Project import generated by Copybara.

GitOrigin-RevId: d9e9e3fb4e31372ec1fb43b178994ca78fa8fe70
diff --git a/tracker/ b/tracker/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3daaf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tracker/
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Servlet to safely display textual issue attachments.
+Unlike most attachments, this is not a download, it is a full HTML page
+with safely escaped user content.
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import logging
+import webapp2
+from google.appengine.api import app_identity
+from third_party import cloudstorage
+import ezt
+from features import prettify
+from framework import exceptions
+from framework import filecontent
+from framework import permissions
+from framework import servlet
+from framework import template_helpers
+from tracker import attachment_helpers
+from tracker import tracker_bizobj
+from tracker import tracker_helpers
+class AttachmentText(servlet.Servlet):
+  """AttachmentText displays textual attachments much like source browsing."""
+  _PAGE_TEMPLATE = 'tracker/issue-attachment-text.ezt'
+  _MAIN_TAB_MODE = servlet.Servlet.MAIN_TAB_ISSUES
+  def GatherPageData(self, mr):
+    """Parse the attachment ID from the request and serve its content.
+    Args:
+      mr: commonly used info parsed from the request.
+    Returns:
+      Dict of values used by EZT for rendering almost the page.
+    """
+    with mr.profiler.Phase('get issue, comment, and attachment'):
+      try:
+        attachment, issue = tracker_helpers.GetAttachmentIfAllowed(
+            mr,
+      except exceptions.NoSuchIssueException:
+        webapp2.abort(404, 'issue not found')
+      except exceptions.NoSuchAttachmentException:
+        webapp2.abort(404, 'attachment not found')
+      except exceptions.NoSuchCommentException:
+        webapp2.abort(404, 'comment not found')
+    content = []
+    if attachment.gcs_object_id:
+      bucket_name = app_identity.get_default_gcs_bucket_name()
+      full_path = '/' + bucket_name + attachment.gcs_object_id
+"reading gcs: %s" % full_path)
+      with, 'r') as f:
+        content =
+    filesize = len(content)
+    # This servlet only displays safe textual attachments. The user should
+    # not have been given a link to this servlet for any other kind.
+    if not attachment_helpers.IsViewableText(attachment.mimetype, filesize):
+      self.abort(400, 'not a text file')
+    u_text, is_binary, too_large = filecontent.DecodeFileContents(content)
+    lines = prettify.PrepareSourceLinesForHighlighting(u_text.encode('utf8'))
+    config =, mr.project_id)
+    granted_perms = tracker_bizobj.GetGrantedPerms(
+        issue, mr.auth.effective_ids, config)
+    page_perms = self.MakePagePerms(
+        mr, issue, permissions.DELETE_ISSUE, permissions.CREATE_ISSUE,
+        granted_perms=granted_perms)
+    page_data = {
+        'issue_tab_mode': 'issueDetail',
+        'local_id': issue.local_id,
+        'filename': attachment.filename,
+        'filesize': template_helpers.BytesKbOrMb(filesize),
+        'file_lines': lines,
+        'is_binary': ezt.boolean(is_binary),
+        'too_large': ezt.boolean(too_large),
+        'code_reviews': None,
+        'page_perms': page_perms,
+        }
+    if is_binary or too_large:
+      page_data['should_prettify'] = ezt.boolean(False)
+    else:
+      page_data.update(prettify.BuildPrettifyData(
+          len(lines), attachment.filename))
+    return page_data