Refactor options page to use Typescript

Also, I've added and ran eslint, and fixed several minor issues accross
the Typescript codebase.

Bug: translateselectedtext:15
Change-Id: I8cfd67697f9bfb22f6de93b64fd750de66bab863
diff --git a/src/options/elements/options-editor/options-editor.ts b/src/options/elements/options-editor/options-editor.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d0422e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/options/elements/options-editor/options-editor.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+import './languages-editor';
+import {css, html, LitElement} from 'lit';
+import {customElement, property} from 'lit/decorators.js';
+import {map} from 'lit/directives/map.js';
+import {msg} from '../../../common/i18n';
+import {OptionsV0, TAB_OPTIONS, TabOptionValue} from '../../../common/options';
+import {SHARED_STYLES} from '../../shared/shared-styles';
+export default class OptionsEditor extends LitElement {
+  @property({type: Object}) storageData: OptionsV0;
+  static get styles() {
+    return [
+      css`
+        #otheroptions p {
+          margin-top: 0;
+          margin-bottom: 8px;
+        }
+      `,
+    ];
+  }
+  render() {
+    const currentTabOption = this.storageData?.uniquetab;
+    const otherOptions = map(TAB_OPTIONS, (option, i) => {
+      const checked = option.value == currentTabOption ||
+          option.deprecatedValues.includes(currentTabOption);
+      return html`
+            <p>
+              <input type="radio" name="uniquetab" id="uniquetab_${i}"
+                  value="${option?.value}" .checked="${checked}"
+                  @change="${() => this.changeTabOption(option.value)}">
+              <label for="uniquetab_${i}">${msg(option.labelMsg)}</label></p>
+          `;
+    });
+    return html`
+      <languages-editor .languages="${this.storageData?.translateinto}">
+      </languages-editor>
+      <h2 id="otheroptionsheader">${msg('options_otheroptionsheader')}</h2>
+      <div id="otheroptions">
+        ${otherOptions}
+      </div>
+    `;
+  }
+  changeTabOption(value: TabOptionValue) {
+{uniquetab: value}, function() {
+      chrome.runtime.sendMessage({action: 'clearTranslatorTab'});
+    });
+  }