blob: 15223cd00cab065fd1004f51a27a4e8c6c8f1700 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* This file contains JS code for editing fields and field definitions.
var TKR_fieldNameXmlHttp;
* Function that communicates with the server.
* @param {string} projectName Current project name.
* @param {string} fieldName The proposed field name.
async function TKR_checkFieldNameOnServer(projectName, fieldName) {
fieldName = fieldName.toLowerCase();
const fieldNameMessage = {
project_name: projectName,
field_name: fieldName,
const labelOptionsMessage = {
project_name: projectName,
const responses = await Promise.all([
'monorail.Projects', 'CheckFieldName', fieldNameMessage),
'monorail.Projects', 'GetLabelOptions', labelOptionsMessage),
const fieldNameResponse = responses[0];
const labelsResponse = responses[1];
$('fieldnamefeedback').textContent = fieldNameResponse.error || '';
$('submit_btn').disabled = fieldNameResponse.error ? 'disabled' : '';
const maskedLabels = (labelsResponse.labelOptions || []).filter(
label_def => label_def.label.toLowerCase().startsWith(fieldName + '-'));
if (maskedLabels.length === 0) {
} else {
const prefixLength = fieldName.length + 1;
const padLength = Math.max.apply(null,
label_def => label_def.label.length - prefixLength));
const choicesLines = => {
// Strip the field name from the label.
const choice = label_def.label.substr(prefixLength);
return choice.padEnd(padLength) + ' = ' + label_def.docstring;
$('choices').textContent = choicesLines.join('\n');
$('field_type').value = 'enum_type';
$('choices_row').style.display = '';
function enableOtherTypeOptions(disabled) {
let type_option_el = $('field_type').firstChild;
while (type_option_el) {
if (type_option_el.tagName == 'OPTION') {
if (type_option_el.value != 'enum_type') {
type_option_el.disabled = disabled ? 'disabled' : '';
type_option_el = type_option_el.nextSibling;