| import {MDCTooltip} from '@material/tooltip'; |
| |
| import {createExtBadge} from './common.js'; |
| |
| // Each entry includes the following information in order: |
| // - ID |
| // - Codename |
| // - Color (for the label in the legend) |
| const kDataKeys = [ |
| [4, 'recommended', '#34A853'], |
| [6, 'replies', '#DADCE0'], |
| [5, 'questions', '#77909D'], |
| [7, 'communityvideos', '#F4511E'], |
| [8, 'communityguides', '#9334E6'], |
| ]; |
| const kRoles = { |
| 1: 'bronze', |
| 2: 'silver', |
| 3: 'gold', |
| 4: 'platinum', |
| 5: 'diamond', |
| 10: 'community_manager', |
| 20: 'community_specialist', |
| 100: 'google_employee', |
| 30: 'alumnus', |
| }; |
| |
| export default class PerForumStatsSection { |
| constructor(existingChartSection, profile, locale, isCommunityConsole) { |
| this.locale = locale; |
| this.isCommunityConsole = isCommunityConsole; |
| this.parseAndSetData(profile); |
| this.buildDOM(existingChartSection); |
| if (this.data.length) this.injectChart(this.data[0]?.id); |
| } |
| |
| parseAndSetData(profile) { |
| const forumUserInfos = profile?.[1]?.[7] ?? []; |
| const forumTitles = profile?.[1]?.[8] ?? []; |
| |
| const forumUserInfoIDs = forumUserInfos.map(ui => ui[1]); |
| const forumTitleIDs = forumTitles.map(t => t[1]); |
| const intersectionForumIDs = |
| forumUserInfoIDs.filter(id => forumTitleIDs.includes(id)); |
| |
| this.data = []; |
| for (const id of intersectionForumIDs) { |
| const fui = forumUserInfos.find(ui => ui?.[1] === id)?.[2]; |
| const numMessages = kDataKeys.reduce((prevVal, key) => { |
| if (!fui?.[key[0]]) return prevVal; |
| return prevVal + fui[key[0]].reduce((prevVal, userActivity) => { |
| return prevVal + (userActivity?.[3] ?? 0); |
| }, /* initialValue = */ 0); |
| }, /* initialValue = */ 0); |
| this.data.push({ |
| id, |
| forumTitle: forumTitles.find(t => t?.[1] === id)?.[2], |
| forumUserInfo: fui, |
| numMessages, |
| }); |
| } |
| this.data.sort((a, b) => { |
| // First sort by number of messages |
| if (b.numMessages > a.numMessages) return 1; |
| if (b.numMessages < a.numMessages) return -1; |
| // Then sort by name |
| return a.forumTitle.localeCompare( |
| b.forumTitle, 'en', {sensitivity: 'base'}); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| buildDOM(existingChartSection) { |
| let section = document.createElement('div'); |
| section.classList.add('scTailwindUser_profileUserprofilesection'); |
| |
| let root = document.createElement('div'); |
| root.classList.add( |
| 'scTailwindSharedActivitychartroot', |
| 'TWPT-scTailwindSharedActivitychartroot'); |
| |
| let title = document.createElement('h2'); |
| title.classList.add('scTailwindSharedActivitycharttitle'); |
| |
| let badge, badgeTooltip; |
| if (this.isCommunityConsole) { |
| [badge, badgeTooltip] = createExtBadge(); |
| } else { |
| badge = document.createElement('span'); |
| badge.classList.add('TWPT-badge'); |
| |
| var badgeImg = document.createElement('img'); |
| badgeImg.src = |
| 'https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/i/materialicons/repeat/v6/24px.svg'; |
| |
| badge.appendChild(badgeImg); |
| } |
| |
| let titleText = document.createElement('span'); |
| titleText.textContent = |
| chrome.i18n.getMessage('inject_perforumstats_heading'); |
| |
| title.append(badge, titleText); |
| |
| let selector = this.createForumSelector(); |
| |
| let chartEl = document.createElement('div'); |
| chartEl.classList.add('scTailwindSharedActivitychartchart'); |
| chartEl.setAttribute('data-twpt-per-forum-chart', ''); |
| |
| root.append(title, selector, chartEl); |
| section.append(root); |
| existingChartSection.after(section); |
| if (this.isCommunityConsole) new MDCTooltip(badgeTooltip); |
| } |
| |
| getAplosData(forumId) { |
| let aplosData = []; |
| for (const [key, name, color] of kDataKeys) { |
| let rawData = this.data.find(f => f.id == forumId)?.forumUserInfo?.[key]; |
| let data; |
| if (!rawData) { |
| data = []; |
| } else { |
| // We're filtering empty strings since in the public forum there a lose |
| // conversion takes place and the first element of the array is always |
| // null, which breaks the Aplos graph rendering. |
| data = |
| rawData.map(m => JSON.stringify(Object.values(m))).filter(m => !!m); |
| } |
| aplosData.push({ |
| color, |
| data, |
| label: chrome.i18n.getMessage('inject_perforumstats_chart_' + name), |
| name, |
| }); |
| } |
| return aplosData; |
| } |
| |
| getMessagesString(num) { |
| if (num == 1) { |
| return chrome.i18n.getMessage( |
| 'inject_perforumstats_nummessages_singular'); |
| } |
| return chrome.i18n.getMessage( |
| 'inject_perforumstats_nummessages_plural', [num]); |
| } |
| |
| getForumOptionString(forumTitle, labels) { |
| if (labels.length == 0) return forumTitle; |
| if (labels.length == 1) |
| return chrome.i18n.getMessage( |
| 'inject_perforumstats_forumoption_1helper', [forumTitle, ...labels]); |
| if (labels.length == 2) |
| return chrome.i18n.getMessage( |
| 'inject_perforumstats_forumoption_2helpers', [forumTitle, ...labels]); |
| |
| // If labels.length > 3, this is unexpected. Here's a sensible fallback: |
| return forumTitle + ' (' + labels.join(', ') + ')'; |
| } |
| |
| createForumSelector() { |
| let div = document.createElement('div'); |
| div.classList.add('TWPT-select-container'); |
| |
| let select = document.createElement('select'); |
| let noPostsGroup; |
| let noPostsGroupFlag = false; |
| for (const forumData of this.data) { |
| const hasPosted = forumData.numMessages > 0; |
| |
| if (!hasPosted && !noPostsGroupFlag) { |
| noPostsGroup = document.createElement('optgroup'); |
| noPostsGroup.label = |
| chrome.i18n.getMessage('inject_perforumstats_optgroup_notposted'); |
| noPostsGroupFlag = true; |
| } |
| |
| let additionalLabels = []; |
| if (hasPosted) |
| additionalLabels.push(this.getMessagesString(forumData.numMessages)); |
| let role = forumData.forumUserInfo?.[1]?.[3] ?? 0; |
| if (role) |
| additionalLabels.push(chrome.i18n.getMessage( |
| 'inject_perforumstats_role_' + kRoles[role])); |
| |
| let option = document.createElement('option'); |
| option.textContent = |
| this.getForumOptionString(forumData.forumTitle, additionalLabels); |
| option.value = forumData.id; |
| if (hasPosted) |
| select.append(option); |
| else |
| noPostsGroup.append(option); |
| } |
| if (noPostsGroupFlag) select.append(noPostsGroup); |
| select.addEventListener('change', e => { |
| let forumId = e.target.value; |
| this.injectChart(forumId); |
| }); |
| |
| div.append(select); |
| return div; |
| } |
| |
| injectChart(forumId) { |
| let data = this.getAplosData(forumId); |
| let metadata = { |
| activities: [], |
| finalMonth: undefined, |
| locale: this.locale, |
| shouldDisableTransitions: true, |
| }; |
| let chartTitle = chrome.i18n.getMessage('inject_perforumstats_chart_label'); |
| const message = { |
| action: 'renderProfileActivityChart', |
| prefix: 'TWPT-extrainfo', |
| data, |
| metadata, |
| chartTitle, |
| }; |
| window.postMessage(message, '*'); |
| } |
| } |