blob: a1ce4aeda98e4879dae6f76187925f2321c11e8d [file] [log] [blame]
[# This displays one list row of the project search results.
No parameters are used, but it expects the "projects" loop variable to
hold the current project.]
[if-any logged_in_user]
[# Display star for logged in user to star this project]
[if-any logged_in_user]
<a class="star"
style="color:[if-any projects.starred]cornflowerblue[else]gray[end]"
title="[if-any projects.starred]Un-s[else]S[end]tar this project" data-project-name="[projects.project_name]">
[if-any projects.starred]&#9733;[else]&#9734;[end]
[# Project name link to this project]
<td style="white-space:nowrap" class="id">
<a href="[projects.relative_home_url]/" style="font-size:medium">
[# Display membership and star only if user is logged in]
[if-any logged_in_user]
[# User's membership status of this project]
[if-any projects.membership_desc][projects.membership_desc][end]
[# Display how many have starred this project]
<td style="white-space:nowrap">
[is projects.num_stars "0"]
<span id="star_count-[projects.project_name]">[projects.num_stars]</span>
[# When project was last updated]
<td style="white-space:nowrap">
[if-any projects.last_updated_exists]
[# The short summary of this project]
<td style="width:100%">
[is projects.limited_summary ""][else]