Terms of Service for Monorail (https://bugs.avm99963.com)

Your Account in Monorail

A Monorail User account is automatically created when you visit https://bugs.avm99963.com while logged in for the first time. The account is associated with your email.

Data Retention

As a bug tracker, the issues and discussions that occur in Monorail are insightful and vital to understanding the codebase and history of the projects we track. Therefore, Monorail retains all data generated on the site indefinitely. User accounts and data associated with the account may be deleted upon request. See Deleting Your User Account for more information.

Deleting Your User Account

Users can request the deletion of their owner Monorail User Account by filing a bug while logged in with the account that they want deleted. We will not accept requests to delete accounts that differ from that of the user making the request. Please note that if a user visits Monorail again while logged in, after their account has been deleted, Monorail will automatically create another account.

Privacy notice

All data is stored in Google Cloud. Please take a look at Google's terms of use and privacy policy for more information.