blob: ca0b7130104568ac9c9840323e1df7f8d9228227 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
"""Tests for the Paginator class."""
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
import unittest
from google.appengine.ext import testbed
from api.v3 import paginator
from api.v3.api_proto import hotlists_pb2
from framework import exceptions
from framework import paginate
class PaginatorTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.testbed = testbed.Testbed()
self.paginator = paginator.Paginator(
parent='animal/goose/sound/honks', query='chaos')
def testGetStart(self):
"""We can get the start index from a page_token."""
start = 5
page_token = paginate.GeneratePageToken(
self.paginator.request_contents, start)
self.assertEqual(self.paginator.GetStart(page_token), start)
def testGetStart_EmptyPageToken(self):
"""We return the default start for an empty page_token."""
request = hotlists_pb2.ListHotlistItemsRequest()
self.assertEqual(0, self.paginator.GetStart(request.page_token))
def testGenerateNextPageToken(self):
"""We return the next page token."""
next_start = 10
expected_page_token = paginate.GeneratePageToken(
self.paginator.request_contents, next_start)
self.paginator.GenerateNextPageToken(next_start), expected_page_token)
def testGenerateNextPageToken_NoStart(self):
"""We return None if start is not provided."""
next_start = None
self.assertEqual(self.paginator.GenerateNextPageToken(next_start), None)
def testCoercePageSize(self):
"""A valid page_size is used when provided."""
self.assertEqual(1, paginator.CoercePageSize(1, 5))
def testCoercePageSize_Negative(self):
"""An exception is raised for a negative page_size."""
with self.assertRaises(exceptions.InputException):
paginator.CoercePageSize(-1, 5)
def testCoercePageSize_TooBig(self):
"""A page_size above the max is coerced to the max."""
self.assertEqual(5, paginator.CoercePageSize(6, 5, 2))
def testCoercePageSize_Default(self):
"""A default page_size different from max_size is used when provided."""
self.assertEqual(2, paginator.CoercePageSize(None, 5, 2))
def testCoercePageSize_NotProvided(self):
"""max_size is used if no page_size or default_size provided."""
self.assertEqual(5, paginator.CoercePageSize(None, 5))
def testCoercePageSize_Zero(self):
"""Handles zero equivalently to None."""
self.assertEqual(5, paginator.CoercePageSize(0, 5))