Project import generated by Copybara.
GitOrigin-RevId: d9e9e3fb4e31372ec1fb43b178994ca78fa8fe70
diff --git a/tracker/ b/tracker/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d15f5e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tracker/
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+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Helper functions for custom field sevlets."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import collections
+import itertools
+import logging
+import re
+from features import autolink_constants
+from framework import authdata
+from framework import exceptions
+from framework import framework_bizobj
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import permissions
+from framework import timestr
+from framework import validate
+from proto import tracker_pb2
+from services import config_svc
+from tracker import tracker_bizobj
+ParsedFieldDef = collections.namedtuple(
+ 'ParsedFieldDef',
+ 'field_name, field_type_str, min_value, max_value, regex, '
+ 'needs_member, needs_perm, grants_perm, notify_on, is_required, '
+ 'is_niche, importance, is_multivalued, field_docstring, choices_text, '
+ 'applicable_type, applicable_predicate, revised_labels, date_action_str, '
+ 'approvers_str, survey, parent_approval_name, is_phase_field, '
+ 'is_restricted_field')
+def ListApplicableFieldDefs(issues, config):
+ # type: (Sequence[proto.tracker_pb2.Issue],
+ # proto.tracker_pb2.ProjectIssueConfig) ->
+ # Sequence[proto.tracker_pb2.FieldDef]
+ """Return the applicable FieldDefs for the given issues. """
+ issue_labels = []
+ issue_approval_ids = []
+ for issue in issues:
+ issue_labels.extend(issue.labels)
+ issue_approval_ids.extend(
+ [approval.approval_id for approval in issue.approval_values])
+ labels_by_prefix = tracker_bizobj.LabelsByPrefix(list(set(issue_labels)), [])
+ types = set(labels_by_prefix.get('type', []))
+ types_lower = [t.lower() for t in types]
+ applicable_fds = []
+ for fd in config.field_defs:
+ if fd.is_deleted:
+ continue
+ if fd.field_id in issue_approval_ids:
+ applicable_fds.append(fd)
+ elif fd.field_type != tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.APPROVAL_TYPE and (
+ not fd.applicable_type or fd.applicable_type.lower() in types_lower):
+ applicable_fds.append(fd)
+ return applicable_fds
+def ParseFieldDefRequest(post_data, config):
+ """Parse the user's HTML form data to update a field definition."""
+ field_name = post_data.get('name', '')
+ field_type_str = post_data.get('field_type')
+ # TODO(jrobbins): once a min or max is set, it cannot be completely removed.
+ min_value_str = post_data.get('min_value')
+ try:
+ min_value = int(min_value_str)
+ except (ValueError, TypeError):
+ min_value = None
+ max_value_str = post_data.get('max_value')
+ try:
+ max_value = int(max_value_str)
+ except (ValueError, TypeError):
+ max_value = None
+ regex = post_data.get('regex')
+ needs_member = 'needs_member' in post_data
+ needs_perm = post_data.get('needs_perm', '').strip()
+ grants_perm = post_data.get('grants_perm', '').strip()
+ notify_on_str = post_data.get('notify_on')
+ if notify_on_str in config_svc.NOTIFY_ON_ENUM:
+ notify_on = config_svc.NOTIFY_ON_ENUM.index(notify_on_str)
+ else:
+ notify_on = 0
+ importance = post_data.get('importance')
+ is_required = (importance == 'required')
+ is_niche = (importance == 'niche')
+ is_multivalued = 'is_multivalued' in post_data
+ field_docstring = post_data.get('docstring', '')
+ choices_text = post_data.get('choices', '')
+ applicable_type = post_data.get('applicable_type', '')
+ applicable_predicate = '' # TODO(jrobbins): placeholder for future feature
+ revised_labels = _ParseChoicesIntoWellKnownLabels(
+ choices_text, field_name, config, field_type_str)
+ date_action_str = post_data.get('date_action')
+ approvers_str = post_data.get('approver_names', '').strip().rstrip(',')
+ survey = post_data.get('survey', '')
+ parent_approval_name = post_data.get('parent_approval_name', '')
+ # TODO(jojwang): monorail:3774, remove enum_type condition when
+ # phases can have labels.
+ is_phase_field = ('is_phase_field' in post_data) and (
+ field_type_str not in ['approval_type', 'enum_type'])
+ is_restricted_field = 'is_restricted_field' in post_data
+ return ParsedFieldDef(
+ field_name, field_type_str, min_value, max_value, regex, needs_member,
+ needs_perm, grants_perm, notify_on, is_required, is_niche, importance,
+ is_multivalued, field_docstring, choices_text, applicable_type,
+ applicable_predicate, revised_labels, date_action_str, approvers_str,
+ survey, parent_approval_name, is_phase_field, is_restricted_field)
+def _ParseChoicesIntoWellKnownLabels(
+ choices_text, field_name, config, field_type_str):
+ """Parse a field's possible choices and integrate them into the config.
+ Args:
+ choices_text: string with one label and optional docstring per line.
+ field_name: string name of the field definition being edited.
+ config: ProjectIssueConfig PB of the current project.
+ field_type_str: string name of the new field's type. None if an existing
+ field is being updated
+ Returns:
+ A revised list of labels that can be used to update the config.
+ """
+ fd = tracker_bizobj.FindFieldDef(field_name, config)
+ matches = framework_constants.IDENTIFIER_DOCSTRING_RE.findall(choices_text)
+ maskingFieldNames = []
+ # wkls should only be masked by the field if it is an enum_type.
+ if (field_type_str == 'enum_type') or (
+ fd and fd.field_type is tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.ENUM_TYPE):
+ maskingFieldNames.append(field_name.lower())
+ new_labels = [
+ ('%s-%s' % (field_name, label), choice_docstring.strip(), False)
+ for label, choice_docstring in matches]
+ kept_labels = [
+ (wkl.label, wkl.label_docstring, wkl.deprecated)
+ for wkl in config.well_known_labels
+ if not tracker_bizobj.LabelIsMaskedByField(
+ wkl.label, maskingFieldNames)]
+ revised_labels = kept_labels + new_labels
+ return revised_labels
+def ShiftEnumFieldsIntoLabels(
+ labels, labels_remove, field_val_strs, field_val_strs_remove, config):
+ """Look at the custom field values and treat enum fields as labels.
+ Args:
+ labels: list of labels to add/set on the issue.
+ labels_remove: list of labels to remove from the issue.
+ field_val_strs: {field_id: [val_str, ...]} of custom fields to add/set.
+ field_val_strs_remove: {field_id: [val_str, ...]} of custom fields to
+ remove.
+ config: ProjectIssueConfig PB including custom field definitions.
+ SIDE-EFFECT: the labels and labels_remove lists will be extended with
+ key-value labels corresponding to the enum field values. Those field
+ entries will be removed from field_val_strs and field_val_strs_remove.
+ """
+ for fd in config.field_defs:
+ if fd.field_type != tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.ENUM_TYPE:
+ continue
+ if fd.field_id in field_val_strs:
+ labels.extend(
+ '%s-%s' % (fd.field_name, val)
+ for val in field_val_strs[fd.field_id]
+ if val and val != '--')
+ del field_val_strs[fd.field_id]
+ if fd.field_id in field_val_strs_remove:
+ labels_remove.extend(
+ '%s-%s' % (fd.field_name, val)
+ for val in field_val_strs_remove[fd.field_id]
+ if val and val != '--')
+ del field_val_strs_remove[fd.field_id]
+def ReviseApprovals(approval_id, approver_ids, survey, config):
+ revised_approvals = [(
+ approval.approval_id, approval.approver_ids, approval.survey) for
+ approval in config.approval_defs if
+ approval.approval_id != approval_id]
+ revised_approvals.append((approval_id, approver_ids, survey))
+ return revised_approvals
+def ParseOneFieldValue(cnxn, user_service, fd, val_str):
+ """Make one FieldValue PB from the given user-supplied string."""
+ if fd.field_type == tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.INT_TYPE:
+ try:
+ return tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldValue(
+ fd.field_id, int(val_str), None, None, None, None, False)
+ except ValueError:
+ return None # TODO(jrobbins): should bounce
+ elif fd.field_type == tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.STR_TYPE:
+ return tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldValue(
+ fd.field_id, None, val_str, None, None, None, False)
+ elif fd.field_type == tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.USER_TYPE:
+ if val_str:
+ try:
+ user_id = user_service.LookupUserID(cnxn, val_str, autocreate=False)
+ except exceptions.NoSuchUserException:
+ # Set to invalid user ID to display error during the validation step.
+ user_id = INVALID_USER_ID
+ return tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldValue(
+ fd.field_id, None, None, user_id, None, None, False)
+ else:
+ return None
+ elif fd.field_type == tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.DATE_TYPE:
+ try:
+ timestamp = timestr.DateWidgetStrToTimestamp(val_str)
+ return tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldValue(
+ fd.field_id, None, None, None, timestamp, None, False)
+ except ValueError:
+ return None # TODO(jrobbins): should bounce
+ elif fd.field_type == tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.URL_TYPE:
+ val_str = FormatUrlFieldValue(val_str)
+ try:
+ return tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldValue(
+ fd.field_id, None, None, None, None, val_str, False)
+ except ValueError:
+ return None # TODO(jojwang): should bounce
+ else:
+ logging.error('Cant parse field with unexpected type %r', fd.field_type)
+ return None
+def ParseOnePhaseFieldValue(cnxn, user_service, fd, val_str, phase_ids):
+ """Return a list containing a FieldValue PB for each phase."""
+ phase_fvs = []
+ for phase_id in phase_ids:
+ # TODO(jojwang): monorail:3970, create the FieldValue once and find some
+ # proto2 CopyFrom() method to create a new one for each phase.
+ fv = ParseOneFieldValue(cnxn, user_service, fd, val_str)
+ if fv:
+ fv.phase_id = phase_id
+ phase_fvs.append(fv)
+ return phase_fvs
+def ParseFieldValues(cnxn, user_service, field_val_strs, phase_field_val_strs,
+ config, phase_ids_by_name=None):
+ """Return a list of FieldValue PBs based on the given dict of strings."""
+ field_values = []
+ for fd in config.field_defs:
+ if fd.is_phase_field and (
+ fd.field_id in phase_field_val_strs) and phase_ids_by_name:
+ fvs_by_phase_name = phase_field_val_strs.get(fd.field_id, {})
+ for phase_name, val_strs in fvs_by_phase_name.items():
+ phase_ids = phase_ids_by_name.get(phase_name)
+ if not phase_ids:
+ continue
+ for val_str in val_strs:
+ field_values.extend(
+ ParseOnePhaseFieldValue(
+ cnxn, user_service, fd, val_str, phase_ids=phase_ids))
+ # We do not save phase fields when there are no phases.
+ elif not fd.is_phase_field and (fd.field_id in field_val_strs):
+ for val_str in field_val_strs[fd.field_id]:
+ fv = ParseOneFieldValue(cnxn, user_service, fd, val_str)
+ if fv:
+ field_values.append(fv)
+ return field_values
+def ValidateCustomFieldValue(cnxn, project, services, field_def, field_val):
+ # type: (MonorailConnection, proto.tracker_pb2.Project, Services,
+ # proto.tracker_pb2.FieldDef, proto.tracker_pb2.FieldValue) -> str
+ """Validate one custom field value and return an error string or None.
+ Args:
+ cnxn: MonorailConnection object.
+ project: Project PB with info on the project the custom field belongs to.
+ services: Services object referencing services that can be queried.
+ field_def: FieldDef for the custom field we're validating against.
+ field_val: The value of the custom field.
+ Returns:
+ A string containing an error message if there was one.
+ """
+ if field_def.field_type == tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.INT_TYPE:
+ if (field_def.min_value is not None and
+ field_val.int_value < field_def.min_value):
+ return 'Value must be >= %d.' % field_def.min_value
+ if (field_def.max_value is not None and
+ field_val.int_value > field_def.max_value):
+ return 'Value must be <= %d.' % field_def.max_value
+ elif field_def.field_type == tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.STR_TYPE:
+ if field_def.regex and field_val.str_value:
+ try:
+ regex = re.compile(field_def.regex)
+ if not regex.match(field_val.str_value):
+ return 'Value must match regular expression: %s.' % field_def.regex
+ except re.error:
+'Failed to process regex %r with value %r. Allowing.',
+ field_def.regex, field_val.str_value)
+ return None
+ elif field_def.field_type == tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.USER_TYPE:
+ field_val_user = services.user.GetUser(cnxn, field_val.user_id)
+ auth = authdata.AuthData.FromUser(cnxn, field_val_user, services)
+ if auth.user_pb.user_id == INVALID_USER_ID:
+ return 'User not found.'
+ if field_def.needs_member:
+ user_value_in_project = framework_bizobj.UserIsInProject(
+ project, auth.effective_ids)
+ if not user_value_in_project:
+ return 'User must be a member of the project.'
+ if field_def.needs_perm:
+ user_perms = permissions.GetPermissions(
+ auth.user_pb, auth.effective_ids, project)
+ has_perm = user_perms.CanUsePerm(
+ field_def.needs_perm, auth.effective_ids, project, [])
+ if not has_perm:
+ return 'User must have permission "%s".' % field_def.needs_perm
+ return None
+ elif field_def.field_type == tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.DATE_TYPE:
+ # TODO(jrobbins): date validation
+ pass
+ elif field_def.field_type == tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.URL_TYPE:
+ if field_val.url_value:
+ if not (validate.IsValidURL(field_val.url_value)
+ or autolink_constants.IS_A_SHORT_LINK_RE.match(
+ field_val.url_value)
+ or autolink_constants.IS_A_NUMERIC_SHORT_LINK_RE.match(
+ field_val.url_value)
+ or autolink_constants.IS_IMPLIED_LINK_RE.match(
+ field_val.url_value)):
+ return 'Value must be a valid url.'
+ return None
+def ValidateCustomFields(
+ cnxn, services, field_values, config, project, ezt_errors=None, issue=None):
+ # type: (MonorailConnection, Services,
+ # Collection[proto.tracker_pb2.FieldValue],
+ # proto.tracker_pb2.ProjectConfig, proto.tracker_pb2.Project,
+ # Optional[EZTError], Optional[proto.tracker_pb2.Issue]) ->
+ # Sequence[str]
+ """Validate given fields and report problems in error messages."""
+ fds_by_id = {fd.field_id: fd for fd in config.field_defs}
+ err_msgs = []
+ # Create a set of field_ids that have required values. If this set still
+ # contains items by the end of the function, there is an error.
+ required_fds = set()
+ if issue:
+ applicable_fds = ListApplicableFieldDefs([issue], config)
+ lower_field_names = [fd.field_name.lower() for fd in applicable_fds]
+ label_prefixes = tracker_bizobj.LabelsByPrefix(
+ list(set(issue.labels)), lower_field_names)
+ # Add applicable required fields to required_fds.
+ for fd in applicable_fds:
+ if not fd.is_required:
+ continue
+ if (fd.field_type is tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.ENUM_TYPE and
+ fd.field_name.lower() in label_prefixes):
+ # Handle custom enum fields - they're a special case because their
+ # values are stored in labels instead of FieldValues.
+ continue
+ required_fds.add(fd.field_id)
+ # Ensure that every field value entered is valid. ie: That users exist.
+ for fv in field_values:
+ # Remove field_ids from the required set when found.
+ if fv.field_id in required_fds:
+ required_fds.remove(fv.field_id)
+ fd = fds_by_id.get(fv.field_id)
+ if fd:
+ err_msg = ValidateCustomFieldValue(cnxn, project, services, fd, fv)
+ if err_msg:
+ err_msgs.append('Error for %r: %s' % (fv, err_msg))
+ if ezt_errors:
+ ezt_errors.SetCustomFieldError(fv.field_id, err_msg)
+ # Add errors for any fields still left in the required set.
+ for field_id in required_fds:
+ fd = fds_by_id.get(field_id)
+ err_msg = '%s field is required.' % (fd.field_name)
+ err_msgs.append(err_msg)
+ if ezt_errors:
+ ezt_errors.SetCustomFieldError(field_id, err_msg)
+ return err_msgs
+def AssertCustomFieldsEditPerms(
+ mr, config, field_vals, field_vals_remove, fields_clear, labels,
+ labels_remove):
+ """Check permissions for any kind of custom field edition attempt."""
+ # TODO: When clearing phase_fields is possible, include it in this method.
+ field_ids = set()
+ for fv in field_vals:
+ field_ids.add(fv.field_id)
+ for fvr in field_vals_remove:
+ field_ids.add(fvr.field_id)
+ for fd_id in fields_clear:
+ field_ids.add(fd_id)
+ enum_fds_by_name = {
+ fd.field_name.lower(): fd.field_id
+ for fd in config.field_defs
+ if fd.field_type is tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.ENUM_TYPE and not fd.is_deleted
+ }
+ for label in itertools.chain(labels, labels_remove):
+ enum_field_name = tracker_bizobj.LabelIsMaskedByField(
+ label, enum_fds_by_name.keys())
+ if enum_field_name:
+ field_ids.add(enum_fds_by_name.get(enum_field_name))
+ fds_by_id = {fd.field_id: fd for fd in config.field_defs}
+ for field_id in field_ids:
+ fd = fds_by_id.get(field_id)
+ if fd:
+ assert permissions.CanEditValueForFieldDef(
+ mr.auth.effective_ids, mr.perms, mr.project,
+ fd), 'No permission to edit certain fields.'
+def ApplyRestrictedDefaultValues(
+ mr, config, field_vals, labels, template_field_vals, template_labels):
+ """Add default values of template fields that the user cannot edit.
+ This method can be called by servlets where restricted field values that
+ a user cannot edit are displayed but do not get returned when the user
+ submits the form (and also assumes that previous assertions ensure these
+ conditions). These missing default values still need to be passed to the
+ services layer when a 'write' is done so that these default values do
+ not get removed.
+ Args:
+ mr: MonorailRequest Object to hold info about the request and the user.
+ config: ProjectIssueConfig Object for the project.
+ field_vals: list of FieldValues that the user wants to save.
+ labels: list of labels that the user wants to save.
+ template_field_vals: list of FieldValues belonging to the template.
+ template_labels: list of labels belonging to the template.
+ Side Effect:
+ The default values of a template that the user cannot edit are added
+ to 'field_vals' and 'labels'.
+ """
+ fds_by_id = {fd.field_id: fd for fd in config.field_defs}
+ for fv in template_field_vals:
+ fd = fds_by_id.get(fv.field_id)
+ if fd and not permissions.CanEditValueForFieldDef(mr.auth.effective_ids,
+ mr.perms, mr.project, fd):
+ field_vals.append(fv)
+ fds_by_name = {
+ fd.field_name.lower(): fd
+ for fd in config.field_defs
+ if fd.field_type is tracker_pb2.FieldTypes.ENUM_TYPE and not fd.is_deleted
+ }
+ for label in template_labels:
+ enum_field_name = tracker_bizobj.LabelIsMaskedByField(
+ label, fds_by_name.keys())
+ if enum_field_name:
+ fd = fds_by_name.get(enum_field_name)
+ if fd and not permissions.CanEditValueForFieldDef(
+ mr.auth.effective_ids, mr.perms, mr.project, fd):
+ labels.append(label)
+def FormatUrlFieldValue(url_str):
+ """Check for and add 'https://' to a url string"""
+ if not url_str.startswith('http'):
+ return 'http://' + url_str
+ return url_str
+def ReviseFieldDefFromParsed(parsed, old_fd):
+ """Creates new FieldDef based on an original FieldDef and parsed FieldDef"""
+ if parsed.date_action_str in config_svc.DATE_ACTION_ENUM:
+ date_action = config_svc.DATE_ACTION_ENUM.index(parsed.date_action_str)
+ else:
+ date_action = 0
+ return tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldDef(
+ old_fd.field_id, old_fd.project_id, old_fd.field_name, old_fd.field_type,
+ parsed.applicable_type, parsed.applicable_predicate, parsed.is_required,
+ parsed.is_niche, parsed.is_multivalued, parsed.min_value,
+ parsed.max_value, parsed.regex, parsed.needs_member, parsed.needs_perm,
+ parsed.grants_perm, parsed.notify_on, date_action, parsed.field_docstring,
+ False, approval_id=old_fd.approval_id or None,
+ is_phase_field=old_fd.is_phase_field)
+def ParsedFieldDefAssertions(mr, parsed):
+ """Checks if new/updated FieldDef is not violating basic assertions.
+ If the assertions are violated, the errors
+ will be included in the mr.errors.
+ Args:
+ mr: MonorailRequest object used to hold
+ commonly info parsed from the request.
+ parsed: ParsedFieldDef object used to contain parsed info,
+ in this case regarding a custom field definition.
+ """
+ # TODO(crbug/monorail/7275): This method is meant to eventually
+ # do all assertion checkings (shared by create/update fieldDef)
+ # and assign all mr.errors values.
+ if (parsed.is_required and parsed.is_niche):
+ mr.errors.is_niche = 'A field cannot be both required and niche.'
+ if parsed.date_action_str is not None and (
+ parsed.date_action_str not in config_svc.DATE_ACTION_ENUM):
+ mr.errors.date_action = 'The date action should be either: ' + ', '.join(
+ config_svc.DATE_ACTION_ENUM) + '.'
+ if (parsed.min_value is not None and parsed.max_value is not None and
+ parsed.min_value > parsed.max_value):
+ mr.errors.min_value = 'Minimum value must be less than maximum.'
+ if parsed.regex:
+ try:
+ re.compile(parsed.regex)
+ except re.error:
+ mr.errors.regex = 'Invalid regular expression.'