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| 110 | <div class="subpageheader mdl-cell--12-col">Templates</div> |
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| 112 | |
| 113 | <section class="template template--blog docs-text-styling mdl-grid mdl-cell mdl-cell--12-col"> |
| 114 | <img src="../assets/templates/blog.jpg" |
| 115 | srcset="../assets/templates/blog.jpg 1x, ../assets/templates/blog_2x.jpg 2x" |
| 116 | class="template__preview mdl-cell mdl-cell--8-col"> |
| 117 | <div class="template__meta mdl-cell mdl-cell--4-col mdl-grid mdl-grid--no-spacing"> |
| 118 | <h3 class="template__header mdl-cell mdl-cell--12-col mdl-typography--body-2">Blog</h3> |
| 119 | <p class="mdl-cell mdl-cell--12-col"> |
| 120 | A mobile focused responsive template that showcases image or text based blog entries, a subscription CTA, search & share links, and an expanded article page with comments, counters and bookmarking capabilities built-in. |
| 121 | </p> |
| 122 | <a href="" class="mdl-cell mdl-cell--6-col-desktop mdl-cell--4-col-tablet mdl-cell--2-col-phone"> |
| 123 | <button class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-js-ripple-effect mdl-button--icon"> |
| 124 | <i class="material-icons">file_download</i> |
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| 126 | Download |
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| 128 | <a href="../templates/blog/index.html" target="_blank" class="mdl-cell mdl-cell--6-col-desktop mdl-cell--4-col-tablet mdl-cell--2-col-phone"> |
| 129 | <button class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-js-ripple-effect mdl-button--icon"> |
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| 137 | <section class="template template--android-dot-com docs-text-styling mdl-grid mdl-cell mdl-cell--12-col"> |
| 138 | <img src="../assets/templates/android-dot-com.jpg" |
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| 140 | class="template__preview mdl-cell mdl-cell--8-col"> |
| 141 | <div class="template__meta mdl-cell mdl-cell--4-col mdl-grid mdl-grid--no-spacing"> |
| 142 | <h3 class="template__header mdl-cell mdl-cell--12-col mdl-typography--body-2"> MDL skin</h3> |
| 143 | <p class="mdl-cell mdl-cell--12-col"> |
| 144 | A Material Design Lite version of the current site, using the same content with a horizontal navigation, feature carousel and long form scrolling sub pages. |
| 145 | </p> |
| 146 | <a href="" class="mdl-cell mdl-cell--6-col-desktop mdl-cell--4-col-tablet mdl-cell--2-col-phone"> |
| 147 | <button class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-js-ripple-effect mdl-button--icon"> |
| 148 | <i class="material-icons">file_download</i> |
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| 150 | Download |
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| 152 | <a href="../templates/android-dot-com/index.html" target="_blank" class="mdl-cell mdl-cell--6-col-desktop mdl-cell--4-col-tablet mdl-cell--2-col-phone"> |
| 153 | <button class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-js-ripple-effect mdl-button--icon"> |
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| 161 | <section class="template template--dashboard docs-text-styling mdl-grid mdl-cell mdl-cell--12-col"> |
| 162 | <img src="../assets/templates/dashboard.jpg" |
| 163 | srcset="../assets/templates/dashboard.jpg 1x, ../assets/templates/dashboard_2x.jpg 2x" |
| 164 | class="template__preview mdl-cell mdl-cell--8-col"> |
| 165 | <div class="template__meta mdl-cell mdl-cell--4-col mdl-grid mdl-grid--no-spacing"> |
| 166 | <h3 class="template__header mdl-cell mdl-cell--12-col mdl-typography--body-2">Dashboard</h3> |
| 167 | <p class="mdl-cell mdl-cell--12-col"> |
| 168 | A modular responsive template built to display data visualizations and information with a clear vertical nav, user profile, search and dedicated space for updates and filters. |
| 169 | </p> |
| 170 | <a href="" class="mdl-cell mdl-cell--6-col-desktop mdl-cell--4-col-tablet mdl-cell--2-col-phone"> |
| 171 | <button class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-js-ripple-effect mdl-button--icon"> |
| 172 | <i class="material-icons">file_download</i> |
| 173 | </button> |
| 174 | Download |
| 175 | </a> |
| 176 | <a href="../templates/dashboard/index.html" target="_blank" class="mdl-cell mdl-cell--6-col-desktop mdl-cell--4-col-tablet mdl-cell--2-col-phone"> |
| 177 | <button class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-js-ripple-effect mdl-button--icon"> |
| 178 | <i class="material-icons">arrow_forward</i> |
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| 185 | <section class="template template--portfolio docs-text-styling mdl-grid mdl-cell mdl-cell--12-col"> |
| 186 | <img src="../assets/templates/portfolio.jpg" |
| 187 | srcset="../assets/templates/portfolio.jpg 1x, ../assets/templates/portfolio_2x.jpg 2x" |
| 188 | class="template__preview mdl-cell mdl-cell--8-col"> |
| 189 | <div class="template__meta mdl-cell mdl-cell--4-col mdl-grid mdl-grid--no-spacing"> |
| 190 | <h3 class="template__header mdl-cell mdl-cell--12-col mdl-typography--body-2">Portfolio</h3> |
| 191 | <p class="mdl-cell mdl-cell--12-col"> |
| 192 | A modern and clean looking template for a portfolio/blog build with Material Design Lite. Included are a top nav bar that comes with the waterfall header component, cards to display different types of content and a footer. |
| 193 | </p> |
| 194 | <a href="" class="mdl-cell mdl-cell--6-col-desktop mdl-cell--4-col-tablet mdl-cell--2-col-phone"> |
| 195 | <button class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-js-ripple-effect mdl-button--icon"> |
| 196 | <i class="material-icons">file_download</i> |
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| 198 | Download |
| 199 | </a> |
| 200 | <a href="../templates/portfolio/index.html" target="_blank" class="mdl-cell mdl-cell--6-col-desktop mdl-cell--4-col-tablet mdl-cell--2-col-phone"> |
| 201 | <button class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-js-ripple-effect mdl-button--icon"> |
| 202 | <i class="material-icons">arrow_forward</i> |
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| 204 | Preview |
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| 206 | </div> |
| 207 | </section> |
| 208 | |
| 209 | <section class="template template--text-only docs-text-styling mdl-grid mdl-cell mdl-cell--12-col"> |
| 210 | <img src="../assets/templates/text-only.jpg" |
| 211 | srcset="../assets/templates/text-only.jpg 1x, ../assets/templates/text-only_2x.jpg 2x" |
| 212 | class="template__preview mdl-cell mdl-cell--8-col"> |
| 213 | <div class="template__meta mdl-cell mdl-cell--4-col mdl-grid mdl-grid--no-spacing"> |
| 214 | <h3 class="template__header mdl-cell mdl-cell--12-col mdl-typography--body-2">Text-heavy webpage</h3> |
| 215 | <p class="mdl-cell mdl-cell--12-col"> |
| 216 | Built for presenting content that is information dense, easily updatable, and optimized for legibility, this template has a sticky horizontal top nav on mobile, feature callouts, cards and a site map footer with a deep-linked table of contents. |
| 217 | </p> |
| 218 | <a href="" class="mdl-cell mdl-cell--6-col-desktop mdl-cell--4-col-tablet mdl-cell--2-col-phone"> |
| 219 | <button class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-js-ripple-effect mdl-button--icon"> |
| 220 | <i class="material-icons">file_download</i> |
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| 222 | Download |
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| 224 | <a href="../templates/text-only/index.html" target="_blank" class="mdl-cell mdl-cell--6-col-desktop mdl-cell--4-col-tablet mdl-cell--2-col-phone"> |
| 225 | <button class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-js-ripple-effect mdl-button--icon"> |
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| 233 | <section class="template template--article docs-text-styling mdl-grid mdl-cell mdl-cell--12-col"> |
| 234 | <img src="../assets/templates/article.jpg" |
| 235 | srcset="../assets/templates/article.jpg 1x, ../assets/templates/article_2x.jpg 2x" |
| 236 | class="template__preview mdl-cell mdl-cell--8-col"> |
| 237 | <div class="template__meta mdl-cell mdl-cell--4-col mdl-grid mdl-grid--no-spacing"> |
| 238 | <h3 class="template__header mdl-cell mdl-cell--12-col mdl-typography--body-2">Stand-alone article</h3> |
| 239 | <p class="mdl-cell mdl-cell--12-col"> |
| 240 | A clean layout optimized for presenting text-based content with a breadcrumb nav, search, clear headers and a footer that utilizes a card-like structure to showcase the content. |
| 241 | </p> |
| 242 | <a href="" class="mdl-cell mdl-cell--6-col-desktop mdl-cell--4-col-tablet mdl-cell--2-col-phone"> |
| 243 | <button class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-js-ripple-effect mdl-button--icon"> |
| 244 | <i class="material-icons">file_download</i> |
| 245 | </button> |
| 246 | Download |
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| 248 | <a href="../templates/article/index.html" target="_blank" class="mdl-cell mdl-cell--6-col-desktop mdl-cell--4-col-tablet mdl-cell--2-col-phone"> |
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