blob: 6e6d8adbfd2f5facda414dc42bf332df30a5537f [file] [log] [blame]
avm9996304def3e2016-11-27 22:53:05 +01001// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. Use of this
2// source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the
3// LICENSE file.
5function isHighVersion() {
6 var version = navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)/)[1];
7 return version > 9;
10function $(id) {
11 return document.getElementById(id);
13function i18nReplace(id, messageKey) {
14 return $(id).innerHTML = chrome.i18n.getMessage(messageKey);
avm9996304def3e2016-11-27 22:53:05 +010016
17var bg = chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage();
18var canvas = new Canvas();
19var photoshop = {
20 canvas: document.createElement("canvas"),
21 tabTitle: '',
22 startX: 0,
23 startY: 0,
24 endX: 0,
25 endY: 0,
26 dragFlag: false,
27 flag: 'rectangle',
28 layerId: 'layer0',
29 canvasId: '',
30 color: '#ff0000',
31 highlightColor: '',
32 lastValidAction: 0,
33 markedArea: [],
34 isDraw: true,
35 offsetX: 0,
36 offsetY: 36,
37 nowHeight: 0,
38 nowWidth: 0,
39 highlightType: 'border',
40 highlightMode: 'rectangle',
41 text: '',
43 i18nReplace: i18nReplace,
45 initCanvas: function() {
46 $('canvas').width = $('mask-canvas').width = $('photo').style.width =
47 photoshop.canvas.width = bg.screenshot.canvas.width;
48 $('canvas').height = $('mask-canvas').height = $('photo').style.height =
49 photoshop.canvas.height = bg.screenshot.canvas.height;
50 var context = photoshop.canvas.getContext('2d');
51 context.drawImage(bg.screenshot.canvas, 0, 0);
52 context = $('canvas').getContext('2d');
53 context.drawImage(photoshop.canvas, 0, 0);
54 $('canvas').style.display = 'block';
55 },
57 init: function() {
58 photoshop.initTools();
59 photoshop.initCanvas();
60 photoshop.tabTitle =;
61 var showBoxHeight = function() {
62 $('showBox').style.height = window.innerHeight - photoshop.offsetY - 1;
63 }
64 setTimeout(showBoxHeight, 50);
65 },
67 markCurrentElement: function(element) {
68 if (element && element.parentNode) {
69 var children = element.parentNode.children;
70 for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
71 var node = children[i];
72 if (node == element) {
73 element.className = 'mark';
74 } else {
75 node.className = '';
76 }
77 }
78 }
79 },
81 setHighLightMode: function() {
82 photoshop.highlightType = localStorage.highlightType || 'border';
83 photoshop.color = localStorage.highlightColor || '#FF0000';
84 $(photoshop.layerId).style.border = '2px solid ' + photoshop.color;
85 if (photoshop.highlightType == 'rect') {
86 $(photoshop.layerId).style.backgroundColor = photoshop.color;
87 $(photoshop.layerId).style.opacity = 0.5;
88 }
89 if (photoshop.flag == 'rectangle') {
90 $(photoshop.layerId).style.borderRadius = '0 0';
91 } else if (photoshop.flag == 'radiusRectangle') {
92 $(photoshop.layerId).style.borderRadius = '6px 6px';
93 } else if (photoshop.flag == 'ellipse') {
94 $(photoshop.layerId).style.border = '0';
95 $(photoshop.layerId).style.backgroundColor = '';
96 $(photoshop.layerId).style.opacity = 1;
97 }
99 },
101 setBlackoutMode: function() {
102 photoshop.color = '#000000';
103 $(photoshop.layerId).style.opacity = 1;
104 $(photoshop.layerId).style.backgroundColor = '#000000';
105 $(photoshop.layerId).style.border = '2px solid #000000';
106 },
108 setTextMode: function() {
109 localStorage.fontSize = localStorage.fontSize || '16';
110 photoshop.color = localStorage.fontColor =
111 localStorage.fontColor || '#FF0000';
112 $(photoshop.layerId).setAttribute('contentEditable', true);
113 $(photoshop.layerId).style.border = '1px dotted #333333';
114 $(photoshop.layerId).style.cursor = 'text';
115 $(photoshop.layerId).style.lineHeight = localStorage.fontSize + 'px';
116 $(photoshop.layerId).style.fontSize = localStorage.fontSize + 'px';
117 $(photoshop.layerId).style.color = photoshop.color;
118 $(photoshop.layerId).innerHTML = '<br/>';
119 var layer = $(photoshop.layerId);
120 var id = photoshop.layerId;
121 layer.addEventListener('blur', function() {
122 photoshop.setTextToArray(id);
123 }, true);
124 layer.addEventListener('click', function() {
125 = '1px dotted #333333';
126 }, true);
127 layer.addEventListener('mouseout', function() {
128 if (!photoshop.dragFlag) {
129 = 0;
130 }
131 }, false);
132 layer.addEventListener('mousemove', function() {
133 = '1px dotted #333333';
134 }, false);
135 },
137 setTextToArray: function(id) {
138 var str = $(id).innerText.split("\n");
139 if (photoshop.markedArea.length > 0) {
140 for (var i = photoshop.markedArea.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
141 if (photoshop.markedArea[i].id == id) {
142 photoshop.markedArea[i].context = str;
143 break;
144 }
145 }
146 $(id).style.borderWidth = 0;
147 }
148 },
150 openOptionPage: function() {
151 chrome.tabs.create({url: chrome.extension.getURL("options.html")});
152 },
154 closeCurrentTab: function() {
155 chrome.tabs.getSelected(null, function(tab) {
156 chrome.tabs.remove(;
157 });
158 },
160 finish: function() {
161 var context = $('canvas').getContext('2d');
162 context.drawImage(photoshop.canvas, 0, 0);
163 },
165 colorRgba: function(color, opacity) {
166 var sColor = color.toLowerCase();
167 var sColorChange = [];
168 for (var i = 1; i < sColor.length; i += 2) {
169 sColorChange.push(parseInt("0x" + sColor.slice(i,i + 2)));
170 }
171 return "rgba(" + sColorChange.join(",") + "," + opacity + ")";
172 },
174 /**
175 * Undo the current operation
176 */
177 toDo: function(element, what) {
178 photoshop.flag = what;
179 photoshop.isDraw = true;
180 photoshop.markCurrentElement(element);
181 },
183 setDivStyle: function(x, y) {
184 $(photoshop.layerId).setAttribute("style", "");
185 $(photoshop.layerId).setAttribute("contentEditable", false);
186 switch(photoshop.flag) {
187 case 'rectangle':
188 case 'radiusRectangle':
189 case 'ellipse':
190 photoshop.setHighLightMode();
191 break;
192 case 'redact':
193 photoshop.setBlackoutMode();
194 break;
195 case 'text':
196 photoshop.setTextMode();
197 break;
198 case 'line':
199 case 'arrow':
200 photoshop.drawLineOnMaskCanvas(x, y, x, y, 'lineStart',
201 photoshop.layerId);
202 break;
203 case 'blur':
204 photoshop.createCanvas(photoshop.layerId);
205 break;
206 }
207 },
209 /**
210 * Create a layer and set style
211 */
212 createDiv: function() {
213 photoshop.lastValidAction++;
214 photoshop.layerId = 'layer' + photoshop.lastValidAction;
215 if ($(photoshop.layerId)) {
216 photoshop.removeElement(photoshop.layerId);
217 }
218 var divElement = document.createElement('div');
219 = photoshop.layerId;
220 divElement.className = 'layer';
221 $('photo').appendChild(divElement);
222 if (photoshop.flag == 'blur') {
223 photoshop.createCanvas(photoshop.layerId);
224 }
225 return divElement;
226 },
228 createCanvas: function(parentId) {
229 photoshop.canvasId = 'cav-' + parentId;
230 if (!$(photoshop.canvasId)) {
231 var cav = document.createElement('canvas');
232 = photoshop.canvasId;
233 cav.width = 10;
234 cav.height = 10;
235 $(photoshop.layerId).appendChild(cav);
236 return cav;
237 }
238 return $(photoshop.canvasId);
240 },
242 createCloseButton: function(parent, id, left, top, flag) {
243 var imgElement = document.createElement('img');
244 = id;
245 imgElement.src = 'images/cross.png';
246 imgElement.className = 'closeButton';
247 = left - 15 + 'px';
248 if (photoshop.flag == 'line' || photoshop.flag == 'arrow') {
249 = left / 2 - 5 + 'px';
250 = top / 2 - 5 + 'px';
251 }
252 imgElement.onclick = function() {
253 $(parent).style.display = 'none';
254 photoshop.removeLayer(parent);
255 };
256 $(parent).onmousemove = function() {
257 if (!photoshop.dragFlag) {
258 photoshop.showCloseButton(id);
259 $(parent).style.zIndex = 110;
260 photoshop.isDraw = (flag == 'text' ? false : photoshop.isDraw);
261 }
262 };
263 $(parent).onmouseout = function() {
264 photoshop.hideCloseButton(id);
265 $(parent).style.zIndex = 100;
266 photoshop.isDraw = true;
267 };
268 $(parent).appendChild(imgElement);
269 return imgElement;
270 },
272 showCloseButton: function(id) {
273 $(id).style.display = 'block';
274 },
276 hideCloseButton: function(id) {
277 $(id).style.display = 'none';
278 photoshop.isDraw = true;
279 },
281 removeLayer: function(id) {
282 for (var i = 0; i < photoshop.markedArea.length; i++) {
283 if (photoshop.markedArea[i].id == id) {
284 photoshop.markedArea.splice(i, 1);
285 break;
286 }
287 }
288 photoshop.removeElement(id);
289 },
291 /**
292 * Set the starting point(x,y) when mouse pressed
293 */
294 onMouseDown: function(event) {
295 if (photoshop.isDraw && event.button != 2) {
296 photoshop.startX = event.pageX + $('showBox').scrollLeft -
297 photoshop.offsetX;
298 photoshop.startY = event.pageY + $('showBox').scrollTop -
299 photoshop.offsetY;
300 photoshop.setDivStyle(photoshop.startX, photoshop.startY);
301 photoshop.dragFlag = true;
303 $(photoshop.layerId).style.left = photoshop.startX + 'px';
304 $(photoshop.layerId) = photoshop.startY + 'px';
305 $(photoshop.layerId).style.height = 0;
306 $(photoshop.layerId).style.width = 0;
307 $(photoshop.layerId).style.display = 'block';
308 }
309 },
311 onMouseUp: function(event) {
312 $('mask-canvas').style.zIndex = 10;
313 photoshop.endX = event.pageX + $('showBox').scrollLeft -
314 photoshop.offsetX;
315 if (photoshop.endX > photoshop.canvas.width) {
316 photoshop.endX = photoshop.canvas.width ;
317 }
319 if (photoshop.endX < 0) {
320 photoshop.endX = 0;
321 }
323 photoshop.endY = event.pageY + $('showBox').scrollTop -
324 photoshop.offsetY;
325 if (photoshop.endY > photoshop.canvas.height) {
326 photoshop.endY = photoshop.canvas.height ;
327 }
328 if (photoshop.endY < 0) {
329 photoshop.endY = 0;
330 }
331 if (photoshop.isDraw && photoshop.dragFlag && (photoshop.endX !=
332 photoshop.startX || photoshop.endY != photoshop.startY)) {
333 if (photoshop.flag == 'line' || photoshop.flag == 'arrow') {
334 photoshop.drawLineOnMaskCanvas(photoshop.startX, photoshop.startY,
335 photoshop.endX, photoshop.endY, 'drawEnd', photoshop.layerId);
336 } else if (photoshop.flag == 'blur') {
337 canvas.blurImage(photoshop.canvas, $(photoshop.canvasId),
338 photoshop.layerId, photoshop.startX, photoshop.startY,
339 photoshop.endX, photoshop.endY);
340 } else if (photoshop.flag == 'ellipse') {
341 photoshop.drawEllipseOnMaskCanvas(photoshop.endX,
342 photoshop.endY, 'end', photoshop.layerId);
343 }
344 photoshop.markedArea.push({
345 'id': photoshop.layerId,
346 'startX': photoshop.startX,
347 'startY': photoshop.startY,
348 'endX': photoshop.endX,
349 'endY': photoshop.endY,
350 'width': photoshop.nowWidth,
351 'height': photoshop.nowHeight,
352 'flag': photoshop.flag,
353 'highlightType': photoshop.highlightType,
354 'fontSize': localStorage.fontSize,
355 'color': photoshop.color,
356 'context': ''
357 });
358 $(photoshop.layerId).focus();
359 var imageBtnId = 'close_' + photoshop.layerId;
360 photoshop.createCloseButton(photoshop.layerId, imageBtnId,
361 photoshop.nowWidth, photoshop.nowHeight, photoshop.flag);
362 photoshop.createDiv();
363 } else if (photoshop.endX ==
364 photoshop.startX && photoshop.endY == photoshop.startY) {
365 photoshop.removeElement(photoshop.layerId);
366 photoshop.createDiv();
367 }
368 photoshop.dragFlag = false;
370 },
372 /**
373 * Refresh div‘s height and width when the mouse move
374 */
375 onMouseMove: function(event) {
376 if(photoshop.dragFlag) {
377 $('mask-canvas').style.zIndex = 200;
378 photoshop.endX = event.pageX + $('showBox').scrollLeft -
379 photoshop.offsetX;
380 if (photoshop.endX > photoshop.canvas.width) {
381 photoshop.endX = photoshop.canvas.width ;
382 }
384 if (photoshop.endX < 0) {
385 photoshop.endX = 0;
386 }
388 photoshop.endY = event.pageY + $('showBox').scrollTop -
389 photoshop.offsetY;
390 if (photoshop.endY > photoshop.canvas.height) {
391 photoshop.endY = photoshop.canvas.height ;
392 }
393 if (photoshop.endY < 0) {
394 photoshop.endY = 0;
395 }
396 photoshop.nowHeight = photoshop.endY - photoshop.startY - 1 ;
397 photoshop.nowWidth = photoshop.endX - photoshop.startX - 1 ;
399 if(photoshop.nowHeight < 0) {
400 $(photoshop.layerId) = photoshop.endY + 'px';
401 photoshop.nowHeight = -1 * photoshop.nowHeight;
402 }
403 if(photoshop.nowWidth < 0) {
404 $(photoshop.layerId).style.left = photoshop.endX + 'px';
405 photoshop.nowWidth = -1 * photoshop.nowWidth;
406 }
408 $(photoshop.layerId).style.height = photoshop.nowHeight - 3;
409 $(photoshop.layerId).style.width = photoshop.nowWidth - 3;
410 if (photoshop.flag == 'line' || photoshop.flag == 'arrow') {
411 photoshop.drawLineOnMaskCanvas(photoshop.startX, photoshop.startY,
412 photoshop.endX, photoshop.endY, 'lineDrawing', photoshop.layerId);
413 } else if (photoshop.flag == 'blur') {
414 $(photoshop.layerId).style.height = photoshop.nowHeight ;
415 $(photoshop.layerId).style.width = photoshop.nowWidth ;
416 canvas.blurImage(photoshop.canvas, $(photoshop.canvasId),
417 photoshop.layerId, photoshop.startX, photoshop.startY,
418 photoshop.endX, photoshop.endY);
419 } else if (photoshop.flag == 'ellipse') {
420 photoshop.drawEllipseOnMaskCanvas(photoshop.endX,
421 photoshop.endY, 'drawing', photoshop.layerId);
422 }
423 }
425 },
427 /**
428 * Remove a div
429 */
430 removeElement: function(id) {
431 if($(id)) {
432 $(id).parentNode.removeChild($(id));
433 }
434 },
436 /**
437 * Use fillStyle, fillText and fillRect functions to draw rectangles,
438 * and render to canvas
439 */
440 draw: function() {
441 var context = $('canvas').getContext('2d');
442 for (var j = 0; j < photoshop.markedArea.length; j++) {
443 var mark = photoshop.markedArea[j];
444 var x = (mark.startX < mark.endX) ? mark.startX : mark.endX;
445 var y = (mark.startY < mark.endY) ? mark.startY : mark.endY;
446 var width = mark.width;
447 var height = mark.height;
448 var color = mark.color;
449 switch(mark.flag) {
450 case 'rectangle':
451 if (mark.highlightType == 'border') {
452 canvas.drawStrokeRect(context, color, x, y, width, height, 2);
453 } else {
454 var color = changeColorToRgba(color, 0.5);
455 canvas.drawFillRect(context, color, x, y, width, height);
456 }
457 break;
458 case 'radiusRectangle':
459 canvas.drawRoundedRect(
460 context, color, x, y, width, height, 6, mark.highlightType);
461 break;
462 case 'ellipse':
463 x = (mark.startX + mark.endX) / 2;
464 y = (mark.startY + mark.endY) / 2;
465 var xAxis = Math.abs(mark.endX - mark.startX) / 2;
466 var yAxis = Math.abs(mark.endY - mark.startY) / 2;
467 canvas.drawEllipse(
468 context, color, x, y, xAxis, yAxis, 3, mark.highlightType);
469 break;
470 case 'redact':
471 canvas.drawFillRect(context, color, x, y, width, height);
472 break;
473 case 'text':
474 for (var i = 0; i < mark.context.length; i++) {
475 canvas.setText(
476 context, mark.context[i], color, mark.fontSize, 'arial',
477 mark.fontSize, x, y + mark.fontSize * i, width);
478 }
479 break;
480 case 'blur':
481 var imageData = context.getImageData(
482 x, y, photoshop.markedArea[j].width,
483 photoshop.markedArea[j].height);
484 imageData = canvas.boxBlur(
485 imageData, photoshop.markedArea[j].width,
486 photoshop.markedArea[j].height, 10);
487 context.putImageData(
488 imageData, x, y, 0, 0, photoshop.markedArea[j].width,
489 photoshop.markedArea[j].height);
490 break;
491 case 'line':
492 canvas.drawLine(
493 context, color, 'round', 2,
494 mark.startX, mark.startY, mark.endX, mark.endY);
495 break;
496 case 'arrow':
497 canvas.drawArrow(
498 context, color, 2, 4, 10, 'round',
499 mark.startX, mark.startY, mark.endX, mark.endY);
500 break;
501 }
502 }
503 },
avm99963873bf6f2021-02-07 00:01:31 +0100505 save: function() {
506 photoshop.draw();
avm99963476a2a62021-02-07 00:40:02 +0100507'screenshotQuality', formatParam => {
508 var formatParam = formatParam || 'png';
509 var dataUrl;
510 var isJpeg = formatParam == 'jpeg';
511 $('canvas').toBlob(function(blob) {
512 saveAs(blob, chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage().screenshot.screenshotName+".png");
513 }, 'image/' + (isJpeg ? 'jpeg' : 'png'), (isJpeg ? 0.5 : null));
514 photoshop.finish();
515 });
avm99963873bf6f2021-02-07 00:01:31 +0100516 },
avm9996304def3e2016-11-27 22:53:05 +0100518 drawLineOnMaskCanvas: function(startX, startY, endX, endY, type, layerId) {
519 var ctx = $('mask-canvas').getContext('2d');
520 ctx.clearRect(0, 0, $('mask-canvas').width, $('mask-canvas').height);
521 if (type == 'drawEnd') {
522 var offset = 20;
523 var width = Math.abs(endX - photoshop.startX) > 0 ?
524 Math.abs(endX - photoshop.startX): 0;
525 var height = Math.abs(endY - photoshop.startY) > 0 ?
526 Math.abs(endY - photoshop.startY): 0;
527 var offsetLeft = parseInt($(layerId).style.left);
528 var offsetTop = parseInt($(layerId);
529 startX = startX - offsetLeft + offset / 2;
530 startY = startY - offsetTop + offset / 2;
531 endX = endX - offsetLeft + offset / 2;
532 endY = endY - offsetTop + offset / 2;
533 $(layerId).style.left = offsetLeft - offset / 2;
534 $(layerId) = offsetTop - offset / 2;
535 var cavCopy = photoshop.createCanvas(layerId);
536 cavCopy.width = width + offset;
537 cavCopy.height = height + offset;
538 ctx = cavCopy.getContext('2d');
539 }
540 if (localStorage.lineType == 'line') {
541 canvas.drawLine(ctx, localStorage.lineColor, 'round', 2,
542 startX, startY, endX, endY);
543 } else {
544 canvas.drawArrow(ctx, localStorage.lineColor, 2, 4, 10, 'round',
545 startX, startY, endX, endY)
546 }
548 },
550 createColorPadStr: function(element, type) {
551 var colorList = ['#000000', '#0036ff', '#008000', '#dacb23', '#d56400',
552 '#c70000', '#be00b3', '#1e2188', '#0090ff', '#22cc01', '#ffff00',
553 '#ff9600', '#ff0000', '#ff008e', '#7072c3', '#49d2ff', '#9dff3d',
554 '#ffffff', '#ffbb59', '#ff6b6b', '#ff6bbd'];
556 var div = document.createElement("div");
557 = "colorpad";
558 element.appendChild(div);
560 for(var i = 0; i < colorList.length; i++) {
561 var a = document.createElement("a");
562 var color = colorList[i];
563 = color;
564 a.title = color;
565 = color;
566 if (color == '#ffffff') {
567 = "1px solid #444";
568 = "12px"
569 = "12px";
570 }
571 a.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
572 photoshop.colorPadPick(, type);
573 return false;
574 });
575 div.appendChild(a);
576 }
577 },
579 colorPadPick: function(color, type) {
580 photoshop.color = color;
581 if(type == 'highlight') {
582 localStorage.highlightColor = color;
583 photoshop.setHighlightColorBoxStyle(color);
584 } else if(type == 'text') {
585 localStorage.fontColor = color;
586 $('fontColorBox').style.backgroundColor = color;
587 } else if (type == 'line') {
588 localStorage.lineColor = color;
589 photoshop.setLineColorBoxStyle();
590 } else if (type == 'ellipse') {
591 $('ellipseBox').style.borderColor = color;
592 }
593 },
595 setHighlightColorBoxStyle: function(color) {
596 var highlightColorBox = $('highlightColorBox');
597 = color;
598 localStorage.highlightType = localStorage.highlightType || 'border';
599 if (localStorage.highlightType == 'border') {
600 = '#ffffff';
601 = 1;
602 $('borderMode').className = 'mark';
603 $('rectMode').className = '';
604 } else if (localStorage.highlightType == 'rect') {
605 = color;
606 = 0.5;
607 $('borderMode').className = '';
608 $('rectMode').className = 'mark';
609 }
610 if (photoshop.flag == 'rectangle') {
611 = '0 0';
612 } else if (photoshop.flag == 'radiusRectangle') {
613 = '3px 3px';
614 } else if (photoshop.flag == 'ellipse') {
615 = '12px 12px';
616 }
617 photoshop.markCurrentElement($(photoshop.flag));
618 },
620 setBlackoutColorBoxStyle: function() {
621 localStorage.blackoutType = localStorage.blackoutType || 'redact';
622 if (localStorage.blackoutType == 'redact') {
623 $('blackoutBox').className = 'rectBox';
624 $('redact').className = 'mark';
625 $('blur').className = '';
626 } else if (localStorage.blackoutType == 'blur') {
627 $('blackoutBox').className = 'blurBox';
628 $('redact').className = '';
629 $('blur').className = 'mark';
630 }
631 },
633 setFontSize: function(size) {
634 var id = 'size_' + size;
635 localStorage.fontSize = size;
636 $('size_10').className = '';
637 $('size_16').className = '';
638 $('size_18').className = '';
639 $('size_32').className = '';
640 $(id).className = 'mark';
641 },
643 setLineColorBoxStyle: function() {
644 localStorage.lineType = localStorage.lineType || 'line';
645 photoshop.color = localStorage.lineColor =
646 localStorage.lineColor || '#FF0000';
647 var ctx = $('lineIconCav').getContext('2d');
648 ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 14, 14);
649 if (localStorage.lineType == 'line') {
650 $('straightLine').className = 'mark';
651 $('arrow').className = '';
652 canvas.drawLine(ctx, photoshop.color, 'round', 2, 1, 13, 13, 1);
653 } else if (localStorage.lineType == 'arrow') {
654 $('straightLine').className = '';
655 $('arrow').className = 'mark';
656 canvas.drawArrow(ctx, photoshop.color, 2, 4, 7, 'round',1, 13, 13, 1);
657 }
659 },
661 initTools: function() {
662 photoshop.i18nReplace('tHighlight', 'highlight');
663 photoshop.i18nReplace('tRedact', 'redact');
664 photoshop.i18nReplace('redactText', 'solid_black');
665 photoshop.i18nReplace('tText', 'text');
666 photoshop.i18nReplace('tSave', 'save');
667 photoshop.i18nReplace('tClose', 'close');
668 photoshop.i18nReplace('border', 'border');
669 photoshop.i18nReplace('rect', 'rect');
670 photoshop.i18nReplace('blurText', 'blur');
671 photoshop.i18nReplace('lineText', 'line');
672 photoshop.i18nReplace('size_10', 'size_small');
673 photoshop.i18nReplace('size_16', 'size_normal');
674 photoshop.i18nReplace('size_18', 'size_large');
675 photoshop.i18nReplace('size_32', 'size_huge');
676 var fontSize = localStorage.fontSize = localStorage.fontSize || 16;
677 if (fontSize != 10 && fontSize != 16 && fontSize != 18 && fontSize != 32) {
678 localStorage.fontSize = 16;
679 }
680 localStorage.highlightMode = photoshop.flag =
681 localStorage.highlightMode || 'rectangle';
682 localStorage.highlightColor = localStorage.highlightColor || '#FF0000';
683 localStorage.fontColor = localStorage.fontColor || '#FF0000';
684 localStorage.highlightType = photoshop.highlightType =
685 localStorage.highlightType || 'border';
686 localStorage.blackoutType = localStorage.blackoutType || 'redact';
687 localStorage.lineType = localStorage.lineType || 'line';
688 localStorage.lineColor = localStorage.lineColor || '#FF0000';
689 photoshop.setHighlightColorBoxStyle(localStorage.highlightColor);
690 $('fontColorBox').style.backgroundColor =
691 localStorage.fontColor || '#FF0000';
692 $('btnHighlight').addEventListener('click', function() {
693 photoshop.toDo(this, localStorage.highlightMode);
694 photoshop.setHighlightColorBoxStyle(localStorage.highlightColor);
695 }, false);
697 $('btnBlackout').addEventListener('click', function() {
698 photoshop.toDo(this, localStorage.blackoutType);
699 photoshop.setBlackoutColorBoxStyle();
700 }, false);
702 $('btnText').addEventListener('click', function() {
703 photoshop.toDo(this, 'text');
704 }, false);
706 $('btnLine').addEventListener('click', function() {
707 photoshop.toDo(this, localStorage.lineType);
708 photoshop.setLineColorBoxStyle();
709 }, false);
713 photoshop.setHighlightColorBoxStyle(localStorage.highlightColor);
714 $('borderMode').addEventListener('click', function() {
715 localStorage.highlightType = 'border';
716 }, false);
717 $('rectMode').addEventListener('click', function() {
718 localStorage.highlightType = 'rect';
719 }, false);
720 $('rectangle').addEventListener('click', function() {
721 localStorage.highlightMode = photoshop.flag = 'rectangle';
722 photoshop.markCurrentElement(this);
723 }, false);
724 $('radiusRectangle').addEventListener('click', function() {
725 localStorage.highlightMode = photoshop.flag = 'radiusRectangle';
726 photoshop.markCurrentElement(this);
727 }, false);
728 $('ellipse').addEventListener('click', function() {
729 localStorage.highlightMode = photoshop.flag = 'ellipse';
730 photoshop.markCurrentElement(this);
731 }, false);
732 photoshop.setBlackoutColorBoxStyle();
733 $('redact').addEventListener('click', function() {
734 localStorage.blackoutType = 'redact';
735 }, false);
736 $('blur').addEventListener('click', function() {
737 localStorage.blackoutType = 'blur';
738 }, false);
740 photoshop.setLineColorBoxStyle();
742 photoshop.createColorPadStr($('highlightColorPad'), 'highlight');
743 photoshop.createColorPadStr($('fontColorPad'), 'text');
744 photoshop.createColorPadStr($('lineColorPad'), 'line');
746 $('straightLine').addEventListener('click', function() {
747 localStorage.lineType = 'line';
748 photoshop.setLineColorBoxStyle();
749 }, false);
750 $('arrow').addEventListener('click', function() {
751 localStorage.lineType = 'arrow';
752 photoshop.setLineColorBoxStyle();
753 }, false);
755 photoshop.setFontSize(localStorage.fontSize);
756 $('size_10').addEventListener('click', function() {
757 photoshop.setFontSize(10);
758 }, false);
759 $('size_16').addEventListener('click', function() {
760 photoshop.setFontSize(16);
761 }, false);
762 $('size_18').addEventListener('click', function() {
763 photoshop.setFontSize(18);
764 }, false);
765 $('size_32').addEventListener('click', function() {
766 photoshop.setFontSize(32);
767 }, false);
768 },
770 drawEllipseOnMaskCanvas: function(endX, endY, type, layerId) {
771 var ctx = $('mask-canvas').getContext('2d');
772 ctx.clearRect(0, 0, $('mask-canvas').width, $('mask-canvas').height);
773 var x = (photoshop.startX + endX) / 2;
774 var y = (photoshop.startY + endY) / 2;
775 var xAxis = Math.abs(endX - photoshop.startX) / 2;
776 var yAxis = Math.abs(endY - photoshop.startY) / 2;
777 canvas.drawEllipse(ctx, photoshop.color, x, y, xAxis, yAxis, 3,
778 photoshop.highlightType);
779 if (type == 'end') {
780 var offsetLeft = parseInt($(layerId).style.left);
781 var offsetTop = parseInt($(layerId);
782 var startX = photoshop.startX - offsetLeft ;
783 var startY = photoshop.startY - offsetTop ;
784 var newEndX = photoshop.endX - offsetLeft ;
785 var newEndY = photoshop.endY - offsetTop ;
786 x = (startX + newEndX) / 2;
787 y = (startY + newEndY) / 2;
788 xAxis = Math.abs(newEndX - startX) / 2;
789 yAxis = Math.abs(newEndY - startY) / 2;
790 var cavCopy = photoshop.createCanvas(layerId);
791 cavCopy.width = Math.abs(endX - photoshop.startX);
792 cavCopy.height = Math.abs(endY - photoshop.startY);
793 var ctxCopy = cavCopy.getContext('2d');
794 canvas.drawEllipse(ctxCopy, photoshop.color, x, y,
795 xAxis, yAxis, 3, photoshop.highlightType);
796 ctx.clearRect(0, 0, $('mask-canvas').width, $('mask-canvas').height);
797 }
798 },
800 showTip: function(className, message, delay) {
801 delay = delay || 2000;
802 var div = document.createElement('div');
803 div.className = className;
804 div.innerHTML = message;
805 document.body.appendChild(div);
806 = (document.body.clientWidth - div.clientWidth) / 2 + 'px';
807 window.setTimeout(function() {
808 document.body.removeChild(div);
809 }, delay);
810 }
814$('photo').addEventListener('mousemove', photoshop.onMouseMove, true);
815$('photo').addEventListener('mousedown', photoshop.onMouseDown, true);
816$('photo').addEventListener('mouseup', photoshop.onMouseUp, true);
817document.addEventListener('mouseup', photoshop.onMouseUp, true);
818document.addEventListener('mousemove', photoshop.onMouseMove, true);
821 'selectstart', function f(e) { return false });
823 'selectstart', function f(e) { return false });
avm99963873bf6f2021-02-07 00:01:31 +0100824$('btnSave').addEventListener('click',;
avm9996304def3e2016-11-27 22:53:05 +0100825$('btnClose').addEventListener('click', photoshop.closeCurrentTab);