Add new i18n languages and update existent ones
- Add 21 new languages where the UI was translated (all translations
are 100% complete except for Chinese Simplified (96%)
and Amharic (37%)).
- Update some translations for preexistent languages.
Change-Id: I64be0a2dd551c12af1547a616b4f49f97c471bde
diff --git a/src/_locales/id/messages.json b/src/_locales/id/messages.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b91d22e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/_locales/id/messages.json
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+ "appName": {
+ "message": "Terjemahkan teks yang dipilih",
+ "description": "The app name"
+ },
+ "appBetaName": {
+ "message": "Terjemahkan teks yang dipilih (Beta)",
+ "description": "The beta app name"
+ },
+ "appDescription": {
+ "message": "Terjemahkan teks yang dipilih dengan Google Terjemahan",
+ "description": "The app description"
+ },
+ "contextmenu_title": {
+ "message": "Terjemahkan pilihan ke...",
+ "description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done. Inside this parent menu there are the menus"
+ },
+ "contextmenu_title2": {
+ "message": "Terjemahkan pilihan ke '$language$'",
+ "description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done and there's only one language available.",
+ "placeholders": {
+ "language": {
+ "content": "$1",
+ "example": "Language to translate into."
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "contextmenu_edit": {
+ "message": "Sunting bahasa...",
+ "description": "Title of the option inside the 'Translate section into...' context menu."
+ },
+ "options_welcome": {
+ "message": "Selamat Datang!",
+ "description": "Title of the options page"
+ },
+ "options_introduction": {
+ "message": "Silahkan pilih bahasa yang ingin Anda tampilkan di menu \"terjemahan\".",
+ "description": "Introduction paragraph to the options pages"
+ },
+ "options_languageselectheader": {
+ "message": "Bahasa:",
+ "description": "Header of the language select option."
+ },
+ "options_otheroptionsheader": {
+ "message": "Pilihan lain:",
+ "description": "Header of the options page."
+ },
+ "options_tabsoption_1": {
+ "message": "Buka Google Terjemahan dalam tab baru untuk setiap terjemahan.",
+ "description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+ },
+ "options_tabsoption_2": {
+ "message": "Buka Google Terjemahan di tab unik dan mengesampingkan terjemahan terakhir pada pembukaan beberapa tab.",
+ "description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+ },
+ "options_tabsoption_3": {
+ "message": "Buka Google Terjemahan dalam panel (Kamu harus mengaktifkan <a href='chrome://flags/#enable-panels' id='panelsflag'>--panel aktif</a>bendera). <sup style='color:red; font-weight: bold;'>EKSPERIMENTAL</sup>",
+ "description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+ },
+ "options_savebutton": {
+ "message": "Simpan",
+ "description": "Save button in the settings page"
+ },
+ "options_addlanguage": {
+ "message": "Tambah bahasa",
+ "description": "Title for the 'Add language' dialog"
+ },
+ "options_addlanguage_addbutton": {
+ "message": "Tambah",
+ "description": "Add button in the footer of the languages list"
+ },
+ "options_language_label": {
+ "message": "Bahasa:",
+ "description": "Label for the language selector in the 'Add language' dialog"
+ },
+ "options_credits": {
+ "message": "Reputasi",
+ "description": "Title for the credits link and dialog"
+ },
+ "options_credits_homepage": {
+ "message": "beranda",
+ "description": "Homepage link for an item in the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters"
+ },
+ "options_credits_by": {
+ "message": "oleh",
+ "description": "Fragment of the author statement in an item of the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters. EXAMPLE: '{{options_credits_by}} Adrià Vilanova Martínez'"
+ },
+ "options_ok": {
+ "message": "OKE",
+ "description": "OK button in the dialogs"
+ },
+ "options_cancel": {
+ "message": "Batal",
+ "description": "Cancel button in the dialogs"
+ },
+ "notification_install_title": {
+ "message": "Terima kasih sudah mengintall 'Translate Selected Text'"
+ },
+ "notification_install_message": {
+ "message": "Klik pemberitahuan ini untuk menyelesaikannya."
+ },
+ "notification_upgradedtostorage_title": {
+ "message": "'Translate Selected Text' telah diupdate ke v0.6!"
+ },
+ "notification_upgradedtostorage_message": {
+ "message": "Pilihan Anda sekarang akan di sinkronkan ke semua perangkat Anda! Sisi buruknya adalah Anda harus mengatur ekstensi lagi :-( klik pemberitahuan ini untuk menyelesaikannya."
+ },
+ "notification_reorder_title": {
+ "message": "'Translate Selected Text' telah diupdate ke v0.7!"
+ },
+ "notification_reorder_message": {
+ "message": "Anda sekarang dapat mengkonfirgurasi dalam urutan yang Anda inginkan agar bahasa muncul dalam menu konteks. "
+ }