Merge "Update secrets"
diff --git a/zuul.d/jobs.yaml b/zuul.d/jobs.yaml
index 8ad979e..22b244e 100644
--- a/zuul.d/jobs.yaml
+++ b/zuul.d/jobs.yaml
@@ -1,7 +1,25 @@
 - job:
     name: base
     parent: null
+    description: |
+      The recommended base job.
+      All jobs ultimately inherit from this.  It runs a pre-playbook
+      which copies all of the job's prepared git repos on to all of
+      the nodes in the nodeset.
+      It also sets a default timeout value (which may be overidden).
+    pre-run: playbooks/base/pre.yaml
+    post-run:
+      - playbooks/base/post-ssh.yaml
+      - playbooks/base/post-logs.yaml
+    roles:
+      - zuul: zuul/zuul-jobs
+    timeout: 1800
         - name: ubuntu-focal
           label: ubuntu-focal
+    secrets:
+      - name: s3_config
+        secret: s3-secrets