blob: deeb6601f0466488ac4653c1b4d4bff7d614bc5e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {assert} from 'chai';
import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event';
import {MrEditField} from './mr-edit-field.js';
import {fieldTypes} from 'shared/issue-fields.js';
import {enterInput} from 'shared/test/helpers.js';
let element;
let input;
xdescribe('mr-edit-field', () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
element = document.createElement('mr-edit-field');
element.label = 'testInput';
await element.updateComplete;
input = element.querySelector('#testInput');
afterEach(async () => {
it('initializes', () => {
assert.instanceOf(element, MrEditField);
it('reset input value', async () => {
element.initialValues = [];
await element.updateComplete;
enterInput(input, 'jackalope');
await element.updateComplete;
assert.equal(element.value, 'jackalope');
await element.updateComplete;
assert.equal(element.value, '');
it('input updates when initialValues change', async () => {
element.initialValues = ['hello'];
await element.updateComplete;
assert.equal(element.value, 'hello');
it('initial value does not change after value set', async () => {
element.initialValues = ['hello'];
element.label = 'testInput';
await element.updateComplete;
input = element.querySelector('#testInput');
enterInput(input, 'world');
await element.updateComplete;
assert.deepEqual(element.initialValues, ['hello']);
assert.equal(element.value, 'world');
it('value updates when input is updated', async () => {
element.initialValues = ['hello'];
await element.updateComplete;
enterInput(input, 'world');
await element.updateComplete;
assert.equal(element.value, 'world');
it('initial value does not change after user input', async () => {
element.initialValues = ['hello'];
await element.updateComplete;
enterInput(input, 'jackalope');
await element.updateComplete;
assert.deepEqual(element.initialValues, ['hello']);
assert.equal(element.value, 'jackalope');
it('get value after user input', async () => {
element.initialValues = ['hello'];
await element.updateComplete;
enterInput(input, 'jackalope');
await element.updateComplete;
assert.equal(element.value, 'jackalope');
it('input value was added', async () => {
// Simulate user input.
await element.updateComplete;
enterInput(input, 'jackalope');
await element.updateComplete;
assert.deepEqual(element.getValuesAdded(), ['jackalope']);
assert.deepEqual(element.getValuesRemoved(), []);
it('input value was removed', async () => {
await element.updateComplete;
element.initialValues = ['hello'];
await element.updateComplete;
enterInput(input, '');
await element.updateComplete;
assert.deepEqual(element.getValuesAdded(), []);
assert.deepEqual(element.getValuesRemoved(), ['hello']);
it('input value was changed', async () => {
element.initialValues = ['hello'];
await element.updateComplete;
enterInput(input, 'world');
await element.updateComplete;
assert.deepEqual(element.getValuesAdded(), ['world']);
it('edit select updates value when initialValues change', async () => {
element.multi = false;
element.type = fieldTypes.ENUM_TYPE;
element.options = [
{optionName: 'hello'},
{optionName: 'jackalope'},
{optionName: 'text'},
element.initialValues = ['hello'];
await element.updateComplete;
assert.equal(element.value, 'hello');
const select = element.querySelector('select');
userEvent.selectOptions(select, 'jackalope');
// User input should not be overridden by the initialValue variable.
assert.equal(element.value, 'jackalope');
// Initial values should not change based on user input.
assert.deepEqual(element.initialValues, ['hello']);
element.initialValues = ['text'];
await element.updateComplete;
assert.equal(element.value, 'text');
element.initialValues = [];
await element.updateComplete;
assert.deepEqual(element.value, '');
it('multi enum updates value on reset', async () => {
element.multi = true;
element.type = fieldTypes.ENUM_TYPE;
element.options = [
{optionName: 'hello'},
{optionName: 'world'},
{optionName: 'fake'},
await element.updateComplete;
element.initialValues = ['hello'];
await element.updateComplete;
assert.deepEqual(element.values, ['hello']);
const checkboxes = element.querySelector('mr-multi-checkbox');
// User checks all boxes.
(checkbox) => {
checkbox.checked = true;
await element.updateComplete;
// User input should not be overridden by the initialValues variable.
assert.deepEqual(element.values, ['hello', 'world', 'fake']);
// Initial values should not change based on user input.
assert.deepEqual(element.initialValues, ['hello']);
element.initialValues = ['hello', 'world'];
await element.updateComplete;
assert.deepEqual(element.values, ['hello', 'world']);