Fix schedules around midnight

Around midnight the app didn't work well because it didn't retrieve the
correct schedules. Also, the way the frontend was architectured, trains
which were scheduled after midnight appeared for 1 second and then

This CL fixes this by changing the following:

- The API now returns arrival and departure times by specifying a UNIX
  timestamp instead of the seconds since midnight. This helps simplify
  the code in the frontend.
- Adapting the frontend to consume the new timestamps, to fix the
  disappearing schedule bug.
- Fixing the SQL query to get the stop times, since it didn't retrieve
  the correct rows.

Fixed: misc:17

Change-Id: I98f1fe20d44163e716d4f57a2018635be74526d0
diff --git a/inc/api.php b/inc/api.php
index 55daf73..ba3ec2f 100644
--- a/inc/api.php
+++ b/inc/api.php
@@ -69,18 +69,51 @@
       $stop = $gtfs->getStop($_GET["stop"]);
       $times = $gtfs->getStopTimes($_GET["stop"]);
+      $todayTimestamp = (new DateTime("today"))->getTimestamp();
+      $nowTimestamp = (new DateTime("now"))->getTimestamp();
       $schedules = [];
       $routes = [];
       foreach ($times as $time) {
         if ($time["trip_headsign"] == $stop["stop_name"]) continue;
-        $schedules[] = [
+        if ($time["date"]) {
+          // In this case the train was specifically scheduled for this date,
+          // so we are given the exact date.
+          $date = new DateTime($time["date"]);
+          $arrivalTime = gtfs::time2seconds($time["arrival_time"], false);
+          $departureTime = gtfs::time2seconds($time["departure_time"], false);
+          while ($departureTime >= 24*60*60) {
+            $arrivalTime -= 24*60*60;
+            $departureTime -= 24*60*60;
+            $date->add(new DateInterval("P1D"));
+          }
+          $dayTimestamp = $date->getTimestamp();
+        } else {
+          // In this case the train was scheduled several days, so we'll check
+          // whether the train has already passed today (in which case it will
+          // pass tomorrow) or it hasn't (in which case it will pass today).
+          $arrivalTime = gtfs::time2seconds($time["arrival_time"], true);
+          $departureTime = gtfs::time2seconds($time["departure_time"], true);
+          if ($todayTimestamp + $departureTime >= $nowTimestamp)
+            $dayTimestamp = $todayTimestamp;
+          else
+            $dayTimestamp = $todayTimestamp->add(new DateInterval("P1D"));
+        }
+        $schedule = [
           "destination" => $time["trip_headsign"],
-          "arrivalTime" => gtfs::time2seconds($time["arrival_time"]),
-          "departureTime" => gtfs::time2seconds($time["departure_time"]),
+          "arrivalTime" => $dayTimestamp + $arrivalTime,
+          "departureTime" => $dayTimestamp + $departureTime,
           "route" => self::transformRouteShortName($time["route_short_name"]),
           "color" => $time["route_color"],
           "textColor" => $time["route_text_color"]
+        if (isset($_GET["includeSqlRows"]))
+          $schedule["originalSqlRow"] = $time;
+        $schedules[] = $schedule;
         if (!in_array($time["route_short_name"], $routes)) $routes[] = $time["route_short_name"];