blob: 1265e489c6ec3ad6d7ae8b5aabab87712a9c688b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import page from 'page';
import {ChopsChoiceButtons} from
import {urlWithNewParams, generateProjectIssueURL} from 'shared/helpers.js';
* Component for showing the chips to switch between List, Grid, and Chart modes
* on the Monorail issue list page.
* @extends {ChopsChoiceButtons}
export class MrModeSelector extends ChopsChoiceButtons {
/** @override */
static get properties() {
return {,
queryParams: {type: Object},
projectName: {type: String},
/** @override */
constructor() {
this.queryParams = {};
this.projectName = '';
this._page = page;
/** @override */
update(changedProperties) {
if (changedProperties.has('queryParams') ||
changedProperties.has('projectName')) {
this.options = [
{text: 'List', value: 'list', url: this._newListViewPath()},
{text: 'Grid', value: 'grid', url: this._newListViewPath('grid')},
{text: 'Chart', value: 'chart', url: this._newListViewPath('chart')},
_newListViewPath(mode) {
const basePath = generateProjectIssueURL(this.projectName, '/list',{});
const deletedParams = mode ? undefined : ['mode'];
return urlWithNewParams(basePath, this.queryParams, {mode}, deletedParams);
customElements.define('mr-mode-selector', MrModeSelector);