| site_name: avm99963 |
| site_url: https://support.avm99963.com/ |
| site_author: Adrià Vilanova Martínez (@avm99963) |
| theme: |
| name: 'material' |
| language: 'es' |
| icon: |
| logo: material/help-box |
| repo_name: avm99963/support.avm99963.com |
| repo_url: https://github.com/avm99963/support.avm99963.com |
| extra_css: ["css/styles.css"] |
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| nav: |
| - 'Sobre esta web': 'index.md' |
| - 'Chrome': |
| - 'Malware en Chrome': 'chrome/malware.md' |
| - 'Inhabilitar extensiones de Chrome': 'chrome/diagnostico-extensiones.md' |
| - 'Chrome no carga páginas web': 'chrome/no-carga-paginas-web.md' |
| - 'Canales de Chrome': 'chrome/canales.md' |
| - 'Error con certificado': 'chrome/error-certificado.md' |
| - 'Traducciones': |
| - 'Descarte y recarga de pestañas': 'chrome/traducciones/descarte-recarga-pestanas.md' |
| - 'Ataques locales en Chrome': 'chrome/traducciones/ataques-locales-chrome.md' |
| - 'Para desarrolladores': |
| - 'Vida de un objeto URLRequest': 'chrome/desarrolladores/vida-de-una-url-request.md' |
| - 'Un curso rápido sobre diagnóstico de problemas con chrome://net-internals': 'chrome/desarrolladores/curso-diagnostico-net-internals.md' |
| - 'Gmail': |
| - 'Cambiar el idioma de Gmail': 'gmail/cambiar-idioma.md' |
| extra: |
| social: |
| - icon: material/web |
| link: https://avm99963.com |
| - icon: fontawesome/brands/github |
| link: https://github.com/avm99963 |
| - icon: fontawesome/brands/twitter |
| link: https://twitter.com/avm99963 |
| copyright: Copyright © Adrià Vilanova Martínez. Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License</a>. |