Project import generated by Copybara.
GitOrigin-RevId: d9e9e3fb4e31372ec1fb43b178994ca78fa8fe70
diff --git a/testing/ b/testing/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33d5ed0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/
@@ -0,0 +1,2901 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
+"""Fake object classes that are useful for unit tests."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import collections
+import itertools
+import logging
+import re
+import sys
+import time
+from six import string_types
+import settings
+from features import filterrules_helpers
+from framework import exceptions
+from framework import framework_bizobj
+from framework import framework_constants
+from framework import framework_helpers
+from framework import monorailrequest
+from framework import permissions
+from framework import profiler
+from framework import validate
+from proto import features_pb2
+from proto import project_pb2
+from proto import tracker_pb2
+from proto import user_pb2
+from proto import usergroup_pb2
+from services import caches
+from services import config_svc
+from services import features_svc
+from services import project_svc
+from tracker import tracker_bizobj
+from tracker import tracker_constants
+# Many fakes return partial or constant values, regardless of their arguments.
+# pylint: disable=unused-argument
+BOUNDARY = '-----thisisaboundary'
+def Hotlist(
+ hotlist_name, hotlist_id, hotlist_item_fields=None,
+ is_private=False, owner_ids=None, editor_ids=None, follower_ids=None,
+ default_col_spec=None, summary=None, description=None):
+ hotlist_id = hotlist_id or hash(hotlist_name)
+ return features_pb2.MakeHotlist(
+ hotlist_name, hotlist_item_fields=hotlist_item_fields,
+ hotlist_id=hotlist_id, is_private=is_private, owner_ids=owner_ids or [],
+ editor_ids=editor_ids or [], follower_ids=follower_ids or [],
+ default_col_spec=default_col_spec, summary=summary,
+ description=description)
+def HotlistItem(issue_id, rank=None, adder_id=None, date_added=None, note=None):
+ return features_pb2.MakeHotlistItem(issue_id=issue_id, rank=rank,
+ adder_id=adder_id, date_added=date_added,
+ note=None)
+def Project(
+ project_name='proj', project_id=None, state=project_pb2.ProjectState.LIVE,
+ access=project_pb2.ProjectAccess.ANYONE, moved_to=None,
+ cached_content_timestamp=None,
+ owner_ids=None, committer_ids=None, contributor_ids=None):
+ """Returns a project protocol buffer with the given attributes."""
+ project_id = project_id or hash(project_name)
+ return project_pb2.MakeProject(
+ project_name, project_id=project_id, state=state, access=access,
+ moved_to=moved_to, cached_content_timestamp=cached_content_timestamp,
+ owner_ids=owner_ids, committer_ids=committer_ids,
+ contributor_ids=contributor_ids)
+def MakeTestFieldDef(
+ field_id, project_id, field_type, field_name='', applic_type=None,
+ applic_pred=None, is_required=False, is_niche=False, is_multivalued=False,
+ min_value=None, max_value=None, regex=None, needs_member=False,
+ needs_perm=None, grants_perm=None, notify_on=None, date_action_str=None,
+ docstring=None, admin_ids=None, editor_ids=None, approval_id=None,
+ is_phase_field=False, is_restricted_field=False):
+ return tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldDef(
+ field_id, project_id, field_name, field_type, applic_type, applic_pred,
+ is_required, is_niche, is_multivalued, min_value, max_value, regex,
+ needs_member, needs_perm, grants_perm, notify_on, date_action_str,
+ docstring, False,
+ approval_id=approval_id, is_phase_field=is_phase_field,
+ is_restricted_field=is_restricted_field, admin_ids=admin_ids,
+ editor_ids=editor_ids)
+def MakeTestApprovalDef(approval_id, approver_ids=None, survey=None):
+ return tracker_pb2.ApprovalDef(
+ approval_id=approval_id,
+ approver_ids = approver_ids,
+ survey = survey)
+def MakePhase(phase_id, name='', rank=0):
+ return tracker_pb2.Phase(phase_id=phase_id, name=name, rank=rank)
+def MakeApprovalValue(
+ approval_id,
+ status=tracker_pb2.ApprovalStatus.NOT_SET,
+ setter_id=None,
+ set_on=None,
+ approver_ids=None,
+ phase_id=None):
+ if approver_ids is None:
+ approver_ids = []
+ return tracker_pb2.ApprovalValue(
+ approval_id=approval_id,
+ status=status,
+ setter_id=setter_id,
+ set_on=set_on,
+ approver_ids=approver_ids,
+ phase_id=phase_id)
+def MakeFieldValue(
+ field_id,
+ int_value=None,
+ str_value=None,
+ user_id=None,
+ date_value=None,
+ url_value=None,
+ derived=None,
+ phase_id=None):
+ return tracker_pb2.FieldValue(
+ field_id=field_id,
+ int_value=int_value,
+ str_value=str_value,
+ user_id=user_id,
+ date_value=date_value,
+ url_value=url_value,
+ derived=derived,
+ phase_id=phase_id)
+def MakeTestIssue(
+ project_id, local_id, summary, status, owner_id, labels=None,
+ derived_labels=None, derived_status=None, merged_into=0, star_count=0,
+ derived_owner_id=0, issue_id=None, reporter_id=None, opened_timestamp=None,
+ closed_timestamp=None, modified_timestamp=None, is_spam=False,
+ component_ids=None, project_name=None, field_values=None, cc_ids=None,
+ derived_cc_ids=None, assume_stale=True, phases=None, approval_values=None,
+ merged_into_external=None, attachment_count=0, derived_component_ids=None):
+ """Easily make an Issue for testing."""
+ issue = tracker_pb2.Issue()
+ issue.project_id = project_id
+ issue.project_name = project_name
+ issue.local_id = local_id
+ issue.issue_id = issue_id if issue_id else 100000 + local_id
+ issue.reporter_id = reporter_id if reporter_id else owner_id
+ issue.summary = summary
+ issue.status = status
+ issue.owner_id = owner_id
+ issue.derived_owner_id = derived_owner_id
+ issue.star_count = star_count
+ issue.merged_into = merged_into
+ issue.merged_into_external = merged_into_external
+ issue.is_spam = is_spam
+ issue.attachment_count = attachment_count
+ if cc_ids:
+ issue.cc_ids = cc_ids
+ if derived_cc_ids:
+ issue.derived_cc_ids = derived_cc_ids
+ issue.assume_stale = assume_stale
+ if opened_timestamp:
+ issue.opened_timestamp = opened_timestamp
+ issue.owner_modified_timestamp = opened_timestamp
+ issue.status_modified_timestamp = opened_timestamp
+ issue.component_modified_timestamp = opened_timestamp
+ if modified_timestamp:
+ issue.modified_timestamp = modified_timestamp
+ if closed_timestamp:
+ issue.closed_timestamp = closed_timestamp
+ if labels is not None:
+ if isinstance(labels, string_types):
+ labels = labels.split()
+ issue.labels.extend(labels)
+ if derived_labels is not None:
+ if isinstance(derived_labels, string_types):
+ derived_labels = derived_labels.split()
+ issue.derived_labels.extend(derived_labels)
+ if derived_status is not None:
+ issue.derived_status = derived_status
+ if component_ids is not None:
+ issue.component_ids = component_ids
+ if derived_component_ids is not None:
+ issue.derived_component_ids = derived_component_ids
+ if field_values is not None:
+ issue.field_values = field_values
+ if phases is not None:
+ issue.phases = phases
+ if approval_values is not None:
+ issue.approval_values = approval_values
+ return issue
+def MakeTestComponentDef(project_id, comp_id, path='', cc_ids=None):
+ if cc_ids is None:
+ cc_ids = []
+ return tracker_bizobj.MakeComponentDef(
+ comp_id, project_id, path, '', False, [], cc_ids, None, None)
+def MakeTestConfig(project_id, labels, statuses):
+ """Convenient function to make a ProjectIssueConfig object."""
+ config = tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(project_id)
+ if isinstance(labels, string_types):
+ labels = labels.split()
+ if isinstance(statuses, string_types):
+ statuses = statuses.split()
+ config.well_known_labels = [
+ tracker_pb2.LabelDef(label=lab) for lab in labels]
+ config.well_known_statuses = [
+ tracker_pb2.StatusDef(status=stat) for stat in statuses]
+ return config
+class MonorailConnection(object):
+ """Fake connection to databases for use in tests."""
+ def Commit(self):
+ pass
+ def Close(self):
+ pass
+class MonorailRequest(monorailrequest.MonorailRequest):
+ """Subclass of MonorailRequest suitable for testing."""
+ def __init__(self, services, user_info=None, project=None, perms=None,
+ hotlist=None, **kwargs):
+ """Construct a test MonorailRequest.
+ Typically, this is constructed via testing.helpers.GetRequestObjects,
+ which also causes url parsing and optionally initializes the user,
+ project, and permissions info.
+ Args:
+ services: connections to backends.
+ user_info: a dict of user attributes to set on a MonorailRequest object.
+ For example, "user_id: 5" causes self.auth.user_id=5.
+ project: the Project pb for this request.
+ perms: a PermissionSet for this request.
+ """
+ super(MonorailRequest, self).__init__(services, **kwargs)
+ if user_info is not None:
+ for key in user_info:
+ setattr(self.auth, key, user_info[key])
+ if 'user_id' in user_info:
+ self.auth.effective_ids = {user_info['user_id']}
+ self.perms = perms or permissions.ADMIN_PERMISSIONSET
+ self.profiler = profiler.Profiler()
+ self.project = project
+ self.hotlist = hotlist
+ if hotlist is not None:
+ self.hotlist_id = hotlist.hotlist_id
+class UserGroupService(object):
+ """Fake UserGroupService class for testing other code."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ # Test-only sequence of expunged users.
+ self.expunged_users_in_groups = []
+ self.group_settings = {}
+ self.group_members = {}
+ self.group_addrs = {}
+ self.role_dict = {}
+ def TestAddGroupSettings(
+ self,
+ group_id,
+ email,
+ who_can_view=None,
+ anyone_can_join=False,
+ who_can_add=None,
+ external_group_type=None,
+ last_sync_time=0,
+ friend_projects=None,
+ notify_members=True,
+ notify_group=False):
+ """Set up a fake group for testing.
+ Args:
+ group_id: int user ID of the new user group.
+ email: string email address to identify the user group.
+ who_can_view: string enum 'owners', 'members', or 'anyone'.
+ anyone_can_join: optional boolean to allow any users to join the group.
+ who_can_add: optional list of int user IDs of users who can add
+ more members to the group.
+ notify_members: optional boolean for if emails to this group should be
+ sent directly to members.
+ notify_group: optional boolean for if emails to this group should be
+ sent directly to the group email.
+ """
+ friend_projects = friend_projects or []
+ group_settings = usergroup_pb2.MakeSettings(
+ who_can_view or 'members', external_group_type, last_sync_time,
+ friend_projects, notify_members, notify_group)
+ self.group_settings[group_id] = group_settings
+ self.group_addrs[group_id] = email
+ # TODO(jrobbins): store the other settings.
+ def TestAddMembers(self, group_id, user_ids, role='member'):
+ self.group_members.setdefault(group_id, []).extend(user_ids)
+ for user_id in user_ids:
+ self.role_dict.setdefault(group_id, {})[user_id] = role
+ def LookupAllMemberships(self, _cnxn, user_ids, use_cache=True):
+ return {
+ user_id: self.LookupMemberships(_cnxn, user_id)
+ for user_id in user_ids
+ }
+ def LookupMemberships(self, _cnxn, user_id):
+ memberships = {
+ group_id for group_id, member_ids in self.group_members.items()
+ if user_id in member_ids}
+ return memberships
+ def DetermineWhichUserIDsAreGroups(self, _cnxn, user_ids):
+ return [uid for uid in user_ids
+ if uid in self.group_settings]
+ def GetAllUserGroupsInfo(self, cnxn):
+ infos = []
+ for group_id in self.group_settings:
+ infos.append(
+ (self.group_addrs[group_id],
+ len(self.group_members.get(group_id, [])),
+ self.group_settings[group_id], group_id))
+ return infos
+ def GetAllGroupSettings(self, _cnxn, group_ids):
+ return {gid: self.group_settings[gid]
+ for gid in group_ids
+ if gid in self.group_settings}
+ def GetGroupSettings(self, cnxn, group_id):
+ return self.GetAllGroupSettings(cnxn, [group_id]).get(group_id)
+ def CreateGroup(self, cnxn, services, email, who_can_view_members,
+ ext_group_type=None, friend_projects=None):
+ friend_projects = friend_projects or []
+ group_id = services.user.LookupUserID(
+ cnxn, email, autocreate=True, allowgroups=True)
+ self.group_addrs[group_id] = email
+ group_settings = usergroup_pb2.MakeSettings(
+ who_can_view_members, ext_group_type, 0, friend_projects)
+ self.UpdateSettings(cnxn, group_id, group_settings)
+ return group_id
+ def DeleteGroups(self, cnxn, group_ids):
+ member_ids_dict, owner_ids_dict = self.LookupMembers(cnxn, group_ids)
+ citizens_id_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
+ for g_id, user_ids in member_ids_dict.items():
+ citizens_id_dict[g_id].extend(user_ids)
+ for g_id, user_ids in owner_ids_dict.items():
+ citizens_id_dict[g_id].extend(user_ids)
+ for g_id, citizen_ids in citizens_id_dict.items():
+ # Remove group members, friend projects and settings
+ self.RemoveMembers(cnxn, g_id, citizen_ids)
+ self.group_settings.pop(g_id, None)
+ def LookupComputedMemberships(self, cnxn, domain, use_cache=True):
+ group_email = 'everyone@%s' % domain
+ group_id = self.LookupUserGroupID(cnxn, group_email, use_cache=use_cache)
+ if group_id:
+ return [group_id]
+ return []
+ def LookupUserGroupID(self, cnxn, group_email, use_cache=True):
+ for group_id in self.group_settings:
+ if group_email == self.group_addrs.get(group_id):
+ return group_id
+ return None
+ def LookupMembers(self, _cnxn, group_id_list):
+ members_dict = {}
+ owners_dict = {}
+ for gid in group_id_list:
+ members_dict[gid] = []
+ owners_dict[gid] = []
+ for mid in self.group_members.get(gid, []):
+ if self.role_dict.get(gid, {}).get(mid) == 'owner':
+ owners_dict[gid].append(mid)
+ elif self.role_dict.get(gid, {}).get(mid) == 'member':
+ members_dict[gid].append(mid)
+ return members_dict, owners_dict
+ def LookupAllMembers(self, _cnxn, group_id_list):
+ direct_members, direct_owners = self.LookupMembers(
+ _cnxn, group_id_list)
+ members_dict = {}
+ owners_dict = {}
+ for gid in group_id_list:
+ members = direct_members[gid]
+ owners = direct_owners[gid]
+ owners_dict[gid] = owners
+ members_dict[gid] = members
+ group_ids = set([uid for uid in members + owners
+ if uid in self.group_settings])
+ while group_ids:
+ indirect_members, indirect_owners = self.LookupMembers(
+ _cnxn, group_ids)
+ child_members = set()
+ child_owners = set()
+ for _, children in indirect_members.items():
+ child_members.update(children)
+ for _, children in indirect_owners.items():
+ child_owners.update(children)
+ members_dict[gid].extend(list(child_members))
+ owners_dict[gid].extend(list(child_owners))
+ group_ids = set(self.DetermineWhichUserIDsAreGroups(
+ _cnxn, list(child_members) + list(child_owners)))
+ members_dict[gid] = list(set(members_dict[gid]))
+ return members_dict, owners_dict
+ def RemoveMembers(self, _cnxn, group_id, old_member_ids):
+ current_member_ids = self.group_members.get(group_id, [])
+ revised_member_ids = [mid for mid in current_member_ids
+ if mid not in old_member_ids]
+ self.group_members[group_id] = revised_member_ids
+ def UpdateMembers(self, _cnxn, group_id, member_ids, new_role):
+ self.RemoveMembers(_cnxn, group_id, member_ids)
+ self.TestAddMembers(group_id, member_ids, new_role)
+ def UpdateSettings(self, _cnxn, group_id, group_settings):
+ self.group_settings[group_id] = group_settings
+ def ExpandAnyGroupEmailRecipients(self, cnxn, user_ids):
+ group_ids = set(self.DetermineWhichUserIDsAreGroups(cnxn, user_ids))
+ group_settings_dict = self.GetAllGroupSettings(cnxn, group_ids)
+ member_ids_dict, owner_ids_dict = self.LookupAllMembers(cnxn, group_ids)
+ indirect_ids = set()
+ direct_ids = {uid for uid in user_ids if uid not in group_ids}
+ for gid, group_settings in group_settings_dict.items():
+ if group_settings.notify_members:
+ indirect_ids.update(member_ids_dict.get(gid, set()))
+ indirect_ids.update(owner_ids_dict.get(gid, set()))
+ if group_settings.notify_group:
+ direct_ids.add(gid)
+ return list(direct_ids), list(indirect_ids)
+ def LookupVisibleMembers(
+ self, cnxn, group_id_list, perms, effective_ids, services):
+ settings_dict = self.GetAllGroupSettings(cnxn, group_id_list)
+ group_ids = list(settings_dict.keys())
+ direct_member_ids_dict, direct_owner_ids_dict = self.LookupMembers(
+ cnxn, group_ids)
+ all_member_ids_dict, all_owner_ids_dict = self.LookupAllMembers(
+ cnxn, group_ids)
+ visible_member_ids_dict = {}
+ visible_owner_ids_dict = {}
+ for gid in group_ids:
+ member_ids = all_member_ids_dict[gid]
+ owner_ids = all_owner_ids_dict[gid]
+ if permissions.CanViewGroupMembers(
+ perms, effective_ids, settings_dict[gid], member_ids, owner_ids, []):
+ visible_member_ids_dict[gid] = direct_member_ids_dict[gid]
+ visible_owner_ids_dict[gid] = direct_owner_ids_dict[gid]
+ return visible_member_ids_dict, visible_owner_ids_dict
+ def ValidateFriendProjects(self, cnxn, services, friend_projects):
+ project_names = list(filter(None, re.split('; |, | |;|,', friend_projects)))
+ id_dict = services.project.LookupProjectIDs(cnxn, project_names)
+ missed_projects = []
+ result = []
+ for p_name in project_names:
+ if p_name in id_dict:
+ result.append(id_dict[p_name])
+ else:
+ missed_projects.append(p_name)
+ error_msg = ''
+ if missed_projects:
+ error_msg = 'Project(s) %s do not exist' % ', '.join(missed_projects)
+ return None, error_msg
+ else:
+ return result, None
+ def ExpungeUsersInGroups(self, cnxn, ids):
+ self.expunged_users_in_groups.extend(ids)
+class CacheManager(object):
+ def __init__(self, invalidate_tbl=None):
+ self.last_call = None
+ self.cache_registry = collections.defaultdict(list)
+ self.processed_invalidations_up_to = 0
+ def RegisterCache(self, cache, kind):
+ """Register a cache to be notified of future invalidations."""
+ self.cache_registry[kind].append(cache)
+ def DoDistributedInvalidation(self, cnxn):
+ """Drop any cache entries that were invalidated by other jobs."""
+ self.last_call = 'DoDistributedInvalidation', cnxn
+ def StoreInvalidateRows(self, cnxn, kind, keys):
+ """Store database rows to let all frontends know to invalidate."""
+ self.last_call = 'StoreInvalidateRows', cnxn, kind, keys
+ def StoreInvalidateAll(self, cnxn, kind):
+ """Store a database row to let all frontends know to invalidate."""
+ self.last_call = 'StoreInvalidateAll', cnxn, kind
+class UserService(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Creates a test-appropriate UserService object."""
+ self.users_by_email = {} # {email: user_id, ...}
+ self.users_by_id = {} # {user_id: email, ...}
+ self.test_users = {} # {user_id: user_pb, ...}
+ self.visited_hotlists = {} # user_id:[(hotlist_id, viewed), ...]
+ self.invite_rows = [] # (parent_id, child_id)
+ self.linked_account_rows = [] # (parent_id, child_id)
+ self.prefs_dict = {} # {user_id: UserPrefs}
+ def TestAddUser(
+ self, email, user_id, add_user=True, banned=False, obscure_email=True):
+ """Add a user to the fake UserService instance.
+ Args:
+ email: Email of the user.
+ user_id: int user ID.
+ add_user: Flag whether user pb should be created, i.e. whether a
+ Monorail account should be created
+ banned: Boolean to set the user as banned
+ obscure_email: Boolean to determine whether to obscure the user's email.
+ Returns:
+ The User PB that was added, or None.
+ """
+ self.users_by_email[email] = user_id
+ self.users_by_id[user_id] = email
+ user = None
+ if add_user:
+ user = user_pb2.MakeUser(user_id)
+ user.is_site_admin = False
+ = email
+ user.obscure_email = obscure_email
+ if banned:
+ user.banned = 'is banned'
+ self.test_users[user_id] = user
+ return user
+ def GetUser(self, cnxn, user_id):
+ return self.GetUsersByIDs(cnxn, [user_id])[user_id]
+ def _CreateUser(self, _cnxn, email):
+ if email in self.users_by_email:
+ return
+ user_id = framework_helpers.MurmurHash3_x86_32(email)
+ self.TestAddUser(email, user_id)
+ def _CreateUsers(self, cnxn, emails):
+ for email in emails:
+ self._CreateUser(cnxn, email)
+ def LookupUserID(self, cnxn, email, autocreate=False, allowgroups=False):
+ email_dict = self.LookupUserIDs(
+ cnxn, [email], autocreate=autocreate, allowgroups=allowgroups)
+ if email in email_dict:
+ return email_dict[email]
+ raise exceptions.NoSuchUserException('%r not found' % email)
+ def GetUsersByIDs(self, cnxn, user_ids, use_cache=True, skip_missed=False):
+ user_dict = {}
+ for user_id in user_ids:
+ if user_id and self.test_users.get(user_id):
+ user_dict[user_id] = self.test_users[user_id]
+ elif not skip_missed:
+ user_dict[user_id] = user_pb2.MakeUser(user_id)
+ return user_dict
+ def LookupExistingUserIDs(self, cnxn, emails):
+ email_dict = {
+ email: self.users_by_email[email]
+ for email in emails
+ if email in self.users_by_email}
+ return email_dict
+ def LookupUserIDs(self, cnxn, emails, autocreate=False,
+ allowgroups=False):
+ email_dict = {}
+ needed_emails = [email.lower() for email in emails
+ if email
+ and not framework_constants.NO_VALUE_RE.match(email)]
+ for email in needed_emails:
+ user_id = self.users_by_email.get(email)
+ if not user_id:
+ if autocreate and validate.IsValidEmail(email):
+ self._CreateUser(cnxn, email)
+ user_id = self.users_by_email.get(email)
+ elif not autocreate:
+ raise exceptions.NoSuchUserException('%r' % email)
+ if user_id:
+ email_dict[email] = user_id
+ return email_dict
+ def LookupUserEmail(self, _cnxn, user_id):
+ email = self.users_by_id.get(user_id)
+ if not email:
+ raise exceptions.NoSuchUserException('No user has ID %r' % user_id)
+ return email
+ def LookupUserEmails(self, cnxn, user_ids, ignore_missed=False):
+ if ignore_missed:
+ user_dict = {}
+ for user_id in user_ids:
+ try:
+ user_dict[user_id] = self.LookupUserEmail(cnxn, user_id)
+ except exceptions.NoSuchUserException:
+ continue
+ return user_dict
+ user_dict = {
+ user_id: self.LookupUserEmail(cnxn, user_id)
+ for user_id in user_ids}
+ return user_dict
+ def UpdateUser(self, _cnxn, user_id, user):
+ """Updates the user pb."""
+ self.test_users[user_id] = user
+ def UpdateUserBan(self, _cnxn, user_id, user, is_banned=None,
+ banned_reason=None):
+ """Updates the user pb."""
+ self.test_users[user_id] = user
+ user.banned = banned_reason if is_banned else ''
+ def GetPendingLinkedInvites(self, cnxn, user_id):
+ invite_as_parent = [row[1] for row in self.invite_rows
+ if row[0] == user_id]
+ invite_as_child = [row[0] for row in self.invite_rows
+ if row[1] == user_id]
+ return invite_as_parent, invite_as_child
+ def InviteLinkedParent(self, cnxn, parent_id, child_id):
+ self.invite_rows.append((parent_id, child_id))
+ def AcceptLinkedChild(self, cnxn, parent_id, child_id):
+ if (parent_id, child_id) not in self.invite_rows:
+ raise exceptions.InputException('No such invite')
+ self.linked_account_rows.append((parent_id, child_id))
+ self.invite_rows = [
+ (p_id, c_id) for (p_id, c_id) in self.invite_rows
+ if p_id != parent_id and c_id != child_id]
+ self.GetUser(cnxn, parent_id).linked_child_ids.append(child_id)
+ self.GetUser(cnxn, child_id).linked_parent_id = parent_id
+ def UnlinkAccounts(self, _cnxn, parent_id, child_id):
+ """Delete a linked-account relationship."""
+ if not parent_id:
+ raise exceptions.InputException('Parent account is missing')
+ if not child_id:
+ raise exceptions.InputException('Child account is missing')
+ self.linked_account_rows = [(p, c) for (p, c) in self.linked_account_rows
+ if (p, c) != (parent_id, child_id)]
+ def UpdateUserSettings(
+ self, cnxn, user_id, user, notify=None, notify_starred=None,
+ email_compact_subject=None, email_view_widget=None,
+ notify_starred_ping=None, obscure_email=None, after_issue_update=None,
+ is_site_admin=None, is_banned=None, banned_reason=None,
+ keep_people_perms_open=None, preview_on_hover=None,
+ vacation_message=None):
+ # notifications
+ if notify is not None:
+ user.notify_issue_change = notify
+ if notify_starred is not None:
+ user.notify_starred_issue_change = notify_starred
+ if notify_starred_ping is not None:
+ user.notify_starred_ping = notify_starred_ping
+ if email_compact_subject is not None:
+ user.email_compact_subject = email_compact_subject
+ if email_view_widget is not None:
+ user.email_view_widget = email_view_widget
+ # display options
+ if after_issue_update is not None:
+ user.after_issue_update = user_pb2.IssueUpdateNav(after_issue_update)
+ if preview_on_hover is not None:
+ user.preview_on_hover = preview_on_hover
+ if keep_people_perms_open is not None:
+ user.keep_people_perms_open = keep_people_perms_open
+ # misc
+ if obscure_email is not None:
+ user.obscure_email = obscure_email
+ # admin
+ if is_site_admin is not None:
+ user.is_site_admin = is_site_admin
+ if is_banned is not None:
+ if is_banned:
+ user.banned = banned_reason or 'No reason given'
+ else:
+ user.reset('banned')
+ # user availability
+ if vacation_message is not None:
+ user.vacation_message = vacation_message
+ return self.UpdateUser(cnxn, user_id, user)
+ def GetUsersPrefs(self, cnxn, user_ids, use_cache=True):
+ for user_id in user_ids:
+ if user_id not in self.prefs_dict:
+ self.prefs_dict[user_id] = user_pb2.UserPrefs(user_id=user_id)
+ return self.prefs_dict
+ def GetUserPrefs(self, cnxn, user_id, use_cache=True):
+ """Return a UserPrefs PB for the requested user ID."""
+ prefs_dict = self.GetUsersPrefs(cnxn, [user_id], use_cache=use_cache)
+ return prefs_dict[user_id]
+ def GetUserPrefsByEmail(self, cnxn, email, use_cache=True):
+ """Return a UserPrefs PB for the requested email, or an empty UserPrefs."""
+ try:
+ user_id = self.LookupUserID(cnxn, email)
+ user_prefs = self.GetUserPrefs(cnxn, user_id, use_cache=use_cache)
+ except exceptions.NoSuchUserException:
+ user_prefs = user_pb2.UserPrefs()
+ return user_prefs
+ def SetUserPrefs(self, cnxn, user_id, pref_values):
+ userprefs = self.GetUserPrefs(cnxn, user_id)
+ names_to_overwrite = { for upv in pref_values}
+ userprefs.prefs = [upv for upv in userprefs.prefs
+ if not in names_to_overwrite]
+ userprefs.prefs.extend(pref_values)
+ def ExpungeUsers(self, cnxn, user_ids):
+ for user_id in user_ids:
+ self.test_users.pop(user_id, None)
+ self.prefs_dict.pop(user_id, None)
+ email = self.users_by_id.pop(user_id, None)
+ if email:
+ self.users_by_email.pop(email, None)
+ self.invite_rows = [row for row in self.invite_rows
+ if row[0] not in user_ids and row[1] not in user_ids]
+ self.linked_account_rows = [
+ row for row in self.linked_account_rows
+ if row[0] not in user_ids and row[1] not in user_ids]
+ def TotalUsersCount(self, cnxn):
+ return len(self.users_by_id) - 1 if (
+ framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID in self.users_by_id
+ ) else len(self.users_by_id)
+ def GetAllUserEmailsBatch(self, cnxn, limit=1000, offset=0):
+ sorted_user_ids = sorted(self.users_by_id.keys())
+ sorted_user_ids = [
+ user_id for user_id in sorted_user_ids
+ if user_id != framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID]
+ emails = []
+ for i in range(offset, offset + limit):
+ try:
+ user_id = sorted_user_ids[i]
+ if user_id != framework_constants.DELETED_USER_ID:
+ emails.append(self.users_by_id[user_id])
+ except IndexError:
+ break
+ return emails
+ def GetRecentlyVisitedHotlists(self, _cnxn, user_id):
+ try:
+ return self.visited_hotlists[user_id]
+ except KeyError:
+ return []
+ def AddVisitedHotlist(self, _cnxn, user_id, hotlist_id, commit=True):
+ try:
+ user_visited_tuples = self.visited_hotlists[user_id]
+ self.visited_hotlists[user_id] = [
+ hid for hid in user_visited_tuples if hid != hotlist_id]
+ except KeyError:
+ self.visited_hotlists[user_id] = []
+ self.visited_hotlists[user_id].append(hotlist_id)
+ def ExpungeUsersHotlistsHistory(self, cnxn, user_ids, commit=True):
+ for user_id in user_ids:
+ self.visited_hotlists.pop(user_id, None)
+class AbstractStarService(object):
+ """Fake StarService."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.stars_by_item_id = {}
+ self.stars_by_starrer_id = {}
+ self.expunged_item_ids = []
+ def ExpungeStars(self, _cnxn, item_id, commit=True, limit=None):
+ self.expunged_item_ids.append(item_id)
+ old_starrers = self.stars_by_item_id.get(item_id, [])
+ self.stars_by_item_id[item_id] = []
+ for old_starrer in old_starrers:
+ if self.stars_by_starrer_id.get(old_starrer):
+ self.stars_by_starrer_id[old_starrer] = [
+ it for it in self.stars_by_starrer_id[old_starrer]
+ if it != item_id]
+ def ExpungeStarsByUsers(self, _cnxn, user_ids, limit=None):
+ for user_id in user_ids:
+ item_ids = self.stars_by_starrer_id.pop(user_id, [])
+ for item_id in item_ids:
+ starrers = self.stars_by_item_id.get(item_id, None)
+ if starrers:
+ self.stars_by_item_id[item_id] = [
+ starrer for starrer in starrers if starrer != user_id]
+ def LookupItemStarrers(self, _cnxn, item_id):
+ return self.stars_by_item_id.get(item_id, [])
+ def LookupItemsStarrers(self, cnxn, item_ids):
+ return {
+ item_id: self.LookupItemStarrers(cnxn, item_id) for item_id in item_ids}
+ def LookupStarredItemIDs(self, _cnxn, starrer_user_id):
+ return self.stars_by_starrer_id.get(starrer_user_id, [])
+ def IsItemStarredBy(self, cnxn, item_id, starrer_user_id):
+ return item_id in self.LookupStarredItemIDs(cnxn, starrer_user_id)
+ def CountItemStars(self, cnxn, item_id):
+ return len(self.LookupItemStarrers(cnxn, item_id))
+ def CountItemsStars(self, cnxn, item_ids):
+ return {item_id: self.CountItemStars(cnxn, item_id)
+ for item_id in item_ids}
+ def _SetStar(self, cnxn, item_id, starrer_user_id, starred):
+ if starred and not self.IsItemStarredBy(cnxn, item_id, starrer_user_id):
+ self.stars_by_item_id.setdefault(item_id, []).append(starrer_user_id)
+ self.stars_by_starrer_id.setdefault(starrer_user_id, []).append(item_id)
+ elif not starred and self.IsItemStarredBy(cnxn, item_id, starrer_user_id):
+ self.stars_by_item_id[item_id].remove(starrer_user_id)
+ self.stars_by_starrer_id[starrer_user_id].remove(item_id)
+ def SetStar(self, cnxn, item_id, starrer_user_id, starred):
+ self._SetStar(cnxn, item_id, starrer_user_id, starred)
+ def SetStarsBatch(
+ self, cnxn, item_id, starrer_user_ids, starred, commit=True):
+ for starrer_user_id in starrer_user_ids:
+ self._SetStar(cnxn, item_id, starrer_user_id, starred)
+class UserStarService(AbstractStarService):
+ pass
+class ProjectStarService(AbstractStarService):
+ pass
+class HotlistStarService(AbstractStarService):
+ pass
+class IssueStarService(AbstractStarService):
+ # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
+ def SetStar(
+ self, cnxn, services, _config, issue_id, starrer_user_id,
+ starred):
+ super(IssueStarService, self).SetStar(
+ cnxn, issue_id, starrer_user_id, starred)
+ try:
+ issue = services.issue.GetIssue(cnxn, issue_id)
+ issue.star_count += (1 if starred else -1)
+ except exceptions.NoSuchIssueException:
+ pass
+ # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
+ def SetStarsBatch(
+ self, cnxn, _service, _config, issue_id, starrer_user_ids,
+ starred):
+ super(IssueStarService, self).SetStarsBatch(
+ cnxn, issue_id, starrer_user_ids, starred)
+ def SetStarsBatch_SkipIssueUpdate(
+ self, cnxn, issue_id, starrer_user_ids, starred, commit=True):
+ super(IssueStarService, self).SetStarsBatch(
+ cnxn, issue_id, starrer_user_ids, starred)
+class ProjectService(object):
+ """Fake ProjectService object.
+ Provides methods for creating users and projects, which are accessible
+ through parts of the real ProjectService interface.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.test_projects = {} # project_name -> project_pb
+ self.projects_by_id = {} # project_id -> project_pb
+ self.test_star_manager = None
+ self.indexed_projects = {}
+ self.unindexed_projects = set()
+ self.index_counter = 0
+ self.project_commitments = {}
+ self.ac_exclusion_ids = {}
+ self.no_expand_ids = {}
+ def TestAddProject(
+ self, name, summary='', state=project_pb2.ProjectState.LIVE,
+ owner_ids=None, committer_ids=None, contrib_ids=None,
+ issue_notify_address=None, state_reason='', description=None,
+ project_id=None, process_inbound_email=None, access=None,
+ extra_perms=None):
+ """Add a project to the fake ProjectService object.
+ Args:
+ name: The name of the project. Will replace any existing project under
+ the same name.
+ summary: The summary string of the project.
+ state: Initial state for the project from project_pb2.ProjectState.
+ owner_ids: List of user ids for project owners
+ committer_ids: List of user ids for project committers
+ contrib_ids: List of user ids for project contributors
+ issue_notify_address: email address to send issue change notifications
+ state_reason: string describing the reason the project is in its current
+ state.
+ description: The description string for this project
+ project_id: A unique integer identifier for the created project.
+ process_inbound_email: True to make this project accept inbound email.
+ access: One of the values of enum project_pb2.ProjectAccess.
+ extra_perms: List of ExtraPerms PBs for project members.
+ Returns:
+ A populated project PB.
+ """
+ proj_pb = project_pb2.Project()
+ proj_pb.project_id = project_id or hash(name) % 100000
+ proj_pb.project_name = name
+ proj_pb.summary = summary
+ proj_pb.state = state
+ proj_pb.state_reason = state_reason
+ proj_pb.extra_perms = extra_perms or []
+ if description is not None:
+ proj_pb.description = description
+ self.TestAddProjectMembers(owner_ids, proj_pb, OWNER_ROLE)
+ self.TestAddProjectMembers(committer_ids, proj_pb, COMMITTER_ROLE)
+ self.TestAddProjectMembers(contrib_ids, proj_pb, CONTRIBUTOR_ROLE)
+ if issue_notify_address is not None:
+ proj_pb.issue_notify_address = issue_notify_address
+ if process_inbound_email is not None:
+ proj_pb.process_inbound_email = process_inbound_email
+ if access is not None:
+ proj_pb.access = access
+ self.test_projects[name] = proj_pb
+ self.projects_by_id[proj_pb.project_id] = proj_pb
+ return proj_pb
+ def TestAddProjectMembers(self, user_id_list, proj_pb, role):
+ if user_id_list is not None:
+ for user_id in user_id_list:
+ if role == OWNER_ROLE:
+ proj_pb.owner_ids.append(user_id)
+ elif role == COMMITTER_ROLE:
+ proj_pb.committer_ids.append(user_id)
+ elif role == CONTRIBUTOR_ROLE:
+ proj_pb.contributor_ids.append(user_id)
+ def LookupProjectIDs(self, cnxn, project_names):
+ return {
+ project_name: self.test_projects[project_name].project_id
+ for project_name in project_names
+ if project_name in self.test_projects}
+ def LookupProjectNames(self, cnxn, project_ids):
+ projects_dict = self.GetProjects(cnxn, project_ids)
+ return {p.project_id: p.project_name
+ for p in projects_dict.values()}
+ def CreateProject(
+ self, _cnxn, project_name, owner_ids, committer_ids,
+ contributor_ids, summary, description,
+ state=project_pb2.ProjectState.LIVE, access=None,
+ read_only_reason=None,
+ home_page=None, docs_url=None, source_url=None,
+ logo_gcs_id=None, logo_file_name=None):
+ """Create and store a Project with the given attributes."""
+ if project_name in self.test_projects:
+ raise exceptions.ProjectAlreadyExists()
+ project = self.TestAddProject(
+ project_name, summary=summary, state=state,
+ owner_ids=owner_ids, committer_ids=committer_ids,
+ contrib_ids=contributor_ids, description=description,
+ access=access)
+ return project.project_id
+ def ExpungeProject(self, _cnxn, project_id):
+ project = self.projects_by_id.get(project_id)
+ if project:
+ self.test_projects.pop(project.project_name, None)
+ def GetProjectsByName(self, _cnxn, project_name_list, use_cache=True):
+ return {
+ pn: self.test_projects[pn] for pn in project_name_list
+ if pn in self.test_projects}
+ def GetProjectByName(self, _cnxn, name, use_cache=True):
+ return self.test_projects.get(name)
+ def GetProjectList(self, cnxn, project_id_list, use_cache=True):
+ project_dict = self.GetProjects(cnxn, project_id_list, use_cache=use_cache)
+ return [project_dict[pid] for pid in project_id_list
+ if pid in project_dict]
+ def GetVisibleLiveProjects(
+ self, _cnxn, logged_in_user, effective_ids, domain=None, use_cache=True):
+ project_ids = list(self.projects_by_id.keys())
+ visible_project_ids = []
+ for pid in project_ids:
+ can_view = permissions.UserCanViewProject(
+ logged_in_user, effective_ids, self.projects_by_id[pid])
+ different_domain = framework_helpers.GetNeededDomain(
+ self.projects_by_id[pid].project_name, domain)
+ if can_view and not different_domain:
+ visible_project_ids.append(pid)
+ return visible_project_ids
+ def GetProjects(self, _cnxn, project_ids, use_cache=True):
+ result = {}
+ for project_id in project_ids:
+ project = self.projects_by_id.get(project_id)
+ if project:
+ result[project_id] = project
+ else:
+ raise exceptions.NoSuchProjectException(project_id)
+ return result
+ def GetAllProjects(self, _cnxn, use_cache=True):
+ result = {}
+ for project_id in self.projects_by_id:
+ project = self.projects_by_id.get(project_id)
+ result[project_id] = project
+ return result
+ def GetProject(self, cnxn, project_id, use_cache=True):
+ """Load the specified project from the database."""
+ project_id_dict = self.GetProjects(cnxn, [project_id], use_cache=use_cache)
+ if project_id not in project_id_dict:
+ raise exceptions.NoSuchProjectException()
+ return project_id_dict[project_id]
+ def GetProjectCommitments(self, _cnxn, project_id):
+ if project_id in self.project_commitments:
+ return self.project_commitments[project_id]
+ project_commitments = project_pb2.ProjectCommitments()
+ project_commitments.project_id = project_id
+ return project_commitments
+ def TestStoreProjectCommitments(self, project_commitments):
+ key = project_commitments.project_id
+ self.project_commitments[key] = project_commitments
+ def GetProjectAutocompleteExclusion(self, cnxn, project_id):
+ return (self.ac_exclusion_ids.get(project_id, []),
+ self.no_expand_ids.get(project_id, []))
+ def UpdateProject(
+ self,
+ _cnxn,
+ project_id,
+ summary=None,
+ description=None,
+ state=None,
+ state_reason=None,
+ access=None,
+ issue_notify_address=None,
+ attachment_bytes_used=None,
+ attachment_quota=None,
+ moved_to=None,
+ process_inbound_email=None,
+ only_owners_remove_restrictions=None,
+ read_only_reason=None,
+ cached_content_timestamp=None,
+ only_owners_see_contributors=None,
+ delete_time=None,
+ recent_activity=None,
+ revision_url_format=None,
+ home_page=None,
+ docs_url=None,
+ source_url=None,
+ logo_gcs_id=None,
+ logo_file_name=None,
+ issue_notify_always_detailed=None,
+ commit=True):
+ project = self.projects_by_id.get(project_id)
+ if not project:
+ raise exceptions.NoSuchProjectException(
+ 'Project "%s" not found!' % project_id)
+ # TODO(jrobbins): implement all passed arguments - probably as a utility
+ # method shared with the real persistence implementation.
+ if read_only_reason is not None:
+ project.read_only_reason = read_only_reason
+ if attachment_bytes_used is not None:
+ project.attachment_bytes_used = attachment_bytes_used
+ def UpdateProjectRoles(
+ self, _cnxn, project_id, owner_ids, committer_ids,
+ contributor_ids, now=None):
+ project = self.projects_by_id.get(project_id)
+ if not project:
+ raise exceptions.NoSuchProjectException(
+ 'Project "%s" not found!' % project_id)
+ project.owner_ids = owner_ids
+ project.committer_ids = committer_ids
+ project.contributor_ids = contributor_ids
+ def MarkProjectDeletable(
+ self, _cnxn, project_id, _config_service):
+ project = self.projects_by_id[project_id]
+ project.project_name = 'DELETABLE_%d' % project_id
+ project.state = project_pb2.ProjectState.DELETABLE
+ def UpdateRecentActivity(self, _cnxn, _project_id, now=None):
+ pass
+ def GetUserRolesInAllProjects(self, _cnxn, effective_ids):
+ owned_project_ids = set()
+ membered_project_ids = set()
+ contrib_project_ids = set()
+ for project in self.projects_by_id.values():
+ if not effective_ids.isdisjoint(project.owner_ids):
+ owned_project_ids.add(project.project_id)
+ elif not effective_ids.isdisjoint(project.committer_ids):
+ membered_project_ids.add(project.project_id)
+ elif not effective_ids.isdisjoint(project.contributor_ids):
+ contrib_project_ids.add(project.project_id)
+ return owned_project_ids, membered_project_ids, contrib_project_ids
+ def GetProjectMemberships(self, _cnxn, effective_ids, use_cache=True):
+ # type: MonorailConnection, Collection[int], bool ->
+ # Mapping[int, Collection[int]]
+ projects_by_user_id = collections.defaultdict(set)
+ for project in self.projects_by_id.values():
+ member_ids = set(
+ itertools.chain(
+ project.owner_ids, project.committer_ids,
+ project.contributor_ids))
+ for user_id in effective_ids:
+ if user_id in member_ids:
+ projects_by_user_id[user_id].add(project.project_id)
+ return projects_by_user_id
+ def ExpungeUsersInProjects(self, cnxn, user_ids, limit=None):
+ for project in self.projects_by_id.values():
+ project.owner_ids = [owner_id for owner_id in project.owner_ids
+ if owner_id not in user_ids]
+ project.committer_ids = [com_id for com_id in project.committer_ids
+ if com_id not in user_ids]
+ project.contributor_ids = [con_id for con_id in project.contributor_ids
+ if con_id not in user_ids]
+class ConfigService(object):
+ """Fake version of ConfigService that just works in-RAM."""
+ def __init__(self, user_id=None):
+ self.project_configs = {}
+ self.next_field_id = 123
+ self.next_component_id = 345
+ self.next_template_id = 23
+ self.expunged_configs = []
+ self.expunged_users_in_configs = []
+ self.component_ids_to_templates = {}
+ self.label_to_id = {}
+ self.id_to_label = {}
+ self.strict = False # Set true to raise more exceptions like real class.
+ def TestAddLabelsDict(self, label_to_id):
+ self.label_to_id = label_to_id
+ self.id_to_label = {
+ label_id: label
+ for label, label_id in list(self.label_to_id.items())}
+ def TestAddFieldDef(self, fd):
+ self.project_configs[fd.project_id].field_defs.append(fd)
+ def TestAddApprovalDef(self, ad, project_id):
+ self.project_configs[project_id].approval_defs.append(ad)
+ def ExpungeConfig(self, _cnxn, project_id):
+ self.expunged_configs.append(project_id)
+ def ExpungeUsersInConfigs(self, _cnxn, user_ids, limit=None):
+ self.expunged_users_in_configs.extend(user_ids)
+ def GetLabelDefRows(self, cnxn, project_id, use_cache=True):
+ """This always returns empty results. Mock it to test other cases."""
+ return []
+ def GetLabelDefRowsAnyProject(self, cnxn, where=None):
+ """This always returns empty results. Mock it to test other cases."""
+ return []
+ def LookupLabel(self, cnxn, project_id, label_id):
+ if label_id in self.id_to_label:
+ return self.id_to_label[label_id]
+ if label_id == 999:
+ return None
+ return 'label_%d_%d' % (project_id, label_id)
+ def LookupLabelID(self, cnxn, project_id, label, autocreate=True):
+ if label in self.label_to_id:
+ return self.label_to_id[label]
+ return 1
+ def LookupLabelIDs(self, cnxn, project_id, labels, autocreate=False):
+ ids = []
+ next_label_id = 0
+ if self.id_to_label.keys():
+ existing_ids = self.id_to_label.keys()
+ existing_ids.sort()
+ next_label_id = existing_ids[-1] + 1
+ for label in labels:
+ if self.label_to_id.get(label) is not None:
+ ids.append(self.label_to_id[label])
+ elif autocreate:
+ self.label_to_id[label] = next_label_id
+ self.id_to_label[next_label_id] = label
+ ids.append(next_label_id)
+ next_label_id += 1
+ return ids
+ def LookupIDsOfLabelsMatching(self, cnxn, project_id, regex):
+ return [1, 2, 3]
+ def LookupStatus(self, cnxn, project_id, status_id):
+ return 'status_%d_%d' % (project_id, status_id)
+ def LookupStatusID(self, cnxn, project_id, status, autocreate=True):
+ if status:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return 0
+ def LookupStatusIDs(self, cnxn, project_id, statuses):
+ return [idx for idx, _status in enumerate(statuses)]
+ def LookupClosedStatusIDs(self, cnxn, project_id):
+ return [7, 8, 9]
+ def StoreConfig(self, _cnxn, config):
+ self.project_configs[config.project_id] = config
+ def GetProjectConfig(self, _cnxn, project_id, use_cache=True):
+ if project_id in self.project_configs:
+ return self.project_configs[project_id]
+ elif self.strict:
+ raise exceptions.NoSuchProjectException()
+ else:
+ return tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(project_id)
+ def GetProjectConfigs(self, _cnxn, project_ids, use_cache=True):
+ config_dict = {}
+ for project_id in project_ids:
+ if project_id in self.project_configs:
+ config_dict[project_id] = self.project_configs[project_id]
+ elif not self.strict:
+ config_dict[project_id] = tracker_bizobj.MakeDefaultProjectIssueConfig(
+ project_id)
+ return config_dict
+ def UpdateConfig(
+ self, cnxn, project, well_known_statuses=None,
+ statuses_offer_merge=None, well_known_labels=None,
+ excl_label_prefixes=None, default_template_for_developers=None,
+ default_template_for_users=None, list_prefs=None, restrict_to_known=None,
+ approval_defs=None):
+ project_id = project.project_id
+ project_config = self.GetProjectConfig(cnxn, project_id, use_cache=False)
+ if well_known_statuses is not None:
+ tracker_bizobj.SetConfigStatuses(project_config, well_known_statuses)
+ if statuses_offer_merge is not None:
+ project_config.statuses_offer_merge = statuses_offer_merge
+ if well_known_labels is not None:
+ tracker_bizobj.SetConfigLabels(project_config, well_known_labels)
+ if excl_label_prefixes is not None:
+ project_config.exclusive_label_prefixes = excl_label_prefixes
+ if approval_defs is not None:
+ tracker_bizobj.SetConfigApprovals(project_config, approval_defs)
+ if default_template_for_developers is not None:
+ project_config.default_template_for_developers = (
+ default_template_for_developers)
+ if default_template_for_users is not None:
+ project_config.default_template_for_users = default_template_for_users
+ if list_prefs:
+ default_col_spec, default_sort_spec, x_attr, y_attr, m_d_q = list_prefs
+ project_config.default_col_spec = default_col_spec
+ project_config.default_sort_spec = default_sort_spec
+ project_config.default_x_attr = x_attr
+ project_config.default_y_attr = y_attr
+ project_config.member_default_query = m_d_q
+ if restrict_to_known is not None:
+ project_config.restrict_to_known = restrict_to_known
+ self.StoreConfig(cnxn, project_config)
+ return project_config
+ def CreateFieldDef(
+ self,
+ cnxn,
+ project_id,
+ field_name,
+ field_type_str,
+ applic_type,
+ applic_pred,
+ is_required,
+ is_niche,
+ is_multivalued,
+ min_value,
+ max_value,
+ regex,
+ needs_member,
+ needs_perm,
+ grants_perm,
+ notify_on,
+ date_action_str,
+ docstring,
+ admin_ids,
+ editor_ids,
+ approval_id=None,
+ is_phase_field=False,
+ is_restricted_field=False):
+ config = self.GetProjectConfig(cnxn, project_id)
+ field_type = tracker_pb2.FieldTypes(field_type_str)
+ field_id = self.next_field_id
+ self.next_field_id += 1
+ fd = tracker_bizobj.MakeFieldDef(
+ field_id, project_id, field_name, field_type, applic_type, applic_pred,
+ is_required, is_niche, is_multivalued, min_value, max_value, regex,
+ needs_member, needs_perm, grants_perm, notify_on, date_action_str,
+ docstring, False, approval_id, is_phase_field, is_restricted_field,
+ admin_ids=admin_ids, editor_ids=editor_ids)
+ config.field_defs.append(fd)
+ self.StoreConfig(cnxn, config)
+ return field_id
+ def LookupFieldID(self, cnxn, project_id, field):
+ config = self.GetProjectConfig(cnxn, project_id)
+ for fd in config.field_defs:
+ if fd.field_name == field:
+ return fd.field_id
+ return None
+ def SoftDeleteFieldDefs(self, cnxn, project_id, field_ids):
+ config = self.GetProjectConfig(cnxn, project_id)
+ for fd in config.field_defs:
+ if fd.field_id in field_ids:
+ fd.is_deleted = True
+ self.StoreConfig(cnxn, config)
+ def UpdateFieldDef(
+ self,
+ cnxn,
+ project_id,
+ field_id,
+ field_name=None,
+ applicable_type=None,
+ applicable_predicate=None,
+ is_required=None,
+ is_niche=None,
+ is_multivalued=None,
+ min_value=None,
+ max_value=None,
+ regex=None,
+ needs_member=None,
+ needs_perm=None,
+ grants_perm=None,
+ notify_on=None,
+ date_action=None,
+ docstring=None,
+ admin_ids=None,
+ editor_ids=None,
+ is_restricted_field=None):
+ config = self.GetProjectConfig(cnxn, project_id)
+ fd = tracker_bizobj.FindFieldDefByID(field_id, config)
+ # pylint: disable=multiple-statements
+ if field_name is not None: fd.field_name = field_name
+ if applicable_type is not None: fd.applicable_type = applicable_type
+ if applicable_predicate is not None:
+ fd.applicable_predicate = applicable_predicate
+ if is_required is not None: fd.is_required = is_required
+ if is_niche is not None: fd.is_niche = is_niche
+ if is_multivalued is not None: fd.is_multivalued = is_multivalued
+ if min_value is not None: fd.min_value = min_value
+ if max_value is not None: fd.max_value = max_value
+ if regex is not None: fd.regex = regex
+ if date_action is not None:
+ fd.date_action = config_svc.DATE_ACTION_ENUM.index(date_action)
+ if docstring is not None: fd.docstring = docstring
+ if admin_ids is not None: fd.admin_ids = admin_ids
+ if editor_ids is not None:
+ fd.editor_ids = editor_ids
+ if is_restricted_field is not None:
+ fd.is_restricted_field = is_restricted_field
+ self.StoreConfig(cnxn, config)
+ def CreateComponentDef(
+ self, cnxn, project_id, path, docstring, deprecated, admin_ids, cc_ids,
+ created, creator_id, label_ids):
+ config = self.GetProjectConfig(cnxn, project_id)
+ cd = tracker_bizobj.MakeComponentDef(
+ self.next_component_id, project_id, path, docstring, deprecated,
+ admin_ids, cc_ids, created, creator_id, label_ids=label_ids)
+ config.component_defs.append(cd)
+ self.next_component_id += 1
+ self.StoreConfig(cnxn, config)
+ return self.next_component_id - 1
+ def UpdateComponentDef(
+ self, cnxn, project_id, component_id, path=None, docstring=None,
+ deprecated=None, admin_ids=None, cc_ids=None, created=None,
+ creator_id=None, modified=None, modifier_id=None, label_ids=None):
+ config = self.GetProjectConfig(cnxn, project_id)
+ cd = tracker_bizobj.FindComponentDefByID(component_id, config)
+ if path is not None:
+ assert path
+ cd.path = path
+ # pylint: disable=multiple-statements
+ if docstring is not None: cd.docstring = docstring
+ if deprecated is not None: cd.deprecated = deprecated
+ if admin_ids is not None: cd.admin_ids = admin_ids
+ if cc_ids is not None: cd.cc_ids = cc_ids
+ if created is not None: cd.created = created
+ if creator_id is not None: cd.creator_id = creator_id
+ if modified is not None: cd.modified = modified
+ if modifier_id is not None: cd.modifier_id = modifier_id
+ if label_ids is not None: cd.label_ids = label_ids
+ self.StoreConfig(cnxn, config)
+ def DeleteComponentDef(self, cnxn, project_id, component_id):
+ """Delete the specified component definition."""
+ config = self.GetProjectConfig(cnxn, project_id)
+ config.component_defs = [
+ cd for cd in config.component_defs
+ if cd.component_id != component_id]
+ self.StoreConfig(cnxn, config)
+ def InvalidateMemcache(self, issues, key_prefix=''):
+ pass
+ def InvalidateMemcacheForEntireProject(self, project_id):
+ pass
+class IssueService(object):
+ """Fake version of IssueService that just works in-RAM."""
+ # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+ def __init__(self, user_id=None):
+ self.user_id = user_id
+ # Dictionary {project_id: issue_pb_dict}
+ # where issue_pb_dict is a dictionary of the form
+ # {local_id: issue_pb}
+ self.issues_by_project = {}
+ self.issues_by_iid = {}
+ # Dictionary {project_id: comment_pb_dict}
+ # where comment_pb_dict is a dictionary of the form
+ # {local_id: comment_pb_list}
+ self.comments_by_project = {}
+ self.comments_by_iid = {}
+ self.comments_by_cid = {}
+ self.attachments_by_id = {}
+ # Set of issue IDs for issues that have been indexed by calling
+ # IndexIssues().
+ self.indexed_issue_iids = set()
+ # Set of issue IDs for issues that have been moved by calling MoveIssue().
+ self.moved_back_iids = set()
+ # Dict of issue IDs mapped to other issue IDs to represent moved issues.
+ self.moved_issues = {}
+ # Test-only indication that the indexer would have been called
+ # by the real DITPersist.
+ self.indexer_called = False
+ # Test-only sequence of updated and enqueued.
+ self.updated_issues = []
+ self.enqueued_issues = [] # issue_ids
+ # Test-only sequence of expunged issues and projects.
+ self.expunged_issues = []
+ self.expunged_former_locations = []
+ self.expunged_local_ids = []
+ self.expunged_users_in_issues = []
+ # Test-only indicators that methods were called.
+ self.get_all_issues_in_project_called = False
+ self.update_issues_called = False
+ self.enqueue_issues_called = False
+ self.get_issue_acitivity_called = False
+ # The next id to return if it is > 0.
+ self.next_id = -1
+ def UpdateIssues(
+ self, cnxn, issues, update_cols=None, just_derived=False,
+ commit=True, invalidate=True):
+ self.update_issues_called = True
+ assert all(issue.assume_stale == False for issue in issues)
+ self.updated_issues.extend(issues)
+ def GetIssueActivity(
+ self, cnxn, num=50, before=None, after=None,
+ project_ids=None, user_ids=None, ascending=False):
+ self.get_issue_acitivity_called = True
+ comments_dict = self.comments_by_cid
+ comments = []
+ for value in comments_dict.values():
+ if project_ids is not None:
+ if value.issue_id > 0 and value.issue_id in self.issues_by_iid:
+ issue = self.issues_by_iid[value.issue_id]
+ if issue.project_id in project_ids:
+ comments.append(value)
+ elif user_ids is not None:
+ if value.user_id in user_ids:
+ comments.append(value)
+ else:
+ comments.append(value)
+ return comments
+ def EnqueueIssuesForIndexing(self, _cnxn, issue_ids, commit=True):
+ self.enqueue_issues_called = True
+ for i in issue_ids:
+ if i not in self.enqueued_issues:
+ self.enqueued_issues.extend(issues)
+ def ExpungeIssues(self, _cnxn, issue_ids):
+ self.expunged_issues.extend(issue_ids)
+ def ExpungeFormerLocations(self, _cnxn, project_id):
+ self.expunged_former_locations.append(project_id)
+ def ExpungeLocalIDCounters(self, _cnxn, project_id):
+ self.expunged_local_ids.append(project_id)
+ def TestAddIssue(self, issue, importer_id=None):
+ project_id = issue.project_id
+ self.issues_by_project.setdefault(project_id, {})
+ self.issues_by_project[project_id][issue.local_id] = issue
+ self.issues_by_iid[issue.issue_id] = issue
+ if issue.issue_id not in self.enqueued_issues:
+ self.enqueued_issues.append(issue.issue_id)
+ self.enqueue_issues_called = True
+ # Adding a new issue should add the first comment to the issue
+ comment = tracker_pb2.IssueComment()
+ comment.project_id = issue.project_id
+ comment.issue_id = issue.issue_id
+ comment.content = issue.summary
+ comment.timestamp = issue.opened_timestamp
+ comment.is_description = True
+ if issue.reporter_id:
+ comment.user_id = issue.reporter_id
+ if importer_id:
+ comment.importer_id = importer_id
+ comment.sequence = 0
+ self.TestAddComment(comment, issue.local_id)
+ def TestAddMovedIssueRef(self, source_project_id, source_local_id,
+ target_project_id, target_local_id):
+ self.moved_issues[(source_project_id, source_local_id)] = (
+ target_project_id, target_local_id)
+ def TestAddComment(self, comment, local_id):
+ pid = comment.project_id
+ if not
+ = len(self.comments_by_cid)
+ self.comments_by_project.setdefault(pid, {})
+ self.comments_by_project[pid].setdefault(local_id, []).append(comment)
+ self.comments_by_iid.setdefault(comment.issue_id, []).append(comment)
+ self.comments_by_cid[] = comment
+ def TestAddAttachment(self, attachment, comment_id, issue_id):
+ if not attachment.attachment_id:
+ attachment.attachment_id = len(self.attachments_by_id)
+ aid = attachment.attachment_id
+ self.attachments_by_id[aid] = attachment, comment_id, issue_id
+ comment = self.comments_by_cid[comment_id]
+ if attachment not in comment.attachments:
+ comment.attachments.extend([attachment])
+ def SoftDeleteAttachment(
+ self, _cnxn, _issue, comment, attach_id, _user_service, delete=True,
+ index_now=False):
+ attachment = None
+ for attach in comment.attachments:
+ if attach.attachment_id == attach_id:
+ attachment = attach
+ if not attachment:
+ return
+ attachment.deleted = delete
+ def GetAttachmentAndContext(self, _cnxn, attachment_id):
+ if attachment_id in self.attachments_by_id:
+ attach, comment_id, issue_id = self.attachments_by_id[attachment_id]
+ if not attach.deleted:
+ return attach, comment_id, issue_id
+ raise exceptions.NoSuchAttachmentException()
+ def GetComments(
+ self, _cnxn, where=None, order_by=None, content_only=False, **kwargs):
+ # This is a very limited subset of what the real GetComments() can do.
+ cid = kwargs.get('id')
+ comment = self.comments_by_cid.get(cid)
+ if comment:
+ return [comment]
+ else:
+ return []
+ def GetComment(self, cnxn, comment_id):
+ """Get the requested comment, or raise an exception."""
+ comments = self.GetComments(cnxn, id=comment_id)
+ if len(comments) == 1:
+ return comments[0]
+ raise exceptions.NoSuchCommentException()
+ def ResolveIssueRefs(self, cnxn, ref_projects, default_project_name, refs):
+ result = []
+ misses = []
+ for project_name, local_id in refs:
+ project = ref_projects.get(project_name or default_project_name)
+ if not project or project.state == project_pb2.ProjectState.DELETABLE:
+ continue # ignore any refs to issues in deleted projects
+ try:
+ issue = self.GetIssueByLocalID(cnxn, project.project_id, local_id)
+ result.append(issue.issue_id)
+ except exceptions.NoSuchIssueException:
+ misses.append((project.project_id, local_id))
+ return result, misses
+ def LookupIssueRefs(self, cnxn, issue_ids):
+ issue_dict, _misses = self.GetIssuesDict(cnxn, issue_ids)
+ return {
+ issue_id: (issue.project_name, issue.local_id)
+ for issue_id, issue in issue_dict.items()}
+ def GetAllIssuesInProject(
+ self, _cnxn, project_id, min_local_id=None, use_cache=True):
+ self.get_all_issues_in_project_called = True
+ if project_id in self.issues_by_project:
+ return list(self.issues_by_project[project_id].values())
+ else:
+ return []
+ def GetIssuesByLocalIDs(
+ self, _cnxn, project_id, local_id_list, use_cache=True, shard_id=None):
+ results = []
+ for local_id in local_id_list:
+ if (project_id in self.issues_by_project
+ and local_id in self.issues_by_project[project_id]):
+ results.append(self.issues_by_project[project_id][local_id])
+ return results
+ def GetIssueByLocalID(self, _cnxn, project_id, local_id, use_cache=True):
+ try:
+ return self.issues_by_project[project_id][local_id]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise exceptions.NoSuchIssueException()
+ def GetAnyOnHandIssue(self, issue_ids, start=None, end=None):
+ return None # Treat them all like misses.
+ def GetIssue(self, cnxn, issue_id, use_cache=True):
+ issues = self.GetIssues(cnxn, [issue_id], use_cache=use_cache)
+ try:
+ return issues[0]
+ except IndexError:
+ raise exceptions.NoSuchIssueException()
+ def GetCurrentLocationOfMovedIssue(self, cnxn, project_id, local_id):
+ key = (project_id, local_id)
+ if key in self.moved_issues:
+ ref = self.moved_issues[key]
+ return ref[0], ref[1]
+ return None, None
+ def GetPreviousLocations(self, cnxn, issue):
+ return []
+ def GetCommentsByUser(self, cnxn, user_id):
+ """Get all comments created by a user"""
+ comments = []
+ for cid in self.comments_by_cid:
+ comment = self.comments_by_cid[cid]
+ if comment.user_id == user_id and not comment.is_description:
+ comments.append(comment)
+ return comments
+ def GetCommentsByID(self, cnxn, comment_ids, _sequences, use_cache=True,
+ shard_id=None):
+ """Return all IssueComment PBs by comment ids."""
+ comments = [self.comments_by_cid[cid] for cid in comment_ids]
+ return comments
+ def GetIssueIDsReportedByUser(self, cnxn, user_id):
+ """Get all issues created by a user"""
+ ids = []
+ for iid in self.issues_by_iid:
+ issue = self.issues_by_iid[iid]
+ if issue.reporter_id == user_id:
+ ids.append(iid)
+ return ids
+ def LookupIssueIDs(self, _cnxn, project_local_id_pairs):
+ hits = []
+ misses = []
+ for (project_id, local_id) in project_local_id_pairs:
+ try:
+ issue = self.issues_by_project[project_id][local_id]
+ hits.append(issue.issue_id)
+ except KeyError:
+ misses.append((project_id, local_id))
+ return hits, misses
+ def LookupIssueIDsFollowMoves(self, _cnxn, project_local_id_pairs):
+ hits = []
+ misses = []
+ for pair in project_local_id_pairs:
+ project_id, local_id = self.moved_issues.get(pair, pair)
+ try:
+ issue = self.issues_by_project[project_id][local_id]
+ hits.append(issue.issue_id)
+ except KeyError:
+ misses.append((project_id, local_id))
+ return hits, misses
+ def LookupIssueID(self, _cnxn, project_id, local_id):
+ try:
+ issue = self.issues_by_project[project_id][local_id]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise exceptions.NoSuchIssueException()
+ return issue.issue_id
+ def GetCommentsForIssue(self, _cnxn, issue_id):
+ comments = self.comments_by_iid.get(issue_id, [])
+ for idx, c in enumerate(comments):
+ c.sequence = idx
+ return comments
+ def InsertIssue(self, cnxn, issue):
+ issue.issue_id = issue.project_id * 1000000 + issue.local_id
+ self.issues_by_project.setdefault(issue.project_id, {})
+ self.issues_by_project[issue.project_id][issue.local_id] = issue
+ self.issues_by_iid[issue.issue_id] = issue
+ return issue.issue_id
+ def CreateIssue(
+ self,
+ cnxn,
+ services,
+ issue,
+ marked_description,
+ attachments=None,
+ index_now=False,
+ importer_id=None):
+ project_id = issue.project_id
+ issue.local_id = self.AllocateNextLocalID(cnxn, project_id)
+ issue.issue_id = project_id * 1000000 + issue.local_id
+ self.TestAddIssue(issue, importer_id=importer_id)
+ comment = self.comments_by_iid[issue.issue_id][0]
+ comment.content = marked_description
+ return issue, comment
+ def GetIssueApproval(self, cnxn, issue_id, approval_id, use_cache=True):
+ issue = self.GetIssue(cnxn, issue_id, use_cache=use_cache)
+ approval = tracker_bizobj.FindApprovalValueByID(
+ approval_id, issue.approval_values)
+ if approval:
+ return issue, approval
+ raise exceptions.NoSuchIssueApprovalException()
+ def UpdateIssueApprovalStatus(
+ self, cnxn, issue_id, approval_id, status, setter_id, set_on,
+ commit=True):
+ issue = self.GetIssue(cnxn, issue_id)
+ for av in issue.approval_values:
+ if av.approval_id == approval_id:
+ av.status = status
+ av.setter_id = setter_id
+ av.set_on = set_on
+ return
+ return
+ def UpdateIssueApprovalApprovers(
+ self, cnxn, issue_id, approval_id, approver_ids, commit=True):
+ issue = self.GetIssue(cnxn, issue_id)
+ for av in issue.approval_values:
+ if av.approval_id == approval_id:
+ av.approver_ids = approver_ids
+ return
+ return
+ def UpdateIssueStructure(
+ self, cnxn, config, issue, template, reporter_id, comment_content,
+ commit=True, invalidate=True):
+ approval_defs_by_id = {ad.approval_id: ad for ad in config.approval_defs}
+ issue_avs_by_id = {av.approval_id: av for av in issue.approval_values}
+ new_issue_approvals = []
+ for template_av in template.approval_values:
+ existing_issue_av = issue_avs_by_id.get(template_av.approval_id)
+ # Keep approval values as-if fi it exists in issue and template
+ if existing_issue_av:
+ existing_issue_av.phase_id = template_av.phase_id
+ new_issue_approvals.append(existing_issue_av)
+ else:
+ new_issue_approvals.append(template_av)
+ # Update all approval surveys so latest ApprovalDef survey changes
+ # appear in the converted issue's approval values.
+ ad = approval_defs_by_id.get(template_av.approval_id)
+ if ad:
+ self.CreateIssueComment(
+ cnxn, issue, reporter_id, ad.survey,
+ is_description=True, approval_id=ad.approval_id, commit=False)
+ else:
+'ApprovalDef not found for approval %r', template_av)
+ template_phase_by_name = {
+ phase for phase in template.phases}
+ issue_phase_by_id = {phase.phase_id: phase for phase in issue.phases}
+ updated_fvs = []
+ # Trim issue FieldValues or update FieldValue phase_ids
+ for fv in issue.field_values:
+ # If a fv's phase has the same name as a template's phase, update
+ # the fv's phase_id to that of the template phase's. Otherwise,
+ # remove the fv.
+ if fv.phase_id:
+ issue_phase = issue_phase_by_id.get(fv.phase_id)
+ if issue_phase and
+ template_phase = template_phase_by_name.get(
+ if template_phase:
+ fv.phase_id = template_phase.phase_id
+ updated_fvs.append(fv)
+ # keep all fvs that do not belong to phases.
+ else:
+ updated_fvs.append(fv)
+ fd_names_by_id = {fd.field_id: fd.field_name for fd in config.field_defs}
+ amendment = tracker_bizobj.MakeApprovalStructureAmendment(
+ [fd_names_by_id.get(av.approval_id) for av in new_issue_approvals],
+ [fd_names_by_id.get(av.approval_id) for av in issue.approval_values])
+ issue.approval_values = new_issue_approvals
+ issue.phases = template.phases
+ issue.field_values = updated_fvs
+ return self.CreateIssueComment(
+ cnxn, issue, reporter_id, comment_content,
+ amendments=[amendment], commit=False)
+ def SetUsedLocalID(self, cnxn, project_id):
+ self.next_id = self.GetHighestLocalID(cnxn, project_id) + 1
+ def AllocateNextLocalID(self, cnxn, project_id):
+ return self.GetHighestLocalID(cnxn, project_id) + 1
+ def GetHighestLocalID(self, _cnxn, project_id):
+ if self.next_id > 0:
+ return self.next_id - 1
+ else:
+ issue_dict = self.issues_by_project.get(project_id, {})
+ highest = max([0] + [issue.local_id for issue in issue_dict.values()])
+ return highest
+ def _MakeIssueComment(
+ self, project_id, user_id, content, inbound_message=None,
+ amendments=None, attachments=None, kept_attachments=None, timestamp=None,
+ is_spam=False, is_description=False, approval_id=None, importer_id=None):
+ comment = tracker_pb2.IssueComment()
+ comment.project_id = project_id
+ comment.user_id = user_id
+ comment.content = content or ''
+ comment.is_spam = is_spam
+ comment.is_description = is_description
+ if not timestamp:
+ timestamp = int(time.time())
+ comment.timestamp = int(timestamp)
+ if inbound_message:
+ comment.inbound_message = inbound_message
+ if amendments:
+ comment.amendments.extend(amendments)
+ if approval_id:
+ comment.approval_id = approval_id
+ if importer_id:
+ comment.importer_id = importer_id
+ return comment
+ def CopyIssues(self, cnxn, dest_project, issues, user_service, copier_id):
+ created_issues = []
+ for target_issue in issues:
+ new_issue = tracker_pb2.Issue()
+ new_issue.project_id = dest_project.project_id
+ new_issue.project_name = dest_project.project_name
+ new_issue.summary = target_issue.summary
+ new_issue.labels.extend(target_issue.labels)
+ new_issue.field_values.extend(target_issue.field_values)
+ new_issue.reporter_id = copier_id
+ timestamp = int(time.time())
+ new_issue.opened_timestamp = timestamp
+ new_issue.modified_timestamp = timestamp
+ target_comments = self.GetCommentsForIssue(cnxn, target_issue.issue_id)
+ initial_summary_comment = target_comments[0]
+ # Note that blocking and merge_into are not copied.
+ new_issue.blocked_on_iids = target_issue.blocked_on_iids
+ new_issue.blocked_on_ranks = target_issue.blocked_on_ranks
+ # Create the same summary comment as the target issue.
+ comment = self._MakeIssueComment(
+ dest_project.project_id, copier_id, initial_summary_comment.content,
+ is_description=True)
+ new_issue.local_id = self.AllocateNextLocalID(
+ cnxn, dest_project.project_id)
+ issue_id = self.InsertIssue(cnxn, new_issue)
+ comment.issue_id = issue_id
+ self.InsertComment(cnxn, comment)
+ created_issues.append(new_issue)
+ return created_issues
+ def MoveIssues(self, cnxn, dest_project, issues, user_service):
+ move_to = dest_project.project_id
+ self.issues_by_project.setdefault(move_to, {})
+ moved_back_iids = set()
+ for issue in issues:
+ if issue.issue_id in self.moved_back_iids:
+ moved_back_iids.add(issue.issue_id)
+ self.moved_back_iids.add(issue.issue_id)
+ project_id = issue.project_id
+ self.issues_by_project[project_id].pop(issue.local_id)
+ issue.local_id = self.AllocateNextLocalID(cnxn, move_to)
+ self.issues_by_project[move_to][issue.local_id] = issue
+ issue.project_id = move_to
+ issue.project_name = dest_project.project_name
+ return moved_back_iids
+ def GetCommentsForIssues(self, _cnxn, issue_ids, content_only=False):
+ comments_dict = {}
+ for issue_id in issue_ids:
+ comments_dict[issue_id] = self.comments_by_iid[issue_id]
+ return comments_dict
+ def InsertComment(self, cnxn, comment, commit=True):
+ issue = self.GetIssue(cnxn, comment.issue_id)
+ self.TestAddComment(comment, issue.local_id)
+ # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+ def DeltaUpdateIssue(
+ self, cnxn, services, reporter_id, project_id,
+ config, issue, delta, index_now=False, comment=None, attachments=None,
+ iids_to_invalidate=None, rules=None, predicate_asts=None,
+ is_description=False, timestamp=None, kept_attachments=None,
+ importer_id=None, inbound_message=None):
+ # Return a bogus amendments list if any of the fields changed
+ amendments, _ = tracker_bizobj.ApplyIssueDelta(
+ cnxn, self, issue, delta, config)
+ if not amendments and (not comment or not comment.strip()):
+ return [], None
+ comment_pb = self.CreateIssueComment(
+ cnxn, issue, reporter_id, comment, attachments=attachments,
+ amendments=amendments, is_description=is_description,
+ kept_attachments=kept_attachments, importer_id=importer_id,
+ inbound_message=inbound_message)
+ self.indexer_called = index_now
+ return amendments, comment_pb
+ def InvalidateIIDs(self, cnxn, iids_to_invalidate):
+ pass
+ # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+ def CreateIssueComment(
+ self, _cnxn, issue, user_id, content,
+ inbound_message=None, amendments=None, attachments=None,
+ kept_attachments=None, timestamp=None, is_spam=False,
+ is_description=False, approval_id=None, commit=True,
+ importer_id=None):
+ # Add a comment to an issue
+ comment = tracker_pb2.IssueComment()
+ = len(self.comments_by_cid)
+ comment.project_id = issue.project_id
+ comment.issue_id = issue.issue_id
+ comment.content = content
+ comment.user_id = user_id
+ if timestamp is not None:
+ comment.timestamp = timestamp
+ else:
+ comment.timestamp = 1234567890
+ if amendments:
+ comment.amendments.extend(amendments)
+ if inbound_message:
+ comment.inbound_message = inbound_message
+ comment.is_spam = is_spam
+ comment.is_description = is_description
+ if approval_id:
+ comment.approval_id = approval_id
+ pid = issue.project_id
+ self.comments_by_project.setdefault(pid, {})
+ self.comments_by_project[pid].setdefault(issue.local_id, []).append(comment)
+ self.comments_by_iid.setdefault(issue.issue_id, []).append(comment)
+ self.comments_by_cid[] = comment
+ if attachments:
+ for filename, filecontent, mimetype in attachments:
+ aid = len(self.attachments_by_id)
+ attach = tracker_pb2.Attachment(
+ attachment_id=aid,
+ filename=filename,
+ filesize=len(filecontent),
+ mimetype=mimetype,
+ gcs_object_id='gcs_object_id(%s)' % filename)
+ comment.attachments.append(attach)
+ self.attachments_by_id[aid] = attach, pid,
+ if kept_attachments:
+ comment.attachments.extend([
+ self.attachments_by_id[aid][0]
+ for aid in kept_attachments])
+ return comment
+ def GetOpenAndClosedIssues(self, _cnxn, issue_ids):
+ open_issues = []
+ closed_issues = []
+ for issue_id in issue_ids:
+ try:
+ issue = self.issues_by_iid[issue_id]
+ if issue.status == 'Fixed':
+ closed_issues.append(issue)
+ else:
+ open_issues.append(issue)
+ except KeyError:
+ continue
+ return open_issues, closed_issues
+ def GetIssuesDict(
+ self, _cnxn, issue_ids, use_cache=True, shard_id=None):
+ missing_ids = [iid for iid in issue_ids if iid not in self.issues_by_iid]
+ issues_by_id = {}
+ for iid in issue_ids:
+ if iid in self.issues_by_iid:
+ issue = self.issues_by_iid[iid]
+ if not use_cache:
+ issue.assume_stale = False
+ issues_by_id[iid] = issue
+ return issues_by_id, missing_ids
+ def GetIssues(self, cnxn, issue_ids, use_cache=True, shard_id=None):
+ issues_by_iid, _misses = self.GetIssuesDict(
+ cnxn, issue_ids, use_cache=use_cache, shard_id=shard_id)
+ results = [
+ issues_by_iid[issue_id]
+ for issue_id in issue_ids
+ if issue_id in issues_by_iid
+ ]
+ return results
+ def SoftDeleteIssue(
+ self, _cnxn, project_id, local_id, deleted, user_service):
+ issue = self.issues_by_project[project_id][local_id]
+ issue.deleted = deleted
+ def SoftDeleteComment(
+ self, cnxn, issue, comment, deleted_by_user_id, user_service,
+ delete=True, reindex=False, is_spam=False):
+ pid = comment.project_id
+ # Find the original comment by the sequence number.
+ c = None
+ by_iid_idx = -1
+ for by_iid_idx, c in enumerate(self.comments_by_iid[issue.issue_id]):
+ if c.sequence == comment.sequence:
+ break
+ comment = c
+ by_project_idx = (
+ self.comments_by_project[pid][issue.local_id].index(comment))
+ comment.is_spam = is_spam
+ if delete:
+ comment.deleted_by = deleted_by_user_id
+ else:
+ comment.reset('deleted_by')
+ self.comments_by_project[pid][issue.local_id][by_project_idx] = comment
+ self.comments_by_iid[issue.issue_id][by_iid_idx] = comment
+ self.comments_by_cid[] = comment
+ def DeleteComponentReferences(self, _cnxn, component_id):
+ for _, issue in self.issues_by_iid.items():
+ issue.component_ids = [
+ cid for cid in issue.component_ids if cid != component_id]
+ def RunIssueQuery(
+ self, cnxn, left_joins, where, order_by, shard_id=None, limit=None):
+ """This always returns empty results. Mock it to test other cases."""
+ return [], False
+ def GetIIDsByLabelIDs(self, cnxn, label_ids, project_id, shard_id):
+ """This always returns empty results. Mock it to test other cases."""
+ return []
+ def GetIIDsByParticipant(self, cnxn, user_ids, project_ids, shard_id):
+ """This always returns empty results. Mock it to test other cases."""
+ return []
+ def SortBlockedOn(self, cnxn, issue, blocked_on_iids):
+ return blocked_on_iids, [0] * len(blocked_on_iids)
+ def ApplyIssueRerank(
+ self, cnxn, parent_id, relations_to_change, commit=True, invalidate=True):
+ issue = self.GetIssue(cnxn, parent_id)
+ relations_dict = dict(
+ list(zip(issue.blocked_on_iids, issue.blocked_on_ranks)))
+ relations_dict.update(relations_to_change)
+ issue.blocked_on_ranks = sorted(issue.blocked_on_ranks, reverse=True)
+ issue.blocked_on_iids = sorted(
+ issue.blocked_on_iids, key=relations_dict.get, reverse=True)
+ def SplitRanks(self, cnxn, parent_id, target_id, open_ids, split_above=False):
+ pass
+ def ExpungeUsersInIssues(self, cnxn, user_ids_by_email, limit=None):
+ user_ids = list(user_ids_by_email.values())
+ self.expunged_users_in_issues.extend(user_ids)
+ return []
+class TemplateService(object):
+ """Fake version of TemplateService that just works in-RAM."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.templates_by_id = {} # template_id: template_pb
+ self.templates_by_project_id = {} # project_id: [template_id]
+ def TestAddIssueTemplateDef(
+ self, template_id, project_id, name, content="", summary="",
+ summary_must_be_edited=False, status='New', members_only=False,
+ owner_defaults_to_member=False, component_required=False, owner_id=None,
+ labels=None, component_ids=None, admin_ids=None, field_values=None,
+ phases=None, approval_values=None):
+ template = tracker_bizobj.MakeIssueTemplate(
+ name,
+ summary,
+ status,
+ owner_id,
+ content,
+ labels,
+ field_values or [],
+ admin_ids or [],
+ component_ids,
+ summary_must_be_edited=summary_must_be_edited,
+ owner_defaults_to_member=owner_defaults_to_member,
+ component_required=component_required,
+ members_only=members_only,
+ phases=phases,
+ approval_values=approval_values)
+ template.template_id = template_id
+ self.templates_by_id[template_id] = template
+ if project_id not in self.templates_by_project_id:
+ self.templates_by_project_id[project_id] = []
+ self.templates_by_project_id[project_id].append(template_id)
+ return template
+ def GetTemplateByName(self, cnxn, template_name, project_id):
+ if project_id not in self.templates_by_project_id:
+ return None
+ else:
+ project_templates = self.templates_by_project_id[project_id]
+ for template_id in project_templates:
+ template = self.GetTemplateById(cnxn, template_id)
+ if == template_name:
+ return template
+ return None
+ def GetTemplateById(self, cnxn, template_id):
+ return self.templates_by_id.get(template_id)
+ def GetTemplatesById(self, cnxn, template_ids):
+ return filter(
+ lambda template: template.template_id in template_ids,
+ self.templates_by_id.values())
+ def GetProjectTemplates(self, cnxn, project_id):
+ template_ids = self.templates_by_project_id[project_id]
+ return self.GetTemplatesById(cnxn, template_ids)
+ def ExpungeUsersInTemplates(self, cnxn, user_ids, limit=None):
+ for _, template in self.templates_by_id.items():
+ template.admin_ids = [user_id for user_id in template.admin_ids
+ if user_id not in user_ids]
+ if template.owner_id in user_ids:
+ template.owner_id = None
+ template.field_values = [fv for fv in template.field_values
+ if fv.user_id in user_ids]
+class SpamService(object):
+ """Fake version of SpamService that just works in-RAM."""
+ def __init__(self, user_id=None):
+ self.user_id = user_id
+ self.reports_by_issue_id = collections.defaultdict(list)
+ self.comment_reports_by_issue_id = collections.defaultdict(dict)
+ self.manual_verdicts_by_issue_id = collections.defaultdict(dict)
+ self.manual_verdicts_by_comment_id = collections.defaultdict(dict)
+ self.expunged_users_in_spam = []
+ def LookupIssuesFlaggers(self, cnxn, issue_ids):
+ return {
+ issue_id: (self.reports_by_issue_id.get(issue_id, []),
+ self.comment_reports_by_issue_id.get(issue_id, {}))
+ for issue_id in issue_ids}
+ def LookupIssueFlaggers(self, cnxn, issue_id):
+ return self.LookupIssuesFlaggers(cnxn, [issue_id])[issue_id]
+ def FlagIssues(self, cnxn, issue_service, issues, user_id, flagged_spam):
+ for issue in issues:
+ if flagged_spam:
+ self.reports_by_issue_id[issue.issue_id].append(user_id)
+ else:
+ self.reports_by_issue_id[issue.issue_id].remove(user_id)
+ def FlagComment(
+ self, cnxn, issue, comment_id, reported_user_id, user_id, flagged_spam):
+ if not comment_id in self.comment_reports_by_issue_id[issue.issue_id]:
+ self.comment_reports_by_issue_id[issue.issue_id][comment_id] = []
+ if flagged_spam:
+ self.comment_reports_by_issue_id[issue.issue_id][comment_id].append(
+ user_id)
+ else:
+ self.comment_reports_by_issue_id[issue.issue_id][comment_id].remove(
+ user_id)
+ def RecordManualIssueVerdicts(
+ self, cnxn, issue_service, issues, user_id, is_spam):
+ for issue in issues:
+ self.manual_verdicts_by_issue_id[issue.issue_id][user_id] = is_spam
+ def RecordManualCommentVerdict(
+ self, cnxn, issue_service, user_service, comment_id,
+ user_id, is_spam):
+ self.manual_verdicts_by_comment_id[comment_id][user_id] = is_spam
+ comment = issue_service.GetComment(cnxn, comment_id)
+ comment.is_spam = is_spam
+ issue = issue_service.GetIssue(cnxn, comment.issue_id, use_cache=False)
+ issue_service.SoftDeleteComment(
+ cnxn, issue, comment, user_id, user_service, is_spam, True, is_spam)
+ def RecordClassifierIssueVerdict(self, cnxn, issue, is_spam, confidence,
+ failed_open):
+ return
+ def RecordClassifierCommentVerdict(self, cnxn, issue, is_spam, confidence,
+ failed_open):
+ return
+ def ClassifyComment(self, comment, commenter):
+ return {'outputLabel': 'ham',
+ 'outputMulti': [{'label': 'ham', 'score': '1.0'}],
+ 'failed_open': False}
+ def ClassifyIssue(self, issue, firstComment, reporter):
+ return {'outputLabel': 'ham',
+ 'outputMulti': [{'label': 'ham', 'score': '1.0'}],
+ 'failed_open': False}
+ def ExpungeUsersInSpam(self, cnxn, user_ids):
+ self.expunged_users_in_spam.extend(user_ids)
+class FeaturesService(object):
+ """A fake implementation of FeaturesService."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ # Test-only sequence of expunged projects and users.
+ self.expunged_saved_queries = []
+ self.expunged_users_in_saved_queries = []
+ self.expunged_filter_rules = []
+ self.expunged_users_in_filter_rules = []
+ self.expunged_quick_edit = []
+ self.expunged_users_in_quick_edits = []
+ self.expunged_hotlist_ids = []
+ self.expunged_users_in_hotlists = []
+ # filter rules, project_id => filterrule_pb
+ self.test_rules = collections.defaultdict(list)
+ # TODO(crbug/monorail/7104): Confirm that these are never reassigned
+ # to empty {} and then change these to collections.defaultdicts instead.
+ # hotlists
+ self.test_hotlists = {} # (hotlist_name, owner_id) => hotlist_pb
+ self.hotlists_by_id = {}
+ self.hotlists_id_by_user = {} # user_id => [hotlist_id, hotlist_id, ...]
+ self.hotlists_id_by_issue = {} # issue_id => [hotlist_id, hotlist_id, ...]
+ # saved queries
+ self.saved_queries = [] # [(pid, uid, sq), ...]
+ def TestAddFilterRule(
+ self, project_id, predicate, default_status=None, default_owner_id=None,
+ add_cc_ids=None, add_labels=None, add_notify=None, warning=None,
+ error=None):
+ rule = filterrules_helpers.MakeRule(
+ predicate, default_status=default_status,
+ default_owner_id=default_owner_id, add_cc_ids=add_cc_ids,
+ add_labels=add_labels, add_notify=add_notify, warning=warning,
+ error=error)
+ self.test_rules[project_id].append(rule)
+ return rule
+ def TestAddHotlist(self, name, summary='', owner_ids=None, editor_ids=None,
+ follower_ids=None, description=None, hotlist_id=None,
+ is_private=False, hotlist_item_fields=None,
+ default_col_spec=None):
+ """Add a hotlist to the fake FeaturesService object.
+ Args:
+ name: the name of the hotlist. Will replace any existing hotlist under
+ the same name.
+ summary: the summary string of the hotlist
+ owner_ids: List of user ids for the hotlist owners
+ editor_ids: List of user ids for the hotlist editors
+ follower_ids: List of user ids for the hotlist followers
+ description: The description string for this hotlist
+ hotlist_id: A unique integer identifier for the created hotlist
+ is_private: A boolean indicating whether the hotlist is private/public
+ hotlist_item_fields: a list of tuples ->
+ [(issue_id, rank, adder_id, date_added, note),...]
+ default_col_spec: string of default columns for the hotlist.
+ Returns:
+ A populated hotlist PB.
+ """
+ hotlist_pb = features_pb2.Hotlist()
+ hotlist_pb.hotlist_id = hotlist_id or hash(name) % 100000
+ = name
+ hotlist_pb.summary = summary
+ hotlist_pb.is_private = is_private
+ hotlist_pb.default_col_spec = default_col_spec
+ if description is not None:
+ hotlist_pb.description = description
+ self.TestAddHotlistMembers(owner_ids, hotlist_pb, OWNER_ROLE)
+ self.TestAddHotlistMembers(follower_ids, hotlist_pb, FOLLOWER_ROLE)
+ self.TestAddHotlistMembers(editor_ids, hotlist_pb, EDITOR_ROLE)
+ if hotlist_item_fields is not None:
+ for(issue_id, rank, adder_id, date, note) in hotlist_item_fields:
+ hotlist_pb.items.append(
+ features_pb2.Hotlist.HotlistItem(
+ issue_id=issue_id, rank=rank, adder_id=adder_id,
+ date_added=date, note=note))
+ try:
+ self.hotlists_id_by_issue[issue_id].append(hotlist_pb.hotlist_id)
+ except KeyError:
+ self.hotlists_id_by_issue[issue_id] = [hotlist_pb.hotlist_id]
+ owner_id = None
+ if hotlist_pb.owner_ids:
+ owner_id = hotlist_pb.owner_ids[0]
+ self.test_hotlists[(name, owner_id)] = hotlist_pb
+ self.hotlists_by_id[hotlist_pb.hotlist_id] = hotlist_pb
+ return hotlist_pb
+ def TestAddHotlistMembers(self, user_id_list, hotlist_pb, role):
+ if user_id_list is not None:
+ for user_id in user_id_list:
+ if role == OWNER_ROLE:
+ hotlist_pb.owner_ids.append(user_id)
+ elif role == EDITOR_ROLE:
+ hotlist_pb.editor_ids.append(user_id)
+ elif role == FOLLOWER_ROLE:
+ hotlist_pb.follower_ids.append(user_id)
+ try:
+ self.hotlists_id_by_user[user_id].append(hotlist_pb.hotlist_id)
+ except KeyError:
+ self.hotlists_id_by_user[user_id] = [hotlist_pb.hotlist_id]
+ def CheckHotlistName(self, cnxn, name, owner_ids):
+ if not framework_bizobj.IsValidHotlistName(name):
+ raise exceptions.InputException(
+ '%s is not a valid name for a Hotlist' % name)
+ if self.LookupHotlistIDs(cnxn, [name], owner_ids):
+ raise features_svc.HotlistAlreadyExists()
+ def CreateHotlist(
+ self, _cnxn, hotlist_name, summary, description, owner_ids, editor_ids,
+ issue_ids=None, is_private=None, default_col_spec=None, ts=None):
+ """Create and store a Hotlist with the given attributes."""
+ if not framework_bizobj.IsValidHotlistName(hotlist_name):
+ raise exceptions.InputException()
+ if not owner_ids: # Should never happen.
+ raise features_svc.UnownedHotlistException()
+ if (hotlist_name, owner_ids[0]) in self.test_hotlists:
+ raise features_svc.HotlistAlreadyExists()
+ hotlist_item_fields = [
+ (issue_id, rank*100, owner_ids[0] or None, ts, '') for
+ rank, issue_id in enumerate(issue_ids or [])]
+ return self.TestAddHotlist(hotlist_name, summary=summary,
+ owner_ids=owner_ids, editor_ids=editor_ids,
+ description=description, is_private=is_private,
+ hotlist_item_fields=hotlist_item_fields,
+ default_col_spec=default_col_spec)
+ def UpdateHotlist(
+ self, cnxn, hotlist_id, name=None, summary=None, description=None,
+ is_private=None, default_col_spec=None, owner_id=None,
+ add_editor_ids=None):
+ hotlist = self.hotlists_by_id.get(hotlist_id)
+ if not hotlist:
+ raise features_svc.NoSuchHotlistException(
+ 'Hotlist "%s" not found!' % hotlist_id)
+ if owner_id:
+ old_owner_id = hotlist.owner_ids[0]
+ self.test_hotlists.pop((, old_owner_id), None)
+ self.test_hotlists[(, owner_id)] = hotlist
+ if add_editor_ids:
+ for editor_id in add_editor_ids:
+ self.hotlists_id_by_user.get(editor_id, []).append(hotlist_id)
+ if name is not None:
+ = name
+ if summary is not None:
+ hotlist.summary = summary
+ if description is not None:
+ hotlist.description = description
+ if is_private is not None:
+ hotlist.is_private = is_private
+ if default_col_spec is not None:
+ hotlist.default_col_spec = default_col_spec
+ if owner_id is not None:
+ hotlist.owner_ids = [owner_id]
+ if add_editor_ids:
+ hotlist.editor_ids.extend(add_editor_ids)
+ def RemoveHotlistEditors(self, cnxn, hotlist_id, remove_editor_ids):
+ hotlist = self.hotlists_by_id.get(hotlist_id)
+ if not hotlist:
+ raise features_svc.NoSuchHotlistException(
+ 'Hotlist "%s" not found!' % hotlist_id)
+ for editor_id in remove_editor_ids:
+ hotlist.editor_ids.remove(editor_id)
+ self.hotlists_id_by_user[editor_id].remove(hotlist_id)
+ def AddIssuesToHotlists(self, cnxn, hotlist_ids, added_tuples, issue_svc,
+ chart_svc, commit=True):
+ for hotlist_id in hotlist_ids:
+ self.UpdateHotlistItems(cnxn, hotlist_id, [], added_tuples, commit=commit)
+ def RemoveIssuesFromHotlists(self, cnxn, hotlist_ids, issue_ids, issue_svc,
+ chart_svc, commit=True):
+ for hotlist_id in hotlist_ids:
+ self.UpdateHotlistItems(cnxn, hotlist_id, issue_ids, [], commit=commit)
+ def UpdateHotlistIssues(
+ self,
+ cnxn,
+ hotlist_id,
+ updated_items,
+ remove_issue_ids,
+ issue_svc,
+ chart_svc,
+ commit=True):
+ if not updated_items and not remove_issue_ids:
+ raise exceptions.InputException('No changes to make')
+ hotlist = self.hotlists_by_id.get(hotlist_id)
+ if not hotlist:
+ raise NoSuchHotlistException()
+ updated_ids = [item.issue_id for item in updated_items]
+ items = [
+ item for item in hotlist.items
+ if item.issue_id not in updated_ids + remove_issue_ids
+ ]
+ hotlist.items = sorted(updated_items + items, key=lambda item: item.rank)
+ # Remove all removed and updated issues.
+ for issue_id in remove_issue_ids + updated_ids:
+ try:
+ self.hotlists_id_by_issue[issue_id].remove(hotlist_id)
+ except (ValueError, KeyError):
+ pass
+ # Add all new or updated issues.
+ for item in updated_items:
+ self.hotlists_id_by_issue.setdefault(item.issue_id, []).append(hotlist_id)
+ def UpdateHotlistItems(
+ self, cnxn, hotlist_id, remove, added_issue_tuples, commit=True):
+ hotlist = self.hotlists_by_id.get(hotlist_id)
+ if not hotlist:
+ raise features_svc.NoSuchHotlistException(
+ 'Hotlist "%s" not found!' % hotlist_id)
+ current_issues_ids = {
+ item.issue_id for item in hotlist.items}
+ items = [
+ item for item in hotlist.items if
+ item.issue_id not in remove]
+ if hotlist.items:
+ items_sorted = sorted(hotlist.items, key=lambda item: item.rank)
+ rank_base = items_sorted[-1].rank + 10
+ else:
+ rank_base = 1
+ new_hotlist_items = [
+ features_pb2.MakeHotlistItem(
+ issue_id, rank+rank_base*10, adder_id, date, note)
+ for rank, (issue_id, adder_id, date, note) in
+ enumerate(added_issue_tuples)
+ if issue_id not in current_issues_ids]
+ items.extend(new_hotlist_items)
+ hotlist.items = items
+ for issue_id in remove:
+ try:
+ self.hotlists_id_by_issue[issue_id].remove(hotlist_id)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ for item in new_hotlist_items:
+ try:
+ self.hotlists_id_by_issue[item.issue_id].append(hotlist_id)
+ except KeyError:
+ self.hotlists_id_by_issue[item.issue_id] = [hotlist_id]
+ def UpdateHotlistItemsFields(
+ self, cnxn, hotlist_id, new_ranks=None, new_notes=None, commit=True):
+ hotlist = self.hotlists_by_id.get(hotlist_id)
+ if not hotlist:
+ raise features_svc.NoSuchHotlistException(
+ 'Hotlist "%s" not found!' % hotlist_id)
+ if new_ranks is None:
+ new_ranks = {}
+ if new_notes is None:
+ new_notes = {}
+ for hotlist_item in hotlist.items:
+ if hotlist_item.issue_id in new_ranks:
+ hotlist_item.rank = new_ranks[hotlist_item.issue_id]
+ if hotlist_item.issue_id in new_notes:
+ hotlist_item.note = new_notes[hotlist_item.issue_id]
+ hotlist.items.sort(key=lambda item: item.rank)
+ def TransferHotlistOwnership(
+ self, cnxn, hotlist, new_owner_id, remain_editor, commit=True):
+ """Transfers ownership of a hotlist to a new owner."""
+ new_editor_ids = hotlist.editor_ids
+ if remain_editor:
+ new_editor_ids.extend(hotlist.owner_ids)
+ if new_owner_id in new_editor_ids:
+ new_editor_ids.remove(new_owner_id)
+ new_follower_ids = hotlist.follower_ids
+ if new_owner_id in new_follower_ids:
+ new_follower_ids.remove(new_owner_id)
+ self.UpdateHotlistRoles(
+ cnxn, hotlist.hotlist_id, [new_owner_id], new_editor_ids,
+ new_follower_ids, commit=commit)
+ def LookupUserHotlists(self, cnxn, user_ids):
+ """Return dict of {user_id: [hotlist_id, hotlist_id...]}."""
+ users_hotlists_dict = {
+ user_id: self.hotlists_id_by_user.get(user_id, [])
+ for user_id in user_ids
+ }
+ return users_hotlists_dict
+ def LookupIssueHotlists(self, cnxn, issue_ids):
+ """Return dict of {issue_id: [hotlist_id, hotlist_id...]}."""
+ issues_hotlists_dict = {
+ issue_id: self.hotlists_id_by_issue[issue_id]
+ for issue_id in issue_ids
+ if issue_id in self.hotlists_id_by_issue}
+ return issues_hotlists_dict
+ def LookupHotlistIDs(self, cnxn, hotlist_names, owner_ids):
+ id_dict = {}
+ for name in hotlist_names:
+ for owner_id in owner_ids:
+ hotlist = self.test_hotlists.get((name, owner_id))
+ if hotlist:
+ if not hotlist.owner_ids: # Should never happen.
+ logging.warn('Unowned Hotlist: id:%r, name:%r',
+ hotlist.hotlist_id,
+ continue
+ id_dict[(name.lower(), owner_id)] = hotlist.hotlist_id
+ return id_dict
+ def GetHotlists(self, cnxn, hotlist_ids, use_cache=True):
+ """Returns dict of {hotlist_id: hotlist PB}."""
+ result = {}
+ for hotlist_id in hotlist_ids:
+ hotlist = self.hotlists_by_id.get(hotlist_id)
+ if hotlist:
+ result[hotlist_id] = hotlist
+ else:
+ raise features_svc.NoSuchHotlistException()
+ return result
+ def GetHotlistsByUserID(self, cnxn, user_id, use_cache=True):
+ """Get a list of hotlist PBs for a given user."""
+ hotlist_id_dict = self.LookupUserHotlists(cnxn, [user_id])
+ hotlists = self.GetHotlists(cnxn, hotlist_id_dict.get(
+ user_id, []), use_cache=use_cache)
+ return list(hotlists.values())
+ def GetHotlistsByIssueID(self, cnxn, issue_id, use_cache=True):
+ """Get a list of hotlist PBs for a given issue."""
+ hotlist_id_dict = self.LookupIssueHotlists(cnxn, [issue_id])
+ hotlists = self.GetHotlists(cnxn, hotlist_id_dict.get(
+ issue_id, []), use_cache=use_cache)
+ return list(hotlists.values())
+ def GetHotlist(self, cnxn, hotlist_id, use_cache=True):
+ """Return hotlist PB."""
+ hotlist_id_dict = self.GetHotlists(cnxn, [hotlist_id], use_cache=use_cache)
+ return hotlist_id_dict.get(hotlist_id)
+ def GetHotlistsByID(self, cnxn, hotlist_ids, use_cache=True):
+ hotlists_dict = {}
+ missed_ids = []
+ for hotlist_id in hotlist_ids:
+ hotlist = self.hotlists_by_id.get(hotlist_id)
+ if hotlist:
+ hotlists_dict[hotlist_id] = hotlist
+ else:
+ missed_ids.append(hotlist_id)
+ return hotlists_dict, missed_ids
+ def GetHotlistByID(self, cnxn, hotlist_id, use_cache=True):
+ hotlists_dict, _ = self.GetHotlistsByID(
+ cnxn, [hotlist_id], use_cache=use_cache)
+ return hotlists_dict[hotlist_id]
+ def UpdateHotlistRoles(
+ self, cnxn, hotlist_id, owner_ids, editor_ids, follower_ids, commit=True):
+ hotlist = self.hotlists_by_id.get(hotlist_id)
+ if not hotlist:
+ raise features_svc.NoSuchHotlistException(
+ 'Hotlist "%s" not found!' % hotlist_id)
+ # Remove hotlist_ids to clear old roles
+ for user_id in (hotlist.owner_ids + hotlist.editor_ids +
+ hotlist.follower_ids):
+ if hotlist_id in self.hotlists_id_by_user[user_id]:
+ self.hotlists_id_by_user[user_id].remove(hotlist_id)
+ old_owner_id = None
+ if hotlist.owner_ids:
+ old_owner_id = hotlist.owner_ids[0]
+ self.test_hotlists.pop((, old_owner_id), None)
+ hotlist.owner_ids = owner_ids
+ hotlist.editor_ids = editor_ids
+ hotlist.follower_ids = follower_ids
+ # Add new hotlist roles
+ for user_id in owner_ids+editor_ids+follower_ids:
+ try:
+ if hotlist_id not in self.hotlists_id_by_user[user_id]:
+ self.hotlists_id_by_user[user_id].append(hotlist_id)
+ except KeyError:
+ self.hotlists_id_by_user[user_id] = [hotlist_id]
+ new_owner_id = None
+ if owner_ids:
+ new_owner_id = owner_ids[0]
+ self.test_hotlists[(, new_owner_id)] = hotlist
+ def DeleteHotlist(self, cnxn, hotlist_id, commit=True):
+ hotlist = self.hotlists_by_id.pop(hotlist_id, None)
+ if hotlist is not None:
+ self.test_hotlists.pop((, hotlist.owner_ids[0]), None)
+ user_ids = hotlist.owner_ids+hotlist.editor_ids+hotlist.follower_ids
+ for user_id in user_ids:
+ try:
+ self.hotlists_id_by_user[user_id].remove(hotlist_id)
+ except (ValueError, KeyError):
+ pass
+ for item in hotlist.items:
+ try:
+ self.hotlists_id_by_issue[item.issue_id].remove(hotlist_id)
+ except (ValueError, KeyError):
+ pass
+ for owner_id in hotlist.owner_ids:
+ self.test_hotlists.pop((, owner_id), None)
+ def ExpungeHotlists(
+ self, cnxn, hotlist_ids, star_svc, user_svc, chart_svc, commit=True):
+ self.expunged_hotlist_ids.extend(hotlist_ids)
+ for hotlist_id in hotlist_ids:
+ self.DeleteHotlist(cnxn, hotlist_id)
+ def ExpungeUsersInHotlists(
+ self, cnxn, user_ids, star_svc, user_svc, chart_svc):
+ self.expunged_users_in_hotlists.extend(user_ids)
+ # end of Hotlist functions
+ def GetRecentCommands(self, cnxn, user_id, project_id):
+ return [], []
+ def ExpungeSavedQueriesExecuteInProject(self, _cnxn, project_id):
+ self.expunged_saved_queries.append(project_id)
+ def ExpungeSavedQueriesByUsers(self, cnxn, user_ids, limit=None):
+ self.expunged_users_in_saved_queries.extend(user_ids)
+ def ExpungeFilterRules(self, _cnxn, project_id):
+ self.expunged_filter_rules.append(project_id)
+ def ExpungeFilterRulesByUser(self, cnxn, user_ids_by_email):
+ emails = user_ids_by_email.keys()
+ user_ids = user_ids_by_email.values()
+ project_rules_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
+ for project_id, rules in self.test_rules.iteritems():
+ for rule in rules:
+ if rule.default_owner_id in user_ids:
+ project_rules_dict[project_id].append(rule)
+ continue
+ if any(cc_id in user_ids for cc_id in rule.add_cc_ids):
+ project_rules_dict[project_id].append(rule)
+ continue
+ if any(addr in emails for addr in rule.add_notify_addrs):
+ project_rules_dict[project_id].append(rule)
+ continue
+ if any((email in rule.predicate) for email in emails):
+ project_rules_dict[project_id].append(rule)
+ continue
+ self.test_rules[project_id] = [
+ rule for rule in rules
+ if rule not in project_rules_dict[project_id]]
+ return project_rules_dict
+ def ExpungeQuickEditHistory(self, _cnxn, project_id):
+ self.expunged_quick_edit.append(project_id)
+ def ExpungeQuickEditsByUsers(self, cnxn, user_ids, limit=None):
+ self.expunged_users_in_quick_edits.extend(user_ids)
+ def GetFilterRules(self, cnxn, project_id):
+ return self.test_rules[project_id]
+ def GetCannedQueriesByProjectID(self, cnxn, project_id):
+ return [sq for (pid, _, sq) in self.saved_queries if pid == project_id]
+ def GetSavedQueriesByUserID(self, cnxn, user_id):
+ return [sq for (_, uid, sq) in self.saved_queries if uid == user_id]
+ def UpdateCannedQueries(self, cnxn, project_id, canned_queries):
+ self.saved_queries.extend(
+ [(project_id, None, cq) for cq in canned_queries])
+ def UpdateUserSavedQueries(self, cnxn, user_id, saved_queries):
+ self.saved_queries = [
+ (pid, uid, sq) for (pid, uid, sq) in self.saved_queries
+ if uid != user_id]
+ for sq in saved_queries:
+ if sq.executes_in_project_ids:
+ self.saved_queries.extend(
+ [(eipid, user_id, sq) for eipid in sq.executes_in_project_ids])
+ else:
+ self.saved_queries.append((None, user_id, sq))
+ def GetSubscriptionsInProjects(self, cnxn, project_ids):
+ sq_by_uid = {}
+ for pid, uid, sq in self.saved_queries:
+ if pid in project_ids:
+ if uid in sq_by_uid:
+ sq_by_uid[uid].append(sq)
+ else:
+ sq_by_uid[uid] = [sq]
+ return sq_by_uid
+ def GetSavedQuery(self, cnxn, query_id):
+ return tracker_pb2.SavedQuery()
+class PostData(object):
+ """A dictionary-like object that also implements getall()."""
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.dictionary = dict(*args, **kwargs)
+ def getall(self, key):
+ """Return all values, assume that the value at key is already a list."""
+ return self.dictionary.get(key, [])
+ def get(self, key, default=None):
+ """Return first value, assume that the value at key is already a list."""
+ return self.dictionary.get(key, [default])[0]
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ """Return first value, assume that the value at key is already a list."""
+ return self.dictionary[key][0]
+ def __contains__(self, key):
+ return key in self.dictionary
+ def keys(self):
+ """Return the keys in the POST data."""
+ return list(self.dictionary.keys())
+class FakeFile:
+ def __init__(self, data=None):
+ = data
+ def read(self):
+ return
+ def write(self, content):
+ return
+ def __enter__(self):
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, __1, __2, __3):
+ return None
+def gcs_open(filename, mode):
+ return FakeFile(filename)