blob: f90b24f53a6a820b89e235e577bcb000a86b3017 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Business objects for the Monorail issue tracker.
These are classes and functions that operate on the objects that
users care about in the issue tracker: e.g., issues, and the issue
tracker configuration.
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
import collections
import logging
import time
from six import string_types
from features import federated
from framework import exceptions
from framework import framework_bizobj
from framework import framework_constants
from framework import framework_helpers
from framework import timestr
from framework import urls
from mrproto import tracker_pb2
from tracker import tracker_constants
def GetOwnerId(issue):
"""Get the owner of an issue, whether it is explicit or derived."""
return (issue.owner_id or issue.derived_owner_id or
def GetStatus(issue):
"""Get the status of an issue, whether it is explicit or derived."""
return issue.status or issue.derived_status or ''
def GetCcIds(issue):
"""Get the Cc's of an issue, whether they are explicit or derived."""
return issue.cc_ids + issue.derived_cc_ids
def GetApproverIds(issue):
"""Get the Approvers' ids of an isuses approval_values."""
approver_ids = []
for av in issue.approval_values:
return list(set(approver_ids))
def GetLabels(issue):
"""Get the labels of an issue, whether explicit or derived."""
return issue.labels + issue.derived_labels
def MakeProjectIssueConfig(
project_id, well_known_statuses, statuses_offer_merge, well_known_labels,
excl_label_prefixes, col_spec):
"""Return a ProjectIssueConfig with the given values."""
# pylint: disable=multiple-statements
if not well_known_statuses: well_known_statuses = []
if not statuses_offer_merge: statuses_offer_merge = []
if not well_known_labels: well_known_labels = []
if not excl_label_prefixes: excl_label_prefixes = []
if not col_spec: col_spec = ' '
project_config = tracker_pb2.ProjectIssueConfig()
if project_id: # There is no ID for harmonized configs.
project_config.project_id = project_id
SetConfigStatuses(project_config, well_known_statuses)
project_config.statuses_offer_merge = statuses_offer_merge
SetConfigLabels(project_config, well_known_labels)
project_config.exclusive_label_prefixes = excl_label_prefixes
# ID 0 means that nothing has been specified, so use hard-coded defaults.
project_config.default_template_for_developers = 0
project_config.default_template_for_users = 0
project_config.default_col_spec = col_spec
# Note: default project issue config has no filter rules.
return project_config
def FindFieldDef(field_name, config):
"""Find the specified field, or return None."""
if not field_name:
return None
field_name_lower = field_name.lower()
for fd in config.field_defs:
if fd.field_name.lower() == field_name_lower:
return fd
return None
def FindFieldDefByID(field_id, config):
"""Find the specified field, or return None."""
for fd in config.field_defs:
if fd.field_id == field_id:
return fd
return None
def FindApprovalDef(approval_name, config):
"""Find the specified approval, or return None."""
fd = FindFieldDef(approval_name, config)
if fd:
return FindApprovalDefByID(fd.field_id, config)
return None
def FindApprovalDefByID(approval_id, config):
"""Find the specified approval, or return None."""
for approval_def in config.approval_defs:
if approval_def.approval_id == approval_id:
return approval_def
return None
def FindApprovalValueByID(approval_id, approval_values):
"""Find the specified approval_value in the given list or return None."""
for av in approval_values:
if av.approval_id == approval_id:
return av
return None
def FindApprovalsSubfields(approval_ids, config):
"""Return a dict of {approval_ids: approval_subfields}."""
approval_subfields_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
for fd in config.field_defs:
if fd.approval_id in approval_ids:
return approval_subfields_dict
def FindPhaseByID(phase_id, phases):
"""Find the specified phase, or return None"""
for phase in phases:
if phase.phase_id == phase_id:
return phase
return None
def FindPhase(name, phases):
"""Find the specified phase, or return None"""
for phase in phases:
if == name.lower():
return phase
return None
def GetGrantedPerms(issue, effective_ids, config):
"""Return a set of permissions granted by user-valued fields in an issue."""
granted_perms = set()
for field_value in issue.field_values:
if field_value.user_id in effective_ids:
field_def = FindFieldDefByID(field_value.field_id, config)
if field_def and field_def.grants_perm:
# TODO(jrobbins): allow comma-separated list in grants_perm
return granted_perms
def LabelsByPrefix(labels, lower_field_names):
"""Convert a list of key-value labels into {lower_prefix: [value, ...]}.
It also handles custom fields with dashes in the field name.
label_values_by_prefix = collections.defaultdict(list)
for lab in labels:
if '-' not in lab:
lower_lab = lab.lower()
for lower_field_name in lower_field_names:
if lower_lab.startswith(lower_field_name + '-'):
prefix = lower_field_name
value = lab[len(lower_field_name)+1:]
else: # No field name matched
prefix, value = lab.split('-', 1)
prefix = prefix.lower()
return label_values_by_prefix
def LabelIsMaskedByField(label, field_names):
"""If the label should be displayed as a field, return the field name.
label: string label to consider.
field_names: a list of field names in lowercase.
If masked, return the lowercase name of the field, otherwise None. A label
is masked by a custom field if the field name "Foo" matches the key part of
a key-value label "Foo-Bar".
if '-' not in label:
return None
for field_name_lower in field_names:
if label.lower().startswith(field_name_lower + '-'):
return field_name_lower
return None
def NonMaskedLabels(labels, field_names):
"""Return only those labels that are not masked by custom fields."""
return [lab for lab in labels
if not LabelIsMaskedByField(lab, field_names)]
def ExplicitAndDerivedNonMaskedLabels(labels, derived_labels, config):
"""Return two lists of labels that are not masked by enum custom fields."""
field_names = [fd.field_name.lower() for fd in config.field_defs
if fd.field_type is tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.ENUM_TYPE and
not fd.is_deleted] # TODO(jrobbins): restricts
labels = [
lab for lab in labels
if not LabelIsMaskedByField(lab, field_names)]
derived_labels = [
lab for lab in derived_labels
if not LabelIsMaskedByField(lab, field_names)]
return labels, derived_labels
def MakeApprovalValue(approval_id, approver_ids=None, status=None,
setter_id=None, set_on=None, phase_id=None):
"""Return an ApprovalValue PB with the given field values."""
av = tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(
approval_id=approval_id, status=status,
setter_id=setter_id, set_on=set_on, phase_id=phase_id)
if approver_ids is not None:
av.approver_ids = approver_ids
return av
def MakeFieldDef(
"""Make a FieldDef PB for the given FieldDef table row tuple."""
if isinstance(date_action, string_types):
date_action = date_action.upper()
fd = tracker_pb2.FieldDef(
applicable_type=applic_type or '',
applicable_predicate=applic_pred or '',
grants_perm=grants_perm or '',
notify_on=tracker_pb2.NotifyTriggers(notify_on or 0),
date_action=tracker_pb2.DateAction(date_action or 0),
if min_value is not None:
fd.min_value = min_value
if max_value is not None:
fd.max_value = max_value
if regex is not None:
fd.regex = regex
if needs_perm is not None:
fd.needs_perm = needs_perm
if approval_id is not None:
fd.approval_id = approval_id
if admin_ids:
fd.admin_ids = admin_ids
if editor_ids:
fd.editor_ids = editor_ids
return fd
def MakeFieldValue(
field_id, int_value, str_value, user_id, date_value, url_value, derived,
"""Make a FieldValue based on the given information."""
fv = tracker_pb2.FieldValue(field_id=field_id, derived=derived)
if phase_id is not None:
fv.phase_id = phase_id
if int_value is not None:
fv.int_value = int_value
elif str_value is not None:
fv.str_value = str_value
elif user_id is not None:
fv.user_id = user_id
elif date_value is not None:
fv.date_value = date_value
elif url_value is not None:
fv.url_value = url_value
raise ValueError('Unexpected field value')
return fv
def GetFieldValueWithRawValue(field_type, field_value, users_by_id, raw_value):
"""Find and return the field value of the specified field type.
If the specified field_value is None or is empty then the raw_value is
returned. When the field type is USER_TYPE the raw_value is used as a key to
lookup users_by_id.
field_type: tracker_pb2.FieldTypes type.
field_value: tracker_pb2.FieldValue type.
users_by_id: Dict mapping user_ids to UserViews.
raw_value: String to use if field_value is not specified.
Value of the specified field type.
ret_value = GetFieldValue(field_value, users_by_id)
if ret_value:
return ret_value
# Special case for user types.
if field_type == tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.USER_TYPE:
if raw_value in users_by_id:
return users_by_id[raw_value].email
return raw_value
def GetFieldValue(fv, users_by_id):
"""Return the value of this field. Give emails for users in users_by_id."""
if fv is None:
return None
elif fv.int_value is not None:
return fv.int_value
elif fv.str_value is not None:
return fv.str_value
elif fv.user_id is not None:
if fv.user_id in users_by_id:
return users_by_id[fv.user_id].email
else:'Failed to lookup user %d when getting field', fv.user_id)
return fv.user_id
elif fv.date_value is not None:
return timestr.TimestampToDateWidgetStr(fv.date_value)
elif fv.url_value is not None:
return fv.url_value
return None
def FindComponentDef(path, config):
"""Find the specified component, or return None."""
path_lower = path.lower()
for cd in config.component_defs:
if cd.path.lower() == path_lower:
return cd
return None
def FindMatchingComponentIDs(path, config, exact=True):
"""Return a list of components that match the given path."""
component_ids = []
path_lower = path.lower()
if exact:
for cd in config.component_defs:
if cd.path.lower() == path_lower:
path_lower_delim = path.lower() + '>'
for cd in config.component_defs:
target_delim = cd.path.lower() + '>'
if target_delim.startswith(path_lower_delim):
return component_ids
def FindComponentDefByID(component_id, config):
"""Find the specified component, or return None."""
for cd in config.component_defs:
if cd.component_id == component_id:
return cd
return None
def FindAncestorComponents(config, component_def):
"""Return a list of all components the given component is under."""
path_lower = component_def.path.lower()
return [cd for cd in config.component_defs
if path_lower.startswith(cd.path.lower() + '>')]
def GetIssueComponentsAndAncestors(issue, config):
"""Return a list of all the components that an issue is in."""
result = []
for component_id in issue.component_ids:
cd = FindComponentDefByID(component_id, config)
if cd is None:
logging.error('Tried to look up non-existent component %r' % component_id)
ancestors = FindAncestorComponents(config, cd)
return sorted(result, key=lambda cd: cd.path)
def FindDescendantComponents(config, component_def):
"""Return a list of all nested components under the given component."""
path_plus_delim = component_def.path.lower() + '>'
return [cd for cd in config.component_defs
if cd.path.lower().startswith(path_plus_delim)]
def MakeComponentDef(
component_id, project_id, path, docstring, deprecated, admin_ids, cc_ids,
created, creator_id, modified=None, modifier_id=None, label_ids=None):
"""Make a ComponentDef PB for the given FieldDef table row tuple."""
cd = tracker_pb2.ComponentDef(
component_id=component_id, project_id=project_id, path=path,
docstring=docstring, deprecated=bool(deprecated),
admin_ids=admin_ids, cc_ids=cc_ids, created=created,
creator_id=creator_id, modified=modified, modifier_id=modifier_id,
label_ids=label_ids or [])
return cd
def MakeSavedQuery(
query_id, name, base_query_id, query, subscription_mode=None,
"""Make SavedQuery PB for the given info."""
saved_query = tracker_pb2.SavedQuery(
name=name, base_query_id=base_query_id, query=query)
if query_id is not None:
saved_query.query_id = query_id
if subscription_mode is not None:
saved_query.subscription_mode = subscription_mode
if executes_in_project_ids is not None:
saved_query.executes_in_project_ids = executes_in_project_ids
return saved_query
def SetConfigStatuses(project_config, well_known_statuses):
"""Internal method to set the well-known statuses of ProjectIssueConfig."""
project_config.well_known_statuses = []
for status, docstring, means_open, deprecated in well_known_statuses:
canonical_status = framework_bizobj.CanonicalizeLabel(status)
status_docstring=docstring, status=canonical_status,
means_open=means_open, deprecated=deprecated))
def SetConfigLabels(project_config, well_known_labels):
"""Internal method to set the well-known labels of a ProjectIssueConfig."""
project_config.well_known_labels = []
for label, docstring, deprecated in well_known_labels:
canonical_label = framework_bizobj.CanonicalizeLabel(label)
label=canonical_label, label_docstring=docstring,
def SetConfigApprovals(project_config, approval_def_tuples):
"""Internal method to set up approval defs of a ProjectissueConfig."""
project_config.approval_defs = []
for approval_id, approver_ids, survey in approval_def_tuples:
approval_id=approval_id, approver_ids=approver_ids, survey=survey))
def ConvertDictToTemplate(template_dict):
"""Construct a Template PB with the values from template_dict.
template_dict: dictionary with fields corresponding to the Template
PB fields.
A Template protocol buffer that can be stored in the
project's ProjectIssueConfig PB.
return MakeIssueTemplate(
template_dict.get('name'), template_dict.get('summary'),
template_dict.get('status'), template_dict.get('owner_id'),
template_dict.get('content'), template_dict.get('labels'), [], [],
def MakeIssueTemplate(
"""Make an issue template PB."""
template = tracker_pb2.TemplateDef() = name
if summary:
template.summary = summary
if status:
template.status = status
if owner_id:
template.owner_id = owner_id
template.content = content
template.field_values = field_values
template.labels = labels or []
template.admin_ids = admin_ids
template.component_ids = component_ids or []
template.approval_values = approval_values or []
if summary_must_be_edited is not None:
template.summary_must_be_edited = summary_must_be_edited
if owner_defaults_to_member is not None:
template.owner_defaults_to_member = owner_defaults_to_member
if component_required is not None:
template.component_required = component_required
if members_only is not None:
template.members_only = members_only
if phases is not None:
template.phases = phases
return template
def MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(project_id):
"""Return a ProjectIssueConfig with use by projects that don't have one."""
return MakeProjectIssueConfig(
def HarmonizeConfigs(config_list):
"""Combine several ProjectIssueConfigs into one for cross-project sorting.
config_list: a list of ProjectIssueConfig PBs with labels and statuses
among other fields.
A new ProjectIssueConfig with just the labels and status values filled
in to be a logical union of the given configs. Specifically, the order
of the combined status and label lists should be maintained.
if not config_list:
return MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(None)
harmonized_status_names = _CombineOrderedLists(
[[stat.status for stat in config.well_known_statuses]
for config in config_list])
harmonized_label_names = _CombineOrderedLists(
[[lab.label for lab in config.well_known_labels]
for config in config_list])
harmonized_default_sort_spec = ' '.join(
config.default_sort_spec for config in config_list)
harmonized_means_open = {
status: any([stat.means_open
for config in config_list
for stat in config.well_known_statuses
if stat.status == status])
for status in harmonized_status_names}
# This col_spec is probably not what the user wants to view because it is
# too much information. We join all the col_specs here so that we are sure
# to lookup all users needed for sorting, even if it is more than needed.
# xxx we need to look up users based on colspec rather than sortspec?
harmonized_default_col_spec = ' '.join(
config.default_col_spec for config in config_list)
result_config = tracker_pb2.ProjectIssueConfig()
# The combined config is only used during sorting, never stored.
result_config.default_col_spec = harmonized_default_col_spec
result_config.default_sort_spec = harmonized_default_sort_spec
for status_name in harmonized_status_names:
status=status_name, means_open=harmonized_means_open[status_name]))
for label_name in harmonized_label_names:
for config in config_list:
list(fd for fd in config.field_defs if not fd.is_deleted))
return result_config
def HarmonizeLabelOrStatusRows(def_rows):
"""Put the given label defs into a logical global order."""
ranked_defs_by_project = {}
oddball_defs = []
for row in def_rows:
def_id, project_id, rank, label = row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3]
if rank is not None:
ranked_defs_by_project.setdefault(project_id, []).append(
(def_id, rank, label))
oddball_defs.append((def_id, rank, label))
oddball_defs.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda def_tuple: def_tuple[2].lower())
# Compose the list-of-lists in a consistent order by project_id.
list_of_lists = [ranked_defs_by_project[pid]
for pid in sorted(ranked_defs_by_project.keys())]
harmonized_ranked_defs = _CombineOrderedLists(
list_of_lists, include_duplicate_keys=True,
key=lambda def_tuple: def_tuple[2])
return oddball_defs + harmonized_ranked_defs
def _CombineOrderedLists(
list_of_lists, include_duplicate_keys=False, key=lambda x: x):
"""Combine lists of items while maintaining their desired order.
list_of_lists: a list of lists of strings.
include_duplicate_keys: Pass True to make the combined list have the
same total number of elements as the sum of the input lists.
key: optional function to choose which part of the list items hold the
string used for comparison. The result will have the whole items.
A single list of items containing one copy of each of the items
in any of the original list, and in an order that maintains the original
list ordering as much as possible.
combined_items = []
combined_keys = []
seen_keys_set = set()
for one_list in list_of_lists:
one_list, combined_items, combined_keys, seen_keys_set, key=key,
return combined_items
def _AccumulateCombinedList(
one_list, combined_items, combined_keys, seen_keys_set,
include_duplicate_keys=False, key=lambda x: x):
"""Accumulate strings into a combined list while its maintaining ordering.
one_list: list of strings in a desired order.
combined_items: accumulated list of items in the desired order.
combined_keys: accumulated list of key strings in the desired order.
seen_keys_set: set of strings that are already in combined_list.
include_duplicate_keys: Pass True to make the combined list have the
same total number of elements as the sum of the input lists.
key: optional function to choose which part of the list items hold the
string used for comparison. The result will have the whole items.
Nothing. But, combined_items is modified to mix in all the items of
one_list at appropriate points such that nothing in combined_items
is reordered, and the ordering of items from one_list is maintained
as much as possible. Also, seen_keys_set is modified to add any keys
for items that were added to combined_items.
Also, any strings that begin with "#" are compared regardless of the "#".
The purpose of such strings is to guide the final ordering.
insert_idx = 0
for item in one_list:
s = key(item).lower()
if s in seen_keys_set:
item_idx = combined_keys.index(s) # Need parallel list of keys
insert_idx = max(insert_idx, item_idx + 1)
if s not in seen_keys_set or include_duplicate_keys:
combined_items.insert(insert_idx, item)
combined_keys.insert(insert_idx, s)
insert_idx += 1
def GetBuiltInQuery(query_id):
"""If the given query ID is for a built-in query, return that string."""
return tracker_constants.DEFAULT_CANNED_QUERY_CONDS.get(query_id, '')
def UsersInvolvedInAmendments(amendments):
"""Return a set of all user IDs mentioned in the given Amendments."""
user_id_set = set()
for amendment in amendments:
return user_id_set
def _AccumulateUsersInvolvedInComment(comment, user_id_set):
"""Build up a set of all users involved in an IssueComment.
comment: an IssueComment PB.
user_id_set: a set of user IDs to build up.
The same set, but modified to have the user IDs of user who
entered the comment, and all the users mentioned in any amendments.
return user_id_set
def UsersInvolvedInComment(comment):
"""Return a set of all users involved in an IssueComment.
comment: an IssueComment PB.
A set with the user IDs of user who entered the comment, and all the
users mentioned in any amendments.
return _AccumulateUsersInvolvedInComment(comment, set())
def UsersInvolvedInCommentList(comments):
"""Return a set of all users involved in a list of IssueComments.
comments: a list of IssueComment PBs.
A set with the user IDs of user who entered the comment, and all the
users mentioned in any amendments.
result = set()
for c in comments:
_AccumulateUsersInvolvedInComment(c, result)
return result
def UsersInvolvedInIssues(issues):
"""Return a set of all user IDs referenced in the issues' metadata."""
result = set()
for issue in issues:
result.update([issue.reporter_id, issue.owner_id, issue.derived_owner_id])
result.update(fv.user_id for fv in issue.field_values if fv.user_id)
for av in issue.approval_values:
result.update(approver_id for approver_id in av.approver_ids)
if av.setter_id:
return result
def UsersInvolvedInTemplate(template):
"""Return a set of all user IDs referenced in the template."""
result = set(
template.admin_ids +
[fv.user_id for fv in template.field_values if fv.user_id])
if template.owner_id:
for av in template.approval_values:
if av.setter_id:
return result
def UsersInvolvedInTemplates(templates):
"""Return a set of all user IDs referenced in the given templates."""
result = set()
for template in templates:
return result
def UsersInvolvedInComponents(component_defs):
"""Return a set of user IDs referenced in the given components."""
result = set()
for cd in component_defs:
if cd.creator_id:
if cd.modifier_id:
return result
def UsersInvolvedInApprovalDefs(approval_defs, matching_fds):
# type: (Sequence[mrproto.tracker_pb2.ApprovalDef],
# Sequence[mrproto.tracker_pb2.FieldDef]) -> Collection[int]
"""Return a set of user IDs referenced in the approval_defs and field defs"""
result = set()
for ad in approval_defs:
for fd in matching_fds:
return result
def UsersInvolvedInConfig(config):
"""Return a set of all user IDs referenced in the config."""
result = set()
for ad in config.approval_defs:
for fd in config.field_defs:
return result
def LabelIDsInvolvedInConfig(config):
"""Return a set of all label IDs referenced in the config."""
result = set()
for cd in config.component_defs:
return result
def MakeApprovalDelta(
status, setter_id, approver_ids_add, approver_ids_remove,
subfield_vals_add, subfield_vals_remove, subfields_clear, labels_add,
labels_remove, set_on=None):
approval_delta = tracker_pb2.ApprovalDelta(
if status is not None:
approval_delta.status = status
approval_delta.set_on = set_on or int(time.time())
approval_delta.setter_id = setter_id
return approval_delta
def MakeIssueDelta(
status, owner_id, cc_ids_add, cc_ids_remove, comp_ids_add, comp_ids_remove,
labels_add, labels_remove, field_vals_add, field_vals_remove, fields_clear,
blocked_on_add, blocked_on_remove, blocking_add, blocking_remove,
merged_into, summary, ext_blocked_on_add=None, ext_blocked_on_remove=None,
ext_blocking_add=None, ext_blocking_remove=None, merged_into_external=None):
"""Construct an IssueDelta object with the given fields, iff non-None."""
delta = tracker_pb2.IssueDelta(
cc_ids_add=cc_ids_add, cc_ids_remove=cc_ids_remove,
comp_ids_add=comp_ids_add, comp_ids_remove=comp_ids_remove,
labels_add=labels_add, labels_remove=labels_remove,
field_vals_add=field_vals_add, field_vals_remove=field_vals_remove,
blocked_on_add=blocked_on_add, blocked_on_remove=blocked_on_remove,
blocking_add=blocking_add, blocking_remove=blocking_remove)
if status is not None:
delta.status = status
if owner_id is not None:
delta.owner_id = owner_id
if merged_into is not None:
delta.merged_into = merged_into
if merged_into_external is not None:
delta.merged_into_external = merged_into_external
if summary is not None:
delta.summary = summary
if ext_blocked_on_add is not None:
delta.ext_blocked_on_add = ext_blocked_on_add
if ext_blocked_on_remove is not None:
delta.ext_blocked_on_remove = ext_blocked_on_remove
if ext_blocking_add is not None:
delta.ext_blocking_add = ext_blocking_add
if ext_blocking_remove is not None:
delta.ext_blocking_remove = ext_blocking_remove
return delta
def ApplyLabelChanges(issue, config, labels_add, labels_remove):
"""Updates the PB issue's labels and returns the amendment or None."""
canon_labels_add = [framework_bizobj.CanonicalizeLabel(l)
for l in labels_add]
labels_add = [l for l in canon_labels_add if l]
canon_labels_remove = [framework_bizobj.CanonicalizeLabel(l)
for l in labels_remove]
labels_remove = [l for l in canon_labels_remove if l]
(labels, update_labels_add,
update_labels_remove) = framework_bizobj.MergeLabels(
issue.labels, labels_add, labels_remove, config)
if update_labels_add or update_labels_remove:
issue.labels = labels
return MakeLabelsAmendment(
update_labels_add, update_labels_remove)
return None
def ApplyFieldValueChanges(issue, config, fvs_add, fvs_remove, fields_clear):
"""Updates the PB issue's field_values and returns an amendments list."""
phase_names_dict = {phase.phase_id: for phase in issue.phases}
phase_ids = list(phase_names_dict.keys())
(field_vals, added_fvs_by_id,
removed_fvs_by_id) = _MergeFields(
[fv for fv in fvs_add if not fv.phase_id or fv.phase_id in phase_ids],
[fv for fv in fvs_remove if not fv.phase_id or fv.phase_id in phase_ids],
amendments = []
if added_fvs_by_id or removed_fvs_by_id:
issue.field_values = field_vals
for fd in config.field_defs:
fd_added_values_by_phase = collections.defaultdict(list)
fd_removed_values_by_phase = collections.defaultdict(list)
# Split fd's added/removed fvs by the phase they belong to.
# non-phase fds will result in {None: [added_fvs]}
for fv in added_fvs_by_id.get(fd.field_id, []):
for fv in removed_fvs_by_id.get(fd.field_id, []):
# Use all_fv_phase_ids to create Amendments, so no empty amendments
# are created for issue phases that had no field value changes.
all_fv_phase_ids = set(fd_removed_values_by_phase.keys()) | set(
for phase_id in all_fv_phase_ids:
new_values = [GetFieldValue(fv, {}) for fv
in fd_added_values_by_phase.get(phase_id, [])]
old_values = [GetFieldValue(fv, {}) for fv
in fd_removed_values_by_phase.get(phase_id, [])]
fd.field_id, config, new_values, old_values=old_values,
# Note: Clearing fields is used with bulk-editing and phase fields do
# not appear there and cannot be bulk-edited.
if fields_clear:
field_clear_set = set(fields_clear)
revised_fields = []
for fd in config.field_defs:
if fd.field_id not in field_clear_set:
fv for fv in issue.field_values if fv.field_id == fd.field_id)
MakeFieldClearedAmendment(fd.field_id, config))
if fd.field_type == tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.ENUM_TYPE:
prefix = fd.field_name.lower() + '-'
filtered_labels = [
lab for lab in issue.labels
if not lab.lower().startswith(prefix)]
issue.labels = filtered_labels
issue.field_values = revised_fields
return amendments
def ApplyIssueDelta(cnxn, issue_service, issue, delta, config):
"""Apply an issue delta to an issue in RAM.
cnxn: connection to SQL database.
issue_service: object to access issue-related data in the database.
issue: Issue to be updated.
delta: IssueDelta object with new values for everything being changed.
config: ProjectIssueConfig object for the project containing the issue.
A pair (amendments, impacted_iids) where amendments is a list of Amendment
protos to describe what changed, and impacted_iids is a set of other IIDs
for issues that are modified because they are related to the given issue.
amendments = []
impacted_iids = set()
if (delta.status is not None and delta.status != issue.status):
status = framework_bizobj.CanonicalizeLabel(delta.status)
amendments.append(MakeStatusAmendment(status, issue.status))
issue.status = status
if (delta.owner_id is not None and delta.owner_id != issue.owner_id):
amendments.append(MakeOwnerAmendment(delta.owner_id, issue.owner_id))
issue.owner_id = delta.owner_id
# compute the set of cc'd users added and removed
cc_add = [cc for cc in delta.cc_ids_add if cc not in issue.cc_ids]
cc_remove = [cc for cc in delta.cc_ids_remove if cc in issue.cc_ids]
if cc_add or cc_remove:
cc_ids = [cc for cc in list(issue.cc_ids) + cc_add
if cc not in cc_remove]
issue.cc_ids = cc_ids
amendments.append(MakeCcAmendment(cc_add, cc_remove))
# compute the set of components added and removed
comp_ids_add = [
c for c in delta.comp_ids_add if c not in issue.component_ids]
comp_ids_remove = [
c for c in delta.comp_ids_remove if c in issue.component_ids]
if comp_ids_add or comp_ids_remove:
comp_ids = [cid for cid in list(issue.component_ids) + comp_ids_add
if cid not in comp_ids_remove]
issue.component_ids = comp_ids
comp_ids_add, comp_ids_remove, config))
# compute the set of labels added and removed
label_amendment = ApplyLabelChanges(
issue, config, delta.labels_add, delta.labels_remove)
if label_amendment:
# compute the set of custom fields added and removed
fv_amendments = ApplyFieldValueChanges(
issue, config, delta.field_vals_add, delta.field_vals_remove,
# Update blocking and blocked on issues.
block_changes_impacted_iids) = ApplyIssueBlockRelationChanges(
cnxn, issue, delta.blocked_on_add, delta.blocked_on_remove,
delta.blocking_add, delta.blocking_remove, issue_service)
# Update external issue references.
if delta.ext_blocked_on_add or delta.ext_blocked_on_remove:
add_refs = []
for ext_id in delta.ext_blocked_on_add:
ref = tracker_pb2.DanglingIssueRef(ext_issue_identifier=ext_id)
if (federated.IsShortlinkValid(ext_id) and
ref not in issue.dangling_blocked_on_refs and
ext_id not in delta.ext_blocked_on_remove):
remove_refs = []
for ext_id in delta.ext_blocked_on_remove:
ref = tracker_pb2.DanglingIssueRef(ext_issue_identifier=ext_id)
if (federated.IsShortlinkValid(ext_id) and
ref in issue.dangling_blocked_on_refs):
if add_refs or remove_refs:
amendments.append(MakeBlockedOnAmendment(add_refs, remove_refs))
issue.dangling_blocked_on_refs = [
ref for ref in issue.dangling_blocked_on_refs + add_refs
if ref.ext_issue_identifier not in delta.ext_blocked_on_remove]
# Update external issue references.
if delta.ext_blocking_add or delta.ext_blocking_remove:
add_refs = []
for ext_id in delta.ext_blocking_add:
ref = tracker_pb2.DanglingIssueRef(ext_issue_identifier=ext_id)
if (federated.IsShortlinkValid(ext_id) and
ref not in issue.dangling_blocking_refs and
ext_id not in delta.ext_blocking_remove):
remove_refs = []
for ext_id in delta.ext_blocking_remove:
ref = tracker_pb2.DanglingIssueRef(ext_issue_identifier=ext_id)
if (federated.IsShortlinkValid(ext_id) and
ref in issue.dangling_blocking_refs):
if add_refs or remove_refs:
amendments.append(MakeBlockingAmendment(add_refs, remove_refs))
issue.dangling_blocking_refs = [
ref for ref in issue.dangling_blocking_refs + add_refs
if ref.ext_issue_identifier not in delta.ext_blocking_remove]
if delta.merged_into is not None and delta.merged_into_external is not None:
raise ValueError(('Cannot update merged_into and merged_into_external'
' fields at the same time.'))
if (delta.merged_into is not None and
delta.merged_into != issue.merged_into and
((delta.merged_into == 0 and issue.merged_into is not None) or
delta.merged_into != 0)):
# Handle removing the existing internal merged_into.
merged_remove = issue.merged_into
remove_issue = issue_service.GetIssue(cnxn, merged_remove)
remove_ref = remove_issue.project_name, remove_issue.local_id
except exceptions.NoSuchIssueException:
remove_ref = None
# Handle going from external->internal mergedinto.
if issue.merged_into_external:
remove_ref = tracker_pb2.DanglingIssueRef(
issue.merged_into_external = None
# Handle adding the new merged_into.
merged_add = delta.merged_into
issue.merged_into = delta.merged_into
add_issue = issue_service.GetIssue(cnxn, merged_add)
add_ref = add_issue.project_name, add_issue.local_id
except exceptions.NoSuchIssueException:
add_ref = None
[add_ref], [remove_ref], default_project_name=issue.project_name))
if (delta.merged_into_external is not None and
delta.merged_into_external != issue.merged_into_external and
(federated.IsShortlinkValid(delta.merged_into_external) or
(delta.merged_into_external == '' and issue.merged_into_external))):
remove_ref = None
if issue.merged_into_external:
remove_ref = tracker_pb2.DanglingIssueRef(
elif issue.merged_into:
# Handle moving from internal->external mergedinto.
remove_issue = issue_service.GetIssue(cnxn, issue.merged_into)
remove_ref = remove_issue.project_name, remove_issue.local_id
except exceptions.NoSuchIssueException:
add_ref = tracker_pb2.DanglingIssueRef(
issue.merged_into = 0
issue.merged_into_external = delta.merged_into_external
amendments.append(MakeMergedIntoAmendment([add_ref], [remove_ref],
if delta.summary and delta.summary != issue.summary:
amendments.append(MakeSummaryAmendment(delta.summary, issue.summary))
issue.summary = delta.summary
return amendments, impacted_iids
def ApplyIssueBlockRelationChanges(
cnxn, issue, blocked_on_add, blocked_on_remove, blocking_add,
blocking_remove, issue_service):
# type: (MonorailConnection, Issue, Collection[int], Collection[int],
# Collection[int], Collection[int], IssueService) ->
# Sequence[Amendment], Collection[int]
"""Apply issue blocking/blocked_on relation changes to an issue in RAM.
cnxn: connection to SQL database.
issue: Issue PB that we are applying the changes to.
blocked_on_add: list of issue IDs that we want to add as blocked_on.
blocked_on_remove: list of issue IDs that we want to remove from blocked_on.
blocking_add: list of issue IDs that we want to add as blocking.
blocking_remove: list of issue IDs that we want to remove from blocking.
issue_service: IssueService used to fetch info from DB or cache.
A tuple that holds the list of Amendments that represent the applied changes
and a set of issue IDs that are impacted by the changes.
The given issue's blocked_on and blocking fields will be modified.
amendments = []
impacted_iids = set()
def addAmendment(add_iids, remove_iids, amendment_func):
add_refs_dict = issue_service.LookupIssueRefs(cnxn, add_iids)
add_refs = [add_refs_dict[iid] for iid in add_iids if iid in add_refs_dict]
remove_refs_dict = issue_service.LookupIssueRefs(cnxn, remove_iids)
remove_refs = [
remove_refs_dict[iid] for iid in remove_iids if iid in remove_refs_dict
new_am = amendment_func(
add_refs, remove_refs, default_project_name=issue.project_name)
# Apply blocked_on changes.
old_blocked_on = issue.blocked_on_iids
blocked_on_add = [iid for iid in blocked_on_add if iid not in old_blocked_on]
blocked_on_remove = [
iid for iid in blocked_on_remove if iid in old_blocked_on
# blocked_on_add and blocked_on_remove are filtered above such that they
# could not contain matching items.
if blocked_on_add or blocked_on_remove:
addAmendment(blocked_on_add, blocked_on_remove, MakeBlockedOnAmendment)
new_blocked_on_iids = [
iid for iid in old_blocked_on + blocked_on_add
if iid not in blocked_on_remove
issue.blocked_on_ranks) = issue_service.SortBlockedOn(
cnxn, issue, new_blocked_on_iids)
impacted_iids.update(blocked_on_add + blocked_on_remove)
# Apply blocking changes.
old_blocking = issue.blocking_iids
blocking_add = [iid for iid in blocking_add if iid not in old_blocking]
blocking_remove = [iid for iid in blocking_remove if iid in old_blocking]
# blocking_add and blocking_remove are filtered above such that they
# could not contain matching items.
if blocking_add or blocking_remove:
addAmendment(blocking_add, blocking_remove, MakeBlockingAmendment)
issue.blocking_iids = [
iid for iid in old_blocking + blocking_add if iid not in blocking_remove
impacted_iids.update(blocking_add + blocking_remove)
return amendments, impacted_iids
def MakeAmendment(
"""Utility function to populate an Amendment PB.
field: enum for the field being updated.
new_value: new string value of that field.
added_ids: list of user IDs being added.
removed_ids: list of user IDs being removed.
custom_field_name: optional name of a custom field.
old_value: old string value of that field.
An instance of Amendment.
amendment = tracker_pb2.Amendment()
amendment.field = field
amendment.newvalue = new_value
if old_value is not None:
amendment.oldvalue = old_value
if custom_field_name is not None:
amendment.custom_field_name = custom_field_name
if added_component_ids is not None:
if removed_component_ids is not None:
return amendment
def _PlusMinusString(added_items, removed_items):
"""Return a concatenation of the items, with a minus on removed items.
added_items: list of string items added.
removed_items: list of string items removed.
A unicode string with all the removed items first (preceeded by minus
signs) and then the added items.
assert all(isinstance(item, string_types)
for item in added_items + removed_items)
# TODO(jrobbins): this is not good when values can be negative ints.
return ' '.join(
['-%s' % item.strip()
for item in removed_items if item] +
['%s' % item for item in added_items if item])
def _PlusMinusAmendment(
field, added_items, removed_items, custom_field_name=None):
"""Make an Amendment PB with the given added/removed items."""
return MakeAmendment(
field, _PlusMinusString(added_items, removed_items), [], [],
def _PlusMinusRefsAmendment(
field, added_refs, removed_refs, default_project_name=None):
"""Make an Amendment PB with the given added/removed refs."""
return _PlusMinusAmendment(
[FormatIssueRef(r, default_project_name=default_project_name)
for r in added_refs if r],
[FormatIssueRef(r, default_project_name=default_project_name)
for r in removed_refs if r])
def MakeSummaryAmendment(new_summary, old_summary):
"""Make an Amendment PB for a change to the summary."""
return MakeAmendment(
tracker_pb2.FieldID.SUMMARY, new_summary, [], [], old_value=old_summary)
def MakeStatusAmendment(new_status, old_status):
"""Make an Amendment PB for a change to the status."""
return MakeAmendment(
tracker_pb2.FieldID.STATUS, new_status, [], [], old_value=old_status)
def MakeOwnerAmendment(new_owner_id, old_owner_id):
"""Make an Amendment PB for a change to the owner."""
return MakeAmendment(
tracker_pb2.FieldID.OWNER, '', [new_owner_id], [old_owner_id])
def MakeCcAmendment(added_cc_ids, removed_cc_ids):
"""Make an Amendment PB for a change to the Cc list."""
return MakeAmendment(
tracker_pb2.FieldID.CC, '', added_cc_ids, removed_cc_ids)
def MakeLabelsAmendment(added_labels, removed_labels):
"""Make an Amendment PB for a change to the labels."""
return _PlusMinusAmendment(
tracker_pb2.FieldID.LABELS, added_labels, removed_labels)
def DiffValueLists(new_list, old_list):
"""Give an old list and a new list, return the added and removed items."""
if not old_list:
return new_list, []
if not new_list:
return [], old_list
added = []
removed = old_list[:] # Assume everything was removed, then narrow that down
for val in new_list:
if val in removed:
return added, removed
def MakeFieldAmendment(
field_id, config, new_values, old_values=None, phase_name=None):
"""Return an amendment showing how an issue's field changed.
field_id: int field ID of a built-in or custom issue field.
config: config info for the current project, including field_defs.
new_values: list of strings representing new values of field.
old_values: list of strings representing old values of field.
phase_name: name of the phase that owned the field that was changed.
A new Amemdnent object.
ValueError: if the specified field was not found.
fd = FindFieldDefByID(field_id, config)
if fd is None:
raise ValueError('field %r vanished mid-request', field_id)
field_name = fd.field_name if not phase_name else '%s-%s' % (
phase_name, fd.field_name)
if fd.is_multivalued:
old_values = old_values or []
added, removed = DiffValueLists(new_values, old_values)
if fd.field_type == tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.USER_TYPE:
return MakeAmendment(
tracker_pb2.FieldID.CUSTOM, '', added, removed,
return _PlusMinusAmendment(
['%s' % item for item in added],
['%s' % item for item in removed],
if fd.field_type == tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.USER_TYPE:
return MakeAmendment(
tracker_pb2.FieldID.CUSTOM, '', new_values, [],
if new_values:
new_str = ', '.join('%s' % item for item in new_values)
new_str = '----'
return MakeAmendment(
tracker_pb2.FieldID.CUSTOM, new_str, [], [],
def MakeFieldClearedAmendment(field_id, config):
fd = FindFieldDefByID(field_id, config)
if fd is None:
raise ValueError('field %r vanished mid-request', field_id)
return MakeAmendment(
tracker_pb2.FieldID.CUSTOM, '----', [], [],
def MakeApprovalStructureAmendment(new_approvals, old_approvals):
"""Return an Amendment showing an issue's approval structure changed.
new_approvals: the new list of approvals.
old_approvals: the old list of approvals.
A new Amendment object.
approvals_added, approvals_removed = DiffValueLists(
new_approvals, old_approvals)
return MakeAmendment(
tracker_pb2.FieldID.CUSTOM, _PlusMinusString(
approvals_added, approvals_removed),
[], [], custom_field_name='Approvals')
def MakeApprovalStatusAmendment(new_status):
"""Return an Amendment showing an issue approval's status changed.
new_status: ApprovalStatus representing the new approval status.
A new Amemdnent object.
return MakeAmendment(
tracker_pb2.FieldID.CUSTOM,, [], [],
def MakeApprovalApproversAmendment(approvers_add, approvers_remove):
"""Return an Amendment showing an issue approval's approvers changed.
approvers_add: list of approver user_ids being added.
approvers_remove: list of approver user_ids being removed.
A new Amendment object.
return MakeAmendment(
tracker_pb2.FieldID.CUSTOM, '', approvers_add, approvers_remove,
def MakeComponentsAmendment(added_comp_ids, removed_comp_ids, config):
"""Make an Amendment PB for a change to the components."""
# TODO(jrobbins): record component IDs as ints and display them with
# lookups (and maybe permission checks in the future). But, what
# about history that references deleleted components?
added_comp_paths = []
valid_added_comp_ids = []
for comp_id in added_comp_ids:
cd = FindComponentDefByID(comp_id, config)
if cd:
removed_comp_paths = []
valid_removed_comp_ids = []
for comp_id in removed_comp_ids:
cd = FindComponentDefByID(comp_id, config)
if cd:
values = _PlusMinusString(added_comp_paths, removed_comp_paths)
return MakeAmendment(
values, [], [],
def MakeBlockedOnAmendment(
added_refs, removed_refs, default_project_name=None):
"""Make an Amendment PB for a change to the blocked on issues."""
return _PlusMinusRefsAmendment(
tracker_pb2.FieldID.BLOCKEDON, added_refs, removed_refs,
def MakeBlockingAmendment(added_refs, removed_refs, default_project_name=None):
"""Make an Amendment PB for a change to the blocking issues."""
return _PlusMinusRefsAmendment(
tracker_pb2.FieldID.BLOCKING, added_refs, removed_refs,
def MakeMergedIntoAmendment(
added_refs, removed_refs, default_project_name=None):
"""Make an Amendment PB for a change to the merged-into issue."""
return _PlusMinusRefsAmendment(
tracker_pb2.FieldID.MERGEDINTO, added_refs, removed_refs,
def MakeProjectAmendment(new_project_name):
"""Make an Amendment PB for a change to an issue's project."""
return MakeAmendment(
tracker_pb2.FieldID.PROJECT, new_project_name, [], [])
def AmendmentString_New(amendment, user_display_names):
# type: (tracker_pb2.Amendment, Mapping[int, str]) -> str
"""Produce a displayable string for an Amendment PB.
amendment: Amendment PB to display.
user_display_names: dict {user_id: display_name, ...} including all users
mentioned in amendment.
A string that could be displayed on a web page or sent in email.
if amendment.newvalue:
return amendment.newvalue
# Display new owner only
if amendment.field == tracker_pb2.FieldID.OWNER:
if amendment.added_user_ids and amendment.added_user_ids[0]:
uid = amendment.added_user_ids[0]
result = user_display_names[uid]
result = framework_constants.NO_USER_NAME
added = [
for uid in amendment.added_user_ids
if uid in user_display_names
removed = [
for uid in amendment.removed_user_ids
if uid in user_display_names
result = _PlusMinusString(added, removed)
return result
def AmendmentString(amendment, user_views_by_id):
"""Produce a displayable string for an Amendment PB.
TODO( Delete this function in favor of _New.
amendment: Amendment PB to display.
user_views_by_id: dict {user_id: user_view, ...} including all users
mentioned in amendment.
A string that could be displayed on a web page or sent in email.
if amendment.newvalue:
return amendment.newvalue
# Display new owner only
if amendment.field == tracker_pb2.FieldID.OWNER:
if amendment.added_user_ids and amendment.added_user_ids[0]:
uid = amendment.added_user_ids[0]
result = user_views_by_id[uid].display_name
result = framework_constants.NO_USER_NAME
result = _PlusMinusString(
[user_views_by_id[uid].display_name for uid in amendment.added_user_ids
if uid in user_views_by_id],
for uid in amendment.removed_user_ids if uid in user_views_by_id])
return result
def AmendmentLinks(amendment, users_by_id, project_name):
"""Produce a list of value/url pairs for an Amendment PB.
amendment: Amendment PB to display.
users_by_id: dict {user_id: user_view, ...} including all users
mentioned in amendment.
project_nme: Name of project the issue/comment/amendment is in.
A list of dicts with 'value' and 'url' keys. 'url' may be None.
# Display both old and new summary, status
if (amendment.field == tracker_pb2.FieldID.SUMMARY or
amendment.field == tracker_pb2.FieldID.STATUS):
result = amendment.newvalue
oldValue = amendment.oldvalue;
# Old issues have a 'NULL' string as the old value of the summary
# or status fields. See
if oldValue and oldValue != 'NULL':
result += ' (was: %s)' % amendment.oldvalue
return [{'value': result, 'url': None}]
# Display new owner only
elif amendment.field == tracker_pb2.FieldID.OWNER:
if amendment.added_user_ids and amendment.added_user_ids[0]:
uid = amendment.added_user_ids[0]
return [{'value': users_by_id[uid].display_name, 'url': None}]
return [{'value': framework_constants.NO_USER_NAME, 'url': None}]
elif amendment.field in (tracker_pb2.FieldID.BLOCKEDON,
values = amendment.newvalue.split()
bug_refs = [_SafeParseIssueRef(v.strip()) for v in values]
issue_urls = [FormatIssueURL(ref, default_project_name=project_name)
for ref in bug_refs]
# TODO(jrobbins): Permission checks on referenced issues to allow
# showing summary on hover.
return [{'value': v, 'url': u} for (v, u) in zip(values, issue_urls)]
elif amendment.newvalue:
# Catchall for everything except user-valued fields.
return [{'value': v, 'url': None} for v in amendment.newvalue.split()]
# Applies to field==CC or CUSTOM with user type.
values = _PlusMinusString(
[users_by_id[uid].display_name for uid in amendment.added_user_ids
if uid in users_by_id],
[users_by_id[uid].display_name for uid in amendment.removed_user_ids
if uid in users_by_id])
return [{'value': v.strip(), 'url': None} for v in values.split()]
def GetAmendmentFieldName(amendment):
"""Get user-visible name for an amendment to a built-in or custom field."""
if amendment.custom_field_name:
return amendment.custom_field_name
field_name = str(amendment.field)
return field_name.capitalize()
def MakeDanglingIssueRef(project_name, issue_id, ext_id=''):
"""Create a DanglingIssueRef pb."""
ret = tracker_pb2.DanglingIssueRef()
ret.project = project_name
ret.issue_id = issue_id
ret.ext_issue_identifier = ext_id
return ret
def FormatIssueURL(issue_ref_tuple, default_project_name=None):
"""Format an issue url from an issue ref."""
if issue_ref_tuple is None:
return ''
project_name, local_id = issue_ref_tuple
project_name = project_name or default_project_name
url = framework_helpers.FormatURL(
None, '/p/%s%s' % (project_name, urls.ISSUE_DETAIL), id=local_id)
return url
def FormatIssueRef(issue_ref_tuple, default_project_name=None):
"""Format an issue reference for users: e.g., 123, or projectname:123."""
if issue_ref_tuple is None:
return ''
# TODO(jeffcarp): Improve method signature to not require isinstance.
if isinstance(issue_ref_tuple, tracker_pb2.DanglingIssueRef):
return issue_ref_tuple.ext_issue_identifier or ''
project_name, local_id = issue_ref_tuple
if project_name and project_name != default_project_name:
return '%s:%d' % (project_name, local_id)
return str(local_id)
def ParseIssueRef(ref_str):
"""Parse an issue ref string: e.g., 123, or projectname:123 into a tuple.
Raises ValueError if the ref string exists but can't be parsed.
if not ref_str.strip():
return None
if ':' in ref_str:
project_name, id_str = ref_str.split(':', 1)
project_name = project_name.strip().lstrip('-')
project_name = None
id_str = ref_str
id_str = id_str.lstrip('-')
return project_name, int(id_str)
def _SafeParseIssueRef(ref_str):
"""Same as ParseIssueRef, but catches ValueError and returns None instead."""
return ParseIssueRef(ref_str)
except ValueError:
return None
def _MergeFields(field_values, fields_add, fields_remove, field_defs):
"""Merge the fields to add/remove into the current field values.
field_values: list of current FieldValue PBs.
fields_add: list of FieldValue PBs to add to field_values. If any of these
is for a single-valued field, it replaces all previous values for the
same field_id in field_values.
fields_remove: list of FieldValues to remove from field_values, if found.
field_defs: list of FieldDef PBs from the issue's project's config.
A 3-tuple with the merged list of field values and {field_id: field_values}
dict for the specific values that are added or removed. The actual added
or removed might be fewer than the requested ones if the issue already had
one of the values-to-add or lacked one of the values-to-remove.
is_multi = {fd.field_id: fd.is_multivalued for fd in field_defs}
merged_fvs = list(field_values)
added_fvs_by_id = collections.defaultdict(list)
for fv_consider in fields_add:
consider_value = GetFieldValue(fv_consider, {})
for old_fv in field_values:
# Don't add fv_consider if field_values already contains consider_value
if (fv_consider.field_id == old_fv.field_id and
GetFieldValue(old_fv, {}) == consider_value and
fv_consider.phase_id == old_fv.phase_id):
# Drop any existing values for non-multi fields.
if not is_multi.get(fv_consider.field_id):
if fv_consider.phase_id:
# Drop existing phase fvs that belong to the same phase
merged_fvs = [fv for fv in merged_fvs if
not (fv.field_id == fv_consider.field_id
and fv.phase_id == fv_consider.phase_id)]
# Drop existing non-phase fvs
merged_fvs = [fv for fv in merged_fvs if
not fv.field_id == fv_consider.field_id]
removed_fvs_by_id = collections.defaultdict(list)
for fv_consider in fields_remove:
consider_value = GetFieldValue(fv_consider, {})
for old_fv in field_values:
# Only remove fv_consider if field_values contains consider_value
if (fv_consider.field_id == old_fv.field_id and
GetFieldValue(old_fv, {}) == consider_value and
fv_consider.phase_id == old_fv.phase_id):
return merged_fvs, added_fvs_by_id, removed_fvs_by_id
def SplitBlockedOnRanks(issue, target_iid, split_above, open_iids):
"""Splits issue relation rankings by some target issue's rank
issue: Issue PB for the issue considered.
target_iid: the global ID of the issue to split rankings about.
split_above: False to split below the target issue, True to split above.
open_iids: a list of global IDs of open and visible issues blocking
the considered issue.
A tuple (lower, higher) where both are lists of
[(blocker_iid, rank),...] of issues in rank order. If split_above is False
the target issue is included in higher, otherwise it is included in lower
issue_rank_pairs = [(dst_iid, rank)
for (dst_iid, rank) in zip(issue.blocked_on_iids, issue.blocked_on_ranks)
if dst_iid in open_iids]
# blocked_on_iids is sorted high-to-low, we need low-to-high
offset = int(split_above)
for i, (dst_iid, _) in enumerate(issue_rank_pairs):
if dst_iid == target_iid:
return issue_rank_pairs[:i + offset], issue_rank_pairs[i + offset:]
logging.error('Target issue %r was not found in blocked_on_iids of %r',
target_iid, issue)
return issue_rank_pairs, []