blob: c5872129eb6c5e6dd168115f9200b50b83e46d70 [file] [log] [blame]
avm9996351cae202020-12-28 22:40:59 +01001{
2 "appName": {
3 "message": "የተመረጠ ጽሁፍ ተርጉም",
4 "description": "The app name"
5 },
6 "appBetaName": {
7 "message": "የተመረጠ ጽሁፍ ተርጉም (ቤታ)",
8 "description": "The beta app name"
9 },
10 "appDescription": {
11 "message": "የተመረጠውን ጽሑፍ በ ጉግል ትራንስሌት ይተርጉሙ",
12 "description": "The app description"
13 },
14 "contextmenu_title": {
15 "message": "የተመረጠውን ወደ ... ተርጉም",
avm9996315c24732021-01-10 20:06:18 +010016 "description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done. Inside this parent item there are the target languages."
avm9996351cae202020-12-28 22:40:59 +010017 },
18 "contextmenu_title2": {
19 "message": "የተመረጠውን ወደ '$language$' ተርጉም",
20 "description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done and there's only one language available.",
21 "placeholders": {
22 "language": {
23 "content": "$1",
24 "example": "Language to translate into."
25 }
26 }
27 },
28 "contextmenu_edit": {
29 "message": "ቋንቋዎችን አርትዕ...",
avm9996315c24732021-01-10 20:06:18 +010030 "description": "Title of the item inside the 'Translate section into...' context menu which is used to go to the options page."
avm9996351cae202020-12-28 22:40:59 +010031 },
32 "options_welcome": {
33 "message": "እንኳን ደህና መጡ!",
avm9996315c24732021-01-10 20:06:18 +010034 "description": "Title of the options page which welcomes users"
avm9996351cae202020-12-28 22:40:59 +010035 },
36 "options_introduction": {
37 "message": "እባክዎ \"ትርጉም\" ዝርዝር ውስጥ ለማየት የሚፈልጉትን ቋንቋዎች ይምረጡ ።",
avm9996315c24732021-01-10 20:06:18 +010038 "description": "Introduction paragraph in the options page preceding the language list."
avm9996351cae202020-12-28 22:40:59 +010039 },
40 "options_languageselectheader": {
41 "message": "ቋንቋዎች ፦",
avm9996315c24732021-01-10 20:06:18 +010042 "description": "Header of the selected languages list."
avm9996351cae202020-12-28 22:40:59 +010043 },
44 "options_otheroptionsheader": {
45 "message": "ሌሎች አማራጮች ፥",
avm9996315c24732021-01-10 20:06:18 +010046 "description": "Subheader in the options page before the options to choose where should the translation be shown.."
avm9996351cae202020-12-28 22:40:59 +010047 },
48 "options_tabsoption_1": {
49 "message": "ለእያንዳንዱ ትርጉም የ ጉግል ትራንስሌትን በአዲስ ትር ይክፈቱ ።",
avm9996315c24732021-01-10 20:06:18 +010050 "description": "Option which defines where should the translations be shown (in this case, each translation will be opened in a new tab)."
avm9996351cae202020-12-28 22:40:59 +010051 },
52 "options_tabsoption_2": {
53 "message": "ጉግል ትራንስሌትን በልዩ ትርታ ይክፈቱ እና በርካታ ትሮችን ከመክፈት ይልቅ የመጨረሻውን ትርጉም ይለውጡ።",
avm9996315c24732021-01-10 20:06:18 +010054 "description": "Option which defines where should the translations be shown (in this case, each translation will be opened in the same tab used for the previous translation, or will open a new tab if there aren't any translation tabs open)."
avm9996351cae202020-12-28 22:40:59 +010055 }