| make_target: release_chromium_canary |
| - name: Get name of the compiled ZIP file |
| cmd: "ls -Art | tail -n 1" |
| chdir: "{{ zuul.project.src_dir }}/out" |
| - name: Check the ZIP file name is non-empty |
| when: zip_file.stdout == "" |
| msg: "zip_file.stdout is empty" |
| - name: Print ZIP file name |
| when: not (zip_file.stdout == "") |
| msg: "zip_file.stdout is \"{{ zip_file.stdout }}\"" |
| - when: not (dryRun|bool) |
| extensionId: "{{ canaryTstExtensionId }}" |
| clientId: "{{ credentials.clientId }}" |
| clientSecret: "{{ credentials.clientSecret }}" |
| refreshToken: "{{ credentials.refreshToken }}" |
| workingDirectory: "{{ zuul.project.src_dir }}/out" |
| zipFile: "{{ zip_file.stdout|quote }}" |