Project import generated by Copybara.
GitOrigin-RevId: d9e9e3fb4e31372ec1fb43b178994ca78fa8fe70
diff --git a/tracker/ b/tracker/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77de114
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tracker/
@@ -0,0 +1,630 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Servlet that implements the entry of new issues."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import collections
+import difflib
+import logging
+import string
+import time
+from businesslogic import work_env
+from features import hotlist_helpers
+from features import send_notifications
+from framework import exceptions
+from framework import framework_bizobj
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import framework_helpers
+from framework import framework_views
+from framework import permissions
+from framework import servlet
+from framework import template_helpers
+from framework import urls
+import ezt
+from tracker import field_helpers
+from tracker import template_helpers as issue_tmpl_helpers
+from tracker import tracker_bizobj
+from tracker import tracker_constants
+from tracker import tracker_helpers
+from tracker import tracker_views
+from proto import tracker_pb2
+PLACEHOLDER_SUMMARY = 'Enter one-line summary'
+PHASES_WITH_MILESTONES = ['Beta', 'Stable', 'Stable-Exp', 'Stable-Full']
+CORP_RESTRICTION_LABEL = 'Restrict-View-Google'
+RESTRICTED_FLT_FIELDS = ['notice', 'whitepaper', 'm-approved']
+class IssueEntry(servlet.Servlet):
+ """IssueEntry shows a page with a simple form to enter a new issue."""
+ _PAGE_TEMPLATE = 'tracker/issue-entry-page.ezt'
+ _MAIN_TAB_MODE = servlet.Servlet.MAIN_TAB_ISSUES
+ # The issue filing wizard is a separate app that posted back to Monorail's
+ # issue entry page. To make this possible for the wizard, we need to allow
+ # XHR-scoped XSRF tokens.
+ ALLOW_XHR = True
+ def AssertBasePermission(self, mr):
+ """Check whether the user has any permission to visit this page.
+ Args:
+ mr: commonly used info parsed from the request.
+ """
+ super(IssueEntry, self).AssertBasePermission(mr)
+ if not self.CheckPerm(mr, permissions.CREATE_ISSUE):
+ raise permissions.PermissionException(
+ 'User is not allowed to enter an issue')
+ def GatherPageData(self, mr):
+ """Build up a dictionary of data values to use when rendering the page.
+ Args:
+ mr: commonly used info parsed from the request.
+ Returns:
+ Dict of values used by EZT for rendering the page.
+ """
+ with mr.profiler.Phase('getting config'):
+ config =, mr.project_id)
+ # In addition to checking perms, we adjust some default field values for
+ # project members.
+ is_member = framework_bizobj.UserIsInProject(
+ mr.project, mr.auth.effective_ids)
+ page_perms = self.MakePagePerms(
+ mr, None,
+ permissions.CREATE_ISSUE,
+ permissions.SET_STAR,
+ permissions.EDIT_ISSUE,
+ permissions.EDIT_ISSUE_SUMMARY,
+ permissions.EDIT_ISSUE_STATUS,
+ permissions.EDIT_ISSUE_OWNER,
+ permissions.EDIT_ISSUE_CC)
+ with work_env.WorkEnv(mr, as we:
+ userprefs = we.GetUserPrefs(mr.auth.user_id)
+ code_font = any(pref for pref in userprefs.prefs
+ if == 'code_font' and pref.value == 'true')
+ template = self._GetTemplate(mr.cnxn, config, mr.template_name, is_member)
+ if template.summary:
+ initial_summary = template.summary
+ initial_summary_must_be_edited = template.summary_must_be_edited
+ else:
+ initial_summary = PLACEHOLDER_SUMMARY
+ initial_summary_must_be_edited = True
+ if template.status:
+ initial_status = template.status
+ elif is_member:
+ initial_status = 'Accepted'
+ else:
+ initial_status = 'New' # not offering meta, only used in hidden field.
+ component_paths = []
+ for component_id in template.component_ids:
+ component_paths.append(
+ tracker_bizobj.FindComponentDefByID(component_id, config).path)
+ initial_components = ', '.join(component_paths)
+ if template.owner_id:
+ initial_owner = framework_views.MakeUserView(
+ mr.cnxn,, template.owner_id)
+ elif template.owner_defaults_to_member and page_perms.EditIssue:
+ initial_owner = mr.auth.user_view
+ else:
+ initial_owner = None
+ if initial_owner:
+ initial_owner_name =
+ owner_avail_state = initial_owner.avail_state
+ owner_avail_message_short = initial_owner.avail_message_short
+ else:
+ initial_owner_name = ''
+ owner_avail_state = None
+ owner_avail_message_short = None
+ # Check whether to allow attachments from the entry page
+ allow_attachments = tracker_helpers.IsUnderSoftAttachmentQuota(mr.project)
+ config_view = tracker_views.ConfigView(mr,, config, template)
+ # If the user followed a link that specified the template name, make sure
+ # that it is also in the menu as the current choice.
+ # TODO(jeffcarp): Unit test this.
+ config_view.template_view.can_view = ezt.boolean(True)
+ # TODO(jeffcarp): Unit test this.
+ offer_templates = len(config_view.template_names) > 1
+ restrict_to_known = config.restrict_to_known
+ link_or_template_labels = mr.GetListParam('labels', template.labels)
+ labels, _derived_labels = tracker_bizobj.ExplicitAndDerivedNonMaskedLabels(
+ link_or_template_labels, [], config)
+ # Users with restrict_new_issues user pref automatically add R-V-G.
+ with work_env.WorkEnv(mr, as we:
+ userprefs = we.GetUserPrefs(mr.auth.user_id)
+ restrict_new_issues = any(
+ == 'restrict_new_issues' and up.value == 'true'
+ for up in userprefs.prefs)
+ if restrict_new_issues:
+ if not any(lab.lower().startswith('restrict-view-') for lab in labels):
+ field_user_views = tracker_views.MakeFieldUserViews(
+ mr.cnxn, template,
+ approval_ids = [av.approval_id for av in template.approval_values]
+ field_views = tracker_views.MakeAllFieldValueViews(
+ config, link_or_template_labels, [], template.field_values,
+ field_user_views, parent_approval_ids=approval_ids,
+ phases=template.phases)
+ # TODO(jojwang): monorail:6305, remove this hack when Edit perms for field
+ # values are implemented.
+ field_views = [view for view in field_views
+ if view.field_name.lower() not in RESTRICTED_FLT_FIELDS]
+ uneditable_fields = ezt.boolean(False)
+ for fv in field_views:
+ if permissions.CanEditValueForFieldDef(
+ mr.auth.effective_ids, mr.perms, mr.project, fv.field_def.field_def):
+ fv.is_editable = ezt.boolean(True)
+ else:
+ fv.is_editable = ezt.boolean(False)
+ uneditable_fields = ezt.boolean(True)
+ # TODO(jrobbins): remove "or []" after next release.
+ (prechecked_approvals, required_approval_ids,
+ phases) = issue_tmpl_helpers.GatherApprovalsPageData(
+ template.approval_values or [], template.phases, config)
+ approvals = [view for view in field_views if view.field_id in
+ approval_ids]
+ page_data = {
+ 'issue_tab_mode':
+ 'issueEntry',
+ 'initial_summary':
+ initial_summary,
+ 'template_summary':
+ initial_summary,
+ 'clear_summary_on_click':
+ ezt.boolean(
+ initial_summary_must_be_edited and
+ 'initial_summary' not in mr.form_overrides),
+ 'must_edit_summary':
+ ezt.boolean(initial_summary_must_be_edited),
+ 'initial_description':
+ template.content,
+ 'template_name':
+ 'component_required':
+ ezt.boolean(template.component_required),
+ 'initial_status':
+ initial_status,
+ 'initial_owner':
+ initial_owner_name,
+ 'owner_avail_state':
+ owner_avail_state,
+ 'owner_avail_message_short':
+ owner_avail_message_short,
+ 'initial_components':
+ initial_components,
+ 'initial_cc':
+ '',
+ 'initial_blocked_on':
+ '',
+ 'initial_blocking':
+ '',
+ 'initial_hotlists':
+ '',
+ 'labels':
+ labels,
+ 'fields':
+ field_views,
+ 'any_errors':
+ ezt.boolean(mr.errors.AnyErrors()),
+ 'page_perms':
+ page_perms,
+ 'allow_attachments':
+ ezt.boolean(allow_attachments),
+ 'max_attach_size':
+ template_helpers.BytesKbOrMb(
+ framework_constants.MAX_POST_BODY_SIZE),
+ 'offer_templates':
+ ezt.boolean(offer_templates),
+ 'config':
+ config_view,
+ 'restrict_to_known':
+ ezt.boolean(restrict_to_known),
+ 'is_member':
+ ezt.boolean(is_member),
+ 'code_font':
+ ezt.boolean(code_font),
+ # The following are necessary for displaying phases that come with
+ # this template. These are read-only.
+ 'allow_edit':
+ ezt.boolean(False),
+ 'uneditable_fields':
+ uneditable_fields,
+ 'initial_phases':
+ phases,
+ 'approvals':
+ approvals,
+ 'prechecked_approvals':
+ prechecked_approvals,
+ 'required_approval_ids':
+ required_approval_ids,
+ # See monorail:4692 and the use of PHASES_WITH_MILESTONES
+ # in elements/flt/mr-launch-overview/mr-phase.js
+ 'issue_phase_names':
+ list(
+ {
+ for phase in phases
+ }),
+ }
+ return page_data
+ def GatherHelpData(self, mr, page_data):
+ """Return a dict of values to drive on-page user help.
+ Args:
+ mr: commonly used info parsed from the request.
+ page_data: Dictionary of base and page template data.
+ Returns:
+ A dict of values to drive on-page user help, to be added to page_data.
+ """
+ help_data = super(IssueEntry, self).GatherHelpData(mr, page_data)
+ dismissed = []
+ if mr.auth.user_pb:
+ with work_env.WorkEnv(mr, as we:
+ userprefs = we.GetUserPrefs(mr.auth.user_id)
+ dismissed = [
+ for pv in userprefs.prefs if pv.value == 'true']
+ is_privileged_domain_user = framework_bizobj.IsPriviledgedDomainUser(
+ if (mr.auth.user_id and
+ 'privacy_click_through' not in dismissed):
+ help_data['cue'] = 'privacy_click_through'
+ elif (mr.auth.user_id and
+ 'code_of_conduct' not in dismissed):
+ help_data['cue'] = 'code_of_conduct'
+ help_data.update({
+ 'is_privileged_domain_user': ezt.boolean(is_privileged_domain_user),
+ })
+ return help_data
+ def ProcessFormData(self, mr, post_data):
+ """Process the issue entry form.
+ Args:
+ mr: commonly used info parsed from the request.
+ post_data: The post_data dict for the current request.
+ Returns:
+ String URL to redirect the user to after processing.
+ """
+ config =, mr.project_id)
+ parsed = tracker_helpers.ParseIssueRequest(
+ mr.cnxn, post_data,, mr.errors, mr.project_name)
+ # Updates parsed.labels and parsed.fields in place.
+ field_helpers.ShiftEnumFieldsIntoLabels(
+ parsed.labels, parsed.labels_remove, parsed.fields.vals,
+ parsed.fields.vals_remove, config)
+ labels = _DiscardUnusedTemplateLabelPrefixes(parsed.labels)
+ is_member = framework_bizobj.UserIsInProject(
+ mr.project, mr.auth.effective_ids)
+ template = self._GetTemplate(
+ mr.cnxn, config, parsed.template_name, is_member)
+ (approval_values,
+ phases) = issue_tmpl_helpers.FilterApprovalsAndPhases(
+ template.approval_values or [], template.phases, config)
+ # Issue PB with only approval_values and labels filled out, for the purpose
+ # of computing applicable fields.
+ partial_issue = tracker_pb2.Issue(
+ approval_values=approval_values, labels=labels)
+ applicable_fields = field_helpers.ListApplicableFieldDefs(
+ [partial_issue], config)
+ bounce_labels = parsed.labels[:]
+ bounce_fields = tracker_views.MakeBounceFieldValueViews(
+ parsed.fields.vals,
+ parsed.fields.phase_vals,
+ config,
+ applicable_fields=applicable_fields)
+ phase_ids_by_name = {
+ [phase.phase_id] for phase in template.phases}
+ field_values = field_helpers.ParseFieldValues(
+ mr.cnxn,, parsed.fields.vals,
+ parsed.fields.phase_vals, config,
+ phase_ids_by_name=phase_ids_by_name)
+ component_ids = tracker_helpers.LookupComponentIDs(
+ parsed.components.paths, config, mr.errors)
+ if not parsed.summary.strip() or parsed.summary == PLACEHOLDER_SUMMARY:
+ mr.errors.summary = 'Summary is required'
+ if not parsed.comment.strip():
+ mr.errors.comment = 'A description is required'
+ if len(parsed.comment) > tracker_constants.MAX_COMMENT_CHARS:
+ mr.errors.comment = 'Comment is too long'
+ if len(parsed.summary) > tracker_constants.MAX_SUMMARY_CHARS:
+ mr.errors.summary = 'Summary is too long'
+ if _MatchesTemplate(parsed.comment, template):
+ mr.errors.comment = 'Template must be filled out.'
+ if parsed.users.owner_id is None:
+ mr.errors.owner = 'Invalid owner username'
+ else:
+ valid, msg = tracker_helpers.IsValidIssueOwner(
+ mr.cnxn, mr.project, parsed.users.owner_id,
+ if not valid:
+ mr.errors.owner = msg
+ if None in parsed.users.cc_ids:
+ = 'Invalid Cc username'
+ field_helpers.AssertCustomFieldsEditPerms(
+ mr, config, field_values, [], [], labels, [])
+ field_helpers.ApplyRestrictedDefaultValues(
+ mr, config, field_values, labels, template.field_values,
+ template.labels)
+ # This ValidateCustomFields call is redundant with work already done
+ # in CreateIssue. However, this instance passes in an ezt_errors object
+ # to allow showing related errors next to the fields they happen on.
+ field_helpers.ValidateCustomFields(
+ mr.cnxn,
+ field_values,
+ config,
+ mr.project,
+ ezt_errors=mr.errors,
+ issue=partial_issue)
+ hotlist_pbs = ProcessParsedHotlistRefs(
+ mr,, parsed.hotlists.hotlist_refs)
+ if not mr.errors.AnyErrors():
+ with work_env.WorkEnv(mr, as we:
+ try:
+ if parsed.attachments:
+ new_bytes_used = tracker_helpers.ComputeNewQuotaBytesUsed(
+ mr.project, parsed.attachments)
+ # TODO(jrobbins): Make quota be calculated and stored as
+ # part of applying the comment.
+ mr.cnxn, mr.project.project_id,
+ attachment_bytes_used=new_bytes_used)
+ marked_description = tracker_helpers.MarkupDescriptionOnInput(
+ parsed.comment, template.content)
+ has_star = 'star' in post_data and post_data['star'] == '1'
+ if approval_values:
+ _AttachDefaultApprovers(config, approval_values)
+ # To preserve previous behavior, do not raise filter rule errors.
+ issue, _ = we.CreateIssue(
+ mr.project_id,
+ parsed.summary,
+ parsed.status,
+ parsed.users.owner_id,
+ parsed.users.cc_ids,
+ labels,
+ field_values,
+ component_ids,
+ marked_description,
+ blocked_on=parsed.blocked_on.iids,
+ blocking=parsed.blocking.iids,
+ dangling_blocked_on=[
+ tracker_pb2.DanglingIssueRef(ext_issue_identifier=ref_string)
+ for ref_string in parsed.blocked_on.federated_ref_strings
+ ],
+ dangling_blocking=[
+ tracker_pb2.DanglingIssueRef(ext_issue_identifier=ref_string)
+ for ref_string in parsed.blocking.federated_ref_strings
+ ],
+ attachments=parsed.attachments,
+ approval_values=approval_values,
+ phases=phases,
+ raise_filter_errors=False)
+ if has_star:
+ we.StarIssue(issue, True)
+ if hotlist_pbs:
+ hotlist_ids = {hotlist.hotlist_id for hotlist in hotlist_pbs}
+ issue_tuple = (issue.issue_id, mr.auth.user_id, int(time.time()),
+ '')
+ mr.cnxn, hotlist_ids, issue_tuple,,
+ except exceptions.OverAttachmentQuota:
+ mr.errors.attachments = 'Project attachment quota exceeded.'
+ except exceptions.InputException as e:
+ if 'Undefined or deprecated component with id' in e.message:
+ mr.errors.components = 'Undefined or deprecated component'
+ mr.template_name = parsed.template_name
+ if mr.errors.AnyErrors():
+ self.PleaseCorrect(
+ mr, initial_summary=parsed.summary, initial_status=parsed.status,
+ initial_owner=parsed.users.owner_username,
+ initial_cc=', '.join(parsed.users.cc_usernames),
+ initial_components=', '.join(parsed.components.paths),
+ initial_comment=parsed.comment, labels=bounce_labels,
+ fields=bounce_fields, template_name=parsed.template_name,
+ initial_blocked_on=parsed.blocked_on.entered_str,
+ initial_blocking=parsed.blocking.entered_str,
+ initial_hotlists=parsed.hotlists.entered_str,
+ component_required=ezt.boolean(template.component_required))
+ return
+ # format a redirect url
+ return framework_helpers.FormatAbsoluteURL(
+ mr, urls.ISSUE_DETAIL, id=issue.local_id)
+ def _GetTemplate(self, cnxn, config, template_name, is_member):
+ """Tries to fetch template by name and implements default template logic
+ if not found."""
+ template = None
+ if template_name:
+ template_name = template_name.replace('+', ' ')
+ template =,
+ template_name, config.project_id)
+ if not template:
+ if is_member:
+ template_id = config.default_template_for_developers
+ else:
+ template_id = config.default_template_for_users
+ template =, template_id)
+ # If the default templates were deleted, load all and pick the first one.
+ if not template:
+ templates =,
+ config.project_id)
+ assert len(templates) > 0, 'Project has no templates!'
+ template = templates[0]
+ return template
+def _AttachDefaultApprovers(config, approval_values):
+ approval_defs_by_id = {ad.approval_id: ad for ad in config.approval_defs}
+ for av in approval_values:
+ ad = approval_defs_by_id.get(av.approval_id)
+ if ad:
+ av.approver_ids = ad.approver_ids[:]
+ else:
+'ApprovalDef with approval_id %r could not be found',
+ av.approval_id)
+def _MatchesTemplate(content, template):
+ content = content.strip(string.whitespace)
+ template_content = template.content.strip(string.whitespace)
+ diff = difflib.unified_diff(content.splitlines(),
+ template_content.splitlines())
+ return len('\n'.join(diff)) == 0
+def _DiscardUnusedTemplateLabelPrefixes(labels):
+ """Drop any labels that end in '-?'.
+ Args:
+ labels: a list of label strings.
+ Returns:
+ A list of the same labels, but without any that end with '-?'.
+ Those label prefixes in the new issue templates are intended to
+ prompt the user to enter some label with that prefix, but if
+ nothing is entered there, we do not store anything.
+ """
+ return [lab for lab in labels
+ if not lab.endswith('-?')]
+def ProcessParsedHotlistRefs(mr, services, parsed_hotlist_refs):
+ """Process a list of ParsedHotlistRefs, returning referenced hotlists.
+ This function validates the given ParsedHotlistRefs using four checks; if all
+ of them succeed, then it returns the corresponding hotlist protobuf objects.
+ If any of them fail, it sets the appropriate error string in mr.errors, and
+ returns an empty list.
+ Args:
+ mr: the MonorailRequest object
+ services: the service manager
+ parsed_hotlist_refs: a list of ParsedHotlistRef objects
+ Returns:
+ on valid input, a list of hotlist protobuf objects
+ if a check fails (and the input is thus considered invalid), an empty list
+ Side-effects:
+ if any of the checks fails, set mr.errors.hotlists to a descriptive error
+ """
+ # Pre-processing; common pieces used by functions later.
+ user_hotlist_pbs = services.features.GetHotlistsByUserID(
+ mr.cnxn, mr.auth.user_id)
+ user_hotlist_owners_ids = {hotlist.owner_ids[0]
+ for hotlist in user_hotlist_pbs}
+ user_hotlist_owners_to_emails = services.user.LookupUserEmails(
+ mr.cnxn, user_hotlist_owners_ids)
+ user_hotlist_emails_to_owners = {v: k
+ for k, v in user_hotlist_owners_to_emails.items()}
+ user_hotlist_refs_to_pbs = {
+ hotlist_helpers.HotlistRef(hotlist.owner_ids[0], hotlist
+ for hotlist in user_hotlist_pbs }
+ short_refs = list()
+ full_refs = list()
+ for parsed_ref in parsed_hotlist_refs:
+ if parsed_ref.user_email is None:
+ short_refs.append(parsed_ref)
+ else:
+ full_refs.append(parsed_ref)
+ invalid_names = hotlist_helpers.InvalidParsedHotlistRefsNames(
+ parsed_hotlist_refs, user_hotlist_pbs)
+ if invalid_names:
+ mr.errors.hotlists = (
+ 'You have no hotlist(s) named: %s' % ', '.join(invalid_names))
+ return []
+ ambiguous_names = hotlist_helpers.AmbiguousShortrefHotlistNames(
+ short_refs, user_hotlist_pbs)
+ if ambiguous_names:
+ mr.errors.hotlists = (
+ 'Ambiguous hotlist(s) specified: %s' % ', '.join(ambiguous_names))
+ return []
+ # At this point, all refs' named hotlists are guaranteed to exist, and
+ # short refs are guaranteed to be unambiguous;
+ # therefore, short refs are also valid.
+ short_refs_hotlist_names = {sref.hotlist_name for sref in short_refs}
+ shortref_valid_pbs = [hotlist for hotlist in user_hotlist_pbs
+ if in short_refs_hotlist_names]
+ invalid_emails = hotlist_helpers.InvalidParsedHotlistRefsEmails(
+ full_refs, user_hotlist_emails_to_owners)
+ if invalid_emails:
+ mr.errors.hotlists = (
+ 'You have no hotlist(s) owned by: %s' % ', '.join(invalid_emails))
+ return []
+ fullref_valid_pbs, invalid_refs = (
+ hotlist_helpers.GetHotlistsOfParsedHotlistFullRefs(
+ full_refs, user_hotlist_emails_to_owners, user_hotlist_refs_to_pbs))
+ if invalid_refs:
+ invalid_refs_readable = [':'.join(parsed_ref)
+ for parsed_ref in invalid_refs]
+ mr.errors.hotlists = (
+ 'Not in your hotlist(s): %s' % ', '.join(invalid_refs_readable))
+ return []
+ hotlist_pbs = shortref_valid_pbs + fullref_valid_pbs
+ return hotlist_pbs