blob: 3307cfde0e0fd00a64ea89049715e763bc59d4a1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""A set of functions that provide persistence for users.
Business objects are described in
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
import logging
import time
import settings
from framework import exceptions
from framework import framework_bizobj
from framework import framework_constants
from framework import framework_helpers
from framework import sql
from framework import validate
from mrproto import user_pb2
from services import caches
'user_id', 'email', 'is_site_admin', 'notify_issue_change',
'notify_starred_issue_change', 'email_compact_subject', 'email_view_widget',
'banned', 'after_issue_update', 'keep_people_perms_open',
'preview_on_hover', 'obscure_email',
'last_visit_timestamp', 'email_bounce_timestamp', 'vacation_message']
USERPREFS_COLS = ['user_id', 'name', 'value']
HOTLISTVISITHISTORY_COLS = ['hotlist_id', 'user_id', 'viewed']
LINKEDACCOUNT_COLS = ['parent_id', 'child_id']
LINKEDACCOUNTINVITE_COLS = ['parent_id', 'child_id']
class UserTwoLevelCache(caches.AbstractTwoLevelCache):
"""Class to manage RAM and memcache for User PBs."""
def __init__(self, cache_manager, user_service):
super(UserTwoLevelCache, self).__init__(
cache_manager, 'user', 'user:', user_pb2.User,
self.user_service = user_service
def _DeserializeUsersByID(self, user_rows, linkedaccount_rows):
"""Convert database row tuples into User PBs.
user_rows: rows from the User DB table.
linkedaccount_rows: rows from the LinkedAccount DB table.
A dict {user_id: user_pb} for all the users referenced in user_rows.
result_dict = {}
# Make one User PB for each row in user_rows.
for row in user_rows:
(user_id, email, is_site_admin,
notify_issue_change, notify_starred_issue_change,
email_compact_subject, email_view_widget, notify_starred_ping, banned,
after_issue_update, keep_people_perms_open, preview_on_hover,
obscure_email, last_visit_timestamp,
email_bounce_timestamp, vacation_message) = row
user = user_pb2.MakeUser(
user_id, email=email, obscure_email=obscure_email)
user.is_site_admin = bool(is_site_admin)
user.notify_issue_change = bool(notify_issue_change)
user.notify_starred_issue_change = bool(notify_starred_issue_change)
user.email_compact_subject = bool(email_compact_subject)
user.email_view_widget = bool(email_view_widget)
user.notify_starred_ping = bool(notify_starred_ping)
if banned:
user.banned = banned
if after_issue_update:
user.after_issue_update = user_pb2.IssueUpdateNav(
user.keep_people_perms_open = bool(keep_people_perms_open)
user.preview_on_hover = bool(preview_on_hover)
user.last_visit_timestamp = last_visit_timestamp or 0
user.email_bounce_timestamp = email_bounce_timestamp or 0
if vacation_message:
user.vacation_message = vacation_message
result_dict[user_id] = user
# Put in any linked accounts.
for parent_id, child_id in linkedaccount_rows:
if parent_id in result_dict:
if child_id in result_dict:
result_dict[child_id].linked_parent_id = parent_id
return result_dict
def FetchItems(self, cnxn, keys):
"""On RAM and memcache miss, retrieve User objects from the database.
cnxn: connection to SQL database.
keys: list of user IDs to retrieve.
A dict {user_id: user_pb} for each user that satisfies the conditions.
user_rows = self.user_service.user_tbl.Select(
cnxn, cols=USER_COLS, user_id=keys)
linkedaccount_rows = self.user_service.linkedaccount_tbl.Select(
cnxn, cols=LINKEDACCOUNT_COLS, parent_id=keys, child_id=keys,
return self._DeserializeUsersByID(user_rows, linkedaccount_rows)
class UserPrefsTwoLevelCache(caches.AbstractTwoLevelCache):
"""Class to manage RAM and memcache for UserPrefs PBs."""
def __init__(self, cache_manager, user_service):
super(UserPrefsTwoLevelCache, self).__init__(
cache_manager, 'user', 'userprefs:', user_pb2.UserPrefs,
self.user_service = user_service
def _DeserializeUserPrefsByID(self, userprefs_rows):
"""Convert database row tuples into UserPrefs PBs.
userprefs_rows: rows from the UserPrefs DB table.
A dict {user_id: userprefs} for all the users in userprefs_rows.
result_dict = {}
# Make one UserPrefs PB for each row in userprefs_rows.
for row in userprefs_rows:
(user_id, name, value) = row
if user_id not in result_dict:
userprefs = user_pb2.UserPrefs(user_id=user_id)
result_dict[user_id] = userprefs
userprefs = result_dict[user_id]
userprefs.prefs.append(user_pb2.UserPrefValue(name=name, value=value))
return result_dict
def FetchItems(self, cnxn, keys):
"""On RAM and memcache miss, retrieve UserPrefs objects from the database.
cnxn: connection to SQL database.
keys: list of user IDs to retrieve.
A dict {user_id: userprefs} for each user.
userprefs_rows = self.user_service.userprefs_tbl.Select(
cnxn, cols=USERPREFS_COLS, user_id=keys)
return self._DeserializeUserPrefsByID(userprefs_rows)
class UserService(object):
"""The persistence layer for all user data."""
def __init__(self, cache_manager):
cache_manager: local cache with distributed invalidation.
self.user_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(USER_TABLE_NAME)
self.userprefs_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(USERPREFS_TABLE_NAME)
self.hotlistvisithistory_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(
self.linkedaccount_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(LINKEDACCOUNT_TABLE_NAME)
self.linkedaccountinvite_tbl = sql.SQLTableManager(
# Like a dictionary {user_id: email}
self.email_cache = caches.RamCache(cache_manager, 'user', max_size=50000)
# Like a dictionary {email: user_id}.
# This will never invaidate, and it doesn't need to.
self.user_id_cache = caches.RamCache(cache_manager, 'user', max_size=50000)
# Like a dictionary {user_id: user_pb}
self.user_2lc = UserTwoLevelCache(cache_manager, self)
# Like a dictionary {user_id: userprefs}
self.userprefs_2lc = UserPrefsTwoLevelCache(cache_manager, self)
### Creating users
def _CreateUsers(self, cnxn, emails):
"""Create many users in the database."""
emails = [email.lower() for email in emails]
ids = [framework_helpers.MurmurHash3_x86_32(email) for email in emails]
rows = self.user_tbl.Select(cnxn, cols=('user_id',), user_id=ids)
existing_ids = set(row[0] for row in rows)
if existing_ids:
existing_users = sorted(
(user_id, email)
for (user_id, email) in zip(ids, emails)
if user_id in existing_ids)
'Unable to create users because IDs are already taken: %.100000s',
row_values = [
(user_id, email, not framework_bizobj.IsPriviledgedDomainUser(email))
for (user_id, email) in zip(ids, emails)
if user_id not in existing_ids
cnxn, ['user_id', 'email', 'obscure_email'], row_values)
self.user_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, ids)
### Lookup of user ID and email address
def LookupUserEmails(self, cnxn, user_ids, ignore_missed=False):
"""Return a dict of email addresses for the given user IDs.
cnxn: connection to SQL database.
user_ids: list of int user IDs to look up.
ignore_missed: if True, does not throw NoSuchUserException, when there
are users not found for some user_ids.
A dict {user_id: email_addr} for all the requested IDs.
exceptions.NoSuchUserException: if any requested user cannot be found
and ignore_missed is False.
self.email_cache.CacheItem(framework_constants.NO_USER_SPECIFIED, '')
emails_dict, missed_ids = self.email_cache.GetAll(user_ids)
if missed_ids:'got %d user emails from cache', len(emails_dict))
rows = self.user_tbl.Select(
cnxn, cols=['user_id', 'email'], user_id=missed_ids)
retrieved_dict = dict(rows)'looked up users %r', retrieved_dict)
# Check if there are any that we could not find. ID 0 means "no user".
nonexist_ids = [user_id for user_id in user_ids
if user_id and user_id not in emails_dict]
if nonexist_ids:
if ignore_missed:'No email addresses found for users %r' % nonexist_ids)
raise exceptions.NoSuchUserException(
'No email addresses found for users %r' % nonexist_ids)
return emails_dict
def LookupUserEmail(self, cnxn, user_id):
"""Get the email address of the given user.
cnxn: connection to SQL database.
user_id: int user ID of the user whose email address is needed.
String email address of that user or None if user_id is invalid.
exceptions.NoSuchUserException: if no email address was found for that
if not user_id:
return None
emails_dict = self.LookupUserEmails(cnxn, [user_id])
return emails_dict[user_id]
def LookupExistingUserIDs(self, cnxn, emails):
"""Return a dict of user IDs for the given emails for users that exist.
cnxn: connection to SQL database.
emails: list of string email addresses.
A dict {email_addr: user_id} for the requested emails.
# Look up these users in the RAM cache
user_id_dict, missed_emails = self.user_id_cache.GetAll(emails)
# Hit the DB to lookup any user IDs that were not cached.
if missed_emails:
rows = self.user_tbl.Select(
cnxn, cols=['email', 'user_id'], email=missed_emails)
retrieved_dict = dict(rows)
# Cache all the user IDs that we retrieved to make later requests faster.
return user_id_dict
def LookupUserIDs(self, cnxn, emails, autocreate=False,
"""Return a dict of user IDs for the given emails.
cnxn: connection to SQL database.
emails: list of string email addresses.
autocreate: set to True to create users that were not found.
allowgroups: set to True to allow non-email user name for group
A dict {email_addr: user_id} for the requested emails.
exceptions.NoSuchUserException: if some users were not found and
autocreate is False.
# Skip any addresses that look like "--" or are empty,
# because that means "no user".
# Also, make sure all email addresses are lower case.
needed_emails = [email.lower() for email in emails
if email
and not framework_constants.NO_VALUE_RE.match(email)]
# Look up these users in the RAM cache
user_id_dict = self.LookupExistingUserIDs(cnxn, needed_emails)
if len(needed_emails) == len(user_id_dict):
return user_id_dict
# If any were not found in the DB, create them or raise an exception.
nonexist_emails = [email for email in needed_emails
if email not in user_id_dict]'nonexist_emails: %r, autocreate is %r',
nonexist_emails, autocreate)
if not autocreate:
raise exceptions.NoSuchUserException('%r' % nonexist_emails)
if not allowgroups:
# Only create accounts for valid email addresses.
nonexist_emails = [email for email in nonexist_emails
if validate.IsValidEmail(email)]
if not nonexist_emails:
return user_id_dict
self._CreateUsers(cnxn, nonexist_emails)
created_rows = self.user_tbl.Select(
cnxn, cols=['email', 'user_id'], email=nonexist_emails)
created_dict = dict(created_rows)
# Cache all the user IDs that we retrieved to make later requests faster.
user_id_dict.update(created_dict)'looked up User IDs %r', user_id_dict)
return user_id_dict
def LookupUserID(self, cnxn, email, autocreate=False, allowgroups=False):
"""Get one user ID for the given email address.
cnxn: connection to SQL database.
email: string email address of the user to look up.
autocreate: set to True to create users that were not found.
allowgroups: set to True to allow non-email user name for group
The int user ID of the specified user.
exceptions.NoSuchUserException if the user was not found and autocreate
is False.
email = email.lower()
email_dict = self.LookupUserIDs(
cnxn, [email], autocreate=autocreate, allowgroups=allowgroups)
if email not in email_dict:
raise exceptions.NoSuchUserException('%r not found' % email)
return email_dict[email]
### Retrieval of user objects: with preferences and cues
def GetUsersByIDs(self, cnxn, user_ids, use_cache=True, skip_missed=False):
"""Return a dictionary of retrieved User PBs.
cnxn: connection to SQL database.
user_ids: list of user IDs to fetch.
use_cache: set to False to ignore cache and force DB lookup.
skip_missed: set to True if default User objects for missed_ids should
not be created.
A dict {user_id: user_pb} for each specified user ID. For any user ID
that is not fount in the DB, a default User PB is created on-the-fly.
# Check the RAM cache and memcache, as appropriate.
result_dict, missed_ids = self.user_2lc.GetAll(
cnxn, user_ids, use_cache=use_cache)
# TODO(crbug/monorail/7367): Never create default values for missed_ids
# once we remove all code paths that hit this. See bug for more info.
# Any new code that calls this method, should not rely on this
# functionality.
if missed_ids and not skip_missed:
# Provide default values for any user ID that was not found.
(user_id, user_pb2.MakeUser(user_id)) for user_id in missed_ids)
return result_dict
def GetUser(self, cnxn, user_id):
"""Load the specified user from the user details table."""
return self.GetUsersByIDs(cnxn, [user_id])[user_id]
### Updating user objects
def UpdateUser(self, cnxn, user_id, user):
"""Store a user PB in the database.
cnxn: connection to SQL database.
user_id: int user ID of the user to update.
user: User PB to store.
if not user_id:
raise exceptions.NoSuchUserException('Cannot update anonymous user')
delta = {
'is_site_admin': user.is_site_admin,
'notify_issue_change': user.notify_issue_change,
'notify_starred_issue_change': user.notify_starred_issue_change,
'email_compact_subject': user.email_compact_subject,
'email_view_widget': user.email_view_widget,
'notify_starred_ping': user.notify_starred_ping,
'banned': user.banned,
'after_issue_update': str(user.after_issue_update or 'UP_TO_LIST'),
'keep_people_perms_open': user.keep_people_perms_open,
'preview_on_hover': user.preview_on_hover,
'obscure_email': user.obscure_email,
'last_visit_timestamp': user.last_visit_timestamp,
'email_bounce_timestamp': user.email_bounce_timestamp,
'vacation_message': user.vacation_message,
# Start sending UPDATE statements, but don't COMMIT until the end.
self.user_tbl.Update(cnxn, delta, user_id=user_id, commit=False)
self.user_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [user_id])
def UpdateUserBan(
self, cnxn, user_id, user,
is_banned=None, banned_reason=None):
if is_banned is not None:
if is_banned:
user.banned = banned_reason or 'No reason given'
# Write the user settings to the database.
self.UpdateUser(cnxn, user_id, user)
def GetRecentlyVisitedHotlists(self, cnxn, user_id):
recent_hotlist_rows = self.hotlistvisithistory_tbl.Select(
cnxn, cols=['hotlist_id'], user_id=[user_id],
order_by=[('viewed DESC', [])], limit=10)
return [row[0] for row in recent_hotlist_rows]
def AddVisitedHotlist(self, cnxn, user_id, hotlist_id, commit=True):
cnxn, hotlist_id=hotlist_id, user_id=user_id, commit=False)
[(hotlist_id, user_id, int(time.time()))],
def ExpungeHotlistsFromHistory(self, cnxn, hotlist_ids, commit=True):
cnxn, hotlist_id=hotlist_ids, commit=commit)
def ExpungeUsersHotlistsHistory(self, cnxn, user_ids, commit=True):
self.hotlistvisithistory_tbl.Delete(cnxn, user_id=user_ids, commit=commit)
def TrimUserVisitedHotlists(self, cnxn, commit=True):
"""For any user who has visited more than 10 hotlists, trim history."""
user_id_rows = self.hotlistvisithistory_tbl.Select(
cnxn, cols=['user_id'], group_by=['user_id'],
having=[('COUNT(*) > %s', [10])], limit=1000)
for user_id in [row[0] for row in user_id_rows]:
viewed_hotlist_rows = self.hotlistvisithistory_tbl.Select(
order_by=[('viewed DESC', [])])
if len(viewed_hotlist_rows) > 10:
cut_off_date = viewed_hotlist_rows[9][0]
where=[('viewed < %s', [cut_off_date])],
### Linked account invites
def GetPendingLinkedInvites(self, cnxn, user_id):
"""Return lists of accounts that have invited this account."""
if not user_id:
return [], []
invite_rows = self.linkedaccountinvite_tbl.Select(
cnxn, cols=LINKEDACCOUNTINVITE_COLS, parent_id=user_id,
child_id=user_id, or_where_conds=True)
invite_as_parent = [row[1] for row in invite_rows
if row[0] == user_id]
invite_as_child = [row[0] for row in invite_rows
if row[1] == user_id]
return invite_as_parent, invite_as_child
def _AssertNotAlreadyLinked(self, cnxn, parent_id, child_id):
"""Check constraints on our linked account graph."""
# Our linked account graph should be no more than one level deep.
parent_is_already_a_child = self.linkedaccount_tbl.Select(
cnxn, cols=LINKEDACCOUNT_COLS, child_id=parent_id)
if parent_is_already_a_child:
raise exceptions.InputException('Parent account is already a child')
child_is_already_a_parent = self.linkedaccount_tbl.Select(
cnxn, cols=LINKEDACCOUNT_COLS, parent_id=child_id)
if child_is_already_a_parent:
raise exceptions.InputException('Child account is already a parent')
# A child account can only be linked to one parent.
child_is_already_a_child = self.linkedaccount_tbl.Select(
cnxn, cols=LINKEDACCOUNT_COLS, child_id=child_id)
if child_is_already_a_child:
raise exceptions.InputException('Child account is already linked')
def InviteLinkedParent(self, cnxn, parent_id, child_id):
"""Child stores an invite for the proposed parent user to consider."""
if not parent_id:
raise exceptions.InputException('Parent account is missing')
if not child_id:
raise exceptions.InputException('Child account is missing')
self._AssertNotAlreadyLinked(cnxn, parent_id, child_id)
cnxn, parent_id=parent_id, child_id=child_id)
def AcceptLinkedChild(self, cnxn, parent_id, child_id):
"""Parent accepts an invite from a child account."""
if not parent_id:
raise exceptions.InputException('Parent account is missing')
if not child_id:
raise exceptions.InputException('Child account is missing')
# Check that the child has previously created an invite for this parent.
invite_rows = self.linkedaccountinvite_tbl.Select(
parent_id=parent_id, child_id=child_id)
if not invite_rows:
raise exceptions.InputException('No such invite')
self._AssertNotAlreadyLinked(cnxn, parent_id, child_id)
cnxn, parent_id=parent_id, child_id=child_id)
cnxn, parent_id=parent_id, child_id=child_id)
self.user_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [parent_id, child_id])
def UnlinkAccounts(self, cnxn, parent_id, child_id):
"""Delete a linked-account relationship."""
if not parent_id:
raise exceptions.InputException('Parent account is missing')
if not child_id:
raise exceptions.InputException('Child account is missing')
cnxn, parent_id=parent_id, child_id=child_id)
self.user_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [parent_id, child_id])
### User settings
# Settings are details about a user account that are usually needed
# every time that user is displayed to another user.
# TODO(jrobbins): Move most of these into UserPrefs.
def UpdateUserSettings(
self, cnxn, user_id, user, notify=None, notify_starred=None,
email_compact_subject=None, email_view_widget=None,
notify_starred_ping=None, obscure_email=None, after_issue_update=None,
is_site_admin=None, is_banned=None, banned_reason=None,
keep_people_perms_open=None, preview_on_hover=None,
"""Update the preferences of the specified user.
cnxn: connection to SQL database.
user_id: int user ID of the user whose settings we are updating.
user: User PB of user before changes are applied.
keyword args: dictionary of setting names mapped to new values.
The user's new User PB.
# notifications
if notify is not None:
user.notify_issue_change = notify
if notify_starred is not None:
user.notify_starred_issue_change = notify_starred
if notify_starred_ping is not None:
user.notify_starred_ping = notify_starred_ping
if email_compact_subject is not None:
user.email_compact_subject = email_compact_subject
if email_view_widget is not None:
user.email_view_widget = email_view_widget
# display options
if after_issue_update is not None:
user.after_issue_update = user_pb2.IssueUpdateNav(after_issue_update)
if preview_on_hover is not None:
user.preview_on_hover = preview_on_hover
if keep_people_perms_open is not None:
user.keep_people_perms_open = keep_people_perms_open
# misc
if obscure_email is not None:
user.obscure_email = obscure_email
# admin
if is_site_admin is not None:
user.is_site_admin = is_site_admin
if is_banned is not None:
if is_banned:
user.banned = banned_reason or 'No reason given'
# user availability
if vacation_message is not None:
user.vacation_message = vacation_message
# Write the user settings to the database.
self.UpdateUser(cnxn, user_id, user)
### User preferences
# These are separate from settings in the User objects because they are
# only needed for the currently signed in user.
def GetUsersPrefs(self, cnxn, user_ids, use_cache=True):
"""Return {user_id: userprefs} for the requested user IDs."""
prefs_dict, misses = self.userprefs_2lc.GetAll(
cnxn, user_ids, use_cache=use_cache)
# Make sure that every user is represented in the result.
for user_id in misses:
prefs_dict[user_id] = user_pb2.UserPrefs(user_id=user_id)
return prefs_dict
def GetUserPrefs(self, cnxn, user_id, use_cache=True):
"""Return a UserPrefs PB for the requested user ID."""
prefs_dict = self.GetUsersPrefs(cnxn, [user_id], use_cache=use_cache)
return prefs_dict[user_id]
def GetUserPrefsByEmail(self, cnxn, email, use_cache=True):
"""Return a UserPrefs PB for the requested email, or an empty UserPrefs."""
user_id = self.LookupUserID(cnxn, email)
user_prefs = self.GetUserPrefs(cnxn, user_id, use_cache=use_cache)
except exceptions.NoSuchUserException:
user_prefs = user_pb2.UserPrefs()
return user_prefs
def SetUserPrefs(self, cnxn, user_id, pref_values):
"""Store the given list of UserPrefValues."""
userprefs_rows = [(user_id,, upv.value) for upv in pref_values]
cnxn, USERPREFS_COLS, userprefs_rows, replace=True)
self.userprefs_2lc.InvalidateKeys(cnxn, [user_id])
### Expunge all User Data from DB
def ExpungeUsers(self, cnxn, user_ids):
"""Completely wipes user data from User DB tables for given users.
This method will not commit the operation. This method will not make
changes to in-memory data.
NOTE: This method ends with an operation that deletes user rows. If
appropriate methods that remove references to the User table rows are
not called before, the commit will fail. See work_env.ExpungeUsers
for more info.
cnxn: connection to SQL database.
user_ids: list of user_ids for users we want to delete.
self.linkedaccount_tbl.Delete(cnxn, parent_id=user_ids, commit=False)
self.linkedaccount_tbl.Delete(cnxn, child_id=user_ids, commit=False)
self.linkedaccountinvite_tbl.Delete(cnxn, parent_id=user_ids, commit=False)
self.linkedaccountinvite_tbl.Delete(cnxn, child_id=user_ids, commit=False)
self.userprefs_tbl.Delete(cnxn, user_id=user_ids, commit=False)
self.user_tbl.Delete(cnxn, user_id=user_ids, commit=False)
def TotalUsersCount(self, cnxn):
"""Returns the total number of rows in the User table.
The placeholder User reserved for representing deleted users within Monorail
will not be counted.
# Subtract one so we don't count the deleted user with
# with user_id = framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID
return (self.user_tbl.SelectValue(cnxn, col='COUNT(*)')) - 1
def GetAllUserEmailsBatch(self, cnxn, limit=1000, offset=0):
"""Returns a list of user emails.
This method can be used for listing all user emails in Monorail's DB.
The list will contain at most [limit] emails, and be ordered by
user_id. The list will start at the given offset value. The email for
the placeholder User reserved for representing deleted users within
Monorail will never be returned.
cnxn: connection to SQL database.
limit: limit on the number of emails returned, defaults to 1000.
offset: starting index of the list, defaults to 0.
rows = self.user_tbl.Select(
cnxn, cols=['email'],
where=[('user_id != %s', [framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID])],
order_by=[('user_id ASC', [])])
return [row[0] for row in rows]