Project import generated by Copybara.
GitOrigin-RevId: d9e9e3fb4e31372ec1fb43b178994ca78fa8fe70
diff --git a/tracker/ b/tracker/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3f2594
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tracker/
@@ -0,0 +1,1831 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Business objects for the Monorail issue tracker.
+These are classes and functions that operate on the objects that
+users care about in the issue tracker: e.g., issues, and the issue
+tracker configuration.
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import collections
+import logging
+import time
+from six import string_types
+from features import federated
+from framework import exceptions
+from framework import framework_bizobj
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import framework_helpers
+from framework import timestr
+from framework import urls
+from proto import tracker_pb2
+from tracker import tracker_constants
+def GetOwnerId(issue):
+ """Get the owner of an issue, whether it is explicit or derived."""
+ return (issue.owner_id or issue.derived_owner_id or
+ framework_constants.NO_USER_SPECIFIED)
+def GetStatus(issue):
+ """Get the status of an issue, whether it is explicit or derived."""
+ return issue.status or issue.derived_status or ''
+def GetCcIds(issue):
+ """Get the Cc's of an issue, whether they are explicit or derived."""
+ return issue.cc_ids + issue.derived_cc_ids
+def GetApproverIds(issue):
+ """Get the Approvers' ids of an isuses approval_values."""
+ approver_ids = []
+ for av in issue.approval_values:
+ approver_ids.extend(av.approver_ids)
+ return list(set(approver_ids))
+def GetLabels(issue):
+ """Get the labels of an issue, whether explicit or derived."""
+ return issue.labels + issue.derived_labels
+def MakeProjectIssueConfig(
+ project_id, well_known_statuses, statuses_offer_merge, well_known_labels,
+ excl_label_prefixes, col_spec):
+ """Return a ProjectIssueConfig with the given values."""
+ # pylint: disable=multiple-statements
+ if not well_known_statuses: well_known_statuses = []
+ if not statuses_offer_merge: statuses_offer_merge = []
+ if not well_known_labels: well_known_labels = []
+ if not excl_label_prefixes: excl_label_prefixes = []
+ if not col_spec: col_spec = ' '
+ project_config = tracker_pb2.ProjectIssueConfig()
+ if project_id: # There is no ID for harmonized configs.
+ project_config.project_id = project_id
+ SetConfigStatuses(project_config, well_known_statuses)
+ project_config.statuses_offer_merge = statuses_offer_merge
+ SetConfigLabels(project_config, well_known_labels)
+ project_config.exclusive_label_prefixes = excl_label_prefixes
+ # ID 0 means that nothing has been specified, so use hard-coded defaults.
+ project_config.default_template_for_developers = 0
+ project_config.default_template_for_users = 0
+ project_config.default_col_spec = col_spec
+ # Note: default project issue config has no filter rules.
+ return project_config
+def FindFieldDef(field_name, config):
+ """Find the specified field, or return None."""
+ if not field_name:
+ return None
+ field_name_lower = field_name.lower()
+ for fd in config.field_defs:
+ if fd.field_name.lower() == field_name_lower:
+ return fd
+ return None
+def FindFieldDefByID(field_id, config):
+ """Find the specified field, or return None."""
+ for fd in config.field_defs:
+ if fd.field_id == field_id:
+ return fd
+ return None
+def FindApprovalDef(approval_name, config):
+ """Find the specified approval, or return None."""
+ fd = FindFieldDef(approval_name, config)
+ if fd:
+ return FindApprovalDefByID(fd.field_id, config)
+ return None
+def FindApprovalDefByID(approval_id, config):
+ """Find the specified approval, or return None."""
+ for approval_def in config.approval_defs:
+ if approval_def.approval_id == approval_id:
+ return approval_def
+ return None
+def FindApprovalValueByID(approval_id, approval_values):
+ """Find the specified approval_value in the given list or return None."""
+ for av in approval_values:
+ if av.approval_id == approval_id:
+ return av
+ return None
+def FindApprovalsSubfields(approval_ids, config):
+ """Return a dict of {approval_ids: approval_subfields}."""
+ approval_subfields_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
+ for fd in config.field_defs:
+ if fd.approval_id in approval_ids:
+ approval_subfields_dict[fd.approval_id].append(fd)
+ return approval_subfields_dict
+def FindPhaseByID(phase_id, phases):
+ """Find the specified phase, or return None"""
+ for phase in phases:
+ if phase.phase_id == phase_id:
+ return phase
+ return None
+def FindPhase(name, phases):
+ """Find the specified phase, or return None"""
+ for phase in phases:
+ if == name.lower():
+ return phase
+ return None
+def GetGrantedPerms(issue, effective_ids, config):
+ """Return a set of permissions granted by user-valued fields in an issue."""
+ granted_perms = set()
+ for field_value in issue.field_values:
+ if field_value.user_id in effective_ids:
+ field_def = FindFieldDefByID(field_value.field_id, config)
+ if field_def and field_def.grants_perm:
+ # TODO(jrobbins): allow comma-separated list in grants_perm
+ granted_perms.add(field_def.grants_perm.lower())
+ return granted_perms
+def LabelsByPrefix(labels, lower_field_names):
+ """Convert a list of key-value labels into {lower_prefix: [value, ...]}.
+ It also handles custom fields with dashes in the field name.
+ """
+ label_values_by_prefix = collections.defaultdict(list)
+ for lab in labels:
+ if '-' not in lab:
+ continue
+ lower_lab = lab.lower()
+ for lower_field_name in lower_field_names:
+ if lower_lab.startswith(lower_field_name + '-'):
+ prefix = lower_field_name
+ value = lab[len(lower_field_name)+1:]
+ break
+ else: # No field name matched
+ prefix, value = lab.split('-', 1)
+ prefix = prefix.lower()
+ label_values_by_prefix[prefix].append(value)
+ return label_values_by_prefix
+def LabelIsMaskedByField(label, field_names):
+ """If the label should be displayed as a field, return the field name.
+ Args:
+ label: string label to consider.
+ field_names: a list of field names in lowercase.
+ Returns:
+ If masked, return the lowercase name of the field, otherwise None. A label
+ is masked by a custom field if the field name "Foo" matches the key part of
+ a key-value label "Foo-Bar".
+ """
+ if '-' not in label:
+ return None
+ for field_name_lower in field_names:
+ if label.lower().startswith(field_name_lower + '-'):
+ return field_name_lower
+ return None
+def NonMaskedLabels(labels, field_names):
+ """Return only those labels that are not masked by custom fields."""
+ return [lab for lab in labels
+ if not LabelIsMaskedByField(lab, field_names)]
+def ExplicitAndDerivedNonMaskedLabels(labels, derived_labels, config):
+ """Return two lists of labels that are not masked by enum custom fields."""
+ field_names = [fd.field_name.lower() for fd in config.field_defs
+ if fd.field_type is tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.ENUM_TYPE and
+ not fd.is_deleted] # TODO(jrobbins): restricts
+ labels = [
+ lab for lab in labels
+ if not LabelIsMaskedByField(lab, field_names)]
+ derived_labels = [
+ lab for lab in derived_labels
+ if not LabelIsMaskedByField(lab, field_names)]
+ return labels, derived_labels
+def MakeApprovalValue(approval_id, approver_ids=None, status=None,
+ setter_id=None, set_on=None, phase_id=None):
+ """Return an ApprovalValue PB with the given field values."""
+ av = tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(
+ approval_id=approval_id, status=status,
+ setter_id=setter_id, set_on=set_on, phase_id=phase_id)
+ if approver_ids is not None:
+ av.approver_ids = approver_ids
+ return av
+def MakeFieldDef(
+ field_id,
+ project_id,
+ field_name,
+ field_type_int,
+ applic_type,
+ applic_pred,
+ is_required,
+ is_niche,
+ is_multivalued,
+ min_value,
+ max_value,
+ regex,
+ needs_member,
+ needs_perm,
+ grants_perm,
+ notify_on,
+ date_action,
+ docstring,
+ is_deleted,
+ approval_id=None,
+ is_phase_field=False,
+ is_restricted_field=False,
+ admin_ids=None,
+ editor_ids=None):
+ """Make a FieldDef PB for the given FieldDef table row tuple."""
+ if isinstance(date_action, string_types):
+ date_action = date_action.upper()
+ fd = tracker_pb2.FieldDef(
+ field_id=field_id,
+ project_id=project_id,
+ field_name=field_name,
+ field_type=field_type_int,
+ is_required=bool(is_required),
+ is_niche=bool(is_niche),
+ is_multivalued=bool(is_multivalued),
+ docstring=docstring,
+ is_deleted=bool(is_deleted),
+ applicable_type=applic_type or '',
+ applicable_predicate=applic_pred or '',
+ needs_member=bool(needs_member),
+ grants_perm=grants_perm or '',
+ notify_on=tracker_pb2.NotifyTriggers(notify_on or 0),
+ date_action=tracker_pb2.DateAction(date_action or 0),
+ is_phase_field=bool(is_phase_field),
+ is_restricted_field=bool(is_restricted_field))
+ if min_value is not None:
+ fd.min_value = min_value
+ if max_value is not None:
+ fd.max_value = max_value
+ if regex is not None:
+ fd.regex = regex
+ if needs_perm is not None:
+ fd.needs_perm = needs_perm
+ if approval_id is not None:
+ fd.approval_id = approval_id
+ if admin_ids:
+ fd.admin_ids = admin_ids
+ if editor_ids:
+ fd.editor_ids = editor_ids
+ return fd
+def MakeFieldValue(
+ field_id, int_value, str_value, user_id, date_value, url_value, derived,
+ phase_id=None):
+ """Make a FieldValue based on the given information."""
+ fv = tracker_pb2.FieldValue(field_id=field_id, derived=derived)
+ if phase_id is not None:
+ fv.phase_id = phase_id
+ if int_value is not None:
+ fv.int_value = int_value
+ elif str_value is not None:
+ fv.str_value = str_value
+ elif user_id is not None:
+ fv.user_id = user_id
+ elif date_value is not None:
+ fv.date_value = date_value
+ elif url_value is not None:
+ fv.url_value = url_value
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Unexpected field value')
+ return fv
+def GetFieldValueWithRawValue(field_type, field_value, users_by_id, raw_value):
+ """Find and return the field value of the specified field type.
+ If the specified field_value is None or is empty then the raw_value is
+ returned. When the field type is USER_TYPE the raw_value is used as a key to
+ lookup users_by_id.
+ Args:
+ field_type: tracker_pb2.FieldTypes type.
+ field_value: tracker_pb2.FieldValue type.
+ users_by_id: Dict mapping user_ids to UserViews.
+ raw_value: String to use if field_value is not specified.
+ Returns:
+ Value of the specified field type.
+ """
+ ret_value = GetFieldValue(field_value, users_by_id)
+ if ret_value:
+ return ret_value
+ # Special case for user types.
+ if field_type == tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.USER_TYPE:
+ if raw_value in users_by_id:
+ return users_by_id[raw_value].email
+ return raw_value
+def GetFieldValue(fv, users_by_id):
+ """Return the value of this field. Give emails for users in users_by_id."""
+ if fv is None:
+ return None
+ elif fv.int_value is not None:
+ return fv.int_value
+ elif fv.str_value is not None:
+ return fv.str_value
+ elif fv.user_id is not None:
+ if fv.user_id in users_by_id:
+ return users_by_id[fv.user_id].email
+ else:
+'Failed to lookup user %d when getting field', fv.user_id)
+ return fv.user_id
+ elif fv.date_value is not None:
+ return timestr.TimestampToDateWidgetStr(fv.date_value)
+ elif fv.url_value is not None:
+ return fv.url_value
+ else:
+ return None
+def FindComponentDef(path, config):
+ """Find the specified component, or return None."""
+ path_lower = path.lower()
+ for cd in config.component_defs:
+ if cd.path.lower() == path_lower:
+ return cd
+ return None
+def FindMatchingComponentIDs(path, config, exact=True):
+ """Return a list of components that match the given path."""
+ component_ids = []
+ path_lower = path.lower()
+ if exact:
+ for cd in config.component_defs:
+ if cd.path.lower() == path_lower:
+ component_ids.append(cd.component_id)
+ else:
+ path_lower_delim = path.lower() + '>'
+ for cd in config.component_defs:
+ target_delim = cd.path.lower() + '>'
+ if target_delim.startswith(path_lower_delim):
+ component_ids.append(cd.component_id)
+ return component_ids
+def FindComponentDefByID(component_id, config):
+ """Find the specified component, or return None."""
+ for cd in config.component_defs:
+ if cd.component_id == component_id:
+ return cd
+ return None
+def FindAncestorComponents(config, component_def):
+ """Return a list of all components the given component is under."""
+ path_lower = component_def.path.lower()
+ return [cd for cd in config.component_defs
+ if path_lower.startswith(cd.path.lower() + '>')]
+def GetIssueComponentsAndAncestors(issue, config):
+ """Return a list of all the components that an issue is in."""
+ result = set()
+ for component_id in issue.component_ids:
+ cd = FindComponentDefByID(component_id, config)
+ if cd is None:
+ logging.error('Tried to look up non-existent component %r' % component_id)
+ continue
+ ancestors = FindAncestorComponents(config, cd)
+ result.add(cd)
+ result.update(ancestors)
+ return sorted(result, key=lambda cd: cd.path)
+def FindDescendantComponents(config, component_def):
+ """Return a list of all nested components under the given component."""
+ path_plus_delim = component_def.path.lower() + '>'
+ return [cd for cd in config.component_defs
+ if cd.path.lower().startswith(path_plus_delim)]
+def MakeComponentDef(
+ component_id, project_id, path, docstring, deprecated, admin_ids, cc_ids,
+ created, creator_id, modified=None, modifier_id=None, label_ids=None):
+ """Make a ComponentDef PB for the given FieldDef table row tuple."""
+ cd = tracker_pb2.ComponentDef(
+ component_id=component_id, project_id=project_id, path=path,
+ docstring=docstring, deprecated=bool(deprecated),
+ admin_ids=admin_ids, cc_ids=cc_ids, created=created,
+ creator_id=creator_id, modified=modified, modifier_id=modifier_id,
+ label_ids=label_ids or [])
+ return cd
+def MakeSavedQuery(
+ query_id, name, base_query_id, query, subscription_mode=None,
+ executes_in_project_ids=None):
+ """Make SavedQuery PB for the given info."""
+ saved_query = tracker_pb2.SavedQuery(
+ name=name, base_query_id=base_query_id, query=query)
+ if query_id is not None:
+ saved_query.query_id = query_id
+ if subscription_mode is not None:
+ saved_query.subscription_mode = subscription_mode
+ if executes_in_project_ids is not None:
+ saved_query.executes_in_project_ids = executes_in_project_ids
+ return saved_query
+def SetConfigStatuses(project_config, well_known_statuses):
+ """Internal method to set the well-known statuses of ProjectIssueConfig."""
+ project_config.well_known_statuses = []
+ for status, docstring, means_open, deprecated in well_known_statuses:
+ canonical_status = framework_bizobj.CanonicalizeLabel(status)
+ project_config.well_known_statuses.append(tracker_pb2.StatusDef(
+ status_docstring=docstring, status=canonical_status,
+ means_open=means_open, deprecated=deprecated))
+def SetConfigLabels(project_config, well_known_labels):
+ """Internal method to set the well-known labels of a ProjectIssueConfig."""
+ project_config.well_known_labels = []
+ for label, docstring, deprecated in well_known_labels:
+ canonical_label = framework_bizobj.CanonicalizeLabel(label)
+ project_config.well_known_labels.append(tracker_pb2.LabelDef(
+ label=canonical_label, label_docstring=docstring,
+ deprecated=deprecated))
+def SetConfigApprovals(project_config, approval_def_tuples):
+ """Internal method to set up approval defs of a ProjectissueConfig."""
+ project_config.approval_defs = []
+ for approval_id, approver_ids, survey in approval_def_tuples:
+ project_config.approval_defs.append(tracker_pb2.ApprovalDef(
+ approval_id=approval_id, approver_ids=approver_ids, survey=survey))
+def ConvertDictToTemplate(template_dict):
+ """Construct a Template PB with the values from template_dict.
+ Args:
+ template_dict: dictionary with fields corresponding to the Template
+ PB fields.
+ Returns:
+ A Template protocol buffer that can be stored in the
+ project's ProjectIssueConfig PB.
+ """
+ return MakeIssueTemplate(
+ template_dict.get('name'), template_dict.get('summary'),
+ template_dict.get('status'), template_dict.get('owner_id'),
+ template_dict.get('content'), template_dict.get('labels'), [], [],
+ template_dict.get('components'),
+ summary_must_be_edited=template_dict.get('summary_must_be_edited'),
+ owner_defaults_to_member=template_dict.get('owner_defaults_to_member'),
+ component_required=template_dict.get('component_required'),
+ members_only=template_dict.get('members_only'))
+def MakeIssueTemplate(
+ name,
+ summary,
+ status,
+ owner_id,
+ content,
+ labels,
+ field_values,
+ admin_ids,
+ component_ids,
+ summary_must_be_edited=None,
+ owner_defaults_to_member=None,
+ component_required=None,
+ members_only=None,
+ phases=None,
+ approval_values=None):
+ """Make an issue template PB."""
+ template = tracker_pb2.TemplateDef()
+ = name
+ if summary:
+ template.summary = summary
+ if status:
+ template.status = status
+ if owner_id:
+ template.owner_id = owner_id
+ template.content = content
+ template.field_values = field_values
+ template.labels = labels or []
+ template.admin_ids = admin_ids
+ template.component_ids = component_ids or []
+ template.approval_values = approval_values or []
+ if summary_must_be_edited is not None:
+ template.summary_must_be_edited = summary_must_be_edited
+ if owner_defaults_to_member is not None:
+ template.owner_defaults_to_member = owner_defaults_to_member
+ if component_required is not None:
+ template.component_required = component_required
+ if members_only is not None:
+ template.members_only = members_only
+ if phases is not None:
+ template.phases = phases
+ return template
+def MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(project_id):
+ """Return a ProjectIssueConfig with use by projects that don't have one."""
+ return MakeProjectIssueConfig(
+ project_id,
+ tracker_constants.DEFAULT_WELL_KNOWN_STATUSES,
+ tracker_constants.DEFAULT_WELL_KNOWN_LABELS,
+ tracker_constants.DEFAULT_EXCL_LABEL_PREFIXES,
+ tracker_constants.DEFAULT_COL_SPEC)
+def HarmonizeConfigs(config_list):
+ """Combine several ProjectIssueConfigs into one for cross-project sorting.
+ Args:
+ config_list: a list of ProjectIssueConfig PBs with labels and statuses
+ among other fields.
+ Returns:
+ A new ProjectIssueConfig with just the labels and status values filled
+ in to be a logical union of the given configs. Specifically, the order
+ of the combined status and label lists should be maintained.
+ """
+ if not config_list:
+ return MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(None)
+ harmonized_status_names = _CombineOrderedLists(
+ [[stat.status for stat in config.well_known_statuses]
+ for config in config_list])
+ harmonized_label_names = _CombineOrderedLists(
+ [[lab.label for lab in config.well_known_labels]
+ for config in config_list])
+ harmonized_default_sort_spec = ' '.join(
+ config.default_sort_spec for config in config_list)
+ harmonized_means_open = {
+ status: any([stat.means_open
+ for config in config_list
+ for stat in config.well_known_statuses
+ if stat.status == status])
+ for status in harmonized_status_names}
+ # This col_spec is probably not what the user wants to view because it is
+ # too much information. We join all the col_specs here so that we are sure
+ # to lookup all users needed for sorting, even if it is more than needed.
+ # xxx we need to look up users based on colspec rather than sortspec?
+ harmonized_default_col_spec = ' '.join(
+ config.default_col_spec for config in config_list)
+ result_config = tracker_pb2.ProjectIssueConfig()
+ # The combined config is only used during sorting, never stored.
+ result_config.default_col_spec = harmonized_default_col_spec
+ result_config.default_sort_spec = harmonized_default_sort_spec
+ for status_name in harmonized_status_names:
+ result_config.well_known_statuses.append(tracker_pb2.StatusDef(
+ status=status_name, means_open=harmonized_means_open[status_name]))
+ for label_name in harmonized_label_names:
+ result_config.well_known_labels.append(tracker_pb2.LabelDef(
+ label=label_name))
+ for config in config_list:
+ result_config.field_defs.extend(
+ list(fd for fd in config.field_defs if not fd.is_deleted))
+ result_config.component_defs.extend(config.component_defs)
+ result_config.approval_defs.extend(config.approval_defs)
+ return result_config
+def HarmonizeLabelOrStatusRows(def_rows):
+ """Put the given label defs into a logical global order."""
+ ranked_defs_by_project = {}
+ oddball_defs = []
+ for row in def_rows:
+ def_id, project_id, rank, label = row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3]
+ if rank is not None:
+ ranked_defs_by_project.setdefault(project_id, []).append(
+ (def_id, rank, label))
+ else:
+ oddball_defs.append((def_id, rank, label))
+ oddball_defs.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda def_tuple: def_tuple[2].lower())
+ # Compose the list-of-lists in a consistent order by project_id.
+ list_of_lists = [ranked_defs_by_project[pid]
+ for pid in sorted(ranked_defs_by_project.keys())]
+ harmonized_ranked_defs = _CombineOrderedLists(
+ list_of_lists, include_duplicate_keys=True,
+ key=lambda def_tuple: def_tuple[2])
+ return oddball_defs + harmonized_ranked_defs
+def _CombineOrderedLists(
+ list_of_lists, include_duplicate_keys=False, key=lambda x: x):
+ """Combine lists of items while maintaining their desired order.
+ Args:
+ list_of_lists: a list of lists of strings.
+ include_duplicate_keys: Pass True to make the combined list have the
+ same total number of elements as the sum of the input lists.
+ key: optional function to choose which part of the list items hold the
+ string used for comparison. The result will have the whole items.
+ Returns:
+ A single list of items containing one copy of each of the items
+ in any of the original list, and in an order that maintains the original
+ list ordering as much as possible.
+ """
+ combined_items = []
+ combined_keys = []
+ seen_keys_set = set()
+ for one_list in list_of_lists:
+ _AccumulateCombinedList(
+ one_list, combined_items, combined_keys, seen_keys_set, key=key,
+ include_duplicate_keys=include_duplicate_keys)
+ return combined_items
+def _AccumulateCombinedList(
+ one_list, combined_items, combined_keys, seen_keys_set,
+ include_duplicate_keys=False, key=lambda x: x):
+ """Accumulate strings into a combined list while its maintaining ordering.
+ Args:
+ one_list: list of strings in a desired order.
+ combined_items: accumulated list of items in the desired order.
+ combined_keys: accumulated list of key strings in the desired order.
+ seen_keys_set: set of strings that are already in combined_list.
+ include_duplicate_keys: Pass True to make the combined list have the
+ same total number of elements as the sum of the input lists.
+ key: optional function to choose which part of the list items hold the
+ string used for comparison. The result will have the whole items.
+ Returns:
+ Nothing. But, combined_items is modified to mix in all the items of
+ one_list at appropriate points such that nothing in combined_items
+ is reordered, and the ordering of items from one_list is maintained
+ as much as possible. Also, seen_keys_set is modified to add any keys
+ for items that were added to combined_items.
+ Also, any strings that begin with "#" are compared regardless of the "#".
+ The purpose of such strings is to guide the final ordering.
+ """
+ insert_idx = 0
+ for item in one_list:
+ s = key(item).lower()
+ if s in seen_keys_set:
+ item_idx = combined_keys.index(s) # Need parallel list of keys
+ insert_idx = max(insert_idx, item_idx + 1)
+ if s not in seen_keys_set or include_duplicate_keys:
+ combined_items.insert(insert_idx, item)
+ combined_keys.insert(insert_idx, s)
+ insert_idx += 1
+ seen_keys_set.add(s)
+def GetBuiltInQuery(query_id):
+ """If the given query ID is for a built-in query, return that string."""
+ return tracker_constants.DEFAULT_CANNED_QUERY_CONDS.get(query_id, '')
+def UsersInvolvedInAmendments(amendments):
+ """Return a set of all user IDs mentioned in the given Amendments."""
+ user_id_set = set()
+ for amendment in amendments:
+ user_id_set.update(amendment.added_user_ids)
+ user_id_set.update(amendment.removed_user_ids)
+ return user_id_set
+def _AccumulateUsersInvolvedInComment(comment, user_id_set):
+ """Build up a set of all users involved in an IssueComment.
+ Args:
+ comment: an IssueComment PB.
+ user_id_set: a set of user IDs to build up.
+ Returns:
+ The same set, but modified to have the user IDs of user who
+ entered the comment, and all the users mentioned in any amendments.
+ """
+ user_id_set.add(comment.user_id)
+ user_id_set.update(UsersInvolvedInAmendments(comment.amendments))
+ return user_id_set
+def UsersInvolvedInComment(comment):
+ """Return a set of all users involved in an IssueComment.
+ Args:
+ comment: an IssueComment PB.
+ Returns:
+ A set with the user IDs of user who entered the comment, and all the
+ users mentioned in any amendments.
+ """
+ return _AccumulateUsersInvolvedInComment(comment, set())
+def UsersInvolvedInCommentList(comments):
+ """Return a set of all users involved in a list of IssueComments.
+ Args:
+ comments: a list of IssueComment PBs.
+ Returns:
+ A set with the user IDs of user who entered the comment, and all the
+ users mentioned in any amendments.
+ """
+ result = set()
+ for c in comments:
+ _AccumulateUsersInvolvedInComment(c, result)
+ return result
+def UsersInvolvedInIssues(issues):
+ """Return a set of all user IDs referenced in the issues' metadata."""
+ result = set()
+ for issue in issues:
+ result.update([issue.reporter_id, issue.owner_id, issue.derived_owner_id])
+ result.update(issue.cc_ids)
+ result.update(issue.derived_cc_ids)
+ result.update(fv.user_id for fv in issue.field_values if fv.user_id)
+ for av in issue.approval_values:
+ result.update(approver_id for approver_id in av.approver_ids)
+ if av.setter_id:
+ result.update([av.setter_id])
+ return result
+def UsersInvolvedInTemplate(template):
+ """Return a set of all user IDs referenced in the template."""
+ result = set(
+ template.admin_ids +
+ [fv.user_id for fv in template.field_values if fv.user_id])
+ if template.owner_id:
+ result.add(template.owner_id)
+ for av in template.approval_values:
+ result.update(set(av.approver_ids))
+ if av.setter_id:
+ result.add(av.setter_id)
+ return result
+def UsersInvolvedInTemplates(templates):
+ """Return a set of all user IDs referenced in the given templates."""
+ result = set()
+ for template in templates:
+ result.update(UsersInvolvedInTemplate(template))
+ return result
+def UsersInvolvedInComponents(component_defs):
+ """Return a set of user IDs referenced in the given components."""
+ result = set()
+ for cd in component_defs:
+ result.update(cd.admin_ids)
+ result.update(cd.cc_ids)
+ if cd.creator_id:
+ result.add(cd.creator_id)
+ if cd.modifier_id:
+ result.add(cd.modifier_id)
+ return result
+def UsersInvolvedInApprovalDefs(approval_defs, matching_fds):
+ # type: (Sequence[proto.tracker_pb2.ApprovalDef],
+ # Sequence[proto.tracker_pb2.FieldDef]) -> Collection[int]
+ """Return a set of user IDs referenced in the approval_defs and field defs"""
+ result = set()
+ for ad in approval_defs:
+ result.update(ad.approver_ids)
+ for fd in matching_fds:
+ result.update(fd.admin_ids)
+ return result
+def UsersInvolvedInConfig(config):
+ """Return a set of all user IDs referenced in the config."""
+ result = set()
+ for ad in config.approval_defs:
+ result.update(ad.approver_ids)
+ for fd in config.field_defs:
+ result.update(fd.admin_ids)
+ result.update(UsersInvolvedInComponents(config.component_defs))
+ return result
+def LabelIDsInvolvedInConfig(config):
+ """Return a set of all label IDs referenced in the config."""
+ result = set()
+ for cd in config.component_defs:
+ result.update(cd.label_ids)
+ return result
+def MakeApprovalDelta(
+ status, setter_id, approver_ids_add, approver_ids_remove,
+ subfield_vals_add, subfield_vals_remove, subfields_clear, labels_add,
+ labels_remove, set_on=None):
+ approval_delta = tracker_pb2.ApprovalDelta(
+ approver_ids_add=approver_ids_add,
+ approver_ids_remove=approver_ids_remove,
+ subfield_vals_add=subfield_vals_add,
+ subfield_vals_remove=subfield_vals_remove,
+ subfields_clear=subfields_clear,
+ labels_add=labels_add,
+ labels_remove=labels_remove
+ )
+ if status is not None:
+ approval_delta.status = status
+ approval_delta.set_on = set_on or int(time.time())
+ approval_delta.setter_id = setter_id
+ return approval_delta
+def MakeIssueDelta(
+ status, owner_id, cc_ids_add, cc_ids_remove, comp_ids_add, comp_ids_remove,
+ labels_add, labels_remove, field_vals_add, field_vals_remove, fields_clear,
+ blocked_on_add, blocked_on_remove, blocking_add, blocking_remove,
+ merged_into, summary, ext_blocked_on_add=None, ext_blocked_on_remove=None,
+ ext_blocking_add=None, ext_blocking_remove=None, merged_into_external=None):
+ """Construct an IssueDelta object with the given fields, iff non-None."""
+ delta = tracker_pb2.IssueDelta(
+ cc_ids_add=cc_ids_add, cc_ids_remove=cc_ids_remove,
+ comp_ids_add=comp_ids_add, comp_ids_remove=comp_ids_remove,
+ labels_add=labels_add, labels_remove=labels_remove,
+ field_vals_add=field_vals_add, field_vals_remove=field_vals_remove,
+ fields_clear=fields_clear,
+ blocked_on_add=blocked_on_add, blocked_on_remove=blocked_on_remove,
+ blocking_add=blocking_add, blocking_remove=blocking_remove)
+ if status is not None:
+ delta.status = status
+ if owner_id is not None:
+ delta.owner_id = owner_id
+ if merged_into is not None:
+ delta.merged_into = merged_into
+ if merged_into_external is not None:
+ delta.merged_into_external = merged_into_external
+ if summary is not None:
+ delta.summary = summary
+ if ext_blocked_on_add is not None:
+ delta.ext_blocked_on_add = ext_blocked_on_add
+ if ext_blocked_on_remove is not None:
+ delta.ext_blocked_on_remove = ext_blocked_on_remove
+ if ext_blocking_add is not None:
+ delta.ext_blocking_add = ext_blocking_add
+ if ext_blocking_remove is not None:
+ delta.ext_blocking_remove = ext_blocking_remove
+ return delta
+def ApplyLabelChanges(issue, config, labels_add, labels_remove):
+ """Updates the PB issue's labels and returns the amendment or None."""
+ canon_labels_add = [framework_bizobj.CanonicalizeLabel(l)
+ for l in labels_add]
+ labels_add = [l for l in canon_labels_add if l]
+ canon_labels_remove = [framework_bizobj.CanonicalizeLabel(l)
+ for l in labels_remove]
+ labels_remove = [l for l in canon_labels_remove if l]
+ (labels, update_labels_add,
+ update_labels_remove) = framework_bizobj.MergeLabels(
+ issue.labels, labels_add, labels_remove, config)
+ if update_labels_add or update_labels_remove:
+ issue.labels = labels
+ return MakeLabelsAmendment(
+ update_labels_add, update_labels_remove)
+ return None
+def ApplyFieldValueChanges(issue, config, fvs_add, fvs_remove, fields_clear):
+ """Updates the PB issue's field_values and returns an amendments list."""
+ phase_names_dict = {phase.phase_id: for phase in issue.phases}
+ phase_ids = list(phase_names_dict.keys())
+ (field_vals, added_fvs_by_id,
+ removed_fvs_by_id) = _MergeFields(
+ issue.field_values,
+ [fv for fv in fvs_add if not fv.phase_id or fv.phase_id in phase_ids],
+ [fv for fv in fvs_remove if not fv.phase_id or fv.phase_id in phase_ids],
+ config.field_defs)
+ amendments = []
+ if added_fvs_by_id or removed_fvs_by_id:
+ issue.field_values = field_vals
+ for fd in config.field_defs:
+ fd_added_values_by_phase = collections.defaultdict(list)
+ fd_removed_values_by_phase = collections.defaultdict(list)
+ # Split fd's added/removed fvs by the phase they belong to.
+ # non-phase fds will result in {None: [added_fvs]}
+ for fv in added_fvs_by_id.get(fd.field_id, []):
+ fd_added_values_by_phase[fv.phase_id].append(fv)
+ for fv in removed_fvs_by_id.get(fd.field_id, []):
+ fd_removed_values_by_phase[fv.phase_id].append(fv)
+ # Use all_fv_phase_ids to create Amendments, so no empty amendments
+ # are created for issue phases that had no field value changes.
+ all_fv_phase_ids = set(
+ fd_removed_values_by_phase.keys() + fd_added_values_by_phase.keys())
+ for phase_id in all_fv_phase_ids:
+ new_values = [GetFieldValue(fv, {}) for fv
+ in fd_added_values_by_phase.get(phase_id, [])]
+ old_values = [GetFieldValue(fv, {}) for fv
+ in fd_removed_values_by_phase.get(phase_id, [])]
+ amendments.append(MakeFieldAmendment(
+ fd.field_id, config, new_values, old_values=old_values,
+ phase_name=phase_names_dict.get(phase_id)))
+ # Note: Clearing fields is used with bulk-editing and phase fields do
+ # not appear there and cannot be bulk-edited.
+ if fields_clear:
+ field_clear_set = set(fields_clear)
+ revised_fields = []
+ for fd in config.field_defs:
+ if fd.field_id not in field_clear_set:
+ revised_fields.extend(
+ fv for fv in issue.field_values if fv.field_id == fd.field_id)
+ else:
+ amendments.append(
+ MakeFieldClearedAmendment(fd.field_id, config))
+ if fd.field_type == tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.ENUM_TYPE:
+ prefix = fd.field_name.lower() + '-'
+ filtered_labels = [
+ lab for lab in issue.labels
+ if not lab.lower().startswith(prefix)]
+ issue.labels = filtered_labels
+ issue.field_values = revised_fields
+ return amendments
+def ApplyIssueDelta(cnxn, issue_service, issue, delta, config):
+ """Apply an issue delta to an issue in RAM.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+ issue_service: object to access issue-related data in the database.
+ issue: Issue to be updated.
+ delta: IssueDelta object with new values for everything being changed.
+ config: ProjectIssueConfig object for the project containing the issue.
+ Returns:
+ A pair (amendments, impacted_iids) where amendments is a list of Amendment
+ protos to describe what changed, and impacted_iids is a set of other IIDs
+ for issues that are modified because they are related to the given issue.
+ """
+ amendments = []
+ impacted_iids = set()
+ if (delta.status is not None and delta.status != issue.status):
+ status = framework_bizobj.CanonicalizeLabel(delta.status)
+ amendments.append(MakeStatusAmendment(status, issue.status))
+ issue.status = status
+ if (delta.owner_id is not None and delta.owner_id != issue.owner_id):
+ amendments.append(MakeOwnerAmendment(delta.owner_id, issue.owner_id))
+ issue.owner_id = delta.owner_id
+ # compute the set of cc'd users added and removed
+ cc_add = [cc for cc in delta.cc_ids_add if cc not in issue.cc_ids]
+ cc_remove = [cc for cc in delta.cc_ids_remove if cc in issue.cc_ids]
+ if cc_add or cc_remove:
+ cc_ids = [cc for cc in list(issue.cc_ids) + cc_add
+ if cc not in cc_remove]
+ issue.cc_ids = cc_ids
+ amendments.append(MakeCcAmendment(cc_add, cc_remove))
+ # compute the set of components added and removed
+ comp_ids_add = [
+ c for c in delta.comp_ids_add if c not in issue.component_ids]
+ comp_ids_remove = [
+ c for c in delta.comp_ids_remove if c in issue.component_ids]
+ if comp_ids_add or comp_ids_remove:
+ comp_ids = [cid for cid in list(issue.component_ids) + comp_ids_add
+ if cid not in comp_ids_remove]
+ issue.component_ids = comp_ids
+ amendments.append(MakeComponentsAmendment(
+ comp_ids_add, comp_ids_remove, config))
+ # compute the set of labels added and removed
+ label_amendment = ApplyLabelChanges(
+ issue, config, delta.labels_add, delta.labels_remove)
+ if label_amendment:
+ amendments.append(label_amendment)
+ # compute the set of custom fields added and removed
+ fv_amendments = ApplyFieldValueChanges(
+ issue, config, delta.field_vals_add, delta.field_vals_remove,
+ delta.fields_clear)
+ amendments.extend(fv_amendments)
+ # Update blocking and blocked on issues.
+ (block_changes_amendments,
+ block_changes_impacted_iids) = ApplyIssueBlockRelationChanges(
+ cnxn, issue, delta.blocked_on_add, delta.blocked_on_remove,
+ delta.blocking_add, delta.blocking_remove, issue_service)
+ amendments.extend(block_changes_amendments)
+ impacted_iids.update(block_changes_impacted_iids)
+ # Update external issue references.
+ if delta.ext_blocked_on_add or delta.ext_blocked_on_remove:
+ add_refs = []
+ for ext_id in delta.ext_blocked_on_add:
+ ref = tracker_pb2.DanglingIssueRef(ext_issue_identifier=ext_id)
+ if (federated.IsShortlinkValid(ext_id) and
+ ref not in issue.dangling_blocked_on_refs and
+ ext_id not in delta.ext_blocked_on_remove):
+ add_refs.append(ref)
+ remove_refs = []
+ for ext_id in delta.ext_blocked_on_remove:
+ ref = tracker_pb2.DanglingIssueRef(ext_issue_identifier=ext_id)
+ if (federated.IsShortlinkValid(ext_id) and
+ ref in issue.dangling_blocked_on_refs):
+ remove_refs.append(ref)
+ if add_refs or remove_refs:
+ amendments.append(MakeBlockedOnAmendment(add_refs, remove_refs))
+ issue.dangling_blocked_on_refs = [
+ ref for ref in issue.dangling_blocked_on_refs + add_refs
+ if ref.ext_issue_identifier not in delta.ext_blocked_on_remove]
+ # Update external issue references.
+ if delta.ext_blocking_add or delta.ext_blocking_remove:
+ add_refs = []
+ for ext_id in delta.ext_blocking_add:
+ ref = tracker_pb2.DanglingIssueRef(ext_issue_identifier=ext_id)
+ if (federated.IsShortlinkValid(ext_id) and
+ ref not in issue.dangling_blocking_refs and
+ ext_id not in delta.ext_blocking_remove):
+ add_refs.append(ref)
+ remove_refs = []
+ for ext_id in delta.ext_blocking_remove:
+ ref = tracker_pb2.DanglingIssueRef(ext_issue_identifier=ext_id)
+ if (federated.IsShortlinkValid(ext_id) and
+ ref in issue.dangling_blocking_refs):
+ remove_refs.append(ref)
+ if add_refs or remove_refs:
+ amendments.append(MakeBlockingAmendment(add_refs, remove_refs))
+ issue.dangling_blocking_refs = [
+ ref for ref in issue.dangling_blocking_refs + add_refs
+ if ref.ext_issue_identifier not in delta.ext_blocking_remove]
+ if delta.merged_into is not None and delta.merged_into_external is not None:
+ raise ValueError(('Cannot update merged_into and merged_into_external'
+ ' fields at the same time.'))
+ if (delta.merged_into is not None and
+ delta.merged_into != issue.merged_into and
+ ((delta.merged_into == 0 and issue.merged_into is not None) or
+ delta.merged_into != 0)):
+ # Handle removing the existing internal merged_into.
+ try:
+ merged_remove = issue.merged_into
+ remove_issue = issue_service.GetIssue(cnxn, merged_remove)
+ remove_ref = remove_issue.project_name, remove_issue.local_id
+ impacted_iids.add(merged_remove)
+ except exceptions.NoSuchIssueException:
+ remove_ref = None
+ # Handle going from external->internal mergedinto.
+ if issue.merged_into_external:
+ remove_ref = tracker_pb2.DanglingIssueRef(
+ ext_issue_identifier=issue.merged_into_external)
+ issue.merged_into_external = None
+ # Handle adding the new merged_into.
+ try:
+ merged_add = delta.merged_into
+ issue.merged_into = delta.merged_into
+ add_issue = issue_service.GetIssue(cnxn, merged_add)
+ add_ref = add_issue.project_name, add_issue.local_id
+ impacted_iids.add(merged_add)
+ except exceptions.NoSuchIssueException:
+ add_ref = None
+ amendments.append(MakeMergedIntoAmendment(
+ [add_ref], [remove_ref], default_project_name=issue.project_name))
+ if (delta.merged_into_external is not None and
+ delta.merged_into_external != issue.merged_into_external and
+ (federated.IsShortlinkValid(delta.merged_into_external) or
+ (delta.merged_into_external == '' and issue.merged_into_external))):
+ remove_ref = None
+ if issue.merged_into_external:
+ remove_ref = tracker_pb2.DanglingIssueRef(
+ ext_issue_identifier=issue.merged_into_external)
+ elif issue.merged_into:
+ # Handle moving from internal->external mergedinto.
+ try:
+ remove_issue = issue_service.GetIssue(cnxn, issue.merged_into)
+ remove_ref = remove_issue.project_name, remove_issue.local_id
+ impacted_iids.add(issue.merged_into)
+ except exceptions.NoSuchIssueException:
+ pass
+ add_ref = tracker_pb2.DanglingIssueRef(
+ ext_issue_identifier=delta.merged_into_external)
+ issue.merged_into = 0
+ issue.merged_into_external = delta.merged_into_external
+ amendments.append(MakeMergedIntoAmendment([add_ref], [remove_ref],
+ default_project_name=issue.project_name))
+ if delta.summary and delta.summary != issue.summary:
+ amendments.append(MakeSummaryAmendment(delta.summary, issue.summary))
+ issue.summary = delta.summary
+ return amendments, impacted_iids
+def ApplyIssueBlockRelationChanges(
+ cnxn, issue, blocked_on_add, blocked_on_remove, blocking_add,
+ blocking_remove, issue_service):
+ # type: (MonorailConnection, Issue, Collection[int], Collection[int],
+ # Collection[int], Collection[int], IssueService) ->
+ # Sequence[Amendment], Collection[int]
+ """Apply issue blocking/blocked_on relation changes to an issue in RAM.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: connection to SQL database.
+ issue: Issue PB that we are applying the changes to.
+ blocked_on_add: list of issue IDs that we want to add as blocked_on.
+ blocked_on_remove: list of issue IDs that we want to remove from blocked_on.
+ blocking_add: list of issue IDs that we want to add as blocking.
+ blocking_remove: list of issue IDs that we want to remove from blocking.
+ issue_service: IssueService used to fetch info from DB or cache.
+ Returns:
+ A tuple that holds the list of Amendments that represent the applied changes
+ and a set of issue IDs that are impacted by the changes.
+ Side-effect:
+ The given issue's blocked_on and blocking fields will be modified.
+ """
+ amendments = []
+ impacted_iids = set()
+ def addAmendment(add_iids, remove_iids, amendment_func):
+ add_refs = issue_service.LookupIssueRefs(cnxn, add_iids).values()
+ remove_refs = issue_service.LookupIssueRefs(cnxn, remove_iids).values()
+ new_am = amendment_func(
+ add_refs, remove_refs, default_project_name=issue.project_name)
+ amendments.append(new_am)
+ # Apply blocked_on changes.
+ old_blocked_on = issue.blocked_on_iids
+ blocked_on_add = [iid for iid in blocked_on_add if iid not in old_blocked_on]
+ blocked_on_remove = [
+ iid for iid in blocked_on_remove if iid in old_blocked_on
+ ]
+ # blocked_on_add and blocked_on_remove are filtered above such that they
+ # could not contain matching items.
+ if blocked_on_add or blocked_on_remove:
+ addAmendment(blocked_on_add, blocked_on_remove, MakeBlockedOnAmendment)
+ new_blocked_on_iids = [
+ iid for iid in old_blocked_on + blocked_on_add
+ if iid not in blocked_on_remove
+ ]
+ (issue.blocked_on_iids,
+ issue.blocked_on_ranks) = issue_service.SortBlockedOn(
+ cnxn, issue, new_blocked_on_iids)
+ impacted_iids.update(blocked_on_add + blocked_on_remove)
+ # Apply blocking changes.
+ old_blocking = issue.blocking_iids
+ blocking_add = [iid for iid in blocking_add if iid not in old_blocking]
+ blocking_remove = [iid for iid in blocking_remove if iid in old_blocking]
+ # blocking_add and blocking_remove are filtered above such that they
+ # could not contain matching items.
+ if blocking_add or blocking_remove:
+ addAmendment(blocking_add, blocking_remove, MakeBlockingAmendment)
+ issue.blocking_iids = [
+ iid for iid in old_blocking + blocking_add if iid not in blocking_remove
+ ]
+ impacted_iids.update(blocking_add + blocking_remove)
+ return amendments, impacted_iids
+def MakeAmendment(
+ field, new_value, added_ids, removed_ids, custom_field_name=None,
+ old_value=None):
+ """Utility function to populate an Amendment PB.
+ Args:
+ field: enum for the field being updated.
+ new_value: new string value of that field.
+ added_ids: list of user IDs being added.
+ removed_ids: list of user IDs being removed.
+ custom_field_name: optional name of a custom field.
+ old_value: old string value of that field.
+ Returns:
+ An instance of Amendment.
+ """
+ amendment = tracker_pb2.Amendment()
+ amendment.field = field
+ amendment.newvalue = new_value
+ amendment.added_user_ids.extend(added_ids)
+ amendment.removed_user_ids.extend(removed_ids)
+ if old_value is not None:
+ amendment.oldvalue = old_value
+ if custom_field_name is not None:
+ amendment.custom_field_name = custom_field_name
+ return amendment
+def _PlusMinusString(added_items, removed_items):
+ """Return a concatenation of the items, with a minus on removed items.
+ Args:
+ added_items: list of string items added.
+ removed_items: list of string items removed.
+ Returns:
+ A unicode string with all the removed items first (preceeded by minus
+ signs) and then the added items.
+ """
+ assert all(isinstance(item, string_types)
+ for item in added_items + removed_items)
+ # TODO(jrobbins): this is not good when values can be negative ints.
+ return ' '.join(
+ ['-%s' % item.strip()
+ for item in removed_items if item] +
+ ['%s' % item for item in added_items if item])
+def _PlusMinusAmendment(
+ field, added_items, removed_items, custom_field_name=None):
+ """Make an Amendment PB with the given added/removed items."""
+ return MakeAmendment(
+ field, _PlusMinusString(added_items, removed_items), [], [],
+ custom_field_name=custom_field_name)
+def _PlusMinusRefsAmendment(
+ field, added_refs, removed_refs, default_project_name=None):
+ """Make an Amendment PB with the given added/removed refs."""
+ return _PlusMinusAmendment(
+ field,
+ [FormatIssueRef(r, default_project_name=default_project_name)
+ for r in added_refs if r],
+ [FormatIssueRef(r, default_project_name=default_project_name)
+ for r in removed_refs if r])
+def MakeSummaryAmendment(new_summary, old_summary):
+ """Make an Amendment PB for a change to the summary."""
+ return MakeAmendment(
+ tracker_pb2.FieldID.SUMMARY, new_summary, [], [], old_value=old_summary)
+def MakeStatusAmendment(new_status, old_status):
+ """Make an Amendment PB for a change to the status."""
+ return MakeAmendment(
+ tracker_pb2.FieldID.STATUS, new_status, [], [], old_value=old_status)
+def MakeOwnerAmendment(new_owner_id, old_owner_id):
+ """Make an Amendment PB for a change to the owner."""
+ return MakeAmendment(
+ tracker_pb2.FieldID.OWNER, '', [new_owner_id], [old_owner_id])
+def MakeCcAmendment(added_cc_ids, removed_cc_ids):
+ """Make an Amendment PB for a change to the Cc list."""
+ return MakeAmendment(
+ tracker_pb2.FieldID.CC, '', added_cc_ids, removed_cc_ids)
+def MakeLabelsAmendment(added_labels, removed_labels):
+ """Make an Amendment PB for a change to the labels."""
+ return _PlusMinusAmendment(
+ tracker_pb2.FieldID.LABELS, added_labels, removed_labels)
+def DiffValueLists(new_list, old_list):
+ """Give an old list and a new list, return the added and removed items."""
+ if not old_list:
+ return new_list, []
+ if not new_list:
+ return [], old_list
+ added = []
+ removed = old_list[:] # Assume everything was removed, then narrow that down
+ for val in new_list:
+ if val in removed:
+ removed.remove(val)
+ else:
+ added.append(val)
+ return added, removed
+def MakeFieldAmendment(
+ field_id, config, new_values, old_values=None, phase_name=None):
+ """Return an amendment showing how an issue's field changed.
+ Args:
+ field_id: int field ID of a built-in or custom issue field.
+ config: config info for the current project, including field_defs.
+ new_values: list of strings representing new values of field.
+ old_values: list of strings representing old values of field.
+ phase_name: name of the phase that owned the field that was changed.
+ Returns:
+ A new Amemdnent object.
+ Raises:
+ ValueError: if the specified field was not found.
+ """
+ fd = FindFieldDefByID(field_id, config)
+ if fd is None:
+ raise ValueError('field %r vanished mid-request', field_id)
+ field_name = fd.field_name if not phase_name else '%s-%s' % (
+ phase_name, fd.field_name)
+ if fd.is_multivalued:
+ old_values = old_values or []
+ added, removed = DiffValueLists(new_values, old_values)
+ if fd.field_type == tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.USER_TYPE:
+ return MakeAmendment(
+ tracker_pb2.FieldID.CUSTOM, '', added, removed,
+ custom_field_name=field_name)
+ else:
+ return _PlusMinusAmendment(
+ tracker_pb2.FieldID.CUSTOM,
+ ['%s' % item for item in added],
+ ['%s' % item for item in removed],
+ custom_field_name=field_name)
+ else:
+ if fd.field_type == tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.USER_TYPE:
+ return MakeAmendment(
+ tracker_pb2.FieldID.CUSTOM, '', new_values, [],
+ custom_field_name=field_name)
+ if new_values:
+ new_str = ', '.join('%s' % item for item in new_values)
+ else:
+ new_str = '----'
+ return MakeAmendment(
+ tracker_pb2.FieldID.CUSTOM, new_str, [], [],
+ custom_field_name=field_name)
+def MakeFieldClearedAmendment(field_id, config):
+ fd = FindFieldDefByID(field_id, config)
+ if fd is None:
+ raise ValueError('field %r vanished mid-request', field_id)
+ return MakeAmendment(
+ tracker_pb2.FieldID.CUSTOM, '----', [], [],
+ custom_field_name=fd.field_name)
+def MakeApprovalStructureAmendment(new_approvals, old_approvals):
+ """Return an Amendment showing an issue's approval structure changed.
+ Args:
+ new_approvals: the new list of approvals.
+ old_approvals: the old list of approvals.
+ Returns:
+ A new Amendment object.
+ """
+ approvals_added, approvals_removed = DiffValueLists(
+ new_approvals, old_approvals)
+ return MakeAmendment(
+ tracker_pb2.FieldID.CUSTOM, _PlusMinusString(
+ approvals_added, approvals_removed),
+ [], [], custom_field_name='Approvals')
+def MakeApprovalStatusAmendment(new_status):
+ """Return an Amendment showing an issue approval's status changed.
+ Args:
+ new_status: ApprovalStatus representing the new approval status.
+ Returns:
+ A new Amemdnent object.
+ """
+ return MakeAmendment(
+ tracker_pb2.FieldID.CUSTOM,, [], [],
+ custom_field_name='Status')
+def MakeApprovalApproversAmendment(approvers_add, approvers_remove):
+ """Return an Amendment showing an issue approval's approvers changed.
+ Args:
+ approvers_add: list of approver user_ids being added.
+ approvers_remove: list of approver user_ids being removed.
+ Returns:
+ A new Amendment object.
+ """
+ return MakeAmendment(
+ tracker_pb2.FieldID.CUSTOM, '', approvers_add, approvers_remove,
+ custom_field_name='Approvers')
+def MakeComponentsAmendment(added_comp_ids, removed_comp_ids, config):
+ """Make an Amendment PB for a change to the components."""
+ # TODO(jrobbins): record component IDs as ints and display them with
+ # lookups (and maybe permission checks in the future). But, what
+ # about history that references deleleted components?
+ added_comp_paths = []
+ for comp_id in added_comp_ids:
+ cd = FindComponentDefByID(comp_id, config)
+ if cd:
+ added_comp_paths.append(cd.path)
+ removed_comp_paths = []
+ for comp_id in removed_comp_ids:
+ cd = FindComponentDefByID(comp_id, config)
+ if cd:
+ removed_comp_paths.append(cd.path)
+ return _PlusMinusAmendment(
+ tracker_pb2.FieldID.COMPONENTS,
+ added_comp_paths, removed_comp_paths)
+def MakeBlockedOnAmendment(
+ added_refs, removed_refs, default_project_name=None):
+ """Make an Amendment PB for a change to the blocked on issues."""
+ return _PlusMinusRefsAmendment(
+ tracker_pb2.FieldID.BLOCKEDON, added_refs, removed_refs,
+ default_project_name=default_project_name)
+def MakeBlockingAmendment(added_refs, removed_refs, default_project_name=None):
+ """Make an Amendment PB for a change to the blocking issues."""
+ return _PlusMinusRefsAmendment(
+ tracker_pb2.FieldID.BLOCKING, added_refs, removed_refs,
+ default_project_name=default_project_name)
+def MakeMergedIntoAmendment(
+ added_refs, removed_refs, default_project_name=None):
+ """Make an Amendment PB for a change to the merged-into issue."""
+ return _PlusMinusRefsAmendment(
+ tracker_pb2.FieldID.MERGEDINTO, added_refs, removed_refs,
+ default_project_name=default_project_name)
+def MakeProjectAmendment(new_project_name):
+ """Make an Amendment PB for a change to an issue's project."""
+ return MakeAmendment(
+ tracker_pb2.FieldID.PROJECT, new_project_name, [], [])
+def AmendmentString_New(amendment, user_display_names):
+ # type: (tracker_pb2.Amendment, Mapping[int, str]) -> str
+ """Produce a displayable string for an Amendment PB.
+ Args:
+ amendment: Amendment PB to display.
+ user_display_names: dict {user_id: display_name, ...} including all users
+ mentioned in amendment.
+ Returns:
+ A string that could be displayed on a web page or sent in email.
+ """
+ if amendment.newvalue:
+ return amendment.newvalue
+ # Display new owner only
+ if amendment.field == tracker_pb2.FieldID.OWNER:
+ if amendment.added_user_ids and amendment.added_user_ids[0]:
+ uid = amendment.added_user_ids[0]
+ result = user_display_names[uid]
+ else:
+ result = framework_constants.NO_USER_NAME
+ else:
+ added = [
+ user_display_names[uid]
+ for uid in amendment.added_user_ids
+ if uid in user_display_names
+ ]
+ removed = [
+ user_display_names[uid]
+ for uid in amendment.removed_user_ids
+ if uid in user_display_names
+ ]
+ result = _PlusMinusString(added, removed)
+ return result
+def AmendmentString(amendment, user_views_by_id):
+ """Produce a displayable string for an Amendment PB.
+ TODO( Delete this function in favor of _New.
+ Args:
+ amendment: Amendment PB to display.
+ user_views_by_id: dict {user_id: user_view, ...} including all users
+ mentioned in amendment.
+ Returns:
+ A string that could be displayed on a web page or sent in email.
+ """
+ if amendment.newvalue:
+ return amendment.newvalue
+ # Display new owner only
+ if amendment.field == tracker_pb2.FieldID.OWNER:
+ if amendment.added_user_ids and amendment.added_user_ids[0]:
+ uid = amendment.added_user_ids[0]
+ result = user_views_by_id[uid].display_name
+ else:
+ result = framework_constants.NO_USER_NAME
+ else:
+ result = _PlusMinusString(
+ [user_views_by_id[uid].display_name for uid in amendment.added_user_ids
+ if uid in user_views_by_id],
+ [user_views_by_id[uid].display_name
+ for uid in amendment.removed_user_ids if uid in user_views_by_id])
+ return result
+def AmendmentLinks(amendment, users_by_id, project_name):
+ """Produce a list of value/url pairs for an Amendment PB.
+ Args:
+ amendment: Amendment PB to display.
+ users_by_id: dict {user_id: user_view, ...} including all users
+ mentioned in amendment.
+ project_nme: Name of project the issue/comment/amendment is in.
+ Returns:
+ A list of dicts with 'value' and 'url' keys. 'url' may be None.
+ """
+ # Display both old and new summary, status
+ if (amendment.field == tracker_pb2.FieldID.SUMMARY or
+ amendment.field == tracker_pb2.FieldID.STATUS):
+ result = amendment.newvalue
+ oldValue = amendment.oldvalue;
+ # Old issues have a 'NULL' string as the old value of the summary
+ # or status fields. See
+ if oldValue and oldValue != 'NULL':
+ result += ' (was: %s)' % amendment.oldvalue
+ return [{'value': result, 'url': None}]
+ # Display new owner only
+ elif amendment.field == tracker_pb2.FieldID.OWNER:
+ if amendment.added_user_ids and amendment.added_user_ids[0]:
+ uid = amendment.added_user_ids[0]
+ return [{'value': users_by_id[uid].display_name, 'url': None}]
+ return [{'value': framework_constants.NO_USER_NAME, 'url': None}]
+ elif amendment.field in (tracker_pb2.FieldID.BLOCKEDON,
+ tracker_pb2.FieldID.BLOCKING,
+ tracker_pb2.FieldID.MERGEDINTO):
+ values = amendment.newvalue.split()
+ bug_refs = [_SafeParseIssueRef(v.strip()) for v in values]
+ issue_urls = [FormatIssueURL(ref, default_project_name=project_name)
+ for ref in bug_refs]
+ # TODO(jrobbins): Permission checks on referenced issues to allow
+ # showing summary on hover.
+ return [{'value': v, 'url': u} for (v, u) in zip(values, issue_urls)]
+ elif amendment.newvalue:
+ # Catchall for everything except user-valued fields.
+ return [{'value': v, 'url': None} for v in amendment.newvalue.split()]
+ else:
+ # Applies to field==CC or CUSTOM with user type.
+ values = _PlusMinusString(
+ [users_by_id[uid].display_name for uid in amendment.added_user_ids
+ if uid in users_by_id],
+ [users_by_id[uid].display_name for uid in amendment.removed_user_ids
+ if uid in users_by_id])
+ return [{'value': v.strip(), 'url': None} for v in values.split()]
+def GetAmendmentFieldName(amendment):
+ """Get user-visible name for an amendment to a built-in or custom field."""
+ if amendment.custom_field_name:
+ return amendment.custom_field_name
+ else:
+ field_name = str(amendment.field)
+ return field_name.capitalize()
+def MakeDanglingIssueRef(project_name, issue_id, ext_id=''):
+ """Create a DanglingIssueRef pb."""
+ ret = tracker_pb2.DanglingIssueRef()
+ ret.project = project_name
+ ret.issue_id = issue_id
+ ret.ext_issue_identifier = ext_id
+ return ret
+def FormatIssueURL(issue_ref_tuple, default_project_name=None):
+ """Format an issue url from an issue ref."""
+ if issue_ref_tuple is None:
+ return ''
+ project_name, local_id = issue_ref_tuple
+ project_name = project_name or default_project_name
+ url = framework_helpers.FormatURL(
+ None, '/p/%s%s' % (project_name, urls.ISSUE_DETAIL), id=local_id)
+ return url
+def FormatIssueRef(issue_ref_tuple, default_project_name=None):
+ """Format an issue reference for users: e.g., 123, or projectname:123."""
+ if issue_ref_tuple is None:
+ return ''
+ # TODO(jeffcarp): Improve method signature to not require isinstance.
+ if isinstance(issue_ref_tuple, tracker_pb2.DanglingIssueRef):
+ return issue_ref_tuple.ext_issue_identifier or ''
+ project_name, local_id = issue_ref_tuple
+ if project_name and project_name != default_project_name:
+ return '%s:%d' % (project_name, local_id)
+ else:
+ return str(local_id)
+def ParseIssueRef(ref_str):
+ """Parse an issue ref string: e.g., 123, or projectname:123 into a tuple.
+ Raises ValueError if the ref string exists but can't be parsed.
+ """
+ if not ref_str.strip():
+ return None
+ if ':' in ref_str:
+ project_name, id_str = ref_str.split(':', 1)
+ project_name = project_name.strip().lstrip('-')
+ else:
+ project_name = None
+ id_str = ref_str
+ id_str = id_str.lstrip('-')
+ return project_name, int(id_str)
+def _SafeParseIssueRef(ref_str):
+ """Same as ParseIssueRef, but catches ValueError and returns None instead."""
+ try:
+ return ParseIssueRef(ref_str)
+ except ValueError:
+ return None
+def _MergeFields(field_values, fields_add, fields_remove, field_defs):
+ """Merge the fields to add/remove into the current field values.
+ Args:
+ field_values: list of current FieldValue PBs.
+ fields_add: list of FieldValue PBs to add to field_values. If any of these
+ is for a single-valued field, it replaces all previous values for the
+ same field_id in field_values.
+ fields_remove: list of FieldValues to remove from field_values, if found.
+ field_defs: list of FieldDef PBs from the issue's project's config.
+ Returns:
+ A 3-tuple with the merged list of field values and {field_id: field_values}
+ dict for the specific values that are added or removed. The actual added
+ or removed might be fewer than the requested ones if the issue already had
+ one of the values-to-add or lacked one of the values-to-remove.
+ """
+ is_multi = {fd.field_id: fd.is_multivalued for fd in field_defs}
+ merged_fvs = list(field_values)
+ added_fvs_by_id = collections.defaultdict(list)
+ for fv_consider in fields_add:
+ consider_value = GetFieldValue(fv_consider, {})
+ for old_fv in field_values:
+ # Don't add fv_consider if field_values already contains consider_value
+ if (fv_consider.field_id == old_fv.field_id and
+ GetFieldValue(old_fv, {}) == consider_value and
+ fv_consider.phase_id == old_fv.phase_id):
+ break
+ else:
+ # Drop any existing values for non-multi fields.
+ if not is_multi.get(fv_consider.field_id):
+ if fv_consider.phase_id:
+ # Drop existing phase fvs that belong to the same phase
+ merged_fvs = [fv for fv in merged_fvs if
+ not (fv.field_id == fv_consider.field_id
+ and fv.phase_id == fv_consider.phase_id)]
+ else:
+ # Drop existing non-phase fvs
+ merged_fvs = [fv for fv in merged_fvs if
+ not fv.field_id == fv_consider.field_id]
+ added_fvs_by_id[fv_consider.field_id].append(fv_consider)
+ merged_fvs.append(fv_consider)
+ removed_fvs_by_id = collections.defaultdict(list)
+ for fv_consider in fields_remove:
+ consider_value = GetFieldValue(fv_consider, {})
+ for old_fv in field_values:
+ # Only remove fv_consider if field_values contains consider_value
+ if (fv_consider.field_id == old_fv.field_id and
+ GetFieldValue(old_fv, {}) == consider_value and
+ fv_consider.phase_id == old_fv.phase_id):
+ removed_fvs_by_id[fv_consider.field_id].append(fv_consider)
+ merged_fvs.remove(old_fv)
+ return merged_fvs, added_fvs_by_id, removed_fvs_by_id
+def SplitBlockedOnRanks(issue, target_iid, split_above, open_iids):
+ """Splits issue relation rankings by some target issue's rank
+ Args:
+ issue: Issue PB for the issue considered.
+ target_iid: the global ID of the issue to split rankings about.
+ split_above: False to split below the target issue, True to split above.
+ open_iids: a list of global IDs of open and visible issues blocking
+ the considered issue.
+ Returns:
+ A tuple (lower, higher) where both are lists of
+ [(blocker_iid, rank),...] of issues in rank order. If split_above is False
+ the target issue is included in higher, otherwise it is included in lower
+ """
+ issue_rank_pairs = [(dst_iid, rank)
+ for (dst_iid, rank) in zip(issue.blocked_on_iids, issue.blocked_on_ranks)
+ if dst_iid in open_iids]
+ # blocked_on_iids is sorted high-to-low, we need low-to-high
+ issue_rank_pairs.reverse()
+ offset = int(split_above)
+ for i, (dst_iid, _) in enumerate(issue_rank_pairs):
+ if dst_iid == target_iid:
+ return issue_rank_pairs[:i + offset], issue_rank_pairs[i + offset:]
+ logging.error('Target issue %r was not found in blocked_on_iids of %r',
+ target_iid, issue)
+ return issue_rank_pairs, []