avm99963 | 34a3be4 | 2021-05-28 01:49:55 +0200 | [diff] [blame] | 1 | \documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{article} |
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| 7 | \usepackage{siunitx} |
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| 22 | empty cells with={--}, % replace empty cells with ’--’ |
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| 35 | % word "tabla", so it can be used like "cuadro" ;) |
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| 37 | \def\tablename{Tabla}% |
| 38 | } |
| 39 | |
| 40 | % Yep, it's not a SI unit, but screw it! ;) |
| 41 | \DeclareSIUnit\rpm{RPM} |
| 42 | |
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| 47 | \rhead{David Díaz, Adrià Vilanova} |
| 48 | \lhead{Práctica 2} |
| 49 | \rfoot{\thepage} |
| 50 | |
| 51 | %%%% Title %%%% |
| 52 | \title{\vspace{-4ex}Práctica 2. Determinación de la viscosidad} |
| 53 | \author{David Díaz, Adrià Vilanova} |
| 54 | \date{Primavera 2020-21} |
| 55 | \begin{document} |
| 56 | {\parskip=0pt |
| 57 | \maketitle |
| 58 | } |
| 59 | |
| 60 | \section{Gel de baño} |
| 61 | |
| 62 | \begin{table}[H] |
| 63 | \centering |
| 64 | \pgfplotstabletypeset[ |
| 65 | columns={0, 1, 2, 3}, |
| 66 | columns/0/.style={column name=$\omega \, (\si{\rpm})$, fixed, precision=0}, |
| 67 | columns/1/.style={column name=$\eta \, (\si{\milli\pascal\per\second})$, fixed, fixed zerofill, precision=1}, |
| 68 | columns/2/.style={column name=\% \textit{torque}, fixed, fixed zerofill, precision=1}, |
| 69 | columns/3/.style={column name=$T \, (\si{\celsius})$, fixed, fixed zerofill, precision=1} |
| 70 | ]{../data/gel.dat} |
| 71 | \caption{Datos experimentales obtenidos para el gel de baño mediante el viscosímetro de rotación usando la varilla L4.} |
| 72 | \end{table} |
| 73 | |
| 74 | \begin{figure}[ht] |
| 75 | \centering |
| 76 | \begin{minipage}{0.46\textwidth} |
| 77 | \centering |
| 78 | \input{../output/gel_viscosity_vs_rpm.tex} |
| 79 | \captionof{figure}{Viscosidad en función de la velocidad de rotación para el gel de baño.} |
| 80 | \end{minipage}\hfill |
| 81 | \begin{minipage}{0.46\textwidth} |
| 82 | \centering |
| 83 | \input{../output/gel_torque_vs_rpm.tex} |
| 84 | \captionof{figure}{\textit{Torque} en función de la velocidad de rotación para el gel de baño.} |
| 85 | \end{minipage} |
| 86 | \end{figure} |
| 87 | |
| 88 | \textbf{Tipo de fluido según sus características reológicas}: pseudoplástico o \textit{shear thinning}. |
| 89 | |
| 90 | \section{Glicerina} |
| 91 | |
| 92 | \begin{table}[H] |
| 93 | \centering |
| 94 | \pgfplotstabletypeset[ |
| 95 | columns={0, 1, 2, 3}, |
| 96 | columns/0/.style={column name=$\omega \, (\si{\rpm})$, fixed, precision=0}, |
| 97 | columns/1/.style={column name=$\eta \, (\si{\milli\pascal\per\second})$, fixed, fixed zerofill, precision=1}, |
| 98 | columns/2/.style={column name=\% \textit{torque}, fixed, fixed zerofill, precision=1}, |
| 99 | columns/3/.style={column name=$T \, (\si{\celsius})$, fixed, fixed zerofill, precision=1} |
| 100 | ]{../data/glicerina.dat} |
| 101 | \caption{Datos experimentales obtenidos para la glicerina mediante el viscosímetro de rotación usando la varilla L3.} |
| 102 | \end{table} |
| 103 | |
| 104 | \vspace{4ex} |
| 105 | |
| 106 | \begin{figure}[ht] |
| 107 | \centering |
| 108 | \begin{minipage}{0.45\textwidth} |
| 109 | \centering |
| 110 | \input{../output/glicerina_viscosity_vs_rpm.tex} |
| 111 | \captionof{figure}{Viscosidad en función de la velocidad de rotación para la glicerina.} |
| 112 | \end{minipage}\hfill |
| 113 | \begin{minipage}{0.45\textwidth} |
| 114 | \centering |
| 115 | \input{../output/glicerina_torque_vs_rpm.tex} |
| 116 | \captionof{figure}{\textit{Torque} en función de la velocidad de rotación para la glicerina.} |
| 117 | \end{minipage} |
| 118 | \end{figure} |
| 119 | |
| 120 | \vspace{4ex} |
| 121 | |
| 122 | \textbf{Tipo de fluido según sus características reológicas}: newtoniano. |
| 123 | |
| 124 | \newpage |
| 125 | |
| 126 | \section{Glicerina. Viscosidad en función de la temperatura} |
| 127 | \begin{table}[H] |
| 128 | \centering |
| 129 | \pgfplotstabletypeset[ |
| 130 | columns={3, 1, 3, 1}, |
| 131 | display columns/0/.style={select equal part entry of={0}{2}, column name=$\eta \, (\si{\milli\pascal\per\second})$, fixed, fixed zerofill, precision=1}, |
| 132 | display columns/1/.style={select equal part entry of={0}{2}, column name=$T \, (\si{\celsius})$, fixed, fixed zerofill, precision=1, column type/.add={}{||}}, |
| 133 | display columns/2/.style={select equal part entry of={1}{2}, column name=$\eta \, (\si{\milli\pascal\per\second})$, fixed, fixed zerofill, precision=1}, |
| 134 | display columns/3/.style={select equal part entry of={1}{2}, column name=$T \, (\si{\celsius})$, fixed, fixed zerofill, precision=1} |
| 135 | ]{../data/glicerina_temperatura.dat} |
| 136 | \caption{Datos experimentales obtenidos para la glicerina mientras se enfriaba mediante el viscosímetro de rotación usando la varilla L3, y una rotación fija de $\SI{200}{\rpm}$.} |
| 137 | \end{table} |
| 138 | |
| 139 | \begin{figure}[H] |
| 140 | \centering |
| 141 | \input{../output/glicerina_viscosity_vs_t.tex} |
| 142 | \caption{Viscosidad en función de la temperatura para la glicerina.} |
| 143 | \end{figure} |
| 144 | |
| 145 | \end{document} |