIsInstance(svcs.issue_star, star_svc.IssueStarService)
+    self.assertIsInstance(svcs.project, project_svc.ProjectService)
+    self.assertIsInstance(svcs.usergroup, usergroup_svc.UserGroupService)
+    self.assertIsInstance(svcs.config, config_svc.ConfigService)
+    self.assertIsInstance(svcs.issue, issue_svc.IssueService)
+    self.assertIsInstance(svcs.features, features_svc.FeaturesService)
+    # Calling it again should give the same object
+    svcs2 = service_manager.set_up_services()
+    self.assertTrue(svcs is svcs2)
diff --git a/services/test/ b/services/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3aeba13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Tests for the spam service."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import mock
+import unittest
+import mox
+from google.appengine.ext import testbed
+import settings
+from framework import sql
+from framework import framework_constants
+from proto import user_pb2
+from proto import tracker_pb2
+from services import spam_svc
+from testing import fake
+from mock import Mock
+def assert_unreached():
+  raise Exception('This code should not have been called.')  # pragma: no cover
+class SpamServiceTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.testbed = testbed.Testbed()
+    self.testbed.activate()
+    self.mox = mox.Mox()
+    self.mock_report_tbl = self.mox.CreateMock(sql.SQLTableManager)
+    self.mock_verdict_tbl = self.mox.CreateMock(sql.SQLTableManager)
+    self.mock_issue_tbl = self.mox.CreateMock(sql.SQLTableManager)
+    self.cnxn = self.mox.CreateMock(sql.MonorailConnection)
+    self.issue_service = fake.IssueService()
+    self.spam_service = spam_svc.SpamService()
+    self.spam_service.report_tbl = self.mock_report_tbl
+    self.spam_service.verdict_tbl = self.mock_verdict_tbl
+    self.spam_service.issue_tbl = self.mock_issue_tbl
+    self.spam_service.report_tbl.Delete = Mock()
+    self.spam_service.verdict_tbl.Delete = Mock()
+  def tearDown(self):
+    self.testbed.deactivate()
+    self.mox.UnsetStubs()
+    self.mox.ResetAll()
+  def testLookupIssuesFlaggers(self):
+    self.mock_report_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['issue_id', 'user_id', 'comment_id'],
+        issue_id=[234, 567, 890]).AndReturn([
+            [234, 111, None],
+            [234, 222, 1],
+            [567, 333, None]])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    reporters = (
+        self.spam_service.LookupIssuesFlaggers(self.cnxn, [234, 567, 890]))
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual({
+        234: ([111], {1: [222]}),
+        567: ([333], {}),
+    }, reporters)
+  def testLookupIssueFlaggers(self):
+    self.mock_report_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['issue_id', 'user_id', 'comment_id'],
+        issue_id=[234]).AndReturn(
+            [[234, 111, None], [234, 222, 1]])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    issue_reporters, comment_reporters = (
+        self.spam_service.LookupIssueFlaggers(self.cnxn, 234))
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual([111], issue_reporters)
+    self.assertEqual({1: [222]}, comment_reporters)
+  def testFlagIssues_overThresh(self):
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=789,
+        local_id=1,
+        reporter_id=111,
+        owner_id=456,
+        summary='sum',
+        status='Live',
+        issue_id=78901,
+        project_name='proj')
+    issue.assume_stale = False  # We will store this issue.
+    self.mock_report_tbl.InsertRows(self.cnxn,
+        ['issue_id', 'reported_user_id', 'user_id'],
+        [(78901, 111, 111)], ignore=True)
+    self.mock_report_tbl.Select(self.cnxn,
+        cols=['issue_id', 'COUNT(*)'], group_by=['issue_id'],
+        issue_id=[78901]).AndReturn([(78901, settings.spam_flag_thresh)])
+    self.mock_verdict_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['issue_id', 'reason', 'MAX(created)'],
+        group_by=['issue_id'], issue_id=[78901], comment_id=None).AndReturn([])
+    self.mock_verdict_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn, ['issue_id', 'is_spam', 'reason', 'project_id'],
+        [(78901, True, 'threshold', 789)], ignore=True)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.spam_service.FlagIssues(
+        self.cnxn, self.issue_service, [issue], 111, True)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertIn(issue, self.issue_service.updated_issues)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        1,
+        self.spam_service.issue_actions.get(
+            fields={
+                'type': 'flag',
+                'reporter_id': str(111),
+                'issue': 'proj:1'
+            }))
+  def testFlagIssues_underThresh(self):
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=789,
+        local_id=1,
+        reporter_id=111,
+        owner_id=456,
+        summary='sum',
+        status='Live',
+        issue_id=78901,
+        project_name='proj')
+    self.mock_report_tbl.InsertRows(self.cnxn,
+        ['issue_id', 'reported_user_id', 'user_id'],
+        [(78901, 111, 111)], ignore=True)
+    self.mock_report_tbl.Select(self.cnxn,
+        cols=['issue_id', 'COUNT(*)'], group_by=['issue_id'],
+        issue_id=[78901]).AndReturn([(78901, settings.spam_flag_thresh - 1)])
+    self.mock_verdict_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['issue_id', 'reason', 'MAX(created)'],
+        group_by=['issue_id'], issue_id=[78901], comment_id=None).AndReturn([])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.spam_service.FlagIssues(
+        self.cnxn, self.issue_service, [issue], 111, True)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertNotIn(issue, self.issue_service.updated_issues)
+    self.assertIsNone(
+        self.spam_service.issue_actions.get(
+            fields={
+                'type': 'flag',
+                'reporter_id': str(111),
+                'issue': 'proj:1'
+            }))
+  def testUnflagIssue_overThresh(self):
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=789, local_id=1, reporter_id=111, owner_id=456,
+        summary='sum', status='Live', issue_id=78901, is_spam=True)
+    self.mock_report_tbl.Delete(self.cnxn, issue_id=[issue.issue_id],
+        comment_id=None, user_id=111)
+    self.mock_report_tbl.Select(self.cnxn,
+        cols=['issue_id', 'COUNT(*)'], group_by=['issue_id'],
+        issue_id=[78901]).AndReturn([(78901, settings.spam_flag_thresh)])
+    self.mock_verdict_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['issue_id', 'reason', 'MAX(created)'],
+        group_by=['issue_id'], issue_id=[78901], comment_id=None).AndReturn([])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.spam_service.FlagIssues(
+        self.cnxn, self.issue_service, [issue], 111, False)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertNotIn(issue, self.issue_service.updated_issues)
+    self.assertEqual(True, issue.is_spam)
+  def testUnflagIssue_underThresh(self):
+    """A non-member un-flagging an issue as spam should not be able
+    to overturn the verdict to ham. This is different from previous
+    behavior. See for details."""
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=789, local_id=1, reporter_id=111, owner_id=456,
+        summary='sum', status='Live', issue_id=78901, is_spam=True)
+    issue.assume_stale = False  # We will store this issue.
+    self.mock_report_tbl.Delete(self.cnxn, issue_id=[issue.issue_id],
+        comment_id=None, user_id=111)
+    self.mock_report_tbl.Select(self.cnxn,
+        cols=['issue_id', 'COUNT(*)'], group_by=['issue_id'],
+        issue_id=[78901]).AndReturn([(78901, settings.spam_flag_thresh - 1)])
+    self.mock_verdict_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['issue_id', 'reason', 'MAX(created)'],
+        group_by=['issue_id'], issue_id=[78901], comment_id=None).AndReturn([])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.spam_service.FlagIssues(
+        self.cnxn, self.issue_service, [issue], 111, False)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertNotIn(issue, self.issue_service.updated_issues)
+    self.assertEqual(True, issue.is_spam)
+  def testUnflagIssue_underThreshNoManualOverride(self):
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=789, local_id=1, reporter_id=111, owner_id=456,
+        summary='sum', status='Live', issue_id=78901, is_spam=True)
+    self.mock_report_tbl.Delete(self.cnxn, issue_id=[issue.issue_id],
+        comment_id=None, user_id=111)
+    self.mock_report_tbl.Select(self.cnxn,
+        cols=['issue_id', 'COUNT(*)'], group_by=['issue_id'],
+        issue_id=[78901]).AndReturn([(78901, settings.spam_flag_thresh - 1)])
+    self.mock_verdict_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['issue_id', 'reason', 'MAX(created)'],
+        group_by=['issue_id'], comment_id=None,
+        issue_id=[78901]).AndReturn([(78901, 'manual', '')])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.spam_service.FlagIssues(
+        self.cnxn, self.issue_service, [issue], 111, False)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertNotIn(issue, self.issue_service.updated_issues)
+    self.assertEqual(True, issue.is_spam)
+  def testGetIssueClassifierQueue_noVerdicts(self):
+    self.mock_verdict_tbl.Select(self.cnxn,
+        cols=['issue_id', 'is_spam', 'reason', 'classifier_confidence',
+              'created'],
+        where=[
+             ('project_id = %s', [789]),
+             ('classifier_confidence <= %s',
+                 [settings.classifier_moderation_thresh]),
+             ('overruled = %s', [False]),
+             ('issue_id IS NOT NULL', []),
+        ],
+        order_by=[
+             ('classifier_confidence ASC', []),
+             ('created ASC', [])
+        ],
+        group_by=['issue_id'],
+        offset=0,
+        limit=10,
+    ).AndReturn([])
+    self.mock_verdict_tbl.SelectValue(self.cnxn,
+        col='COUNT(*)',
+        where=[
+            ('project_id = %s', [789]),
+            ('classifier_confidence <= %s',
+                [settings.classifier_moderation_thresh]),
+            ('overruled = %s', [False]),
+            ('issue_id IS NOT NULL', []),
+        ]).AndReturn(0)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    res, count = self.spam_service.GetIssueClassifierQueue(
+        self.cnxn, self.issue_service, 789)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual([], res)
+    self.assertEqual(0, count)
+  def testGetIssueClassifierQueue_someVerdicts(self):
+    self.mock_verdict_tbl.Select(self.cnxn,
+        cols=['issue_id', 'is_spam', 'reason', 'classifier_confidence',
+              'created'],
+        where=[
+             ('project_id = %s', [789]),
+             ('classifier_confidence <= %s',
+                 [settings.classifier_moderation_thresh]),
+             ('overruled = %s', [False]),
+             ('issue_id IS NOT NULL', []),
+        ],
+        order_by=[
+             ('classifier_confidence ASC', []),
+             ('created ASC', [])
+        ],
+        group_by=['issue_id'],
+        offset=0,
+        limit=10,
+    ).AndReturn([[78901, 0, "classifier", 0.9, "2015-12-10 11:06:24"]])
+    self.mock_verdict_tbl.SelectValue(self.cnxn,
+        col='COUNT(*)',
+        where=[
+            ('project_id = %s', [789]),
+            ('classifier_confidence <= %s',
+                [settings.classifier_moderation_thresh]),
+            ('overruled = %s', [False]),
+            ('issue_id IS NOT NULL', []),
+        ]).AndReturn(10)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    res, count  = self.spam_service.GetIssueClassifierQueue(
+        self.cnxn, self.issue_service, 789)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(1, len(res))
+    self.assertEqual(10, count)
+    self.assertEqual(78901, res[0].issue_id)
+    self.assertEqual(False, res[0].is_spam)
+    self.assertEqual("classifier", res[0].reason)
+    self.assertEqual(0.9, res[0].classifier_confidence)
+    self.assertEqual("2015-12-10 11:06:24", res[0].verdict_time)
+  def testIsExempt_RegularUser(self):
+    author = user_pb2.MakeUser(111, email='')
+    self.assertFalse(self.spam_service._IsExempt(author, False))
+    author = user_pb2.MakeUser(111, email='')
+    self.assertFalse(self.spam_service._IsExempt(author, False))
+  def testIsExempt_ProjectMember(self):
+    author = user_pb2.MakeUser(111, email='')
+    self.assertTrue(self.spam_service._IsExempt(author, True))
+  def testIsExempt_AllowlistedDomain(self):
+    author = user_pb2.MakeUser(111, email='')
+    self.assertTrue(self.spam_service._IsExempt(author, False))
+  def testClassifyIssue_spam(self):
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=789, local_id=1, reporter_id=111, owner_id=456,
+        summary='sum', status='Live', issue_id=78901, is_spam=True)
+    self.spam_service._predict = lambda body: 1.0
+    # Prevent missing service inits to fail the test.
+    self.spam_service.ml_engine = True
+    comment_pb = tracker_pb2.IssueComment()
+    comment_pb.content = "this is spam"
+    reporter = user_pb2.MakeUser(111, email='')
+    res = self.spam_service.ClassifyIssue(issue, comment_pb, reporter, False)
+    self.assertEqual(1.0, res['confidence_is_spam'])
+ = ''
+    res = self.spam_service.ClassifyIssue(issue, comment_pb, reporter, False)
+    self.assertEqual(1.0, res['confidence_is_spam'])
+ = ''
+    res = self.spam_service.ClassifyIssue(issue, comment_pb, reporter, False)
+    self.assertEqual(1.0, res['confidence_is_spam'])
+  def testClassifyIssue_Allowlisted(self):
+    issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        project_id=789, local_id=1, reporter_id=111, owner_id=456,
+        summary='sum', status='Live', issue_id=78901, is_spam=True)
+    self.spam_service._predict = assert_unreached
+    # Prevent missing service inits to fail the test.
+    self.spam_service.ml_engine = True
+    comment_pb = tracker_pb2.IssueComment()
+    comment_pb.content = "this is spam"
+    reporter = user_pb2.MakeUser(111, email='')
+    res = self.spam_service.ClassifyIssue(issue, comment_pb, reporter, False)
+    self.assertEqual(0.0, res['confidence_is_spam'])
+ = ''
+    res = self.spam_service.ClassifyIssue(issue, comment_pb, reporter, False)
+    self.assertEqual(0.0, res['confidence_is_spam'])
+  def testClassifyComment_spam(self):
+    self.spam_service._predict = lambda body: 1.0
+    # Prevent missing service inits to fail the test.
+    self.spam_service.ml_engine = True
+    commenter = user_pb2.MakeUser(111, email='')
+    res = self.spam_service.ClassifyComment('this is spam', commenter, False)
+    self.assertEqual(1.0, res['confidence_is_spam'])
+ = ''
+    res = self.spam_service.ClassifyComment('this is spam', commenter, False)
+    self.assertEqual(1.0, res['confidence_is_spam'])
+ = ''
+    res = self.spam_service.ClassifyComment('this is spam', commenter, False)
+    self.assertEqual(1.0, res['confidence_is_spam'])
+  def testClassifyComment_Allowlisted(self):
+    self.spam_service._predict = assert_unreached
+    # Prevent missing service inits to fail the test.
+    self.spam_service.ml_engine = True
+    commenter = user_pb2.MakeUser(111, email='')
+    res = self.spam_service.ClassifyComment('this is spam', commenter, False)
+    self.assertEqual(0.0, res['confidence_is_spam'])
+ = ''
+    res = self.spam_service.ClassifyComment('this is spam', commenter, False)
+    self.assertEqual(0.0, res['confidence_is_spam'])
+  def test_ham_classification(self):
+    actual = self.spam_service.ham_classification()
+    self.assertEqual(actual['confidence_is_spam'], 0.0)
+    self.assertEqual(actual['failed_open'], False)
+  def testExpungeUsersInSpam(self):
+    user_ids = [3, 4, 5]
+    self.spam_service.ExpungeUsersInSpam(self.cnxn, user_ids=user_ids)
+    self.spam_service.report_tbl.Delete.assert_has_calls(
+        [
+  , reported_user_id=user_ids, commit=False),
+  , user_id=user_ids, commit=False)
+        ])
+    self.spam_service.verdict_tbl.Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, user_id=user_ids, commit=False)
+  def testLookupIssueVerdicts(self):
+    self.spam_service.verdict_tbl.Select = Mock(return_value=[
+      [5, 10], [4, 11], [6, 12],
+    ])
+    actual = self.spam_service.LookupIssueVerdicts(self.cnxn, [4, 5, 6])
+    self.spam_service.verdict_tbl.Select.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['issue_id', 'reason', 'MAX(created)'],
+        issue_id=[4, 5, 6], comment_id=None, group_by=['issue_id'])
+    self.assertEqual(actual, {
+      5: 10,
+      4: 11,
+      6: 12,
+    })
diff --git a/services/test/ b/services/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03a0d23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Tests for the star service."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import unittest
+import mox
+import mock
+from google.appengine.ext import testbed
+import settings
+from mock import Mock
+from framework import sql
+from proto import user_pb2
+from services import star_svc
+from testing import fake
+class AbstractStarServiceTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.testbed = testbed.Testbed()
+    self.testbed.activate()
+    self.testbed.init_memcache_stub()
+    self.mox = mox.Mox()
+    self.mock_tbl = self.mox.CreateMock(sql.SQLTableManager)
+    self.cnxn = 'fake connection'
+    self.cache_manager = fake.CacheManager()
+    self.star_service = star_svc.AbstractStarService(
+        self.cache_manager, self.mock_tbl, 'item_id', 'user_id', 'project')
+    self.mock_tbl.Delete = Mock()
+  def tearDown(self):
+    self.testbed.deactivate()
+    self.mox.UnsetStubs()
+    self.mox.ResetAll()
+  def SetUpExpungeStars(self):
+    self.mock_tbl.Delete(self.cnxn, item_id=123, commit=True)
+  def testExpungeStars(self):
+    self.SetUpExpungeStars()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.star_service.ExpungeStars(self.cnxn, 123)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testExpungeStars_Limit(self):
+    self.star_service.ExpungeStars(self.cnxn, 123, limit=50)
+    self.mock_tbl.Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, commit=True, limit=50, item_id=123)
+  def testExpungeStarsByUsers(self):
+    user_ids = [2, 3, 4]
+    self.star_service.ExpungeStarsByUsers(self.cnxn, user_ids, limit=40)
+    self.mock_tbl.Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, user_id=user_ids, commit=False, limit=40)
+  def SetUpLookupItemsStarrers(self):
+    self.mock_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['item_id', 'user_id'],
+        item_id=[234]).AndReturn([(234, 111), (234, 222)])
+  def testLookupItemsStarrers(self):
+    self.star_service.starrer_cache.CacheItem(123, [111, 333])
+    self.SetUpLookupItemsStarrers()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    starrer_list_dict = self.star_service.LookupItemsStarrers(
+        self.cnxn, [123, 234])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual([123, 234], list(starrer_list_dict.keys()))
+    self.assertItemsEqual([111, 333], starrer_list_dict[123])
+    self.assertItemsEqual([111, 222], starrer_list_dict[234])
+    self.assertItemsEqual([111, 333],
+                          self.star_service.starrer_cache.GetItem(123))
+    self.assertItemsEqual([111, 222],
+                          self.star_service.starrer_cache.GetItem(234))
+  def SetUpLookupStarredItemIDs(self):
+    self.mock_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['item_id'], user_id=111).AndReturn(
+            [(123,), (234,)])
+  def testLookupStarredItemIDs(self):
+    self.SetUpLookupStarredItemIDs()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    item_ids = self.star_service.LookupStarredItemIDs(self.cnxn, 111)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual([123, 234], item_ids)
+    self.assertItemsEqual([123, 234],
+                          self.star_service.star_cache.GetItem(111))
+  def testIsItemStarredBy(self):
+    self.SetUpLookupStarredItemIDs()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.assertTrue(self.star_service.IsItemStarredBy(self.cnxn, 123, 111))
+    self.assertTrue(self.star_service.IsItemStarredBy(self.cnxn, 234, 111))
+    self.assertFalse(
+        self.star_service.IsItemStarredBy(self.cnxn, 435, 111))
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def SetUpCountItemStars(self):
+    self.mock_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['item_id', 'COUNT(user_id)'], item_id=[234],
+        group_by=['item_id']).AndReturn([(234, 2)])
+  def testCountItemStars(self):
+    self.star_service.star_count_cache.CacheItem(123, 3)
+    self.SetUpCountItemStars()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.assertEqual(3, self.star_service.CountItemStars(self.cnxn, 123))
+    self.assertEqual(2, self.star_service.CountItemStars(self.cnxn, 234))
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testCountItemsStars(self):
+    self.star_service.star_count_cache.CacheItem(123, 3)
+    self.SetUpCountItemStars()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    count_dict = self.star_service.CountItemsStars(
+        self.cnxn, [123, 234])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual([123, 234], list(count_dict.keys()))
+    self.assertEqual(3, count_dict[123])
+    self.assertEqual(2, count_dict[234])
+  def SetUpSetStar_Add(self):
+    self.mock_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn, ['item_id', 'user_id'], [(123, 111)], ignore=True,
+        commit=True)
+  def testSetStar_Add(self):
+    self.SetUpSetStar_Add()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.star_service.SetStar(self.cnxn, 123, 111, True)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertFalse(self.star_service.star_cache.HasItem(123))
+    self.assertFalse(self.star_service.starrer_cache.HasItem(123))
+    self.assertFalse(self.star_service.star_count_cache.HasItem(123))
+  def SetUpSetStar_Remove(self):
+    self.mock_tbl.Delete(self.cnxn, item_id=123, user_id=[111])
+  def testSetStar_Remove(self):
+    self.SetUpSetStar_Remove()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.star_service.SetStar(self.cnxn, 123, 111, False)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertFalse(self.star_service.star_cache.HasItem(123))
+    self.assertFalse(self.star_service.starrer_cache.HasItem(123))
+    self.assertFalse(self.star_service.star_count_cache.HasItem(123))
+  def SetUpSetStarsBatch_Add(self):
+    self.mock_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn, ['item_id', 'user_id'], [(123, 111), (123, 222)],
+        ignore=True, commit=True)
+  def testSetStarsBatch_Add(self):
+    self.SetUpSetStarsBatch_Add()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.star_service.SetStarsBatch(self.cnxn, 123, [111, 222], True)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertFalse(self.star_service.star_cache.HasItem(123))
+    self.assertFalse(self.star_service.starrer_cache.HasItem(123))
+    self.assertFalse(self.star_service.star_count_cache.HasItem(123))
+  def SetUpSetStarsBatch_Remove(self):
+    self.mock_tbl.Delete(self.cnxn, item_id=123, user_id=[111, 222])
+  def testSetStarsBatch_Remove(self):
+    self.SetUpSetStarsBatch_Remove()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.star_service.SetStarsBatch(self.cnxn, 123, [111, 222], False)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertFalse(self.star_service.star_cache.HasItem(123))
+    self.assertFalse(self.star_service.starrer_cache.HasItem(123))
+    self.assertFalse(self.star_service.star_count_cache.HasItem(123))
+class IssueStarServiceTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.mock_tbl = mock.Mock()
+    self.mock_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    self.mock_tbl.InsertRows = mock.Mock()
+    self.cache_manager = fake.CacheManager()
+    with mock.patch(
+        'framework.sql.SQLTableManager', return_value=self.mock_tbl):
+      self.issue_star = star_svc.IssueStarService(
+          self.cache_manager)
+    self.cnxn = 'fake connection'
+  def testSetStarsBatch_SkipIssueUpdate_Remove(self):
+    self.issue_star.SetStarsBatch_SkipIssueUpdate(
+        self.cnxn, 78901, [111, 222], False)
+    self.mock_tbl.Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, issue_id=78901, user_id=[111, 222], commit=True)
+  def testSetStarsBatch_SkipIssueUpdate_Remove_NoCommit(self):
+    self.issue_star.SetStarsBatch_SkipIssueUpdate(
+        self.cnxn, 78901, [111, 222], False, commit=False)
+    self.mock_tbl.Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, issue_id=78901, user_id=[111, 222], commit=False)
+  def testSetStarsBatch_SkipIssueUpdate_Add(self):
+    self.issue_star.SetStarsBatch_SkipIssueUpdate(
+        self.cnxn, 78901, [111, 222], True)
+    self.mock_tbl.InsertRows.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, ['issue_id', 'user_id'], [(78901, 111), (78901, 222)],
+        ignore=True, commit=True)
+  def testSetStarsBatch_SkipIssueUpdate_Add_NoCommit(self):
+    self.issue_star.SetStarsBatch_SkipIssueUpdate(
+        self.cnxn, 78901, [111, 222], True, commit=False)
+    self.mock_tbl.InsertRows.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, ['issue_id', 'user_id'], [(78901, 111), (78901, 222)],
+        ignore=True, commit=False)
diff --git a/services/test/ b/services/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..964722d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
+# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Unit tests for services.template_svc module."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import mock
+import unittest
+from mock import Mock, patch
+from proto import tracker_pb2
+from services import template_svc
+from testing import fake
+from testing import testing_helpers
+from tracker import tracker_bizobj
+from tracker import tracker_constants
+class TemplateSetTwoLevelCacheTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.ts2lc = template_svc.TemplateSetTwoLevelCache(
+        cache_manager=fake.CacheManager(),
+        template_service=Mock(spec=template_svc.TemplateService))
+    self.ts2lc.template_service.template_tbl = Mock()
+  def testFetchItems_Empty(self):
+    self.ts2lc.template_service.template_tbl.Select .return_value = []
+    actual = self.ts2lc.FetchItems(cnxn=None, keys=[1, 2])
+    self.assertEqual({1: [], 2: []}, actual)
+  def testFetchItems_Normal(self):
+    # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+    def mockSelect(cnxn, cols, project_id, order_by):
+      assert project_id in (1, 2)
+      if project_id == 1:
+        return [
+          (8, 1, 'template-8', 'content', 'summary', False, 111, 'status',
+              False, False, False),
+          (9, 1, 'template-9', 'content', 'summary', False, 111, 'status',
+              True, False, False)]
+      else:
+        return [
+          (7, 2, 'template-7', 'content', 'summary', False, 111, 'status',
+              False, False, False)]
+    self.ts2lc.template_service.template_tbl.Select.side_effect = mockSelect
+    actual = self.ts2lc.FetchItems(cnxn=None, keys=[1, 2])
+    expected = {
+      1: [(8, 'template-8', False), (9, 'template-9', True)],
+      2: [(7, 'template-7', False)],
+    }
+    self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
+class TemplateDefTwoLevelCacheTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.template_def_2lc = template_svc.TemplateDefTwoLevelCache(
+        cache_manager=fake.CacheManager(),
+        template_service=Mock(spec=template_svc.TemplateService))
+    self.template_def_2lc.template_service.template_tbl = Mock()
+    self.template_def_2lc.template_service.template2label_tbl = Mock()
+    self.template_def_2lc.template_service.template2component_tbl = Mock()
+    self.template_def_2lc.template_service.template2admin_tbl = Mock()
+    self.template_def_2lc.template_service.template2fieldvalue_tbl = Mock()
+    self.template_def_2lc.template_service.issuephasedef_tbl = Mock()
+    self.template_def_2lc.template_service.template2approvalvalue_tbl = Mock()
+  def testFetchItems_Empty(self):
+    self.template_def_2lc.template_service.template_tbl.Select\
+        .return_value = []
+    self.template_def_2lc.template_service.template2label_tbl.Select\
+        .return_value = []
+    self.template_def_2lc.template_service.template2component_tbl.Select\
+        .return_value = []
+    self.template_def_2lc.template_service.template2admin_tbl.Select\
+        .return_value = []
+    self.template_def_2lc.template_service.template2fieldvalue_tbl.Select\
+        .return_value = []
+    self.template_def_2lc.template_service.template2approvalvalue_tbl.Select\
+        .return_value = []
+    actual = self.template_def_2lc.FetchItems(cnxn=None, keys=[1, 2])
+    self.assertEqual({}, actual)
+  def testFetchItems_Normal(self):
+    template_9_row = (9, 1, 'template-9', 'content', 'summary',
+        False, 111, 'status',
+        False, False, False)
+    template_8_row = (8, 1, 'template-8', 'content', 'summary',
+        False, 111, 'status',
+        False, False, False)
+    template_7_row = (7, 2, 'template-7', 'content', 'summary',
+        False, 111, 'status',
+        False, False, False)
+    self.template_def_2lc.template_service.template_tbl.Select\
+        .return_value = [template_7_row, template_8_row,
+            template_9_row]
+    self.template_def_2lc.template_service.template2label_tbl.Select\
+        .return_value = [(9, 'label-1'), (7, 'label-2')]
+    self.template_def_2lc.template_service.template2component_tbl.Select\
+        .return_value = [(9, 13), (7, 14)]
+    self.template_def_2lc.template_service.template2admin_tbl.Select\
+        .return_value = [(9, 111), (7, 222)]
+    fv1_row = (15, None, 'fv-1', None, None, None, False)
+    fv2_row = (16, None, 'fv-2', None, None, None, False)
+    fv1 = tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldValue(*fv1_row)
+    fv2 = tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldValue(*fv2_row)
+    self.template_def_2lc.template_service.template2fieldvalue_tbl.Select\
+        .return_value = [((9,) + fv1_row[:-1]), ((7,) + fv2_row[:-1])]
+    av1_row = (17, 9, 19, 'na')
+    av2_row = (18, 7, 20, 'not_set')
+    av1 = tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(approval_id=17, phase_id=19,
+                                    status=tracker_pb2.ApprovalStatus('NA'))
+    av2 = tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(approval_id=18, phase_id=20,
+                                    status=tracker_pb2.ApprovalStatus(
+                                        'NOT_SET'))
+    phase1_row = (19, 'phase-1', 1)
+    phase2_row = (20, 'phase-2', 2)
+    phase1 = tracker_pb2.Phase(phase_id=19, name='phase-1', rank=1)
+    phase2 = tracker_pb2.Phase(phase_id=20, name='phase-2', rank=2)
+    self.template_def_2lc.template_service.template2approvalvalue_tbl.Select\
+        .return_value = [av1_row, av2_row]
+    self.template_def_2lc.template_service.issuephasedef_tbl.Select\
+        .return_value = [phase1_row, phase2_row]
+    actual = self.template_def_2lc.FetchItems(cnxn=None, keys=[7, 8, 9])
+    self.assertEqual(3, len(list(actual.keys())))
+    self.assertTrue(isinstance(actual[7], tracker_pb2.TemplateDef))
+    self.assertTrue(isinstance(actual[8], tracker_pb2.TemplateDef))
+    self.assertTrue(isinstance(actual[9], tracker_pb2.TemplateDef))
+    self.assertEqual(7, actual[7].template_id)
+    self.assertEqual(8, actual[8].template_id)
+    self.assertEqual(9, actual[9].template_id)
+    self.assertEqual(['label-2'], actual[7].labels)
+    self.assertEqual([], actual[8].labels)
+    self.assertEqual(['label-1'], actual[9].labels)
+    self.assertEqual([14], actual[7].component_ids)
+    self.assertEqual([], actual[8].component_ids)
+    self.assertEqual([13], actual[9].component_ids)
+    self.assertEqual([222], actual[7].admin_ids)
+    self.assertEqual([], actual[8].admin_ids)
+    self.assertEqual([111], actual[9].admin_ids)
+    self.assertEqual([fv2], actual[7].field_values)
+    self.assertEqual([], actual[8].field_values)
+    self.assertEqual([fv1], actual[9].field_values)
+    self.assertEqual([phase2], actual[7].phases)
+    self.assertEqual([], actual[8].phases)
+    self.assertEqual([phase1], actual[9].phases)
+    self.assertEqual([av2], actual[7].approval_values)
+    self.assertEqual([], actual[8].approval_values)
+    self.assertEqual([av1], actual[9].approval_values)
+class TemplateServiceTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.cnxn = Mock()
+    self.template_service = template_svc.TemplateService(fake.CacheManager())
+    self.template_service.template_set_2lc = Mock()
+    self.template_service.template_def_2lc = Mock()
+  def testCreateDefaultProjectTemplates_Normal(self):
+    self.template_service.CreateIssueTemplateDef = Mock()
+    self.template_service.CreateDefaultProjectTemplates(self.cnxn, 789)
+    expected_calls = [
+, 789, tpl['name'], tpl['content'], tpl['summary'],
+          tpl['summary_must_be_edited'], tpl['status'],
+          tpl.get('members_only', False), True, False, None, tpl['labels'],
+          [], [], [], [])
+        for tpl in tracker_constants.DEFAULT_TEMPLATES]
+    self.template_service.CreateIssueTemplateDef.assert_has_calls(
+        expected_calls, any_order=True)
+  def testGetTemplateByName_Normal(self):
+    """GetTemplateByName returns a template that exists."""
+    result_dict = {789: [(1, 'one', 0)]}
+    template = tracker_pb2.TemplateDef(name='one')
+    self.template_service.template_set_2lc.GetAll.return_value = (
+        result_dict, None)
+    self.template_service.template_def_2lc.GetAll.return_value = (
+        {1: template}, None)
+    actual = self.template_service.GetTemplateByName(self.cnxn, 'one', 789)
+    self.assertEqual(actual.template_id, template.template_id)
+  def testGetTemplateByName_NotFound(self):
+    """When GetTemplateByName is given the name of a template that does not
+    exist."""
+    result_dict = {789: [(1, 'one', 0)]}
+    template = tracker_pb2.TemplateDef(name='one')
+    self.template_service.template_set_2lc.GetAll.return_value = (
+        result_dict, None)
+    self.template_service.template_def_2lc.GetAll.return_value = (
+        {1: template}, None)
+    actual = self.template_service.GetTemplateByName(self.cnxn, 'two', 789)
+    self.assertEqual(actual, None)
+  def testGetTemplateById_Normal(self):
+    """GetTemplateById_Normal returns a template that exists."""
+    template = tracker_pb2.TemplateDef(template_id=1, name='one')
+    self.template_service.template_def_2lc.GetAll.return_value = (
+        {1: template}, None)
+    actual = self.template_service.GetTemplateById(self.cnxn, 1)
+    self.assertEqual(actual.template_id, template.template_id)
+  def testGetTemplateById_NotFound(self):
+    """When GetTemplateById is given the ID of a template that does not
+    exist."""
+    self.template_service.template_def_2lc.GetAll.return_value = (
+        {}, None)
+    actual = self.template_service.GetTemplateById(self.cnxn, 1)
+    self.assertEqual(actual, None)
+  def testGetTemplatesById_Normal(self):
+    """GetTemplatesById_Normal returns a template that exists."""
+    template = tracker_pb2.TemplateDef(template_id=1, name='one')
+    self.template_service.template_def_2lc.GetAll.return_value = (
+        {1: template}, None)
+    actual = self.template_service.GetTemplatesById(self.cnxn, 1)
+    self.assertEqual(actual[0].template_id, template.template_id)
+  def testGetTemplatesById_NotFound(self):
+    """When GetTemplatesById is given the ID of a template that does not
+    exist."""
+    self.template_service.template_def_2lc.GetAll.return_value = (
+        {}, None)
+    actual = self.template_service.GetTemplatesById(self.cnxn, 1)
+    self.assertEqual(actual, [])
+  def testGetProjectTemplates_Normal(self):
+    template_set = [(1, 'one', 0), (2, 'two', 1)]
+    result_dict = {789: template_set}
+    self.template_service.template_set_2lc.GetAll.return_value = (
+        result_dict, None)
+    self.template_service.template_def_2lc.GetAll.return_value = (
+        {1: tracker_pb2.TemplateDef()}, None)
+    self.assertEqual([tracker_pb2.TemplateDef()],
+        self.template_service.GetProjectTemplates(self.cnxn, 789))
+    self.template_service.template_set_2lc.GetAll.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, [789])
+  def testExpungeProjectTemplates(self):
+    template_id_rows = [(1,), (2,)]
+    self.template_service.template_tbl.Select = Mock(
+        return_value=template_id_rows)
+    self.template_service.template2label_tbl.Delete = Mock()
+    self.template_service.template2component_tbl.Delete = Mock()
+    self.template_service.template_tbl.Delete = Mock()
+    self.template_service.ExpungeProjectTemplates(self.cnxn, 789)
+    self.template_service.template_tbl.Select\
+        .assert_called_once_with(self.cnxn, project_id=789, cols=['id'])
+    self.template_service.template2label_tbl.Delete\
+        .assert_called_once_with(self.cnxn, template_id=[1, 2])
+    self.template_service.template2component_tbl.Delete\
+        .assert_called_once_with(self.cnxn, template_id=[1, 2])
+    self.template_service.template_tbl.Delete\
+        .assert_called_once_with(self.cnxn, project_id=789)
+class CreateIssueTemplateDefTest(TemplateServiceTest):
+  def setUp(self):
+    super(CreateIssueTemplateDefTest, self).setUp()
+    self.template_service.template_tbl.InsertRow = Mock(return_value=1)
+    self.template_service.template2label_tbl.InsertRows = Mock()
+    self.template_service.template2component_tbl.InsertRows = Mock()
+    self.template_service.template2admin_tbl.InsertRows = Mock()
+    self.template_service.template2fieldvalue_tbl.InsertRows = Mock()
+    self.template_service.issuephasedef_tbl.InsertRow = Mock(return_value=81)
+    self.template_service.template2approvalvalue_tbl.InsertRows = Mock()
+    self.template_service.template_set_2lc._StrToKey = Mock(return_value=789)
+  def testCreateIssueTemplateDef(self):
+    fv = tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldValue(
+        1, None, 'somestring', None, None, None, False)
+    av_23 = tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(
+        approval_id=23, phase_id=11,
+        status=tracker_pb2.ApprovalStatus.NEEDS_REVIEW)
+    av_24 = tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(approval_id=24, phase_id=11)
+    approval_values = [av_23, av_24]
+    phases = [tracker_pb2.Phase(
+        name='Canary', rank=11, phase_id=11)]
+    actual_template_id = self.template_service.CreateIssueTemplateDef(
+        self.cnxn, 789, 'template', 'content', 'summary', True, 'Available',
+        True, True, True, owner_id=111, labels=['label'], component_ids=[3],
+        admin_ids=[222], field_values=[fv], phases=phases,
+        approval_values=approval_values)
+    self.assertEqual(1, actual_template_id)
+    self.template_service.template_tbl.InsertRow\
+        .assert_called_once_with(self.cnxn, project_id=789, name='template',
+            content='content', summary='summary', summary_must_be_edited=True,
+            owner_id=111, status='Available', members_only=True,
+            owner_defaults_to_member=True, component_required=True,
+            commit=False)
+    self.template_service.template2label_tbl.InsertRows\
+        .assert_called_once_with(self.cnxn, template_svc.TEMPLATE2LABEL_COLS,
+            [(1, 'label')], commit=False)
+    self.template_service.template2component_tbl.InsertRows\
+        .assert_called_once_with(self.cnxn,
+            template_svc.TEMPLATE2COMPONENT_COLS,
+            [(1, 3)], commit=False)
+    self.template_service.template2admin_tbl.InsertRows\
+        .assert_called_once_with(self.cnxn, template_svc.TEMPLATE2ADMIN_COLS,
+            [(1, 222)], commit=False)
+    self.template_service.template2fieldvalue_tbl.InsertRows\
+        .assert_called_once_with(self.cnxn,
+            template_svc.TEMPLATE2FIELDVALUE_COLS,
+            [(1, 1, None, 'somestring', None, None, None)], commit=False)
+    self.template_service.issuephasedef_tbl.InsertRow\
+        .assert_called_once_with(self.cnxn, name='Canary',
+            rank=11, commit=False)
+    self.template_service.template2approvalvalue_tbl.InsertRows\
+        .assert_called_once_with(self.cnxn,
+            template_svc.TEMPLATE2APPROVALVALUE_COLS,
+            [(23, 1, 81, 'needs_review'), (24, 1, 81, 'not_set')], commit=False)
+    self.cnxn.Commit.assert_called_once_with()
+    self.template_service.template_set_2lc.InvalidateKeys\
+        .assert_called_once_with(self.cnxn, [789])
+class UpdateIssueTemplateDefTest(TemplateServiceTest):
+  def setUp(self):
+    super(UpdateIssueTemplateDefTest, self).setUp()
+    self.template_service.template_tbl.Update = Mock()
+    self.template_service.template2label_tbl.Delete = Mock()
+    self.template_service.template2label_tbl.InsertRows = Mock()
+    self.template_service.template2admin_tbl.Delete = Mock()
+    self.template_service.template2admin_tbl.InsertRows = Mock()
+    self.template_service.template2approvalvalue_tbl.Delete = Mock()
+    self.template_service.issuephasedef_tbl.InsertRow = Mock(return_value=1)
+    self.template_service.template2approvalvalue_tbl.InsertRows = Mock()
+    self.template_service.template_set_2lc._StrToKey = Mock(return_value=789)
+  def testUpdateIssueTemplateDef(self):
+    av_20 = tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(approval_id=20, phase_id=11)
+    av_21 = tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(approval_id=21, phase_id=11)
+    approval_values = [av_20, av_21]
+    phases = [tracker_pb2.Phase(
+        name='Canary', phase_id=11, rank=11)]
+    self.template_service.UpdateIssueTemplateDef(
+        self.cnxn, 789, 1, content='content', summary='summary',
+        component_required=True, labels=[], admin_ids=[111],
+        phases=phases, approval_values=approval_values)
+    new_values = dict(
+        content='content', summary='summary', component_required=True)
+    self.template_service.template_tbl.Update\
+        .assert_called_once_with(self.cnxn, new_values, id=1, commit=False)
+    self.template_service.template2label_tbl.Delete\
+        .assert_called_once_with(self.cnxn, template_id=1, commit=False)
+    self.template_service.template2label_tbl.InsertRows\
+        .assert_called_once_with(self.cnxn, template_svc.TEMPLATE2LABEL_COLS,
+            [], commit=False)
+    self.template_service.template2admin_tbl.Delete\
+        .assert_called_once_with(self.cnxn, template_id=1, commit=False)
+    self.template_service.template2admin_tbl.InsertRows\
+        .assert_called_once_with(self.cnxn, template_svc.TEMPLATE2ADMIN_COLS,
+            [(1, 111)], commit=False)
+    self.template_service.template2approvalvalue_tbl.Delete\
+        .assert_called_once_with(self.cnxn, template_id=1, commit=False)
+    self.template_service.issuephasedef_tbl.InsertRow\
+        .assert_called_once_with(self.cnxn, name='Canary',
+            rank=11, commit=False)
+    self.template_service.template2approvalvalue_tbl.InsertRows\
+        .assert_called_once_with(self.cnxn,
+            template_svc.TEMPLATE2APPROVALVALUE_COLS,
+            [(20, 1, 1, 'not_set'), (21, 1, 1, 'not_set')], commit=False)
+    self.cnxn.Commit.assert_called_once_with()
+    self.template_service.template_set_2lc.InvalidateKeys\
+        .assert_called_once_with(self.cnxn, [789])
+    self.template_service.template_def_2lc.InvalidateKeys\
+        .assert_called_once_with(self.cnxn, [1])
+class DeleteTemplateTest(TemplateServiceTest):
+  def testDeleteIssueTemplateDef(self):
+    self.template_service.template2label_tbl.Delete = Mock()
+    self.template_service.template2component_tbl.Delete = Mock()
+    self.template_service.template2admin_tbl.Delete = Mock()
+    self.template_service.template2fieldvalue_tbl.Delete = Mock()
+    self.template_service.template2approvalvalue_tbl.Delete = Mock()
+    self.template_service.template_tbl.Delete = Mock()
+    self.template_service.template_set_2lc._StrToKey = Mock(return_value=789)
+    self.template_service.DeleteIssueTemplateDef(self.cnxn, 789, 1)
+    self.template_service.template2label_tbl.Delete\
+        .assert_called_once_with(self.cnxn, template_id=1, commit=False)
+    self.template_service.template2component_tbl.Delete\
+        .assert_called_once_with(self.cnxn, template_id=1, commit=False)
+    self.template_service.template2admin_tbl.Delete\
+        .assert_called_once_with(self.cnxn, template_id=1, commit=False)
+    self.template_service.template2fieldvalue_tbl.Delete\
+        .assert_called_once_with(self.cnxn, template_id=1, commit=False)
+    self.template_service.template2approvalvalue_tbl.Delete\
+        .assert_called_once_with(self.cnxn, template_id=1, commit=False)
+    self.template_service.template_tbl.Delete\
+        .assert_called_once_with(self.cnxn, id=1, commit=False)
+    self.cnxn.Commit.assert_called_once_with()
+    self.template_service.template_set_2lc.InvalidateKeys\
+        .assert_called_once_with(self.cnxn, [789])
+    self.template_service.template_def_2lc.InvalidateKeys\
+        .assert_called_once_with(self.cnxn, [1])
+class ExpungeUsersInTemplatesTest(TemplateServiceTest):
+  def setUp(self):
+    super(ExpungeUsersInTemplatesTest, self).setUp()
+    self.template_service.template2admin_tbl.Delete = Mock()
+    self.template_service.template2fieldvalue_tbl.Delete = Mock()
+    self.template_service.template_tbl.Update = Mock()
+  def testExpungeUsersInTemplates(self):
+    user_ids = [111, 222]
+    self.template_service.ExpungeUsersInTemplates(self.cnxn, user_ids, limit=60)
+    self.template_service.template2admin_tbl.Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+            self.cnxn, admin_id=user_ids, commit=False, limit=60)
+    self.template_service.template2fieldvalue_tbl\
+        .Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+            self.cnxn, user_id=user_ids, commit=False, limit=60)
+    self.template_service.template_tbl.Update.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, {'owner_id': None}, owner_id=user_ids, commit=False)
+class UnpackTemplateTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def testEmpty(self):
+    with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+      template_svc.UnpackTemplate(())
+  def testNormal(self):
+    row = (1, 2, 'name', 'content', 'summary', False, 3, 'status', False,
+        False, False)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        tracker_pb2.TemplateDef(template_id=1, name='name',
+          content='content', summary='summary', summary_must_be_edited=False,
+          owner_id=3, status='status', members_only=False,
+          owner_defaults_to_member=False,
+          component_required=False),
+        template_svc.UnpackTemplate(row))
diff --git a/services/test/ b/services/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db8a7a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Unit tests for tracker_fulltext module."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import unittest
+import mox
+from google.appengine.api import search
+import settings
+from framework import framework_views
+from proto import ast_pb2
+from proto import tracker_pb2
+from services import fulltext_helpers
+from services import tracker_fulltext
+from testing import fake
+from tracker import tracker_bizobj
+class TrackerFulltextTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.mox = mox.Mox()
+    self.mock_index = self.mox.CreateMockAnything()
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(search, 'Index')
+ = None
+    self.cnxn = 'fake connection'
+    self.user_service = fake.UserService()
+    self.user_service.TestAddUser('', 111)
+    self.issue_service = fake.IssueService()
+    self.config_service = fake.ConfigService()
+    self.issue = fake.MakeTestIssue(
+        123, 1, 'test summary', 'New', 111)
+    self.issue_service.TestAddIssue(self.issue)
+    self.comment = tracker_pb2.IssueComment(
+        project_id=789, issue_id=self.issue.issue_id, user_id=111,
+        content='comment content',
+        attachments=[
+            tracker_pb2.Attachment(filename='hello.c'),
+            tracker_pb2.Attachment(filename='hello.h')])
+    self.issue_service.TestAddComment(self.comment, 1)
+    self.users_by_id = framework_views.MakeAllUserViews(
+        self.cnxn, self.user_service, [111])
+  def tearDown(self):
+    self.mox.UnsetStubs()
+    self.mox.ResetAll()
+  def RecordDocs(self, docs):
+ = docs
+  def SetUpIndexIssues(self):
+    search.Index(name=settings.search_index_name_format % 1).AndReturn(
+        self.mock_index)
+    self.mock_index.put(mox.IgnoreArg()).WithSideEffects(self.RecordDocs)
+  def testIndexIssues(self):
+    self.SetUpIndexIssues()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    tracker_fulltext.IndexIssues(
+        self.cnxn, [self.issue], self.user_service, self.issue_service,
+        self.config_service)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(1, len(
+    issue_doc =[0]
+    self.assertEqual(123, issue_doc.fields[0].value)
+    self.assertEqual('test summary', issue_doc.fields[1].value)
+  def SetUpCreateIssueSearchDocuments(self):
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(tracker_fulltext, '_IndexDocsInShard')
+    tracker_fulltext._IndexDocsInShard(1, mox.IgnoreArg()).WithSideEffects(
+        lambda shard_id, docs: self.RecordDocs(docs))
+  def testCreateIssueSearchDocuments_Normal(self):
+    self.SetUpCreateIssueSearchDocuments()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    config_dict = {123: tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(123)}
+    tracker_fulltext._CreateIssueSearchDocuments(
+        [self.issue], {self.issue.issue_id: [self.comment]}, self.users_by_id,
+        config_dict)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(1, len(
+    issue_doc =[0]
+    self.assertEqual(5, len(issue_doc.fields))
+    self.assertEqual(123, issue_doc.fields[0].value)
+    self.assertEqual('test summary', issue_doc.fields[1].value)
+    self.assertEqual(' comment content hello.c hello.h',
+                     issue_doc.fields[3].value)
+    self.assertEqual('', issue_doc.fields[4].value)
+  def testCreateIssueSearchDocuments_NoIndexableComments(self):
+    """Sometimes all comments on a issue are spam or deleted."""
+    self.SetUpCreateIssueSearchDocuments()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    config_dict = {123: tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(123)}
+    self.comment.deleted_by = 111
+    tracker_fulltext._CreateIssueSearchDocuments(
+        [self.issue], {self.issue.issue_id: [self.comment]}, self.users_by_id,
+        config_dict)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(1, len(
+    issue_doc =[0]
+    self.assertEqual(5, len(issue_doc.fields))
+    self.assertEqual(123, issue_doc.fields[0].value)
+    self.assertEqual('test summary', issue_doc.fields[1].value)
+    self.assertEqual('', issue_doc.fields[3].value)
+    self.assertEqual('', issue_doc.fields[4].value)
+  def testCreateIssueSearchDocuments_CustomFields(self):
+    self.SetUpCreateIssueSearchDocuments()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    config = tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(123)
+    config_dict = {123: tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(123)}
+    int_field = tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldDef(
+        1, 123, 'CustomInt', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.INT_TYPE, None, False,
+        False, False, None, None, None, None, False, None, None, None,
+        'no_action', 'A custom int field', False)
+    int_field_value = tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldValue(
+        1, 42, None, None, False, None, None)
+    str_field = tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldDef(
+        2, 123, 'CustomStr', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.STR_TYPE, None, False,
+        False, False, None, None, None, None, False, None, None, None,
+        'no_action', 'A custom string field', False)
+    str_field_value = tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldValue(
+        2, None, u'\xf0\x9f\x92\x96\xef\xb8\x8f', None, None, None, False)
+    # TODO(jrobbins): user-type field 3
+    date_field = tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldDef(
+        4, 123, 'CustomDate', tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.DATE_TYPE, None, False,
+        False, False, None, None, None, None, False, None, None, None,
+        'no_action', 'A custom date field', False)
+    date_field_value = tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldValue(
+        4, None, None, None, 1234567890, None, False)
+    config.field_defs.extend([int_field, str_field, date_field])
+    self.issue.field_values.extend([
+        int_field_value, str_field_value, date_field_value])
+    tracker_fulltext._CreateIssueSearchDocuments(
+        [self.issue], {self.issue.issue_id: [self.comment]}, self.users_by_id,
+        config_dict)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(1, len(
+    issue_doc =[0]
+    metadata = issue_doc.fields[2]
+    self.assertEqual(
+      u'New []  42 \xf0\x9f\x92\x96\xef\xb8\x8f 2009-02-13 ',
+      metadata.value)
+  def testExtractCommentText(self):
+    extracted_text = tracker_fulltext._ExtractCommentText(
+        self.comment, self.users_by_id)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        ' comment content hello.c hello.h',
+        extracted_text)
+  def testIndexableComments_NumberOfComments(self):
+    """We consider at most 100 initial comments and 500 most recent comments."""
+    comments = [self.comment]
+    indexable = tracker_fulltext._IndexableComments(comments, self.users_by_id)
+    self.assertEqual(1, len(indexable))
+    comments = [self.comment] * 100
+    indexable = tracker_fulltext._IndexableComments(comments, self.users_by_id)
+    self.assertEqual(100, len(indexable))
+    comments = [self.comment] * 101
+    indexable = tracker_fulltext._IndexableComments(comments, self.users_by_id)
+    self.assertEqual(101, len(indexable))
+    comments = [self.comment] * 600
+    indexable = tracker_fulltext._IndexableComments(comments, self.users_by_id)
+    self.assertEqual(600, len(indexable))
+    comments = [self.comment] * 601
+    indexable = tracker_fulltext._IndexableComments(comments, self.users_by_id)
+    self.assertEqual(600, len(indexable))
+    self.assertNotIn(100, indexable)
+  def testIndexableComments_NumberOfChars(self):
+    """We consider comments that can fit into the search index document."""
+    self.comment.content = 'x' * 1000
+    comments = [self.comment] * 100
+    indexable = tracker_fulltext._IndexableComments(
+        comments, self.users_by_id, remaining_chars=100000)
+    self.assertEqual(100, len(indexable))
+    indexable = tracker_fulltext._IndexableComments(
+        comments, self.users_by_id, remaining_chars=50000)
+    self.assertEqual(50, len(indexable))
+    indexable = tracker_fulltext._IndexableComments(
+        comments, self.users_by_id, remaining_chars=50999)
+    self.assertEqual(50, len(indexable))
+    indexable = tracker_fulltext._IndexableComments(
+        comments, self.users_by_id, remaining_chars=999)
+    self.assertEqual(0, len(indexable))
+    indexable = tracker_fulltext._IndexableComments(
+      comments, self.users_by_id, remaining_chars=0)
+    self.assertEqual(0, len(indexable))
+    indexable = tracker_fulltext._IndexableComments(
+      comments, self.users_by_id, remaining_chars=-1)
+    self.assertEqual(0, len(indexable))
+  def SetUpUnindexIssues(self):
+    search.Index(name=settings.search_index_name_format % 1).AndReturn(
+        self.mock_index)
+    self.mock_index.delete(['1'])
+  def testUnindexIssues(self):
+    self.SetUpUnindexIssues()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    tracker_fulltext.UnindexIssues([1])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def SetUpSearchIssueFullText(self):
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(fulltext_helpers, 'ComprehensiveSearch')
+    fulltext_helpers.ComprehensiveSearch(
+        '(project_id:789) (summary:"test")',
+        settings.search_index_name_format % 1).AndReturn([123, 234])
+  def testSearchIssueFullText_Normal(self):
+    self.SetUpSearchIssueFullText()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    summary_fd = tracker_pb2.FieldDef(
+        field_name='summary', field_type=tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.STR_TYPE)
+    query_ast_conj = ast_pb2.Conjunction(conds=[
+        ast_pb2.Condition(
+            op=ast_pb2.QueryOp.TEXT_HAS, field_defs=[summary_fd],
+            str_values=['test'])])
+    issue_ids, capped = tracker_fulltext.SearchIssueFullText(
+        [789], query_ast_conj, 1)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual([123, 234], issue_ids)
+    self.assertFalse(capped)
+  def testSearchIssueFullText_CrossProject(self):
+    self.mox.StubOutWithMock(fulltext_helpers, 'ComprehensiveSearch')
+    fulltext_helpers.ComprehensiveSearch(
+        '(project_id:789 OR project_id:678) (summary:"test")',
+        settings.search_index_name_format % 1).AndReturn([123, 234])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    summary_fd = tracker_pb2.FieldDef(
+        field_name='summary', field_type=tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.STR_TYPE)
+    query_ast_conj = ast_pb2.Conjunction(conds=[
+        ast_pb2.Condition(
+            op=ast_pb2.QueryOp.TEXT_HAS, field_defs=[summary_fd],
+            str_values=['test'])])
+    issue_ids, capped = tracker_fulltext.SearchIssueFullText(
+        [789, 678], query_ast_conj, 1)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual([123, 234], issue_ids)
+    self.assertFalse(capped)
+  def testSearchIssueFullText_Capped(self):
+    try:
+      orig = settings.fulltext_limit_per_shard
+      settings.fulltext_limit_per_shard = 1
+      self.SetUpSearchIssueFullText()
+      self.mox.ReplayAll()
+      summary_fd = tracker_pb2.FieldDef(
+        field_name='summary', field_type=tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.STR_TYPE)
+      query_ast_conj = ast_pb2.Conjunction(conds=[
+          ast_pb2.Condition(
+              op=ast_pb2.QueryOp.TEXT_HAS, field_defs=[summary_fd],
+              str_values=['test'])])
+      issue_ids, capped = tracker_fulltext.SearchIssueFullText(
+          [789], query_ast_conj, 1)
+      self.mox.VerifyAll()
+      self.assertItemsEqual([123, 234], issue_ids)
+      self.assertTrue(capped)
+    finally:
+      settings.fulltext_limit_per_shard = orig
diff --git a/services/test/ b/services/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a8eb16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,600 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Tests for the user service."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import unittest
+import mock
+import mox
+import time
+from google.appengine.ext import testbed
+from framework import exceptions
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import sql
+from proto import user_pb2
+from services import user_svc
+from testing import fake
+def SetUpGetUsers(user_service, cnxn):
+  """Set up expected calls to SQL tables."""
+  user_service.user_tbl.Select(
+      cnxn, cols=user_svc.USER_COLS, user_id=[333]).AndReturn(
+          [(333, '', False, False, False, False, True,
+            False, 'Spammer',
+            'stay_same_issue', False, False, True, 0, 0, None)])
+  user_service.linkedaccount_tbl.Select(
+      cnxn, cols=user_svc.LINKEDACCOUNT_COLS, parent_id=[333], child_id=[333],
+      or_where_conds=True).AndReturn([])
+def MakeUserService(cache_manager, my_mox):
+  user_service = user_svc.UserService(cache_manager)
+  user_service.user_tbl = my_mox.CreateMock(sql.SQLTableManager)
+  user_service.hotlistvisithistory_tbl = my_mox.CreateMock(sql.SQLTableManager)
+  user_service.linkedaccount_tbl = my_mox.CreateMock(sql.SQLTableManager)
+  # Account linking invites are done with patch().
+  return user_service
+class UserTwoLevelCacheTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.testbed = testbed.Testbed()
+    self.testbed.activate()
+    self.testbed.init_memcache_stub()
+    self.mox = mox.Mox()
+    self.cnxn = fake.MonorailConnection()
+    self.cache_manager = fake.CacheManager()
+    self.user_service = MakeUserService(self.cache_manager, self.mox)
+  def tearDown(self):
+    self.testbed.deactivate()
+  def testDeserializeUsersByID(self):
+    user_rows = [
+        (111, '', False, False, False, False, True, False, '',
+         'stay_same_issue', False, False, True, 0, 0, None),
+        (222, '', False, False, False, False, True, False, '',
+         'next_in_list', False, False, True, 0, 0, None),
+        ]
+    linkedaccount_rows = []
+    user_dict = self.user_service.user_2lc._DeserializeUsersByID(
+        user_rows, linkedaccount_rows)
+    self.assertEqual(2, len(user_dict))
+    self.assertEqual('', user_dict[111].email)
+    self.assertFalse(user_dict[111].is_site_admin)
+    self.assertEqual('', user_dict[111].banned)
+    self.assertFalse(user_dict[111].notify_issue_change)
+    self.assertEqual('', user_dict[222].email)
+    self.assertIsNone(user_dict[111].linked_parent_id)
+    self.assertEqual([], user_dict[111].linked_child_ids)
+    self.assertIsNone(user_dict[222].linked_parent_id)
+    self.assertEqual([], user_dict[222].linked_child_ids)
+  def testDeserializeUsersByID_LinkedAccounts(self):
+    user_rows = [
+        (111, '', False, False, False, False, True, False, '',
+         'stay_same_issue', False, False, True, 0, 0, None),
+        ]
+    linkedaccount_rows = [(111, 222), (111, 333), (444, 111)]
+    user_dict = self.user_service.user_2lc._DeserializeUsersByID(
+        user_rows, linkedaccount_rows)
+    self.assertEqual(1, len(user_dict))
+    user_pb = user_dict[111]
+    self.assertEqual('',
+    self.assertEqual(444, user_pb.linked_parent_id)
+    self.assertEqual([222, 333], user_pb.linked_child_ids)
+  def testFetchItems(self):
+    SetUpGetUsers(self.user_service, self.cnxn)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    user_dict = self.user_service.user_2lc.FetchItems(self.cnxn, [333])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual([333], list(user_dict.keys()))
+    self.assertEqual('', user_dict[333].email)
+    self.assertFalse(user_dict[333].is_site_admin)
+    self.assertEqual('Spammer', user_dict[333].banned)
+class UserServiceTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.testbed = testbed.Testbed()
+    self.testbed.activate()
+    self.testbed.init_memcache_stub()
+    self.mox = mox.Mox()
+    self.cnxn = fake.MonorailConnection()
+    self.cache_manager = fake.CacheManager()
+    self.user_service = MakeUserService(self.cache_manager, self.mox)
+  def tearDown(self):
+    self.testbed.deactivate()
+    self.mox.UnsetStubs()
+    self.mox.ResetAll()
+  def SetUpCreateUsers(self):
+    self.user_service.user_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn,
+        ['user_id', 'email', 'obscure_email'],
+        [(3035911623, '', True),
+         (2996997680, '', True)]
+    ).AndReturn(None)
+  def testCreateUsers(self):
+    self.SetUpCreateUsers()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.user_service._CreateUsers(
+        self.cnxn, ['', ''])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def SetUpLookupUserEmails(self):
+    self.user_service.user_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['user_id', 'email'], user_id=[222]).AndReturn(
+            [(222, '')])
+  def testLookupUserEmails(self):
+    self.SetUpLookupUserEmails()
+    self.user_service.email_cache.CacheItem(
+        111, '')
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    emails_dict = self.user_service.LookupUserEmails(
+        self.cnxn, [111, 222])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(
+        {111: '', 222: ''},
+        emails_dict)
+  def SetUpLookupUserEmails_Missed(self):
+    self.user_service.user_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['user_id', 'email'], user_id=[222]).AndReturn([])
+    self.user_service.email_cache.CacheItem(
+        111, '')
+  def testLookupUserEmails_Missed(self):
+    self.SetUpLookupUserEmails_Missed()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    with self.assertRaises(exceptions.NoSuchUserException):
+      self.user_service.LookupUserEmails(self.cnxn, [111, 222])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testLookUpUserEmails_IgnoreMissed(self):
+    self.SetUpLookupUserEmails_Missed()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    emails_dict = self.user_service.LookupUserEmails(
+        self.cnxn, [111, 222], ignore_missed=True)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual({111: ''}, emails_dict)
+  def testLookupUserEmail(self):
+    self.SetUpLookupUserEmails()  # Same as testLookupUserEmails()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    email_addr = self.user_service.LookupUserEmail(self.cnxn, 222)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual('', email_addr)
+  def SetUpLookupUserIDs(self):
+    self.user_service.user_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['email', 'user_id'],
+        email=['']).AndReturn([('', 222)])
+  def testLookupUserIDs(self):
+    self.SetUpLookupUserIDs()
+    self.user_service.user_id_cache.CacheItem(
+        '', 111)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    user_id_dict = self.user_service.LookupUserIDs(
+        self.cnxn, ['', ''])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(
+        {'': 111, '': 222},
+        user_id_dict)
+  def testLookupUserIDs_InvalidEmail(self):
+    self.user_service.user_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['email', 'user_id'], email=['abc']).AndReturn([])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    user_id_dict = self.user_service.LookupUserIDs(
+        self.cnxn, ['abc'], autocreate=True)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual({}, user_id_dict)
+  def testLookupUserIDs_NoUserValue(self):
+    self.user_service.user_tbl.Select = mock.Mock(
+        return_value=[('', 222)])
+    user_id_dict = self.user_service.LookupUserIDs(
+        self.cnxn, [framework_constants.NO_VALUES, '', ''])
+    self.assertEqual({'': 222}, user_id_dict)
+    self.user_service.user_tbl.Select.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['email', 'user_id'], email=[''])
+  def testLookupUserID(self):
+    self.SetUpLookupUserIDs()  # Same as testLookupUserIDs()
+    self.user_service.user_id_cache.CacheItem('', 111)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    user_id = self.user_service.LookupUserID(self.cnxn, '')
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(222, user_id)
+  def SetUpGetUsersByIDs(self):
+    self.user_service.user_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=user_svc.USER_COLS, user_id=[333, 444]).AndReturn(
+            [
+                (
+                    333, '', False, False, False, False, True,
+                    False, 'Spammer', 'stay_same_issue', False, False, True, 0,
+                    0, None)
+            ])
+    self.user_service.linkedaccount_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn,
+        cols=user_svc.LINKEDACCOUNT_COLS,
+        parent_id=[333, 444],
+        child_id=[333, 444],
+        or_where_conds=True).AndReturn([])
+  def testGetUsersByIDs(self):
+    self.SetUpGetUsersByIDs()
+    user_a = user_pb2.User(email='')
+    self.user_service.user_2lc.CacheItem(111, user_a)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    # 444 user does not exist.
+    user_dict = self.user_service.GetUsersByIDs(self.cnxn, [111, 333, 444])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(3, len(user_dict))
+    self.assertEqual('', user_dict[111].email)
+    self.assertFalse(user_dict[111].is_site_admin)
+    self.assertFalse(user_dict[111].banned)
+    self.assertTrue(user_dict[111].notify_issue_change)
+    self.assertEqual('', user_dict[333].email)
+    self.assertEqual(user_dict[444], user_pb2.MakeUser(444))
+  def testGetUsersByIDs_SkipMissed(self):
+    self.SetUpGetUsersByIDs()
+    user_a = user_pb2.User(email='')
+    self.user_service.user_2lc.CacheItem(111, user_a)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    # 444 user does not exist
+    user_dict = self.user_service.GetUsersByIDs(
+        self.cnxn, [111, 333, 444], skip_missed=True)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(2, len(user_dict))
+    self.assertEqual('', user_dict[111].email)
+    self.assertFalse(user_dict[111].is_site_admin)
+    self.assertFalse(user_dict[111].banned)
+    self.assertTrue(user_dict[111].notify_issue_change)
+    self.assertEqual('', user_dict[333].email)
+  def testGetUser(self):
+    SetUpGetUsers(self.user_service, self.cnxn)
+    user_a = user_pb2.User(email='')
+    self.user_service.user_2lc.CacheItem(111, user_a)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    user = self.user_service.GetUser(self.cnxn, 333)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual('',
+  def SetUpUpdateUser(self):
+    delta = {
+        'keep_people_perms_open': False,
+        'preview_on_hover': True,
+        'notify_issue_change': True,
+        'after_issue_update': 'STAY_SAME_ISSUE',
+        'notify_starred_issue_change': True,
+        'notify_starred_ping': False,
+        'is_site_admin': False,
+        'banned': 'Turned spammer',
+        'obscure_email': True,
+        'email_compact_subject': False,
+        'email_view_widget': True,
+        'last_visit_timestamp': 0,
+        'email_bounce_timestamp': 0,
+        'vacation_message': None,
+    }
+    self.user_service.user_tbl.Update(
+        self.cnxn, delta, user_id=111, commit=False)
+  def testUpdateUser(self):
+    self.SetUpUpdateUser()
+    user_a = user_pb2.User(
+        email='', banned='Turned spammer')
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.user_service.UpdateUser(self.cnxn, 111, user_a)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertFalse(self.user_service.user_2lc.HasItem(111))
+  def SetUpGetRecentlyVisitedHotlists(self):
+    self.user_service.hotlistvisithistory_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['hotlist_id'], user_id=[111],
+        order_by=[('viewed DESC', [])], limit=10).AndReturn(
+            ((123,), (234,)))
+  def testGetRecentlyVisitedHotlists(self):
+    self.SetUpGetRecentlyVisitedHotlists()
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    recent_hotlist_rows = self.user_service.GetRecentlyVisitedHotlists(
+        self.cnxn, 111)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(recent_hotlist_rows, [123, 234])
+  def SetUpAddVisitedHotlist(self, ts):
+    self.user_service.hotlistvisithistory_tbl.Delete(
+        self.cnxn, hotlist_id=123, user_id=111, commit=False)
+    self.user_service.hotlistvisithistory_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn, user_svc.HOTLISTVISITHISTORY_COLS,
+        [(123, 111, ts)],
+        commit=False)
+  @mock.patch('time.time')
+  def testAddVisitedHotlist(self, mockTime):
+    ts = 122333
+    mockTime.return_value = ts
+    self.SetUpAddVisitedHotlist(ts)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.user_service.AddVisitedHotlist(self.cnxn, 111, 123, commit=False)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testExpungeHotlistsFromHistory(self):
+    self.user_service.hotlistvisithistory_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    hotlist_ids = [123, 223]
+    self.user_service.ExpungeHotlistsFromHistory(
+        self.cnxn, hotlist_ids, commit=False)
+    self.user_service.hotlistvisithistory_tbl.Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, hotlist_id=hotlist_ids, commit=False)
+  def testExpungeUsersHotlistsHistory(self):
+    self.user_service.hotlistvisithistory_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    user_ids = [111, 222]
+    self.user_service.ExpungeUsersHotlistsHistory(
+        self.cnxn, user_ids, commit=False)
+    self.user_service.hotlistvisithistory_tbl.Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, user_id=user_ids, commit=False)
+  def SetUpTrimUserVisitedHotlists(self, user_ids, ts):
+    self.user_service.hotlistvisithistory_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['user_id'], group_by=['user_id'],
+        having=[('COUNT(*) > %s', [10])], limit=1000).AndReturn((
+            (111,), (222,), (333,)))
+    for user_id in user_ids:
+      self.user_service.hotlistvisithistory_tbl.Select(
+          self.cnxn, cols=['viewed'], user_id=user_id,
+          order_by=[('viewed DESC', [])]).AndReturn([
+              (ts,), (ts,), (ts,), (ts,), (ts,), (ts,),
+              (ts,), (ts,), (ts,), (ts,), (ts+1,)])
+      self.user_service.hotlistvisithistory_tbl.Delete(
+          self.cnxn, user_id=user_id, where=[('viewed < %s', [ts])],
+          commit=False)
+  @mock.patch('time.time')
+  def testTrimUserVisitedHotlists(self, mockTime):
+    ts = 122333
+    mockTime.return_value = ts
+    self.SetUpTrimUserVisitedHotlists([111, 222, 333], ts)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.user_service.TrimUserVisitedHotlists(self.cnxn, commit=False)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testGetPendingLinkedInvites_Anon(self):
+    """An Anon user never has invites to link accounts."""
+    as_parent, as_child = self.user_service.GetPendingLinkedInvites(
+        self.cnxn, 0)
+    self.assertEqual([], as_parent)
+    self.assertEqual([], as_child)
+  def testGetPendingLinkedInvites_None(self):
+    """A user who has no link invites gets empty lists."""
+    self.user_service.linkedaccountinvite_tbl = mock.Mock()
+    self.user_service.linkedaccountinvite_tbl.Select.return_value = []
+    as_parent, as_child = self.user_service.GetPendingLinkedInvites(
+        self.cnxn, 111)
+    self.assertEqual([], as_parent)
+    self.assertEqual([], as_child)
+  def testGetPendingLinkedInvites_Some(self):
+    """A user who has link invites can get them."""
+    self.user_service.linkedaccountinvite_tbl = mock.Mock()
+    self.user_service.linkedaccountinvite_tbl.Select.return_value = [
+        (111, 222), (111, 333), (888, 999), (333, 111)]
+    as_parent, as_child = self.user_service.GetPendingLinkedInvites(
+        self.cnxn, 111)
+    self.assertEqual([222, 333], as_parent)
+    self.assertEqual([333], as_child)
+  def testAssertNotAlreadyLinked_NotLinked(self):
+    """No exception is raised when accounts are not already linked."""
+    self.user_service.linkedaccount_tbl = mock.Mock()
+    self.user_service.linkedaccount_tbl.Select.return_value = []
+    self.user_service._AssertNotAlreadyLinked(self.cnxn, 111, 222)
+  def testAssertNotAlreadyLinked_AlreadyLinked(self):
+    """Reject attempt to link any account that is already linked."""
+    self.user_service.linkedaccount_tbl = mock.Mock()
+    self.user_service.linkedaccount_tbl.Select.return_value = [
+        (111, 222)]
+    with self.assertRaises(exceptions.InputException):
+      self.user_service._AssertNotAlreadyLinked(self.cnxn, 111, 333)
+  def testInviteLinkedParent_Anon(self):
+    """Anon cannot invite anyone to link accounts."""
+    with self.assertRaises(exceptions.InputException):
+      self.user_service.InviteLinkedParent(self.cnxn, 0, 0)
+    with self.assertRaises(exceptions.InputException):
+      self.user_service.InviteLinkedParent(self.cnxn, 111, 0)
+    with self.assertRaises(exceptions.InputException):
+      self.user_service.InviteLinkedParent(self.cnxn, 0, 111)
+  def testInviteLinkedParent_Normal(self):
+    """One account can invite another to link."""
+    self.user_service.linkedaccount_tbl = mock.Mock()
+    self.user_service.linkedaccount_tbl.Select.return_value = []
+    self.user_service.linkedaccountinvite_tbl = mock.Mock()
+    self.user_service.InviteLinkedParent(
+        self.cnxn, 111, 222)
+    self.user_service.linkedaccountinvite_tbl.InsertRow.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, parent_id=111, child_id=222)
+  def testAcceptLinkedChild_Anon(self):
+    """Reject attempts for anon to accept any invite."""
+    with self.assertRaises(exceptions.InputException):
+      self.user_service.AcceptLinkedChild(self.cnxn, 0, 333)
+    with self.assertRaises(exceptions.InputException):
+      self.user_service.AcceptLinkedChild(self.cnxn, 333, 0)
+  def testAcceptLinkedChild_Missing(self):
+    """Reject attempts to link without a matching invite."""
+    self.user_service.linkedaccountinvite_tbl = mock.Mock()
+    self.user_service.linkedaccountinvite_tbl.Select.return_value = []
+    self.user_service.linkedaccount_tbl = mock.Mock()
+    self.user_service.linkedaccount_tbl.Select.return_value = []
+    with self.assertRaises(exceptions.InputException) as cm:
+      self.user_service.AcceptLinkedChild(self.cnxn, 111, 333)
+    self.assertEqual('No such invite', cm.exception.message)
+  def testAcceptLinkedChild_Normal(self):
+    """Create linkage between accounts and remove invite."""
+    self.user_service.linkedaccountinvite_tbl = mock.Mock()
+    self.user_service.linkedaccountinvite_tbl.Select.return_value = [
+        (111, 222), (333, 444)]
+    self.user_service.linkedaccount_tbl = mock.Mock()
+    self.user_service.linkedaccount_tbl.Select.return_value = []
+    self.user_service.AcceptLinkedChild(self.cnxn, 111, 222)
+    self.user_service.linkedaccount_tbl.InsertRow.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, parent_id=111, child_id=222)
+    self.user_service.linkedaccountinvite_tbl.Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, parent_id=111, child_id=222)
+  def testUnlinkAccounts_MissingIDs(self):
+    """Reject an attempt to unlink anon."""
+    with self.assertRaises(exceptions.InputException):
+      self.user_service.UnlinkAccounts(self.cnxn, 0, 0)
+    with self.assertRaises(exceptions.InputException):
+      self.user_service.UnlinkAccounts(self.cnxn, 0, 111)
+    with self.assertRaises(exceptions.InputException):
+      self.user_service.UnlinkAccounts(self.cnxn, 111, 0)
+  def testUnlinkAccounts_Normal(self):
+    """We can unlink accounts."""
+    self.user_service.linkedaccount_tbl = mock.Mock()
+    self.user_service.UnlinkAccounts(self.cnxn, 111, 222)
+    self.user_service.linkedaccount_tbl.Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, parent_id=111, child_id=222)
+  def testUpdateUserSettings(self):
+    self.SetUpUpdateUser()
+    user_a = user_pb2.User(email='')
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.user_service.UpdateUserSettings(
+        self.cnxn, 111, user_a, is_banned=True,
+        banned_reason='Turned spammer')
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testGetUsersPrefs(self):
+    self.user_service.userprefs_tbl = mock.Mock()
+    self.user_service.userprefs_tbl.Select.return_value = [
+        (111, 'code_font', 'true'),
+        (111, 'keep_perms_open', 'true'),
+        # Note: user 222 has not set any prefs.
+        (333, 'code_font', 'false')]
+    prefs_dict = self.user_service.GetUsersPrefs(self.cnxn, [111, 222, 333])
+    expected = {
+      111: user_pb2.UserPrefs(
+          user_id=111,
+          prefs=[user_pb2.UserPrefValue(name='code_font', value='true'),
+                 user_pb2.UserPrefValue(name='keep_perms_open', value='true')]),
+      222: user_pb2.UserPrefs(user_id=222),
+      333: user_pb2.UserPrefs(
+          user_id=333,
+          prefs=[user_pb2.UserPrefValue(name='code_font', value='false')]),
+      }
+    self.assertEqual(expected, prefs_dict)
+  def testGetUserPrefs(self):
+    self.user_service.userprefs_tbl = mock.Mock()
+    self.user_service.userprefs_tbl.Select.return_value = [
+        (111, 'code_font', 'true'),
+        (111, 'keep_perms_open', 'true'),
+        # Note: user 222 has not set any prefs.
+        (333, 'code_font', 'false')]
+    userprefs = self.user_service.GetUserPrefs(self.cnxn, 111)
+    expected = user_pb2.UserPrefs(
+        user_id=111,
+        prefs=[user_pb2.UserPrefValue(name='code_font', value='true'),
+               user_pb2.UserPrefValue(name='keep_perms_open', value='true')])
+    self.assertEqual(expected, userprefs)
+    userprefs = self.user_service.GetUserPrefs(self.cnxn, 222)
+    expected = user_pb2.UserPrefs(user_id=222)
+    self.assertEqual(expected, userprefs)
+  def testSetUserPrefs(self):
+    self.user_service.userprefs_tbl = mock.Mock()
+    pref_values = [user_pb2.UserPrefValue(name='code_font', value='true'),
+                   user_pb2.UserPrefValue(name='keep_perms_open', value='true')]
+    self.user_service.SetUserPrefs(self.cnxn, 111, pref_values)
+    self.user_service.userprefs_tbl.InsertRows.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, user_svc.USERPREFS_COLS,
+        [(111, 'code_font', 'true'),
+         (111, 'keep_perms_open', 'true')],
+        replace=True)
+  def testExpungeUsers(self):
+    self.user_service.linkedaccount_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    self.user_service.linkedaccountinvite_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    self.user_service.userprefs_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    self.user_service.user_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    user_ids = [222, 444]
+    self.user_service.ExpungeUsers(self.cnxn, user_ids)
+    linked_account_calls = [
+, parent_id=user_ids, commit=False),
+, child_id=user_ids, commit=False)]
+    self.user_service.linkedaccount_tbl.Delete.has_calls(linked_account_calls)
+    self.user_service.linkedaccountinvite_tbl.Delete.has_calls(
+        linked_account_calls)
+    user_calls = [, user_id=user_ids, commit=False)]
+    self.user_service.userprefs_tbl.Delete.has_calls(user_calls)
+    self.user_service.user_tbl.Delete.has_calls(user_calls)
+  def testTotalUsersCount(self):
+    self.user_service.user_tbl.SelectValue = mock.Mock(return_value=10)
+    self.assertEqual(self.user_service.TotalUsersCount(self.cnxn), 9)
+    self.user_service.user_tbl.SelectValue.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, col='COUNT(*)')
+  def testGetAllUserEmailsBatch(self):
+    rows = [('',), ('',), ('',)]
+    self.user_service.user_tbl.Select = mock.Mock(return_value=rows)
+    emails = self.user_service.GetAllUserEmailsBatch(self.cnxn)
+    self.user_service.user_tbl.Select.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['email'], limit=1000, offset=0,
+        where=[('user_id != %s', [framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID])],
+        order_by=[('user_id ASC', [])])
+    self.assertItemsEqual(
+        emails, ['', '', ''])
+  def testGetAllUserEmailsBatch_CustomLimit(self):
+    rows = [('',), ('',), ('',)]
+    self.user_service.user_tbl.Select = mock.Mock(return_value=rows)
+    emails = self.user_service.GetAllUserEmailsBatch(
+        self.cnxn, limit=30, offset=60)
+    self.user_service.user_tbl.Select.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['email'], limit=30, offset=60,
+        where=[('user_id != %s', [framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID])],
+        order_by=[('user_id ASC', [])])
+    self.assertItemsEqual(
+        emails, ['', '', ''])
diff --git a/services/test/ b/services/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bfd899
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,562 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Tests for the usergroup service."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import collections
+import mock
+import unittest
+import mox
+from google.appengine.ext import testbed
+from framework import exceptions
+from framework import permissions
+from framework import sql
+from proto import usergroup_pb2
+from services import service_manager
+from services import usergroup_svc
+from testing import fake
+def MakeUserGroupService(cache_manager, my_mox):
+  usergroup_service = usergroup_svc.UserGroupService(cache_manager)
+  usergroup_service.usergroup_tbl = my_mox.CreateMock(sql.SQLTableManager)
+  usergroup_service.usergroupsettings_tbl = my_mox.CreateMock(
+      sql.SQLTableManager)
+  usergroup_service.usergroupprojects_tbl = my_mox.CreateMock(
+      sql.SQLTableManager)
+  return usergroup_service
+class MembershipTwoLevelCacheTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.mox = mox.Mox()
+    self.cache_manager = fake.CacheManager()
+    self.usergroup_service = MakeUserGroupService(self.cache_manager, self.mox)
+  def testDeserializeMemberships(self):
+    memberships_rows = [(111, 777), (111, 888), (222, 888)]
+    actual = self.usergroup_service.memberships_2lc._DeserializeMemberships(
+        memberships_rows)
+    self.assertItemsEqual([111, 222], list(actual.keys()))
+    self.assertItemsEqual([777, 888], actual[111])
+    self.assertItemsEqual([888], actual[222])
+class UserGroupServiceTest(unittest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    self.testbed = testbed.Testbed()
+    self.testbed.activate()
+    self.testbed.init_memcache_stub()
+    self.mox = mox.Mox()
+    self.cnxn = 'fake connection'
+    self.cache_manager = fake.CacheManager()
+    self.usergroup_service = MakeUserGroupService(self.cache_manager, self.mox)
+ = service_manager.Services(
+        user=fake.UserService(),
+        usergroup=self.usergroup_service,
+        project=fake.ProjectService())
+  def tearDown(self):
+    self.testbed.deactivate()
+    self.mox.UnsetStubs()
+    self.mox.ResetAll()
+  def SetUpCreateGroup(
+      self, group_id, visiblity, external_group_type=None):
+    self.SetUpUpdateSettings(group_id, visiblity, external_group_type)
+  def testCreateGroup_Normal(self):
+'', 888)
+    self.SetUpCreateGroup(888, 'anyone')
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    actual_group_id = self.usergroup_service.CreateGroup(
+        self.cnxn,, '', 'anyone')
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(888, actual_group_id)
+  def testCreateGroup_Import(self):
+'troopers', 888)
+    self.SetUpCreateGroup(888, 'owners', 'mdb')
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    actual_group_id = self.usergroup_service.CreateGroup(
+        self.cnxn,, 'troopers', 'owners', 'mdb')
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(888, actual_group_id)
+  def SetUpDetermineWhichUserIDsAreGroups(self, ids_to_query, mock_group_ids):
+    self.usergroup_service.usergroupsettings_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['group_id'], group_id=ids_to_query).AndReturn(
+            (gid,) for gid in mock_group_ids)
+  def testDetermineWhichUserIDsAreGroups_NoGroups(self):
+    self.SetUpDetermineWhichUserIDsAreGroups([], [])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    actual_group_ids = self.usergroup_service.DetermineWhichUserIDsAreGroups(
+        self.cnxn, [])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual([], actual_group_ids)
+  def testDetermineWhichUserIDsAreGroups_SomeGroups(self):
+    user_ids = [111, 222, 333]
+    group_ids = [888, 999]
+    self.SetUpDetermineWhichUserIDsAreGroups(user_ids + group_ids, group_ids)
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    actual_group_ids = self.usergroup_service.DetermineWhichUserIDsAreGroups(
+        self.cnxn, user_ids + group_ids)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(group_ids, actual_group_ids)
+  def testLookupUserGroupID_Found(self):
+    mock_select = mock.MagicMock()
+ = mock_select
+    mock_select.return_value = [('', 888)]
+    actual =
+        self.cnxn, '')
+    self.assertEqual(888, actual)
+    mock_select.assert_called_once_with(
+      self.cnxn, cols=['email', 'group_id'],
+      left_joins=[('User ON UserGroupSettings.group_id = User.user_id', [])],
+      email='',
+      where=[('group_id IS NOT NULL', [])])
+  def testLookupUserGroupID_NotFound(self):
+    mock_select = mock.MagicMock()
+ = mock_select
+    mock_select.return_value = []
+    actual =
+        self.cnxn, '')
+    self.assertIsNone(actual)
+    mock_select.assert_called_once_with(
+      self.cnxn, cols=['email', 'group_id'],
+      left_joins=[('User ON UserGroupSettings.group_id = User.user_id', [])],
+      email='',
+      where=[('group_id IS NOT NULL', [])])
+  def SetUpLookupAllMemberships(self, user_ids, mock_membership_rows):
+    self.usergroup_service.usergroup_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['user_id', 'group_id'], distinct=True,
+        user_id=user_ids).AndReturn(mock_membership_rows)
+  def testLookupAllMemberships(self):
+    self.usergroup_service.group_dag.initialized = True
+    self.usergroup_service.memberships_2lc.CacheItem(111, {888, 999})
+    self.SetUpLookupAllMemberships([222], [(222, 777), (222, 999)])
+    self.usergroup_service.usergroupsettings_tbl.Select(
+          self.cnxn, cols=['group_id']).AndReturn([])
+    self.usergroup_service.usergroup_tbl.Select(
+          self.cnxn, cols=['user_id', 'group_id'], distinct=True,
+          user_id=[]).AndReturn([])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    actual_membership_dict = self.usergroup_service.LookupAllMemberships(
+        self.cnxn, [111, 222])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(
+        {111: {888, 999}, 222: {777, 999}},
+        actual_membership_dict)
+  def SetUpRemoveMembers(self, group_id, member_ids):
+    self.usergroup_service.usergroup_tbl.Delete(
+        self.cnxn, group_id=group_id, user_id=member_ids)
+  def testRemoveMembers(self):
+    self.usergroup_service.group_dag.initialized = True
+    self.SetUpRemoveMembers(888, [111, 222])
+    self.SetUpLookupAllMembers([111, 222], [], {}, {})
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.usergroup_service.RemoveMembers(self.cnxn, 888, [111, 222])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testUpdateMembers(self):
+    self.usergroup_service.group_dag.initialized = True
+    self.usergroup_service.usergroup_tbl.Delete(
+        self.cnxn, group_id=888, user_id=[111, 222])
+    self.usergroup_service.usergroup_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn, ['user_id', 'group_id', 'role'],
+        [(111, 888, 'member'), (222, 888, 'member')])
+    self.SetUpLookupAllMembers([111, 222], [], {}, {})
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.usergroup_service.UpdateMembers(
+        self.cnxn, 888, [111, 222], 'member')
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testUpdateMembers_CircleDetection(self):
+    # Two groups: 888 and 999 while 999 is a member of 888.
+    self.SetUpDAG([(888,), (999,)], [(999, 888)])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.assertRaises(
+        exceptions.CircularGroupException,
+        self.usergroup_service.UpdateMembers, self.cnxn, 999, [888], 'member')
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def SetUpLookupAllMembers(
+      self, group_ids, direct_member_rows,
+      descedants_dict, indirect_member_rows_dict):
+    self.usergroup_service.usergroup_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['user_id', 'group_id', 'role'], distinct=True,
+        group_id=group_ids).AndReturn(direct_member_rows)
+    for gid in group_ids:
+      if descedants_dict.get(gid, []):
+        self.usergroup_service.usergroup_tbl.Select(
+            self.cnxn, cols=['user_id'], distinct=True,
+            group_id=descedants_dict.get(gid, [])).AndReturn(
+            indirect_member_rows_dict.get(gid, []))
+  def testLookupAllMembers(self):
+    self.usergroup_service.group_dag.initialized = True
+    self.usergroup_service.group_dag.user_group_children = (
+        collections.defaultdict(list))
+    self.usergroup_service.group_dag.user_group_children[777] = [888]
+    self.usergroup_service.group_dag.user_group_children[888] = [999]
+    self.SetUpLookupAllMembers(
+        [777],
+        [(888, 777, 'member'), (111, 888, 'member'), (999, 888, 'member'),
+         (222, 999, 'member')],
+        {777: [888, 999]},
+        {777: [(111,), (222,), (999,)]})
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    members_dict, owners_dict = self.usergroup_service.LookupAllMembers(
+        self.cnxn, [777])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual([111, 222, 888, 999], members_dict[777])
+    self.assertItemsEqual([], owners_dict[777])
+  def testExpandAnyGroupEmailRecipients(self):
+    self.usergroup_service.group_dag.initialized = True
+    self.SetUpDetermineWhichUserIDsAreGroups(
+        [111, 777, 888, 999], [777, 888, 999])
+    self.SetUpGetGroupSettings(
+        [777, 888, 999],
+        [(777, 'anyone', None, 0, 1, 0),
+         (888, 'anyone', None, 0, 0, 1),
+         (999, 'anyone', None, 0, 1, 1)],
+    )
+    self.SetUpLookupAllMembers(
+        [777, 888, 999],
+        [(222, 777, 'member'), (333, 888, 'member'), (444, 999, 'member')],
+        {}, {})
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    direct, indirect = self.usergroup_service.ExpandAnyGroupEmailRecipients(
+        self.cnxn, [111, 777, 888, 999])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual([111, 888, 999], direct)
+    self.assertItemsEqual([222, 444], indirect)
+  def SetUpLookupMembers(self, group_member_dict):
+    mock_membership_rows = []
+    group_ids = []
+    for gid, members in group_member_dict.items():
+      group_ids.append(gid)
+      mock_membership_rows.extend([(uid, gid, 'member') for uid in members])
+    group_ids.sort()
+    self.usergroup_service.usergroup_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['user_id','group_id', 'role'], distinct=True,
+        group_id=group_ids).AndReturn(mock_membership_rows)
+  def testLookupMembers_NoneRequested(self):
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    member_ids, _ = self.usergroup_service.LookupMembers(self.cnxn, [])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual({}, member_ids)
+  def testLookupMembers_Nonexistent(self):
+    """If some requested groups don't exist, they are ignored."""
+    self.SetUpLookupMembers({777: []})
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    member_ids, _ = self.usergroup_service.LookupMembers(self.cnxn, [777])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual([], member_ids[777])
+  def testLookupMembers_AllEmpty(self):
+    """Requesting all empty groups results in no members."""
+    self.SetUpLookupMembers({888: [], 999: []})
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    member_ids, _ = self.usergroup_service.LookupMembers(self.cnxn, [888, 999])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual([], member_ids[888])
+  def testLookupMembers_OneGroup(self):
+    self.SetUpLookupMembers({888: [111, 222]})
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    member_ids, _ = self.usergroup_service.LookupMembers(self.cnxn, [888])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual([111, 222], member_ids[888])
+  def testLookupMembers_GroupsAndNonGroups(self):
+    """We ignore any non-groups passed in."""
+    self.SetUpLookupMembers({111: [], 333: [], 888: [111, 222]})
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    member_ids, _ = self.usergroup_service.LookupMembers(
+        self.cnxn, [111, 333, 888])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual([111, 222], member_ids[888])
+  def testLookupMembers_OverlappingGroups(self):
+    """We get the union of IDs.  Imagine 888 = {111} and 999 = {111, 222}."""
+    self.SetUpLookupMembers({888: [111], 999: [111, 222]})
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    member_ids, _ = self.usergroup_service.LookupMembers(self.cnxn, [888, 999])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual([111, 222], member_ids[999])
+    self.assertItemsEqual([111], member_ids[888])
+  def testLookupVisibleMembers_LimitedVisiblity(self):
+    """We get only the member IDs in groups that the user is allowed to see."""
+    self.usergroup_service.group_dag.initialized = True
+    self.SetUpGetGroupSettings(
+        [888, 999],
+        [(888, 'anyone', None, 0, 1, 0), (999, 'members', None, 0, 1, 0)])
+    self.SetUpLookupMembers({888: [111], 999: [111]})
+    self.SetUpLookupAllMembers(
+        [888, 999], [(111, 888, 'member'), (111, 999, 'member')], {}, {})
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    member_ids, _ = self.usergroup_service.LookupVisibleMembers(
+        self.cnxn, [888, 999], permissions.USER_PERMISSIONSET, set(),
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertItemsEqual([111], member_ids[888])
+    self.assertNotIn(999, member_ids)
+  def SetUpGetAllUserGroupsInfo(self, mock_settings_rows, mock_count_rows,
+                                mock_friends=None):
+    mock_friends = mock_friends or []
+    self.usergroup_service.usergroupsettings_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['email', 'group_id', 'who_can_view_members',
+                         'external_group_type', 'last_sync_time',
+                         'notify_members', 'notify_group'],
+        left_joins=[('User ON UserGroupSettings.group_id = User.user_id', [])]
+        ).AndReturn(mock_settings_rows)
+    self.usergroup_service.usergroup_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['group_id', 'COUNT(*)'],
+        group_by=['group_id']).AndReturn(mock_count_rows)
+    group_ids = [g[1] for g in mock_settings_rows]
+    self.usergroup_service.usergroupprojects_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=usergroup_svc.USERGROUPPROJECTS_COLS,
+        group_id=group_ids).AndReturn(mock_friends)
+  def testGetAllUserGroupsInfo(self):
+    self.SetUpGetAllUserGroupsInfo(
+        [('', 888, 'anyone', None, 0, 1, 0)],
+        [(888, 12)])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    actual_infos = self.usergroup_service.GetAllUserGroupsInfo(self.cnxn)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(1, len(actual_infos))
+    addr, count, group_settings, group_id = actual_infos[0]
+    self.assertEqual('', addr)
+    self.assertEqual(12, count)
+    self.assertEqual(usergroup_pb2.MemberVisibility.ANYONE,
+                     group_settings.who_can_view_members)
+    self.assertEqual(888, group_id)
+  def SetUpGetGroupSettings(self, group_ids, mock_result_rows,
+                            mock_friends=None):
+    mock_friends = mock_friends or []
+    self.usergroup_service.usergroupsettings_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=usergroup_svc.USERGROUPSETTINGS_COLS,
+        group_id=group_ids).AndReturn(mock_result_rows)
+    self.usergroup_service.usergroupprojects_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=usergroup_svc.USERGROUPPROJECTS_COLS,
+        group_id=group_ids).AndReturn(mock_friends)
+  def testGetGroupSettings_NoGroupsRequested(self):
+    self.SetUpGetGroupSettings([], [])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    actual_settings_dict = self.usergroup_service.GetAllGroupSettings(
+        self.cnxn, [])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual({}, actual_settings_dict)
+  def testGetGroupSettings_NoGroupsFound(self):
+    self.SetUpGetGroupSettings([777], [])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    actual_settings_dict = self.usergroup_service.GetAllGroupSettings(
+        self.cnxn, [777])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual({}, actual_settings_dict)
+  def testGetGroupSettings_SomeGroups(self):
+    self.SetUpGetGroupSettings(
+        [777, 888, 999],
+        [(888, 'anyone', None, 0, 1, 0), (999, 'members', None, 0, 1, 0)])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    actual_settings_dict = self.usergroup_service.GetAllGroupSettings(
+        self.cnxn, [777, 888, 999])
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(
+        {888: usergroup_pb2.MakeSettings('anyone'),
+         999: usergroup_pb2.MakeSettings('members')},
+        actual_settings_dict)
+  def testGetGroupSettings_NoSuchGroup(self):
+    self.SetUpGetGroupSettings([777], [])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    actual_settings = self.usergroup_service.GetGroupSettings(self.cnxn, 777)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(None, actual_settings)
+  def testGetGroupSettings_Found(self):
+    self.SetUpGetGroupSettings([888], [(888, 'anyone', None, 0, 1, 0)])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    actual_settings = self.usergroup_service.GetGroupSettings(self.cnxn, 888)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(
+        usergroup_pb2.MemberVisibility.ANYONE,
+        actual_settings.who_can_view_members)
+  def testGetGroupSettings_Import(self):
+    self.SetUpGetGroupSettings(
+        [888], [(888, 'owners', 'mdb', 0, 1, 0)])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    actual_settings = self.usergroup_service.GetGroupSettings(self.cnxn, 888)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertEqual(
+        usergroup_pb2.MemberVisibility.OWNERS,
+        actual_settings.who_can_view_members)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        usergroup_pb2.GroupType.MDB,
+        actual_settings.ext_group_type)
+  def SetUpUpdateSettings(self, group_id, visiblity, external_group_type=None,
+                          last_sync_time=0, friend_projects=None,
+                          notify_members=True, notify_group=False):
+    friend_projects = friend_projects or []
+    self.usergroup_service.usergroupsettings_tbl.InsertRow(
+        self.cnxn, group_id=group_id, who_can_view_members=visiblity,
+        external_group_type=external_group_type,
+        last_sync_time=last_sync_time, notify_members=notify_members,
+        notify_group=notify_group, replace=True)
+    self.usergroup_service.usergroupprojects_tbl.Delete(
+        self.cnxn, group_id=group_id)
+    if friend_projects:
+      rows = [(group_id, p_id) for p_id in friend_projects]
+      self.usergroup_service.usergroupprojects_tbl.InsertRows(
+        self.cnxn, ['group_id', 'project_id'], rows)
+  def testUpdateSettings_Normal(self):
+    self.SetUpUpdateSettings(888, 'anyone')
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.usergroup_service.UpdateSettings(
+        self.cnxn, 888, usergroup_pb2.MakeSettings('anyone'))
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testUpdateSettings_Import(self):
+    self.SetUpUpdateSettings(888, 'owners', 'mdb')
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.usergroup_service.UpdateSettings(
+        self.cnxn, 888,
+        usergroup_pb2.MakeSettings('owners', 'mdb'))
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testUpdateSettings_WithFriends(self):
+    self.SetUpUpdateSettings(888, 'anyone', friend_projects=[789])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.usergroup_service.UpdateSettings(
+        self.cnxn, 888,
+        usergroup_pb2.MakeSettings('anyone', friend_projects=[789]))
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+  def testExpungeUsersInGroups(self):
+    self.usergroup_service.usergroupprojects_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    self.usergroup_service.usergroupsettings_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    self.usergroup_service.usergroup_tbl.Delete = mock.Mock()
+    ids = [222, 333, 444]
+    self.usergroup_service.ExpungeUsersInGroups(self.cnxn, ids)
+    self.usergroup_service.usergroupprojects_tbl.Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, group_id=ids, commit=False)
+    self.usergroup_service.usergroupsettings_tbl.Delete.assert_called_once_with(
+        self.cnxn, group_id=ids, commit=False)
+    self.usergroup_service.usergroup_tbl.Delete.assert_has_calls(
+        [, group_id=ids, commit=False),
+, user_id=ids, commit=False)])
+  def SetUpDAG(self, group_id_rows, usergroup_rows):
+    self.usergroup_service.usergroupsettings_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['group_id']).AndReturn(group_id_rows)
+    self.usergroup_service.usergroup_tbl.Select(
+        self.cnxn, cols=['user_id', 'group_id'], distinct=True,
+        user_id=[r[0] for r in group_id_rows]).AndReturn(usergroup_rows)
+  def testDAG_Build(self):
+    # Old entries should go away after rebuilding
+    self.usergroup_service.group_dag.user_group_parents = (
+        collections.defaultdict(list))
+    self.usergroup_service.group_dag.user_group_parents[111] = [222]
+    # Two groups: 888 and 999 while 999 is a member of 888.
+    self.SetUpDAG([(888,), (999,)], [(999, 888)])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    self.usergroup_service.group_dag.Build(self.cnxn)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertIn(888, self.usergroup_service.group_dag.user_group_children)
+    self.assertIn(999, self.usergroup_service.group_dag.user_group_parents)
+    self.assertNotIn(111, self.usergroup_service.group_dag.user_group_parents)
+  def testDAG_GetAllAncestors(self):
+    # Three groups: 777, 888 and 999.
+    # 999 is a direct member of 888, and 888 is a direct member of 777.
+    self.SetUpDAG([(777,), (888,), (999,)], [(999, 888), (888, 777)])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    ancestors = self.usergroup_service.group_dag.GetAllAncestors(
+        self.cnxn, 999)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    ancestors.sort()
+    self.assertEqual([777, 888], ancestors)
+  def testDAG_GetAllAncestorsDiamond(self):
+    # Four groups: 666, 777, 888 and 999.
+    # 999 is a direct member of both 888 and 777,
+    # 888 is a direct member of 666, and 777 is also a direct member of 666.
+    self.SetUpDAG([(666, ), (777,), (888,), (999,)],
+                  [(999, 888), (999, 777), (888, 666), (777, 666)])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    ancestors = self.usergroup_service.group_dag.GetAllAncestors(
+        self.cnxn, 999)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    ancestors.sort()
+    self.assertEqual([666, 777, 888], ancestors)
+  def testDAG_GetAllDescendants(self):
+    # Four groups: 666, 777, 888 and 999.
+    # 999 is a direct member of both 888 and 777,
+    # 888 is a direct member of 666, and 777 is also a direct member of 666.
+    self.SetUpDAG([(666, ), (777,), (888,), (999,)],
+                  [(999, 888), (999, 777), (888, 666), (777, 666)])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    descendants = self.usergroup_service.group_dag.GetAllDescendants(
+        self.cnxn, 666)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    descendants.sort()
+    self.assertEqual([777, 888, 999], descendants)
+  def testDAG_IsChild(self):
+    # Four groups: 666, 777, 888 and 999.
+    # 999 is a direct member of both 888 and 777,
+    # 888 is a direct member of 666, and 777 is also a direct member of 666.
+    self.SetUpDAG([(666, ), (777,), (888,), (999,)],
+                  [(999, 888), (999, 777), (888, 666), (777, 666)])
+    self.mox.ReplayAll()
+    result1 = self.usergroup_service.group_dag.IsChild(
+        self.cnxn, 777, 666)
+    result2 = self.usergroup_service.group_dag.IsChild(
+        self.cnxn, 777, 888)
+    self.mox.VerifyAll()
+    self.assertTrue(result1)
+    self.assertFalse(result2)
diff --git a/services/ b/services/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecbfc44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""A set of functions that provide fulltext search for issues."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import collections
+import logging
+import time
+from six import string_types
+from google.appengine.api import search
+import settings
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import framework_helpers
+from framework import framework_views
+from services import fulltext_helpers
+from tracker import tracker_bizobj
+# When updating and re-indexing all issues in a project, work in batches
+# of this size to manage memory usage and avoid rpc timeouts.
+# The user can search for text that occurs specifically in these
+# parts of an issue.
+ISSUE_FULLTEXT_FIELDS = ['summary', 'description', 'comment']
+# Note: issue documents also contain a "metadata" field, but we do not
+# expose that to users.  Issue metadata can be searched in a structured way
+# by giving a specific field name such as "owner:" or "status:". The metadata
+# search field exists only for fulltext queries that do not specify any field.
+def IndexIssues(cnxn, issues, user_service, issue_service, config_service):
+  """(Re)index all the given issues.
+  Args:
+    cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+    issues: list of Issue PBs to index.
+    user_service: interface to user data storage.
+    issue_service: interface to issue data storage.
+    config_service: interface to configuration data storage.
+  """
+  issues = list(issues)
+  config_dict = config_service.GetProjectConfigs(
+      cnxn, {issue.project_id for issue in issues})
+  for start in range(0, len(issues), _INDEX_BATCH_SIZE):
+'indexing issues: %d remaining', len(issues) - start)
+    _IndexIssueBatch(
+        cnxn, issues[start:start + _INDEX_BATCH_SIZE], user_service,
+        issue_service, config_dict)
+def _IndexIssueBatch(cnxn, issues, user_service, issue_service, config_dict):
+  """Internal method to (re)index the given batch of issues.
+  Args:
+    cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+    issues: list of Issue PBs to index.
+    user_service: interface to user data storage.
+    issue_service: interface to issue data storage.
+    config_dict: dict {project_id: config} for all the projects that
+        the given issues are in.
+  """
+  user_ids = tracker_bizobj.UsersInvolvedInIssues(issues)
+  comments_dict = issue_service.GetCommentsForIssues(
+      cnxn, [issue.issue_id for issue in issues])
+  for comments in comments_dict.values():
+    user_ids.update([ic.user_id for ic in comments])
+  users_by_id = framework_views.MakeAllUserViews(
+      cnxn, user_service, user_ids)
+  _CreateIssueSearchDocuments(issues, comments_dict, users_by_id, config_dict)
+def _CreateIssueSearchDocuments(
+    issues, comments_dict, users_by_id, config_dict):
+  """Make the GAE search index documents for the given issue batch.
+  Args:
+    issues: list of issues to index.
+    comments_dict: prefetched dictionary of comments on those issues.
+    users_by_id: dictionary {user_id: UserView} so that the email
+        addresses of users who left comments can be found via search.
+    config_dict: dict {project_id: config} for all the projects that
+        the given issues are in.
+  """
+  documents_by_shard = collections.defaultdict(list)
+  for issue in issues:
+    summary = issue.summary
+    # TODO(jrobbins): allow search specifically on explicit vs derived
+    # fields.
+    owner_id = tracker_bizobj.GetOwnerId(issue)
+    owner_email = users_by_id[owner_id].email
+    config = config_dict[issue.project_id]
+    component_paths = []
+    for component_id in issue.component_ids:
+      cd = tracker_bizobj.FindComponentDefByID(component_id, config)
+      if cd:
+        component_paths.append(cd.path)
+    field_values = [tracker_bizobj.GetFieldValue(fv, users_by_id)
+                    for fv in issue.field_values]
+    # Convert to string only the values that are not strings already.
+    # This is done because the default encoding in appengine seems to be 'ascii'
+    # and string values might contain unicode characters, so str will fail to
+    # encode them.
+    field_values = [value if isinstance(value, string_types) else str(value)
+                    for value in field_values]
+    metadata = '%s %s %s %s %s %s' % (
+        tracker_bizobj.GetStatus(issue),
+        owner_email,
+        [users_by_id[cc_id].email for cc_id in
+         tracker_bizobj.GetCcIds(issue)],
+        ' '.join(component_paths),
+        ' '.join(field_values),
+        ' '.join(tracker_bizobj.GetLabels(issue)))
+    custom_fields = _BuildCustomFTSFields(issue)
+    comments = comments_dict.get(issue.issue_id, [])
+    room_for_comments = (framework_constants.MAX_FTS_FIELD_SIZE -
+                         len(summary) -
+                         len(metadata) -
+                         sum(len(cf.value) for cf in custom_fields))
+    comments = _IndexableComments(
+        comments, users_by_id, remaining_chars=room_for_comments)
+'len(comments) is %r', len(comments))
+    if comments:
+      description = _ExtractCommentText(comments[0], users_by_id)
+      description = description[:framework_constants.MAX_FTS_FIELD_SIZE]
+      all_comments = ' '. join(
+          _ExtractCommentText(c, users_by_id) for c in comments[1:])
+      all_comments = all_comments[:framework_constants.MAX_FTS_FIELD_SIZE]
+    else:
+      description = ''
+      all_comments = ''
+          'Issue %s:%r has zero indexable comments',
+          issue.project_name, issue.local_id)
+'Building document for %s:%d',
+                 issue.project_name, issue.local_id)
+'len(summary) = %d', len(summary))
+'len(metadata) = %d', len(metadata))
+'len(description) = %d', len(description))
+'len(comment) = %d', len(all_comments))
+    for cf in custom_fields:
+'len(%s) = %d',, len(cf.value))
+    doc = search.Document(
+        doc_id=str(issue.issue_id),
+        fields=[
+            search.NumberField(name='project_id', value=issue.project_id),
+            search.TextField(name='summary', value=summary),
+            search.TextField(name='metadata', value=metadata),
+            search.TextField(name='description', value=description),
+            search.TextField(name='comment', value=all_comments),
+            ] + custom_fields)
+    shard_id = issue.issue_id % settings.num_logical_shards
+    documents_by_shard[shard_id].append(doc)
+  start_time = time.time()
+  promises = []
+  for shard_id, documents in documents_by_shard.items():
+    if documents:
+      promises.append(framework_helpers.Promise(
+          _IndexDocsInShard, shard_id, documents))
+  for promise in promises:
+    promise.WaitAndGetValue()
+'Finished %d indexing in shards in %d ms',
+               len(documents_by_shard), int((time.time() - start_time) * 1000))
+def _IndexableComments(comments, users_by_id, remaining_chars=None):
+  """We only index the comments that are not deleted or banned.
+  Args:
+    comments: list of Comment PBs for one issue.
+    users_by_id: Dict of (user_id -> UserView) for all users.
+    remaining_chars: number of characters available for comment text
+       without hitting the GAE search index max document size.
+  Returns:
+    A list of comments filtered to not have any deleted comments or
+    comments from banned users.  If the issue has a huge number of
+    comments, only a certain number of the first and last comments
+    are actually indexed.
+  """
+  if remaining_chars is None:
+    remaining_chars = framework_constants.MAX_FTS_FIELD_SIZE
+  allowed_comments = []
+  for comment in comments:
+    user_view = users_by_id.get(comment.user_id)
+    if not (comment.deleted_by or (user_view and user_view.banned)):
+      if comment.is_description and allowed_comments:
+        # index the latest description, but not older descriptions
+        allowed_comments[0] = comment
+      else:
+        allowed_comments.append(comment)
+  reasonable_size = (framework_constants.INITIAL_COMMENTS_TO_INDEX +
+                     framework_constants.FINAL_COMMENTS_TO_INDEX)
+  if len(allowed_comments) <= reasonable_size:
+    candidates = allowed_comments
+  else:
+    candidates = (  # Prioritize the description and recent comments.
+      allowed_comments[0:1] +
+      allowed_comments[-framework_constants.FINAL_COMMENTS_TO_INDEX:] +
+      allowed_comments[1:framework_constants.INITIAL_COMMENTS_TO_INDEX])
+  total_length = 0
+  result = []
+  for comment in candidates:
+    total_length += len(comment.content)
+    if total_length > remaining_chars:
+      break
+    result.append(comment)
+  return result
+def _IndexDocsInShard(shard_id, documents):
+  search_index = search.Index(
+      name=settings.search_index_name_format % shard_id)
+  search_index.put(documents)
+'FTS indexed %d docs in shard %d', len(documents), shard_id)
+  # TODO(jrobbins): catch OverQuotaError and add the issues to the
+  # ReindexQueue table instead.
+def _ExtractCommentText(comment, users_by_id):
+  """Return a string with all the searchable text of the given Comment PB."""
+  commenter_email = users_by_id[comment.user_id].email
+  return '%s %s %s' % (
+      commenter_email,
+      comment.content,
+      ' '.join(attach.filename
+               for attach in comment.attachments
+               if not attach.deleted))
+def _BuildCustomFTSFields(issue):
+  """Return a list of FTS Fields to index string-valued custom fields."""
+  fts_fields = []
+  for fv in issue.field_values:
+    if fv.str_value:
+      # TODO(jrobbins): also indicate which were derived vs. explicit.
+      # TODO(jrobbins): also toss in the email addresses of any users in
+      # user-valued custom fields, ints for int-valued fields, etc.
+      fts_field = search.TextField(
+          name='custom_%d' % fv.field_id, value=fv.str_value)
+      fts_fields.append(fts_field)
+  return fts_fields
+def UnindexIssues(issue_ids):
+  """Remove many issues from the sharded search indexes."""
+  iids_by_shard = {}
+  for issue_id in issue_ids:
+    shard_id = issue_id % settings.num_logical_shards
+    iids_by_shard.setdefault(shard_id, [])
+    iids_by_shard[shard_id].append(issue_id)
+  for shard_id, iids_in_shard in iids_by_shard.items():
+    try:
+          'unindexing %r issue_ids in %r', len(iids_in_shard), shard_id)
+      search_index = search.Index(
+          name=settings.search_index_name_format % shard_id)
+      search_index.delete([str(iid) for iid in iids_in_shard])
+    except search.Error:
+      logging.exception('FTS deletion failed')
+def SearchIssueFullText(project_ids, query_ast_conj, shard_id):
+  """Do full-text search in GAE FTS.
+  Args:
+    project_ids: list of project ID numbers to consider.
+    query_ast_conj: One conjuctive clause from the AST parsed
+        from the user's query.
+    shard_id: int shard ID for the shard to consider.
+  Returns:
+    (issue_ids, capped) where issue_ids is a list of issue issue_ids that match
+    the full-text query.  And, capped is True if the results were capped due to
+    an implementation limitation.  Or, return (None, False) if the given AST
+    conjunction contains no full-text conditions.
+  """
+  fulltext_query = fulltext_helpers.BuildFTSQuery(
+      query_ast_conj, ISSUE_FULLTEXT_FIELDS)
+  if fulltext_query is None:
+    return None, False
+  if project_ids:
+    project_clause = ' OR '.join(
+        'project_id:%d' % pid for pid in project_ids)
+    fulltext_query = '(%s) %s' % (project_clause, fulltext_query)
+  # TODO(jrobbins): it would be good to also include some other
+  # structured search terms to narrow down the set of index
+  # documents considered.  E.g., most queries are only over the
+  # open issues.
+'FTS query is %r', fulltext_query)
+  issue_ids = fulltext_helpers.ComprehensiveSearch(
+      fulltext_query, settings.search_index_name_format % shard_id)
+  capped = len(issue_ids) >= settings.fulltext_limit_per_shard
+  return issue_ids, capped
diff --git a/services/ b/services/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28ad465
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/
@@ -0,0 +1,729 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""A set of functions that provide persistence for users.
+Business objects are described in
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import logging
+import time
+import settings
+from framework import exceptions
+from framework import framework_bizobj
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import framework_helpers
+from framework import sql
+from framework import validate
+from proto import user_pb2
+from services import caches
+    'user_id', 'email', 'is_site_admin', 'notify_issue_change',
+    'notify_starred_issue_change', 'email_compact_subject', 'email_view_widget',
+    'notify_starred_ping',
+    'banned', 'after_issue_update', 'keep_people_perms_open',
+    'preview_on_hover', 'obscure_email',
+    'last_visit_timestamp', 'email_bounce_timestamp', 'vacation_message']
+USERPREFS_COLS = ['user_id', 'name', 'value']
+HOTLISTVISITHISTORY_COLS = ['hotlist_id', 'user_id', 'viewed']
+LINKEDACCOUNT_COLS = ['parent_id', 'child_id']
+LINKEDACCOUNTINVITE_COLS = ['parent_id', 'child_id']
+class UserTwoLevelCache(caches.AbstractTwoLevelCache):
+  """Class to manage RAM and memcache for User PBs."""
+  def __init__(self, cache_manager, user_service):
+    super(UserTwoLevelCache, self).__init__(
+        cache_manager, 'user', 'user:', user_pb2.User,
+        max_size=settings.user_cache_max_size)
+    self.user_service = user_service
+  def _DeserializeUsersByID(self, user_rows, linkedaccount_rows):
+    """Convert database row tuples into User PBs.
+    Args:
+      user_rows: rows from the User DB table.
+      linkedaccount_rows: rows from the LinkedAccount DB table.
+    Returns:
+      A dict {user_id: user_pb} for all the users referenced in user_rows.
+    """
+    result_dict = {}
+    # Make one User PB for each row in user_rows.
+    for row in user_rows:
+      (user_id, email, is_site_admin,
+       notify_issue_change, notify_starred_issue_change,
+       email_compact_subject, email_view_widget, notify_starred_ping, banned,
+       after_issue_update, keep_people_perms_open, preview_on_hover,
+       obscure_email, last_visit_timestamp,
+       email_bounce_timestamp, vacation_message) = row
+      user = user_pb2.MakeUser(
+          user_id, email=email, obscure_email=obscure_email)
+      user.is_site_admin = bool(is_site_admin)
+      user.notify_issue_change = bool(notify_issue_change)
+      user.notify_starred_issue_change = bool(notify_starred_issue_change)
+      user.email_compact_subject = bool(email_compact_subject)
+      user.email_view_widget = bool(email_view_widget)
+      user.notify_starred_ping = bool(notify_starred_ping)
+      if banned:
+        user.banned = banned
+      if after_issue_update:
+        user.after_issue_update = user_pb2.IssueUpdateNav(
+            after_issue_update.upper())
+      user.keep_people_perms_open = bool(keep_people_perms_open)
+      user.preview_on_hover = bool(preview_on_hover)
+      user.last_visit_timestamp = last_visit_timestamp or 0
+      user.email_bounce_timestamp = email_bounce_timestamp or 0
+      if vacation_message:
+        user.vacation_message = vacation_message
+      result_dict[user_id] = user
+    # Put in any linked accounts.
+    for parent_id, child_id in linkedaccount_rows:
+      if parent_id in result_dict:
+        result_dict[parent_id].linked_child_ids.append(child_id)
+      if child_id in result_dict:
+        result_dict[child_id].linked_parent_id = parent_id
+    return result_dict
+  def FetchItems(self, cnxn, keys):
+    """On RAM and memcache miss, retrieve User objects from the database.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      keys: list of user IDs to retrieve.
+    Returns:
+      A dict {user_id: user_pb} for each user that satisfies the conditions.
+    """
+    user_rows = self.user_service.user_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=USER_COLS, user_id=keys)
+    linkedaccount_rows = self.user_service.linkedaccount_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=LINKEDACCOUNT_COLS, parent_id=keys, child_id=keys,
+        or_where_conds=True)
+    return self._DeserializeUsersByID(user_rows, linkedaccount_rows)
+class UserPrefsTwoLevelCache(caches.AbstractTwoLevelCache):
+  """Class to manage RAM and memcache for UserPrefs PBs."""
+  def __init__(self, cache_manager, user_service):
+    super(UserPrefsTwoLevelCache, self).__init__(
+        cache_manager, 'user', 'userprefs:', user_pb2.UserPrefs,
+        max_size=settings.user_cache_max_size)
+    self.user_service = user_service
+  def _DeserializeUserPrefsByID(self, userprefs_rows):
+    """Convert database row tuples into UserPrefs PBs.
+    Args:
+      userprefs_rows: rows from the UserPrefs DB table.
+    Returns:
+      A dict {user_id: userprefs} for all the users in userprefs_rows.
+    """
+    result_dict = {}
+    # Make one UserPrefs PB for each row in userprefs_rows.
+    for row in userprefs_rows:
+      (user_id, name, value) = row
+      if user_id not in result_dict:
+        userprefs = user_pb2.UserPrefs(user_id=user_id)
+        result_dict[user_id] = userprefs
+      else:
+        userprefs = result_dict[user_id]
+      userprefs.prefs.append(user_pb2.UserPrefValue(name=name, value=value))
+    return result_dict
+  def FetchItems(self, cnxn, keys):
+    """On RAM and memcache miss, retrieve UserPrefs objects from the database.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      keys: list of user IDs to retrieve.
+    Returns:
+      A dict {user_id: userprefs} for each user.
+    """
+    userprefs_rows = self.user_service.userprefs_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=USERPREFS_COLS, user_id=keys)
+    return self._DeserializeUserPrefsByID(userprefs_rows)
+class UserService(object):
+  """The persistence layer for all user data."""
+  def __init__(self, cache_manager):
+    """Constructor.
+    Args:
+      cache_manager: local cache with distributed invalidation.
+    """
+    self.user_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(USER_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.userprefs_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(USERPREFS_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.hotlistvisithistory_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(
+    self.linkedaccount_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(LINKEDACCOUNT_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.linkedaccountinvite_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(
+    # Like a dictionary {user_id: email}
+    self.email_cache = caches.RamCache(cache_manager, 'user', max_size=50000)
+    # Like a dictionary {email: user_id}.
+    # This will never invaidate, and it doesn't need to.
+    self.user_id_cache = caches.RamCache(cache_manager, 'user', max_size=50000)
+    # Like a dictionary {user_id: user_pb}
+    self.user_2lc = UserTwoLevelCache(cache_manager, self)
+    # Like a dictionary {user_id: userprefs}
+    self.userprefs_2lc = UserPrefsTwoLevelCache(cache_manager, self)
+  ### Creating users
+  def _CreateUsers(self, cnxn, emails):
+    """Create many users in the database."""
+    emails = [email.lower() for email in emails]
+    ids = [framework_helpers.MurmurHash3_x86_32(email) for email in emails]
+    row_values = [
+      (user_id, email, not framework_bizobj.IsPriviledgedDomainUser(email))
+      for (user_id, email) in zip(ids, emails)]
+    self.user_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, ['user_id', 'email', 'obscure_email'], row_values)
+    self.user_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, ids)
+  ### Lookup of user ID and email address
+  def LookupUserEmails(self, cnxn, user_ids, ignore_missed=False):
+    """Return a dict of email addresses for the given user IDs.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      user_ids: list of int user IDs to look up.
+      ignore_missed: if True, does not throw NoSuchUserException, when there
+        are users not found for some user_ids.
+    Returns:
+      A dict {user_id: email_addr} for all the requested IDs.
+    Raises:
+      exceptions.NoSuchUserException: if any requested user cannot be found
+         and ignore_missed is False.
+    """
+    self.email_cache.CacheItem(framework_constants.NO_USER_SPECIFIED, '')
+    emails_dict, missed_ids = self.email_cache.GetAll(user_ids)
+    if missed_ids:
+'got %d user emails from cache', len(emails_dict))
+      rows = self.user_tbl.Select(
+          cnxn, cols=['user_id', 'email'], user_id=missed_ids)
+      retrieved_dict = dict(rows)
+'looked up users %r', retrieved_dict)
+      self.email_cache.CacheAll(retrieved_dict)
+      emails_dict.update(retrieved_dict)
+    # Check if there are any that we could not find.  ID 0 means "no user".
+    nonexist_ids = [user_id for user_id in user_ids
+                    if user_id and user_id not in emails_dict]
+    if nonexist_ids:
+      if ignore_missed:
+'No email addresses found for users %r' % nonexist_ids)
+      else:
+        raise exceptions.NoSuchUserException(
+            'No email addresses found for users %r' % nonexist_ids)
+    return emails_dict
+  def LookupUserEmail(self, cnxn, user_id):
+    """Get the email address of the given user.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      user_id: int user ID of the user whose email address is needed.
+    Returns:
+      String email address of that user or None if user_id is invalid.
+    Raises:
+      exceptions.NoSuchUserException: if no email address was found for that
+      user.
+    """
+    if not user_id:
+      return None
+    emails_dict = self.LookupUserEmails(cnxn, [user_id])
+    return emails_dict[user_id]
+  def LookupExistingUserIDs(self, cnxn, emails):
+    """Return a dict of user IDs for the given emails for users that exist.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      emails: list of string email addresses.
+    Returns:
+      A dict {email_addr: user_id} for the requested emails.
+    """
+    # Look up these users in the RAM cache
+    user_id_dict, missed_emails = self.user_id_cache.GetAll(emails)
+    # Hit the DB to lookup any user IDs that were not cached.
+    if missed_emails:
+      rows = self.user_tbl.Select(
+          cnxn, cols=['email', 'user_id'], email=missed_emails)
+      retrieved_dict = dict(rows)
+      # Cache all the user IDs that we retrieved to make later requests faster.
+      self.user_id_cache.CacheAll(retrieved_dict)
+      user_id_dict.update(retrieved_dict)
+    return user_id_dict
+  def LookupUserIDs(self, cnxn, emails, autocreate=False,
+                    allowgroups=False):
+    """Return a dict of user IDs for the given emails.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      emails: list of string email addresses.
+      autocreate: set to True to create users that were not found.
+      allowgroups: set to True to allow non-email user name for group
+      creation.
+    Returns:
+      A dict {email_addr: user_id} for the requested emails.
+    Raises:
+      exceptions.NoSuchUserException: if some users were not found and
+          autocreate is False.
+    """
+    # Skip any addresses that look like "--" or are empty,
+    # because that means "no user".
+    # Also, make sure all email addresses are lower case.
+    needed_emails = [email.lower() for email in emails
+                     if email
+                     and not framework_constants.NO_VALUE_RE.match(email)]
+    # Look up these users in the RAM cache
+    user_id_dict = self.LookupExistingUserIDs(cnxn, needed_emails)
+    if len(needed_emails) == len(user_id_dict):
+      return user_id_dict
+    # If any were not found in the DB, create them or raise an exception.
+    nonexist_emails = [email for email in needed_emails
+                       if email not in user_id_dict]
+'nonexist_emails: %r, autocreate is %r',
+                 nonexist_emails, autocreate)
+    if not autocreate:
+      raise exceptions.NoSuchUserException('%r' % nonexist_emails)
+    if not allowgroups:
+      # Only create accounts for valid email addresses.
+      nonexist_emails = [email for email in nonexist_emails
+                         if validate.IsValidEmail(email)]
+      if not nonexist_emails:
+        return user_id_dict
+    self._CreateUsers(cnxn, nonexist_emails)
+    created_rows = self.user_tbl.Select(
+      cnxn, cols=['email', 'user_id'], email=nonexist_emails)
+    created_dict = dict(created_rows)
+    # Cache all the user IDs that we retrieved to make later requests faster.
+    self.user_id_cache.CacheAll(created_dict)
+    user_id_dict.update(created_dict)
+'looked up User IDs %r', user_id_dict)
+    return user_id_dict
+  def LookupUserID(self, cnxn, email, autocreate=False, allowgroups=False):
+    """Get one user ID for the given email address.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      email: string email address of the user to look up.
+      autocreate: set to True to create users that were not found.
+      allowgroups: set to True to allow non-email user name for group
+          creation.
+    Returns:
+      The int user ID of the specified user.
+    Raises:
+      exceptions.NoSuchUserException if the user was not found and autocreate
+          is False.
+    """
+    email = email.lower()
+    email_dict = self.LookupUserIDs(
+        cnxn, [email], autocreate=autocreate, allowgroups=allowgroups)
+    if email not in email_dict:
+      raise exceptions.NoSuchUserException('%r not found' % email)
+    return email_dict[email]
+  ### Retrieval of user objects: with preferences and cues
+  def GetUsersByIDs(self, cnxn, user_ids, use_cache=True, skip_missed=False):
+    """Return a dictionary of retrieved User PBs.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      user_ids: list of user IDs to fetch.
+      use_cache: set to False to ignore cache and force DB lookup.
+      skip_missed: set to True if default User objects for missed_ids should
+          not be created.
+    Returns:
+      A dict {user_id: user_pb} for each specified user ID.  For any user ID
+      that is not fount in the DB, a default User PB is created on-the-fly.
+    """
+    # Check the RAM cache and memcache, as appropriate.
+    result_dict, missed_ids = self.user_2lc.GetAll(
+        cnxn, user_ids, use_cache=use_cache)
+    # TODO(crbug/monorail/7367): Never create default values for missed_ids
+    # once we remove all code paths that hit this. See bug for more info.
+    # Any new code that calls this method, should not rely on this
+    # functionality.
+    if missed_ids and not skip_missed:
+      # Provide default values for any user ID that was not found.
+      result_dict.update(
+          (user_id, user_pb2.MakeUser(user_id)) for user_id in missed_ids)
+    return result_dict
+  def GetUser(self, cnxn, user_id):
+    """Load the specified user from the user details table."""
+    return self.GetUsersByIDs(cnxn, [user_id])[user_id]
+  ### Updating user objects
+  def UpdateUser(self, cnxn, user_id, user):
+    """Store a user PB in the database.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      user_id: int user ID of the user to update.
+      user: User PB to store.
+    Returns:
+      Nothing.
+    """
+    if not user_id:
+      raise exceptions.NoSuchUserException('Cannot update anonymous user')
+    delta = {
+        'is_site_admin': user.is_site_admin,
+        'notify_issue_change': user.notify_issue_change,
+        'notify_starred_issue_change': user.notify_starred_issue_change,
+        'email_compact_subject': user.email_compact_subject,
+        'email_view_widget': user.email_view_widget,
+        'notify_starred_ping': user.notify_starred_ping,
+        'banned': user.banned,
+        'after_issue_update': str(user.after_issue_update or 'UP_TO_LIST'),
+        'keep_people_perms_open': user.keep_people_perms_open,
+        'preview_on_hover': user.preview_on_hover,
+        'obscure_email': user.obscure_email,
+        'last_visit_timestamp': user.last_visit_timestamp,
+        'email_bounce_timestamp': user.email_bounce_timestamp,
+        'vacation_message': user.vacation_message,
+        }
+    # Start sending UPDATE statements, but don't COMMIT until the end.
+    self.user_tbl.Update(cnxn, delta, user_id=user_id, commit=False)
+    cnxn.Commit()
+    self.user_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [user_id])
+  def UpdateUserBan(
+      self, cnxn, user_id, user,
+      is_banned=None, banned_reason=None):
+    if is_banned is not None:
+      if is_banned:
+        user.banned = banned_reason or 'No reason given'
+      else:
+        user.reset('banned')
+    # Write the user settings to the database.
+    self.UpdateUser(cnxn, user_id, user)
+  def GetRecentlyVisitedHotlists(self, cnxn, user_id):
+    recent_hotlist_rows = self.hotlistvisithistory_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['hotlist_id'], user_id=[user_id],
+        order_by=[('viewed DESC', [])], limit=10)
+    return [row[0] for row in recent_hotlist_rows]
+  def AddVisitedHotlist(self, cnxn, user_id, hotlist_id, commit=True):
+    self.hotlistvisithistory_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, hotlist_id=hotlist_id, user_id=user_id, commit=False)
+    self.hotlistvisithistory_tbl.InsertRows(
+        [(hotlist_id, user_id, int(time.time()))],
+        commit=commit)
+  def ExpungeHotlistsFromHistory(self, cnxn, hotlist_ids, commit=True):
+    self.hotlistvisithistory_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, hotlist_id=hotlist_ids, commit=commit)
+  def ExpungeUsersHotlistsHistory(self, cnxn, user_ids, commit=True):
+    self.hotlistvisithistory_tbl.Delete(cnxn, user_id=user_ids, commit=commit)
+  def TrimUserVisitedHotlists(self, cnxn, commit=True):
+    """For any user who has visited more than 10 hotlists, trim history."""
+    user_id_rows = self.hotlistvisithistory_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['user_id'], group_by=['user_id'],
+        having=[('COUNT(*) > %s', [10])], limit=1000)
+    for user_id in [row[0] for row in user_id_rows]:
+      viewed_hotlist_rows = self.hotlistvisithistory_tbl.Select(
+          cnxn,
+          cols=['viewed'],
+          user_id=user_id,
+          order_by=[('viewed DESC', [])])
+      if len(viewed_hotlist_rows) > 10:
+        cut_off_date = viewed_hotlist_rows[9][0]
+        self.hotlistvisithistory_tbl.Delete(
+            cnxn,
+            user_id=user_id,
+            where=[('viewed < %s', [cut_off_date])],
+            commit=commit)
+  ### Linked account invites
+  def GetPendingLinkedInvites(self, cnxn, user_id):
+    """Return lists of accounts that have invited this account."""
+    if not user_id:
+      return [], []
+    invite_rows = self.linkedaccountinvite_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=LINKEDACCOUNTINVITE_COLS, parent_id=user_id,
+        child_id=user_id, or_where_conds=True)
+    invite_as_parent = [row[1] for row in invite_rows
+                        if row[0] == user_id]
+    invite_as_child = [row[0] for row in invite_rows
+                       if row[1] == user_id]
+    return invite_as_parent, invite_as_child
+  def _AssertNotAlreadyLinked(self, cnxn, parent_id, child_id):
+    """Check constraints on our linked account graph."""
+    # Our linked account graph should be no more than one level deep.
+    parent_is_already_a_child = self.linkedaccount_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=LINKEDACCOUNT_COLS, child_id=parent_id)
+    if parent_is_already_a_child:
+      raise exceptions.InputException('Parent account is already a child')
+    child_is_already_a_parent = self.linkedaccount_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=LINKEDACCOUNT_COLS, parent_id=child_id)
+    if child_is_already_a_parent:
+      raise exceptions.InputException('Child account is already a parent')
+    # A child account can only be linked to one parent.
+    child_is_already_a_child = self.linkedaccount_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=LINKEDACCOUNT_COLS, child_id=child_id)
+    if child_is_already_a_child:
+      raise exceptions.InputException('Child account is already linked')
+  def InviteLinkedParent(self, cnxn, parent_id, child_id):
+    """Child stores an invite for the proposed parent user to consider."""
+    if not parent_id:
+      raise exceptions.InputException('Parent account is missing')
+    if not child_id:
+      raise exceptions.InputException('Child account is missing')
+    self._AssertNotAlreadyLinked(cnxn, parent_id, child_id)
+    self.linkedaccountinvite_tbl.InsertRow(
+        cnxn, parent_id=parent_id, child_id=child_id)
+  def AcceptLinkedChild(self, cnxn, parent_id, child_id):
+    """Parent accepts an invite from a child account."""
+    if not parent_id:
+      raise exceptions.InputException('Parent account is missing')
+    if not child_id:
+      raise exceptions.InputException('Child account is missing')
+    # Check that the child has previously created an invite for this parent.
+    invite_rows = self.linkedaccountinvite_tbl.Select(
+        parent_id=parent_id, child_id=child_id)
+    if not invite_rows:
+      raise exceptions.InputException('No such invite')
+    self._AssertNotAlreadyLinked(cnxn, parent_id, child_id)
+    self.linkedaccount_tbl.InsertRow(
+        cnxn, parent_id=parent_id, child_id=child_id)
+    self.linkedaccountinvite_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, parent_id=parent_id, child_id=child_id)
+    self.user_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [parent_id, child_id])
+  def UnlinkAccounts(self, cnxn, parent_id, child_id):
+    """Delete a linked-account relationship."""
+    if not parent_id:
+      raise exceptions.InputException('Parent account is missing')
+    if not child_id:
+      raise exceptions.InputException('Child account is missing')
+    self.linkedaccount_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, parent_id=parent_id, child_id=child_id)
+    self.user_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [parent_id, child_id])
+  ### User settings
+  # Settings are details about a user account that are usually needed
+  # every time that user is displayed to another user.
+  # TODO(jrobbins): Move most of these into UserPrefs.
+  def UpdateUserSettings(
+      self, cnxn, user_id, user, notify=None, notify_starred=None,
+      email_compact_subject=None, email_view_widget=None,
+      notify_starred_ping=None, obscure_email=None, after_issue_update=None,
+      is_site_admin=None, is_banned=None, banned_reason=None,
+      keep_people_perms_open=None, preview_on_hover=None,
+      vacation_message=None):
+    """Update the preferences of the specified user.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      user_id: int user ID of the user whose settings we are updating.
+      user: User PB of user before changes are applied.
+      keyword args: dictionary of setting names mapped to new values.
+    Returns:
+      The user's new User PB.
+    """
+    # notifications
+    if notify is not None:
+      user.notify_issue_change = notify
+    if notify_starred is not None:
+      user.notify_starred_issue_change = notify_starred
+    if notify_starred_ping is not None:
+      user.notify_starred_ping = notify_starred_ping
+    if email_compact_subject is not None:
+      user.email_compact_subject = email_compact_subject
+    if email_view_widget is not None:
+      user.email_view_widget = email_view_widget
+    # display options
+    if after_issue_update is not None:
+      user.after_issue_update = user_pb2.IssueUpdateNav(after_issue_update)
+    if preview_on_hover is not None:
+      user.preview_on_hover = preview_on_hover
+    if keep_people_perms_open is not None:
+      user.keep_people_perms_open = keep_people_perms_open
+    # misc
+    if obscure_email is not None:
+      user.obscure_email = obscure_email
+    # admin
+    if is_site_admin is not None:
+      user.is_site_admin = is_site_admin
+    if is_banned is not None:
+      if is_banned:
+        user.banned = banned_reason or 'No reason given'
+      else:
+        user.reset('banned')
+    # user availability
+    if vacation_message is not None:
+      user.vacation_message = vacation_message
+    # Write the user settings to the database.
+    self.UpdateUser(cnxn, user_id, user)
+  ### User preferences
+  # These are separate from settings in the User objects because they are
+  # only needed for the currently signed in user.
+  def GetUsersPrefs(self, cnxn, user_ids, use_cache=True):
+    """Return {user_id: userprefs} for the requested user IDs."""
+    prefs_dict, misses = self.userprefs_2lc.GetAll(
+        cnxn, user_ids, use_cache=use_cache)
+    # Make sure that every user is represented in the result.
+    for user_id in misses:
+      prefs_dict[user_id] = user_pb2.UserPrefs(user_id=user_id)
+    return prefs_dict
+  def GetUserPrefs(self, cnxn, user_id, use_cache=True):
+    """Return a UserPrefs PB for the requested user ID."""
+    prefs_dict = self.GetUsersPrefs(cnxn, [user_id], use_cache=use_cache)
+    return prefs_dict[user_id]
+  def GetUserPrefsByEmail(self, cnxn, email, use_cache=True):
+    """Return a UserPrefs PB for the requested email, or an empty UserPrefs."""
+    try:
+      user_id = self.LookupUserID(cnxn, email)
+      user_prefs = self.GetUserPrefs(cnxn, user_id, use_cache=use_cache)
+    except exceptions.NoSuchUserException:
+      user_prefs = user_pb2.UserPrefs()
+    return user_prefs
+  def SetUserPrefs(self, cnxn, user_id, pref_values):
+    """Store the given list of UserPrefValues."""
+    userprefs_rows = [(user_id,, upv.value) for upv in pref_values]
+    self.userprefs_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, USERPREFS_COLS, userprefs_rows, replace=True)
+    self.userprefs_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [user_id])
+  ### Expunge all User Data from DB
+  def ExpungeUsers(self, cnxn, user_ids):
+    """Completely wipes user data from User DB tables for given users.
+    This method will not commit the operation. This method will not make
+    changes to in-memory data.
+    NOTE: This method ends with an operation that deletes user rows. If
+    appropriate methods that remove references to the User table rows are
+    not called before, the commit will fail. See work_env.ExpungeUsers
+    for more info.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      user_ids: list of user_ids for users we want to delete.
+    """
+    self.linkedaccount_tbl.Delete(cnxn, parent_id=user_ids, commit=False)
+    self.linkedaccount_tbl.Delete(cnxn, child_id=user_ids, commit=False)
+    self.linkedaccountinvite_tbl.Delete(cnxn, parent_id=user_ids, commit=False)
+    self.linkedaccountinvite_tbl.Delete(cnxn, child_id=user_ids, commit=False)
+    self.userprefs_tbl.Delete(cnxn, user_id=user_ids, commit=False)
+    self.user_tbl.Delete(cnxn, user_id=user_ids, commit=False)
+  def TotalUsersCount(self, cnxn):
+    """Returns the total number of rows in the User table.
+    The placeholder User reserved for representing deleted users within Monorail
+    will not be counted.
+    """
+    # Subtract one so we don't count the deleted user with
+    # with user_id = framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID
+    return (self.user_tbl.SelectValue(cnxn, col='COUNT(*)')) - 1
+  def GetAllUserEmailsBatch(self, cnxn, limit=1000, offset=0):
+    """Returns a list of user emails.
+    This method can be used for listing all user emails in Monorail's DB.
+    The list will contain at most [limit] emails, and be ordered by
+    user_id. The list will start at the given offset value. The email for
+    the placeholder User reserved for representing deleted users within
+    Monorail will never be returned.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      limit: limit on the number of emails returned, defaults to 1000.
+      offset: starting index of the list, defaults to 0.
+    """
+    rows = self.user_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['email'],
+        limit=limit,
+        offset=offset,
+        where=[('user_id != %s', [framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID])],
+        order_by=[('user_id ASC', [])])
+    return [row[0] for row in rows]
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72797fc
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@@ -0,0 +1,616 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Persistence class for user groups.
+User groups are represented in the database by:
+- A row in the Users table giving an email address and user ID.
+  (A "group ID" is the user_id of the group in the User table.)
+- A row in the UserGroupSettings table giving user group settings.
+Membership of a user X in user group Y is represented as:
+- A row in the UserGroup table with user_id=X and group_id=Y.
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import collections
+import logging
+import re
+from framework import exceptions
+from framework import permissions
+from framework import sql
+from proto import usergroup_pb2
+from services import caches
+USERGROUP_COLS = ['user_id', 'group_id', 'role']
+USERGROUPSETTINGS_COLS = ['group_id', 'who_can_view_members',
+                          'external_group_type', 'last_sync_time',
+                          'notify_members', 'notify_group']
+USERGROUPPROJECTS_COLS = ['group_id', 'project_id']
+    'chrome_infra_auth', 'mdb', 'baggins', 'computed')
+class MembershipTwoLevelCache(caches.AbstractTwoLevelCache):
+  """Class to manage RAM and memcache for each user's memberships."""
+  def __init__(self, cache_manager, usergroup_service, group_dag):
+    super(MembershipTwoLevelCache, self).__init__(
+        cache_manager, 'user', 'memberships:', None)
+    self.usergroup_service = usergroup_service
+    self.group_dag = group_dag
+  def _DeserializeMemberships(self, memberships_rows):
+    """Reserialize the DB results into a {user_id: {group_id}}."""
+    result_dict = collections.defaultdict(set)
+    for user_id, group_id in memberships_rows:
+      result_dict[user_id].add(group_id)
+    return result_dict
+  def FetchItems(self, cnxn, keys):
+    """On RAM and memcache miss, hit the database to get memberships."""
+    direct_memberships_rows = self.usergroup_service.usergroup_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['user_id', 'group_id'], distinct=True,
+        user_id=keys)
+    memberships_set = set()
+    self.group_dag.MarkObsolete()
+'Rebuild group dag on RAM and memcache miss')
+    for c_id, p_id in direct_memberships_rows:
+      all_parents = self.group_dag.GetAllAncestors(cnxn, p_id, True)
+      all_parents.append(p_id)
+      memberships_set.update([(c_id, g_id) for g_id in all_parents])
+    retrieved_dict = self._DeserializeMemberships(list(memberships_set))
+    # Make sure that every requested user is in the result, and gets cached.
+    retrieved_dict.update(
+        (user_id, set()) for user_id in keys
+        if user_id not in retrieved_dict)
+    return retrieved_dict
+class UserGroupService(object):
+  """The persistence layer for user group data."""
+  def __init__(self, cache_manager):
+    """Initialize this service so that it is ready to use.
+    Args:
+      cache_manager: local cache with distributed invalidation.
+    """
+    self.usergroup_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(USERGROUP_TABLE_NAME)
+    self.usergroupsettings_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(
+    self.usergroupprojects_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(
+    self.group_dag = UserGroupDAG(self)
+    # Like a dictionary {user_id: {group_id}}
+    self.memberships_2lc = MembershipTwoLevelCache(
+        cache_manager, self, self.group_dag)
+    # Like a dictionary {group_email: [group_id]}
+    self.group_id_cache = caches.ValueCentricRamCache(
+        cache_manager, 'usergroup')
+  ### Group creation
+  def CreateGroup(self, cnxn, services, group_name, who_can_view_members,
+                  ext_group_type=None, friend_projects=None):
+    """Create a new user group.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      services: connections to backend services.
+      group_name: string email address of the group to create.
+      who_can_view_members: 'owners', 'members', or 'anyone'.
+      ext_group_type: The type of external group to import.
+      friend_projects: The project ids declared as group friends to view its
+        members.
+    Returns:
+      int group_id of the new group.
+    """
+    friend_projects = friend_projects or []
+    assert who_can_view_members in ('owners', 'members', 'anyone')
+    if ext_group_type:
+      ext_group_type = str(ext_group_type).lower()
+      assert ext_group_type in GROUP_TYPE_ENUM, ext_group_type
+      assert who_can_view_members == 'owners'
+    group_id = services.user.LookupUserID(
+        cnxn, group_name.lower(), autocreate=True, allowgroups=True)
+    group_settings = usergroup_pb2.MakeSettings(
+        who_can_view_members, ext_group_type, 0, friend_projects)
+    self.UpdateSettings(cnxn, group_id, group_settings)
+    self.group_id_cache.InvalidateAll(cnxn)
+    return group_id
+  def DeleteGroups(self, cnxn, group_ids):
+    """Delete groups' members and settings. It will NOT delete user entries.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      group_ids: list of group ids to delete.
+    """
+    member_ids_dict, owner_ids_dict = self.LookupMembers(cnxn, group_ids)
+    citizens_id_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
+    for g_id, user_ids in member_ids_dict.items():
+      citizens_id_dict[g_id].extend(user_ids)
+    for g_id, user_ids in owner_ids_dict.items():
+      citizens_id_dict[g_id].extend(user_ids)
+    for g_id, citizen_ids in citizens_id_dict.items():
+'Deleting group %d', g_id)
+      # Remove group members, friend projects and settings
+      self.RemoveMembers(cnxn, g_id, citizen_ids)
+      self.usergroupprojects_tbl.Delete(cnxn, group_id=g_id)
+      self.usergroupsettings_tbl.Delete(cnxn, group_id=g_id)
+    self.group_id_cache.InvalidateAll(cnxn)
+  def DetermineWhichUserIDsAreGroups(self, cnxn, user_ids):
+    """From a list of user IDs, identify potential user groups.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      user_ids: list of user IDs to examine.
+    Returns:
+      A list with a subset of the given user IDs that are user groups
+      rather than individual users.
+    """
+    # It is a group if there is any entry in the UserGroupSettings table.
+    group_id_rows = self.usergroupsettings_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['group_id'], group_id=user_ids)
+    group_ids = [row[0] for row in group_id_rows]
+    return group_ids
+  ### User memberships in groups
+  def LookupComputedMemberships(self, cnxn, domain, use_cache=True):
+    """Look up the computed group memberships of a list of users.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      domain: string with domain part of user's email address.
+      use_cache: set to False to ignore cached values.
+    Returns:
+      A list [group_id] of computed user groups that match the user.
+      For now, the length of this list will always be zero or one.
+    """
+    group_email = 'everyone@%s' % domain
+    group_id = self.LookupUserGroupID(cnxn, group_email, use_cache=use_cache)
+    if group_id:
+      return [group_id]
+    return []
+  def LookupUserGroupID(self, cnxn, group_email, use_cache=True):
+    """Lookup the group ID for the given user group email address.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      group_email: string that identies the user group.
+      use_cache: set to False to ignore cached values.
+    Returns:
+      Int group_id if found, otherwise None.
+    """
+    if use_cache and self.group_id_cache.HasItem(group_email):
+      return self.group_id_cache.GetItem(group_email)
+    rows = self.usergroupsettings_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['email', 'group_id'],
+        left_joins=[('User ON UserGroupSettings.group_id = User.user_id', [])],
+        email=group_email,
+        where=[('group_id IS NOT NULL', [])])
+    retrieved_dict = dict(rows)
+    # Cache a "not found" value for emails that are not user groups.
+    if group_email not in retrieved_dict:
+      retrieved_dict[group_email] = None
+    self.group_id_cache.CacheAll(retrieved_dict)
+    return retrieved_dict.get(group_email)
+  def LookupAllMemberships(self, cnxn, user_ids, use_cache=True):
+    """Lookup all the group memberships of a list of users.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      user_ids: list of int user IDs to get memberships for.
+      use_cache: set to False to ignore cached values.
+    Returns:
+      A dict {user_id: {group_id}} for the given user_ids.
+    """
+    result_dict, missed_ids = self.memberships_2lc.GetAll(
+        cnxn, user_ids, use_cache=use_cache)
+    assert not missed_ids
+    return result_dict
+  def LookupMemberships(self, cnxn, user_id):
+    """Return a set of group_ids that this user is a member of."""
+    membership_dict = self.LookupAllMemberships(cnxn, [user_id])
+    return membership_dict[user_id]
+  ### Group member addition, removal, and retrieval
+  def RemoveMembers(self, cnxn, group_id, old_member_ids):
+    """Remove the given members/owners from the user group."""
+    self.usergroup_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, group_id=group_id, user_id=old_member_ids)
+    all_affected = self._GetAllMembersInList(cnxn, old_member_ids)
+    self.group_dag.MarkObsolete()
+    self.memberships_2lc.InvalidateAllKeys(cnxn, all_affected)
+  def UpdateMembers(self, cnxn, group_id, member_ids, new_role):
+    """Update role for given members/owners to the user group."""
+    # Circle detection
+    for mid in member_ids:
+      if self.group_dag.IsChild(cnxn, group_id, mid):
+        raise exceptions.CircularGroupException(
+            '%s is already an ancestor of group %s.' % (mid, group_id))
+    self.usergroup_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, group_id=group_id, user_id=member_ids)
+    rows = [(member_id, group_id, new_role) for member_id in member_ids]
+    self.usergroup_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, ['user_id', 'group_id', 'role'], rows)
+    all_affected = self._GetAllMembersInList(cnxn, member_ids)
+    self.group_dag.MarkObsolete()
+    self.memberships_2lc.InvalidateAllKeys(cnxn, all_affected)
+  def _GetAllMembersInList(self, cnxn, group_ids):
+    """Get all direct/indirect members/owners in a list."""
+    children_member_ids, children_owner_ids = self.LookupAllMembers(
+        cnxn, group_ids)
+    all_members_owners = set()
+    all_members_owners.update(group_ids)
+    for users in children_member_ids.values():
+      all_members_owners.update(users)
+    for users in children_owner_ids.values():
+      all_members_owners.update(users)
+    return list(all_members_owners)
+  def LookupAllMembers(self, cnxn, group_ids):
+    """Retrieve user IDs of members/owners of any of the given groups
+    transitively."""
+    member_ids_dict = {}
+    owner_ids_dict = {}
+    if not group_ids:
+      return member_ids_dict, owner_ids_dict
+    direct_member_rows = self.usergroup_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['user_id', 'group_id', 'role'], distinct=True,
+        group_id=group_ids)
+    for gid in group_ids:
+      all_descendants = self.group_dag.GetAllDescendants(cnxn, gid, True)
+      indirect_member_rows = []
+      if all_descendants:
+        indirect_member_rows = self.usergroup_tbl.Select(
+            cnxn, cols=['user_id'], distinct=True,
+            group_id=all_descendants)
+      # Owners must have direct membership. All indirect users are members.
+      owner_ids_dict[gid] = [m[0] for m in direct_member_rows
+                             if m[1] == gid and m[2] == 'owner']
+      member_ids_list = [r[0] for r in indirect_member_rows]
+      member_ids_list.extend([m[0] for m in direct_member_rows
+                             if m[1] == gid and m[2] == 'member'])
+      member_ids_dict[gid] = list(set(member_ids_list))
+    return member_ids_dict, owner_ids_dict
+  def LookupMembers(self, cnxn, group_ids):
+    """"Retrieve user IDs of direct members/owners of any of the given groups.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      group_ids: list of int user IDs for all user groups to be examined.
+    Returns:
+      A dict of member IDs, and a dict of owner IDs keyed by group id.
+    """
+    member_ids_dict = {}
+    owner_ids_dict = {}
+    if not group_ids:
+      return member_ids_dict, owner_ids_dict
+    member_rows = self.usergroup_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['user_id', 'group_id', 'role'], distinct=True,
+        group_id=group_ids)
+    for gid in group_ids:
+      member_ids_dict[gid] = [row[0] for row in member_rows
+                               if row[1] == gid and row[2] == 'member']
+      owner_ids_dict[gid] = [row[0] for row in member_rows
+                              if row[1] == gid and row[2] == 'owner']
+    return member_ids_dict, owner_ids_dict
+  def ExpandAnyGroupEmailRecipients(self, cnxn, user_ids):
+    """Expand the list with members that are part of a group configured
+       to have notifications sent directly to members. Remove any groups
+       not configured to have notifications sent directly to the group.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      user_ids: list of user IDs to check.
+    Returns:
+      A paire (individual user_ids, transitive_ids). individual_user_ids
+          is a list of user IDs that were in the given user_ids list and
+          that identify individual members or a group that has
+          settings.notify_group set to True. transitive_ids is a list of
+          user IDs of members of any user group in user_ids with
+          settings.notify_members set to True.
+    """
+    group_ids = self.DetermineWhichUserIDsAreGroups(cnxn, user_ids)
+    group_settings_dict = self.GetAllGroupSettings(cnxn, group_ids)
+    member_ids_dict, owner_ids_dict = self.LookupAllMembers(cnxn, group_ids)
+    indirect_ids = set()
+    direct_ids = {uid for uid in user_ids if uid not in group_ids}
+    for gid, settings in group_settings_dict.items():
+      if settings.notify_members:
+        indirect_ids.update(member_ids_dict.get(gid, set()))
+        indirect_ids.update(owner_ids_dict.get(gid, set()))
+      if settings.notify_group:
+        direct_ids.add(gid)
+    return list(direct_ids), list(indirect_ids)
+  def LookupVisibleMembers(
+      self, cnxn, group_id_list, perms, effective_ids, services):
+    """"Retrieve the list of user group direct member/owner IDs that the user
+    may see.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      group_id_list: list of int user IDs for all user groups to be examined.
+      perms: optional PermissionSet for the user viewing this page.
+      effective_ids: set of int user IDs for that user and all
+          their group memberships.
+      services: backend services.
+    Returns:
+      A list of all the member IDs from any group that the user is allowed
+      to view.
+    """
+    settings_dict = self.GetAllGroupSettings(cnxn, group_id_list)
+    group_ids = list(settings_dict.keys())
+    (owned_project_ids, membered_project_ids,
+     contrib_project_ids) = services.project.GetUserRolesInAllProjects(
+         cnxn, effective_ids)
+    project_ids = owned_project_ids.union(
+        membered_project_ids).union(contrib_project_ids)
+    # We need to fetch all members/owners to determine whether the requester
+    # has permission to view.
+    direct_member_ids_dict, direct_owner_ids_dict = self.LookupMembers(
+        cnxn, group_ids)
+    all_member_ids_dict, all_owner_ids_dict = self.LookupAllMembers(
+        cnxn, group_ids)
+    visible_member_ids = {}
+    visible_owner_ids = {}
+    for gid in group_ids:
+      member_ids = all_member_ids_dict[gid]
+      owner_ids = all_owner_ids_dict[gid]
+      if permissions.CanViewGroupMembers(
+          perms, effective_ids, settings_dict[gid], member_ids, owner_ids,
+          project_ids):
+        visible_member_ids[gid] = direct_member_ids_dict[gid]
+        visible_owner_ids[gid] = direct_owner_ids_dict[gid]
+    return visible_member_ids, visible_owner_ids
+  ### Group settings
+  def GetAllUserGroupsInfo(self, cnxn):
+    """Fetch (addr, member_count, usergroup_settings) for all user groups."""
+    group_rows = self.usergroupsettings_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['email'] + USERGROUPSETTINGS_COLS,
+        left_joins=[('User ON UserGroupSettings.group_id = User.user_id', [])])
+    count_rows = self.usergroup_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=['group_id', 'COUNT(*)'],
+        group_by=['group_id'])
+    count_dict = dict(count_rows)
+    group_ids = [g[1] for g in group_rows]
+    friends_dict = self.GetAllGroupFriendProjects(cnxn, group_ids)
+    user_group_info_tuples = [
+        (email, count_dict.get(group_id, 0),
+         usergroup_pb2.MakeSettings(visiblity, group_type, last_sync_time,
+                                    friends_dict.get(group_id, []),
+                                    bool(notify_members), bool(notify_group)),
+         group_id)
+        for (email, group_id, visiblity, group_type, last_sync_time,
+             notify_members, notify_group) in group_rows]
+    return user_group_info_tuples
+  def GetAllGroupSettings(self, cnxn, group_ids):
+    """Fetch {group_id: group_settings} for the specified groups."""
+    # TODO(jrobbins): add settings to control who can join, etc.
+    rows = self.usergroupsettings_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=USERGROUPSETTINGS_COLS, group_id=group_ids)
+    friends_dict = self.GetAllGroupFriendProjects(cnxn, group_ids)
+    settings_dict = {
+        group_id: usergroup_pb2.MakeSettings(
+            vis, group_type, last_sync_time, friends_dict.get(group_id, []),
+            notify_members=bool(notify_members),
+            notify_group=bool(notify_group))
+        for (group_id, vis, group_type, last_sync_time,
+             notify_members, notify_group) in rows}
+    return settings_dict
+  def GetGroupSettings(self, cnxn, group_id):
+    """Retrieve group settings for the specified user group.
+    Args:
+      cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+      group_id: int user ID of the user group.
+    Returns:
+      A UserGroupSettings object, or None if no such group exists.
+    """
+    return self.GetAllGroupSettings(cnxn, [group_id]).get(group_id)
+  def UpdateSettings(self, cnxn, group_id, group_settings):
+    """Update the visiblity settings of the specified group."""
+    who_can_view_members = str(group_settings.who_can_view_members).lower()
+    ext_group_type = group_settings.ext_group_type
+    assert who_can_view_members in ('owners', 'members', 'anyone')
+    if ext_group_type:
+      ext_group_type = str(group_settings.ext_group_type).lower()
+      assert ext_group_type in GROUP_TYPE_ENUM, ext_group_type
+      assert who_can_view_members == 'owners'
+    self.usergroupsettings_tbl.InsertRow(
+        cnxn, group_id=group_id, who_can_view_members=who_can_view_members,
+        external_group_type=ext_group_type,
+        last_sync_time=group_settings.last_sync_time,
+        notify_members=group_settings.notify_members,
+        notify_group=group_settings.notify_group,
+        replace=True)
+    self.usergroupprojects_tbl.Delete(
+        cnxn, group_id=group_id)
+    if group_settings.friend_projects:
+      rows = [(group_id, p_id) for p_id in group_settings.friend_projects]
+      self.usergroupprojects_tbl.InsertRows(
+        cnxn, ['group_id', 'project_id'], rows)
+  def GetAllGroupFriendProjects(self, cnxn, group_ids):
+    """Get {group_id: [project_ids]} for the specified user groups."""
+    rows = self.usergroupprojects_tbl.Select(
+        cnxn, cols=USERGROUPPROJECTS_COLS, group_id=group_ids)
+    friends_dict = {}
+    for group_id, project_id in rows:
+      friends_dict.setdefault(group_id, []).append(project_id)
+    return friends_dict
+  def GetGroupFriendProjects(self, cnxn, group_id):
+    """Get a list of friend projects for the specified user group."""
+    return self.GetAllGroupFriendProjects(cnxn, [group_id]).get(group_id)
+  def ValidateFriendProjects(self, cnxn, services, friend_projects):
+    """Validate friend projects.
+    Returns:
+      A list of project ids if no errors, or an error message.
+    """
+    project_names = list(filter(None, re.split('; |, | |;|,', friend_projects)))
+    id_dict = services.project.LookupProjectIDs(cnxn, project_names)
+    missed_projects = []
+    result = []
+    for p_name in project_names:
+      if p_name in id_dict:
+        result.append(id_dict[p_name])
+      else:
+        missed_projects.append(p_name)
+    error_msg = ''
+    if missed_projects:
+      error_msg = 'Project(s) %s do not exist' % ', '.join(missed_projects)
+      return None, error_msg
+    else:
+      return result, None
+  # TODO(jrobbins): re-implement FindUntrustedGroups()
+  def ExpungeUsersInGroups(self, cnxn, ids):
+    """Wipes the given user from the groups system.
+    The given user_ids may to members or groups, or groups themselves.
+    The groups and all their members will be deleted. The users will be
+    wiped from the groups they belong to.
+    It will NOT delete user entries. This method will not commit the
+    operations. This method will not make any changes to in-memory data.
+    """
+    # Delete any groups
+    self.usergroupprojects_tbl.Delete(cnxn, group_id=ids, commit=False)
+    self.usergroupsettings_tbl.Delete(cnxn, group_id=ids, commit=False)
+    self.usergroup_tbl.Delete(cnxn, group_id=ids, commit=False)
+    # Delete any group members
+    self.usergroup_tbl.Delete(cnxn, user_id=ids, commit=False)
+class UserGroupDAG(object):
+  """A directed-acyclic graph of potentially nested user groups."""
+  def __init__(self, usergroup_service):
+    self.usergroup_service = usergroup_service
+    self.user_group_parents = collections.defaultdict(list)
+    self.user_group_children = collections.defaultdict(list)
+    self.initialized = False
+  def Build(self, cnxn, circle_detection=False):
+    if not self.initialized:
+      self.user_group_parents.clear()
+      self.user_group_children.clear()
+      group_ids = self.usergroup_service.usergroupsettings_tbl.Select(
+          cnxn, cols=['group_id'])
+      usergroup_rows = self.usergroup_service.usergroup_tbl.Select(
+          cnxn, cols=['user_id', 'group_id'], distinct=True,
+          user_id=[r[0] for r in group_ids])
+      for user_id, group_id in usergroup_rows:
+        self.user_group_parents[user_id].append(group_id)
+        self.user_group_children[group_id].append(user_id)
+    self.initialized = True
+    if circle_detection:
+      for child_id, parent_ids in self.user_group_parents.items():
+        for parent_id in parent_ids:
+          if self.IsChild(cnxn, parent_id, child_id):
+            logging.error(
+                'Circle exists between group %d and %d.', child_id, parent_id)
+  def GetAllAncestors(self, cnxn, group_id, circle_detection=False):
+    """Return a list of distinct ancestor group IDs for the given group."""
+    self.Build(cnxn, circle_detection)
+    result = set()
+    child_ids = [group_id]
+    while child_ids:
+      parent_ids = set()
+      for c_id in child_ids:
+        group_ids = self.user_group_parents[c_id]
+        parent_ids.update(g_id for g_id in group_ids if g_id not in result)
+        result.update(parent_ids)
+      child_ids = list(parent_ids)
+    return list(result)
+  def GetAllDescendants(self, cnxn, group_id, circle_detection=False):
+    """Return a list of distinct descendant group IDs for the given group."""
+    self.Build(cnxn, circle_detection)
+    result = set()
+    parent_ids = [group_id]
+    while parent_ids:
+      child_ids = set()
+      for p_id in parent_ids:
+        group_ids = self.user_group_children[p_id]
+        child_ids.update(g_id for g_id in group_ids if g_id not in result)
+        result.update(child_ids)
+      parent_ids = list(child_ids)
+    return list(result)
+  def IsChild(self, cnxn, child_id, parent_id):
+    """Returns True if child_id is a direct/indirect child of parent_id."""
+    all_descendants = self.GetAllDescendants(cnxn, parent_id)
+    return child_id in all_descendants
+  def MarkObsolete(self):
+    """Mark the DAG as uninitialized so it'll be re-built."""
+    self.initialized = False
+  def __repr__(self):
+    result = {}
+    result['parents'] = self.user_group_parents
+    result['children'] = self.user_group_children
+    return str(result)