blob: e3c030ef790366c36b445bb1d8458c0e6f9bae32 [file] [log] [blame]
avm9996304def3e2016-11-27 22:53:05 +01001// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. Use of this
2// source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the
3// LICENSE file.
5var screenshot = {
6 tab: 0,
7 canvas: document.createElement("canvas"),
8 startX: 0,
9 startY: 0,
10 scrollX: 0,
11 scrollY: 0,
12 docHeight: 0,
13 docWidth: 0,
14 visibleWidth: 0,
15 visibleHeight: 0,
16 scrollXCount: 0,
17 scrollYCount: 0,
18 scrollBarX: 17,
19 scrollBarY: 17,
20 captureStatus: true,
21 screenshotName: null,
23 handleHotKey: function(keyCode) {
24 if (HotKey.isEnabled()) {
25 switch (keyCode) {
26 case HotKey.getCharCode('area'):
27 screenshot.showSelectionArea();
28 break;
29 case HotKey.getCharCode('viewport'):
30 screenshot.captureWindow();
31 break;
32 case HotKey.getCharCode('fullpage'):
33 screenshot.captureWebpage();
34 break;
35 case HotKey.getCharCode('screen'):
36 screenshot.captureScreen();
37 break;
38 }
39 }
40 },
42 /**
43 * Receive messages from content_script, and then decide what to do next
44 */
45 addMessageListener: function() {
46 chrome.extension.onMessage.addListener(function(request, sender, response) {
47 var obj = request;
48 var hotKeyEnabled = HotKey.isEnabled();
49 switch (obj.msg) {
50 case 'capture_hot_key':
51 screenshot.handleHotKey(obj.keyCode);
52 break;
53 case 'capture_selected':
54 screenshot.captureSelected();
55 break;
56 case 'capture_window':
57 if (hotKeyEnabled) {
58 screenshot.captureWindow();
59 }
60 break;
61 case 'capture_area':
62 if (hotKeyEnabled) {
63 screenshot.showSelectionArea();
64 }
65 break;
66 case 'capture_webpage':
67 if (hotKeyEnabled) {
68 screenshot.captureWebpage();
69 }
70 break;
71 }
72 });
73 },
75 /**
76 * Send the Message to content-script
77 */
78 sendMessage: function(message, callback) {
79 chrome.tabs.getSelected(null, function(tab) {
80 chrome.tabs.sendMessage(, message, callback);
81 });
82 },
84 showSelectionArea: function() {
85 screenshot.sendMessage({msg: 'show_selection_area'}, null);
86 },
88 captureWindow: function() {
89 screenshot.sendMessage({msg: 'capture_window'},
90 screenshot.onResponseVisibleSize);
91 },
93 captureSelected: function() {
94 screenshot.sendMessage({msg: 'capture_selected'},
95 screenshot.onResponseVisibleSize);
96 },
98 captureWebpage: function() {
99 screenshot.sendMessage({msg: 'scroll_init'},
100 screenshot.onResponseVisibleSize);
101 },
103 onResponseVisibleSize: function(response) {
104 switch (response.msg) {
105 case 'capture_window':
106 screenshot.captureVisible(response.docWidth, response.docHeight);
107 break;
108 case 'scroll_init_done':
109 screenshot.startX = response.startX,
110 screenshot.startY = response.startY,
111 screenshot.scrollX = response.scrollX,
112 screenshot.scrollY = response.scrollY,
113 screenshot.canvas.width = response.canvasWidth;
114 screenshot.canvas.height = response.canvasHeight;
115 screenshot.visibleHeight = response.visibleHeight,
116 screenshot.visibleWidth = response.visibleWidth,
117 screenshot.scrollXCount = response.scrollXCount;
118 screenshot.scrollYCount = response.scrollYCount;
119 screenshot.docWidth = response.docWidth;
120 screenshot.docHeight = response.docHeight;
121 screenshot.zoom = response.zoom;
122 setTimeout("screenshot.captureAndScroll()", 100);
123 break;
124 case 'scroll_next_done':
125 screenshot.scrollXCount = response.scrollXCount;
126 screenshot.scrollYCount = response.scrollYCount;
127 setTimeout("screenshot.captureAndScroll()", 100);
128 break;
129 case 'scroll_finished':
130 screenshot.captureAndScrollDone();
131 break;
132 }
133 },
135 captureSpecialPage: function() {
136 var formatParam = localStorage.screenshootQuality || 'png';
137 chrome.tabs.captureVisibleTab(
138 null, {format: formatParam, quality: 50}, function(data) {
139 var image = new Image();
140 image.onload = function() {
141 screenshot.canvas.width = image.width;
142 screenshot.canvas.height = image.height;
143 var context = screenshot.canvas.getContext("2d");
144 context.drawImage(image, 0, 0);
145 screenshot.postImage();
146 };
147 image.src = data;
148 });
149 },
151 captureScreenCallback: function(data) {
152 var image = new Image();
153 image.onload = function() {
154 screenshot.canvas.width = image.width;
155 screenshot.canvas.height = image.height;
156 var context = screenshot.canvas.getContext("2d");
157 context.drawImage(image, 0, 0);
158 screenshot.postImage();
159 };
160 image.src = "data:image/bmp;base64," + data;
161 },
163 /**
164 * Use drawImage method to slice parts of a source image and draw them to
165 * the canvas
166 */
167 capturePortion: function(x, y, width, height,
168 visibleWidth, visibleHeight, docWidth, docHeight) {
169 var formatParam = localStorage.screenshootQuality || 'png';
170 chrome.tabs.captureVisibleTab(
171 null, {format: formatParam, quality: 50}, function(data) {
172 var image = new Image();
173 image.onload = function() {
174 var curHeight = image.width < docWidth ?
175 image.height - screenshot.scrollBarY : image.height;
176 var curWidth = image.height < docHeight ?
177 image.width - screenshot.scrollBarX : image.width;
178 var zoomX = curWidth / visibleWidth;
179 var zoomY = curHeight / visibleHeight;
180 screenshot.canvas.width = width * zoomX;
181 screenshot.canvas.height = height * zoomY;
182 var context = screenshot.canvas.getContext("2d");
183 context.drawImage(image, x * zoomX, y * zoomY, width * zoomX,
184 height * zoomY, 0, 0, width * zoomX, height * zoomY);
185 screenshot.postImage();
186 };
187 image.src = data;
188 });
189 },
191 captureVisible: function(docWidth, docHeight) {
192 var formatParam = localStorage.screenshootQuality || 'png';
193 chrome.tabs.captureVisibleTab(
194 null, {format: formatParam, quality: 50}, function(data) {
195 var image = new Image();
196 image.onload = function() {
197 var width = image.height < docHeight ?
198 image.width - 17 : image.width;
199 var height = image.width < docWidth ?
200 image.height - 17 : image.height;
201 screenshot.canvas.width = width;
202 screenshot.canvas.height = height;
203 var context = screenshot.canvas.getContext("2d");
204 context.drawImage(image, 0, 0, width, height, 0, 0, width, height);
205 screenshot.postImage();
206 };
207 image.src = data;
208 });
209 },
211 /**
212 * Use the drawImage method to stitching images, and render to canvas
213 */
214 captureAndScroll: function() {
215 var formatParam = localStorage.screenshootQuality || 'png';
216 chrome.tabs.captureVisibleTab(
217 null, {format: formatParam, quality: 50}, function(data) {
218 var image = new Image();
219 image.onload = function() {
220 var context = screenshot.canvas.getContext('2d');
221 var width = 0;
222 var height = 0;
224 // Get scroll bar's width.
225 screenshot.scrollBarY =
226 screenshot.visibleHeight < screenshot.docHeight ? 17 : 0;
227 screenshot.scrollBarX =
228 screenshot.visibleWidth < screenshot.docWidth ? 17 : 0;
230 // Get visible width and height of capture result.
231 var visibleWidth =
232 (image.width - screenshot.scrollBarY < screenshot.canvas.width ?
233 image.width - screenshot.scrollBarY : screenshot.canvas.width);
234 var visibleHeight =
235 (image.height - screenshot.scrollBarX < screenshot.canvas.height ?
236 image.height - screenshot.scrollBarX : screenshot.canvas.height);
238 // Get region capture start x coordinate.
239 var zoom = screenshot.zoom;
240 var x1 = screenshot.startX - Math.round(screenshot.scrollX * zoom);
241 var x2 = 0;
242 var y1 = screenshot.startY - Math.round(screenshot.scrollY * zoom);
243 var y2 = 0;
245 if ((screenshot.scrollYCount + 1) * visibleWidth >
246 screenshot.canvas.width) {
247 width = screenshot.canvas.width % visibleWidth;
248 x1 = (screenshot.scrollYCount + 1) * visibleWidth -
249 screenshot.canvas.width + screenshot.startX - screenshot.scrollX;
250 } else {
251 width = visibleWidth;
252 }
254 if ((screenshot.scrollXCount + 1) * visibleHeight >
255 screenshot.canvas.height) {
256 height = screenshot.canvas.height % visibleHeight;
257 if ((screenshot.scrollXCount + 1) * visibleHeight +
258 screenshot.scrollY < screenshot.docHeight) {
259 y1 = 0;
260 } else {
261 y1 = (screenshot.scrollXCount + 1) * visibleHeight +
262 screenshot.scrollY - screenshot.docHeight;
263 }
265 } else {
266 height = visibleHeight;
267 }
268 x2 = screenshot.scrollYCount * visibleWidth;
269 y2 = screenshot.scrollXCount * visibleHeight;
270 context.drawImage(image, x1, y1, width, height, x2, y2, width, height);
271 screenshot.sendMessage({msg: 'scroll_next', visibleWidth: visibleWidth,
272 visibleHeight: visibleHeight}, screenshot.onResponseVisibleSize);
273 };
274 image.src = data;
275 });
276 },
278 captureAndScrollDone: function() {
279 screenshot.postImage();
280 },
282 /**
283 * Post the image to 'showimage.html'
284 */
285 postImage: function() {
286 chrome.tabs.getSelected(null, function(tab) {
287 = tab;
288 });
289 var date = new Date();
290 screenshot.screenshotName = "Screenshot "+dateFormat(date, 'Y-m-d H.i.s');
291 chrome.tabs.create({'url': 'showimage.html'});
292 var popup = chrome.extension.getViews({type: 'popup'})[0];
293 if (popup)
294 popup.close();
295 },
297 isThisPlatform: function(operationSystem) {
298 return navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf(operationSystem) > -1;
299 },
301 executeScriptsInExistingTabs: function() {
302, function(wins) {
303 for (var j = 0; j < wins.length; ++j) {
304 chrome.tabs.getAllInWindow(wins[j].id, function(tabs) {
305 for (var i = 0; i < tabs.length; ++i) {
306 if (tabs[i].url.indexOf("chrome://") != 0) {
307 chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabs[i].id, { file: 'js/page.js' });
308 chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabs[i].id, { file: 'js/shortcut.js' });
309 }
310 }
311 });
312 }
313 });
314 },
316 init: function() {
317 localStorage.screenshootQuality = localStorage.screenshootQuality || 'png';
318 screenshot.executeScriptsInExistingTabs();
319 screenshot.addMessageListener();
320 }