Add profile indicator feature
This experimental feature adds an indicator dot next to the OP's
username in order to indicate whether the OP has participated in more
threads in the same forum.
The dot can indicate the following states:
* Blue: the OP has only participated in the current thread.
* Orange: the OP has participated in other threads, but at least the
last 5 ones have been read by the user.
* Red: the OP has participated in other threads, some of which haven't
yet been read by the user.
Change-Id: Ib358d88dacfe0e713247d7757cf7eea1a2b4f8e9
diff --git a/src/console_profileindicator_inject.js b/src/console_profileindicator_inject.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29ff70d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/console_profileindicator_inject.js
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+var profileRegex =
+ /^(?:https:\/\/support\.google\.com)?\/s\/community\/forum\/[0-9]*\/user\/(?:[0-9]+)$/;
+const OP_FIRST_POST = 0;
+const OPClasses = {
+ 0: 'profile-indicator--first-post',
+ 1: 'profile-indicator--other-posts-read',
+ 2: 'profile-indicator--other-posts-unread',
+const OPi18n = {
+ 0: 'first_post',
+ 1: 'other_posts_read',
+ 2: 'other_posts_unread',
+// Filter used as a workaround to speed up the ViewForum request.
+ 'lang:(ar | bg | ca | "zh-hk" | "zh-cn" | "zh-tw" | hr | cs | da | nl | en | "en-au" | "en-gb" | et | fil | fi | fr | de | el | iw | hi | hu | id | it | ja | ko | lv | lt | ms | no | pl | "pt-br" | "pt-pt" | ro | ru | sr | sk | sl | es | "es-419" | sv | th | tr | uk | vi)';
+function isElementInside(element, outerTag) {
+ while (element !== null && ('tagName' in element)) {
+ if (element.tagName == outerTag) return true;
+ element = element.parentNode;
+ }
+ return false;
+function escapeUsername(username) {
+ var quoteRegex = /"/g;
+ var commentRegex = /<!---->/g;
+ return username.replace(quoteRegex, '\\"').replace(commentRegex, '');
+function getPosts(query, forumId) {
+ return fetch('', {
+ 'credentials': 'include',
+ 'headers': {'content-type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'},
+ 'body': JSON.stringify({
+ '1': forumId,
+ '2': {
+ '1': {
+ '2': 5,
+ },
+ '2': {
+ '1': 1,
+ '2': true,
+ },
+ '12': query,
+ },
+ }),
+ 'method': 'POST',
+ 'mode': 'cors',
+ })
+ .then(res => res.json());
+// Source:
+var i18nRequest = (function() {
+ var requestId = 0;
+ function getMessage(msg) {
+ var id = requestId++;
+ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
+ var listener = function(evt) {
+ if (evt.detail.requestId == id) {
+ // Deregister self
+ window.removeEventListener('sendChromeData', listener);
+ resolve(evt.detail.string);
+ }
+ };
+ window.addEventListener('sendi18nString', listener);
+ var payload = {msg: msg, id: id};
+ window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('geti18nString', {detail: payload}));
+ });
+ }
+ return {getMessage: getMessage};
+function mutationCallback(mutationList, observer) {
+ mutationList.forEach((mutation) => {
+ if (mutation.type == 'childList') {
+ mutation.addedNodes.forEach(function(node) {
+ if (node.tagName == 'A' && ('href' in node) &&
+ profileRegex.test(node.href) &&
+ isElementInside(node, 'EC-QUESTION') && ('children' in node) &&
+ node.children.length == 0) {
+ var escapedUsername = escapeUsername(node.innerHTML);
+ // Create profile indicator dot with a loading state
+ var dotContainer = document.createElement('span');
+ dotContainer.classList.add('profile-indicator');
+ dotContainer.classList.add('profile-indicator--loading');
+ i18nRequest.getMessage('inject_profileindicator_loading')
+ .then(string => dotContainer.setAttribute('title', string));
+ var forumUrlSplit = document.location.href.split('/forum/');
+ if (forumUrlSplit.length < 2) throw new Error('Can\'t get forum id.');
+ var forumId = forumUrlSplit[1].split('/')[0];
+ var query = '(replier:"' + escapedUsername + '" | creator:"' +
+ escapedUsername + '") ' + FILTER_ALL_LANGUAGES;
+ var encodedQuery = encodeURIComponent(query);
+ var urlpart = encodeURIComponent('query=' + encodedQuery);
+ var dotLink = document.createElement('a');
+ dotLink.href =
+ '' + urlpart;
+ dotLink.innerText = '●';
+ dotContainer.appendChild(dotLink);
+ node.parentNode.appendChild(dotContainer);
+ // Query threads in order to see what state the indicator should be in
+ getPosts(query, forumId)
+ .then(res => {
+ if (!('1' in res) || !('2' in res['1'])) {
+ throw new Error('Unexpected response.');
+ return;
+ }
+ // Current thread ID
+ var threadUrlSplit = document.location.href.split('/thread/');
+ if (threadUrlSplit.length < 2)
+ throw new Error('Can\'t get thread id.');
+ var currId = threadUrlSplit[1].split('/')[0];
+ var OPStatus = OP_FIRST_POST;
+ for (const thread of res['1']['2']) {
+ var id = thread['2']['1']['1'] || undefined;
+ if (id === undefined || id == currId) continue;
+ var isRead = thread['6'] || false;
+ if (isRead)
+ OPStatus = Math.max(OP_OTHER_POSTS_READ, OPStatus);
+ else
+ OPStatus = Math.max(OP_OTHER_POSTS_UNREAD, OPStatus);
+ }
+ dotContainer.classList.remove('profile-indicator--loading');
+ dotContainer.classList.add(OPClasses[OPStatus]);
+ i18nRequest
+ .getMessage('inject_profileindicator_' + OPi18n[OPStatus])
+ .then(string => dotContainer.setAttribute('title', string));
+ })
+ .catch(
+ err => console.error(
+ 'Unexpected error. Couldn\'t load recent posts.', err));
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+var observerOptions = {
+ childList: true,
+ subtree: true,
+mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(mutationCallback);
+ document.querySelector('.scrollable-content'), observerOptions);