blob: e96506a8e859fe030d2efc89ccac6fa606ea86dd [file] [log] [blame]
- name: Check extensionId, clientId, refreshToken, workingDirectory, zipFile are set
when: >
extensionId is not defined or clientId is not defined or
refreshToken is not defined or workingDirectory is not defined or
zipFile is not defined
msg: "extensionId, clientId, refreshToken, workingDirectory and zipFile must be set"
- name: Upload and publish the ZIP file to the Chrome Web Store
cmd: |
set -o pipefail
chrome-webstore-upload upload {{ '--auto-publish' if (autopublish|bool) else '' }} \
--extension-id {{ extensionId }} {{ '--trusted-testers' if (trustedTesters|bool) else '' }} \
--source {{ zipFile }} --client-id {{ clientId|quote }} \
--refresh-token {{ refreshToken|quote }} \
{% if clientSecret is defined %} --client-secret {{ clientSecret }} {% endif %} \
2>&1 | tee cws-log.txt
chdir: "{{ workingDirectory }}"
executable: /bin/bash
no_log: True
register: uploadcmd
failed_when: false
- name: Read upload log
cmd: cat cws-log.txt
chdir: "{{ workingDirectory }}"
executable: /bin/bash
register: uploadlog
- name: Check whether the upload was successful
when: "not (uploadcmd.rc == 0 or ('ITEM_NOT_UPDATABLE' in uploadlog.stdout) or ('PKG_INVALID_VERSION_NUMBER') in uploadlog.stdout)"
msg: "{{ uploadlog.stdout }}"