blob: 2d90e3e93dd457f287923b09273360490c986b1d [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
* license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import {TSMonClient} from '@chopsui/tsmon-client';
export const tsMonClient = new TSMonClient();
import AutoRefreshPrpcClient from 'prpc.js';
const TS_MON_JS_PATH = '/_/';
const TS_MON_CLIENT_GLOBAL_NAME = '__tsMonClient';
export const PAGE_TYPES = Object.freeze({
ISSUE_DETAIL_SPA: 'issue_detail_spa',
ISSUE_ENTRY: 'issue_entry',
ISSUE_LIST_SPA: 'issue_list_spa',
export default class MonorailTSMon extends TSMonClient {
/** @override */
constructor() {
this.clientId = MonorailTSMon.generateClientId();
// Create an instance of pRPC client for refreshing XSRF tokens.
this.prpcClient = new AutoRefreshPrpcClient(
window.CS_env.token, window.CS_env.tokenExpiresSec);
// TODO(jeffcarp, 4415): Deduplicate metric defs.
const standardFields = new Map([
['client_id', TSMonClient.stringField('client_id')],
['host_name', TSMonClient.stringField('host_name')],
['document_visible', TSMonClient.boolField('document_visible')],
this._userTimingMetrics = [
category: 'issues',
eventName: 'new-issue',
eventLabel: 'server-time',
metric: this.cumulativeDistribution(
'Latency between issue entry form submit and issue detail page load.',
null, standardFields,
category: 'issues',
eventName: 'issue-update',
eventLabel: 'computer-time',
metric: this.cumulativeDistribution(
'Latency between issue update form submit and issue detail page load.',
null, standardFields,
category: 'autocomplete',
eventName: 'populate-options',
eventLabel: 'user-time',
metric: this.cumulativeDistribution(
'Latency between page load and autocomplete options loading.',
null, standardFields,
this.dateRangeMetric = this.counter(
'Number of times user changes date range.',
null, (new Map([
['client_id', TSMonClient.stringField('client_id')],
['host_name', TSMonClient.stringField('host_name')],
['document_visible', TSMonClient.boolField('document_visible')],
['date_range', TSMonClient.intField('date_range')],
this.issueCommentsLoadMetric = this.cumulativeDistribution(
'Time from navigation or click to issue comments loaded.',
null, (new Map([
['client_id', TSMonClient.stringField('client_id')],
['host_name', TSMonClient.stringField('host_name')],
['template_name', TSMonClient.stringField('template_name')],
['document_visible', TSMonClient.boolField('document_visible')],
['full_app_load', TSMonClient.boolField('full_app_load')],
this.issueListLoadMetric = this.cumulativeDistribution(
'Time from navigation or click to search issues list loaded.',
null, (new Map([
['client_id', TSMonClient.stringField('client_id')],
['host_name', TSMonClient.stringField('host_name')],
['template_name', TSMonClient.stringField('template_name')],
['document_visible', TSMonClient.boolField('document_visible')],
['full_app_load', TSMonClient.boolField('full_app_load')],
this.pageLoadMetric = this.cumulativeDistribution(
'domContentLoaded performance timing.',
null, (new Map([
['client_id', TSMonClient.stringField('client_id')],
['host_name', TSMonClient.stringField('host_name')],
['template_name', TSMonClient.stringField('template_name')],
['document_visible', TSMonClient.boolField('document_visible')],
fetchImpl(rawMetricValues) {
return this.prpcClient.ensureTokenIsValid().then(() => {
return fetch(this._reportPath, {
method: 'POST',
credentials: 'same-origin',
body: JSON.stringify({
metrics: rawMetricValues,
token: this.prpcClient.token,
recordUserTiming(category, eventName, eventLabel, elapsed) {
const metricFields = new Map([
['client_id', this.clientId],
['host_name', window.CS_env.app_version],
['document_visible', MonorailTSMon.isPageVisible()],
for (const metric of this._userTimingMetrics) {
if (category === metric.category &&
eventName === metric.eventName &&
eventLabel === metric.eventLabel) {
metric.metric.add(elapsed, metricFields);
recordDateRangeChange(dateRange) {
const metricFields = new Map([
['client_id', this.clientId],
['host_name', window.CS_env.app_version],
['document_visible', MonorailTSMon.isPageVisible()],
['date_range', dateRange],
this.dateRangeMetric.add(1, metricFields);
// Make sure this function runs after the page is loaded.
recordPageLoadTiming(pageType, maxThresholdMs=null) {
if (!pageType) return;
// See timing definitions here:
const t = window.performance.timing;
const domContentLoadedMs = t.domContentLoadedEventEnd - t.navigationStart;
const measurePageTypes = new Set([
if (measurePageTypes.has(pageType)) {
if (maxThresholdMs !== null && domContentLoadedMs > maxThresholdMs) {
const metricFields = new Map([
['client_id', this.clientId],
['host_name', window.CS_env.app_version],
['template_name', pageType],
['document_visible', MonorailTSMon.isPageVisible()],
this.pageLoadMetric.add(domContentLoadedMs, metricFields);
recordIssueCommentsLoadTiming(value, fullAppLoad) {
const metricFields = new Map([
['client_id', this.clientId],
['host_name', window.CS_env.app_version],
['template_name', PAGE_TYPES.ISSUE_DETAIL_SPA],
['document_visible', MonorailTSMon.isPageVisible()],
['full_app_load', fullAppLoad],
this.issueCommentsLoadMetric.add(value, metricFields);
recordIssueEntryTiming(maxThresholdMs=PAGE_LOAD_MAX_THRESHOLD) {
this.recordPageLoadTiming(PAGE_TYPES.ISSUE_ENTRY, maxThresholdMs);
recordIssueDetailSpaTiming(maxThresholdMs=PAGE_LOAD_MAX_THRESHOLD) {
this.recordPageLoadTiming(PAGE_TYPES.ISSUE_DETAIL_SPA, maxThresholdMs);
* Adds a value to the 'issue_list_load_latency' metric.
* @param {timestamp} value duration of the load time.
* @param {Boolean} fullAppLoad true if this metric was collected from
* a full app load (cold) rather than from navigation within the
* app (hot).
recordIssueListLoadTiming(value, fullAppLoad) {
const metricFields = new Map([
['client_id', this.clientId],
['host_name', window.CS_env.app_version],
['template_name', PAGE_TYPES.ISSUE_LIST_SPA],
['document_visible', MonorailTSMon.isPageVisible()],
['full_app_load', fullAppLoad],
this.issueListLoadMetric.add(value, metricFields);
// Uses the window object to ensure that only one ts_mon JS client
// exists on the page at any given time. Returns the object on window,
// instantiating it if it doesn't exist yet.
static getGlobalClient() {
if (!window.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
window[key] = new MonorailTSMon();
return window[key];
static generateClientId() {
* Returns a random string used as the client_id field in ts_mon metrics.
* Rationale:
* If we assume Monorail has sustained 40 QPS, assume every request
* generates a new ClientLogger (likely an overestimation), and we want
* the likelihood of a client ID collision to be 0.01% for all IDs
* generated in any given year (in other words, 1 collision every 10K
* years), we need to generate a random string with at least 2^30 different
* possible values (i.e. 30 bits of entropy, see log2(d) in Wolfram link
* below). Using an unsigned integer gives us 32 bits of entropy, more than
* enough.
* Returns:
* A string (the base-32 representation of a random 32-bit integer).
* References:
* -
* -*+60+*+60+*+24+*+365,+p%3D0.0001,+n+%3D+sqrt(2d+*+ln(1%2F(1-p))),+d,+log2(d),+n
* -
const randomvalues = new Uint32Array(1);
return randomvalues[0].toString(32);
// Returns a Boolean, true if document is visible.
static isPageVisible(path) {
return document.visibilityState === 'visible';
// For integration with EZT pages, which don't use ES modules.
window.getTSMonClient = MonorailTSMon.getGlobalClient;