Add new i18n languages and update existent ones

- Add 21 new languages where the UI was translated (all translations
  are 100% complete except for Chinese Simplified (96%)
  and Amharic (37%)).
- Update some translations for preexistent languages.

Change-Id: I64be0a2dd551c12af1547a616b4f49f97c471bde
diff --git a/src/_locales/am/messages.json b/src/_locales/am/messages.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37cf0b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/_locales/am/messages.json
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+	"appName": {
+		"message": "የተመረጠ ጽሁፍ ተርጉም",
+		"description": "The app name"
+	},
+	"appBetaName": {
+		"message": "የተመረጠ ጽሁፍ ተርጉም (ቤታ)",
+		"description": "The beta app name"
+	},
+	"appDescription": {
+		"message": "የተመረጠውን ጽሑፍ በ ጉግል ትራንስሌት ይተርጉሙ",
+		"description": "The app description"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title": {
+		"message": "የተመረጠውን ወደ ... ተርጉም",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done. Inside this parent menu there are the menus"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title2": {
+		"message": "የተመረጠውን ወደ  '$language$' ተርጉም",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done and there's only one language available.",
+		"placeholders": {
+			"language": {
+				"content": "$1",
+				"example": "Language to translate into."
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	"contextmenu_edit": {
+		"message": "ቋንቋዎችን አርትዕ...",
+		"description": "Title of the option inside the 'Translate section into...' context menu."
+	},
+	"options_welcome": {
+		"message": "እንኳን ደህና መጡ!",
+		"description": "Title of the options page"
+	},
+	"options_introduction": {
+		"message": "እባክዎ \"ትርጉም\" ዝርዝር ውስጥ ለማየት የሚፈልጉትን ቋንቋዎች ይምረጡ ።",
+		"description": "Introduction paragraph to the options pages"
+	},
+	"options_languageselectheader": {
+		"message": "ቋንቋዎች ፦",
+		"description": "Header of the language select option."
+	},
+	"options_otheroptionsheader": {
+		"message": "ሌሎች አማራጮች ፥",
+		"description": "Header of the options page."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_1": {
+		"message": "ለእያንዳንዱ ትርጉም የ ጉግል ትራንስሌትን በአዲስ ትር ይክፈቱ ።",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_2": {
+		"message": "ጉግል ትራንስሌትን በልዩ ትርታ ይክፈቱ እና በርካታ ትሮችን ከመክፈት ይልቅ የመጨረሻውን ትርጉም ይለውጡ።",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	}
diff --git a/src/_locales/ar/messages.json b/src/_locales/ar/messages.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0d7441
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/_locales/ar/messages.json
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+	"appName": {
+		"message": "ترجمة النص المحدد",
+		"description": "The app name"
+	},
+	"appBetaName": {
+		"message": "ترجمة النص المحدد (تجريبي)",
+		"description": "The beta app name"
+	},
+	"appDescription": {
+		"message": "ترجمة النص المحدد مع ترجمة جوجل",
+		"description": "The app description"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title": {
+		"message": "ترجمة المحدد إلى...",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done. Inside this parent menu there are the menus"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title2": {
+		"message": "ترجمة التحديد إلى '$language$'",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done and there's only one language available.",
+		"placeholders": {
+			"language": {
+				"content": "$1",
+				"example": "Language to translate into."
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	"contextmenu_edit": {
+		"message": "تحرير لغات...",
+		"description": "Title of the option inside the 'Translate section into...' context menu."
+	},
+	"options_welcome": {
+		"message": "مرحبا!",
+		"description": "Title of the options page"
+	},
+	"options_introduction": {
+		"message": "من فضلك، حدد اللغات التي تريد أن تظهر في قائمة\"ترجمة\".",
+		"description": "Introduction paragraph to the options pages"
+	},
+	"options_languageselectheader": {
+		"message": "اللغات:",
+		"description": "Header of the language select option."
+	},
+	"options_otheroptionsheader": {
+		"message": "خيارات أخرى:",
+		"description": "Header of the options page."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_1": {
+		"message": "افتح ترجمة جوجل في علامة تبويب جديدة لكل ترجمة.",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_2": {
+		"message": "افتح جوجل ترجمة في علامة تبويب فريدة وتجاوز الترجمة الآخرى بدلاً من فتح العديد من علامات التبويب.",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_3": {
+		"message": "افتح جوجل ترجمة في لوحة (أنت بحاجة إلى تنشيط <a href='chrome://flags/#enable-panels' id='panelsflag'>-تمكين-اللوحات</a> علم). <sup style='color:red; font-weight: bold;'> التجريبية</sup>",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_savebutton": {
+		"message": "حفظ",
+		"description": "Save button in the settings page"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage": {
+		"message": "إضافة لغة",
+		"description": "Title for the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage_addbutton": {
+		"message": "إضافة",
+		"description": "Add button in the footer of the languages list"
+	},
+	"options_language_label": {
+		"message": "اللغة:",
+		"description": "Label for the language selector in the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits": {
+		"message": "إعتمادات",
+		"description": "Title for the credits link and dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits_homepage": {
+		"message": "الصفحة الرئيسية",
+		"description": "Homepage link for an item in the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters"
+	},
+	"options_credits_by": {
+		"message": "بواسطة",
+		"description": "Fragment of the author statement in an item of the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters. EXAMPLE: '{{options_credits_by}} Adrià Vilanova Martínez'"
+	},
+	"options_ok": {
+		"message": "موافق",
+		"description": "OK button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"options_cancel": {
+		"message": "إلغاء",
+		"description": "Cancel button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"notification_install_title": {
+		"message": "شكرا لتثبيت '\"ترجمة النص المحدد\"'"
+	},
+	"notification_install_message": {
+		"message": "انقر فوق هذا الإشعار لإعداده."
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_title": {
+		"message": "تم تحديث \"ترجمة النص المحدد\" إلى v0.6!"
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_message": {
+		"message": "الآن سوف يتم مزامنة خياراتك عبر كافة الأجهزة الخاصة بك! الجانب السيئ أنه يجب أن تعد الإضافة مرة أخرى:-( انقر فوق هذا الإشعار لإعداده."
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_title": {
+		"message": "تم تحديث \"ترجمة النص المحدد\" إلى v0.7!"
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_message": {
+		"message": "الآن يمكنك تهيئة الترتيب الذي تريده للغات التي تظهر في قائمة السياق. "
+	}
diff --git a/src/_locales/bg/messages.json b/src/_locales/bg/messages.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f7c553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/_locales/bg/messages.json
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+	"appName": {
+		"message": "Превод на избрания текст",
+		"description": "The app name"
+	},
+	"appBetaName": {
+		"message": "Превод на избрания текст (бета)",
+		"description": "The beta app name"
+	},
+	"appDescription": {
+		"message": "Превод на избрания текст с Google Преводач",
+		"description": "The app description"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title": {
+		"message": "Преведете избраното на...",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done. Inside this parent menu there are the menus"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title2": {
+		"message": "Преведете избраното на '$language$'",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done and there's only one language available.",
+		"placeholders": {
+			"language": {
+				"content": "$1",
+				"example": "Language to translate into."
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	"contextmenu_edit": {
+		"message": "Редактиране на езиците...",
+		"description": "Title of the option inside the 'Translate section into...' context menu."
+	},
+	"options_welcome": {
+		"message": "Добре дошли!",
+		"description": "Title of the options page"
+	},
+	"options_introduction": {
+		"message": "Изберете езиците, които искате да се показват в менюто за превод.",
+		"description": "Introduction paragraph to the options pages"
+	},
+	"options_languageselectheader": {
+		"message": "Езици:",
+		"description": "Header of the language select option."
+	},
+	"options_otheroptionsheader": {
+		"message": "Други опции:",
+		"description": "Header of the options page."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_1": {
+		"message": "Отваряне на Google Преводач в ново табло за всеки превод.",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_2": {
+		"message": "Отваряне на Google Преводач в едно уникално табло и заменяне на последния превод вместо да се отварят много табла.",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_3": {
+		"message": "Отворете Google Преводач в нов панел (трябва да активирате <a href='chrome://flags/#enable-panels' id='panelsflag'>--enable-panels</a> знамето). <sup style='color:red; font-weight: bold;'>ФУНКЦИЯТА Е ЕКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛНА</sup>",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_savebutton": {
+		"message": "Запазване",
+		"description": "Save button in the settings page"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage": {
+		"message": "Добавяне на език",
+		"description": "Title for the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage_addbutton": {
+		"message": "Добавяне",
+		"description": "Add button in the footer of the languages list"
+	},
+	"options_language_label": {
+		"message": "Език:",
+		"description": "Label for the language selector in the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits": {
+		"message": "Благодарности",
+		"description": "Title for the credits link and dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits_homepage": {
+		"message": "начална страница",
+		"description": "Homepage link for an item in the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters"
+	},
+	"options_credits_by": {
+		"message": "от",
+		"description": "Fragment of the author statement in an item of the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters. EXAMPLE: '{{options_credits_by}} Adrià Vilanova Martínez'"
+	},
+	"options_ok": {
+		"message": "Добре",
+		"description": "OK button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"options_cancel": {
+		"message": "Отказ",
+		"description": "Cancel button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"notification_install_title": {
+		"message": "Благодарим за инсталирането на 'Превод на избрания текст'"
+	},
+	"notification_install_message": {
+		"message": "Щракнете на това известие, за да настроите разширението."
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_title": {
+		"message": "\"Превод на избрания текст\" е осъвременен до версия 0.6!"
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_message": {
+		"message": "Сега настройките на разширението ще бъдат синхронизирани с всичките ви устройства! Лошата страна на това е, че трябва да настроите разширението отново :-( Щракнете на това известие, за да настроите разширението."
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_title": {
+		"message": "\"Превод на избрания текст\" се осъвремени до версия 0.7!"
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_message": {
+		"message": "Сега можете да конфигурирате в какъв ред искате езиците да се появяват в контекстното меню. "
+	}
diff --git a/src/_locales/bn/messages.json b/src/_locales/bn/messages.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08497ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/_locales/bn/messages.json
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+	"appName": {
+		"message": "Translate Selected Text",
+		"description": "The app name"
+	},
+	"appBetaName": {
+		"message": "Translate Selected Text (বিটা)",
+		"description": "The beta app name"
+	},
+	"appDescription": {
+		"message": "Google Translate এর সাথে Translate selected text",
+		"description": "The app description"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title": {
+		"message": "নির্বাচনে অনুবাদ...",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done. Inside this parent menu there are the menus"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title2": {
+		"message": "নির্বাচনে অনুবাদ করুন'$language$'",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done and there's only one language available.",
+		"placeholders": {
+			"language": {
+				"content": "$1",
+				"example": "Language to translate into."
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	"contextmenu_edit": {
+		"message": "ভাষা সম্পাদনা করুন...",
+		"description": "Title of the option inside the 'Translate section into...' context menu."
+	},
+	"options_welcome": {
+		"message": "স্বাগতম!",
+		"description": "Title of the options page"
+	},
+	"options_introduction": {
+		"message": "দয়া করে, \"অনুবাদ\" মেনুতে আপনি যে ভাষাগুলি দেখাতে চান তা নির্বাচন করুন।",
+		"description": "Introduction paragraph to the options pages"
+	},
+	"options_languageselectheader": {
+		"message": "ভাষাগুলো:",
+		"description": "Header of the language select option."
+	},
+	"options_otheroptionsheader": {
+		"message": "অন্যান্য বিকল্প:",
+		"description": "Header of the options page."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_1": {
+		"message": "প্রতিটি অনুবাদের জন্য একটি নতুন ট্যাবে Google Translate খুলুন।",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_2": {
+		"message": "একটি অনন্য ট্যাবে Google Translate খুলুন এবং কয়েকটি ট্যাব খোলার পরিবর্তে শেষ অনুবাদকে ওভাররাইড করুন।",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_3": {
+		"message": "প্যানেলে গুগল অনুবাদ (সক্রিয় করার জন্য আপনার <a href='chrome://flags/#enable-panels' id='panelsflag'>-সক্রিয় গোলাকার</a> পতাকা)। <sup style='color:red; font-weight: bold;'> পরীক্ষামূলক</sup>",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_savebutton": {
+		"message": "সংরক্ষণ করুন",
+		"description": "Save button in the settings page"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage": {
+		"message": "ভাষা যুক্ত করুন",
+		"description": "Title for the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage_addbutton": {
+		"message": "যোগ করুন",
+		"description": "Add button in the footer of the languages list"
+	},
+	"options_language_label": {
+		"message": "ভাষা:",
+		"description": "Label for the language selector in the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits": {
+		"message": "কৃতজ্ঞতায়",
+		"description": "Title for the credits link and dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits_homepage": {
+		"message": "হোমপেজে",
+		"description": "Homepage link for an item in the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters"
+	},
+	"options_credits_by": {
+		"message": "কর্তৃক",
+		"description": "Fragment of the author statement in an item of the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters. EXAMPLE: '{{options_credits_by}} Adrià Vilanova Martínez'"
+	},
+	"options_ok": {
+		"message": "ঠিক আছে",
+		"description": "OK button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"options_cancel": {
+		"message": "বাতিল করুন",
+		"description": "Cancel button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"notification_install_title": {
+		"message": "'Translate Selected Text' ইনস্টল করার জন্য ধন্যবাদ"
+	},
+	"notification_install_message": {
+		"message": "এটি সেট আপ করতে এই বিজ্ঞপ্তিটি ক্লিক করুন।"
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_title": {
+		"message": "'Translate Selected Text' v0.6 তে আপডেট করা হয়েছে!"
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_message": {
+		"message": "এখন আপনার বিকল্পগুলি আপনার সমস্ত ডিভাইস জুড়ে সিঙ্ক হবে! খারাপ দিক হলো আপনাকে আবার এক্সটেনশন সেট আপ করতে হবে :-( এটি সেট আপ করতে এই বিজ্ঞপ্তিটি ক্লিক করুন।"
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_title": {
+		"message": "'Translate Selected Text' v0.7 তে আপডেট করা হয়েছে!"
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_message": {
+		"message": "এখন আপনি কনটেক্সট মেনুতে যে ভাষাগুলি প্রদর্শিত করতে চান তা কনফিগার করতে পারেন। "
+	}
diff --git a/src/_locales/ca/messages.json b/src/_locales/ca/messages.json
index a2f36c2..a537c45 100644
--- a/src/_locales/ca/messages.json
+++ b/src/_locales/ca/messages.json
@@ -1,68 +1,68 @@
 	"appName": {
-		"message": "Traduïr Text Seleccionat",
+		"message": "Traduir Text Seleccionat",
 		"description": "The app name"
 	"appBetaName": {
-		"message": "Traduïr Text Seleccionat (Beta)",
+		"message": "Traduir Text Seleccionat (Beta)",
 		"description": "The beta app name"
-	"appDescription" : {
-		"message": "Tradueix el text que seleccionis amb el Traductor de Google",
+	"appDescription": {
+		"message": "Tradueix el text que seleccionis amb el traductor de Google",
 		"description": "The app description"
-	"contextmenu_title" : {
+	"contextmenu_title": {
 		"message": "Tradueix la selecció al...",
-		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done. Inside this prent menu there are the menus"
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done. Inside this parent menu there are the menus"
-	"contextmenu_title2" : {
+	"contextmenu_title2": {
 		"message": "Tradueix la selecció a '$language$'",
 		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done and there's only one language available.",
 		"placeholders": {
-          "language": {
-            "content": "$1",
-            "example": "Language to translate into."
-          }
-        }
+			"language": {
+				"content": "$1",
+				"example": "Language to translate into."
+			}
+		}
-	"contextmenu_edit" : {
-		"message": "Edita idiomes...",
+	"contextmenu_edit": {
+		"message": "Modifica els idiomes...",
 		"description": "Title of the option inside the 'Translate section into...' context menu."
-	"options_welcome" : {
-		"message": "Benvingut!",
+	"options_welcome": {
+		"message": "Benvinguda!",
 		"description": "Title of the options page"
-	"options_introduction" : {
-		"message": "Si us plau, selecciona els idiomes que vols que surtin al menú \"traduïr\".",
+	"options_introduction": {
+		"message": "Si us plau, selecciona els idiomes que vols que surtin al menú \"traduir\".",
 		"description": "Introduction paragraph to the options pages"
-	"options_languageselectheader" : {
+	"options_languageselectheader": {
 		"message": "Idiomes:",
 		"description": "Header of the language select option."
-	"options_otheroptionsheader" : {
+	"options_otheroptionsheader": {
 		"message": "Altres opcions:",
 		"description": "Header of the options page."
-	"options_tabsoption_1" : {
-		"message": "Obre Google Traductor en una nova pestanya per a cada traducció.",
+	"options_tabsoption_1": {
+		"message": "Obre Google Traductor en una pestanya nova per a cada traducció.",
 		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
-	"options_tabsoption_2" : {
-		"message": "Obre Google Traductor en una única pestanya i reemplaça l'última traducció en comptes d'obrir varies pestanyes.",
+	"options_tabsoption_2": {
+		"message": "Obre Google Traductor en una única pestanya i reemplaça l'última traducció en comptes d'obrir diverses pestanyes.",
 		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
-	"options_tabsoption_3" : {
-		"message": "Obre Google Traductor en un panel i reemplaça l'última traducció (fa falta activar la bandera <a href='chrome://flags/#enable-panels' id='panelsflag'>--enable-panels</a>). <sup style='color:red; font-weight: bold;'>EXPERIMENTAL</sup>",
+	"options_tabsoption_3": {
+		"message": "Obre Google Traductor en un panell (fa falta activar la bandera <a href='chrome://flags/#enable-panels' id='panelsflag'>--enable-panels</a>). <sup style='color:red; font-weight: bold;'>EXPERIMENTAL</sup>",
 		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
-	"options_savebutton" : {
-		"message": "Desar",
-		"description": "Save button in the settings app"
+	"options_savebutton": {
+		"message": "Desa",
+		"description": "Save button in the settings page"
 	"options_addlanguage": {
-		"message": "Afegir idioma",
+		"message": "Afegeix un idioma",
 		"description": "Title for the 'Add language' dialog"
 	"options_addlanguage_addbutton": {
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
 		"message": "Idioma:",
 		"description": "Label for the language selector in the 'Add language' dialog"
-	"options_credits" : {
+	"options_credits": {
 		"message": "Crèdits",
 		"description": "Title for the credits link and dialog"
@@ -82,21 +82,33 @@
 		"description": "Homepage link for an item in the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters"
 	"options_credits_by": {
-		"message": "",
+		"message": "per",
 		"description": "Fragment of the author statement in an item of the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters. EXAMPLE: '{{options_credits_by}} Adrià Vilanova Martínez'"
 	"options_ok": {
-		"message": "OK",
+		"message": "D'acord",
 		"description": "OK button in the dialogs"
 	"options_cancel": {
 		"message": "Cancel·lar",
 		"description": "Cancel button in the dialogs"
-	"notification_install_title": { "message": "Gràcies per instal·lar 'Traduïr Text Seleccionat'" },
-	"notification_install_message": { "message": "Fes clic en aquesta notificació per a configurar l'extensión." },
-	"notification_upgradedtostorage_title": { "message": "'Traduïr Text Seleccionat' s'ha actualizat a v0.6!" },
-	"notification_upgradedtostorage_message": { "message": "Ara la configuració es sincronitzarà en tots els teus dispositius! La part dolenta és que has de configurar l'extensión una altra vegada :-( Fes clic en aquesta notificación per a configurar-la." },
-	"notification_reorder_title": { "message": "'Traduïr Text Seleccionat' s'ha actualizat a v0.7!" },
-	"notification_reorder_message": { "message": "Ara pots configurar en quin ordre vols que apareixin els idiomes en el menú contextual." }
+	"notification_install_title": {
+		"message": "Gràcies per instal·lar 'Traduir Text Seleccionat'"
+	},
+	"notification_install_message": {
+		"message": "Fes clic en aquesta notificació per a configurar l'extensió."
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_title": {
+		"message": "'Traduir Text Seleccionat' s'ha actualizat a v0.6!"
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_message": {
+		"message": "Ara la configuració es sincronitzarà en tots els teus dispositius! La part dolenta és que has de configurar l'extensión una altra vegada :-( Fes clic en aquesta notificació per a configurar-la."
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_title": {
+		"message": "'Traduir Text Seleccionat' s'ha actualizat a v0.7!"
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_message": {
+		"message": "Ara pots configurar en quin ordre vols que apareixin els idiomes en el menú contextual."
+	}
diff --git a/src/_locales/de/messages.json b/src/_locales/de/messages.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eacc043
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/_locales/de/messages.json
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+	"appName": {
+		"message": "Ausgewählten Text übersetzen",
+		"description": "The app name"
+	},
+	"appBetaName": {
+		"message": "Ausgewählten Text übersetzen (Beta)",
+		"description": "The beta app name"
+	},
+	"appDescription": {
+		"message": "Ausgewählten Text mit Google Übersetzer übersetzen",
+		"description": "The app description"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title": {
+		"message": "Auswahl übersetzen auf...",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done. Inside this parent menu there are the menus"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title2": {
+		"message": "Auswahl übersetzen auf '$language$'",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done and there's only one language available.",
+		"placeholders": {
+			"language": {
+				"content": "$1",
+				"example": "Language to translate into."
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	"contextmenu_edit": {
+		"message": "Sprachen bearbeiten...",
+		"description": "Title of the option inside the 'Translate section into...' context menu."
+	},
+	"options_welcome": {
+		"message": "Willkommen!",
+		"description": "Title of the options page"
+	},
+	"options_introduction": {
+		"message": "Bitte wählen Sie die Sprachen aus, die im Übersetzungsmenü angezeigt werden sollen.",
+		"description": "Introduction paragraph to the options pages"
+	},
+	"options_languageselectheader": {
+		"message": "Sprachen:",
+		"description": "Header of the language select option."
+	},
+	"options_otheroptionsheader": {
+		"message": "Weitere Optionen:",
+		"description": "Header of the options page."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_1": {
+		"message": "Öffnen Sie Google Übersetzer in einem neuen Tab für jede Übersetzung.",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_2": {
+		"message": "Öffnen Sie Google Übersetzer in einem besonderen Tab und überschreiben Sie die letzte Übersetzung, anstatt weitere Tabs zu öffnen.",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_3": {
+		"message": "Öffnen Sie Google Übersetzer in der Schaltfläche (Aktivierung erforderlich: <a href='chrome://flags/#enable-panels' id='panelsflag'>--enable-panels</a>flag).<sup style='color:red; font-weight: bold;'>EXPERIMENTELL</sup>",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_savebutton": {
+		"message": "Speichern",
+		"description": "Save button in the settings page"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage": {
+		"message": "Sprache hinzufügen",
+		"description": "Title for the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage_addbutton": {
+		"message": "Hinzufügen",
+		"description": "Add button in the footer of the languages list"
+	},
+	"options_language_label": {
+		"message": "Sprache:",
+		"description": "Label for the language selector in the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits": {
+		"message": "Mitwirkende",
+		"description": "Title for the credits link and dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits_homepage": {
+		"message": "Startseite",
+		"description": "Homepage link for an item in the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters"
+	},
+	"options_credits_by": {
+		"message": "von",
+		"description": "Fragment of the author statement in an item of the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters. EXAMPLE: '{{options_credits_by}} Adrià Vilanova Martínez'"
+	},
+	"options_ok": {
+		"message": "OK",
+		"description": "OK button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"options_cancel": {
+		"message": "Abbrechen",
+		"description": "Cancel button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"notification_install_title": {
+		"message": "Danke für die Installation von 'Translate Selected Text'."
+	},
+	"notification_install_message": {
+		"message": "Klicken die auf diese Benachrichtigung, um diese einzurichten."
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_title": {
+		"message": "'Translate Selected Text' wurde auf Version 0.6 aktualisiert!"
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_message": {
+		"message": "Nun werden Ihre Optionen auf all ihren Geräten synchronisiert. Jedoch muss die Erweiterung erneut eingerichtet werden. :-( Klicken Sie auf diese Benachrichtigung, um diese einzurichten."
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_title": {
+		"message": "'Translate Selected Text' wurde auf Version 0.7 aktualisiert!"
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_message": {
+		"message": "Jetzt können Sie die gewünschte Reihenfolge der Sprachen für das Kontextmenü konfigurieren."
+	}
diff --git a/src/_locales/en/messages.json b/src/_locales/en/messages.json
index 1595e38..3ba9d52 100644
--- a/src/_locales/en/messages.json
+++ b/src/_locales/en/messages.json
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
 		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
 	"options_tabsoption_3": {
-		"message": "Open Google Translate in a panel and override the last translation (need to activate <a href='chrome://flags/#enable-panels' id='panelsflag'>--enable-panels</a> flag). <sup style='color:red; font-weight: bold;'>EXPERIMENTAL</sup>",
+		"message": "Open Google Translate in a panel (you need to activate <a href='chrome://flags/#enable-panels' id='panelsflag'>--enable-panels</a> flag). <sup style='color:red; font-weight: bold;'> EXPERIMENTAL</sup>",
 		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
 	"options_savebutton": {
diff --git a/src/_locales/es/messages.json b/src/_locales/es/messages.json
index 723ab13..592d925 100644
--- a/src/_locales/es/messages.json
+++ b/src/_locales/es/messages.json
@@ -7,59 +7,59 @@
 		"message": "Traducir Texto Seleccionado (Beta)",
 		"description": "The beta app name"
-	"appDescription" : {
+	"appDescription": {
 		"message": "Traduce el texto que selecciones con el Traductor de Google.",
 		"description": "The app description"
-	"contextmenu_title" : {
+	"contextmenu_title": {
 		"message": "Traducir selección al...",
-		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done. Inside this prent menu there are the menus"
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done. Inside this parent menu there are the menus"
-	"contextmenu_title2" : {
+	"contextmenu_title2": {
 		"message": "Traducir selección al '$language$'",
 		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done and there's only one language available.",
 		"placeholders": {
-          "language": {
-            "content": "$1",
-            "example": "Language to translate into."
-          }
-        }
+			"language": {
+				"content": "$1",
+				"example": "Language to translate into."
+			}
+		}
-	"contextmenu_edit" : {
+	"contextmenu_edit": {
 		"message": "Modifica idiomas...",
 		"description": "Title of the option inside the 'Translate section into...' context menu."
-	"options_welcome" : {
+	"options_welcome": {
 		"message": "¡Bienvenido!",
 		"description": "Title of the options page"
-	"options_introduction" : {
+	"options_introduction": {
 		"message": "Por favor, selecciona los idiomas que quieres que se muestren en el menú \"traducir\".",
 		"description": "Introduction paragraph to the options pages"
-	"options_languageselectheader" : {
+	"options_languageselectheader": {
 		"message": "Idiomas:",
 		"description": "Header of the language select option."
-	"options_otheroptionsheader" : {
+	"options_otheroptionsheader": {
 		"message": "Otras opciones:",
 		"description": "Header of the options page."
-	"options_tabsoption_1" : {
+	"options_tabsoption_1": {
 		"message": "Abre Google Traductor en una nueva pestaña para cada traducción.",
 		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
-	"options_tabsoption_2" : {
+	"options_tabsoption_2": {
 		"message": "Abre Google Traductor en una única pestaña y reemplaza la última traducción en vez de abrir varias pestañas.",
 		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
-	"options_tabsoption_3" : {
-		"message": "Abre Google Traductor en un panel y remplaza la última traducción (hace falta activar la bandera <a href='chrome://flags/#enable-panels' id='panelsflag'>--enable-panels</a>). <sup style='color:red; font-weight: bold;'>EXPERIMENTAL</sup>",
+	"options_tabsoption_3": {
+		"message": "Abre Google Traductor en un panel (hace falta activar la bandera <a href='chrome://flags/#enable-panels' id='panelsflag'>--enable-panels</a>). <sup style='color:red; font-weight: bold;'>EXPERIMENTAL</sup>",
 		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
-	"options_savebutton" : {
+	"options_savebutton": {
 		"message": "Guardar",
-		"description": "Save button in the settings app"
+		"description": "Save button in the settings page"
 	"options_addlanguage": {
 		"message": "Añadir idioma",
@@ -82,21 +82,33 @@
 		"description": "Homepage link for an item in the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters"
 	"options_credits_by": {
-		"message": "",
+		"message": "por",
 		"description": "Fragment of the author statement in an item of the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters. EXAMPLE: '{{options_credits_by}} Adrià Vilanova Martínez'"
 	"options_ok": {
-		"message": "OK",
+		"message": "Aceptar",
 		"description": "OK button in the dialogs"
 	"options_cancel": {
 		"message": "Cancelar",
 		"description": "Cancel button in the dialogs"
-	"notification_install_title": { "message": "Gracias por instalar 'Traducir Texto Seleccionado'" },
-	"notification_install_message": { "message": "Haz clic en esta notificación para configurar la extensión." },
-	"notification_upgradedtostorage_title": { "message": "'Traducir Texto Seleccionado' se ha actualizado a v0.6!" },
-	"notification_upgradedtostorage_message": { "message": "¡Ahora la configuración se sincronizará en todos tus dispositivos! La parte mala es que tienes que configurar la extensión otra vez :-( Haz clic en esta notificación para configurarla." },
-	"notification_reorder_title": { "message": "'Traducir Texto Seleccionado' se ha actualizado a v0.7!" },
-	"notification_reorder_message": { "message": "Ahora puedes configurar en qué orden quieres que aparezcan los idiomas en el menú contextual." }
+	"notification_install_title": {
+		"message": "Gracias por instalar 'Traducir Texto Seleccionado'"
+	},
+	"notification_install_message": {
+		"message": "Haz clic en esta notificación para configurar la extensión."
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_title": {
+		"message": "'Traducir Texto Seleccionado' se ha actualizado a v0.6!"
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_message": {
+		"message": "¡Ahora la configuración se sincronizará en todos tus dispositivos! La parte mala es que tienes que configurar la extensión otra vez :-( Haz clic en esta notificación para configurarla."
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_title": {
+		"message": "'Traducir Texto Seleccionado' se ha actualizado a v0.7!"
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_message": {
+		"message": "Ahora puedes configurar en qué orden quieres que aparezcan los idiomas en el menú contextual."
+	}
diff --git a/src/_locales/et/messages.json b/src/_locales/et/messages.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63f59f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/_locales/et/messages.json
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+	"appName": {
+		"message": "Tõlgi valitud tekst",
+		"description": "The app name"
+	},
+	"appBetaName": {
+		"message": "Tõlgi valitud tekst (Beta)",
+		"description": "The beta app name"
+	},
+	"appDescription": {
+		"message": "Tõlgi valitud tekst Google'i tõlkega",
+		"description": "The app description"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title": {
+		"message": "Tõlgi valitud tekst...",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done. Inside this parent menu there are the menus"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title2": {
+		"message": "Tõlgi valitud '$language$' keelde",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done and there's only one language available.",
+		"placeholders": {
+			"language": {
+				"content": "$1",
+				"example": "Language to translate into."
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	"contextmenu_edit": {
+		"message": "Muuda keeli...",
+		"description": "Title of the option inside the 'Translate section into...' context menu."
+	},
+	"options_welcome": {
+		"message": "Tere tulemast!",
+		"description": "Title of the options page"
+	},
+	"options_introduction": {
+		"message": "Palun valige keeled mida soovite, et kuvaksime \"tõlkimise\" menüüs.",
+		"description": "Introduction paragraph to the options pages"
+	},
+	"options_languageselectheader": {
+		"message": "Keeled:",
+		"description": "Header of the language select option."
+	},
+	"options_otheroptionsheader": {
+		"message": "Teised valikud:",
+		"description": "Header of the options page."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_1": {
+		"message": "Ava Google'i tõlge iga tõlke kohta uues vahelehes.",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_2": {
+		"message": "Ava Google'i tõlge uues vahelehes ja kirjuta viimase tõlkega see iga kord üle - avamata uusi vahelehti.",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_3": {
+		"message": "Ava Google'i tõlge paneelis (selleks tuleb teil aktiveeirda <a href='chrome://flags/#enable-panels' id='panelsflag'>--enable-panels</a> flag). <sup style='color:red; font-weight: bold;'> EKSPERIMENTAALNE</sup>",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_savebutton": {
+		"message": "Salvesta",
+		"description": "Save button in the settings page"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage": {
+		"message": "Lisa keel",
+		"description": "Title for the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage_addbutton": {
+		"message": "Lisa",
+		"description": "Add button in the footer of the languages list"
+	},
+	"options_language_label": {
+		"message": "Keel:",
+		"description": "Label for the language selector in the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits": {
+		"message": "Krediidid",
+		"description": "Title for the credits link and dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits_homepage": {
+		"message": "koduleht",
+		"description": "Homepage link for an item in the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters"
+	},
+	"options_credits_by": {
+		"message": "autor",
+		"description": "Fragment of the author statement in an item of the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters. EXAMPLE: '{{options_credits_by}} Adrià Vilanova Martínez'"
+	},
+	"options_ok": {
+		"message": "OK",
+		"description": "OK button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"options_cancel": {
+		"message": "Loobu",
+		"description": "Cancel button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"notification_install_title": {
+		"message": "Täname, et paigaldasite 'Tõlgi valitud tekst'"
+	},
+	"notification_install_message": {
+		"message": "Klikake seadistamiseks sellele teatele."
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_title": {
+		"message": "'Tõlgi valitud tekst' on uuendatud v0.6'le!"
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_message": {
+		"message": "Nüüd on valikud sünkroonis kõikide teie seadmetega! Halb külg on see, et peate laienduse uuesti seadistama :-( Klikake seadistamiseks sellele teatisele."
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_title": {
+		"message": "'Tõlgi valitud tekst' on uuendatud v0.7'le!"
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_message": {
+		"message": "Nüüd te saate seadistada, millises järjekorras me menüüs teile keeli kuvame. "
+	}
diff --git a/src/_locales/fil/messages.json b/src/_locales/fil/messages.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95ae73a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/_locales/fil/messages.json
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+	"appName": {
+		"message": "Isalin ang piniling teksto",
+		"description": "The app name"
+	},
+	"appBetaName": {
+		"message": "Isalin ang Napiling Teksto (Beta)",
+		"description": "The beta app name"
+	},
+	"appDescription": {
+		"message": "Isalin ang piniling teksto gamit ang Google Translate",
+		"description": "The app description"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title": {
+		"message": "Isalin ang pagpili sa...",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done. Inside this parent menu there are the menus"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title2": {
+		"message": "Isalin ang pagpili sa '$wika$'",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done and there's only one language available.",
+		"placeholders": {
+			"language": {
+				"content": "$1",
+				"example": "Language to translate into."
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	"contextmenu_edit": {
+		"message": "I-edit ang mga wika...",
+		"description": "Title of the option inside the 'Translate section into...' context menu."
+	},
+	"options_welcome": {
+		"message": "Maligayang pagdating!",
+		"description": "Title of the options page"
+	},
+	"options_introduction": {
+		"message": "Paki pili ang mga wikang nais mong makita sa mga pagpipilian sa \"pagsasalin\".",
+		"description": "Introduction paragraph to the options pages"
+	},
+	"options_languageselectheader": {
+		"message": "Mga Wika:",
+		"description": "Header of the language select option."
+	},
+	"options_otheroptionsheader": {
+		"message": "Ibang mapagpipilian:",
+		"description": "Header of the options page."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_1": {
+		"message": "Buksan sa panibagong tab ang Google Translate para sa bawat pagsasalin.",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_2": {
+		"message": "Buksan ang Google Translate sa natatanging tab at ipawalang bisa ang huling pagsasalin sa halip na magbukas ng ilan pang mga tabs.",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_3": {
+		"message": "Buksan ang Google Translate sa isang panel (kailangan mong i-activate <a href='chrome://flags/#enable-panels' id='panelsflag'>--enable-panels</a> flag). <sup style='color:red; font-weight: bold;'> EXPERIMENTAL</sup>",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_savebutton": {
+		"message": "I-save",
+		"description": "Save button in the settings page"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage": {
+		"message": "Magdagdag ng wika",
+		"description": "Title for the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage_addbutton": {
+		"message": "Dagdagan",
+		"description": "Add button in the footer of the languages list"
+	},
+	"options_language_label": {
+		"message": "Wika:",
+		"description": "Label for the language selector in the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits": {
+		"message": "Mga Kredito",
+		"description": "Title for the credits link and dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits_homepage": {
+		"message": "homepage",
+		"description": "Homepage link for an item in the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters"
+	},
+	"options_credits_by": {
+		"message": "by",
+		"description": "Fragment of the author statement in an item of the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters. EXAMPLE: '{{options_credits_by}} Adrià Vilanova Martínez'"
+	},
+	"options_ok": {
+		"message": "Ayos na",
+		"description": "OK button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"options_cancel": {
+		"message": "Kanselahin",
+		"description": "Cancel button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"notification_install_title": {
+		"message": "Salamat sa pag-install ng 'Isalin sa Napiling Wika'"
+	},
+	"notification_install_message": {
+		"message": "I-clik ang abiso para ito ay ma set-up."
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_title": {
+		"message": "'Isalin ang Napiling Teksto' ay na-update na sa v0.6!"
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_message": {
+		"message": "Ang mga pagpipilian mo ngayon ay nka-sync na sa lahat ng iyong mga device! Ang negatibong bahagi ay kailangan mong i-set ang extension ulit :-( I-click itong abisong para ma set-up ito."
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_title": {
+		"message": "'Isalin ang Napiling Teksto' ay na-update na sa v0.7!"
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_message": {
+		"message": "Maaari mo nang i-configure ngayon kung ano ang gusto mong pagkakaayos ng mga wikang lilitaw sa menu ng konteksto."
+	}
diff --git a/src/_locales/fr/messages.json b/src/_locales/fr/messages.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8466bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/_locales/fr/messages.json
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+	"appName": {
+		"message": "Traduire le texte sélectionné",
+		"description": "The app name"
+	},
+	"appBetaName": {
+		"message": "Traduire le texte sélectionné (Bêta)",
+		"description": "The beta app name"
+	},
+	"appDescription": {
+		"message": "Traduisez le texte sélectionné avec Google Traduction",
+		"description": "The app description"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title": {
+		"message": "Traduire la sélection en...",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done. Inside this parent menu there are the menus"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title2": {
+		"message": "Traduire la sélection en « $language$ »",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done and there's only one language available.",
+		"placeholders": {
+			"language": {
+				"content": "$1",
+				"example": "Language to translate into."
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	"contextmenu_edit": {
+		"message": "Choix des langues...",
+		"description": "Title of the option inside the 'Translate section into...' context menu."
+	},
+	"options_welcome": {
+		"message": "Bienvenue !",
+		"description": "Title of the options page"
+	},
+	"options_introduction": {
+		"message": "S’il vous plaît, sélectionnez les langues que vous souhaitez voir dans le menu « traduire ».",
+		"description": "Introduction paragraph to the options pages"
+	},
+	"options_languageselectheader": {
+		"message": "Langues :",
+		"description": "Header of the language select option."
+	},
+	"options_otheroptionsheader": {
+		"message": "Autres Options :",
+		"description": "Header of the options page."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_1": {
+		"message": "Ouvrir Google Traduction dans un nouvel onglet pour chaque traduction.",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_2": {
+		"message": "Ouvrir Google Traduction dans un onglet unique et remplacer la traduction précédente au lieu d’ouvrir plusieurs onglets.",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_3": {
+		"message": "Ouvrir Google Traduction dans un panneau (nécessite d'activer <a href='chrome://flags/#enable-panels' id='panelsflag'>--enable-panneaux</a> drapeau). <sup style='color:red; font-weight: bold;'>EXPERIMENTAL</sup>",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_savebutton": {
+		"message": "Enregistrer",
+		"description": "Save button in the settings page"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage": {
+		"message": "Ajouter une langue",
+		"description": "Title for the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage_addbutton": {
+		"message": "Ajouter",
+		"description": "Add button in the footer of the languages list"
+	},
+	"options_language_label": {
+		"message": "Langue :",
+		"description": "Label for the language selector in the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits": {
+		"message": "Crédits",
+		"description": "Title for the credits link and dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits_homepage": {
+		"message": "page d'accueil",
+		"description": "Homepage link for an item in the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters"
+	},
+	"options_credits_by": {
+		"message": "par",
+		"description": "Fragment of the author statement in an item of the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters. EXAMPLE: '{{options_credits_by}} Adrià Vilanova Martínez'"
+	},
+	"options_ok": {
+		"message": "OK",
+		"description": "OK button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"options_cancel": {
+		"message": "Annuler",
+		"description": "Cancel button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"notification_install_title": {
+		"message": "Merci d'avoir installé « Traduire le texte sélectionné »"
+	},
+	"notification_install_message": {
+		"message": "Cliquez sur cette notification pour la paramétrer."
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_title": {
+		"message": "« Traduire le texte sélectionné » a été mis à niveau à la version v0.6 !"
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_message": {
+		"message": "Maintenant vos options seront synchronisées sur tous vos appareils ! L'inconvénient, c'est que vous devrez à nouveau configurer l’extension  :-( Cliquez sur cette notification pour la paramétrer."
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_title": {
+		"message": "« Traduire le texte sélectionné » a été mis à niveau à la version v0.7 !"
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_message": {
+		"message": "Maintenant, vous pouvez configurer l’ordre dans lequel vous voulez que les langues apparaissent dans le menu contextuel. "
+	}
diff --git a/src/_locales/hi/messages.json b/src/_locales/hi/messages.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..206db56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/_locales/hi/messages.json
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+	"appName": {
+		"message": "Translate Selected Text",
+		"description": "The app name"
+	},
+	"appBetaName": {
+		"message": "Translate Selected Text (बीटा)",
+		"description": "The beta app name"
+	},
+	"appDescription": {
+		"message": "Google Translate के साथ चयनित पाठ का अनुवाद करें",
+		"description": "The app description"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title": {
+		"message": "चयन का अनुवाद करें इसमें...",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done. Inside this parent menu there are the menus"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title2": {
+		"message": "चयन का अनुवाद '$language$' में करें",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done and there's only one language available.",
+		"placeholders": {
+			"language": {
+				"content": "$1",
+				"example": "Language to translate into."
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	"contextmenu_edit": {
+		"message": "भाषाएं संपादित करें...",
+		"description": "Title of the option inside the 'Translate section into...' context menu."
+	},
+	"options_welcome": {
+		"message": "स्वागत हे!",
+		"description": "Title of the options page"
+	},
+	"options_introduction": {
+		"message": "कृप्या, उन भाषाओं का चयन करे जिन्हें आप \"अनुवाद\" मेनू में देखना चाहते हैं।",
+		"description": "Introduction paragraph to the options pages"
+	},
+	"options_languageselectheader": {
+		"message": "भाषाएँ:",
+		"description": "Header of the language select option."
+	},
+	"options_otheroptionsheader": {
+		"message": "दूसरे विकल्प:",
+		"description": "Header of the options page."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_1": {
+		"message": "हर एक अनुवाद के लिए Google Translate को एक नया टैब में खोलें।",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_2": {
+		"message": "Google ट्रांसलेट को एक अद्वितीय टैब में खोलें और पिछले अनुवाद को ओवरराइड करें कई टैब खोलने के बजाय|",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_3": {
+		"message": "Google ट्रांसलेट को एक पैनल में खोलें (आपको सक्रिय करना होगा <a href='chrome://flags/#enable-panels' id='panelsflag'>--पैनलों को सक्षम करें</a>फ्लैग)| <sup style='color:red; font-weight: bold;'>प्रयोगात्मक</sup>",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_savebutton": {
+		"message": "सहेजें",
+		"description": "Save button in the settings page"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage": {
+		"message": "भाषा जोड़ें",
+		"description": "Title for the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage_addbutton": {
+		"message": "जोड़ें",
+		"description": "Add button in the footer of the languages list"
+	},
+	"options_language_label": {
+		"message": "भाषा:",
+		"description": "Label for the language selector in the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits": {
+		"message": "क्रेडिट",
+		"description": "Title for the credits link and dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits_homepage": {
+		"message": "होमपेज",
+		"description": "Homepage link for an item in the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters"
+	},
+	"options_credits_by": {
+		"message": "द्वारा",
+		"description": "Fragment of the author statement in an item of the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters. EXAMPLE: '{{options_credits_by}} Adrià Vilanova Martínez'"
+	},
+	"options_ok": {
+		"message": "ठीक है",
+		"description": "OK button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"options_cancel": {
+		"message": "रद्द करें",
+		"description": "Cancel button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"notification_install_title": {
+		"message": "'Translate Selected Text' इंस्टॉल करने के लिए धन्यवाद"
+	},
+	"notification_install_message": {
+		"message": "इस नोटिफिकेशन को क्लिक करें इसे सेट अप करने के लिए|"
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_title": {
+		"message": "'Translate Selected Text' v0.6 में अपडेट किया गया!"
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_message": {
+		"message": "अब आपके विकल्प आपके सभी उपकरणों पर सिंक कर दिए जायेंगे! बुरा पक्ष है कि आपको एक्सटेंशन को फिर से सेट करना पड़ेगा :-( इस नोटिफिकेशन पर क्लिक करें इसे सेट अप करने के लिए ।"
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_title": {
+		"message": "'Translate Selected Text' v0.7 में अपडेट किया गया!"
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_message": {
+		"message": "अब आप यह कॉन्फ़िगर कर सकते हैं की संदर्भ मेनू में किस क्रम में भाषाएं प्रकट होंगी| "
+	}
diff --git a/src/_locales/hu/messages.json b/src/_locales/hu/messages.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..054ef3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/_locales/hu/messages.json
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+	"appName": {
+		"message": "Kijelölt szöveg fordítása",
+		"description": "The app name"
+	},
+	"appBetaName": {
+		"message": "Kijelölt szöveg fordítása (Beta)",
+		"description": "The beta app name"
+	},
+	"appDescription": {
+		"message": "Kijelölt szöveg fordítása Google Translate-al",
+		"description": "The app description"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title": {
+		"message": "Szöveg fordítása...",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done. Inside this parent menu there are the menus"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title2": {
+		"message": "Szöveg fordítása \"$language$\" -ra",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done and there's only one language available.",
+		"placeholders": {
+			"language": {
+				"content": "$1",
+				"example": "Language to translate into."
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	"contextmenu_edit": {
+		"message": "Nyelv módosítása...",
+		"description": "Title of the option inside the 'Translate section into...' context menu."
+	},
+	"options_welcome": {
+		"message": "Üdvözöljük!",
+		"description": "Title of the options page"
+	},
+	"options_introduction": {
+		"message": "Kérjük, válassza ki a megjeleníteni kívánt nyelveket a \"lefordítás\" menüben.",
+		"description": "Introduction paragraph to the options pages"
+	},
+	"options_languageselectheader": {
+		"message": "Nyelvek:",
+		"description": "Header of the language select option."
+	},
+	"options_otheroptionsheader": {
+		"message": "Egyéb lehetőségek:",
+		"description": "Header of the options page."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_1": {
+		"message": "Nyissa meg a Google Fordítót egy új lapon minden fordításhoz.",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_2": {
+		"message": "Nyissa meg a Google Fordítót egy egyedi lapon, és felülírja az utolsó fordítást több lap megnyitása helyett.",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_3": {
+		"message": "Google Translate megnyitása egy panel (aktiválni kell a <a href='chrome://flags/#enable-panels' id='panelsflag'>--enable-panels</a> flag). <sup style='color:red; font-weight: bold;'> EXPERIMENTAL</sup>",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_savebutton": {
+		"message": "Mentés",
+		"description": "Save button in the settings page"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage": {
+		"message": "Nyelv hozzáadása",
+		"description": "Title for the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage_addbutton": {
+		"message": "Hozzáadás",
+		"description": "Add button in the footer of the languages list"
+	},
+	"options_language_label": {
+		"message": "Nyelv:",
+		"description": "Label for the language selector in the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits": {
+		"message": "Credits",
+		"description": "Title for the credits link and dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits_homepage": {
+		"message": "honlap",
+		"description": "Homepage link for an item in the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters"
+	},
+	"options_credits_by": {
+		"message": "által",
+		"description": "Fragment of the author statement in an item of the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters. EXAMPLE: '{{options_credits_by}} Adrià Vilanova Martínez'"
+	},
+	"options_ok": {
+		"message": "OK",
+		"description": "OK button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"options_cancel": {
+		"message": "Mégse",
+		"description": "Cancel button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"notification_install_title": {
+		"message": "Köszönjük, hogy telepítette"
+	},
+	"notification_install_message": {
+		"message": "Kattints erre az értesítésre a beállításhoz."
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_title": {
+		"message": "'Translate Selected Text' frissítve lett a ver.. 06!"
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_message": {
+		"message": "Most az Ön beállításai szinkronizálódnak minden eszközön! A kellemetlenség az, hogy újra be kell állítania a kiterjesztést :-( Kattintson erre az értesítésre a beállításhoz."
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_title": {
+		"message": "'Translate Selected Text' frissítve lett a ver.. 07!"
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_message": {
+		"message": "Most beállíthatja, hogy milyen sorrendben jelenjen meg a nyelv a helyi menüben. "
+	}
diff --git a/src/_locales/id/messages.json b/src/_locales/id/messages.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b91d22e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/_locales/id/messages.json
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+	"appName": {
+		"message": "Terjemahkan teks yang dipilih",
+		"description": "The app name"
+	},
+	"appBetaName": {
+		"message": "Terjemahkan teks yang dipilih (Beta)",
+		"description": "The beta app name"
+	},
+	"appDescription": {
+		"message": "Terjemahkan teks yang dipilih dengan Google Terjemahan",
+		"description": "The app description"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title": {
+		"message": "Terjemahkan pilihan ke...",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done. Inside this parent menu there are the menus"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title2": {
+		"message": "Terjemahkan pilihan ke '$language$'",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done and there's only one language available.",
+		"placeholders": {
+			"language": {
+				"content": "$1",
+				"example": "Language to translate into."
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	"contextmenu_edit": {
+		"message": "Sunting bahasa...",
+		"description": "Title of the option inside the 'Translate section into...' context menu."
+	},
+	"options_welcome": {
+		"message": "Selamat Datang!",
+		"description": "Title of the options page"
+	},
+	"options_introduction": {
+		"message": "Silahkan pilih bahasa yang ingin Anda tampilkan di menu \"terjemahan\".",
+		"description": "Introduction paragraph to the options pages"
+	},
+	"options_languageselectheader": {
+		"message": "Bahasa:",
+		"description": "Header of the language select option."
+	},
+	"options_otheroptionsheader": {
+		"message": "Pilihan lain:",
+		"description": "Header of the options page."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_1": {
+		"message": "Buka Google Terjemahan dalam tab baru untuk setiap terjemahan.",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_2": {
+		"message": "Buka Google Terjemahan di tab unik dan mengesampingkan terjemahan terakhir pada pembukaan beberapa tab.",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_3": {
+		"message": "Buka Google Terjemahan dalam panel (Kamu harus mengaktifkan <a href='chrome://flags/#enable-panels' id='panelsflag'>--panel aktif</a>bendera). <sup style='color:red; font-weight: bold;'>EKSPERIMENTAL</sup>",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_savebutton": {
+		"message": "Simpan",
+		"description": "Save button in the settings page"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage": {
+		"message": "Tambah bahasa",
+		"description": "Title for the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage_addbutton": {
+		"message": "Tambah",
+		"description": "Add button in the footer of the languages list"
+	},
+	"options_language_label": {
+		"message": "Bahasa:",
+		"description": "Label for the language selector in the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits": {
+		"message": "Reputasi",
+		"description": "Title for the credits link and dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits_homepage": {
+		"message": "beranda",
+		"description": "Homepage link for an item in the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters"
+	},
+	"options_credits_by": {
+		"message": "oleh",
+		"description": "Fragment of the author statement in an item of the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters. EXAMPLE: '{{options_credits_by}} Adrià Vilanova Martínez'"
+	},
+	"options_ok": {
+		"message": "OKE",
+		"description": "OK button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"options_cancel": {
+		"message": "Batal",
+		"description": "Cancel button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"notification_install_title": {
+		"message": "Terima kasih sudah mengintall 'Translate Selected Text'"
+	},
+	"notification_install_message": {
+		"message": "Klik pemberitahuan ini untuk menyelesaikannya."
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_title": {
+		"message": "'Translate Selected Text' telah diupdate ke v0.6!"
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_message": {
+		"message": "Pilihan Anda sekarang akan di sinkronkan ke semua perangkat Anda! Sisi buruknya adalah Anda harus mengatur ekstensi lagi :-( klik pemberitahuan ini untuk menyelesaikannya."
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_title": {
+		"message": "'Translate Selected Text' telah diupdate ke v0.7!"
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_message": {
+		"message": "Anda sekarang dapat mengkonfirgurasi dalam urutan yang Anda inginkan agar bahasa muncul dalam menu konteks. "
+	}
diff --git a/src/_locales/it/messages.json b/src/_locales/it/messages.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5edc303
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/_locales/it/messages.json
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+	"appName": {
+		"message": "Traduci il testo selezionato",
+		"description": "The app name"
+	},
+	"appBetaName": {
+		"message": "Traduci il testo selezionato (Beta)",
+		"description": "The beta app name"
+	},
+	"appDescription": {
+		"message": "Traduci il testo selezionato con Google Traduttore",
+		"description": "The app description"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title": {
+		"message": "Traduci selezione in...",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done. Inside this parent menu there are the menus"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title2": {
+		"message": "Traduci la selezione in '$language$'",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done and there's only one language available.",
+		"placeholders": {
+			"language": {
+				"content": "$1",
+				"example": "Language to translate into."
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	"contextmenu_edit": {
+		"message": "Modifica le lingue...",
+		"description": "Title of the option inside the 'Translate section into...' context menu."
+	},
+	"options_welcome": {
+		"message": "Benvenuto!",
+		"description": "Title of the options page"
+	},
+	"options_introduction": {
+		"message": "Si prega di selezionare le lingue che vuoi mostrare nel menu \"traduci\".",
+		"description": "Introduction paragraph to the options pages"
+	},
+	"options_languageselectheader": {
+		"message": "Lingue:",
+		"description": "Header of the language select option."
+	},
+	"options_otheroptionsheader": {
+		"message": "Altre opzioni:",
+		"description": "Header of the options page."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_1": {
+		"message": "Aprire Google Translate in una nuova scheda per ogni traduzione.",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_2": {
+		"message": "Aprire Google Translate in una scheda unica e ignorare l'ultima traduzione invece di aprire diverse schede.",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_3": {
+		"message": "Aprire Google Translate in un panello (è necessario attivare <a href='chrome://flags/#enable-panels' id='panelsflag'>--enable-panels</a> flag). <sup style='color:red; font-weight: bold;'> EXPERIMENTAL</sup>",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_savebutton": {
+		"message": "Salva",
+		"description": "Save button in the settings page"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage": {
+		"message": "Aggiungi lingua",
+		"description": "Title for the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage_addbutton": {
+		"message": "Aggiungi",
+		"description": "Add button in the footer of the languages list"
+	},
+	"options_language_label": {
+		"message": "Lingua:",
+		"description": "Label for the language selector in the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits": {
+		"message": "Crediti",
+		"description": "Title for the credits link and dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits_homepage": {
+		"message": "homepage",
+		"description": "Homepage link for an item in the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters"
+	},
+	"options_credits_by": {
+		"message": "di",
+		"description": "Fragment of the author statement in an item of the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters. EXAMPLE: '{{options_credits_by}} Adrià Vilanova Martínez'"
+	},
+	"options_ok": {
+		"message": "OK",
+		"description": "OK button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"options_cancel": {
+		"message": "Cancella",
+		"description": "Cancel button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"notification_install_title": {
+		"message": "Grazie per aver installato 'Translate Selected Text'"
+	},
+	"notification_install_message": {
+		"message": "Cliccate su questa notificazione per configurarlo."
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_title": {
+		"message": "'Translate Selected Text' è stata aggiornata alla v0.6!"
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_message": {
+		"message": "Ora i vostri opzioni saranno sincronizzate su tutti i dispositivi! L'unico lato negativo è che è necessario impostare l'estensiones di nuovo :-( Cliccate su questa notificazione per configurarlo."
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_title": {
+		"message": "'Translate Selected Text' è stata aggiornata alla v0.7!"
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_message": {
+		"message": "Ora puoi configurare in quale ordine si desidera che le lingue appaiano nel menu di scelta rapida. "
+	}
diff --git a/src/_locales/nl/messages.json b/src/_locales/nl/messages.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b61d7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/_locales/nl/messages.json
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+	"appName": {
+		"message": "Vertaal Geselecteerde Tekst",
+		"description": "The app name"
+	},
+	"appBetaName": {
+		"message": "Vertaal Geselecteerde Tekst (Beta)",
+		"description": "The beta app name"
+	},
+	"appDescription": {
+		"message": "Vertaal geselecteerde tekst met Google Translate",
+		"description": "The app description"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title": {
+		"message": "Selectie vertalen naar...",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done. Inside this parent menu there are the menus"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title2": {
+		"message": "Selectie naar '$language$' vertalen",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done and there's only one language available.",
+		"placeholders": {
+			"language": {
+				"content": "$1",
+				"example": "Language to translate into."
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	"contextmenu_edit": {
+		"message": "Talen bewerken...",
+		"description": "Title of the option inside the 'Translate section into...' context menu."
+	},
+	"options_welcome": {
+		"message": "Welkom!",
+		"description": "Title of the options page"
+	},
+	"options_introduction": {
+		"message": "Alstublieft, selecteer de talen die u wilt weergeven in het menu \"vertalen\".",
+		"description": "Introduction paragraph to the options pages"
+	},
+	"options_languageselectheader": {
+		"message": "Talen:",
+		"description": "Header of the language select option."
+	},
+	"options_otheroptionsheader": {
+		"message": "Andere opties:",
+		"description": "Header of the options page."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_1": {
+		"message": "Open Google Translate in een nieuw tabblad voor elke vertaling.",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_2": {
+		"message": "Open Google Translate in een enkel tabblad en vervang de nieuwste vertaling in plaats van het openen van meerdere tabbladen.",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_3": {
+		"message": "Open Google Translate in een paneel (U moet <a href='chrome://flags/#enable-panels' id='panelsflag'>--Panelen inschakelen</a> vlag activeren). <sup style='color:red; font-weight: bold;'> EXPERIMENTEEL</sup>",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_savebutton": {
+		"message": "Opslaan",
+		"description": "Save button in the settings page"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage": {
+		"message": "Taal toevoegen",
+		"description": "Title for the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage_addbutton": {
+		"message": "Toevoegen",
+		"description": "Add button in the footer of the languages list"
+	},
+	"options_language_label": {
+		"message": "Taal:",
+		"description": "Label for the language selector in the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits": {
+		"message": "Credits",
+		"description": "Title for the credits link and dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits_homepage": {
+		"message": "startpagina",
+		"description": "Homepage link for an item in the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters"
+	},
+	"options_credits_by": {
+		"message": "door",
+		"description": "Fragment of the author statement in an item of the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters. EXAMPLE: '{{options_credits_by}} Adrià Vilanova Martínez'"
+	},
+	"options_ok": {
+		"message": "OK",
+		"description": "OK button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"options_cancel": {
+		"message": "Annuleren",
+		"description": "Cancel button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"notification_install_title": {
+		"message": "Bedankt voor het installeren van 'Vertaal Geselecteerde Tekst'"
+	},
+	"notification_install_message": {
+		"message": "Klik op deze melding om de extensie te configureren."
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_title": {
+		"message": "'Vertaal Geselecteerde Tekst' werd bijgewerkt aan v0.6!"
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_message": {
+		"message": "Uw instellingen worden nu gesynchroniseerd op al uw apparaten! Het enige slechte is dat u de extensie opnieuw moet installeren. :-( Klik op deze melding om te installeren."
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_title": {
+		"message": "'Vertaal Geselecteerde Tekst' werd bijgewerkt aan v0.7!"
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_message": {
+		"message": "Nu kunt u de volgorde configureren waarin u de talen wilt weergeven in het inhoudsmenu. "
+	}
diff --git a/src/_locales/pl/messages.json b/src/_locales/pl/messages.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b33eb1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/_locales/pl/messages.json
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+	"appName": {
+		"message": "Przetłumacz zaznaczony tekst",
+		"description": "The app name"
+	},
+	"appBetaName": {
+		"message": "Tłumacz zaznaczony tekst (Beta)",
+		"description": "The beta app name"
+	},
+	"appDescription": {
+		"message": "Przetłumacz zaznaczony tekst za pomocą Tłumacza Google",
+		"description": "The app description"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title": {
+		"message": "Tłumacz zaznaczenie na...",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done. Inside this parent menu there are the menus"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title2": {
+		"message": "Tłumacz zaznaczone na '$language$'",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done and there's only one language available.",
+		"placeholders": {
+			"language": {
+				"content": "$1",
+				"example": "Language to translate into."
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	"contextmenu_edit": {
+		"message": "Edytuj języki...",
+		"description": "Title of the option inside the 'Translate section into...' context menu."
+	},
+	"options_welcome": {
+		"message": "Witaj!",
+		"description": "Title of the options page"
+	},
+	"options_introduction": {
+		"message": "Proszę wybierz języki, które chcesz widzieć w menu \"translate\".",
+		"description": "Introduction paragraph to the options pages"
+	},
+	"options_languageselectheader": {
+		"message": "Języki:",
+		"description": "Header of the language select option."
+	},
+	"options_otheroptionsheader": {
+		"message": "Inne opcje:",
+		"description": "Header of the options page."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_1": {
+		"message": "Otwórz Tłumacz Google w nowym oknie dla każdego tłumaczenia.",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_2": {
+		"message": "Otwórz Google Tłumacz w unikalnej karcie i zastąp ostatnie tłumaczenie zamiast otwierać dużo okien.",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_3": {
+		"message": "Otwórz Google Tłumacz w panelu (musisz aktywować <a href='chrome://flags/#enable-panels' id='panelsflag'>--enable-panels</a> flag). <sup style='color:red; font-weight: bold;'> TESTOWE</sup>",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_savebutton": {
+		"message": "Zapisz",
+		"description": "Save button in the settings page"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage": {
+		"message": "Dodaj język",
+		"description": "Title for the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage_addbutton": {
+		"message": "Dodaj",
+		"description": "Add button in the footer of the languages list"
+	},
+	"options_language_label": {
+		"message": "Język:",
+		"description": "Label for the language selector in the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits": {
+		"message": "Autorstwo",
+		"description": "Title for the credits link and dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits_homepage": {
+		"message": "strona główna",
+		"description": "Homepage link for an item in the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters"
+	},
+	"options_credits_by": {
+		"message": "przez",
+		"description": "Fragment of the author statement in an item of the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters. EXAMPLE: '{{options_credits_by}} Adrià Vilanova Martínez'"
+	},
+	"options_ok": {
+		"message": "Ok",
+		"description": "OK button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"options_cancel": {
+		"message": "Anuluj",
+		"description": "Cancel button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"notification_install_title": {
+		"message": "Dziękujemy za zainstalowanie 'Translate Selected Text'"
+	},
+	"notification_install_message": {
+		"message": "Kliknij to powiadomienie, aby skonfigurować."
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_title": {
+		"message": "'Translate Selected Text' został zaktualizowany do wersji v0.6!"
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_message": {
+		"message": "Teraz twoje opcje zostaną zsynchronizowane na wszystkich twoich urządzeniach! Minusem jest to, że teraz musisz skonfigurować rozszerzenie jeszcze raz :-( Kliknij to powiadomienie, aby skonfigurować."
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_title": {
+		"message": "'Translate Selected Text' został zaktualizowany do wersji v0.7!"
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_message": {
+		"message": "Teraz możesz konfigurować w jakiej kolejności chcesz mieć wyświetlane języki w menu kontekstowym. "
+	}
diff --git a/src/_locales/pt_BR/messages.json b/src/_locales/pt_BR/messages.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1465f5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/_locales/pt_BR/messages.json
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+	"appName": {
+		"message": "Traduzir o texto selecionado",
+		"description": "The app name"
+	},
+	"appBetaName": {
+		"message": "Traduzir o texto selecionado (Beta)",
+		"description": "The beta app name"
+	},
+	"appDescription": {
+		"message": "Traduzir o texto selecionado com o Google Tradutor",
+		"description": "The app description"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title": {
+		"message": "Traduzir seleção em...",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done. Inside this parent menu there are the menus"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title2": {
+		"message": "Traduzir seleção em '$language$'",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done and there's only one language available.",
+		"placeholders": {
+			"language": {
+				"content": "$1",
+				"example": "Language to translate into."
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	"contextmenu_edit": {
+		"message": "Editar idiomas...",
+		"description": "Title of the option inside the 'Translate section into...' context menu."
+	},
+	"options_welcome": {
+		"message": "Bem-vindo!",
+		"description": "Title of the options page"
+	},
+	"options_introduction": {
+		"message": "Por favor, selecione os idiomas que você quer que apareçam no menu \"traduzir\".",
+		"description": "Introduction paragraph to the options pages"
+	},
+	"options_languageselectheader": {
+		"message": "Idiomas:",
+		"description": "Header of the language select option."
+	},
+	"options_otheroptionsheader": {
+		"message": "Outras opções:",
+		"description": "Header of the options page."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_1": {
+		"message": "Abrir o Google Tradutor em uma nova guia para cada tradução.",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_2": {
+		"message": "Abrir o Google Tradutor em uma única guia e substituir a última tradução em vez de abrir várias abas.",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_3": {
+		"message": "Abrir o Google tradutor em um painel <Você precisa ativar href='chrome://flags/#enable-panels' id='panelsflag'>--Ativar-painéis</a> bandeira). <sup style='color:red; font-weight: bold;'> EXPERIMENTAL</sup>",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_savebutton": {
+		"message": "Salvar",
+		"description": "Save button in the settings page"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage": {
+		"message": "Adicionar idioma",
+		"description": "Title for the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage_addbutton": {
+		"message": "Adicionar",
+		"description": "Add button in the footer of the languages list"
+	},
+	"options_language_label": {
+		"message": "Idioma:",
+		"description": "Label for the language selector in the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits": {
+		"message": "Créditos",
+		"description": "Title for the credits link and dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits_homepage": {
+		"message": "página inicial",
+		"description": "Homepage link for an item in the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters"
+	},
+	"options_credits_by": {
+		"message": "por",
+		"description": "Fragment of the author statement in an item of the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters. EXAMPLE: '{{options_credits_by}} Adrià Vilanova Martínez'"
+	},
+	"options_ok": {
+		"message": "OK",
+		"description": "OK button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"options_cancel": {
+		"message": "Cancelar",
+		"description": "Cancel button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"notification_install_title": {
+		"message": "Obrigado por instalar 'Traduzir Texto Selecionado'"
+	},
+	"notification_install_message": {
+		"message": "Clique nesta notificação para configurar."
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_title": {
+		"message": "'Traduzir Texto Selecionado' foi atualizado para a versão 0.6!"
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_message": {
+		"message": "Agora suas opções serão sincronizadas para em todos os seus dispositivos! O lado ruim é que você deve configurar a extensão novamente :-( Clique nesta notificação para configurar."
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_title": {
+		"message": "'Traduzir Texto Selecionado' foi atualizado para a versão 0.7!"
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_message": {
+		"message": "Agora você pode configurar em qual ordem você quer que os idiomas apareçam no menu de contexto. "
+	}
diff --git a/src/_locales/pt_PT/messages.json b/src/_locales/pt_PT/messages.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8567fd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/_locales/pt_PT/messages.json
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+	"appName": {
+		"message": "Traduzir o texto selecionado",
+		"description": "The app name"
+	},
+	"appBetaName": {
+		"message": "Traduzir o texto selecionado (Beta)",
+		"description": "The beta app name"
+	},
+	"appDescription": {
+		"message": "Traduzir o texto selecionado com o Google Translate",
+		"description": "The app description"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title": {
+		"message": "Traduzir seleção em...",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done. Inside this parent menu there are the menus"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title2": {
+		"message": "Traduzir seleção em '$language$'",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done and there's only one language available.",
+		"placeholders": {
+			"language": {
+				"content": "$1",
+				"example": "Language to translate into."
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	"contextmenu_edit": {
+		"message": "Editar idiomas...",
+		"description": "Title of the option inside the 'Translate section into...' context menu."
+	},
+	"options_welcome": {
+		"message": "Bem vindo!",
+		"description": "Title of the options page"
+	},
+	"options_introduction": {
+		"message": "Por favor, selecione os idiomas que você quer aparecer no menu \"traduzir\".",
+		"description": "Introduction paragraph to the options pages"
+	},
+	"options_languageselectheader": {
+		"message": "Linguas:",
+		"description": "Header of the language select option."
+	},
+	"options_otheroptionsheader": {
+		"message": "Outras opções:",
+		"description": "Header of the options page."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_1": {
+		"message": "Abra o Google Translate em uma nova aba para cada tradução.",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_2": {
+		"message": "Abra o Google Translate em uma única guia e substituir a última tradução em vez de abrir várias abas.",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_3": {
+		"message": "Abra o Google Translate em um painel (você precisa ativar <a href='chrome://flags/#enable-panels' id='panelsflag'>--Enable-panels</a> flag).<sup style='color:red; font-weight: bold;'> EXPERIMENTAL</sup>",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_savebutton": {
+		"message": "Salvar",
+		"description": "Save button in the settings page"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage": {
+		"message": "Adicional idioma",
+		"description": "Title for the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage_addbutton": {
+		"message": "Adicionar",
+		"description": "Add button in the footer of the languages list"
+	},
+	"options_language_label": {
+		"message": "Lingua:",
+		"description": "Label for the language selector in the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits": {
+		"message": "Créditos",
+		"description": "Title for the credits link and dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits_homepage": {
+		"message": "página inicial",
+		"description": "Homepage link for an item in the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters"
+	},
+	"options_credits_by": {
+		"message": "por",
+		"description": "Fragment of the author statement in an item of the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters. EXAMPLE: '{{options_credits_by}} Adrià Vilanova Martínez'"
+	},
+	"options_ok": {
+		"message": "OK",
+		"description": "OK button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"options_cancel": {
+		"message": "Cancelar",
+		"description": "Cancel button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"notification_install_title": {
+		"message": "Obrigado por instalar 'Traduzir o texto selecionado'"
+	},
+	"notification_install_message": {
+		"message": "Clique nesta notificação para configurá-lo."
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_title": {
+		"message": "'Traduzir o texto selecionado' foi atualizado para v0.6!"
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_message": {
+		"message": "Agora suas opções serão sincrinizadas em todos os seus dispositivos! O lado ruim é que você tem que configurar a extensão novamente :-( Clique nesta notificação para configurá-lo."
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_title": {
+		"message": "'Traduzir o texto selecionado' foi atualizado para v0.7!"
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_message": {
+		"message": "Agora você pode configurar em que ordem você quer nas linguas que aparecem no menu de contexto. "
+	}
diff --git a/src/_locales/ro/messages.json b/src/_locales/ro/messages.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81d80ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/_locales/ro/messages.json
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+	"appName": {
+		"message": "Traducerea textul selectat",
+		"description": "The app name"
+	},
+	"appBetaName": {
+		"message": "Traducerea textului selectat (Beta)",
+		"description": "The beta app name"
+	},
+	"appDescription": {
+		"message": "Traduceți textul selectat cu Google Translate",
+		"description": "The app description"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title": {
+		"message": "Traduceți selecția în...",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done. Inside this parent menu there are the menus"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title2": {
+		"message": "Traduceți selecția în '$language$'",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done and there's only one language available.",
+		"placeholders": {
+			"language": {
+				"content": "$1",
+				"example": "Language to translate into."
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	"contextmenu_edit": {
+		"message": "Editare limbi...",
+		"description": "Title of the option inside the 'Translate section into...' context menu."
+	},
+	"options_welcome": {
+		"message": "Bine ați venit!",
+		"description": "Title of the options page"
+	},
+	"options_introduction": {
+		"message": "Vă rugăm să selectați limbile care doriți să apară în meniul \"traduce\".",
+		"description": "Introduction paragraph to the options pages"
+	},
+	"options_languageselectheader": {
+		"message": "Limbi:",
+		"description": "Header of the language select option."
+	},
+	"options_otheroptionsheader": {
+		"message": "Alte opțiuni:",
+		"description": "Header of the options page."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_1": {
+		"message": "Deschide Google Translate într-o filă nouă pentru fiecare traducere.",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_2": {
+		"message": "Deschide Google Translate într-o filă unică și în loc să se deschidă mai multe file, suprascrie ultima traducere.",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_3": {
+		"message": "Deschide Google Translate într-un panou (trebuie să activați <a href='chrome://flags/#enable-panels' id='panelsflag'>-activează-panouri</a>).<sup style='color:red; font-weight: bold;'>EXPERIMENTAL</sup>",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_savebutton": {
+		"message": "Salvați",
+		"description": "Save button in the settings page"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage": {
+		"message": "Adaugă limbă",
+		"description": "Title for the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage_addbutton": {
+		"message": "Adaugă",
+		"description": "Add button in the footer of the languages list"
+	},
+	"options_language_label": {
+		"message": "Limbă:",
+		"description": "Label for the language selector in the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits": {
+		"message": "Credite",
+		"description": "Title for the credits link and dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits_homepage": {
+		"message": "pagină principală",
+		"description": "Homepage link for an item in the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters"
+	},
+	"options_credits_by": {
+		"message": "de",
+		"description": "Fragment of the author statement in an item of the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters. EXAMPLE: '{{options_credits_by}} Adrià Vilanova Martínez'"
+	},
+	"options_ok": {
+		"message": "OK",
+		"description": "OK button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"options_cancel": {
+		"message": "Anulare",
+		"description": "Cancel button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"notification_install_title": {
+		"message": "Vă mulțumim pentru că ați instalat 'Translate Selected Text'"
+	},
+	"notification_install_message": {
+		"message": "Apăsați pe această notificare pentru a o configura."
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_title": {
+		"message": "'Translate Selected Text' a fost actualizat la v0.6!"
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_message": {
+		"message": "Acum opțiunile dumneavoastră vor fi sincronizate pe toate aparatele! Partea proastă este că trebuie să configurați extensia din nou :-( Apăsați pe această notificare pentru a o configura."
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_title": {
+		"message": "'Translate Selected Text' a fost actualizat la v0.7!"
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_message": {
+		"message": "Acum puteți configura în ce ordine doriți să apară limbile din meniul contextual. "
+	}
diff --git a/src/_locales/ru/messages.json b/src/_locales/ru/messages.json
index b370213..78ea53f 100644
--- a/src/_locales/ru/messages.json
+++ b/src/_locales/ru/messages.json
@@ -1,68 +1,114 @@
-    "appName": {
-        "message": "Перевести выбранный текст",
-        "description": "The app name"
-    },
-    "appBetaName": {
-        "message": "Перевести выбранный текст (Beta)",
-        "description": "The beta app name"
-    },
-    "appDescription": {
-        "message": "Перевод выбранного текста с помощью Google Переводчика",
-        "description": "The app description"
-    },
-    "contextmenu_title": {
-        "message": "Перевести на...",
-        "description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done. Inside this parent menu there are the menus"
-    },
-    "contextmenu_title2" : {
-        "message": "Перевести на '$language$'",
-        "description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done and there's only one language available.",
-        "placeholders": {
-            "language": {
-                "content": "$1",
-                "example": "Language to translate into."
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    "contextmenu_edit": {
-        "message": "Настройки...",
-        "description": "Title of the option inside the 'Translate section into...' context menu."
-    },
-    "options_welcome": {
-        "message": "Добро пожаловать!",
-        "description": "Title of the options page"
-    },
-    "options_introduction": {
-        "message": "Выберите языки, которые вы хотите видеть в контекстном меню.",
-        "description": "Introduction paragraph to the options pages"
-    },
-    "options_languageselectheader": {
-        "message": "Языки:",
-        "description": "Header of the language select option."
-    },
-    "options_otheroptionsheader": {
-        "message": "Другие опции:",
-        "description": "Header of the options page."
-    },
-    "options_tabsoption_1": {
-        "message": "Открывать вкладку Google Переводчика в новой вкладке для каждого перевода.",
-        "description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
-    },
-    "options_tabsoption_2": {
-        "message": "Открывать Google Переводчик в одной вкладке, и перезаписывать предыдущие результаты, вместо открытия нескольких вкладок.",
-        "description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
-    },
-    "options_tabsoption_3": {
-        "message": "Открыть Google Переводчик в новой панели и перезаписать последний результат перевода (нужно активировать флаг <a href='chrome://flags/#enable-panels' id='panelsflag'>--enable-panels</a>). <sup style='color:red; font-weight: bold;'>ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНАЯ ФУНКЦИЯ</sup>",
-        "description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
-    },
-    "options_savebutton": {
-        "message": "Сохранить",
-        "description": "Save button in the settings page"
-    },
-    "notification_install_title": { "message": "Спасибо за установку \"Перевести выбранный текст\"" },
-    "notification_install_message": { "message": "Нажмите сюда, чтобы настроить расширение." },
-    "notification_upgradedtostorage_title": { "message": "\"Перевести выбранный текст\" было обновлено до 0.6!" },
-    "notification_upgradedtostorage_message": { "message": "Теперь настройки расширения будут синхронизироваться со всеми вашими устройствами, но придётся настроить расширение снова :-( Нажмите сюда, чтобы настроить расширение." }
\ No newline at end of file
+	"appName": {
+		"message": "Перевести выбранный текст",
+		"description": "The app name"
+	},
+	"appBetaName": {
+		"message": "Перевести выбранный текст (Beta)",
+		"description": "The beta app name"
+	},
+	"appDescription": {
+		"message": "Перевод выбранного текста с помощью Google Переводчика",
+		"description": "The app description"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title": {
+		"message": "Перевести на...",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done. Inside this parent menu there are the menus"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title2": {
+		"message": "Перевести на '$language$'",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done and there's only one language available.",
+		"placeholders": {
+			"language": {
+				"content": "$1",
+				"example": "Language to translate into."
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	"contextmenu_edit": {
+		"message": "Настройки...",
+		"description": "Title of the option inside the 'Translate section into...' context menu."
+	},
+	"options_welcome": {
+		"message": "Добро пожаловать!",
+		"description": "Title of the options page"
+	},
+	"options_introduction": {
+		"message": "Выберите языки, которые вы хотите видеть в контекстном меню.",
+		"description": "Introduction paragraph to the options pages"
+	},
+	"options_languageselectheader": {
+		"message": "Языки:",
+		"description": "Header of the language select option."
+	},
+	"options_otheroptionsheader": {
+		"message": "Другие опции:",
+		"description": "Header of the options page."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_1": {
+		"message": "Открывать вкладку Google Переводчика в новой вкладке для каждого перевода.",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_2": {
+		"message": "Открывать Google Переводчик в одной вкладке, и перезаписывать предыдущие результаты, вместо открытия нескольких вкладок.",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_3": {
+		"message": "Открыть Google Переводчик в новой панели (нужно активировать флаг <a href='chrome://flags/#enable-panels' id='panelsflag'>--enable-panels</a>). <sup style='color:red; font-weight: bold;'>ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНАЯ ФУНКЦИЯ</sup>",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_savebutton": {
+		"message": "Сохранить",
+		"description": "Save button in the settings page"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage": {
+		"message": "Добавить язык",
+		"description": "Title for the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage_addbutton": {
+		"message": "Добавить",
+		"description": "Add button in the footer of the languages list"
+	},
+	"options_language_label": {
+		"message": "Язык:",
+		"description": "Label for the language selector in the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits": {
+		"message": "Благодарность",
+		"description": "Title for the credits link and dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits_homepage": {
+		"message": "Домашняя страница",
+		"description": "Homepage link for an item in the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters"
+	},
+	"options_credits_by": {
+		"message": "от",
+		"description": "Fragment of the author statement in an item of the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters. EXAMPLE: '{{options_credits_by}} Adrià Vilanova Martínez'"
+	},
+	"options_ok": {
+		"message": "OK",
+		"description": "OK button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"options_cancel": {
+		"message": "Отменить",
+		"description": "Cancel button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"notification_install_title": {
+		"message": "Спасибо за установку \"Перевести выбранный текст\""
+	},
+	"notification_install_message": {
+		"message": "Нажмите сюда, чтобы настроить расширение."
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_title": {
+		"message": "\"Перевести выбранный текст\" было обновлено до 0.6!"
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_message": {
+		"message": "Теперь настройки расширения будут синхронизироваться со всеми вашими устройствами, но придётся настроить расширение снова :-( Нажмите сюда, чтобы настроить расширение."
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_title": {
+		"message": "\"Перевести выбранный текст\" было обновлено до версии 0.7!"
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_message": {
+		"message": "Теперь вы можете настроить порядок отображения языков в контекстном меню. "
+	}
diff --git a/src/_locales/sl/messages.json b/src/_locales/sl/messages.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..752779a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/_locales/sl/messages.json
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+	"appName": {
+		"message": "Prevedi izbrano besedilo",
+		"description": "The app name"
+	},
+	"appBetaName": {
+		"message": "Prevedi izbrano besedilo (Beta)",
+		"description": "The beta app name"
+	},
+	"appDescription": {
+		"message": "Prevedi izbrano besedilo z Google Prevajalnikom",
+		"description": "The app description"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title": {
+		"message": "Prevedi izbrano v...",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done. Inside this parent menu there are the menus"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title2": {
+		"message": "Prevedi izbrano v '$language$'",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done and there's only one language available.",
+		"placeholders": {
+			"language": {
+				"content": "$1",
+				"example": "Language to translate into."
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	"contextmenu_edit": {
+		"message": "Urejajte jezike...",
+		"description": "Title of the option inside the 'Translate section into...' context menu."
+	},
+	"options_welcome": {
+		"message": "Dobrodošli!",
+		"description": "Title of the options page"
+	},
+	"options_introduction": {
+		"message": "Prosimo, izberite jezike, za katere želite, da se pokažejo v meniju \"prevedi\".",
+		"description": "Introduction paragraph to the options pages"
+	},
+	"options_languageselectheader": {
+		"message": "Jeziki:",
+		"description": "Header of the language select option."
+	},
+	"options_otheroptionsheader": {
+		"message": "Druge možnosti:",
+		"description": "Header of the options page."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_1": {
+		"message": "Za vsak prevod odpri Google Prevajalnik v novem zavihku.",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_2": {
+		"message": "Odpri Google Prevajalnik v lastnem zavihku in prikaži samo zadnji prevod, namesto odpiranja več zavihkov.",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_3": {
+		"message": "Odpri Google prevajalnik na plošči (aktivirati morate zastavo <a href='chrome://flags/#enable-panels' id='panelsflag'>--enable-panels</a>). <sup style='color:red; font-weight: bold;'>EKSPERIMENTALNO</sup>",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_savebutton": {
+		"message": "Shrani",
+		"description": "Save button in the settings page"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage": {
+		"message": "Dodaj jezik",
+		"description": "Title for the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage_addbutton": {
+		"message": "Dodaj",
+		"description": "Add button in the footer of the languages list"
+	},
+	"options_language_label": {
+		"message": "Jezik:",
+		"description": "Label for the language selector in the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits": {
+		"message": "Zasluge",
+		"description": "Title for the credits link and dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits_homepage": {
+		"message": "domača stran",
+		"description": "Homepage link for an item in the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters"
+	},
+	"options_credits_by": {
+		"message": "avtorja/ice",
+		"description": "Fragment of the author statement in an item of the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters. EXAMPLE: '{{options_credits_by}} Adrià Vilanova Martínez'"
+	},
+	"options_ok": {
+		"message": "V redu",
+		"description": "OK button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"options_cancel": {
+		"message": "Prekliči",
+		"description": "Cancel button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"notification_install_title": {
+		"message": "Hvala, ker ste namestili 'Translate Selected Text'"
+	},
+	"notification_install_message": {
+		"message": "Kliknite to obvestilo, da jo nastavite."
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_title": {
+		"message": "'Translate Selected Text' je bil posodobljen na različico 0.6!"
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_message": {
+		"message": "Zdaj bodo vaše možnosti enake na vseh vaših napravah! Slabost tega je, da morate žal to razširitev ponovno nastaviti :-( Kliknite to obvestilo, da jo nastavite."
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_title": {
+		"message": "'Translate Selected Text' je bil posodobljen na različico 0.7!"
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_message": {
+		"message": "Zdaj lahko nastavite, v kakšnem zaporedju naj se jeziki pojavijo v kontekstnem meniju. "
+	}
diff --git a/src/_locales/tr/messages.json b/src/_locales/tr/messages.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93e2f59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/_locales/tr/messages.json
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+	"appName": {
+		"message": "Seçilen Metni Çevir",
+		"description": "The app name"
+	},
+	"appBetaName": {
+		"message": "Seçilen Metni Çevir (Beta)",
+		"description": "The beta app name"
+	},
+	"appDescription": {
+		"message": "Seçili metni Google Translate ile çevir",
+		"description": "The app description"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title": {
+		"message": "Seçimi çevir...",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done. Inside this parent menu there are the menus"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title2": {
+		"message": "Seçimi '$language$' diline çevir",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done and there's only one language available.",
+		"placeholders": {
+			"language": {
+				"content": "$1",
+				"example": "Language to translate into."
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	"contextmenu_edit": {
+		"message": "Dil seçimi...",
+		"description": "Title of the option inside the 'Translate section into...' context menu."
+	},
+	"options_welcome": {
+		"message": "Hoşgeldiniz!",
+		"description": "Title of the options page"
+	},
+	"options_introduction": {
+		"message": "Lütfen, \"çevir\" menüsünde görüntülenmesini istediğiniz dilleri seçin.",
+		"description": "Introduction paragraph to the options pages"
+	},
+	"options_languageselectheader": {
+		"message": "Diller:",
+		"description": "Header of the language select option."
+	},
+	"options_otheroptionsheader": {
+		"message": "Diğer seçenekler:",
+		"description": "Header of the options page."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_1": {
+		"message": "Her çeviri için yeni bir sekmede Google Translate'i açın.",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_2": {
+		"message": "Tek bir sekmede Google Translate'i açın ve birden fazla sekme açmak yerine en yeni çeviriyi değiştirin.",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_3": {
+		"message": "Google Translate'i bir panelde açın ( <a href='chrome://flags/#enable-panels' id='panelsflag'>--panelleri etkinleştir</a> bayrağını aktifleştirmeniz gerekli). <sup style='color:red; font-weight: bold;'> DENEYSEL </sup>",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_savebutton": {
+		"message": "Kaydet",
+		"description": "Save button in the settings page"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage": {
+		"message": "Dil Ekle",
+		"description": "Title for the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage_addbutton": {
+		"message": "Ekle",
+		"description": "Add button in the footer of the languages list"
+	},
+	"options_language_label": {
+		"message": "Dil:",
+		"description": "Label for the language selector in the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits": {
+		"message": "Kredi",
+		"description": "Title for the credits link and dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits_homepage": {
+		"message": "anasayfa",
+		"description": "Homepage link for an item in the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters"
+	},
+	"options_credits_by": {
+		"message": "tarafından",
+		"description": "Fragment of the author statement in an item of the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters. EXAMPLE: '{{options_credits_by}} Adrià Vilanova Martínez'"
+	},
+	"options_ok": {
+		"message": "Tamam",
+		"description": "OK button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"options_cancel": {
+		"message": "İptal",
+		"description": "Cancel button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"notification_install_title": {
+		"message": "'Seçili Metni Çevir' seçeneğini yüklediğiniz için teşekkür ederiz"
+	},
+	"notification_install_message": {
+		"message": "Uzantıyı yapılandırmak için bu bildirimi tıklayın."
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_title": {
+		"message": "'Seçili Metni Çevir' v0.6'ya güncellendi!"
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_message": {
+		"message": "Artık ayarlarınız tüm cihazlarınız üzerinde senkronize olacak! Tek kötü tarafi, uzantıyı yeniden yüklemeniz gerekmesi. :-( Yüklemek için bu bildirimi tıklayın."
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_title": {
+		"message": "'Seçili Metni Çevir' v0.7'ye güncellendi!"
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_message": {
+		"message": "Şimdi dillerin içerik menüsünde görünmesini istediğiniz sırayı yapılandırabilirsiniz. "
+	}
diff --git a/src/_locales/zh_CN/messages.json b/src/_locales/zh_CN/messages.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29cf33b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/_locales/zh_CN/messages.json
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+	"appName": {
+		"message": "应用程序名称",
+		"description": "The app name"
+	},
+	"appBetaName": {
+		"message": "应用程序名称 (Beta)",
+		"description": "The beta app name"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title": {
+		"message": "将所选内容转换为...",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done. Inside this parent menu there are the menus"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title2": {
+		"message": "将所选内容转换为 \"$language$\"",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done and there's only one language available.",
+		"placeholders": {
+			"language": {
+				"content": "$1",
+				"example": "Language to translate into."
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	"contextmenu_edit": {
+		"message": "编辑语言...",
+		"description": "Title of the option inside the 'Translate section into...' context menu."
+	},
+	"options_welcome": {
+		"message": "欢迎!",
+		"description": "Title of the options page"
+	},
+	"options_introduction": {
+		"message": "请在 \"翻译\" 菜单中选择要显示的语言。",
+		"description": "Introduction paragraph to the options pages"
+	},
+	"options_languageselectheader": {
+		"message": "语言:",
+		"description": "Header of the language select option."
+	},
+	"options_otheroptionsheader": {
+		"message": "其他选项:",
+		"description": "Header of the options page."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_1": {
+		"message": "为每一个翻译在一个新的标签打开谷歌翻译。",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_2": {
+		"message": "在唯一标签中打开Google翻译,并覆盖最后一次翻译,而不是打开多个标签。",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_3": {
+		"message": "在面板中打开Google翻译(您需要激活<a href='chrome://flags/#enable-panels' id='panelsflag'>--enable-panels</a> flag). <sup style='color:red; font-weight: bold;'> 实验L</sup>",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_savebutton": {
+		"message": "保存",
+		"description": "Save button in the settings page"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage": {
+		"message": "添加语言",
+		"description": "Title for the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage_addbutton": {
+		"message": "添加",
+		"description": "Add button in the footer of the languages list"
+	},
+	"options_language_label": {
+		"message": "语言:",
+		"description": "Label for the language selector in the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits": {
+		"message": "贡献人员",
+		"description": "Title for the credits link and dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits_homepage": {
+		"message": "主页",
+		"description": "Homepage link for an item in the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters"
+	},
+	"options_credits_by": {
+		"message": "由",
+		"description": "Fragment of the author statement in an item of the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters. EXAMPLE: '{{options_credits_by}} Adrià Vilanova Martínez'"
+	},
+	"options_ok": {
+		"message": "好的",
+		"description": "OK button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"options_cancel": {
+		"message": "取消",
+		"description": "Cancel button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"notification_install_title": {
+		"message": "感谢您安装“翻译所选文本”"
+	},
+	"notification_install_message": {
+		"message": "单击此通知将其设置。"
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_title": {
+		"message": "\"翻译所选文本\" 更新为 v0.6!"
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_message": {
+		"message": "现在您的选项将在所有设备上同步! \n不好的一面是你必须再次设置扩展名:-(点击这个通知进行设置。"
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_title": {
+		"message": "\"翻译所选文本\" 更新为 v0.7!"
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_message": {
+		"message": "现在您可以按照您希望语言出现在上下文菜单中的顺序进行配置。 "
+	}
diff --git a/src/_locales/zh_TW/messages.json b/src/_locales/zh_TW/messages.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f6cc4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/_locales/zh_TW/messages.json
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+	"appName": {
+		"message": "翻譯選取文字",
+		"description": "The app name"
+	},
+	"appBetaName": {
+		"message": "翻譯所選文本(Beta)",
+		"description": "The beta app name"
+	},
+	"appDescription": {
+		"message": "翻譯選擇的文本與谷歌翻譯",
+		"description": "The app description"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title": {
+		"message": "將所選內容轉換為..。",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done. Inside this parent menu there are the menus"
+	},
+	"contextmenu_title2": {
+		"message": "將選區轉換為 \"$language$\"",
+		"description": "Title of the context menu that appears when a right click is done and there's only one language available.",
+		"placeholders": {
+			"language": {
+				"content": "$1",
+				"example": "Language to translate into."
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	"contextmenu_edit": {
+		"message": "编辑语言...",
+		"description": "Title of the option inside the 'Translate section into...' context menu."
+	},
+	"options_welcome": {
+		"message": "歡迎!",
+		"description": "Title of the options page"
+	},
+	"options_introduction": {
+		"message": "请在“翻译”菜单中选择要显示的语言。",
+		"description": "Introduction paragraph to the options pages"
+	},
+	"options_languageselectheader": {
+		"message": "語言:",
+		"description": "Header of the language select option."
+	},
+	"options_otheroptionsheader": {
+		"message": "其他選項",
+		"description": "Header of the options page."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_1": {
+		"message": "在每个翻译的新标签页中打开Google翻译。",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_2": {
+		"message": "在唯一標籤中打開Google翻譯,並覆蓋最後一次翻譯,而不是打開多個標籤。",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_tabsoption_3": {
+		"message": "在面板中打開Google翻譯(您需要激活<a href='chrome://flags/#enable-panels' id='panelsflag'> - 啟用面板</a>標誌)。 <sup style ='color:red; font-weight:bold;'>實驗</ sup>",
+		"description": "Option which defines how should the app behave in relation to tabs."
+	},
+	"options_savebutton": {
+		"message": "儲存",
+		"description": "Save button in the settings page"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage": {
+		"message": "添加語言",
+		"description": "Title for the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_addlanguage_addbutton": {
+		"message": "添加",
+		"description": "Add button in the footer of the languages list"
+	},
+	"options_language_label": {
+		"message": "语言:",
+		"description": "Label for the language selector in the 'Add language' dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits": {
+		"message": "製作人員",
+		"description": "Title for the credits link and dialog"
+	},
+	"options_credits_homepage": {
+		"message": "首頁",
+		"description": "Homepage link for an item in the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters"
+	},
+	"options_credits_by": {
+		"message": "由",
+		"description": "Fragment of the author statement in an item of the credits. NOTE: put in in lowercase letters. EXAMPLE: '{{options_credits_by}} Adrià Vilanova Martínez'"
+	},
+	"options_ok": {
+		"message": "好的",
+		"description": "OK button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"options_cancel": {
+		"message": "取消",
+		"description": "Cancel button in the dialogs"
+	},
+	"notification_install_title": {
+		"message": "感謝您安裝 Translate Selected Text “翻譯所選文本”"
+	},
+	"notification_install_message": {
+		"message": "按一下此通知將其設置。"
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_title": {
+		"message": "\"翻譯所選文本\" 更新為 v0.6!"
+	},
+	"notification_upgradedtostorage_message": {
+		"message": "現在您的選項將在所有設備上同步! \n壞的一面是你必須重新設置擴展名:-(點擊這個通知來設置它。"
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_title": {
+		"message": "\"翻譯所選文本\" 更新為 v0.7!"
+	},
+	"notification_reorder_message": {
+		"message": "現在, 您可以配置您希望語言在內容功能表中顯示的順序。"
+	}