blob: aa5540077e8939df78d8e99cd683f1e697e83e75 [file] [log] [blame]
Short Name: endpoints
Version: 4.8.0
License: Apache 2.0
License File: LICENSE.txt
Security Critical: no
Google Cloud Endpoints is a solution for creating RESTful web APIs.
Local Modifications:
1. Retain only the endpoints/ directory and LICENSE.txt file.
2. Remove dependency on semver and move endpoints_management and
protorpc.wsgi imports into the functions where they're being used.
3. Update files for Python 3.
Syntax changes:
* except Exception, e: --> except Exception as e:
Import moves:
* from collections import Foo -> from import Foo
* import cStringIO --> from six.moves import cStringIO
* import httplib --> from six.moves import http_client
* import urllib --> from six.moves import urllib
* import urlparse --> from six.moves import urllib
String changes:
* basestring --> six.string_types
* if isinstance(s, unicode): s = s.encode() -> s = six.ensure_str(s)
* s.encode('ascii') --> six.ensure_binary(s, 'ascii')
* s.encode('hex') --> binascii.hexlify(s)
Integer changes:
* long() --> int()
Iterator changes:
* iteritems() --> items()
* iterkeys() -> keys()
* itervalues() --> values()