blob: 923e1dbceb21f9c738cd1b9a3f6f69adcfea968c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Shared file for specifying common types used in type
* annotations across Monorail.
// TODO(zhangtiff): Find out if there's a way we can generate typedef's for
// API object from .proto files.
* Types used in the app that don't come from any Proto files.
* A HotlistItem with the Issue flattened into the top-level,
* containing the intersection of the fields of HotlistItem and Issue.
* @typedef {Issue & HotlistItem} HotlistIssue
* @property {User=} adder
* A String containing the data necessary to identify an IssueRef. An IssueRef
* can reference either an issue in Monorail or an external issue in another
* tracker.
* Examples of valid IssueRefStrings:
* - monorail:1234
* - chromium:1
* - 1234
* - b/123456
* @typedef {string} IssueRefString
* An Object for specifying what to display in a single entry in the
* dropdown list.
* @typedef {Object} MenuItem
* @property {string=} text The text to display in the menu.
* @property {string=} icon A Material Design icon shown left of the text.
* @property {Array<MenuItem>=} items A specification for a nested submenu.
* @property {function=} handler An optional click handler for an item.
* @property {string=} url A link for the menu item to navigate to.
* An Object containing the metadata associated with tracking async requests
* through Redux.
* @typedef {Object} ReduxRequestState
* @property {boolean=} requesting Whether a request is in flight.
* @property {Error=} error An Error Object returned by the request.
* Resource names used in our resource-oriented API.
* @see
* Resource name of an IssueStar.
* Examples of valid IssueStar resource names:
* - users/1234/issueStars/monorail.5556
* - users/1234/issueStars/test-project.4321
* @typedef {string} IssueStarName
* Resource name of a ProjectStar.
* Examples of valid ProjectStar resource names:
* - users/1234/projectStars/monorail
* - users/1234/projectStars/test-project
* @typedef {string} ProjectStarName
* Resource name of a Star.
* @typedef {ProjectStarName|IssueStarName} StarName
* Resource name of a Project.
* Examples of valid Project resource names:
* - projects/monorail
* - projects/test-project-1
* @typedef {string} ProjectName
* Resource name of a User.
* Examples of valid User resource names:
* - users/
* - users/1234
* @typedef {string} UserName
* Resource name of a ProjectMember.
* Examples of valid ProjectMember resource names:
* - projects/monorail/members/1234
* - projects/test-xyz/members/5678
* @typedef {string} ProjectMemberName
* Types defined in common.proto.
* A ComponentRef Object returned by the pRPC API common.proto.
* @typedef {Object} ComponentRef
* @property {string} path
* @property {boolean=} isDerived
* An Enum representing the type that a custom field uses.
* @typedef {string} FieldType
* A FieldRef Object returned by the pRPC API common.proto.
* @typedef {Object} FieldRef
* @property {number} fieldId
* @property {string} fieldName
* @property {FieldType} type
* @property {string=} approvalName
* A LabelRef Object returned by the pRPC API common.proto.
* @typedef {Object} LabelRef
* @property {string} label
* @property {boolean=} isDerived
* A StatusRef Object returned by the pRPC API common.proto.
* @typedef {Object} StatusRef
* @property {string} status
* @property {boolean=} meansOpen
* @property {boolean=} isDerived
* An IssueRef Object returned by the pRPC API common.proto.
* @typedef {Object} IssueRef
* @property {string=} projectName
* @property {number=} localId
* @property {string=} extIdentifier
* A UserRef Object returned by the pRPC API common.proto.
* @typedef {Object} UserRef
* @property {string=} displayName
* @property {number=} userId
* A HotlistRef Object returned by the pRPC API common.proto.
* @typedef {Object} HotlistRef
* @property {string=} name
* @property {UserRef=} owner
* A SavedQuery Object returned by the pRPC API common.proto.
* @typedef {Object} SavedQuery
* @property {number} queryId
* @property {string} name
* @property {string} query
* @property {Array<string>} projectNames
* Types defined in issue_objects.proto.
* An Approval Object returned by the pRPC API issue_objects.proto.
* @typedef {Object} Approval
* @property {FieldRef} fieldRef
* @property {Array<UserRef>} approverRefs
* @property {ApprovalStatus} status
* @property {number} setOn
* @property {UserRef} setterRef
* @property {PhaseRef} phaseRef
* An Enum representing the status of an Approval.
* @typedef {string} ApprovalStatus
* An Amendment Object returned by the pRPC API issue_objects.proto.
* @typedef {Object} Amendment
* @property {string} fieldName
* @property {string} newOrDeltaValue
* @property {string} oldValue
* An Attachment Object returned by the pRPC API issue_objects.proto.
* @typedef {Object} Attachment
* @property {number} attachmentId
* @property {string} filename
* @property {number} size
* @property {string} contentType
* @property {boolean} isDeleted
* @property {string} thumbnailUrl
* @property {string} viewUrl
* @property {string} downloadUrl
* A Comment Object returned by the pRPC API issue_objects.proto.
* Note: This Object is called "Comment" in the backend but is named
* "IssueComment" here to avoid a collision with an internal JSDoc Intellisense
* type.
* @typedef {Object} IssueComment
* @property {string} projectName
* @property {number} localId
* @property {number=} sequenceNum
* @property {boolean=} isDeleted
* @property {UserRef=} commenter
* @property {number=} timestamp
* @property {string=} content
* @property {string=} inboundMessage
* @property {Array<Amendment>=} amendments
* @property {Array<Attachment>=} attachments
* @property {FieldRef=} approvalRef
* @property {number=} descriptionNum
* @property {boolean=} isSpam
* @property {boolean=} canDelete
* @property {boolean=} canFlag
* A FieldValue Object returned by the pRPC API issue_objects.proto.
* @typedef {Object} FieldValue
* @property {FieldRef} fieldRef
* @property {string} value
* @property {boolean=} isDerived
* @property {PhaseRef=} phaseRef
* An Issue Object returned by the pRPC API issue_objects.proto.
* @typedef {Object} Issue
* @property {string} projectName
* @property {number} localId
* @property {string=} summary
* @property {StatusRef=} statusRef
* @property {UserRef=} ownerRef
* @property {Array<UserRef>=} ccRefs
* @property {Array<LabelRef>=} labelRefs
* @property {Array<ComponentRef>=} componentRefs
* @property {Array<IssueRef>=} blockedOnIssueRefs
* @property {Array<IssueRef>=} blockingIssueRefs
* @property {Array<IssueRef>=} danglingBlockedOnRefs
* @property {Array<IssueRef>=} danglingBlockingRefs
* @property {IssueRef=} mergedIntoIssueRef
* @property {Array<FieldValue>=} fieldValues
* @property {boolean=} isDeleted
* @property {UserRef=} reporterRef
* @property {number=} openedTimestamp
* @property {number=} closedTimestamp
* @property {number=} modifiedTimestamp
* @property {number=} componentModifiedTimestamp
* @property {number=} statusModifiedTimestamp
* @property {number=} ownerModifiedTimestamp
* @property {number=} starCount
* @property {boolean=} isSpam
* @property {number=} attachmentCount
* @property {Array<Approval>=} approvalValues
* @property {Array<PhaseDef>=} phases
* A IssueDelta Object returned by the pRPC API issue_objects.proto.
* @typedef {Object} IssueDelta
* @property {string=} status
* @property {UserRef=} ownerRef
* @property {Array<UserRef>=} ccRefsAdd
* @property {Array<UserRef>=} ccRefsRemove
* @property {Array<ComponentRef>=} compRefsAdd
* @property {Array<ComponentRef>=} compRefsRemove
* @property {Array<LabelRef>=} labelRefsAdd
* @property {Array<LabelRef>=} labelRefsRemove
* @property {Array<FieldValue>=} fieldValsAdd
* @property {Array<FieldValue>=} fieldValsRemove
* @property {Array<FieldRef>=} fieldsClear
* @property {Array<IssueRef>=} blockedOnRefsAdd
* @property {Array<IssueRef>=} blockedOnRefsRemove
* @property {Array<IssueRef>=} blockingRefsAdd
* @property {Array<IssueRef>=} blockingRefsRemove
* @property {IssueRef=} mergedIntoRef
* @property {string=} summary
* An PhaseDef Object returned by the pRPC API issue_objects.proto.
* @typedef {Object} PhaseDef
* @property {PhaseRef} phaseRef
* @property {number} rank
* An PhaseRef Object returned by the pRPC API issue_objects.proto.
* @typedef {Object} PhaseRef
* @property {string} phaseName
* An Object returned by the pRPC v3 API from feature_objects.proto.
* @typedef {Object} IssuesListColumn
* @property {string} column
* Types defined in permission_objects.proto.
* A Permission string returned by the pRPC API permission_objects.proto.
* @typedef {string} Permission
* A PermissionSet Object returned by the pRPC API permission_objects.proto.
* @typedef {Object} PermissionSet
* @property {string} resource
* @property {Array<Permission>} permissions
* Types defined in project_objects.proto.
* An Enum representing the role a ProjectMember has.
* @typedef {string} ProjectRole
* An Enum representing how a ProjectMember shows up in autocomplete.
* @typedef {string} AutocompleteVisibility
* A ProjectMember Object returned by the pRPC API project_objects.proto.
* @typedef {Object} ProjectMember
* @property {ProjectMemberName} name
* @property {ProjectRole} role
* @property {Array<Permission>=} standardPerms
* @property {Array<string>=} customPerms
* @property {string=} notes
* @property {AutocompleteVisibility=} includeInAutocomplete
* A Project Object returned by the pRPC API project_objects.proto.
* @typedef {Object} Project
* @property {string} name
* @property {string} summary
* @property {string=} description
* A Project Object returned by the v0 pRPC API project_objects.proto.
* @typedef {Object} ProjectV0
* @property {string} name
* @property {string} summary
* @property {string=} description
* A StatusDef Object returned by the pRPC API project_objects.proto.
* @typedef {Object} StatusDef
* @property {string} status
* @property {boolean} meansOpen
* @property {number} rank
* @property {string} docstring
* @property {boolean} deprecated
* A LabelDef Object returned by the pRPC API project_objects.proto.
* @typedef {Object} LabelDef
* @property {string} label
* @property {string=} docstring
* @property {boolean=} deprecated
* A ComponentDef Object returned by the pRPC API project_objects.proto.
* @typedef {Object} ComponentDef
* @property {string} path
* @property {string} docstring
* @property {Array<UserRef>} adminRefs
* @property {Array<UserRef>} ccRefs
* @property {boolean} deprecated
* @property {number} created
* @property {UserRef} creatorRef
* @property {number} modified
* @property {UserRef} modifierRef
* @property {Array<LabelRef>} labelRefs
* A FieldDef Object returned by the pRPC API project_objects.proto.
* @typedef {Object} FieldDef
* @property {FieldRef} fieldRef
* @property {string=} applicableType
* @property {boolean=} isRequired
* @property {boolean=} isNiche
* @property {boolean=} isMultivalued
* @property {string=} docstring
* @property {Array<UserRef>=} adminRefs
* @property {boolean=} isPhaseField
* @property {Array<UserRef>=} userChoices
* @property {Array<LabelDef>=} enumChoices
* A ApprovalDef Object returned by the pRPC API project_objects.proto.
* @typedef {Object} ApprovalDef
* @property {FieldRef} fieldRef
* @property {Array<UserRef>} approverRefs
* @property {string} survey
* A Config Object returned by the pRPC API project_objects.proto.
* @typedef {Object} Config
* @property {string} projectName
* @property {Array<StatusDef>=} statusDefs
* @property {Array<StatusRef>=} statusesOfferMerge
* @property {Array<LabelDef>=} labelDefs
* @property {Array<string>=} exclusiveLabelPrefixes
* @property {Array<ComponentDef>=} componentDefs
* @property {Array<FieldDef>=} fieldDefs
* @property {Array<ApprovalDef>=} approvalDefs
* @property {boolean=} restrictToKnown
* A PresentationConfig Object returned by the pRPC API project_objects.proto.
* @typedef {Object} PresentationConfig
* @property {string=} projectThumbnailUrl
* @property {string=} projectSummary
* @property {string=} customIssueEntryUrl
* @property {string=} defaultQuery
* @property {Array<SavedQuery>=} savedQueries
* @property {string=} revisionUrlFormat
* @property {string=} defaultColSpec
* @property {string=} defaultSortSpec
* @property {string=} defaultXAttr
* @property {string=} defaultYAttr
* A TemplateDef Object returned by the pRPC API project_objects.proto.
* @typedef {Object} TemplateDef
* @property {string} templateName
* @property {string=} content
* @property {string=} summary
* @property {boolean=} summaryMustBeEdited
* @property {UserRef=} ownerRef
* @property {StatusRef=} statusRef
* @property {Array<LabelRef>=} labelRefs
* @property {boolean=} membersOnly
* @property {boolean=} ownerDefaultsToMember
* @property {Array<UserRef>=} adminRefs
* @property {Array<FieldValue>=} fieldValues
* @property {Array<ComponentRef>=} componentRefs
* @property {boolean=} componentRequired
* @property {Array<Approval>=} approvalValues
* @property {Array<PhaseDef>=} phases
* Types defined in features_objects.proto.
* A Hotlist Object returned by the pRPC API features_objects.proto.
* @typedef {Object} HotlistV0
* @property {UserRef=} ownerRef
* @property {string=} name
* @property {string=} summary
* @property {string=} description
* @property {string=} defaultColSpec
* @property {boolean=} isPrivate
* A Hotlist Object returned by the pRPC v3 API from feature_objects.proto.
* @typedef {Object} Hotlist
* @property {string} name
* @property {string=} displayName
* @property {string=} owner
* @property {Array<string>=} editors
* @property {string=} summary
* @property {string=} description
* @property {Array<IssuesListColumn>=} defaultColumns
* @property {string=} hotlistPrivacy
* A HotlistItem Object returned by the pRPC API features_objects.proto.
* @typedef {Object} HotlistItemV0
* @property {Issue=} issue
* @property {number=} rank
* @property {UserRef=} adderRef
* @property {number=} addedTimestamp
* @property {string=} note
* A HotlistItem Object returned by the pRPC v3 API from feature_objects.proto.
* @typedef {Object} HotlistItem
* @property {string=} name
* @property {string=} issue
* @property {number=} rank
* @property {string=} adder
* @property {string=} createTime
* @property {string=} note
* Types defined in user_objects.proto.
* A User Object returned by the pRPC API user_objects.proto.
* @typedef {Object} UserV0
* @property {string=} displayName
* @property {number=} userId
* @property {boolean=} isSiteAdmin
* @property {string=} availability
* @property {UserRef=} linkedParentRef
* @property {Array<UserRef>=} linkedChildRefs
* A User Object returned by the pRPC v3 API from user_objects.proto.
* @typedef {Object} User
* @property {string=} name
* @property {string=} displayName
* @property {string=} availabilityMessage
* A ProjectStar Object returned by the pRPC v3 API from user_objects.proto.
* @typedef {Object} ProjectStar
* @property {string=} name
* A IssueStar Object returned by the pRPC v3 API from user_objects.proto.
* @typedef {Object} IssueStar
* @property {string=} name
* Type alias for any Star object.
* @typedef {ProjectStar|IssueStar} Star