blob: 951d9162d911a9fbb33849a8ae9166a6ac3a524b [file] [log] [blame]
Adrià Vilanova Martínez47dcdee2021-06-08 16:00:29 +02001{
2 "appName": {
3 "message": "Переклад виділеного тексту",
4 "description": "The app name"
5 },
6 "appBetaName": {
7 "message": "Переклад виділеного тексту (бета-версія)",
8 "description": "The beta app name"
9 },
Adrià Vilanova Martínez8b117032022-06-01 17:48:49 +020010 "appCanaryName": {
11 "message": "Переклад виділеного тексту (Canary)",
12 "description": "The beta app name"
13 },
Adrià Vilanova Martínez47dcdee2021-06-08 16:00:29 +020014 "appDescription": {
15 "message": "Переклад виділеного тексту з Google Translate",
16 "description": "The app description"
17 },
18 "contextmenu_title": {
19 "message": "Перекласти виділене...",
20 "description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done. Inside this parent item there are the target languages."
21 },
22 "contextmenu_title2": {
23 "message": "Перекласти виділене на '$language$'",
24 "description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done and there's only one language available.",
25 "placeholders": {
26 "language": {
27 "content": "$1",
28 "example": "Language to translate into."
29 }
30 }
31 },
32 "contextmenu_edit": {
33 "message": "Редагувати мови...",
34 "description": "Title of the item inside the 'Translate section into...' context menu which is used to go to the options page."
35 },
36 "options_welcome": {
37 "message": "Вітаємо!",
38 "description": "Title of the options page which welcomes users"
39 },
40 "options_introduction": {
41 "message": "Будь ласка, виберіть мови, які Ви хочете розмістити в меню \"Переклад\".",
42 "description": "Introduction paragraph in the options page preceding the language list."
43 },
44 "options_languageselectheader": {
45 "message": "Мови:",
46 "description": "Header of the selected languages list."
47 },
48 "options_otheroptionsheader": {
49 "message": "Додаткові опції:",
50 "description": "Subheader in the options page before the options to choose where should the translation be shown.."
51 },
52 "options_tabsoption_1": {
53 "message": "Відкривати Google Translate у новій вкладці при кожному перекладі.",
54 "description": "Option which defines where should the translations be shown (in this case, each translation will be opened in a new tab)."
55 },
56 "options_tabsoption_2": {
57 "message": "Відкривати Google Translate у унікальній вкладці та змінювати останній переклад замість відкривання кількох вкладок.",
58 "description": "Option which defines where should the translations be shown (in this case, each translation will be opened in the same tab used for the previous translation, or will open a new tab if there aren't any translation tabs open)."
59 },
60 "options_tabsoption_3": {
61 "message": "Відкривати Google Translate у спливаючому вікні.",
62 "description": "Option which defines where should the translations be shown (in this case, each translation will be opened in a new popup)."
63 },
64 "options_savebutton": {
65 "message": "Зберегти",
66 "description": "Save button in the settings page"
67 },
68 "options_addlanguage": {
69 "message": "Додати мову",
70 "description": "Title for the 'Add language' dialog"
71 },
72 "options_addlanguage_addbutton": {
73 "message": "Додати",
74 "description": "'Add' button in the footer of the languages list which is used to show a dialog with a list of potential languages to add. In the dialog, this message is also shown inside a button which is used to confirm the action."
75 },
76 "options_language_label": {
77 "message": "Мова:",
78 "description": "Label for the language selector in the 'Add language' dialog"
79 },
80 "options_credits": {
81 "message": "Автори",
82 "description": "Message for the link to the credits dialog, and also the title for the credits dialog, which shows a list of open source projects used inside the extension and a list of translators/contributors."
83 },
84 "options_credits_createdby": {
85 "message": "Розширення створено: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">@avm99963</a> (Adrià Vilanova Martínez)",
86 "description": "Text shown in the credits dialog, which shows that the extension was created by Adrià Vilanova Martínez (and their username is avm99963)."
87 },
88 "options_credits_homepage": {
89 "message": "Домівка",
90 "description": "Text shown for links to go to each homepage of open source projects in the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters"
91 },
92 "options_credits_by": {
93 "message": "від",
94 "description": "Fragment of the author statement in an item of the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters. EXAMPLE: '{{options_credits_by}} Adrià Vilanova Martínez'"
95 },
96 "options_credits_translations": {
97 "message": "Переклади",
98 "description": "Header for the section in the credits dialog which recognizes translators."
99 },
100 "options_credits_translations_paragraph": {
101 "message": "Особлива подяка наступним учасникам за переклад розширення на багато мов:",
102 "description": "Paragraph in the 'Translations' section of the credits dialog, which recognizes translators. Following this paragraph there's a list with all the translators' names (if you've translated a string in Crowdin, you'll automatically be added to the list in the following extension update)."
103 },
104 "options_ok": {
105 "message": "ОК",
106 "description": "OK button in informative dialogs, which is used to close them (no action is done when pressing these buttons)"
107 },
108 "options_cancel": {
109 "message": "Скасувати",
110 "description": "Cancel button in the dialogs, to reject an action."
111 },
112 "notification_install_title": {
113 "message": "Дякуємо за встановлення 'Переклад виділеного тексту'"
114 },
115 "notification_install_message": {
116 "message": "Натисніть для налаштувань."
Adrià Vilanova Martínez47dcdee2021-06-08 16:00:29 +0200117 }