blob: 17aba16b2dae0399ecc8a950b6e5f0a0f7accf67 [file] [log] [blame]
# Your Crowdin credentials
"project_id" : "191707"
"api_token" : "{{API_TOKEN}}"
"base_path" : "../../."
"base_url" : ""
# Choose file structure in Crowdin
"preserve_hierarchy": true
# Files configuration
files: [
# Source files filter
"source" : "src/static/_locales/en/messages.json",
# Where translations will be placed
"translation" : "src/static/_locales/%osx_locale%/%original_file_name%",
# Files or directories for ignore
"ignore" : ["OWNERS"],
# The dest allows you to specify a file name in Crowdin
# e.g. "/messages.json"
"dest" : "/messages.json",
"type" : "chrome",
"skip_untranslated_strings" : true,
"export_only_approved" : true,
"languages_mapping" : {
"osx_locale" : {
"es-AR" : "es_419",
"pt-PT" : "pt_PT",
"zh-CN" : "zh_CN",
"zh-TW" : "zh_TW",
# This is so when editing a source string, the translations are preserved.
"update_option": "update_without_changes",