blob: 1ee898ab24817d03fb48ebeb4ea94f55eba7db7d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {LitElement, html, css} from 'lit-element';
import 'elements/chops/chops-dialog/chops-dialog.js';
import * as userV0 from 'reducers/userV0.js';
import {SHARED_STYLES} from 'shared/shared-styles.js';
import {connectStore} from 'reducers/base.js';
* `<mr-issue-hotlists-dialog>`
* The base dialog that <mr-move-issue-hotlists-dialog> and
* <mr-update-issue-hotlists-dialog> inherits common methods and behaviors from.
* <mr-update-issue-hotlists-dialog> is used across multiple pages where as
* <mr-move-issue-hotlists-dialog> is largely used within Hotlists.
* Important: The `render` method should be overridden by child classes.
export class MrIssueHotlistsDialog extends connectStore(LitElement) {
/** @override */
static get styles() {
return [
:host {
font-size: var(--chops-main-font-size);
--chops-dialog-max-width: 500px;
.error {
max-width: 100%;
color: red;
margin-bottom: 1px;
input {
box-sizing: border-box;
width: var(--mr-edit-field-width);
padding: var(--mr-edit-field-padding);
font-size: var(--chops-main-font-size);
input#filter {
margin-top: 4px;
width: 85%;
max-width: 240px;
.user-hotlists {
max-height: 240px;
overflow: auto;
.hotlist.filter-fail {
display: none;
i.material-icons {
font-size: 20px;
margin-right: 4px;
vertical-align: bottom;
/** @override */
render() {
return html`
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<chops-dialog closeOnOutsideClick>
* Renders the dialog header.
* @return {TemplateResult}
renderHeader() {
return html`
<h3 class="medium-heading">Dialog elements below:</h3>
* Renders the dialog content.
* @return {TemplateResult}
renderContent() {
return html`
* Renders the Hotlist filter.
* @return {TemplateResult}
renderFilter() {
return html`
<input id="filter" type="text" @keyup=${this.filterHotlists}>
<i class="material-icons">search</i>
* Renders the user's Hotlists.
* @return {TemplateResult}
renderHotlists() {
return html`
<div class="user-hotlists">
${this.filteredHotlists.length ?, this) : ''}
* Renders a user's filtered Hotlist.
* @param {HotlistV0} hotlist The user Hotlist to render.
* @return {TemplateResult}
renderFilteredHotlist(hotlist) {
return html`
* Renders dialog error.
* @return {TemplateResult}
renderError() {
return html`
${this.error ? html`
<div class="error">${this.error}</div>
`: ''}
/** @override */
static get properties() {
return {
// Populated from Redux.
userHotlists: {type: Array},
filteredHotlists: {type: Array},
issueRefs: {type: Array},
error: {type: String},
/** @override */
stateChanged(state) {
this.userHotlists = userV0.currentUser(state).hotlists;
// TODO( Switch to users.js and use V3 API
// to make a call to GatherHotlistsForUser.
/** @override */
constructor() {
/** @type {Array} */
this.userHotlists = [];
/** @type {Array} */
this.filteredHotlists = this.userHotlists;
/** @type {Array<IssueRef>} */
this.issueRefs = [];
/** @type {string} */
this.error = '';
* Opens the dialog.
open() {
* Resets any changes to the form and error.
reset() {
this.error = '';
const filter = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#filter');
filter.value = '';
* Closes the dialog.
close() {
* Filters the visible Hotlists with the given user input.
* Requires filter to be an input element with its id as "filter".
filterHotlists() {
const input = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#filter');
if (!input) {
// Short circuit because there's no filter.
this.filteredHotlists = this.userHotlists;
} else {
const filter = input.value.toLowerCase();
const visibleHotlists = [];
this.userHotlists.forEach((hotlist) => {
const hotlistName =;
if (hotlistName.includes(filter)) {
this.filteredHotlists = visibleHotlists;
customElements.define('mr-issue-hotlists-dialog', MrIssueHotlistsDialog);