Minor bug fix in README.md

Change-Id: Ia91a3d3eb9ada93eeb81954e3d9c604491b60ae1
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index af5323e..a3ea40f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 ## Installation
 1. Clone this repository (usually in Apache's publicly accessible folder).
 2. Install PHP 7.2+ with the `ZipArchive` and `PDO` classes (specifically install the `PDO_SQLITE` driver)
-3. Copy the `config.default.php` file to `config.php` and fill in the details (you can get an API key directly from TMB [https://developer.tmb.cat/](here)).
+3. Copy the `config.default.php` file to `config.php` and fill in the details (you can get an API key directly from TMB [here](https://developer.tmb.cat/).
   - In `$conf["databaseFile"]` enter the absolute path of the location where you want to save your database (including the file name). If the website is located in the `/var/www/html/schedules/` folder, you can create a new `files` folder there and set the variable to `/var/www/html/schedules/files/gtfs.sqlite3`.
 ## Notes