Release 5.2
diff --git a/src/js/picasa.js b/src/js/picasa.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6343a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/js/picasa.js
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+(function() {

+  const ALBUM_NAME = 'Screen Capture';

+  const CLIENT_ID = '';

+  const AUTH_URL = '';

+  const REDIRECT_URI = '';

+  const SCOPE = '';

+  const RESPONSE_TYPE = 'token';

+  const ALBUM_URL = '' +

+    'default';

+  const CREATE_ALBUM_URL = '' +

+    'default';

+  const UPLOAD_BASE_URL = '' +

+    'default/albumid/';

+  const LOGOUT_URL = '' +

+    '' +

+    '';


+  // var picasa = window.Picasa = new Site('picasa');

+  var picasa = window.Picasa = {

+    siteId: 'picasa',

+    currentUserId: null,

+    redirectUrl: REDIRECT_URI,

+    accessTokenCallback: null,


+    getAccessToken: function(callback) {

+      picasa.accessTokenCallback = callback;

+      var url = AUTH_URL + '?client_id=' + CLIENT_ID + '&redirect_uri=' +

+        REDIRECT_URI + '&scope=' + SCOPE + '&response_type=' + RESPONSE_TYPE;

+      chrome.tabs.create({ url: url});

+    },


+    parseRedirectUrl: function(url) {

+      var result = false;

+      if (url.indexOf(REDIRECT_URI) == 0) {

+        var hash = url.split('#')[1];

+        if (hash) {

+          var params = hash.split('&');

+          var paramMap = {};

+          params.forEach(function(param) {

+            paramMap[param.split('=')[0]] = param.split('=')[1];

+          });


+          var accessToken = paramMap['access_token'];

+          var expires = paramMap['expires_in'];

+          if (accessToken && expires) {

+            result = {

+              accessToken: accessToken,

+              expires: expires

+            };

+          } else {

+            result = 'bad_redirect_url'; // Should never happened.

+          }

+        } else {

+          var search = url.split('?')[1];

+          if (search == 'error=access_denied')

+            result = 'access_denied';

+        }

+      }

+      return result;

+    },


+    isRedirectUrl: function(url) {

+      return picasa.parseRedirectUrl(url) != false;

+    },


+    parseAccessToken: function(redirectUrl) {

+      var parsedResult = picasa.parseRedirectUrl(redirectUrl);

+      if (parsedResult && typeof parsedResult == 'object') {

+        var user = new User({

+          accessToken: parsedResult.accessToken,

+          expires: new Date().getTime() + parsedResult.expires * 1000

+        });

+        picasa.accessTokenCallback('success', user);

+      } else {

+        picasa.accessTokenCallback('failure', 'user_denied');

+      }

+      picasa.accessTokenCallback = null;

+    },


+    getUserInfo: function(user, callback) {

+      ajax({

+        url: ALBUM_URL,

+        parameters: {

+          fields: 'title,gphoto:nickname,entry/title,entry/gphoto:id',

+          alt: 'json',

+          access_token: user.accessToken

+        },

+        success: function(res) {

+          var userId = res.feed.title.$t;

+          var userName = res.feed.gphoto$nickname.$t;

+ = userId;

+ = userName;


+          var albums = res.feed.entry;

+          if (albums) {

+            var length = albums.length;


+            // Check if user has created album "Screen Capture".

+            for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {

+              var albumName = albums[i].title.$t;

+              if (albumName == ALBUM_NAME) {

+                user.albumId = albums[i].gphoto$id.$t;

+                break;

+              }

+            }

+          }


+          // Create album "Screen Capture" and retrieve album id.

+          if (!user.albumId) {

+            picasa.createAlbum(user.accessToken, function(result,

+                                                          albumIdOrMessage) {

+              if (result == 'success') {

+                user.albumId = albumIdOrMessage;

+                callback('success', user);

+              } else {

+                callback('failure', albumIdOrMessage);

+              }

+            });

+          } else {

+            callback('success', user);

+          }

+        },

+        status: {

+          404: function() {

+            callback('failure', 'failed_to_get_user_info');

+          }

+        }

+      });

+    },


+    createAlbum: function(accessToken, callback) {

+      var data = '<entry xmlns="" ' +

+        'xmlns:media="" ' +

+        'xmlns:gphoto="">' +

+        '<title type="text">' + ALBUM_NAME +

+        '</title><category scheme="" ' +

+        'term=""></category>' +

+        '</entry>';


+      ajax({

+        method: 'POST',

+        url: CREATE_ALBUM_URL,

+        parameters: {

+          alt: 'json'

+        },

+        data: data,

+        headers: {

+          'GData-Version': 2,

+          'Content-Type': 'application/atom+xml',

+          'Authorization': 'OAuth ' + accessToken

+        },

+        complete: function(statusCode, album) {

+          if (statusCode == 201) {

+            var albumId = album.entry.gphoto$id.$t;

+            callback('success', albumId);

+          } else {

+            callback('failure', 'failure_to_create_album')

+          }

+        }

+      });

+    },


+    upload: function(user, caption, imageData, callback) {

+      caption = ajax.convertEntityString(caption);

+      caption = ajax.encodeForBinary(caption);


+      var imageFile = new Date().getTime() + '.png';

+      var headers = {

+        'GData-Version': 2,

+        'Content-Type': 'multipart/related; boundary=' +


+        'Authorization': 'OAuth ' + user.accessToken

+      };


+      var captionData = '<entry xmlns="">' +

+        '<title>' + imageFile + '</title>' +

+        '<summary>' + caption + '</summary>' +

+        '<category scheme="" ' +

+        'term=""/></entry>';


+      var dataPart1 = {

+        contentType: 'application/atom+xml',

+        data: captionData

+      };

+      var dataPart2 = {

+        contentType: 'image/png',

+        data: imageData

+      };

+      var multipartData = {


+        dataList: [dataPart1, dataPart2]

+      };


+      ajax({

+        url: UPLOAD_BASE_URL + user.albumId + '?alt=json',

+        headers: headers,

+        multipartData: multipartData,

+        complete: function(statusCode, res) {

+          if (statusCode == 201) {

+            var link =;

+            callback('success', link);

+          } else {

+            var message = 'failed_to_upload_image';

+            if (statusCode == 403) {

+              // bad access token

+              message = 'bad_access_token';

+            } else if (statusCode == 404 && res == 'No album found.') {

+              // Invalid album id.

+              message = 'invalid_album_id'

+            }

+            callback('failure', message);

+          }

+        }

+      });

+    },


+    getPhotoLink: function(user, photolinks, callback) {

+      for (var i = 0; i < photolinks.length; i++) {

+        var link = photolinks[i];

+        if (link.type == 'text/html' &&

+            link.rel == '') {

+          callback('success', link.href);

+          break;

+        }

+      }

+    },


+    logout: function(callback) {

+      ajax({

+        url: LOGOUT_URL,

+        success: function() {

+          callback();

+        }

+      });

+    }

+  };

\ No newline at end of file