Project import generated by Copybara.

GitOrigin-RevId: d9e9e3fb4e31372ec1fb43b178994ca78fa8fe70
diff --git a/static_src/shared/convertersV0.test.js b/static_src/shared/convertersV0.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e34622
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static_src/shared/convertersV0.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+import {assert} from 'chai';
+import {UserInputError} from 'shared/errors.js';
+import * as exampleUsers from 'shared/test/constants-users.js';
+import {displayNameToUserRef, userIdOrDisplayNameToUserRef,
+  userNameToId, userV3ToRef, labelStringToRef,
+  labelRefToString, labelRefsToStrings, labelRefsToOneWordLabels,
+  isOneWordLabel, _makeRestrictionLabel, restrictionLabelsForPermissions,
+  fieldDefToName, statusRefToString, statusRefsToStrings,
+  componentStringToRef, componentRefToString, componentRefsToStrings,
+  issueStringToRef, issueStringToBlockingRef, issueRefToString,
+  issueRefToUrl, fieldNameToLabelPrefix, labelNameToLabelPrefixes,
+  labelNameToLabelValue, commentListToDescriptionList, valueToFieldValue,
+  issueToIssueRef, issueNameToRef, issueNameToRefString, issueToName,
+} from './convertersV0.js';
+describe('displayNameToUserRef', () => {
+  it('converts displayName', () => {
+    assert.deepEqual(
+        displayNameToUserRef(''),
+        {displayName: ''});
+  });
+  it('throws on invalid email', () => {
+    assert.throws(() => displayNameToUserRef('foo'), UserInputError);
+  });
+describe('userIdOrDisplayNameToUserRef', () => {
+  it('converts userId', () => {
+    assert.throws(() => displayNameToUserRef('foo'));
+    assert.deepEqual(
+        userIdOrDisplayNameToUserRef('12345678'),
+        {userId: 12345678});
+  });
+  it('converts displayName', () => {
+    assert.deepEqual(
+        userIdOrDisplayNameToUserRef(''),
+        {displayName: ''});
+  });
+  it('throws if not an email or numeric id', () => {
+    assert.throws(() => userIdOrDisplayNameToUserRef('foo'), UserInputError);
+  });
+it('userNameToId', () => {
+  assert.deepEqual(userNameToId(exampleUsers.NAME), exampleUsers.ID);
+it('userV3ToRef', () => {
+  assert.deepEqual(userV3ToRef(exampleUsers.USER), exampleUsers.USER_REF);
+describe('labelStringToRef', () => {
+  it('converts label', () => {
+    assert.deepEqual(labelStringToRef('foo'), {label: 'foo'});
+  });
+describe('labelRefToString', () => {
+  it('converts labelRef', () => {
+    assert.deepEqual(labelRefToString({label: 'foo'}), 'foo');
+  });
+describe('labelRefsToStrings', () => {
+  it('converts labelRefs', () => {
+    assert.deepEqual(labelRefsToStrings([{label: 'foo'}, {label: 'test'}]),
+        ['foo', 'test']);
+  });
+describe('labelRefsToOneWordLabels', () => {
+  it('empty', () => {
+    assert.deepEqual(labelRefsToOneWordLabels(), []);
+    assert.deepEqual(labelRefsToOneWordLabels([]), []);
+  });
+  it('filters multi-word labels', () => {
+    assert.deepEqual(labelRefsToOneWordLabels([
+      {label: 'hello'},
+      {label: 'filter-me'},
+      {label: 'hello-world'},
+      {label: 'world'},
+      {label: 'this-label-has-so-many-words'},
+    ]), [
+      {label: 'hello'},
+      {label: 'world'},
+    ]);
+  });
+describe('isOneWordLabel', () => {
+  it('true only for one word labels', () => {
+    assert.isTrue(isOneWordLabel('test'));
+    assert.isTrue(isOneWordLabel('LABEL'));
+    assert.isTrue(isOneWordLabel('Security'));
+    assert.isFalse(isOneWordLabel('Restrict-View-EditIssue'));
+    assert.isFalse(isOneWordLabel('Type-Feature'));
+  });
+describe('_makeRestrictionLabel', () => {
+  it('creates label', () => {
+    assert.deepEqual(_makeRestrictionLabel('View', 'Google'), {
+      label: `Restrict-View-Google`,
+      docstring: `Permission Google needed to use View`,
+    });
+  });
+  it('capitalizes permission name', () => {
+    assert.deepEqual(_makeRestrictionLabel('EditIssue', 'security'), {
+      label: `Restrict-EditIssue-Security`,
+      docstring: `Permission Security needed to use EditIssue`,
+    });
+  });
+describe('restrictionLabelsForPermissions', () => {
+  it('creates labels for permissions and actions', () => {
+    assert.deepEqual(restrictionLabelsForPermissions(['google', 'security'],
+        ['View', 'EditIssue'], []), [
+      {
+        label: 'Restrict-View-Google',
+        docstring: 'Permission Google needed to use View',
+      }, {
+        label: 'Restrict-View-Security',
+        docstring: 'Permission Security needed to use View',
+      }, {
+        label: 'Restrict-EditIssue-Google',
+        docstring: 'Permission Google needed to use EditIssue',
+      }, {
+        label: 'Restrict-EditIssue-Security',
+        docstring: 'Permission Security needed to use EditIssue',
+      },
+    ]);
+  });
+  it('appends default labels when specified', () => {
+    assert.deepEqual(restrictionLabelsForPermissions(['Google'], ['View'], [
+      {label: 'Restrict-Hello-World', docstring: 'description of label'},
+    ]), [
+      {
+        label: 'Restrict-View-Google',
+        docstring: 'Permission Google needed to use View',
+      },
+      {label: 'Restrict-Hello-World', docstring: 'description of label'},
+    ]);
+  });
+describe('fieldNameToLabelPrefix', () => {
+  it('converts fieldName', () => {
+    assert.deepEqual(fieldNameToLabelPrefix('test'), 'test-');
+    assert.deepEqual(fieldNameToLabelPrefix('test-hello'), 'test-hello-');
+    assert.deepEqual(fieldNameToLabelPrefix('WHATEVER'), 'whatever-');
+  });
+describe('labelNameToLabelPrefixes', () => {
+  it('converts labelName', () => {
+    assert.deepEqual(labelNameToLabelPrefixes('test'), []);
+    assert.deepEqual(labelNameToLabelPrefixes('test-hello'), ['test']);
+    assert.deepEqual(labelNameToLabelPrefixes('WHATEVER-this-label-is'),
+        ['WHATEVER', 'WHATEVER-this', 'WHATEVER-this-label']);
+  });
+describe('labelNameToLabelValue', () => {
+  it('returns null when no matching value found in label', () => {
+    assert.isNull(labelNameToLabelValue('test-hello', ''));
+    assert.isNull(labelNameToLabelValue('', 'test'));
+    assert.isNull(labelNameToLabelValue('test-hello', 'hello'));
+    assert.isNull(labelNameToLabelValue('test-hello', 'tes'));
+    assert.isNull(labelNameToLabelValue('test', 'test'));
+  });
+  it('converts labelName', () => {
+    assert.deepEqual(labelNameToLabelValue('test-hello', 'test'), 'hello');
+    assert.deepEqual(labelNameToLabelValue('WHATEVER-this-label-is',
+        'WHATEVER'), 'this-label-is');
+    assert.deepEqual(labelNameToLabelValue('WHATEVER-this-label-is',
+        'WHATEVER-this'), 'label-is');
+    assert.deepEqual(labelNameToLabelValue('WHATEVER-this-label-is',
+        'WHATEVER-this-label'), 'is');
+  });
+  it('fieldName is case insenstitive', () => {
+    assert.deepEqual(labelNameToLabelValue('test-hello', 'TEST'), 'hello');
+    assert.deepEqual(labelNameToLabelValue('test-hello', 'tEsT'), 'hello');
+    assert.deepEqual(labelNameToLabelValue('TEST-hello', 'test'), 'hello');
+  });
+describe('fieldDefToName', () => {
+  it('converts fieldDef', () => {
+    const fieldDef = {fieldRef: {fieldId: '1'}};
+    const actual = fieldDefToName('project-name', fieldDef);
+    assert.equal(actual, 'projects/project-name/fieldDefs/1');
+  });
+describe('statusRefToString', () => {
+  it('converts statusRef', () => {
+    assert.deepEqual(statusRefToString({status: 'foo'}), 'foo');
+  });
+describe('statusRefsToStrings', () => {
+  it('converts statusRefs', () => {
+    assert.deepEqual(statusRefsToStrings(
+        [{status: 'hello'}, {status: 'world'}]), ['hello', 'world']);
+  });
+describe('componentStringToRef', () => {
+  it('converts component', () => {
+    assert.deepEqual(componentStringToRef('foo'), {path: 'foo'});
+  });
+describe('componentRefToString', () => {
+  it('converts componentRef', () => {
+    assert.deepEqual(componentRefToString({path: 'Hello>World'}),
+        'Hello>World');
+  });
+describe('componentRefsToStrings', () => {
+  it('converts componentRefs', () => {
+    assert.deepEqual(componentRefsToStrings(
+        [{path: 'Hello>World'}, {path: 'Test'}]), ['Hello>World', 'Test']);
+  });
+describe('issueStringToRef', () => {
+  it('converts issue default project', () => {
+    assert.deepEqual(
+        issueStringToRef('1234', 'proj'),
+        {projectName: 'proj', localId: 1234});
+  });
+  it('converts issue with project', () => {
+    assert.deepEqual(
+        issueStringToRef('foo:1234', 'proj'),
+        {projectName: 'foo', localId: 1234});
+  });
+  it('converts external issue references', () => {
+    assert.deepEqual(
+        issueStringToRef('b/123456', 'proj'),
+        {extIdentifier: 'b/123456'});
+  });
+  it('throws on invalid input', () => {
+    assert.throws(() => issueStringToRef('foo', 'proj'));
+  });
+describe('issueStringToBlockingRef', () => {
+  it('converts issue default project', () => {
+    assert.deepEqual(
+        issueStringToBlockingRef({projectName: 'proj', localId: 1}, '1234'),
+        {projectName: 'proj', localId: 1234});
+  });
+  it('converts issue with project', () => {
+    assert.deepEqual(
+        issueStringToBlockingRef({projectName: 'proj', localId: 1}, 'foo:1234'),
+        {projectName: 'foo', localId: 1234});
+  });
+  it('throws on invalid input', () => {
+    assert.throws(() => issueStringToBlockingRef(
+        {projectName: 'proj', localId: 1}, 'foo'));
+  });
+  it('throws when blocking an issue on itself', () => {
+    assert.throws(() => issueStringToBlockingRef(
+        {projectName: 'proj', localId: 123}, 'proj:123'));
+    assert.throws(() => issueStringToBlockingRef(
+        {projectName: 'proj', localId: 123}, '123'));
+  });
+describe('issueRefToString', () => {
+  it('no ref', () => {
+    assert.equal(issueRefToString(), '');
+  });
+  it('ref with no project name', () => {
+    assert.equal(
+        'other:1234',
+        issueRefToString({projectName: 'other', localId: 1234}),
+    );
+  });
+  it('ref with different project name', () => {
+    assert.equal(
+        'other:1234',
+        issueRefToString({projectName: 'other', localId: 1234}, 'proj'),
+    );
+  });
+  it('ref with same project name', () => {
+    assert.equal(
+        '1234',
+        issueRefToString({projectName: 'proj', localId: 1234}, 'proj'),
+    );
+  });
+  it('external ref', () => {
+    assert.equal(
+        'b/123456',
+        issueRefToString({extIdentifier: 'b/123456'}, 'proj'),
+    );
+  });
+describe('issueToIssueRef', () => {
+  it('creates ref', () => {
+    const issue = {'localId': 1, 'projectName': 'proj', 'starCount': 1};
+    const expectedRef = {'localId': 1,
+      'projectName': 'proj'};
+    assert.deepEqual(issueToIssueRef(issue), expectedRef);
+  });
+describe('issueRefToUrl', () => {
+  it('no ref', () => {
+    assert.equal(issueRefToUrl(), '');
+  });
+  it('issue ref', () => {
+    assert.equal(issueRefToUrl({
+      projectName: 'test',
+      localId: 11,
+    }), '/p/test/issues/detail?id=11');
+  });
+  it('issue ref with params', () => {
+    assert.equal(issueRefToUrl({
+      projectName: 'test',
+      localId: 11,
+    }, {
+      q: 'owner:me',
+      id: 44,
+    }), '/p/test/issues/detail?id=11&q=owner%3Ame');
+  });
+  it('federated issue ref', () => {
+    assert.equal(issueRefToUrl({
+      extIdentifier: 'b/5678',
+    }), '');
+  });
+  it('does not mutate input queryParams', () => {
+    const queryParams = {q: 'owner:me', id: 44};
+    const EXPECTED = JSON.stringify(queryParams);
+    const ref = {projectName: 'test', localId: 11};
+    issueRefToUrl(ref, queryParams);
+    assert.equal(EXPECTED, JSON.stringify(queryParams));
+  });
+it('issueNameToRef', () => {
+  const actual = issueNameToRef('projects/project-name/issues/2');
+  assert.deepEqual(actual, {projectName: 'project-name', localId: 2});
+it('issueNameToRefString', () => {
+  const actual = issueNameToRefString('projects/project-name/issues/2');
+  assert.equal(actual, 'project-name:2');
+it('issueToName', () => {
+  const actual = issueToName({projectName: 'project-name', localId: 2});
+  assert.equal(actual, 'projects/project-name/issues/2');
+describe('commentListToDescriptionList', () => {
+  it('empty list', () => {
+    assert.deepEqual(commentListToDescriptionList(), []);
+    assert.deepEqual(commentListToDescriptionList([]), []);
+  });
+  it('first comment is description', () => {
+    assert.deepEqual(commentListToDescriptionList([
+      {content: 'test'},
+      {content: 'hello'},
+      {content: 'world'},
+    ]), [{content: 'test'}]);
+  });
+  it('some descriptions', () => {
+    assert.deepEqual(commentListToDescriptionList([
+      {content: 'test'},
+      {content: 'hello', descriptionNum: 1},
+      {content: 'world'},
+      {content: 'this'},
+      {content: 'is a'},
+      {content: 'description', descriptionNum: 2},
+    ]), [
+      {content: 'test'},
+      {content: 'hello', descriptionNum: 1},
+      {content: 'description', descriptionNum: 2},
+    ]);
+  });
+describe('valueToFieldValue', () => {
+  it('converts field ref and value', () => {
+    assert.deepEqual(valueToFieldValue(
+        {fieldName: 'name', fieldId: 'id'},
+        'value',
+    ), {
+      fieldRef: {fieldName: 'name', fieldId: 'id'},
+      value: 'value',
+    });
+  });