Merge branch 'main' into avm99963-monorail

Merged commit 34d8229ae2b51fb1a15bd208e6fe6185c94f6266

GitOrigin-RevId: 7ee0917f93a577e475f8e09526dd144d245593f4
diff --git a/third_party/endpoints/ b/third_party/endpoints/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19519db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/endpoints/
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Module for a class that contains a request body resource and parameters."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from . import message_types
+from . import messages
+class ResourceContainer(object):
+  """Container for a request body resource combined with parameters.
+  Used for API methods which may also have path or query parameters in addition
+  to a request body.
+  Attributes:
+    body_message_class: A message class to represent a request body.
+    parameters_message_class: A placeholder message class for request
+        parameters.
+  """
+  __remote_info_cache = {}  # pylint: disable=g-bad-name
+  __combined_message_class = None  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+  def __init__(self, _body_message_class=message_types.VoidMessage, **kwargs):
+    """Constructor for ResourceContainer.
+    Stores a request body message class and attempts to create one from the
+    keyword arguments passed in.
+    Args:
+      _body_message_class: A keyword argument to be treated like a positional
+          argument. This will not conflict with the potential names of fields
+          since they can't begin with underscore. We make this a keyword
+          argument since the default VoidMessage is a very common choice given
+          the prevalence of GET methods.
+      **kwargs: Keyword arguments specifying field names (the named arguments)
+          and instances of ProtoRPC fields as the values.
+    """
+    self.body_message_class = _body_message_class
+    self.parameters_message_class = type('ParameterContainer',
+                                         (messages.Message,), kwargs)
+  @property
+  def combined_message_class(self):
+    """A ProtoRPC message class with both request and parameters fields.
+    Caches the result in a local private variable. Uses _CopyField to create
+    copies of the fields from the existing request and parameters classes since
+    those fields are "owned" by the message classes.
+    Raises:
+      TypeError: If a field name is used in both the request message and the
+        parameters but the two fields do not represent the same type.
+    Returns:
+      Value of combined message class for this property.
+    """
+    if self.__combined_message_class is not None:
+      return self.__combined_message_class
+    fields = {}
+    # We don't need to preserve field.number since this combined class is only
+    # used for the protorpc remote.method and is not needed for the API config.
+    # The only place field.number matters is in parameterOrder, but this is set
+    # based on container.parameters_message_class which will use the field
+    # numbers originally passed in.
+    # Counter for fields.
+    field_number = 1
+    for field in self.body_message_class.all_fields():
+      fields[] = _CopyField(field, number=field_number)
+      field_number += 1
+    for field in self.parameters_message_class.all_fields():
+      if in fields:
+        if not _CompareFields(field, fields[]):
+          raise TypeError('Field %r contained in both parameters and request '
+                          'body, but the fields differ.' % (,))
+        else:
+          # Skip a field that's already there.
+          continue
+      fields[] = _CopyField(field, number=field_number)
+      field_number += 1
+    self.__combined_message_class = type('CombinedContainer',
+                                         (messages.Message,), fields)
+    return self.__combined_message_class
+  @classmethod
+  def add_to_cache(cls, remote_info, container):  # pylint: disable=g-bad-name
+    """Adds a ResourceContainer to a cache tying it to a protorpc method.
+    Args:
+      remote_info: Instance of protorpc.remote._RemoteMethodInfo corresponding
+          to a method.
+      container: An instance of ResourceContainer.
+    Raises:
+      TypeError: if the container is not an instance of cls.
+      KeyError: if the remote method has been reference by a container before.
+          This created remote method should never occur because a remote method
+          is created once.
+    """
+    if not isinstance(container, cls):
+      raise TypeError('%r not an instance of %r, could not be added to cache.' %
+                      (container, cls))
+    if remote_info in cls.__remote_info_cache:
+      raise KeyError('Cache has collision but should not.')
+    cls.__remote_info_cache[remote_info] = container
+  @classmethod
+  def get_request_message(cls, remote_info):  # pylint: disable=g-bad-name
+    """Gets request message or container from remote info.
+    Args:
+      remote_info: Instance of protorpc.remote._RemoteMethodInfo corresponding
+          to a method.
+    Returns:
+      Either an instance of the request type from the remote or the
+          ResourceContainer that was cached with the remote method.
+    """
+    if remote_info in cls.__remote_info_cache:
+      return cls.__remote_info_cache[remote_info]
+    else:
+      return remote_info.request_type()
+def _GetFieldAttributes(field):
+  """Decomposes field into the needed arguments to pass to the constructor.
+  This can be used to create copies of the field or to compare if two fields
+  are "equal" (since __eq__ is not implemented on messages.Field).
+  Args:
+    field: A ProtoRPC message field (potentially to be copied).
+  Raises:
+    TypeError: If the field is not an instance of messages.Field.
+  Returns:
+    A pair of relevant arguments to be passed to the constructor for the field
+      type. The first element is a list of positional arguments for the
+      constructor and the second is a dictionary of keyword arguments.
+  """
+  if not isinstance(field, messages.Field):
+    raise TypeError('Field %r to be copied not a ProtoRPC field.' % (field,))
+  positional_args = []
+  kwargs = {
+      'required': field.required,
+      'repeated': field.repeated,
+      'variant': field.variant,
+      'default': field._Field__default,  # pylint: disable=protected-access
+  }
+  if isinstance(field, messages.MessageField):
+    # Message fields can't have a default
+    kwargs.pop('default')
+    if not isinstance(field, message_types.DateTimeField):
+      positional_args.insert(0, field.message_type)
+  elif isinstance(field, messages.EnumField):
+    positional_args.insert(0, field.type)
+  return positional_args, kwargs
+def _CompareFields(field, other_field):
+  """Checks if two ProtoRPC fields are "equal".
+  Compares the arguments, rather than the id of the elements (which is
+  the default __eq__ behavior) as well as the class of the fields.
+  Args:
+    field: A ProtoRPC message field to be compared.
+    other_field: A ProtoRPC message field to be compared.
+  Returns:
+    Boolean indicating whether the fields are equal.
+  """
+  field_attrs = _GetFieldAttributes(field)
+  other_field_attrs = _GetFieldAttributes(other_field)
+  if field_attrs != other_field_attrs:
+    return False
+  return field.__class__ == other_field.__class__
+def _CopyField(field, number=None):
+  """Copies a (potentially) owned ProtoRPC field instance into a new copy.
+  Args:
+    field: A ProtoRPC message field to be copied.
+    number: An integer for the field to override the number of the field.
+        Defaults to None.
+  Raises:
+    TypeError: If the field is not an instance of messages.Field.
+  Returns:
+    A copy of the ProtoRPC message field.
+  """
+  positional_args, kwargs = _GetFieldAttributes(field)
+  number = number or field.number
+  positional_args.append(number)
+  return field.__class__(*positional_args, **kwargs)