blob: cb139312016a3e74f38a169d01e7d4a5c083d921 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Helper functions and classes used throughout Monorail."""
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
import collections
import logging
import random
import string
import textwrap
import threading
import time
import traceback
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse, quote, urlunparse
from google.appengine.api import app_identity
import ezt
import six
import settings
from framework import framework_bizobj
from framework import framework_constants
from framework import template_helpers
from framework import timestr
from framework import urls
from mrproto import user_pb2
from services import client_config_svc
# AttachmentUpload holds the information of an incoming uploaded
# attachment before it gets saved as a gcs file and saved to the DB.
AttachmentUpload = collections.namedtuple(
'AttachmentUpload', ['filename', 'contents', 'mimetype'])
# type: (str, str, str) -> None
# For random key generation
RANDOM_KEY_CHARACTERS = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
# params recognized by FormatURL, in the order they will appear in the url
RECOGNIZED_PARAMS = ['can', 'start', 'num', 'q', 'colspec', 'groupby', 'sort',
'show', 'format', 'me', 'table_title', 'projects',
def retry(tries, delay=1, backoff=2):
"""A retry decorator with exponential backoff.
Functions are retried when Exceptions occur.
tries: int Number of times to retry, set to 0 to disable retry.
delay: float Initial sleep time in seconds.
backoff: float Must be greater than 1, further failures would sleep
delay*=backoff seconds.
if backoff <= 1:
raise ValueError("backoff must be greater than 1")
if tries < 0:
raise ValueError("tries must be 0 or greater")
if delay <= 0:
raise ValueError("delay must be greater than 0")
def decorator(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
_tries, _delay = tries, delay
_tries += 1 # Ensure we call func at least once.
while _tries > 0:
ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
return ret
except Exception:
_tries -= 1
if _tries == 0:
logging.error('Exceeded maximum number of retries for %s.',
trace_str = traceback.format_exc()
logging.warning('Retrying %s due to Exception: %s',
func.__name__, trace_str)
_delay *= backoff # Wait longer the next time we fail.
return wrapper
return decorator
class PromiseCallback(object):
"""Executes the work of a Promise and then dereferences everything."""
def __init__(self, promise, callback, *args, **kwargs):
self.promise = promise
self.callback = callback
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
def __call__(self):
self.promise._WorkOnPromise(self.callback, *self.args, **self.kwargs)
# Make sure we no longer hold onto references to anything.
self.promise = self.callback = self.args = self.kwargs = None
class Promise(object):
"""Class for promises to deliver a value in the future.
A thread is started to run callback(args), that thread
should return the value that it generates, or raise an expception.
p.WaitAndGetValue() will block until a value is available.
If an exception was raised, p.WaitAndGetValue() will re-raise the
same exception.
def __init__(self, callback, *args, **kwargs):
"""Initialize the promise and immediately call the supplied function.
callback: Function that takes the args and returns the promise value.
*args: Any arguments to the target function.
**kwargs: Any keyword args for the target function.
self.has_value = False
self.value = None
self.event = threading.Event()
self.exception = None
promise_callback = PromiseCallback(self, callback, *args, **kwargs)
# Execute the callback in another thread.
promise_thread = threading.Thread(target=promise_callback)
def _WorkOnPromise(self, callback, *args, **kwargs):
"""Run callback to compute the promised value. Save any exceptions."""
self.value = callback(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
trace_str = traceback.format_exc()'Exception while working on promise: %s\n', trace_str)
# Add the stack trace at this point to the exception. That way, in the
# logs, we can see what happened further up in the call stack
# than WaitAndGetValue(), which re-raises exceptions.
e.pre_promise_trace = trace_str
self.exception = e
self.has_value = True
def WaitAndGetValue(self):
"""Block until my value is available, then return it or raise exception."""
if self.exception:
raise self.exception # pylint: disable=raising-bad-type
return self.value
def FormatAbsoluteURLForDomain(
host, project_name, servlet_name, scheme='https', **kwargs):
"""A variant of FormatAbsoluteURL for when request objects are not available.
host: string with hostname and optional port, e.g. 'localhost:8080'.
project_name: the destination project name, if any.
servlet_name: site or project-local url fragement of dest page.
scheme: url scheme, e.g., 'http' or 'https'.
**kwargs: additional query string parameters may be specified as named
arguments to this function.
A full url beginning with 'http[s]://'.
path_and_args = FormatURL(None, servlet_name, **kwargs)
if host:
domain_port = host.split(':')
domain_port[0] = GetPreferredDomain(domain_port[0])
host = ':'.join(domain_port)
absolute_domain_url = '%s://%s' % (scheme, host)
if project_name:
return '%s/p/%s%s' % (absolute_domain_url, project_name, path_and_args)
return absolute_domain_url + path_and_args
def FormatAbsoluteURL(
mr, servlet_name, include_project=True, project_name=None,
scheme=None, copy_params=True, **kwargs):
"""Return an absolute URL to a servlet with old and new params.
mr: info parsed from the current request.
servlet_name: site or project-local url fragement of dest page.
include_project: if True, include the project home url as part of the
destination URL (as long as it is specified either in mr
or as the project_name param.)
project_name: the destination project name, to override
mr.project_name if include_project is True.
scheme: either 'http' or 'https', to override mr.request.scheme.
copy_params: if True, copy well-known parameters from the existing request.
**kwargs: additional query string parameters may be specified as named
arguments to this function.
A full url beginning with 'http[s]://'. The destination URL will be in
the same domain as the current request.
path_and_args = FormatURL(
[(name, mr.GetParam(name)) for name in RECOGNIZED_PARAMS]
if copy_params else None,
servlet_name, **kwargs)
scheme = scheme or mr.request.scheme
project_base = ''
if include_project:
project_base = '/p/%s' % (project_name or mr.project_name)
return '%s://%s%s%s' % (scheme,, project_base, path_and_args)
def FormatMovedProjectURL(mr, moved_to):
"""Return a transformation of the given url into the given project.
mr: common information parsed from the HTTP request.
moved_to: A string from a project's moved_to field that matches
The url transposed into the given destination project.
project_name = moved_to
_, _, path, parameters, query, fragment_identifier = urlparse(
# Strip off leading "/p/<moved from project>"
path = '/' + path.split('/', 3)[3]
rest_of_url = urlunparse(
('', '', path, parameters, query, fragment_identifier))
return '/p/%s%s' % (project_name, rest_of_url)
def GetNeededDomain(project_name, current_domain):
"""Return the branded domain for the project iff not on current_domain."""
if (not current_domain or
'' in current_domain or
':' in current_domain):
return None
desired_domain = settings.branded_domains.get(
project_name, settings.branded_domains.get('*'))
if desired_domain == current_domain:
return None
return desired_domain
def FormatURL(recognized_params, url, **kwargs):
# type: (Sequence[Tuple(str, str)], str, **Any) -> str
"""Return a project relative URL to a servlet with old and new params.
recognized_params: Default query parameters to include.
url: Base URL. Could be a relative path for an EZT Servlet or an
absolute path for a separate service (ie: besearch).
**kwargs: Additional query parameters to add.
A URL with the specified query parameters.
# Standard params not overridden in **kwargs come first, followed by kwargs.
# The exception is the 'id' param. If present then the 'id' param always comes
# first. See
all_params = []
if kwargs.get('id'):
all_params.append(('id', kwargs['id']))
# TODO(jojwang): update all calls to FormatURL to only include non-None
# recognized_params
if recognized_params:
param for param in recognized_params if param[0] not in kwargs)
# Ignore the 'id' param since we already added it above.
sorted([kwarg for kwarg in kwargs.items() if kwarg[0] != 'id']))
return _FormatQueryString(url, all_params)
def _FormatQueryString(url, params):
# type: (str, Sequence[Tuple(str, str)]) -> str
"""URLencode a list of parameters and attach them to the end of a URL.
url: URL to append the querystring to.
params: List of query parameters to append.
A URL with the specified query parameters.
param_string = '&'.join(
'%s=%s' % (name, quote(six.text_type(value).encode('utf-8')))
for name, value in params
if value is not None)
if not param_string:
qs_start_char = ''
elif '?' in url:
qs_start_char = '&'
qs_start_char = '?'
return '%s%s%s' % (url, qs_start_char, param_string)
def WordWrapSuperLongLines(s, max_cols=100):
"""Reformat input that was not word-wrapped by the browser.
s: the string to be word-wrapped, it may have embedded newlines.
max_cols: int maximum line length.
Wrapped text string.
Rather than wrap the whole thing, we only wrap super-long lines and keep
all the reasonable lines formated as-is.
lines = [textwrap.fill(line, max_cols) for line in s.splitlines()]
wrapped_text = '\n'.join(lines)
# The split/join logic above can lose one final blank line.
if s.endswith('\n') or s.endswith('\r'):
wrapped_text += '\n'
return wrapped_text
def StaticCacheHeaders():
"""Returns HTTP headers for static content, based on the current time."""
year_from_now = int(time.time()) + framework_constants.SECS_PER_YEAR
headers = [
'max-age=%d, private' % framework_constants.SECS_PER_YEAR),
('Last-Modified', timestr.TimeForHTMLHeader()),
('Expires', timestr.TimeForHTMLHeader(when=year_from_now)),
]'static headers are %r', headers)
return headers
def ComputeListDeltas(old_list, new_list):
"""Given an old and new list, return the items added and removed.
old_list: old list of values for comparison.
new_list: new list of values for comparison.
Two lists: one with all the values added (in new_list but was not
in old_list), and one with all the values removed (not in new_list
but was in old_lit).
if old_list == new_list:
return [], [] # A common case: nothing was added or removed.
added = set(new_list)
removed = set(old_list)
return list(added), list(removed)
def GetRoleName(effective_ids, project):
"""Determines the name of the role a member has for a given project.
effective_ids: set of user IDs to get the role name for.
project: Project PB containing the different the different member lists.
The name of the role.
if not effective_ids.isdisjoint(project.owner_ids):
return 'Owner'
if not effective_ids.isdisjoint(project.committer_ids):
return 'Committer'
if not effective_ids.isdisjoint(project.contributor_ids):
return 'Contributor'
return None
def GetHotlistRoleName(effective_ids, hotlist):
"""Determines the name of the role a member has for a given hotlist."""
if not effective_ids.isdisjoint(hotlist.owner_ids):
return 'Owner'
if not effective_ids.isdisjoint(hotlist.editor_ids):
return 'Editor'
if not effective_ids.isdisjoint(hotlist.follower_ids):
return 'Follower'
return None
class UserSettings(object):
"""Abstract class providing static methods for user settings forms."""
def GatherUnifiedSettingsPageData(
cls, logged_in_user_id, settings_user_view, settings_user,
"""Gather EZT variables needed for the unified user settings form.
logged_in_user_id: The user ID of the acting user.
settings_user_view: The UserView of the target user.
settings_user: The User PB of the target user.
settings_user_prefs: UserPrefs object for the view user.
A dictionary giving the names and values of all the variables to
be exported to EZT to support the unified user settings form template.
settings_user_prefs_view = template_helpers.EZTItem(
**{name: None for name in framework_bizobj.USER_PREF_DEFS})
if settings_user_prefs:
for upv in settings_user_prefs.prefs:
if upv.value == 'true':
setattr(settings_user_prefs_view,, True)
elif upv.value == 'false':
setattr(settings_user_prefs_view,, None)'settings_user_prefs_view is %r' % settings_user_prefs_view)
return {
'settings_user': settings_user_view,
'settings_user_pb': template_helpers.PBProxy(settings_user),
'settings_user_is_banned': ezt.boolean(settings_user.banned),
'self': ezt.boolean(logged_in_user_id == settings_user_view.user_id),
'profile_url_fragment': (
'preview_on_hover': ezt.boolean(settings_user.preview_on_hover),
'settings_user_prefs': settings_user_prefs_view,
def ProcessBanForm(
cls, cnxn, user_service, post_data, user_id, user):
"""Process the posted form data from the ban user form.
cnxn: connection to the SQL database.
user_service: An instance of UserService for saving changes.
post_data: The parsed post data from the form submission request.
user_id: The user id of the target user.
user: The user PB of the target user.
cnxn, user_id, user, is_banned='banned' in post_data,
banned_reason=post_data.get('banned_reason', ''))
def ProcessSettingsForm(
cls, we, post_data, user, admin=False):
"""Process the posted form data from the unified user settings form.
we: A WorkEnvironment with cnxn and services.
post_data: The parsed post data from the form submission request.
user: The user PB of the target user.
admin: Whether settings reserved for admins are supported.
obscure_email = 'obscure_email' in post_data
kwargs = {}
if admin:
kwargs.update(is_site_admin='site_admin' in post_data)
kwargs.update(is_banned='banned' in post_data,
banned_reason=post_data.get('banned_reason', ''))
user, notify='notify' in post_data,
notify_starred='notify_starred' in post_data,
email_compact_subject='email_compact_subject' in post_data,
email_view_widget='email_view_widget' in post_data,
notify_starred_ping='notify_starred_ping' in post_data,
preview_on_hover='preview_on_hover' in post_data,
vacation_message=post_data.get('vacation_message', ''),
user_prefs = []
for pref_name in ['restrict_new_issues', 'public_issue_notice']:
value=('true' if pref_name in post_data else 'false')))
we.SetUserPrefs(user.user_id, user_prefs)
def GetHostPort(project_name=None):
"""Get string domain name and port number."""
app_id = app_identity.get_application_id()
if ':' in app_id:
domain, app_id = app_id.split(':')
domain = ''
if domain.startswith('google'):
hostport = '' % app_id
hostport = '' % app_id
live_site_domain = GetPreferredDomain(hostport)
if project_name:
project_needed_domain = GetNeededDomain(project_name, live_site_domain)
if project_needed_domain:
return project_needed_domain
return live_site_domain
def IssueCommentURL(
hostport, project, local_id, seq_num=None):
"""Return a URL pointing directly to the specified comment."""
servlet_name = urls.ISSUE_DETAIL
detail_url = FormatAbsoluteURLForDomain(
hostport, project.project_name, servlet_name, id=local_id)
if seq_num:
detail_url += '#c%d' % seq_num
return detail_url
def MurmurHash3_x86_32(key, seed=0x0):
"""Implements the x86/32-bit version of Murmur Hash 3.0.
MurmurHash3 is written by Austin Appleby, and is placed in the public
domain. See for details.
This pure python implementation of the x86/32 bit version of MurmurHash3 is
written by Fredrik Kihlander and also placed in the public domain.
See for details.
The MurmurHash3 algorithm is chosen for these reasons:
* It is fast, even when implemented in pure python.
* It is remarkably well distributed, and unlikely to cause collisions.
* It is stable and unchanging (any improvements will be in MurmurHash4).
* It is well-tested, and easily usable in other contexts (such as bulk
data imports).
key (string): the data that you want hashed
seed (int): An offset, treated as essentially part of the key.
A 32-bit integer (can be interpreted as either signed or unsigned).
key = bytearray(key.encode('utf-8'))
def fmix(h):
h ^= h >> 16
h = (h * 0x85ebca6b) & 0xFFFFFFFF
h ^= h >> 13
h = (h * 0xc2b2ae35) & 0xFFFFFFFF
h ^= h >> 16
return h;
length = len(key)
nblocks = int(length // 4)
h1 = seed;
c1 = 0xcc9e2d51
c2 = 0x1b873593
# body
for block_start in range(0, nblocks * 4, 4):
k1 = key[ block_start + 3 ] << 24 | \
key[ block_start + 2 ] << 16 | \
key[ block_start + 1 ] << 8 | \
key[ block_start + 0 ]
k1 = c1 * k1 & 0xFFFFFFFF
k1 = (k1 << 15 | k1 >> 17) & 0xFFFFFFFF
k1 = (c2 * k1) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
h1 ^= k1
h1 = ( h1 << 13 | h1 >> 19 ) & 0xFFFFFFFF
h1 = ( h1 * 5 + 0xe6546b64 ) & 0xFFFFFFFF
# tail
tail_index = nblocks * 4
k1 = 0
tail_size = length & 3
if tail_size >= 3:
k1 ^= key[ tail_index + 2 ] << 16
if tail_size >= 2:
k1 ^= key[ tail_index + 1 ] << 8
if tail_size >= 1:
k1 ^= key[ tail_index + 0 ]
if tail_size != 0:
k1 = ( k1 * c1 ) & 0xFFFFFFFF
k1 = ( k1 << 15 | k1 >> 17 ) & 0xFFFFFFFF
k1 = ( k1 * c2 ) & 0xFFFFFFFF
h1 ^= k1
return fmix( h1 ^ length )
"""Return a string with lots of random characters."""
chars = [random.choice(chars) for _ in range(length)]
return ''.join(chars)
def IsServiceAccount(email, client_emails=None):
"""Return a boolean value whether this email is a service account."""
if email.endswith(''):
return True
if client_emails is None:
_, client_emails = (
return email in client_emails
def GetPreferredDomain(domain):
"""Get preferred domain to display.
The preferred domain replaces app_id for default version of monorail-prod
and monorail-staging.
return settings.preferred_domains.get(domain, domain)
def GetUserAvailability(user, is_group=False):
"""Return (str, str) that explains why the user might not be available."""
if not user.user_id:
return None, None
if user.banned:
return 'Banned', 'banned'
if user.vacation_message:
return user.vacation_message, 'none'
if user.email_bounce_timestamp:
return 'Email to this user bounced', 'none'
# No availability shown for user groups, or addresses that are
# likely to be mailing lists.
if is_group or ( and '-' in
return None, None
if not user.last_visit_timestamp:
return 'User never visited', 'never'
secs_ago = int(time.time()) - user.last_visit_timestamp
last_visit_str = timestr.FormatRelativeDate(
user.last_visit_timestamp, days_only=True)
if secs_ago > 30 * framework_constants.SECS_PER_DAY:
return 'Last visit > 30 days ago', 'none'
if secs_ago > 15 * framework_constants.SECS_PER_DAY:
return ('Last visit %s' % last_visit_str), 'unsure'
return None, None