blob: dcdea66dbadfe7594fb5f1ef9b36e98975e0e6e7 [file] [log] [blame]
Copybara854996b2021-09-07 19:36:02 +00001# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
3# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
6"""Convert Monorail PB objects to API PB objects"""
8from __future__ import division
9from __future__ import print_function
10from __future__ import absolute_import
12import datetime
13import logging
14import time
16from six import string_types
18from businesslogic import work_env
19from framework import exceptions
20from framework import framework_constants
21from framework import framework_helpers
22from framework import framework_views
23from framework import permissions
24from framework import timestr
25from proto import api_pb2_v1
26from proto import project_pb2
27from proto import tracker_pb2
28from services import project_svc
29from tracker import field_helpers
30from tracker import tracker_bizobj
31from tracker import tracker_helpers
34def convert_project(project, config, role, templates):
35 """Convert Monorail Project PB to API ProjectWrapper PB."""
37 return api_pb2_v1.ProjectWrapper(
38 kind='monorail#project',
39 name=project.project_name,
40 externalId=project.project_name,
41 htmlLink='/p/%s/' % project.project_name,
42 summary=project.summary,
43 description=project.description,
44 role=role,
45 issuesConfig=convert_project_config(config, templates))
48def convert_project_config(config, templates):
49 """Convert Monorail ProjectIssueConfig PB to API ProjectIssueConfig PB."""
51 return api_pb2_v1.ProjectIssueConfig(
52 kind='monorail#projectIssueConfig',
53 restrictToKnown=config.restrict_to_known,
54 defaultColumns=config.default_col_spec.split(),
55 defaultSorting=config.default_sort_spec.split(),
56 statuses=[convert_status(s) for s in config.well_known_statuses],
57 labels=[convert_label(l) for l in config.well_known_labels],
58 prompts=[convert_template(t) for t in templates],
59 defaultPromptForMembers=config.default_template_for_developers,
60 defaultPromptForNonMembers=config.default_template_for_users)
63def convert_status(status):
64 """Convert Monorail StatusDef PB to API Status PB."""
66 return api_pb2_v1.Status(
67 status=status.status,
68 meansOpen=status.means_open,
69 description=status.status_docstring)
72def convert_label(label):
73 """Convert Monorail LabelDef PB to API Label PB."""
75 return api_pb2_v1.Label(
76 label=label.label,
77 description=label.label_docstring)
80def convert_template(template):
81 """Convert Monorail TemplateDef PB to API Prompt PB."""
83 return api_pb2_v1.Prompt(
85 title=template.summary,
86 description=template.content,
87 titleMustBeEdited=template.summary_must_be_edited,
88 status=template.status,
89 labels=template.labels,
90 membersOnly=template.members_only,
91 defaultToMember=template.owner_defaults_to_member,
92 componentRequired=template.component_required)
95def convert_person(user_id, cnxn, services, trap_exception=False):
96 """Convert user id to API AtomPerson PB or None if user_id is None."""
98 if not user_id:
99 # convert_person should handle 'converting' optional user values,
100 # like issue.owner, where user_id may be None.
101 return None
102 if user_id == framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID:
103 return api_pb2_v1.AtomPerson(
104 kind='monorail#issuePerson',
105 name=framework_constants.DELETED_USER_NAME)
106 try:
107 user = services.user.GetUser(cnxn, user_id)
108 except exceptions.NoSuchUserException as ex:
109 if trap_exception:
110 logging.warning(str(ex))
111 return None
112 else:
113 raise ex
115 days_ago = None
116 if user.last_visit_timestamp:
117 secs_ago = int(time.time()) - user.last_visit_timestamp
118 days_ago = secs_ago // framework_constants.SECS_PER_DAY
119 return api_pb2_v1.AtomPerson(
120 kind='monorail#issuePerson',
122 htmlLink='https://%s/u/%d' % (framework_helpers.GetHostPort(), user_id),
123 last_visit_days_ago=days_ago,
124 email_bouncing=bool(user.email_bounce_timestamp),
125 vacation_message=user.vacation_message)
128def convert_issue_ids(issue_ids, mar, services):
129 """Convert global issue ids to API IssueRef PB."""
131 # missed issue ids are filtered out.
132 issues = services.issue.GetIssues(mar.cnxn, issue_ids)
133 result = []
134 for issue in issues:
135 issue_ref = api_pb2_v1.IssueRef(
136 issueId=issue.local_id,
137 projectId=issue.project_name,
138 kind='monorail#issueRef')
139 result.append(issue_ref)
140 return result
143def convert_issueref_pbs(issueref_pbs, mar, services):
144 """Convert API IssueRef PBs to global issue ids."""
146 if issueref_pbs:
147 result = []
148 for ir in issueref_pbs:
149 project_id = mar.project_id
150 if ir.projectId:
151 project = services.project.GetProjectByName(
152 mar.cnxn, ir.projectId)
153 if project:
154 project_id = project.project_id
155 try:
156 issue = services.issue.GetIssueByLocalID(
157 mar.cnxn, project_id, ir.issueId)
158 result.append(issue.issue_id)
159 except exceptions.NoSuchIssueException:
160 logging.warning(
161 'Issue (%s:%d) does not exist.' % (ir.projectId, ir.issueId))
162 return result
163 else:
164 return None
167def convert_approvals(cnxn, approval_values, services, config, phases):
168 """Convert an Issue's Monorail ApprovalValue PBs to API Approval"""
169 fds_by_id = {fd.field_id: fd for fd in config.field_defs}
170 phases_by_id = {phase.phase_id: phase for phase in phases}
171 approvals = []
172 for av in approval_values:
173 approval_fd = fds_by_id.get(av.approval_id)
174 if approval_fd is None:
175 logging.warning(
176 'Approval (%d) does not exist' % av.approval_id)
177 continue
178 if approval_fd.field_type is not tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.APPROVAL_TYPE:
179 logging.warning(
180 'field %s has unexpected field_type: %s' % (
181 approval_fd.field_name,
182 continue
184 approval = api_pb2_v1.Approval()
185 approval.approvalName = approval_fd.field_name
186 approvers = [convert_person(approver_id, cnxn, services)
187 for approver_id in av.approver_ids]
188 approval.approvers = [approver for approver in approvers if approver]
190 approval.status = api_pb2_v1.ApprovalStatus(av.status.number)
191 if av.setter_id:
192 approval.setter = convert_person(av.setter_id, cnxn, services)
193 if av.set_on:
194 approval.setOn = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(av.set_on)
195 if av.phase_id:
196 try:
197 approval.phaseName = phases_by_id[av.phase_id].name
198 except KeyError:
199 logging.warning('phase %d not found in given phases list' % av.phase_id)
200 approvals.append(approval)
201 return approvals
204def convert_phases(phases):
205 """Convert an Issue's Monorail Phase PBs to API Phase."""
206 converted_phases = []
207 for idx, phase in enumerate(phases):
208 if not
209 try:
210 logging.warning(
211 'Phase %d has no name, skipping conversion.' % phase.phase_id)
212 except TypeError:
213 logging.warning(
214 'Phase #%d (%s) has no name or id, skipping conversion.' % (
215 idx, phase))
216 continue
217 converted = api_pb2_v1.Phase(, rank=phase.rank)
218 converted_phases.append(converted)
219 return converted_phases
222def convert_issue(cls, issue, mar, services):
223 """Convert Monorail Issue PB to API IssuesGetInsertResponse."""
225 config = services.config.GetProjectConfig(mar.cnxn, issue.project_id)
226 granted_perms = tracker_bizobj.GetGrantedPerms(
227 issue, mar.auth.effective_ids, config)
228 issue_project = services.project.GetProject(mar.cnxn, issue.project_id)
229 component_list = []
230 for cd in config.component_defs:
231 cid = cd.component_id
232 if cid in issue.component_ids:
233 component_list.append(cd.path)
234 cc_list = [convert_person(p, mar.cnxn, services) for p in issue.cc_ids]
235 cc_list = [p for p in cc_list if p is not None]
236 field_values_list = []
237 fds_by_id = {
238 fd.field_id: fd for fd in config.field_defs}
239 phases_by_id = {phase.phase_id: phase for phase in issue.phases}
240 for fv in issue.field_values:
241 fd = fds_by_id.get(fv.field_id)
242 if not fd:
243 logging.warning('Custom field %d of project %s does not exist',
244 fv.field_id, issue_project.project_name)
245 continue
246 val = None
247 if fv.user_id:
248 val = _get_user_email(
249 services.user, mar.cnxn, fv.user_id)
250 else:
251 val = tracker_bizobj.GetFieldValue(fv, {})
252 if not isinstance(val, string_types):
253 val = str(val)
254 new_fv = api_pb2_v1.FieldValue(
255 fieldName=fd.field_name,
256 fieldValue=val,
257 derived=fv.derived)
258 if fd.approval_id: # Attach parent approval name
259 approval_fd = fds_by_id.get(fd.approval_id)
260 if not approval_fd:
261 logging.warning('Parent approval field %d of field %s does not exist',
262 fd.approval_id, fd.field_name)
263 else:
264 new_fv.approvalName = approval_fd.field_name
265 elif fv.phase_id: # Attach phase name
266 phase = phases_by_id.get(fv.phase_id)
267 if not phase:
268 logging.warning('Phase %d for field %s does not exist',
269 fv.phase_id, fd.field_name)
270 else:
271 new_fv.phaseName =
272 field_values_list.append(new_fv)
273 approval_values_list = convert_approvals(
274 mar.cnxn, issue.approval_values, services, config, issue.phases)
275 phases_list = convert_phases(issue.phases)
276 with work_env.WorkEnv(mar, services) as we:
277 starred = we.IsIssueStarred(issue)
278 resp = cls(
279 kind='monorail#issue',
280 id=issue.local_id,
281 title=issue.summary,
282 summary=issue.summary,
283 projectId=issue_project.project_name,
284 stars=issue.star_count,
285 starred=starred,
286 status=issue.status,
287 state=( if
288 tracker_helpers.MeansOpenInProject(
289 tracker_bizobj.GetStatus(issue), config)
290 else api_pb2_v1.IssueState.closed),
291 labels=issue.labels,
292 components=component_list,
293 author=convert_person(issue.reporter_id, mar.cnxn, services),
294 owner=convert_person(issue.owner_id, mar.cnxn, services),
295 cc=cc_list,
296 updated=datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(issue.modified_timestamp),
297 published=datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(issue.opened_timestamp),
298 blockedOn=convert_issue_ids(issue.blocked_on_iids, mar, services),
299 blocking=convert_issue_ids(issue.blocking_iids, mar, services),
300 canComment=permissions.CanCommentIssue(
301 mar.auth.effective_ids, mar.perms, issue_project, issue,
302 granted_perms=granted_perms),
303 canEdit=permissions.CanEditIssue(
304 mar.auth.effective_ids, mar.perms, issue_project, issue,
305 granted_perms=granted_perms),
306 fieldValues=field_values_list,
307 approvalValues=approval_values_list,
308 phases=phases_list
309 )
310 if issue.closed_timestamp > 0:
311 resp.closed = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(issue.closed_timestamp)
312 if issue.merged_into:
313 resp.mergedInto=convert_issue_ids([issue.merged_into], mar, services)[0]
314 if issue.owner_modified_timestamp:
315 resp.owner_modified = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
316 issue.owner_modified_timestamp)
317 if issue.status_modified_timestamp:
318 resp.status_modified = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
319 issue.status_modified_timestamp)
320 if issue.component_modified_timestamp:
321 resp.component_modified = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
322 issue.component_modified_timestamp)
323 return resp
326def convert_comment(issue, comment, mar, services, granted_perms):
327 """Convert Monorail IssueComment PB to API IssueCommentWrapper."""
329 perms = permissions.UpdateIssuePermissions(
330 mar.perms, mar.project, issue, mar.auth.effective_ids,
331 granted_perms=granted_perms)
332 commenter = services.user.GetUser(mar.cnxn, comment.user_id)
333 can_delete = permissions.CanDeleteComment(
334 comment, commenter, mar.auth.user_id, perms)
336 return api_pb2_v1.IssueCommentWrapper(
337 attachments=[convert_attachment(a) for a in comment.attachments],
338 author=convert_person(comment.user_id, mar.cnxn, services,
339 trap_exception=True),
340 canDelete=can_delete,
341 content=comment.content,
342 deletedBy=convert_person(comment.deleted_by, mar.cnxn, services,
343 trap_exception=True),
344 id=comment.sequence,
345 published=datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(comment.timestamp),
346 updates=convert_amendments(issue, comment.amendments, mar, services),
347 kind='monorail#issueComment',
348 is_description=comment.is_description)
350def convert_approval_comment(issue, comment, mar, services, granted_perms):
351 perms = permissions.UpdateIssuePermissions(
352 mar.perms, mar.project, issue, mar.auth.effective_ids,
353 granted_perms=granted_perms)
354 commenter = services.user.GetUser(mar.cnxn, comment.user_id)
355 can_delete = permissions.CanDeleteComment(
356 comment, commenter, mar.auth.user_id, perms)
358 return api_pb2_v1.ApprovalCommentWrapper(
359 attachments=[convert_attachment(a) for a in comment.attachments],
360 author=convert_person(
361 comment.user_id, mar.cnxn, services, trap_exception=True),
362 canDelete=can_delete,
363 content=comment.content,
364 deletedBy=convert_person(comment.deleted_by, mar.cnxn, services,
365 trap_exception=True),
366 id=comment.sequence,
367 published=datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(comment.timestamp),
368 approvalUpdates=convert_approval_amendments(
369 comment.amendments, mar, services),
370 kind='monorail#approvalComment',
371 is_description=comment.is_description)
374def convert_attachment(attachment):
375 """Convert Monorail Attachment PB to API Attachment."""
377 return api_pb2_v1.Attachment(
378 attachmentId=attachment.attachment_id,
379 fileName=attachment.filename,
380 fileSize=attachment.filesize,
381 mimetype=attachment.mimetype,
382 isDeleted=attachment.deleted)
385def convert_amendments(issue, amendments, mar, services):
386 """Convert a list of Monorail Amendment PBs to API Update."""
387 amendments_user_ids = tracker_bizobj.UsersInvolvedInAmendments(amendments)
388 users_by_id = framework_views.MakeAllUserViews(
389 mar.cnxn, services.user, amendments_user_ids)
390 framework_views.RevealAllEmailsToMembers(
391 mar.cnxn, services, mar.auth, users_by_id, mar.project)
393 result = api_pb2_v1.Update(kind='monorail#issueCommentUpdate')
394 for amendment in amendments:
395 if amendment.field == tracker_pb2.FieldID.SUMMARY:
396 result.summary = amendment.newvalue
397 elif amendment.field == tracker_pb2.FieldID.STATUS:
398 result.status = amendment.newvalue
399 elif amendment.field == tracker_pb2.FieldID.OWNER:
400 if len(amendment.added_user_ids) == 0:
401 result.owner = framework_constants.NO_USER_NAME
402 else:
403 result.owner = _get_user_email(
404 services.user, mar.cnxn, amendment.added_user_ids[0])
405 elif amendment.field == tracker_pb2.FieldID.LABELS:
406 result.labels = amendment.newvalue.split()
407 elif amendment.field == tracker_pb2.FieldID.CC:
408 for user_id in amendment.added_user_ids:
409 user_email = _get_user_email(
410 services.user, mar.cnxn, user_id)
412 for user_id in amendment.removed_user_ids:
413 user_email = _get_user_email(
414 services.user, mar.cnxn, user_id)
415'-%s' % user_email)
416 elif amendment.field == tracker_pb2.FieldID.BLOCKEDON:
417 result.blockedOn = _append_project(
418 amendment.newvalue, issue.project_name)
419 elif amendment.field == tracker_pb2.FieldID.BLOCKING:
420 result.blocking = _append_project(
421 amendment.newvalue, issue.project_name)
422 elif amendment.field == tracker_pb2.FieldID.MERGEDINTO:
423 result.mergedInto = amendment.newvalue
424 elif amendment.field == tracker_pb2.FieldID.COMPONENTS:
425 result.components = amendment.newvalue.split()
426 elif amendment.field == tracker_pb2.FieldID.CUSTOM:
427 fv = api_pb2_v1.FieldValue()
428 fv.fieldName = amendment.custom_field_name
429 fv.fieldValue = tracker_bizobj.AmendmentString(amendment, users_by_id)
430 result.fieldValues.append(fv)
432 return result
435def convert_approval_amendments(amendments, mar, services):
436 """Convert a list of Monorail Amendment PBs API ApprovalUpdate."""
437 amendments_user_ids = tracker_bizobj.UsersInvolvedInAmendments(amendments)
438 users_by_id = framework_views.MakeAllUserViews(
439 mar.cnxn, services.user, amendments_user_ids)
440 framework_views.RevealAllEmailsToMembers(
441 mar.cnxn, services, mar.auth, users_by_id, mar.project)
443 result = api_pb2_v1.ApprovalUpdate(kind='monorail#approvalCommentUpdate')
444 for amendment in amendments:
445 if amendment.field == tracker_pb2.FieldID.CUSTOM:
446 if amendment.custom_field_name == 'Status':
447 status_number = tracker_pb2.ApprovalStatus(
448 amendment.newvalue.upper()).number
449 result.status = api_pb2_v1.ApprovalStatus(status_number).name
450 elif amendment.custom_field_name == 'Approvers':
451 for user_id in amendment.added_user_ids:
452 user_email = _get_user_email(
453 services.user, mar.cnxn, user_id)
454 result.approvers.append(user_email)
455 for user_id in amendment.removed_user_ids:
456 user_email = _get_user_email(
457 services.user, mar.cnxn, user_id)
458 result.approvers.append('-%s' % user_email)
459 else:
460 fv = api_pb2_v1.FieldValue()
461 fv.fieldName = amendment.custom_field_name
462 fv.fieldValue = tracker_bizobj.AmendmentString(amendment, users_by_id)
463 # TODO(jojwang): monorail:4229, add approvalName field to FieldValue
464 result.fieldValues.append(fv)
466 return result
469def _get_user_email(user_service, cnxn, user_id):
470 """Get user email."""
472 if user_id == framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID:
473 return framework_constants.DELETED_USER_NAME
474 if not user_id:
475 # _get_user_email should handle getting emails for optional user values,
476 # like issue.owner where user_id may be None.
477 return framework_constants.NO_USER_NAME
478 try:
479 user_email = user_service.LookupUserEmail(
480 cnxn, user_id)
481 except exceptions.NoSuchUserException:
482 user_email = framework_constants.USER_NOT_FOUND_NAME
483 return user_email
486def _append_project(issue_ids, project_name):
487 """Append project name to convert <id> to <project>:<id> format."""
489 result = []
490 id_list = issue_ids.split()
491 for id_str in id_list:
492 if ':' in id_str:
493 result.append(id_str)
494 # '-' means this issue is being removed
495 elif id_str.startswith('-'):
496 result.append('-%s:%s' % (project_name, id_str[1:]))
497 else:
498 result.append('%s:%s' % (project_name, id_str))
499 return result
502def split_remove_add(item_list):
503 """Split one list of items into two: items to add and items to remove."""
505 list_to_add = []
506 list_to_remove = []
508 for item in item_list:
509 if item.startswith('-'):
510 list_to_remove.append(item[1:])
511 else:
512 list_to_add.append(item)
514 return list_to_add, list_to_remove
517# TODO(sheyang): batch the SQL queries to fetch projects/issues.
518def issue_global_ids(project_local_id_pairs, project_id, mar, services):
519 """Find global issues ids given <project_name>:<issue_local_id> pairs."""
521 result = []
522 for pair in project_local_id_pairs:
523 issue_project_id = None
524 local_id = None
525 if ':' in pair:
526 pair_ary = pair.split(':')
527 project_name = pair_ary[0]
528 local_id = int(pair_ary[1])
529 project = services.project.GetProjectByName(mar.cnxn, project_name)
530 if not project:
531 raise exceptions.NoSuchProjectException(
532 'Project %s does not exist' % project_name)
533 issue_project_id = project.project_id
534 else:
535 issue_project_id = project_id
536 local_id = int(pair)
537 result.append(
538 services.issue.LookupIssueID(mar.cnxn, issue_project_id, local_id))
540 return result
543def convert_group_settings(group_name, setting):
544 """Convert UserGroupSettings to UserGroupSettingsWrapper."""
545 return api_pb2_v1.UserGroupSettingsWrapper(
546 groupName=group_name,
547 who_can_view_members=setting.who_can_view_members,
548 ext_group_type=setting.ext_group_type,
549 last_sync_time=setting.last_sync_time)
552def convert_component_def(cd, mar, services):
553 """Convert ComponentDef PB to Component PB."""
554 project_name = services.project.LookupProjectNames(
555 mar.cnxn, [cd.project_id])[cd.project_id]
556 user_ids = set()
557 user_ids.update(
558 cd.admin_ids + cd.cc_ids + [cd.creator_id] + [cd.modifier_id])
559 user_names_dict = services.user.LookupUserEmails(mar.cnxn, list(user_ids))
560 component = api_pb2_v1.Component(
561 componentId=cd.component_id,
562 projectName=project_name,
563 componentPath=cd.path,
564 description=cd.docstring,
565 admin=sorted([user_names_dict[uid] for uid in cd.admin_ids]),
566 cc=sorted([user_names_dict[uid] for uid in cd.cc_ids]),
567 deprecated=cd.deprecated)
568 if cd.created:
569 component.created = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(cd.created)
570 component.creator = user_names_dict[cd.creator_id]
571 if cd.modified:
572 component.modified = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(cd.modified)
573 component.modifier = user_names_dict[cd.modifier_id]
574 return component
577def convert_component_ids(config, component_names):
578 """Convert a list of component names to ids."""
579 component_names_lower = [name.lower() for name in component_names]
580 result = []
581 for cd in config.component_defs:
582 cpath = cd.path
583 if cpath.lower() in component_names_lower:
584 result.append(cd.component_id)
585 return result
588def convert_field_values(field_values, mar, services):
589 """Convert user passed in field value list to FieldValue PB, or labels."""
590 fv_list_add = []
591 fv_list_remove = []
592 fv_list_clear = []
593 label_list_add = []
594 label_list_remove = []
595 field_name_dict = {
596 fd.field_name: fd for fd in mar.config.field_defs}
598 for fv in field_values:
599 field_def = field_name_dict.get(fv.fieldName)
600 if not field_def:
601 logging.warning('Custom field %s of does not exist', fv.fieldName)
602 continue
604 if fv.operator == api_pb2_v1.FieldValueOperator.clear:
605 fv_list_clear.append(field_def.field_id)
606 continue
608 # Enum fields are stored as labels
609 if field_def.field_type == tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.ENUM_TYPE:
610 raw_val = '%s-%s' % (fv.fieldName, fv.fieldValue)
611 if fv.operator == api_pb2_v1.FieldValueOperator.remove:
612 label_list_remove.append(raw_val)
613 elif fv.operator == api_pb2_v1.FieldValueOperator.add:
614 label_list_add.append(raw_val)
615 else: # pragma: no cover
616 logging.warning('Unsupported field value operater %s', fv.operator)
617 else:
618 new_fv = field_helpers.ParseOneFieldValue(
619 mar.cnxn, services.user, field_def, fv.fieldValue)
620 if fv.operator == api_pb2_v1.FieldValueOperator.remove:
621 fv_list_remove.append(new_fv)
622 elif fv.operator == api_pb2_v1.FieldValueOperator.add:
623 fv_list_add.append(new_fv)
624 else: # pragma: no cover
625 logging.warning('Unsupported field value operater %s', fv.operator)
627 return (fv_list_add, fv_list_remove, fv_list_clear,
628 label_list_add, label_list_remove)