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# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Helper utilities for the endpoints package."""
# pylint: disable=g-bad-name
from __future__ import absolute_import
from six.moves import cStringIO
import json
import os
import wsgiref.headers
from google.appengine.api import app_identity
from google.appengine.api.modules import modules
class StartResponseProxy(object):
"""Proxy for the typical WSGI start_response object."""
def __init__(self):
self.call_context = {}
self.body_buffer = cStringIO.StringIO()
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
# Close out the cStringIO.StringIO buffer to prevent memory leakage.
if self.body_buffer:
def Proxy(self, status, headers, exc_info=None):
"""Save args, defer start_response until response body is parsed.
Create output buffer for body to be written into.
Note: this is not quite WSGI compliant: The body should come back as an
iterator returned from calling service_app() but instead, StartResponse
returns a writer that will be later called to output the body.
See google/appengine/ext/webapp/
write = start_response('%d %s' % self.__status, self.__wsgi_headers)
status: Http status to be sent with this response
headers: Http headers to be sent with this response
exc_info: Exception info to be displayed for this response
callable that takes as an argument the body content
self.call_context['status'] = status
self.call_context['headers'] = headers
self.call_context['exc_info'] = exc_info
return self.body_buffer.write
def response_body(self):
return self.body_buffer.getvalue()
def response_headers(self):
return self.call_context.get('headers')
def response_status(self):
return self.call_context.get('status')
def response_exc_info(self):
return self.call_context.get('exc_info')
def send_wsgi_not_found_response(start_response, cors_handler=None):
return send_wsgi_response('404 Not Found', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')],
'Not Found', start_response,
def send_wsgi_error_response(message, start_response, cors_handler=None):
body = json.dumps({'error': {'message': message}})
return send_wsgi_response('500', [('Content-Type', 'application/json')], body,
start_response, cors_handler=cors_handler)
def send_wsgi_rejected_response(rejection_error, start_response,
body = rejection_error.to_json()
return send_wsgi_response('400', [('Content-Type', 'application/json')], body,
start_response, cors_handler=cors_handler)
def send_wsgi_redirect_response(redirect_location, start_response,
return send_wsgi_response('302', [('Location', redirect_location)], '',
start_response, cors_handler=cors_handler)
def send_wsgi_no_content_response(start_response, cors_handler=None):
return send_wsgi_response('204 No Content', [], '', start_response,
def send_wsgi_response(status, headers, content, start_response,
"""Dump reformatted response to CGI start_response.
This calls start_response and returns the response body.
status: A string containing the HTTP status code to send.
headers: A list of (header, value) tuples, the headers to send in the
content: A string containing the body content to write.
start_response: A function with semantics defined in PEP-333.
cors_handler: A handler to process CORS request headers and update the
headers in the response. Or this can be None, to bypass CORS checks.
A string containing the response body.
if cors_handler:
# Update content length.
content_len = len(content) if content else 0
headers = [(header, value) for header, value in headers
if header.lower() != 'content-length']
headers.append(('Content-Length', '%s' % content_len))
start_response(status, headers)
return content
def get_headers_from_environ(environ):
"""Get a wsgiref.headers.Headers object with headers from the environment.
Headers in environ are prefixed with 'HTTP_', are all uppercase, and have
had dashes replaced with underscores. This strips the HTTP_ prefix and
changes underscores back to dashes before adding them to the returned set
of headers.
environ: An environ dict for the request as defined in PEP-333.
A wsgiref.headers.Headers object that's been filled in with any HTTP
headers found in environ.
headers = wsgiref.headers.Headers([])
for header, value in environ.items():
if header.startswith('HTTP_'):
headers[header[5:].replace('_', '-')] = value
# Content-Type is special; it does not start with 'HTTP_'.
if 'CONTENT_TYPE' in environ:
headers['CONTENT-TYPE'] = environ['CONTENT_TYPE']
return headers
def put_headers_in_environ(headers, environ):
"""Given a list of headers, put them into environ based on PEP-333.
This converts headers to uppercase, prefixes them with 'HTTP_', and
converts dashes to underscores before adding them to the environ dict.
headers: A list of (header, value) tuples. The HTTP headers to add to the
environ: An environ dict for the request as defined in PEP-333.
for key, value in headers:
environ['HTTP_%s' % key.upper().replace('-', '_')] = value
def is_running_on_app_engine():
return os.environ.get('GAE_MODULE_NAME') is not None
def is_running_on_devserver():
server_software = os.environ.get('SERVER_SOFTWARE', '')
return (server_software.startswith('Development/') and
server_software != 'Development/1.0 (testbed)')
def is_running_on_localhost():
return os.environ.get('SERVER_NAME') == 'localhost'
def get_hostname_prefix():
"""Returns the hostname prefix of a running Endpoints service.
The prefix is the portion of the hostname that comes before the API name.
For example, if a non-default version and a non-default service are in use,
the returned result would be '{VERSION}-dot-{SERVICE}-'.
str, the hostname prefix.
parts = []
# Check if this is the default version
version = modules.get_current_version_name()
default_version = modules.get_default_version()
if version != default_version:
# Check if this is the default module
module = modules.get_current_module_name()
if module != 'default':
# If there is anything to prepend, add an extra blank entry for the trailing
# -dot-
if parts:
return '-dot-'.join(parts)
def get_app_hostname():
"""Return hostname of a running Endpoints service.
Returns hostname of an running Endpoints API. It can be 1) "localhost:PORT"
if running on development server, or 2) "" if running on
external app engine prod, or "" if running as Google
first-party Endpoints API, or 4) None if not running on App Engine
(e.g. Tornado Endpoints API).
A string representing the hostname of the service.
if not is_running_on_app_engine() or is_running_on_localhost():
return None
app_id = app_identity.get_application_id()
prefix = get_hostname_prefix()
suffix = ''
if ':' in app_id:
tokens = app_id.split(':')
api_name = tokens[1]
if tokens[0] == '':
suffix = ''
api_name = app_id
return '{0}{1}.{2}'.format(prefix, api_name, suffix)
def check_list_type(objects, allowed_type, name, allow_none=True):
"""Verify that objects in list are of the allowed type or raise TypeError.
objects: The list of objects to check.
allowed_type: The allowed type of items in 'settings'.
name: Name of the list of objects, added to the exception.
allow_none: If set, None is also allowed.
TypeError: if object is not of the allowed type.
The list of objects, for convenient use in assignment.
if objects is None:
if not allow_none:
raise TypeError('%s is None, which is not allowed.' % name)
return objects
if not isinstance(objects, (tuple, list)):
raise TypeError('%s is not a list.' % name)
if not all(isinstance(i, allowed_type) for i in objects):
type_list = sorted(list(set(type(obj) for obj in objects)))
raise TypeError('%s contains types that don\'t match %s: %s' %
(name, allowed_type.__name__, type_list))
return objects
def snake_case_to_headless_camel_case(snake_string):
"""Convert snake_case to headlessCamelCase.
snake_string: The string to be converted.
The input string converted to headlessCamelCase.
return ''.join([snake_string.split('_')[0]] +
for sub_string in snake_string.split('_')[1:]))