Monorail Data Storage


Monorail needs a data storage system that is expressive, scalable, and performs well.

Monorail needs to store complex business objects for projects, issues, users, and several other entities. The tool is central to several software development processes, and we need to be able to continue to add more kinds of business objects while maintaining high confidence in the integrity of the data that we host.

The database needs to scale well past one million issues, and support several thousand highly engaged users and automated clients, while also handling requests from many thousands more passive visitors. While most issues have only a few kilobytes of text, a small number of issues can have a huge number of comments, participants, attachments, or starrers.

As a broad performance guideline, users expect 90% of operations to complete in under one second and 99% of operations to be done in under two seconds. That timeframe must include work for all data transmission, and business logic, which leaves under one second for all needed database queries. The system must perform well under load, including during traffic spikes due to legitimate usage or attempts to DoS the site.

Of course, we need our data storage system to be secure and reliable. Even though the data storage system is not accessed directly by user requests, there is always the possibility of an SQL injection attack that somehow makes it through our request handlers. We also need access controls and policies to reduce insider risks.


Monorail evolved from which used Bigtable for data storage and a structured variant of Google's web search engine for queries. Using Bigtable gave virtually unlimited scalability in terms of table size, and made it easy to declare a schema change at any time. However, it was poor at returning complete result sets and did not enforce referential integrity. Over time, the application code accumulated more and more layers of backward compatibility with previous data schemas, or the team needed to spend big chunks of time doing manual schema migrations.

Monorail is implemented in python and uses protocol buffers to represent business objects internally. This worked well with Bigtable because it basically stored protocol buffers natively, but with a relational database it requires some ORM code. The construction of large numbers of temporary objects can make python performance inconsistent due to the work needed to construct those objects and the memory management overhead. In particular, the ProtoRPC library can be slow.


Monorail uses Google Cloud SQL with MySQL as its main data storage backend. The key advantages of this approach are that it is familiar to many engineers beyond Google, scales well to several million rows, allows for ad-hoc queries, enforces column types and referential integrity, and has easy-to-administer access controls.

We mitigate several of the downsides of this approach as follows:

  • The complexity of forming SQL statements is handled by which exposes python functions that offer most options as keyword parameters.

  • The potential slowness of executing complex queries for issue search is managed by sharding queries across replicas and using an index that includes a shard_id column.

  • The slowness of constructing protocol buffers is avoided by using a combination of RAM caches and memcache. However, maintaining distributed caches requires distributed invalidation.

  • The complexity of ORM code is managed by organizing it into classes in our services layer, with much of the serialization and deserialization code in associated cache management classes.

  • The security risk of SQL injection is limited by having all code paths go through which consistently makes use of the underlying MySQL library to do escaping, and checks each statement against an allow-list of regular expressions to ensure that no user-controlled elements are injected.

Detailed design: Architecture

Monorail is a GAE application with multiple services that each have automatic scaling of the number of instances. The database is a MySQL database with one primary for most types of reads and all writes, plus a set of read-only replicas that are used for sharded issue queries and comments. The main purpose of the sharded replicas is to parallelize the work needed to scan table rows during issue search queries, and to increase the total amount of RAM used for SQL sorting. A few other queries are sent to random replicas to reduce load on the primary.

To increase the DB RAM cache hit ratio, each logical data shard is sent to a specific DB replica. E.g., queries for shard 1 are sent to DB replica 1. In cases where the desired DB replica is not available, the query is sent to a random replica. An earlier design iteration also required besearch GAE instances to have 1-to-1 affinity with DB replicas, but that constraint was removed in favor of automatic scaling of the number of besearch instances.

Detailed design: Protections against SQL injection attacks

With very few exceptions, SQL statements are not formed in any other place in our code than in, which has had careful review. Values used in queries are consistently escaped by the underlying MySQL library. As a further level of protection, each SQL statement is matched against an allow-list of regular expressions that ensure that we only send SQL that fits our expectations. For example, should raise an exception if an SQL statement somehow specified an INTO outfile clause.

Google Cloud SQL and the MySQL library also have some protections built in. For example, a statement sent to the SQL server must be a single statement: it cannot have an unescaped semicolon followed by a second SQL statement.

Also, to the extent that user-influenced queries are sent to DB replicas, even a malicious SQL injection could not alter data or permissions because the replicas are read-only.

Detailed design: Two-level caches and distributed cache invalidation

Monorail includes an AbstractTwoLevelCache class that combines a RAMCache object with logic for using memcache. Each two-level cache or RAM cache is treated like a dictionary keyed by an object ID integer. For example, the user cache is keyed by user ID number. Each cache also has a kind enum value and a maximum size. When a cache is constructed, it registers with a singleton CacheManager object that is used during distributed invalidation.

Each type of cache in Monorail implements a subclass of AbstractTwoLevelCache to add logic for retrieving items from the database on a cache miss and deserializing them. These operations all work as batch operations to retrieve a collection of keys into a dictionary of results.

When retrieving values from a two-level cache, first the RAM cache in that GAE instance is checked. On a RAM miss, memcache is checked. If both levels miss, the FetchItems() method in the cache class is run to query the database and deserialize DB rows into protocol buffer business objects.

Values are never explicitly added to a two-level cache by calling code. Adding an item to the cache happens only as a side effect of a retrieval that had a cache miss and required a fetch.

When services-level code updates a business object in the database, it calls InvalidateKeys() on the relevant caches. This removes the old key and value from the local RAM cache in that GAE instance and deletes any corresponding entry in memcache. Of course, updating RAM in one GAE instance does not affect any stale values that are cached in the RAM of other GAE instances. To invalidate those items, a row is inserted into the Invalidate table in the DB. In cases where it is easier to invalidate all items of a given kind, the value zero is used as a wildcard ID.

Each time that any GAE instance starts to service a new incoming request, it first checks for any new entries in the Invalidate table. For up to 1000 rows, the CacheManager drops items from all registered RAM caches that match that kind and ID. Request processing then proceeds, and any attempts to retrieve stale business objects will cause cache misses that are then loaded from the DB.

Always adding rows to the Invalidate table would eventually make that table huge. So, Monorail uses a cron task to periodically drop old entries in the Invalidate table. Only the most recent 1000 entries are kept. If a GAE instance checks the Invalidate table and finds that there are 1000 or more new entries since the list time it checked, the instance will flush all of its RAM caches.

Invalidating local caches at the start of each request does not handle the situation where one GAE instance is handling a long-running request and another GAE instance updates business objects at the same time. The long-running request may have retrieved and cached some business objects early in the request processing, and then use a stale cached copy of one of those same business objects later, after the underlying DB data has changed. To avoid this, services-level code that updates business objects specifies the keyword use_cache=False to retrieve a fresh copy of the object for each read-modify-write operation. As a further protection, the Issue protocol buffer has an assume_stale boolean that helps check that issues from the cache are not written back to the database.

Detailed design: Read-only mode

Monorail has a couple of different levels of read-only modes. The entire site can be put into a read-only mode for maintenance by specifying read_only=True in Also, individual projects can be put into read-only mode by setting the read_only_reason field on the project business object.

Read-only projects are a vestigial feature that is not currently exposed in any administrative UI. It is implemented by passing an EZT variable which causes read-only-rejection.ezt to be shown to the user instead of the normal page content. This UI-level condition does not prevent API users from performing updates to the project. In fact, even users who have existing pages open can submit forms to produce updates.

The site-wide read-only mode is implemented in to not register POST handlers when the site is in read-only mode for maintenance. Also, in both the Endpoints and pRPC APIs there are checks that reject requests that make updates during read-only mode.

Detailed design: Connection pooling and the avoid list

It is faster to use an existing SQL connection object than to create a new one. So, implements a ConnectionPool class to keep SQL connection objects until they are needed again. MySQL uses implicit transactions, so any connection keeps reading data as it existed at the time of the last commit on that connection. To get fresh data, we do an empty commit on each connection at the time that we take it from the pool. To ensure that that commit is really empty, we roll back any uncommitted updates for any request that had an exception.

A MonorailConnection is a collection of SQL connections with one for the primary DB and one for each replica that is used during the current request. Creating a connection to a given replica can fail if that replica is offline. Replicas can be restarted by the Google Cloud SQL service at any time, e.g., to update DB server software. When Monorail fails to create a connection to a replica, it will simply use a different replica instead. However, the process of trying to connect can be slow. So, Monorail implements a dictionary with the shard IDs of any unavailable replicas and the timestamp of the most recent failure. Monorail will avoid an unavailable replica for 45 seconds, giving it time to restart.

Detailed design: Search result caches

This is described in

Detailed design: Attachments

Monorail's SQL database contains rows for issue attachments that contain information about the attachment, but not the attachment content.

Attachment content is stored in Google Cloud Storage. Each attachment is given a path of the form /BUCKET/PROJECT_ID/attachments/UUID where UUID is a string with random hexadecimal digits generated by python's uuid library. Each GCS object has options specified which includes a Content-Disposition header value with the desired filename. We use the name of the uploaded file in cases where it is known to be safe to keep it, otherwise we use attachment.dat.

The MIME type of each attachment is determined from the file name and file contents. If we cannot determine a well-known file type, application/octet-stream is used instead.

For image attachments, we generate a thumbnail-sized version of the image using GAE's image library at upload time.

Attachments are served to users directly from GCS via a signed link. The risk of malicious attachment content is reduced by using a different "locked domain" for each attachment link. This prevents any Javascript in an attachment from accessing cookies intended for our application or any other website or even another attachment.

Detailed design: Secrets

Monorail stores some small pieces of data in Datastore rather than Google Cloud Storage. This data includes the secret keys used to generate XSRF tokens and authentication headers for reply emails. These keys will never be a valid part of any SQL data export, so they would need to be excluded from access granted to any account used for SQL data export. Rather than take on that complexity, we used Datastore instead, and we do not grant access for anyone outside the Monorail team to access the project's Datastore entities.

Detailed design: Source code locations

  • framework/ Table managers, connection pools, and other utilities.
  • framework/ Functions to determine file types for attachments.
  • framework/ Functions to write attachments into Google Cloud Storage.
  • services/ Base classes for caches.
  • services/ Code for distributed invalidation and cron job for the Invalidate table.
  • services/ Code to get secret keys from Datastore.
  • services/*.py: Persistence code for business objects.
  • Configuration of DB replicas and read_only mode.