Monorail Development Problems

  • BindError: Unable to bind localhost:8080

This error occurs when port 8080 is already being used by an existing process. Oftentimes, this is a leftover Monorail devserver process from a past run. To quit whatever process is on port 8080, you can run kill $(lsof -ti:8080).

  • RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object

If running make serve gives an output similar to this,

  1. make sure you're using a virtual environment (see above for how to configure one). Then, make the changes outlined in this CL.
  2. Also try pip install protobuf
  • gcloud: command not found

Add the following to your ~/.zshrc file: alias gcloud='/Users/username/google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud'. Replace username with your Google username.

  • TypeError: connect() got an unexpected keyword argument 'charset'

This error occurs when dev_appserver cannot find the MySQLdb library. Try installing it via sudo apt-get install python-mysqldb.

  • TypeError: connect() argument 6 must be string, not None

This occurs when your mysql server is not running. Check if it is running with ps aux | grep mysqld. Start it up with /etc/init.d/mysqld start on linux, or just mysqld.

  • dev_appserver says OSError: [Errno 24] Too many open files and then lists out all source files`

dev_appserver wants to reload source files that you have changed in the editor, however that feature does not seem to work well with multiple GAE modules and instances running in different processes. The workaround is to control-C or kill the dev_appserver processes and restart them.

  • IntegrityError: (1364, "Field 'comment_id' doesn't have a default value") happens when trying to file or update an issue

In some versions of SQL, the STRICT_TRANS_TABLES option is set by default. You'll have to disable this option to stop this error.

  • ImportError: No module named six.moves

You may not have six.moves in your virtual environment and you may need to install it.

  1. Determine that python and pip versions are possibly in vpython-root
    1. which python
    2. which pip
  2. If your python and pip are in vpython-root
    1. sudo `which python` `which pip` install six
  • enum hash not match when run make dev_deps`

You may run the app using python3 instead of python2.

  1. Determine the python version used in virtual environment python --version if it's 3.X


    rm -r venv/

    pip uninstall virtualenv

    pip uninstall pip

    in local environment python --version make sure to change it to python2

    follow previous to instructions to reinstall pip and virtualenv

  • mysql_config not found when run make dev_deps

    this may be caused installing the wrong version of six. run pip list in virtual env make sure it is 1.15.0 if not


    rm -r venv/

    pip uninstall six

    pip install six==1.15.0

    virtualenv venv

Development resources

Supported browsers

Monorail supports all browsers defined in the Chrome Ops guidelines.

File a browser compatibility bug here.

Frontend code practices

See: Monorail Frontend Code Practices

Monorail's design

Triage process

See: Monorail Triage Guide.

Release process

See: Monorail Deployment

User guide

For information on how to use Monorail, see the Monorail User Guide.

Setting up a new instance of Monorail

See: Creating a new Monorail instance