blob: 55990f3347ca3a0d522eaf1e671bf4c7a4a2b511 [file] [log] [blame]
// WARNING: In MV2, data is persisted even after the session ends,[1] unlike
// with in MV3.
// Before, this class in MV2 only persisted data until the background page was
// unloaded, so this introduced bug
// Thus, since making the background page persistent will impact performance,
// the easiest solution is to let this custom session storage be persistent in
// MV2, because persistence of this storage won't affect the extension, and
// although this solution isn't nice and could introduce some smaller bugs, MV2
// will be deprecated soon anyways.
// [1]: The only exception is the translatorTab value, which will be erased when
// the corresponding tab is closed. This is because after a browser restart,
// already used tab IDs can be reused again, so we could end up opening Google
// Translate in an unrelated tab otherwise.
// Also, we'll delete this value when starting the browser as another
// "protection layer", since closing the browser sometimes results in the
// onRemoved event not being handled.
// Keep in mind there are some edge cases where we could still be reusing an
// unrelated tab. A known one is when the extension is disabled for some period
// of time and afterwards enabled again, but there might be others.
chrome.runtime.onStartup.addListener(() => {'translatorTab');
chrome.tabs.onRemoved.addListener(tabId => {
ExtSessionStorage.get('translatorTab').then(items => {
if (tabId === items['translatorTab'])'translatorTab');
export default class ExtSessionStorage {
static set(items: any): Promise<void> {
static get(keys: string|Array<string>|undefined): Promise<any> {
return new Promise((res, _) => {, items => {