Add GitHub PR template

This template directs contributors to submit the contribution to the
Gerrit instance, which is the source of truth (GitHub is just a mirror).

Change-Id: I4f234c96e269d3ba054b6d3905ceff0291990e68
1 file changed
tree: 04c528be81253f2fe731dd99f23561754a692447
  1. .github/
  2. ftdetect/
  3. ftplugin/
  4. images/
  5. syntax/
  6. .gitreview

.jjdescription files plugin for Vim

This plugin adds syntax highlighting and some sensible options for .jjdescription files. These are temporary files created by JJ and opened in your configured editor when you run jj describe, so you can write a description for your change.

Screenshot showing the syntax highlighting


Use your favorite plugin manager to install the avm99963/vim-jjdescription plugin. For instance, with vim-plug you should add the following to the appropriate section in your .vimrc:

Plug 'avm99963/vim-jjdescription'


This plugin is based on the native syntax highlighting and ftplugin for gitcommit, which is the format of the analogous temporary files used by Git. This is the reason why this plugin is licensed with the Vim license.