Release 5.2
diff --git a/src/js/options.js b/src/js/options.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d61498
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/js/options.js
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.  Use of this

+// source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the

+// LICENSE file.


+var bg = chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage();


+function $(id) {

+  return document.getElementById(id);



+function isHighVersion() {

+  var version = navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)/)[1];

+  return version > 9;



+function init() {

+  i18nReplace('optionTitle', 'options');

+  i18nReplace('saveAndClose', 'save_and_close');

+  i18nReplace('screenshootQualitySetting', 'quality_setting');

+  i18nReplace('lossyScreenShot', 'lossy');

+  i18nReplace('losslessScreenShot', 'lossless');

+  i18nReplace('shorcutSetting', 'shortcut_setting');

+  i18nReplace('settingShortcutText', 'shortcutsetting_text');

+  if (isHighVersion()) {

+    $('lossyScreenShot').innerText += ' (JPEG)';

+    $('losslessScreenShot').innerText += ' (PNG)';

+  }

+  $('saveAndClose').addEventListener('click', saveAndClose);

+  initScreenCaptureQuality();

+  HotKeySetting.setup();



+function save() {

+  localStorage.screenshootQuality =

+      $('lossy').checked ? 'jpeg' : '' ||

+      $('lossless').checked ? 'png' : '';


+  return;



+function saveAndClose() {

+  if (save())

+    chrome.tabs.getSelected(null, function(tab) {

+      chrome.tabs.remove(;

+    });



+function initScreenCaptureQuality() {

+  $('lossy').checked = localStorage.screenshootQuality == 'jpeg';

+  $('lossless').checked = localStorage.screenshootQuality == 'png';



+function i18nReplace(id, name) {

+  return $(id).innerText = chrome.i18n.getMessage(name);



+const CURRENT_LOCALE = chrome.i18n.getMessage('@@ui_locale');

+if (CURRENT_LOCALE != 'zh_CN') {

+  UI.addStyleSheet('./i18n_styles/en_options.css');



+var HotKeySetting = (function() {

+  const CHAR_CODE_OF_AT = 64;

+  const CHAR_CODE_OF_A = 65;

+  const CHAR_CODE_OF_Z = 90;

+  var hotKeySelection = null;


+  var hotkey = {

+    setup: function() {

+      hotKeySelection = document.querySelectorAll('#hot-key-setting select');

+      // i18n.

+      $('area-capture-text').innerText =

+        chrome.i18n.getMessage('capture_area');

+      $('viewport-capture-text').innerText =

+        chrome.i18n.getMessage('capture_window');

+      $('full-page-capture-text').innerText =

+        chrome.i18n.getMessage('capture_webpage');

+      //$('screen-capture-text').innerText = chrome.i18n.getMessage('capture_screen');


+      for (var i = 0; i < hotKeySelection.length; i++) {

+        hotKeySelection[i].add(new Option('--', '@'));

+        for (var j = CHAR_CODE_OF_A; j <= CHAR_CODE_OF_Z; j++) {

+          var value = String.fromCharCode(j);

+          var option = new Option(value, value);

+          hotKeySelection[i].add(option);

+        }

+      }


+      $('area-capture-hot-key').selectedIndex =

+        HotKey.getCharCode('area') - CHAR_CODE_OF_AT;

+      $('viewport-capture-hot-key').selectedIndex =

+        HotKey.getCharCode('viewport') - CHAR_CODE_OF_AT;

+      $('full-page-capture-hot-key').selectedIndex =

+        HotKey.getCharCode('fullpage') - CHAR_CODE_OF_AT;

+      $('screen-capture-hot-key').selectedIndex =

+        HotKey.getCharCode('screen') - CHAR_CODE_OF_AT;


+      $('settingShortcut').addEventListener('click', function() {

+        hotkey.setState(this.checked);

+      }, false);


+      hotkey.setState(HotKey.isEnabled());

+    },


+    validate: function() {

+      var hotKeyLength =


+            function (element) {

+              return element.value != '@'

+            }

+        ).length;

+      if (hotKeyLength != 0) {

+        var validateMap = {};

+        validateMap[hotKeySelection[0].value] = true;

+        validateMap[hotKeySelection[1].value] = true;

+        validateMap[hotKeySelection[2].value] = true;

+        if (hotKeyLength > 3 && hotKeySelection[3].value != '@') {

+          hotKeyLength -= 1;

+        }


+        if (Object.keys(validateMap).length < hotKeyLength) {


+          return false;

+        }

+      }

+      ErrorInfo.hide();

+      return true;

+    },


+    save: function() {

+      var result = true;

+      if ($('settingShortcut').checked) {

+        if (this.validate()) {

+          HotKey.enable();

+          HotKey.set('area', $('area-capture-hot-key').value);

+          HotKey.set('viewport', $('viewport-capture-hot-key').value);

+          HotKey.set('fullpage', $('full-page-capture-hot-key').value);

+        } else {

+          result = false;

+        }

+      } else {

+        HotKey.disable(bg);

+      }

+      return result;

+    },


+    setState: function(enabled) {

+      $('settingShortcut').checked = enabled;

+      UI.setStyle($('hot-key-setting'), 'color', enabled ? '' : '#6d6d6d');

+      for (var i = 0; i < hotKeySelection.length; i++) {

+        hotKeySelection[i].disabled = !enabled;

+      }

+      ErrorInfo.hide();

+    },


+    focusScreenCapture: function() {

+      $('screen-capture-hot-key').focus();

+    }

+  };

+  return hotkey;



+var ErrorInfo = (function() {

+  return {

+    show: function(msgKey) {

+      var infoWrapper = $('error-info');

+      var msg = chrome.i18n.getMessage(msgKey);

+      infoWrapper.innerText = msg;


+    },


+    hide: function() {

+      var infoWrapper = $('error-info');

+      if (infoWrapper) {

+        UI.hide(infoWrapper);

+      }

+    }

+  };



+document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init);